How to review journal manuscripts
Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, Brooklyn, NY
No sponsorships or competing interests have been disclosed for
this article.
Reviewing manuscripts is central to editorial peer review, which
arose in the early 1900s in response to the editor’s need for expert
advice to help select quality articles from numerous submissions.
Most reviewers learn by trial and error, often giving up along the
way because the process is far from intuitive. This primer will help
minimize errors and maximize enjoyment in reviewing. Topics
covered include responding to a review invitation, crafting com-
ments to editors and authors, offering a recommended disposition,
dealing with revised manuscripts, and understanding roles and
responsibilities. The target audience is primarily novice reviewers,
but seasoned reviewers should also find useful pearls to assist their
© 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck
Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.
common complaint of nearly all journal editors is the
difficulty in finding competent reviewers to assess an
increasing volume of submitted manuscripts. Identifying
content experts is relatively easy, but finding those with
expertise in both content and reviewing is quite another
One question considered at some point by everyone
contemplating a manuscript review is, “why bother?” Re-
viewing takes time, and time for intellectual pursuits is a
luxury that few can afford. The short answer is, “because it
is the right thing to do,” but in more pragmatic terms,
reviewing manuscripts is enjoyable, challenging, can gen-
erate continuing medical education (CME) credits, affords a
privileged insight into the frontiers of knowledge, and, im-
portantly, develops critical thinking skills that improve re-
search, teaching, and clinical care.
Reviewing manuscripts is central to editorial peer re-
view, which arose in the early 1900s in response to the
editor’s need for expert advice to help select quality articles
from numerous submissions.
When medical journals first
appeared a century earlier, the editor had overwhelming
importance as writer, spokesperson, and solicitor of content.
As the twentieth century progressed, however, specializa-
tion of knowledge pressured editors into incorporating the
advice of experts through peer review. Specialization ap-
plied not only to subject matter, but also to methods and
techniques, with expertise at times limited to only a few
specific research sites.
Society journals, like this one, initially resisted peer
review because members of the organization assumed that
the journal should print whatever was sent in or presented at
meetings. Moreover, editors could not fill their pages if all
manuscripts, many of mediocre quality, had to pass the filter
of peer review. This is no longer a concern for Otolaryn-
gology–Head and Neck Surgery, which receives nearly
2000 submissions annually, of which many are high quality
but few are accepted for publication. Peer review today is an
important extension of the scientific process, especially for
society journals, because it champions expertise within the
organization. Current goals of peer review are listed in
Table 1.
The suggestions in this article are derived largely from
personal experience acquired over more than 20 years in
public health and biomedical publishing as an author, peer
reviewer, associate editor, and editor in chief. Relevant
articles were identified via a MEDLINE search from 1996
through 2009, using the medical subject heading (MeSH)
term “Peer Review, Research,” then limiting the set to
English-language articles with the word “review” in the
title. Additional resources included the World Association
of Medical Editors (www.wame.org), International Com-
mittee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org), and the
Council of Science Editors (www.councilscienceeditors.
org). The material herein is presented as one of many
potential approaches to manuscript review, not the best or
only approach, and is intended primarily as a resource for
current and future peer reviewers for Otolaryngology–Head
and Neck Surgery.
Invitation to Review
An invitation to review a manuscript is initiated most often
by the editor or an associate editor of the journal, and is
based on the reputation and content expertise of the poten-
tial reviewer. Alternatively, a reviewer can express interest
by contacting the editorial official and indicating topics of
Received January 30, 2010; accepted February 5, 2010.
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (2010) 142, 472-486
0194-5998/$36.00 © 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.
interest with evidence of expertise (e.g., list of peer-reviewed
publications). Either way, engagement with a specific manu-
script begins with a request by e-mail to accept or decline an
opportunity to review.
Reviewers should ask the following questions when de-
ciding to review:
1. Do I have expertise in the content or methods, or a
valuable perspective on the issue? Unless the answer is
an unequivocal “yes,” decline the review offer.
2. Do I have time to devote to this review and complete it
by the requested date? If there is any uncertainty, decline
the request; another opportunity will always arise.
3. Do I have any conflicts of interest that preclude unbiased
judgments? If yes, decline the request; if uncertain, per-
form the review but list potential conflicts under “com-
ments to the editor.”
The last question deserves further comment. As defined
by the World Association of Medical Editors, “conflict of
interest exists when there is a divergence between an indi-
vidual’s private interests (competing interests) and his or
her responsibilities to scientific and publishing activities
such that a reasonable observer might wonder if the indi-
vidual’s behavior or judgment was motivated by consider-
ations of his or her competing interests.” Conflicts of inter-
est can taint the review process by introducing bias, either
positive or negative, at the critical juncture of assessing both
the suitability of a manuscript for publication, as well as its
need for revisions to ensure a balanced presentation.
The presence of competing interests is central in deter-
mining whether a conflict exists. Examples of competing
interests include financial ties that could be impacted by
manuscript content, academic commitments, institutional
affiliations, prior or present personal relationships with the
authors, competing research, and strong political or reli-
gious beliefs (if affirmed or challenged in the manuscript) or
strong beliefs (intellectual passion). Working in the same
institution as the authors is also a conflict, unless the insti-
tution is large enough that authors and reviewers are not
working colleagues.
If the reviewer stands to gain finan-
cially or personally, he or she should ask to be removed
from the review process.
Assuming the reviewer has appropriate expertise and is
free of conflicts of interest, a final consideration is the
ability to complete the review in a timely fashion. Most
journals allow up to seven days to accept or decline the
review invitation, then an additional two to four weeks to
complete and submit the review. There is nothing wrong
with declining an invitation provided it is done promptly;a
nonresponse hurts both editors and authors by delaying peer
review. Reviewers can avoid the problem of being asked to
review when they are unable to do so by notifying the
editorial office in advance of any dates they will be too busy
or out of town.
How long does it take to review a manuscript? Experi-
enced reviewers take two to three hours to perform a quality
review with constructive and substantiated comments. The
greatest time investment is required for good manuscripts
that can be polished to a greater luster through revision;
manuscripts with obvious fatal flaws in content or method-
ology can be completed more rapidly. Reviewers should
not, however, devote excessive time, because spending
more than three hours, on average, does not increase review
quality as rated by editors and authors.
Confidential Comments to the Editor
Table 2 offers a suggested structure for composing a manu-
script review, beginning with comments to the editor, fol-
lowed by comments to authors. Comments to the editor are
entered in a section separate from those intended for the
author because the former are strictly confidential. In con-
trast, comments to the authors are not confidential, but they
are anonymous unless the reviewer explicitly requests oth-
erwise or chooses to include his or her name at the end of
the text.
Comments to the editor are usually provided after the
review is complete, but they are discussed first in this article
because many reviewers leave the section blank or misun-
derstand its purpose. Recall that peer review should assist
editors in making decisions about publishing a manuscript
(Table 1). Comments to the editor aid that goal if the
reviewer provides a summary assessment of the manuscript
with justifications for the recommended disposition (accept,
reject, or revise).
These comments can be brief, but they
should not simply repeat what was said to the authors;
rather, they should give a “bottom line” assessment of the
manuscript, with supporting reasons.
A critical aspect of all reviews is consistency between
the comments to authors and the recommended disposition,
and comments to the editor are often the best solution. For
example, a reviewer may “reject” a manuscript but ask the
authors for a revision in the comments. This discrepancy
can be handled effectively by the editor if comments to the
editor are provided; for example: “There are many problems
with this manuscript that individually may be correctable,
but in aggregate are worrisome. Unless the journal really
Table 1
Goals of editorial peer review
1. Assist editors in making decisions about
publishing a manuscript
2. Offer constructive feedback to authors that will
enhance the final writing product
3. Improve critical thinking and writing skills of
editors, reviewers, and authors
4. Provide readers, researchers, and other users of
the journal with polished, readable articles
5. Reduce bias and improve the quality of published
6. Ensure that published research adheres to ethical
standards for biomedical publishing
473Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
needs a publication in this topic area I would pass and wait
for better quality work.” Conversely, a reviewer may seek a
“major revision” but the comments may all be laudatory.
Again, the editor will render a decision more effectively if
provided with confidential comments explaining the under-
lying concerns that motivated a request for significant revi-
Another use of the comments to the editor section is for
concerns regarding conflicts of interest, whether personal or
related to the authors. If reviewers are unsure whether a
competing interest of their own would disqualify them from
assessing the manuscript, they should bring it to the editor’s
attention so the editor can decide. Likewise, if the authors
disclose relationships that are problematic, or if undisclosed
relationships are suspected by the reviewer, they should be
brought to the editor’s attention for further clarification.
Comments to the editor can also be used to:
Identify areas of the manuscript that the reviewer was
unable to adequately assess and to suggest other profes-
sionals who should be solicited (e.g., statistician);
Raise serious concerns that are not appropriate to state, or
state so strongly, to the authors;
Discuss ethical concerns, including plagiarism and redun-
dant publication;
Clarify whether concerns are evidence-based or simply
Suggest a commentary to accompany the manuscript, if
accepted, that offers a contrary viewpoint or places its
importance in the appropriate context;
Suggest a change to a manuscript type that is more ap-
propriate for the content.
Comments to Authors
Comments to authors are the heart and soul of a review,
offering critical feedback to substantiate rejection or im-
prove the manuscript for publication. With this in mind,
reviewers must ensure that what is written in this section is
congruent with the ultimate recommendation to accept, re-
vise, or reject the manuscript. Nothing is more confusing to
the editor than reviews offering minor criticism that “reject”
a manuscript or highly critical reviews ending with a request
for “minor revision” or “acceptance.” A recommended dis-
position is, of course, decided after the review is complete,
but the decision must always be consistent with the length,
tone, and content of comments provided to the authors.
This section should ideally be composed of subsections
that include (Table 2) an introductory paragraph, general
comments (major and minor), specific comments, and a
concluding paragraph. The introductory paragraph restates
the study objective or hypothesis, methodology applied, and
results obtained. Although the editor has read the manu-
script and can easily obtain this information, a summary
provides valuable insight into the reviewer’s perspective.
Different reviewers often have a different “bottom line”
assessment of the same manuscript, and knowing these
varying impressions is of tremendous use to the editor in
rendering a final decision.
General Comments to Authors
After the introductory paragraph, the general comments to
authors should focus on the five key areas identified in
Table 3. Any concerns are best expressed under subhead-
ings of “major points” (critical to validity) and “minor
points” (important to correct, but not critical). Each concern
should be a separate paragraph, to facilitate a point-by-point
response by the authors. If a specific area is adequately
addressed, the reviewer should state so explicitly: “This is
an important topic that is relevant to the journal and impor-
tant to readership. Methodology is sound, the results are
generalizable and add significantly to what is already known
Table 2
Suggested structure for a manuscript review
Section Content
Comments to editor
Conflict of interest Real or potential competing interests related to the authors or manuscript
content that might result in a biased review
Confidential comments Comments that will not be forwarded to the authors, including a “bottom
line” summary, hunches, ethical concerns, and recommendations for an
accompanying commentary
Suggested disposition Typically one of the following: reject, minor revision, major revision, or accept
(without revision)
Comments to authors
Introductory paragraph Summary of key findings, validity, and value to readers
General comments: major vs.
minor points
Relevance to mission, internal validity, external validity, level of evidence, and
ethical conduct (see Table 3)
Specific comments Feedback by section (abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion) or
by specific page, paragraph, or line number
Concluding paragraph Summary of key positive and negative comments without any statement of
recommended disposition
474 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 142, No 4, April 2010
about this topic. There are no problems with ethics or
conflict of interest.”
Relevance to Mission
Before investing time and effort in reviewing, first ask, “Is
this manuscript appropriate for the journal?” If the journal
publishes only clinical research, there is no point reviewing
a basic science or animal study, unless there is obvious
translational value. The best way to assess suitability is to
read the journal’s mission statement in the front matter or
author guidelines. For example, the mission of Otolaryn-
gology–Head and Neck Surgery is: “To publish contemporary,
ethical, clinically relevant information in otolaryngology, head
and neck surgery . . . that can be used by otolaryngologists,
scientists, and related specialists to improve patient care and
public health.”
Society journals, especially those linked to a national
academy representing a discipline, often have a broader
mission than non-society journals or those published by
subspecialty groups. This includes not only manuscript con-
tent, but also the types of manuscripts that are published
(Table 4). Many journals do not publish case reports, pho-
tographs, or commentaries because they are rarely cited and
lower the impact factor, a crucial measure of a journal’s
importance. Society journals may nonetheless include these
article types to give members the broadest opportunity for
publication. Always check that the manuscript type of an
article under review is appropriate for the journal.
If a manuscript is clearly outside the journal’s mission,
simply state this in the author comments and explain why in
the confidential comments to the editor; there is no need for
an in-depth review. When the relevance to the readership is
unclear, perform a full (or abbreviated) review, but alert the
editor to this concern in the confidential comments. The
same actions would be appropriate if the manuscript could
be improved by changing to a different article type. For
example, manuscripts submitted as “review articles” that
are simple narrative summaries, not systematic reviews or
meta-analyses, could be reformatted and submitted as
“commentaries” if the content was deemed important. Sim-
ilarly, a small case series submitted as “original research”
could be reconsidered as a “short scientific communica-
tion,” if warranted.
Internal Validity
Critical appraisal of a manuscript begins by asking, “Are the
results valid for the study sample?” Since investigators can
almost never include every eligible subject in a research
study, they instead use a sample of accessible subjects, then
generalize the findings to a larger population. Before con-
sidering whether the generalization is appropriate, however,
the first step is to ensure the results are valid and credible
at least within the study proper. This attribute is called
internal validity and should be distinguished from exter-
nal validity, which applies to subjects outside the study
Table 3
Criteria for explicit consideration in the general comments section of a manuscript review
Criterion Question to be answered Importance
Relevance to mission Is the information in this manuscript
consistent with the journal’s
mission and relevant to the
Do not waste time reviewing an irrelevant
manuscript that will not be accepted, regardless
of quality.
Internal validity Are the study design, conduct, and
analysis described in a manner
that is unbiased, appropriate, and
Credibility of results for the study sample depends
on an appropriate protocol, sound methodology,
and proper statistical tests based on the sample
sizes, distribution of data, and number of groups
External validity Was the study sample chosen
appropriately and described in
adequate detail for the results to
be generalized?
Credibility of results for subjects beyond the study
(intended population) depends on fully described
interventions, representative sampling, and
confidence intervals that are not overly broad
Level of evidence Does this manuscript significantly
improve the knowledge base
beyond what is already published
on this topic?
The absolute level of evidence (e.g., clinical trial vs
observational study) is less important than the
relationship to what has already been published;
new manuscripts should exceed, or at least
equal, existing levels of evidence.
Ethical conduct Is the manuscript original, approved
by an institutional review board (if
applicable), and unbiased with
regards to conflicts of interest?
Manuscripts cannot be published, regardless of
perceived importance, if they are redundant,
plagiarized, or violate basic principles of ethical
research that include justice, beneficence, and
respect for persons.
475Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
A study has internal validity when the design is appro-
priate, measurements are valid, and data are analyzed with
appropriate statistical tests. Table 5 offers a simple frame-
work for assessing the internal validity of a manuscript
through a series of questions about objectives, study design,
methodology, sample size, and statistical analysis. This is
not intended as a comprehensive overview, but rather as a
broad, general approach that is suitable for a wide variety of
study designs. While it is not expected that all reviewers be
expert statisticians, they should have some familiarity with
basic concepts;
additionally, reviewers should feel free to
recommend external statistical review if the analysis ap-
pears deficient or overly complex.
Case series are the most common study design encoun-
tered by our reviewers and are of greatest value when they
use valid methodology, report uncommon disorders or in-
terventions, or deal with circumstances where randomized
trials would be unethical or impractical. A case series is
most likely to be published if the authors:
1. Include a consecutive sample of subjects over a defined
time period with explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria;
Table 4
Manuscript types published by Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
Type Description Size limits
Original research Original, in-depth, clinical or basic science
investigations that aim to change clinical
practice or the understanding of a disease
process. Article types include, but are not
limited to, clinical trials, before-and-after
studies, cohort studies, case-control studies,
cross-sectional surveys, and diagnostic test
Structured abstract 250 words,
manuscript length 3000
words, 20 references,
10 images*
Systematic review
(including meta-analysis)
Critical assessments of literature and data sources
on important clinical topics in otolaryngology–
head and neck surgery. Systematic reviews that
reduce bias with explicit procedures to select,
appraise, and analyze studies are highly
preferred over traditional narrative reviews. The
review may include a meta-analysis, or
statistical synthesis of data from separate, but
similar, studies.
Structured abstract 250 words,
manuscript length 4500
words, 100 references,
15 images*
Commentary Communication of a novel, scientifically based
opinion or insight as an independent
contribution, or regarding a manuscript
published in the journal in the past 6 months.
Unstructured abstract 150
words, manuscript length
1800 words, 10 references,
3 images*
Short scientific
Quick communication of preliminary results
(including small sample studies and case series)
or scientific research that is not yet ready for
presentation in full form. Such research should
have the potential to stimulate communications
among researchers and clinicians that may lead
to new concepts and supportive work.
Unstructured abstract 150
words, manuscript length
900 words, 5 references,
2 images*
Clinical techniques and
A short report of unique or original methods for
1) surgical techniques or medical management,
or 2) new devices or technology.
Manuscript length 900 words,
5 references, 2 images*
Case report Report of a truly unique, highly relevant, and
educationally valuable case; should not be
combined with a review of the literature.
Manuscript length 700 words,
5 references, 2 images
Clinical photograph Color photograph (not picture of an x-ray) of a
unique, relevant, and educationally valuable
clinical entity with an accompanying discussion.
Manuscript length 400 words,
5 references
Letter to the editor Letter regarding published material or information
of timely interest. If related to a previously
published article, it must be submitted within 3
months of the article’s publication, and the
article’s authors will be invited to reply.
Manuscript length 400 words,
5 references, 1 image
*Images include figures and/or tables.
476 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 142, No 4, April 2010
2. Describe the sample fully so readers can judge the rele-
vance to their own circumstances or to other patient
3. Report interventions with enough detail for reproduction,
including adjunctive treatments;
4. Account for all patients enrolled in the study, including
withdrawals and dropouts, and ensure that follow-up
duration is adequate to overcome random disease fluc-
5. Present results with appropriate descriptive and analytic
statistics, including multivariate analysis if the sample
size is sufficient;
6. Reach justifiable conclusions, recognizing that most case
series are hypothesis generating and that statements
about efficacy or effectiveness are not possible (authors
can discuss “outcomes” after the intervention but cannot
conclude the outcomes were caused by the intervention);
7. Discuss limitations of the present study and future re-
search to address them.
A final point worth emphasizing with case series is that
they should not be called “retrospective reviews” because
most are not “retrospective” and none are “reviews.” In-
stead, most case series begin with an exposure (surgery,
disease onset), and future outcomes are reported. Since the
direction of inquiry is forward looking, the study is “pro-
spective,” even if it occurred in the past. Only when a case
series identifies subjects by outcome (e.g., complication of
treatment) and then examines predictive factors can a “ret-
rospective” designation be appropriate. To emphasize data
quality instead of linguistic purity, the following nomencla-
ture is suggested for study design: “case series with chart
review” or “case series with planned data collection.”
Randomized controlled trials represent a higher level of
evidence than case series, but trials with inadequate meth-
odology tend to exaggerate treatment effects.
The best
trials ensure adequate randomization, conceal treatment al-
location (blinding), and analyze results by intention to
The intention-to-treat analysis maintains treatment
groups that are similar apart from random variation, which
may not occur if only subjects who adhere to treatment
(on-treatment analysis) are included.
A blinded trial is
always superior to a nonblinded (open or open-label) trial in
which everyone involved knows who received which inter-
Last, randomized trials should adhere to current
Table 5
Assessing the internal validity (methodologic quality) of a manuscript
Issue Related questions
Research objectives Are objectives stated clearly in the abstract and introduction?
Are the objectives and hypotheses appropriate?
Study design Is the study design appropriate for the stated research objectives?
If data were collected during routine clinical care, do the authors discuss the consistency,
accuracy, availability, and completeness of source records?
If the study is observational, what precautions were taken to reduce bias?
Was a control or comparison group used, and, if not, should it have been?
Does an uncontrolled study make unjustified claims of efficacy or effectiveness?
If appropriate, is natural history or spontaneous improvement discussed?
Do any problems exist with duration of follow-up, response rates, or dropouts?
Methodology Are the tests, surveys, and outcome measures appropriate, valid, and unbiased?
Are specific methods described in adequate detail?
Is there too much detail that would be better suited for an appendix?
Are the methods for statistical analysis described and referenced?
Sample size Is the sample size stated clearly in the abstract and text?
If appropriate, do the authors include a sample size calculation?
For studies that conclude “no difference” or “no adverse effects,” does the sample size
give adequate statistical power to make such a conclusion credible?
Descriptive statistics Are small samples or skewed data (e.g., follow-up time) described with median and
interquartile range instead of mean and standard deviation?
For “significant” findings, do the authors also describe effect size (e.g., odds ratio, relative
risk, correlation coefficient) and discuss clinical importance?
Is survival analysis used for prospective studies with loss to follow-up or when events
may not have occurred by study end (e.g., survival, recurrence)?
Inferential statistics Are claims of significant or important findings supported by statistical analysis?
Are paired or matched data (e.g., before and after) analyzed appropriately?
If there are less than 20 observations per group, do the authors check the data distribution
for asymmetry or outliers that warrant nonparametric or exact tests?
When 3 or more groups are compared, do the authors first test for a global difference
(e.g., analysis of variance) before making pairwise comparisons?
When multiple factors are related to an outcome, do the authors use regression analysis
to avoid the false positive problem of multiple individual tests?
477Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
reporting standards, which include a flow diagram of subject
An important goal of internal validity assessment is to
detect bias, defined as a systematic deviation from the truth
during the collection, analysis, interpretation, publication,
or review of data.
This deviation is most dangerous in
studies of treatment effects, because of distorted conclu-
sions on the value— or worthlessness— of interventions.
Some of the most important biases that can undermine
treatment studies are described in Table 6. When authors
claim treatment efficacy or effectiveness, reviewers should
look carefully for one or more biases as possible alternative
explanations, regardless of evidence level (case series, con-
trolled study, randomized trial).
A special circumstance exists when authors are attempt-
ing to demonstrate noninferiority or equivalence among two
or more interventions. Failure to demonstrate significant
differences between treatment groups may not truly be a
function of equivalence, but may represent insufficient sta-
tistical power to demonstrate an effect. Reviewers should be
careful to ensure that appropriate power calculations have
been included in the manuscript and that the sample sizes
are sufficient to support statements of equivalence or non-
Review articles must also be assessed for internal valid-
ity, and ideally are conducted with the same rigor as the
original research being analyzed. The best reviews use a
systematic protocol to reduce bias, in contrast to the more
ubiquitous narrative reviews based on expert opinion.
systematic review should be assessed for:
1. A focused review question;
2. Precise inclusion and exclusion criteria for source arti-
3. Explicit and repeatable search criteria and methods;
4. Selection of source articles and risk of bias assessment
by two or more investigators;
5. Summary tables describing and comparing the source
6. Data extraction performed independently by two or more
investigators, for accuracy;
7. Statistical pooling of outcomes, when appropriate, using
8. Graphical presentation of results using forest and funnel
Table 6
Common biases in studies of treatment effects
Bias Description Solution
Design bias Occurs when the study is planned to include subjects,
endpoints, comparators, or outcome measures that are
more likely to yield results that support prior beliefs or
expectations. Examples include uncontrolled studies
(case series) and studies in poorly defined populations
or with unsuitable control groups.
Appropriate study design based
on principles of epidemiology.
Ascertainment bias Caused by studying a subject sample that does not
fairly represent the larger population to which the
results are to be applied. The problem is greatest
with convenience or judgmental samples.
Random or consecutive sampling
and clear criteria for subject
inclusion or exclusion.
(allocation) bias
Occurs when treatment groups vary in prognosis
because of different demographics, illness severity, or
other baseline characteristics (measured or
unmeasured). The problem is greatest for
observational studies, nonrandomized trials, and for
randomized trials with inadequate concealment of the
allocation scheme.
Random and concealed allocation
of subjects to treatment groups,
including all subjects
randomized in the final analysis
(intention to treat).
(measurement or
information) bias
Distorts the way exposures or outcomes are assessed if
the observers are aware of the treatment received.
The problem is greatest for subjective outcomes (e.g.,
symptoms, satisfaction) and when the observers
believe they already “know” the effect of treatment,
or when they may have particular reasons for
preferring one treatment over another.
Masked (blinded) outcome
assessment using objective or
validated measures, by
independent observers who are
unaware of treatment status.
Reviewer bias Leads to erroneous conclusions when an author
selectively cites published studies that favor a particular
viewpoint. The problem is greatest for commentaries
and nonsystematic (narrative or traditional) review
articles, but can also distort the introduction and
discussion sections of original research
Systematic criteria for study
selection, and balanced
consideration of all available
evidence when drawing
478 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 142, No 4, April 2010
9. Assessment for heterogeneity and publication bias.
Authors submitting review articles or meta-analyses to
the journal are asked to abide by published reporting stan-
dards, which include a flow diagram detailing how the
original search of potentially relevant articles was reduced
to the source articles ultimately included in the review.
Recognizing that the main value of a properly performed
review is the unbiased snapshot provided by the current
literature on a topic, the journal is interested in reviews of
observational studies and diagnostic test assessments, with
or without data pooling (meta-analysis), not just quantita-
tive syntheses of randomized controlled trials.
External Validity
Having first determined that the investigator’s conclusions
correctly describe what happened inside the study (internal
validity), the next task is to determine whether they can be
applied (generalized) to the universe outside the study.
Unfortunately, not all well conducted, internally valid stud-
ies have external validity (generalizability or applicability).
This distinction is not trivial, because the key question for a
reader is, “Can I apply the results to the patients in my
practice?” For the answer to be “yes,” the study should have
appropriate selection criteria, an unbiased sampling method,
fully described interventions, clinical importance (not just
statistical significance), and quantifiable adverse events
(Table 7).
The best sampling method is to randomly select mem-
bers of the accessible population. Bias is minimized because
all subjects have an equal probability of selection, but ran-
dom sampling is rarely feasible in most clinical research
studies. Fortunately, a consecutive or systematic sample
offers a good approximation. Consecutive samples are com-
mon, and include all subjects over a specified time interval
or until a specified sample size is reached. Systematic sam-
ples are obtained by using some simple rule, such as day of
the week, date of birth, or first letter of the last name. The
worst sampling method occurs when subjects are chosen
based on convenience or subjective judgments about eligi-
bility by the investigators. Convenience sampling should be
assumed when no other method is specified.
A key aspect of external validity is clinical significance,
defined as “an effect that is of practical meaning to patients
and health care providers.”
Clinical significance depends
on the magnitude of effect and the associated precision, or
variability. A single point estimate of clinical effect (e.g.,
52% recurrence, 2.3 odds ratio, 20 decibel hearing change,
90% 5-year survival) is impossible to interpret unless ac-
companied by a 95% confidence interval (CI) that defines a
range of values considered plausible for the population.
point estimate summarizes findings for the sample, but
extrapolation to the larger population introduces error and
uncertainty, which makes a range of plausible values more
appropriate. The more subjects studied, the tighter (nar-
rower) the CI, and the more certain readers can be about
population conclusions.
Reviewers may find the following pointers helpful in
understanding confidence intervals and their importance in
defining external validity of a study:
Accept uncertainty. Recognize that all observations based
on a limited sample are uncertain, and must be viewed as
a range of plausible results (95% CI) for the population of
Table 7
Assessing the external validity (generalizability) of a manuscript
Issue Related questions
Selection criteria Are the inclusion and exclusion criteria stated clearly?
Do the inclusion criteria fairly represent the intended target population?
Do the exclusion criteria fairly represent subjects to whom results should not apply?
Sampling scheme Is the sampling method and recruitment period (start and end) stated clearly?
If the study sample is not consecutive or systematic, do the investigators deal with bias
that may result from convenience or judgmental sampling?
Interventions Are interventions described with enough detail for repetition by the reader?
Does achieving results similar to the investigators’ require a level of expertise,
experience, or technology that is unavailable to most readers?
Have all adjunctive therapies or interventions been accounted for so the reader may
distinguish their effects from those of the primary intervention?
Clinical significance Do the authors account for uncertainty by providing a 95% confidence interval (CI) that
gives a range of values considered plausible for the target population?
When the authors report “significant” or “positive” findings, is the lower limit of the 95%
CI large enough to exclude a trivial or clinically unimportant outcome?
When the authors report “nonsignificant” or “negative” findings, is the upper limit of the
95% CI small enough to ensure a clinically important effect was not missed?
Do the authors discuss clinical importance, not just statistical significance?
Adverse events If relevant, do the authors explicitly describe adverse events?
Are adverse events described by frequency and severity?
Do the authors discuss the relationship of benefit versus harm and adverse events?
479Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
interest. Your task as reviewer is to decide whether the
level of uncertainty, imposed by sample size and by the
inherent variability of the data, is low enough to make
point estimates credible.
Look for a 95% CI. All main results deemed important by
the authors should have a 95% CI in addition to the point
estimate. The “confidence” that can be placed in results
that lack a 95% CI is difficult to determine unless you
calculate it yourself using a statistical program or one of
many electronic calculators readily available on the In-
Interpret a “positive result” with the 95% CI lower limit.
When the authors conclude that an outcome or group
difference is statistically significant or clinically impor-
tant, scrutinize the lower limit of the 95% CI. If the
magnitude of effect at the low end is consistent with a
trivial or nonimportant outcome, not enough subjects
were studied to create credible confidence that the point
estimate is meaningful.
Interpret a “negative result” with the 95% CI upper limit.
When the authors conclude that an outcome or group
difference is not significant or important, scrutinize the
upper limit of the 95% CI. If the magnitude of effect at
the high end is consistent with a nontrivial or important
outcome, not enough subjects were studied to ensure that
a potentially important effect was overlooked (low statis-
tical power).
Understanding confidence intervals makes clear why de-
scribing study results as simply statistically “significant” or
“nonsignificant” is unacceptable.
A P value measures
strength of evidence against the null hypothesis but offers
no information on effect size. A P value approaching 0.05
often has precision that is too low to exclude a trivial effect,
and a “nonsignificant” P value often has an associated 95%
CI that contains clinically important sample means. Studies
with narrow CIs have high precision and are most mean-
ingful, regardless of the P values. Conversely, studies with
broad CIs require careful scrutiny.
Level of Evidence
Science is a cumulative process, and new research should
improve the knowledge base beyond what has already been
published. Viewed in this context, there is no absolute level
of “best” evidence, only a continuing effort for quality
improvement. If current knowledge of treatment effects
were limited to case series (Table 8), then a case-control or
cohort study would be a welcome addition. Conversely, if
high-quality randomized trials had already been published,
then observational studies (level 2, 3, 4) would be unlikely
to add any new insights. Additional studies within an exist-
ing level of best evidence are worth publishing if they equal,
or exceed, the quality of existing work.
The level of evidence generally increases as we progress
from uncontrolled observational studies (case reports, case
series) to controlled observational studies (cross sectional,
retrospective, prospective) to controlled experiments (ran-
domized trials). Levels of research evidence are most often
applied to studies of therapy or prevention, but can also be
defined for prognosis, symptom prevalence, and diagnostic
test assessment (Table 8).
Reviewers should determine the
level of evidence for the manuscript under review and how
it compares with other related published work before offer-
ing a recommendation to reject, revise, or accept the sub-
As the lowest level of clinical evidence, case reports are
suitable for publication (assuming the journal accepts this
type of submission) if they provide important new informa-
tion that offers understanding or management of a disorder.
Examples include a unique or nearly unique case, an unex-
pected association of two or more diseases or disorders, an
important variation from the expected pattern (outlier case),
or a case that reports unexpected outcomes or adverse
Conversely, minor case reports not worth publish-
ing include variations of a well known theme, the “high
index of suspicion” or “everyone should remember” case,
grand rounds presentations with literature reviews, and bi-
zarre events that fail to impact future management.
Case reports worth publishing should not be assessed
with the usual criteria of internal validity and generalizabil-
ity, but instead should be checked for structure and clarity of
presentation. A recommended structure for case reports is as
1. Introduction: one paragraph stating how the case came to
the author’s attention, why the case is worth reading
about, and what the main features are;
2. Case description: a full account of the case, usually
chronologic, with only truly relevant data;
3. Discussion: details of the literature search, why the case
is unique or unexpected, potential explanations for the
findings, and implications for clinicians.
Ethical Conduct
Ethical behavior in the conduct and reporting of research is
an essential part of biomedical publishing. Although the
editor and editorial staff have primary responsibility for
assessing manuscripts in this regard, peer reviewers should
also consider the issues in Table 9 when performing a
review. Reviewers may have special insight into industry
relationships, conflicts of interest, or investigator relation-
ships that impact validity of findings or conclusions. Even if
only a hunch, these can still be reported confidentially in the
comments to the editor section, allowing the editorial staff
to further investigate and reach appropriate conclusions
prior to manuscript acceptance.
Authorship credit should be based on criteria established
by the International Committee of Medical Journal Edi-
1) substantial contributions to conception and design,
acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2)
drafting the article or revising it critically for important
intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to
be published. Authors must meet all three criteria, which are
typically verified in writing in the manuscript submission
480 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 142, No 4, April 2010
process. Reviewers should again confidentially report any
hunches to the editor if they suspect honorary authorship
(e.g., department chairperson as mandatory last author),
ghostwriters (industry employees) that are not disclosed,
omission of individuals who likely contributed to the manu-
script, or concerns about the role of any listed contributors.
Regulations were enacted in the United States in 1974
that established the Institutional Review Board (IRB) as a
primary mechanism for protecting the rights of human sub-
jects. The same commission published the Belmont report
in 1978 with three quintessential requirements for the eth-
ical conduct of research:
1. Respect for persons involves recognizing the personal
dignity and autonomy of individuals, and protecting
those with diminished autonomy. This requirement man-
dates informed consent, whereby a participant is given
sufficient information to decide whether or not to partic-
ipate, is able to comprehend the information provided,
and voluntarily agrees to participate.
2. Beneficence entails an obligation to protect persons from
harm by maximizing anticipated benefits and minimizing
possible risks of harm. The risk-harm assessment applies
not only to individual participants but also to the societal
impact that might be gained from the research.
3. Justice requires that the benefits and burdens of research
be distributed fairly. The selection of research subjects
must result from fair procedures, not simply because a
participant is readily available, favored by the research
(or held in disdain), or easy to manipulate because of
illness, disability, or socioeconomic condition.
All research with human subjects, or material obtained
from human subjects (e.g., cadavers, surgical specimens)
must have formal approval or exemption by a named IRB or
research ethics committee (if an IRB is not accessible).
Clinicians in private practice often have voluntary appoint-
ments at teaching institutions, and those without can usually
access the IRB through colleagues. International diversity
(e.g., developing countries) and legal variations cannot be
invoked to support a double standard for ethical oversight;
authors of all research manuscripts should indicate whether
procedures followed were in accordance with ethical stan-
Table 8
Levels of research evidence for clinical recommendations*
Therapy, prevention,
etiology, or harm
Symptom prevalence, or
differential diagnosis Prognosis Diagnostic test assessment
1 Randomized controlled
trial(s), or all-or-none
case series†
Prospective cohort study
(or studies) with 80
percent follow-up, or
all-or-none case
Inception cohort(s)§, or
a validated algorithm
(or scoring system)
Validating cohort study of an
existing test with good
reference standards, or a
validated algorithm (or
scoring system)
2 Prospective (cohort)
study with internal
control group
Retrospective study,
prospective study
with 80 percent
follow-up, or
ecological study‡
Retrospective cohort
study, follow-up of
untreated control
patients in
randomized trial, or
algorithm or scoring
Exploratory cohort study that
derives a new test, with
good reference standards,
or derives an algorithm (or
scoring system) and
validates it on part of the
same study sample
3 Retrospective (case-
control) study with
internal control
Nonconsecutive cohort
study or very limited
Not applicable Nonconsecutive study, or
without consistent
reference standards
4 Case series without an
internal control
group (reviews,
uncontrolled cohort)
Case series Case series, or poor
quality prognostic
cohort with 80
percent follow-up or
no correction for
Retrospective study, or use
of a poor or
nonindependent reference
5 Expert opinion without critical appraisal, or based on physiology, bench research, or first principles
*Adapted from Philips et al.
†All-or-none case series: patients died before the treatment became available, but some now die on it; or when some patients died
before the treatment became available but none now die on it.
‡Ecological study: analyzes populations or groups of people, rather than individuals.
§Inception cohort: group of individuals identified for subsequent study at an early, uniform point in the course of the specified
health condition, or before the condition develops.
481Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
dards of the responsible committee on human experimenta-
When research poses no more than minimal risk to par-
ticipants, an expedited IRB decision and waiver of informed
consent may be possible.
This often applies to surveys and
case series, which still require scrutiny because they con-
stitute research and involve identifiable private information.
An author cannot claim that IRB oversight is irrelevant
simply because research is observational or based on ac-
cepted treatments. Formal approval or exemption, in writ-
ing, must still be obtained. The need for IRB review of case
reports varies by institution because the ability of a single
case to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge is
When a case report contains more than one case,
however, it becomes research and must have IRB approval.
A redundant (or duplicate) manuscript is one that over-
laps substantially with another manuscript that has been
submitted, published, or accepted for publication elsewhere.
Most journals explicitly caution against such submissions in
the author guidelines, with the exception of complete manu-
scripts that follow abstracts or poster presentations at pro-
fessional meetings.
Redundancy can involve content (pla-
giarism or similar text passages), duplicate subjects (report
of 25 patients that includes 15 from an earlier publication),
incremental time points (1-year follow-up of a cohort with
published outcomes at 3 months), or piecemeal outcomes
(one manuscript reporting objective measures and another
reporting quality of life). More flagrant examples include
attempts to publish the same manuscript in multiple journals
or languages.
If reviewers suspect all or part of a manuscript is redun-
dant, they should look carefully for an explanation in the
methods sections that includes an appropriate citation of
earlier work. At times it may be appropriate or important to
publish new data that enhance prior findings, but the incre-
mental nature of the new manuscript should be evident in
the title, abstract, and methods, without requiring detective
work by the reviewer or reader. An incremental manuscript
can also be kept brief by referencing already-published
methods. Any doubts about originality of the work or its
relationship to earlier publications should be noted in the
author comments, confidential comments to the editor, or
All authors are asked to disclose potential conflicts of
interest that could impact the credibility of published work.
Disclosure standards continue to evolve but are becoming
increasingly stringent given the great potential for financial
ties to influence judgment. Current recommendations ask
authors to disclose four types of information:
1. Associations with commercial entities that supported
work in the submitted manuscript (at any time during the
lifespan of the work);
2. Associations with commercial entities that could be
viewed as having an interest in the general area of the
submitted manuscript (within 36 months before submis-
3. Associations similar to #1 or #2 above involving a
spouse or child under age 18 years;
4. Nonfinancial associations (e.g., personal, professional,
political, religious) that a reasonable reader would want
to know about in relation to the submitted work.
Reviewers should understand that the presence of sig-
nificant associations does not preclude publication, nor
does full disclosure guarantee it. Rather, it is up to the
reviewers and editor to decide whether the data or opin-
ions in the manuscript are biased because of an associa-
tion, thereby compromising the validity of the work. If
Table 9
Assessing the ethical aspects of a manuscript
Issue Related questions
Authorship Did all authors contribute substantially to the research, draft, or revision of the manuscript,
and approve the final version?
Are any ghostwriters or hidden authors suspected based on the tone and style?
Originality Does the manuscript appear to duplicate already published work?
Are there signs of plagiarism?
Is this an incremental manuscript that adds marginally to already published data (e.g., new
subjects, outcomes, time points) without acknowledging the relationship?
Is the manuscript simply a translation of published work in another language?
If a review article, has it been submitted to more than one journal?
Research subjects Was the research approved, or explicitly exempted from approval, by an ethics panel or
institutional review board?
Was informed consent obtained and documented, if appropriate?
Has consent been obtained to use identifiable images or photographs?
Conflict of interest Do the content or conclusions of the manuscript appear to be biased because of a relevant
conflict of interest (even if fully disclosed by the authors)?
For sponsored research, did the funding source influence access to data, writing of the
manuscript (e.g., employees as authors), or the decision to publish?
Are any undisclosed conflicts of interest suspected?
482 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 142, No 4, April 2010
so, the authors can be asked to revise the manuscript
accordingly. At times, however, the conflicts are strong
enough to preclude any chance of objective reporting,
and the manuscript may be rejected regardless of the
transparency in the disclosure.
Reviewers should assess the sponsorship and conflicts of
interest disclosed by the author and consider their appropri-
ateness, completeness, and potential to bias the manuscript.
Equally important is that reviewers disclose to the editor
any personal conflicts of interest and decline the review (as
noted earlier) if an objective assessment is not possible. If a
reviewer has no conflicts, this should be stated explicitly to
the editor, or indicated in the appropriate section of the
reviewer response form.
Specific Comments to Authors
This section contains comments related to a specific part of
the manuscript, usually designated with a page, paragraph,
and line number that identifies the relevant text. Examples
include inappropriate language, biased statements, improper
use or interpretation of a literature citation, vague or am-
biguous terms, repeated use of brand names, and significant
typographical errors or omissions. Anything that creates a
mental roadblock when reading the manuscript could be
reason for a specific comment. When a specific comment
becomes a recurring theme, consider elevating it to the
preceding section on general comments to authors.
Another useful way to develop specific comments is by
considering the manuscript section by section, beginning
with the abstract and ending with the references (Table 10).
The sections should form a cohesive whole, each part serv-
ing its intended function with appropriate brevity, content,
length, and clarity of thought.
Is the abstract a valid
snapshot of the work or does it omit key details about
sample size, adverse events, or the magnitude of results? Is
the introduction more of a review article than a justification
for the work? Does the discussion section ramble on with
unsubstantiated treatment paradigms or management flow-
charts? Relate any concerns to the authors by stating the
manuscript section (e.g., methods, results) and paragraph
number, or the number of the related table, figure, or refer-
There is often confusion about the extent to which re-
viewers should correct grammar or spelling when providing
specific comments. In general, the reviewer should not
waste his or her time with extensive language corrections,
which are the responsibility of the copy editors once a
manuscript is accepted. When problems interfere with un-
Table 10
Assessing manuscript composition
Section Signs of grandeur Signs of decadence
Disclosures Clear statements regarding funding, grant
support, industry relationships, financial
ties, and competing interests
Blank responses; vague or incomplete statements
Abstract Structured summary of goals, methods,
results, and significance; provides a
“stand alone” snapshot of the
Unstructured qualitative overview of study;
contains more wish than reality; not consistent
with manuscript text
Introduction Clear, concise, and logical; ends with study
rationale or purpose; defines terms
Rambling, verbose literature review; no critical
argument or hypothesis
Methods Specific enough for the reader to
reproduce the study; justifies choices
made in designing the study
Vague or incomplete description of subjects,
sampling, outcome criteria; no mention of
statistical analysis
Results Logical and orderly blend of numbers and
narrative with supporting tables and
Difficult to read, with overuse or underuse of
statistical tests
Discussion Puts main results in context; reviews
supporting and conflicting literature;
discusses strengths and weaknesses
Full of fantasy and speculation; rambling and
biased literature review; does not acknowledge
Tables Logical and relevant with appropriate row
and column headings; should enhance,
not duplicate, the text
Simplistic, single-column lists; dense listings of
raw data more appropriate for statisticians than
Figures Visually appealing; engages and enlightens
the reader; use arrows or pointers for
Confusing or simplistic designs; unnecessary use
of 3D or color
Figure legends Puts the figure in context; defines
abbreviations, symbols, and error bars
Missing, incomplete, or excessively long
References Demonstrates clearly that work of others
has been considered
Key articles are conspicuously absent;
excessively brief
483Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
derstanding or interpretation, however, it is appropriate to
perform only a brief review and request that the authors
rewrite the manuscript before further consideration. Inter-
national submissions can often be improved if the authors
consult a professional language service to ensure proper use
of the English language.
Manuscript Disposition
The final disposition of a manuscript is determined by the
editor in chief based on personal review and the comments
from the associate editor and reviewers. Upon completing
their assessment of the manuscript, reviewers must choose
one of the following as a recommended disposition:
1. Accept, if the work is valid, ethical, relevant, and adds to
what is already published; writing should be clear and
2. Minor revision, if the work has minor problems that once
corrected should lead to acceptance for publication after
satisfactory revision.
3. Major revision, if there are major concerns about ethics,
study design, reporting of results, generalizability of the
findings, or composition of the manuscript; a revised
manuscript may result in acceptance, rejection, or a re-
quest for additional revision.
4. Reject, if the work is not consistent with the journal’s
mission, has one or more fatal flaws, or poses serious
ethical concerns; the author should not submit a revised
manuscript unless specifically requested.
Nearly all manuscripts can be enhanced by peer review,
which also means that very few will be acceptable “as is” on
initial submission. Reviewers who are tempted to accept a
first submission should review the work one more time with
a critical eye toward polishing it to an even greater luster.
There is nothing wrong with an occasional “accept” first
decision, but this should be very infrequent and supported
by appropriate comments to the author and editor. Simple
statements like “great manuscript” or “I congratulate the
authors on their fine work” are not consistent with the
principles or purpose of editorial peer review.
“Reject” is the most common disposition for many jour-
nals (including this one), because of one or more fatal flaws
related to the content in Table 3. Reviewers should not feel
uncomfortable about rejecting a manuscript provided that
the comments to the author and editor fully substantiate the
decision. Major flaws must be clearly stated, and the ratio-
nale for such designation must be justified. Some reviewers
support the rejection with a lengthy review asking for ex-
tensive revisions, perhaps to avoid hurting the author’s
feelings with negative comments. This type of review, how-
ever, confuses both the editor and authors and usually de-
lays but does not avert eventual rejection.
Asking an author to revise a manuscript implies it has
value to the readership and is important to publish but first
requires some polishing and clarification. If most of the
comments to the authors are “major points” related to issues
in Tables 5, 6, 7, or 9, a major revision should be requested.
Conversely, if the concerns are minor or related mainly to
“specific author comments,” as noted above, a minor revi-
sion would be appropriate. All revision requests should be
specific enough for the authors to understand clearly what
should be done to satisfy the request. The requests should
also be comprehensive, because implicit in the concept of
revision is that the manuscript will be accepted for publi-
cation if appropriate changes are made.
Requests for revisions must be reasonable. For example,
asking an author to add a control group or double the sample
size is well beyond what could likely ever be achieved. If
the missing control group prevents meaningful assessment,
or the small sample size has unacceptably low power or
precision, the appropriate recommendation is “reject,” with
explanatory comments. The best revision requests add clar-
ity and insight to acceptable methodology; the revision
request should not ask authors to fix fatal flaws or com-
pletely restructure the research methods.
Final disposition is determined by the editor in chief on
the basis of comments from the associate editor and review-
ers. This decision often agrees with the reviewer’s recom-
mendation, but at times the editor may opt for revisions
when a reviewer rejects, or vice versa. Just as the reviewer
has an obligation to support a recommendation with appro-
priate comments, the editor should include comments clar-
ifying his or her decision. Reviewers should not be offended
if a final editorial decision differs from their own, because
they see only a handful of the manuscripts submitted to the
journal. The editor sees all submissions and is able to best
judge the relative worth of a given manuscript and its
potential appeal to readers.
Reviewing a Revised Manuscript
When the authors submit a revised manuscript, it will usu-
ally be forwarded to the original reviewer for reassessment,
unless the revision request was for only minor clarifications
or editorial changes. All revised manuscripts should contain
a cover letter to the editor that summarizes all changes
made, ideally as a point-by-point list that repeats the initial
concern (from the comments to authors) followed by the
author’s response. This is followed with a revised manu-
script that should ideally have all changes or revisions
highlighted with a different colored font (e.g., red or yel-
low), for easy identification.
Reviewing a revision will take substantially less time
than the original review if the authors provide the cover
letter and highlighted changes. It is not the responsibility of
the reviewer (or editor) to be a manuscript detective and
spend tedious hours identifying changes by comparing the
revision with the earlier version. Manuscripts without
readily identifiable changes should be returned to the au-
thors, with the review postponed until an appropriate revi-
sion is submitted.
The purpose of review at this stage is to ensure that all
initial concerns have been fully addressed in the revised
484 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 142, No 4, April 2010
manuscript. This is more likely to occur if the original
review contained clear, constructive requests for specific
changes or clarifications to improve the work. Reviewers
should not raise new issues or revision requests that were
not mentioned before, unless a critical flaw was overlooked.
Authors who adequately address all issues in the request for
revision expect (rightly so) that the manuscript will be
accepted if the responses are adequate. Continuing requests
for new revisions delay publication and are disrespectful to
authors and editors.
Reviewers must use their judgment in deciding whether
author responses to their revision requests are adequate.
Sometimes authors will offer an explanation or rebuttal that
is limited to only the cover letter and does not result in any
changes in the manuscript text. If the reviewer feels this is
unsatisfactory, a request can be made to modify the text so
readers can also understand the logic. After reading the
revised manuscript, the reviewer must provide the editor
with a suggested disposition of accept, revise (further), or
reject. If revision or rejection is recommended, the com-
ments to authors should fully explain the basis for the
decision, with constructive criticism.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewing the unpublished work of others is a privilege
with responsibilities toward the authors, editors, and read-
Authors are entitled to timely, written, unbiased feed-
back, without personal comments or criticism. The review
process must remain confidential, without any sharing or
discussing of information with colleagues or third parties.
Editors are entitled to a fair, constructive, and informative
critique that indicates ways to improve the work and sug-
gests a disposition based on whatever rating scale the editor
deems useful. Reviewers should decline an invitation when
a conflict of interest exists, and should not contact authors
directly without permission from the editor. Readers are
entitled to be protected from incorrect or flawed research
and from omissions in citing the relevant work of others.
A primary purpose of peer review is to improve worthy
manuscripts to a publishable quality. This requires a
constructive critique that acknowledges positive aspects,
identifies negative aspects constructively, and—most im-
portantly—indicates the specific improvements required.
The Council of Science Editors offers the following useful
advice: “The purpose of peer review is not to demonstrate
the reviewer’s proficiency in identifying flaws. Reviewers
have the responsibility to identify strengths and provide
constructive comments to help the author resolve weak-
nesses in the work. A reviewer should respect the intellec-
tual independence of the author.”
The flip side of providing a fair and constructive review is
to avoid impropriety. The following list from the Council of
Science Editors is a terrific summary of what not to do:
Misrepresent facts in a review;
Unreasonably delay the review process;
Unfairly criticize a competitor’s work;
Breach the confidentiality of the review;
Propose changes merely to support the reviewer’s own
work or hypotheses;
Use confidential information for personal or professional
Include personal criticism of the author(s);
Fail to disclose a conflict of interest that would have
excluded the reviewer from the process.
While perhaps not a true impropriety, the devastatingly
negative review should be equally avoided. This so-called
“pit bull review” does little to advance science, is insulting
to the authors, and greatly complicates the editor’s role in
communicating a decision.
Err on the side of kindness and
Richard Burton might have been thinking about peer review
when noting, “One of the mistakes in the conduct of human
life is to suppose that other men’s opinions are to make us
Indeed, peer review is not about happiness, it is
about creating better, clearer, and more accurate manu-
scripts that, if published, contribute the most to science and
patient care. Editors derive deep satisfaction in being part of
this process—satisfaction that is also available to anyone
willing to invest some time in learning and honing the
principles of peer review. Hopefully this primer will jump-
start the learning process and facilitate high-quality manu-
script reviews.
I extend deep appreciation to John H. Krouse, MD, PhD, and Neil Bhat-
tacharyya, MD, for their critical review of this manuscript and their
invaluable assistance as associate editors.
Author Information
From the Department of Otolaryngology, State University of New York
at Downstate Medical Center and The Long Island College Hospital, Brook-
lyn, NY.
Corresponding author: Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, Department of
Otolaryngology, 339 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201-5514.
Author Contribution
Richard M. Rosenfeld, writer.
Competing interests: None.
Sponsorships: None.
485Rosenfeld How to review journal manuscripts
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