Read all of the instructions below before completing this form.
When to use this form
Use Form DCS to submit a document that
is a transfer of copyright ownership or other document pertaining
to a copyright that you wish to have recorded under section 205
of the Copyright Act. Use of Form DCS is mandatory for paper
submissions, and a properly completed Form DCS must accompany
all documents submitted to the Copyright Office for recordation
under 17 USC § 205. A properly completed Form DCS must also
be used to submit a document for recordation pertaining to a mask
work under 37 CFR § 211.2, a vessel design under 37 CFR § 212.6, or
a U.S. sound recording fixed before February 15, 1972, under 37 CFR
§ 201.35.
When not to use this form
Do not use Form DCS when submitting
any other type of document to the Office, such as notices of
termination, DMCA online service provider agent designations,
identification of anonymous/pseudonymous authors, author death
statements, visual arts registry statements, shareware registry
statements, or any Licensing Division documents. Do not use Form
DCS when submitting documents electronically via the online
recordation system.
How to use this form
Follow these instructions to complete Form
DCS. All fields are required to the extent applicable, and all
information should be typed or printed. Include one completed and
signed Form DCS for each document being submitted for
recordation. The Office may reject any document submitted for
recordation that is not accompanied by Form DCS or is
accompanied by an incomplete or improperly prepared Form DCS.
Submission requirements
Submit together in the same envelope or
package: (1) a properly prepared Form DCS; (2) the document to be
recorded; (3) the proper filing fee; and (4) any additional material
being provided in connection with your submission, such as an
electronic title list, English translation of non-English material,
written justification for certain redacted material, or an additional
copy of this completed form and a self-addressed postage-paid
envelope for a return receipt. Absent special arrangement with the
Office, the Office reserves the right to not process your submission
unless all of the items necessary for processing are received together.
Mail your submission to:
Library of Congress
Copyright Office–DOC, LM 433
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20559-6000
Electronic title lists
In addition to identifying the works to which a
document pertains in the paper submission, an electronic title list
may also be submitted. An electronic title list is an Excel file
containing certain indexing information about the relevant works,
such as their titles, types of work, registration numbers, and
authorship information. Submitting an electronic title list is optional,
but it can significantly shorten the Office’s processing time for
recording a document. Consequently, the Office offers a reduced
filing fee for submissions that include them. For more information
about electronic title lists, including the requirements and
instructions for completing and submitting them, see
Declarations of Ownership in Musical Works (DOMWs)
is a special type of recordable document available to certain copyright
owners of musical works. For more information about DOMWs,
including the requirements and instructions for completing and
submitting them, see
Among other requirements, a DOMW must be accompanied
by an electronic title list and be submitted to a different mailing
address than other documents submitted for recordation. Mail
DOMWs to:
Copyright Office–DOMW
P.O. Box 71537
Washington, DC 20024-1537
Recordation process
To be recorded, your submission must com ply
with the Copyright Act’s statutory requirements (17 USC § 205) and
the Offices regulations (37 CFR § 201.4) and instructions. The
Copyright Office will examine, process, and index the document in
the public record based on the information you submit to the Office.
The Office will rely on the certifications and information provided
on Form DCS and, if provided, in an accompanying electronic title
list. The Office will not necessarily confirm the accuracy of such
certifications or information against the submitted document. The
fact that the Office has recorded a document is not a determination
by the Office of the document’s validity or legal effect. Recordation
of a document by the Copyright Office is without prejudice to any
party claiming that the legal or formal requirements for recordation
have not been met, including before a court of competent
Privacy Act Advisory Statement
Please review the Privacy Act notice
at the top of the form. The principal uses of the requested
information are the establishment and maintenance of a public
record and the examination of the form for compliance with the
requirements for recordation. Other routine uses include public
inspection and copying, preparation of public indexes, preparation of
public catalogs of recorded documents, and preparation of search
reports upon request.
Form DCS will be imaged with the submitted document as
part of the public record. Please keep a copy of these instructions and
the completed form so that you may refer to them if the Office
communicates with you regarding your submission.
Form DCS (
Document Cover Sheet)
Basic Information
Form DCS, Document Cover Sheet · 
Electronic Title List Enclosed and Declaration of Ownership in a
Musical Work checkboxes
. If you have enclosed an electronic title
list or if the document is a DOMW, check the appropriate box(es) on
the top of Form DCS. If the document is a DOMW, the electronic
title list box should also be checked, because all DOMWs must be
accompanied by an electronic title list.
Item 1: Title and/or registration number of first work provided
in document
This item is used to connect Form DCS and the
document if they become separated.
Item 2: Total number of additional works and alternate
identifiers in document
Provide the total number of different
works and alternate identifiers contained in the document. The
total number of works and alternate identifiers (along with the total
number of legal transactions contained in the document) determines
the recordation filing fee. The first title and/or registration number
provided for a particular work constitutes a work. If a work is
identified by more than one title or registration number, every
additional title and registration number provided beyond the
first counts as an alternate identifier for purposes of this item and
in calculating the proper recordation filing fee. For example, if a
document were to refer to “Harold & Kumar 2 (PAu003086781)
a.k.a. Untitled Harold & Kumar sequel a.k.a. Harold & Kumar Go to
Amsterdam, the first title and registration number (Harold & Kumar 2
(PAu003086781)) would count as one work and the two alternate
titles would count as two alternate identifiers.
If a work is described as being part of a larger work, only the
specific work counts, and not the title and/or registration number for
the larger work. For example, if the document were to refer to When
You Wish Upon a Star from Pinocchio, the title “When You Wish
Upon a Star” would count as one work, “Pinocchio would not count
as an additional work or alternate identifier. For more information
about how to calculate works and alternate identifiers, see 37 CFR §
201.3(c), 84 Fed. Reg. 29,135 (June 21, 2019), and 85 Fed. Reg. 9,374
(Feb. 19, 2020).
Item 3: Amount of fee calculated
Recordation fees are calculated
in accordance with 37 CFR § 201.3(c). For assistance in determining
your fee, use the fee calculator provided at
recordation/ and review Calculating Fees for Recording Documents
and Notices of Termination in the Copyright Office, available at Note that the Office charges different
fees depending on whether your submission includes an electronic
title list.
Item 4: Fee enclosed
Check the appropriate box. To charge a
Copyright Office deposit account, provide the deposit account
number and name. If paying by check or money order, note that
the Office only accepts domestic money orders and checks payable
through a U.S. bank with American Bankers Association routing
numbers. International and postal money orders are not accepted.
Make the check or money order payable to U.S. Copyright Office.
Item 5: Return receipt requested
Check this box to indicate that
you want a return receipt showing that the Office received your
submission. If you check this box, you must also include a second
properly completed copy of Form DCS and a self-addressed postage-
paid envelope. A return receipt confirms the Offices receipt of
the submission as of the date indicated, but it does not establish
eligibility for, or the date of, recordation.
Item 6: Redacted document
Check the first box if the submitted
document contains any redactions. Permissible redactions are
limited to financial terms, trade secret information, Social Security or
taxpayer identification numbers, and financial account numbers. Any
such redactions must be made in accordance with 37 CFR § 201.4(d)(4).
Additional types of information may be redacted on a case-by-case
basis if the need for any such redactions is justified to the Office in
writing and approved by the Office. If such a written justification is
included in your submission, check the second box in addition to the
Item 7: English translation
The Office accepts and records non-
English language documents and indexing information only if
accompanied by an English translation in conformity with 37 CFR §
201.4(d)(5). Check this box if an English translation of non-English
material is included in your submission.
Item 8: Document type
Check the box that best describes the
document. If you select “Other, provide a description of the
Item 9: Document’s Date of Execution
Provide the document’s date
of execution. Partial date information may be provided, but must
consist of one of the following options: Month / Day, Month / Year,
or Year only.
Item 10: Party Information
Provide the names of all parties to the
document, including any alternate party names and name types
(e.g., AKA, DBA, FKA, FSO, NKA, OBO, PKA). When providing
Item-by-Item Instructions
Form DCS, Document Cover Sheet · 
this information, provide it exactly as it appears in your document.
If it does not appear in the document, you may still provide this
information. Please also provide the nature of all parties’ respective
roles within the document. There are many different ways to describe
an individual or organizations role within the document. When
providing party roles, please use the exact terms as they appear
in your document. If they do not appear in the document, please
provide an appropriate role for each party. Some examples of
different roles include: Assignor, Assignee, Grantor, Grantee, Licensor,
Licensee, Executor, Trustee, Affiant, Declarant, Mortgagor, and
To illustrate, Company A could be the Assignor” while Company
B could be the Assignee”; Company A could be the “Licensor”
while Company B could be the “Licensee”; Jane Smith could be the
“Declarant. A mailing address must also be provided if submitting a
DOMW and may be voluntarily provided for all other documents. If
the document has more than two parties, attach an additional sheet
detailing information for the other parties.
Item 11: Remitter Information and Certifications
You, the
individual actually submitting this form and the attached document
to the Copyright Office, provide your contact information and
make the required remitter certifications by signing your name and
dating the form. You may sign the form electronically. The Office
may use this information to contact you about the submission
and will send a numbered copy of the document as recorded and a
certificate of recordation to the provided address if the document is
successfully recorded. Providing a fax number is optional. To make
this certification, you must be either a party to the document, a
successor-in-interest to a party, or a duly authorized agent of a party
or successor-in-interest.
Item 12: Document Certifications
Make the required document-
related certifications—the True and Correct Copy Certification and
the Recordation Eligibility Certification—by having them signed and
dated by an appropriate individual. They can be made either by you
(i.e., the remitter identified in Item 11) or another individual and may
be signed electronically. There are two types of certifications in this
The True and Correct Copy Certification pertains to whether
the submitted document is an original or a copy. If it is the original
document, check the first box. If it is a copy of the original that
is accompanied by an Official Certification, check the second
box. An Official Certification is a certification, by the appropriate
governmental official, that the original of the document is on file
in a public office and that the copy of the document submitted
for recordation is a true copy of the original. If the submitted
document is not the original and is not accompanied by an Official
Certification, a Sworn Certification must be provided by checking
the remaining checkbox declaring that the submitted document
is a true and correct copy of the original, signed document, and
signing on the signature line. The certifier must also indicate their
relationship to the document; that is, whether the certifier is a party,
a successor-in-interest to a party, or an authorized representative of a
party or a successor-in-interest.
A “Sworn Certification is a statement made in accordance
with 28 USC § 1746 that the copy of the document submitted for
recordation is, to the best of the certifier’s knowledge, a true copy
of the original, signed document. Note that where a submitted
document lacks a handwritten, wet signature (such as when it is
signed electronically), the Office considers the document to be
a copy, which must be accompanied by a Sworn Certification or
Official Certification.
The Recordation Eligibility Certification is a certification that
the document satisfies the signature, completeness, legibility, and, if
redacted, redaction requirements for recordation specified in 37 CFR
§ 201.4. The box next to these certifications must be checked and a
signature must be provided below.
If two different individuals are making each of the two types
of certifications, complete and attach an additional copy of page 3
of the form with the appropriate boxes checked to indicate which
individual is making which certifications. If someone other than you
is making the certifications in this item, that person’s name, title, and
organization must be provided.
For more information about the Copyright Oce’s
recordation requirements, see 37 CFR § 201.4 and 82 Fed.
Reg. 52,213 (Nov. 13, 2017).
Volume Document
Date of recordation
    
     
Electronic Title List Enclosed
Declaration of Ownership in Musical Works (DOMW)
If DOMW is checked, an electronic title list must be enclosed
and “Electronic Title List Enclosed” must also be checked.
Privacy Act Notice: Sections 205 and 705 of title 17 of the United States
Code authorize the Copyright Oce to collect the personally identifying
information (PII) requested on this form and provided in the document
submitted for recordation or other materials accompanying the submission.
PII is any personal information that can be used to identify, contact, or trace
an individual, such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers. By providing
this information, including, but not limited to, providing it in any document or
other le, you are agreeing to the routine use of it to establish and maintain a
public record, which includes appearing in the Oce’s paper and online public
records and indexes, including the Oce’s online catalog, and in search reports
prepared for the public. If you do not provide the information requested,
recordation may be refused or delayed, and you may not be entitled to certain
relief, remedies, and benets under the copyright law.
Copyright Office fees are subject to change. For current fees, check the Copyright Office website at, write the Copy right Office, or call (202) 707-3000 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll free).
To the Register of Copyrights: Please record the accompanying document.
IMPORTANT: Please read all instructions for completing this form. If you have enclosed an electronic title list or if your document is a
Declaration of Ownership in a Musical Work (DOMW), check the appropriate box(es) on the top of this page.
Title and/or registration number
of rst work provided in document
Total number of additional
works and alternate identiers
in document
Amount of fee calculated $ (Fees are to be calculated in accordance with 37 CFR § 201.3(c))
Fee enclosed Check Money Order
Fee authorized to be charged to Copyright Oce deposit account
Deposit account number
Deposit account name
Return receipt requested If checked, please enclose a second completed copy of this form and a self-addressed
postage-paid envelope
Redacted document Check if document is redacted
Check if a written justication for redacted material not enumerated
in 37 CFR § 201.4(d)(4)(i) is enclosed
English translation Check if an English translation of non-English material is enclosed
Send to: Library of Congress, Copyright Oce–DOC, LM 433, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20559-6000
If submitting a DOMW, send to: Copyright Oce–DOMW, P.O. Box 71537, Washington, DC 20024-1537
Form DCS (Document Cover Sheet)
For Recordation of Documents under 17 USC § 205
   
form dcs  
Document type Assignment Exclusive License Non-Exclusive License
Change of Address Mortgage or Security Agreement
Adavit/Declaration/Certication Court Order Will
Change of Name (e.g., via merger agreement, amendment to articles of incorporation)
Document’s Date of Execution
10 Party Information
Number/Street Apt/Suite
City State Zip
Number/Street Apt/Suite
City State Zip
List continued on an attached additional sheet
Remitter Information
and Certications
(Provide the names of all parties to
the document and the nature of
their respective relationships to the
document, including which party,
if any, is the current copyright
owner of the works to which the
document pertains. A mailing
address must also be provided if
submitting a DOMW and may be
voluntarily provided for all other
documents. If more space is needed,
attach an additional sheet.)
(Check the one that best describes
the document.)
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that I have been given
appropriate authority to submit this cover sheet, accompanying document, and any other enclosed
materials to the U.S. Copyright Oce for recordation, and that all information I have submitted is true,
accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and is provided in good faith.
I understand that any falsication or misrepresentation may subject me to civil or criminal liability.
By signing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to these conditions.
Signature Date
Number/Street Apt/Suite
City State Zip
Phone number Fax number
form dcs  
(You, the individual actually
submitting this form and the
attached document to the
Copyright Oce, provide your
contact information and make the
required remitter certications by
signing your name. The Oce may
use this information to contact
you about the submission and will
send the certicate of recordation
to the provided address if the
document is successfully recorded.)
form dcs reviewed: 06
2022 Printed on recycled paper  
Document Certications True and Correct Copy Certication
Original document enclosed Ocial certication enclosed
Sworn certication: I certify under penalty of perjury that the accompanying document being
submitted to the U.S. Copyright Oce for recordation is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and correct
copy of the original, signed document.
Recordation Eligibility Certication
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the accompanying
document being submitted to the U.S. Copyright Oce for recordation, to the best of my knowledge,
is a transfer of copyright ownership or other document pertaining to a copyright and satises all
requirements for recordation, including the signature, completeness, legibility, and, if redacted,
redaction requirements specied in 37 CFR § 201.4.
I understand that any falsication or misrepresentation may subject me to civil or criminal liability.
By signing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to these conditions.
Signature Date
Certier Information Name
(These certications can be
made either by the remitter
identied on the previous page or
another individual. If a dierent
individual is making each
document certication, complete
and attach an additional copy of
this page.)
(This information is only required
if an individual other than
the remitter identied on the
previous page is making the
above certications.)
successor-in-interest to a party
Describe your relationship to the document or the original parties to
the document:
authorized representative of a party
Which party do you represent:
authorized representative of a successor-in-interest to a party
Which successor-in-interest do you represent:
Describe the successor’s relationship to the document or the original
parties to the document:
I am a(n)
(select one)