Writing Thank You Notes
Why Write Thank You Notes?
To acknowledge a kind gesture
To express appreciation
To make a positive impression
Write thank you notes for:
Gifts received
Kindnesses shown
References written
Following up after a job or internship interview
Other personal reasons
Thank You Note Template
Start with a basic template/outline
Fill in the appropriate specific information
Personalize and individualize it to suit your
own communication style and your
relationship with the recipient
7-Step Thank You Note Template
1. Salutation
2. Directly say “thank you.
3. Express your appreciation in more detail.
4. Comment about how nice it was for the giver
to do this for you.
5. Closing niceties, such as a greeting or well-
6. Wrap up by thanking the giver one more time
7. Sign off
Dear Aunt Beth,
Dear Professor
Dr. Smith:
2. Directly say “thank you.
For a gift:
Specifically mention the gift
and the occasion
for which it
was received. Use a positive
adjective to describe the gift.
Thank you for the lovely watch
you gave me for my birthday.
Thank you so much for the
generous check you sent me for
my graduation.
For an action/event:
Specifically mention the
action or event and the
occasion it was associated
Thank you very much for writing
letters of reference to
accompany my scholarship
Thank you for the opportunity
to interview for the summer
internship position on Monday.
3. Express your appreciation
in more detail.
For a gift:
Tell the giver why you liked the gift
in more detail. If you have a hard
time thinking of a specific
compliment, say something
generic, like “I love it!”
The gift card will come in handy for
buying coffee on the way to my
morning classes.
can’t wait to put the new blanket on
the bed in my dorm room.
For an action/event:
Mention a specific positive effect of
the action or
a positive detail
associated with the event.
I definitely think it strengthened my
application for the committee to hear
from someone who has taught me in
a laboratory
I enjoyed learning about the program
and the opportunities it would
4. Comment on how nice it
was for the giver to do
this for you
It was so thoughtful of you to
What a generous and kind gift!
Its kindnesses like yours
have made getting through this
difficult time easier.
I know you’re extremely busy at
this time of year, and it meant so
much to me that you took the
time to be there.
such as a
greeting or
I hope you
and Uncle Lloyd are doing well and
enjoying your summer.
Please tell Marcus I send my love, and give
Spot a pat on the head from me! Lets plan to
get together the next time I visit Fargo.
I’ll miss seeing you at Sunday dinners once I
leave for ECU, but I know we’ll keep in touch
on Facebook.
I hope the upcoming merger goes smoothly for
your department. I look forward to keeping up
with it in the companys newsletter.
of luck with your presentation at the
conference next week!
6. Wrap it up by thanking the
giver one more time.
Thanks again!
you again for this
opportunity! I look forward to
hearing from you.
7. Sign off
Select a
n appropriate sign-off
based on your
relationship with
the giver.
Morris Winchester
Melvin Allen
Sample Professional Thank You Note
Dear Professor Smith:
Thank you for writing letters of reference to accompany my
scholarship applications. I definitely think it strengthened my
application for the committee members to hear from someone
who has taught me in a laboratory course. I really appreciate
your taking the time to recommend me, especially at such a busy
time of the year. I hope the rest of your semester goes well, and
I’ll keep you posted about whether I receive any of the
scholarships. Thanks again!
Jimmy Huffington
Sample Personal Thank You Note
Dear Aunt Bethany,
Thank you so much for the awesome care package you sent to me
at school! My roommate and I are having a great time playing
with the stress-ball toys, and I think I made some new friends on
my hall by sharing a few of your amazing homemade cookies.
(The rest are safely stashed under my bed to make sure they last
as long as possible!) You must have known that I was having a
stressful time, because it was exactly the kind of fun pick-me-up
that I needed to turn my whole week around for the better. Thank
you so much for both the treats and the sweet note, and I can’t
wait to give you a big hug when I see you over winter break!
Additional Thank You Note Tips
Be prompt
Better late than never
Handwrite your notes
Make them personal
Keep a list
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