Tips for a Successful Recording
There are many different ways to record a successful pre-screening or recorded audition
video. To help with the process, here’s some guidance on creating the best recording!
Please note that this information is meant to be a helpful guide of resource options, and is in
no way intended to be a list of requirements. We encourage you to create your best
recording with the technology reasonably available to you.
General Tips
Utilize the best available technology you have
An iPhone/smartphone can produce successful recordings
It is not necessary or expected to record in a studio
Equipment: Highly technical recordings are unnecessary. iPhone/smartphone recordings are
perfectly fine, but some extra recording equipment may be helpful (ex. an external
microphone, earbuds, a tripod)
Recording: Be yourself and present your best work!
The Recording Environment
Location: Record in a successful space; if it is a dance audition, record in a room with space for
adequate movement, if it is a music audition, record in a room with good acoustics, etc.
Keep in mind that any sort of background noise can interfere with overall audio quality
Consider proper lighting, and use extra lamps or a ringlight if necessary
The angle of the camera should best showcase your full range of motion, whether it be
dancing, a movement-based monologue, or instrument movement
Check recordings for any distortion or excessive “buzz” 
In general, neutral backgrounds (and clean spaces!) are preferred
Dress professionally, as you would for an in-person audition (unless it is a movement-based
Pay attention to room acoustics
Equipment Tips
Video Recording: iPhone or other smartphone, or an external camera (ex. Canon or other video
recording device)
If filming on an iPhone/smartphone, horizontal videos are generally preferred
Ensure that the phone microphone is not covered or obstructed
Good quality external microphones: Blue Snowball, Lavalier Microphone Speaker for iPhone,
Conference USB Microphone
Headphones: any Earbuds, AirPods, Beats, etc.
Other optional equipment: Ringlight, smartphone or camera tripod
Technological How-Tos:
Upload/Save Quality Files:
To record a video on a smartphone/camera and then upload to a PC: send the file to
yourself via email or connect phone/camera to the PC via cable
To record a video on an iPhone and then upload to a Macbook, you can: utilize
AirDrop, email the file(s) to yourself, or use a cable connection between your phone and
Reduce Video File Size:
Trim any excess footage off the beginning and end of your video
Downloadable file-reducing software:
VLC or Shotcut - any computer
QuickTime Player - Macbook
Editing and Submitting Recordings
Allowable Edits: global adjustment of balance or levels (to ensure that the volume is acceptable
and that the stereo is balanced), trimming the start or end of a recording to remove long
spaces, adjustment to the image quality–color correction, white balance correction, and image
Not Allowed: reverb, chorus, auto-tune, rhythm correction, or any other effects; any sort of
Review your recordings before uploading to ensure that they are of good quality and represent
your best work to date
Do not submit a multi-camera, highly technical studio video.
File Information for the SMTD Artistic Profile
Individual files can be as large as 5GB, but keep in mind that larger files may take some time to
.mov files may not upload correctly if taken on the latest iPhone. We recommend converting
these files to .mp4 if you are encountering post-processing issues.
Preferred File Types:
Audio: aac, aif, aiff, iff, fla, m4a, mpa, mp3, ra, wav, wma
Video: avi, flv, m1v, m2v, m4v, mkv, mov*, mpeg, mpg, mp4, webm, wmv
Document: doc, docx, odg, odp, odt, pdf, ppt, pptx, rtf, wpd
Image: jpeg, png, gif, jpg
Department Specific Information
For specific department requirements, please refer to the “Requirements for
Pre-screening/Portfolios & Auditions/Interviews” section of the SMTD website
The faculty genuinely want you to succeed in your pre-screening and audition process! We
are excited to hear/see/read your artistic creations. Do your best, and know that we are here
to cheer you on and help answer your questions!