Quick Start
Recording Audio
in GarageBand
GarageBand, part of the iLife suite of applications, turns the Mac into a versatile multitrack
audio recording studio. Using GarageBand, you and your students can compose and
produce original music, record spoken word and music projects, create enhanced
podcasts, and score movies edited with iMovie.
GarageBand projects that use the large collection of included music and sound eect
loops are royalty-free and can be freely shared on the web. Other audio materials or
content that you use may require that you secure copyright permission.
In this activity, you’ll make an audio recording of you or another person presenting some
information or reading a text passage. You’ll then export the audio le, burn it on a CD,
and send it to iTunes to add to your iTunes library.
GarageBand in the Classroom
Your students already are sharing music with each other, but GarageBand brings a new
realm of audio capabilities into the classroom. Learning and expressing themselves
with music and sound enhances students’ classroom experience in all curriculum areas.
For example, students can use GarageBand to produce an original soundtrack for a
documentary movie for history, create a podcast about science experiments, or record
narration for a slideshow about a piece of literature.
Students can compose music using the applications tools and a USB keyboard or guitar
connected to their Mac. They can combine what they record with the loops included
with GarageBand to complete their composition. You can then print sheet music of the
compositions so they can be performed by the school’s band, orchestra, or other musical
This activity provides steps you can follow when you invite a guest to talk with your class,
such as a local community leader or guest artist. With the speakers permission, you can
record the talk and discussion for your students to review later. You could also save it for
distribution to iPod, an iPhone, your school’s website, or to other colleagues and students
in the school district or around the world. With GarageBand recording tools, you can also
record students to assess their reading skills or mastery of a world language.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
In this activity, you will:
Set up GarageBand for recording with an external microphone
Record spoken word
Export an audio le
Send the recorded le to your iTunes library
Burn an audio CD
What You Will Need
You do not need to download any les for this activity. You can record yourself or you can
record someone else speaking. If you want to record a text passage, rst select what you
will read. (See Tips for Recording Text Passages,” later in this activity.)
Software needed:
You can use the built-in microphone in the Mac for recording, but you may want to
connect an external microphone for achieving more professional-quality sound when
recording in the classroom.
If you already have a good quality microphone but it does not connect directly to the
computer, you’ll want to have an audio interface that allows you to connect audio devices
to your Mac.
See “Learn More later in this activity for more information about third-party microphones
and audio interfaces. You may need to install the software that comes with the mic or
interface, following the instructions that accompanied the product.
This activity will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The time will vary depending
on whether or not you are setting up an external microphone and on how long a
recording you make.
Recording a Presentation with GarageBand
When you have a microphone/audio interface combination connected to your Mac
and any appropriate audio device software is installed, you rst need to choose the
appropriate settings for each external device in GarageBand. If you are using your
computer’s built-in microphone, skip to “Setting Up GarageBand for Recording.”
Setting Up an External Microphone and Audio Interface
Setting up GarageBand for recording with an external mic requires just a few simple steps.
Connect the microphone (or audio interface and microphone) to your Mac, as instructed 1
in the documentation that came with the product.
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences or, in the Dock, click the System Preferences 2
In System Preferences, click Sound.3
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
In Sound preferences, click the Input button if it’s not already selected and choose your 4
microphone or audio interface.
In this example, a TASCAM US-122 audio interface is selected.
Test your setup by speaking into the microphone.5
The microphone input level indicators in Sound preferences ash green or blue
depending on your setup if the microphone (and audio interface) is properly connected
and set up. If the indicators don’t ash green or blue, check the connections, verify that
you’ve installed the latest driver software, and test again.
When your mic is working properly, close System Preferences.6
When you’re ready to record, position the microphone near the person who will speak.
The microphone can be attached to a microphone stand, an overhead boom, or
suspended from the ceiling.
Setting Up GarageBand for Recording
With your hardware connected and set up, you can prepare GarageBand for recording.
Open GarageBand by clicking its icon in the Dock or by double-clicking its icon in the 1
Applications folder.
GarageBand displays an opening screen with options for creating a new music project
or podcast episode, starting a Magic GarageBand session, or opening an existing
GarageBand project.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
Click Create New Music Project.2
The New Project dialog that appears is where you name and save your project.
For this activity, you will record a voice track. If you are not creating a music track, you can
ignore the Tempo, Signature, and Key settings.
Type 3 Record Lecture in the Save As eld, then click Create.
The GarageBand window opens.
Before you get ready to record, take a quick tour of the GarageBand window. The window
features the track headers and mixers on the left and the timeline on the right.
Each track header includes controls to enable recording, muting, soloing, and locking the
track. The associated track mixer has controls to monitor and adjust each track’s volume
and panning and display the recording/playback level.
In the timeline, music loops will be arranged and recorded audio will appear. The
playhead (represented by a clear triangle and red line running vertically through all the
tracks) indicates your exact position in the timeline.
Track header Mixer Timeline
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
A toolbar at the bottom of the GarageBand window includes tools to add new tracks and
display the Loop Browser and Editor and a set of transport controls for recording, starting
and stopping playback, and moving the playhead to dierent parts of the project. The
toolbar also has a virtual LCD display to show information about the tracks and project,
audio level meters, a volume slider to adjust the project’s overall sound level, and buttons
to display the Track Info pane and Media Browser.
Youre now ready to set up GarageBand to record the vocal presentation. When a
new music project is opened, a Software Instrument track (used for audio loops) is
automatically inserted into the timeline along with a Keyboard window. Because you’re
recording audio and not adding loops, you need to create a Real Instrument track by
deleting the Software Instrument track, which also closes the Keyboard window.
Click the track header for the rst track to select it, then choose Track > Delete Track to 4
remove the existing software instrument track.
In the menu bar, choose Track > New Track.5
In the dialog that appears, select Real Instrument Track, then click Create.6
Click to show the Click to Go to Beginning, Master level meters
Loop Browser record. Rewind, Play, Fast and volume slider
and Track Editor. Forward, and Cycle
Click to show
Click to add the Track Info pane
new tracks. Transport controls LCD display and Media Browser.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
In the Track Info pane, select Vocals from the list on the left, then select No Eects from 7
the list on the right.
With these settings, you have just chosen to record a vocal track while disabling all eects.
Verify that your microphone or audio interface is chosen from the Input Source pop-up 8
menu at the bottom of the Track Info pane.
In the toolbar, click the Track info button to close the Track Info pane.9
Recording the Presentation
Now that everything is properly set up, you’re ready to record. If you’re recording another
person, before the presentation, agree with the speaker on a verbal cue to indicate when
the person is ready. That way, you’ll clearly know when to start recording the presentation.
You can also use the steps that follow to read a text passage, an activity students can
perform in the classroom for assessment purposes. See Tips for Recording Text Passages”
later in this activity for suggestions.
Note: If you don’t want to hear the metronome keeping time while you are recording,
you can turn it o by choosing Control > Metronome.
To ensure that the playhead is at the beginning of the timeline, in the transport controls, 1
click the Go to Beginning button to move the playhead to the beginning of the track.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
When the speaker gives you your cue, click the Record button to begin recording. When 2
the speaker concludes, click the Play button to stop recording.
Audio recorded to the hard disk using GarageBand will use about 10MB of hard disk
storage for each minute of audio that you record, or approximately 600MB per hour.
Make sure that you have enough free hard disk space available before you record a
When you’re nished recording, choose File > Save to save your GarageBand project.3
Click the Go to Beginning button to move the playhead to the beginning of the track, and 4
then click Play (or press the Space bar) to review the recorded audio. If you don’t want to
listen to the entire session, you can drag the triangle of the playhead in the ruler area to
dierent locations in the audio.
Note: If you try to drag the red line itself or anywhere outside of the ruler, you will
either move the audio clip or nothing will happen.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
Re-Recording Part of a Session
During recording, you or a speaker may stutter, stumble, misread, cough, or experience
some other glitch that will require stopping and restarting the recording of the passage
from just before the interruption. To re-record part of the session, follow these steps:
Click the Play button to stop the recording and drag the playhead to a point just before 1
the problem area. A logical point is at the beginning of a paragraph or sentence.
Click the Record button and begin repeating the words or re-reading the passage.2
When you’re through speaking or reading, click Play to stop recording.3
Exporting the Audio
To share a presentation with students, teachers, or students’ families, you will want to
export your recording to your Music folder as an audio le.
Exporting an Audio File
Choose Share > Export Song to Disk.1
In the dialog that appears, choose AAC Encoder from the Compress Using pop-up menu 2
to compress the audio and choose Good Quality from the Audio Settings pop-up menu.
Click Export.
Note: You may want to adjust the audio encoder or quality settings depending on
the medium you will use to distribute the audio le (the Internet, iTunes Store, iPod,
and so on). When choosing between MP3 and AAC encoders, MP3 Encoder is best to
use when sharing les with other computer platforms such as Windows or Linux or
when creating audio only podcasts. AAC Encoder is best used for iPod, Apple TV, and
enhanced podcasts.
When choosing audio settings, Good Quality is best for voice recordings, High Quality
is best for music, and Higher Quality provides the best quality compressed audio, but
the audio les will be signicantly larger than les compressed using the other quality
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
In the dialog, type a name for the audio le, select the Music folder as the location to save 3
the le, then click Save.
GarageBand converts the audio to the format you selected and saves it in the Music
folder. The audio le can be saved on a server for students and teachers to download.
Sending a File to iTunes
Next, you’ll place the audio le in your iTunes library so that it can be played in iTunes or
synced to iPod or an iPhone.
Choose Share > Send Song to iTunes.1
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
In the elds of the Send Song to iTunes dialog, type entries of your choosing for iTunes
Playlist, Artist Name, Composer Name, and Album Name. This information, or metadata, is
saved with the le and used to identify the presentation recording. (See the “Creating a
Playlist in iTunes” activity for more information about creating playlists in iTunes.)
Choose AAC Encoder from the Compress Using pop-up menu. Choose Good Quality from 2
the Audio Settings pop-up menu. Click Share.
GarageBand exports the recording using the settings you specied. When the process
is complete, iTunes imports the recording, places it into the playlist you specied, and
begins to play the recording.
Burning the File to an Audio CD
You can also burn your les directly onto an audio CD.
Choose Share > Burn Song to CD.1
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
A dialog appears asking you to insert a CD into the computer.
Insert a blank CD, then click the Burn button. 2
GarageBand burns the recording onto the CD. When the process is completed,
GarageBand ejects the CD.
If an error occurs during the burning process, it may be necessary to reduce the burn 3
speed. To do this, follow these steps:
a Choose Share > Burn Song to CD.
b Click the blue arrow button at the upper right of the dialog to display additional
c Choose a lower speed from the Speed pop-up menu. The speeds that are available
depend on the capabilities of your optical drive. You should also be sure the Verify
burned data checkbox is selected.
d Click Burn.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
Tips for Recording Text Passages
The following are some suggestions for recording the reading of text passages:
Practice reading the text to become comfortable with the material, enliven your
recording, and reduce reading errors that would require re-recording the material.
Be expressive when reading. Varying word emphasis and changing your tone while
reading adds emotion and life to the text. Avoid reading in a monotone.
Pay attention to punctuation. Commas indicate a brief pause and periods a complete
Stand up when recording audio to project your voice more eectively.
Clearly enunciate your words.
Pace yourself. Read a bit more slowly than you normally would. (Reading text at a
natural speaking pace often sounds too fast in a recording.)
Don’t stand too close to the mic. Your P, S, and T percussive sounds tend to pop or hiss
in a microphone. Adding a mic lter can also help reduce this eect.
GarageBand provides many features found in expensive, professional recording programs,
and its included with every Mac. Continue to explore ways that GarageBand can help
breathe life into classroom presentations and preserve special events for the enjoyment of
future generations of students.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve gotten started with GarageBand, youre ready to use it with your lessons
to enhance teaching and learning. The additional activity ideas that are included here
suggest a few more of the ways you can use GarageBand with your students. When you
want to gain further skills in using the software to implement these and other activities,
you can use the resources listed in “Learn More,” below.
Learn More
The following are some of the resources you can use to nd out more about using
When you’re working in GarageBand, onscreen help is available at any time by choosing
Help > GarageBand Help. Choose Help > Getting Started PDF to open an introductory
how-to guide for using GarageBand.
Video Tutorials
For a collection of tutorials about using GarageBand, go to www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials
or choose Help > Video Tutorials when GarageBand is open.
Apple Media Series
iLife ’08 in the Classroom, part of the Apple Media Series, provides how-to videos and
step-by-step guides for learning how to use GarageBand and the other applications in
the iLife suite. iLife ’08 in the Classroom, available at an aordable cost to individuals and
schools, guides you through what students could produce with each application.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
Microphones and Audio Interfaces
Several aordable microphones, such as those made by Samson and Blue, are available
that connect to the Mac computers USB port. Companies that make audio interfaces
include Grin Technology, M-Audio, and TASCAM. The Apple Store oers many of these
products for the Mac.
Samson Technologies Corp.
Blue Microphones
Grin Technology
Additional Activity Ideas
Broadcast News—Language Arts, Communications
At many schools, students broadcast a morning news report, reading from notes or a
teleprompter. Using GarageBand podcasting tools, they can augment their newscasts with
recorded sound bites of interviews with teachers, administrators, support sta, or other
students. Topics can include school policies, upcoming events, activities, or opinion polls.
Simulated Interviews—Language Arts
You can record interview examples that show the class how interview subjects respond to
dierent interviewing techniques. Using the Vocal Transformer eect, students can record
an imaginary conversation between two people (even if it’s just one person). This is a
fun and eective way to experiment with various sentence structures in communication
classes and projects.
Childrens Theatre—Language Arts
Students can use the sound eects, music, and recording features of GarageBand to
narrate a childrens story. This can be an original story students write or an existing book.
The story can then be burned on CD to be used with younger students at other schools.
Making Music—Science, History
Students can use GarageBand to produce soundtracks for movies or presentations in
which they express what they have learned in science or history. For example, for an
iMovie project about a eld trip they have taken to help restore a local creek, students
can compose music that reects feelings evoked by the water. They can then send the
composition to their iTunes library and students can add it to their movie.
Teach a Lesson—Math
Students can use GarageBand to create enhanced podcasts that explain concepts in math,
such as the Pythagorean theorem or complementary and supplementary angles. These
podcasts can then be used by other students in the class or shared on a website with
students and teachers around the world.
Quick Start
Recording Audio in GarageBand
Podcasts About the Past—World History
As students study dierent eras in World History, they can use GarageBand create
enhanced podcasts to teach others about that period; for example, an episode about the
dynasties of China or reasons for the fall of Rome. Students can include relevant images,
music from the era, as well as any songs they record to help memorize key facts.
© 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple TV, GarageBand iLife, iMovie, iPod, iTunes, and Mac are
trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. iTunes Store is a
service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.