2018-2019 MVC iPad/Electronics Device
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Monte Vista Christian School provides network and technology resources to empower
students to achieve their highest potential through Christ-centered educational
excellence. We use technology in ways that honor Christ, pursue His truth, and restore
this world to how it should be -- for His sake. Electronic devices are to be used in ways
that align with and actuate our values of Christ-centered relationships, character, and
understanding. The general rules and principles of MVC apply as a basis for good
decision making with regard to technology. It is the student’s responsibility to treat
technology and all fellow users with care and respect.
In 2018-2019, MVC has transitioned to a Bring Your Own iPad (BYOI) 1:1 program and
students will need to bring their own iPad to school. The list of models that are required
can be found on this web page.
The following are common questions and answers concerning iPads, followed by a note
to parents and a glossary of terms for your convenience.
Accounts and Passwords
Do I need to password protect my iPad?
You should password protect your iPad since your personal information is stored on the
device. Both the student and their parents should know the password and be able to
access the iPad at all times. Do not share your passcode with friends.
Do I need an Apple ID?
Yes, an Apple ID is needed to get apps from the App Store. It is also tied to other
services and features you will want to use, such as the option to backup Pages,
Keynote, and Numbers files automatically to iCloud Drive. This way, files created in
those programs will not be lost if you lose or damage your iPad. Also, you will be able to
turn on Find My iPad—this option will allow you to possibly find your iPad if it gets lost
or stolen. Finally, enabling the iCloud Backup feature will allow for an easy restore of all
your data should you get a new iPad or need to borrow a loaner.
Do I need to use my school assigned email?
Yes. All school communication needs to come from and will go to your
@students.mvcs.org account. Do not email your teachers or MVC staff from a personal
email address.
Standard Operating Procedures
When do I need to bring my iPad to School?
You will need to bring your iPad every day and to every class. You will be using it in
many different capacities, so you must always be prepared and have it fully charged at
the start of each day.
What happens if I’ve forgotten my iPad at home?
Go to the Help Desk located in the ARC before school, during break, or at lunch to
receive a loaner iPad. The availability of loaner iPads is limited and they will be issued
on a first come, first served basis and need to be returned at the end of the school day.
How do I avoid using up all the local storage on my iPad?
Most of your media should be stored in the cloud by using a service such as iCloud
Drive, Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive. This way, you can access your classwork at any
time and from any location and/or device. It also adds an extra layer of protection for
your files. You should install the app for one or more of these onto your iPad. These
apps are free and come with various limited amounts of free cloud storage, although
your school issued Google Drive does come with unlimited storage. You are responsible
for keeping/having enough local storage available to complete your school work.
How should I backup my iPad?
It is highly recommended that you use iCloud Backup to back up your iPad. You can
find this setting under Settings-->Apple ID (the topmost option that shows the name
used for your Apple ID)-->iCloud-->iCloud Backup.
What do I do if my iPad isn’t working correctly?
Bring it to the Help Desk located in the ARC. The ARC is often aware of current and
common issues, and may be able to help whether or not the device belongs to MVC.
However, we can only offer first-line support to family-owned devices. Any repairs
and/or replacements are the responsibility of the family.
What if my iPad is stolen?
First, you should contact the Police and report the theft. In order to avoid a disruption in
school work, you may report to the ARC for a loaner iPad while yours gets replaced.
What if I lose my iPad?
Log into iCloud.com from any machine and click on Find iPhone. You can also log into
the Find iPhone app from any iPad or iPhone. This will hopefully show you where your
iPad can be found on a map.
Am I responsible for the content on the iPad?
Yes. Apps that the school has installed on your iPad may not be deleted. Also, any apps
which the school has required you to install on your iPad must be present.
The use of media on electronics devices including your personal iPad is subject to
school policies as stated in the Parent/Student Handbook. Electronic devices, including
the iPad, may not be used in the following manner.
To threaten, harass, ridicule, provoke, humiliate, bully, cyberbully, sext, and
possess and/or distribute pornography. This may result in suspension or
expulsion from school (see MVCS Code of Conduct).
To access apps that use profane, sexually inappropriate or malicious media, as
well as apps that promote violence, drugs and gangs.
Students may be asked to remove any app on a personal device if it is deemed
inappropriate or becomes a distraction/disruption of the learning environment.
Can a MVC staff member check my iPad at any time?
Yes. A MVC staff member can, with reasonable cause, check your iPad.
What happens if I am using my iPad in class for non-academic purposes without
permission (for example gaming, personal email, music and social media).
First offense -- referral; second offense -- referral, parent contact and a detention;
third offense -- referral, parent contact and a three hour Friday detention assigned.
Any and all further offenses -- Student may be assigned an in-house suspension and
placed on a Discipline Probation Contract after a parent, student, and administrator
Am I allowed to use my iPad at breaks and lunch?
Yes. However, middle school students are only permitted to use the apps published on
the Middle School App White List. To request that an app be approved and added to the
White List, please email [email protected].
High school students may use the device as long as any usage, apps, and websites
align with our school values.
Can I turn Location Services, in Settings, off?
This is your decision, but if your iPad is lost, you can attempt to find it using “Find My
iPad”. Location Services needs to be turned on in order to do this, though. You can find
this setting under Settings-->Apple ID-->iCloud-->Find My iPad.
Location services will also add the convenience of automatically using your current
location in many apps, but it can also show others exactly where to find you. Most apps
will not share your exact location with others, but some do -- especially social media
apps. You should go through the apps listed under Settings-->Privacy-->Location
Services and consider if you really need to share your location with each of them. If you
don’t feel it’s necessary for a particular app, you can turn it off for that one.
Software and Media
What apps do I have to have on my iPad?
There are four processes you will be required to perform with your iPad at MVC:
1. Note Taking
2. Document Creation
3. Presentation Creation
4. Video Creation. 
MVC does not dictate software for these processes but we have suggested apps which
our Help Desk does support:
1. Note Taking: Notability
2. Document Creation: Google Docs
3. Presentation Creation: Keynote
4. Video Creation: iMovie
MVC may install some apps on your iPad that it has purchased. It is also possible that
throughout the school year, your teachers may instruct you to install additional apps.
What if I can’t access my iPad while at home?
Many assignments and textbooks can be accessed on a PC or iMac. For example,
Keynote allows exporting to PowerPoint format, Pages allows exporting and to Word’s
format, and Numbers allows exporting to Excel format. If you have a PC or iMac with
PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, you will still be able to work on an assignment this way.
G Suite (Slides, Docs etc.) can be accessed in a browser using your MVC issued
Google account. In addition, iCloud accounts now offer access to web versions of
Keynote, Pages, and Numbers. Therefore, you can log in to your iCloud.com from any
machine and access these web versions.
What about updates?
Updating is your responsibility. You will always be required to have the latest iOS
version on your iPad since you may need to access the latest features for your
schoolwork. Although, you may wait for an update to a major release, such as iOS 11,
iOS 12, etc., since there can be bugs that can affect you until the next update.
How do I take care of my iPad?
The same way you care for anything of value to you: keep it out of harm’s way; keep it
safe from theft; keep it clean; protect it. Do not leave your iPad in a backpack in a place
where the backpack can suffer impact or be stolen. We highly recommend a protective
case which can help protect it from accidental impact.
What happens if my battery is low, or dead?
The Help Desk, located in the ARC, has multiple charging stations. Drop your iPad off
for a recharge before school, during break, or at lunch. You, however, are responsible
for keeping your iPad charged for class. The ARC is to be used for emergency
recharging only, and this should not be a regular thing.
Should I bring a charger to school?
Charging your iPad throughout the day, and possibly evening, may be necessary.
Having your own charger with you is probably a good idea.
Can I use peripheral devices with my iPad?
Yes, you can use peripheral devices, such as keyboards, with your iPad.
Parental Responsibilities
As a parent of a MVC student, you are ultimately responsible for your child’s actions
and the use of all digital devices. Please review this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
carefully and discuss it with your student. This Acceptable Use Policy represents a living
document, which is subject to annual review by the related shareholders:
administrators, teachers, students, and parents. The purpose of this living document is
to provide safe guidelines that support and protect students, while at the same time
protecting the financial investment in the iPad. The iPad is only a tool; but it is a
valuable tool, which we believe, when used in accordance with the Acceptable Use
Policy (AUP), has the potential to maximize a student’s experience while attending
A service in iOS and macOS which allows the direct transfer of data
between two devices over Wifi or Bluetooth.
Storage that is not local to a device, which a user can access at any time,
from any device with internet access.
Transferring information out of an app.
Cloud based storage that Apple offers to all users. The initial amount of
free space is currently 5 GB. Additional space is available for an annual
fee. iCloud backs up an iPad’s content, which can be restored to a new
Transferring information into an App.
Inking or
The ability to physically write on a screen with a finger and/or stylus.
This is the iPad’s operating system: it is what runs the iPad and it also
includes built-in free Apps, such as Calendar, Maps, Mail, Safari, and
Portable Document Format file: PDFs can be opened on virtually any
Share information between devices.
Software patches, fixes and improvements that software developers
provide from time to time in order to improve software function and/or
eliminate bugs.
Revised 7/18