A Guide to developing a New Cardinal Experience for the next decade
The Student 2020 Plan, or The Plan, is a strategic initiative lead by student government
and endorsed by the student body to change SGA from an association that evaluates
problems annually into an institution that develops solutions aggregately. This 2020
Plan will extend from the 2010-2011 academic year through the 2020-2021 academic
years to create a campus community that allows students to thrive and develop in their
academics, social and community pursuits. The Plan is dedicated to creating a New
Cardinal Experience for the student body at UofL and attempts to measure specific
goals through tangible outcomes.
During the fall of 2009, students completed nearly 1,000 surveys that asked specifically
the importance of student issues regarding five key areas for student success: College
Affordability, Student Facilities, Academic Enrichment, Student Services and Student
Engagement. These surveys were used to develop the structure and focus of The Plan.
The issues that were discovered and the general means to tackle them are listed
below. This is not meant to be a strict and rigid requirement for student government of
the future to adhere to; rather a guide in answering the questions that students have
been asking for years. The issues in the 2020 Plan are divided into 5 general
categories: College Affordability, Student Facilities, Academic Enrichment,
Student Services and Student Engagement. Through these 5 areas, the student
experience at UofL can be changed. A New Cardinal Experience can emerge. The
Student 2020 Plan will take us there.
College Affordability
College Affordability, SGA President
As a student body, we are conscious of the fact that college costs money, time and
energy and we give those things at our own benefit or peril. There is no attempt to pass
higher education off as a right; but what must be acknowledged is that higher education
is an investment by all, for all. The Plan attempts to articulate this investment through
policy initiatives. College must be affordable, and affordability must be defined. When
colleges become unaffordable, universities bring in less revenue and contribute less
trained workers, less provided services and less community engagement. Costs must
be kept low; college must be kept affordable. This is a statewide issue. The execution of
this section of The Plan will largely be under the purview of the SGA President.
Initiative: Develop College Affordability Bill
State funding for higher education continues to go down. And when state funding goes
down, tuition and fees go up. Student Government is committed to launching a
statewide effort to force state government’s hand in keeping higher education
Goal: Establish an accepted statewide definition of “affordable” when discussing
college affordability. (2014)
Goal: A bill is signed into law with two provisions that states support for adequate
funding for higher education and an amendment to the state constitution that
state government must do its part to keep higher education affordable. (2016)
Initiative: Develop a unique competitive advantage for the University of Louisville
In order to keep tuition as slow as possible but improve services, academic quality and
degree worth, we must recruit the best students. Right now, there isn’t a well developed
marketing position for UofL in terms of targeting students across the country. Student
Government will advocate for the development of one.
Goal: Among staff, the administration and SGA, create agreed upon target
market initiatives to bring in the best quality students for graduate and
undergraduate programs. (2012)
Initiative: Enhance Board of Student Body Presidents’ role in Higher
The Board of Student Body Presidents is the statewide board made up of the 8 public
institutions of higher education in Kentucky. Those schools are UofL, UK, Murray State,
Morehead, Kentucky State, EKU, WKU and Northern Kentucky. The student voice can
be stronger across the state if these schools develop statewide programs to encourage
higher education support and college affordability initiatives. The programs below will
go statewide to ensure this progress.
Goal: Local “Rally” Event (2011)
Goal: Listen Up Legislators (2012)
Goal: Tax Services Program (2012)
Goal: Financial Literacy Program (an program dedicated dealing with purchasing
cheap books and students dealing with credit card companies (2013)
Student Facilities
Student Facilities, SGA Executive Vice-President
Students require facilities that allow them to explore and enhance their college
experience. In order for facilities to stay abreast of current student desires and
interests, new buildings must be built and current buildings must be renovated. As the
university continues to improve in quality, so too must our academic space, cultural
tolerance and recreational avenues improve. All of these are set aside for new building
projects in The Plan. The execution of this section of The Plan will largely be under the
purview of the Executive Vice-President.
Initiative: Create a new Student Recreational Facility
A new center for recreational activity would vastly improve the student experience. Our
current facility is outdated, uncomfortable, and unsuitable for the growing population
student population at UofL. Student Government has advocated for the building of a
new one.
Goal: Open new Student Recreational Facility (2013)
Initiative: Improve the current Student Activities Center
The Student Activities Center, built in 1990, needs significant renovation and
expansion. With a new recreational center in the works, there will be space that can
potentially be turned into meeting areas, dining facilities, or another type of space that
students are asking for.
Goal: Completed SAC expansion and renovation (2016)
Initiative: Build a new Academic Building on Belknap Campus
As our student population continues to grow and the quality of our students continues to
improve, we need to be sure we are keeping up with the improvement in academic
Goal: Open new Academic Building (2015)
Initiative: Build a new Cultural Center on Belknap Campus
Diversity is one of the stable principles of the University of Louisville. In order to stay
true to this mission, a new, inviting and inclusive center for students of all backgrounds
must be built on campus. Student Government will advocate for it.
Goal: Open a new Cultural Center on Belknap Campus (2017)
Academic Enrichment
Academic Enrichment, SGA Academic-Vice President
A quality classroom and advising experience are paramount in student success.
According the student surveys taken in fall 2009 that were used to develop this plan,
student listed faculty evaluations, grading policy and blackboard usage as top issues.
Students also mentioned quality advising as a growing area of concern; developing
comprehensive reform in all of these areas is of particular importance in developing the
student experience. A poor system in these areas directly leads to retention issues. The
Plan offers ways faculty, students and administrators can work together to improve
these areas.
Initiative: Increase faculty Blackboard usage
Students actively use blackboard to check grades, find assignments, and communicate
with classmates. Blackboard can be a great tool that professors can use to enhance
the classroom experience and improve the overall quality of classroom instruction.
Goal: Define specifically how Blackboard is to be used by faculty and include
Blackboard usage or the University equivalent system at the time in the faculty
evaluation process (2016)
Initiative: Reevaluate Faculty Evaluations
Students are able to critique their classroom experience by submitting evaluations.
Student Government will ensure that students are more included in the evaluation
process, and that their concerns are addressed.
Goal: Create an agreed upon system between administration, faculty and SGA
on faculty evaluation (2016)
Initiative: Improve Advising
Advising is a very crucial service provided to students. Advisors maintain the
movement towards graduation for students. Student Government will work to make
sure that a system is developed that works most efficiently to this aim.
Goal: Among advising staff, administration and SGA, create an agreed upon
integrated advising system, which includes measures of accountability and a
unified education program for advisors (2015)
Initiative: Lower the cost of books for students
Book costs are one of the major rising costs for students at UofL. Many ways to deal
with this issue include educating professors on the cheapest books to purchase,
developing book swap programs between students, and keeping all members of the
UofL community aware of the issue.
Goal: Create a campaign to share with department chairs to raise awareness of
book costs and the burden this places on students (2011)
Goal: Develop a formal partnership between SGA and a discount textbook
vendor (2012)
Goal: Create sustainable campus-wide book swap program (2013)
Initiative: Develop Consistency in the Faculty Grading Policy
Many students are upset with the inconsistency in the grading policy. Depending on the
professor, students taking the same class and get the same numerical score end up
with a different letter grade. Student Government will work with faculty to develop
consistency methods.
Goal: Ensure course level consistency for +/- grading system (2012)
Initiative: Define how to be a Successful U of L Student
When students first come to the University of Louisville, they have no idea what it takes
to succeed here. The general education courses that each respective college has are
great opportunities to teach how to be a successful student.
Goal: Overhaul current Gen 101 programs to create an integrated course that
explains academic services at UofL like Career Development Center, REACH,
facilities, etc. (2014)
Student Services
Student Services, SGA Services Vice-President
The very nature of college suggests that students are in an atmosphere that mimics the
convenience of a home environment. Quality and convenience of services are not only
encouraged by students, but required in order to provide the best student experience
available. The Plan suggests many different ways the university can improve the quality
of its services for students.
Initiative: Improve Campus Safety
The safety of our students at the University of Louisville is one of the most important
roles of leaders at our institution, Student Government included. We will work to
develop and strengthen several programs to improve student safety on campus.
Goal: Improve Escort System Efficiency (2011)
Goal: Incentivize students to get RAVE or the university equivalent (2014)
Goal: Highlighted campus walkways (2016)
Goal: 50-55 DPS officers on campus (2020)
Initiative: Increase Student Parking
As students continue to commute to the University of Louisville and have hometowns
outside of Louisville, a location to park cars and other vehicles remains important.
Student Government is committed to pushing for new parking structures on campus.
Goal: New Parking Garage for West Side of Campus (2013)
Goal: Develop integrative system for bike usage on campus (2015)
Initiative: Improve Dining Services
Dining services is important to students. Students request that if we must pay for dining
services, then we must receive as many quality options for healthy, affordable food and
services as possible.
Goal: Fully Developed Meal Plan Transfer System (2011)
Goal: Student Usage of Meal Card off campus (2014)
Goal: Farmer’s Market on Belknap Campus (2015)
Initiative: Improve Sustainability Measures
Using energy efficiency is a new issue that has become a central focus for UofL. In an
effort to improve student awareness of the issue and make our campus cleaner, SGA
will work to develop programs to make our campus more sustainable.
Goal: Develop Campus-wide Recycling Program (2012)
Goal: A-rating for Student Involvement on Green Report Card (2014)
Goal: Develop integrative system for bike usage on campus (2015)
Initiative: Improve Student Health Services
Starting in June, Student Health Services will be located to Cardinal Station on
street. Student Government is committed to working with Student Health to make
sure we benefit as best we can from this move.
Goal: Determine the relationship between student health programming and
SGA (2011)
Student Engagement
Student Engagement
The culture of campus is defined differently by different students. In the surveys taken
that helped develop this student plan mainly revolved around issues concerning
diversity initiatives, athletics excitement, student programs, spirit and traditions and
engagement. The Plan provides opportunities for development in these areas.
Initiative: Develop a formal body of RSO representation in SGA
Each student at UofL indentifies more closely with different groups than others. Since
SGA is the chief advocate for student concerns, it is important that the structure of SGA
is able to best reflect its constituency. In order to do that, a different representative
must be established.
Goal: Formal Body in SGA that represents underrepresented groups
(commuters, RSOs, etc.) (2013)
Initiative: Enhance Student Programming/Support CPC and SAB funding
The same way students indentify differently, so too do we want different programming.
SAB must be able to provide programming for general student fanfare; RSOs must have
the financial support to provide funding that is particular to their constituency.
Goal: Establish list of “Cardinal Events” for traditional excitement. Include non-
SAB events (2011)
Goal: Develop program to help RSOs plan events and spend money
wisely (2012)
Goal: Increase IFC, Panhellenic and NPHC Greek membership to 20% of the
student population (2020)
Initiative: Establish a UofL Concert Series
Every year students complain about not having concerts from nationally recording
artists. Student Government will develop, and commit to providing the resources to
establishing a concert series program on campus.
Goal: Create a concert RSO (2011)
Goal: Host first concert (2013)
Goal: Become profitable (2015)
Initiative: Enhance UofL Spirit and Traditions
The “fanhood” for spirit and traditions at a university is one of the most important
aspects of improving student life. With a student body that is passionate about the
student experience, it will be very beneficial to improving services, classroom quality
and other issues. Therefore, there is a full list of programs and initiatives student
government is going to launch in the coming years.
Goal: Start a Cash Cab like program to improve spirit and traditions on UofL
basketball and football game days (2011)
Goal: Create a Sprit and Traditions book highlighting UofL traditions that will be
available in the UofL Bookstore for purchase (2012)
Goal: Festival Seating at Basketball Games (2012)
Goal: Annual sports games apparel that all students wear to basketball and
football games (2013)
Goal: Establish better basketball and football game student tailgate areas and
shuttle services (2014)
Goal: Sport Administration Scholarship Program to promote the relationship
between the student body and students athletics. This program will also highlight
our Sport Administration program, which is one of the best in the country. These
students will also work specifically on spirit initiatives, the ticket lottery and other
initiatives. (2014)
Goal: All students will know the UofL Fight Songs, Alma Mater and CARDS
Cheer (2020)
Initiative: Improve Alumni Program
When students graduate, they become alumni. Our alumni relations are a great way to
develop a stronger relationship with past students, potential donors and the ever
expanding UofL community to improve the student experience.
Goal: Among university administration, SGA, and the Alumni Association,
develop an agreed upon model for student and alumni relations (2011)
Initiative: Increase Civic and Community Engagement
Students at UofL have always been interested in serving the community and being
active in political activities. Student Government is a great avenue for vehicle for
political action at the student level; SGA also wants to incorporate community
engagement in the student experience.
Goal: Create a culminating, comprehensive service project for UofL students
that works in conjunction with Book-in-Common, Ideas 2 Action, and other UofL
service initiatives (2014)
Goal: Improve SGA election turnout to 50% of UofL student population (2020)