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How to write a good
Data in Brief article
[January 2016]
Hao-Ran Wang, PhD
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Editor-in-Chief of Data in Brief
How to write a good Data in Brief article 2
How to write a good
Data in Brief article
Scientists across all disciplines create a wealth of data in
many formats, of which only a small percentage is
disseminated via the publication of peer-reviewed
research articles. Many disciplines and funding bodies
are beginning to mandate data sharing as a standard
component of scientic dissemination. Launched in 2014,
the multidisciplinary journal Data in Brief addresses this
need by providing a venue to describe any data from any
eld that may be useful to another researcher.
Its data articles are dierent from research articles or
even short communications. The data is not judged on its
signicance but on its utility and potential reuse. Null/
negative and intermediate results (or in this case the data
underlying those) are acceptable Data in Brief material as
long as they are truthful.
Data articles are reviewed for clarity and completeness. If
the data is solid and useful, some minor revisions may be
needed, but authors are not requested to re-run their
experiments or generate a new dataset and then resubmit.
The peer-review process is transparent, and generally much
faster than for a research paper.
The articles ensure your data, which may otherwise remain
unpublished or be buried in supplementary material, is
citable, actively reviewed, curated, formatted, indexed, and
publicly available to all upon publication.
Overleaf we cover some useful tips to bear in mind when
writing a data article for Data in Brief.
How to write a good Data in Brief article 3
In general
Do: Don’t:
The journal Data in Brief publishes a
very specific article type that allows you
to describe and share data.
Follow the Data in Brief template to
prepare your article.
Remove all submission instructions.
Use the word ‘datathroughout your
data article wherever possible.
Spell out acronyms and abbreviations.
Include enough information so that
your data article can be read on its own.
Data articles published by Data in Brief
are not mini-research papers or short
Don’t include a Conclusion, Discussion
or Summary section.
Don’t use words such as 'study, 'results',
'conclusions', etc.
Don’t provide excessive background
information but refer to published
articles whenever possible.
Data in Brief is primarily a venue to
describe original data rather than new
The title should be unique and focus
on the data you are sharing.
If possible use the words ‘data’,
dataset’, etc. in the title.
Don’t use the same title as an existing
research paper.
Don’t use words such as ‘effects’,
evidence’, ‘response’, ‘implications’,
‘influenceetc. in the title.
The abstract should be purely
descriptive and describe the contents
of the data article.
If the data article is related to a
research article, include the
abbreviated reference in the abstract.
Don’t copy the abstract from a research
Don’t describe any related research
article, results, or provide too much
Fill in the fields in the Specifications
Remove all instructions from the table.
If a field is not applicable, leave it
blank (e.g. data source location).
Keep the fields in the table brief.
If your dataset is deposited in a public
repository, include the link in ‘Data
accessibility’. It is not necessary to
reproduce the data in the Data in Brief
Don’t leave the examples provided in the
table or they may end up in your final
Don’t include too much information in
for example the “Experimental Factors”
and “Experimental Features” fields.
Instead move the details to the Materials
and Methods in the text.
Don’t include links to data in
repositories that are behind a firewall.
Value of the
Value of the Data should include 3-5
broad, general, short bullet points.
Put into perspective the utility of the
data beyond what you used it for in
your own research.
Explain how/why the data you are
sharing in this Data in Brief article
could be generically valuable to the
scientific community, with an eye
towards possibly opening up doors for
new collaborations.
Don’t offer interpretative statements or
conclusions about the data nor state the
value of this data relative to any related
research study.
Don’t make conclusions about any data
not presented in your data article.
How to write a good Data in Brief article 4
Do: Don’t:
Provide a brief description of the data
and its context.
If possible, include the raw data beside
statistical analysis.
For data to be more effective, we
encourage better presentation,
visualization as well as quantification of
the data, images etc.
Add captions to figures and tables.
Your data can be either included with
the article, or deposited in a repository.
The data should not be published
previously in a research paper or in its
supplementary material.
Don’t copy and paste figures, data or
tables from a research paper. Instead
add a reference to published data in
other articles.
Datasets reported in the Data in Brief
article should result from experiment or
observation rather than e.g. computer
Materials and
Give the essential information to
understand the data/how the data was
Include only information directly
relevant to the data being shared. Add
additional detail as necessary.
Add equations or enough information
to explain how derived data or
statistics were generated.
Don’t copy and paste the entire
Materials & Methods section from a
research paper. These may not all be
relevant to the data article.
Cite related work in the literature
where appropriate.
If your article was transferred to Data
in Brief via another Elsevier journal,
ensure that you have cited your main
research article.
Don’t cite articles that aren’t directly
relevant to the Data in Brief article.
Data in Brief datasets can vary from very small to very large; for example, a data
article can deal with one single dataset, image or table or it may simply describe a
very large dataset deposited in a public repository.
All data described in an article submitted to Data in Brief must be made publicly avail-
able. This can be via:
1. The article. You can upload datasets as individual zip les during the submission
process in our electronic submission system, but the system may not be able to
process very large datasets.
2. Public repositories. There are many public repositories to which you can upload
your datasets, some of which are eld specic. See our list of supported data
3. Mendeley Data. If you aren’t sure where exactly you should put your data, or you
have data that falls outside of the data accepted by the established repository in
your eld, you can upload your les to Mendeley Data which has a limit of 10GB
per dataset (uploading and labelling each individual .zip le would be best here).
How to write a good Data in Brief article 5
Mendeley Data, with which Data in Brief is collaborating, is free for the journal’s
authors. If you choose this route, you upload all your data les into Mendeley
Data without hitting ‘publish. This means the editor and reviewers can look at
your data during the review process (and you can still make changes to the data
and metadata), but the data is not yet publicly available. Then, when you submit
your nal, revised version, you can formally publish your dataset on Mendeley
Data, which makes it fully open access to everyone, and provides the nal dataset
DOI in your Data in Brief article. The two will be both linked and archived after
Many roads to publishing data articles
A growing number of participating Elsevier journals give authors the option to
convert supplementary data into a data article that they co-submit to the journal
Data in Brief alongside their research article. If the research article is accepted for
publication, it is sent directly to Data in Brief for a nal editorial review. The research
article and the data article are then linked on the ScienceDirect platform.
And of course, a data article can be always submitted directly to Data in Brief:
1. Fill in this template
2. Submit the document to the journal’s online submission system
3. See also our Data in Brief FAQ.
Finally, there are a number of other Elsevier journals that publish data articles. While
the general tips for writing Data in Brief articles in this guide usually apply to these
publications, please note they may have their own templates and specic instructions.
We recommend you always check the journal’s homepage for further details.