VOLUME 9 ISSUE 6 2013 201
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Oxytocin – a system activator
xytocin, a small peptide of just nine
amino acids, is normally associated
with labour and the milk ejection reflex.
However, oxytocin is not only a hormone
but also a neurotransmitter and a
paracrine substance in the brain
. During
breastfeeding it is released into the brain of
both mother and infant where it induces a
great variety of functional responses.
Through three different release pathways
FIGURE 1), oxytocin functions rather like a
system activator and often influences the
release of other signalling substances such
as opioids, serotonin, dopamine and
noradrenaline. Through these activations,
different behavioural and physiological
effects are facilitated and coordinated into
adaptive patterns, which are influenced by
the type of stimuli and environmental
Through the endogenous release of
oxytocin or its administration, for example
by nasal spray in humans, various types of
socially interactive behaviours can be
stimulated. These include maternal and
sexual behaviours as well as the develop-
ment of bonding and attachment
Oxytocin stimulates well-being, it induces
anti-stress effects, decreases sensitivity to
pain, decreases inflammation and
stimulates processes related to growth and
healing. In addition, repeated exposure to
oxytocin may give rise to long-term effects
by influencing the production or function
of other signalling systems. For example,
noradrenergic activity in the brain
may decrease as a consequence of the
Oxytocin effects in mothers and infants
during breastfeeding
Oxytocin integrates the function of several body systems and exerts many effects in mothers
and infants during breastfeeding. This article explains the pathways of oxytocin release and
reviews how oxytocin can affect behaviour due to its parallel release into the blood circulation
and the brain. Oxytocin levels are higher in the infant than in the mother and these levels are
affected by mode of birth. The importance of skin-to-skin contact and its association with
breastfeeding and mother-infant bonding is discussed.
Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg
Professor of Physiology
Swedish University of Agriculture
Danielle K. Prime
Breastfeeding Research Associate
Medela AG, Baar, Switzerland
oxytocin; breastfeeding; skin-to-skin;
anti-stress; milk ejection; bonding
Key points
Uvnäs Moberg K., Prime D.K. Oxytocin
effects in mothers and infants during
breastfeeding. Infan t 2013; 9(6): 201-06.
1. Oxytocin is released in the mother and
infant during breastfeeding and skin-to-
skin contact.
2. Milk ejection patterns vary between
3. Oxytocin is released into circulating
blood and brain structures, in parallel.
4. Oxytocin levels are higher in the infant
than in the mother and differ with
mode of birth.
increased function of inhibitory alpha-2
The regulation of the release of oxytocin
is complex and can be affected by different
types of sensory inputs, by hormones such
as oestrogen and even by the oxytocin
molecule itself. This article will focus on
four major sensory input nervous
pathways (
FIGURES 2 and 3) activated by:
1. Sucking of the mother’s nipple, in which
the sensory nerves originate in the
2. Sucking in the infant, in which the
sensory nerves originate in the infant
oral mucosa.
3. The presence of food in the
gastrointestinal tract, affecting vagal
sensory nerves.
4. Skin-to-skin contact in both mothers
and infants, in which the sensory nerves
that originate in the skin respond to
warmth, touch, stroking and light
The mother
Milk ejection
Oxytocin is critical for milk removal in,
perhaps, its most renowned role: the milk
ejection reflex. Following sucking, the
release of oxytocin causes the contraction
of myoepithelial cells in the breast pushing
milk from the alveoli, through the milk
ducts and toward the nipple.
In general, it takes around a minute of
infant sucking or stimulation with a breast
pump before milk ejection occurs
Interestingly, the milk ejection reflex can be
202 VOLUME 9 ISSUE 6 2013
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easily conditioned and many women can
experience spontaneous milk ejections
between feeds
as the sight, thought,
sound and smell of the infant (or even a
breast pump in pump-dependent mothers)
can cause milk ejection and dripping of
milk from the nipples. Indeed, it is
common that milk ejection occurs prior to
the physical attachment of the infant or a
breast pump
Milk ejection can be associated with
different sensations that vary dramatically
between women. These may be localised to
the breast such as a ‘drawing’ pain or
tingling, to more systemic sensations such
as nausea, thirst, fainting or even mental
anxiety and depression
Sucking- and pumping-induced
oxytocin release has been described as
. On average, oxytocin pulses
occur with 90-second intervals over the
first 10 minutes of breastfeeding in the first
few days after birth
. The amount of
oxytocin that is released within a 10
minute breastfeed is much higher at four
months when compared to four days after
FIGURE 1 The release of oxytocin from the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei
of the hypothalamus. Magnocellular neurons in the SON and PVN release oxytocin centrally
and peripherally from the posterior pituitary, resulting in effects that include milk ejection and
uterine contraction. Parvocellular neurons, located in the PVN, project axons directly into brain
structures involved in the regulation of social interaction, anxiety, the activity of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, well-being and the autonomic nervous system (eg the
amygdala, hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, nucleus accumbens, nucleus tractus solitarius and
the dorsal vagal motor nucleus).
Magnocellular neurons
Central oxytocin release:
Dendritic extracellular diffusion
Parvocellular neurons
Central oxytocin release:
Axons project into brain
structures and spinal cord
Axons of
parvocellular neurons
nucleus (PVN)
nucleus (SON)
Axons of
Peripheral oxytocin release:
Axonal release into blood to
target distant organs
birth, but there is still a strong correlation
between the amount of oxytocin released
on the two occasions within individual
One pulse of oxytocin is generally
associated with one milk ejection and there
is a relationship between the amount of
oxytocin released and the number of
oxytocin pulses during the first 10 minutes
of breastfeeding
. The number of milk
ejections during breastfeeding ranges from
one to 17 over a period of up to 25
. Similarly, pulsatile patterns of
two to 14 milk ejections are seen during a
15 minute breast expression
. The simil-
arity between the milk ejection pattern
resulting from breastfeeding and breast
pumping is demonstrated in
Tracking an individual mother over
time, it appears that her pattern of milk
ejection repeats throughout the first nine
months of lactation
. If a mother has two
or three milk ejections she will continue
that pattern, removing all her milk in these
brief episodes. Other mothers may follow a
more constant pulsing profile in that they
have continuous milk ejections throughout
the milk removal session. Both of these
patterns can remove similar volumes of
milk successfully, but the second scenario
would require more time to reach that
same level of milk removal
. Similar
repeatability has been observed in
individual infants at successive breast-
; these mother-derived patterns may
explain why some infants are quick feeders
and others take a bit more time.
Oxytocin-induced effects in the brain
It is not known why mothers have such
varied milk ejection patterns but, since
oxytocin is involved in so many functions,
these release patterns may not only impact
on milk removal. Systemic oxytocin release
and its release into the brain may result in
many other outcomes involving
breastfeeding and mother-infant
interactions. For example, breastfeeding in
mothers is associated with physiological
and psychological adaptations including:
Increased social interaction
Decreased anxiety
Decreased cortisol levels
Decreased blood pressure
Increased gastrointestinal tract
These effects are exerted in the brain but
are associated with circulating oxytocin
levels, supporting the concept that
oxytocin is released systemically and into
the brain in parallel, as has previously been
demonstrated in sheep in response to
The infant
Infants produce oxytocin too and in fact,
the production of oxytocin begins in the
fetus. An understanding of the infant
oxytocin system is complicated by
difficulties in collecting repeat blood
samples and measuring circulating
oxytocin levels in the newborn.
Nevertheless, some studies exist in which
oxytocin levels have been measured in the
newborn while other studies have
demonstrated the release of oxytocin
indirectly via expression of oxytocin-linked
effect patterns. Information can also be
drawn from animal experiments, as
oxytocin exerts similar effect patterns in all
Infant oxytocin levels are affected by the
mode of delivery
In infants born by vaginal delivery,
oxytocin levels in umbilical arterial blood
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 6 2013 203
inf ant
were actually higher than in infants
born by caesarean section: 69pg/mL
(range 20-315pg/mL) vs 33pg/mL
(range 9-195pg/mL), respectively. Mothers
also had higher oxytocin levels if they
delivered vaginally, compared to caesarean
section. In the first 30 minutes after birth,
infants (born both vaginally and by
caesarean) had higher oxytocin levels than
those of mothers: approximately 30pg/mL
(range 13-158pg/mL). Over subsequent
hours and days the differences due to
mode of birth diminish, yet infants will
maintain a higher oxytocin level than their
mothers (
FIGURE 5). In addition, oxytocin
levels recorded postpartum in infants born
vaginally correlate inversely with fetal
arterial pH and also with the duration of
labour. This suggests that the elevated
oxytocin levels recorded postpartum are
linked to the stress of being born (Bystrova
et al 2013, unpublished results)
Ingestion of oxytocin from maternal milk
Human milk contains many different
hormones and growth factors and it also
contains small amounts of oxytocin. The
concentration of oxytocin in maternal milk
is approximately 8pg/mL in the first few
days after birth and then decreases with
increased milk production. Even if the
ingested oxytocin was able to survive the
acid milieu of the stomach and was
absorbed from the small intestine of the
fetus, the dilution within the circulation
would limit any significant rise of oxytocin
levels. It would also be unlikely that
transport to the brain would occur because
of the blood-brain-barrier.
Oxytocin release by sucking
While the intake of oxytocin from human
milk has negligible effects, sucking in
newborns is associated with infant
oxytocin release. In calves, the act of
sucking at the udder is associated with a
rise in oxytocin levels but not when
drinking/lapping milk from a bucket
. This
effect is caused by activation of sensory
nerves in the oral mucosa during sucking.
Furthermore, oxytocin is released when
milk reaches the gastrointestinal tract
FIGURE 3). Food intake is linked to release
of the gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK)
which, via activation of the afferent
(sensory) vagal nerve fibres, triggers
oxytocin release
. In support of this, infant
plasma levels of CCK have been shown to
rise during breastfeeding
FIGURE 3 The ingestion of food into the infant’s stomach can trigger oxytocin release. Food
intake results in the release of the gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which, via activation of
sensory vagal nerve fibres, results in central and peripheral oxytocin release. (Image © Medela.)
FIGURE 2 Different kinds of sensory nerves can release oxytocin during mother-infant
interaction. While various sensory nerves can initiate this pathway, the nucleus tractus
solitarius (NTS) acts as a common relay station for sensory input to the oxytocin-producing
paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei. (Image © Medela.)
Skin-to-skin contact
Mother’s breast
Infant oral mucosa
Oxytocin release into
brain structures
Sensory nerves enter the
spinal cord/brainstem and
connect to the NTS
Oxytocin release into
brain structures
Milk entering the stomach
Vagal sensory nerve
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
The mother and infant
Skin-to-skin contact
Oxytocin can be released by activation of
several types of sensory nerves originating
from the skin, nipples, gastrointestinal tract
and urogenital tract. Light pressure,
warmth and stroking contribute to
oxytocin release caused by ‘pleasant’ or
‘non-noxious sensory stimulation of the
When newborn infants are put on their
204 VOLUME 9 ISSUE 6 2013
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FIGURE 4 Examples
of the pulsatile
patterns of milk
ejection during
breastfeeding and
breast expression.
Graph A
demonstrates four
pulses measured
during a breastfeed
by monitoring the
size of the milk duct
with ultrasound; as
milk is ejected
through the ductal
system the milk duct diameter expands (image courtesy of Dr Donna Geddes, Australia). Graph
B demonstrates four pulses measured during breast expression by monitoring the rate of flow
of milk; as milk is ejected through the ductal system the milk flow rate increases.
mother’s chest immediately after birth,
oxytocin is released into the maternal
circulation (
FIGURE 2). The effect is, in part,
linked to massage of the breasts by the
. However, the oxytocin release that
is induced by skin-to-skin contact does not
occur in short pulses in the same way as
oxytocin induced by sucking, but rather in
a few protracted pulses. It is not associated
with milk ejection, but may instead ‘prime
the ensuing breastfeeding interaction.
It has not yet been demonstrated that
peripheral oxytocin levels rise in response
to skin-to-skin contact in human
newborns. Even if circulating oxytocin
levels do not rise, it may be assumed that
oxytocin levels increase in the infant brain
in response to these types of stimuli. In the
following sections a number of effect
patterns, both short- and long-term will be
described. These can be attributed to
oxytocin release and/or function in the
brain and are triggered in both the mother
and the infant during breastfeeding and
skin-to-skin contact.
Social interaction, well-being and
stress levels
When the mother and the newborn infant
are placed in skin-to-skin contact after
birth, the infant expresses an inborn
breast-seeking behaviour – a ‘social
approach behaviour’
. Both mother and
infant become more socially interactive
and synchronise their interactions
Mother and infant become calmer, the
infant cries less, the pain threshold
increases, cortisol levels decrease and skin
temperature of the mother’s breast and of
the infant increases
. As discussed below,
these effects are likely to involve oxytocin
release in the brain.
Oxytocin and inhibition of stress
It is well known that cortisol release is
controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) axis. In this mechanism of
interactions, corticotrophin releasing factor
(CRF) released from the hypothalamus,
stimulates the release of adrenocortico-
trophic hormone (ACTH) from the
anterior pituitary, which in turn releases
cortisol into the circulation from the
adrenal cortex. Oxytocin can inhibit the
function of the HPA axis at each of these
What is not well-known is that
noradrenergic neurons originating in the
locus coeruleus (LC) and the nucleus
tractus solitarius (NTS) in the brainstem,
exert a powerful influence on the activity
of the HPA axis by stimulating production
of CRF in the hypothalamus and activity in
the sympathetic nervous system. Oxytocin
may decrease stress levels by counteracting
the activity in these noradrenergic
pathways: administration of oxytocin or
the release of oxytocin from oxytocinergic
nerves that terminate in the LC and the
NTS, increases the number or function of
inhibitory alpha-2 adrenoceptors located
on the noradrenergic neurons
This type of oxytocin-linked, anti-stress
pattern is facilitated in certain situations,
for example, when the skin is exposed to
touch, warmth and light pressure, which
explains why mothers and newborn infants
experiencing skin-to-skin contact exhibit a
marked anti-stress pattern. The high levels
of oxytocin seen in both mothers and
infants after vaginal birth (
FIGURE 5) may
play an important role.
Bonding and attachment
The act of sucking may also enhance
bonding between mothers and newborn
infants and the infant’s attachment to their
mother. In support of this, newborn lambs
that are allowed to suck at the udder soon
after birth recognise and follow their
mothers more quickly than those that are
separated from their mothers in the early
days after birth
. It seems that neural
reflexes induced from the oral mucosa by
the touching of the nipple (
FIGURE 2) and
also the presence of colostrum in the
gastrointestinal tract are involved in the
creation of this primitive ‘attachment’
behaviour (
Long-term effects
Research has shown that mothers who
have breastfed for several weeks have lower
basal, systolic and diastolic blood pressure
and also lower stress reactivity. This
supports the existence of a long-term, anti-
stress influence of oxytocin in humans.
The finding of a reduced risk for certain
kinds of cardiovascular disease and type 2
diabetes in mothers who have breastfed, is
further support of the connection between
repeated exposure to endogenous oxytocin
and long-term, anti-stress effects
The act of skin-to-skin contact between
mother and infant during the first two
hours after birth has been associated with
long-term outcomes. These include
enhanced interaction between mother and
infant and a better ability to handle stress
24 6 810
Milk ejections during breast expression
Milk ejections during breastfeeding
Milk duct diameter increase (mm)
Milk flow rate (g/s)
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 6 2013 205
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in the infant – effects which may be
measured as long as one year after birth
As an example of a mechanism behind
these long-term effects, decreased levels of
anxiety and increased social interaction
seen in rats exposed to extra sensory stim-
ulation after birth has been attributed to an
increased production/function of oxytocin
receptors in the amygdala. The anti-stress
effects have been attributed to a decreased
function of the HPA axis
Medical interventions during birth
It can be concluded that oxytocin
stimulates socially interactive behaviour
and induces anti-stress effects and that
these effects may become long lasting if
induced early in life. Many medical
interventions during birth interfere with
spontaneous oxytocin release. For example:
Caesarean section may be linked to a
reduced oxytocin release during labour
(or none at all if there is no labour)
Epidural analgesia may be linked to
reduced oxytocin release as the Ferguson
reflex is partly blocked
Infusions of oxytocin may influence
spontaneous oxytocin release via a feed-
back inhibitory mechanism.
Recent data suggest that such effects can be
documented at two days after birth
Development of secure attachment
Oxytocin release is easily conditioned and,
after a while, its release and the consequent
oxytocin-related effects will be triggered in
the infant by just the sight, voice or smell
of the mother. With time, the infant may
learn to hold the ‘image’ of its mother even
when she is not present and in this way the
infant may remain calm and happy even
when alone. Only when the infant becomes
fearful does it need to return to the secure
base, or in physiological terms, receive
activation of sensory nerves from the skin,
when being held close by the mother (or
another caregiver) to become happy and
calm again. In the long-term, the function
of the oxytocin system may become well
established in those infants receiving
closeness and friendly encounters by
primary caregivers: a chronic state of
satisfaction and calm develops – secure
Oxytocin is an integral component of
many body systems with long-term
implications for both mother and baby. It
is not only involved in milk ejection from
the mother, but is also a key hormone for
the infant and can be influenced by skin-
to-skin contact and birthing practices.
Consolidation of current understanding
of oxytocin should encourage consider-
ation of the value of the natural
interaction between mother and infant,
at and after birth.
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Oxytocin levels
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Vaginal (IV)
C-Section (IC)
Vaginal (MV)
C-Section (MC)
Oxytocin level in
human milk (OM)
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• Service innovations: ."' 0,+,'*,,!)()-.*,+*,"'0.)*0
£299 each $.0/,,"#' )-
£284 each $.0/,,"#' )-
Responding to and Driving
Neonatal Service Changes
• Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation
• Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
• Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
• Northern Neonatal Network
• Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust
• East of England Perinatal Network
Take away inspiration from:
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)#,01732 89 77 88 '.#,[email protected]
Plus: 
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