Finance and Economics Discussion Series
Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
On the Effect of Student Loans on Access to Homeownership
Alvaro A. Mezza, Daniel R. Ringo, Shane M. Sherlund, and
Kamila Sommer
Please cite this pap er as:
Mezza, Alvaro, Daniel R. Ringo, Shane M. Sherlund, and Kamila Sommer (2016). “On
the Effect of Student Loans on Access to Homeownership,” Finance and Economics Dis-
cussion Series 2016-010. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
NOTE: Staff working papers in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) are preliminary
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On the Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Alvaro Mezza
Daniel Ringo
Shane Sherlund
Kamila Sommer
November 2015
This paper estimates the effect of student loan debt on subsequent homeownership
in a uniquely constructed administrative data set for a nationally representative cohort
aged 23 to 31 in 2004 and followed over time, from 1997 to 2010. Our unique data
combine anonymized individual credit bureau data with college enrollment histories
and school characteristics associated with each enrollment spell, as well as several
other data sources. To identify the causal effect of student loans on homeownership,
we instrument for the amount of the individual’s student loan debt using changes to the
in-state tuition rate at public 4-year colleges in the student’s home state. We find that
a 10 percent increase in student loan debt causes a 1 to 2 percentage point drop in the
homeownership rate for student loan borrowers during the first five years after exiting
school. Validity tests suggest that the results are not confounded by local economic
conditions or non-random selection into the estimation sample.
We would like to thank to Neil Bhutta and Christina Wang, and to the participants of the 2014 Federal
System Macro Conference in New Orleans, 2015 Federal System Micro Conference in Dallas, and the Spring
2015 HULM Conference at the Washington University St. Louis for helpful feedback. Taha Ahsin provided
excellent research assistance. The analysis and conclusions contained in this paper are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, its members,
or its staff.
Federal Reserve Board, email: Alv[email protected]
Federal Reserve Board, email: [email protected]
Federal Reserve Board, email: [email protected]
Federal Reserve Board, email: [email protected]
1 Introduction
Over the past ten years, the real amount of student debt owed by American households more
than doubled, from about $450 billion to more than $1.1 trillion, with average real debt per
borrower increasing from about $19,000 to $27,000.
During the same period, the U.S.
homeownership rate declined markedly amidst the housing market bust and the financial
crisis: from 69 percent in 2005 to 64 percent in 2014.
The declines in homeownership
have been the largest (both in relative and absolute terms) among young households—a
population segment that owes the preponderance of the outstanding student loan debt. For
example, the homeownership rate for households between ages 24 and 32 declined by 9
percentage points (from 45 to 36 percent) between 2005 and 2014, nearly twice as large
as the 5 percentage point drop in homeownership for the overall population. Against this
backdrop, market commentary has suggested that increases in student loan debt might be a
key factor pushing homeownership rates down in recent years through effects on borrowers’
ability to qualify for a mortgage and their desire to take on more debt.
Corroborating this
claim, recent surveys have found that many young individuals view student loan debt as a
major impediment to home buying.
Estimation of the effect of student loan debt on homeownership is complicated by the
presence of other factors that influence both student loan borrowing and homeownership
decisions. Researchers have previously attempted to isolate the effect by controlling for a
set of observable student characteristics (Cooper and Wang (2014) and Houle and Berger
(2015)). These studies found only very small negative effects. However, the covariates
recorded in available data sets may not adequately control for every important omitted
factor, resulting in biased estimates. For example, students preparing for a career with a
high expected income might borrow more to fund their college educations and also might be
more likely to own a home in the future. To address the endogeneity of student loan debt,
in their study of the effects of student loan debt on the future financial stability of student
Figures are based on authors’ calculation from the NYFed CCP/Equifax data set. Nominal amounts are
deflated by CPI-U into constant 2015:Q2 dollars.
Source: Current Population Survey.
For some examples, see “CFPB Director: Student Loans Are Killing the Drive to Buy Homes,” Housing
Wire, May 19, 2014; “Denied? The Impact of Student Loan Debt on the Ability to Buy a House” by J.
Mishory and R. O’Sullivan at
See, for example, Stone et al. (2012) or “What Younger Renters Want and the Financial Constraints
They See,” Fannie Mae, May 2014.
loan borrowers Gicheva and Thompson (2014) use the national average levels of student loan
borrowing as an instrument. They find a more meaningful effect size, but identification in
their approach may be confounded by other aggregate trends.
In the context of the existing literature, this paper makes two key contributions. First,
we use a uniquely constructed administrative data set that combines anonymized individual
credit bureau records with Pell Grant and federal student loan recipient information, records
on college enrollment, graduation and major, and school characteristics. The core credit
bureau data—onto which the other anonymized data sources are merged—are based on a
nationally representative sample of individuals who were 23 to 31 years old in 2004 and span
the period 1997-2010. The administrative nature of our data likely provides us with more
accurate measures of financial variables than self-reported data sets.
Second, we exploit a quasi-natural experiment to estimate the causal effect of changes
in student loan debt on the homeownership rate over the first 60 months after the final
school exit (where observable factors are measured at the time of the school exit). This
eliminates the bias from unobservable factors that might affect estimates identified based
solely on observable characteristics. The experiment is generated by increases in average
in-state tuition at public 4-year universities in subjects’ states of residence prior to enrolling
in post-secondary education (henceforth, home states).
In particular, increases in in-state
tuition at public 4-year universities increase the amount of student loan borrowing, as a large
fraction of post-secondary students attend public universities in their home states. Moreover,
since home-state tuition changes are not determined by the choices of any individual student,
we claim that these tuition price changes do not affect homeownership decisions through any
channel other than increases in student loan debt. This claim is supported by a number of
validity tests presented in Section 4.4. Mainly, we show that the estimated effect is not due
to endogeneity of the instrument to local economic conditions, and provide evidence that
selection along the extensive margin of college attendance cannot explain the results.
We find that the estimated effect from the procedure based only on observable controls
is negative but very small, similar to the results from existing studies. In contrast, our
Other studies, which are mostly based on trend analysis, include Brown et al. (2013), Akers (2014),
Mezza et al. (2014); and analyses by TransUnion ( Kuipers and Wise (2016)) and Zillow (http://www.
Relatedly, Bleemer et al. (2014) use state-level tuition measures to instrument for student debt in the
context of its effect on parental co-residence.
estimates based on the quasi-natural experiment indicate a substantially larger reduction in
homeownership due to student loan debt. Namely, a 10 percent increase in student loan debt
causes a decrease of about 1 to 2 percentage points in the homeownership rate of student
loan borrowers immediately upon school exit, relative to a mere 0.1 percentage point decline
derived from the procedure based only on observable controls. The causal effect estimated
using the natural-experiment framework shows little indication of diminishing across the 60
month window, although the precision of the estimates decreases with time.
To be sure, this paper estimates the effect of a ceteris paribus change in debt levels,
rather than the effect of a change in access to student loan debt, on future homeownership.
In particular, if student loans allow individuals to access college education—or, more broadly,
acquire more of it—student loan debt could have a positive effect on homeownership, as long
as the return to this additional education allows individuals to sufficiently increase their
future incomes. Given that changes in access to student loan debt could impact the decision
to go to college, the type or quality of college attended, and the total educational attainment,
such a research question is quite different from the question asked in this paper. Rather,
the question we address is: “All else equal, if one were to obtain a certain level of education
but at a somewhat lower price (and, consequently, with less debt), how would one’s access
to homeownership be affected?” Our exercise is similar in spirit to a thought experiment
in which a small amount of student loan debt is forgiven upon exiting school, without any
effect on individuals’ past decisions on post-secondary education acquisition.
The rest of our paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the institutional
background of the student loan market and examines the main theoretical channels through
which student loan debt likely affects access to homeownership. Section 3 gives an overview
of the data set and defines variables used in the analysis. Section 4 analyzes the effect of
changes in student loan debt on homeownership using “selection on observables” as well as
instrumental variable frameworks, and conducts several validity tests for our instrument.
Section 5 interprets and caveats our main findings. Section 6 concludes.
2 Background and Mechanism
2.1 Institutional Background
Student loans are a popular way for Americans to pay the cost of college. Among bachelor’s
degree recipients who graduated in 2012, 70 percent had accumulated some student debt
and 18 percent owed $40,000 or more.
Every student has access to federal student loans, which generally do not involve un-
derwriting and can charge below market rates
. The amount of such loans students can
borrow is capped by Congress, however. Federal student loans are also not dischargeable
in bankruptcy, reducing the options of borrowers in financial distress.
Student borrowers
frequently exhaust their available federal loans before moving on to generally more expen-
sive private loans, often with a parent as co-signer.
Historically, the typical student loan is
fully amortizing over a 10-year term with fixed payments. Deferments and forbearances can
extend this term, as can enrollment in alternative repayment plans, such as the extended
repayment plan (available for borrowers with high balances) and income-driven repayment
plans (which have become more common in recent years and are available for borrowers with
elevated debt-to-income ratios), and through loan consolidation.
Student loan debt can impose a significant financial burden on some borrowers. Despite
the inability to discharge federal loans through bankruptcy, 14 percent of recipients with
outstanding federal student debt were in default as of October 2015.
Student borrowers
are often young and at a low point in their life cycle earnings profile. The financial difficulties
may be more severe for students who fail to graduate. Of the federal student loan borrowers
who entered repayment in 2011-12 without a degree, 24 percent defaulted within two years.
SOURCE: College Board, Trends in Higher Education: Student Aid http://trends.collegeboard.
Graduate students taking PLUS loans—as well as parents taking Parent PLUS loans—must pass a credit
In 2005 the bankruptcy code was amended, making private student loans also not routinely dischargeable
in bankruptcy.
The share of loans with a co-signer increased significantly after the financial crisis, from 67 percent in
2008, to over 90 percent in 2011. SOURCE: CFPB, Private Student Loans, August, 2012.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid Data Center, Federal Student Loan
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Treasury calculations based on sample data from the National Student
Loan Data System.
2.2 Theoretical Mechanism
Most young home buyers must borrow the money to buy their first house. We conjecture that
three underwriting factors provide a channel through which student loan debt can affect the
borrower’s ability to obtain a mortgage. First, the individual must meet a minimum down
payment requirement that is proportional to the house value. While a 20 percent down
payment is typical for many buyers, with mortgage insurance (whether purchased from
a private company or a government agency such as the Federal Housing Administration
(FHA)) the down payment can be significantly less.
Second, the individual must satisfy a
maximum debt-to-income (DTI) ratio requirement, with the ratio of all her debt payments
not to exceed a percentage of her income at the time the loan is originated. Third, the
individual must satisfy a minimum credit score requirement. As these underwriting factors
worsen for any individual (i.e. less cash available for a down payment, higher DTI ratio and
lower credit score), she will be more likely to be rejected for a loan, or face a higher interest
rate or mortgage insurance premium.
It is not hard to see how—all else equal—having more student loan debt can mechanically
affect one’s entry into homeownership through these three channels. First, a higher student
loan debt payment affects the individual’s ability to accumulate financial wealth that can
then be used as a source of down payment. Second, a higher student loan payment increases
the individual’s DTI ratio, potentially making it more difficult for the borrower to qualify
for a mortgage loan. Third, student loan payments can affect borrowers’ credit scores.
On the one hand, the effect can be positive: timely payments of student loan debt may
help borrowers to improve their credit profiles. On the other hand, potential delinquencies
adversely affect credit scores, thereby hampering borrowers’ access to mortgage credit. At
the same time, other non-underwriting factors might have effects as well. For example, from
a behavioral perspective, if individuals exhibit debt aversion and wish to repay at least some
of their existing debt prior to taking on new debt in the form of a mortgage, larger student
loan debt burdens can further delay their entry into homeownership.
Various factors might influence how the effect of student loan debt on homeownership
changes in the years after leaving school. Since cumulative balances are generally the largest
immediately upon entering repayment (see Figure 15 in Looney and Yannelis (2015)), there
The FHA requires a down payment as low as 3.5 percent of the purchase value.
are at least three reasons to believe that the ceteris paribus effect of higher student loan
debt on homeownership access might be the largest immediately upon school exit. First,
given that the income profile tends to rise over the life cycle and student loan payments are
fixed, the DTI constraint should ease over time, as should the budget constraint, thereby
allowing the individual to potentially accumulate assets for a down payment at a faster rate.
Second, once all debt is repaid, the student loan debt component of debt payments in the
DTI constraint disappears entirely. Of course, the past effects of student loan payments on
accumulated assets are likely to be more persistent if student loan payments significantly
impaired the individual’s ability to save at a rate comparable to that of an individual with
less student debt for a period of time. Third, any effect of debt aversion induced by a higher
student loan debt burden at school exit should diminish over time as the balance is paid
However, there may also be countervailing effects. In particular, the propensity for
homeownership is generally relatively low among those newly out of school and increases
with age. Hence, the number of marginal home buyers may peak many years after the
final school exit, suggesting that the effect of student loan debt might be increasing as the
debtor ages. Also, individuals may exhibit habit formation in their housing tenure choice.
A marginal home buyer who is induced into renting by her debts may become accustomed
to renting, in which case the apparent effect of student loan debt on homeownership could
persist for many years.
3 Data
Our data are pooled from several sources.
Mezza and Sommer (2015) discusses the details
of the data, checks the representativeness of the merged data set against alternative data
sources, and provides caveats relevant for the analysis.
By way of summary, the data set starts with a nationally representative random sample
of credit bureau records picked and provided by TransUnion, LLC, for a cohort of 34,891
young individuals who were between ages 23 and 31 in 2004, and spans the period 1997
All the merges of individual-level information have been performed by TransUnion, LLC, in conjunction
with the National Student Clearinghouse, and the Department of Education. The merges have been done
based on a combination of Social Security number, date of birth, and individuals’ first and last names. None
of the variables used to merge individuals across sources is available in our data set.
through 2010. Individuals are followed biannually between June 1997 and June 2003, and
then in December 2004, June 2007, and December 2008 and 2010. The data contain all
major credit bureau variables, including credit scores, tradeline debt levels, and delinquency
and severe derogatory records. In order to capture information on enrollment spells and
the institutional-level characteristics associated with each spell, in the next step individual
educational records through 2007 are sourced from DegreeVerify (for degrees) and Student
Tracker (for enrollments) programs by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Next,
additional individual-level information on enrollment for spells funded by federal student
loans, the amount of federal student loan borrowed during and the institutions associated
with these enrollment spells, as well as information on Pell Grants received, is sourced from
the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and merged onto the data for federal stu-
dent loan and Pell Grant recipients. The NSC and NSLDS educational institution identifiers
allow us to further merge institutional records from the Integrated Postsecondary Education
Data System (IPEDS), such as tuition, sector (e.g., public, private for-profit and not-for-
profit, open admission), and SAT and ACT scores that are summarized at a school level.
Finally, information on the state of permanent residence at the time when individuals took
the SAT standardized test—sourced from the College Board—is merged for the subset of
individuals who took this test between 1994 and 1999, at a time when most of the individuals
in our sample exited high school.
Since our analysis aims to estimate the effect of a marginal change in cumulative stu-
dent loan debt on future homeownership once all educational and college-funding decisions
have been made, we collapse our panel into a cross-sectional data set where all explanatory
variables are measured approximately at the time of the final school exit, and estimate their
effect on the individuals’ homeownership status observed at different time windows following
school exit. An individual in our sample is thus characterized by variables such as age at the
final school exit, cumulative student loan balance and credit scores at the time of that exit,
highest degree ever obtained, and total days spent in school. Most variables are constructed
using a single data source. However, for some variables we combine information from mul-
tiple data sources to increase measurement accuracy. In what follows, we describe how each
variable used in our analysis is constructed, and discuss the final estimation data set after
The SAT test is not mandatory nor is it required by all institutions and, as such, not all potential college
entrants take it.
any sampling restrictions have been applied.
3.1 Dependent Variable
Given that we are not able to observe the individual’s homeownership status, we infer it
from whether the individual has at least one open mortgage account in the TransUnion data
N months following the final school exit. The credit data contains the opening and closing
dates for each mortgage tradeline in a year/month format, meaning that the individual’s
homeownership status is observed at a monthly frequency. In our analysis, we treat the
individual’s homeownership status as an absorbing state, so that if an individual is observed
to be a homeowner at a given point after the final school exit, the individual will be treated
as a homeowner at all future times. For individuals with a mortgage tradeline prior to school
exit, the binary dependent variable takes on a value of one at N = 0.
The obvious limitation of using mortgage tradeline information to infer the individual’s
homeownership status is that we will not be able to identify homeowners who are either cash-
buyers or have already paid off their mortgage loans in full prior to June 1997.
given that individuals in our sample are between ages 23 and 31 in 2004, the population of
such “unidentified” homeowners in our sample is likely to be small.
3.2 Independent Variables
Student loan balances: Ideally, student loan balances would be measured at the time of the
final school exit. Unfortunately, given that TransUnion data are available only at particular
points in time, generally this will not be the case unless school exit coincides with the exact
dates for which we observe TransUnion records. Theoretically, after the final school exit, the
cumulative student loan balance should increase only if accrued interest on the outstanding
balances or penalties (such as debt collection fees) exceed payments.
Practically, in our
data, the student loan balance observed in the TransUnion wave just after the final school
exit could be higher than that measured in the wave just before school exit because a
Individuals who have had a loan between June 1997—the earliest wave of TransUnion data available to
us—and school exit will be treated as homeowners in our analysis.
For example, student loan borrowers do not have to start repaying their student loans right away after
school exit, in general. The waiting period after school exit and before repayment begins is known as the
grace period, and typically lasts six months. Subsidized Stafford federal loans do not accrue interest over
the grace period, whereas other types of federal student loans do.
borrower might have accumulated more student loan debt between the wave preceding the
school exit and the school exit itself. Thus, to measure the balance at school exit as closely
as possible, we use the maximum level of student loan debt observed in TransUnion in the
waves immediately adjacent to the final school exit.
Credit scores, credit card debt, and auto debt: Similarly to student loan balances, gener-
ally these variables are not observed at the exact time of the final school exit.
To avoid
reverse causality, we use their most recent value observed in TransUnion before the final
school exit.
Missing credit score: This indicator variable takes on a value of one if the individual does
not have a credit score reported in TransUnion in the wave preceding the final school exit;
zero otherwise.
Credit lag: This variable measures how many days before the final school exit the lagged
credit variables—credit score, credit card, and auto debts—were measured in TransUnion.
Ever Pell and cumulative Pell Grants received: These variables indicate whether the
individual ever received Pell grants to finance their post-secondary education and the total
amount received, respectively.
Highest degree attained: We construct a set of seven mutually exclusive binary indicators
for the highest degree ever attained. We group degrees into the following categories: (1)
dropouts (i.e, those with at least some college but no attained degree), (2) associate’s or
certificate degree holders, (3) bachelor’s degree holders, and (4) holders of a master’s degree
or more. Moreover, for some individuals, we observe a certain degree (such as a bachelor’s
degree) that is followed by another degree of unknown type. In such instances, when an
associate’s degree/Certificate or bachelor’s degree are observed and are followed by a degree
of unknown type, we assign individuals into the categories (5) at least an associate’s degree
or a certificate and (6) at least a bachelor’s degree, respectively. Finally, those with just a
degree of unknown type are grouped into a category (7) with a degree of unknown type.
As such, student loan balances are expected to be measured with error. The instrumental variable
approach should deal with this measurement problem. Results are robust to whether we use the maximum
value or a lagged value of student loan balances.
The credit score used in this analysis is the TU TransRisk AM Score and it ranges from 270 to 900
The NSC collects the graduation date and degree information from schools that report into the DegreeV-
erify program. Unfortunately, some graduation dates are reported without the type of degree associated with
it. When a degree of unknown type is observed in the NSC, but borrowing from the federal government for
a subsequent degree is observed in the NSLDS, we use this additional information to infer the degree.
Majors: College majors are available only for those with completed degrees. We aggregate
them into 15 different categories, described in detail in Mezza and Sommer (2015). If a major
is missing but a degree was received, a “missing major” indicator takes on a value of one;
zero otherwise.
School sectors: We construct a set of five non-mutually exclusive binary indicators cap-
turing all school sectors with which an individual was ever associated while in school: (1)
public 4-year, (2) public 2-year, (3) private 4-year not-for-profit, (4) private 2-year not-for-
profit, and (5) private for-profit. To determine the school sectors in our data set, we need
unique school level identifiers associated with each enrollment spell observed for a given indi-
vidual in the sample. In theory, the NSC enrollment records should be sufficient to identify
all enrollment spells and, consequently, allow us to observe all sectors attended. In practice,
the NSC coverage is not perfect, largely due to school non-participation in the NSC Student
Tracker and DegreeVerify programs (for detailed discussion, see Mezza and Sommer (2015)
or Dynarski et al. (2013)). Hence, in order to supplement the NSC enrollment data, we
use enrollment information from the NSLDS for enrollment spells funded by federal student
Age at final school exit: This variable captures the individual’s age when the person
exited school for the last time. To construct this variable, we use the maximum age at
school exit based on the NSC and the NSLDS data.
Cumulative days in school: This variable counts the total days of enrollment in post-
secondary education. The cumulative time spent in school is derived from enrollment histo-
ries that are constructed using the combined NSC and NSLDS enrollment records.
Pre-college state of residence (or home state): To construct the state of residence prior
to the first postsecondary enrollment spell, we proceed in three steps. First, for individuals
who took the standardized SAT test, we use these individuals’ state of legal residence at
the time when they took the test, reported in the College Board data. In our sample, 31
percent of students have their home state identified in this manner. Second, for individuals
for whom this information is not available, we use the first state of residence observed in
the TransUnion credit records as long as this information is available for the period that
precedes the first college enrollment observed in the sample. An additional 12 percent have
their home state identified this way. Finally, for the remainder of the sample, we impute the
home state using data on the state in which the school associated with the first enrollment
spell is located.
This last step can certainly appear problematic given that it could reflect an endogenous
location choice associated with state-level college cost or college quality. However, a case
can be made for why the state of the first college attended might be highly correlated with
the individuals’ pre-college state of residence. In particular, in the nationally representative
2003-04 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, only 11 percent of first-time,
non-foreign college entrants attended a post-secondary institution not in their state of legal
residence, with the state of legal residence defined as the student’s true, fixed, and permanent
Under this definition, if the student moved into a state for the sole purpose of
attending a school, that state does not count as the student’s legal residence. In our sample,
26 percent of students whose home state was identified by the SAT or their credit record
attended an out of state school.
These students represent 11 percent of our total sample,
accounting for the entire expected population of out-of-state students, and suggesting that
among the remaining students the state of first college attendance is extremely likely to
be their home state. We therefore do not believe that misidentification of home state is a
significant issue.
Home state and year fixed effects: The state controls are associated with the home state
described above while the time controls are associated with the year in which the person left
school for the last time.
Unemployment rate, average weekly wages and house prices at the state level: The unem-
ployment rate is sourced from the yearly Local Area Unemployment Statistics series by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and captures the unemployment rate in the individual’s
home state for the year when the person exited school for the last time. The average weekly
wages are sourced from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages by the BLS and
capture the average weekly wages in the home state for the quarter when the person exited
school for the last time. Finally, the house value index is sourced from Zillow and captures
the median house value (measured in dollars) in the home state for the month when the
person exited school for the last time.
Source for the definition:
While the College Board data for SAT-takers is available only for a subsample of our total population,
its coverage is likely skewed toward higher academically achieving individuals who are more likely to attend
out-of-state selective institutions.
3.3 Candidate Instrumental Variable
Our candidate instrument for cumulative student loan balances at the final school exit is
based on the average in-state tuition at public 4-year schools in the state where an individual
lived before enrolling in college for the first time.
To construct the instrument, we proceed
in three steps. First, we count the number of days that the individual spent enrolled in
school per academic year.
Second, we assume that individuals pay the average in-state
tuition at public 4-year institutions associated with the state of their pre-college residence
(defined in Section 3.2), proportionally adjusted for the number of days spent in school
in that academic year. Third, we add up these tuition costs across time—up until the
final school exit in the sample—to capture the student loan balance accumulation over the
course of post-secondary studies. Importantly, given that the time spent in school can
also be correlated with omitted variables that might be associated with the homeownership
decisions, we control for cumulative time spent in school separately.
3.4 Estimation Data Set
In this subsection, we describe the final subsample used in the analysis. First, we focus on
the population of college-going individuals with existing NSC enrollment records: 18,748
individuals. Second, to estimate the effect of student loan debt on homeownership once
education decisions have been made, we concentrate on individuals who have likely finished
all of their post-secondary education. Given that enrollment spells sourced from the NSC
and NSLDS are available to us only up to early 2008, we drop 5,383 individuals who were
still in school after 2005.
Additionally, given that we only observe student loan balances
(as well as other debt holdings and credit scores) starting in June 1997, we drop 1,008
individuals who left school prior to that date. Moreover, we drop 4 individuals who were
The data on the average in-state tuition at public 4-year school by state and academic year (start-
ing with the academic year 1993-94) are available on the NCES’s Digest of Education Statistics website: Average in-state tuition reflects the average undergraduate tuition
and required fees.
The academic year is assumed to start in July of a given year and end in June of the subsequent year.
To give a concrete example, consider an individual who enrolls in college in July 1995 and stays enrolled
until June 1996, and re-enrolls in school in July 1998 until March 1999. For this individual, the value of
the instrument will be given by the summation of the in-state tuition in the academic years 1995-96 and
1998-99, proportionally adjusted by the fraction of the academic year spent in school each year.
While individuals who left school during or before 2005 could still go back to school after 2008, we ignore
this possibility.
not residing in any of the 50 U.S. states or the District of Columbia before starting college,
as well as additional 150 individuals whose home states cannot be determined based on
our methodology described in Section 3.2. Next, we drop 172 individuals whose earliest
enrollment record corresponds to the date a degree was obtained, rather than an actual
enrollment record.
Furthermore, we drop 403 individuals who had open student loans at
the moment they exited school for the last time but whose balances were missing in their
credit records at that time. Finally, we drop 443 individuals who last exited school in 2005
but whose homeownership status cannot be determined with certainty 60 months after their
final school exit because their credit files are not available to us in 2010. This leaves 11,185
individuals, of whom 5,610 had non-zero student loan balances and comprise our estimation
sample. Summary statistics of this estimation sample are reported in Table 1.
4 Estimation
Student loan debt is correlated with homeownership, but this relationship is not stable over
time following school exit. Figure 1 plots the probability of ever having taken on a mortgage
loan against the number of months since school exit for different debt levels. In the top
left panel, we compare students who attended college without taking on debt to those who
did borrow. Debt-free individuals have higher homeownership rates directly out of school,
but are overtaken by students who borrowed within three years after school exit. In the
bottom left panel of Figure 1, we refine student borrowers into three categories based on
amount borrowed: less than $15,000, between $15,000 and $30,000, and between $30,000
and $50,000. Comparing these groups, we can see that students who borrow the most are
always most likely to be homeowners. Students who borrow moderate amounts start off less
likely to own than non-borrowers, but eventually catch up. From these plots one might be
tempted to conclude that, at least in the medium run, higher student loan debt leads to
higher homeownership rates.
Determining how student loan debt affects homeownership is not so straight forward,
however. Individuals with differing amounts of student loan debt may also differ in other
Some schools participate in the NSC DegreeVerify program, but not in the Student Tracker program.
Additionally, schools participating in both programs usually report graduation dates retroactively (frequently
reporting back several years prior to their enrollment in the DegreeVerify), but report enrollment spells
starting from the moment they enroll in the Student Tracker program (or just a few months prior).
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Homeownership Rate
0 Months After School Exit 5,610 0.1
12 Months After School Exit 5,610 0.16
24 Months After School Exit 5,610 0.23
36 Months After School Exit 5,610 0.31
48 Months After School Exit 5,610 0.37
60 Months After School Exit 5,610 0.43
Student Loan Debt and Enrollment Measures
Student Loan Debt (in $1,000 dollars) 5,610 19.1 24.77 0.05 318.88
Instrument: Tuition Measure (in $1,000 dollars) 5,610 14.21 8.27 0.55 87.23
Cumulative Days In School 5,610 1420.84 666.34 56 4,407
Age At Final School Exit 5,610 24.69 2.72 18.29 32.88
Degree Controls
Associate’s/Certificate 5,610 0.06
Bachelor’s 5,610 0.28
Master’s or More 5,610 0.03
At Least Associate’s/Certificate 5,610 0
At Least Bachelor’s 5,610 0.15
Degree of Unknown Type 5,610 0.05
Pell Grant Controls
Ever Pell 5,610 0.56
Average Pell (in $1,000) 5,610 1.26 1.34 0 4.31
School Sector Controls
Ever Public 4-Year 5,610 0.65
Ever Public 2-Year 5,610 0.44
Ever Private 4-Year Not-for-profit 5,610 0.35
Ever Private 2-Year Not-for-profit 5,610 0.01
Ever Private For-profit 5,610 0.13
Credit Controls
Lagged Credit Score 5,610 565.6 206.43 0 848
Credit Lag 5,610 390.65 204.97 1 731
Missing Credit Score 5,610 0.06 0.24 0 1
Lagged Auto Debt 5,610 2.15 5.82 0 58.46
Lagged Credit Card Debt 5,610 1.42 3.28 0 63.41
Year of Exit from School
1997 5,610 0.06
1998 5,610 0.08
1999 5,610 0.1
2000 5,610 0.11
2001 5,610 0.13
2002 5,610 0.16
2003 5,610 0.16
2004 5,610 0.14
2005 5,610 0.05
Yearly State Controls*
Unemployment Rate (Home State) 5,610 5.1 1.11 2.3 8.42
Log Avg. Weekly Wages (Home State) 5,610 6.54 0.17 6.02 7.16
Log Median House Price (HomeState) 4,794 11.89 0.43 11.03 13.18
Note*: Yearly home-state controls measured at school exit.
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Homeownership Rate
Months Since Last School Exit
With No Debt
With Debt
College Goers
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Homeownership Rate
Months Since Last School Exit
With No Debt
With Debt
With Bachelor’s Degree
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Homeownership Rate
Months Since Last School Exit
College Goers
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Homeownership Rate
Months Since Last School Exit
With Bachelor’s Degree
Panel 1
Figure 1: Homeownership rates by months since leaving school, debt level and education
important ways. Notably, they may have different levels of education, which is itself highly
correlated with homeownership (possibly through an effect on income). The top right panel
of Figure 1 restricts the sample to individuals with a bachelor’s degree. Within this group,
those without student loan debt always have higher homeownership rates than borrowers, and
this difference is increasing with time since exiting school. In the bottom right panel, we can
see that splitting the sample of borrowers further into groups by amount borrowed presents a
similar picture. Students who borrowed more than $15,000 had the highest homeownership
rates among the general college going population five years out of school, but have the lowest
rates among the subset with a bachelor’s degree. As such, simple correlations clearly do not
capture the whole picture.
4.1 Selection on Observables
Further factors that are correlated with both student loan debt and homeownership (and
may be driving the observed relationship between these two variables of primary interest)
include the type of school attended, the use of Pell grants, and the individual’s credit history,
for example. We attempt to identify the causal effect by regressing an indicator for home-
ownership on log student loan debt, controlling for a rich set of credit bureau and education
variables, including state and year fixed effects. Results for the OLS and probit estimators
are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Across both linear probability and probit models—and
in line with results from Cooper and Wang (2014) and Houle and Berger (2015)—we find
a very small but statistically significant effect, with a one percent increase in student loan
debt leading to an approximately 0.02 percentage point decrease in the probability of home-
ownership 24 months out of school. Estimates are similar across the range of specifications
in columns 1-5 in Tables 2 and 3.
Figure 2 plots estimates of the marginal effect of student loan debt against the number of
months since the Final School Exit for the linear probability and probit models, respectively.
These estimates are derived from the regressions using the vector of controls in columns 3
in Tables 2 and 3 for the OLS and probit specifications, respectively. Interestingly, nearly
the full strength of the effect is apparent immediately. A one percent increase in student
loan debt is associated with a reduction of approximately 0.01-0.015 percentage points in the
probability of homeownership in the same month the individual is recorded as leaving school.
Moreover, the estimated effect is relatively stable within the 60-month window, though the
precision of the estimated effect decreases over time and becomes insignificantly different
from zero 45 months out of school.
4.2 Instrumental Variable Estimation
While the estimators used above control for some important covariates, there may still be
unobservable variables biasing the results. The quality of school the student attended, the
amount of parental contributions, and the individual’s expected future income could all
influence both student loan borrowing and the probability of future homeownership. The
covariates we have may not adequately control for these or other omitted factors. To reliably
identify the causal effect of student loan debt, we need a source of variation that is exogenous
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Percentage Points
Months Since Last School Exit
Marginal Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Homeownership-OLS Estimates
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Percentage Points
Months Since Last School Exit
Marginal Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Homeownership-Probit Estimates
Figure 2: Estimation Coefficients: OLS vs Probit
Table 2: Selection on Observables: OLS
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Log Student Loan Debt -0.0139** -0.0282*** -0.0200*** -0.0209*** -0.0212***
(0.00661) (0.00723) (0.00654) (0.00724) (0.00718)
Log Cumulative Days In School 0.0606*** 0.0106 -0.000647 0.00665 0.00720
(0.0102) (0.0123) (0.0117) (0.0118) (0.0116)
Age At Final School Exit 0.0439*** 0.0406*** 0.0395*** 0.0394*** 0.0395***
(0.00327) (0.00329) (0.00331) (0.00371) (0.00376)
Associate’s/Certificate 0.161*** 0.131*** 0.132** 0.132***
(0.0452) (0.0437) (0.0491) (0.0491)
Bachelor’s 0.150*** 0.112** 0.0997* 0.0996*
(0.0496) (0.0470) (0.0520) (0.0521)
Master’s or More 0.204*** 0.136** 0.130* 0.130*
(0.0647) (0.0651) (0.0759) (0.0762)
At Least Associate’s/Certificate 0.224 0.191 0.173 0.172
(0.139) (0.138) (0.138) (0.136)
At Least Bachelor’s 0.215*** 0.157*** 0.138** 0.138**
(0.0532) (0.0501) (0.0550) (0.0546)
Degree of Unknown Type 0.156** 0.110* 0.0884 0.0877
(0.0610) (0.0566) (0.0613) (0.0610)
Ever Pell 0.0383* 0.0317 0.0300 0.0299
(0.0200) (0.0190) (0.0213) (0.0212)
Average Pell -0.0443*** -0.0270*** -0.0257*** -0.0258***
(0.00689) (0.00675) (0.00738) (0.00735)
Ever Public 4-Year 0.0427*** 0.0336** 0.0258 0.0259
(0.0157) (0.0158) (0.0174) (0.0175)
Ever Public 2-Year 0.0227 0.0228 0.0211 0.0212
(0.0138) (0.0137) (0.0132) (0.0132)
Ever Private 4-Year Not-for-profit 0.0498*** 0.0423** 0.0355* 0.0354*
(0.0167) (0.0159) (0.0179) (0.0179)
Ever Private 2-Year Not-for-profit 0.0125 -0.00837 -0.00398 -0.00446
(0.0431) (0.0416) (0.0434) (0.0432)
Ever Private For-profit -0.00222 0.0164 0.0296* 0.0303*
(0.0176) (0.0164) (0.0168) (0.0170)
Lagged Credit Score 0.000499*** 0.000524*** 0.000523***
(4.70e-05) (5.08e-05) (5.04e-05)
Credit Lag 5.22e-06 1.74e-05 2.13e-05
(5.97e-05) (6.84e-05) (7.01e-05)
Missing Credit Score 0.323*** 0.342*** 0.341***
(0.0335) (0.0383) (0.0380)
Lagged Auto Debt 0.00934*** 0.00913*** 0.00913***
(0.00101) (0.00108) (0.00107)
Lagged Credit Card Debt 0.00404** 0.00448** 0.00448**
(0.00194) (0.00222) (0.00222)
Unemployment Rate (Home State) 0.00212
Log Avg. Weekly Wages (Home State) -0.132
Log Median House Price (Home State) -0.0161
Constant -1.289*** -0.929*** -1.162*** -1.232*** -0.182
(0.0930) (0.105) (0.121) (0.123) (1.397)
College Major Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Observations 5,610 5,610 5,610 4,794 4,794
R-squared 0.110 0.146 0.187 0.181 0.182
Note: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
Table 3: Selection on Observables: Probit
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Log Student Loan Debt -0.0132** -0.0259*** -0.0174*** -0.0182** -0.0186**
(0.00630) (0.00687) (0.00671) (0.00767) (0.00763)
Log Cumulative Days In School 0.0758*** 0.0225* 0.00661 0.0136 0.0141
(0.0101) (0.0122) (0.0117) (0.0125) (0.0124)
Age At Final School Exit 0.0431*** 0.0403*** 0.0392*** 0.0395*** 0.0396***
(0.00300) (0.00288) (0.00287) (0.00323) (0.00325)
Degree Controls NO YES YES YES YES
College Major Controls NO YES YES YES YES
School Sector Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Pell Grant Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Credit Controls NO NO YES YES YES
Home State Yearly Controls NO NO NO NO YES
Observations 5,610 5,610 5,610 4,794 4,794
Pseudo R-squared 0.106 0.140 0.179 0.170 0.170
Note: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
to all other determinants of homeownership.
We propose that the average tuition paid by in-state students at public, 4-year universities
in the subject’s home state provides quasi-experimental variation in eventual student loan
balances. This variable cannot be affected by choices the individual subjects make. Rather,
changes in the tuition rate depend in part on political battles over funding and expenditure
decisions by the state universities. A large fraction of students attend public universities
in their home state, so the loan amounts they require to cover costs vary directly with this
Changes in tuition are not truly randomly assigned, however. A potential concern with
the validity of this variable as an instrument is correlation with changes in state level eco-
nomic conditions. Demand for secondary education or the supply of government subsidies
may be related to local shocks that influence home purchase decisions. Later we will show
that the results are robust to the inclusion of labor market and housing market controls. We
also test whether the instrument is correlated with homeownership for individuals who did
not attend college, as these individuals should therefore be unaffected by the instrument if
it is valid. We find no evidence of any relationship for this group, suggesting that the main
results are isolating a causal effect of tuition changes.
Another potential concern with the instrument is that it may affect homeownership
As discussion in Section 3, 89 percent of first-time, non-foreign college entrants attended a post-secondary
institution in their home state.
through channels other than student loan debt. As the price of education changes, stu-
dents may demand more or less of it. We will show, however, that effects of the instrument
on the extensive margin of college attendance or borrowing are unlikely to be driving the
main results.
4.3 Instrumental Variable Estimation Results
As mentioned in Section 3, we construct the instrument as the log of yearly in-state tuition
at public 4-year universities, weighted by the number of days each academic year the subject
spent attending school. We additionally control for the log of the number of days spent
attending school, so the identifying variation comes entirely from the change in price. First
stage results from regressing log student debt on the instrument and other controls are
presented in Table 4. Across specifications, a one percent increase in the tuition measure is
associated with an approximately 1.3 percent increase in student loan debt. The estimates
are strongly statistically significant.
Turning now to the second stage, we find a considerably stronger effect of student loan
debt on homeownership than in the earlier specifications without the instrument. Results
for the 2-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) and IV-Probit estimators are presented in Tables 5
and 6. Across both linear probability and probit models, we find a statistically significant
effect, with a one percent increase in student loan debt leading to an approximately 0.1-0.2
percentage point decrease in the probability of homeownership 24 months out of school.
Figure 3 plots estimates of the marginal effect of student loan debt against the number
of months since the Final School Exit for the 2SLS and IV-probit models, respectively.
These estimates are derived from the instrumental variable regressions using the vector of
controls reported in columns 3 in Tables 5 and 6. As in the previous estimates, the full effect
is evident immediately upon school exit. A one percent increase in student loan debt is
associated with a reduction of approximately 0.16-0.23 percentage points in the probability
of homeownership in the same month the individual is recorded as leaving school.
4.4 Validity Tests
Our identifying assumption that the instrument is exogenous to unobserved determinants
of homeownership is not directly testable. We can, however, test for some plausible sources
Table 4: IV Estimation: 1st Stage
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Instrument: Tuition Measure 1.227*** 1.273*** 1.279*** 1.308*** 1.337***
(0.201) (0.167) (0.167) (0.195) (0.198)
Log Cumulative Days In School -0.143 -0.401** -0.418*** -0.435** -0.459**
(0.193) (0.153) (0.152) (0.177) (0.183)
Age At Final School Exit 0.0701*** 0.0387*** 0.0311*** 0.0319*** 0.0330***
(0.00570) (0.00428) (0.00458) (0.00521) (0.00536)
Associate’s/Certificate -0.187* -0.168 -0.166 -0.169
(0.104) (0.103) (0.104) (0.105)
Bachelor’s 0.169 0.188* 0.174 0.169
(0.110) (0.105) (0.111) (0.111)
Master’s or More 0.0211 0.0785 0.0642 0.0521
(0.141) (0.141) (0.152) (0.154)
At Least Associate’s/Certificate -0.381** -0.331* -0.312 -0.326
(0.189) (0.193) (0.204) (0.205)
At Least Bachelor’s 0.758*** 0.798*** 0.800*** 0.787***
(0.110) (0.104) (0.105) (0.107)
Degree of Unknown Type -0.325*** -0.296** -0.274** -0.283**
(0.112) (0.111) (0.113) (0.115)
Ever Pell 0.0811** 0.0731** 0.0894*** 0.0897***
(0.0307) (0.0311) (0.0325) (0.0324)
Average Pell -0.00147 -0.0122 -0.0117 -0.0130
(0.0104) (0.0112) (0.0129) (0.0128)
Ever Public 4-Year -0.0205 -0.0148 -0.0247 -0.0233
(0.0288) (0.0287) (0.0324) (0.0319)
Ever Public 2-Year -0.206*** -0.207*** -0.211*** -0.211***
(0.0250) (0.0244) (0.0282) (0.0286)
Ever Private 4-Year Not-for-profit 0.257*** 0.263*** 0.265*** 0.265***
(0.0325) (0.0315) (0.0358) (0.0365)
Ever Private 2-Year Not-for-profit -0.0304 -0.0186 0.0180 0.0238
(0.0789) (0.0803) (0.0756) (0.0766)
Ever Private For-profit 0.195*** 0.168*** 0.163*** 0.170***
(0.0458) (0.0431) (0.0455) (0.0448)
Lagged Credit Score -0.000565*** -0.000584*** -0.000587***
(9.58e-05) (0.000109) (0.000109)
Credit Lag -4.10e-05 -6.42e-05 -9.94e-05
(8.29e-05) (9.49e-05) (9.76e-05)
Missing Credit Score -0.509*** -0.503*** -0.506***
(0.0641) (0.0733) (0.0743)
Lagged Auto Debt -0.00370** -0.00409* -0.00407*
(0.00182) (0.00205) (0.00202)
Lagged Credit Card Debt 0.0129*** 0.0138*** 0.0138***
(0.00275) (0.00308) (0.00315)
Unemployment Rate (Home State) 0.0493*
Log Avg. Weekly Wages (Home State) -1.089**
Log Median House Price (Home State) 0.314**
Constant -1.191 0.882 1.518** 1.584* 4.852
(0.860) (0.723) (0.735) (0.865) (4.336)
College Major Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Observations 5,610 5,610 5,610 4,794 4,794
R-squared 0.370 0.477 0.484 0.482 0.484
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Percentage Points
Months Since Last School Exit
Marginal Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Homeownership-2SLS Estimates
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Percentage Points
Months Since Last School Exit
Marginal Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Homeownership-IV Probit Estimates
Figure 3: Estimation Coefficients: 2SLS vs IV Probit
Table 5: IV Estimation: 2nd Stage 2SLS
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Log Student Loan Debt -0.269*** -0.208*** -0.183*** -0.169*** -0.181***
(0.0590) (0.0523) (0.0506) (0.0531) (0.0585)
Log Cumulative Days In School 0.320*** 0.155*** 0.128*** 0.125*** 0.135***
(0.0621) (0.0441) (0.0438) (0.0463) (0.0508)
Age At Final School Exit 0.0590*** 0.0456*** 0.0429*** 0.0425*** 0.0430***
(0.00473) (0.00324) (0.00308) (0.00346) (0.00360)
Degree Controls NO YES YES YES YES
College Major Controls NO YES YES YES YES
School Sector Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Pell Grant Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Credit Controls NO NO YES YES YES
Home State Yearly Controls NO NO NO NO YES
Observations 5,610 5,610 5,610 4,794 4,794
R-squared 0.029 0.092 0.104 0.092
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
Table 6: IV Estimation: 2nd Stage IV-Probit
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Log Student Loan Debt -0.187*** -0.154*** -0.130*** -0.113** -0.115**
(0.0327) (0.0391) (0.0402) (0.0444) (0.0473)
Log Cumulative Days In School 0.237*** 0.124*** 0.0957*** 0.0884** 0.0906**
(0.0319) (0.0326) (0.0343) (0.0382) (0.0408)
Age At Final School Exit 0.0440*** 0.0379*** 0.0358*** 0.0361*** 0.0363***
(0.00230) (0.00247) (0.00246) (0.00269) (0.00270)
Degree Controls NO YES YES YES YES
College Major Controls NO YES YES YES YES
School Sector Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Pell Grant Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Credit Controls NO NO YES YES YES
Home State Yearly Controls NO NO NO NO YES
Observations 5,610 5,610 5,610 4,794 4,794
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
of endogeneity. For example, in-state tuition rates may be correlated with local housing
and labor market conditions, which in turn affect homeownership rates. To see that such
omitted variables are unlikely to bias our estimates, compare columns 4 and 5 in Table 5.
Column 5 includes yearly home-state level economic controls: namely, the unemployment
rate, log of average weekly wages and log median house price from the subject’s home state
measured at the time of the Final School Exit. Column 4 omits these local controls, but
includes only observations for which these variables are available to facilitate comparison.
The estimated coefficient on student loan debt is stable across the two specifications, sug-
gesting that local economic conditions are not driving the results. However, there could be
some other unobserved home state-level variation that is correlated with both homeowner-
ship rates and changes in tuition. In this case, homeownership rates should be correlated
with tuition changes even among individuals who did not attend college. If the instrument
is valid, in contrast, it should have no estimated effect on the homeownership rates of college
Table 7: Probability of Homeownership for Non-College Goers
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Age 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Instrument: Tuition Measure -0.00597 0.00523 0.0184 0.0529 0.0237 0.0483 0.0387 0.0243 0.0171 0.0420 0.0497 0.0399 0.115
(0.0171) (0.0242) (0.0306) (0.0361) (0.0449) (0.0505) (0.0503) (0.0607) (0.0650) (0.0680) (0.0598) (0.0703) (0.108)
Observations 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,927 8,835 8,723 7,940
R-squared 0.007 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.023
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
To test validity along these lines, we estimate the effect of the log of yearly in-state tuition
on the probability of ever having owned a home each year from age 18 to 30 for individuals
who never attended college. The relevant tuition figure is taken from the first academic
year in which the individual had turned 18 by the preceding July. Results are presented in
Table 7. We cannot reject the hypothesis that there is no partial correlation between the
tuition measure and probability of homeownership for this group. Since the instrument only
affects outcomes for college attendees, this rules out a certain class of arguments against
Another potential challenge to validity comes from the use of a log specification in student
loan debt—students without any debt are excluded from the regressions. If tuition increases
affect the extensive margin of student loan debt and if these marginal borrowers have a
notably different propensity to own than the inframarginal individuals, then the results may
be contaminated by this non-random selection. Data on education variables, including the
instrument itself, is more likely to be mismeasured for students without any loans, so we
cannot estimate a consistent relationship between the instrument and a dummy for the
presence of any student loans.
However, Table 8 shows that the reduced form effect of the
instrument on homeownership is strongly negative and significant even with the full sample
of college attendees, leading us to conclude that bias due to selection along the extensive
margin of student loans is not driving our findings.
A further issue of sample selection is that tuition rates may affect the relationship be-
tween debt and homeownership through the composition of the student population. Table 9
presents some evidence that college attendance rates fall with increases in tuition in our
data. In particular, the table shows the results of regressing the probability of attending
college against the log of yearly in-state tuition, taken from the fall semester after the in-
dividual turned 18. We find a statistically significant effect, with a one percent increase
in tuition causing a 0.08 percentage point decrease in college attendance. This could be a
concern if the instrument is inducing a compositional shift in the estimation sample—i.e., if
individuals on the margin of college attendance have very different propensities to become
homeowners than inframarginal individuals. However, the estimated effect of the instrument
As described in Section 3.2, records on degrees, school sectors, and enrollment spells are more accurately
measured for student loan borrowers, as their NSC records are augmented with corresponding NSLDS data.
By definition, for those who did not borrow, the NSLDS data do not exist.
Table 8: Reduced Form—All College Goers
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Instrument: Tuition Measure -0.361*** -0.315*** -0.274*** -0.282*** -0.288***
(0.0463) (0.0420) (0.0406) (0.0439) (0.0450)
Log Cumulative Days In School 0.376*** 0.314*** 0.266*** 0.274*** 0.280***
(0.0456) (0.0419) (0.0412) (0.0444) (0.0453)
Age At Final School Exit 0.0361*** 0.0343*** 0.0326*** 0.0325*** 0.0325***
(0.00206) (0.00229) (0.00248) (0.00261) (0.00261)
Degree Controls NO YES YES YES YES
College Major Controls NO YES YES YES YES
School Sector Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Pell Grant Controls NO YES YES YES YES
Credit Controls NO NO YES YES YES
Home State Yearly Controls NO NO NO NO YES
Observations 11,628 11,628 11,628 10,262 10,262
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
on attendance is not large enough to explain the main result, no matter the propensities of
the marginal group. As seen in Table 8, a one percent increase in tuition (conservatively)
reduces the homeowning population by approximately 28 individuals per 10,000 college go-
ers two years after exiting school. About 40 percent of the sample population does not
attend college, so this translates to a reduction of approximately 17 individual homeowners
per 10,000 individuals in the general cohort. The same increase in tuition reduces college
attendance by only 8 individuals per 10,000, so even in the most extreme possible scenario
in which all marginal attendees have a 100 percent probability of homeownership (rather
than the 12 percent seen directly out of school in our sample), endogenous sample selection
cannot explain the findings. Rather, because marginal college attendees tend to have lower
ability and socioeconomic status than the average student, we would expect their propensity
to own to be slightly lower than the general population of students. If anything, this suggests
compositional effects may be biasing our estimates toward zero.
We noted previously that the full effect of student loan debt on homeownership was
apparent immediately upon exiting school. Approximately 10 percent of the sample bought a
home before leaving school, so it is reasonable to expect an effect even while the student is still
attending. If student loan debt poses a credit constraint, however, we would expect to observe
a particular pattern. Whether the main channel is through DTI ratios, credit scores or down
payments, the constraint should become more binding as the student progresses through
her education and debt accumulates. Similarly, the influence of debt aversion should grow.
Table 9: Probability of College Attendance
Variable Coefficient
Instrument: Tuition Measure -0.0839**
Home State/Year FE YES
Observations 25,790
R-squared 0.035
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
Therefore, the earlier in a student’s educational career we look, the weaker the estimated
effect of her (eventual) student loan debt on homeownership should be.
To test if this expected pattern holds in the data, we plot the estimated marginal effect of
student loan debt against the number of months prior to Final School Exit for the 2SLS and
IV-probit models in Figure 4. For the period approximately two to three years prior to school
exit, there is not a statistically distinguishable effect of student loan debt on homeownership.
With about a year to go, depending on the model, a significant effect becomes apparent and
continues to strengthen until the student finishes school. This fits the intuitive story that
the effect should be small or zero when debt balances are.
4.5 Additional Outcomes
Student loan borrowers may experience the burden of their debt in other areas than the
binary outcome of homeownership. If DTI ratios or down payment constraints are bind-
ing, borrowers may substitute toward smaller mortgages in response to higher student debt
levels. Alternatively, if student debt delays the home purchase decision to a point in the
life cycle at which the borrower has a greater demand for housing, mortgage balances could
conceivably rise with student debt. In the first column of table 10, we present the results
from regressing the (logged) loan amount of the first mortgage we observe for each individual
against their student loan debts and the usual vector of controls. Only borrowers who obtain
a mortgage within 5 years of leaving school are included in this regression. The estimated
partial correlation is positive and statistically significant, implying a 10 percent increase in
student loan debt is associated with approximately 0.3 percent higher mortgage balances.
This naive estimate is likely to be biased by omitted variables similar to those that
bias estimates of the effect of student loan debt on homeownership. We apply the same
instrumental variable solution, and present results in the second column of Table 10. This
36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
Percentage Points
Months prior to school exit
Marginal Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Homeownership-2SLS Estimates
36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
Percentage Points
Months prior to school exit
Marginal Effect of Student Loans on Access to
Homeownership-IV Probit Estimates
Figure 4: Estimation Coefficients Prior to Exiting College: 2SLS vs IV Probit
Table 10: Log of First Observed Mortgage Balance
Variable (OLS) (IV)
Log Student Loan Debt 0.029** -0.037
(0.013) (0.106)
Log Cumulative Days In School 0.110*** 0.163
(0.040) (0.0419)
Age At Final School Exit -0.020*** -0.020***
(0.006) (0.007)
Degree Controls YES YES
College Major Controls YES YES
School Sector Controls YES YES
Pell Grant Controls YES YES
Credit Controls YES YES
Home State/Year FE YES YES
Observations 2,410 2,410
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
point estimate suggests that student loan debt causes lower average mortgage balances among
the population of homeowners. The standard errors are very large, however, and the result is
not close to statistically significant. Because mortgages are substantially larger than student
loan balances (approximately 8 times larger in our sample) we cannot rule out meaningful
effect sizes in either the positive or negative direction.
One channel through which we hypothesize student loan debt could affect homeownership
is through the borrower’s credit score. Increased debt balances can worsen credit scores
directly, as well as potentially lead to delinquencies which have a further derogatory effect.
The sign of the effect is ambiguous, however, as taking out and subsequently repaying student
loans may help some borrowers establish a good credit history and thus improve their scores.
Borrowers whose credit scores place them in the subprime category, traditionally defined
as those with a credit score below 620, may be more likely to have their loan applications
denied. However, some subprime borrowers may still be able to obtain credit with FHA or
other mortgage insurance. Prior to 2008, the first percentile of FICO scores was approx-
imately 500 on FHA insured loans.
Borrowers with a score below this level would have
tremendous difficulty getting approved for a loan (in 2010, the Department of Housing and
Urban Development set the minimum credit score for FHA loans at 500 by rule). We there-
fore define a further “deep subprime” category of borrowers whose scores are low enough to
effectively deny them access to FHA loans.
In the first and third columns of Table 11 we present the results of a probit estimation,
regressing borrowers’ probability of falling into the subprime and deep subprime categories
against their student debt and the usual vector of controls. We use cutoffs in the individual’s
TU TransRisk AM Score of 620 and 500 to define the categories. The sample is limited to
observations between 0 and 60 months after school exit, with multiple observations per indi-
vidual included. The second and fourth columns present the results from the IV regression.
In both cases the instrumented estimates are larger than those from the simple regression,
suggesting that a 10 percent increase in student loan debt causes over a 0.6 percentage point
increase in the probability a borrower falls into the subprime category, and over an 0.8 per-
centage point increase in the probability of being deeply subprime. The estimated effect on
becoming subprime is significant only at the 10 percent level, while the effect on becoming
deeply subprime is significant at the traditional 5 percent level. While the effect of student
SOURCE: Data provided by McDash Analytics, calculation by authors.
Table 11: Risk Categories
Subprime Deep Subprime
Variable (Probit) (IV Probit) (Probit) (IV Probit)
Log Student Loan Debt 0.012*** 0.066* 0.007* 0.085**
(0.004) (0.040) (0.004) (0.035)
Log Cumulative Days In School -0.047*** -0.089*** -0.038*** -0.098***
(0.010) (0.030) (0.009) (0.027)
Age At Final School Exit -0.007*** -0.008*** -0.005*** -0.006***
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Degree Controls YES
College Major Controls YES
School Sector Controls YES
Pell Grant Controls YES
Credit Controls YES
Home State/Year FE YES
Observations 15,135
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
loan debt on risk category is meaningful in magnitude, it is unlikely to be enough to fully
explain the 1 to 2 percentage point decrease in homeownership the same increase in student
loan debt implies.
The finding that increased student loan debt raises the probability of having very poor
credit suggests that the burden of debt may be causing some borrowers to become delinquent
on their loans. We estimate the effect of student loan debt on the probability the borrower
is reported 90 days or more delinquent on a student loan payment. Results are presented in
Table 12. The simple probit estimate in the first column suggests a 10 percent increase in
debt is associated with a 0.1 percentage point increase in delinquencies, similar in magnitude
to the probit estimates on credit categories. In the second column, we use the instrument
to deal with endogeneity of student loan debt and find a larger effect—a 10 percent increase
in debt is estimated to raise delinquency rates by over 0.7 percentage points.
A caveat with the findings on risk categories and mortgage amounts is that these out-
comes are not independent of each other or of the homeownership decision. For example,
some of the estimated effect on subprime status may occur through the channel of lowered
homeownership rates. Relatedly, marginal homeowners may demand different sized mort-
gages than homeowners whose tenure choice is insensitive to student loan debt. A single
instrument is not enough to separately identify the direct effect of student debt on multiple
outcomes, all of which could be channels through which the others are influenced.
Table 12: Student Loan Delinquencies
Variable (Probit) (IV Probit)
Log Student Loan Debt 0.011*** 0.074***
(0.003) (0.024)
Log Cumulative Days In School -0.007 -0.055***
(0.006) (0.030)
Age At Final School Exit -0.003** -0.005***
(0.001) (0.001)
Degree Controls YES
College Major Controls YES
School Sector Controls YES
Pell Grant Controls YES
Credit Controls YES
Home State/Year FE YES
Observations 15,095
Note*: Standard errors in parentheses (clustered at home-state level).
5 Discussion
The previously presented results indicate that increased student loan debt causes a substan-
tial reduction in the probability of homeownership for any given time frame within a five
year window after exiting school. This negative effect is dominated, however, by the rapid
and steady increase in the probability of homeownership as the individual ages across this
same period. Using the estimates from the IV-probit model, we can simulate the effect of
an increase in debt on the rate of homeownership among our sample population across the
five year post-college window. In Figure 5, we plot the observed homeownership rate profile
over time alongside a counterfactual simulation in which each student loan borrower in our
data is burdened with a 10 percent increase in student loan debt at the Final School Exit.
As previously shown in Figure 3, the marginal probability is nearly constant over the
estimation window, so the simulated counterfactual in Figure 5 looks like a parallel downward
shift of the plotted data, decreasing the homeownership rate by approximately one percentage
point at every time period. Because homeownership is increasing almost linearly in time
since school over the five year window, this is equivalent to a parallel shift to the right. A
10 percent increase in student loan debt delays the time it takes the cohort of borrowers to
reach a given homeownership rate by approximately three months.
The data we currently have access to cannot answer the important question of how the
relationship between debt and homeownership changes past the five year window. As bor-
rowers age, their incomes generally increase and student loan balances fall, which may lead us
to expect that the relationship between an individual’s initial debt levels and homeownership
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Homeownership Rate (%)
Months Since Final College Exit
10% More Debt
Effect of 10% Increase in Debt on Homeownership
0 3 6 9
Figure 5: Simulation of Counterfactual Homeownership Rate
should weaken over time. While our estimates lose precision as the time since school exit
increases, we do not see any indication of an attenuating effect. If former students exhibit
habit formation in their housing tenure decisions, marginal homeowners may be induced to
rent for many years by the effect of student loan debt on their housing decisions immediately
after college.
6 Conclusions
In summary, this paper estimates the effect of student loan debt on subsequent homeown-
ership rates. We instrument for the amount of the individual’s debt using changes to the
in-state tuition rate at public 4-year colleges in the student’s home state. We find that
a 10 percent increase in student loan debt causes a 1 to 2 percentage point drop in the
homeownership rate of student loan borrowers for the first five years after exiting school.
Validity tests suggest that the results are not confounded by local economic conditions or
non-random selection into the estimation sample.
Our findings have implications for several recent trends and policy proposals. Tuition
rates continue to rise, so the amounts students will need to borrow may increase in the future.
Increased debt levels could continue to depress homeownership rates for future cohorts of
college students. Measures taken to reduce tuition—or to curb borrowing beyond what is
necessary to fund attendance—could fight this trend. Similarly, our results provide a measure
of how effective student loan forgiveness programs could be at increasing the homeownership
rate of young adults. Limiting or expanding students’ access to education loans in general,
however, would have ramifications that are beyond the scope of this study. In particular, if
student loans allow individuals to access college education—or, more broadly, acquire more
of it—student loan debt could have a positive effect on homeownership, as long as the return
to this additional education allows individuals to sufficiently increase their future incomes.
In extrapolating our results to the present day, we also have to consider some significant
recent changes to mortgage market. Students in our sample left school between 1997 and
2005; their first few years post-college took place in a relatively easy environment for mort-
gage credit. Since the housing and financial crisis, underwriting standards have tightened
substantially. It is possible that student loan debt acts as an even greater drag on home-
ownership now that lenders are more sensitive to DTI ratios and low down payments. The
growing popularity of income-driven repayment plans further complicates the picture, as it
is not immediately clear how these plans moderate the link between initial student loan debt
and homeownership. On the one hand, enrollment in income-driven repayment plans reduces
the ratio of student loan payments relative to income, thereby relaxing the DTI constraint.
On the other hand, it can extend the repayment period significantly relative to a 10-year
plan, thereby potentially increasing the total interest paid by the student loan borrower over
the life of the loan. We hope that further studies using even more recent data will be able
to shine additional light on the issue.
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