Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Preparedness and Response
Mpox Update: Stay Up to Date on Testing,
Treatment, and Vaccination
Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Call
Thursday, May 18, 2023
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Todays Presenters
John T. Brooks, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Division of HIV Prevention
National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chris Braden, MD
Incident Manager
2022 Multinational Mpox Response
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mpox Update: Stay Up to Date on
Testing, Treatment, and
Clinician Outreach and
Communication Activity Call
John T. Brooks, MD and Chris Braden, MD
May 18, 2023
Key Learning Objectives Today
In light of limited clusters of new mpox cases
1. Renew clinical awareness for early recognition of potential cases of mpox
2. Review basic clinical presentation and management of mpox
3. Highlight that tecovirimat should first be requested through STOMP study
4. Promote vaccination of people at risk for mpox
5. Share update about recent infections reported from Chicago
Up-to-Date CDC Situation Summary
Maps, case counts, demographics, vaccine administration and effectiveness, technical reports
Mpox Cases: U.S. Trends
7-day moving average
Case from May 11, 2022 through May 17, 2023
Source: U.S. Monkeypox Case Trends Reported to CDC | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC
Mpox Virus: Divided into Two Main Clades
Clade I
Formerly Congo basin clade
More virulent (CFR ~10%)
Clade II
Formerly West African clade
Less virulent (CFR <1%)
2022 outbreak strain is sub-clade IIb
Source: Likos et al. J Gen Virol, 2005. Chen et al. Virology 2005. CFR = case fatality rate.
Mpox: Course of Illness
Incubation period: 317 days
Illness duration: 24 weeks
Development of initial symptoms marks beginning of prodromal period
Fever, malaise, headache, weakness, myalgia
Febrile prodrome lasts 14 days
Lymphadenopathy: generalized or localized to several areas
Rash lesions:
Progress predictably through stages: macule, papule, vesicle, pustule, crust
Pustules typically well circumscribed, deep seated, and often umbilicated
Are frequently painful, then become pruritic during the healing phase
Source: CDC [2022], Signs and Symptoms webpage. CDC [2022], Clinical Recognition webpage.
Mpox: Progression of Lesions
Source: National STD Curriculum: Mpox Clinical Guide
Clade IIb Mpox Outbreak: Clinical Characteristics
Disproportionately affecting young MSM*, including MSM with HIV
Transmission predominately linked to sexual contact
Lower burden of lesions
Distribution more centrifugal (abdomen/pelvis) than centripetal (arms/legs/face)
Affects both skin and mucosa, especially anus, genitalia and oropharynx
Fewer “prodromalsymptoms; they could be absent or follow rash onset
Immunocompromised experience more severe and more prolonged illness,
especially persons with HIV and low CD4 cell counts or unsuppressed viral loads
*MSM = gay, bisexual, same gender-loving, and other men who have sex with men
Classic Rash Presentation
Note centripetal distribution (arms/legs/face)
Lesions seen in the 2003 U.S. mpox outbreak
Lesions seen in endemic countries
Photo credits a-d: CDC
Clade IIb Rash Presentation
Site of skin lesions
Number (%)*
Anogenital area
383 (73)
134 (25)
Trunk or limbs
292 (55)
Palms or soles
51 (10)
*More than one site per person may have been reported.
Mucosal lesions presentno. (%) 217 (41)
Site of mucosal lesions Number/Total Number (%)
Anogenital only 148/217 (68)
Oropharyngeal only 50/217 (23)
Anogenital and oral 16/217 (7)
Nasal and eye 3/217 (1)
Penile and Vulvovaginal Lesions
Oral Lesions
Anorectal Lesions
Source: Thornhill 2022, N Engl J Med. Ogoina 2022, Qeios (pre-print)
Clade IIb Rash Presentation
Source: National STD Curriculum: Mpox Clinical Guide
Patients at Risk for Severe Mpox
People with
Underlying medical conditions
o Inadequately treated HIV (CD4+ counts < 350 cells/mm3)
o Immunosuppression (e.g., organ transplant, therapy for autoimmune
disorder, chemotherapy)
o Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency
History of atopic dermatitis, eczema, or extensive breaks in the dermal barrier
Mpox: Severe Complications
Ophthalmologic: conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration and scarring
Neurologic: confusion, seizure, encephalomyelitis
Cardiovascular: myocarditis, pericarditis
Rheumatologic: acute arthritis/synovitis
Conjunctival lesion with
corneal ulceration
Abnormal T2/fluid attenuated
inversion recovery signal
Inferior and anterolateral
T-wave inversions
Synovitis with subchondral
demarcation zone (red circle)
Source: Pastula 2022, MMWR. Badenoch 2022, Eclin Med .Rodriguez-Nava 2022, Emerg Infect Dis. Fonti 2022, Lancet Rheumatol.
Mpox: Severe Complications Continued…
Obstructions (most often in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract) secondary to
Ulcer-related strictures
Severe lymphadenopathy
Edema of surrounding tissue
Sepsis/hemorrhagic disease
Mpox: Transmission
Spread person-to-person through direct contact
Physical contact with infectious skin rash or scabs
Anogenital/oropharyngeal mucosal contact
Touching heavily soiled items (e.g., clothing, linens)
Placental transfer to fetus
Patients can be infectious up to 4 days before symptoms begin,
(whether prodromal or rash symptoms) and remain infectious
until lesions form scabs, scabs fall off, and a fresh layer of skin forms
Sources: CDC [2022], Science Brief: Detection and Transmission of Mpox, webpage.
CDC [2022], Isolation and Prevention Practices for People with Mpox, webpage. Beeson 2023, Lancet Microbe.
Mpox: Transmission Continued…
Risk of infection through contact with low-level contaminated surfaces or
objects in household or healthcare setting is considered low
Transmission during brief interactions or between people in close
proximity and for a long duration (such as passengers seated near a
person with mpox on an airplane) is unlikely
How often mpox virus is spread via respiratory secretions is unknown
Sources: CDC [2022], Science Brief: Detection and Transmission of Mpox, webpage.
CDC [2022], Isolation and Prevention Practices for People with Mpox, webpage. Beeson 2023, Lancet Microbe.
Physical Examination, Specimen
Collection, and Testing
Mpox: Examination and Diagnosis
Frontline clinicians may first encounter patients with mpox
Collect a complete sexual, social, and travel history for past 21 days
Perform a thorough skin and mucosal examination (e.g., genital, anal, oral)
in a room with good lighting
Consider a broad differential such as syphilis, varicella zoster, herpes simplex,
molluscum contagiosum, pharyngeal group A streptococcus
Evaluate for STIs per the 2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines
Persons with monkeypox may have other STIs including acute HIV
Notify the health department of suspected, probable, and confirmed cases
Mpox: Specimen Collection
Wear recommended personal protective equipment (PPE)
Do not unroof or aspirate lesions (or use sharp
instruments for mpox testing) due to the risk
for sharps injury
In severe cases, the CDC Infection Diseases
Pathology Branch can assist when a biopsy is
Sources: CDC [2022], Infection Prevention and Control of Mpox in Healthcare Settings, webpage.
CDC [2022], Tips for Adequate Collection of a Lesion Specimen from a Suspect Monkeypox, webpage,
CDC [2022], Guidelines for Collecting and Handling Specimens for Mpox Testing, webpage.
CDC [2022], Additional Testing of Biopsy Tissues in Severe Mpox Infections, webpage.
Mpox: Testing
Skin lesion material is the recommended specimen for initial laboratory testing
at either
Commercial laboratories
At a facility within the Laboratory Response Network
Contact the appropriate public health department or commercial laboratory to
determine criteria for acceptable specimens, as this may vary
There is a specific protocol for submitting specimens to the CDC, which may
differ from that of local health departments
High clinical suspicion is sufficient to initiate treatment
Other Infections Causing Rash or Proctitis
Herpes zoster
Disseminated varicella zoster
Disseminated herpes
Molluscum contagiosum
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)
Disseminated fungal infections
Disseminated gonococcal infection
Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Granuloma inguinale
Clinicians should be aware that patients may have concurrent infections.
Diagnostic Evaluation for both Genital Ulcers
and Proctitis
Initial evaluation
Syphilis serologic tests
If available, darkfield examination or nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
from lesion exudate or tissue
NAAT for gonorrhea and chlamydia
NAAT* or culture for genital herpes type 1 and 2
Clinicians should be aware that patients may have concurrent infections.
Mpox: Clinical Management
Mpox infection is often mild and self-limiting without specific antiviral therapy
Pain management, skin care, and wound care are often vital components of
mpox treatment plans
Sources: CDC [2022], Treatment Information for Healthcare Professionals, webpage.
CDC [2022], Clinical Considerations for Pain Management of Mpox , webpage.
American Academy of Dermatology [2022], Mpox Caring for the Skin, webpage.
Tecovirimat (aka TPOXX): Background
Antiviral approved by the FDA for treatment of human smallpox (not mpox)
May be used for non-variola orthopoxvirus infection (e.g., mpox) under a
CDC-held Expanded Access Investigational New Drug Protocol for adults
and children weighing at least 3 kg
Mpox treatment efficacy
Animal studies suggest mortality benefit
Human case reports report anecdotal evidence of reduced severity and
duration of illness and viral shedding
HOWEVER human efficacy remains unknown
Mpox postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) efficacy is unstudied
Source: CDC [2022], Guidance for Tecovirimat Use, webpage.
Tecovirimat: Availability
Available through
Study of Tecovirimat for Human Mpox Virus ( )
Some health departments (limited supplies)
Oral capsules
Must be taken with a full, fatty meal for adequate absorption
May be opened and mixed with soft food for pediatric patients <13kg
Oral and intravenous (IV) formulations available through the Strategic National
Stockpile (SNS) via consultation/email with state/local health authorities or
CDC as needed
Source: CDC [2022], Guidance for Tecovirimat Use, webpage. NIH [2022], Study of Tecovirimat for Human Mpox Virus, webpage.
Mpox: Clinical Management
Patients with underlying immunocompromise
(esp. advanced HIV) are at risk for severe,
systemic, protracted illness and death and
likely need combination therapy
CDC is available for clinical consultation, as
CDC Emergency Operations Center
Phone: 770-488-7100
Email: poxv[email protected]
Prompt consultation with CDC is
recommended for immunocompromised
patients and patients at risk for severe mpox
Photo Credits: Photo appears in
Miller MJ et al.
Optimize Immune Function
For immunocompromised patients
Optimize native immunity (e.g., ensure persons with HIV are receiving
effective antiretroviral therapy)
Limit the use of immunocompromising therapies (e.g., chemotherapy,
Source: CDC [2022], Update on Managing Monkeypox in Patients Receiving Therapeutics, webpage.
Mpox Vaccination
Live virus vaccine produced from the replication-deficient vaccinia virus strain
Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic (MVA-BN)
FDA licensed in 2019 to prevent smallpox and mpox in adults ≥18 years old
May be administered intradermally or subcutaneously for persons ≥18
Subcutaneously for persons <18 under Emergency Use Authorization
Administration in 2 doses at least 4 weeks apart
Can be used either:
Before potential exposure (pre-exposure prophylaxis)
After exposure (post-exposure prophylaxis)
Sources: FDA [2022], Jynneos, webpage.
CDC [2022], JYNNEOS Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine Intradermal Administration, webpage with pdf.
CDC [2022], JYNNEOS Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine Subcutaneous Administration, webpage with pdf.
JYNNEOS Vaccine: Safety
Safe for use in those who are immunocompromised or have atopic dermatitis
Demonstrated to be safe in current outbreak
Safety not established in:
Pregnant persons, breastfeeding persons, or children
Animal models using high doses showed no harm to a developing fetus
Contraindicated in patients with prior severe allergic reaction to JYNNEOS
Use with caution in those with allergy to eggs, gentamicin, or ciprofloxacin
Produced using chicken embryo fibroblast cells
Contains small amounts of gentamicin and ciprofloxacin
Sources: FDA [2022], Jynneos, webpage.
CDC [2022], JYNNEOS Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine Intradermal Administration, webpage with pdf.
CDC [2022], JYNNEOS Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine Subcutaneous Administration, webpage with pdf.
JYNNEOS Vaccine: Efficacy
Vaccine performance
Vaccine effectiveness (VE) ranged
No differences observed between intradermal or subcutaneous routes
Study population
Vaccination status
VE for 2 doses
(95% CI)
VE for 1 dose
(95% CI)
Epic national dataset
-control study
2,193 cases;
8,319 controls
Full: 3%,
Partial: 11%,
Unvaccinated: 86%
-control study
309 cases;
608 controls
Full: 23%
Partial: 32%
Unvaccinated: 45%
New York state
-control study
252 cases;
255 controls
Full: 0.8%
Partial: 8%
Unvaccinated: 91%
Sources: Deputy 2023, N Engl J Med. Dalton 2023, MMWR. Rosenberg 2023, MMWR.
Vaccination Prior to Exposure
Mpox Vaccination Indications: Sexual History
Risk Factors (1/2)
Offer mpox vaccination to adults/adolescents, who over the last 6 months:
Were diagnosed with a sexually
transmitted infection
Had a new sex partner
Are gay, bisexual, or are other
men who have sex with men
Are transgender or nonbinary
Source: CDC [2023]. Mpox Vaccination Basics, webpage
Mpox Vaccination Indications: Sexual History
Risk Factors (2/2)
Offer mpox vaccination to anyone
Who has had sex during the last 6 months
o At a commercial sex venue or other social gathering
o In association with a large public event in an area with ongoing mpox
o With a partner with the above risks
Who has HIV infection or other causes of immunosuppression who have
had recent or anticipate possible future risk of mpox exposure
Source: CDC [2023]. Mpox Vaccination Basics, webpage
Vaccination After to Exposure
Mpox Vaccine Postexposure Prophylaxis
Risk exposure assessment determines need for vaccination of close contacts
Initiate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)*
Within 4 days of suspected exposure to minimize disease incidence
From 414 days after suspected exposure to reduce illness severity
*Based on data from live, replicating vaccinia virus vaccines for smallpox
Sources: CDC [2022]. Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of JYNNEOS and ACAM2000 Vaccines, webpage.
CDC [2022], Monitoring and Risk Assessment for Persons Exposed in the Community, webpage with pdf.
1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)
TTY: 1-888-232-6348
For clinical consultation, please contact
CDC Emergency Operations Center Phone: (770) 488-7100
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CDC’s Ongoing Mpox Response
Mpox cases reported to CDC: Epi Curve (since 2023) with
7-day moving average (As of 05/10/2023 at 2pm ET)
Body Copy
Mpox cases in IL
Situation as of 5/15/2023
March 18 through May 15, 2023 21 cases reported to the Chicago Dep. of
Public Health
All male
17 cases (of 21 with information) were vaccinated
11 with 2 dose JYNNEOS, 1 with ACAM2000, 5 with 1 dose JYNNEOS
5 had well controlled HIV
None were hospitalized
6 (of 18 with information) had recently traveled (U.S. destinations and Mexico)
Rosalind J. Carter, PhD
Clinical Liaison
2022 Multinational Mpox Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agam Rao, MD, FIDSA
CAPT, U.S. Public Health Service
Lead, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Joining the Q&A Session
Andrea McCollum, PhD
Epidemiology Team Lead
2022 Multinational Mpox Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Brett Petersen, MD, MPH
Deputy Chief
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Relations at 404-639-3286 or email med[email protected].
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