Therapeutic HIV Vaccines and Broadly
Neutralizing Antibodies
Magdalena E. Sobieszczyk
Associate Professor of Medicine at CUMC
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
New York, New York
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Learning Objectives
After attending this presentation, learners will be able to:
Describe goals and challenges of therapeutic vaccine
Describe the status of clinical development of broadly
neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) for treatment
Describe advances in bNAbs
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Why pursue ART-free approaches like therapeutic vaccines and
antibodies to HIV-1 treatment?
What are therapeutic vaccines
What are broadly neutralizing antibodies - bNAbs
Advances in bNAbs for treatment and potential for cure
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Why Pursue ART-free Approaches to Treatment?
Impossible to eradicate HIV from latent viral reservoirs
with ART alone
Important to have OPTIONS including agents with
potential for less frequent dosing
Gaps in ART delivery
Long term side effects of ART
Adherence and retention in care remain a challenge
Is it possible to achieve sustained HIV-1 remission/control
without antiretrovirals?
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Rationale for Therapeutic HIV-1 Vaccines
Evidence from individuals whose immune system naturally
control HIV-1 without ART (LTNP, elite controllers)
effective host mediated anti-HIV immunity is possible
Is it possible to augment the host immune response to
kill infected CD4 T cells and neutralize circulating
Pantaleo &Levy, Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2013
Stephenson Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2018
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Goals of a Therapeutic Vaccine
At minimum
Make simplified ART regimens possible
Allow for periodic Analytic Treatment Interruption [ATI]
Eliminate need for ART either by eradicating the virus or
inducing host immune response capable of controlling virus
In placebo-controlled studies that included interruption of ART to
measure efficacy, therapeutic vaccine not successful in achieving
durable suppression of HIV viremia.
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No effect of DNA/rVSV therapeutic vaccination on control of HIV rebound
following ART interruption
26% of placebos sustained suppression of viremia after treatment
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Selected Randomized Controlled Trials of Therapeutic Vaccines
Vaccine Name
-HIV: Dendritic cells loaded w/heat
inactivated autologous HIV
decr in VL
during ATI,
incr T cell responses
-HIV, Lipo-6T, IL-2: Canarypox vector
Env, Gag, Pol, Nef),
lipopeptide vaccine (
Nef, Gag, Pol, IL-2)
Induced HIV
-specific CD4 and
CD8 T cell responses which
predicted virologic control during
HIVAX: mutated HIV strain expressing range
HIV proteins
ATI: no
Broad responses/Reduced VL
vs. pre
ATI in pts
who started
ART in early
Vx did not prevent viral rebound;
26% placebos had sustained
suppression viremia after ATI
-B: clade B gp120, Gag, Pol, and Nef
Safe & immunogenic; no sig
effect on VL rebound after ATI or
viral reservoir with or without
Garcia et al JID 2011, Levy et al. AIDS 2005; Levy et al AIDS 2006; Tung
et al Vaccine 2016; Sneller et al Sci Trans Med 2017; Mothe et al J
Antimicrob Chemother 2015
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Towards a More Effective Therapeutic Vaccine:
Improved Combination Approaches
Borducchi et al, Nature 2016.
MVA alone
Induced broad cellular immune
No clinically significant decrease
in VL setpoint after ATI
1.75 log reduction in VL
2.5-fold delay of viral rebound
after ATI
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Therapeutic Vaccines: Take Home Points
No randomized controlled trials of therapeutic vaccination that
induced long-term remission after analytical treatment interruption
Need vaccines that induce broad host immune responses to
recognize diverse escape viral variants after viral rebound
Therapeutic vaccine may need to be paired with potent latency
reversal agent (eg vorinostat) or immune modulators (TLR7
agonist) to induce long-lasting remission
Stephenson, Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2018
Graziani & Angel, JIAS, 2015
Seddiki & Levy, Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2018
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ARS Question 1: Would any of your HIV-infected patients
be interested in bNAb based therapies as an alternative
to ART?
1. None, my patients are happy taking daily ART
2. Yes but less than 25%
3. Yes, between 26-50%
4. Yes, between 51-75%
5. Yes, more than 76%
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Potential use of Abs for HIV-1 Treatment
Block HIV replication by inhibiting viral
entry into cell (neutralizing activity)
Capable of engaging the host immune
Mediate killing of infected cells (ADCC)
Potential to clear latently infected cells
and enhance immune responses
against HIV-1
Potentially target latent viral reservoir
Fig. Adapted Carillo et al, Frontiers Immunology 2018
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What are Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies
against HIV-1
Minority of HIV-1 infected individuals (5-10%) develop the ability to
neutralize various heterologous viruses from different subtypes within
2-3 years after infection
Very broad and potent neutralizing antibodies have been isolated from
these individuals
Bind to relatively conserved regions of Env
Passive transfer of bNAbs investigated for treatment, eradication/cure,
prevention, and to guide preventive vaccine design
Walker et al. Science 2009; Doria-Rose etal, Nature 2014; Liao et al. Nature 2013;
Bonsignori et al. Cell 2016; Martin van Gils, AIDS Conference 2018
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Broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies have NO impact
on HIV disease progression: CAPRISA 002 Cohort
Gray et al J of Virology 2011
Slide courtesy L. Morris
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Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Targets on the HIV-1
Envelope Trimer
Burton & Hangartner. Annual Reviews 2016
Slide Adapted from Marit van Gils, PhD
Attachment points of Abs
capable of neutralizing wide
range of HIV isolates
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gp41 MPER:
V1V2 Glycan:
PGT141-45, PGDM1400, CAP256-VRC26
CD4 Binding Site:
VRC01, 3BNC117, VRC07-523
N332 Glycan Supersite:
PGT121, 10-1074
Examples of Broadly Neutralizing Abs in
Clinical Development
Trimer (gp120/41)
8ANC195, PGT151
Slide adapted from presentations the Subramaniam, Kwong, and Wilson groups.
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Passive Infusion of Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies
Delays the Rebound of Plasma HIV Viremia Following
Interruption of ART
13 ART-treated participants with 3BNC117-sensitive viruses
Analytical treatment interruption (ATI) and 2 - 4 infusions
Infusions delayed viral rebound average of 8.4 weeks vs. historical controls
Rebound virus with low diversity and resistance to 3BNC117 in most ppt
Scheid et al Nature 2016
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Participants not screened for VRC01 sensitivity
Treatment interruption and 3-8 infusions
Median time to plasma viral rebound = 4 weeks & 5.6 weeks
Historical control for time to plasma rebound = 11 to 28 days
Viral rebound: Polyclonal and despite high Ab levels in most ppt
Bar, et al NEJM 2016
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Cohen & Caskey CurrOpHIVAIDS 2018; Lynch et al SciTransMed 2015; Caskey et al Nature 2015; Scheid et al Nature 2016; Bar et al NEJM 2016; Caskey et al Nat Med 2017
Selected Clinical Trials involving
bNAbs in HIV-1 infected individuals
Major Findings
On ART and
VL Decr 1.11.8 log
after single infusion
ATI: viral strains not selected for VRC01 sensitivity
Median delay in viral rebound of 4 and 5.6 wks after
ART d/c
12 days in HIV+
On ART &
Average VL Decr of 1.48 log
after single dose
ATI: Viral strains screened for 3BNC117 sensitivity:
Average delay in viral rebound of up to 9.9 wks after
ART d/c & multiple doses
9.6 days in HIV+
On ART and
V3 loop
VL Decr 1.52 log
after single infusion
Emergence of resistant viral strains in few wks
(sensitive to non-V3 loop Ab)
12.8 days in HIV+
CROI 2019
On ART and
V3 loop
High baseline VL: 1.7 log
drop with rebound
resistant virus (5/9 responders)
Low baseline VL: 2 pts suppressed >6 months
PGDM 1400
V1/V2 loop
Ongoing. Will evaluate PDGM1400 +/- PGT121
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Optimizing bNAbs for the Treatment of HIV Infection
More potent antibodies
Extend half-life of antibodies
Combinations of antibodies
Next generation of antibodies
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V R C 0 1
3 B N C 1 1 7
0 7 - 5
2 3
N 6
P G T 1
2 1
1 0
- 1 0 7 4
M 1 4 0 0
P 2 5 6 V
1 0 E
8 V
0 1 8 / V
R C 0 1
0 . 0 0 0 0 1
0 . 0 0 0 1
0 . 0 0 1
0 . 0 1
0 . 1
1 0
1 0 0
I C 8 0 T i t e r (
g / m l )
41 1
4 62 0
5 4 34 0 2 73
% resistant
More potent
CD4BS Glycan-V3 V1V2 Glycan MPER Tri-sp
Potency & Breadth: In Vitro Neutralization Profiles
virus panel
Thanks to VRC
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Potency & Breadth
Gama & Koup Annual Rev Med 2018
More potent
Increasing Breadth
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Antibody Modifications Extend Half-life: Intermittent Dosing
LS mutation: Two amino acid
mutation in Fc region of the Ab
Increased affinity for neonatal Fc
receptor (FcRn): extend plasma
Potential for less frequent
administration of mAb
Increased Ab at mucosal surface
in animal studies
Studies with LS versions are
VRC01LS vs VRC01 serum
Julie Ledgerwood et al. J Virol. 2014
Gaudinski et al, PLOSMedicine 2018
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Modifications of Fc region can also Increase Effector
Fc modifications to increase antibody dependent cell-mediated
cytotoxicity (ADCC) or phagocytosis
Potentially reduce or target the HIV reservoir
CROI 2019: Engineered variant of PGT121 with enhanced effector
function (GS-9722)
Enhanced killing of HIV infected CD4+ T-cells by NK cells
Thomsen et al. Abstract 356. CROI 2019
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Potential of Combination bNAb Therapy for the
Durable Control of HIV
In studies to date, rebound viruses did not demonstrate
increased resistance to other Ab that target different
envelope epitopes
Combinations of two or more bNAbs are likely to lead to
more robust and sustained antiviral effects
Increase overall breadth and potency
Prevent emergence of resistance
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Combining Abs to Improve Potency and Breadth
Rui Kong et al. J. Virol. 2015;89:2659-2671
Rui Kong et al. J. Virol. 2015;89:2659-2671
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Combination bNAbs and Treatment
Patients Virologically suppressed on ART >24 months
Pre-screened for 3BNC117 and 10-1074 sensitivity
3 infusions of combination Abs during Treatment interruption (ATI)
Median duration of suppression with Ab-sensitive virus: 21 weeks
Median duration of suppression with Ab-resistant virus: 5 weeks
Mendoza et al Nature 2018
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Combination bNAbs and Treatment
2 participants maintained virologic suppression long after Ab levels waned
1 remains suppressed
Important to explore if bNAbs can be a component of cure strategies
Mendoza et al Nature 2018
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Combination bNAbs
Combinations will be necessary to increase overall breadth and
potency and to prevent the emergence of resistance
Number of bNAbs required may differ based on the indication
In active viremia: combination of 3 or 4 current bNAbs may
be required to cover the swarm of viruses present
Screening for bNAb sensitity pre-therapy to potentially
reduce number of bNAbs required for Rx and amplify
CROI 2019: Potential of PhenoSense HIV nAB Assay
Reeves et. Abstract 305. CROI 2019
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Next Generation bNAb: Bispecific and Trispecific
Engineered Ab (single protein) that targets multiple independent
epitopes on virus
Potentially lower likelihood of escape mutations compared to single Ab
or combination of 2-3 Ab
Enhanced potency and breadth
Montefiori et al. Cell, 2016; Huang et al, Cell 2016; Asokan et al, J Virol, 2015; Xu et al. Science 2017
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Bispecific Antibodies Concept
Two different antibody binding arms on one IgG
Bispecific T-cell engager: CD3 and HIV-1
Killer T-cell
CD4 cell
Broader, more potent, less viral escape
Mediate cell killing
Slide courtesy John Mascola
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Example of Bispecific Ab: 10E8.4/iMab
Y. Huang et al. Cell 2016.
One arm of IgG binds an epitope
in the membrane proximal external
region (MPER) of gp41
The other arm binds either the
HIV-1 CD4, or, CCR5 co-receptor
molecule on T-helper cell
Phase 1, first in human, clinical
study for treatment and prevention
is starting 2019
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Trispecific Ab
Combines specificities of 3 Abs binding to
CD4 binding site & V1V2 glycan site
membrane-proximal external region
New data from CROI 2019
Potent Fc effector functions in animal studies: promising for
mediating ADCC and phagocytosis
Potent suppression of viral replication in viremic SHIV infected
Phase 1 ascending dose study in HIV-infected infected starting
Ling Xu et al, Science 2017
Pegu A et al, Abstract 28, CROI 2019
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Desirable Properties of bNAbs
Every 6 month regimen of passive transfer of combination
of bNAbs
SC injection
easier to implement
Replaces daily antiretroviral therapy
Safe & well tolerated
Scalable [Inexpensive]
Manufacturing: public private partnerships
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Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies: Next Steps
A new generation of highly potent and broadly neutralizing HIV-1
antibodies has been identified
HIV-1 exhibits genetic diversity and viral escape mechanisms.
Prudent to consider using a combination approach
Potential to screen for bNAb sensitity prior to therapy?
Like ART, combinations of mAbs could reduce the likelihood of
viral escape, and increase neutralization breadth
Alternative delivery systems: gene delivery viral vectors Vector-
based antibody production in vivo
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bNAbs are a promising approach towards durable control of HIV
rebound in absence of ART
also actively pursued for prevention both as passive prevention
and platform for design of vaccines
No randomized controlled trials of therapeutic vaccination that
induced long-term remission after analytical treatment interruption
Combination strategies of bNAbs, therapeutic vaccines,
immunomodulators (e.g. TLR7 agonist) may be needed to diminish
the reservoir
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Scott Hammer
John Mascola
Larry Corey
Shelly Karuna
Lynn Morris
David Montefiore
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