At Hilton, we are a business of people serving people, and because people are at the
heart of what we do, so is safety. We recognize the importance of creating a safe
environment for our Team Members, guests, contractors, and other visitors. Safety
requires a commitment from everyone. Each Team Member is responsible for
understanding and complying with all applicable safety and health laws and guidelines.
We support a proactive culture of risk management to ensure accidents or incidences
of ill health remain as low as is reasonably practicable.
As a global company, Hilton’s legal responsibilities for the safety of Team Members,
guests and others varies depending on local regulations and ownership/management
structures. Hilton as a management company retains responsibility for implementing
occupational health and safety programs in leased and managed hotels and corporate
offices, while these responsibilities sit with franchisees (separate legal entities) for
franchised hotels. The management of occupational health and safety in our leased,
and managed hotels and corporate offices is incorporated into everyday business
practices, and we regularly measure and review performance, focusing on the
development of a proactive safety culture. Hotels operate occupational health and
safety (“OHS”) programs relevant to their regions and local legislative requirements. We
are committed to continually improving the performance of our OHS program, and
corporate Safety and Security leaders meet regularly alongside hotel-based leaders to
update and refine guidance, training, and procedures.
General Managers are ultimately responsible for driving a positive safety culture in our
leased and managed hotels, and some larger hotels also have dedicated safety and
security teams on property to assist. Above property level, a dedicated team of regional
corporate safety and security directors provides expert guidance, assistance, and
auditing to help deliver on our vision. Regional Safety and Security Directors are
overseen by Regional Senior Directors/Vice Presidents who in turn report into the
Global Vice President of Safety and Security. At a global level, a Director of Global
Safety and Compliance ensures that regional teams have the necessary guidance and
training resources to deliver in their regions, and monitors accident, incident, and audit
data to gauge compliance. The Safety and Security function reports into a Senior Vice
President - Hilton’s Chief Risk and Accounting Officer.
Each year the Corporate Safety and Security team prioritizes initiatives to drive
occupational safety forward across the estate. Below are examples of initiatives that
each region is advancing this year:
The Americas region is relaunching a simplified and upgraded safe hands
initiative aimed at reducing work related accidents through raising awareness of
safe working practices.
The EMEA region is implementing monthly educational webinars with hotels to
raise awareness of safety and security resources and initiatives.
The APAC region is implementing a serious accidents mitigation strategy.
Managed hotels and corporate offices consult with Team Members at all levels to
identify safety concerns and opportunities for improvement by hosting regular Health
and Safety Committee meetings. Hotel management are encouraged to take an active
role in overseeing these meetings to increase engagement and help foster a strong
safety culture.
Work related injuries, ill health, diseases and incidents are investigated on property by
the relevant management. Managed hotels follow internal investigation reporting
requirements, which is evidenced on an incident management platform. Brand
Standards require all hotels to train Team Members in safety, which assists in the
prevention of work-related injuries.
Hilton’s Managed hotels operate health and safety programs tailored by region.
Regional examples of components of the OHS programs are outlined below but are not
exhaustive. While Hilton’s Occupational Health and Safety programs are not
independently certified against international standards such as ISO 45001, our
programs reflect similar levels of comprehensiveness on issues such as risk
management, employee consultation and legal and regulatory compliance.
Hotels in the United States are required to operate health and safety programs
that align with the requirements of OSHA. Each hotel is provided with a
template safety program and is required to customize the program to address
the specific safety needs of the hotel. Examples of safety programs operated by
hotels include blood borne pathogens, electrical safety, hazard communication,
injury prevention, machine guarding and PPE. In addition to the safety programs,
hotels can access monthly safety refresher training resources to help drive
home the importance of these programs. While OSHA applies only in the US,
resources are also made available to hotels in the Caribbean and Latin America
Separately, a ‘Safe Hands’ initiative is in place to help guide hotels in reducing
accidents. The Safe Hands initiative includes scorecards for evaluating the safe
performance of hazardous tasks such as moving a housekeeping cart, alongside
additional training resources.
Job safety analysis sheets are provided for hazardous activities such as lifting
heavy objects, welding, and window cleaning. These sheets contain detailed
step-by-step guidance on how to perform a hazardous task safely, thereby
reducing risk to the Team Member and others in the vicinity.
Departmental job safety training packs have been produced to guide hotels
through the process of inducting and training Team Members. These packs
(examples include Culinary, Engineering, Laundry, etc.) are developed with the
Team Member’s safety in mind and ensure proper training and instruction has
been provided for regular tasks.
Hotels are provided with checklists to self-assess their compliance with various
safety requirements. Checklists include ladder inspections and pool water
quality checks, among other tasks. Checklists help hotels identify potential
hazards and reduce risk.
Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific
With more than 100 countries represented outside the Americas, exact
occupational health and safety programs are influenced by local regulations, but
an overarching ‘Health and Safety Manual’ is in place to guide managed and
leased hotels through the requirements for keeping Team Members and Guests
safe. The Safety Manual -- available in multiple languages -- is extensive, but
examples of content include working at height, manual handling, chemical safety,
electrical safety, and slips, trips and falls. The manual contains a variety of
guidance, checklists and appendices that enable hotels to apply the content
directly to their properties.
In addition to the safety manual, hotels are provided with a suite of Safe Systems
of Work. Safe Systems of Work are provided for hazardous activities such as
chemical dosing, cleaning bodily fluid spills, and using ladders. They contain
detailed step by step guidance on how to perform a hazardous task safely,
thereby reducing risk to the Team Member and others in the vicinity.
Where required by local law (such as in the UK), hotels conduct workplace safety
risk assessments. These assess the likelihood and severity of injury occurring
due to the tasks typically conducted across the operation. Hotels then
implement corrective control measures where required, to ensure a satisfactory
level of residual risk. Risk assessments also help to monitor the effectiveness of
control measures.
Department specific eLearning courses are available in multiple languages.
These bespoke Hilton courses educate Team Members on the common hazards
associated with their departments and give comprehensive safety advice on
how to stay safe and avoid injury to themselves and others. Examples of these
eLearning courses include Kitchens Safety, Food and Beverage Safety, and
Housekeeping Safety.
Quarterly audits are provided for hotels to self-assess their compliance with the
contents of the safety manual. These audit requirements align with the control
measures identified in risk assessments. 21 separate audits are provided to cover
all aspects of hotel operations, and include examples such as fitness center,
kitchen, car park and conference and events.
Team Members in all regions have access to the School of Safety and Security – our
one-stop location for all safety training, available in multiple languages, and containing 11
hours of safety and security related content.
At a corporate level, managed and leased hotels receive periodic safety and security
reviews (audits) by their Regional Safety and Security Director. These reviews provide
an opportunity for the regional director to identify areas for improvement and to assess
compliance with the occupational safety programs. Hotels are selected for audit by
taking a risk-based approach. Audits facilitate the prioritization of remedial actions and
result in action plans which hotels are required to complete. An escalation process
enables auditors to raise any major concerns with senior regional leadership (Area
Operations Vice President) and Corporate Safety and Security leadership (Regional
Safety & Security Senior Director/Vice President). A customized audit platform is used
to capture audit actions and ensure completion. Audits are a key tool for evaluating
progress in reducing/preventing health issues/risks against quantified pass
marks/targets at audit.
Managed and Leased hotels report accidents into corporately managed reporting
systems, from which trend analysis is performed to identify areas of focus and further
An independently operated hotline is available for Team Members at Corporate,
Managed and Leased locations to report any code of conduct concerns, which may
include unsafe practices.
Further to safety and security audits, hotels are inspected by Quality Assurance
auditors who verify the completion of mandated safety training requirements such as
health and safety, CPR, emergency procedures and fire safety, food safety and
sanitation, and preventing human trafficking. These mandated requirements apply to
franchised hotels in addition to managed and leased hotels globally.
All corporate members of the Hilton Safety & Security Team (in addition to certain hotel
Safety & Security Directors, dependent on hotel location and size) are certified or
qualified in appropriate safety standards applicable to their regions. Examples include:
Americas - OSHA 501: Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health
Standards for General Industry, the highest certification individuals can receive
for private sector OSHA training.
EMEA – NEBOSH Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management, BSc
or MSc in Environmental Health.
APAC - Singapore National Occupational Safety and Health and Business
Continuity (BCLE2000).
Safety and Security processes and programs are periodically verified where necessary,
by third parties. Examples include:
United Kingdom – A primary authority arrangement with a local government
body ensures safety guidance produced by the UK corporate safety team is in
line with local legislative requirements.
USA – A legal firm - Jackson Lewis - periodically assesses the Americas OHS
programs to ensure they are compliant with OSHA requirements.
Globally – Third party food hygiene inspections conducted by Ecosure and
Diversey help verify food hygiene standards in kitchens.
The refinement and verification of our occupational health and safety procedures is
further aided by the connections our global and regional Safety and Security corporate
leaders have with peers across the industry. Such connections enable the sharing of
best practice and often involve feedback directly to lawmakers. One such example is
the involvement of the UK Regional Safety & Security Director on the UK Health and
Safety Executive Hospitality Liaison Forum.
As a major global company, many corporate Team Members and hotel managers are
required to travel internationally as part of their roles. Hilton operates a comprehensive
duty of care program with its partner Global Guardian. This program ensures all
international travellers have access to pre travel advisories, country risk ratings, and
expert travel safety advice. All international travellers are required to complete
bespoke Hilton international travel safety eLearning, which addresses a wide range of
safety, security, medical and emergency procedures. Team Members have access to a
Global Guardian mobile app which geolocates them during their travels and contains
important safety features such as a panic button. Hilton also works closely with travel
booking platforms to verify safe airlines and routes.