Risk Assessment Guidelines
Guidance Manual for
Preparation of Health Risk
February 2015
Air, Community, and Environmental Research Branch
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program
Page Intentionally Left Blank
February 2015
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program
Risk Assessment Guidelines
The Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual
for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
California Environmental Protection Agency
George V. Alexeeff, Ph.D., Director
Project Leads: Daryn E. Dodge, Ph.D.
and Gregory Harris
Reviewed by:
Melanie A. Marty, Ph.D.
Assistant Deputy Director, Division of Scientific Affairs
David Siegel, Ph.D.
Chief, Air, Community, and Environmental Research Branch
OEHHA acknowledges the following contributors:
Abdullah Mahmud, Ph.D
Anthony Servin, P.E.
Steven Yee
Yan-Ping Zuo
James F. Collins, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.
Andrew G. Salmon, M.A., D.Phil.
Aijun Albert Wang, Ph.D.
Air, Community, and Environmental Research Branch
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
California Air Resources Board
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................... 1
1 - Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Development of Guidelines ............................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Use of the Guidance Manual ............................................................................. 1-2
1.3 Who is Required to Conduct a Risk Assessment ........................................... 1-3
1.4 The Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) Software............... 1-4
1.5 Risk Assessment Review Process ................................................................... 1-4
1.6 Uncertainty in Risk Assessment....................................................................... 1-5
Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment.............................................................. 1-7
1.8 References.......................................................................................................... 1-7
2 - Overview of Health Risk Assessment ................................................................. 2-1
2.1 The Model for Risk Assessment ....................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Hazard Identification.......................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Exposure Assessment....................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Dose-Response Assessment ............................................................................ 2-2
2.5 Risk Characterization......................................................................................... 2-3
2.5.1 Point Estimate Approach ........................................................................ 2-4
2.5.2 Stochastic Exposure Assessment........................................................... 2-5
2.5.3 Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment..................................................... 2-6
References.......................................................................................................... 2-6
3 - Hazard Identification - Air Toxics Hot Spots Emissions.................................... 3-1
3.1 The Air Toxics Hot Spots List of Substances and Emissions Inventory....... 3-1
3.2 References.......................................................................................................... 3-2
4 - Air Dispersion Modeling....................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Air Dispersion Modeling in Exposure Assessment: Overview ..................... 4-1
4.2 Emission Inventories ......................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.1 Air Toxics Hot Spots Emissions .............................................................. 4-5
4.2.2 Landfill Emissions ................................................................................... 4-9
4.3 Source Characterization .................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.1 Source Type ........................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.2 Quantity of Sources .............................................................................. 4-11
4.4 Terrain Type...................................................................................................... 4-11
4.4.1 Terrain Type Land Use ...................................................................... 4-12
4.4.2 Terrain Type - Topography ................................................................... 4-14
4.5 Level of Detail: Screening vs. Refined Analysis...........................................4-14
4.6 Population Exposure ....................................................................................... 4-15
4.6.1 Zone(s) of Impact.................................................................................. 4-15
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
4.6.2 Screening Population Estimates for Risk Assessments........................ 4-17
4.6.3 Refined Population Estimates for Risk Assessments............................ 4-18
4.6.4 Sensitive Receptor Locations ............................................................... 4-20
4.7 Receptor Siting................................................................................................. 4-20
4.7.1 Receptor Points .................................................................................... 4-20
4.7.2 Centroid Locations................................................................................4-22
4.7.3 Spatial Averaging.................................................................................. 4-22
4.8 Meteorological Data ......................................................................................... 4-27
4.8.1 Meteorological Data Formats................................................................4-29
4.8.2 Treatment of Calms .............................................................................. 4-29
4.8.3 Treatment of Missing Data....................................................................4-30
4.8.4 Representativeness of Meteorological Data ......................................... 4-31
4.8.5 Alternative Meteorological Data Sources..............................................4-33
4.8.6 Quality Assurance and Control ............................................................. 4-33
4.9 Model Selection................................................................................................4-34
4.9.1 Recommended Models.........................................................................4-34
4.9.2 Alternative Models ................................................................................ 4-35
4.10 Screening Air Dispersion Models ................................................................... 4-35
4.10.1 AERSCREEN ....................................................................................... 4-36
4.10.2 Valley Screening................................................................................... 4-37
4.10.3 CTSCREEN .......................................................................................... 4-37
4.11 Refined Air Dispersion Models ....................................................................... 4-39
4.11.1 AERMOD ..............................................................................................4-39
4.11.2 CTDMPLUS .......................................................................................... 4-42
Modeling to Obtain Concentrations used for Various Health Impacts ........4-43
4.12.1 Emission Rates for Cancer, Chronic, and Acute Health Impacts .......... 4-43
4.12.2 Modeling and Adjustments for Inhalation Cancer Risk at a Worksite.... 4-43
4.12.3 Modeling and Adjustments for Noncancer 8-Hour RELs ...................... 4-45
4.12.4 Modeling and Adjustment Factors for Noncancer Chronic RELs .......... 4-48
4.12.5 Modeling and Adjustments for Oral Cancer Potencies and Oral RELs . 4-48
4.12.6 Modeling One-Hour Concentrations using Simple and Refined Acute
Calculations .......................................................................................... 4-49
4.13 Modeling Special Cases; Specialized Models ............................................... 4-50
4.13.1 Building Downwash .............................................................................. 4-50
4.13.2 Deposition............................................................................................. 4-51
4.13.3 Short Duration Emissions ..................................................................... 4-51
4.13.4 Fumigation ............................................................................................4-52
4.13.5 Raincap on Stack.................................................................................. 4-52
4.13.6 Landfill Sites ......................................................................................... 4-53
4.14 Specialized Models .......................................................................................... 4-54
4.14.1 Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion Model (BLP)......................4-54
4.14.2 Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD) .................................... 4-54
4.14.3 Shoreline Dispersion Model (SDM)....................................................... 4-55
4.15 Interaction with the District .............................................................................4-55
4.15.1 Submittal of Modeling Protocol ............................................................. 4-55
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
4.16 Health Risk Assessment Report ..................................................................... 4-58
4.16.1 Information on the Facility and its Surroundings ................................... 4-58
4.16.2 Source and Emission Inventory Information ......................................... 4-59
4.16.3 Exposed Population and Receptor Location ......................................... 4-60
4.16.4 Meteorological Data..............................................................................4-62
4.16.5 Model Selection and Modeling Rationale..............................................4-62
4.16.6 Air Dispersion Modeling Results ........................................................... 4-62
4.17 References........................................................................................................ 4-64
5 - Exposure Assessment Estimation of Concentration and Dose....................... 5-1
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 5-1
Criteria for Exposure Pathway Evaluation ....................................................... 5-3
5.3 Estimation of Concentrations in Air, Soil, and Water ..................................... 5-5
5.3.1 Air ........................................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.2 Soil.......................................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.3 Water ...................................................................................................... 5-8
5.3.4 Estimation of Concentrations in Vegetation, Animal Products, and
Mother’s Milk........................................................................................... 5-9
5.4 Estimation of Dose........................................................................................... 5-23
5.4.1 Estimation of Exposure through Inhalation ........................................... 5-23
5.4.2 Estimation of Exposure through Dermal Absorption ............................. 5-35
5.4.3 Estimation of Exposure through Ingestion ............................................ 5-42
5.5 References........................................................................................................ 5-60
6 - Dose-Response Assessment for Noncarcinogenic Endpoints........................ 6-1
6.1 Derivation of Toxicity Criteria for Noncancer Health Effects ......................... 6-1
6.2 Acute Reference Exposure Levels.................................................................... 6-3
6.3 8-hour Reference Exposure Levels .................................................................. 6-5
6.4 Chronic Reference Exposure Levels................................................................ 6-6
6.5 Chronic Oral (Noninhalation) Reference Exposure Levels........................... 6-11
6.6 References........................................................................................................6-13
7 - Dose-Response Assessment for Carcinogens................................................... 7-1
7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Carcinogenic Potency........................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.1 Inhalation Cancer Potency Factors......................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Oral Cancer Potency Factors..................................................................
7.3 References.......................................................................................................... 7-8
8 - Risk Characterization for Carcinogens and Noncarcinogens and the
Requirements for Hot Spots Risk Assessments .................................................... 8-1
8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.1 Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment..................................................... 8-2
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
8.2 Risk Characterization for Carcinogens ............................................................ 8-4
8.2.1 Adjustment for Early Life Stage Exposures to Carcinogens.................... 8-4
8.2.2 Fraction of Time Spent at Home for Cancer Risk Assessment ............... 8-5
8.2.3 Exposure Duration for Estimating Cancer Risk to Residents and Off-Site
Workers .................................................................................................. 8-6
8.2.4 Calculating Residential and Offsite Worker Inhalation Cancer Risk........ 8-7
8.2.5 Calculation of Noninhalation Cancer Risk............................................... 8-9
8.2.6 Multipathway Cancer Risk Methodology ...............................................8-12
8.2.7 Multipathway Cancer Risk for Infant Exposure to Mother’s Milk ........... 8-13
8.2.8 Cancer Risk Characterization for Stochastic Risk Assessment ............ 8-14
8.2.9 Use of Individual Cancer Risk and Population-wide Cancer Risk .........8-15
8.2.10 Cancer Risk Evaluation of Short Term Projects....................................8-17
8.3 Noncancer Acute, 8-Hour, and Chronic Inhalation Health Impacts
the Hazard Index Approach.....................................................................................8-19
8.3.1 Calculation of Noncancer Inhalation Hazard Quotient and
Hazard Index ........................................................................................ 8-20
8.3.2 Calculating Noninhalation (oral) Noncancer Hazard Quotient and
Hazard Index ........................................................................................ 8-21
8.3.3 Multipathway Noncancer Risk Methodology ......................................... 8-22
8.3.4 Summary - Acute, 8-Hour and Chronic Hazard Index Calculation at the
MEIR and MEIW ................................................................................... 8-24
8.3.5 Evaluation of Background Criteria Pollutants........................................ 8-24
8.4 Uses of Exposure Duration Adjustments for Onsite Receptors .................. 8-25
8.5 References........................................................................................................8-26
9 - Summary of the Requirements for a Modeling Protocol and a Health Risk
Assessment Report.................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Submittal of a Modeling Protocol ..................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Outline for a Modeling Protocol............................................................... 9-2
9.2 Health Risk Assessment Report ....................................................................... 9-5
9.2.1 Outline for the Health Risk Assessment Report...................................... 9-5
List of Abbreviations............................................................................ Abbreviations-1
Index of Selected Terms and Acronyms ...........................................................Index-1
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table of Tables
Table 4.1 Identification and classification of land use types (Auer, 1978) ............... 4-13
Table 4.2 Recommended Factors to Convert Maximum 1-hour Avg. Concentrations
Table 5.2a Substance-Specific Default Values for Organic Multipathway
Table 5.2b Substance-Specific Default Values for Inorganic Multipathway
Table 5.6 Point Estimates of Residential Daily Breathing Rates for
to Other Averaging Periods (U.S. EPA, 2011, 1995a; ARB, 1994)......... 4-36
Table 4.3 Time-scaling factors internally coded in CTSCREEN .............................. 4-38
Table 4.4 Input Parameters Required to Run CTSCREEN ..................................... 4-38
Table 5.1 Specific Pathways to be Analyzed for Each Multipathway Substance....... 5-5
Substances.............................................................................................. 5-18
Substances.............................................................................................. 5-19
Table 5.3a Animal Transfer Coefficients for Persistent Organic Chemicals ............. 5-20
Table 5.3b Animal Transfer Coefficients for Inorganic Chemicals ............................5-21
Table 5.4 Point Estimates for Animal Pathway........................................................5-21
Table 5.5 Mother’s Milk Transfer Coefficients (Tco
) .............................................. 5-22
trimester, 0<2, 2<9, 2<16, 16<30 and 16-70 years (L/kg BW-day)..... 5-25
Table 5.7 Daily Breathing Rate Distributions by Age Group for Residential
Stochastic Analysis (L/kg BW-day).......................................................... 5-25
Table 5.8 Eight-Hour Breathing Rate (L/kg per 8 Hrs) Point Estimates for Males
and Females Combined .......................................................................... 5-30
Table 5.9 METS Distributions for Workplace and Home Activities .......................... 5-31
Table 5.10 Example Worker Adjustment Factors (WAF) to Convert a Long-Term
Daily Average Emission Concentration to an Off-Site Worker Receptor
Exposure ................................................................................................. 5-32
Table 5.11 Recommended Annual Dermal Load Point Estimates (in mg/kg-yr) for
Dermal Exposure..................................................................................... 5-37
Tables 5.12a - d Annual Dermal Load Distributions by Age Group and
Climate for Stochastic Analysis ...................................................... 5-38
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.13 Dermal Absorption Fraction Factors (ABS) as Percent from Soil for Semi-
Volatile and Solid Chemicals under the OEHHA “Hot Spots” Program.... 5-40
Table 5.14 Recommended Soil Ingestion Rate (SIR) Estimates for Adults and
Children (mg/kg-day)*.............................................................................. 5-44
Table 5.15 Recommended Average and High End Point Estimate Values for
Home Produced Food Consumption (g/kg-day) ...................................... 5-49
Table 5.16a - e Parametric Models of Per Capita Food Consumption by Age
Group for Stochastic Analysis ........................................................ 5-50
Table 5.17 Default Values for L in EQs, and Fraction
of Food Intake that is Home-Produced .................................................... 5-52
Table 5.18 Recommended Point Estimate Tap Water Intake Rates (ml/kg-day)....... 5-55
Table 5.19 Recommended Distributions of Tap Water Intake Rates (ml/kg-day) for
Stochastic Risk Assessment ................................................................... 5-55
Table 5.20 Point Estimate Values for Angler-Caught Fish Consumption (g/kg-day)
by Age Group .......................................................................................... 5-58
Table 5.21 Empirical Distribution for Angler-Caught Fish Consumption (g/kg-day)... 5-58
Table 5.22 Default Point Estimates for Breast Milk Intake (BMI
) for
Breastfed Infants ..................................................................................... 5-60
Table 5.23 Recommended Distribution of Breast Milk Intake Rates Among
Breastfed Infants for Stochastic Assessment (Averaged Over an Individual’s
First Year of Life)..................................................................................... 5-60
Table 6.1 Acute Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and Acute Hazard
Index Target Organ System(s) .................................................................. 6-4
Table 6.2 Eight-Hour Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and 8-Hour
Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)...................................................... 6-6
Table 6.3 Chronic Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and Chronic
Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)...................................................... 6-7
Table 6.4 Chronic Noninhalation ‘Oral’ Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and
Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)....................................... 6-12
Table 7.1 Inhalation and Oral Cancer Potency Factors............................................. 7-4
Table 8.1 The Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment ................................................ 8-2
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 8.2 Tiers for Residential and Offsite Worker Cancer and Noncancer
Hot Spots Risk Assessments .................................................................... 8-3
Table 8.3 Age Sensitivity Factors by Age Group for Cancer Risk Assessment .........8-5
Table 8.4 Recommendations for Fraction of Time at Home (FAH) for Evaluating
Residential Cancer Risk ............................................................................ 8-5
Table 8.5 Summary of Recommendations for Exposure Duration for Individual
Cancer Risk at the MEIR and MEIW ......................................................... 8-6
Table 8.6 Mandatory and Site/Route Dependent Exposure Pathways....................8-10
Table 8.7 Multipathway Assessment of a Hypothetical Facility 30-Year
Cancer Risk............................................................................................. 8-13
Table 8.8 Individual Hazard Quotients and Total Hazard Index for Acute
Inhalation Exposure.................................................................................8-21
Table 8.9 Substance-Specific Chronic Inhalation and Noninhalation
Hazard Quotients and the Hazard Index by Target Organ System ......... 8-23
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Overview of the Air Dispersion Modeling Process. ...................................4-4
Figure 2 Acute Scenarios ........................................................................................4-50
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The draft of the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of
Health Risk Assessments (Guidance Manual) is a description of the algorithms,
recommended exposure variates, cancer and noncancer health values, and the air
modeling protocols needed to perform a health risk assessment (HRA) under the Air
Toxics Hot Spots Information and Assessment Act of 1987(Health and Safety Code
Section 44300 et seq., see Appendix B). The Children’s Environmental Health
Protection Act of 1999 (Health and Safety Code Section 39606, also contained in
Appendix B), which requires explicit consideration of infants and children in assessing
risks from air toxics, necessitated revisions of the methods for both noncancer and
cancer risk assessment, and of the exposure variates. This draft version of the
Guidance Manual updates the previous version (OEHHA, 2003), and reflects advances
in the field of risk assessment along with explicit consideration of infants and children.
The information presented in the draft manual is compiled from three technical support
documents (TSDs) released by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
(OEHHA) for the Hot Spots Program. The three TSDs (which are also revised versions,
replacing the original four Hot Spots TSDs adopted between 1999 and 2003) underwent
public comment and peer review and were adopted for use in the Air Toxics Hot Spots
program by the Director of OEHHA. The Technical Support Document for the
Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels (June, 2008) addressed the
methodology for deriving acute, chronic and eight hour Reference Exposure Levels.
The Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors (May 2009) addresses
the methodology for deriving cancer potency factors and adjusting cancer potency to
account for the increased sensitivity of early-in-life exposure to carcinogens. The
Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis (June
2012) presents the exposure model for the Hot Spots program and reviews the
available literature on exposure and relevant fate and transport variates. All three TSDs
are available on OEHHA’s web site at: Excerpts of these three TSDs are
presented in this document. There is relatively little new information in the Guidance
Manual since the adoption of the TSDs.
The draft Guidance Manual was released for public review. Public comments were
received and changes were made in response to some comments. Responses were
developed to all public comments. Both the Guidance Manual and OEHHA's response
to comments were then reviewed by the State's Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air
Contaminants (SRP), who previously reviewed the three TSDs upon which this
guidance is based. Following review by the SRP, OEHHA finalized this Guidance
Manual. This Guidance Manual supersedes the risk assessment methods presented in
the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk
Assessments (OEHHA, 2003), which in turn replaced earlier guidance provided by the
California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association (CAPCOA, 1993). This manual
updates health effects values, exposure pathway variates (e.g., breathing rates), and
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
continues to use a tiered approach for performing HRAs based on current science and
policy assessment. The Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors
(OEHHA, 2009) recommends a tenfold early-in-life potency factor adjustment for the
third trimester and ages zero to less than two, and a threefold adjustment factor for
ages two to less than sixteen. In addition, we recommend evaluating residency periods
of nine, thirty and seventy years. This means that exposure variates are needed for the
third trimester, ages zero to less than two, ages two to less than nine, ages two to less
than 16, ages 16 to less than 30, and ages 16 to 70.
The tiered approach presented in this draft manual provides a risk assessor with
flexibility and allows consideration of site-specific differences. Furthermore, risk
assessors can tailor the level of effort and refinement of an HRA by using the point-
estimate exposure variates or the stochastic treatment of distributions of exposure
variates. The four-tiered approach to risk assessment primarily applies to residential
cancer risk assessment. Compared to the OEHHA 2003 document, the exposure
pathways in the Guidance Manual remain the same. The exposure and risk algorithms
are similar, but they have been revised to accept new data or variables that are used in
the tiered risk assessment approach.
The draft manual also contains example calculations and an outline for a modeling
protocol and an HRA report. A software program, the Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting
Program (HARP), has been developed by the Air Resources Board in consultation with
OEHHA and Air Pollution Control/Air Quality Management District representatives. The
HARP software, which is being updated with the new exposure variates and health
values, is the recommended model for calculating and presenting HRA results for the Hot
Spots Program. Information on obtaining the HARP software can be found on the ARB’s
web site at under the Hot Spots Program.
The intent of the Guidance Manual and the HARP software is to incorporate children’s
health concerns, update risk assessment practices, and to provide consistent risk
assessment procedures. The use of consistent risk assessment methods and report
presentation has many benefits, such as expediting the preparation and review of HRAs,
minimizing revision and resubmission of HRAs, allowing a format for facility comparisons,
and cost-effective implementation of HRAs and the Hot Spots Program. Risk
assessments prepared with this Guidance Manual may be used for permitting new or
modified stationary sources, or public notification, and risk reduction requirements of the
Hot Spots Program. The use of uniform procedures allows comparison of risks from
different facilities and enables identification of facilities that are problematic from a public
health perspective. OEHHA reviews the HRAs to insure they are adequate for decision
making, but does not play a role in permitting decisions that may result from the HRAs.
OEHHA will provide advice to the Districts when requested on any of the risk assessment
methods or health values they have used.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
CAPCOA, 1993. CAPCOA Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Revised 1992 Risk
Assessment Guidelines. California Air Pollution Control Officers Association, October
OEHHA, 2003. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines: The Air Toxics Hot
Spots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments.
OEHHA, 2008. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines Technical Support
Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels. Available
online at:
OEHHA, 2009. Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors:
Methodologies for derivation, listing of available values, and adjustments to allow for
early life stage exposures. May 2009. Available online at:
OEHHA, 2012. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. Available online
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
1 - Introduction
1.1 Development of Guidelines
The Air Toxics Hot Spots Information and Assessment Act is designed to provide
information to state and local agencies and to the general public on the extent of
airborne emissions from stationary sources and the potential public health impacts of
those emissions. The Hot Spots Act requires that the Office of Environmental Health
Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) develop risk assessment guidelines for the Hot Spots
program (Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 44360(b)(2)) (see Appendix B for the
text of the HSC). In addition, the Hot Spots Act specifically requires OEHHA to develop
a “likelihood of risks” approach to health risk assessment. In response, OEHHA
developed a tiered approach to risk assessment where a point estimate approach is first
employed. If a more detailed analysis is needed, OEHHA has developed a stochastic,
or probabilistic, approach using exposure factor distributions that can be applied in a
stochastic estimate of the exposure. A detailed presentation of the tiered approach, risk
assessment algorithms, selected exposure variates (e.g., breathing rate), and
distributions with a literature review is presented in the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program
Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment
and Stochastic Analysis (OEHHA, 2012). A summary of this information can be found
in Chapter 5 of this document.
The Technical Support Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure
Levels (OEHHA, 2008) addresses dose response relationships for noncancer health
effects and the methodology for deriving acute, chronic and 8-hour Reference Exposure
Levels (RELs). Currently there are 53 acute RELs, 82 chronic RELs, and 10 eight-hour
RELs. Review and revision of RELs to take into account new information and sensitive
subpopulations including infants and children is an ongoing process. All draft RELs for
individual chemicals revised under the current noncancer methodology will undergo
public comment and peer review, as mandated by the Hot Spots Act. The Technical
Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors (OEHHA, 2009) addresses the
methodology for deriving cancer potency factors and adjusting cancer potency to
account for the increased sensitivity to early-in-life exposure to carcinogens. This
document contains inhalation cancer potency factors and oral cancer potency factors for
142 toxicants and toxicant compound classes developed by OEHHA or developed by
other authoritative bodies and endorsed by OEHHA. The OEHHA website
( should be consulted for the most current adopted chronic, acute
and 8-hour RELs and cancer potency factors. In addition, for a small subset of these
substances that are subject to airborne deposition and hence human oral and dermal
exposure, oral chronic RELs and oral cancer potency factors have been developed by
OEHHA. A summary of cancer and noncancer health effects values can be found in
Appendix L and Chapters 6 and 7 of the Guidance Manual. All three Technical Support
Documents have undergone public and peer review and have been approved by the
state’s Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants and adopted by OEHHA.
The Guidance Manual is undergoing the same public and peer review process.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The Guidance Manual contains a description of the algorithms, recommended exposure
variates, and cancer and noncancer health values, and modeling protocols needed to
perform a Hot Spots risk assessment under the Hot Spots Act (see Appendix B). The
information for the Guidance Manual is taken from the three TSDs. The Guidance
Manual supersedes the risk assessment methods presented in the Air Toxics Hot Spots
Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments (OEHHA,
The Guidance Manual is intended to address health risks from airborne contaminants
released by stationary sources. Some of the methodology used is common to other
regulatory risk assessment applications, particularly for California programs. However, if
the reader needs to prepare a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) under another program,
the HRA may need additional analyses. Therefore, appropriate California and federal
agencies should be contacted. For example, if a facility must comply with HRA
requirements under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) must be contacted to
determine if an HRA written to comply with AB 2588 will also satisfy RCRA/CERCLA
1.2 Use of the Guidance Manual
The intent in developing this Guidance Manual is to provide HRA procedures for use in
the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program or for the permitting of existing, new, or modified
stationary sources. The Air Resources Board (ARB) website ( provides
more information on the Hot Spots Program and risk management guidelines, including
recommendations for permitting existing, new, or modified stationary sources. The use of
consistent risk assessment procedures and report presentation allows comparison of one
facility to another, expedites the review of HRAs by reviewing agencies, and minimizes
revision and resubmission of HRAs.
OEHHA recognizes that no one risk assessment procedure or set of exposure variates
could perfectly address the many types of stationary facilities in diverse locations in
California. Therefore a tiered risk assessment approach was developed to provide
flexibility and allow consideration of site-specific differences. The tiered approach to risk
assessment is discussed in detail in Chapter 8 of this Guidance.
These guidelines should be used in conjunction with the emission data collected and
reported pursuant to requirements of the ARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria and
Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California Code of Regulations,
Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report for
the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program (EICG Report), which is incorporated by reference
therein (see ARB’s web site: for the most
current version, which was approved on August 27, 2007). This regulation outlines
requirements for the collection of emission data, based on an inventory plan, which must
be approved by the Air Pollution Control or Air Quality Management District (District). The
emissions reported under this program are routine or predictable and include continuous
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
and intermittent releases and predictable process upsets or leaks. Emissions for
unpredictable releases (e.g., accidental catastrophic releases) are not reported under this
For landfill sites, these guidelines should be applied to the results of the landfill testing
required under Health and Safety Code Section 41805.5 as well as to any emissions
reported under the emission inventory requirements of the Air Toxics Hot Spots Act
(e.g., from flares or other on-site equipment). Districts should be consulted to determine
the specific landfill testing data to be used.
1.3 Who is Required to Conduct a Risk Assessment
The Hot Spots Act requires that each local Air Pollution Control District or Air Quality
Management District (hereinafter referred to as District) determine which facilities will
prepare an HRA. As defined under the Hot Spots Act, an HRA includes a comprehensive
analysis of the dispersion of hazardous substances in the environment, their potential for
human exposure, and a quantitative assessment of both individual and population-wide
health risks associated with those levels of exposure.
Districts are to determine which facilities will prepare an HRA based on a prioritization
process outlined in the law. The process by which Districts identify priority facilities for
risk assessment involves consideration of potency, toxicity, quantity of emissions, and
proximity to sensitive receptors such as hospitals, daycare centers, schools, work-sites,
and residences. The District may also consider other factors that may contribute to an
increased potential for significant risk to human receptors. As part of this process
Districts categorize facilities as high, intermediate, or low priority. The District
prioritization process is described in the CAPCOA Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Facility
Prioritization Guidelines, July 1990 (CAPCOA, 1990), although some Districts may have
adopted their own method for prioritizing facilities for the purposes of AB2588, permitting,
etc. Consult the District for updates to the Prioritization Guidelines. See the Hot Spots
Program on ARB’s web site at for more information on facility
prioritization procedures.
Facilities designated by a District as “high priority” are required to submit an HRA to the
District within 150 days of designation. Districts may grant a 30-day extension. However,
a District may require any facility to prepare and submit an HRA according to the District
priorities established for purposes of the Hot Spots Act.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) Software
The ARB and the Districts have identified a critical need for software to assist with the
programmatic aspects of the Hot Spots Program. HARP is computer software used by
the ARB, OEHHA, Districts, and facility operators to promote statewide consistency,
efficiency, and cost-effective implementation of HRAs and the Hot Spots Program. The
HARP software package includes: 1) an Emissions Inventory Database Module, 2) an Air
Dispersion Modeling Module, and 3) a Risk Analysis Module. The user-friendly
Windows-based package provides for:
1. Electronic implementation of the risk assessment methods presented in the
OEHHA guidelines (Guidance Manual);
2. Electronic data transfer from facilities and Districts;
3. The production of reports;
4. Facility prioritization;
5. Air dispersion modeling (AERMOD) of multiple emission releases or facilities
for cumulative impact evaluations;
6. A summary report of acute, 8-hour, and chronic health hazard quotients or
indices, and cancer risk at the point of maximum impact (PMI), maximally
exposed individual resident (MEIR), maximally exposed individual worker
(MEIW) and other receptors to be evaluated as needed;
7. Mapping displays of facility property boundaries, risk isopleths, and elevation
8. The ability to display combined risk contours from multiple emission sources;
9. Output of data for use in other “off-the-shelf” Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) programs for additional types of analysis; and
10. Census data for determining population-related health impacts showing the
number of people exposed at various cancer risk levels and cancer burden.
1.5 Risk Assessment Review Process
The Hot Spots Act risk assessments are reviewed by the local District and by OEHHA.
The Districts focus their review on the emissions data and the air dispersion modeling.
OEHHA provides comments on the HRA’s general concordance with the Guidelines
Manual and the completeness of the reported health risks. The District, taking into
account the comments of OEHHA, approves the HRA or returns it to the facility for
revision and resubmission. If the HRA is not revised and resubmitted by the facility
within 60 days, the District may modify the HRA and approve it as modified. Based on
the approved HRA, the District determines if there is a significant health risk associated
with emissions from the facility. If the District determines that facility emissions pose a
significant health risk, the facility operator provides notice to all exposed individuals
regarding the results of the HRA and may be required to take steps to reduce emissions
by implementing a risk reduction audit and plan. Notification is to be made according to
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
procedures specified by the District. Each District determines its own levels of
significance for cancer and noncancer health effects for notification and risk reduction.
See the Hot Spots Program on ARB’s web site at for more information
on significance levels selected by each District.
1.6 Uncertainty in Risk Assessment
OEHHA has striven to use the best science available in developing these risk
assessment guidelines. However, there is a great deal of uncertainty associated with
the process of risk assessment. The uncertainty arises from lack of data in many areas
necessitating the use of assumptions. The assumptions used in these guidelines are
designed to err on the side of health protection in order to avoid underestimation of risk
to the public. Sources of uncertainty, which may overestimate or underestimate risk,
include: 1) extrapolation of toxicity data in animals to humans, 2) uncertainty in the
estimation of emissions, 3) uncertainty in the air dispersion models, and 4) uncertainty
in the exposure estimates. In addition to uncertainty, there is a natural range or
variability in measured parameters defining the exposure scenario. Scientific studies
with representative sampling and large enough sample sizes can characterize this
variability. In the specific context of a Hot Spots risk assessment, the source of
variability with the greatest quantitative impact is variation among the human population
in such properties as height, weight, food consumption, breathing rates, and
susceptibility to chemical toxicants. OEHHA captures at least some of the variability in
exposure by developing data driven distributions of intake rates, where feasible, in the
TSD for Exposure Assessment (OEHHA, 2012).
Interactive effects of exposure to more than one carcinogen or toxicant are addressed in
the risk assessment with default assumptions of additivity. Cancer risks from all
carcinogens addressed in the HRA are added. Similarly, non-cancer hazard quotients
for substances impacting the same target organ/system are added to determine the
hazard index (HI). Although such effects of multiple chemicals are assumed to be
additive by default, several examples of synergism (interactive effects greater than
additive) are known. For substances that act synergistically, the HRA could
underestimate the risks. Some substances may have antagonistic effects (lessen the
toxic effects produced by another substance). For substances that act antagonistically,
the HRA could overestimate the risks.
Other sources of uncertainty, which may underestimate or overestimate risk, can be
found in exposure estimates where little or no data are available (e.g., soil half-life and
dermal penetration of some substances from a soil matrix).
The differences among species and within human populations usually cannot be easily
quantified and incorporated into risk assessments. Factors including metabolism, target
site sensitivity, diet, immunological responses, and genetics may influence the response
to toxicants. The human population is much more diverse both genetically and
culturally (e.g., lifestyle, diet) than inbred experimental animals. The intraspecies
variability among humans is expected to be much greater than in laboratory animals.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
In most cases, cancer potency values have been estimated only for the single most
affected tumor site. This represents a source of uncertainty in the cancer risk
assessment. Adjustment for tumors at multiple sites induced by some carcinogens
may result in a higher potency. Some recent assessments of carcinogens include such
adjustments. Other uncertainties arise 1) in the assumptions underlying the
dose-response model used, and 2) in extrapolating from large experimental doses,
where other toxic effects may compromise the assessment of carcinogenic potential, to
usually much smaller environmental doses.
When occupational epidemiological data are used to generate a carcinogenic potency
or a health protective level for a non-carcinogen, less uncertainty is involved in the
extrapolation from workplace exposures to environmental exposures. When using
human data, no interspecies extrapolation is necessary eliminating a significant source
of uncertainty. However, children are a subpopulation with hematological, nervous,
endocrine, and immune systems that are still developing and may be more sensitive to
the effects of toxicants. The worker population and risk estimates based on
occupational epidemiological data are more uncertain for children than adults. Current
risk assessment guidelines include procedures designed to address the possibly greater
sensitivity of infants and children, but there are only a few compounds for which these
effects have actually been measured experimentally. In most cases, the adjustment
relies on default assumptions which may either underestimate or overestimate the true
risks faced by infants and children exposed to toxic substances or carcinogens.
Risk estimates generated by an HRA should not be interpreted as the expected rates of
disease in the exposed population but rather as estimates of potential for disease,
based on current knowledge and a number of assumptions.
In the Hot Spots program, cancer risk is often expressed as the maximum number of
new cases of cancer projected to occur in a population of one million people due to
exposure to the cancer-causing substance over a 30-year residential period. However,
there is uncertainty associated with the cancer risk estimate. An individual’s risk of
contracting cancer from exposure to facility emissions may be less or more than the risk
calculated in the risk assessment. An individual’s risk not only depends on the
individual’s exposure to a specific chemical but also on his or her genetic background,
health, diet, lifestyle choices and other environmental and workplace exposures.
OEHHA uses health-protective exposure assumptions to avoid underestimating risk. For
example, the risk estimate for airborne exposure to chemical emissions uses the health-
protective assumption that the individual has a high breathing rate and exposure began
early in life when cancer risk is highest.
A Reference Exposure Level (REL) is the concentration level at or below which no
adverse non-cancer health effects are anticipated for the specified exposure duration.
RELs are based on the most sensitive, relevant, adverse health effect reported in the
medical and toxicological literature. RELs are designed to protect the most sensitive
individuals in the population by the inclusion of factors that account for uncertainties as
well as individual differences in human susceptibility to chemical exposures. The
factors used in the calculation of RELs are meant to err on the side of public health
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
protection in order to avoid underestimation of non-cancer hazards. Exceeding the REL
does not automatically indicate an adverse health impact. However, increasing
concentrations above the REL value increases the likelihood that the health effect will
Risk assessments under the Hot Spots program are often used to compare one source
with another and to prioritize concerns. Consistent approaches to risk assessment are
necessary to fulfill this function.
1.7 Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment
OEHHA developed a tiered approach to accommodate consideration of site-specific
data that may be more appropriate for a given facility than the default variate. The first
tier is the simplest point estimate approach to estimating exposure to facility emissions.
Tier 1 is the first step in conducting a comprehensive risk assessment using algorithms
and point estimates of input values described in the Technical Support Document for
Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. (OEHHA, 2012) Each facility conducts
a Tier 1 risk assessment to promote consistency across the state in facility risk
assessments and facilitate comparisons across facilities. To be health-protective, high-
end estimates for the key intake exposure variates are used for the dominant exposure
Tier 2 allows use of site-specific point estimates of exposure variates as long as these
estimates can be justified. For example, if there are data indicating that consumption of
fish from an impacted body of water is lower than the OEHHA-recommended fish
consumption rate, then the facility can use that data to generate a point estimate for
sport-fish consumption from that body of water. The risk assessor must supply the data
and methods used for the site-specific estimates, and the site-specific estimates must
be reproducible and approved by both the District and OEHHA.
Tier 3 risk assessment involves stochastic analysis of exposure using data-based
distributions for the key exposure variates compiled in the OEHHA (2012) Technical
Support Document. Since a stochastic approach to risk assessment provides more
information about the range of risk estimates based on the range of exposures, Tier 3
can serve as a useful supplement to the Tier 1 and 2 approaches. Variance
propagation methods (e.g., Monte Carlo analysis) are used to derive a range of cancer
risk estimates reflecting the known variability in the inputs. Finally, a Tier 4 approach
would use distributions of exposure variates that may be more appropriate for a site,
such as the distribution of fish consumption rates for a specific body of water impacted
by a facility. As in a Tier 2 approach, the risk assessment must supply the data and
methods used for the site-specific distributions for exposure variates, and the site-
specific estimates must be justified to and reproducible by the Districts and OEHHA.
1.8 References
CAPCOA, 1990. CAPCOA Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Facility Prioritization
Guidelines. California Air Pollution Control Officers Association, July 1990.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
OEHHA, 2003. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines: The Air Toxics Hot
Spots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments.
OEHHA, 2008. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines Technical Support
Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels. Available
online at:
OEHHA, 2009. Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors:
Methodologies for derivation, listing of available values, and adjustments to allow for
early life stage exposures. May 2009. Available online at:
OEHHA, 2012. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. Available online
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
2 - Overview of Health Risk Assessment
2.1 The Model for Risk Assessment
The standard approach currently used for health risk assessment (HRA) was originally
proposed by the National Academy of Sciences in the 1983 book: Risk Assessment in
the Federal Government: Managing the Process (NAS, 1983) and was updated in the
Academy’s 1994 book: Science and Judgment in Risk Assessment (NAS, 1994). In
2009 the National Academy published Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk
Assessment (NAS, 2009), in which a number of recommendations are made on
improving the risk assessment process and expanding it to include community concerns
and cumulative risks. The four steps involved in the risk assessment process are
1) hazard identification, 2) exposure assessment, 3) dose-response assessment, and
4) risk characterization. These four steps are briefly discussed below.
2.2 Hazard Identification
For air toxics sources, hazard identification involves the pollutant(s) of concern emitted
by a facility, and the types of adverse health effects associated with exposure to the
chemical(s), including whether a pollutant is a potential human carcinogen or is
associated with other types of adverse health effects. For the Air Toxics Hot Spots
Program (Hot Spots), the emitted substances that are addressed in a risk assessment
are found in the list of substances designated in the ARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria
and Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-
93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (EICG Report),
which is incorporated by reference therein (ARB, 2007). This list of substances is
contained in Appendix A of this document and the EICG Report. The list of substances
also identifies those substances that are considered human carcinogens or potential
human carcinogens.
2.3 Exposure Assessment
The purpose of the exposure assessment is to estimate the extent of public exposure to
emitted substances. For the Hot spots program, in practice this means estimating
exposures for those emitted substances for which potential cancer risk or noncancer
health hazards for acute, repeated 8-hour, and chronic exposures will be evaluated.
This involves emission quantification, modeling of environmental transport, evaluation of
environmental fate, identification of exposure routes, identification of exposed
populations, and estimation of short-term (e.g., 1-hour maximum), 8-hour average, and
long-term (annual) exposure levels. These activities are described in Chapters 4 and 5.
Chapter 5 also discusses the tiered approach to risk assessment.
The ARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines (EICG) Report provides
assistance in determining those substances that must be evaluated in an HRA and the
reporting requirements of facilities, while the Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program
(HARP) software can be used to model ground level concentrations at specific off-site
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
locations resulting from facility emissions. The United States Environmental Protection
Agency (U.S. EPA) has adopted the AERMOD air dispersion model into its list of
regulatory approved models, in place of the previously used ISCST3 model. AERMOD
is a steady-state plume model that incorporates air dispersion based on planetary
boundary layer turbulence structure and scaling concepts, including treatment of both
surface and elevated sources, and both simple and complex terrain (U.S. EPA, 2009).
The Air Resources Board recommends AERMOD for Hot Spots risk assessments. The
AERMOD air modeling software will be incorporated into the HARP software, which
allows the user to input all dispersion parameters directly into the program to generate
air dispersion data. Alternatively, the air dispersion data may be generated separately
from HARP using other air dispersion models, and then imported into HARP to generate
risk estimates. Data imported into HARP must already be in the format required by
HARP. HARP has the flexibility to generate a summary of the risk data necessary for
an HRA by either of the above approaches.
Most of the toxicants assessed under the Hot Spots program are volatile organic
compounds that remain as gases when emitted into the air. These chemicals are not
subject to appreciable deposition to soil, surface waters, or plants. Therefore, human
exposure via ingestion or dermal exposure, at least at concentrations typically
encountered in the ambient air, is not considered for volatile organic compounds in the
Hot Spots risk assessments. While some models indicate potential for dermal exposure
to certain volatile organic compounds, at this time, the Hot spots program does not
consider this pathway. Significant exposure to volatile organic toxicants emitted into the
air occurs through the inhalation pathway, and this pathway is the primary consideration
in the Hot Spots risk assessments. A small subset of Hot Spots substances consists of
semi-volatile organic and metal toxicants emitted partially or totally as particles subject
to deposition. Ingestion and dermal pathways as well as the inhalation pathway must
be evaluated for these chemicals. A few of these semi-volatile organic and metal
toxicants must also include the breast milk ingestion pathway. Additional ingestion
pathways may also need to be evaluated depending on the pathways of exposure for
the specific receptor of interest. Table 5.1 in Chapter 5, Table 6.4 in Chapter 6, and
Table 7.1 in Chapter 7 list the substances that must be evaluated for multipathway
impacts. HARP is designed to assess potential health impacts posed by substances
that must be analyzed by a multipathway approach.
2.4 Dose-Response Assessment
Dose-response assessment is the process of characterizing the relationship between
exposure to an agent and incidence of an adverse health effect in exposed populations.
In quantitative carcinogenic risk assessment, the dose-response relationship is
expressed in terms of a potency slope that is used to calculate the probability or risk of
cancer associated with an estimated exposure. Cancer potency factors are expressed
as the 95
percent upper confidence limit of the slope of the dose response curve
estimated assuming continuous lifetime exposure to a substance. Typically, potency
factors are expressed as units of inverse dose (e.g., (mg/kg BW/day)
) or inverse
concentration (e.g., (µg/m
). It is assumed in cancer risk assessments that risk is
directly proportional to dose and that there is no threshold for carcinogenesis.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has compiled cancer
potency factors, which should be used in risk assessments for the Hot Spots program,
in Table 7.1. Cancer potency factors listed in Table 7.1 were derived either by the U.S.
EPA or by OEHHA, underwent public and peer-review, and were adopted for use in the
program. Chapter 8 describes procedures for use of potency values in estimating
excess cancer risk. For a detailed description of cancer potency factors, refer to the
Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors (OEHHA, 2009).
For noncarcinogenic effects, dose-response data developed from animal or human
studies are used to develop acute, 8-hour, and chronic noncancer Reference Exposure
Levels (RELs). The acute, 8-hour and chronic RELs are defined as the concentration at
which no adverse noncancer health effects are anticipated even in sensitive members
of the general population, with infrequent one hour exposures, repeated 8-hour
exposures over a significant fraction of a lifetime, or continuous exposure over a
significant fraction of a lifetime, respectively. The most sensitive health effect is chosen
to develop the REL if the chemical affects multiple organ systems. Unlike cancer health
effects, noncancer health effects are generally assumed to have thresholds for adverse
effects. In other words, injury from a pollutant will not occur until exposure to that
pollutant has reached or exceeded a certain concentration (i.e., threshold) and/or dose.
The acute, 8-hour, and chronic RELs are air concentrations intended to be below the
threshold for health effects for the general population.
The actual threshold for health effects in the general population is generally not known
with any precision. Uncertainty factors are applied to the Lowest Observed Adverse
Effects Level (LOAEL) or No Observed Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) or Benchmark
Concentration values from animal or human studies to help ensure that the chronic,
8-hour and acute REL values are below the threshold for human health for nearly all
individuals. This guidance manual provides the acute, 8-hour, and chronic Reference
Exposure Levels in Tables 6.1 through 6.3. Some substances that pose a chronic or
repeated 8-hour inhalation hazard may also present a chronic hazard via non-inhalation
routes of exposure (e.g., ingestion of contaminated water, foods, or soils, and dermal
absorption). The oral RELs for these substances are presented in Table 6.4. The
methodology and derivations for acute, 8-hour, and chronic, RELs are described in the
Technical Support Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure
Levels (OEHHA, 2008).
2.5 Risk Characterization
This is the final step of risk assessment. In this step, modeled concentrations and
exposure information, which are determined through exposure assessment, are
combined with potency factors and RELs that are developed through dose-response
assessment. The use of cancer potency factors to assess total cancer risk and the use
of the hazard index approach for evaluating the potential for noncarcinogenic health
effects are described in Chapter 8. Example calculations for determining (inhalation)
cancer risk and noncancer acute, 8-hour, and chronic hazard quotients and hazard
indices are presented in Appendix I. Chapter 9 provides an outline that specifies the
content and recommended format of HRA results.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Under the Hot Spots Act, health risk assessments are to quantify both individual and
population-wide health impacts (Health and Safety Code, Section 44306) (Appendix B).
The health risk assessments are facility specific and the calculated risk should be
combined for all pollutants emitted by a single facility. For example, cancer risk from
multiple carcinogens is considered additive. For exposures to multiple non-carcinogen
pollutants, a hazard index approach is applied for air contaminants affecting the same
organ system. All substances emitted by the facility that are on the Hot Spots Act list of
substances must be identified in the HRA, including those on the list that do not have a
potency value or REL.
For assessing risk, OEHHA has developed two methods for determining dose via
inhalation, dermal absorption, and ingestion pathways. These two methods, the point
estimate approach and the stochastic exposure assessment approach, are described
below and in Chapters 5 and 8. Detailed presentations of these methods can be found
in: Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis
(OEHHA, 2012).
2.5.1 Point Estimate Approach
OEHHA provides information in this document on average and high-end values for key
exposure pathways (e.g., breathing rate for the inhalation exposure pathway). The
average and high-end of point estimates in this document are defined in terms of the
probability distribution of values for that variate. The mean represents the average
values for point estimates and the 95
percentiles represent the high-end point
estimates from the distributions identified in OEHHA (2012). Thus, within the limitations
of the data, average and high-end point estimates are supported by the distribution.
Tier 1 of the tiered approach to risk assessment, which is briefly discussed in Section
2.5.3 and presented in more detail in Chapter 8, utilizes a combination of the average
and high-end point estimates to more realistically estimate exposure in multipathway
risk assessments. This method uses high-end exposure estimates for the pathways
that are the main drivers of exposure and the average point estimate for the other
non-driving exposure pathways. This approach will lessen the issue of compounding
high-end exposure estimates, while retaining a health-protective approach for the more
important exposure pathways. It is unlikely that an individual receptor would be on the
high-end of exposure for all exposure pathways. See Chapter 8 for detailed discussions
of how this multipathway methodology is applied to cancer and noncancer calculations.
The HARP software can perform this analysis (referred to as the derived approach in
the HARP software).
In addition to using an estimate of average and high-end consumption rates, cancer risk
evaluations at individual receptors are presented for 9, 30, and 70-year exposure
durations. The 9 and 30-year durations correspond to the average and high-end of
residency time recommended by U.S. EPA (1997). The California data presented in
Appendix L of the Exposure TSD (OEHHA, 2012) are generally supportive of the
nationwide data. The 9 and 70-year exposure durations present potential impacts over
the range of residency periods, while the 30-year exposure duration is recommended
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
for use as the basis for estimating cancer risk at the MEIR in all HRAs. Population-wide
impacts should use the 70-year exposure duration.
The parameters used for all exposure durations assume exposure begins in the last
trimester of pregnancy and progresses through the exposure duration of interest
(e.g., 9, 30, or 70 years). These assumptions are thus protective of children. Children
have higher intake rates on a per kilogram body weight basis (e.g., they breathe, drink
and eat more per kg body weight than adults) and thus receive a higher dose from
contaminated media. See Chapter 5 for the point estimates that can be used to
estimate impacts for children. Chapters 5 and 8 discuss how to calculate cancer risk
based on various exposure durations and point estimates. Appendix I contains an
example calculation and Chapter 9 clarifies how to present the findings in an HRA.
2.5.2 Stochastic Exposure Assessment
OEHHA was directed under the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” program (SB 1731, Calderon,
stat. 1992; Health and Safety Code Section 44360(b)(2)) to develop a “likelihood of risk”
approach to risk assessment. To satisfy this requirement, OEHHA developed a
stochastic approach to risk assessment that utilizes distributions for exposure variates
such as breathing rate and water consumption rate rather than a single point estimate.
The variability in exposure can be propagated through the risk assessment model using
the distributions as input and a Monte Carlo or similar method. The result of such an
analysis is a range of risks that at least partially characterizes variability in exposure.
Distributions of key exposure variates that are presented in the Technical Support
Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis (OEHHA, 2012) were
taken from the literature, if adequate, or developed from raw data of original studies.
Intake variates such as vegetable consumption are relatively data rich; for these
variates reasonable probability distributions can be constructed. However, the data
necessary to characterize the variability in risk assessment variates are not always
available. For example, for the fate and transport variates (e.g., fish bioaccumulation
factors), there are only a few measurements for a given chemical available which
precludes the adequate characterization of a probability distribution. We only
developed distributions for those key exposure variates that were adequately
characterized by data. Development of distributions is described in detail in the
Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis
(OEHHA, 2012).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment
OEHHA recommends using a tiered approach to risk assessment. Tier 1 is a standard
point estimate approach using the recommended point estimates presented in this
document. If site-specific information is available to modify some point estimates
developed in the Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and
Stochastic Analysis (OEHHA, 2012) and is more appropriate to use than the
recommended point estimates in this document, then Tier 2 allows use of that
site-specific information. Site-specific information should be presented to the District
before being used. The District may contact OEHHA for additional advice. Note that all
non-default variates need to be adequately justified to OEHHA and the Districts to be
used. In Tier 3, a stochastic approach to exposure assessment is used with the data
distributions developed in the TSD (OEHHA, 2012) and presented in this document.
Tier 4 is also a stochastic approach but allows for utilization of site-specific distributions,
if they are justifiable (to OEHHA and the Districts) and more appropriate for the site
under evaluation than those recommended in this document. Persons preparing an
HRA that has a Tier 2 through Tier 4 evaluation must also include the results of a Tier 1
evaluation. Tier 1 evaluations are required for all HRAs prepared for the Hot Spots
Program to promote consistency across the state for all facility risk assessments and
allow comparisons across facilities. Chapter 8 provides a summary of the tiered
approach and the TSD (OEHHA, 2012) discusses it in detail. Chapter 9 provides an
outline that specifies the content and recommended format of HRA results.
2.6 References
ARB, 2007. Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California
Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and
Guidelines Report (EICG Report).
NAS, 1983. National Academy of Sciences. Risk Assessment in the Federal
Government: Managing the Process. National Research Council. National Academy
Press, Washington D.C.
NAS, 1994. National Academy of Sciences. Science and Judgment in Risk
Assessment. National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.
NAS, 2009. National Academy of Sciences. Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk
Assessment. National Academy Press, Washington DC.
OEHHA, 2008. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines Technical Support
Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels. Available
online at:
OEHHA, 2009. Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors:
Methodologies for derivation, listing of available values, and adjustments to allow for
early life stage exposures. May 2009. Available online at:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
OEHHA, 2012. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. Available online
U.S. EPA (2009). AERMOD Implementation Guide. Last Revised: March 19, 2009.
U.S. EPA, 1997. Exposure Factors Handbook, Volume I, General Factors. EPA/600/P-
AERMOD Implementation Workgroup, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Online
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
3 - Hazard Identification - Air Toxics Hot Spots Emissions
3.1 The Air Toxics Hot Spots List of Substances and Emissions Inventory
For air toxics sources, hazard identification involves identifying pollutants of concern
and whether these pollutants are potential human carcinogens or associated with other
types of adverse health effects. For the Air Toxics Hot Spots (Hot Spots) Program, the
emitted substances that are addressed in a health risk assessment (HRA) are found in
the list of hazardous substances designated in the Air Resources Board’s (ARB’s)
Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California Code of
Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and
Guidelines Report (EICG Report), which is incorporated by reference therein (ARB,
2007). This list of substances is contained in both Appendix A of this document and the
EICG Report. The list of substances also identifies those substances that are
considered human carcinogens or potential human carcinogens.
The substances included on the Hot Spots Program list of substances are defined in the
statute as those substances found on lists developed by the following sources:
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC);
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA);
U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP);
ARB Toxic Air Contaminant Identification Program List;
Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS) (State of
Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986) list
of carcinogens and reproductive toxicants (State of California);
Any additional substance recognized by the State Board as presenting a
chronic or acute threat to public health when present in the ambient air.
All substances emitted by the facility that are on the Hot Spots Act list of substances
must be identified in the HRA.
The ARB EICG Report (ARB, 2007) specifies that each facility subject to the Hot Spots
Act must submit an Emission Inventory Report to the local air pollution control or air
quality management district. This Emission Inventory Report must identify and account
for all listed substances used, manufactured, formulated, or released by the facility. All
routine, predictable releases must be reported. These inventory reports include the
emission data necessary to estimate off-site levels of facility-released Hot Spots
substances. These inventory reports will be discussed in further detail in Chapter 4.
See Chapter 9 for an outline that specifies the content and recommended format for
presenting the air dispersion modeling and HRA results. As presented in Appendix A,
the EICG Report divides the list into three groups for reporting purposes. Potency or
severity of toxic effects and potential for facility emission were considered in placing
compounds into the three groups.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
For the first group (listed in these guidelines in Appendix A-I), all emissions of these
substances must be quantified in the HRA. For substances in the second group (listed
in these guidelines in Appendix A-II), emissions are not quantified; however, facilities
must report whether the substance is used, produced, or otherwise present on-site
(i.e., these substances are simply listed in a table in the HRA). Lastly, substances in
the third group (Appendix A-III) also only need to be reported in a table in the HRA if
they are manufactured by the reporting facility.
Facilities that must comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
(RCRA/CERCLA) requirements for risk assessment need to consult the California
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Remedial Project Manager to
determine which substances must be evaluated in their risk assessment. Some
RCRA/CERCLA facilities may emit substances which are not currently listed under the
Hot Spots Program but which may require evaluation in a RCRA/CERCLA risk
3.2 References
ARB, 2007. Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California
Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and
Guidelines Report (EICG Report).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
4 - Air Dispersion Modeling
The information contained in this section is primarily an abbreviated version of the
material found in Chapter 2 of the Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines;
Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis Technical Support Document (OEHHA,
2012). Several references have been included in this section to indicate those areas
that are covered in more detail in Chapter 2 of the Technical Support Document.
However, some air dispersion concepts and procedures have been added to assist the
reader in the health risk assessment (HRA) process. In particular, a brief summary of
the Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) software applicability to air
dispersion analysis has been included. The HARP software has been developed by the
Air Resources Board (ARB), in consultation with OEHHA and Air Pollution Control or Air
Quality Management District (District) representatives. The HARP software is the
recommended model for calculating and presenting HRA results for the Air Toxics Hot
Spots Program (Hot Spots). Information on obtaining the HARP software can be found
under the Hot Spots Program on the ARB’s web site at See Chapter 9
for an outline that specifies the content and recommended format for presenting the air
dispersion modeling and HRA results.
The U.S. EPA has adopted the AERMOD air dispersion model into their list of
regulatory approved models, in place of the previously used ISCST3 model. AERMOD
is a steady-state plume model that incorporates air dispersion based on planetary
boundary layer turbulence structure and scaling concepts, including treatment of both
surface and elevated sources, and both simple and complex terrain (U.S. EPA, 2009).
The Air Resources Board recommends AERMOD for Hot Spots risk assessments.
4.1 Air Dispersion Modeling in Exposure Assessment: Overview
Estimates of air concentrations of emitted toxicants in the surrounding community from
a facility’s air emissions are needed in order to determine cancer and noncancer risks.
One approach to determining the concentration of air pollutants emitted from the facility
is to do air monitoring in the surrounding community. However, there are a number of
disadvantages to this approach. Ambient air monitoring is costly because good
estimates of an annual average concentration typically require monitoring at least one
day in six over a year. Because it is costly, monitoring is usually limited to a select
number of pollutants, and a limited number of sites. There can be significant risks from
some chemicals at or even below the monitoring detection limit, which can add
considerable uncertainty to risk estimates if many of the measurements are below or
near the detection limit. Monitoring measures not only facility emissions but also
general ambient background as well. It can be difficult and expensive to distinguish
between the two using monitoring, particularly if general ambient background levels are
high relative to the contribution of facility emissions. These limitations often make it
impractical to use monitoring in a program such as the Air Toxics Hot Spots program
with hundreds of facilities.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Air dispersion models have several advantages over monitoring. Modeling can provide
greater spatial detail and the costs are relatively cheap by comparison. For example,
dispersion models can estimate the pollutant concentration in air at many receptor
locations (hundreds to thousands) and for a multitude of averaging periods. Air
dispersion models have been validated using air monitoring.
There are, however, uncertainties associated with the typical usage of air dispersion
modeling. The use of meteorological data from the nearest airport may not ideally be
the best representation of localized conditions. Gaussian plume air dispersion models
ignore calm hours. This can bias model predictions towards underestimation. Some
dispersion models offer limited chemical reactions within the algorithms; however, we
generally assume the pollutant is inert for the near-field atmospheric travel time. This
may bias estimated concentrations towards over-prediction for those pollutants that are
highly reactive in the atmosphere. Air dispersion model results are only as good as the
emissions estimates and emissions estimates can be uncertain. However, on the
whole, the advantages of air dispersion modeling for a program like the Air Toxics Hot
Spots far outweigh the disadvantages.
Professional judgment is required throughout the dispersion modeling process. The
local air quality district has final authority on modeling protocols. The following
guidance is intended to assist in the understanding of dispersion modeling for risk
Air dispersion modeling includes the following steps (see Figure 1):
1. Create an emission inventory of the toxic releases (Section 4.2)
2. Identify the source types (Section 4.3)
3. Identify the terrain type and land use (Section 4.4)
4. Determine the detail needed for the analysis: screening or refined (Section 4.5)
5. Identify the population exposure (Section 4.6)
6. Identify the receptor network (Section 4.7)
7. Obtain meteorological data (for refined air dispersion modeling only) (Section 4.8)
8. Select an air dispersion model (Section 4.9)
9. Prepare a modeling protocol and submit to the local Air District (hereafter referred to
as “the District”) (Section 4.14)
10.Complete the air dispersion analysis
11.If necessary, redefine the receptor network and return to Step 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
12.Complete the risk assessment
13.If necessary, refine the inputs and/or the model selection and return to Step 8
14.Present the HRA results (Chapter 9 provides an outline that specifies the content
and recommended format of HRA results).
The output of the air dispersion modeling analysis includes a receptor field of ground
level concentrations of the pollutant in ambient air. These concentrations can be used
to estimate an inhaled or ingested dose for the estimation of multipathway cancer risk,
or used to determine a hazard index for acute (inhalation), and chronic noncancer
multipathway risks. It should be noted that in the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” program,
facilities simulate the dispersion of the chemical emitted as an inert compound, and do
not model any atmospheric transformations or dispersion of products from such
reactions. The U.S. EPA Guideline on Air Quality Models (U.S. EPA, 2005) should be
consulted when evaluating reactive pollutants for other regulatory purposes.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Figure 1 Overview of the Air Dispersion Modeling Process.
1. Create the Emissions Inventory (Section 4.2)
2. Identify the Source Types (Section 4.3)
3. Identify the Terrain Type (Section 4.4)
4. Determine Level of Detail for Analysis: Screening or Refined (Section 4.5)
5. Identify Population Exposure (Section 4.6)
6. Identify Receptor Network (Section 4.7)
7. Obtain Meteorological Data (Section 4.8)*
8. Select an Air Dispersion Model (Section 4.9)
9. Prepare Modeling Protocol and Submit to District (Chapter 9)**
10. Complete Air Dispersion Modeling
Obtain Concentration Field
12. Estimate Health Risks
13. If Necessary, Refine Inputs for Analysis
14. Prepare HRA Report and Submit to District (Chapter 9)
11. If Necessary, Change Level
of Detail for Analysis
Reference Exposure Levels
Cancer Potency Factors
Other Survey data
* Some screening models do not require any meteorological data.
** Optional but strongly recommended.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Emission Inventories
The Emission Inventory Reports (Inventory Reports) developed under the Hot Spots
Program provide data to be used in the HRA and in the air dispersion modeling process.
The Inventory Reports contain information regarding emission sources, emitted
substances, emission rates, emission factors, process rates, and release parameters
(area and volume sources may require additional release data beyond that generally
available in Emissions Inventory reports). This information is developed according to
the ARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California
Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and
Guidelines Report (EICG Report), which is incorporated by reference therein
(ARB, 2007).
Updated emission data for process changes, emission factor changes, material/fuel
changes, or shutdown must be approved by the District prior to the submittal of the
health risk assessment (HRA). Ideally, the District review of updated emissions could
be completed within the modeling protocol. In addition, it must be stated clearly in the
risk assessment if the emission estimates are based on updated or revised emissions
(e.g., emission reductions). This section summarizes the requirements that apply to the
emission data which are used for Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Act risk assessments.
4.2.1 Air Toxics Hot Spots Emissions
As noted in Chapter 3, Hazard Identification, the HRA should identify all substances
emitted by the facility, which are on the Hot Spots Act list of substances (see Appendix
A of the Guidance Manual or the EICG Report). The EICG Report specifies that
Inventory Reports must identify and account for all listed substances used,
manufactured, formulated, or released by the facility. All routine, predictable releases
must be reported. Under the regulations, the list is divided into three groups for
reporting purposes. The first group (listed in Appendix A-I of the Inventory Guidelines
Report) has all pollutants whose emissions must be quantified. The second group
(listed in Appendix A-II of the Inventory Guidelines Report) includes substances where
emissions do not need to be quantified; however, facilities must report whether the
substance is used, produced, or otherwise present on-site. The third group (listed in
Appendix A-III of the Emissions Inventory Guidelines Report) includes substances
whose emissions need not be reported unless the substance is manufactured by the
facility. Chemicals or substances in the second and third groups should be listed in a
table in the risk assessment.
Facilities that must comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
(RCRA/CERCLA) requirements for risk assessment need to consult the Department of
Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Remedial Project Manager to determine which
substances must be evaluated in their risk assessment in addition to the list of “Hot
Spots” chemicals. Some RCRA/CERCLA facilities may emit chemicals that are not
currently listed under the “Hot Spots” Program. Chapter 9 provides an outline that
specifies the content and recommended format of HRA results.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Emission Estimates Used in the Risk Assessment
The HRA must include emission estimates for all substances that are required to be
quantified in the facility’s emission inventory report. Specifically, HRAs should include
both annual average emissions and maximum 1-hour emissions for each pollutant.
Maximum 1-hour emissions are used for acute noncancer health impacts while annual
emissions are used for chronic exposures (i.e., chronic and 8-hour noncancer health
impacts or cancer risk assessment).
Emissions for each substance must be reported for individual emitting processes
associated with unique devices within a facility. Total facility emissions for an individual
air contaminant will be the sum of emissions, reported by process, for that facility.
Information on daily and annual hours of operation, and relative monthly activity, must
be reported for each emitting process. Devices and emitting processes must be clearly
identified and described and must be consistent with those reported in the emissions
inventory report.
The HRA should include tables that present the emission information (i.e., emission
rates for each substance released from each process) in a clear and concise manner.
The District may allow the facility operator to base the HRA on more current emission
estimates than those presented in the previously submitted emission inventory report
(i.e., actual enforceable emission reductions realized by the time the HRA is submitted
to the District). If the District allows the use of more current emission estimates, the
District must review and approve the new emissions estimates prior to use in the HRA.
The HRA report must clearly state what emissions are being used and when any
reductions became effective. Specifically, a table presenting emission estimates
included in the previously submitted emission inventory report as well as those used for
the HRA should be presented. The District should be consulted concerning the specific
format for presenting the emission information. Chapter 9 provides an outline that
specifies the content and recommended format of HRA results. A revised emission
inventory report must be submitted to the District prior to submitting the HRA and
forwarded by the District to the ARB, if revised emission data are used. Molecular Weight Adjustments for the Emissions of Metal Compounds
For most of the Hot Spots toxic metals, the OEHHA cancer potency factors, acute and
chronic RELs apply to the weight of the toxic metal atom contained in the overall
compound. Some of the Hot Spots compounds contain various elements along with the
toxic metal atom (e.g., “Nickel hydroxide”, CAS number 12054-48-7, has a formula of
). Therefore, an adjustment to the reported pounds of the overall compound is
needed before applying the OEHHA cancer potency factor for “Nickel and compounds”
to such a compound. This ensures that the cancer potency factor, acute or chronic REL
is applied only to the fraction of the overall weight of the emissions that are associated
with health effects of the metal. In other cases, the Hot Spots metals are already
reported as the metal atom equivalent (e.g., CAS 7440-02-0, “Nickel”), and these cases
do not use any further molecular weight adjustment. (Refer to Note [7] in Appendix A,
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
List of Substances in the EICG Report for further information on how the emissions of
various Hot Spots metal compounds are reported.)
The appropriate molecular weight adjustment factors (MWAF) to be used along with the
OEHHA cancer potency factors, acute and chronic RELs for Hot Spots metals can be
found in the MWAF column
of the table containing OEHHA/ARB Approved Health
Values for use in Hot Spots Facility Risk Assessments that is in Appendix L of this
As an example, the compound “Nickel hydroxide” has a molecular formula of H
The atomic weight of each of the elements in this compound, and the fraction they
represent of the total weight, are therefore as follows:
Element Number
Fraction of Total Weight =
1 x Nickel (Ni)
1 x
58.70 / 92.714 = 0.6332
(MWAF for Nickel)
2 x Oxygen (O) 2 x 15.999
2 x Hydrogen (H) 2 x 1.008
Total Molecular Weight of H
: 92.714
So, for example, assume that 100 pounds of “Nickel hydroxide” emissions are reported
under CAS number 12054-48-7. To get the Nickel atom equivalent of these emissions,
multiply by the listed MWAF (0.6332) for Nickel hydroxide:
100 pounds x 0.6332 = 63.32 pounds of Nickel atom equivalent.
This step should be completed prior to applying the OEHHA cancer potency factor for
“Nickel and compounds” in a calculation for a prioritization score or risk assessment
calculation. (Note - The HARP software automatically applies the appropriate MWAF
for each Hot Spots chemical (by CAS number), so the emissions should not be
manually adjusted when using HARP. Therefore, if using HARP, you would use 100
pounds for Nickel hydroxide and HARP will make the MWAF adjustment for you. If not
using HARP, you would use 63.32 pounds.)
The value listed in the MWAF column for Asbestos is not a molecular weight adjustment. This is a
conversion factor for adjusting mass and fibers or structures. See Appendix C for more information on
Asbestos reporting and risk assessment information or see the EICG report for reporting guidance.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Release Parameters
Emission release parameters (e.g., stack height and inside diameter, stack gas exit
velocity, release temperature and emission source location in UTM coordinates) are
needed as inputs to the air dispersion model. The Inventory Guidelines specify the
release parameters that must be reported for each stack, vent, ducted building, exhaust
site, or other site of exhaust release. Additional information may be required to
characterize releases from non-stack (volume and area) sources; see U.S. EPA
dispersion modeling guidelines or specific user's manuals. This information should also
be included in the air dispersion section of the risk assessment. This information must
be presented in tables included in the risk assessment. Note that some dimensional
units needed for the dispersion model may require conversion from the units reported in
the Inventory Report (e.g., Kelvin (K) vs. degrees Fahrenheit (°F)). Chapter 9 provides
an outline that specifies the content and recommended format of HRA results. Operation Schedule
The HRA should include a discussion of the facility operation schedule and daily
emission patterns. For AB2588 purposes, emissions should be reported based on
routine and predictable operations. Weekly or seasonal emission patterns may vary
and should be discussed. This is especially important in a refined HRA. Diurnal
emission patterns should be simulated in the air dispersion model because of diurnal
nature of meteorological observations. Diurnal evaluations are important to include
since diurnal weather patterns and emission releases may cause significant differences
in the concentration at a receptor of interest.
A table should be included listing the emission schedule on an hourly and yearly basis.
In addition, the emission schedule and exposure schedule should corroborate any
exposure adjustment factors used for approximating an inhaled dose. For more
information about exposure adjustment factors, see Section 4.8.1. Alternatively,
exposure adjustments can be made through refining the air dispersion analysis. See
Section for special case modeling or Appendix M. An alternative to
including modeling that addresses diurnal influences would be to include a sensitivity
study showing, and/or text explaining, the reason(s) why there are no significant
differences due to diurnal influences on the emissions from the facility or at the
receptor(s) of interest. For more guidance, you can contact the district or reviewing
authority. Chapter 9 provides an outline that specifies the content and recommended
format of HRA results. Emission Controls
The HRA should include a description of control equipment, the emitting processes it
serves, and its efficiency in reducing emissions of substances on the Air Toxics Hot
Spots list. The EICG Report requires that this information be included in the Inventory
Reports, along with the emission data for each emitting process. If the control
equipment did not operate full-time throughout the year, then the reported overall
control efficiency must be adjusted to account for any predictable downtime of the
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
control equipment. Any entrainment of toxic substances to the atmosphere from control
equipment should be accounted for; this includes fugitive releases during maintenance
and cleaning of control devices (e.g., baghouses and cyclones). Contact the District for
guidance with control equipment adjustments. Recommended default deposition rates
that are used when calculating potential noninhalation health impacts are listed in
Section 5.3.2. Chapter 9 provides an outline that specifies the content and
recommended format of HRA results.
4.2.2 Landfill Emissions
Emission estimates for landfill sites should be based on testing required under Health
and Safety Code, Section (HSC) 41805.5 (AB 3374, Calderon) and any supplemental
AB 2588 source tests or emission estimates used to characterize air toxics emissions
from landfill surfaces or through off-site migration. The District should be consulted to
determine the specific Calderon data to be used in the HRA. The Hot Spots Program
HRA for landfills should also include emissions of listed substances for all applicable
power generation and maintenance equipment at the landfill site. Processes that need
to be addressed include stationary internal combustion engines, flares, evaporation
ponds, composting operations, boilers, and gasoline dispensing systems.
4.3 Source Characterization
Pollutants are released into the atmosphere in many different ways. The release
conditions need to be properly identified and characterized to appropriately use the air
dispersion models.
4.3.1 Source Type
Source types can be identified as point, line, area, or volume sources for input to the air
dispersion model. Several air dispersion models have the capability to simulate more
than one source type. Point Sources
Point sources are probably the most common type of source and most air dispersion
models have the capability to simulate them. Typical examples of point sources include
exhaust stacks. Isolated vents from buildings are special examples of point sources. Line Sources
The version 12345 or newer of the AERMOD can accommodate line sources. Line
sources can be also treated as a special case of either an area or a volume source.
Examples of line sources include: conveyor belts and rail lines, freeways, and busy
roadways. Not all mobile sources may be subject to the Hot Spots program; however,
non-motor vehicles that operate within a facility (e.g., ships, trains, and cranes, etc.) are
subject to the Hot Spots program. For more information, see the ARB’s Emission
Inventory and Criteria Guidelines document or ARB’s interpretation and guidance
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
memorandum to CAPCOA regarding mobile sources which are subject to the “Hot
Spots” program. This memo can be found at
Mobile sources and rail lines are required to be evaluated under SB 352. SB 352
requires a risk assessment performed under the Hot Spots risk assessment guidance
for proposed school sites within 500 feet of a busy roadway. Dedicated air dispersion
models are available for motor vehicle emissions from roadways which are a special
type of line source. These models (i.e., CALINE3, CAL3QHCR, and CALINE4) are
designed to simulate the mechanical turbulence and thermal plume rise due to the
motor vehicle activity on the roadway. However, these dedicated models use the
Pasquill-Gifford dispersion stability classes for dispersion; the AERMOD dispersion
model uses a more advanced continuous stability estimation method based on
observations. The limitation with AERMOD is that the user needs to estimate initial
mixing (Szo and Syo) for mechanical turbulence and thermal plume rise. Consult with
the District prior to conducting roadway modeling to determine model use.
For practical information on how to simulate roadway emission dispersion using these
models, see the California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association (CAPCOA) website
at or the Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD (SMAQMD) website at The SMAQMD has a document
titled, “Recommended Protocol for Evaluating the Location of Sensitive Land Uses
Adjacent to Major Roadways”(January, 2010). The ARB recommends this document for
SB-352 risk assessments. Area Sources
Emissions that are to be modeled as area sources are typical of fugitive sources
characterized by non-buoyant emissions containing negligible vertical extent (e.g., no
plume rise or emissions distributed over a large horizontal area).
Fugitive particulate (PM2.5, PM10, TSP) emission sources include areas of disturbed
ground (e.g., open pits, parking lots) which may be present during operational phases of
a facility’s life. Also included are areas of exposed material (e.g., storage piles and slag
dumps) and segments of material transport where potential fugitive emissions may
occur (uncovered haul trucks or rail cars, emissions from unpaved roads). Fugitive
emissions may also occur during stages of material handling where particulate material
is exposed to the atmosphere (uncovered conveyors, hoppers, and crushers).
Other fugitive emissions emanating from many points of release may be modeled as
area sources. Examples include fugitive emissions from valves, flanges, venting, and
other connections that occur at ground level or at an elevated level or deck if on a
building or structure. Modern dispersion models include an option for an initial vertical
extent (Szo) where needed.
Modeling portable equipment as an area source is a case-by-case situation that should
be discussed with the District or reviewing authority. Situations may exist where this
type of operation is best represented as another type of release.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Volume Sources
Non-point sources with emissions containing an initial vertical extent should be modeled
as volume sources. The initial vertical extent may be due to plume rise or a vertical
distribution of numerous smaller sources over a given area. Examples of volume
sources include buildings with natural fugitive or passive ventilation, and line sources
such as conveyor belts and rail lines.
4.3.2 Quantity of Sources
The number of sources at a facility may influence the selection of the air dispersion
model. Some dispersion models are capable of simulating only one source at a time,
and are therefore referred to as single-source models (e.g., AERSCREEN).
In some cases, for screening purposes, single-source models may be used in situations
involving more than one source using one of the following approaches:
Combining all sources into one single “representative” source
In order to be able to combine all sources into one single source, the individual sources
must have similar release parameters. For example, when modeling more than one
stack as a single “representative” stack, the stack gas exit velocities and temperatures
must be similar. In order to obtain a conservative estimate, the values leading to the
higher concentration estimates should typically be used (e.g., the lowest stack gas exit
velocity and temperature, the height of the shortest stack, and a receptor distance and
spacing that will provide maximum concentrations, etc.).
Running the model for each individual source and superimposing results
Superimposition of results of single sources of emissions is the actual approach
followed by all the Gaussian models capable of simulating more than one source.
Simulating sources in this manner may lead to conservative estimates if worst-case
meteorological data are used or if the approach is used with a model that automatically
selects worst-case meteorological conditions, especially wind direction. The approach
will typically be more conservative the farther apart the sources are because each run
would use a different worst-case wind direction.
Additional guidance regarding source merging is provided by the U.S. EPA (1995a). It
should be noted that depending upon the population distribution, the total burden can
actually increase when pollutants are more widely dispersed. If the total burden from
the facility or zone of impact (see Section 4.6.1) could increase for the simplifying
modeling assumptions described above, the District should be consulted.
4.4 Terrain Type
Two types of terrain characterizations are required to select the appropriate model.
One classification is made according to land type and another one according to terrain
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Terrain Type Land Use
Some air dispersion models (e.g., CALINE) use different dispersion coefficients
(sigmas) depending on the land use over which the pollutants are being transported.
The land use type is also used by some models to select appropriate wind profile
exponents. Traditionally, the land type has been categorized into two broad divisions
for the purposes of dispersion modeling: urban and rural. Accepted procedures for
determining the appropriate category are those suggested by Irwin (1978): one based
on land use classification and the other based on population.
The land use procedure is generally considered more definitive. Population density
should be used with caution and should not be applied to highly industrialized areas
where the population density may be low. For example, in low population density areas
a rural classification would be indicated, but if the area is sufficiently industrialized the
classification should already be “urban” and urban dispersion parameters should be
If the facility is located in an area where land use or terrain changes abruptly, for
example, on the coast, the District should be consulted concerning the classification. If
need be, the model should be run in both urban and rural modes and the District may
require a classification that biases estimated concentrations towards over prediction.
As an alternative, the District may require that receptors be grouped according to the
terrain between source and receptor.
AERMOD is the U.S. EPA’s preferred dispersion model for a wide range of applications
in rural or urban conditions. The users should refer to section 5.0 of the AERMOD
Implementation Guide to determine urban or rural conditions.
The Land Use and the Population Density Procedures discussed above are described
as follows. Land Use Procedure
(1) Classify the land use within the total area A, circumscribed by a 3 km radius circle
centered at the source using the meteorological land use typing scheme proposed
by Auer (1978) and shown in Table 4.1.
(2) If land use types I1, I2, C1, R2 and R3 account for 50 percent or more of the total
area A described in (1), use urban dispersion coefficients. Otherwise, use
appropriate rural dispersion coefficients. Population Density Procedure
(1) Compute the average population density (p) per square kilometer with A as defined
in the Land Use procedure described above. (Population estimates are also
required to determine the exposed population; for more information see
Section 4.6.3.)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
(2) If p is greater than 750 people/km
use urban dispersion coefficients, otherwise, use
appropriate rural dispersion coefficients.
Table 4.1 Identification and classification of land use types
(Auer, 1978)
Used to define rural and urban dispersion coefficients in certain models.
Type Use and Structures
I1 Heavy Industrial
Major chemical, steel and fabrication
industries; generally 3-5 story
buildings, flat roofs
I2 Light-moderate industrial
Rail yards, truck depots, warehouses,
industrial parks, minor fabrications;
generally 1-3 story buildings, flat roofs
C1 Commercial
Office and apartment buildings, hotels;
>10 story heights, flat roofs
R1 Common residential
Single family dwelling with normal
easements; generally one story,
pitched roof structures; frequent
R2 Compact residential
Single, some multiple, family dwelling
with close spacing; generally <2 story,
pitched roof structures; garages (via
alley), no driveways
R3 Compact residential
Old multi-family dwellings with close
(<2 m) lateral separation; generally 2
story, flat roof structures; garages (via
alley) and ashpits, no driveways
R4 Estate residential
Expansive family dwelling on multi-
acre tracts
A1 Metropolitan natural
Major municipal, state, or federal
parks, golf courses, cemeteries,
campuses; occasional single story
A2 Agricultural rural
A3 Undeveloped
Undeveloped rural
A5 Water surfaces
Rivers, lakes
Grass and tree growth extremely
rare; <5% vegetation
Very limited grass, trees almost
totally absent; <5% vegetation
Limited grass and trees; <15%
Abundant grass lawns and light-
moderately wooded; >70%
Limited lawn sizes and shade
trees; <30% vegetation
Limited lawn sizes, old established
shade trees; <35% vegetation
Abundant grass lawns and lightly
wooded; >80% vegetation
Nearly total grass and lightly
wooded; >95% vegetation
Local crops (e.g., corn, soybean);
>95% vegetation
Mostly wild grasses and weeds,
lightly wooded; >90% vegetation
Heavily wooded; >95% vegetation
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Terrain Type - Topography
Surface conditions and topographic features generate turbulence, modify vertical and
horizontal winds, and change the temperature and humidity distributions in the
boundary layer of the atmosphere. These in turn affect pollutant dispersion and models
differ in their need to take these factors into account.
The classification according to terrain topography should ultimately be based on the
topography at the receptor location with careful consideration of the topographical
features between the receptor and the source. Differentiation of simple versus complex
terrain is unnecessary with AERMOD. In complex terrain, AERMOD employs the
well-known dividing-streamline concept in a simplified simulation of the effects of
plume-terrain interactions. For other plume models, topography can be classified as
follows: Simple Terrain (also referred to as “Rolling Terrain”)
Simple terrain is all terrain located below stack height including gradually rising terrain
(i.e., rolling terrain). Note that Flat Terrain also falls in the category of simple terrain. Intermediate Terrain
Intermediate terrain is terrain located above stack height and below plume height. The
recommended procedure to estimate concentrations for receptors in intermediate terrain
is to perform an hour-by-hour comparison of concentrations predicted by simple and
complex terrain models. The higher of the two concentrations should be reported and
used in the risk assessment. Complex Terrain
Complex terrain is terrain located above plume height. Complex terrain models are
necessarily more complicated than simple terrain models. There may be situations in
which a facility is “overall” located in complex terrain but in which the nearby
surroundings of the facility can be considered simple terrain. In such cases, receptors
close to the facility in this area of simple terrain will “dominate” the risk analysis and
there may be no need to use a complex terrain model. It is unnecessary to determine
which terrain dominates the risk analysis for users of AERMOD.
4.5 Level of Detail: Screening vs. Refined Analysis
Air dispersion models can be classified according to the level of detail which is used in
the assessment of the concentration estimates as “screening” or “refined”. Refined air
dispersion models use more robust algorithms capable of using representative
meteorological data to predict more representative and usually less conservative
estimates. Refined air dispersion models are, however, more resource intensive than
their screening counterparts. It is advisable to first use a screening model to obtain
conservative concentration estimates and calculate health risks. If the health risks are
estimated to be above the threshold of concern, then use of a refined model to calculate
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
more representative concentration and health risk estimates would be warranted. There
are situations when screening models represent the only viable alternative (e.g., when
representative meteorological data are not available). The district or reviewing authority
should be consulted to determine the appropriate method for determining the level of
detail in the modeling analysis. The HARP software will incorporate the capability of
using either representative meteorological data from AERMOD or the default
meteorological conditions from the AERSCREEN model.
It is acceptable to use a refined air dispersion model in a “screening” mode for this
program’s health risk assessments. In this case, a refined air dispersion model is used:
with worst-case meteorology instead of representative meteorology;
with a conservative averaging period conversion factor to calculate longer term
concentration estimates (see Section 4.10 for more discussion on screening air
dispersion models and adjustments factors).
Note that use of worst case meteorology in a refined model is not the normal practice in
New Source Review or Ambient Air Quality Standard evaluation modeling.
4.6 Population Exposure
The level of detail required for the analysis (e.g., screening or refined), and the
procedures to be used in determining geographic resolution and exposed population
require case-by-case analysis and professional judgment. The District should be
consulted before beginning the population exposure estimates, and as results are
generated, further consultation may be necessary. Some suggested approaches and
methods for handling the breakdown of population and performance of a screening or
detailed risk analysis are provided in this section.
In addition to estimating individual cancer risk at specific points such as the MEI
(maximally exposed individual), OEHHA recommends determining the number of
people who reside within the 1 x 10
, 1 x 10
, 1x 10
, and higher cancer risk isopleths.
For noncancer population evaluations, the number of people who reside within the 0.5,
one, five, or higher hazard index isopleths should be reported. The HARP software can
provide population exposure estimates as cancer burden or as the number of persons
exposed to a selected (user identified) health risk/impact level. Information on obtaining
the HARP software can be found under the Hot Spots Program on the ARB’s web site
at Chapter 9 provides an outline that specifies the content and
recommended format of HRA results.
4.6.1 Zone(s) of Impact
As part of the estimation of the population exposure for the cancer risk analysis, it is
necessary to determine the geographic area affected by the facility’s emissions. An
initial approach to define a “zone of impact” surrounding the source is to generate an
isopleth where the total excess lifetime cancer risk from inhalation exposure to all
emitted carcinogens is greater than 10
(one in 1,000,000).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
For noncarcinogens, a second, third, and fourth isopleth (to represent the chronic,
8-hour, and acute impacts) should be created to define the zone of impact for the
hazard index from both inhalation and noninhalation pathways greater than or equal to
1.0. For clarity these isopleths may need to be presented on separate maps in the
Contact the District or reviewing authority to discuss inclusion of isopleth maps if all
potential health risks fall within the facility boundary and no receptors have, or will ever,
be present within the boundary (also see Section 4.7.1 for a discussion of on-site
The initial “zone of impact” can be determined as follows:
Use a screening dispersion model (e.g., AERSCREEN) to obtain concentration
estimates for each emitted pollutant at varying receptor distances from the source.
Several screening models feature the generation of an automatic array of receptors
which is particularly useful for determining the zone of impact. In order for the model
to generate the array of receptors the user needs to provide some information
normally consisting of starting distance, increment and number of intervals.
Calculate total cancer risk and hazard index (HI) for each receptor location by using
the methods provided in the risk characterization sections in Chapter 8 of the Air
Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidance Manual.
Find the distance where the total inhalation cancer risk is equal to 10
; this may
require redefining the receptor array in order to have two receptor locations that
bound a total cancer risk of 10
. Next, find the distance where the chronic, 8-hour,
and acute health hazard indices are declared significant by the District (e.g., acute,
8-hour, or chronic HI = 1.0).
Some Districts may prefer to use a cancer risk of 10
or an HI of 0.5 as the zone of
impact. Therefore, the District should be consulted before modeling efforts are initiated.
If the zone of impact is greater than 25 km from the facility at any point, then the District
should be consulted. The District may specify limits on the area of the zone of impact.
Ideally, these preferences would be presented in the modeling protocol (see
Section 4.14).
Note that when depicting the risk assessment results, risk isopleths must present the
total cancer and noncancer risk from both inhalation and noninhalation pathways. The
zone of impact should be clearly shown on a map with geographic markers of adequate
resolution (see Section The text below discusses methodology for defining the
zone of impact and has format recommendations. Chapter 9 provides an outline that
specifies the content and recommended format of all HRA results.
The zone of impact can be defined once the exposure assessment (air dispersion
modeling) process has determined the pollutant concentrations at each designated
off-site receptor and a risk analysis (see Chapter 8) has been performed. For clarity,
the cancer and noncancer zone(s) of impact should be presented on separate maps. A
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
map illustrating the carcinogenic zone of impact is required. The District may at its
discretion ask for the map illustrating the potential carcinogenic zone of impact to
identify the zone of impact for the minimum exposure pathways (inhalation, soil, dermal,
and mothers milk) and the zone of impact for all applicable pathways of exposure
(minimum pathways plus site/route dependent pathways). Two maps may be needed to
accomplish this. The legend of these maps should state the level(s) used for the zone
of impact and identify the exposure pathways that were included in the assessment.
The noncancer maps should also clearly identify the noncancer zones of impact. These
include the acute (inhalation) zone of impact, 8-hour (inhalation) zone of impact and the
chronic (including both inhalation, multipathway) zone of impact. The District may at its
discretion require separate chronic inhalation and chronic multipathway zones of impact
maps. For clarity, presentation of the two chronic zones of impact may also require two
or more maps. The legend of these maps should state the level(s) used for the zone of
impact and identify the exposure pathways (and target organs) that were included in the
assessment. Further information regarding the methods for determination of hazard
indices and cancer risk are discussed in Chapter 8 and Appendix I.
4.6.2 Screening Population Estimates for Risk Assessments
A screening risk assessment should include an estimate of the maximum exposed
population. For screening risk assessments, a detailed description of the exposed
population is not required. The impact area to be considered should be selected to be
health protective (i.e., will not underestimate the number of exposed individuals). A
health-protective assumption is to assume that all individuals within a large radius of the
facility are exposed to the maximum concentration. If a facility must also comply with
the RCRA/CERCLA risk assessment requirements, health effects to on-site workers
may also need to be addressed. The DTSC’s Remedial Project Manager should be
consulted on this issue. The District should be consulted to determine the population
estimate that should be used for screening purposes. Guidance for one screening
method is presented here.
1. Use a screening dispersion model (e.g., AERSCREEN) to obtain concentration
estimates for each emitted pollutant at varying receptor distances from the
source. Several screening models feature the generation of an automatic array
of receptors that is particularly useful for determining the zone of impact. In order
for the model to generate the array of receptors, the user needs to provide some
information normally consisting of starting distance, increment, and number of
2. Calculate the potential cancer risk and hazard index for each receptor location by
using the methods provided in the risk characterization sections of this document
(Chapter 8).
3. Find the distance where the potential cancer risk is equal to District specified
levels (e.g., 10
); this may require redefining the receptor array in order to have
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
two receptor locations that bound a total cancer risk of 10
. This exercise should
be repeated for the noncancer health impacts.
4. Calculate cancer burden by estimating the number of people in the grid and
stipulate that all are exposed at the highest level.
4.6.3 Refined Population Estimates for Risk Assessments
The refined HRA requires a detailed analysis of the population exposed to emissions
from the facility. Where possible, a detailed population exposure analysis provides
estimates of the number of individuals in residences and offsite workplaces, as well as
at sensitive receptor sites such as schools, daycare centers and hospitals. The District
may require that locations with high densities of sensitive individuals be identified
(e.g., schools, daycare centers, hospitals). These population analyses can include
exposure estimates for workers and residents through the use of land use maps or
other tools. The overall exposed residential and worker populations should be
apportioned into smaller geographic subareas. The information needed for each
subarea is:
1. The number of exposed persons, and
2. The receptor location at which the calculated ambient air concentration is
assumed to be representative of the exposure to the entire population in the
A multi-tiered approach is suggested for the population analysis. Census tracts, which
the facility could significantly impact, should be identified (see Section A
census tract should be divided into smaller subareas if it is close to the facility where
ambient concentrations vary widely. The District may determine that census tracts
provide sufficient resolution near the facility to adequately characterize population
exposure or they may prefer the census information to be evaluated using smaller
blocks. Further downwind where ambient concentrations are less variable, the census
tract level may be acceptable to the District. The District may determine that the
aggregation of census tracts (e.g., when the census tracts making up a city are
combined) is appropriate for receptors that are considerable distances from the facility.
If a facility must also comply with the RCRA/CERCLA HRA requirements, health effects
to on-site workers may also need to be addressed. The DTSC’s Remedial Project
Manager should be consulted on this issue. In some cases it may be appropriate to
evaluate risks to on-site receptors. The district should be consulted about special cases
for which evaluation of on-site receptors is appropriate, such as facilities frequented by
the public or where people may reside (e.g., military facilities). Census Tracts
For a refined risk assessment, the boundaries of census tracts can be used to define
the geographic area to be included in the population exposure analysis. Digital maps
showing the census tract boundaries in California can be obtained from “The Thomas
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Guide”® on the World Wide Web. Statistics for each census tract can be obtained from
the U.S. Census Bureau. The website address for the U.S. Census Bureau is Numerous additional publicly accessible or commercially
available sources of census data can be found on the World Wide Web. A specific
example of a census tract is given in Appendix K. The HARP software includes U.S.
census data and is a recommended tool for performing population exposure estimates.
The two basic steps in defining the area under analysis are:
(1) Identify the “zone of impact” (as defined previously in Section 4.6.1) on a map
detailed enough to provide for resolution of the population to the subcensus tract level.
(The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute series maps and the maps within the
HARP software provide sufficient detail.) This is necessary to clearly identify the zone
of impact, location of the facility, and sensitive receptors within the zone of impact. If
significant development has occurred since the USGS survey, this should be indicated.
A specific example of a 7.5-minute series map is given in Appendix K.
(2) Identify all census tracts within the zone of impact using a U.S. Bureau of Census
or equivalent map (e.g., Thomas Brothers, HARP Software). If only a portion of the
census tract lies within the zone of impact, then only the population that falls within the
isopleth should be used in the population estimate or burden calculation. To determine
this level of detail, local planning and zoning information may need to be collected.
When this more detailed information is not available, then a less refined approach is to
include the census data if the centroid of the census block falls within the isopleths of
interest. The census tract boundaries should be transferred to a map, such as a USGS
map (referred to hereafter as the “base map”.)
An alternative approach for estimating population exposure in heavily populated urban
areas is to apportion census tracts to a Cartesian grid cell coordinate system. This
method allows a Cartesian coordinate receptor concentration field to be merged with the
population grid cells. This process can be computerized and minimizes manual
mapping of centroids and census tracts. The HARP software includes this function and
will provide population estimates that are consistent with the methodology discussed
The District may determine that aggregation of census tracts (e.g., which census tracts
making up a city can be combined) is appropriate for receptors that are located at
considerable distances from the facility. If the District permits such an approach, it is
suggested that the census tract used to represent the aggregate be selected in a
manner to ensure that the approach is health protective. For example, the census tract
included in the aggregate that is nearest (downwind) to the facility should be used to
represent the aggregate. Subcensus Tract
Within each census tract are smaller population units. These units [urban block groups
(BG) and rural enumeration districts (ED)] contain about 1,100 persons. BGs are
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
further broken down into statistical units called blocks. Blocks are generally bounded by
four streets and contain an average of 70 to 100 persons. However, this range in
population is an average and population units may vary significantly. In some cases,
the EDs are very large and identical to a census tract.
The area requiring detailed (subcensus tract) resolution of the exposed residential and
worker population will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis through
consultation with the District. The District may determine that census tracts provide
sufficient resolution near the facility to adequately characterize population exposure.
Employment population data can be obtained at the census tract level from the U.S.
Census Bureau or from local planning agencies. This degree of resolution will generally
not be sufficient for most risk assessments. For the area requiring detailed analysis,
zoning maps, general plans, and other planning documents should be consulted to
identify subareas with worker populations.
The boundaries of each residential and employment population area should be
transferred to the base map.
4.6.4 Sensitive Receptor Locations
Individuals who may be more sensitive to toxic exposures than the general population
are distributed throughout the total population. Sensitive populations may include
young children and chronically ill individuals. The District may require that locations
with high densities of sensitive individuals be identified (e.g., schools, nursing homes,
residential care facilities, daycare centers, and hospitals). The HRA should state what
the District requirements are regarding identification of sensitive receptor locations.
Although protection of sensitive individuals is incorporated into OEHHA’s risk
assessment methodology in both cancer risk and noncancer risk assessment, the
assessment of risk at the specific location of such sensitive individuals (e.g., schools,
hospitals, or nursing homes) may be useful to assure the public that such individuals
are being considered in the analysis. For some chemicals (e.g., mercury and
manganese) children have been specifically identified as the sensitive subpopulation for
noncancer health impacts, so it can be particularly appropriate to assess school sites.
4.7 Receptor Siting
4.7.1 Receptor Points
The modeling analysis should contain a network of receptor points with sufficient detail
(in number and density) to permit the estimation of the maximum concentrations.
Locations that must be identified include:
The maximum estimated off-site impact or point of maximum impact (PMI),
The maximum exposed individual at an existing residential receptor (MEIR),
The maximum exposed individual at an existing occupational worker receptor
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Note that some situations may also require that on-site receptor (worker or residential)
locations be evaluated. The risk assessor can contact the District or reviewing authority
for guidance if on-site exposure situations are present at the emitting facility. However,
these on-site locations should be included in the HRA. Some examples where the
health impacts of on-site receptors may be appropriate could be military base housing,
prisons, universities, day care facilities, or locations where the public may have regular
access for the appropriate exposure period (e.g., a lunch time café or museum for acute
exposures). When a receptor lives and works on the facility, site, or property, then
these receptors should be evaluated and reported under both residential and worker
scenarios and the one that is most health protective should be used for risk
management decisions. The cancer risk estimates for the onsite residents may use a
30-year exposure duration while the 25-year exposure duration is used for a worker.
Under a Tier 2 analysis, alternate exposure durations may be evaluated and presented
with all assumptions supported.
All of these locations (i.e., PMI, MEIR, and MEIW) must be identified for potential
multipathway carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects. It is possible that the
estimated PMI, MEIR, and MEIW risk for cancer, chronic noncancer, 8-hour, and acute
noncarcinogenic risks occur at different locations or that some of these evaluations may
not be necessary (e.g., the receptor does not exist). For example, some facilities will
not have off-site workers in the vicinity of the facility and will not need to evaluate worker
exposure, or the exposure situation may only require the evaluation of short-term
carcinogenic or acute noncancer impacts (see Section 8.2.10 for a discussion of short-
term projects). The approval to revise the exposure assessment for a receptor, or to
omit the MEIW receptor, should be verified in writing with the District or reviewing
authority and included in the HRA.
Other sensitive receptor locations may also be of interest and required to be included in
the HRA. The District or reviewing authority should be consulted to determine which
sensitive receptor locations must be included.
The results from a screening model (if available) can be used to identify the area(s)
where the maximum concentrations are likely to occur. Receptor points should also be
located at the population centroids (see Section 4.7.2) and sensitive receptor locations
(see Section 4.6.4). The exact configuration of the receptor array used in an analysis
will depend on the topography, population distribution patterns, and other site-specific
factors. All receptor locations should be identified in the HRA using UTM (Universal
Transverse Mercator) coordinates and receptor number. The receptor numbers in the
summary tables should match receptor numbers in the computer output (e.g., HARP
output files). In addition to actual UTM coordinates, the block/street locations (i.e., north
side of 3,000 block of Smith Street) should be provided in the HRA for the PMI, MEIR,
and MEIW for carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic health effects. Chapter 9 provides an
outline that specifies the content and recommended format of HRA results.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Receptor Height
To evaluate localized impacts, receptor height should be taken into account at the point
of maximum impact on a case-by-case basis. For example, receptor heights may have
to be included to account for receptors significantly above ground level. Flagpole
receptors at the height of the breathing zone of a person may need to be considered
when the source receptor distance is less than a few hundred meters. Consideration
must also be given to the noninhalation pathway analysis which requires modeling of
chemical deposition onto soil or water at ground level. For the inhalation pathway, a
health protective approach is to select a receptor height from 0 meters to 1.8 meters
that will result in the highest predicted downwind concentration. Final approval of this
part of the modeling protocol should be with the District or reviewing authority.
Centroid Locations
For each subarea analyzed, a centroid location (the location at which a calculated
ambient concentration is assumed to represent the entire subarea) should be
determined. When population is uniformly distributed within a population unit, a
geographic centroid based on the shape of the population unit can be used. If only a
portion of the census tract lies within the isopleth or area of interest, then only the
population that falls within the isopleth should be used in the calculation for population
exposure. To determine this level of detail, local planning and zoning information may
need to be collected. Where populations are not uniformly distributed, a population-
weighted centroid may be used. Another alternative uses the concentration at the point
of maximum impact within that census tract as the concentration to which the entire
population of that census tract is exposed. While this less refined approach is
commonly accepted, Districts should be contacted to approve this method prior to its
use in a risk assessment.
The centroids represent locations that should be included as receptor points in the
dispersion modeling analysis. Annual average concentrations should be calculated at
each centroid using the modeling procedures presented in this chapter.
For census tracts and BG/EDs, judgments can be made using census tracts maps and
street maps to determine the centroid location. At the block level, a geographic centroid
is sufficient.
4.7.3 Spatial Averaging
Since the inception of the “Hot Spots” and California’s Air Toxics Programs, HRA results
for an individual receptor have typically been based on air dispersion modeling results
at a single point or location. With a few exceptions, this method has been traditionally
used for all types of receptors (e.g., PMI, MEIR, MEIW, pathway receptors, etc.). The
assumptions used in risk assessment are designed to prevent underestimation of health
impacts to the public resulting in a health protective approach. However, basing risk
estimates on a single highest point (PMI, MEIR, or MEIW) does not take into account
that a person does not remain at one location on their property, or in one location at the
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
workplace over an extended period of time. Therefore, the average air concentration
over a small area is likely to be more representative than using the air concentration at
a single point, particularly in those situations where concentrations fall off rapidly around
that single point. The concept of averaging air concentrations over a small area is
known as spatial averaging.
In order to understand how spatial averaging can impact air dispersion modeling results
with various types of facilities, the ARB, in conjunction with the OEHHA, performed
sensitivity analyses to evaluate the impacts of spatially averaging air dispersion
modeling results (see Appendix C of the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk
Assessment Guidelines: Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and
Stochastic Analysis (EASA)). Based on these sensitivity analyses, it is reasonable and
appropriate to include spatial averaging techniques in air toxic risk assessments as
supplemental information to Tier 1 information (i.e., modeling results that are based on
the air concentration from a single point or location). While all risk assessments must
include results based on Tier 1 methodology, the spatially averaged concentrations
around the point of interest (e.g., PMI, MEIR, MEIW, multipathway exposure
evaluations, etc.) could also be included as an option in risk assessments and
acceptable for risk management decisions subject to approval by the District or
reviewing agency. Spatial averaging is an option for the purpose of additional
refinement to the risk assessment.
A few reasons that support the inclusion of spatially averaged modeled concentrations
in risk assessment include the following:
Averaging results over a small domain will give a more representative picture of
individual exposure and risk than an estimate based on one single location within
their property.
Spatial averaging will allow air dispersion modeling and risk assessment results
to be characterized as the estimated concentration and risk in a discrete area of
interest, rather than an exact value for a single location.
From a risk communication standpoint, the ARB and OEHHA feel it is more
appropriate to present the modeling output and the calculated health impacts as
the potential impacts within a small or discrete area, rather than an exact value at
a specific point on a grid or map.
Spatial averaging is the recommended procedure in ARB’s Lead Risk
Management Guidelines (2001) and has been used in several complex source
HRAs [e.g., Roseville Railyard (2004), Ports of LA/LB (2006), Port of Oakland
Spatially averaging the deposition concentrations over pasture land, a garden, or
a water body for multipathway exposure scenarios is a planned upgrade for the
HARP Software. This will provide an option that will refine multipathway
exposure assessments. Average deposition on these types of areas (e.g., a
water body) is not necessarily well represented by the single highest point of
deposition, or deposition at the geographic center of the water body. Likewise,
since produce is grown over the entire surface of the garden and cows graze the
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
entire pasture, deposition is better estimated by evaluating the entire area rather
than using a single point. Spatial Averaging Methodology
The spatial averaging sensitivity study in Appendix C of the EASA is based on
simulating emissions from point, volume, area, and line sources. Most source types
(e.g., point) are simulated as a small, medium or large source. Line sources are only
simulated as small and large. In addition, meteorological data collected at five different
locations in California were used. Nested spatial average grids of various domains
were used to study the differences on the spatial average concentration. In the case of
the 20 meter by 20 meter spatial average nested grid, the spatial average concentration
showed little change over the PMI for medium and large sources. In the case for small
sources, the spatial average concentration is approximately 45% to 80% of the PMI
concentration. Individual source type and meteorological conditions will cause
variations in these results.
The results of the spatial averaging sensitivity study in Appendix C of the EASA shows
that sources with low plume rise that result in a PMI, MEIW, or MEIR located at or near
the property fence line are most sensitive to spatial averaging. Source types with high
plume rise (e.g., tall stacks) show a PMI far downwind where the concentration gradient
is more gradual and therefore spatial averaging has a lesser effect. While spatial
averaging can be used regardless of source size or the location of the PMI, the
following conditions generally apply when a source is a good candidate for spatial
The MEIR, MEIW, or PMI is located at the fence line or close to the emission
The concentration gradient is high near the PMI. This is more associated with
low level plumes such as fugitive, volume, area, or short stacks.
A long term average is being calculated to represent a multi-year risk analysis
based on one to five years of meteorological data. Note that spatial
averaging should not be used for short term (acute) calculations.
In general, the method for calculating the spatial average in air toxic risk assessments
includes the following steps:
1. Locate the point(s) of interest and receptor(s) (i.e., PMI, MEIW, MEIR, and
any additional receptor locations of interest or concern) with a grid resolution
spacing of no greater than five meters. To achieve this, two or more
modeling runs with successively finer nested grid resolutions may be needed
to find the final location where the nested grid that will be used for spatial
averaging will be placed.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
2. Center the spatial average nested grid on the each receptor’s location of
interest determined in step 1. Limit the nested grid to no larger than
20 meters by 20 meters or 400 square meters. Note that if a portion of the
centered and nested grid falls within the facility boundary and the receptor
location of interest is outside of the boundary, then adjustments to the nested
grid to obtain the spatially-averaged concentration for the offsite receptor are
reasonable. This may be done by either repositioning the nested grid to
cover 400 square meters of off-boundary area surrounding the receptor or
center the nested grid and delete any on-site grid points so that only the
offsite grid points surrounding the receptor are used in the spatially averaged
concentration. The grid resolution spacing should be no greater than five
meters. With a five meter grid resolution, the 20 meter by 20 meter domain
will result in 25 receptors. The size, shape, and placement of the domain and
the resolution of points are subject to approval by the District, ARB, or other
reviewing authority. See the Sections and below for
additional discussion on domain sizing and grid spacing at worksites,
pastures, gardens, and water bodies.
3. Some configurations of source activity and meteorological conditions result in
a predominant downwind plume center line that is significantly askew from
one of the four ordinate directions. In this case, a tilted nested grid is
necessary to coincide with the dominant plume centerline. Polar receptors
are easier to implement than a tilted rectangular grid. The domain of the
polar receptor field should be limited to a 15 meter radius. See Appendix C of
the EASA for detailed instructions on tilted polar receptors.
4. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the long term period average concentration
(e.g., annual average) of the nested grid of receptors to represent the spatial
average. This average is used in the risk calculations.
5. Document and include all methods, assumptions, data, maps, and files used
in the spatial averaging analysis and clearly present this information in the
risk assessment following the requirements of the District or reviewing
authority. Note that in the update to the HARP software, functionality will be
included that will assist with spatial averaging and the methodology
The following sections discuss the use of spatial averaging for various receptor types and
exposure pathways. Residential Receptors
Follow the steps in Section 4.7.3 outlining the spatial averaging methodology. To
remain health protective when evaluating a residential receptor, spatial averaging
should not take place using large nested domains. The domain used for spatial
averaging should be no larger than 20 meters by 20 meters with a maximum grid
spacing resolution of equal to or less than five meters. This domain represents an area
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
that is approximately the size of a small urban lot. The size of the domain and
resolution of points shall be subject to approval by the District, ARB, or other reviewing
authority. Worker Receptors
Offsite worker locations (e.g. MEIW) may also be a candidate for spatial averaging.
However, workers can be at the same location during almost their entire daily work shift
(e.g., desk/office workers). When this is the situation, then the traditional method of
using a single location and corresponding modeled concentration is appropriate. If
spatial averaging is used, care should be taken to determine the proper domain size
and grid resolution. Follow the steps in Section 4.7.3 outlining the spatial averaging
methodology. To be consistent with the residential receptor assumptions and remain
health protective, a modeling domain size no larger than 20 meters by 20 meters is
recommended with a grid spacing resolution of equal to or less than five meters.
However, if workers routinely and continuously move throughout the worksite over a
space greater than 20 meters by 20 meters, then a larger domain may be considered.
The HRA or modeling protocol shall support all assumptions used, including, but not
limited to, documentation for all workers showing the area where each worker routinely
performs their duties and the percentage of time spent in those areas. The final domain
size should not be greater than the smallest area of worker movement. Other
considerations for determining domain size and grid spacing resolution may include an
evaluation of the concentration gradients across the worker area. The grid spacing
used within the domain to find the concentration that will be used to calculate health
impacts should be sufficient in number and detail to obtain a representative
concentration across the area of interest. The size of the domain and resolution of
points shall be subject to approval by the District, ARB, or other reviewing authority. Pastures, Gardens, or Water Bodies
The simplified approach of using the concentration (deposition rate) at the centroid, a
specific point of interest, or the PMI location for an area being evaluated for
noninhalation exposures (e.g., a body of water used for fishing, a pasture used for
grazing, area of a garden, etc.) is acceptable for use in HRA. However, evaluating
deposition concentrations over pasture land, a garden, or a water body for multipathway
exposure scenarios using spatial averaging could give more representative estimates of
the overall deposition rate. Use of spatial averaging in this application is subject to
approval by the District, ARB, or other reviewing authority.
If spatial averaging will be done, follow the steps in Section outlining the spatial
averaging methodology. When using spatial averaging over the deposition area, care
should be taken to determine the proper domain size to make sure it includes all
reasonable areas of potential deposition. The size and shape of the area of interest
(e.g., pasture or water body) should be identified and used for the modeling domain.
The grid spacing or resolution used within the domain should be sufficient in detail to
obtain a representative deposition concentration across the area of interest. One way
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
to determine the grid resolution is to include an evaluation of the concentration
gradients across the deposition area. The HRA or modeling protocol shall support all
assumptions used, including, but not limited to, documentation of the deposition area
(e.g., size and shape of the pasture, garden, or water body, maps, representative
coordinates, grid resolution, concentration gradients, etc.). The size of the domain and
grid resolution is subject to approval by the reviewing authority.
In lieu of following the details in the paragraph above, the approach used for the other
receptors (e.g., MEIR, MEIW) that uses a domain size not greater than 20 meters by
20 meters, located on the PMI within the area of interest, with a maximum grid spacing
resolution of five meters, can be used. This default refined approach would apply to
deposition areas greater than 20 meters by 20 meters. For smaller deposition areas,
the simplified approach of using the PMI for the area, the concentration at the centroid
or a specific point of interest, or averaging over the actual smaller domain can be used.
This again is subject to approval by the reviewing authority.
The HRA or modeling protocol shall support all assumptions used, including, but not
limited to, documentation of the deposition area (e.g., size and shape of the water body,
pasture, or garden; all data; maps; representative coordinates, and etc.), and the details
clarifying how and where the averaging was done (e.g., location and magnitude of
concentration gradients, the grid spacing used).
4.8 Meteorological Data
Refined air dispersion models require hourly meteorological data. The first step in
obtaining meteorological data should be to check with the District and the ARB for data
availability. Other sources of data include the National Weather Service (NWS),
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), Asheville, North Carolina, ARB meteorological
database (METDB), military stations and private networks. Meteorological data for a
subset of NWS stations are available from the U.S. EPA Support Center for Regulatory
Air Models (SCRAM). The SCRAM can be accessed at All meteorological data sources should be approved
by the District. Data not obtained directly from the District or the ARB should be
checked for quality, representativeness, and completeness. It should be approved by
the District before use. U.S. EPA provides guidance (U.S. EPA, 1995e) for these data.
Meteorological data may need further processing. Data users can consult with the
District or the ARB on how to process the raw meteorological data. The risk
assessment should indicate if the District required the use of a specified meteorological
data set. All memos indicating District approval of meteorological data should be
attached in an appendix. If no representative meteorological data are available,
screening procedures should be used as indicated in Section 4.10.
The analyst should acquire enough meteorological data to ensure that the worst-case
meteorological conditions are represented in the model results. The US-EPA Guideline
on Air Quality Models (U.S. EPA 2005) prefers that the latest five years of consecutive
meteorological data be used to represent long term averages (i.e., cancer and chronic
impacts). Previous OEHHA guidance allowed the use of the worst-case year to save
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
computer time. The processing speed of modern computers has increased to the point
where processing five years of data over one year is no longer burdensome. However,
the District may determine that one year of representative meteorological data is
sufficient to adequately characterize the facility’s impact. This may especially be the
case when five years of quality consecutive data are not available.
To determine long term average concentrations the data can be averaged. For
calculation of the one-hour maximum concentrations needed to evaluate acute effects,
the worst-case year should be used in conjunction with the maximum hourly emission
rate. For example, the long term average concentration and one-hour maximum
concentration at a single receptor for five years of meteorological data are calculated
Annual Average
Maximum One-Hour
1 7 100
2 5 80
3 9 90
4 8 110
5 6 90
5-year average 7
In the above example, the long-term average concentration over five years is 7 g/m
Therefore, 7 g/m
should be used to evaluate carcinogenic and chronic effects
(i.e., annual average concentration). The one-hour maximum concentration is the
highest one-hour concentration in the five-year period. Therefore, 110 g/m
is the
peak one-hour concentration that should be used to evaluate acute effects.
The higher hourly concentration usually occurs when meteorological dispersion
conditions become worse, such as, calm or light wind, inversion, etc. Inversion usually
happens in late afternoon through early morning. As the sun goes down, the
atmospheric temperature near surface starts to fall, usually faster than the temperature
in the upper atmosphere causing a temperature inversion layer to form and extend
downward. This inversion layer usually sustains throughout the night, and remains until
early morning. Because of the inversion (cold air sitting on warm air at the top of the
inversion layer), pollutant vertical mixing is very low in the morning.
When predicted concentrations are high and the mixing height is very low for the
corresponding averaging period, the modeling results deserve additional consideration.
For receptors in the near field, it is within the model formulation to accept a very low
mixing height for short durations. However, it would be unlikely that the very low mixing
height would persist long enough for the pollutants to travel into the far field. In the
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
event that the analyst identifies any of these time periods, they should be discussed
with the District on a case-by-case basis.
4.8.1 Meteorological Data Formats
Most short-term dispersion models require input of hourly meteorological data in a
format which depends on the model. U.S. EPA provides software for processing
meteorological data for use in U.S. EPA recommended dispersion models. U.S. EPA
recommended meteorological processors include the Meteorological Processor for
Regulatory Models (MPRM), PCRAMMET, and AERMET. Use of these processors will
ensure that the meteorological data used in an U.S. EPA recommended dispersion
model will be processed in a manner consistent with the requirements of the model.
Meteorological data for a subset of NWS stations are available on the World Wide Web
at the U.S. EPA SCRAM address,
4.8.2 Treatment of Calms
Calms are hours when the wind speed is below the starting threshold of the
anemometer. Gaussian plume models require a wind speed and direction to estimate
plume dispersion in the downwind direction.
U.S. EPA’s policy is to disregard calms until such time as an appropriate analytical
approach is available. The recommended U.S. EPA models contain a routine that
eliminates the effect of the calms by nullifying concentrations during calm hours and
recalculating short-term and annual average concentrations. Certain models lacking
this built-in feature can have their output processed by U.S. EPA’s CALMPRO program
(U.S. EPA, 1984a) to achieve the same effect. Because the adjustments to the
concentrations for calms are made by either the models or the postprocessor, actual
measured on-site wind speeds should always be input to the preprocessor. These
actual wind speeds should then be adjusted as appropriate under the current U.S. EPA
guidance by the preprocessor.
Following the U.S. EPA methodology, measured on-site wind speeds of less than
1.0 m/s, but above the instrument threshold, should be set equal to 1.0 m/s by the
preprocessor when used as input to Gaussian models. Calms are identified in the
preprocessed data file by a wind speed of 1.0 m/s and a wind direction equal to the
previous hour. For input to AERMOD, no adjustment should be made to the site
specific wind data. AERMOD can produce model estimates for conditions when the
wind speed may be less than 1 m/s but still greater than the instrument threshold.
Some air districts provide pre-processed meteorological data for use in their district that
treats calms differently. Local air districts should be consulted for available
meteorological data. In addition, to reduce the number of calms and missing winds in
the surface data, EPA has developed a pre-processor AERMINUTE to process 1-
minute ASOS wind data for generating hourly average wind speed and directions for
input to AERMET in Stage 2. The details can be found in the EPA’s AERMINUTE
User’s Instructions at:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
If the fraction of calm hours is excessive, then an alternative approach may need to be
considered to characterize dispersion. The Calpuff model modeling system can
simulate calm winds as well as complex wind flow and therefore is a viable alternative.
The local air district should be consulted for alternative approaches.
4.8.3 Treatment of Missing Data
Missing data refer to those hours for which no meteorological data are available from
the primary on-site source for the variable in question. When missing values arise, they
should be handled in one of the following ways listed below, in the following order of
(1) If there are other on-site data, such as measurements at another height, they may
be used when the primary data are missing. If the height differences are significant,
corrections based on established vertical profiles should be made. Site-specific
vertical profiles based on historical on-site data may also be appropriate to use if
their determination is approved by the reviewing authority. If there is question as to
the representativeness of the other on-site data, they should not be used.
(2) If there are only one or two missing hours, then linear interpolation of missing data
may be acceptable, however, caution should be used when the missing hour(s)
occur(s) during day/night transition periods.
(3) If representative off-site data exist, they may be used. In many cases this approach
may be acceptable for cloud cover, ceiling height, mixing height, and temperature.
This approach will rarely be acceptable for wind speed and direction. The
representativeness of off-site data should be discussed and agreed upon in advance
with the reviewing authority.
(4) An imputation methodology may be acceptable, provided it is well-documented,
sufficiently justified, and properly applied.
(5) Failing any of the above, the data field should be coded as missing using missing
data codes appropriate to the applicable meteorological pre-processor.
Appropriate model options for treating missing data, if available in the model, should be
employed. Substitutions for missing data should only be made in order to complete the
data set for modeling applications, and should not be used to attain the “regulatory
completeness” requirement of 90%. That is, the meteorological data base must be
90% complete on a monthly basis (before substitution) in order to be acceptable for use
in air dispersion modeling. The use of any data substitution technique should be
thoroughly documented to provide the District or reviewing authority with all the
information necessary to determine its approvability.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
If the recommended methods for addressing missing meteorological data cannot be
achieved as described, then alternative approaches should be discussed and
developed in conjunction with the District or reviewing authority.
4.8.4 Representativeness of Meteorological Data
The atmospheric dispersion characteristics at an emission source need to be evaluated
to determine if the collected meteorological data can be used to adequately represent
atmospheric dispersion for the project.
Such determinations are required when the available meteorological data are acquired
at a location other than that of the proposed source. In some instances, even though
meteorological data are acquired at the location of the pollutant source, they still may
not correctly characterize the important atmospheric dispersion conditions.
Considerations of representativeness are always made in atmospheric dispersion
modeling whether the data base is "on-site" or "off-site." These considerations call for
the judgment of a meteorologist or an equivalent professional with expertise in
atmospheric dispersion modeling. If in doubt, the District should be consulted. Spatial Dependence
The location where the meteorological data are acquired should be compared to the
source location for similarity of terrain features. For example, in complex terrain, the
following considerations should be addressed in consultation with the District:
Aspect ratio of terrain, i.e., ratio of:
o Height of valley walls to width of valley;
o Height of ridge to length of ridge; and
o Height of isolated hill to width of hill at its base
Slope of terrain
Ratio of terrain height to stack/plume height
Distance of source from terrain (i.e., how close to valley wall, ridge, isolated hill)
Correlation of terrain feature to prevailing meteorological conditions
Likewise, if the source is located on a plateau or plain, the source of meteorological
data used should be from a similar plateau or plain.
Judgments of representativeness should be made only when sites are climatologically
similar. Sites in nearby, but different air sheds, often exhibit different weather patterns.
For instance, meteorological data acquired along a shoreline are not normally
representative of inland sites and vice versa.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Meteorological data collected need to be examined to determine if drainage, transition,
and synoptic flow patterns are characteristics of the source, especially those critical to
the regulatory application. Consideration of orientation, temperature, and ground cover
should be included in the review.
An important aspect of space dependence is height above the ground. Where practical,
meteorological data should be acquired at the release height, as well as above or
below, depending on the buoyancy of the source's emissions. AERMOD at a minimum
requires wind observations at a height above ground between seven times the local
surface roughness height and 100 meters. Temporal Dependence
To be representative, meteorological data must be of sufficient duration to define the
range of sequential atmospheric conditions anticipated at a site. As a minimum, one full
year of on-site meteorological data is necessary to prescribe this time series. Multiple
years of data are used to describe variations in annual and short-term impacts.
Consecutive years from the most recent, readily available 5-year period are preferred to
represent these yearly variations. Further Considerations
It may be necessary to recognize the non-homogeneity of meteorological variables in
the air mass in which pollutants disperse. This non-homogeneity may be essential in
correctly describing the dispersion phenomena. Therefore, measurements of
meteorological variables at multiple locations and heights may be required to correctly
represent these meteorological fields. Such measurements are generally required in
complex terrain or near large land-water body interfaces.
It is important to recognize that, although certain meteorological variables may be
considered unrepresentative of another site (for instance, wind direction or wind speed),
other variables may be representative (such as temperature, dew point, cloud cover).
Exclusion of one variable does not necessarily exclude all. For instance, one can argue
that weather observations made at different locations are likely to be similar if the
observers at each location are within sight of one another - a stronger argument can be
made for some types of observations (e.g., cloud cover) than others. Although by no
means a sufficient condition, the fact that two observers can “see” one another supports
a conclusion that they would observe similar weather conditions.
Other factors affecting representativeness include change in surface roughness,
topography and atmospheric stability. Currently there are no established analytical or
statistical techniques to determine representativeness of meteorological data. The
establishment and maintenance of an on-site data collection program generally fulfills
the requirement for “representative” data. If in doubt, the District should be consulted.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Alternative Meteorological Data Sources
It is necessary, in the consideration of most air pollution problems, to obtain data on
site-specific atmospheric dispersion. Frequently, an on-site measurement program
must be initiated. As discussed in Section 4.8.3, representative off-site data may be
used to substitute for missing periods of on-site data. There are also situations where
current or past meteorological records from a National Weather Service station may
suffice. These considerations call for the judgment of a meteorologist or an equivalent
professional with expertise in atmospheric dispersion modeling. More information on
Weather Stations including: National Weather Service (NWS), military observations,
supplementary airways reporting stations, upper air and private networks, is provided in
“On-Site Meteorological Program Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications”
(U.S. EPA, 1995e). Recommendations
On-site meteorological data should be processed to provide input data in a format
consistent with the particular models being used. The input format for U.S. EPA short-
term regulatory models is defined in U.S. EPA’s MPRM. The input format for AERMOD
is defined in the AERMET meteorological pre-processor. Processors are available on
the SCRAM web site. The actual wind speeds should be coded on the original input
data set. Wind speeds less than 1.0 m/s but above the instrument threshold should be
set equal to 1.0 m/s by the preprocessor when used as input to Gaussian models. Wind
speeds below the instrument threshold of the cup or vane, whichever is greater, should
be considered calm, and are identified in the preprocessed data file by a wind speed of
1.0 m/s and a wind direction equal to the previous hour. For input to AERMOD, no
adjustment should be made to the site specific wind data. AERMOD can produce
model estimates for conditions when the wind speed may be less than 1 m/s but still
greater than the instrument threshold.
If data are missing from the primary source, they should be handled as follows, in order
of preference: (1) substitution of other representative on-site data; (2) linear
interpolation of one or two missing hours; (3) substitution of representative off-site data;
(4) use of a well-documented and justified imputation methodology; or (5) coding as a
missing data field, according to the discussions in Section 4.8.3. The use of any data
substitution technique should be thoroughly documented to provide the District or
reviewing authority with all the information necessary to determine its approvability.
If the data processing recommendations in this section cannot be achieved, then
alternative approaches should be discussed and developed in conjunction with the
District or reviewing authority.
4.8.6 Quality Assurance and Control
The purpose of quality assurance and maintenance is the generation of a representative
amount (90% of hourly values for a year on a monthly basis) of valid data. For more
information on data validation consult reference U.S. EPA (1995e). Maintenance may
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
be considered the physical activity necessary to keep the measurement system
operating as it should. Quality assurance is the management effort to achieve the goal
of valid data through plans of action and documentation of compliance with the plans.
Quality assurance (QA) will be most effective when following a QA Plan which has been
signed-off by appropriate project or organizational authority. The QA Plan should
contain the following information (paraphrased and particularized to meteorology from
1. Project description - how meteorology data are to be used
2. Project organization - how data validity is supported
3. QA objective - how QA will document validity claims
4. Calibration method and frequency - for data
5. Data flow - from samples to archived valid values
6. Validation and reporting methods - for data
7. Audits - performance and system
8. Preventive maintenance
9. Procedures to implement QA objectives - details
10. Management support - corrective action and reports
It is important for the person providing the quality assurance (QA) function to be
independent of the organization responsible for the collection of the data and the
maintenance of the measurement systems. Ideally, the QA auditor works for a separate
4.9 Model Selection
There are several air dispersion models that can be used to estimate pollutant
concentrations and new ones are likely to be developed. U.S. EPA added AERMOD,
which incorporates the PRIME downwash algorithm, to the list of preferred models in
2005 as a replacement to ISCST3. CalPuff was added in 2003. The latest version of
the U.S. EPA recommended models can be found at the SCRAM Bulletin board located
at However, any model, whether a U.S. EPA guideline
model or otherwise, must be approved for use by the local air district. Recommended
models and guidelines for using alternative models are presented in this section. All air
dispersion models used to estimate pollutant concentrations for risk assessment
analyses must be in the public domain. Classification according to terrain, source type
and level of analysis is necessary before selecting a model (see Section 4.4). The
selection of averaging times in the modeling analysis is based on the health effects of
concern. Annual average concentrations are required for an analysis of carcinogenic or
other chronic effects. One-hour maximum concentrations are required for analysis of
acute effects.
4.9.1 Recommended Models
Recommended air dispersion models to estimate concentrations for risk assessment
analyses are generally referenced in US EPA’s Guideline on Air Quality Models
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
available at Currently AERMOD is recommended for
most refined risk assessments in flat or complex terrain and in rural or urban
. In addition, CalPuff is available where spatial wind fields are highly
variable or transport distances are large (e.g., 50 km). AERSCREEN is a screening
model based on AERMOD. AERSCREEN can be used when representative
meteorological data are unavailable. CTSCREEN is available for screening risk
assessments in complex terrain. The most current version of the models should be
used for risk assessment analysis. Some facilities may also require models capable of
special circumstances such as dispersion near coastal areas. For more information on
modeling special cases see Sections 4.12 and 4.13.
Most air dispersion models contain provisions that allow the user to select among
alternative algorithms to calculate pollutant concentrations. Only some of these
algorithms are approved for regulatory application such as the preparation of health risk
assessments. The sections in this guideline that provide a description of each
recommended model contain information on the specific switches and/or algorithms that
must be selected for regulatory application.
To further facilitate the model selection, the District should be consulted for additional
recommendations on the appropriate model(s) or a protocol submitted for District review
and approval (see Section 4.14.1).
4.9.2 Alternative Models
Alternative models are acceptable if applicability is demonstrated or if they produce
results identical or superior to those obtained using one of the preferred models
referenced in Section 4.9.1. For more information on the applicability of alternative
models refer to the following documents:
U.S. EPA (2005). “Guideline on Air Quality Models” Section 3.2.2
U.S. EPA (1992). “Protocol for Determining the Best Performing Model”
U.S. EPA (1985a). “Interim Procedures for Evaluating Air Quality Models
Experience with Implementation”
U.S. EPA (1984b). “Interim Procedures for Evaluating Air Quality Models
4.10 Screening Air Dispersion Models
A screening model may be used to provide a maximum concentration that is biased
toward overestimation of public exposure. Use of screening models in place of refined
modeling procedures is optional unless the District specifically requires the use of a
refined model. Screening models are normally used when no representative
meteorological data are available and may be used as a preliminary estimate to
determine if a more detailed assessment is warranted.
AERMOD was promulgated by U.S. EPA as a replacement to ISCST3 on November 9, 2006.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Some screening models provide only 1-hour average concentration estimates. Other
averaging periods can be estimated based on the maximum 1-hour average
concentration in consultation and approval of the responsible air district. Because of
variations in local meteorology, the exact factor selected may vary from one district to
another. Table 4.2 provides guidance on the range and typical values applied. The
conversion factors are designed to bias predicted longer term averaging periods
towards overestimation.
Table 4.2 Recommended Factors to Convert Maximum 1-hour Avg.
Concentrations to Other Averaging Periods (U.S. EPA, 2011, 1995a;
ARB, 1994).
Averaging Time Range Typical SCREEN3 AERSCREEN
Recommended Recommended
3 hours 0.8 - 1.0 0.9 1.0
8 hours 0.5 - 0.9 0.7 0.9
24 hours 0.2 - 0.6 0.4 0.6
30 days 0.2 - 0.3 0.3
Annual 0.06 - 0.1 0.08 0.1
AERSCREEN automatically provides the converted concentration for longer than 1-hour
averaging periods. For area sources, the AERSCREEN 3, 8, and 24-hour average
concentration are equal to the 1-hour concentration. No annual average concentration
is calculated. SCREEN3 values are shown for comparison purposes.
The AERSCREEN (U.S. EPA, 2011) model is now available and should be used in lieu
of SCREEN3 with approval of the local District. AERSCREEN is a screening level air
quality model based on AERMOD. AERSCREEN does not require the gathering of
hourly meteorological data. Rather, AERSCREEN requires the use of the MAKEMET
program which generates a site specific matrix of meteorological conditions for input to
the AERMOD model. MAKEMET generates a matrix of meteorological conditions
based on local surface characteristics, ambient temperatures, minimum wind speed,
and anemometer height.
AERSCREEN is currently limited to modeling a single point, capped stack, horizontal
stack, rectangular area, circular area, flare, or volume source. More than one source
may be modeled by consolidating the emissions into one emission source.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Valley Screening
The Valley model is designed to simulate a specific worst-case condition in complex
terrain, namely that of a plume impaction on terrain under stable atmospheric
conditions. The algorithms of the VALLEY model are included in other models such as
SCREEN3 and their use is recommended in place of the VALLEY model. The
usefulness of the VALLEY model and its algorithms is limited to pollutants for which only
long-term average concentrations are required. For more information on the Valley
model consult the user’s guide (Burt, 1977). Regulatory Options
Regulatory application of the Valley model requires the setting of the following values
during a model run:
Class F Stability (rural) and Class E Stability (urban)
Wind Speed = 2.5 m/s
6 hours of occurrence of a single wind direction (not exceeding a 22.5 deg
2.6 stable plume rise factor
The CTSCREEN model (Perry et al., 1990) is the screening mode of the Complex
Terrain Dispersion Model (CTDMPLUS). CTSCREEN can be used to model single
point sources only. It may be used in a screening mode for multiple sources on a case
by case basis in consultation with the District. CTSCREEN is designed to provide
conservative, yet theoretically sounder, worst-case 1-hour concentration estimates for
receptors located on terrain above stack height. Internally-coded time-scaling factors
are applied to obtain other averages (see Table 4.3). These factors were developed by
comparing the results of simulations between CTSCREEN and CTDMPLUS for a
variety of scenarios and provide conservative estimates (Perry et al., 1990).
CTSCREEN produces identical results as CTDMPLUS if the same meteorology is used
in both models. CTSCREEN accounts for the three-dimensional nature of the plume
and terrain interaction and requires detailed terrain data representative of the modeling
domain. A summary of the input parameters required to run CTSCREEN is given in
Table 4.4. The input parameters are provided in three separate text files. The terrain
topography file (TERRAIN) and the receptor information file (RECEPTOR) may be
generated with a preprocessor that is included in the CTSCREEN package. In order to
generate the terrain topography file the analyst must have digitized contour information.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 4.3 Time-scaling factors internally coded in CTSCREEN
Averaging Period Scaling Factor
3 hours 0.7
24 hour 0.15
Annual 0.03
Table 4.4 Input Parameters Required to Run CTSCREEN
Parameter File
Miscellaneous program switches CTDM.IN
Site Latitude and Longitude (degrees) CTDM.IN
Meteorology Tower Coordinates (user CTDM.IN
Source Coordinates: x and y (user CTDM.IN
Source Base Elevation (user units) CTDM.IN
Stack Height (m) CTDM.IN
Stack Diameter (m) CTDM.IN
Stack Gas Temperature (K) CTDM.IN
Stack Gas Exit Velocity (m/s) CTDM.IN
Emission Rate (g/s) CTDM.IN
Surface Roughness for each Hill (m) CTDM.IN
Meteorology: Wind Direction (optional) CTDM.IN
Terrain Topography TERRAIN
Receptor Information (coordinates and RECEPTOR
associated hill number)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Refined Air Dispersion Models
Refined air dispersion models are designed to provide more representative
concentration estimates than screening models. In general, the algorithms of refined
models are more robust and have the capability to account for site-specific
meteorological conditions. For more information regarding general aspects of model
selection see Section 4.9.
4.11.1 AERMOD
For a wide variety of applications in all types of terrain, the recommended model is
AERMOD. AERMOD is a steady-state plume dispersion model for assessment of
pollutant concentrations from a variety of sources. AERMOD simulates transport and
dispersion from multiple point, area, or volume sources based on an up-to-date
characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer. Sources may be located in rural or
urban areas and receptors may be located in simple or complex terrain. AERMOD
accounts for building wake effects (i.e., plume downwash) based on the PRIME building
downwash algorithms. The model employs hourly sequential preprocessed
meteorological data to estimate concentrations for averaging times from one hour to
one year (also multiple years). AERMOD is designed to operate in concert with two
pre-processor codes: AERMET processes meteorological data for input to AERMOD,
and AERMAP processes terrain elevation data and generates receptor information for
input to AERMOD. Guidance on input requirements may be found in the AERMOD
Users Guide. Regulatory Options
U.S. EPA regulatory application of AERMOD requires the selection of specific switches
(i.e., algorithms) during a model run. All the regulatory options can be set by selecting
the DFAULT keyword. The U.S. EPA regulatory options, automatically selected when
the DFAULT keyword is used, are:
Stack-tip downwash
Incorporates the effects of elevated terrain
Includes calms and missing data processing routines
Does not allow for exponential decay for applications other than a 4-hour half life
for SO
Additional information on these options is available in the AERMOD User’s Guide. Special Cases
a. Building Downwash:
AERMOD automatically determines if the plume is affected by the wake region of
buildings when their dimensions are given. The specification of building
dimensions does not necessarily mean that there will be downwash. See
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Section 4.13.1 for guidance on how to determine when downwash is likely to
b. Area Sources:
The area source algorithm in AERMOD estimates source emission strength by
integrating an area upwind of the receptor location. Receptors may be placed
within the area itself, downwind of the area or adjacent to the area. However,
since the vertical distribution parameter (
) goes to zero as the downwind
distance goes to zero, the plume function solution is infinite for a downwind
receptor distance of zero. In order to avoid such singularity in the plume function
solution, the AERMOD model arbitrarily sets the plume function to zero when the
receptor distance is less than one meter. As a result, the area source algorithm
will not provide reliable solutions for receptors located within or adjacent to very
small areas, with dimensions on the order of a few meters across. In these
cases, the receptor should be placed at least one meter outside of the area.
c. Volume Sources:
The volume source algorithms in AERMOD require an estimate of the initial
distribution of the emission source. The initial distribution of emissions for a
volume source is in the horizontal and vertical directions. When modeling
volume source emissions, one needs to provide initial horizontal (
) and vertical
) dimensions as accurate as possible so that pollutant buoyancy and
dispersion are also calculated accurately. US EPA’s AERMOD User Guide
provides suggested procedures to estimate these initial dimensions based on
source type (Table 3-1) (U.S. EPA, 2004a).
d. Line Sources:
Examples of line sources include conveyor belts or roads. Depending on the
source, these can be modeled three ways; as a line source, as a series of
volume sources, or as an elongated area source. Where the emission source is
neutrally buoyant, such as a conveyor belt, AERMOD can be used according to
the user guide. In the event that the line source is a roadway, then additional
considerations are required.
At the present time, CALINE (CALINE3, CAL3QHCR, and CALINE4) is the only
model dedicated to modeling the enhanced mechanical and thermal turbulence
created by motor vehicles traveling on a roadway. Of these, CAL3QHCR is the
only model that accepts hourly meteorological data and can estimate annual
average concentrations. However, CALINE uses the Pasquill-Gifford stability
categories which are used in the ISCST model. AERMOD is now the preferred
plume model over ISCST3 with continuous plume dispersion calculations based
on observations but AERMOD does not include the enhanced roadway
turbulence. Therefore, in the case where roadway emissions dominate the risk
assessment, it may be most important to simulate the enhanced thermal and
mechanical turbulence from motor vehicles with the CAL3QHCR model.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
In the case where roadway emissions are a subset of all emissions for the risk
assessment, including roadway emissions along with facility emissions, it may be
best to use AERMOD for all emissions, roadway and facility, in order to maintain
continuity with one dispersion model for the risk assessment. If AERMOD is
used, it is important to consider that a major freeway may act similar to a large
building which can cause some mixing and therefore initial vertical dispersion.
This dispersion could be estimated with sensitivity studies based on wind speed,
wind angle, roadway orientation, roadway width, and etc. This could be a
complex estimation and needs very adept modeling skills. Roadway modeling
should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the District or
the reviewing authority.
Line sources inputs include a composite fleetwide emission factor, roadway
geometry, hourly vehicle activity (i.e., diurnal vehicle per hour pattern), hourly
meteorological data, and receptor placement. For practical information on how to
simulate roadway emissions using these models, see CAPCOA’s website at or the Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD (SMAQMD)
website at The
SMAQMD has a document titled, “Recommended Protocol for Evaluating the
Location of Sensitive Land Uses Adjacent to Major Roadways”(January, 2010).
e. Complex Terrain:
AERMOD uses the Dividing Streamline (Hc) concept for complex terrain. Above
Hc, the plume is assumed to be “terrain following” in the convective boundary
layer. Below Hc, the plume is assumed to be “terrain impacting” in the stable
boundary layer. AERMOD computes the concentration at any receptor as a
weighted function between the two plume states (U.S. EPA, 2004b).
f. Deposition:
AERMOD contains algorithms to model settling and deposition and requires
additional information to do so including particle size distribution. For more
information consult the AERMOD User’s Guide (U.S. EPA, 2004a).
g. Diurnal Considerations:
Systematic diurnal changes in atmospheric conditions are expected along the
coast (or any large body of water) or in substantially hilly terrain. The wind speed
and direction are highly dependent on time of day as the sun rises and begins to
heat the Earth. The sun heats the surface of the land faster than the water
surface. Therefore the air above the land warms up sooner than over water.
This creates a buoyant effect of warm air rising over land and the cool air from
over water moves in to fill the void. Near large bodies of water (e.g., the ocean)
this is known as a sea breeze. In complex terrain this is known as upslope flow
as the hot air follows the terrain upwards. When the sun sets and the surface of
the land begins to cool, the air above also cools and creates a draining effect.
Near the water this is the land breeze; in complex terrain this is known as
downslope or drainage flow. In addition, for the sea breeze, the atmospheric
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
conditions change rapidly from neutral or stable conditions over water to unstable
conditions over land.
Near the large bodies of water the sea breeze is typical in the afternoon and the
land breeze is typical for the early morning before sunrise. In complex terrain
upslope flow is typical in the afternoon, while drainage flow is typical at night.
Diurnal profiles need to be evaluated in conjunction with the facility emissions
since sources can have varied emission profiles (e.g., some sources are
continuously emitting while others are intermittent). These intermittent emission
profiles may be influenced by diurnal patterns; therefore, they need to be
evaluated to properly estimate potential exposures. For these reasons, it is
especially important to simulate facility emissions with a hourly diurnal pattern
reflective of source activity so that the risk assessment is representative of daily
h. 8-hour Modeling for the Offsite Worker’s Exposure and Residential Exposure:
If the ground level air concentrations from a facility operating 5 days a
week, 8 hours per day have been estimated by a 24 hour per day annual
average, an adjustment factor can be applied to estimate the air concentration
that an offsite worker with the same schedule would be exposed to. The 24-hour
annual average concentration is multiplied times 4.2.
If the meteorology during the time that the facility is emitting is used, hourly
model simulations need to be post-processed to cull out the data needed for the
offsite worker exposure. See Appendix M for information on how to calculate the
refined offsite worker concentrations using the hourly raw results from the
AERMOD air dispersion model. For more discussion on worker exposure, see
Section 4.8.1.
Eight-hour exposure modeling can be used to evaluate the potential for health
impacts (including effects of repeated exposures) in children and teachers
exposed during school hours. Although not required in the HRA, 8-hour
exposure modeling could also be performed at the discretion of the District to a
residential scenario (i.e., the MEIR) where a facility operates only a portion of the
day and exposure to residences are not adequately reflected by averaging
concentrations over a 24 hour day. HARP Dispersion Analysis
It is highly recommended that air dispersion analysis be performed using the HARP
software. HARP can perform refined dispersion analysis by utilizing the U.S. EPA
standard program AERMOD. In the future, the updated version of HARP will link the
AERMOD outputs with risk assessment modules.
CTDMPLUS is a Gaussian air quality model for use in all stability conditions in complex
terrain. In comparison with other models, CTDMPLUS requires considerably more
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
detailed meteorological data and terrain information that must be supplied using
specifically designed preprocessors. CTDMPLUS was designed to handle up to
40 point sources.
4.12 Modeling to Obtain Concentrations used for Various Health Impacts
The following section outlines how emissions and air dispersion modeling results are
used or adjusted for a receptor that is exposed to either a non-continuous or
continuously emitting source.
4.12.1 Emission Rates for Cancer, Chronic, and Acute Health Impacts
As discussed in Section, the HRA should include both annual average
emissions and maximum 1-hour emissions for each pollutant emitted by the facility.
Maximum 1-hour emissions are used for acute noncancer health impacts while annual
emissions are used for chronic exposures (i.e., chronic and 8-hour noncancer health
impacts or cancer risk assessment). When applying the emission rates in the air
dispersion analysis, it is important not to artificially inflate or deplete the reported
emission inventory.
For annual average emissions, the emissions are spread evenly over the entire year for
continuous emitting sources. However, for sources where the emission patterns vary
(i.e., non-continuous emitting sources), the emission rate should also account for the
facility’s emission schedule. If appropriate, the variable emissions rate option
(e.g., hour-of-day) should be used in the air dispersion analysis. For more information
consult the AERMOD User’s Guide (U.S. EPA, 2004a). Also, when calculating
emission rates for acute health impacts, it is important the emission rates never exceed
the reported maximum 1-hour emissions.
4.12.2 Modeling and Adjustments for Inhalation Cancer Risk at a Worksite
Modeled long-term averages are typically used for cancer risk assessments for
residents and workers. In an inhalation cancer risk assessment for an offsite worker,
the long-term average should represent what the worker breathes during their work
shift. However, the long-term averages calculated from AERMOD typically represent
exposures for receptors that were present 24 hours a day and seven days per week
(i.e., the schedule of a residential receptor). To estimate the offsite worker’s
concentration, there are two approaches. The more refined, complex, and time
consuming approach is to post-process the hourly raw dispersion model output and
examine the hourly concentrations that fall within the offsite worker’s shift. See
Appendix M for information on how to simulate the long-term concentration for the
offsite worker that can be used to estimate inhalation cancer risk.
In lieu of post-processing the hourly dispersion model output, the more typical approach
is to obtain the long-term average concentration as you would for modeling a residential
receptor and approximate the worker’s inhalation exposure using an adjustment factor.
The actual adjustment factor that is used to adjust the concentration may differ from the
example below based on the specifics of the source and worker receptor
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
(e.g., work-shift overlap). Once the worker’s inhalation concentration is determined, the
inhalation dose is calculated using additional exposure frequency and duration
adjustments. See Chapter 5 for more information on the inhalation dose equation. Non-Continuous Sources
When modeling a non-continuously emitting source (e.g., operating for eight hours per
day and five days per week), the modeled long-term average concentrations are based
on 24 hours a day and seven days per week for the period of the meteorological data
set. Even though the emitting source is modeled using a non-continuous emissions
schedule, the long-term concentration is still based on 24 hours a day and seven days
per week. Thus, this concentration includes the zero hours when the source was not
operating. For the offsite worker inhalation risk, we want to determine the long-term
concentration the worker is breathing during their work shift. Therefore, the long-term
concentration needs to be adjusted so it is based only on the hours when the worker is
present. For example, assuming the emitting source and worker’s schedules are the
same, the adjustment factor is 4.2 = (24 hours per day/8 hours per shift)x(7 days in a
week/5 days in a work week). In this example, the long term residential exposure is
adjusted upward to represent the exposure to a worker. Additional concentration
adjustments may be appropriate depending on the work shift overlap. These
adjustments are discussed below.
The calculation of the adjustment factor from a non-continuous emitting source is
summarized in the following steps.
a. Obtain the long-term concentrations from air dispersion modeling as is
typical for residential receptors (all hours of a year for the entire period of
the meteorological data set).
b. Determine the coincident hours per day and days per week between the
source’s emission schedule and the offsite worker’s schedule.
c. Calculate the worker adjustment factor (WAF) using Equation 4.1. When
assessing inhalation cancer health impacts, a discount factor (DF) may
also be applied if the offsite worker’s schedule partially overlaps with the
source’s emission schedule. The discount factor is based on the number
of coincident hours per day and days per week between the source’s
emission schedule and the offsite worker’s schedule (see Equation 4.2).
The DF is always less than or equal to one.
Please note that worker adjustment factor does not apply if the source’s emission
schedule and the offsite worker’s schedule do not overlap. Since the worker is not
present during the time that the source is emitting, the worker is not exposed to the
source’s emission (i.e., the DF in Equation 4.2 becomes 0).
Eq. 4.1
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
WAF = the worker adjustment factor
= the number of hours per day the long-term residential concentration is based
on (always 24 hours)
= the number of hours the source operates per day
= the number of days per week the long-term residential concentration is based
on (always 7 days)
= the number of days the source operates per week
DF = a discount factor for when the offsite worker’s schedule partially overlaps the
source’s emission schedule. Use 1 if the offsite worker’s schedule occurs within the
source’s emission schedule. If the offsite worker’s schedule partially overlaps with the
source’s emission schedule, then calculate the discount factor using Equation 4.2 below.
Eq. 4.2
DF = the discount factor for assessing cancer impacts
= the number of hours per day the offsite worker’s schedule and the source’s
emission schedule overlap
= the number of days per week the offsite worker’s schedule and the source’s
emission schedule overlap
= the number of hours the offsite worker works per day
= the number of days the offsite worker works per week
d. The final step is to estimate the offsite worker’s inhalation concentration by
multiplying the worker adjustment factor with the long-term residential
concentration. The worker’s concentration is then plugged into the dose
equation and risk calculation.
The HARP software has the ability to calculate worker impacts using an approximation
factor and, in the future, it will have the ability to post-process refined worker
concentrations using the hourly raw results from an air dispersion analysis. Continuous Sources
If the source is continuously emitting, then the worker is assumed to breathe the
long-term annual average concentration during their work shift. Equation 4.1 becomes
one and no concentration adjustments are necessary in this situation when estimating
the inhalation cancer risk. Note however, if an assessor does not wish to apply the
assumption the worker breathes the long-term annual average concentration during the
work shift, then a refined concentration can be post-processed as described in
Appendix M. All alternative assumptions should be approved by the reviewing authority
and supported in the presentation of results.
4.12.3 Modeling and Adjustments for Noncancer 8-Hour RELs
For 8-hour noncancer health impacts, we evaluate if the receptor (e.g., worker or
resident) is exposed to an 8 hour average concentration, occurring daily, that exceeds
the 8-hour REL. The 8 hour RELs were derived primarily for the offsite worker scenario.
Although not required in an HRA, residential receptors can be evaluated with an 8-hour
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
REL at the discretion of the District or Reviewing authority. For ease, we use a worker
receptor in this discussion and in the discussion below for a non-continuously emitting
source. The daily average concentration is intended to represent the long-term average
concentration the worker is breathing during the work shift. In general, there are two
approaches for estimating the concentration used for the 8-hour hazard index. The
more refined, complex, and time consuming approach is to post-process the hourly
dispersion model output and use only the hourly concentrations that are coincident with
the offsite worker hours to obtain the long-term concentration. See Appendix M for
information on how to simulate the daily average concentration through air dispersion
Before proceeding through a refined analysis described in Appendix M, the assessor
may wish to approximate the long-term concentration, as described below, and
calculate the 8-hour hazard index. In lieu of post-processing the hourly dispersion
model output described in Appendix M, the more typical approach is to obtain the
long-term average concentration as you would for modeling a residential receptor and
approximate the worker’s inhalation concentration using an adjustment factor. The
method for applying the adjustment factor is described in the section below.
The results from the 8-hour hazard index calculations should not be combined with the
chronic or acute hazard indices. Each of the potential noncancer health impacts should
be reported independently. See Chapter 8 for more discussion on calculating health
impacts. Non-Continuous Sources
When modeling a non-continuously emitting source (e.g., operating for eight hours per
day and five days per week), the modeled long-term average concentrations are based
on 24 hours a day and seven days per week for the period of the meteorological data
set. Even though the emitting source is modeled using a non-continuous emissions
schedule, the long-term concentration is still based on 24 hours a day and seven days
per week. Thus, this concentration includes the zero hours when the source was not
operating. For the offsite worker 8-hour hazard index, we want to determine the
long-term average daily concentration the worker may be breathing during their work
shift. This is similar to the cancer approximation adjustment method with one
difference; there is no adjustment for partial overlap between the worker’s schedule and
the source’s emission schedule. The reason for this difference in methodology is
because the 8-hour REL health factors are designed for repeated 8-hour exposures and
cannot readily be adjusted to other durations of exposure. The 8-hour RELs should be
used for typical daily work shifts of 8-9 hours. For further questions, assessors should
contact OEHHA, the District, or reviewing authority to determine if the 8-hour RELs
should be used in your HRA. Any discussions or directions to exclude the 8-hour REL
evaluation should be documented in the HRA.
When calculating the long-term average daily concentration for the 8-hour REL
comparison, the long-term residential concentration needs to be adjusted so it is based
only on the operating hours of the emitting source with the assumption the offsite
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
worker’s shift falls within the emitting source’s schedule. For example, assuming the
emitting source operates 8 hours per day, 5 days per week and the offsite worker’s
schedules falls anywhere within this period of emissions, then the adjustment factor is
4.2 = (24 hours per day/8 hours of emissions per day)x(7 days in a week/5 days of
emissions per week). In this example, the long term residential exposure is adjusted
upward to represent the 8-hour exposure to a worker. No adjustments are applied for
partial work shift overlap with the emitting source. If the source emits at night, then see
Appendix N for additional recommendations.
Using the approximation factor is a screening method. If the 8-hour hazard index is
above a threshold of concern with this method, the district or assessor should contact
OEHHA for further guidance regarding the substance of concern. If necessary, further
evaluation can be performed using the refined daily average modeling methodology
discussed in Appendix M.
The calculation of the adjustment factor from a non-continuous emitting source is
summarized in the following steps.
b. Obtain the long-term concentrations from air dispersion modeling as is typical
for residential receptors (all hours of a year for the entire period of the
meteorological data set).
c. Calculate the worker adjustment factor (WAF) using Equation 4.3. The
source’s emission schedule is assumed to overlap offsite worker’s schedule.
Note that the worker adjustment factor and the 8-hour inhalation REL do not
apply if the source’s emission schedule and the offsite worker’s schedule do
not overlap at some point.
Eq. 4.3
WAF = the worker adjustment factor
= the number of hours per day the long-term residential concentration is
based on (always 24 hours)
= the number of hours the source operates per day
= the number of days per week the long-term residential concentration
is based on (always 7 days).
= the number of days the source operates per week.
d. The final step is to estimate the offsite worker’s daily average inhalation
concentration by multiplying the WAF with the long-term residential
concentration. The worker’s concentration is then used to calculate the
8-hour hazard index. This method using the approximation factor is a
screening method. If the 8-hour hazard index is above a threshold of
concern, the district or assessor should contact OEHHA for further guidance
regarding the substance of concern.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
In the future, the HARP software will have the ability to use 8-hour RELs, calculate
worker impacts using an approximation factor, and to post-process worker
concentrations using the hourly raw results from an air dispersion analysis. Continuous Sources
If the source is continuously emitting, then the worker is assumed to breathe the
long-term annual average concentration during their work shift and no concentration
adjustments are made when estimating 8-hour health impacts. Note however, if an
assessor does not wish to assume the worker breathes the long-term annual average
concentration during the work shift, then a refined concentration can be post-processed
as described in Appendix M. All alternative assumptions should be approved by the
reviewing authority and supported in the presentation of results.
Note that 8-hour RELs are not typically used for continuously emitting sources for
residential receptors. In this situation it is only necessary to estimate a chronic Hazard
Index using the annual average concentrations and chronic RELs. However, there may
be situations where the District may wish to assess an 8-hour Hazard Index, for
example, where there are significant differences in modeled concentration of emissions
during the day due to diurnal wind patterns.
4.12.4 Modeling and Adjustment Factors for Noncancer Chronic RELs
Potential chronic noncancer health impacts use the long-term annual average
concentration regardless of the emitting facility’s schedule. No adjustment factors
should be used to adjust this concentration. Chronic RELs are used to assess not only
residential health impacts, but in many cases worker health impacts as well. There are
currently only a limited number of substances with an 8-hour inhalation REL, and a
facility may emit only, or mostly, substances that currently have just a chronic REL.
Until there are 8-hour RELs for all the Hot Spots substances emitted from a specified
facility, we recommend determining the chronic HI for the MEIW to adequately protect
the offsite worker.
The results from the chronic hazard index calculations are not combined with the 8-hour
or acute hazard indices. All potential noncancer results should be reported
independently. See Chapter 8 for more discussion on calculating health impacts.
4.12.5 Modeling and Adjustments for Oral Cancer Potencies and Oral RELs
When estimating the cancer risk or noncancer health impacts from noninhalation
pathways, no adjustment is made to the long-term annual average concentration
regardless of the emitting facility’s schedule. Since the media (e.g., soil) at the receptor
location where deposition takes place for noninhalation pathways is continuously
present, the concentrations used for all noninhalation pathways are not adjusted (up or
down) by an adjustment factor. However, some adjustments are made to the
concentration once the pollutants reach the media, for example, pollutants undergo
decay in soils. In addition, when the dose for each pathway is calculated, exposure
adjustments may also be made. See Chapter 5 of this document and the Technical
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis (OEHHA, 2012)
to get more information on these types of adjustments. Oral cancer potencies and oral
RELs are used to assess both residential or worker health impacts.
4.12.6 Modeling One-Hour Concentrations using Simple and Refined Acute
Modeled one-hour concentrations are needed for the acute health hazard index
calculations. HARP has two methods to calculate this concentration: Simple and
Refined. As an aid to understanding the differences between Simple and Refined,
Figure 2 shows three possible conditions showing how wind direction may vary and
impact a downwind receptor (i,j) differently from just two sources (A and B).
For the Simple calculation, HARP stores only the maximum one-hour concentration at
each receptor (i,j) from each source (A and B) as the dispersion model marches down
each hour of the simulation (e.g., one to five years of hourly data). At the end of the
simulation period, HARP reports back only the maximum impacts at each receptor from
each source regardless of which hour of the simulation period this occurred. For
example, the Simple Maximum Acute Impacts would be the summation of Source A
impacts from Wind Direction 1 and Source B impacts from Wind Direction 2 as shown in
Figure 2.
For the Refined simulation, HARP stores each hourly concentration at each receptor (i,j)
from each source. At the end of the simulation period, HARP evaluates the coincident
impact at each receptor from all sources for each hour of the simulation period. In this
case the maximum impacts will be identified by a particular hour of the period with
associated wind speed, direction, and atmospheric conditions. For example, the
Refined Maximum Acute impact from Sources A and B on receptor (i,j) could be from
any wind direction (1,2, or 3) as shown in Figure 2. Since HARP stores all simulations
for all sources at all receptors for all hours to calculate the refined impacts, there is
great potential to fill large amounts of disk storage space. The Refined simulation
provides a more representative picture of the maximum acute hazard index from a
facility. The Simple calculation will provide an upper bound to the acute hazard index.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Figure 2 Acute Scenarios
Source B
Source A
Source B Source B
Source A
Source A
Wind Direction 1 Wind Direction 2 Wind Direction 3
Receptor (i,j)
Receptor (i,j) Receptor (i,j)
4.13 Modeling Special Cases; Specialized Models
Special situations arise in modeling some sources that require considerable
professional judgment; a few are outlined below. It is recommended that the reader
consider retaining professional consultation services if the procedures are unfamiliar.
The following sections, taken mostly from the document “On-Site Meteorological
Program Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications” (U.S. EPA, 1995e), provide
general information on data formats and representativeness. Some Districts may have
slightly different recommendations from those given here.
4.13.1 Building Downwash
The entrainment of a plume in the wake of a building can result in the “downwash” of
the plume to the ground. This effect can increase the maximum ground-level
concentration downwind of the source. Therefore, stack sources must be evaluated to
determine whether building downwash is a factor in the calculation of maximum ground-
level concentrations.
The PRIME algorithm, included with AERMOD, has several advances in modeling
building downwash effects including enhanced dispersion in the wake, reduced plume
rise due to streamline deflection and increased turbulence, and continuous treatment of
the near and far wakes (Schulman, 2000).
Complicated situations involving more than one building may necessitate the use of the
Building Profile Input Program (BPIP) which can be used to generate the building
dimension section of the input file of the ISC models (U.S. EPA, 1993). The BPIP
program calculates each building’s direction-specific projected width. The Building
Profile Input Program for PRIME (BPIPPRM) is the same as BPIP but includes an
algorithm for calculating downwash values for input into the PRIME algorithm which is
contained in such models as AERMOD. The input structure of BPIPPRM is the same
as that of BPIP.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
There are two types of deposition: wet deposition and dry deposition. Wet deposition is
the incorporation of gases and particles into rain-, fog- or cloud water followed by a
precipitation event and also rain scavenging of particles during a precipitation event.
Wet deposition of gases is therefore more important for water soluble chemicals;
particles (and hence particle-phase chemicals) are efficiently removed by precipitation
events (Bidleman, 1988). Dry deposition refers to the removal of gases and particles
from the atmosphere.
In the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” program, deposition is quantified for particle-bound
pollutants and not gases. Wet deposition of water-soluble gas phase chemicals is thus
not considered. When calculating pollutant mass deposited to surfaces without
including depletion of pollutant mass from the plume, airborne concentrations remaining
in the plume and deposition to surfaces can be overestimated, thereby resulting in
overestimates of both the inhalation and multi-pathway risk estimates. However,
neglecting deposition in the air dispersion model, while accounting for it in the
multipathway health risk assessment, is a conservative, health protective approach
(CAPCOA, 1987; Croes, 1988). Misapplication of plume depletion can also lead to
possible underestimates of multi-pathway risk and for that reason no depletion is the
default assumption. If plume depletion is incorporated, then some consideration for
possible resuspension is warranted. An alternative modeling methodology accounting
for plume depletion can be discussed with the Air District and used in an approved
modeling protocol.
Although not generally used, several air dispersion models can provide downwind
concentration estimates that take into account the upwind deposition of pollutants to
surfaces and the consequential reduction of mass remaining in the plume. Air
dispersion models having deposition and plume depletion algorithms require particle
distribution data that are not always readily available. These variables include particle
size, mass fraction, and density for input to AERMOD. In addition, the meteorological
fields need to include additional parameters including relative humidity, precipitation,
cloud cover, and surface pressure. Consequently, depletion of pollutant mass from the
plume often is not taken into account.
In conclusion, multipathway risk assessment analyses normally incorporate deposition
to surfaces in a screening mode, specifically by assigning a default deposition velocity
of 2 cm/s for controlled sources and 5 cm/s for uncontrolled sources in lieu of actual
measured size distributions (ARB, 1989). For particles (and particle-phase chemicals),
the deposition velocity depends on particle size and is minimal for particles of diameter
approximately 0.1-1 micrometer; smaller and larger particles are removed more rapidly.
4.13.3 Short Duration Emissions
Short-duration emissions (i.e., much less than an hour) require special consideration. In
general, “puff models” provide a better characterization of the dispersion of pollutants
having short-duration emissions. Continuous Gaussian plume models have traditionally
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
been used for averaging periods as short as about 10 minutes and are not
recommended for modeling sources having shorter continuous emission duration.
4.13.4 Fumigation
Fumigation occurs when a plume that was originally emitted into a stable layer in the
atmosphere is mixed rapidly to ground-level when unstable air below the plume reaches
plume level. Fumigation can cause very high ground-level concentrations. Typical
situations in which fumigation occurs are:
Breaking up of a nocturnal radiation inversion by solar warming of the ground
surface (rising warm unstable air); note that the break-up of a nocturnal radiation
inversion is a short-lived event and should be modeled accordingly.
Shoreline fumigation caused by advection of pollutants from a stable marine
environment to an unstable inland environment
Advection of pollutants from a stable rural environment to a turbulent urban
SCREEN3 incorporates concentrations due to inversion break-up and shoreline
fumigation and is limited to maximum hourly evaluations. The Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion Model incorporates overwater plume transport and dispersion as well as
changes that occur as the plume crosses the shoreline hourly meteorological data are
needed from both offshore and onshore locations.
Raincap on Stack
The presence of a raincap or any obstacle at the top of the stack hinders the
momentum of the exiting gas. The extent of the effect is a function of the distance from
the stack exit to the obstruction and of the dimensions and shape of the obstruction.
On the conservative side, the stack could be modeled as having a non-zero, but
negligible exiting velocity, effectively eliminating any momentum rise. Such an
approach would result in final plume heights closer to the ground and therefore higher
concentrations nearby. There are situations where such a procedure might lower the
actual population-dose and a comparison with and without reduced exit velocity should
be examined.
Plume buoyancy is not strongly reduced by the occurrence of a raincap. Therefore, if
the plume rise is dominated by buoyancy, it is not necessary to adjust the stack
conditions. (The air dispersion models determine plume rise by either buoyancy or
momentum, whichever is greater.)
The stack conditions should be modified when the plume rise is dominated by
momentum and in the presence of a raincap or a horizontal stack. Sensitivity studies
with the SCREEN3 model, on a case-by-case basis, can be used to determine whether
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
plume rise is dominated by buoyancy or momentum. The District should be consulted
before applying these procedures.
Set exit velocity to 0.001 m/sec
Turn stack tip downwash off
Reduce stack height by 3 times the stack diameter
Stack tip downwash is a function of stack diameter, exit velocity, and wind speed. The
maximum stack tip downwash is limited to three times the stack diameter in the
AERMOD air dispersion model. In the event of a horizontal stack, stack tip downwash
should be turned off and no stack height adjustments should be made. Note: This
approach may not be valid for large (several meter) diameter stacks.
An alternative, more refined, approach could be considered for stack gas temperatures
which are slightly above ambient (e.g., ten to twenty degrees Fahrenheit above
ambient). In this approach, the buoyancy and the volume of the plume remain constant
and the momentum is minimized.
Turn stack tip downwash off
Reduce stack height by 3 times the stack diameter (3D
Set the stack diameter (D
) to a large value (e.g., 10 meters)
Set the stack velocity to V
= V
Where V
and D
are the original stack velocity and diameter and V
and D
are the
alternative stack velocity and diameter for constant buoyancy. This approach is
advantageous when D
>> D
and V
<< V
and should only be used with District
In the presence of building downwash and in the event that PRIME downwash is being
utilized in AERMOD, an alternative approach is recommended. PRIME algorithms use
the stack diameter to define initial plume radius and to solve conservation laws. The
user should input the actual stack diameter and exit temperature but set the exit velocity
to a nominally low value (e.g., 0.001 m/s). Also since PRIME does not explicitly
consider stack-tip downwash, no adjustments to stack height should be made.
Currently U.S. EPA is BETA testing options for capped and horizontal releases in
AERMOD. It is expected that these options will replace the above guidance when
BETA testing is complete.
4.13.6 Landfill Sites
Landfills should be modeled as area sources. The possibility of non-uniform emission
rates throughout the landfill area should be investigated. A potential cause of
non-uniform emission rates would be the existence of cracks or fissures in the landfill
cap (where emissions may be much larger). If non-uniform emissions exist, the landfill
should be modeled with several smaller areas assigning an appropriate emission factor
to each one of them, especially if there are nearby receptors (distances on the same
order as the dimensions of the landfill).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Specialized Models
Some models have been developed for application to very specific conditions.
Examples include models capable of simulating sources where both land and water
surfaces affect the dispersion of pollutants and models designed to simulate emissions
from specific industries.
4.14.1 Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion Model (BLP)
BLP is a Gaussian plume dispersion model designed for the unique modeling problems
associated with aluminum reduction plants, and other industrial sources where plume
rise and downwash effects from stationary line sources are important.
Regulatory Application
Regulatory application of BLP model requires the selection of the following options:
rural (IRU=l) mixing height option;
default (no selection) for all of the following: plume rise wind shear (LSHEAR),
transitional point source plume rise (LTRANS), vertical potential temperature
gradient (DTHTA), vertical wind speed power law profile exponents (PEXP),
maximum variation in number of stability classes per hour (IDELS), pollutant
decay (DECFAC), the constant in Briggs' stable plume rise equation (CONST2),
constant in Briggs' neutral plume rise equation (CONST3), convergence criterion
for the line source calculations (CRIT), and maximum iterations allowed for line
source calculations (MAXIT); and
terrain option (TERAN) set equal to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0.
For more information on the BLP model consult the user’s guide (Schulman and Scire,
4.14.2 Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD)
OCD (DiCristofaro and Hanna, 1989) is a straight-line Gaussian model developed to
determine the impact of offshore emissions from point, area or line sources on the air
quality of coastal regions. OCD incorporates “over-water” plume transport and
dispersion as well as changes that occur as the plume crosses the shoreline. Hourly
meteorological data are needed from both offshore and onshore locations. Additional
data needed for OCD are water surface temperature, over-water air temperature, mixing
height, and relative humidity.
Some of the key features include platform building downwash, partial plume penetration
into elevated inversions, direct use of turbulence intensities for plume dispersion,
interaction with the overland internal boundary layer, and continuous shoreline
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Regulatory Application
OCD has been recommended for use by the Minerals Management Service for
emissions located on the Outer Continental Shelf (50 FR 12248; 28 March 1985). OCD
is applicable for over-water sources where onshore receptors are below the lowest
source height. Where onshore receptors are above the lowest source height, offshore
plume transport and dispersion may be modeled on a case-by-case basis in
consultation with the District.
4.14.3 Shoreline Dispersion Model (SDM)
SDM (PEI, 1988) is a hybrid multipoint Gaussian dispersion model that calculates
source impact for those hours during the year when fumigation events are expected
using a special fumigation algorithm and the MPTER regulatory model for the remaining
SDM may be used on a case-by-case basis for the following applications:
tall stationary point sources located at a shoreline of any large body of water;
rural or urban areas;
flat terrain;
transport distances less than 50 km;
1-hour to 1-year averaging times.
4.15 Interaction with the District
The risk assessor must contact the District to determine if there are any specific
requirements. Examples of such requirements may include, but are not limited to:
specific receptor location guidance, specific usage of meteorological data, and specific
report format (input and output). See Chapter 9 for more information on the format and
content of modeling protocols and HRAs.
4.15.1 Submittal of Modeling Protocol
It is strongly recommended that a modeling protocol be submitted to the District for
review and approval prior to extensive analysis with an air dispersion model. The
modeling protocol is a plan of the steps to be taken during the air dispersion modeling
process. Following is an example of the format that may be followed in the preparation
of the modeling protocol. Consult with the District to confirm format and content
requirements or to determine the availability of District modeling guidelines
before submitting the protocol.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Outline for a Modeling Protocol
I. Introduction
Include the facility name, address, and a brief overview describing the
facility’s operations.
Provide a description of the terrain and topography surrounding the facility
and potential receptors.
Indicate the format in which data will be provided. Ideally, the report and
summary of data will be on paper and all data and model input and output
files will be provided electronically (e.g., compact disk or CD).
Identify the guidelines used to prepare the protocol (e.g., District Guidelines).
II. Emissions
For each pollutant and process whose emissions are required to be
quantified in the HRA, list the annual average emissions (pounds/year and
grams/second) and the maximum one-hour emissions (pounds/hour and
. Maximum 1-hour emissions are used for acute noncancer
health impacts while annual emissions are used for chronic exposures
(i.e., chronic and 8-hour noncancer health impacts or cancer risk
Identify the reference and method(s) used to determine emissions
(e.g., source tests, emission factors, etc.). Clearly indicate any emission data
that are not reflected in the previously submitted emission inventory report. In
this event, a revised emission inventory report will need to be submitted to the
Identify if this will be a multipathway assessment based on emitted
III. Models / Modeling Assumptions
Specify the model and modeling assumptions
Identify the model(s) to be used, including the version number.
Identify the model options that will be used in the analysis.
Except radionuclides, for which annual and hourly emissions are reported in Curies/year and
millicuries/hour, respectively.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Identify the modeling domain(s) and the spacing of receptor grid(s). Grid
spacing should be sufficient in number and detail to capture the concentration
at all of the receptors of interest.
Indicate complex terrain options that may be used, if applicable.
Identify the source type(s) that will be used to represent the facility’s
operations (e.g., point, area, or volume sources, flare options or other).
Indicate the preliminary source characteristics (e.g., stack height, gas
temperature, exit velocity, dimensions of volume source, etc.).
Identify and support the use of urban or rural dispersion coefficients for those
models that require dispersion coefficients. For other models, identify and
support the parameters required to characterize the atmospheric dispersion
due to land characteristics (e.g., surface roughness, Monin-Obukhov length).
IV. Meteorological Data
Specify the type, source, and year(s) of hourly meteorological data
(e.g., hourly surface data, upper air mixing height information).
State how the data are representative for the facility site.
Describe QA/QC procedures.
Identify any gaps in the data; if gaps exist, describe how the data gaps are
V. Deposition
Specify the method to calculate deposition (if applicable).
VI. Receptors
Specify the type and location of receptors. Include all relevant information
describing how the individual and population-related receptors will be
Identify and describe the location(s) of known or anticipated potential
sensitive receptors, the point of maximum impact (PMI), and the maximum
exposed individual residential (MEIR) and worker (MEIW) receptors. Identify
any special considerations or grids that will be used to model these receptors.
This information should correspond with information provided in Section III
(e.g., fine receptor spacing of 20 meters at the fence line and centered on the
maximum impacts; coarse receptor spacing of 100 meters out to 2,000
meters; extra coarse spacing of 1,000 meters out to 20,000 meters).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Identify if spatial averaging will be used. Include necessary background
information on each receptor including how the domain and spacing will be
determined for each receptor or exposure pathway.
Describe how the cancer burden or population impact estimates are
calculated. Clarify the same information for the presentation of noncancer
population impacts (e.g., centroids of the census tracts in the area within the
zone of impact).
Specify that actual UTM coordinates and the block/street locations (i.e., north
side of 3,000 block of Smith Street), where possible, will be provided for
specified receptor locations.
Identify and support the use of any exposure adjustments (e.g., time a
location, diurnal).
Include the list of anticipated exposure pathways that will be included and
indicate which substance will be evaluated in the multipathway assessment.
Identify if sensitive receptors are present and which receptors will be
evaluated in the HRA.
VII. Maps
Identify how the information will be graphically presented.
Indicate which cancer risk isopleths will be plotted for the cancer zone of
impact (e.g., 10
, 10
see Section 4.6.1).
Indicate the hazard quotients or hazard indices to be plotted for the
noncancer acute, 8 hour, and chronic zones of impact (e.g., 0.5, 1.0, etc.).
4.16 Health Risk Assessment Report
This section describes the information related to the air dispersion modeling process
that needs to be reported in the risk assessment. This section is also presented in
Chapter 9, Summary of the Requirements for a Modeling Protocol and a Health Risk
Assessment Report, in Section 9.2. The District may have specific requirements
regarding format and content (see Section 4.15). Sample calculations should be
provided at each step to indicate how reported emissions data were used. Reviewing
agencies must receive input, output, and supporting files of various model analyses on
computer-readable media (e.g., CD).
4.16.1 Information on the Facility and its Surroundings
Report the following information regarding the facility and its surroundings:
Facility Name
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Location (UTM coordinates and street address)
Land use type (see Section 2.4)
Local topography
Facility plot plan identifying:
o source locations
o property line
o horizontal scale
o building heights
o emission sources
4.16.2 Source and Emission Inventory Information
3 Release Parameters
Report the following information for each release location in table format:
Release location identification number
Release name
Release type (e.g., point, volume, area, line, pit, etc.)
Source identification number(s) used by the facility that emit out of this release
Release location using UTM coordinates
Release parameters by release type (e.g., shown for point source):
o Stack height (m), stack diameter (building dimensions for downwash),
exhaust gas exit velocity (m/s), exhaust gas volumetric flow rate (ACFM),
exhaust gas exit temperature (K), etc. Source Description and Operating Schedule
The description and operating schedule for each source should be reported in table
form including the following information:
Source identification number used by the facility
Source name
Number of operating hours per day and per year (e.g., 0800-1700, 2700 hr/yr)
Number of operating days per week (e.g., Mon-Sat)
Number of operating days or weeks per year (e.g., 52 wk/yr excluding major
Release point identification number(s) for where source emissions are released
Health and Safety Code section 44346 authorizes facility operators to designate certain "Hot Spots"
information as trade secret. Section 44361(a) requires districts to make health risk assessments
available for public review upon request. Section 44346 specifies procedures to be followed upon receipt
of a request for the release of trade secret information. See also the Inventory Guidelines Report
regarding the designation of trade secret information in the Inventory Reports.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Fraction of source emissions emitted at each release point by release point ID
number Emission Control Equipment and Efficiency
Report emission control equipment and efficiency by source and by substance Emissions Data Grouped By Source
Report emission rates for each toxic substance, grouped by source (i.e., emitting device or
process identified in Inventory Report), in table form including the following information:
Source name
Source identification number
Substance name and CAS number (from Inventory Guidelines)
Annual average emissions for each substance (lb/yr)
Hourly maximum emissions for each substance (lb/hr) Emissions Data Grouped by Substance
Report facility total emission rate by substance for all emitted substances listed in the
Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program including the following information:
Substance name and CAS number (from Inventory Guidelines)
Annual average emissions for each substance (lb/yr)
Hourly maximum emissions for each substance (lb/hr) Emission Estimation Methods
Report the methods used in obtaining the emissions data indicating whether emissions
were measured or estimated. Clearly indicate any emission data that are not reflected
in the previously submitted emission inventory report and submit a revised emission
inventory report to the district. A reader should be able to reproduce the risk
assessment without the need for clarification. List of Substances
Include tables listing all "Hot Spots" Program substances which are emitted, plus any
other substances required by the District. Indicate substances to be evaluated for
cancer risks and noncancer health impacts.
4.16.3 Exposed Population and Receptor Location
Report the following information regarding exposed population and receptor locations.
See Chapter 9 and specific sections within this chapter for more detailed information.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Description of zone of impact including map showing the location of the facility,
boundaries of zone of impact, census tracts, emission sources, sites of maximum
exposure, and the location of all appropriate receptors. This should be a true
map (one that shows roads, structures, etc.), drawn to scale, and not just a
schematic drawing. USGS 7.5 minute maps or GIS based maps are usually the
most appropriate choices. (If significant development has occurred since the
user’s survey, this should be indicated.)
Separate maps for the cancer risk zone of impact and the hazard index
(noncancer) zone of impact(s). The cancer zone of impact should include
isopleths down to at least the 1/1,000,000 risk level. Because some districts use
a level below 1/1,000,000 to define the zone of impact, the District should be
consulted. Three separate maps (to represent both chronic, 8-hour, and acute
HI) should be created to define the zone of impact for the hazard index from both
inhalation and noninhalation pathways greater than or equal to 0.5. The point of
maximum impact (PMI), maximum exposed individual at a residential receptor
(MEIR), the maximum exposed individual worker (MEIW), and any other
locations of interest for both cancer and noncancer risks should be located on the
Tables identifying population units and sensitive receptors (UTM coordinates,
receptor IDs, and street addresses of specified receptors).
Heights or elevations of the receptor points.
For each receptor type (e.g., PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and any other location(s) of
interest) that will utilize spatial averaging, the domain size and grid resolution
must be clearly identified. If another domain or grid resolution other than
20 meters by 20 meters with 5-meter grid spacing will be used for a receptor,
then care should be taken to determine the proper domain size and grid
resolution that should be used. For a worker, the HRA shall support all
assumptions used, including, but not limited to, documentation for all workers
showing the area where each worker routinely performs their duties. The final
domain size should not be greater than the smallest area of worker movement.
Other considerations for determining domain size and grid spacing resolution
may include an evaluation of the concentration gradients across the worker area.
The grid spacing used within the domain should be sufficient in number and
detail to obtain a representative concentration across the area of interest. When
spatial averaging over the deposition area of a pasture, garden, or water body,
care should be taken to determine the proper domain size to make sure it
includes all reasonable areas of potential deposition. The size and shape of the
pasture, garden, or water body of interest should be identified and used for the
modeling domain. The grid spacing or resolution used within the domain should
be sufficient in detail to obtain a representative deposition concentration across
the area of interest. One way to determine the grid resolution is to include an
evaluation of the concentration gradients across the deposition area. The HRA
shall support all assumptions used, including, but not limited to, documentation of
the deposition area (e.g., size and shape of the pasture or water body, maps,
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
representative coordinates, grid resolution, concentration gradients, etc.). The
use or spatial averaging is subject to approval by the reviewing authority. This
includes the size of the domain and grid resolution that is used for spatial
averaging of a worksite or multipathway deposition area.
4.16.4 Meteorological Data
If meteorological data were not obtained directly from the District, then the report must
clearly indicate the data source and time period used. Meteorological data not obtained
from the District must be submitted in electronic form along with justification for their use
including information regarding representativeness and quality assurance.
The risk assessment should indicate if the District required the use of a specified
meteorological data set. All memos indicating the District’s approval of meteorological
data should be attached in an appendix.
4.16.5 Model Selection and Modeling Rationale
The report should include an explanation of the model chosen to perform the analysis
and any other decisions made during the modeling process. The report should clearly
indicate the name of the models that were used, the level of detail (screening or refined
analysis) and the rationale behind the selection.
Also report the following information for each air dispersion model used:
version number
selected options and parameters in table form
Identify the modeling domain(s) and the spacing of receptor grid(s). Grid spacing
should be sufficient in number and detail to capture the concentration at all
receptors of interest.
4.16.6 Air Dispersion Modeling Results
- Maximum hourly and annual average concentrations of chemicals at appropriate
receptors such as the residential and worker MEI receptors
- Annual average and maximum one-hour (and 30-day average for lead only)
concentrations of chemicals at appropriate receptors listed and referenced to
computer printouts of model outputs
- Model printouts (numbered), annual concentrations, maximum hourly
- Disk with input/output files for air dispersion program (e.g., the AERMOD input
file containing the regulatory options and emission parameters, receptor
locations, meteorology, etc.)
- Include tables that summarize the annual average concentrations that are
calculated for all the substances at each site. The use of tables that present the
relative contribution of each emission point to the receptor concentration is
recommended. (These tables should have clear reference to the computer
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
model which generated the data. It should be made clear to any reader how data
from the computer output were transferred to these tables.) [As an alternative,
the above two tables could contain just the values for sites of maximum impact
(i.e., PMI, MEIR and MEIW), and sensitive receptors, if required. All the values
would be found in the Appendices.]
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Auer Jr., A.H. (1978). Correlation of land use and cover with meteorological anomalies.
Journal of Applied Meteorology, 17(5):636-643.
ARB (1994). ARB memorandum dated 4/11/94 from A. Ranzieri to J. Brooks on the
subject, "One-hour to Thirty-day Average Screening Factor."
ARB (1989). "Screening Deposition Velocities," Internal memorandum from A. Ranzieri
to G. Shiroma dated 8/17/89.
Bidleman, T.F. (1988). Atmospheric processes. Environmental Science & Technology,
Bjorklund, J.R. and J.F. Bowers (1982). User’s Instructions for the SHORTZ and
LONGZ Computer Programs, Volumes I and II. EPA-903/9-82-004A and B. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Philadelphia, PA.
Burt, E.W. (1977). Valley Model User’s Guide. EPA-450/2-77-018. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
CAPCOA (1987). "Deposition Rate Calculations for Air Toxics Source Assessments," in
Air Toxics Assessment Manual, Appendix C.7.
Catalano, J.A., D.B. Turner and H. Novak (1987). User’s Guide for RAM - Second
Edition. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC.
(Distributed as part of UNAMAP Version 6 Documentation)
Chico, T. and J. A. Catalano (1986). Addendum to the User’s Guide for MPTER. U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Croes, B. (1988). "Deposition Rate Calculations for Air Toxic Risk Assessments in
California," Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control
Association, Dallas, TX, June 20-24, 1988.
DiCristofaro, D. C. and S. R. Hanna (1989). OCD: The Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion Model, Version 4. Volume I: User's Guide, and Volume II: Appendices.
Sigma Research Corporation, Westford, MA. (NTIS Nos. PB 93-144384 and PB 93-
Irwin, J.S. (1978). Proposed Criteria for Selection of Urban Versus Rural Dispersion
Coefficients. (Draft Staff Report). Meteorology and Assessment Division.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-80-
46, II-B-8).
OEHHA (2012). Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. Available online
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
PEI Associates (1988). User's Guide to SDM - A Shoreline Dispersion Model. U.S. EPA
Publication No. EPA-450/4-88-017. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, A.J. Cimorelli (1990). User’s Guide to CTDMPLUS: Volume 2.
The Screening Mode (CTSCREEN). EPA-600/8-90-087. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Pierce, T.E., D.B. Turner, J.A. Catalano, and F.V. Hale (1982). PTPLU - A Single
Source Gaussian Dispersion Algorithm User’s Guide. EPA-600-/8-82-014. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Pierce, T.E. (1986). Addendum to PTPLU - A Single Source Gaussian Dispersion
Algorithm. EPA/600/8-86-042. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
Schulman, L.L., and J.S. Scire (l980). Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP) Dispersion
Model User's Guide. Document P-7304B. Environmental Research and Technology,
Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS No. PB 8l-l64642)
Schulman, L.L., Strimaitis, D. G., and Scire, J. S. (2000). Development and evaluation
of the PRIME plume rise and building downwash model. Journal of the Air and Waste
Management Association, 50:378-390,.
Tikvart, J. (1993). "Proposal for Calculating Plume Rise for Stacks with Horizontal
Releases or Rain Caps for Cookson Pigment, Newark, New Jersey," Internal
memorandum from J. Tikvart to K. Eng dated 7/9/93.
Turner, D. and J.H. Novak (1978). User’s Guide for RAM. Vol. 1. Algorithm Description
and Use, Vol. II. Data Preparation and Listings. EPA-600/8-78-016a and b.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1984a). Calms Processor (CALMPRO) User’s Guide. EPA-901/9-84-001.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region I, Boston, MA.
U.S. EPA (1984b). Interim Procedures for Evaluating Air Quality Models (Revised).
EPA-450/4-84-023. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park,
NC. (NTIS No. PB 85-106060)
U.S. EPA (1985a). Interim Procedures for Evaluating Air Quality Models: Experience
with Implementation. U.S. EPA Publication No. EPA-450/4-85-006. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 85-242477)
U.S. EPA (1985b). Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack
Height (Technical Support Document for the Stack Height Regulations) - Revised EPA-
450/4-80-023R, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
U.S. EPA (1992). Protocol for Determining the Best Performing Model. U.S. EPA
Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-025. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1993). User’s Guide to the Building Profile Input Program (BPIP). Revised
February, 1995. EPA-454/R-93-038. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1995a). Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of
Stationary Sources, Revised. EPA-450/R-92-019. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1995b). User’s Guide for the Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion
Models. Volume I: User Instructions. EPA-454/B-95-003a. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1995c). User’s Guide for the Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion
Models. Volume II: User Instructions. EPA-454/B-95-003a. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1995d). SCREEN3 Model User’s Guide. EPA-454/B-95-004. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (1995e). On-Site Meteorological Program Guidance For Regulatory Modeling
Applications. EPA-450/4-87-013. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (2004a). User’s Guide for the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model - AERMOD. EPA-
454/B-03-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (2004b). AERMOD: Description of Model Formulation. EPA-454/R-03-004.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. EPA (2005). Federal Register / Volume 70, Number 216 / November 9, 2005 /
Rules and Regulations, 40 CFR Part 51 Appendix W, Revision to the Guideline on Air
Quality Models, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
U.S. EPA (2009). AERMOD Implementation Guide. Last Revised: March 19, 2009.
AERMOD Implementation Workgroup, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Online
U.S. EPA (2011). AERSCREEN User’s Guide. EPA-454/B-11-001. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
5 - Exposure Assessment
Estimation of Concentration and Dose
5.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a summary of how toxicant ground level air concentrations
estimated from air dispersion modeling or monitoring results are used to determine dose
at receptors of interest. This chapter includes all the algorithms and data (e.g., point
estimates, distributions, and transfer factors) that are needed to determine the
substance-specific concentration in exposure media and the dose at a receptor of
interest. The determination of exposure concentration and dose precedes the
calculations of potential health impacts. See Chapter 8 and Appendix I for information
on calculating potential health impacts.
At a minimum, three receptors are evaluated in Hot Spots health risk assessments
(HRA) (see Section 4.7); these are:
the Point of Maximum Impact (PMI),
the Maximally Exposed Individual Resident (MEIR), and
the Maximally Exposed Individual Worker (MEIW).
The PMI is defined as the receptor point(s) with the highest acute, 8-hour, chronic, or
cancer health impact outside the facility boundary. The facility boundary is defined as
the property line. Often the fence is on the property line. The MEIR is typically defined
as the existing off-site residence(s) (i.e., house, apartment or other dwelling) with the
highest acute, chronic, or cancer health impact. Calculating an 8-hour hazard index is
not required for the MEIR, but can be performed at the discretion of the District. The
MEIW is typically defined as the existing offsite workplace with the highest acute,
8-hour, chronic, or cancer health impact.
In addition, it may be necessary to determine risks at sensitive receptors (e.g., schools,
day care centers, elder care centers, and hospitals). The District or reviewing authority
should be consulted in order to determine the appropriate sensitive receptors for
evaluation. Some situations may require that on-site receptor (worker or residential)
locations be evaluated. Some examples where the health impacts of on-site receptors
may be appropriate could be military base housing, prisons, universities, or locations
where the public may have regular access for the appropriate exposure period (e.g., a
lunch time café or museum for acute exposures). The risk assessor should contact the
Air Pollution Control or Air Quality Management District (the District) for guidance about
any on-site exposure situations at the emitting facility. These on-site locations should
be included in the health risk assessment (HRA). If the facility emits multiple
substances from two or more stacks, the acute, 8-hour, chronic, and cancer health
impacts at the PMI may be located at different physical locations. The MEIR or MEIW
cancer, acute, 8-hour, and chronic receptors may also be at different locations.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The process for determining dose at the receptor location, and ultimately potential
health impacts, will likely include air dispersion modeling, and, with less frequency, air
monitoring data. Air dispersion modeling combines the facility emissions and release
parameters and uses default or site-specific meteorological conditions to estimate
downwind, ground-level concentrations at various (user-defined) receptor locations. Air
dispersion modeling is described in Chapter 4 and is presented in detail in the Air
Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical Support Document
for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis (OEHHA, 2012a).
In summary, the process of using air dispersion modeling results as the basis of an
HRA follows these four steps:
Air dispersion modeling is used to estimate annual average and maximum
one-hour ground level concentrations (GLC). The air dispersion modeling results
are expressed as an air concentration or in terms of (Chi over Q) for each
receptor point. (Chi over Q) is the modeled downwind air concentration (Chi)
based on an emission rate of one gram per second (Q). (Chi over Q) is
expressed in units of micrograms per cubic meter per gram per second, or
)/(g/s). (Chi over Q) is sometimes written as (/Q) and is sometimes
referred to as the dilution factor.
When multiple substances are evaluated, the /Q is normally utilized since it is
based on an emission rate of one gram per second. The /Q at the receptor
point of interest is multiplied by the substance-specific emission rate (in g/s) to
yield the substance-specific ground-level concentration (GLC) in units of g/m
The following equations illustrate this point.
rate emissionunit withresults model from,
rate emission specific substanceQ
The applicable exposure pathways (e.g., inhalation, soil contact, fish
consumption) are identified for the emitted substances, and the receptor
locations are identified. This determines which exposure algorithms in this
chapter are ultimately used to estimate dose. After the exposure pathways are
identified, the fate and transport algorithms described in this chapter are used to
estimate concentrations in the applicable exposure media (e.g., soil or water) and
the exposure algorithms are used to determine the substance-specific dose.
The dose is used with cancer and noncancer health values to calculate the
potential health impacts for the receptor (Chapter 8). An example calculation
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
using the high-end point-estimates for the inhalation (breathing) exposure
pathway can be found in Appendix I. Appendix I and Chapters 5 (this Section)
and 8 also contain information on how the annual average and maximum
one-hour ground level concentrations are used for chronic, 8-hour, and acute
health risk calculations.
The algorithms in this chapter are also used to calculate media concentrations and dose
in the rare instance, for the Hot Spots program, when monitoring equipment was used
rather than air dispersion modeling to obtain a receptor’s substance-specific GLC. One
situation that is specific to monitored data is the treatment of results below the sampling
method level of detection (LOD). In short, it is standard risk assessment practice when
monitoring results are reported both above and below the LOD to use one-half of the
LOD for those sample concentrations reported below the LOD. If all testing or
monitoring results fall below the LOD, then assessors should contact the District for
appropriate procedures. For more information about reporting emissions under the Hot
Spots Program, see the ARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations
(Title 17, California Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission
Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (EICG Report), which is incorporated by
reference therein (ARB, 2007).
The recommended model for calculating and presenting HRA results for the Hot Spots
Program is the HARP software, available from the Air Resources Board (ARB). More
information on HARP and directions for downloading the software can be found on the
ARB’s web site at
5.2 Criteria for Exposure Pathway Evaluation
In order to determine total dose to the receptor the applicable pathways of exposure
need to be identified. The inhalation pathway must be evaluated for all Hot Spots
substances emitted by the facility. A small subset of Hot Spots substances is subject to
deposition onto soil, plants, and water bodies. These substances need to be evaluated
by the appropriate noninhalation pathways, as well as by the inhalation pathway, and
the results must be presented in all HRAs. These substances include semi-volatile
organic chemicals and heavy metals. Such substances are referred to as multipathway
substances. Two steps are necessary to determine if a substance should be evaluated
for multipathway impacts:
1. Determine whether the substance or its group (e.g., dioxins, PAHs) is listed in
Table 5.1.
2. Determine if the substance has an oral reference exposure level (REL) listed in
Table 6.4, or if it has an oral cancer slope factor listed in Table 7.1. Two other
references for checking the presence of oral health factors are OEHHA’s website
(OEHHA, 2012b) and the Consolidated Table of OEHHA/ARB Approved Risk
Assessment Health Values on the Air Resources Board website (ARB, 2012).
Oral or noninhalation exposure pathways include the ingestion of soil, angler-
caught fish, drinking water from surface water sources, mother’s milk,
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
homegrown produce, beef, pork, chicken, eggs and cow’s milk. The dermal
pathway is also evaluated via contact with contaminated soil.
For all multipathway substances, the minimum exposure pathways that must be
evaluated at every residential site (in addition to inhalation) are soil ingestion and
dermal exposure. If dioxins, furans, PCBs, PAHs or lead are emitted, then the breast-
milk consumption pathway also becomes mandatory. The other exposure pathways
(e.g., the ingestion of homegrown produce or angler-caught fish) are evaluated on a
site-by-site basis. If the resident can be exposed through an impacted exposure
pathway, then it must be included in the HRA. However, if there are no vegetable
gardens or fruit trees within the zone of impact for a facility, for example, then the
produce pathways need not be evaluated. Note that on-site residential receptors are
potentially subject to inhalation and noninhalation exposure pathways. Table 8.2
identifies the residential and worker receptor exposure pathways that are mandatory
and those that are dependent on the site-specific decisions. While residents can be
exposed though several exposure pathways, worker receptors are only evaluated for
inhalation, soil ingestion, and dermal exposure using point estimates.
Table 5.1 shows the multipathway substances that, based on available scientific data,
can be considered for each noninhalation exposure pathway. The exposure pathways
that are evaluated for a substance depend on two factors: 1) whether the substance is
considered a multipathway substance for the Hot Spots Program (Table 5.1), and 2)
what the site-specific conditions are. A multipathway substance may be excluded from
a particular exposure pathway because its physical-chemical properties can preclude
significant exposure via the pathway. For example, some water-soluble substances do
not appreciably bioaccumulate in fish; therefore, the fish pathway is not appropriate. In
addition, if a particular exposure pathway is not impacted by the facility or is not present
at the receptor site, then the pathway is not evaluated. For example, if a fishable water
body is not impacted by the facility, or the water source is impacted but no receptor
uses it for fishing, then the angler-caught fish pathway is not evaluated.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.1 Specific Pathways to be Analyzed for Each
Multipathway Substance
Meat, Milk
& Egg
Breast Milk
Inorganic chemicals
Arsenic & compounds X X X X X X X X X
Beryllium & compounds X X X X X X X X X
Cadmium & compounds X X X X X X X X X
Chromium VI & compounds
Fluorides (soluble
Lead & compounds X X X X X X X X X X
Mercury & compounds X X X X X X X X X
Nickel & compounds X X X X X X X X X
Selenium & compounds X X X X X X X X X
Organic chemicals
Creosotes X X X X X X X X
Diethylhexylphthalate X X X X X X X
Hexachlorobenzene X X X X X X X
Hexachlorocyclohexanes X X
4,4'-Methylene dianiline
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
dioxins and dibenzofurans
Cow’s milk only; no multipathway analysis for meat and egg ingestion
To be evaluated by pathway in future amendments to the Hot Spots Program
5.3 Estimation of Concentrations in Air, Soil, and Water
Once emissions exit the source, the substances emitted will be dispersed in the air.
The substances in the exhaust gas with high vapor pressures will remain largely in the
vapor phase, and substances with lower vapor pressures will tend to adsorb to fly ash
or other particulate matter. The emission plume may contain both vapor phase
substances and particulates. A semivolatile organic toxicant can partition into both
vapor and particulate phases. Particulates will deposit on vegetation, on soil, and in
water at a rate that is dependent on the particle size. Use the 0.02 m/s deposition rate
for emission sources that have verifiable particulate matter control devices or for
emission sources that may be uncontrolled but only emit particulate matter that is less
than 2.5 microns (e.g., internal combustion engines). The following algorithms are used
to estimate concentrations in environmental media including air, soil, water, vegetation,
and animal products.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The ground level concentration (GLC, or C
as shown in EQ 5.3.1) of a substance in air
is a function of the facility emission rate and the dilution factor (
/Q) at the points under
A. Equation 5.3.1: C
= Q
× /Q
1. C
= Ground level concentration (g/m
2. Q
= Substance emission rate (g/sec)
3. /
= Dilution factor provided by dispersion modeling (g/m
a. Recommended values for EQ 5.3.1:
1. Q
= Facility-specific, substance emission rate
2. /
= For point of interest, site specific, from dispersion modeling
b. Assumptions for EQ 5.3.1:
1. No plume depletion
2. Emission rate is constant, i.e., assumes steady state
5.3.2 Soil
The average concentration of the substance in soil (C
) is a function of the deposition,
accumulation period, chemical specific soil half-life, mixing depth, and soil bulk density.
For simplicity and health protection, the Tier 1 default assumes 70-year soil deposition
for the accumulation period at end of 70-year facility lifetime. The risk assessor may
also choose a supplemental Tier 2 approach, subject to District approval or reviewing
authority approval, in which the assessor applies a soil accumulation period based on
the facility’s start date of operation (e.g., historical date when emissions began), or the
current exposure conditions, and the expected duration of operation.
A. Equation 5.3.2 A: C
= Dep × X / (K
× SD × BD × T
1. C
= Average soil concentration over the evaluation period (g/kg)
2. Dep = Deposition on the affected soil area per day (g/m
3. X = Integral function for soil accumulation (d), see EQ 5.3.2 C below
4. K
= Soil elimination constant (d
5. SD = Soil mixing depth (m)
6. BD = Soil bulk density (kg/m
7. T
= Soil exposure duration or soil accumulation period (d)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
a: Recommended default values for EQ 5.3.2 A:
1. Dep = Calculated in EQ 5.3.2 B
2. X = Calculated in EQ 5.3.2 C
3. K
= Calculated in EQ 5.3.2 D
4. SD = 0.01 (m) for playground setting (soil ingestion and dermal
pathways) and 0.15 (m) for agricultural setting (produce and
meat pathways)
5. BD = 1,333 (kg/m
6. T
= 25,550 (d) = 70 years
b: Assumptions for EQ 5.3.2 A:
1. Substances are uniformly mixed in soil.
2. Substances are not leached or washed away, except where evidence
exists to the contrary.
3. It is assumed that toxicants accumulate in the soil for 70 years from
deposition over the 70 year lifespan of the facility. Use 70-year soil
accumulation (T
) for Tier 1 estimation of 9-, 30- and 70-year residential
exposure, and 25-year off-site worker exposure.
4. For a receptor ingesting mother's milk, the mother is exposed from birth to
25 years of age; the infant is then born and receives mother’s milk for one
year. Default assumes 70-year soil accumulation for mother’s milk
pathway. See Table 5.1 for information on which substances or groups of
substances must be evaluated by the mother’s milk pathway.
B. Equation 5.3.2 B: Dep = C
× Dep-rate × 86,400
1. C
= Ground level concentration (g/m
2. Dep-rate = Vertical rate of deposition (m/sec)
3. 86,400 = Seconds per day conversion factor (sec/d)
a: Recommended default values for EQ 5.3.2 B:
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.1 A
2. Dep-rate = Use 0.02 meters/second for controlled sources, or 0.05
meters/second for uncontrolled sources.
b: Assumptions for EQ 5.3.2 B:
1. Deposition rate remains constant. A deposition rate must be used when
determining potential noninhalation health impacts. In the absence of
facility specific information on the size of the emitted particles, the default
values for deposition rate should be used. Currently, the default value of
0.02 meters per second is used for emission sources that have verifiable
particulate matter control devices or for emission sources that may be
uncontrolled but only emit particulate matter that is less than 2.5 microns
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
(e.g., internal combustion engines). The 0.05 meters per second default
value is used for risk assessment if the emissions are uncontrolled. If
other deposition rate factors are used, sufficient support documentation
must be included with the HRA.
-Ks * Tf -Ks * To
C. Equation 5.3.2 C: X = - e } / K
] + T
1. e = 2.718
2. K
= Soil elimination constant
3. T
= End of soil accumulation evaluation period (d)
4. T
= Beginning of soil accumulation evaluation period (d)
5. T
= Total days of soil exposure (soil accumulation period) T
a: Recommended default values for EQ 5.3.2 C:
1: K
= Calculated in EQ 5.3.2 D
2: T
= 25,550 (d) = 70 years. Total soil exposure time at end of facility
3: T
= 0 (d) The initial time (start period) of soil exposure to all receptors that
are impacted by the soil pathway.
Note: Under a Tier 2 scenario, the risk assessor may also adjust T
and T
, subject to
District approval, to replicate current soil accumulation and expected accumulation at
the end of facility operation.
D. Equation 5.3.2 D: K
= 0.693 / t
1. 0.693 = Natural log of 2
2. t
= Chemical specific soil half-life (d)
a: Recommended default values for EQ 5.3.2 D:
1. t
= Chemical-specific. See Table 5.2
5.3.3 Water
The water pathway is evaluated if a standing water body (e.g., pond or lake) is impacted
by facility emissions and is used as a source for drinking water by food-producing
animals or humans, or is a source of angler-caught fish. The average concentration of
the substance in water (C
) is a function of direct deposition and material carried in by
surface run-off. However, only the contribution from direct deposition will be considered
at this time.
A. Equation 5.3.3 A: C
= C
1. C
= Average concentration in water (g/kg)
2. C
= Contribution due to direct deposition (g/kg)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
B. Equation 5.3.3 B: C
= Dep × SA × 365 / (WV × VC)
1. Dep = Deposition on water body per day (g/m
2. SA = Water surface area (m
3. 365 = Days per year (d/yr)
4. WV = Water volume (kg)
5. VC = Number of volume changes per year
a: Recommended default values for EQ 5.3.3 B:
1. Dep = Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 B
2. SA = Site specific water surface area (m
3. WV = Site specific water volume in (kg) (1L = 1 kg)
4. VC = Site specific number of volume changes per year
(SA, WV, and VC values can be obtained from the appropriate
Department of Water Resources (DWR) Regional office)
b: Assumptions for EQ 5.3.3 B:
1. With the exception of dilution via number of volume changes per year, all
material deposited into the water remains suspended or dissolved in the
water column and is available for bioaccumulation in fish.
5.3.4 Estimation of Concentrations in Vegetation, Animal Products, and
Mother’s Milk
Estimates of the concentration of the substance in vegetation, animal products and
mother’s milk require the use of the results of the air, water, and soil environmental fate
evaluation. Plants, animals and nursing mothers will be exposed to the substances at
the concentrations previously calculated in Section 5.31 to 5.33 above. Vegetation
The average concentration of a substance in and on vegetation (C
) is a function of
direct deposition of the substance onto the vegetation and of root translocation or
uptake from soil contaminated by the substance. We currently recommend root
translocation only for the inorganic compounds.
A. Equation A: C
= C
+ C
1. C
= Average concentration in and on specific types of vegetation
2. C
= Concentration due to direct deposition (g/kg)
3. C
= Concentration in vegetation due to root translocation or uptake
(g/kg) see EQ C below
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
B. Equation B: C
= [Dep × IF / (k × Y)] × (1 - e
1. Dep = Deposition on affected vegetation per day (g/m
2. IF = Interception fraction
3. k = Weathering constant (d
4. Y = Yield (kg/m
5. e = Base of natural logarithm (2.718)
6. T = Growth period (d)
a: Recommended default values for EQ B:
1. Dep = Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 B
2. IF = Crop specific:
a: Root crops = 0.0
b: Leafy crops = 0.2
c: Protected crops = 0.0
d: Exposed crops = 0.1
e: Pasture = 0.7
3. k = 0.1 (d
4. Y = 2 (kg/m
) for root, leafy, protected, exposed and pasture [CA
Department of Food and Agriculture dot maps]
5. T = 45 (d) for leafy crops
T = 90 (d) for exposed crops
b: Crop-type definitions for EQ B:
1. Leafy crop category consists of broad-leafed vegetables in which the leaf
is the edible part. Examples include spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and kale.
2. Root crop category includes vegetables in which the edible portion is
underground. Examples are potato, radish, and carrot.
3. Exposed produce category consists of crops with a small surface area
subject to air deposition. Examples include strawberries, tomato,
cucumber, zucchini, green bean and bell pepper.
4. Protected produce category consists of crops in which the edible part is
not exposed to air deposition (e.g., the exposed skin of the crop is
removed and not eaten). Examples are corn, pea, pumpkin and oranges.
Tables H-9 through H-15 in Appendix H provide more examples of various
leafy, root, exposed and protected crop types.
c: Assumptions for EQ B:
1. No deposition on root or protected crops
2. No uptake and translocation of deposited chemicals onto crops
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
C. Equation C: (for inorganic compounds)
= C
× UF
1. C
= Average soil concentration (g/kg)
2. UF
= Uptake factor based on soil concentration
a: Recommended default values for EQ C:
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 A
2. UF
= See Table 5.2
D. Equation D: (for organic compounds)
= [(0.03 × K
) + 0.82] / [(K
1. 0.03 = Empirical constant
2. K
= Octanol:water partition factor
3. 0.77 = Empirical constant
4. 0.82 = Empirical constant
5. K
= Organic carbon partition coefficient
6. F
= Fraction organic carbon in soil
a: Recommended default values for EQ D:
1. K
= Chemical specific, see Table 5.2
2. K
= Chemical specific, see Table 5.2
3. F
= 0.1
b: Assumptions for EQ D:
1. OEHHA currently has no recommended root uptake factors for organic
compounds listed in Table 5.2. Evidence suggests this route is
insignificant compared to airborne deposition. Nevertheless, if it becomes
necessary in specific cases to assess root uptake for an organic
compound, Equation D would be the algorithm OEHHA
recommends using to assess root uptake. Animal Products
The average concentration of the substance in animal products (C
) depends on
which routes of exposure exist for the animals. Animal exposure routes include
inhalation, soil ingestion, ingestion of contaminated feed and pasture, and
ingestion of contaminated water.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation
= (Inhalation + Water ingestion + Feed ingestion +
Pasture/Grazing ingestion + Soil ingestion) * Tco
1. C
= Average concentration in farm animals and their products (g/kg)
2. Inhalation, water ingestion, etc. = Dose through inhalation, water
ingestion, etc. (g/d)
3. Tco = Chemical-specific transfer coefficient of contaminant from diet to
animal product (d/kg)
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. Tco = See Tables 5.3a and 5.3b
b: Assumptions for EQ
1. The Tco for a given chemical is the same for all exposure routes Inhalation
A. Equation Inhalation = BR
× C
1. Inhalation = Dose through inhalation (g/d)
2. BR
= Breathing rate for animal (m
3. C
= Ground-level concentration (g/m
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. BR
= See Table 5.4
2. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.1 A
b: Assumptions for EQ
1. All material inhaled is 100% absorbed Water Ingestion
The water ingestion pathway is applied if there are surface water sources of drinking
water, such as springs, ponds or lakes, which are exposed to airborne deposition of
facility emissions. Due to the site-specific nature for this exposure pathway, OEHHA
recommends that the risk assessor conduct a survey at the site to estimate the fraction
of contaminated drinking water ingested by the animals, if such sources exist.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation Water ingestion = WI
× FSW × C
1. Water ingestion = Dose through water ingestion (g/d)
2. WI
= Water ingestion for animal (kg/d)
3. FSW = Fraction of water ingested from a contaminated body of
water (site-specific)
4. C
= Average concentration in water (g/kg)
For water 1 kg = 1 L
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. WI
= See Table 5.4
2. FSW = Site specific fraction, need to survey water ingestion practices in
affected area
3. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.3 A Feed Ingestion
The fraction of feed intake by cattle, pigs and poultry that is contaminated by facility
emissions can vary considerably depending on the manner in which the animals are
raised. Due to the site-specific nature for this exposure pathway, OEHHA recommends
that the risk assessor conduct a survey at the site to estimate the fraction of
contaminated feed eaten by the animals. For a Tier 1 assessment, default values are
provided by OEHHA (see Table 5.4 and Table 5.4 footnotes) for estimation of exposure
to the animals.
Agricultural mixing depth should be used for calculating soil concentration for feed and
pasture contamination. Feed Ingestion
A. Equation Feed ingestion = (1.0 - FG) × FI × L × C
1. Feed ingestion = Dose through the ingestion of feed (g/d) that is
harvested after it is impacted by source emissions
2. FG = Fraction of diet provided by grazing (site-specific)
3. FI = Feed ingestion rate (kg/d)
4. L = Fraction of locally grown (source impacted) feed that is not
pasture (site-specific)
5. C
= Concentration in feed (g/kg)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
a: Recommended default values EQ
1. FG = Default values in Table 5.4 footnote b, although a site-specific
survey for the fraction of diet provided by grazing is
2. FI = See Table 5.4
3. L = Default values in Table 5.4 footnote b, although a site-specific
survey for fraction of locally grown (source impacted) feed that is
not pasture is recommended
4. C
= As calculated above in EQ A
b: Assumptions for EQ
1. Feed (FI) transported from an off-site location (i.e., not grown locally) is
not contaminated by facility emissions. Pasture/Grazing ingestion
A. Equation Pasture/Grazing ingestion = FG × C
× FI
1. Pasture/Grazing ingestion = Dose through pasture/grazing (g/d)
2. FG = Fraction of diet provided by grazing (site-specific)
3. C
= Concentration in pasture/grazing material (g/kg)
4. FI = Feed ingestion rate (kg/d)
a: Recommended default values EQ
1. FG = Default values in Table 5.4 for fraction of diet provided by
grazing, although a site-specific survey is recommended
2. C
= As calculated above in EQ A
3. FI = See Table 5.4 Soil ingestion
The feeds provided to dairy and beef cattle may contain small quantities of soil. A
larger fraction of soil by weight of food is taken up during grazing. Rooting behavior by
pigs with access to soil will result in soil ingestion. Likewise, poultry with free access to
soil or pasture will also ingest soil. Defaults for soil ingestion are shown in Table 5.4.
A. Equation A: Soil ingestion = SI
× C
1. Soil ingestion = Dose through soil ingestion (g/d)
2. SI
= Soil ingestion rate for animal (kg/d)
3. C
= Average soil concentration (g/kg)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
a: Recommended default values for EQ A:
1. SI
= Calculated below
2. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 A
B. Equation B: SI
= [(1 - FG) × FS
× FI] +[ FG × FS
× FI]
1. FG = Fraction of diet provided by grazing
2. FS
= Soil ingested as a fraction of feed ingested
3. FI = Feed ingestion rate (kg/d)
4. FS
= Soil ingested as a fraction of pasture ingested
a: Recommended default values for EQ B:
1. FG = Site specific fraction of diet provided by grazing
2. FS
= See Table 5.4
3. FI = See Table 5.4
4. FS
= See Table 5.4
b: Assumptions for EQ B:
1. The transfer coefficient is the same for all exposure routes.
2. Soil ingested in feed (FS
) transported from an off-site location (i.e., not
grown locally) is assumed not to be contaminated by facility emissions. Bioaccumulation in Angler-Caught Fish
The average concentration in fish (C
) is based on the concentration in water and a
chemical-specific bioaccumulation factor.
A. Equation Ct = Cw × BAF
1. Ct = Concentration in wet weight tissue (muscle) of fish (µg/kg)
2. Cw = Concentration in water (µg/kg)
3. BAF = Fish bioaccumulation factor (unitless)
a: Recommended default values for Equation
1. Cw = As calculated above in Equation 5.3.3 A
2. BAF = Chemical-specific; see Table 5.2
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
b: Assumptions for Equation
1. For conversion of a chemical concentration in a volume of water shown as
µg/L, 1 L water = 1 kg water; thus, for concentration of chemical in water,
µg/L = µg/kg.
2. For organic chemicals, BAFs lipid-normalized to adult rainbow trout with
4% lipid content in muscle tissue
3. For organic chemicals, BAFs based on the freely dissolved fraction in
water under conditions of average particulate organic carbon and
dissolved organic carbon in U.S. lakes and other water bodies
4. For inorganic compounds, BAFs based on wet weight muscle tissue
concentration and on the total water concentration of the inorganic
compound in water.
5. Contaminant concentrations are uniform in water based on dispersion Bioaccumulation in Mother’s Milk
The average concentration of a chemical in mother’s milk (C
) is a function of the
mother’s exposure through all exposure routes (i.e., inhalation, ingestion via food,
drinking water, and soil, and dermal absorption via skin contact with soil contaminated
with the chemical), the contaminant half-life in the mother’s body, and transfer of
absorbed chemical to mother’s milk. The contaminant half-life in the body and transfer
to mother’s milk is incorporated in biotransfer coefficients (Tco) in Equation
See the TSD (OEHHA, 2012a), Appendix J for details on development of biotransfer
factors. The substances assessed by the mother’s milk pathway are shown in Table
A. Equation C
= [(D
x Tco
) + (D
x Tco
)] x BW
1. C
= Concentration in mother’s milk (mg/kg-milk)
2. D
= The sum of DOSEair + DOSEdermal through inhalation and
dermal absorption (mg/kg-BW-day)
3. D
= The sum of DOSEfood + DOSEsoil + DOSEwater through
ingestion (mg/kg-BW-day)
4. Tco
= Biotransfer coefficient from inhalation and dermal
absorption to mother’s milk (d/kg-milk)
5. Tco
= Biotransfer coefficient from ingestion to mother’s
milk (d/kg-milk)
6. BW = Body weight of mother (Kg)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
a: Recommended cancer risk default values for EQ
1. D
= As calculated through ingestion of soil in EQ +
home-grown produce in EQ + home-raised animal
products in EQ + drinking water in EQ +
angler-caught fish in EQ
2. D
= As calculated through inhalation in EQ + dermal
exposure in EQ
3. Tco
= See Table 5.5
4. Tco
= See Table 5.5
b: Recommended noncancer risk default values for EQ
1. D
= As calculated through ingestion of soil in EQ +
home-grown produce and home-raised animal products in
EQ + drinking water in EQ + angler-
caught fish in EQ
2. D
= As calculated through inhalation in EQ + dermal
exposure in EQ
3. Tco
= See Table 5.5
4. Tco
= See Table 5.5
c: Assumptions for EQ
1. Default age of mother at birth is 25 years of age, then nurses the infant for
1 year; Use 16<30 year old high-end (95
percentile) daily breathing rate
and intake rates for D
and D
for estimating dose to mother.
2. For inhalation dose to mother’s milk, it is recommended that the EF variate
in EQ is left out for calculation of inhalation dose in the mother’s
milk pathway.
3. Biotransfer coefficient, Tco
, the same for both inhalation and dermal
pathways based on lack of first-pass metabolism through the liver for both
of these pathways.
4. Biotransfer coefficient, Tco
, the same for all ingestion pathways
based on first-pass metabolism through the liver.
5. For chemicals in Table 5.5 lacking either an oral or inhalation Tco, use the
oral Tco for the absent inhalation Tco (i.e., for PCDDs and PCDFs and
dioxin-like PCBs), or the inhalation Tco for the absent oral Tco (i.e., for
lead) in Equation
6. The concentration in the mother’s milk is determined using the derived
approach to risk assessment. This method allows use of the high-end
dose point estimate for driving exposure pathways and the average dose
point estimates for other exposure pathways. See Sections 8.2.6 (cancer)
and 8.3.3 (noncancer) for the description of the methodology on how to
implement the derived methodology.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.2a Substance-Specific Default Values for Organic Multipathway Substances
Root Uptake Factors
Log K
Leafy Exposed Protected
NA NA 8 x 10
NA NA NA NA 1.0 4.3 x 10
4 x 10
NA NA NA 1.0 1.5 x 10
Dioxins and Furans
NA NA 3 x 10
NA NA NA NA 0.43 7.0 x 10
NA NA 8 x 10
NA NA NA NA 1.0 1.0 x 10
NA NA 3 x 10
NA NA NA NA 1.0 9.4 x 10
NA NA NA NA NA 1.0 4.6 x 10
Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
NA NA 8 x 10
NA NA NA NA 1.0 4.3 x 10
NA NA 2 x 10
NA NA NA NA 1.0 3.2 x 10
(1) Averaged log Kow and Koc values determined by most reliable methods (Staples et al., 1997)
(2) GRAF (Gastrointestinal Relative Absorption Factor). The guidelines allow for adjusting for bioavailability where the evidence warrants. For
example, there are good data which indicate that dioxin is not as available to an organism when bound to soil or fly ash matrices relative to when it
is in solution or in food. Therefore, a bioavailability factor is incorporated into the model to account for this difference. When information becomes
available for other chemicals of concern, this type of bioavailability will be incorporated into the model.
(3) Measured by Hansch et al. (1985)
(4) Estimated according to methodology of Lyman et al. (1990)
(5) To be evaluated for specific default values in future amendments to the Hot Spots Program.
NA - Data Not Available or Not Applicable
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.2b Substance-Specific Default Values for Inorganic Multipathway Substances
Root Uptake Factors
Root Leafy Exposed Protected
Arsenic & Inorganic
NA NA 2 x 10
8 x 10
1 x 10
2 x 10
7 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Beryllium &
NA NA 4 x 10
5 x 10
2 x 10
8 x 10
3 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Cadmium &
NA NA 4 x 10
8 x 10
1 x 10
2 x 10
1 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Chromium VI &
NA NA 2 x 10
3 x 10
3 x 10
2 x 10
7 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Fluorides (soluble
NA NA NA 9 x 10
4 x 10
4 x 10
4 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Lead & Compounds
NA NA 2 x 10
4 x 10
8 x 10
7 x 10
3 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Mercury & Inorganic
NA NA 8 x 10
2 x 10
2 x 10
9 x 10
1 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Nickel and
NA NA 2 x 10
6 x 10
1 x 10
3 x 10
3 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
Selenium &
NA NA 1 x 10
7 x 10
6 x 10
4 x 10
3 x 10
1.0 1.0 x 10
(1) GRAF (Gastrointestinal Relative Absorption Factor). The guidelines allow for adjusting for bioavailability where the evidence warrants. For
example, there are good data which indicate that dioxin is not as available to an organism when bound to soil or fly ash matrices relative to when it
is in solution or in food. Therefore, a bioavailability factor is incorporated into the model to account for this difference. When information becomes
available for other chemicals of concern, this type of bioavailability will be incorporated into the model.
(2) Methyl mercury (MeHg) is not represented in the category “mercury & inorganic compounds”. The BAF for methyl mercury is orders of
magnitude higher than for inorganic mercury. Assessment of MeHg for the fish pathway is not directly applicable to the Hot Spots program, as no
facilities are known to emit MeHg directly into the air (OEHHA, 2012; OEHHA, 2006), but it may be formed by action of microbes in sediment.
Assessing the methylation of mercury deposited into a water body is difficult, and is also very water body-specific. At this time OEHHA cannot
address this issue in the Hot Spots program, but will consider addressing this problem in future amendments of the Guidance.
NA - Data Not Available or Not Applicable.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.3a Animal Transfer Coefficients for Persistent
Organic Chemicals
Organic Chemical
Tco (d/kg)
Diethylhexylphthalate 9 x 10
0.04 0.002 6 x 10
5 x 10
Hexachlorobenzene 0.02 20 10 0.2 0.08
Hexachlorocyclohexanes 0.01 7 5 0.2 0.09
PAHs 0.01 0.003 0.003 0.07 0.06
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Congener 77 0.001 6 4 0.07 0.4
81 0.004 10 7 0.2 0.4
105 0.01 10 7 0.6 0.7
114 0.02 10 7 0.9 0.7
118 0.03 10 7 1 0.7
123 0.004 10 7 0.2 0.7
126 0.04 10 7 2 0.7
156 0.02 10 8 0.9 2
157 0.01 10 8 0.5 2
167 0.02 10 8 1 2
169 0.04 10 8 2 2
189 0.005 10 8 0.2 1
Unspeciated (PCB 126)
0.04 10 7 2 0.7
Congener 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.02 10 9 0.7 0.1
1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 0.01 10 9 0.3 0.09
0.009 10 6 0.3 0.2
1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 0.01 10
6 0.4 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 0.007 7 3 0.06 0.02
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 0.001 5 2 0.05 0.2
OCDD 0.0006 3 1 0.02 0.1
2,3,7,8-TCDF 0.004 10 6 0.1 0.02
1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 0.004 30 10 0.1 0.01
2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 0.02 10 8 0.7 0.09
1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 0.009 10 5 0.3 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 0.009 10 6 0.3 0.09
2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 0.008 5 3 0.3 0.06
1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 0.009 3 3 0.3 0.03
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 0.002 3 1 0.07 0.06
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 0.003 3 1 0.1 0.02
OCDF 0.002 1 0.6 0.02 0.03
Unspeciated (2,3,7,8-TCDD)
0.02 10 9 0.7 0.1
All Tco values were rounded to the nearest whole number.
For unspeciated mixtures, use PCB 126 Tcos to represent the class of PCBs, and 2378-TCDD
Tcos to represent the class of PCDDs/Fs.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.3b Animal Transfer Coefficients for Inorganic Chemicals
Inorganic Metals and
Tco (d/kg)
Arsenic 5 x 10
0.07 0.03 2 x 10
Beryllium 9 x 10
0.09 0.2 3 x 10
Cadmium 5 x 10
0.01 0.5 2 x 10
Chromium (VI) 9 x 10
Fluoride 3 x 10
0.008 0.03 8 x 10
Lead 6 x 10
0.04 0.4 3 x 10
Mercury 7 x 10
0.8 0.1 4 x 10
Nickel 3 x 10
0.02 0.02 3 x 10
Selenium 0.009 3 0.9 0.04 0.5
All Tco values were rounded to the nearest whole number.
The meat Tco was estimated using the metabolic weight adjustment ratio of 4.8 from cattle to pig
NA no data available or was not applicable
Table 5.4 Point Estimates for Animal Pathway
Parameter Beef
Pigs Meat
BW (body weight in kg) 533 575 55 1.7 1.6
(inhalation rate in m
/d) 107 115 7 0.4 0.4
(water consumption in kg/d) 45 110 6.6 0.16 0.23
FI (Food Intake in kg/d)
and/or pasture grazing
9 22 2.4 0.13 0.12
(soil fraction of feed) 0.01 0.01 NA NA NA
(soil fraction of pasture) 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02
Dry matter intake
For beef and dairy cattle, pasture grazing is assumed to be leafy vegetation (grasses, including
greenchop) and accounts for half of the cattle’s diet (FG=0.5 in Section The default assumes
on-site pasture grazing contaminated by facility emissions. Fraction of feed or dry matter intake (e.g.,
hay, grain) grown on-site is assumed to be contaminated by facility emissions and fraction of feed that is
grown off-site is not assumed to be contaminated. A default may be used that assumes all feed is grown
off-site (L=0 in Section, but a survey is recommended to verify the fractions of feed grown on-
site and off-site.
For pigs with access to soil, but usually confined to a pen, default assumes no pasture grazing (FG=0 in
Section For feed, estimated intake consists of equal portions of all plant types including
exposed, leafy, protected and root in which 10% (L=0.1 in Section of the diet is homegrown
and contaminated by facility emissions. The fraction of feed that was transported from an off-site location
is assumed not to be contaminated by facility emissions.
For poultry including egg-laying and broiler chickens that have access to soil, default assumes no
pasture grazing (FG=0 in Section Estimated feed intake is composed of equal proportions of
all plant types with 5% (L=0.05 in Section homegrown and contaminated by facility emissions.
The fraction of feed grown off-site and transported to the receptor was not contaminated by facility
NA - Not applicable. Assume FS
is equal to zero.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.5 Mother’s Milk Transfer Coefficients (Tco
Chemical/chem. group Tco
PCDDs - oral
PCDFs - oral
Dioxin-like PCBs - oral
PAHs inhalation
PAHs oral 0.401
Lead - inhalation
These compound classes represent the chemicals of greatest concern for the mother’s milk pathway
under the Hot Spots program. It is expected that additional transfer coefficients will be developed for
other multipathway chemicals in the Hot Spots Program as data becomes available and is reviewed.
Use the oral Tco
for the inhalation and dermal pathways. The PCDD, PCDF and dioxin-like PCB Tcos
were derived using a Random-effects model from individual Tco
estimates for 7 PCDDs, 9 PCDFs and
12 dioxin-like PCBs (See OEHHA, 2012, Appendix J).
Use the inhalation Tco
for the dermal pathway
Use the inhalation Tco
for the ingestion and dermal pathways
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Estimation of Dose
Once the concentrations of substances are estimated in air, soil, water, plants, and
animal products, they are used to evaluate estimated exposure to people. Exposure is
evaluated by calculating the daily dose in milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
(mg/kg/d). The following algorithms calculate this dose for exposure through inhalation,
dermal absorption, and ingestion pathways. All chemicals must be assessed for
exposure through inhalation. If there are emissions of one or more of the subset of
semi- or non-volatile multipathway substances, the soil ingestion pathway and the
dermal soil exposure pathway are also assessed. The mother’s milk pathway may also
be a mandatory pathway depending on the multipathway substance released (See
Table 5.1). The other exposure pathways may also need to be assessed if a survey of
the exposure site shows they are present (e.g., ingestion of water, home-grown crops,
home-raised animal products, and angler-caught fish).
This section contains average and high-end point estimates and data distributions for
adults and children for many exposure pathways. The point-estimates and data
distributions for children fall within the 3
trimester, 0<2, 2<9, and 2<16 year age
groupings. The point-estimates and data distributions for adults fall within the 16<30
and 16-70 year age groupings. When evaluating 9-, 30-, and 70-year exposure
durations for cancer risk assessment, assessors will use distributions starting at the
third trimester.
Workers are assessed for cancer risk as adults using 8-hour breathing rate point
estimates (See Table 5.8). Point estimates for workers are listed under “offsite worker.”
OEHHA has not developed stochastic distributions for worker exposure. Therefore,
there is no Tier 3 stochastic approach for offsite worker cancer risk assessment.
5.4.1 Estimation of Exposure through Inhalation
The dose through the inhalation route is estimated for cancer risk assessment and
noncancer hazard assessment. Both residential and offsite worker exposures are
considered. Since residential exposure includes near-continuous long-term exposure at
a residence and workers are exposed only during working hours (i.e., 8 hours/day),
different breathing rate distributions are used. Residential Inhalation Dose for Cancer Risk Assessment
Exposure through inhalation is a function of the breathing rate, the exposure frequency,
and the concentration of a substance in the air. For residential exposure, the breathing
rates are determined for specific age groups, so inhalation dose (Dose-air) is calculated
for each of these age groups, 3rd trimester, 0<2, 2<9, 2<16, 16<30 and 16-70 years.
OEHHA used the mother’s breathing rates to estimate dose for the 3rd trimester fetus
assuming the dose to the fetus during the 3rd trimester is the same as the mother’s
dose. These age-specific groupings are needed in order to properly use the age
sensitivity factors for cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8). A Tier 1 evaluation uses
the high-end point estimate (i.e., the 95
percentiles) breathing rates for the inhalation
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
pathway in order to avoid underestimating cancer risk to the public, including children.
A possible exception for using high-end breathing rates are when there is exposure to
multipathway substances and two of the non-inhalation pathways drive the risk, rather
than the inhalation pathway (see Chapter 8).
A. Equation Dose-air = C
× {BR/BW} × A × EF × 10
1. Dose-air = Dose through inhalation (mg/kg/d)
2. C
= Concentration in air (g/m
3. {BR/BW} = Daily Breathing rate normalized to body weight (L/kg body
weight - day)
4. A = Inhalation absorption factor (unitless)
5. EF = Exposure frequency (unitless), days/365 days
6. = Micrograms to milligrams conversion, liters to cubic meters
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. {BR/BW} = Daily breathing rates by age groupings, see As supplemental
information, the assessor may wish to evaluate the inhalation
dose by using the mean point estimates in Table 5.6 to
provide a range of breathing rates for cancer risk assessment
to the risk manager.
2. Table (point estimates) and Table 5.7 (parametric model distributions for
Tier III stochastic risk assessment). For Tier 1 residential
estimates, use 95
percentile breathing rates in Table 5.6.
3. A = 1
4. EF = 0.96 (350 days/365 days in a year for a resident)
b: Assumption for EQ
1. The fraction of chemical absorbed (A) is the same fraction absorbed in the
study on which the cancer potency or Reference Exposure Level is based.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
As supplemental information, the assessor may wish to evaluate the inhalation dose by
using the mean point estimates in Table 5.6 to provide a range of breathing rates for
cancer risk assessment to the risk manager.
Table 5.6 Point Estimates of Residential Daily Breathing Rates for
trimester, 0<2, 2<9, 2<16, 16<30 and 16-70 years (L/kg BW-day)
Mean 225 658 535 452 210 185
95th Percentile 361 1090 861 745 335 290
trimester breathing rates based on breathing rates of pregnant women using the assumption that
the dose to the fetus during the 3rd trimester is the same as that to the mother.
Table 5.7 Daily Breathing Rate Distributions by Age Group for
Residential Stochastic Analysis (L/kg BW-day)
Distribution Max
Logistic Logistic
Minimum 78 196 156 57 40 13
Maximum 491 2,584 1,713 1,692 635 860
Scale 59.31 568.09 125.59 40.92 36.19
Likeliest 191.50 152.12 462.61
Location -144.06
Mean 225 658 535 452 210 185
Std Dev 72 217 168 172 75 67
Skewness 0.83 2.01 1.64 1.11 0.83 1.32
Kurtosis 3.68 10.61 7.88 6.02 5.17 10.83
5% 127 416 328 216 96 86
10% 142 454 367 259 118 104
25% 179 525
427 331 161 141
50% 212 618 504 432 207 181
75% 260 723 602 545 252 222
80% 273 758 631 572 261 233
90% 333 934 732 659 307 262
95% 361 1090 861 745 335 290
99% 412 1430 1140 996 432 361
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Offsite Worker (MEIW) Inhalation Dose for Cancer Risk Assessment
For worker exposure, the default assumes working age begins at 16 years, and that
exposures to facility emissions occur during the work shift, typically up to 8 hours per
day during work days. Breathing rates that occur over an 8-hour period vary depending
on the intensity of the activity (See Table 5.8), and are used to estimate the inhalation
dose. The 8-hour breathing rates may also be useful for cancer risk assessment of
children and teachers exposed at schools during school hours.
Another risk management consideration for the offsite worker scenario for cancer
assessment of a Hot Spots facility is whether there are women of child-bearing age at
the MEIW location and whether the MEIW has a daycare center. Since the third
trimester is only a short segment of the 25 year exposure duration used for the MEIW,
the resulting risk estimate would not differ significantly. An exception to this assumption
is high exposure to carcinogens over a short period, as might occur during short-term
projects (see Section 8.2.10). In this case, risk assessment during the third trimester
may be warranted. However, if there is onsite daycare at the MEIW, then the risks to
the children will be underestimated using the offsite adult worker scenario due to
increased exposure (per kg body weight) and increased sensitivity to carcinogen
exposure (see Section 8.2.1). In this case, the Districts may wish to include a
calculation of inhalation dose for the children in the onsite daycare, assuming they could
be there from 0 to age 6 years.
Exposed workers may be engaged in activities ranging from desk work, which would
reflect breathing rates of sedentary/passive or light activities, to farm worker activities,
which would reflect breathing rates of moderate intensity (See Table 5.9). OEHHA
recommends default (Tier 1) point estimate 8-hour breathing rates in L/kg-8-hrs based
on the mean and 95
percentile of moderate intensity activities, 170 and 230 L/kg-8-hrs,
respectively, for adults 16-70 years old.
Many facilities operate non-continuously, as in only 8-10 hours per day, but the air
dispersion modeling is performed as if the emissions were uniformly emitted over 24
hours a day, 7 days per week. The air dispersion computer model used, including
AERMOD and other models, typically calculate an annual average air concentration
based on actual operating conditions but also include the hours of nonoperation in the
average concentration.
Therefore, there are two components that determine the worker exposure to facility
1) What is the estimated concentration the worker is exposed to (i.e., breathes),
during the work shift, and
2) What is the amount of time the offsite worker’s schedule overlaps with the
facility’s emission schedule?
There are two approaches to estimating the modeled concentration the worker is
breathing during the work shift. The first approach uses a worker adjustment factor (i.e.,
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
the WAF) to approximate what the worker is breathing based on the modeling run used
for residential receptors. The second approach uses a special modeling run with the
hourly raw results from an air dispersion analysis and is described in Appendix M.
The first and more basic approach is to obtain the long term average concentration as
you would for modeling a residential receptor, then adjusting this exposure
concentration using the calculated WAF (EQ B) to estimate the concentration
the offsite worker is exposed to during the work shift (shown as (C
× WAF) in EQ A). This method is characteristic of a default approach used in a Tier 1
assessment. Once the exposure concentration is determined, the workers inhalation
dose (Dose-air) can be calculated as shown in EQ A.
The second approach for determining the air concentration the worker is exposed to
uses a refined modeling run where the hourly raw dispersion model output are post
processed to examine the hourly concentrations that fall within the offsite worker’s shift.
This method provides a more representative estimate of the air concentration, but is
more complex, and time consuming than the first method. See Appendix M for
information on how to simulate the long term concentration for the offsite worker that
can be used to estimate inhalation cancer risk.
The HARP software has the ability to calculate worker impacts using an approximation
factor and, in the future, it will have the ability to post process refined worker
concentrations using the hourly raw results from an air dispersion analysis.
If the off-site workers shift does not completely overlap the emission schedule of the
facility, then a Discount Factor (DF) may be applied to the WAF. Calculation of the DF
is shown in EQ C. The default assumption is that the offsite workers shift falls
completely within the emission schedule of the facility, in which case DF=1. Use of a
DF less than 1 requires a survey at the MIEW to verify that some portion of the off-site
worker shift is not subject to the facility emissions.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation A: Dose-air = (C
× WAF) × {BR/BW} × A × EF × 10
1. Dose-air = Dose through inhalation (mg/kg/d)
2. C
= Annual average concentration in air (g/m
3. WAF = Worker air concentration adjustment factor (unitless)
4. {BR/BW} = Eight-hour breathing rate normalized to body weight (L/kg
body weight - day)
5. A = Inhalation absorption factor (unitless)
6. EF = Exposure frequency (unitless), days/365 days)
7. = Micrograms to milligrams conversion, Liters to cubic meters
a: Recommended default values for EQ A:
1. WAF = See EQ. B for formula to calculate WAF, or App. M for
refined post-processing modeling to calculate WAF.
2. {BR/BW} = For workers, use age16-70 year, 95
percentile, moderate
intensity 8-hour point estimate breathing rates (see Table
5.8). No worker breathing rate distributions exist for
stochastic risk assessment.
3. A = 1
4. EF = 0.68 (250 days / 365 days). Equivalent to working 5
days/week, 50 weeks/year.
b: Assumption for EQ A:
1. The fraction of chemical absorbed (A) through the lungs is the same
fraction absorbed in the study on which the cancer potency factor is
2. The source emits during the daylight hours. Calculate WAF (EQ
B) if a special post-processing modeling run described in App. M was not
completed. For nighttime emissions and exposure scenarios, see
Appendix N.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
B. Equation B: WAF = (H
/ H
) × (D
/ D
) × DF
1. WAF = Worker adjustment factor (unitless)
2. H
= Number of hours per day the annual average residential air
concentration is based on (always 24 hours)
3. H
= Number of hours the source operates per day
4. D
= Number of days per week the annual average residential air
concentration is based on (always 7 days)
5. D
= Number of days the emitting source operates per week
6. DF = Discount factor, for when the offsite worker’s schedule
partially overlaps the source’s emission schedule
b: Recommended default values for EQ B:
1. DF = 1 for offsite worker’s schedule occurring within the source’s
emission schedule. A site-specific survey may be used to
adjust the DF using EQ C.
C. Equation C: DF = (H
/ H
) × (D
/ D
1. H
= Number of hours per day the offsite worker’s schedule and
the source’s emission schedule coincide
2. H
= Number of hours the offsite worker works per day
3. D
= Number of days per week the offsite worker’s schedule and
the source’s emission schedule coincide
4. D
= Number of days the offsite worker works per week
Tier 2 adjustments for EQ A-C may be used for:
1. Eight-hour breathing rate. Point estimates in Table 5.8 for lower breathing rates
of sedentary/passive and light intensity work activities may be substituted in site-
specific Tier 2 scenarios. Table 5.9 can be used to estimate breathing rate
intensities for various job activities. Use of different breathing rates requires a
survey of the exposed workplace and approval by Air District, ARB and OEHHA.
2. Discount Factor (DF) in EQ C. If a site-specific survey of the offsite
worker schedule only partially overlaps with the source’s emission schedule, then
a DF less than 1 may be calculated. Use of a DF less than 1 requires a survey of
the exposed workplace and approval by the Air District or ARB.
The 8-hour breathing rates are based on minute ventilation rates derived by U.S. EPA
(2009). U.S. EPA employed a metabolic equivalent (METS) approach for estimating
breathing rates. This method determines daily time-weighted averages of energy
expenditure (expressed as multipliers of the basal metabolic rate) across different levels
of physical activity. The 8-hour breathing rates shown in Table 5.8 are divided into
three categories:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Sedentary & Passive Activities (METS < 1.5)
Light Intensity Activities (1.5 < METs < 3.0)
Moderate Intensity Activities (3.0 < METs < 6.0)
For example, a METS = 1 is roughly equivalent to energy expenditure during sleep and
is close to the basal metabolic rate. A METS activity that is two to three times greater
(METS = 2 to 3) is characteristic of light intensity activities, such as administrative office
work or sales work as shown in Table 5.9.
Under a Tier 1 scenario, the risk assessor may simply use the 95
percentile breathing
rate for moderate intensity activities of 230 L/kg-8 hrs in Eq. A to calculate the
daily dose via the inhalation route to the worker. In an example of a Tier 2 scenario, the
risk assessor surveys the workplace and determines that the worker(s) at the MEIW
receptor are primarily sitting at a desk performing administrative-type work on a
computer. Referring to Table 5.9, this activity corresponds most closely to
“administrative office work” with a mean activity level of 1.7 and a SD = 0.3. This level
of activity is considered “light intensity activity” (i.e., 1.5 < METs < 3.0). With the prior
approval of the Air District or ARB, the risk assessor may then use the 95
breathing rate of 100 L/kg-8 hr for light intensity activities in Equation A.
Table 5.8. Eight-Hour Breathing Rate (L/kg per 8 Hrs) Point
Estimates for Males and Females Combined
0<2 years 2<9 years 2<16
Sedentary & Passive Activities (METS < 1.5)
Mean 200 100 80 30 30
Percentile 250 140 120 40 40
Light Intensity Activities (1.5 < METs < 3.0)
Mean 490 250 200 80 80
Percentile 600 340 270 100 100
Moderate Intensity Activities (3.0 < METs < 6.0)
Mean 890 470 380 170 170
Percentile 1200 640 520 240 230
For pregnant women, OEHHA recommends using the mean and 95
percentile 8-hour
breathing rates based on moderate intensity activity of 16<30 year-olds for 3rd trimester.
Breathing rates in the table may be used for worker, school, or residential exposures
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.9. METS Distributions for Workplace and Home Activities
Activity Description Mean Median SD Min Max
Workplace Activities
Administrative office work 1.7 1.7 0.3 1.4 2.7
Sales work 2.9 2.7 1.0 1.2 5.6
Professional 2.9 2.7 1.0 1.2 5.6
Precision/production/craft/repair 3.3 3.3 0.4 2.5 4.5
Technicians 3.3 3.3 0.4 2.5 4.5
Private household work 3.6 3.5 0.8 2.5 6.0
Service 5.2 5.3 1.4 1.6 8.4
Machinists 5.3 5.3 0.7 4.0 6.5
Farming activities 7.5 7.0 3.0 3.6 17.0
Work breaks 1.8 1.8 0.4 1.0 2.5
Household/Neighborhood Activities
Sleep or nap 0.9 0.9 0.1 0.8 1.1
Watch TV 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 1.0
General reading 1.3 1.3 0.2 1.0 1.6
Eat 1.8 1.8 0.1 1.5 2.0
Do homework 1.8 1.8 - 1.8 1.8
General personal needs and care 2.0 2.0 0.6 1.0 3.0
Indoor chores 3.4 3.0 1.4 2.0 5.0
Care of plants 3.5 3.5 0.9 2.0 5.0
Clean house 4.1 3.5 1.9 2.2 5.0
Home repairs 4.7 4.5 0.7 4.0 6.0
General household chores 4.7 4.6 1.3
1.5 8.0
Outdoor chores 5.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 7.0
Walk/bike/jog (not in transit) age 20 5.8 5.5 1.8 1.8 11.3
Walk/bike/jog (not in transit) age 30 5.7 5.7 1.2 2.1 9.3
Walk/bike/jog (not in transit) age 40 4.7 4.7 1.8 2.3 7.1
Table 5.10 lists some WAFs for a few typical scenarios. For example, if the source is
continuously emitting, then the offsite worker is assumed to breathe the long-term
annual average concentration during their work shift. The WAF then becomes one and
no concentration adjustments are necessary in this situation when estimating the
inhalation cancer risk. If the source is non-continuously emitting for 8 hours/day, 5
days/week and the offsite worker’s shift completely overlaps the emitting facility’s
operating schedule, then the WAF would be 4.2:
(24 hrs/day / 8 hrs/day) x (7 days/week / 5 days/week) = 4.2
If the offsite workers 8 hour/day shift only overlaps the emitting facility’s operation
schedule for 4 hrs/day, then the WAF is 2.1 because the DF = 0.5 will reduce the WAF
by half: DF = (4 hrs/day / 8 hrs/day) x (5 days/week / 5 days/week) = 0.5
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.10: Example Worker Adjustment Factors (WAF) to Convert a
Long-Term Daily Average Emission Concentration to an Off-Site
Worker Receptor Exposure
Off-Site Workers’ Shift
Overlap with Facility’s
Emission Schedule
Facility Operating Schedule
8 hrs/day, 5 days/week Continuous (24 hrs/7 days/week) 1.0
8 hrs/day, 5 days/week
Non-continuous (8 hrs/5 days/week) 4.2
4 hrs/day, 5 days/week Non-continuous (8 hrs/5 days/week) 2.1
Worker works 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
Workers work hours completely overlap the facilities operating hours Inhalation Dose for Children at Schools and Daycare Facilities for Cancer Risk
The 8-hour breathing rates and inhalation dose equations (EQ A-C) may also be
used to estimate risk to children when exposures occur while at school or at day care
facilities. Breathing rate point estimates to use in Table 5.8 depend on the ages of the
children at the exposed schools and day cares. As a Tier 1 default, moderate intensity
breathing rates are recommended. Equations A-C is used in the same way to
estimate dose in children as it is for workers. Non-Cancer Inhalation Exposure for Workers and Residents
For typical daily work shifts of 8-9 hours, acute, 8-hour and chronic Reference Exposure
Levels (RELs) described in Chapter 8 are used in health risk assessments to
characterize the noncancer risks using the Hazard Index approach described in Chapter
8 and in OEHHA (2008). Uncertainty factors are already incorporated into the RELs
used to assess noncancer risk, as explained in Chapter 8, so all that is needed to
evaluate the noncancer hazard is the air concentration that the worker is exposed to.
The modeled maximum 1-hour air concentration is determined for acute hazard
assessment and the annual average air concentration is determined for chronic hazard
assessment. The modeled average air concentration during a work shift is determined
for 8-hour hazard assessment using the adjusted annual average air concentration
described below.
The 8-hour RELs are primarily designed to address offsite worker inhalation exposure at
the MEIW because they better characterize the daily intermittent exposures of workers
than the chronic RELs do. They are used in estimating the 8 hour Hazard Index for
offsite workers. The 8-hour RELs should be used for typical daily work shifts of 8-9
hours. For further questions, assessors should contact OEHHA, the District, or
reviewing authority to determine if the 8-hour RELs should be used in your HRA. Any
discussions or directions to exclude the 8-hour REL evaluation should be documented
in the HRA.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Note, however, there are only a handful of 8-hour RELs currently adopted for use in the
Hot Spots program. Therefore, we also recommend performing chronic noncancer
exposure assessment for the offsite worker (MEIW) based on the annual average air
concentration at the MEIW. Evaluation of the chronic Hazard Index should help protect
workers who routinely work longer than 8 hour shifts. Exposure to multipathway
substances also requires noncancer hazard assessment for the dermal and oral soil
exposure pathways for offsite workers. Because there are few 8-hour RELs currently
available, hazard assessment for the noninhalation pathways for multipathway
substances is only applied when estimating the chronic Hazard Index.
In addition, the Districts may wish to determine if there is an onsite daycare at the MEIW
and include a calculation of the chronic and 8-hour inhalation dose for children, although
onsite hazard assessment is not a requirement for a Hot Spots risk assessment.
As explained in Section for cancer risk, the modeled annual average air
concentration is adjusted to the air concentration that the worker is actually exposed to
if the facility operates non-continuously. The typical method for this adjustment is by
calculating the Worker Adjustment Factor (WAF) shown in EQ B and multiplying
this value by the annual average air concentration (C
, in g/m
) in EQ A.
Unlike cancer risk assessment, no discount factor (DF) is applied in noncancer
assessment for partial overlap between the worker’s schedule and the source’s
emission schedule. Adjustments for worker vacations, work shifts for shortened weeks
(e.g., 1 - 4 days), and worker time away on weekends are also not appropriate.
An alternative refined post-processing method, described in Appendix M, may be used
to estimate the air concentration the worker is exposed to during their work schedule.
OEHHA may be consulted about the particular chemical involved if it is important to
make a more refined analysis.
The equation to adjust the annual average air concentration to a worker 8-hour
exposure concentration (i.e., the adjusted annual average ground level concentration) is
expressed as:
A. Equation A: Adjusted C
) = C
Where WAF is determined as:
B. Equation B: WAF = (H
/ H
) × (D
/ D
a: Assumptions for EQ B:
1. No adjustment of the WAF allowed for partial overlap of the worker’s
schedule and the source’s emission schedule.
Alternatives for calculating off-site worker Adjusted C
in EQ A-B:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
1. Rather than calculate the WAF for a non-continuous emitting facility, a
post-processing of the hourly raw dispersion model output and examination of
the hourly concentrations that fall within the offsite worker’s shift can be
conducted to estimate the air concentration the worker is exposed to. This
method is a more refined, complex, and time consuming approach, but should
result in a more representative exposure concentration. See Appendix M for
information on how to simulate the exposure concentration for the off-site worker.
2. For continuously-emitting facilities (i.e., 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week), if an assessor
does not wish to assume the worker breathes the long-term annual average
concentration during the work shift, then a refined concentration can also be
post-processed as described in Appendix M. All alternative assumptions should
be approved by the reviewing authority and supported in the presentation of
For residential exposure to non-continuously operating facilities, the modeled maximum
1-hour and chronic air concentrations at the MEIR are determined for noncancer hazard
assessment. Hazard assessment for repeated 8-hour exposure at the MEIR is not
required. Chronic exposure assessment based on the annual average air concentration
should adequately protect individuals, in part because residents are considered to be
present at the MEIR at or near 24 hrs per day. Many facilities operate for periods longer
than 8 hours per day and the hazards are better characterized based on chronic
exposure. Nevertheless, differences between 8-hour and chronic exposures (i.e.,
higher daily 8-hour exposures vs. lower longer daily exposure 24 hrs/day) may result in
different toxicological responses including potentially greater toxicological responses
with either 8-hour or chronic exposure. There may also be cases such as special
meteorological situations (e.g., significant diurnal-nocturnal meteorological differences)
where the 8-hour REL will be more protective than the chronic REL. Thus, the air
districts may also elect to have an 8-hour hazard assessment performed at the MEIR,
using daily 8 hour exposures and the 8 hr RELs.
Eight-hour exposure assessment is not recommended for continuously emitting sources
for residential receptors. In this situation it is only necessary to estimate chronic
exposure based on the annual average concentration. However, there may be
situations where the air district may wish to assess an 8-hour residential exposure to
continuously operating facilities, for example, where there are significant differences in
modeled concentration of emissions during the day due to diurnal wind patterns.
For estimating the air concentration from non-continuously operating facilities, EQ is also used to adjust the annual average concentration to what the residents
are exposed to. This is the air concentration that the 8-hour REL will be compared to as
discussed in Chapter 8. The alternative refined post-processing method described in
Appendix M may also be used to estimate residential exposure.
In summary, the requirements for noncancer hazard assessment using the Hazard
Index approach at the MEIW and MEIR are as follows.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
For offsite worker exposure:
Acute hazard assessment based on the maximum 1-hour air concentrations and
1-hour RELs
Eight-hour hazard assessment based on daily average 8-hour exposure
(estimated using adjusted annual average air concentration in EQ A and
B or by post-processing method in App. M) for those substances with 8-hour
Chronic hazard assessment based on annual average exposure and chronic
RELs, and oral chronic RELs for noninhalation routes of multipathway
For residential exposure:
Acute hazard assessment based on the maximum 1-hour air concentration and
1-hour RELs
Eight-hour hazard assessment based on daily average 8-hour exposure not
required, but can be performed at the discretion of the air districts for exposure to
non-continuously operating facilities based on the adjusted annual average air
concentration (EQ A and B or method in App. M). Eight-hour
assessments not recommended for exposure to continuously operating facilities
Chronic hazard assessment based on annual average exposure and chronic
RELs, and oral chronic RELs for noninhalation routes of multipathway
substances Exposure Frequency and Age Groupings for Noncancer Hazard Assessment
For cancer risk, the basic assumption is that risk is associated with cumulative dose of
carcinogen. Thus, the dose used to estimate cancer risk can be adjusted for exposure
frequency, as well as time spent within the MEIR or MEIW location. Chronic RELs are
not necessarily related to cumulative dose. Thus, adjusting the estimated dose used to
calculate hazard index for exposure frequency or time away from the MEIR or MEIW is
not appropriate.
The average daily dose for chronic noncancer assessment is based on exposure
beginning at birth to 70 years of age, necessitating calculation of a time-weighted
average for age 0-2, 2-16 and 16-70 years. Since we are not applying Age Sensitivity
Factors for assessing non-cancer hazard, the 3
trimester is not explicitly called out for
determining dose, as it is for cancer risk assessment. Rather adult exposure is
considered, which would include pregnant women in any trimester. Both inhalation and
oral RELs incorporate safety factors to protect sensitive human populations.
5.4.2 Estimation of Exposure through Dermal Absorption
Exposure through dermal absorption (dose-dermal) is a function of the soil or dust
loading of the exposed skin surface, the amount of skin surface area exposed, and the
concentration and availability of the substance. In the previous edition of OEHHA’s
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
exposure guidelines document (OEHHA, 2000), we recommended using specified
average and high-end point estimate values for four of the variates (body weight,
exposed surface area of skin, soil load on skin and frequency of exposure) in the
stochastic analysis for dermal dose. This equation required multiplying values together,
which could lead to overly conservative exposure estimates when high-end values were
used. By combining information from the four variates into one composite distribution,
over-conservatism may be avoided.
To this end, OEHHA created a new variate, “annual dermal load”, or ADL, which is a
composite of the body surface area (BSA) per kg body weight, exposure frequency, and
soil adherence variates. Point estimates from the composite “annual dermal load” can
be used for point estimate assessments while parameters and information on the type
of distribution (e.g., lognormal) can be used for Tier III stochastic risk assessments. For
details on the development of the ADL, refer to the Technical Support Document for
Exposure and Stochastic Analysis (OEHHA, 2012). Dermal Dose for Cancer Risk Assessment
The dose through residential dermal exposure to contaminated soil varies by age and is
calculated for each age group (e.g., 3rd trimester, 0<2 yrs, 2<9 yrs, 2<16 yrs, 16<30
and 16-70 yrs). These age-specific groupings are needed in order to properly use the
age sensitivity factors for cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8). This pathway is also
assessed for exposure to offsite workers; a separate ADL for offsite workers is
presented in Table 5.11. Children at a MEIW daycare, if present, may also be assessed
for exposure if the District deems it advisable.
A. Equation Dose
= ADL × Cs × ABS × 10
/ 365
1. Dose
= Exposure dose through dermal absorption (mg/kg-d)
2. ADL = Annual dermal load (mg soil/kg BW-yr)
3. C
= Average soil concentration (g/kg)
4. ABS = Fraction absorbed across skin (unitless)
5. = Conversion factor for chemical & soil (µg to mg, mg to kg)
6. 1/365 = Conversion factor for ADL from yrs to days
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. ADL = See Table 5.11 (point estimates) & Table 5.12 a-d
2. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 A
3. ABS = See Table 5.13
b: Assumption for EQ
1. The ADL for the third trimester of the fetus is based on the ADL of the
mother; when normalized to body weight, we assume that exposure to the
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
mother and the fetus will be the same. The mother’s exposure is based
on that of adults 16-30 years of age in Table 5.11 and 5.12d.
2. Exposure frequency (EF) for vacation time spent away from exposure
does not appear as a variate in EQ, as it is incorporated in the ADL
and includes a 2-week vacation per year away from dermal soil exposure
for both residents and offsite workers.
Climate will strongly influence people’s choice of clothing. Due to California’s varied
climatic regions and existing data on clothing choices at different temperatures, three
levels of climatic conditions, warm, mixed, and cold, are used to describe California’s
climate regions:
1. A warm climate is characteristic of Southern California areas such as Los
Angeles, which can have warm to hot temperatures throughout the year.
2. A “mixed” climate is one that has warm-to-hot temperatures during much of the
year (daily highs over 80 degrees are common), roughly from April to October,
and cold temperatures (lows near or below freezing) during the remainder of the
year. The mountains and central valley are examples of a mixed climate.
3. A cold climate is representative of San Francisco, Eureka, and other northern
coastal communities, which have cool temperatures (daily highs of less than 65
degrees) for the majority of the year and can receive a considerable amount of
fog and rainfall.
OEHHA recommends consulting the local air district for assistance on selecting the
most appropriate climate.
Table 5.11 Recommended Annual Dermal Load Point Estimates
(in mg/kg-yr) for Dermal Exposure
0<2 yrs
2<9 yrs
2<16 yrs
Warm climate
1.2 x 10
2.6 x 10
3.6 x 10
4.3 x 10
7.5 x 10
9.1 x 10
6.4 x 10
8.5 x 10
1.2 x 10
2.6 x 10
2.6 x 10
5.0 x 10
Mixed climate
1.1 x 10
2.4 x 10
2.2 x 10
2.9 x 10
6.6 x 10
8.7 x 10
5.7 x 10
8.1 x 10
1.1 x 10
2.4 x 10
2.6 x 10
5.0 x 10
Cold climate
0.7 x 10
2.1 x 10
1.2 x 10
1.9 x 10
3.1 x 10
5.2 x 10
2.8 x 10
5.1 x 10
0.7 x 10
2.1 x 10
2.6 x 10
5.0 x 10
The ADL for the 3rd trimester of the fetus is based on the ADL of the mother; when normalized to body
weight, we assume that exposure to the mother and the fetus will be the same
Residential adult ADLs are for both 16<30 and 16-70 year age groups
Assumes exposure only to face, hands and forearms regardless of climate region
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Tables 5.12a - d Annual Dermal Load Distributions by Age Group
and Climate for Stochastic Analysis
Table 5.12a Annual Dermal Load (mg/kg-yr) Distributions for the
0<2 Year Age Group
Climate Type Warm
Distribution Student’s t Logistic Triangular
Minimum 0.2 x 10
Likeliest 0.7 x 10
Maximum 2.6 x 10
Scale 0.41 0.28
Deg. freedom 3
Midpoint 3.6 x 10
Mean 3.6 x 10
2.2 x 10
1.2 x 10
percentile 3.6 x 10
2.2 x 10
0.9 x 10
percentile 4.1 x 10
2.8 x 10
1.9 x 10
percentile 4.3 x 10
2.9 x 10
1.9 x 10
percentile 4.7 x 10
3.1 x 10
2.1 x 10
Table 5.12b Annual Dermal Load (mg/kg-yr) Distributions for the
2<9 Year Age Group
Climate Type Warm
Distribution Min extreme Min extreme Triangular
Minimum 0.4 x 10
Likeliest 8.0 x 10
7.3 x 10
1.9 x 10
Maximum 6.9 x 10
Scale 0.1 1.3
Mean 7.5 x 10
6.6 x 10
3.1 x 10
percentile 7.7 x 10
6.5 x 10
2.3 x 10
percentile 8.7 x 10
8.4 x 10
5.1 x 10
percentile 9.1 x 10
8.7 x 10
5.2 x 10
percentile 9.7 x 10
9.4 x 10
5.7 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.12c Annual Dermal Load (mg/kg-yr) Distributions for the
2<16 Year Age Group
Climate Type Warm
Distribution Min extreme Logistic Triangular
Minimum 0.3 x 10
Likeliest 7.2 x 10
1.6 x 10
Maximum 6.9 x 10
Scale 1.29 0.91
Mean 6.4 x 10
5.7 x 10
2.8 x 10
percentile 6.6 x 10
5.7 x 10
2.2 x 10
percentile 8.1 x 10
7.7 x 10
4.8 x 10
percentile 8.5 x 10
8.1 x 10
5.1 x 10
percentile 9.3 x 10
8.9 x 10
5.6 x 10
Table 5.12d Annual Dermal Load (mg/kg-yr) Distributions for
Residential Adults (Age 16-30 and 16-70 Years)
Offsite Workers
Receptor Residential Adult Offsite Worker
Climate Type Warm Mixed Cold All Climates
Distribution Beta Beta Gamma Lognormal
Minimum 0.2 x 10
0.02 x 10
Maximum 3.3 x 10
0.3 x 10
Scale 0.07
Mean 1.2 x 10
1.1 x 10
0.7 x 10
2.6 x 10
percentile 1.2 x 10
1.0 x 10
0.5 x 10
2.3 x 10
percentile 2.4 x 10
2.1 x 10
1.6 x 10
4.5 x 10
percentile 2.6 x 10
2.4 x 10
2.1 x 10
5.0 x 10
percentile 2.9 x 10
2.6 x 10
2.3 x 10
6.4 x 10
The ADL distribution for the 3rd trimester is based on the ADL distribution of the mother; we assume the
same ADL distribution for residential adult (the mother) and the fetus
Face, hands and forearms are exposed only, regardless of climate
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.13 Dermal Absorption Fraction Factors (ABS) as Percent
from Soil for Semi-Volatile and Solid Chemicals under the OEHHA
Hot Spots Program
Chemical ABS
Inorganic chemicals
Arsenic 6
Beryllium 3
Cadmium 0.2
Chromium (VI) 2
Fluorides (soluble compounds) 3
Lead 3
Mercury 4
Nickel 2
Selenium 3
Organic chemicals
Creosotes 13
Diethylhexylphthalate 9
Hexachlorobenzene 4
Hexachlorocyclohexanes 3
4,4’methylene dianiline 10
Polychlorinated biphenyls 14
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans 3
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 13
To be determined in future amendments to the Hot Spots Program
Skin permeability is related to the solubility or strength of binding of the chemical in the
delivery matrix (soil or other particles) versus the receptor matrix, the skin’s stratum
corneum. Fractional dermal absorption point estimate values were derived by OEHHA
from available literature sources for the semi-volatile and nonvolatile chemicals in the
“Hot Spots” program. The rationale for the chemical-specific dermal absorption fraction
values, and the use of default values in cases where sufficient data are lacking, can be
found in Appendix F of the Technical Support Document for Exposure and Stochastic
Analysis (OEHHA, 2012). Chronic Noncancer Dermal Dose
Dermal exposure, and thus annual dermal load (ADL), varies by age group. Therefore,
a time-weighted average ADL for age 0-70 years (0-2, 2-16, and 16-70 years) is
estimated for chronic residential exposure using ADL values in Table 5.12. This
exposure pathway is also assessed for offsite workers using the offsite worker ADL
values in Table 5.12d. Children at a MEIW daycare, if present, may also be assessed
for exposure if the District deems it advisable. The contribution to the dermal dose is
determined for each age group in EQ
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation Dose
= ADL × Cs × ABS × 10
× ED/AT × (1/350)
1. Dose
= Exposure dose through dermal absorption (mg/kg/d)
2. ADL = Annual dermal load (mg/kg-yr), age-specific
3. Cs = Average soil concentration (g/kg)
4. ABS = Fraction absorbed across skin (unitless)
5. = Conversion factor for chemical & soil (µg to mg, mg to kg)
6. 1/350 = Conversion factor for ADL from yrs to days (Note: this
conversion is needed to remove EF, expressed as
350 days/365 days, from the ADLs in Table 5.12a-d)
7. ED = Exposure duration for specified age groups: 2 yrs for 0<2,
14 yrs for 2<16, 54 yrs for 16-70 for residential exposure,
8. AT = Averaging time for residential exposure 70 yrs
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. ADL = See Table 5.11 for point estimates by age group, climate
region and receptor type (resident or worker)
2. Cs = Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 A
3. ABS = See Table 5.13
b: Recommended off-site worker default modifications to EQ
1. Chronic dermal dose to the off-site worker assumes only adult exposure
and is incorporated into the off-site worker ADL in Table 5.12d.
2. A time-weighted average estimate of dose is not necessary and the ED
and AT variates are left out of EQ for dermal dose to the worker.
c: Recommended nursing mother default modifications to EQ
1. For dermal dose to mother’s milk, use the ADL for age 16-30 years in
Table 5.12d.
2. The ED and AT variates in EQ are left out for dermal dose in the
mother’s milk pathway.
d: Assumptions for EQ
1. For cancer risk assessment, Exposure Frequency (EF) for vacation time
away from exposure is incorporated into the ADLs shown in Tables 5.11
and 5.12 using the basic assumption that cancer risk is associated with
cumulative dose of carcinogen. The dose used to estimate cancer risk
can be adjusted for EF, and for time spent within the MEIR or MEIW
location. Chronic RELs are not necessarily related to cumulative dose.
Thus, adjusting the estimated dose for EF at the MEIR or MEIW is not
appropriate, and the unadjusted daily rate is used in EQ
2. For worker exposure, the annual average concentration should not be
adjusted to account for worker and facility emission schedules, as done for
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
inhalation cancer risk assessment. The pollutant will be deposited and
accumulate in the soil in the absence or presence of the worker; therefore,
the total deposition and soil concentration will be dependent on the annual
average air concentration.
For residential chronic exposure, the dermal dose contribution for each age group is
summed together to obtain the time-weighted average daily dermal dose for chronic
hazard assessment:
(ADL age 0<2 × Cs × ABS × 10
× 2 / 70 × (1/350)) +
(ADL age 2<16 × Cs × ABS × 10
× 14 / 70 × (1/350)) +
(ADL age 16-70 × Cs × ABS × 10
× 54 / 70 × (1/350)) = Chronic Dose
5.4.3 Estimation of Exposure through Ingestion
Exposure through ingestion is a function of the concentration of the substance in the
ingested soil, water, and food, the gastrointestinal absorption of the substance, and the
amount ingested. Exposure through Ingestion of Soil
There are no distributions for soil ingestion currently recommended. Tier III stochastic
risk assessments should include a high-end point estimate of soil ingestion, soil loading,
exposure frequency and soil area. Soil Ingestion Dose for Cancer Risk
The exposure dose through residential soil ingestion varies by age and is calculated for
each age group ((e.g., 3rd trimester, 0<2 yrs, 2<9 yrs, 2<16 yrs, 16<30 and 16-70 yrs).
These age-specific groupings are needed in order to properly use the age sensitivity
factors for cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8). This pathway is also assessed for
exposure to off-site workers. Children at a MEIW daycare, if present, may also be
assessed for exposure if the District deems it advisable. The dose from inadvertent soil
ingestion can be estimated by the point estimate approach using the following general
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation DOSE
= C
x GRAF x SIR x 10
x EF
= Dose from soil ingestion (mg/kg BW-day)
2. = Conversion factor (g to mg, mg to kg)
3. C
= Concentration of contaminant in soil (g/kg)
4. GRAF = Gastrointestinal relative absorption fraction, chemical-
specific (unitless)
5. SIR = Soil ingestion rate (mg/kg BW-day)
6. EF = Exposure frequency (unitless), (days/365 days)
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 A
2. GRAF = See Table 5.2
3. SIR = See Table 5.14
4. EF = 350 d/year resident, 250 d/year worker
In this approach, it is assumed that the soil ingested contains a representative
concentration of the contaminant(s) and the concentration is constant over the exposure
The term GRAF, or gastrointestinal relative absorption factor, is defined as the fraction
of contaminant absorbed by the GI tract relative to the fraction of contaminant absorbed
from the matrix (feed, water, other) used in the study(ies) that is the basis of either the
cancer potency factor (CPF) or the Reference Exposure Level (REL). If no data are
available to distinguish absorption in the toxicity study from absorption from the
environmental matrix in question (i.e., soil), then GRAF = 1. The GRAF allows for
adjustment for absorption from a soil matrix if it is known to be different from absorption
across the GI tract in the study used to calculate the CPF or REL. In most instances,
the GRAF will be 1.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.14 Recommended Soil Ingestion Rate (SIR) Estimates for
Adults and Children (mg/kg-day)*
Age Groups (years)
3rd Trimester
0.7 3
0<2 20 40
2<9 5 20
2<16 3 10
16<30 0.7 3
16 to 70 0.6 3
PICA adult NR -
Assumed to be the mother’s soil ingestion rate (adult age 16 <30)
* Soil includes outdoor settled dust
NR = No recommendation Chronic Noncancer Dose for Soil Ingestion
The soil ingestion rate varies by age. A time-weighted average approach is used to
combine soil intake rates of the age groupings (i.e., 0<2 yrs, 2<16 yrs, and 16-70 yrs) to
determine the residential soil ingestion dose for chronic noncancer hazard assessment.
This pathway is also assessed for exposure to offsite workers using the adult intake
values for age 16-70 years in Table 5.14. Children at a MEIW daycare, if present, may
also be assessed for exposure if the District deems it advisable. The contribution to the
soil ingestion dose by each age group is determined in EQ
A. Equation DOSE
= C
x GRAF x SIR x 10
= Dose from soil ingestion (mg/kg BW-day)
2. = Conversion factor (g to mg, mg to kg)
3. C
= Concentration of contaminant in soil (g/kg)
4. GRAF = Gastrointestinal relative absorption fraction, unitless;
5. SIR = Soil ingestion rate (mg/kg BW-day)
6. ED = Exposure duration for a specified age group: 2 yrs for 0<2,
14 yrs for 2<16, 54 yrs for 16-70
7. AT = Averaging time for lifetime exposure 70 yrs
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ 5.3.2 A
2. GRAF = See Table 5.2
3. SIR = See Table 5.14; use 16-70 age group SIR for workers
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
b: Recommended off-site worker default modifications to EQ
1. A time-weighted average estimate of dose is not necessary and the ED
and AT variates are left out of EQ for oral soil dose to the worker.
c: Recommended nursing mother default modifications to EQ
1. For mother’s ingested soil dose to milk, use the SIR for age 16-30 years in
Table 5.14.
2. The ED and AT variates in EQ are left out for soil ingestion dose
in the mother’s milk pathway.
d: Assumptions for EQ
1. For worker exposure, the annual average concentration should not be
adjusted to account for overlap of worker and facility emission schedules.
The pollutant will be deposited and accumulate in the soil in the absence
or presence of the worker; therefore, the total deposition and soil
concentration will be dependent on the annual average air concentration.
For residential exposure, the soil ingestion dose contribution for each age group is
summed together to obtain the time-weighted average daily soil intake dose for chronic
hazard assessment:
(SIR for age 0<2 yrs × C
× GRAF × 10
× 2 / 70) +
(SIR for age 2<16 yrs × C
× GRAF × 10
× 14 / 70) +
(SIR for age 16-70 yrs × C
× GRAF × 10
× 54 / 70) = Chronic Dose
soil Exposure through Ingestion of Food
The exposure through food ingestion can be through ingestion of home-grown plant
products (categorized as leafy, protected, exposed and root produce), home-raised
animals (categorized as meat, cow’s milk and eggs), angler-caught fish and mother's
milk. When a specific food pathway is a dominant pathway (e.g., homegrown produce),
and multiple pathways such as home raised meat, milk, and eggs categories all need to
be assessed, the 95
percentile default consumption rate for the driving exposure
pathway is used, while the mean consumption values for the remaining exposure
pathways (i.e., food categories) are used. See Section 8.2.6 for a complete discussion
of the methodology on how to implement the derived methodology. Dose for Cancer Risk from Home-Grown Produce
Exposure through ingesting home-grown produce (DOSEp) is a function of the type of
crop (i.e., exposed, leafy, protected, root), gastrointestinal relative absorption factor,
bioavailability and the fraction of plant ingested that is homegrown. The calculation is
done for each type of crop, then summed to get total dose for this pathway. The
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
exposure dose through ingestion of home-grown produce varies by age and is
calculated for each age group (e.g., 3rd trimester, 0<2 yrs, 2<9 yrs, 2<16 yrs, 16<30
and 16-70 yrs). These age-specific groupings are needed in order to properly use the
age sensitivity factors for cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8).
A. Equation DOSEp = C
× IP × GRAF × L × EF × 10
1. DOSEp = Exposure dose through ingestion of home-grown produce
2. C
= Concentration in specific type of crop, i.e., exposed, leafy,
protected, root (g/kg)
3. IP = Consumption of specific type of crop (g/kg BW*day)
4. GRAF = Gastrointestinal relative absorption factor (unitless)
5. L = Fraction of plant type consumed that is home-grown or locally
grown (unitless)
6. EF = Exposure frequency (unitless, days/365 days)
7. = Conversion factors (g/kg to mg/g)
a: Recommended default values for Equation
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ A
2. IP = See Table 5.15 (point estimates) and 5.16a-e (distributions)
3. GRAF = See Table 5.2
4. L = Site-specific survey is recommended. Otherwise, see Table
5.17 for Tier I default values
5. EF = 0.96 (350 d/365 d in a yr)
Once the dose for each type of crop that applies is calculated (See Section for
definition of crops types), the doses are summed to get the total dose for the home-
grown produce pathway:
Total DOSEp = DOSEp
(leafy) + DOSEp (root) + DOSEp (exposed) + DOSEp (protected)
The total home-grown produce dose will need to be calculated for each age group that
applies. Dose for cancer risk from home-raised meat, eggs, and cow’s milk
Exposure through ingesting home-raised or farm animal products (DOSE
) is a function
of the type of food (meat, eggs and cow’s milk), gastrointestinal relative absorption
factor, bioavailability and the fraction of food ingested that is home-raised. The only
meat sources considered here are beef, pork and poultry. Unlike the home-grown
produce pathway, the dose is calculated and presented separately for each type of
home-raised food. The age-specific groupings to determine dose (3rd trimester, 0<2
yrs, 2<9 yrs, 2<16 yrs, 16<30 yrs or 16-70 yrs) is needed in order to properly use the
age sensitivity factors for cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation DOSE
= C
× I
× GRAF × L × EF× 10
= Exposure dose through ingestion of home-raised animal
product (mg/kg/d)
2. C
= Concentration in animal product, e.g., beef, pork, poultry, dairy,
eggs (g/kg)
3. I
= Consumption of animal product (g/kg BW-day)
4. GRAF = Gastrointestinal relative absorption factor (unitless)
5. L = Fraction of animal product consumed that is home-raised or
locally produced (unitless)
6. EF = Exposure frequency (unitless, days/365 days)
7. = Conversion factors (g/kg to mg/g)
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ A
2. I
= See Table 5.15 (point estimates) and Table 5.16a-e
3. GRAF = See Table 5.2
4. L = Site-specific survey is recommended. Otherwise, see Table
5.17 for Tier I default values
5. EF = 0.96 (350 days / 365 days in a year) Chronic Noncancer Dose for Ingestion of Food
For oral noncancer hazard assessment, a time-weighted average approach is used to
combine food ingestion rates for the age groups (i.e., 0<2, 2<16 and 16-70 yrs) to
estimate the chronic dose for residential exposure. The equation used to estimate dose
through home-grown produce and home-raised meat/eggs/cow’s milk is similar and is
shown below in one equation. Similar to the cancer risk dose calculation, home-grown
produce is presented as a total dose for all types of crops (See Section and
home-raised animal product dose is presented separately for each type of animal
product that applies (See Section
The contribution to the food intake dose is determined for each age group in
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation DOSE
= C
× I
× GRAF × L × 10
= Exposure dose through ingestion of home-grown produce or
home-raised animal product (mg/kg/d)
2. C
= Concentration (g/kg) in produce (e.g., exposed, leafy,
protected, root) or animal product (e.g., beef, pork, poultry,
dairy, eggs)
3. I
= Consumption of produce or animal product (g/kg BW-day)
4. GRAF = Gastrointestinal relative absorption factor (unitless)
5. L = Fraction of produce or animal product consumed that is
home-grown (unitless)
6. = Conversion factors (g/kg to mg/g)
7. ED = Exposure duration for a specified age group (2 yrs for 0<2,
14 yrs for 2<16, 54 yrs for 16-70
8. AT = Averaging time for lifetime exposure: 70 yrs
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= Calculated above in EQ A (for home-grown produce)
or EQ A (for home-raised animal products)
2. I
= Age-specific, see Table 5.15 for point estimates
3. GRAF = See Table 5.2
4. L = Site-specific survey is recommended. Otherwise, see Table
5.17 for Tier I default values
b: Recommended nursing mother default modifications to EQ
1. For the mother’s dose to milk through ingested food, use the food intake
rates for age 16-30 years in Table 5.15 and 5.16d.
2. The ED and AT variates in EQ are left out for ingested food dose
in the mother’s milk pathway.
Following calculation of the intake dose contributions for each age group, the intake
rates for home-grown produce and the intake rates for home-raised animal products are
summed separately to obtain the residential time-weighted average intake dose for
chronic residential exposure to home-grown produce and to home-raised animal
for age 0<2 yrs × C
× GRAF × L × 10
× 2 / 70) +
for age 2<16 yrs × C
× GRAF × L × 10
× 14 / 70) +
for age 16-70 yrs × C
× GRAF × L × 10
× 54 / 70) = Chronic Dose
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.15 Recommended Average and High End Point Estimate
Values for Home Produced Food Consumption (g/kg-day)
Third Trimester
Ages 0<2 Ages 2<9
Produce Avg. High End Avg. High End Avg. High End
Exposed 1.9 5.9 11.7 30.2 7.4 21.7
Leafy 0.9 3.2 3.8 10.8 2.5 7.9
Protected 1.7 5.8 5.9 17.5 4.7 13.3
Root 1.7 4.6 5.7 15.3 3.9 10.8
Beef 2.0 4.8 3.9 11.3 3.5 8.6
Pork 0.9 2.9 2.9 10.5 2.2 7.8
Poultry 1.8 4.7 4.5 11.4 3.7 9.0
Milk 5.4 15.9 50.9
23.3 61.4
Eggs 1.6 4.2 6.1 15.0 3.9 9.4
Ages 2<16 Ages 16<30 Ages 16-70
Produce Avg. High End Avg. High End Avg. High End
Exposed 5.5 16.6 1.9 5.9 1.8 5.6
Leafy 1.7 5.8 0.9 3.2 1.1 3.4
Protected 3.6 10.6 1.7 5.8 1.6 5.2
Root 3.0 8.7 1.7 4.6 1.5 4.2
Beef 3.0 7.6 2.0 4.8 1.7 4.4
Pork 1.8 5.7 0.9 2.9 0.9 2.8
Poultry 3.0 7.5 1.8 4.7 1.5 3.8
16.5 48.4 5.4 15.9 4.3 13.2
Eggs 3.1 8.1 1.6 4.2 1.3 3.4
Food consumption values for 3
trimester calculated by assuming that the fetus receives the
same amount of contaminated food on a per kg BW basis as the mother (adult age 16 to less
than 30).
April 22, 2022: Transcription errors in Table 5.15 were corrected in accordance with
corrections made to the source table, Table 7.1 of the 2012 Exposure Assessment and
Stochastic Analysis Technical Support Document (EASA TSD). In the original Table 7.1 of
the EASA TSD, data from Table 7.12 were incorrectly copied onto the “Ages 2<16” column.
The corrected Table 7.1 replaces the data for this age group with data from Table 7.11 and
replaces the column header “Ages 2>16” with “Ages 2<16”. Additionally, the corrected Table
7.1 also switches the order of meat types in the Food Category column to reflect the order
shown in the source data tables (Tables 7.8 – 7.13 of EASA TSD). The corrections made to
Table 7.1 of the EASA TSD on April 22, 2022 were also made to Table 5.15 of this
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.16a - e Parametric Models of Per Capita Food Consumption
by Age Group for Stochastic Analysis
Table 5.16a Per Capita Food Consumption (g/kg-day) for Ages 0<2
Location Scale Shape
Exposed Gamma 60 0.01 6.56 0.830
Leafy Gamma 167 0.01 3.30 1.161
Protected LogN 67 6.03 7.31
Root Gamma 83 0.06 4.44 1.28
Beef LogN 16 1.97 1.73
Poultry LogN 58 4.5 4.08
Pork LogN 230 3.00 4.46
Dairy Max
169 27.82 33.79
Eggs LogN 172 6.11 4.21
Table 5.16b Per Capita Food Consumption (g/kg-day) for Ages 2<9
Scale Shape Rate
Exposed Exponential 206 0.14
Leafy LogN 127 2.64 3.89
Protected Weibull 68 0.02 4.76 1.063
Root LogN 60 3.95 3.85
Beef LogN 35 3.55 2.79
Poultry LogN 17 3.71 2.67
Pork LogN 66 2.25 2.84
Milk LogN 12 23.4 20.78
Eggs LogN 38 3.93 3.00
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.16c Per Capita Food Consumption (g/kg-day) for Ages 2<16
Location Scale Shape
Exposed Gamma 60 0.01 6.54 0.8325
Leafy LogN 68 1.83 2.91
Protected Gamma 47 0.00 3.69 0.9729
Root LogN 51 3.10 3.44
Beef LogN 10 2.96 2.49
Poultry LogN 27 2.98 2.52
Pork LogN 48 1.84 2.79
Milk LogN 35 16.8 19.2
Eggs LogN 71 3.16 2.95
Table 5.16d Per Capita Food Consumption (g/kg-day) for Ages 16-30
Location Scale Shape
Exposed Gamma 70 0.01 2.05 0.9220
Leafy Weibull 191 0.00 0.88 0.8732
Protected LogN 93 1.81 3.31
Root LogN 43 1.69 1.69
Beef LogN 26 1.98 1.54
Poultry LogN 26 1.80 1.42
Pork LogN 242 1.01 1.74
Milk Gamma 22 0.02 5.66 0.9421
Eggs LogN 29 1.55 1.36
These distributions are also recommended for the third trimester. Food consumption values for
trimester are calculated by assuming that the fetus receives the same amount of
contaminated food on a per kg BW basis as the mother (adult age 16<30).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.16e Per Capita Food Consumption (g/kg-day) for Ages 16-70
Location Scale Shape
Exposed Gamma 148 0.01 2.07 0.8628
Leafy Gamma 83 0.00 1.15 0.9713
Protected Gamma 78 0.01 1.90 0.8325
Root Gamma 14 0.00 1.28 1.166
Beef LogN 20 1.75 1.40
Poultry LogN 18 1.53 1.18
Pork LogN 190 0.97 1.59
Milk Gamma 20 0.00 4.50 0.9627
Eggs LogN 30 1.3 1.01
Table 5.17 Default Values for L in EQs, and Fraction of Food Intake that is Home-Produced
Food Type Households that Garden
Households that Farm
Avg. Total Veg & Fruits 0.137 0.235
Households that
Households that Farm
Beef 0.485 0.478
Pork 0.242 0.239
Poultry 0.156 0.151
Eggs 0.146 0.214
Total Dairy (Cow’s milk) 0.207 0.254
As a default for home-produced leafy, exposed, protected and root produce, OEHHA recommends
0.137 as the fraction of produce that is home-grown. The households that grow their own vegetables and
fruits are the population of concern. In rural situations where the receptor is engaged in farming, OEHHA
recommends 0.235 as the default value for fraction of leafy, exposed, protected and root produce that is
OEHHA recommends the fraction home-raised under “Households that raise animals/hunt” (for beef,
pork, poultry (chicken), eggs and dairy (cow’s milk), with the exception of rural household receptors
engaged in farming. OEHHA recommends that the fractions listed under “Households that farm” be used
for the rural household receptors. Exposure through Ingestion of Water
Intake of drinking water varies by age on a ml per kg body weight per day basis
resulting in differences in exposure dose by age. The age-specific groupings to
determine dose are needed in order to properly use the age sensitivity factors for
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8) and to calculate a time-weighted average dose
for chronic noncancer assessment. Dose for Cancer Risk through Ingestion of Water
is calculated for each age group (i.e., 3rd trimester, 0<2 yrs, 2<9 yrs, 2<16
yrs, 16<30 yrs and 16-70 yrs), then incorporated into EQ 8.2.5 in Chapter 8 to
determine cancer risk through exposure in drinking water.
A. Equation DOSE
= C
× WIR × ABSwa × Fdw × EF × 10
= Exposure dose through ingestion of water (mg/kg BW/d)
2. C
= Water concentration (g/L)
3. WIR = Water ingestion rate (ml/kg BW-day)
4. ABS
wa = Gastrointestinal relative absorption factor (unitless)
5. Fdw = Fraction of drinking water from contaminated source
6. EF = Exposure frequency (unitless, days/365 days)
7. = Conversion factors (mg/g)(L/ml)
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= Calculated above 5.3.3 A
2. WIR = See 5.18 (point estimates) and Table 5.19 (distributions)
3. ABSwa = Default set to 1
4. Fdw = Default set to 1, although a site-specific survey is
recommended for this variate
5. EF = 0.96 (350 days/365 days in a year) Chronic Noncancer Dose through Ingestion of Water
Because water intake varies by age group, a time-weighted average intake approach is
used to determine the daily water ingestion dose for chronic residential exposure. The
contribution to the water ingestion dose is determined for each age group (i.e., 0<2,
2<16 and 16-70 yrs) in EQ
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation
= C
× WIR × ABSwa × Fdw × 10
= Exposure dose through ingestion of water (mg/kg BW/d)
2. C
= Water concentration (g/L)
3. WIR = Water ingestion rate (ml/kg BW-day)
4. ABSwa = Gastrointestinal absorption factor
5. Fdw = Fraction of drinking water from contaminated source (site-
6. = Conversion factors (mg/g)(L/ml)
7. ED = Exposure duration for a specified age group: 2 yrs for 0<2, 14
yrs for 2<16, 54 yrs for 16-70
8. AT = Averaging time for residential exposure: 70 yrs
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= Calculated above in 5.3.3 A
2. WIR = See 5.18 (point estimates)
3. ABSwa = Default set to 1
4. Fdw = Default set to 1, although a site-specific survey is
recommended for this variate
b: Recommended nursing mother default modifications to EQ
1. For the dose to mother’s milk through water ingestion, use the WIR for
age 16-30 years in Table 5.18.
2. The ED and AT variates in EQ are left out for ingested water
dose in the mother’s milk pathway.
The water intake dose contribution for each age group is summed together to obtain the
time-weighted average daily residential water ingestion dose:
(WIR for age 0<2 yrs × C
× ABSwa × Fdw × 10
× 2 / 70) +
(WIR for age 2<16 yrs × C
× ABSwa × Fdw × 10
× 14 / 70) +
(WIR for age 16-70 yrs × C
× ABSwa × Fdw × 10
× 54 / 70) = Chronic Dose
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.18 Recommended Point Estimate
Tap Water Intake Rates (ml/kg-day)
Point Estimates
Using Mean
For the Age
trimester 18 18 18
0<2 years 113 113 113
2<9 years 26 - -
2<16 years - 24 24
16-30 years - 18 -
16-70 years - - 18
Using 95
percentile values
For the Age
trimester 47 47 47
0<2 years 196 196 196
2<9 years 66 - -
2<16 years - 61 61
16-30 years - 47 -
16-70 years - - 45
Table 5.19 Recommended Distributions of Tap Water Intake Rates
(ml/kg-day) for Stochastic Risk Assessment
9-year scenario 30-year scenario 70-year scenario
0<2 years Max Extreme
Likeliest = 93
Scale = 35
Max Extreme
Likeliest = 93
Scale = 35
Max Extreme
Likeliest = 93
Scale = 35
2<9 years Weibull
Location = 0.02
Scale = 29
Shape = 1.3
2<16 years Gamma
Location = 0.19
Scale = 15.0
Shape = 1.6
Location = 0.19
Scale = 15.0
Shape = 1.6
16-30 years Gamma
16-70 years Beta
beta= 12.9
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Exposure through Ingestion of Angler-caught Fish
Exposure through ingestion of angler-caught fish (DOSEfish) is a function of the fraction
of fish ingested that is caught in the exposed water body, which differs for each age
grouping, and the gastrointestinal absorption factor. Ingestion of angler-caught fish on a
mg/kg body weight per day basis varies by age resulting in differences in exposure dose
by age. The age-specific groupings to determine dose is needed primarily to properly
use the age sensitivity factors for cancer risk assessment (see Chapter 8) and to
calculate a time-weighted average dose for chronic noncancer assessment. Cancer Risk Dose via Ingestion of Angler-Caught Fish
DOSEfish is calculated for each age group separately (i.e., 3rd trimester, 0<2 yrs, 2<9
yrs, 2<16 yrs, 16<30 yrs and 16-70 yrs), then incorporated into EQ 8.2.5 in Chapter 8 to
determine cancer risk through exposure to angler-caught fish.
A. Equation DOSE
fish = C
× I
× Gf × L × EF × 10
1. DOSEfish = Dose via ingestion of angler-caught fish (mg/kg BW-day)
2. Ct = Concentration in fish muscle tissue (g/kg)
3. Ifish = Angler-caught fish ingestion rate (g/kg BW per day)
4. Gf = Gastrointestinal absorption factor (unitless)
5. L = Fraction of fish caught at exposed site (unitless)
6. EF = Exposure frequency (days/365 days)
7. = Conversion factor (mg/g, kg/g)
a: Recommended default values for Equation
1. C
t = Calculated above in Equation
2. I
= See Table 5.20 (point estimates) and Table 5.21
3. Gf = Default set to 1
4. L = Default set to 1 for fraction of fish caught locally, although a
site-specific survey is recommended for this variate
5. EF = 0.96 (350 days/365 days in a yr) Chronic Noncancer Dose via Ingestion of Angler-Caught Fish
Angler-caught fish consumption varies by age group. A time-weighted average intake
for residential consumption over 70 years is used to determine dose for average and
high-end exposure. The contribution to the angler-caught fish consumption dose is
determined for each age group in EQ
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation DOSEfish = C
× I
× Gf × L × 10
fish = Dose via ingestion of angler-caught fish (mg/kg BW-day)
2. C
= Concentration in fish muscle tissue (g/kg)
3. Ifish = Angler-caught fish ingestion rate (g/kg BW per day)
4. Gf = Gastrointestinal absorption factor (unitless)
5. L = Fraction of fish caught at exposed site (unitless)
6. = Conversion factor (mg/g, kg/g)
7. ED = Exposure duration for a specified age group: 2 yrs for 0<2,
14 yrs for 2<16 and 54 yrs for 16-70
8. AT = Averaging time for chronic exposure 70 yrs
a: Recommended default values for Equation
1. C
= Calculated above in Equation
2. I
= See Table 5.20 (point estimates)
3. Gf = Default set to 1
4. L = Default set to 1 for fraction of fish caught locally, although a
site-specific survey is recommended for this variate
b: Recommended nursing mother default modifications to EQ
1. For the dose to mother’s milk through fish consumption, use the Ifish for
age 16-30 years in Table 5.20.
2. The ED and AT variates in EQ are left out for the dose via fish
consumption in the mother’s milk pathway.
Following calculation of the angler-caught fish consumption dose contribution for each
age group, 0<2 yr, 2<16 yr and 16-70 yr fish consumption doses are summed together
to obtain the residential chronic dose:
fish for age 0<2 yrs × C
× Gf × L × 10
× 2 / 70) +
(Ifish for age 2<16 yrs × C
× Gf × L × 10
× 14 / 70) +
(Ifish for age 16-70 yrs × C
× Gf × L × 10
× 54 / 70) = Chronic Dose
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 5.20 Point Estimate Values for Angler-Caught Fish
Consumption (g/kg-day) by Age Group
0 <2
Mean 0.38 0.18 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.36
1.22 0.58 1.16 1.16 1.22 1.16
Table 5.21 Empirical Distribution for Angler-Caught Fish
Consumption (g/kg-day)
Third trimester, 2<9, 2<16, 16<30 and 16-70-year age groups
0.36 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.27 0.36 0.50 0.79 1.16
0<2-year age group
0.18 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.25 0.40 0.58 Mother's Milk
Exposure through mother's milk ingestion (Dose-Im) is a function of the average
concentration of the substance in mother's milk and the amount of mother's milk
ingested. The minimum pathways that the nursing mother is exposed to include
inhalation, soil ingestion, and dermal, since the chemicals evaluated by the mother’s
milk pathway are multipathway chemicals. Other pathways may be appropriate
depending on site conditions (e.g., the presence of vegetable gardens or home grown
chickens). The compounds currently considered for the mother’s milk pathway are:
1. Dioxins and Furans (PCDDS and PCDFs)
2. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
3. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), including creosotes
4. Lead
These compound classes represent the chemicals of greatest concern for the mother’s
milk pathway under the Hot Spots program, and for which data are available to estimate
transfer coefficients. It is expected that additional transfer coefficients will be developed
for other multipathway chemicals in the Hot Spots Program as data becomes available
and is reviewed. The nursing mother in the mother’s milk pathway is not herself subject
to the mother’s milk pathway. The summed average daily dose (mg/kg BW-day) from
all pathways is calculated for the nursing mother using the equations that follow.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Cancer Risk Dose to Infant via Mother’s Milk
A. Equation Dose-Im = C
× EF × 10
1. Dose-Im = Dose to infant through ingestion of mother’s milk
(mg/kg BW per day)
2. C
= Concentration of contaminant in mother's milk (mg/kg milk)
3. BMIbw = Daily breast-milk ingestion rate (g/kg BW-day)
4. EF = Frequency of exposure (days / 365 days)
5. = Conversion factor (kg to g)
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= See EQ
2. BMI
= See Table 5.22 for point estimates. For distribution
(parametric model) for Tier 3 stochastic risk assessments
see Table 5.23.
3. EF = 1 (all 365 days of the first year of birth)
b: Assumptions for EQ
1. For the MEIR, mother is exposed from birth up to 25 years of age when
the infant is born. The exposed infant is then fully breastfed only during
the first year of life.
2. For cancer risk assessment, exposure of breast-feeding infants to
contaminants in breast milk applies only to the first year of the 0<2 yr age
group for calculation of risk to this group, which then can be summed with
the risk calculated for the other age groups (See Chapter 8). Chronic Noncancer Dose to Infant via Mother’s Milk
For oral noncancer hazard assessment, exposure of the infant through mother’s milk
ingestion occurs during the first year of life. After one year of age, the mother’s milk
pathway is not a factor for noncancer assessment.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation Dose-Im = C
× 10
1. Dose-Im = Dose to infant through ingestion of mother’s milk
(mg/kg BW/d)
2. C
= Concentration of contaminant in mother's milk (mg/kg milk)
3. BMIbw = Daily breast-milk ingestion rate (g/kg BW-day)
4. = Conversion factor (kg to g)
a: Recommended default values for EQ
1. C
= See EQ
2. BMI
= See Table 5.22 for point estimates
Table 5.22 Default Point Estimates for Breast Milk Intake (BMI
for Breastfed Infants
Infant Group Intake (g/kg-day)
Fully breastfed over the first year (i.e., fed in accordance
with AAP recommendations)
Table 5.23 Recommended Distribution of Breast Milk Intake
Rates Among Breastfed Infants for Stochastic Assessment*
(Averaged Over an Individual’s First Year of Life)
5 10 25 50 75 90 95 99
101 (23) 62 71 85 101 116 130 139 154
* For stochastic analysis, the mother’s milk data are normally distributed.
5.5 References
ARB 2007. Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations (Title 17, California
Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the Emission Inventory Criteria and
Guidelines Report (EICG Report).
ARB, 2012. Consolidated Table of OEHHA / ARB Approved Risk Assessment Health
Values. Air Resouces Board, California Environmental Protection Agency. Online at:
Hausch C, Leo AJ, Medchem Project Issue No. 26, Claremont CA: Pomona College
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Lyman WJ, Reehl WF, Rosenblatt DH et al., 1990. Handbook of Chemical Property
Estimation Methods. American Chemical Society, Wash. DC
OEHHA, 2000. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Asessment Guidelines: Part IV
Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis.
September 2000.
OEHHA, 2012a. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. Available online
OEHHA, 2012b. Hot Spots Unit Risk and Cancer Potency Values. Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency.
Online at:
Staples CA, Peterson DR, Parkerton TF, Adams WJ. 1997. The environmental fate of
phthalate esters: A literature review. Chemosphere 35(4):667-749.
U.S. EPA. (2009). Metabolically derived human ventilation rates: A revised approach
based upon oxygen consumption rates. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National
Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC; EPA/600/R-06/129F
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
6 - Dose-Response Assessment for
Noncarcinogenic Endpoints
6.1 Derivation of Toxicity Criteria for Noncancer Health Effects
Dose-response assessment describes the quantitative relationship between the amount
of exposure to a substance (the dose) and the incidence or occurrence of an adverse
health impact (the response). Dose-response information for noncancer health effects
is used to determine Reference Exposure Levels (RELs). Inhalation RELs are air
concentrations or doses at or below which adverse noncancer health effects are not
expected even in sensitive members of the general population under specified exposure
scenarios. The acute RELs are for infrequent 1 hour exposures that occur no more
than once every two weeks in a given year, although this time frame of exposure does
not necessarily apply to chemicals that can bioaccumulate (e.g., dioxins and furans,
PCBs, and various metals). The chronic RELs are for 24 hour per day exposures for at
least a significant fraction of a lifetime, defined as about 8 years (≥12 percent of a 70-
year lifespan). The 8-hour RELs are for repeated 8-hour exposures for a significant
fraction of a lifetime such as the exposures that offsite workers might typically receive.
Eight-hour RELs are only available for 10 chemicals at present, but OEHHA will develop
8-hour RELs as we re-evaluate our existing RELs to ensure they are protective of
children’s health, and as we develop RELs for new chemicals. There are oral chronic
RELs for some chemicals in the Hot Spots program that are semivolatile or nonvolatile
and thus subject to deposition and oral ingestion or dermal exposure. The methodology
for developing RELs is similar to that used by U.S. EPA in developing the inhalation
Reference Concentrations (RfCs) and oral Reference Doses (RfDs).
Review and revision of RELs to take into account new information and sensitive
subpopulations including infants and children is an ongoing process. All draft RELs for
individual chemicals revised under the current noncancer methodology will undergo
public comment and peer review, as mandated by the Hot Spots Act. .
The first step in determining an acute, 8-hour, or chronic REL is to determine a point of
departure. The point of departure is preferably determined by the benchmark
concentration procedure applied to human or animal studies, but if this method of
calculation cannot be used with a particular data set, a no observed adverse effect level
(NOAEL) or lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) may be used as the point of
departure. The benchmark concentration method (also referred to as the benchmark
dose method for oral exposures) is a preferred method to estimate a point of departure
because it takes all of the available dose-response data into account to statistically
estimate, typically, a 5 percent response rate.
Dosimetric or toxicokinetic adjustments are often made to the point of departure to
adjust for differences in dosimetry or kinetics across species or among humans. Time
adjustments are generally applied to adjust experimental exposure to the exposure of
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
interest for the REL (e.g., 1 hour for acute, continuous for chronic). A modified Haber’s
equation is used where needed to adjust studies with different exposure times to the
one-hour period needed for acute RELs. A simple Haber’s law (C x T) adjustment for
exposure period duration is used for most 8-hour and chronic RELs.
The time and dosimetry adjusted point of departure is divided by uncertainty factors that
reflect the limitations in the current toxicology of the chemical. For example, an
interspecies uncertainty factor is applied to account for the differences between humans
and animals when an animal study is used. An intraspecies uncertainty factor is usually
included to account for differences in susceptibility among the human population. In
addition, where benchmark dose modeling is not suitable and a NOAEL is not available,
a LOAEL to NOAEL uncertainty factor may be applied when the LOAEL serves as the
point of departure. If a chronic study is not available to serve as a basis for a chronic
REL, then a subchronic uncertainty factor (for chronic and 8-hour RELs only) may also
be applied. Finally, if there are data deficiencies, for example, lack of a developmental
toxicity study for a chemical, then a database deficiency factor may be applied. The
individual uncertainty factors, which range from 2 to 10 depending on the limitations in
the data, are multiplied together for a total uncertainty factor. The point of departure is
then divided by the total UF to obtain the REL.
The most sensitive toxicological end point is selected as the basis for the REL when
there are multiple adverse health effects. The selection of the most sensitive endpoint
as the basis for a REL helps ensure that the REL is protective for all health effects. The
use of uncertainty factors helps ensure that the REL is protective for nearly all
individuals, including sensitive subpopulations, within the limitations of current scientific
knowledge. For detailed information on the methodology and derivations for RELs,
including guidance on selection of uncertainty factors, see the Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk
Assessment Guidelines Technical Support Document for the Derivation of Noncancer
Reference Exposure Levels (OEHHA, 2008).
It should be emphasized that exceeding the acute or chronic REL does not necessarily
indicate that an adverse health impact will occur. The REL is not the threshold where
population health effects would first be seen. However, levels of exposure above the
REL have an increasing but undefined probability of resulting in an adverse health
impact, particularly in sensitive individuals (e.g., depending on the toxicant, the very
young, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with acute or chronic illnesses). The
significance of exceeding the REL is dependent on the seriousness of the health
endpoint, the strength and interpretation of the health studies, the magnitude of
combined safety factors, and other considerations. In addition, there is a possibility that
a REL may not be protective of certain small, unusually sensitive human
subpopulations. Such subpopulations can be difficult to identify and study because of
their small numbers, lack of knowledge about toxic mechanisms, and other factors. It
may be useful to consult OEHHA staff when a REL is exceeded (hazard quotient or
hazard index is greater than 1.0). Chapter 8 discusses the methods used for
determining potential noncancer health impacts and Appendix I presents example
calculations used to determine a hazard quotient (HQ) and hazard indices (HI).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Tables 6.1 through 6.3 list the currently adopted acute, 8-hour, and chronic inhalation
RELs. Some substances that pose a long-term inhalation hazard may also present a
chronic hazard via non-inhalation (oral, dermal) routes of exposure. The oral RELs for
these substances are presented in Table 6.3. Appendix L provides a consolidated
listing of all the acute, 8-hour, and chronic RELs with the respective target organs that
are approved for use by OEHHA and ARB for the Hot Spots Program. Periodically, new
or updated RELs are adopted by OEHHA and these guidelines will be updated to reflect
those changes. See OEHHA’s web site at (look under “Air”, then
select “Hot Spots Guidelines”) to determine if any new or updated RELs have been
adopted since the last guideline update.
6.2 Acute Reference Exposure Levels
OEHHA developed acute RELs for assessing potential noncancer health impacts for
short-term, one-hour peak exposures to facility emissions (OEHHA, 2008; By definition, an acute REL is an exposure
that is not likely to cause adverse health effects in a human population, including
sensitive subgroups, exposed to that concentration (in units of micrograms per cubic
meter or g/m
) for the specified exposure duration on an intermittent basis.
The target organ systems and the acute RELs for each substance are presented in
Table 6.1. Many acute RELs are based on mild adverse effects, such as mild irritation
of the eyes, nose, or throat, or may result in other mild adverse physiological changes.
For most individuals, it is expected that the mild irritation and other adverse
physiological changes will not persist after exposure ceases. For RELs that have been
recently developed or revised, the notation “sensory irritation” has been added in
parenthesis in Table 6.1 for those chemicals that have an acute REL based on sensory
irritation of the respiratory system (i.e., nose , throat) and/or eyes.
Other acute RELs are based on reproductive/developmental endpoints, such as
teratogenicity or fetotoxicity, which are considered severe adverse effects. The
inhalation pathway is the only pathway to assess for acute exposure. Other non-
inhalation pathways of exposure are evaluated for worker and residential scenarios
where the exposures are chronic or repeated daily in nature. The oral RELs are used to
evaluate the non-inhalation pathways of exposure. Noninhalation (oral) RELs are
discussed in Section 6.5. Chapter 8 discusses the methods used for determining
noncancer acute health impacts. Appendix I presents an example calculation used to
determine an HQ and HI.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 6.1 Acute Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and
Acute Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
Acute Hazard Index
Target Organ Systems(s)
4.7 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System (sensory irritation)
2.5 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System (sensory irritation)
Acrylic Acid
6.0 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
3.2 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Arsenic and Inorganic
Arsenic Compounds
(including arsine)
7440-38-2 2.0 x 10
Development; Cardiovascular System;
Nervous System
Benzene 71-43-2 2.7 x 10
Reproductive/Developmental; Immune
System; Hematologic System
Benzyl Chloride
2.4 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 6.6 x 10
Caprolactam 105-60-2 5.0 x 10
Eyes (sensory irritation)
Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 6.2 x 10
Nervous System;
Carbon Monoxide
2.3 x 10
Cardiovascular System
Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.9 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Nervous System
2.1 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Chloroform 67-66-3 1.5 x 10
Nervous System; Respiratory System;
2.9 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Copper and Compounds
1.0 x 10
Respiratory System
3.0 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
1.3 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Ethylene Glycol
Monobutyl Ether
111-76-2 1.4 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Ethylene Glycol
Monoethyl Ether
110-80-5 3.7 x 10
Ethylene Glycol
Monoethyl Ether Acetate
111-15-9 1.4 x 10
Nervous System;
Ethylene Glycol
Monomethyl Ether
109-86-4 9.3 x 10
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 5.5 x 10
Eyes (sensory irritation)
Hydrogen Chloride
2.1 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Hydrogen Cyanide
3.4 x 10
Nervous System
Hydrogen Fluoride
2.4 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Hydrogen Selenide
5.0 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Hydrogen Sulfide
4.2 x 10
Nervous System
3.2 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Mercury and Inorganic
Mercury Compounds
6.0 x 10
Nervous System; Development
2.8 x 10
Nervous System
Methyl Bromide 74-83-9 3.9 x 10
Nervous System; Respiratory System;
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Acute Hazard Index
Target Organ Systems(s)
Methyl Chloroform
6.8 x 10
Nervous System
Methyl Ethyl Ketone
1.3 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Methylene Chloride
1.4 x 10
Nervous System; Cardiovascular System
Nickel and Nickel
7440-02-0 2.0 x 10
Immune System
Nitric Acid
8.6 x 10
Respiratory System
Nitrogen Dioxide
4.7 x 10
Respiratory System
1.8 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
127-18-4 2.0 x 10
Eyes; Nervous System; Respiratory System
5.8 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
4.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Propylene Oxide 75-56-9 3.1 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System;
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 8.0 x 10
Eyes; Skin; Respiratory System
2.1 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System;
1.2 x 10
Respiratory System
Sulfur Dioxide
6.6 x 10
Respiratory System
Sulfuric Acid and Oleum
1.2 x 10
Respiratory System
127-18-4 2.0 x 10
Eyes; Nervous System; Respiratory System
Toluene 108-88-3 3.7 x 10
Nervous System; Respiratory System; Eyes;
2.8 x 10
Nervous System; Eyes
Vanadium Pentoxide
3.0 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 1.8 x
Nervous System; Eyes; Respiratory System
Xylenes (m,o,p-isomers) 1330-20-7 2.2 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System; Nervous System
California Ambient Air Quality Standard
6.3 8-hour Reference Exposure Levels
OEHHA has developed 8-hour RELs for assessing potential noncancer health impacts
for exposures to the general public that occur on a recurrent basis, but only during a
portion of each day (OEHHA, 2008;
Eight-hour RELs are compared to air concentrations that represent an average (daily)
8-hour exposure. They were designed to address off-site worker exposure at the
MEIW, but may also be used at the Districts discretion to characterize 8-hour
residential noncancer exposures, particularly for non-continuous facility operations
where exposure is based on air concentrations during facility operation (i.e., the zero
emission hours are not included) rather than averaged over 24-hours/day, 7 days/week
as assessed for chronic exposure. The 8-hour RELs can also be used to assess
exposure of students and teachers while at school (OEHHA, 2008). These RELs were
developed because of concerns that applying the chronic REL in some scenarios was
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
overly conservative. By definition, an 8-hour REL is an exposure that is not likely to
cause adverse health effects in a human population, including sensitive subgroups,
exposed to that concentration (in units of micrograms per cubic meter or g/m
) for an
8-hour exposure duration on a regular (including daily) basis.
The RELs, target organ systems, and the averaging time for substances that can
present a potential hazard from inhalation for 8 hours on a daily basis are presented in
Table 6.2. Chapter 8 discusses the methods used for determining noncancer 8-hour
health impacts. Appendix I presents an example calculation used to determine an HQ
and HI.
Any substances in Table 6.2 with Development or Reproductive System as a target
organ system are represented in HARP and in the Appendix L REL tables under the
single endpoint “Reproductive/Development”.
Table 6.2 Eight-Hour Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels
(RELs) and 8-Hour Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 3.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Acrolein 107-02-8 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Arsenic & Inorganic Arsenic
7440-38-2 1.5 x 10
Cardiovascular System; Development;
Nervous System; Respiratory System;
Benzene 71-43-2 3.0 x 10
Hematologic System
1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 9.0 x 10
Reproductive System
Caprolactam 105-60-2 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Formaldehyde 50-0-0 9.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Manganese & Manganese
7439-96-5 1.7 x 10
Nervous System
Mercury & Inorganic Mercury
7439--97-6 6.0 x 10
Nervous System; Development; Kidney
Nickel & Nickel Compounds 7440-02-0 6.0 x 10
Respiratory System; Immune System
6.4 Chronic Reference Exposure Levels
OEHHA has developed chronic RELs for assessing noncancer health impacts from
long-term exposure. (OEHHA, 2008; see also
A chronic REL is a concentration level (expressed in units of micrograms per cubic
meter (g/m
) for inhalation exposure and in a dose expressed in units of milligrams per
kilogram-day (mg/kg-day) for oral exposures) at or below which no adverse health
effects are anticipated following long-term exposure. Long-term exposure for these
purposes has been defined by U.S. EPA as at least 12% of a lifetime, or about eight
years for humans. Table 6.3 lists the chronic noncancer RELs that should be used in
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
the assessment of chronic health effects from inhalation exposure. Appendix L provides
a consolidated listing of all the acute, 8-hour and chronic RELs and target organs that
are approved for use by OEHHA and ARB for the Hot Spots Program. Periodically, new
or updated RELs are adopted by OEHHA. See OEHHA’s web site to determine if any new or updated RELs have
been adopted since the last guideline update.
The organ system(s) associated with each chronic REL are also presented in Table 6.3.
Any substances in Table 6.3 with Development or Reproductive System as a target
organ system are represented in HARP and in the Appendix L REL tables under the
single endpoint “Reproductive/Development”. Chapter 8 discusses the methods used
for determining potential noncancer health impacts and Appendix I presents example
calculations used to determine a HQ and HI.
Table 6.3 Chronic Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and
Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
75-07-0 1.4 x 10
Respiratory System
Acrolein 107-02-8 3.5 x 10
Respiratory System
Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 5.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Ammonia 7664-41-7 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Arsenic & Inorganic Arsenic Compounds 7440-38-2 1.5 x 10
Cardiovascular System; Development;
Nervous System; Respiratory System;
Benzene 71-43-2 3.0 x 10
Hematologic System
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 7440-41-7 7.0 x 10
Immune System; Respiratory System
1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 2.0 x 10
Reproductive System
Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds 7440-43-9 2.0 x 10
Kidney; Respiratory System
Caprolactam 105-60-2 2.2 x 10
Respiratory System
Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 8.0 x 10
Nervous System; Reproductive
Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 4.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Development; Nervous System
Chlorine 7782-50-5 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Chlorine Dioxide 10049-04-4 6.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins
1746-01-6 4.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Development; Endocrine System;
Hematologic System; Reproductive
System; Respiratory System
40321-76-4 4.0 x 10
39227-28-6 4.0 x 10
57653-85-7 4.0 x 10
19408-74-3 4.0 x 10
35822-46-9 4.0 x 10
3268-87-9 1.3 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 6.3 Chronic Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and
Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
Chlorinated Dibenzofurans
5120-73-19 4.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Development; Endocrine System;
Hematologic System; Reproductive
System; Respiratory System
57117-41-6 1.3 x 10
57117-31-4 1.3 x 10
70648-26-9 4.0 x 10
57117-44-9 4.0 x 10
72918-21-9 4.0 x 10
60851-34-5 4.0 x 10
67562-39-4 4.0 x 10
55673-89-7 4.0 x 10
39001-02-0 1.3 x 10
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Kidney;
Reproductive System
Chloroform 67-66-3 3.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Development; Kidney
Chloropicrin 76-06-2 4.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Chromium VI & Soluble Chromium VI
Compounds (except chromic trioxide)
18540-29-9 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Chromic Trioxide (as chromic acid mist) 1333-82-0 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Cresol Mixtures 1319-77-3 6.0 x 10
Nervous System
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Kidney;
Nervous System; Respiratory System
1,1-Dichloroethylene (Vinylidene
75-35-4 7.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver)
Diesel Exhaust
N/A 5.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Diethanolamine 111-42-2 3.0 x 10
Hematologic System; Respiratory
N,N-Dimethylformamide 68-12-2 8.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Respiratory
1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 3.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Cardiovascular System; Kidney
Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 3.0 x 10
Eyes; Respiratory System
1,2-Epoxybutane 106-88-7 2.0 x 10
Cardiovascular System; Respiratory
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Kidney;
Development; Endocrine System
Ethyl Chloride 75-00-3 3.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Ethylene Dibromide 106-93-4
8.0 x 10
Reproductive System
Ethylene Dichloride 107-06-2 4.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver)
Ethylene Glycol 107-21-1 4.0 x 10
Development; Kidney; Respiratory
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether 110-80-5 7.0 x 10
Hematologic System; Reproductive
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate 111-15-9 3.0 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 6.3 Chronic Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and
Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether 109-86-4 6.0 x 10
Reproductive System
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether
110-49-6 9.0 x 10
Reproductive System
Ethylene Oxide 75-21-8 3.0 x 10
Nervous System
Fluorides (except hydrogen fluoride) N/A 1.3 x 10
Bone and Teeth; Respiratory System
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 9.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Glutaraldehyde 111-30-8 8.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Hexane (n-) 110-54-3 7.0 x 10
Nervous System
Hydrazine 302-01-2 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Endocrine
Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-0 9.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Hydrogen Cyanide 74-90-8 9.0 x 10
Cardiovascular System; Endocrine
System; Nervous System
Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 1.4 x 10
Bone and Teeth; Respiratory System
Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 1.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Isophorone 78-59-1 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Isopropanol 67-63-0 7.0 x 10
Development; Kidney
Maleic Anhydride 108-31-6 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Manganese & Manganese Compounds 7439-96-5 9.0 x 10
Nervous System
Mercury & Inorganic Mercury
7439-97-6 3.0 x 10
Nervous System; Development;
Methanol 67-56-1 4.0 x 10
Methyl Bromide 74-83-9 5.0 x 10
Development; Nervous System;
Respiratory System
Methyl Chloroform 71-55-6 1.0 x 10
Nervous System
Methyl Isocyanate 624-83-9 1.0 x 10
Reproductive System;
Respiratory System
Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 8.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Eyes;
Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 4.0 x 10
Cardiovascular System; Nervous
4,4’-Methylene Dianiline (& its dichloride) 101-77-9 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Eyes
Methylene Diphenyl Isocyanate 101-68-8 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Naphthalene 91-20-3 9.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Nickel & Nickel Compounds
(except nickel oxide)
7440-02-0 1.4 x 10
Hematologic System; Respiratory
Nickel Oxide 1313-99-1 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene)
127-18-4 3.5 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver); Kidney
Phenol 108-95-2 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Cardiovascular System; Kidney;
Nervous System
Phosphine 7803-51-2 8.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Hematologic System; Kidney; Nervous
System; Respiratory System
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 6.3 Chronic Inhalation Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) and
Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
Chronic Inhalation Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
Phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Phthalic Anhydride 85-44-9 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
3,3’,4,4’-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (77)
35298-13-3 4.0 x10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Developmental; Endocrine System;
Hematologic System; Reproductive
System; Respiratory System
3,4,4’,5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (81)
70362-50-4 1.3 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’- Pentachlorobiphenyl (105)
32598-14-4 1.3 x 10
2,3,4,4’5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (114)
74472-37-0 1.3 x 10
2,3’4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (118)
31508-00-6 1.3 x 10
2’,3,4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (123)
65510-44-3 1.3 x 10
3,3’,4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (126)
57465-28-8 4.0 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’,5-Hexachlorobiphenyl (156)
38380-08-4 1.3 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (157)
69782-90-7 1.3 x 10
2,3’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (167)
52663-72-6 1.3 x 10
3,3’,4,4’5,5’- Hexachlorobiphenyl (169)
32774-16-6 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
Propylene 115-07-1 3.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether 107-98-2 7.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver)
Propylene Oxide 75-56-9 3.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Selenium and Selenium compounds
(other than Hydrogen Selenide)
7782-49-2 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Cardiovascular System; Nervous
Silica (crystalline, respirable) N/A 3.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Styrene 100-42-5 9.0 x 10
Nervous System
Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 1.0 x
Respiratory System
Toluene 108-88-3 3.0 x 10
Development; Nervous System;
Respiratory System
2,4-Toluene Diisocyanate 584-84-9 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
2,6-Toluene Diisocyanate 91-08-7 7.0 x 10
Respiratory System
79-01-6 6.0 x 10
Eyes; Nervous System
Triethylamine 121-44-8 2.0 x 10
Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 2.0 x 10
Respiratory System
Xylenes (m, o, p-isomers) 1330-20-7 7.0 x 10
Nervous System; Respiratory System;
These peer-reviewed values were developed under the Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) Program
mandated by AB1807 (California Health and Safety Code Sec. 39650 et seq.).
The OEHHA has adopted the World Health Organization Toxicity Equivalency Factor (TEF)
scheme for evaluating the cancer risk and noncancer hazard due to exposure to samples
containing mixtures of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) (also referred to as chlorinated
dioxins and dibenzofurans), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs). The TEF values are revised from time to time to reflect new data and increased scientific
knowledge. Currently OEHHA recommends use of the 2005 revision to the WHO TEF values
-TEF). See Appendix E for more information about the scheme and for the methodology
for calculating 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) equivalents for PCDD and PCDFs. For
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
convenience, OEHHA has calculated chronic REL values for speciated PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs
based on the WHO
TEF values and the chronic REL for 2,3,7,8-TCDD using the procedure
discussed in Appendix E. The chronic REL values can be used to calculate a hazard index when
the mixtures are speciated from individual congener ground level concentrations. In those cases
where speciation of dioxins and furans has not been performed, then 2,3,7,8-TCDD serves as the
surrogate for dioxin and furan emissions.
N/A Not Applicable
6.5 Chronic Oral (Noninhalation) Reference Exposure Levels
As specified throughout the guidelines, estimates of long-term exposure resulting from
facility air emissions of specific compounds must be analyzed for both inhalation and
noninhalation (multipathway) pathways of exposure for humans. Facilities often emit
substances under high temperature and pressure in the presence of particulate matter.
While some of these substances are expected to remain in the vapor phase, other
substances such as metals and semi-volatile organics can be either emitted as
particles, form particles after emission from the facility, or adhere to existing particles.
Some substances will partition between vapor and particulate phases. Substances in
the particulate phase can be removed from the atmosphere by settling and, thus,
potentially present a significant hazard via noninhalation pathways.
Particulate-associated chemicals can be deposited directly onto soil, onto the leaves or
fruits of crops, or onto surface waters. Exposure via the oral route is the predominant
noninhalation pathway, resulting in the noninhalation RELs being referred to as ‘oral
RELs’ in this document. The oral RELs are used for both ingestion and dermal
exposures, and are applied using the chronic non-inhalation exposures in the residential
scenario and the worker scenarios. The oral RELs are expressed as doses in milligrams
of substance (consumed and dermally absorbed) per kilogram body weight per day
Table 6.4 lists the chronic noncancer RELs to be used in the assessment of chronic
health effects from noninhalation pathways of exposure. Any substances in Table 6.4
with Development or Reproductive System as a target organ system are represented in
HARP and in the Appendix L REL tables under the single endpoint
“Reproductive/Development”. Appendix L provides a consolidated listing of all chronic
RELs and target organs that are approved for use by OEHHA and ARB for the Hot
Spots Program. Periodically, new or updated RELs are adopted by OEHHA and these
guidelines will be updated to reflect those changes. See OEHHA’s web page at to determine if any new or updated RELs have
been adopted since the last guideline update. Chapter 8 discusses the methods used
for determining potential noncancer health impacts and Appendix I presents example
calculations used to determine a HQ and HI.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 6.4 Chronic Noninhalation Oral Reference Exposure Levels
(RELs) and Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
No. (CAS)
Oral REL
Chronic Oral Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
Arsenic & Inorganic Arsenic Compounds 7440-38-2 3.5 x 10
Development; Nervous
System; Respiratory System;
Cardiovascular System; Skin
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 7440-41-7 2.0 x 10
Alimentary System
(Gastrointestinal Tract)
Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds 7440-43-9 5.0 x 10
Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins
1746-01-6 1.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Developmental; Endocrine
System; Hematologic System;
Reproductive System;
Respiratory System
40321-76-4 1.0 x 10
39227-28-6 1.0 x 10
57653-85-7 1.0 x 10
19408-74-3 1.0 x 10
35822-46-9 1.0 x 10
3268-87-9 3.3 x 10
Chlorinated Dibenzofurans
5120-73-19 1.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Development; Endocrine
System; Hematologic System;
Reproductive System;
Respiratory System
57117-41-6 3.3 x 10
57117-31-4 3.3 x 10
70648-26-9 1.0 x 10
57117-44-9 1.0 x 10
72918-21-9 1.0 x 10
60851-34-5 1.0 x 10
67562-39-4 1.0 x 10
55673-89-7 1.0 x 10
39001-02-0 3.3 x 10
Chromium VI & Soluble Chromium VI
Compounds (including chromic trioxide)
18540-29-9 2.0 x 10
Hematologic System
Fluorides (including hydrogen fluoride) 7664-39-3 4.0 x 10
Bone and Teeth
Mercury & Mercury Inorganic Compounds 7439-97-6 1.6 x 10
Kidney; Nervous System;
Nickel & Nickel Compounds (including nickel
7440-02-0 1.1 x 10
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (speciated)
3,3’,4,4’-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (77)
35298-13-3 1.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Developmental; Endocrine
System; Hematologic System;
Reproductive System;
Respiratory System
3,4,4’,5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (81)
70362-50-4 3.3 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’- Pentachlorobiphenyl (105)
32598-14-4 3.3 x 10
2,3,4,4’5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (114)
74472-37-0 3.3 x 10
2,3’4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (118)
31508-00-6 3.3 x 10
2’,3,4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (123)
65510-44-3 3.3 x 10
3,3’,4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (126)
57465-28-8 1.0 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’,5-Hexachlorobiphenyl (156)
38380-08-4 3.3 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (157)
69782-90-7 3.3 x 10
2,3’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (167)
52663-72-6 3.3 x 10
3,3’,4,4’5,5’- Hexachlorobiphenyl (169)
32774-16-6 3.3 x 10
2,3,3’4,4’,5,5’- Heptachlorobiphenyl (189)
39635-31-9 3.3 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 6.4 Chronic Noninhalation Oral Reference Exposure Levels
(RELs) and Chronic Hazard Index Target Organ System(s)
No. (CAS)
Oral REL
Chronic Oral Hazard Index
Target Organ System(s)
Selenium and Selenium Compounds (other
than hydrogen selenide)
7782-49-2 5.0 x 10
Alimentary System (Liver);
Cardiovascular System;
Nervous System
The OEHHA has adopted the World Health Organization Toxicity Equivalency Factor (TEF) scheme
for evaluating the cancer risk and noncancer risk due to exposure to samples containing mixtures of
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) (also referred to as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans),
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The TEF values are
revised from time to time to reflect new data and increased scientific knowledge. Currently OEHHA
recommends use of the 2005 revision to the WHO TEF values (WHO
-TEF). See Appendix E for
more information about the scheme and for the methodology for calculating 2,3,7,8-equivalents for
PCDD and PCDFs. For convenience, OEHHA has calculated chronic ‘oral’ REL values for speciated
PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs based on the WHO
TEF values and the chronic ‘oral’ REL for 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin using the procedure discussed in Appendix E. The chronic ‘oral’ REL
values can be used to calculate a hazard index when the mixtures are speciated from individual
congener ground level concentrations. In those cases where speciation of dioxins and furans has not
been performed, then 2,3,7,8-TCDD serves as the surrogate for dioxin and furan emissions.
6.6 References
OEHHA, 2008. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines Technical Support
Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels. Available
online at:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
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Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
7 - Dose-Response Assessment for Carcinogens
7.1 Introduction
Dose-response assessment characterizes the quantitative relationship between the
amount of exposure to a substance (the dose) and the incidence or occurrence of injury
(the response). The process often involves establishing a toxicity value or criterion to
use in assessing potential health risk. The toxicity criterion, or health guidance value,
for carcinogens is the cancer potency slope (potency factor), which describes the
potential risk of developing cancer per unit of average daily dose over a 70-year lifetime.
Cancer inhalation and oral potency factors have been derived by the Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) or by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and approved by the State’s Scientific
Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants. They are available for many of the
substances listed in Appendix A (List of Substances) as carcinogens. Table 7.1 and
Appendix L list the inhalation and oral cancer potency factors that should be used in
multipathway health risk assessments (HRAs) for the Hot Spots Program.
The details on the methodology of dose-response assessment for carcinogens and the
approved cancer potency factors are provided in the Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk
Assessment Guidelines. Part II. Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency
Factors: Methodologies for derivation, listing of available values, and adjustments to
allow for early life stage exposures. May, 2009. (OEHHA, 2009; see
7.2 Carcinogenic Potency
Cancer potency factors used for both the inhalation and oral routes in the Hot Spots
program are generally the 95% upper confidence limits (UCL) on the modeled dose-
response slope at the low dose range. The cancer slope factor assumes continuous
lifetime exposure to a substance, and is expressed in units of inverse dose [i.e.,
]. Another common potency expression is in units of inverse concentration
)] when the slope is based on exposure concentration rather than dose; this is
termed the unit risk factor. To accommodate the use of age-specific exposure variates,
the Hot Spots program has translated the unit risk factors based on concentration to
units of inverse dose. This allows calculation of risk for age groupings, as exposure
varies with age. It also allows for application of Age Sensitivity Factors for early life
It is assumed in cancer risk assessments that risk is directly proportional to dose and
that, for most carcinogens, there is no threshold for carcinogenesis. The derivation of
inhalation and oral cancer potency factors takes into account information on
pharmacokinetics, when available, and on the mechanism of carcinogenic action.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 7.1 and Appendix L list inhalation and oral cancer potency factors that should be
used in risk assessments for the Hot Spots Program. Chapter 8 describes procedures
for use of potency factors in estimating potential cancer risk.
7.2.1 Inhalation Cancer Potency Factors
The risk assessment methodology and algorithms presented in Chapter 8 express the
inhalation cancer slope factors in units of inverse dose (i.e., (mg/kg/day)
). Breathing
rates, expressed in units of liters per kilogram of body weight-day (L/kg-day), are
multiplied with the air concentrations, coupled with the appropriate unit conversion
factor, to estimate dose in mg/kg-day. This allows estimation of average and high-end
cancer risk point estimates. Estimation of a distribution of cancer risk based on
variability in breathing rate can be obtained by Monte Carlo methods using the
distributions of breathing rates in L/kg-day, which can then be converted to a dose
distribution in mg/kg BW based on the intake rate. Unit risk factors [in the units of
inverse concentration (i.e., (g/m
], which were used in previous guidelines for the
Hot Spots program, are still listed in the TSD (OEHHA, 2009) and may prove useful in
other risk assessment applications.
The average daily inhalation dose (mg/kg-day) multiplied by the cancer potency factor
will give the inhalation cancer risk (unitless), which is an expression of the
chemicals cancer risk during a 70-year lifespan of exposure. For example, an
inhalation cancer risk of 5 x 10
is the same as stating that an individual has an
estimated probability of developing cancer from their exposure of 5 chances per million
people exposed. A more complete description of how potential cancer risk is calculated
from the exposure dose and cancer potency factors is provided in Chapter 8.
Appendix I presents an example calculation for determining cancer risk.
A list of current inhalation potency factors is provided in Table 7.1. Periodically, new or
revised cancer potency factors will be peer reviewed by the State’s Scientific Review
Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants (SRP) and adopted by the Director of OEHHA. For
new or updated numbers, consult the OEHHA web site at
( to determine if any new or
updated cancer potency factors have been adopted since this guideline update. New
cancer potency factors that have been approved by the SRP and adopted by the
Director of OEHHA should be incorporated into Hot Spots risk assessment for facilities
that emit those chemicals.
7.2.2 Oral Cancer Potency Factors
Under the Hot Spots Program, a few substances are evaluated for exposure and risk
from non-inhalation pathways these are referred to as multipathway substances.
Multipathway substances have the potential to impact a receptor through inhalation and
noninhalation (oral and dermal) exposure routes. These substances include heavy
metals and semi-volatile organic substances such as dioxins, furans, and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These substances commonly exist in the particle
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
phase or partially in the particle phase when emitted into the air. They can therefore be
deposited onto soil, vegetation, and water. Noninhalation exposure pathways
considered under the Hot Spots Program include the ingestion of soil, homegrown
produce, meat, milk, surface water, breast milk, and fish as well as dermal exposure to
contaminants deposited in the soil. See Table 5.1 for a list of the multipathway
Table 7.1 and Appendix L list oral cancer potency factors in units of (mg/kg-day)
should be used for assessing the potential cancer risk for these substances through
noninhalation exposure pathways. The cancer risk from these individual pathways is
calculated by multiplying the dose (mg/kg-day) times the oral cancer potency factor
to yield the potential cancer risk (unitless) from non-inhalation exposures.
Chapter 5 provides all of the algorithms to calculate exposure dose through all of the
individual exposure pathways. Appendix I provides a sample calculation for dose and
cancer risk using the inhalation exposure pathway.
Three carcinogens (cadmium, beryllium, and nickel), although subject to deposition, are
only treated as carcinogenic by the inhalation route and not by the oral route.
Therefore, there are no oral cancer potency factors for these substances. However, the
oral doses of these substances need to be estimated because of their noncancer
toxicity. See Chapters 6 and 8, and Appendices I and L for dose-response factors, and
calculations to address these substances.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 7.1 Inhalation and Oral Cancer Potency Factors
Oral Slope
Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 1.0 x 10
Acetamide 60-35-5 7.0 x 10
Acrylamide 79-06-1 4.5 x 10
Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 1.0 x 10
Allyl chloride 107-05-1 2.1 x 10
2-Aminoanthraquinone 117-79-3 3.3 x 10
Aniline 62-53-3 5.7 x 10
Arsenic (inorganic) 7440-38-2 1.2 x 10
1.5 x 10
1332-21-4 2.2 x 10
+2 #
56-55-3 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
Benzene 71-43-2 1.0 x 10
Benzidine 92-87-5 5.0 x 10
Benzo[a]pyrene 50-32-8 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
205-99-2 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
205-82-3 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
207-08-9 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 1.7 x 10
Beryllium 7440-41-7 8.4 x 10
Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 111-44-4 2.5 x 10
Bis(chloromethyl)ether 542-88-1 4.6 x 10
1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 6.0 x 10
Cadmium (and compounds) 7440-43-9 1.5 x 10
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.5 x 10
Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 1746-01-6 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 40321-76-4 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 39227-28-6 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 57653-85-7 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 19408-74-3 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 35822-46-9 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,4,,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 3268-87-9 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
Chlorinated Dibenzofurans
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran 5120-73-19 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran 57117-41-6 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran 57117-31-4 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 70648-26-9 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 57117-44-9 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 72918-21-9 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 60851-34-5 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 7.1 Inhalation and Oral Cancer Potency Factors
Oral Slope
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran 67562-39-4 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran 55673-89-7 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
1,2,3,4,,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzofuran 39001-02-0 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
Chlorinated paraffins 108171-26-2 8.9 x 10
Chloroform 67-66-3 1.9 x 10
4-Chloro-o-phenylenediamine 95-83-0 1.6 x 10
p-Chloro-o-toluidine 95-69-2 2.7 x 10
Chromium (hexavalent) 18540-29-9 5.1 x 10
5 x 10
218-01-9 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
Creosote 8001-58-9 *
p-Cresidine 120-71-8 1.5 x 10
Cupferron 135-20-6 2.2 x 10
2,4-Diaminoanisole 615-05-4 2.3 x 10
2,4-Diaminotoluene 95-80-7 4.0 x 10
226-36-8 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
224-42-0 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
53-70-3 4.1 x 10
4.1 x 10
192-65-4 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
189-64-0 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
189-55-9 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
191-30-0 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
194-59-2 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 7.0 x 10
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 4.0 x 10
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 1.2 x 10
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 5.7 x 10
Diesel exhaust
NA 1.1 x 10
Diethylhexylphthalate 117-81-7 8.4 x 10
8.4 x 10
p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 60-11-7 4.6 x 10
57-97-6 2.5 x 10
2.5 x 10
42397-64-8 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
42397-65-9 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 3.1 x 10
1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 2.7 x 10
Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 8.0 x 10
Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 8.7 x 10
1.1 x 10
Ethylene dibromide 106-93-4 2.5 x 10
Ethylene dichloride 107-06-2 7.2 x 10
Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 3.1 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 7.1 Inhalation and Oral Cancer Potency Factors
Oral Slope
Ethylene thiourea 96-45-7 4.5 x 10
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 2.1 x 10
Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 1.8 x 10
Hexachlorocyclohexanes (technical grade) 608-73-1 4.0 x 10
4.0 x 10
Hydrazine 302-01-2 1.7 x 10
3.0 x 10
193-39-5 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
Lead and lead compounds 7439-92-1 4.2 x 10
8.5 x 10
Lindane 58-89-9 1.1 x 10
1.1 x 10
Methyl tertiary-butyl ether 1634-04-4 1.8 x 10
56-49-5 2.2 x 10
2.2 x 10
3697-24-3 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
4, 4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) 101-14-4 1.5 x 10
Methylene chloride 75-09-2 3.5 x 10
4,4'-Methylenedianiline 101-77-9 1.6 x 10
1.6 x 10
Michler's ketone 90-94-8 8.6 x 10
Naphthalene 91-20-3 1.2 x 10
Nickel (and compounds) 7440-02-0 9.1 x 10
602-87-9 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
7496-02-8 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
607-57-8 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
5522-43-0 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
57835-92-4 3.9 x 10
1.2 x 10
N-Nitroso-n-butylamine 924-16-3 1.1 x 10
N-Nitroso-N-methylethylamine 10595-95-6 2.2 x 10
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 7.0 x 10
N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 3.6 x 10
N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 1.6 x 10
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 9.0 x 10
p-Nitrosodiphenylamine 156-10-5 2.2 x 10
N-Nitrosomorpholine 59-89-2 6.7 x 10
N-Nitrosopiperidine 100-75-4 9.4 x 10
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 2.1 x 10
Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 1.8 x 10
Perchloroethylene 127-18-4 2.1 x 10
5.1 x 10
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
(unspeciated mixture)
(high risk)
2.0 x 10
2.0 x 10
(low risk)
4.0 x 10
4.0 x 10
(lowest risk)
7.0 x 10
7.0 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 7.1 Inhalation and Oral Cancer Potency Factors
Oral Slope
Polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) (speciated)
3,3’,4,4’-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (77) 35298-13-3 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
3,4,4’,5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (81) 70362-50-4 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’- Pentachlorobiphenyl (105) 32598-14-4 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3,4,4’5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (114) 74472-37-0 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3’4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (118) 31508-00-6 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2’,3,4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (123) 65510-44-3 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
3,3’,4,4’,5- Pentachlorobiphenyl (126) 57465-28-8 1.3 x 10
1.3 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’,5-Hexachlorobiphenyl (156) 38380-08-4 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3,3’,4,4’,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (157) 69782-90-7 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl (167) 52663-72-6 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
3,3’,4,4’5,5’- Hexachlorobiphenyl (169) 32774-16-6 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
2,3,3’4,4’,5,5’- Heptachlorobiphenyl (189) 39635-31-9 3.9 x 10
3.9 x 10
Potassium bromate 7758-01-2 4.9 x 10
1,3-Propane sultone 1120-71-4 2.4 x 10
Propylene oxide 75-56-9 1.3 x 10
2.4 x 10
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.0 x 10
Thioacetamide 62-55-5 6.1 x 10
2,4-Toluene diisocyanate 584-84-9 3.9 x 10
2,6-Toluene diisocyanate 91-08-7 3.9 x 10
1,1,2-Trichloroethane (vinyl trichloride) 79-00-5 5.7 x 10
Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 7.0 x 10
1.5 x 10
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 7.0 x 10
Urethane 51-79-6 1.0 x 10
Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 2.7 x 10
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Notes for Table 7.1
# Asbestos: [100 PCM fibers/m
A unit risk factor of 2.7 x 10
and an inhalation
cancer potency factor of 2.2 x 10
(mg/kg BW*day)
are available (see Appendix C for
explanation ).
BaP PAHs and PAH Derivatives: Many have potency equivalency factors relative to
benzo[a]pyrene (see Appendix G). For multipathway chemicals, including PAHs, the oral
slope factor is considered the same as the inhalation potency factor unless otherwise
noted in the Table.
A Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and speciated poly
chlorinated biphenyls: (see Appendix E). For convenience, OEHHA has calculated
cancer potency factors for speciated polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin, polychlorinated
dibenzofuran and polychlorinated biphenyl congeners using the procedure in Appendix E.
B Diesel Exhaust is listed as a Toxic Air Contaminant by the Air Resources Board as
“Particulate Matter from Diesel-Fueled Engines”. (See Appendix D)
Creosote: Can be calculated using Potency Equivalency Factors contained in the
benzo[a]pyrene Toxic Air Contaminant document and in Appendix G of these guidelines.
P1 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): High Risk is for use in cases where congeners with
more than four chlorines do not comprise less (are greater) than one-half percent of total
PCBs. The high risk number is the default for unspeciated PCB mixtures.
P2 The low risk number is generally not applicable to the Hot Spots program. The Hot Spots
program addresses PCBs emitted by stationary facilities. It cannot be assumed that such
emissions would occur by simple evaporation. There is a dermal absorption factor
applied in evaluation of the dermal pathway for PCBs so the medium risk would not apply
to dermal exposure (OEHHA, 2009). The water pathway does not include an assumption
that PCB isomers are water soluble, so the medium number would not apply to the water
P3 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Lowest Risk is for use in cases where congeners with
more than four chlorines comprise less than one-half percent of total PCBs. In order for
the low number to be used, scientific justification needs to be presented.
P4 Number in parentheses is the IUPAC #, the PCB nomenclature is IUPAC. For
multipathway chemicals, including PCBs, the oral slope factor is considered the same as
the inhalation potency factor unless otherwise noted in the Table.
7.3 References
OEHHA, 2009. Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part II. Technical
Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors: Methodologies for derivation, listing of
available values, and adjustments to allow for early life stage exposures. May, 2009.
Available online at:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
8 - Risk Characterization for Carcinogens and
Noncarcinogens and the Requirements for
Hot Spots Risk Assessments
8.1 Introduction
Risk characterization is the final step of the health risk assessment (HRA). In this step,
information developed through the exposure assessment is combined with information
from the dose-response assessment to characterize risks to the general public from
emissions. In the Hot Spots program, OEHHA conducts the dose-response
assessment during the development of cancer potency factors and Reference Exposure
Levels. These are used in conjunction with the exposure estimates to estimate cancer
risk and evaluate hazard from noncancer toxicity of emitted chemicals. Under the Air
Toxics Hot Spots (Hot Spots) Act, risk characterizations should present both individual
and population-wide health risks (Health and Safety Code Section (HSC) 44306).
Persons preparing HRAs for the Hot Spots Program should consult the local Air
Pollution Control or Air Quality Management District (District) to determine if the District
has special guidelines to assist with HRA format or other requirements of the Hot Spots
OEHHA is recommending that a 30-year exposure duration be used as the basis for
estimating cancer risk at the maximum exposed individual resident (MEIR) in the Hot
Spots Program. This exposure duration represents the time of residency for 90 to 95%
of Californians at a single location and should provide adequate public health protection
against individual risk. We also recommend including the 9 and 70-year cancer risk at
the MEIR as supplemental information. Note that a 70-year exposure duration is
required to estimate cancer burden or provide an estimate of population-wide risk.
This chapter provides guidance on how to evaluate the risk characterization component
of risk assessments required by the Hot Spots Program. A general summary of the risk
characterization components includes the following items and information.
The locations of the point of maximum impact (PMI), the MEIR, and the
maximum exposed individual worker (MEIW) are to be identified. The PMI,
MEIW, and MEIR for cancer risk and for noncancer hazard indices (averaging
times for acute 1-hour, repeated 8-hour, and chronic hazard indices) may not be
the same location; all should be identified.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The location of any specified sensitive receptors (e.g., schools, hospitals,
daycare, or eldercare facilities - contact the District or reviewing authority for
more information) should be identified
Estimates of population-wide cancer risk and noncancer hazard
This information must be clearly presented in cross-referenced text, tables, figures,
and maps. Chapter 9 provides an outline that specifies the content and
recommended format of HRA results. The HARP software is the recommended
model for calculating HRA results for the Hot Spots Program. Information on
obtaining the HARP software can be found under the Air Toxics Program on the
ARB’s web site at
8.1.1 Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment
The tiered approach for risk assessment that is presented in detail in the TSD (OEHHA,
2012) and summarized here should be reviewed prior to conducting the health risk
assessment. The tiered approach to risk assessment and the health impacts evaluation
described here are included in the HARP software.
The tiered approach provides a risk assessor with flexibility and allows consideration of
site-specific differences (Table 8.1). The four-tiered approach to risk assessment is
intended to primarily apply to residential cancer risk assessment, both for inhalation and
noninhalation pathways. Risk assessors can tailor the level of effort and refinement of
an HRA by using either the point estimate exposure assumptions as the basis of the
exposure and risk assessment, or both the point estimate and a stochastic treatment of
exposure factor distributions.
Table 8.1 The Tiered Approach to Risk Assessment
Tier Description When Applied
Tier 1
Utilizes OEHHA default point
estimates of exposure
All risk assessments must
include a Tier 1 assessment
Tier 2
Utilizes site-specific point
estimates for exposure
variates (justified, and
approved by OEHHA)
A Tier 2 approach may be
presented in addition to Tier 1
Tier 3
Utilizes OEHHA distributions
of exposure variates
A Tier 3 approach may be
presented in addition to Tier 1
Tier 4
Utilizes site-specific
distributions of exposure
variates (justified, and
approved by OEHHA)
A Tier 4 approach may be
presented in addition to Tier 1
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Tier 1 is a standard point estimate approach that uses the recommended exposure
variate (e.g., breathing or water ingestion rate) point estimates presented in this
document. Derivations of these values are described in detail in OEHHA (2012). The
results of the Tier 1 evaluations are required to be presented in the risk characterization
section for all HRAs prepared for the Hot Spots Program. Thus, persons preparing an
HRA using Tier 2 through Tier 4 evaluations must also include the risk characterization
results of a Tier 1 evaluation in the HRA.
As discussed in OEHHA (2012), if the risk characterization results from a Tier 1
assessment are above a regulatory level of concern, the risk assessor may want to
proceed with more site-specific analysis as described in Tier 2, or use a more resource-
intensive stochastic modeling effort described in Tier 3 and Tier 4 (for cancer risk).
While further evaluation may provide more information to the risk manager on which to
base decisions, the Tier 1 evaluation is useful in comparing risks among a large number
of facilities and must be included in all HRAs.
Tier 2 analysis allows the use of available and justifiable site-specific exposure variates
(e.g., fish consumption), when presenting the potential health impacts. The site-specific
information applied in a Tier 2 assessment must be adequately justified and approved
by OEHHA and the District. In Tier 3, a stochastic approach to exposure assessment is
taken using the distributions for the exposure pathways presented in the TSD (OEHHA,
2012) and in Chapter 5 of this Guidance Manual. The exposure distributions apply only
to a residential receptor and are used only for the determination of cancer risk. OEHHA
has not developed exposure intake distributions for workers to use in the offsite worker
exposure scenario. Tier 4 is also a stochastic approach for the residential exposure
scenario but allows for utilization of site-specific exposure variate distributions if they are
justifiable and more appropriate for the site under evaluation than those derived in
OEHHA (2012). Alternative site-specific distributions must be approved by OEHHA and
the District. For an off-site worker cancer risk evaluation, Tiers 3 and 4 do not apply.
Tier 3 and Tier 4 analyses show what a distribution of potential cancer risk may be to an
individual or population based on a distribution of exposure inputs (e.g., water ingestion
rate) rather than specific point estimates of exposure.
Table 8.2 summarizes OEHHA’s recommendations for use of the four Tiers in cancer
and noncancer risk assessment.
Table 8.2 Tiers for Residential and Offsite Worker Cancer and
Noncancer Hot Spots Risk Assessments
Tier Cancer
Non Cancer
Chronic and 8-Hour
Inhalation Noninhalation Inhalation Noninhalation
Tier-1 X X X X
Tier-2 X X
Applies to residential exposure scenario only
Applies to chronic noncancer exposure only
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
OEHHA has not developed a stochastic approach (Tier 3 or 4) for estimating noncancer
health impacts using acute, 8-hour, and chronic Reference Exposure Levels (RELs).
Tier 1 is the only option for determining noncancer health impacts from inhalation
exposure since calculating the hazard quotient involves dividing the ground level air
concentrations for the specified exposure duration by the appropriate RELs. However,
chronic noninhalation noncancer risks involve a calculation of dose from oral or dermal
pathways to which site-specific evaluations could be considered under a Tier 2
Small foot-print facilities Tier 2 or Tier 4
Some facilities subject to the Air Toxics Hot Spots Act (e.g., some in the industry-wide
categories such as gas stations or dry cleaners) have very small zones of impact. In
some of these instances, there will be very few receptors within the zone of impact. It
isn’t possible to develop special recommendations for exposure variates for all possible
exposure scenarios. Alternative breathing rates (point estimates or distributions) may
be used as part of Tier 2 or Tier 4 risk assessments with appropriate supporting
justification in the case of a very small zone of impact. OEHHA is willing to work with
risk managers at ARB and the Districts on this issue.
8.2 Risk Characterization for Carcinogens
Cancer risk is calculated by multiplying the daily inhalation or oral dose (calculated in
Chapter 5), by a cancer potency factor, the age sensitivity factor, the frequency of time
spent at home (for residents only), and the exposure duration divided by averaging time,
to yield the excess cancer risk (see section 8.2.4). As described below, the excess
cancer risk is calculated separately for each age grouping and then summed to yield
cancer risk at the receptor location. A brief description of the age sensitivity factors,
exposure duration, and frequency of time spent at home are included in Sections 8.2.1
to 8.2.3 below. These factors are discussed in detail in OEHHA (2009) and OEHHA
8.2.1 Adjustment for Early Life Stage Exposures to Carcinogens
Studies have shown that young animals are more sensitive than adult animals to
exposure to many carcinogens (OEHHA, 2009). Therefore, OEHHA developed age
sensitivity factors (ASFs) to take into account the increased sensitivity to carcinogens
during early-in-life exposure (Table 8.3). These factors were developed and described
in detail in OEHHA (2009). In the absence of chemical-specific data, OEHHA
recommends a default ASF of 10 for the third trimester to age 2 years, and an ASF of 3
for ages 2 through 15 years to account for potential increased sensitivity to carcinogens
during childhood.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 8.3 Age Sensitivity Factors by Age Group for Cancer Risk
Age Group Age Sensitivity Factor (unitless)
Trimester 10
0<2 years 10
2<9 years 3
2<16 years 3
16<30 years 1
16-70 years 1
For specific carcinogens where data indicate enhanced sensitivity during life stages
other than the immediate postnatal and juvenile periods, or for which data demonstrate
ASFs different from the default ASFs, the chemical-specific data should be used in
order to adequately protect public health.
The risk assessments generated under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Act are reviewed by
OEHHA. If a risk assessor had data indicating there are no windows of susceptibility
early in life or that a different ASF should be used for a specific carcinogen and wanted
to use these data, OEHHA would review the material as part of the review of the risk
8.2.2 Fraction of Time Spent at Home for Cancer Risk Assessment
OEHHA and ARB evaluated information from activity patterns databases to estimate the
fraction of time at home (FAH) during the day (OEHHA, 2012). This information can be
used to adjust exposure duration and cancer risk from a specific facility’s emissions,
based on the assumption that exposure to the facility’s emissions are not occurring
away from home. From the third trimester to age <2 years, 85% of time is spent at
home (Table 8.4). From age 2 through <16 years, 72% of time is spent at home. From
age 16 years and greater, 73% of time is spent at home. Facilities with any school
within the 1×10
(or greater) isopleth should use FAH = 1 for the child age groups (3
Trimester, 0<2 years, and 2<16 years). See Appendix I for an example calculation
using the FAH.
Table 8.4 Recommendations for Fraction of Time at Home (FAH)
for Evaluating Residential Cancer Risk
Age Range Fraction of Time at Residence
Trimester, and 0<2 years 0.85
2<16 years
16-70 years
Use FAH = 1 if a school is within the 1×10
(or greater) cancer risk isopleth
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Also use FAH = 0.72 for 2<9 yr age group.
Also use FAH = 0.73 for 16<30 yr age group.
The FAH is calculated based on a diary of trips taken over a 24-hour period on the
survey day. Ninety-five percent of the diary days were on weekdays. Participants can
select “vacation” as one of their trips. However, vacation time represented only a
fraction (0.68%) of the over 175,000 trips recorded in the survey. Because much of
these vacation trips were presumed to be within-day trips and were only a small fraction
of total trips, there is likely little overlap with the Exposure Frequency (EF) variate used
in the dose equations in Chapter 5.
8.2.3 Exposure Duration for Estimating Cancer Risk to Residents and Off-Site
OEHHA recommends that an exposure duration (residency time) of 30 years be used to
estimate individual cancer risk for the maximally exposed individual resident (MEIR)
(Table 8.5). OEHHA also recommends that the 30-year exposure duration be used as
the basis for public notification and risk reduction audits and plans. The Districts,
however, may opt to use the 70 year cancer risk for notification and risk reduction audits
and plans.
Note that the 30-year exposure duration starts in the third trimester to accommodate the
increased susceptibility of exposures in early life (OEHHA, 2009), and would apply to
both the point estimate and stochastic approaches.
Table 8.5 Summary of Recommendations for Exposure Duration
for Individual Cancer Risk at the MEIR and MEIW
Receptor Recommendation
Resident (MEIR) 30 years
Resident (supplemental Information) 9 years for central tendency;
70 years for maximum (lifetime)
Worker (MEIW) 25 years
Exposure durations of 9-years and 70-years are also recommended to be evaluated for
the MEIR to show the range of cancer risk based on residency periods. If a facility is
notifying the public regarding cancer risk, the 9- and 70-year cancer risk estimates are
useful for people who have resided in their current residence for periods shorter and
longer than 30 years.
The 9-, 30-, and 70-year exposures are chosen to coincide with U.S. EPA’s estimates of
the average (9 years), high-end estimates (30-years) of residence time, and a lifetime
residency (70 years). These estimates are also consistent with what is known about
residence time in California. Together, the 9-, 30-, and 70-year cancer risk calculations
provide a useful presentation of cancer risk and the relationship to duration of residency
and, thus, exposure to a facility’s emissions.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
For the maximally exposed individual worker (MEIW), OEHHA recommends using an
exposure duration of 25 years to estimate individual cancer risk for the off-site worker
scenario (Table 8.5). This duration represents approximately the 95th percentile of job
tenure with the same employer in the U.S.
8.2.4 Calculating Residential and Offsite Worker Inhalation Cancer Risk
Residential Receptors
For residential inhalation exposure, cancer risk must be separately calculated for
specified age groups (Eq. 8.2.4A, see Section 8.2.1), because of age differences in
sensitivity to carcinogens and age differences in intake rates (per kg body weight).
Separate risk estimates for these age groups provide a health-protective estimate of
cancer risk by accounting for greater susceptibility in early life, including both age-
related sensitivity and amount of exposure. The following equation illustrates the
formula for calculating residential inhalation cancer risk. See Appendix I for a detailed
example calculation.
A. Equation 8.2.4 A: RISK
inh-res = DOSEair × CPF × ASF × ED/AT × FAH
7. RISK inh-res = Residential inhalation cancer risk
8. DOSEair = Daily inhalation dose (mg/kg-day)
9. CPF = Inhalation cancer potency factor (mg/kg-day
10.ASF = Age sensitivity factor for a specified age group (unitless)
11.ED = Exposure duration (in years) for a specified age group
12.AT = Averaging time for lifetime cancer risk (years)
13.FAH = Fraction of time spent at home (unitless)
a: Recommended default values for EQ 8.2.4 A:
air = Calculated for each age group from Eq. 5.4.1
6. CPF = Substance-specific (see Table 7.1)
7. ASF = See Section 8.2.1
8. ED = 0.25 years for 3
trimester, 2 years for 0<2, 7 years for
2<9, 14 years for 2<16, 14 years for 16<30, 54 years for
9. AT = 70 years*
10.FAH = See Table 8.4
*Although AT actually sums to 70.25 years when the 3
trimester (0.25 years) is
included, OEHHA recommends rounding AT = 70 years (and rounding residential
exposure durations at 9- and 30-years rather than 9.25- and 30.25-years) to simplify
the calculation without causing a significant adjustment. Note that the dose for the
3rd trimester is based on the breathing rate of pregnant women using the
assumption that the dose to the fetus during the 3rd trimester is the same as that to
the mother.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Cancer risks calculated above for individual age groups are summed to estimate cancer
risk for 9-, 30- and 70-year exposures as shown below. Note that this example includes
the Fraction of Time Spent at Home (FAH) for each age grouping.
Calculation of Inhalation Cancer Risk from the Third Trimester to Age Nine:
inh-res = (DOSEair third trimester × CPF × 10 × 0.25/70 years × FAH
3rd tri <2
+ (DOSEair age 0<2 × CPF × 10 × 2/70 × FAH
3rd tri <2
) + (DOSEair age 2<9 ×
CPF × 3 × 7/70 years × FAH
Calculation of Inhalation Cancer Risk from Third Trimester to Age 30:
RISK inh-res = (DOSEair third trimester × CPF × 10 × 0.25/70 years × FAH
3rd tri <2
+ (DOSEair age 0<2 × CPF × 10 × 2/70 × FAH
3rd tri <2
) + (DOSEair age 2<16 ×
CPF × 3 × 14/70 × FAH
) + (DOSEair age 16<30 × CPF × 1 × 14/70 years ×
Calculation of Inhalation Cancer Risk from Third Trimester to Age 70:
RISK inh-res = (DOSEair third trimester × CPF × 10 ×0.25/70 years× FAH
3rd tri <2
+ (DOSEair age 0<2 × CPF × 10 × 2/70 × FAH
3rd tri <2
) + (DOSEair age 2<16 ×
CPF × 3 × 14/70 × FAH
) + (DOSEair age 16<70 × CPF × 1 × 54/70 years ×
Expressing cancer risk in “chances per million” is useful as a risk communication tool for
the public, but cancer risk can also be expressed in other ways, such as “chances per
5 7
100,000” (cancer risk × 10 ) or “chances per 10 million” (cancer risk × 10 ). To convert
the resulting cancer risk estimate to chances of developing cancer per million
individuals exposed, multiply the cancer risk by 10 :
Cancer risk × 10 = chances per million
For exposure to multiple carcinogenic substances, Table 8.7 and Table I.5 in Appendix I
are examples of how cancer risks of individual substances are summed to determine
the total cancer risk.
Worker Receptors
For assessment of off-site worker cancer risk at the MEIW, the default assumes working
age begins at 16 years. Note that the residential FAH factor in Eq. 8.2.4.A above does
not apply for workers. The daily inhalation dose (DOSE
air) (as calculated in Chapter 5,
EQ is based on the adjusted 8-hour concentration at the MEIW (for non-
continuous sources) and amount of time the offsite worker’s schedule overlaps with the
facility’s emission schedule. The duration of exposure at the MEIW receptor is 25
years, as discussed in the TSD (OEHHA, 2012).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
B. Equation 8.2.4 B: RISKinh-work = DOSEair × CPF × ASF × ED/AT
inh-work = Worker inhalation cancer risk
a: Recommended default values for EQ 8.2.4 B:
1. DOSEair = Calculated for workers in Eq.
2. CPF = Substance specific (see Table 7.1)
3. ASF = 1 for working age 16-70 yrs (See Section 8.2.1)
4. ED = 25 years
5. AT = 70 yrs for lifetime cancer risk
Work Locations with Daycare Facilities:
An additional risk management consideration for offsite worker cancer risk assessment
of a Hot Spots facility is whether there are women of child bearing age at the MEIW
location and whether the MEIW has a daycare center. In the case of women of child-
bearing age at the MEIW, the Districts may wish to treat the off-site MEIW in the same
way as the residential scenario to account for the higher susceptibility during the third
trimester of pregnancy (i.e., use of an ASF=10 for third trimester exposure). If there is
onsite daycare at the MEIW, then the risks to the children will be underestimated using
the offsite adult worker scenario. In this case, the Districts may wish to include a cancer
risk assessment for the children in the onsite daycare, assuming they could be there
from 0 to age 6 years (ED = 6 years) and using the appropriate exposure factors to
calculate DOSE
air, fraction of time at worksite (e.g., hrs at daycare per 24 hrs), and
ASFs in EQ 8.2.4 B to account for the higher susceptibility of infants and children to
Children at a MEIW daycare may also be assessed for noninhalation exposures.
Typically, soil ingestion and dermal exposure will be the most common noninhalation
pathways. However, all pathways that are present at the daycare should be included.
See section 8.2.6 for more discussion of multipathway risk assessment methods.
8.2.5 Calculation of Noninhalation Cancer Risk
A small subset of Hot Spots substances is subject to deposition onto the soil, plants,
and water bodies (see Table 5.1). These substances need to be evaluated by the
appropriate noninhalation pathways, as well as by the inhalation pathway, and the risk
characterization results must be presented in all HRAs. These substances include
semi-volatile organic chemicals and heavy metals.
For all multipathway substances, the exposure pathways that must be evaluated at
every residential and worker site (in addition to inhalation) are soil ingestion and dermal
exposure. If PAHs (and creosotes), lead, dioxins, furans, or PCBs are emitted, then the
breast-milk consumption pathway becomes mandatory for residential receptors.
OEHHA has developed transfer coefficients for these chemicals from the mother to
breast milk (see OEHHA, 2012 for details). The other exposure pathways (e.g.,
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
ingestion of homegrown produce or fish) are only evaluated for residential receptors if
the facility impacts that exposure medium and the receptor under evaluation can be
exposed to that medium or pathway. For example, if the facility does not impact a
fishable body of water within the isopleth of the facility, or the impacted water body does
not sustain fish that are consumed by fishers, then the fish pathway will not be
considered for that facility or receptor.
Table 8.6 identifies the residential receptor exposure pathways that are mandatory and
those that are dependent on the available routes of exposure. Table 8.6 also identifies
the three exposure pathways that are relevant for a worker receptor. The cancer risk
estimates should be presented in the risk characterization section of the risk
assessment for all the appropriate pathways.
Table 8.6 Mandatory and Site/Route Dependent
Exposure Pathways
Mandatory Exposure Pathways
Site/Route Dependent Exposure
Soil Ingestion
Dermal Exposure to Contaminated
Breast Milk Consumption
Homegrown Produce Ingestion
Angler-Caught Fish Ingestion
Drinking Water Ingestion
Home-Raised Animal Product Ingestion
(Dairy (Cow’s) Milk, Meat (Beef, Pork,
Chicken) and Egg).
(w) Identifies the appropriate exposure pathways that should be evaluated for a worker. These
pathways are inhalation, dermal exposure, and the soil ingestion pathway.
(*) If PAHs (including creosotes), lead, dioxins, furans, or PCBs are emitted, then the breast-milk
consumption pathway becomes mandatory.
The noninhalation residential cancer risk is calculated using the same steps as
inhalation cancer risk described in Section 8.2.4. A dose (see Chapters 4 and 5) from
the pathway under evaluation (e.g., soil ingestion) is multiplied by the substance-
specific oral slope factor, expressed in units of inverse dose (i.e., (mg/kg/day)
(Table 7.1), the appropriate age sensitivity factor (ASF), and exposure duration divided
by averaging time to yield the cancer risk for a specified age grouping. Cancer risk for
each age group is summed as appropriate for the exposure duration. The FAH factor is
relevant only to the inhalation pathway and is not appropriate to use in the noninhalation
Equation 8.2.5 illustrates the formula for calculating noninhalation cancer risk. Details
(data, algorithms, and guidance) for each exposure pathway are presented in Chapter 5
and in OEHHA (2012).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation 8.2.5: RISKnoninh = DOSEnoninh × CPForal × ASF × ED/AT
noninh = Noninhalation pathway cancer risk
2. DOSEnoninh = Daily dose (mg/kg-day) for a specified non-inhalation
pathway for each age group
3. CPForal = Oral cancer potency (slope) factor (mg/kg-day
4. ASF = Age sensitivity factor for a specified age group (unitless)
5. ED = Exposure duration (in years) for a specified age group
6. AT = Averaging time for lifetime cancer risk
a: Recommended default values for EQ 8.2.5:
1. DOSEnoninh = Calculated in Chapter 5 dose algorithms for each age
group and for each noninhalation route in Table 8.6 the
receptor is exposed to
2. CPF
oral = Substance-specific (see Table 7.1)
3. ASF = See Section 8.2.1
4. ED = Residents: 0.25 years for 3
trimester, 2 years for 0<2,
7 years for 2<9, 14 years for 2<16, 14 years for 16<30,
54 years for 16-70
= Offsite worker: 25 yrs
5. AT = 70 years
Estimating cancer risk for 9-, 30- and 70-years by summing the individual age-group
cancer risks is the same as that shown for the inhalation route in Section 8.2.4. The
exception is that the FAH variate is only appropriate for the residential inhalation
pathway and is not a factor for oral and dermal exposure pathways.
Calculation of Noninhalation Cancer Risk from Third Trimester to Age 30:
noninh-res = (DOSEnoninh third trimester × CPF × 10 × 0.25/70 years) +
(DOSEnoninh age 0<2 × CPF × 10 × 2/70) + (DOSEnoninh age 2<16 × CPF × 3 × 14/70)
+ (DOSEnoninh age 16<30 × CPF × 1 × 14/70 years)
To convert this estimated probability of risk to chances per million of developing cancer,
multiply the estimated cancer risk for each noninhalation exposure route by 10 . This
result is useful communication tool to compare risks for each pathway of exposure.
Cancer risk x 10 = cancer risk expressed as chances per million
For assessment of the offsite worker the typical noninhalation pathways that apply for
worker cancer risk are the dermal exposure pathway and the soil ingestion pathway.
Children at a MEIW daycare may also be assessed for noninhalation exposures.
Typically, soil ingestion and dermal exposure will be the most common noninhalation
pathways. However, all pathways that are present at the daycare should be included.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Multipathway Cancer Risk Methodology
Under a Tier 1 assessment, it is necessary to calculate the total cancer risk from both
inhalation and noninhalation exposures if multipathway substances are emitted from the
facility. The calculation of cancer risk that includes exposure to a multipathway
substance or substances has three steps:
1) Calculate cancer risk for the inhalation pathway (EQ 8.2.4 A for residents,
EQ 8.2.4 B for off-site workers) for all substances, and the noninhalation
pathways that apply (EQ 8.2.5) for all multipathway substances, using high-end
point estimates of intake rates.
2) For each multipathway substance, identify the two exposure pathways with the
highest risk. These are the dominant pathways that are to be assessed using
high-end point estimates of intake rates for the total cancer risk. For all other
pathways, the average point estimate of intake rates may be used to calculate
the pathway cancer risk (See OEHHA (2012) for more information).
3) To calculate total cancer risk, all inhalation and noninhalation pathways are
summed together for all substances.
The final cancer risk calculation using a combination of high-end and average exposure
parameters is referred to as the derived risk in the HARP software. This is described in
Chapter 1, Section 1.4.1 of OEHHA (2012). The inhalation route is almost always one of
the two dominant pathways in a multipathway cancer risk assessment. Therefore, in
most cases only one noninhalation pathway would be calculated using a high-end dose
point estimate. For all other pathways, the average point estimate may be used to
calculate the pathway cancer risk.
For example, if dermal exposure and soil ingestion risks are calculated, then the cancer
risks from these pathways would be summed along with the inhalation cancer risks to
give the total cancer risk for the single multipathway substance:
Cancer Risk (inhalation) + Cancer Risk (dermal) + Cancer Risk (soil) = Total Risk
The mother’s milk pathway also becomes a mandatory pathway to assess risk in
nursing infants if the mother is exposed to specific substances (see Table 5.1).
Many facilities will emit multiple carcinogenic substances. If multiple substances are
emitted, the substance-specific cancer risks for all exposure pathways are summed to
give the (total) multipathway cancer risk at the receptor location. The HARP software
will display not only the multipathway risk for each carcinogenic substance, but also
show a breakdown of the cancer risk from each exposure pathway. Table 8.7 shows
the results of a multipathway risk assessment for a hypothetical facility. While not
presented in the following table, it is critical to identify the driving exposure pathways
and the driving substances in a multipathway cancer risk assessment when
summarizing and presenting the HRA results. See Chapter 9 for more information.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 8.7 Multipathway Assessment of a Hypothetical Facility 30-
Year Cancer Risk
Cancer Risk
Cancer risk
(chances per million)
Arsenic 1.1 × 10
3 × 10
11 (i)
0.3 (ni)
Benzene 2.92 × 10
(i) 292 (i)
2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) 1.06 × 10
5.7 × 10
106 (i)
57 (ni)
1,3-Butadiene 6.0 × 10
(i) 6 (i)
Total Facility Cancer Risk 4.723 x 10
As calculated in EQ 8.2.4 A or EQ 8.2.5
Calculated as: cancer risk × 10
= chances per million
i = inhalation pathway contribution
ni = noninhalation pathway contribution
Cancer risk in Table 8.7 for the multipathway substances, arsenic and 2,3,7,8-TCDD, is
arranged by the inhalation pathway risk and the sum of all noninhalation pathway risks.
The total facility multipathway cancer risk is the sum of all inhalation and noninhalation
Cancer risks from different substances are treated additively in risk assessment
generally, and in the Hot Spots Program in part because many carcinogens act through
the common mechanism of DNA damage. The additive assumption is reasonable from
a public health point of view. Other possible interactions of multiple carcinogens include
synergism (effects are greater than additive) or antagonism (effects are less than
additive). The type of interaction is both chemical and dose dependent and in most
cases the data are not available to adequately characterize these interactions.
8.2.7 Multipathway Cancer Risk for Infant Exposure to Mother’s Milk
The mother’ milk pathway becomes mandatory if the nursing mother is exposed to one
or more of the following multipathway substances: dioxins and furans, PCBs, PAHs
including creosotes, and lead. The default assumption inherent in the intake rate is that
the infant’s only source of food is breast for the first year (e.g., is fully breastfed, see
OEHHA, 2012, for details), which is one-half of the 0<2 year age group used in the Hot
Spots program. Thus, the cancer risk by the mother’s milk pathway will need to be
calculated with a modified cancer risk equation using a different exposure duration:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
A. Equation 8.2.7: RISKmm = Dose-Im × CPForal × ASF × ED/AT
mm = Infant cancer risk via mother’s milk pathway
2. Dose-Im = Daily dose (mg/kg-day) to infant from mother’s milk
3. CPForal = Oral cancer slope factor (mg/kg-day
4. ASF = Age sensitivity factor for infant (unitless)
5. ED = Exposure duration (in years) for infant
6. AT = Averaging time for lifetime cancer risk
a: Recommended default values for EQ 8.2.7:
6. Dose-Im = Calculated from EQ, dose to infant via mother’s
7. CPForal = Substance-specific (see Table 7.1)
8. ASF = 10 (See Section 8.2.1)
9. ED = 1 yr (1
yr of 0<2 yr age group)
10.AT = 70 years
Once the cancer risk is determined for the mother’s milk pathway for each applicable
substance, the pathway risk is summed with other pathway risks.
For Tier 1, the derived approach for cancer risk assessment should be used if the
mother’s milk pathway applies. As outlined in Section 8.2.6, the two dominant pathways
will be calculated using high-end point estimates of intake rates; all additional pathways
may be calculated using average point estimates of intake rates. There will be four
mandatory pathways to assess (inhalation, mother’s milk, soil ingestion and dermal
exposure) for cancer risk when exposure to dioxins/furans, PCBs, PAHs including
creosotes, and/or lead occurs. Therefore, if the infant is exposed to no other additional
site-specific noninhalation pathway(s), only the two dominant pathways among the four
will be assessed for cancer risk using high-end point estimates of intake rates; and the
others would be assessed using the average point estimate of intake rate.
In short, multipathway cancer risk for a substance is estimated by summing the potential
inhalation and noninhalation cancer risks for the receptor location of interest. See the
discussion of Tier 1 in Section 8.2.6 or the TSD for more information on the method
used to determine the multipathway cancer risk.
8.2.8 Cancer Risk Characterization for Stochastic Risk Assessment
Risk characterization for a stochastic risk assessment is similar to that described for the
point-estimate approach. However, the stochastic risk assessment produces a
distribution of risk that accounts for some of the natural variability in exposure-related
factors, such as breathing rates or water intake. The cancer risk distribution for
inhalation cancer risk, for example, is generated by multiplying randomly selected
values from the breathing rate distribution by the ground level air concentration, and the
cancer potency factor. A variation of the Monte Carlo method called Latin hypercube
sampling is the method by which the values from the breathing rate distribution are
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
selected. If noninhalation pathways need to be evaluated, the same process is followed
for each pathway and the risk is summed to give an overall inhalation and noninhalation
cancer risk distribution. Further, the specification of Age Sensitivity Factors and the
need to separately calculate risks require that a Monte Carlo sampling be conducted for
each age group and the cancer risk distributions are then summed across age groups.
The HARP software will perform an HRA using a Monte Carlo analysis with either
OEHHA-provided or user-provided data distributions and will include the statistics for
the distributions. In risk assessments that have chosen to use the distribution of
exposure variates, the cancer risk distribution for a 30-year residential exposure
duration (MEIR) should be presented in the risk characterization section We also
recommend including the 9 and 70-year cancer risk at the MEIR as supplemental
information. Note that a 70-year exposure duration is required to estimate cancer
burden or provide an estimate of population-wide risk. A stochastic approach has not
been developed for acute, 8-hour, and chronic noncancer health impacts or worker
(MEIW) exposures.
8.2.9 Use of Individual Cancer Risk and Population-wide Cancer Risk
Cancer risk for an individual receptor and a representation of population-wide cancer
risk are both important components of a risk assessment. The individual receptor
approach reflects the exposures that may occur to an individual receptor over a period
of time at a specific location. The individual cancer risk approach has some inherent
limitations in terms of illustrating and potentially protecting population-based public
health. For example, a facility with a small emissions footprint may impact a few
individuals with a high individual potential cancer risk; whereas, a facility with a larger
emission footprint may have a lower potential cancer risk for an individual receptor but
expose many more people to those levels. Since this larger emitting facility can impact
many more people, the population-wide health impacts are magnified due to the larger
number of people exposed to the facility’s emissions. This potential for higher
population impacts is not captured by the individual receptor risk methodology.
Therefore, the individual and population-wide heath impacts should be presented for all
facilities to provide a more complete illustration of the facility’s health impacts. Population Risk
For facilities with large emission footprints (e.g., refineries, ports, or rail yards, etc.),
population-based health impacts are critical to provide a better illustration of the
potential impacts of emissions since large numbers of people may be exposed to the
emissions. The individual cancer risk approach has some inherent limitations in terms
of protecting public health. A small facility with a single stack can impact a few
individuals with an individual cancer risk that is unacceptable, whereas a large facility
may have an individual cancer risk that is below the acceptable limit for individual risk
but exposes many more people. Thus, the population-wide impacts are larger for the
large facility. Population-wide risk is independent of individual risk, and assumes that a
population (not necessarily the same individuals) will live in the impacted zone over a
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
70-year period. Thus, a 70-year exposure duration is required for estimates of
population-wide risks.
To evaluate population risk, one method that regulatory agencies have used is the
cancer burden method to account for the number of excess cancer cases that could
occur in a population.
Cancer Burden
The cancer burden can be calculated by multiplying the cancer risk at a census block
centroid by the number of people who live in the census block, and adding up the
estimated number of potential cancer cases across the zone of impact. The result of
this calculation is a single number that is intended to estimate of the number of potential
cancer cases within the population that was exposed to the emissions for a lifetime (70
The cancer burden is calculated on the basis of lifetime (70-year) risks (whereas
individual cancer risk at the MEIR is based on 30-year residential exposure). Cancer
burden is independent of how many people move in or out of the vicinity of an individual
facility. For example, if 10,000 people are exposed to a carcinogen at a concentration
with a 1×10
cancer risk for a lifetime the cancer burden is 0.1, and if 100,000 people
are exposed to a 1 × 10
risk the cancer burden is 1.
Estimate of Population Wide Risk
An estimate of the number of people exposed at various cancer risk levels can provide
perspective on the magnitude of the potential public health threat posed by a facility.
This approach is intended as a replacement for or addition to the cancer burden
calculation used by some Districts in the past. The new approach provides a much
easier way for the general public to interpret results when compared to cancer burden
estimates. A facility in a sparsely populated area can have a public health impact
different from the same facility in a highly populated area; however, under the cancer
burden method, those differences may not be seen. Some suggested approaches and
methods for performance of a screening or refined population exposure analyses are
provided in Section 4.6.
The District or reviewing authority should be consulted before beginning the population
exposure estimates and, as results are generated, further consultation may be
necessary. Note that a 70-year exposure duration is required to estimate cancer
burden or provide an estimate of population-wide risk.
The zone of impact for estimating the number of persons exposed to a cancer risk from
facility emissions should be set at a minimum of a 10
cancer risk level (see Section
4.6.1). Some Districts may prefer to use a cancer risk of 10
to define the carcinogenic
zone of impact. The total number of persons exposed to a series of potential risk levels
can be presented to aid risk managers in understanding the magnitude of the potential
public health impacts.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The HARP software can provide population-level risk estimates as cancer burden or as
the number of persons exposed to a selected (user-identified) cancer risk level at block
level centroids. Population Estimates for Noncancer Health Impacts
A noncancer chronic, 8-hour, and acute population estimate of the number of people
exposed to acute, 8-hour, and chronic HQs or HIs exceeding 0.5 or 1.0, in increments of
1.0, should also be presented. For example, a facility with a maximum chronic HI of 4.0
would present the number of people exposed to a chronic HI of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and
4.0. The isopleths used in this determination should be drawn using the smallest
feasible grid size. The same methods that are described in Chapter 4 and Section 8.2.9
(for the population exposure estimate for cancer risk) should be used in the chronic,
8-hour and acute population estimates. Population estimates for acute, 8-hour, and
chronic health impacts should be presented separately. Factors That Can Impact Population Risk Cumulative Impacts
Although the Hot Spots program is designed to address the impacts of single facilities
and not aggregate or cumulative impacts, there are a number of known factors that
influence the susceptibility of the exposed population and thus may influence population
risk. Socioeconomic status influences access to health care, nutrition, and outcome
after cancer diagnosis. Community unemployment can affect exposure and residency
time near a facility. Factors that affect the vulnerability of the population are discussed
in the report Cumulative Impacts: Building a Scientific Foundation (OEHHA, 2010).
Information on many of these factors is relatively easy to obtain at the census tract
level. The OEHHA recommends that these types of factors be considered by the risk
manager, along with the quantitative measures of population risk. OEHHA is in the
process of developing guidance on quantification of the impact of these factors.
8.2.10 Cancer Risk Evaluation of Short Term Projects
The local air pollution control districts sometimes use the risk assessment guidelines for
the Hot Spots program in permitting decisions for short-term projects such as
construction or waste site remediation. Frequently, the issue of how to address cancer
risks from short-term projects arises.
Cancer potency factors are based on animal lifetime studies or worker studies where
there is long-term exposure to the carcinogenic agent. There is considerable
uncertainty in trying to evaluate the cancer risk from projects that will only last a small
fraction of a lifetime. There are some studies indicating that dose rate changes the
potency of a given dose of a carcinogenic chemical. In others words, a dose delivered
over a short time period may have a different potency than the same dose delivered
over a lifetime.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
The OEHHA’s evaluation of the impact of early-in-life exposure has reduced some of
the uncertainty in evaluating the cancer risk to the general population for shorter-term
exposures, as it helps account for susceptibility to carcinogens by age at exposure
(OEHHA, 2009).
Due to the uncertainty in assessing cancer risk from very short-term exposures, we do
not recommend assessing cancer risk for projects lasting less than two months at the
MEIR. We recommend that exposure from projects longer than 2 months but less than
6 months be assumed to last 6 months (e.g., a 2-month project would be evaluated as if
it lasted 6 months). Exposure from projects lasting more than 6 months should be
evaluated for the duration of the project. In all cases, for assessing risk to residential
receptors, the exposure should be assumed to start in the third trimester to allow for the
use of the ASFs (OEHHA, 2009). Thus, for example, if the District is evaluating a
proposed 5-year mitigation project at a hazardous waste site, the cancer risks for the
residents would be calculated based on exposures starting in the third trimester through
the first five years of life.
For the MEIW, we recommend using the same minimum exposure requirements used
for the residential receptor (i.e., no evaluation for projects less than 2 months; projects
longer than 2 months but less than 6 months are assumed to last 6 months; projects
longer than 6 months would be evaluated for the duration of the project). Although the
off-site worker scenario assumes that the workers are 16 years of age or older with an
Age-Sensitivity Factor of 1, another risk management consideration for short-term
project cancer assessment is whether there are women of child bearing age at the
worksite and whether the MEIW receptor has a daycare center. In this case, the
Districts may wish to treat the off-site MEIW in the same way as the residential scenario
to account for the higher susceptibility during the third trimester of pregnancy, and for
higher susceptibility of infants and children.
Finally, the risk manager may want to consider a lower cancer risk threshold for risk
management for very short-term projects. Typical District guidelines for evaluating risk
management of Hot Spots facilities range around a cancer risk of 1 per 100,000
exposed persons as a trigger for risk management. Permitting thresholds also vary for
each District. There is valid scientific concern that the rate of exposure may influence
the risk in other words, a higher exposure to a carcinogen over a short period of time
may be a greater risk than the same total exposure spread over a much longer time
period. In addition, it is inappropriate from a public health perspective to allow a lifetime
acceptable risk to accrue in a short period of time (e.g., a very high exposure to a
carcinogen over a short period of time resulting in a 1 ×10
cancer risk). Thus,
consideration should be given for very short term projects to using a lower cancer risk
trigger for permitting decisions.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Noncancer Acute, 8-Hour, and Chronic Inhalation Health Impacts the
Hazard Index Approach
All substances in the Hot Spots Program that have noncancer health impacts at a
receptor must be evaluated through the inhalation pathway. Estimates of noncancer
inhalation health impacts are determined by dividing an airborne concentration at the
receptor by the appropriate Reference Exposure Level (REL). This is termed the
Hazard Index Approach. A REL is used as an indicator of potential noncancer health
impacts and is defined as the concentration at which no adverse noncancer health
effects are anticipated. When a health impact calculation is performed for a single
substance, then it is called the hazard quotient (HQ). Each REL for a substance will
have one or more target organ systems (e.g., respiratory system, nervous system, etc.)
where the substance can have a noncancer health impact. Thus, all HQs have
specified target organ systems associated with them. The sum of the Hazard Quotients
of all chemicals emitted that impact the same target organ is termed the Hazard Index.
Inhalation RELs for noncancer health impacts have been developed for acute, 8-hour,
and chronic exposures to a number of Hot Spots substances. Acute RELs are designed
to protect against the maximum 1-hour ground level concentration at the receptor.
Eight-hour RELs are designed to protect people with daily 8-hour schedules, such as
offsite workers, in an impacted zone. The 8-hour RELs should be used for typical daily
work shifts of 8-9 hours. For further questions, assessors should contact OEHHA, the
District, or reviewing authority to determine if the 8-hour RELs should be used in your
HRA. Any discussions or directions to exclude the 8-hour REL evaluation should be
documented in the HRA. Chronic RELs protect against long-term exposure to the
annual average air concentration spread over 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
OEHHA has added 8-hour RELs to the set of noncancer RELs that were previously
comprised of acute and chronic RELs (OEHHA, 2008). Specifically, 8-hour RELs are
air concentrations at or below which health impacts would not be expected even for
sensitive subpopulations in the general population with repeated daily 8-hour exposures
over a significant fraction of a lifetime. The 8-hour RELs can be used to evaluate the
potential for health impacts (including effects of repeated exposures) in offsite workers,
and to children and teachers exposed during school hours. Although not required in the
HRA, they could also be applied by the Districts to a residential scenario where a facility
operates only a portion of the day and exposure to residences is not adequately
reflected by averaging concentrations over a 24 hour day. The number of chemicals
with 8-hour RELs will increase as OEHHA re-evaluates RELs for chemicals under
SB-25 to ensure that they are protective of children’s health.
Acute, 8-hour, and chronic RELs are needed because the dose metrics and even the
health impact endpoints may be different with the different exposure durations of acute,
daily 8-hour, and chronic exposures. Also, although chronic REL values are lower or
set the same as 8-hour RELs, there are some cases such as special meteorological
situations (e.g., significant diurnal-nocturnal meteorological differences) or intermittent
exposures where the 8-hour REL may be more protective than the chronic REL.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Chapter 4 describes air dispersion modeling and both Chapter 6 and Appendix L list the
needed dose-response information to evaluate non-cancer hazards. Appendix I
presents sample calculations for determining acute HQs and HIs, 8-hour HQs and HIs,
and chronic multipathway HQs and HIs. Chapter 9 provides an outline of information
required for risk characterization. The HARP software will calculate the HQ and HI for
Hot Spots risk assessments.
8.3.1 Calculation of Noncancer Inhalation Hazard Quotient and Hazard Index
To calculate the acute HQ, the maximum 1-hour ground level concentration (in g/m
of a substance at a receptor is divided by the acute 1-hour REL (in g/m
) for the
1-Hour Max Concentration g/m
Acute Hazard Quotient =
Acute REL g/m
To calculate the chronic HQ, the annual average ground level concentration of a
substance is divided by the chronic REL for the substance:
Annual Average Concentration g/m
Chronic Hazard Quotient =
Chronic REL g/m
To calculate the 8-hour HQ, the adjusted annual average ground level concentration of
a substance (represented as “Adjusted C
” in EQ A) is divided by the 8-hour
REL for the substance:
Adjusted Annual Average Concentration g/m
8-hour Hazard Quotient =
8-hour REL g/m
The daily 8-hour average ground level concentrations used for calculating the 8-hour
HQs are derived as described in Chapter 4.
An HQ of 1.0 or less indicates that adverse health effects are not expected to result
from exposure to emissions of that substance. As the HQ increases above one, the
probability of human health effects increases by an undefined amount. However, it
should be noted that a HQ above one is not necessarily indicative of health impacts due
to the application of uncertainty factors in deriving the RELs.
If a receptor is exposed to multiple substances that target the same organ system, then
the HQs for the individual substances are summed to obtain a Hazard Index (HI) for that
target organ.
Table 8.8 is an example of an HRA spreadsheet showing acute inhalation HQs
arranged by target organ system for several substances. The bottom row shows the
summed HQs by target organ system to derive the HIs.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 8.8 Individual Hazard Quotients and Total Hazard Index for
Acute Inhalation Exposure
Ammonia 0.6 0.6
Arsenic 0.2 0.2 0.2
Benzene 0.02
Chlorine 0.7 0.7
Total Hazard
0.22 0.2 0.2 1.3 1.3
A more detailed example of calculating HQs and HIs and of determining noncancer
health impacts is shown in Appendix I.
Hazard quotients or HIs for different target organs are not summed together (e.g., do
not add the impacts for the eye to the cardiovascular system). Chapter 6 and
Appendix L have lists of the organ systems affected by each substance. Unlike the
cancer risk algorithms, no exposure duration adjustment (e.g., 9 yrs / 70 yrs) should be
made for noncancer assessments.
There are limitations to this method of assessing cumulative noncancer health impacts.
The impact on organ systems may not be additive if health effects occur by different
mechanisms. However, the impact on organ systems could also be synergistic. An
analysis by a trained health professional familiar with the substance’s toxicological
literature is usually needed to determine the public health significance of an HQ or HI
above one. It is recommended that the Air District contact OEHHA if this situation
presents itself. For assessing the noncancer health impacts of lead, different
procedures are used; please see Appendix F.
8.3.2 Calculating Noninhalation (oral) Noncancer Hazard Quotient and Hazard
Similar to the situation with multipathway carcinogenic substances, multipathway
substances that present a noncancer hazard are assessed by noninhalation routes of
exposure (see Table 8.6). Noninhalation routes of exposure are assessed only for
chronic exposure. There are no oral acute RELs since it is generally anticipated that
health effects from a single exposure via the oral route at typical environmental levels
resulting from deposition of facility emissions would be insignificant relative to the
inhalation route. The multipathway substances with noninhalation RELs, called chronic
oral RELs, are shown in Table 6.4. Similar to inhalation exposure, the hazard quotient
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
for a noninhalation pathway is obtained by dividing the dose in milligrams per kilogram-
day (mg/kg-day) by the oral REL also expressed in units of mg/kg-day:
Chronic Non-inhalation HQ = Chronic Noninhalation Dose (mg/kg-day)
Chronic Oral REL (mg/kg-day)
The calculated chronic oral HQs are combined with the chronic inhalation HQs for
determining the chronic HIs for each affected target organ (see Section 8.3.4). The
point estimates and algorithms for calculating the oral dose for all applicable exposure
pathways and receptors (e.g., workers or residents) are explained in Chapter 5.
The chronic oral dose calculated in mg/kg-day is based on a time-weighted average 70-
year residential exposure combining the 0<2, 2<16 and 16-70 year age groups. Unlike
the assessment of cancer risk, no exposure duration adjustment should be made when
estimating HQs. In other words, the variates ED and AT in the cancer risk EQ 8.2.5 in
Section 8.2.5 are not used for estimating the noncancer HQs. See Appendix I for an
example calculation.
8.3.3 Multipathway Noncancer Risk Methodology
To determine multipathway chronic noncancer health impacts, it is necessary to
calculate the total hazard index from both inhalation and noninhalation exposures. The
calculation of HIs has several steps:
1) First, the inhalation HQ is calculated for each substance emitted (Section 8.3.1).
2) Second, if the substance has an oral REL, then the non-inhalation HQ is
calculated as shown above using high-end point-estimates for intake rates for
each noninhalation pathway that applies.
3) Third, if there are more than two noninhalation pathways to consider for a
multipathway substance, then the oral HQ is calculated using high-end point
estimates in the dose equation for the two dominant pathways. For any
additional noninhalation pathways, the HQs are calculated using average point
estimates in the dose equation. This step applies only to residential receptors.
4) Fourth, all noninhalation pathway HQs for a multipathway substance are then
summed together by target organ to obtain the total noninhalation HQ for a
multipathway substance.
5) The final step is to sum the inhalation and noninhalation HQs together by target
organ to determine the HIs. This step is displayed in Table 8.9. If there is only
one substance, then the multipathway HQ is the same as the HI.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Table 8.9 Substance-Specific Chronic Inhalation and Noninhalation
Hazard Quotients and the Hazard Index by Target Organ System
0.08 0.08 0.08
0.4(i) 0.4(i) 0.1(ni)
1.50 0.78 0.40 0.3 0.52 0.30 0.22 0.14 0.14
i = inhalation pathway contribution
ni = noninhalation pathway contribution
Table 8.9 shows the calculated chronic HIs by combining the chronic inhalation HQs
and chronic oral HQs. The HQs or HIs for different target organs are not added
together (e.g., do not add the impacts for the respiratory system to the nervous system).
The noninhalation pathways for TCDD and arsenic in Table 8.9 have all the
noninhalation pathways that apply incorporated into their HQ values. For example, the
noninhalation value for arsenic (HQs = 0.1) includes at least the soil ingestion and
dermal soil pathways in the HQs because these are the mandatory noninhalation
pathways to take into account with exposure to a multipathway substance. For TCDD,
the mother’s milk pathway is an additional mandatory noninhalation pathway to take into
account (See Table 5.1). If there are exposures to any of the site-specific pathways,
then these would be included too. A more detailed example calculation of HIs is shown
in Appendix I.
When exposure to more than two noninhalation pathways occur, using the high-end
point estimates of intake rates for only the two dominant noninhalation pathways will
lessen the issue of compounding high-end exposure estimates, while retaining a
health-protective approach for the more important exposure pathways. It is unlikely that
an individual receptor would be on the high-end of exposure for all the non-inhalation
intake parameters (exposure pathways).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Summary - Acute, 8-Hour and Chronic Hazard Index Calculation at the
Eight-hour RELs were developed principally for exposure of individuals during 8-hour
work schedules. The 8-hour RELs should be used for typical daily work shifts of 8-9
hours. For further questions, assessors should contact OEHHA, the District, or
reviewing authority to determine if the 8-hour RELs should be used in your HRA. Any
discussions or directions to exclude the 8-hour REL evaluation should be documented
in the HRA. There are currently only a limited number of substances with an 8-hour
inhalation REL. Over time as the science supporting REL values for individual
substances is reviewed and the RELs are revised by OEHHA, more 8-hour RELs will be
Therefore, for the MEIR, we recommend:
Estimating the acute Hazard Index based on the maximum 1-hour air
concentration and 1-hour RELs
Estimating the chronic Hazard Index based on the annual average air
concentration and the chronic RELs, and the oral RELs for multipathway
An 8-hour hazard index based on the daily average 8-hour exposure is not required for
the MEIR, but can be performed at the discretion of the District for exposure to non-
continuously operating facilities using the adjusted annual average air concentration
(See EQ A and B or method in App. M). Eight-hour hazard assessments are not
recommended for exposure to continuously operating facilities.
For the MEIW, we recommend:
Estimating the acute Hazard Index based on the maximum 1-hour air
concentration and 1-hour RELs
Estimating the 8-hour Hazard Index based on daily average 8-hour exposure for
those chemicals with 8-hour RELs
Estimating the chronic Hazard Index based on the annual average air
concentration and chronic RELs, and oral RELs for multipathway substances
Until there are 8-hour RELs for many of the Hot Spots substances that have a chronic
REL value, we recommend determining the chronic HI for the MEIW to adequately
protect the offsite worker.
8.3.5 Evaluation of Background Criteria Pollutants
The District should be contacted to determine if the contribution of background criteria
pollutants to respiratory health effects is required to be included in an HRA for the Hot
Spots Program. If inclusion is required, the methods for calculating the health impact
from acute and chronic exposure (respiratory endpoint) is the standard HI approach
(see Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.4). There are currently no 8-hour RELs for criteria
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
pollutants, so 8-hour health impacts from criteria pollutants are not assessed in HRAs.
The background criteria pollutant contribution should be calculated if the HI from the
facility’s emissions exceeds 0.5 in either the acute or chronic assessment for the
respiratory endpoint.
The most recent criteria pollutant concentration data should be obtained from the ARB’s
ambient air monitoring network and can be found in the California Almanac of
Emissions and Air Quality on their web site at For determining the
criteria pollutant contribution in HI calculations, the annual average concentration data
should be taken from a monitoring site near the facility. If background contributions are
unavailable, the District may direct the risk assessor to make an alternative assumption.
The criteria pollutants that should be included in acute and chronic assessments for the
respiratory endpoint are ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, sulfates, and hydrogen
8.4 Uses of Exposure Duration Adjustments for Onsite Receptors
Onsite workers are protected by CAL OSHA and typically are not evaluated under the
Hot Spots program. Exceptions may include a worker who also lives on the facility
property such as at prisons, military bases, and universities that have worker housing
within the facility. Another scenario where the District may require assessment of on-
site worker exposure and risk is when a facility (e.g., airport) has multiple businesses
owned by different entities within the facility/property (e.g., rental car agencies,
restaurants, etc.). In these situations the evaluation of onsite cancer risks, and/or acute,
8-hour, and chronic noncancer hazard indices is appropriate under the Hot Spots
program. If the onsite receptor under evaluation can be exposed through a
noninhalation exposure pathway, then that exposure pathway must also be included.
When a receptor lives and works on the facility, site, or property, then these receptors
should be evaluated and reported under both residential and worker scenarios and the
one that is most health-protective should be used for risk management decisions.
The cancer risk estimates for the on-site residents may use a 30-year exposure duration
while the 25-year exposure duration is used for a worker. Under a Tier 2 analysis,
alternate exposure durations may be evaluated and presented with all assumptions
supported. See section 8.2.10 for more discussion of short-term exposures.
Other situations that may require on-site receptor assessment include the presence of
locations where the public may have regular access for the appropriate exposure period
(e.g., a lunchtime café, store, or museum for acute exposures). The District or
reviewing authority should be consulted on the appropriate evaluations for the risk for all
onsite receptors.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
ERG, 2008. Summary Report of the Peer Review Meeting: EPA’s Draft Framework for
Determining a Mutagenic Mode of Action for Carcinogenicity. Final Report. Submitted
to Risk Assessment Forum, Office of the Science Advisor, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, DC., by Eastern Research Group. May 23, 2008.
OEHHA, 2010. Cumulative Impacts: Building a Scientific Foundation. Available online
OEHHA, 2008. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Technical
Support Document for Deriving Noncancer Refernce Exposure Levels. Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency.
Available online at:
OEHHA, 2009. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Technical
Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors: Methodologies for derivation, listing of
available values, and adjustments to allow for early life stage exposures. Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency.
May 2009. Available online at:
OEHHA, 2012. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines; Technical
Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis. Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency.
Available online at
U.S. EPA, 2005a. Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility from Early-Life
Exposure to Carcinogens EPA/630/R-03/003F March 2005.
U.S.EPA, 2005b. Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment
Forum, Washington, DC. EPA/630/P-03/001F.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
9 - Summary of the Requirements for a Modeling Protocol
and a Health Risk Assessment Report
The AB 2588 program is a community right-to-know act. Although risk assessment is a
technical field, AB 2588 risk assessments need to be clear and understandable to the
educated lay person. An Executive Summary that explains the process and the results
of the risk assessment in lay terms is necessary. Clear risk communication is
imperative in situations where the facility is required to notify the surrounding
community. In addition, the risk assessment is by law reviewed by the local Air
Pollution Control or Air Quality Management District (District) and OEHHA in order to
ensure that AB 2588 risk assessment procedures have been followed. This chapter
clarifies the type of information that is needed for District and OEHHA review of
modeling protocols and health risk assessments (HRAs).
The material presented here is intended to promote transparent, consistent presentation
and efficient review of the modeling protocol and the health risk assessment report
(products). We recommend that persons preparing these products consult with the
local District to determine if the District has modeling or HRA guidelines that supersede
these products. If the District does not have guidelines for these products, then we
recommend Section 9.1 be used for modeling protocols and Section 9.2 be used for the
presentation of HRAs. Persons preparing modeling protocols and HRAs should specify
the guidelines that were used to prepare their products.
Submittal of a Modeling Protocol
It is strongly recommended that a modeling protocol be submitted to the District for
review and approval prior to extensive analysis with an air dispersion model. The
modeling protocol is a plan of the steps to be taken during the air dispersion modeling
and risk assessment process. We encourage people who are preparing protocols to
take advantage of the protocol step and fully discuss anticipated methodologies for any
portion of your project that may need special consideration. Below, we have provided
an example of the format that may be followed in the preparation of the modeling
protocol. Consult with the District to confirm format and content requirements or
to determine the availability of District modeling guidelines before submitting the
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Outline for a Modeling Protocol
I. Introduction
Include the facility name, address, and a brief overview describing the
facility’s operations.
Provide a description of the terrain and topography surrounding the facility
and potential receptors.
Indicate the format in which data will be provided. Ideally, the report and
summary of data will be on paper and all data and model input and output
files will be provided electronically (e.g., compact disk or CD).
Identify the guidelines used to prepare the protocol (e.g., District
II. Emissions
For each pollutant and process whose emissions are required to be
quantified in the HRA, list the annual average emissions (pounds/year
and grams/second) and the maximum one-hour emissions (pounds/hour
and grams/second)
. Maximum 1-hour emissions are used for acute
noncancer health impacts while annual emissions are used for chronic
exposures (i.e., chronic and 8-hour noncancer health impacts or cancer
risk assessment).
Identify the reference and method(s) used to determine emissions
(e.g., source tests, emission factors, etc.). Clearly indicate any emission
data that are not reflected in the previously submitted emission inventory
report. In this event, a revised emission inventory report will need to be
submitted to the District.
Identify if this will be a multipathway assessment based on emitted
Except radionuclides, for which annual and hourly emissions are reported in Curies/year and
millicuries/hour, respectively.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
III. Models / Modeling Assumptions
Specify the model and modeling assumptions
Identify the model(s) to be used, including the version number.
Identify the model options that will be used in the analysis.
Identify the modeling domain(s) and the spacing of receptor grid(s). Grid
spacing should be sufficient in number and detail to capture the
concentration at all of the receptors of interest.
Indicate complex terrain options that may be used, if applicable.
Identify the source type(s) that will be used to represent the facility’s
operations (e.g., point, area, or volume sources, flare options or other).
Indicate the preliminary source characteristics (e.g., stack height, gas
temperature, exit velocity, dimensions of volume source, etc.).
Identify and support the use of urban or rural dispersion coefficients for
those models that require dispersion coefficients. For other models,
identify and support the parameters required to characterize the
atmospheric dispersion due to land characteristics (e.g., surface
roughness, Monin-Obukhov length).
IV. Meteorological Data
Specify the type, source, and year(s) of hourly meteorological data
(e.g., hourly surface data, upper air mixing height information).
State how the data are representative for the facility site.
Describe QA/QC procedures.
Identify any gaps in the data; if gaps exist, describe how the data gaps are
V. Deposition
Specify the method to calculate deposition (if applicable).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
VI. Receptors
Specify the type and location of receptors. Include all relevant
information describing how the individual and population-related
receptors will be evaluated.
Identify and describe the location(s) of known or anticipated potential
sensitive receptors, the point of maximum impact (PMI), the maximum
exposed individual residential (MEIR), and worker (MEIW) receptors.
Identify any special considerations or grids that will be used to model
these receptors. This information should correspond with information
provided in Section III (e.g., fine receptor spacing of 20 meters at the
fence line and centered on the maximum impacts; coarse receptor
spacing of 100 meters out to 2,000 meters; extra coarse spacing of 1,000
meters out to 20,000 meters).
Identify if spatial averaging will be used. Include necessary background
information on each receptor including how the domain and spacing will
be determined for each receptor or exposure pathway.
Describe how the cancer burden or population impact estimates are
calculated. Clarify the same information for the presentation of noncancer
population impacts (e.g., centroids of the census tracts in the area within
the zone of impact).
Specify that actual UTM coordinates and the block/street locations
(i.e., north side of 3,000 block of Smith Street), where possible, will be
provided for specified receptor locations.
Identify and support the use of any exposure adjustments (e.g., time at
location, diurnal).
Include the list of anticipated exposure pathways that will be included and
indicate which substance will be evaluated in the multipathway
assessment. Identify if sensitive receptors are present and which
receptors will be evaluated in the HRA.
VII. Maps
Identify how the information will be graphically presented.
Indicate which cancer risk isopleths will be plotted for the cancer zone of
impact (e.g., 10
, 10
see Section 4.6.1).
Indicate the hazard quotients or hazard indices to be plotted for the
noncancer acute, 8 hour, and chronic zones of impact (e.g., 0.5, 1.0, etc.).
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Health Risk Assessment Report
The purpose of this section is to provide an outline to assist with the preparation and
review of HRAs. This outline specifies the key components that should be included in
HRAs. All information used for the report must be presented in the HRA. Ideally, the
HRA report and a summary of data used in the HRA will be on paper and all data and
model input and output files will be provided electronically (e.g., CD). Persons
preparing HRAs for the Hot Spots Program should consult the District to determine if
HRA guidelines or special formats are to be followed when preparing and presenting the
HRA’s results.
If District guidelines or formats do not exist that supersede this outline, then the HRA
should follow the format presented here. If the HRA is prepared for other programs, the
reviewing authority should be consulted for clarification of format and content. We
recommend that those persons preparing HRAs specify the guidelines that were used to
prepare their product. The HRA may be considered deficient by the reviewing
authority if components that are listed here are not included.
9.2.1 Outline for the Health Risk Assessment Report
I. Table of Contents
Section headings with page numbers indicated.
Tables of tables and Table of figures with page numbers indicated.
Appendices with page numbers indicated.
II. Executive Summary
Overview of all relevant information regarding the project or facility.
Facility identifier number (consult the District).
Description of facility operations and a list identifying emitted substances
including table of maximum 1-hour emissions, and annual average
Provide a brief description of acute, 8-hour, chronic, and cancer health
impacts of the emitted substances, based on OEHHA’s descriptions in the
appropriate Technical Support Documents.
Text presenting overview of dispersion modeling and exposure
Text describing estimated cancer risk for carcinogens, noncancer Hazard
Quotients and Hazard Indices and a table showing target organ systems
by substance for noncancer impacts.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Summarize the individual and population-wide health impacts including
the driving substance(s) and the driving exposure pathways:
o Location (block/street location; e.g., north side of 3,000 block of Smith
Street) and description of the off-site point of maximum impact (PMI),
maximum exposed individual resident (MEIR), and maximum exposed
individual worker (MEIW).
o Location (block/street location; e.g., north side of 3,000 block of Smith
Street) and description of any on-site receptors that were evaluated at
the facility (consult District or agency).
o Location (block/street location; e.g., north side of 3,000 block of Smith
Street) and description of any sensitive receptors that are required by
the district or reviewing authorities (consult District or agency).
NOTE: When presenting information described in the following
bullets, cancer risk should be presented separately for a
residential 30-year, Tier1 analysis. Results of other exposure
assumptions (e.g., 9 or 70-year) or other tier evaluations should
also be presented, and must be clearly labeled. For the Hot Spots
Program, while the 30-year exposure duration is recommended as
the basis for public notification and risk reduction audits and
plans, the District has discretion to use the 70 year exposure
scenario for its decisions. In addition, the 70 year cancer risk
must be calculated to estimate population-wide impacts.
o Text presenting an overview of the total cancer risk (including
multipathway substances, if present) at the PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and
sensitive receptors. Provide a table of cancer risk by substance for the
MEIR and MEIW (if applicable). Include a statement indicating which
of the substances appear to contribute most to (drive) the potential
health impacts. In addition, identify the exposure pathways evaluated
in the HRA.
o Provide a map of the facility and surroundings and identify the location
of the MEIR, MEIW, PMI, and other locations or receptors of interest.
o Provide a map of 30-year and 70-year cancer risk zone of impact(s), if
o Text presenting an overview of the acute and chronic noncancer
hazard quotients and the (total) hazard indices for the PMI, MEIR,
MEIW, and sensitive receptors. Additionally, include 8-hour hazard
quotients and hazard indices for the MEIW. Include separate
statements (for acute, 8-hour, and chronic exposures) indicating which
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
of the substances appear to drive the potential health impacts. In
addition, clearly identify the primary target organ(s) that are impacted
from acute, 8-hour, and chronic exposures.
o Identify any sensitive subpopulations (e.g., child daycare facilities,
schools, nursing homes) of concern.
o Table and text presenting an overview of estimates of population
exposure (e.g., cancer burden or population estimates from HARP)
(consult District or agency) (see Section 8.4).
o Version of the Risk Assessment Guidelines and computer program(s)
used to prepare the risk assessment (e.g., HARP).
III. Risk Assessment Procedures
A. Hazard identification
Table and text identifying all substances emitted from the facility, plus any
other substances required by the District or reviewing authority. Include
the CAS number of the substance and the physical form of the substance
if possible. [The Hot Spots substances are listed in Appendix A, and also
in the ARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulations (Title
17, California Code of Regulations, Sections 93300-93300.5), and the
Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Report (EICG Report), which is
incorporated by reference therein (ARB, 1997)].
Table and text identifying all substances that are evaluated for cancer risk
and/or noncancer acute, 8-hour, and chronic health impacts. In addition,
identify any multipathway substances that present a cancer risk or chronic
noncancer hazard via noninhalation routes of exposure.
Describe the types and amounts of continuous or intermittent predictable
emissions from the facility that occurred during the reporting year. As
required by statute, releases from a facility include spilling, leaking,
pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping
(fugitive), leaching, dumping, or disposing of a substance into ambient air.
Include the substance(s) released and a description of the processes that
resulted in long-term and continuous releases.
B. Exposure Assessment
This section describes the information related to the air dispersion modeling
process that needs to be reported in the risk assessment; the information is also
presented in Chapter 4 (see Section 4.15). The District may have specific
requirements regarding format and content (see Section 4.14). Sample
calculations should be provided at each step to indicate how reported emissions
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
data were used. Reviewing agencies must receive input, output, and supporting
files of various model analyses on computer-readable media (e.g., CD).
1. Information on the Facility and its Surroundings
Report the following information regarding the facility and its surroundings:
Facility Name
Location (UTM coordinates and street address)
Land use type (see Section 2.4)
Local topography
Facility plot plan identifying:
o source locations
o property line
o horizontal scale
o building heights
o emission sources
2. Source and Emission Inventory Information
a. Release Parameters
Report the following information for each release location in table format:
Release location identification number
Release name
Release type (e.g., point, volume, area, line, pit, etc.)
Source identification number(s) used by the facility for sources that
emit out of this release location
Release location using UTM coordinates
Release parameters by release type (e.g., shown for point source):
Stack height (m), stack diameter (building dimensions for downwash,
exhaust gas exit velocity (m/s), exhaust gas volumetric flow rate
(ACFM), exhaust gas exit temperature (K), etc.
b. Source Description and Operating Schedule
The description and operating schedule for each source should be
reported in table form including the following information:
Source identification number used by the facility
Source name
Number of operating hours per day and per year (e.g., 0800-1700,
2700 hr/yr)
Number of operating days per week (e.g., Mon-Sat)
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Number of operating days or weeks per year (e.g., 52 wk/yr excluding
major holidays)
Release point identification number(s) for where source emissions are
Fraction of source emissions emitted at each release point by release
point ID number
c. Emission Control Equipment and Efficiency
Report emission control equipment and efficiency by source and by
d. Emissions Data Grouped By Source
Report emission rates for each toxic substance, grouped by source (i.e.,
emitting device or process identified in Inventory Report), in table form
including the following information:
Source name
Source identification number
Substance name and CAS number (from Inventory Guidelines)
Annual average emissions for each substance (lb/yr)
Hourly maximum emissions for each substance (lb/hr)
e. Emissions Data Grouped by Substance
Report facility total emission rate by substance for all emitted substances
listed in the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program including the following
Substance name and CAS number (from Inventory Guidelines)
Annual average emissions for each substance (lb/yr)
Hourly maximum emissions for each substance (lb/hr)
f. Emission Estimation Methods
Report the methods used in obtaining the emissions data indicating
whether emissions were measured or estimated. Clearly indicate any
emission data that are not reflected in the previously submitted emission
inventory report and submit a revised emission inventory report to the
district. A reader should be able to reproduce the risk assessment without
the need for clarification.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
g. List of Substances
Include tables listing all "Hot Spots" Program substances which are
emitted, plus any other substances required by the District. Indicate
substances to be evaluated for cancer risks and noncancer effects.
h. Exposed Population and Receptor Location
Report the following information regarding exposed population and
receptor locations:
Description of zone of impact including map showing the location of the
facility, boundaries of zone of impact, census tracts, emission sources,
sites of maximum exposure, and the location of all appropriate
receptors. This should be a true map (one that shows roads,
structures, etc.), drawn to scale, and not just a schematic drawing.
USGS 7.5 minute maps or GIS based maps are usually the most
appropriate choices. (If significant development has occurred since
the user’s survey, this should be indicated.)
Separate maps for the cancer risk zone of impact and the hazard index
(noncancer) zone of impact(s). The cancer zone of impact should
include isopleths down to at least the 1/1,000,000 risk level. Because
some districts use a level below 1/1,000,000 to define the zone of
impact, the District should be consulted. For the noncancer zone of
impact, three separate isopleths (to represent chronic, 8-hour, and
acute HI) should be created to define the zone of impact for the hazard
index from both inhalation and noninhalation pathways greater than or
equal to 0.5. The point of maximum impact (PMI), maximum exposed
individual at a residential receptor (MEIR), and maximum exposed
individual worker (MEIW) for both cancer and noncancer risks should
be located on the maps.
Tables identifying population units and sensitive receptors (UTM
coordinates, receptor IDs or index from the modeling, and street
addresses of specified receptors)
Heights or elevations of the receptor points.
Spatial averaging: For each receptor type (e.g., PMI, MEIR, and
MEIW, or other location of interest) that will utilize spatial averaging,
the domain size and grid resolution must be clearly identified. If
another domain or grid resolution other than 20 meters by 20 meters
with 5-meter grid spacing will be used for a receptor, then care should
be taken to determine the proper domain size and grid resolution that
should be used. For a worker, the HRA shall support all assumptions
used, including, but not limited to, documentation for all workers
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
showing the area where each worker routinely performs their duties.
The final domain size should not be greater than the smallest area of
worker movement. Other considerations for determining domain size
and grid spacing resolution may include an evaluation of the
concentration gradients across the worker area. The grid spacing
used within the domain should be sufficient in number and detail to
obtain a representative concentration across the area of interest.
When spatial averaging over the deposition area of a pasture, garden,
or water body, care should be taken to determine the proper domain
size to make sure it includes all reasonable areas of potential
deposition. The size and shape of the pasture, garden, or water body
of interest should be identified and used for the modeling domain. The
grid spacing or resolution used within the domain should be sufficient
in detail to obtain a representative deposition concentration across the
area of interest. One way to determine the grid resolution is to include
an evaluation of the concentration gradients across the deposition
area. The HRA shall support all assumptions used, including, but not
limited to, documentation of the deposition area (e.g., size and shape
of the pasture or water body, maps, representative coordinates, grid
resolution, concentration gradients, etc.). The use or spatial averaging
is subject to approval by the reviewing authority. This includes the size
of the domain and grid resolution that is used for spatial averaging of a
worksite or multipathway deposition area.
3. Meteorological Data
If meteorological data were not obtained directly from the District, then the report
must clearly indicate the data source and time period used. Meteorological data
not obtained from the District must be submitted in electronic form along with
justification for their use including information regarding representativeness and
quality assurance.
The risk assessment should indicate if the District required the use of a specified
meteorological data set. All memos indicating the District’s approval of
meteorological data should be attached in an appendix.
4. Model Selection and Modeling Rationale
The report should include an explanation of the model chosen to perform the
analysis and any other decisions made during the modeling process. The report
should clearly indicate the name of the models that were used, the level of detail
(screening or refined analysis) and the rationale behind the selection.
Also report the following information for each air dispersion model used:
Version number
Selected options and parameters in table form
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Identify the modeling domain(s) and the spacing of receptor grid(s). Grid
spacing should be sufficient in number and detail to capture the
concentration at all receptors of interest.
5. Air Dispersion Modeling Results
The report should include tables, text, and appendices that clearly present all of
the following information
Maximum hourly and annual average concentrations of chemicals at
appropriate receptors such as the residential and worker MEI receptors
Annual average and maximum one-hour (and 30-day average for lead
only) concentrations of chemicals at appropriate receptors listed and
referenced to computer printouts of model outputs
Model printouts (numbered), annual concentrations, maximum hourly
Disk with input/output files for air dispersion program (e.g., the AERMOD
input file containing the regulatory options and emission parameters,
receptor locations, meteorology, etc.)
Include tables that summarize the annual average concentrations that are
calculated for all the substances at each site. The use of tables that
present the relative contribution of each emission point to the receptor
concentration is recommended. (These tables should have clear
reference to the computer model which generated the data. It should be
made clear to any reader how data from the computer output were
transferred to these tables.) [As an alternative, the above two tables could
contain just the values for sites of maximum impact (i.e., PMI, MEIR and
MEIW), and sensitive receptors, if required. All the values would be found
in the Appendices.]
C. Health Values Used in Dose-Response and Dose Estimates
Provide tables of the acute, 8-hour and chronic inhalation RELs, chronic
oral RELs (if applicable), and cancer potency factors for each substance
that is quantified in the HRA.
Identify the guidelines (title and date) that were used to obtain these
factors, or indicate whether newly approved values obtained from the
OEHHA website were used.
Provide a table of target organ systems for each noncancer substance,
including acute (1 hour), 8-hour, and chronic inhalation, and chronic oral (if
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Include tables of the estimated dose for each substance by each exposure
pathway at the PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and at any sensitive receptor locations
(required by the District).
D. Risk Characterization
The Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) will generate the risk
characterization data needed for the outline below. Any data needed to support
the risk characterization findings should be clearly presented and referenced in
the text and appendices. A listing of HARP output files that meet these HRA
requirements is provided in this outline under the section entitled “Appendices”.
All HARP files should be included in the HRA. Ideally, the HRA report and a
summary of data used in the HRA will be on paper and all data and model input
and output files will be provided electronically (e.g., CD). Information on
obtaining copies of HARP is available on the California Air Resources Board’s
Internet web site under the Air Toxics Program at
NOTE: The cancer risk for the PMI, MEIR, and sensitive receptors of interest
must be presented in the HRA’s text, tables, and maps. OEHHA recommends
that cancer risk for a 30-year exposure duration be presented for the MEIR, and
that cancer risk for 9-year and 70-year exposure durations for the MEIR be
presented to provide the risk managers with supplemental information. Note that
the assessment of population impacts must be based on a 70-year exposure
duration; thus all risk assessments need to estimate cancer risk for a 70-year
exposure duration in order to report the number of individuals residing in the risk
isopleths, or to calculate cancer burden if the District so requires. In addition,
some Districts may opt to make risk management decisions based on a 70-year
exposure duration. The MEIW location should use a 25-year exposure period.
All HRAs must include the results of a Tier-1 exposure assessment (see Chapter
2 and 8, or the 2012 TSD). If the reviewing authority specifies that additional
exposure periods should be presented, or if persons preparing the HRA would
like to present additional information (i.e., exposure duration adjustments or the
inclusions of risk characterizations using Tier-2 through Tier-4 exposure data),
then this information should be presented in separate, clearly titled, sections,
tables, and text.
The following information should be presented in this section of the HRA. If
not fully presented here, then by topic, clearly identify the section(s) and
pages within the HRA where this information is presented.
Description of receptors to be quantified.
Table and text providing the location [UTM coordinates, receptor ID
number or index from the modeling, and the block/street address
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
(e.g., north side of 3,000 block of Smith Street)] and description of the
PMI, MEIR, and MEIW for both cancer and noncancer risks.
Separate tables and text providing description of the PMI and MEIR for
30-year cancer risk, and 9- or 70-year cancer risk.
Tables and text describing MEIW 25-year cancer risk.
Table and text providing the location [UTM coordinates, receptor ID
number or index from the modeling, and the block/street address
(e.g., north side of 3,000 block of Smith Street)] and description of any
sensitive receptor that is of interest to the District or reviewing authorities
(consult District or agency).
Provide any exposure information that is used for risk characterization
(e.g., concentrations at receptors, emissions information, census
information, figures, zone of impact maps, etc.). If multipathway
substances are emitted, identify the site/route dependent exposure
pathways (e.g., water ingestion) for the receptor(s), where appropriate
(e.g., MEIR).
Provide a summary of the site-specific inputs used for each exposure
pathway (e.g., water or grazing intake assumptions). This information
may be presented in an appendix with the information clearly presented
and cross-referenced to the text. In addition, provide reference to the
appendix (section and page number) that contains the modeling
(i.e., HARP/dispersion modeling) files that show the same information.
If any exposure parameters were used other than those provided in the Air
Toxics Risk Assessment Guidelines: Technical Support Document for
Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis (2012), they must be
presented in detail. The derivation and data used must be presented so
that it is clear to the reviewer. The justification for using site-specific
exposure parameters must be clearly presented.
Table and text presenting the potential multipathway cancer risk by
substance, by pathway, and total, at the PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and sensitive
receptor locations (required by the District).
Table and text presenting the acute (inhalation only) and chronic
noncancer (inhalation and oral) hazard quotients (by substance, exposure
pathways, and target organs) and the (total) hazard indices by substance
and target organs for the PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and sensitive receptors. For
8-hour exposure at the MEIW (inhalation only), table and text presenting
hazard quotients (by substance, exposure pathways, and target organs)
and the (total) hazard indices by substance and target organs. Note:
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
Chronic noncancer results should be shown with inhalation and oral
contributions (shown separately) and for the combined (multipathway)
Identify any sensitive subpopulations (e.g., child daycare facilities,
schools, nursing homes) of concern.
Table and text presenting estimates of population exposure
(e.g., population exposure estimates or cancer burden from HARP)
(consult District or agency). Tables should indicate the number of persons
exposed to a (total) cancer risk greater than 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, etc., and
total hazard quotient or hazard index greater than 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0,
etc. Provide a table that shows excess cancer burden for each population
unit and the total excess cancer burden, if cancer burden calculation is
Provide maps that illustrate the HRA results for the three sub-bullet points
below. These maps should be an actual street map of the area impacted
by the facility with elevation contours and actual UTM coordinates, and the
facility boundaries clearly labeled. In some cases the elevation contours
will make the map too crowded and should therefore not appear. This
should be a true map (one that shows roads, structures, etc.), drawn to
scale, and not just a schematic drawing. USGS 7.5-minute maps are
usually the most appropriate choice (see Section 4.6).
o The facility (emission points and boundaries), the locations of the PMI,
MEIR, MEIW, and sensitive receptors.
o Maps of the cancer zone of impacts (e.g., 10
or 10
levels - consult
District or Agency). The map should clearly identify the zone of impact
for the inhalation pathway, the minimum exposure pathways (soil
ingestion, dermal exposure, and breast-milk consumption) if
multipathway substances are emitted, and the zone of impact for all
the applicable exposure pathways (minimum exposure pathways plus
any additional site/route specific pathways) for multipathway analyses.
Two maps may be needed to accomplish this. The legend of these
maps should state the level(s) used for the zone of impact and identify
the exposure pathways that were included in the assessment.
o Maps of the noncancer hazard index (HI) zone of impacts (e.g., 0.5 or
1.0 - consult District or Agency). The noncancer maps should clearly
identify the noncancer zones of impact. These include the acute
(inhalation), 8-hour (inhalation), chronic (inhalation), and chronic
(multipathway) zones of impact. For clarity, presentation of the
noncancer zones of impact may require two or more maps. The
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
legend of these maps should state the level(s) used for the zone of
impact and identify the exposure pathways.
The risk assessor may want to include a discussion of the strengths and
weaknesses of the risk analyses and associated uncertainty directly
related to the facility HRA.
If appropriate, comment on the possible alternatives for control or remedial
measures. How do the risks compare?
If possible, identify any community concerns that influence public
perception of risk.
Sample calculations may be needed for all analyses in the HRA if
proprietary software other than HARP was used. The District should be
consulted. These calculations should be clearly presented and referenced
to the findings they are supporting in the HRA text.
Version of the Risk Assessment Guidelines and computer program used
to prepare the risk assessment.
If software other than HARP is used for the health assessment modeling,
all supporting material must be included with the HRA (e.g., all algorithms
and parameters used in a clear, easy to review format).
E. References
Include any references used for the HRA in this section.
F. Appendices
The appendices should contain all data, sample calculations, assumptions, and
all modeling and risk assessment files that are needed to reproduce the HRA
results. Ideally, a summary of data used in the HRA will be on paper and all data
and model input and output files will be provided electronically (e.g., CD), unless
otherwise specified by the district or reviewing authority. All appendices and the
information they contain should be referenced, clearly titled, and paginated.
Potential Appendix Topics (if not presented elsewhere in the HRA
List of all receptors locations (UTM coordinates, receptor ID number or
index from the modeling, and the block/street address (e.g., north side of
3,000 block of Smith Street)) for the PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and sensitive
List of all emitted substances.
All emissions files.
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
List of dose-response factors (Reference Exposure Levels and cancer
potency factors).
All air dispersion modeling input and output files. Detailed discussions of
meteorological data, regulatory options, emission parameters, receptor
locations, etc.
Census data.
Identify the site/route dependent exposure pathways for the receptor(s),
where appropriate (e.g., MEIR). Provide a summary of the site-specific
inputs used for each pathway (e.g., water or grazing intake assumptions)
and the data to support them.
All calculations used to determine emissions, concentrations, and potential
health impacts at the PMI, MEIR, MEIW, and sensitive receptors.
All HRA model input and output (HARP) files for receptors of concern.
(Total) cancer and noncancer impacts by receptor, substance, and
exposure pathway (by endpoint for noncancer) at all receptors.
Presentation of alternate risk assessment methods (e.g., alternate
exposure durations, or Tier-2 to Tier-4 evaluations with supporting
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Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
List of Abbreviations
A - Area
AB2588 - Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act, 1987
ACFM - Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
ADL - Annual Dermal Load
AQMD - Air Quality Management District (District)
ARB - Air Resources Board
ASF - Age Sensitivity Factor
AT - Average Time for Lifetime Cancer Risk
BAF - Bioaccumulation Factor
BG - Urban Block Groups
BLP - Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion Model
BMI - Breast Milk Intake
BPIP - Building Profile Input Program
BPIPPRM - Building Profile Input Program for PRIME
BSA - Body Surface Area
BW - Bodyweight
- annual average air concentration
CALMPRO - Calms processor program
CAPCOA - California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association
CAS - Chemical Abstracts Service
CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
- Average concentration of a substance in fish
- Average concentration of a substance in mother’s milk (mislabeled on 114 as Cf)
- Average concentration of a substance in animal products
CONST2 - Constant in the Briggs’ stable plume rise equation using BLP
CONST3 - Constant in the Briggs’ neutral plume rise equation using BLP
CPF - Cancer Potency Factor
CRIT - Convergence criterion for the line source calculations using BLP
Cs - Concentration of Substance in the Soil
CTDMPLUS - Complex Terrain Dispersion Model
CTSCREEN - Complex Terrain Screening Model
Cv - Average concentration of a substance in and on vegetation
Cw - Concentration of a Substance in the Water
DECFAC - Pollutant decay factor for use with BLP
DF - Discount Factor
- Daily inhaled dose
- Exposure through ingesting home-raised or farm animal products
- Exposure through ingestion of angler-caught fish
Dose-lm - Exposure through mother’s milk ingestion
- Exposure through ingesting home-grown produce
- Exposure through ingesting water
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
DTHTA - Vertical potential temperature gradient
DTSC - Department of Toxic Substance Control
EASA - Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis
ED - Rural Enumeration Districts or Exposure Duration (in years)
EF - Exposure Frequency
EICG - Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EQ - Equation
F - Fahrenheit
FAH - Fraction of Time at Home
FG - Fraction of diet provided by grazing
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
GLC - Ground-Level Concentrations
GRAF - Gastrointestinal Relative Absorption Factor
HARP - Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program
HESIS - Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service
HI - Hazard Index
HQ - Hazard Quotient
HRA - Health Risk Assessment
HSC - Health and Safety Code
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
IDELS - Maximum variation in number of stability classes per hour (BLP option)
ISCST3 - Industrial Source Complex Short Term
IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
K - Kelvin
L - Fraction of locally-grown (source-impacted) feed that is not pasture (site-specific)
LOAEL - Lowest Observed Adverse Effects Level
LOD - Level of Detection
LSHEAR - Plume rise wind shear (BLP option)
LTRANS - Transitional point source plume rise (BLP option)
MAXIT - Maximum iterations allowed for line source calculations (BLP option)
MEIR - Maximally Exposed Individual Resident
MEIW - Maximally Exposed Individual Worker
METDB - Meteorological Database
METS - Metabolic Equivalents
MPRM - Meteorological Processor for Regulatory Models
MWAF - Molecular Weight Adjustment Factor
NAS - National Academy of Sciences
NCDC - National Climatic Data Center
NOAEL-No Observed Adverse Effects Level
NTP - National Toxicology Program
NWS - National Weather Station
OCD - Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model
OEHHA - Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
p - Population density
PAH - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
PCB - Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PCDD - Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
PCDF - Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
PEXP - Vertical wind speed power law profile exponents
PM2.5 - Particulate Matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter
PM10 - Particulate Matter less than 10 microns in diameter
PMI - Point of Maximum Impact
QA - Quality Assurance
QC - Quality Control
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
REL - Reference Exposure Level
RfC - Reference Concentration
RfD - Reference Dose
SCRAM - Support Center for Regulatory Air Models
SDM - Shoreline Dispersion Model
SIR - Soil Ingestion Rate
SMAQMD - Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
SRP - Scientific Review Panel
TAC - Toxic Air Contaminant
Tco Biotransfer coefficient
TEF - Toxic Equivalency Factor
TERAN Terrain option in BLP
TSD - Technical Support Document
TSP - Total Suspended Particulates
UCL - Upper Confidence Limits
USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
UTM - Universal Transvers Mercator
WAF - Worker Adjustment Factor
WHO - World Health Organization
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Index of Selected Terms and Acronyms
8-hour RELs, 1-1, 4-48, 4-49, 5-33, 5-36, 6-1, 6-2, 6-5, 8-19, 8-20, 8-24, 8-25
Acute RELs, 1-1, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 8-22
Age sensitivity factors, 5-24, 5-37, 5-44, 5-48, 5-49, 5-56, 5-60, 8-4, 8-5
Cancer burden, 1-4, 4-15, 4-18, 4-58, 8-1, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 9-30, 9-34, 9-40, 9-42
Cancer potency factors, 2-2, 2-3, 7-1, 8-18
Cancer risk characterization, vii, 8-14
Chronic RELs, v, 4-49, 5-36, 5-43, 8-19
Fraction of time at home, 8-5
HARP, iii, 2, 1-4, 2-2, 2-4, 4-1, 4-7, 4-15, 4-19, 4-22, 4-24, 4-26, 4-43, 4-46, 4-48, 4-49,
4-50, 5-3, 5-27, 6-6, 6-7, 6-12, 8-2, 8-12, 8-15, 8-17, 8-20, 9-34, 9-40, 9-41, 9-42, 9-
43, 9-44, 9-47
Hazard index approach, vii, 8-19
HI, 1-5, 4-16, 4-49, 4-62, 6-3, 6-6, 6-7, 6-12, 8-17, 8-20, 8-21, 8-23, 8-24, 8-25, 9-37, 9-
HQ, 6-3, 6-6, 6-7, 6-12, 8-19, 8-20, 8-21, 8-22, 8-23
Individual cancer risk, vii, xi, 8-6, 8-15
Inhalation RELs, 6-1, 8-19
MEIR, vii, xi, 1-4, 2-5, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-27, 4-43, 4-58, 4-62, 4-63, 5-1, 5-
2, 5-35, 5-36, 5-43, 5-63, 8-1, 8-6, 8-15, 8-16, 8-18, 8-24, 9-30, 9-33, 9-34, 9-37, 9-
38, 9-39, 9-40, 9-41, 9-42, 9-44
Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual February 2015
MEIW, vii, xi, 1-4, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27, 4-49, 4-58, 4-62, 4-63, 5-1,
5-2, 5-26, 5-30, 5-33, 5-34, 5-36, 5-37, 5-42, 5-43, 5-44, 5-46, 6-5, 8-1, 8-6, 8-7, 8-9,
8-12, 8-15, 8-18, 8-24, 9-30, 9-33, 9-34, 9-37, 9-38, 9-39, 9-40, 9-41, 9-42, 9-44
Multipathway cancer risk, vii, 8-12, 8-13
Multipathway substances, 5-3, 5-4, 5-23, 5-24, 5-34, 5-36, 7-2, 8-10, 8-12, 8-13, 8-22,
8-24, 9-33, 9-34, 9-41, 9-43
Noninhalation pathways, 4-16, 4-49, 4-62, 5-3, 5-34, 6-12, 8-2, 8-9, 8-10, 8-11, 8-12, 8-
13, 8-15, 8-22, 8-23, 8-24, 9-37
Oral cancer potency factors, 1-1, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3
Oral chronic RELs, 1-1, 5-36, 6-1
PMI, 1-4, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-27, 4-58, 4-62, 4-63, 5-1, 8-1, 9-30, 9-33, 9-34,
9-37, 9-38, 9-39, 9-40, 9-41, 9-42, 9-44
Population-wide cancer risk, vii, 8-15
Reference Exposure Levels, vi, x, xi, 1, 3, 1-1, 1-8, 2-3, 2-6, 5-33, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-
5, 6-6, 6-8, 6-12, 6-13, 6-14, 8-1, 8-4, 9-44
Short term projects, vii, 8-17
Spatial averaging, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27, 4-58, 4-62, 9-30, 9-38
Stochastic, iii, vii, ix, x, 1, 3, 1-1, 1-7, 1-8, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 4-1, 4-23, 4-49, 4-64, 5-2,
5-25, 5-37, 5-39, 5-42, 5-53, 5-59, 5-64, 5-65, 8-14, 8-26, 9-42
Stochastic approach, 1-7, 2-5, 2-6, 5-23, 8-3, 8-4, 8-15
Tier 1, 1-7, 2-4, 2-6, 4-23, 5-6, 5-7, 5-13, 5-24, 5-26, 5-27, 5-30, 5-33, 8-2, 8-3, 8-3, 8-4,
8-12, 8-14
Tier 2, 1-7, 2-6, 4-21, 5-6, 5-8, 5-29, 5-30, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-25
Tier 3, 1-7, 2-6, 5-23, 5-63, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4
Tier 4, 1-7, 2-6, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4
Tiered approach, 2, 1-1, 1-2, 1-7, 2-1, 2-4, 2-6, 4-18, 8-2