NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness Task Book
State of Oregon
Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness
Task Book
Task Book Assigned To:
Name DPSST Fire Service #
Agency Name Date Initiated
Signature of Agency Head or Training Officer Date Completed
Portions of this evaluation instrument are reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002 - 2017 Edition,
“Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel
Professional Qualifications”, Copyright 2017. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269.
This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject,
which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
4190 Aumsville Hwy SE.
Salem, Oregon 97317
(503) 378-2100
Additional copies of this document may be downloaded from the DPSST web site:
Revised January 2018
NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness Task Book
Task Book Qualification Record Books (Task Books) have been developed for various
certification levels within the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
(DPSST) system. Each Task Book lists the job performance requirements (JPRs) for the
specific certification level in a format that allows a candidate to be trained then evaluated during
separate evaluations. Successful performance of all tasks, as observed and recorded by a
qualified and approved evaluator will result in the candidate’s eligibility for DPSST certification.
To become certified at a specific level, the applicant must successfully complete the job
performance requirements in sequence. Before a job performance evaluation can be taken, all
requisite knowledge and skills must be satisfied. In addition, all relative Task Book evaluations
must be checked off by the evaluator. When all prescribed requirements have been met, an
application for certification will be forwarded to DPSST. All certificates are mailed to the
Training Officer at his/her Fire Service Agency.
To successfully complete a task book, only an evaluator certified at the candidate’s specific level
or higher may sign off on the JPR’s. ‘Requisite Knowledge’ and ‘Requisite Skills’ sections may
be completed during class and signed by the instructor. Evaluation must be completed at
candidate’s fire agency.
The JPRs covered in this Task Book meet or exceed all NFPA published standards for this
certification level at the time of this publication. Mention of NFPA and its standards do not, and
are not intended as adoption of—or reference to—NFPA standards. For more information on the
complete job performance requirements and data, see the individual DPSST Task Book for that
certification level.
Each JPR has one corresponding box to the right in which to confirm a candidate’s success. The
evaluator shall indicate successful passing by the candidate of each JPR by initialing and dating
(see example below).
4.2.1 Recognize and identify the hazardous
materials/WMD and hazards involved in a hazardous
materials/WMD incident, given a hazardous
materials/WMD incident, and approved reference
sources, so that the presence of hazardous
materials/WMD is recognized and the materials and
their hazards are identified.
NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness Task Book
NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness Signature Page
This signature page is a tool for your agency to document completed tasks; completion of the entire Task Book is
still required
(if not utilizing Task Performance Evaluations)
. The signature page and documentation should be kept on
file at your agency. Please do not submit the Task Book or signature page to Department of Public Safety Standards
and Training.
Initials DPSST Fire # Printed Name Signature
NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness Task Book
NFPA Hazardous Materials
Prior to becoming certified in this position, the sample candidate must successfully complete the
following Job Performance Requirements (JPR). The evaluator shall initial and date the
appropriate box to indicate successful completion. For each JPR there are requisite knowledge
and skill requirements. The evaluator must initial and date in the box provided to indicate the
meeting of those requirements before the firefighter may proceed.
4.1 General.
4.1.1 Awareness personnel are those persons who, in the
course of their normal duties, could encounter an emergency
involving hazardous materials/weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) and who are expected to recognize the presence of the
hazardous materials/WMD, protect themselves, call for
trained personnel, and secure the area.
4.1.2* Awareness personnel shall meet the job performance
requirements defined in Sections 4.2 through 4.4.
4.1.3 General Knowledge Requirements. Role of awareness
personnel at a hazardous materials/WMD incident, location
and contents of the AHJ emergency response plan, and
standard operating procedures for awareness personnel.
4.1.4 General Skills Requirements. (Reserved)
4.2 * Recognition and Identification.
4.2.1 Recognize and identify the hazardous materials/WMD
and hazards involved in a hazardous materials/WMD
incident, given a hazardous materials/WMD incident, and
approved reference sources, so that the presence of hazardous
materials/WMD is recognized and the materials and their
hazards are identified.
NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness Task Book
(A) Requisite Knowledge.
What hazardous materials and
WMD are; basic hazards associated with classes and divisions;
indicators to the presence of hazardous materials including
container shapes,NFPA 704 markings,globally harmonized
system (GHS) markings, placards, labels, pipeline markings,
other transportation markings, shipping papers with emergency
response information, and other indicators; accessing information
from the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) (current
edition) using name of the material, UN/NA identification
number, placard applied, or container identification charts; and
types of hazard information available from the ERG, safety data
sheets (SDS), shipping papers with emergency response
information, and other approved reference sources.
(B) Requisite Skills.
Recognizing indicators to the presence of
hazardous materials/WMD; identifying hazardous
materials/WMD by name, UN/NA identification number, placard
applied, or container identification charts; and using the ERG,
SDS, shipping papers with emergency response information, and
other approved reference sources to identify hazardous
materials/WMD and their potential fire, explosion, and health
4.3 * Initiate Protective Actions.
4.3.1 Isolate the hazard area and deny entry at a hazardous
materials/WMD incident, given a hazardous materials/WMD
incident, policies and procedures, and approved reference
sources, so that the hazard area is isolated and secured,
personal safety procedures are followed, hazards are avoided
or minimized, and additional people are not exposed to
further harm.
Use of the ERG, SDS, shipping
papers with emergency response information, and other approved
reference sources to identify precautions to be taken to protect
responders and the public; policies and procedures for isolating
the hazard area and denying entry; and the purpose of and
methods for isolating the hazard area and denying entry.
(B) Requisite Skills.
Recognizing precautions for protecting
responders and the public; identifyingisolation areas, denying
entry, and avoiding minimizing hazards.
4.4 Notification
NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness Task Book
4.4.1 Initiate required notifications at a hazardous
materials/WMD incident, given a hazardous materials/WMD
incident, policies and procedures, and approved
communications equipment, so that the notification process is
initiated and the necessary information is communicated.
Requisite Knowledge.
Policies and procedures for
notification, reporting, and communications; types of approved
communications equipment; and the operation of that equipment.
(B) Requisite Skills.
Operating approved communications
equipment and communicating in accordance with policies and