Revised: 6-05-2024 1
The Graduate School
Fort Hays State University
Revised: 6-05-2024 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
Origin and Development .......................................................................................................... 4
Purposes and Functions ............................................................................................................ 4
Organization of the Graduate School ....................................................................................... 5
1. The Graduate Faculty ............................................................................................ 5
2. The Graduate Council ........................................................................................... 6
3. Other Committees .................................................................................................... 7
4. Rules of Procedure and Bylaws for the Graduate Faculty ....................................... 8
5. Amendments............................................................................................................. 8
6. The Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects (OSSP) .................................... 8
Correspondence Guide ............................................................................................................. 9
Graduate Programs, Degrees, and Enriched Educational Experiences ........................... 9
Degrees Available .................................................................................................................. 10
Enriched Educational Experiences ......................................................................................... 10
Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 11
Requirements for Admission .................................................................................................. 11
English Language Proficiency ............................................................................................... 11
Admission Appeals ................................................................................................................ 12
Enrollment Deferment Policies .............................................................................................. 12
Undergraduate Background for Graduate Work .................................................................... 12
Graduate school policy for leveling hours: ............................................................................ 14
Program Options .................................................................................................................... 14
Program Planning Procedures ................................................................................................ 14
Research Option ..................................................................................................................... 15
Thesis (Required of Option A Programs Only) ..................................................................... 15
Comprehensive Assessments ................................................................................................. 16
Application for Program Completion ..................................................................................... 16
Classification after Graduation............................................................................................... 16
Financial Information .......................................................................................................... 17
Assistantships ......................................................................................................................... 17
International Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) ............................................................... 18
Inability to Complete Assigned Responsibilities or GA/GTA/GRA Position Resignation ... 19
Other Financial Assistance ..................................................................................................... 19
Graduate School Policies and Procedures .......................................................................... 20
Transfer of Credit ................................................................................................................... 20
Dual Degrees .......................................................................................................................... 20
Credit for Prior Learning ........................................................................................................ 20
Fees......................................................................................................................................... 21
Non-Degree Students ............................................................................................................. 21
Seniors and Graduate Study ................................................................................................... 21
Accelerated Programs ............................................................................................................ 22
Graduate Student Responsibility ............................................................................................ 22
Academic Honesty ................................................................................................................. 23
Appeal of Academic Evaluation ............................................................................................ 23
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Dismissal ................................................................................................................................ 23
Time Limits ............................................................................................................................ 23
Course Load ........................................................................................................................... 24
Grades for Graduate Study ..................................................................................................... 24
Removing an Incomplete ....................................................................................................... 24
Entrance Examinations ........................................................................................................... 25
Course Levels for Graduate Study ......................................................................................... 25
Change of Program or Change of Emphasis in the Program ................................................. 25
Teacher Certification .............................................................................................................. 25
Graduate School Awards ........................................................................................................ 26
Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 29
Graduate Program Checklist .................................................................................................. 29
Admission to Graduate School and Degree Program (U.S. Citizen): ........................ 29
Admission to Graduate School and Degree Program (International Student) ........... 30
Admission Process ................................................................................................................. 32
Submitting an Admission Appeal .............................................................................. 33
Supporting Documentation ........................................................................................ 33
Following Admission to a Degree Program ........................................................................... 33
Getting Ready for Graduation ................................................................................................ 34
Application for Program Completion ......................................................................... 34
Accelerated Degree Program ................................................................................................. 36
Accelerated Proposal Submission Procedures ........................................................... 36
Admission Standards .................................................................................................. 36
Monitoring Student Status .......................................................................................... 36
Degree Requirements ................................................................................................. 37
Continuing and Graduation Requirements ................................................................. 38
Program Monitoring ................................................................................................... 38
Leaving the Accelerated Degree Program ................................................................. 38
Tuition and Financial Aid .......................................................................................... 38
MLS Advising and Student Count Distribution ..................................................................... 39
Graduate Degree Program Guidelines.................................................................................... 39
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Origin and Development
On January 9, 1929, the Kansas Board of Regents authorized Kansas State Teachers College of Hays
to establish a Graduate Division and to grant a Master of Science degree. The first degrees were
granted in 1930.
In 1958, the college was authorized to grant the Specialist in Education degree to students who
completed a 30-hour program of study beyond the masters degree. In 2015, the university was
authorized to grant the Doctor of Nursing Practice to students who completed a 30-hour program of
study beyond the Master of Science in Nursing degree.
The number of university-awarded graduate degrees has risen to more than 800 yearly with the total
degrees awarded since 1930 exceeding 16,000. Although the Graduate School has grown steadily, it
continues to maintain the intellectual atmosphere of a small unit with graduate students receiving
considerable personal attention.
Purposes and Functions
The objective of the Graduate School is to provide for the advanced educational needs of those students
who wish to study toward a master’s degree, a specialist in education degree, or a Doctorate of Nursing
This objective takes three forms: (1) the advanced, pre-professional, and vocational training for those
entering fields of endeavor other than teaching; (2) the advanced preparation of teachers in various
subject disciplines, as well as the professional education areas of the counselor, consultant, principal,
and superintendent; and (3) to develop advanced practice nurses who collaborate in translating
evidence based practice to improve health outcomes of individual, communities, and global
The Graduate School is the unit responsible for organizing and supervising the graduate instructional
programs of the university and for developing them toward their highest level of excellence. It is also
the unit responsible for facilitating, encouraging, and coordinating the research effort of the
university. The Graduate Schools primary concern is in connecting graduate instruction and research
into mutually supporting programs and also with integrating both into the total effort of the university.
All colleges of the university are served by the Graduate School. The Dean of Graduate School and
Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects has responsibility for coordinating, encouraging, and
stimulating graduate and faculty research programs in all the Universitys academic units.
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Organization of the Graduate School
1. The Graduate Faculty
A. Graduate Faculty membership:
Graduate faculty status shall be automatically given to faculty members who meet Higher Learning
Commission (HLC) standards, as determined by the appropriate program or department. Department
chairs are responsible for notifying the Graduate School of new hires or changes to faculty status (e.g.,
a faculty member earns the terminal degree).
Temporary Graduate Faculty Status can be granted on a 3-year basis to qualified tenure-track faculty
who are new to the university and do not have teaching evaluations from FHSU. It can also be granted
to qualified non-tenure track faculty who have the educational and experiential credentials to teach a
course when a tenure track graduate faculty member is not available.
Temporary Graduate Faculty Status carries the same rights and responsibilities as Regular Graduate
Faculty Status. Faculty members who are given temporary status may teach graduate courses, advise
graduate students, serve as voting members of examination or thesis committees, and chair graduate
committees. Adjunct faculty who have temporary graduate faculty status, with Chair approval, may
also chair graduate thesis committees.
To apply for Temporary Graduate Faculty Status the faculty member must submit a current
Curriculum Vita to his/her department Chair. The Department Chair will write a memo to the
Graduate Dean, which must include a completed HLC Faculty Requirements Page, requesting
temporary Graduate Faculty status for the faculty member. The Department Head will send the memo,
completed HLC Page and Curriculum Vita to the Graduate Dean for Approval.
B. Privileges & Responsibilities:
Graduate faculty shall be allowed to: provide graduate level instruction, serve as chairs of graduate
committees and thesis/field study committees, develop or re-develop courses numbered 600-999, and
advise graduate students according to established Graduate School procedures. Advising duties shall
include, but not be limited to: timely admission recommendations, filing amended programs of study,
approval of course schedules, supervision of graduate assistants, knowledge of university policies and
procedures regarding graduate education, disciplinary and career advisement, design and coordination
of comprehensive examinations, and thesis/field study/catalog submission. Attendance at University
commencement-related activities is expected.
Individuals who do not hold graduate faculty status may perform some advising tasks, if their
credentials warrant hire in a professional advisor position. Approval shall be given by the graduate
dean in accordance with the nature of the professional appointment.
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2. The Graduate Council
A. Composition
The Dean of the Graduate School shall call upon departments responsible for each the following 22
programs and standing committees to elect one representative:
EdS in Advanced Professional Studies
EdS in School Psychology
MS in Computer Science
MA in English
MS in Geosciences
MA in History
MS in Psychology
MS in Counseling
MS in Education Administration
MS in Instructional Technology
MS in Special Education
MS in Biology
MS in Health & Human Performance
MS in Speech-Language Pathology
Scholarship Environment Committee
The official listing of graduate programs will be updated in April of each academic year. Only
recognized official degree programs will be represented on the Council; concentrations within existing
degrees will not be recognized by the Council.
A meeting quorum shall be met by a simple majority. Council members are required to attend or send
a qualified graduate faculty member proxy if they must be absent.
Graduate Council meetings are open to all levels of graduate faculty membership to attend as ex
officio non-voting members.
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B. Term of Office
i. Graduate Council members shall be appointed to three-year terms with the exception
that, for the initial appointment of the Council, six (6) members will be appointed to 1-
year terms, six (6) for 2-year terms, and six (6) for 3-year terms. These initial term
lengths shall be determined by lot.
ii. Department chairs and academic deans may serve as council members.
iii. Terms of office shall begin at the start of the fall semester.
iv. A member shall be eligible to serve multiple terms of appointment.
v. A person serving part of a term as a replacement shall be eligible for appointment to an
immediately following term.
vi. If a vacancy on the Graduate Council occurs between regularly scheduled
appointments, the graduate dean shall call upon the department chair for a nomination
to fill the seat until the next election.
C. Powers and Functions of the Graduate Council
i. The Graduate Council shall act as a representative for all graduate faculty members.
Recommendations from the Graduate Council shall be brought forward to the Provost
by the Dean of the Graduate School. In a similar manner, the Dean of the Graduate
School shall bring recommendations from other campus entities to the Graduate
Council for consideration.
ii. Graduate Council members are expected to serve as effective representatives to their
individual programs by communicating on a regular basis with their department
chair/program director and department. Proposals related to graduate education from
departments/programs may be brought to the Graduate Council for consideration by
any graduate faculty member.
iii. The Graduate Council will serve as the reviewing entity for all proposals for new
graduate-level courses numbered 600 or above.
iv. The Graduate Council will serve as the reviewing entity for all proposals for new
graduate degree programs or substantive changes within existing graduate degree
programs. Authority to grant approval to new concentrations within existing graduate
degree programs shall be given to the Dean of the Graduate School with the
expectation that diligent reporting on such concentrations be provided to the Graduate
v. Members of the Graduate Council may be called upon by the graduate dean to serve on
specific tasks related to the continuous quality improvement of graduate education or
research. This may include, but not be limited to, service upon academic appeal
committees, awards committees, and the curriculum committee.
3. Other Committees
A. The Graduate Council shall be empowered to establish and terminate its own committees and
subcommittees, both standing and ad hoc.
B. Departments may appoint committees to oversee the operations of their graduate degree
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programs. Departments may fulfill the operational requirements of the Graduate School in a
manner of their choice. However, one individual on a 12-month appointment must be
designated as the primary contact with whom the graduate dean and Graduate School staff
shall conduct business related to admission, graduate assistantships, student advising
assignments, and maintaining student records. These individuals shall be empowered by
departmental graduate committees to act as their representative to the Graduate School.
Individuals assigned to fulfill these duties shall be excellent communicators, possess excellent
organizational skills, be able to make timely decisions, and be committed to graduate
education. Committee membership shall be made up of graduate faculty membership in any of
the categories of membership described above.
4. Rules of Procedure and Bylaws for the Graduate Faculty
A. Calling of Meetings
i. The graduate dean shall call meetings of the graduate faculty.
ii. The graduate faculty will meet on call but normally at least once a month.
iii. Meetings may be called at the request of the Graduate Council, the graduate dean, the
provost, the president, or upon petition by 10 percent of the membership of the
graduate faculty.
B. Agenda & Minutes for Meetings
i. The agenda for any graduate faculty meeting shall be set by the graduate dean.
ii. The agenda and minutes for any graduate faculty meeting will be circulated to all
members of the graduate faculty.
5. Amendments
Any change of the policy-making or administrative structure herein described is subject to approval
by the graduate faculty and requisite administrative approval.
A. Such a proposed amendment may be initiated by the Graduate Council, the graduate dean, the
provost, the president, or by petition of 10 percent of the graduate faculty.
B. Proper notice of the contemplated change must be given and adequate opportunity for
expression of opinion must be provided in an open meeting. The proposed amendment must be
approved by two-thirds of those graduate faculty members who respond in a mail ballot or by
a number equal to one-half of the total membership of the graduate faculty, of which number
are present and voting at a graduate faculty meeting.
6. The Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects (OSSP)
The Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects (OSSP) is the administrative office within the
Graduate School responsible for external grant facilitation and research administration. The office is
responsible for external grant and research agreements, pre-award assistance for faculty and staff,
administration of the Institutional Review Board (IRB), coordination of the Institutional Animal Care
and Use Committee (IACUC), in addition to policy development and oversight of these activities. The
office administers the universitys undergraduate research program, and internal grants programs
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supporting research and scholarly activities. The office is also responsible for coordinating the annual
campus Scholarly and Creative Activities Day event with the Scholarship Environment Committee
Correspondence Guide
The Graduate School staff, along with the members of the graduate faculty, are ready to answer
questions from students and prospective students. The Correspondence Guide below is provided so
that inquiries can be addressed to the offices or persons most likely to be of help in each instance. All
questions about specific courses or particular degree programs should be directed to the appropriate
college, department, or office as listed below:
Admission ............................................................................................................................
Graduate School
Career Development............................................................................................................. Career Services
Catalog ............................................................................................................................... Graduate School
Certification (teacher) ........................................................................................................ Licensure Office
Commencement ................................................................................... Graduate School, Registrars Office
Comprehensive Assessment, Sign up for ........................................................................... Graduate School
Degree Program ............................................................................................. Respective Department Chair
Fees .................................................................................................................................. Registrars Office
Fee Payment ............................................................................................................. Student Fiscal Services
Financial Assistance .......................................................................................... Financial Assistance Office
Graduate Assistantship Availability ............................................................... Respective Department Chair
Graduate Assistantship Application ......................................................................... Respective Department
Loans and Campus Employment ..................................................................... Student Financial Assistance
Departmental Scholarships ............................................................................. Respective Department Chair
Disability Services ....................................................................................................... Counseling Services
Housing .................................................................................................................. Student Residential Life
Application for Program Completion ................................................................................. Graduate School
International Students .................................................................................... International Student Services
Office Placement .................................................................................................................. Career Services
Residence Status (tuition)................................................................................................... Graduate School
Specific Course ............................................................................................... Department Offering Course
Tests (GRE, GMAT, MAT) ................................................................................................ Testing Services
Transcripts ........................................................................................................................ Registrars Office
Tuition and Fees ....................................................................................................... Student Fiscal Services
Online Courses ............................................................................................... Department Offering Courses
Graduate Programs, Degrees, and Enriched Educational Experiences
There are different levels of graduate study at Fort Hays State University. The Master of Arts, Master
of Business Administration, Master of Liberal Studies, Master of Professional Studies, Master of
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Science, Master of Science in Education, Master of Science in Nursing, and Master of Social Work
degrees are awarded as the first graduate degrees for graduate study.
The Master of Fine Arts degree is the professional terminal degree in the field of visual arts and
normally requires two years of full-time graduate work. The Specialist in Education degree is given
for completion of an approved program of advanced graduate study beyond the masters degree. It is a
professional graduate degree providing advanced study for school personnel. The Doctor of Nursing
Practice is the professional terminal degree in the field of nursing, and the degree prepares graduates
to work in a variety of health care settings as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN).
There is also a non-degree option for those who wish to do graduate work for personal and
professional reasons without pursuing a degree. Individuals wishing to take graduate classes must first
apply and be admitted to graduate school.
Degrees Available
The following degrees are available through the FHSU Graduate School. Consult the Graduate School
website for program specific information such as degree requirements.
EdS in Advanced Professional Studies
EdS in School Psychology
MA in English
MA in History
MS in Biology
MS in Computer Science
MS in Counseling
MS in Educational Administration
MS in Geosciences
MS in Health & Human Performance
MS in Instructional Technology
MS in Psychology
MS in Special Education
MS in Speech-Language Pathology
Enriched Educational Experiences
FHSU offers enriched educational experiences to support graduate students in the development of
distinct knowledge and specialized skills. Enriched educational experiences, or EEEs, are micro-
credentials, which provide a digital visual representation of knowledge, competencies, skills, or
achievements. To earn an EEE, students complete a specified number of experiences, courses,
activities, assessments, or projects. Once the EEE is completed, the student is issued a digital badge or
Degree seeking students may wish to earn EEEs to complement the traditional educational experience.
Specifically designed EEEs are also available for non-degree seeking students. Consult the Graduate
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School website for a current list of available enriched educational experiences.
Requirements for Admission
All individuals wishing to take graduate classes from FHSU must first apply and be admitted to
graduate school as a non-degree seeking or degree seeking student.
Applicants are to provide the Graduate School with an official bachelors degree transcript and
masters degree transcript (if applicable) from a regionally accredited institution if degree seeking.
Non-degree seeking applicants may provide an official or unofficial transcript from a regionally
accredited institution.
For international applicants from higher education systems that indicate degrees only through
diplomas or degree certificates, a certified copy of the diploma/degree certificate and all mark sheets
must be provided. For institutions outside the United States, a World Education Service (WES)
International Course-by-Course Transcript Evaluation is required for translation. The WES evaluation
must show that the degree earned is equivalent to a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited
university. International applicants must provide evidence of their ability to speak English.
Applicants are to provide any other documents required by specific departments, such as a personal
statement, letters of reference, vita, background check release, writing sample, digital art slides, etc.
All application materials become the property of the Graduate School upon submission. They may not
be copied or returned to the student. This includes letters of recommendation, regardless of whether
the applicant waives the right provided by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
(Buckley Amendment).
English Language Proficiency
English Language Proficiency is the ability of Students to use the English language to communicate
meaning in spoken and written contexts while completing their program of study. International
students who are not from a country where the native language is English and domestic non-citizens
who did not attend a US school must provide an English Proficiency score as an admission
requirement. Unless a program specifies the test that is to be used and/or additional requirements, an
applicant only needs to submit one of the scores, and it is their option as to which.
Following are the minimum scores needed for admission to the FHSU Graduate School.
The Language Company (TLC)
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Level 9 plus two Advanced English modules (80% or higher on each section is required to
receive a PASS)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)- internet-based version
79 or higher for graduate (approximately 40
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Overall band score of 6.5 or higher for graduate
3.9 or higher for graduate
Duolingo -
110 or higher for graduate
English 3 -
72 or higher for graduate
The student can also show:
Evidence of baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredited U.S. Institution of
higher education.
Documentation of completion of an approved intensive English Language Program.
Verification of English as the native language of undergraduate institution.
Admission Appeals
The Graduate School admission process at FHSU is a selective process. Applicants must meet the
minimum requirements for graduate admission and in many cases, meet department/program criteria
that are over and above the minimum established by the Graduate School at Fort Hays State
University. Students who have been denied admission have an avenue of appeal. Keep in mind, the
appeals process is for applicants who have a serious and compelling reason they feel their application
should be considered. The appeals form can be found here: Appeals Policy.
Enrollment Deferment Policies
Applicants not enrolling for the semester in which they are admitted may defer enrollment for a
maximum of three additional semesters (excluding intersession and summer) unless otherwise
restricted by individual programs.
Undergraduate Background for Graduate Work
All departments require appropriate undergraduate courses as background for graduate studies. Some
departments may require more courses, others may ask for a definite sequence of undergraduate
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courses, and a few may require courses to be completed before graduate study may begin. Whenever
the undergraduate transcript shows an inadequate background, additional appropriate undergraduate or
graduate courses will be required.
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Graduate school policy for leveling hours:
Unless otherwise noted by the department/program approver at the time of admission, leveling hours
are to be completed during the first two terms of enrollment and will be noted as such under the
admission conditions.
Fall/Spring Spring/Summer Summer/Fall
Program Options
The program of a graduate student will consist of no less than 30 semester hours of graduate credit.
Please note that some programs require more than 30 semester hours. If the advisor and the
departmental graduate committee determine that the student needs more than the minimum number of
hours to complete the requirements for the degree, the student’s program will be adjusted
accordingly. Under no circumstances can a course be used on more than one program of study. If the
student is working on an additional masters or an advanced degree and courses required for the second
degree were also required for the previous degree, the advisor must notify the Graduate School of
substitutions for those courses. CPL is not accepted as a substitution for the courses for the second
degree. This includes equivalent courses such as the 600/600G courses. If a student took the 600
(undergraduate) version of a course, regardless of the grade or credit earned, the student cannot enroll
in the 600G (graduate) version of the course for credit towards a graduate degree. In instances where
variable title courses are part of a student’s graduate program of study (i.e., courses assigned the same
course number but cover various, distinct special topics) each distinct special topic course may count
as credit toward one graduate degree.
Program Planning Procedures
The coursework must follow a structured plan as developed by the departmental graduate committee
and must be approved by the department chair and the Graduate Dean. The degree program shall
include only the courses required for completion of the degree. The students graduate committee
shall consist of the advisor as chair and two other faculty members as selected by the advisor. The
committee is responsible for developing the graduate degree program and normally serves as the
thesis committee. The program of study is located in Workday (Academic Progress).
Students are expected to select a minimum of one half of their courses (6 hours per semester) from
their program of study. Electives not found on their program of study may be taken, with an advisor’s
approval, to complete the hours needed to be a full-time student or meet special circumstances. Failure
by a student to meet these requirements can result in their dismissal from the program for inadequate
progress towards a degree.
The student, the advisor, the departmental graduate committee, and the department chair must agree
upon any changes to the approved graduate degree program. The advisor must then make those
amendments to the program in Workday.
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Research Option
Subject to the approval of the department, the graduate degree student may select one of the following
research options when planning a program:
1) Option A: Masters/EdS/DNP Degree With Thesis/Dissertation. A minimum of 30
semester hours of graduate credit including a research course and a masters thesis of
two to six semester hours.
2) Option B: Masters/EdS/DNP Degree With Portfolio. A minimum of 30 semester
hours of graduate credit including a research course and a completed and approved
3) Option C: Masters/EdS/DNP Degree Without Thesis or Portfolio. A minimum of 30
semester hours of graduate credit including a research course in which research
methods are taught and in which a research paper, research project, or creative work is
assigned and completed.
Thesis (Required of Option A Programs Only)
The thesis is the written or visual result of independent research on a topic in the program field of
study for which the student may receive from two to six hours of credit. Once enrolled in Thesis, the
student must remain continuously enrolled both fall and spring semesters, and, if the department
requires it, the summer session, until the thesis is completed. Failure to enroll as required makes the
student eligible for dismissal from the degree program. The topic and procedural plan of the thesis
must be approved by the students graduate committee prior to the beginning of the study. The advisor
and the departmental graduate committee or its delegate share responsibility for the students work on
the thesis and on the final approved copies.
Documentation of approval by the FHSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) must be provided for
research involving human subjects. Documentation of approval by the FHSU Institutional Animal
Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must be provided for research involving covered animal species.
IRB or IACUC approval must be secured prior to the initiation of research activities. Further
information on policies and procedures can be found at the respective websites: and
The approved thesis must be submitted to the Graduate School by the deadline published in the
academic calendar for the semester of anticipated graduation.
Theses are prepared and submitted in digital/electronic format and all final copies are available in the
Forsyth Library depository, making them available online. A short abstract of the thesis must
accompany each copy to be placed in the library. Signatures pages are required with actual signatures
before the student can upload the completed thesis to the library repository.
The Graduate School is still responsible for vetting the thesis to ensure that the thesis is correctly
formatted. It is the responsibility of the graduate student to contact the Graduate School to obtain a
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copy of the most current thesis guidelines and any other specific requirements for completion of the
thesis. A title page template is provided on the Graduate School website to assist students in creating
their cover pages and formatting:
The thesis is due to the Graduate School two weeks before graduation in the fall and spring semesters
and a week before graduation in the summer term. The specific date is listed in the academic calendar.
The thesis must be accepted by the Graduate Dean before the thesis requirement is met and before a
grade is given for the thesis. Credit for the thesis is deferred until it is completed and is accepted by
the Graduate Dean.
Comprehensive Assessments
Each applicant for a graduate degree must satisfactorily pass a comprehensive assessment over the
subject fields of the program. This normally occurs prior to thesis completion in Option A programs.
The comprehensive assessment is not merely a reexamination of materials covered in coursework but
is an evaluation of the graduate degree candidates ability to integrate materials from the graduate
program and any related or supporting fields. Each department will determine the content and format
of the comprehensive assessment; the assessment may be written and/or oral.
Normally, the comprehensive assessment is taken during the final semester of enrollment. In Option A
programs, a final oral examination over the thesis is required. Departments may establish certain
qualifying examinations to determine if further graduate work is required or if the student is making
satisfactory progress in graduate study.
Application for Program Completion
The student who plans to graduate at the end of a given semester must file an Application for Program
Completion form in Workday and remit the associated administrative fee before the filing deadline
given in the academic calendar.
In the event the student does not graduate after filing an Application for Program Completion, a new
Application for Program Completion form must be completed before the deadline for the semester in
which the student plans to complete requirements.
There is no special distinction for honors at graduation for graduate students.
Classification after Graduation
After a student’s graduate degree has been conferred, their student record will be listed as inactive in
Workday. All students who wish to continue taking graduate level courses must reapply and be
admitted to the Graduate School as either a degree seeking or non-degree seeking student. Non-degree
classification permits the graduate student to continue to take courses for graduate credit as needed to
meet personal and professional needs.
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Non-degree graduate students are required to maintain a 3.00 GPA in graduate courses at all times in
order to retain eligibility to receive graduate credit and to remain in good academic standing in the
Graduate School. A non-degree graduate student can be dismissed for not maintaining the required
3.00 GPA.
Students who wish to pursue a second Masters or Specialist in Education degree will be required to
complete a new application for admission in the new program.
Financial Information
The university awards, on a competitive merit basis, a number of graduate teaching assistantships
(GTAs) for qualified graduate degree-seeking students in most degree areas of graduate study.
Successful completion of a criminal background check is required for all applicants for university
assistantships. For international graduate students, the criminal background check can only be
completed once a Social Security Number has been obtained. Benefits associated with the position
(stipend and tuition assistance) cannot be issued until the background check has been completed. The
stipend, which may vary by the award, is for the academic year or for one semester. The assistantship
is awarded only in the department of the applicants program or a related field or discipline and may
be renewable for one year. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate
The maximum time that a student may hold a graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) is for a total of
four academic semesters unless approved by the Graduate Dean in consultation with the department
chair for extenuating circumstances. The graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) for the Master of Fine
Arts (MFA) may be held for 6 semesters (three years).
Students must work a required number of hours per week in a program subject area. Graduate
assistants must be enrolled in a minimum of six graduate hours per semester and three graduate hours
for the summer term in courses on an approved graduate degree program. However, to be considered a
full-time graduate student, a graduate assistant must be enrolled in a minimum of nine graduate credit
hours. Tuition waivers of various levels may be available only for university graduate teaching
assistantships. No tuition waivers are associated with departmental research (GRAs) or administrative
assistantships (GAs).
Departments sometime secure private funds, governmental grants, and other funds that may assist
graduate students financially and professionally. Inquiries concerning departmental assistantships,
which carry no tuition waivers, should be directed to the chair of the departmental program.
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International Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)
According to KBOR policy:
All prospective graduate teaching assistants of the state universities shall have their English
competency assessed prior to being considered for any employment having classroom or laboratory
instructional responsibility and/or direct tutorial responsibilities. The following shall be used to
implement this policy:
(a) All prospective graduate teaching assistants, whose native language is not English, must
be interviewed and have their competency in spoken English assessed by no fewer than three
institutional personnel, one of whom shall be a student. An oral interview shall be conducted
either face-to-face or by mediated means.
(b) To be eligible for an appointment without spoken English language remediation
conditions, all prospective graduate teaching assistants, whose native language is not English,
shall be required to achieve:
(i) a minimum score of 50 on the Speaking Proficiency English Assessment Kit
(ii) a minimum score of 22 on the Speaking section of the Test of English as a Foreign
Language internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT);
(iii) a minimum score of 7 on the Speaking section of the International English
Language Testing System (IELTS); or
(iv) a score on a Board of Academic Affairs Standing Committee approved English
speaking instrument that is equivalent to a minimum score detailed in
C.2.b.iii.(2).(b).(i), (ii), or (iii).
(c) Any prospective graduate teaching assistant who does not meet the above requirements
shall not be assigned teaching responsibilities nor other tasks requiring direct instructional
contact with students.
(d) An exception to the requirements in C.2.b.iii.(2). (a), (b), and (c) may be made for:
(i) foreign language courses; or
(ii) courses taught in sign language.
Revised: 6-05-2024 19
Inability to Complete Assigned Responsibilities or GA/GTA/GRA Position Resignation
This policy applies to all Graduate Assistant/Graduate Teaching Assistant positions/Graduate
Research Assistants, on-campus and virtual, awarded by Fort Hays State University.
Should a GA/GTA/GRA reach a point where they are no longer able to complete their assigned
responsibilities, for any reason, the Graduate School is to be notified.
Any GA/GTA/GRA who leaves their assistantship position (regardless of reason) must submit an
official letter of resignation to the Graduate School. If the GA/GTA/GRA is removed by the
department/program, a letter from the direct supervisor is required. The initial appointment form or
contract that is signed by the GA/GTA/GRA, is an agreement for the individual to participate as a
GA/GTA/GRA and carry out assignments as described in the agreement. It is a general
appointment/contract outlining required activities and compensation for such. The effective date of
resignation/removal must be stated in the letter. This ends the agreement between FHSU and
GA/GTA/GRA and any benefits that result from the position. If the appointment included tuition
assistance, the individual is responsible for reimbursement of the remaining value of the tuition. The
amount will be determined, on a prorated basis, from the date of the resignation, by the FHSU
Business Office.
In Situations where the GA/GTA/GRA and the department desire for the GA/GTA/GRA to perform
all or a portion of their assigned job duties remotely, the department, the GA/GTA/GRA, and the
GA/GTA/GRAs direct supervisor shall work together to develop a remote work plan, which must
then be submitted, along with a written request, to the Graduate School for approval. The work plan
must outline which duties will be performed remotely, provide relevant work schedule information,
and contain sufficient details concerning other expectations and aspects of the plan. The Graduate
School reserves the right to deny, approve, or conditionally approve any remote work request, or
revoke or modify any previously approved work request, if it deems the request or work plan to not be
in the best interest of the University. Note that, per federal guidelines, international students are
ineligible for remote work requests. Additionally, GA/GTA/GRA remote work requests are subject to
any other University policies or procedures concerning remote work, and the University assumes no
responsibility to provide or maintain workspace, equipment, or internet access required to complete
the work, all of which is the responsibility of the GA/GTA/GRA.
This policy is supplemental to, and GA/GTA/GRA positions remain subject to, all other FHSU,
Graduate School, and Departmental/Program policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and
requirements, as well as the terms of individual contract/appointment forms.
Other Financial Assistance
A variety of programs are available to students who require financial assistance to pursue an advanced
degree. Applications are available from the Office of Financial Assistance.
Revised: 6-05-2024 20
Graduate School Policies and Procedures
Transfer of Credit
Graduate degree candidates must earn a minimum of 50% resident credit hours at FHSU (exceptions
may be approved by the respective Academic Dean and Dean of the Graduate School). However,
individual departments may require more hours than the minimum to be earned at FHSU, thus
reducing the number of hours that may be transferred. The graduate student must contact the
department of the program about departmental requirements relating to transfer credit. Candidates
may request that graduate credit earned at a regionally accredited institution with an acceptable letter
grade be accepted for degree requirements subject to the departmental limits on transfer credit and
approval by the Graduate Dean.
Courses cannot be used on more than one program of study, unless the courses are pre-approved as
part of a dual degree program at FHSU. Courses cannot be transferred on to the graduate program
until an official transcript for the course(s) has been received by the Graduate School. Only graduate
courses applicable to an FHSU degree program will be added to the FHSU transcript; the degree
courses are transferred once the graduate student has enrolled in courses at FHSU. No course may be
transferred for which validation will be required because of time limits or in which the course has
been used for a previous degree.
Dual Degrees
Dual degrees are formal programs of study shared between more than one academic program. In order
to be considered a dual degree, the program must undergo the official curriculum review process and
obtain approval by Graduate Council as a standalone degree program. Courses shared between
programs in a dual degree must be pre-approved by the individual programs and cannot exceed 15
credit hours. However, individual degree program limits are established by the respective departments
and may be lower.
Graduate degree candidates must qualify for admission to both degree programs through completing
the relevant dual degree application. Graduate degree candidates can only be enrolled in one degree
program at a time, so if a graduate degree candidate is currently enrolled in a participating degree
program, they must reapply to the respective dual degree program.
Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is permitted only in designated graduate programs. Under no
circumstance will CPL credit be awarded without written approval from the department and Graduate
Dean. All CPL credit awards will be granted as CR credit. CPL credit is limited to 6 hours for
students enrolled in masters programs and is not permitted for students enrolled in education
specialist or doctoral programs. Consult the FHSU website for CPL for additional information.
Revised: 6-05-2024 21
The Graduate School requires that a separate, non-refundable application, processing fee be paid for
each application submitted for all degree seeking and non-degree seeking students. Costs vary
depending on the applicants status: domestic or international/Non-Citizen Domestic Resident. No
application will be processed or considered complete until this fee is paid.
Each time a change occurs in application status (i.e., an applicant disbands his or her degree- seeking
status to pursue non-degree or undergraduate status then reapplies for degree status, or a second
masters or specialist degree is pursued), a new application and fee will be assessed. Graduate students
pay graduate fees for graduate classes and undergraduate fees for undergraduate classes.
The fee schedule for applications, enrollment and commencement is subject to change; the student
should consult the tuition and fee schedule for the current applicable fee rate.
Non-Degree Students
Students who wish to be admitted to graduate status without designating a degree objective and
without securing acceptance as a program in a department that offers graduate degree programs shall
be designated as non-degree graduate students on the application for admission. Applicants for non-
degree graduate status must provide evidence of a conferred bachelor’s degree (unofficial or official)
from a regionally accredited higher education institution with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or a master’s
or graduate degree (unofficial or official) with a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Non-degree graduate students
may study in approved classes without following degree programs, but there is a possibility that credit
for such classes may not be accepted towards a degree later. At any time during their time at FHSU,
Non-Degree students who wish to pursue a master’s degree will be required to complete a new
application for admission.
Non-degree students are required to always maintain a 3.00 GPA in graduate courses in order to retain
eligibility to receive graduate credit and to remain in good academic standing in the Graduate School.
A non-degree graduate student can be dismissed for not maintaining the required 3.00 GPA.
Seniors and Graduate Study
FHSU seniors in their final semester may enroll in graduate courses, not to exceed six graduate credit
hours, to complete a total semesters course load not to exceed 16 hours. This provision applies for
one semester only, for FHSU seniors only, and no further enrollments in graduate courses are
permitted until the bachelors degree is completed. Under such conditions, the student remains
classified in the system as a senior.
Eligible seniors must secure written permission from the Graduate Dean and be admitted to the
Graduate School prior to enrolling in a course(s) for graduate credit. Please note these courses do not
count toward undergraduate degree requirements or hours toward graduation; check with financial aid
Revised: 6-05-2024 22
regarding implications. It is not guaranteed that graduate courses completed by seniors can be used
later for a graduate program of study. Program and Graduate Dean approval must be secured.
Accelerated Programs
High-achieving FHSU students in their final undergraduate academic year may be invited to complete
an accelerated masters program. An accelerated masters program allows students to complete 9
graduate credit hours during their final undergraduate academic year, fulfilling undergraduate and
graduate degree requirements simultaneously.
The 9 hours of graduate work completed as a part of the undergraduate degree program will be listed
on the undergraduate transcript through Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). CPL will not post on the
undergraduate transcript until the courses are completed and credit is posted on the graduate program
of study. The 9 graduate credit hours are counted toward the 120 minimum hours needed for the
undergraduate degree and the 30 hours minimum needed for the graduate degree. For financial aid
purposes, graduate courses completed as part of the accelerated program count toward degree
Eligible FHSU students must complete the designated accelerated program application for the first
semester they wish to enroll, and they must be admitted to the Graduate School prior to enrolling in
courses. While completing the accelerated program, a total semesters course load is not to exceed 18
hours. Graduate advisors are responsible for notifying the Registrars Office and the Financial
Assistance Office of students admitted to the accelerated program and specifics regarding approved
course substitutions for the undergraduate major.
Graduate Student Responsibility
Admission to and continuation in graduate study presupposes a high degree of initiative on the part of
the student. It is the students responsibility to carry on intellectual study at a high level and to initiate
and follow necessary procedures to attain the degree. In no case will a requirement be waived or an
exception granted because a student pleads ignorance of the requirements and policies stated in this
catalog, in departmental guidelines, and/or elsewhere (e.g., website).
It is the students responsibility to: (1) follow all policies of the department, Graduate School, and
University; (2) meet all requirements for the graduate degree; (3) meet all deadlines; (4) understand
and follow all policies and procedures concerning academic honesty; (5) consult with the assigned
advisor on all matters pertaining to the degree program or changes to the degree program; (6)
promptly answer any notices from the advisor, faculty, department, dean, or other university officers;
(7) enroll in only those courses for which the stated prerequisites have been met; (8) follow all
departmental, Graduate School, and university policies on human subject and animal research; and (9)
be familiar with the information in the department, Graduate School, and University publications
including the University Catalog.
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Any exceptions to regulations, policies or procedures contained in the Graduate School section of the
university catalog or to Graduate School policies and procedures as stated elsewhere require the
written and signed approval of the Graduate Dean.
While the personnel of the Graduate School and the students advisor will endeavor to aid in every
way possible, the responsibility for any error in meeting the requirements of the Graduate School, as
stated in the university catalog or elsewhere, and the requirements of the department of the program,
rests with the student.
Academic Honesty
Membership in the FHSU learning community imposes upon the student a variety of commitments,
obligations and responsibilities. It is the policy of FHSU to impose sanctions on students who
misrepresent their academic work. These sanctions will be selected by appropriate classroom
instructors or other designated persons consistent with the seriousness of the violation and related
considerations. A copy of the formal Academic Honesty Policy and procedures can be found here
Appeal of Academic Evaluation
Students shall have protection through orderly procedures against arbitrary or capricious academic
evaluation. In matters relating to evaluation of academic performance, an informal as well as a formal
procedure exists. The student should first consult with the professor(s) involved. If the issue is not
resolved at that level, the student may consult with the chair of the department who will, if necessary,
inform the student of further informal appeals or of specific formal appeals procedures. The formal
appeals process begins with a written appeal to the department stating the specific arbitrary or
capricious academic evaluation. A copy of the formal appeals procedure can be found here: Appeals
The Graduate Dean may terminate a students graduate status at any time because of unsatisfactory
academic performance. Departments and programs may request termination of a graduate student for
poor academic performance, unethical behavior along with other reasons that demonstrate poor
performance within a program.
Time Limits
Outdated credit will not be applied towards a degree program. Outdated credit is defined as credits
earned more than 8 years before the semester or summer term that the first course is taken on the
degree program. Validating examinations for outdated credit may be given upon approval of the
instructor of the course to be validated by the Graduate Dean. Action for the validating examination
must be initiated by the department through a petition to the Graduate Dean. Please use this form for
course validation. No course may be transferred for which validation will be required because of the
eight-year time limit.
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Parallel to the previous requirement, all new graduate courses for a master’s degree, Specialist in
Education, or Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program must be completed within eight years,
starting from the semester or summer term that the first course is taken on the degree program.
Course Load
The maximum course load for graduate students is 15 hours for the fall and spring semesters and nine
hours for the summer term. Any change from this rule must have prior approval through the program
advisor and a request to take additional hours, through the Graduate School Director prior to
enrollment or pre-enrollment.
A student with a graduate assistantship must carry at least six semester hours of graduate credit that is
on the approved graduate degree program throughout each semester of the assistantship and at least
three semester hours of graduate credit that is on the approved graduate degree program throughout
the summer term of the assistantship.
A graduate student must be enrolled and remain enrolled in nine graduate hours on the approved
degree program each semester in order to be classified as full time during the fall and spring semesters
and six hours during the summer term.
Grades for Graduate Study
Graduate students at the Masters, Specialist in Education, and Doctor of Nursing Practice degree
levels are expected to do uniformly high-quality work. Only grades of A, B, and C are acceptable on a
degree program. No course taken for Pass/No Credit shall be used on a graduate degree program. A
graduate student must attain at least an average grade of B (3.00) in all graduate coursework on the
degree program for graduation. Some departments limit the number of hours of C grades; the student
should contact the department for any departmental limits.
Removing an Incomplete
Arrangements for completing a graduate course for which an incomplete (I) is given should be made
by the student as soon as possible. Students are encouraged to complete the course work within one
year (One Year Rule).
If the graduate work is not completed within one-year, the I will remain on the record; graduate
credit can be given only when the graduate student satisfactorily completes the graduate course.
This one-year rule shall not apply to students admitted to the Graduate School for graduate credit in
courses based on individual study such as thesis, problems, readings, research, practicum and
independent study.
The one-year rule to complete a graduate course will apply to all other courses, including workshops
Revised: 6-05-2024 25
and seminars, in which coursework taken for graduate credit is normally completed in the process of
the regular semester or summer term. A grade of NC will be assigned to courses that have had an I for
more than a year.
Entrance Examinations
No general entrance examination is required by the Graduate School. However, individual
departments may require certain qualifying examinations or other evidence of admissibility before
admission, before enrollment or at some time during the students program. Among the examinations
that a department may require are the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Miller Analogies Test
(MAT), the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), and the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) for international students.
Course Levels for Graduate Study
Undergraduate, upper-division, and Graduate I students. Graduate students enrolled in 600-699
level course will be expected to produce a greater quantity and quality of work that clearly
demonstrates their mastery of the subject matter which surpasses that of undergraduates
enrolled in the same course.
Graduate I students; graduate credit only.
Graduate II students; graduate credit only.
Graduate I
Courses designed primarily for masters students who have accumulated less than 31credit hours of
graduate work.
Graduate II
Courses designed primarily for DNP and specialists students who have completed more than 30 credit
hours of graduate work.
Change of Program or Change of Emphasis in the Program
A graduate student wishing to change their program (or emphasis in the program) must apply for
admission to the new program through the Graduate School and pay the current domestic or
international application fee. If admitted into a new program, the department will determine if any
course or courses taken in the previous program will apply toward the new program. The student must
meet all admission requirements of the new program and the Graduate School. A student can be
admitted in only one graduate degree program at a time.
Teacher Certification
The Graduate School has no responsibility for teacher certification. Prospective graduate students
should understand that the material in this catalog that relates to graduate study and to the Graduate
School applies only to requirements for degrees and has no direct relation to certification, licensure, or
certificates for school teachers or other school personnel. The Graduate School gives no assurance that
Revised: 6-05-2024 26
a program for a graduate degree and a program for certification, recertification, or licensure will
coincide. Graduate students and prospective graduate students who are interested in certification,
recertification, or licensure should confer with the Dean of the College of Education at the beginning
of a degree program or at the time of application for admission.
Graduate School Awards
Selection Process
Award decisions are made by the Awards Committee, a subcommittee of the Graduate Council.
Selections are made based upon the listed criteria for each award.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
The purpose of this award is to acknowledge and recognize an outstanding graduate teaching assistant
for their contributions to the teaching mission of Fort Hays State University.
To be eligible for this award, each candidate must:
1. have a Graduate Teaching Assistant contract through the FHSU Graduate School
2. have been responsible for teaching-related support (for example, leading discussions, grading,
tutoring, recitation, and so forth) as part of their graduate teaching assistant employment,
3. have contributed above and beyond the general expectations of the position,
4. have not previously received this award.
Nomination and Criteria
In answer to a call from the Graduate School, nominations may come from faculty and graduate
students at the beginning of the spring semester.
This award may be received by an individual graduate student only once during her/his tenure at the
university. For the purposes of this award, the awards committee will focus on the teaching
accomplishments from the immediately preceding calendar year. Multiple awards, or no awards, may
be made for any given year.
Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award
The Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award was established to recognize exceptional research and
written work by graduate students at FHSU and to encourage the highest levels of scholarship,
research, and writing.
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There will be one award given per academic year and the award will be given at graduation in the
spring semester. To be eligible for the award, the thesis/report must meet one of the following criteria:
1. Submitted in final form to the Graduate School
a) by May 1 for a degree to be awarded in the spring term.
b) by August 1 for a degree awarded in the summer term
c) by December 1 for a degree awarded in the fall term
In answer to a call from the Graduate School, nominations may come from faculty and graduate
students at the beginning of the spring semester.
This award may be received by an individual graduate student only once during her/his tenure at the
university. Multiple awards, or no awards, may be made for any given year.
Outstanding Graduate Student Research and Creative Activity Award
This award is given to recognize and encourage excellence in research and creative activity by
graduate students. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate outstanding graduate
students for this award.
Nominees must be FHSU graduate students who were enrolled at the time of their nomination or are
currently enrolled in a FHSU graduate program, have completed their research or creative work
through their FHSU graduate program, and have a program of study on file with the Graduate School.
Nomination Process
In answer to a call from the Graduate School, nominations may come from faculty and graduate
students at the beginning of the spring semester.
This award may be received by an individual graduate student only once during her/his tenure at the
university. Multiple awards, or no awards, may be made for any given year.
Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award
The Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award is given to a faculty/staff member who has demonstrated
qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of graduate students at Fort Hays State
University. Graduate advisers provide an invaluable service to the university and its community of
students, on-campus and online.
One award is presented annually. Nominees are not required to have served a minimum number of
years, but the selection committee may consider length of term in choosing the award recipient.
Nominations are restricted to graduate advisers currently serving.
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Criteria for the award includes the following qualities:
o Availability/accessibility to graduate students and sensitivity to their needs
o Record of preventing as well as resolving problems
o Contribution to the professional and academic development of graduate students
o Ability to work effectively with faculty and other administrators on issues pertaining to
graduate education
Nominations may be initiated by a graduate student, department chair, or program director.
Revised: 6-05-2024 29
Graduate Program Checklist
Admission to Graduate School and Degree Program (U.S. Citizen):
Start and complete an application:
New users will create an account following the instructions listed on the Workday site.
Returning users will sign-in using their previously used credentials.
Pay the current, non-refundable application fee.
After paying the application fee, students will be redirected to the beginning of the application
to review their information. After reviewing your information, you will read and accept the
Terms and Conditions, then submit your application using the blue Submit button.
Applications will not be processed until your application has been properly submitted. Paying
the application fee does not submit the online application. You will receive a confirmation
email after the application is submitted.
Once your application is submitted, you can use the Workday portal to upload application
requirements and check your application status. Please see the instructional videos for
information on using this portal:
Provide letters of recommendation, if applicable for your area of study. Letters of
recommendation must be submitted on letterhead with an original signature. Letters of
recommendation can be sent directly from letter writers to the Graduate School by postal mail
or email ([email protected]), or you may upload them in the application portal. Letters of
recommendation must be from professional references (professors, supervisors, etc.) and
cannot be from close friends or family members.
Provide entrance examinations, if applicable for your area of study.
Provide the Graduate School with an OFFICIAL bachelors degree transcript that indicates
the completion of a bachelors degree from an accredited institution. The bachelors transcript
must include a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on the last 60 hours of
undergraduate credit or as a cumulative GPA. OFFICIAL transcripts, by definition, are
transcripts sent directly from the college or university Registrar to the Graduate School at Fort
Hays State University. Transcripts mailed, brought in by the applicant, or sent to other offices
on campus are not official and, therefore, are not acceptable. The Graduate School will obtain
the undergraduate transcript for FHSU students. Non-degree students must provide a copy
Revised: 6-05-2024 30
(need not be official) of a bachelors or masters degree transcript from an accredited
institution. Applicants who have earned graduate degrees from other institutions must provide
an OFFICIAL bachelors degree transcript only. Applicants who have earned graduate
degrees must demonstrate either a minimum GPA of 2.5 on their OFFICIAL bachelor’s
transcript or a minimum GPA of 3.0 on their OFFICIAL master’s transcript.
For institutions outside the United States and Canada, an official NACES International
Course-by-Course Transcript Evaluation is required for translation. The evaluation must show
that the degree earned is equivalent to a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited
university. The Graduate School suggest evaluations from the following companies:
World Education Service (WES) ICAP (Course-by-Course Evaluation)
SpanTran Course Analysis
International Education Evaluations (IEE) Education Course Report
*All nursing courses/transcripts from outside the United States, require additional evaluation by the
Commission of Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS). A course-by-course evaluation is
required to confirm degree, course credit, and grades including grade point average. Provide any
additional application materials as required by the program (personal statement, resume,
background check, etc.) The list of application requirements for each program can be found on
the website here:
Admission to Graduate School and Degree Program (International Student)
Start and complete an application:
A list of programs suitable for F-1 visa holders can be found here as well.
Application Deadlines for F-1 visa students:
June 1 for a Fall Semester Start (I-20s for Fall will not be issued after June 30)
October 1 for a Spring Semester Start (I-20s for Spring will not be issued after November 30)
New users will create an account following the instructions listed on the Workday site.
Returning users will sign-in using their previously used credentials.
International and non-citizen domestic residents will select “International Graduate” as their
Applicant Type.
Pay the current, non-refundable application fee.
After paying the application fee, students will be redirected to the beginning of the application
to review their information. After reviewing your information, you will read and accept the
Revised: 6-05-2024 31
Terms and Conditions, then submit your application using the blue Submit button.
Applications will not be processed until your application has been properly submitted. Paying
the application fee does not submit the online application. You will receive a confirmation
email after the application is submitted.
Once your application is submitted, you can use the Workday portal to upload application
requirements and check your application status. Please see the instructional videos for
information on using this portal:
Provide letters of recommendation, if applicable for your area of study. Letters of
recommendation must be submitted on letterhead with an original signature. Letters of
recommendation can be sent directly from letter writers to the Graduate School by postal mail
or email ([email protected]), or you may upload them in the application portal. Letters of
recommendation must be from professional references (professors, supervisors, etc.) and
cannot be from close friends or family members.
Provide entrance examinations, if applicable for your area of study.
For institutions outside the United States and Canada, a World Education Service (WES)
International Course-by-Course Transcript Evaluation is required for translation. The WES
evaluation must show that the degree earned is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from a
regionally accredited university.
All nursing courses/transcripts from outside the United States, require additional evaluation by
the Commission of Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS). A course-by-course
evaluation is required to confirm a degree, course credit, and grades including grade point
average. Only non-citizen domestic residents with a valid RN license are eligible for Nursing
Provide any additional application materials as required by the program (personal statement,
resume, background check, etc.) The list of application requirements for each program can be
found on the Graduate School Academic Programs page:
Provide proof of English Language Proficiency.
o TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)- 79 or higher on the internet-based
o IELTS (International English Language Testing System)- Overall band score of 6.5 or
Revised: 6-05-2024 32
o Duolingo- Score of 110 or higher.
o English 3- Score of 72 or higher.
o TLC/HLI- Level 9 plus two Advanced English modules (80% or higher on each section
is required to receive a PASS).
o iTEP- Score of 3.9 or higher.
o Evidence of a baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredited US institution of
higher education.
o Verification of English as the native language of undergraduate institution.
Valid Passport ID that clearly states your legal name and passport number.
Official Bank Statement (F1 visa students only): Students intending to study on-campus on an
F1 student visa must provide proof of the required funds to attend. Funds must be equivalent to
the estimated cost of attendance. Graduate assistantship positions are not counted toward proof
of funds. The estimated cost of attendance for international students can be found here:
Financial Form (F1 visa students only): Along with your bank statement, you will also need to
submit the Financial Form certified by your bank. If your education will be funded by a
sponsor, their information will need to be listed on this form:
Transfer Form (F1 visa students only): Students currently studying on an F1 visa at another US
institution must submit a Transfer Form. Half of this document must be completed by the
International Office at your current university.
Admission Process
As soon as the application and all supporting materials have been received by the Graduate School,
the applicant’s file is sent to the specific department for review. After the department returns their
recommendation on admission, the file is reviewed by the Dean of the Graduate School. Applicants
will then receive a letter of acceptance or denial based upon these reviews. Applicants not enrolling
for the semester in which they are admitted may be required to reapply, depending on the program.
International applicants may defer admission for a maximum of three semesters unless otherwise
restricted by individual programs. An international student who has submitted all required documents
will also receive an I-20 from Fort Hays State University. Letters will be emailed to the address listed
on the application.
Revised: 6-05-2024 33
Submitting an Admissions Appeal
To submit an appeal, carefully read and follow the five steps below. Only complete appeals will be
considered, and the decision rendered through this process is the final decision. There are no appeals
past this level.
Appeal within 30 days. All appeals must be received by the FHSU Graduate School
within 30 days of the date of the missed deadline, or deny email notification sent by
the FHSU Graduate School. Students who were denied admission may only submit one
appeal per admission term.
Prepare documentation. To have an appeal processed, you must submit ONE
o The Admission Appeal Request: download the PDF and complete the form, which
will include letter of appeal detailing your extenuating circumstance.
o Supporting documentation: Information/documents other than your written
statement is/are necessary for your appeal to be considered.
Submit your appeal. E-Mail the complete appeals package with supporting
documentation to the FHSU Graduate School Email:
Allow time for processing. It may take 2 to 4 weeks or longer for an appeal decision.
Receive the decision by email. Applicants will be notified of the appeals decision by
email using the email address on file in the FHSU Graduate School. Make sure your email
address is correct.
Supporting Documentation
Request to submit a late application. Applicants miss deadlines for many reasons. Unforeseen
circumstances come up and/or opportunities may not always present themselves at a
convenient time. If you have a legitimate reason for missing an application deadline, this is
where you outline your case for consideration.
Request to submit late transcripts, documents, or test scores: A letter from the college,
university, or agency verifying the date transcripts, documents or scores were sent by the
deadline, or a statement indicating their inability to send them by the deadline.
Request for re-evaluation of denied admission: In-depth explanation as to why you feel that
you should be re-evaluated.
Request for reinstatement of admission if admission was canceled or rescinded: Additional
official transcripts or documents that were not previously submitted to the Graduate School.
Following Admission to a Degree Program
A. Meet with your advisor and/or advisory committee and complete an Academic Plan. The
academic plan should be completed in Workday and edited by your advisor before your
second enrollment.
B. Register/enroll according to dates listed on the online academic calendar: Academic
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C. Maintain at least a 3.00 grade point average in all coursework on the graduate degree
D. Follow all policies of the Department, Graduate School, and University.
E. IMPORTANT! Check your FHSU e-mail account and Workday regularly for important
information regarding deadlines and other announcements.
Getting Ready for Graduation
Sign up for comprehensive examinations on the Graduate School webpage in the Current
Students section: Comprehensive Examinations. Check the semester deadlines at Graduate
School Deadlines.
For the Master of Liberal Studies degree, two attempts to pass the comprehensive examinations
are allowed; however, you cannot retake assessments within the same semester or term.
Submit the final thesis or field study to the Graduate School by the deadline for the semester or
summer term.
Submit an Application for Program Completion form in Workday by the deadline for the semester
or summer term that you plan to graduate. Contact the Graduate School to check on the status
of your graduation.
If you want a copy of your official degree transcript, submit your request online at:
Diplomas are mailed approximately four-six weeks after the end of the semester or summer
term. Diplomas are not mailed to international residential addresses.
Commencement is held twice a year at the end of the spring and fall semesters. Please visit the
university website here:
Application for Program Completion
The student who plans to graduate at the end of a given semester or summer term must file an
Application for Program Completion form in Workday after registration but before the filing
deadline. Filing an Application for Program Completion provides the Graduate School with an
opportunity to review the graduate student’s file to ensure that all degree requirements have been met
and so that a diploma can be ordered.
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In the event the student does not graduate after filing an Application for Program Completion, a new
Application for Program Completion form must be completed before the deadline for the semester or
summer term in which the student plans to complete requirements.
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Accelerated Degree Program
Accelerated Proposal Submission Procedures
Accelerated degree program proposals must be submitted to the Graduate School and Graduate
Council for approval. Program proposals may be submitted by departments that offer a bachelors and
masters in the same program. The program development form must include the following:
A program description
Admission requirements (if higher than requirements set by Graduate School).
Degree requirements for undergraduate program, graduate program, and shared hours.
A sample plan of study for both the undergraduate and graduate portions of the program.
Specify how the accelerated program will provide academic advising. The academic unit
must clearly outline satisfactory academic progress guidelines, including specific
timelines, as well as the consequences of not meeting these requirements.
Admission Standards
Students must have a minimum overall undergraduate GPA of as stipulated by specific
degree program requirements.
Students are invited by a department to apply for admission to an accelerated masters
option during the second semester of their junior year or after 75 credit hours. In order to
apply, students must:
a. Apply to the Graduate School and be accepted to an approved accelerated program.
i. See specific program requirements for application material.
Students must meet all admission criteria established by the academic unit and the
Graduate Program within the unit, except the completion of the baccalaureate degree.
The admission standards for the accelerated degree must be consistent with the admission
criteria of Graduate School and the academic unit for the master’s degree.
A written statement detailing the satisfactory academic progress requirements to remain in
the accelerated degree program must appear in all recruiting, admission materials and
websites provided by the academic unit.
The academic unit must designate a faculty member responsible for coordinating the
admission process.
Students will be eligible to start the accelerated program after completing 90 (senior status)
credit hours of coursework toward their undergraduate degree program. Students accepted
into the accelerated program will be admitted to the graduate program, pending successful
completion of all of the coursework for their undergraduate degree, and earned grades of B
or better in all accelerated courses.
Monitoring Student Status
Upon acceptance into the program, advisors must submit an update for the degree
summary to the students degree analyst in the Registrars Office and a graduate program
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of study to the students degree analyst in the Graduate Office. This plan must identify the
9 graduate hours the student will be using to satisfy 9 hours of upper division
undergraduate credit.
Students in accelerated programs are not permitted to take all 9 graduate hours in one
semester, to avoid the student being a full-time graduate student while still being classified
as an undergraduate.
A student will be considered a graduate student until all undergraduate degree
requirements have been completed. Undergraduate students enrolled in the accelerated
programs will be eligible to enroll in approved graduate level courses and seminars.
However, they will not be eligible for most graduate services including teaching and
research assistantships, financial aid, or graduate award programs until the
undergraduate degree is completed.
Undergraduate students may not use graduate level courses taken before they have been
accepted in the accelerated masters program (i.e., students cannot retroactively become
part of the accelerated degree). A degree plan must clearly identify the graduate course of
study and identify the 9 shared hours.
Degree Requirements
Students in the accelerated degree program must meet all degree requirements of the
bachelors degree and masters degree programs.
When a thesis is required for the master’s degree, undergraduate research projects/work
may not be substituted for the masters thesis.
Accelerated programs may use a maximum of 9 graduate credits to be shared between the
bachelors degree and master’s degree programs. All 9 shared hours must be taken at the
600 and/or 800 level and have prior approval prior to enrollment.
Only 600/800 level approved courses (9 shared hours) in which the student receives a B or
better will be transferred to the graduate program. These courses must be approved by the
advisor, Department Chair, and Dean of the Graduate School.
Transcripts The transcript will show all completed coursework for Accelerated Degree
students. Graduate courses taken as an undergraduate will be posted as Credit for Prior
Learning (CPL) prior to the undergraduate degree being awarded. Courses will be recorded
with the grade CR. These courses do not count in GPA calculations, which may result in
the cumulative GPA being calculated on a minimum of 111 hours. Graduate courses taken
as a part of the accelerated program must be posted to the Graduate Transcript during the
semester in which they are taken and paid for. Apart from those courses posted as CPL, all
courses shown on the undergraduate transcript will be used for degree completion and to
calculate the undergraduate GPA. Graduate GPA will be calculated using only the graduate
The 9 graduate accelerated program hours taken as an undergraduate may be used to meet
the 120-hour degree requirement for the bachelor’s degree. These hours will be posted as
UG CPL, at no cost to the student, so that they can be directly applied to the UG degree as
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CR. This will ensure that participants do not obtain an undergraduate degree with less than
120 hours on their transcript.
Continuing and Graduation Requirements
Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (in both undergraduate and graduate
Earn a grade of B (3.0) or higher on all double-counted, graduate level (600/800 level)
Complete the degree requirements within time limits set by the Graduate School and the
degree-granting program.
If a student does not meet the above standards, they will be removed from the accelerated
degree program by the Graduate School. The department will notify the Graduate school
that the student is no longer in the advanced program. Once a student is removed from the
program, they may not return to that program and cannot reapply to the accelerated
program again. If the student wishes to continue in the graduate program, they must
reapply for the degree program through the Graduate School.
Program Monitoring
The academic unit should outline a plan for monitoring the programs success after three
For official university reporting purposes, students will be considered as undergraduates
until the bachelor’s degree is awarded.
Leaving the Accelerated Degree Program
Students admitted to the Accelerated Degree program, who voluntarily decide not to
pursue a graduate degree, or who are not admitted to the graduate program, may change
majors back to a regular undergraduate program at any time. If an Accelerated Degree
student chooses not to pursue a graduate degree, the student should notify the
administering department in writing; this notification should include the specific
undergraduate major that the student intends to pursue. At that time, the department will
notify the Graduate School that the student is no longer part of the accelerated degree
program. Once a student withdraws from the accelerated program, they may not return to
that program and cannot reapply to any accelerated program offered by FHSU.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Graduate tuition and fee rates apply to the 9 hours approved for the program of study.
Undergraduate students may receive federal financial aid (through the Financial Aid
Office) for both undergraduate and graduate courses.
However, once a student becomes a graduate student, financial aid is not available for
undergraduate courses. In addition, financial aid as a graduate student is not available until
an undergraduate degree has been conferred. It is important for Accelerated Degree
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students to complete all undergraduate degree requirements and apply for an undergraduate
degree during the first four years. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the financial
aid office to discuss financial aid options during the fourth and fifth years.
MLS Advising and Student Count Distribution
Considering that (1) faculty and departments expend significant amounts of resources to assist
graduate students pursuing a Master of Liberal Studies (MLS) degree, (2) the 21-hour concentration
involves advising and individual supervision of graduate students, and (3) there is a need to recognize
the faculty and departments who work with MLS students, the Graduate Council of Fort Hays State
University recommends that:
Each graduate student pursuing an MLS degree is counted as one student for the faculty
advisor and the department in which the student has a concentration.
Each graduate student who graduates with an MLS degree is counted as one graduating
student for the department in which the student has a concentration.
The count of MLS students is kept separate from the count of graduate students of a
The MLS data be used primarily for internal evaluation, with use externally on an as-needed
Graduate Degree Program Guidelines
Planning and Preparation
The primary goals of the Graduate School are to encourage independent scholarship and develop
competence in research or other creative activity. The objective of graduate study is not merely to take
courses. The purpose is to plan a well-rounded, coherent program of courses and research that will
contribute to the students general academic goals and aspirations. Students are expected to follow
general program planning procedures by undertaking these initial steps:
1. After admission to the Graduate School, if not previously assigned an advisor, the student will
go to the chair of the departmental graduate committee for the assignment of an advisor in the
area of proposed specialization.
2. The advisor or another member of the departmental staff designated by the advisor, and the
departmental graduate committee or its delegate committee is responsible for directing the
student in the graduate program. The coursework for the masters degree must follow a
structured plan approved by the faculty advisor and the Graduate Dean. At a minimum, the
students graduate committee shall consist of the advisor as chair and at least one other faculty
member from the major field. If available within a program, a third faculty member from the
related or minor field shall serve on this committee. Optionally, a faculty member who has no
connection with the graduate students degree program may be appointed to serve. The
committee is responsible for developing the graduate degree program. This committee may
also serve as the thesis/field study or catalog committee. Some departments have limited
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graduate faculty, but all efforts should be made for the committee members to hold graduate
faculty status.
3. The student will take comprehensive exams as prescribed by the advisor and the departmental
graduate committee.
4. In consultation with their advisor, the student will select electives appropriate for their
graduate program. The degree program should include only the courses required for
completion of the degree.
5. The completed program approved by the major advisor should be submitted in Workday on or
before the completion of nine hours of graduate credit. Any coursework beyond nine hours
taken prior to the arrangement of a degree program may not necessarily be counted.
The program may be viewed by student and advisor in Workday. The student, the advisor, the
departmental graduate committee, and the department chair must agree upon any changes in the
approved graduate program. The advisor-amended program should appear in Workday.
Transfer Courses
A. A course cannot be transferred for use on a FHSU graduate degree program until an official
transcript for the course(s) is received in the Graduate School. The course must have been
taken for graduate credit at a regionally accredited educational institution and an acceptable
letter grade assigned. Courses used for a previously earned graduate degree at another
institution cannot be counted on a degree program for a graduate degree at FHSU. Students
currently enrolled in a degree program at another institution are not eligible to transfer credits
from that degree program to a graduate degree program at FHSU, until the student has
disbanded from the prior institution. Departments may have additional requirements on
transfer credits. Also, there are limits to the number of hours and course grades that may be
transferred. (See Reminders). The course must meet the time limitation policy. (It cannot be
older than eight years at the time the degree is conferred.)
B. When adding a transfer course on the program, please fill out the following form: Graduate
Program of Study.
C. If the course replaces a typical required program course, you may also wish to indicate the
substitution in the Comments Section.
A graduate program must consist of no less than 30 credit hours of graduate credit.
Programs changes must be made in Workday and transfer course work must be submitted to
the Graduate School on the Program of Study Form.
There is an eight-year time limit for any course on a program of study. A course that has been
completed may remain on the program for only eight years. Failure to complete the degree in
the specified time frame can mean loss of credit. A validation process may allow a student to
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retain a course for an additional two years with special approval from the Graduate
Dean. Please use this form for Course Validation.
No more than 50% of the credit hours on a program may be transferred to
FHSU. Departments approve all requests for transfer credit.
Graduate School Appeals Policy
A graduate student who believes that a course grade, a professional disposition decision, the result of
a learning experience (e.g., academic dishonesty allegation or penalty, comprehensive examination,
fieldwork, etc.), or an admission decision has been assigned in an arbitrary and capricious manner by
the instructor or program may pursue a resolution of the dispute by submitting an appeal. The time
limit for filing this appeal shall be within 60 days of the end of the academic semester in which the
evaluation occurred or within 60 days of the admission decision. The student should carefully
consider their own performance or application prior to submitting an appeal. The process is designed
to resolve disputes at the lowest possible level, and attempting to resolve the dispute with the
instructor or program is the first necessary step before further action can be initiated.
The Appeals process has not been designed to produce changes that are the result of a reevaluation of
an instructor's or program's professional judgment about academic performance, admission criteria, or
the substantive content of assignments completed by a student. In other words, the focus of the appeal
is procedural due process (e.g., course management, errors in application of the course grading
arrangements, review of professional dispositions, admission procedures, etc.), and not about the
rightness or wrongness of the faculty member's or admission committee's content expertise, admission
criteria, judgments about the relevancy of assigned readings, choice of materials, etc.
When a student feels that an assigned grade, result, or admission decision has been applied with
arbitrary or capricious standards or procedures, and when the initial informal student-instructor or
program level consultations have failed to resolve the situation, the following steps and procedures
will be utilized:
1. Appeal to the department chair. (Note: In the case of MLS, MPS, & MBA appeals, a course appeal
will be reviewed by the department chair in the department offering the course. A program appeal will
be given to the Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences for the MLS, the Dean
of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences for the MPS, and, in the case of the MBA program,
the Dean of the College of Business and Entrepreneurship with advisory copies routed to the academic
department chairs involved. Other programs that may not clearly be assigned to an academic
department shall be clarified by the graduate dean.) The student will submit the approved Graduate
School Appeals Form to the department chair with attachments to support their case. The department
chair will investigate the issue by interviewing all parties involved. Although legal counsel is not
considered appropriate or necessary for such proceedings, the appellant may request the presence of
an advisor, staff member, faculty member, or advocate. The purpose of the inquiry is fact-finding. The
department chair will then communicate their recommendation to the student in writing within ten
(10) working days of receipt of the appeals form. This documentation will be attached to the
Graduate School Appeals Form and become part of the record of the appeal. This written
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communication shall be sent by electronic mail to the e-mail address provided by the student on the
appeal form. If the student wishes to continue the appeal process, they may proceed to step 2 below,
but must do so within ten (10) working days of receipt of the chair’s recommendation.
2. Appeal to the graduate dean via e-mail with a written request to continue the appeal. The
department chair will forward the record of the appeal to the graduate dean. The graduate dean shall
investigate the appeal by establishing a three-member hearing committee consisting of university
graduate faculty. The graduate dean shall convene the committee, issue a charge, and then withdraw
from the proceedings.
Although legal counsel is not considered appropriate or necessary for such proceedings, the appellant
may request the presence of an advisor, staff member, faculty member, or advocate. The purpose of
the inquiry is fact-finding. The appeal committee will make a recommendation to the graduate dean.
In response, the graduate dean shall issue their recommendation to the provost with copies to all
involved parties and the appropriate college dean within ten (10) working days. This documentation
will be attached to the Graduate School Appeals Form and become part of the record of the appeal.
This written communication shall be sent by electronic mail to the e-mail address provided by the
student on the appeal form. If the student wishes to continue the appeal process, they may proceed to
step 3 below, but must do so within ten (10) working days of receipt of the dean’s recommendation.
3. Appeal to the provost via e-mail ([email protected]) with a written request to continue the appeal.
The provost shall consider the record of the appeal, and the recommendations of the department chair,
the hearing appeal committee, and graduate dean to render a written decision. Copies of this document
will be sent to all parties involved in the appeal, including the student, instructors, department chair,
and graduate dean. The decision shall embody one of the following:
a. Agreement with the instructor, program, or committee's original assignment of grade, sanction,
result, or admission decision.
b. A change of the original assigned grade, sanction, or result. A change of grade will be noted on the
grading record as an administrative grade change by the provost.
c. If possible, a retake of the course with another instructor.
d. Other remedy determined by the Provost to be reasonable in light of the circumstances of the
The Graduate Appeals form can be found here: Appeals Form
Approved by Provost Council 8-5-08
Approved by General Counsel 8-13-08
Approved by Graduate Council 10-22-08
Revision Approved by Graduate Council 10-5-15
Revision Approved by Graduate Council 9-13-17
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Revision Approved by Graduate Council 10-18-23
Revision Approved by Graduate Council 03-20-24