Happy birthday to my very sweet great granddaughter, Masie Jane Webb.
I remember very well the morning she made her debut into this old world.
We were living in Woodstock, GA and Gwen Dedmon Kiley, our daughter
and Carrie J. Webb our granddaughter, was living in Buchanan, GA. When
the phone rang at about four in the morning, (it was Jane’s turn to answer),
but I knew from what I heard what was happening. She hung up and said
they are leaving for the hospital. I said OK, what should we do? Now you
talk about dumb questions!! but I had to ask...The
hospital was South Cobb, in the Marietta area...
We arrived at the hospital and I can’t even recall who all was there, but the
waiting room was full of folk from Bremen and Buchanan. Her arrival sent
chills up my spine as I had mentioned to our children a few years before that
we had expected more than three grandchildren. They quickly informed me
that I should have had more children if that was the
case. For some reason, I had never given thought that
my grandchildren would give me more grandchildren.
It is difficult for me to comprehend the “little grown
up girl” pictured to the right. The last count they had
given me four... or is it five... Yes it is five... Carrie 4
and Jonathan 1. Of course he may deliver again or
I guess I should say Michelle, his wife... And then I have another grandson,
Greg Dedmon, who is not yet married... I looked for a button that said, “I was a
good granddady, but now I am a “great” granddaddy. I believe my wife, Jane,
said Masie was the fifth Jane in her family. Or maybe six, beginning with
Masie Jane and going back, we have Carrie Jane, then Gwendoyln Jane and
then my wife Berla Jane and her grandmother Sarah Jane. Then it seems she found another Jane
prior to her grandmother. Then there was Lyddia Jane Shirley, which would be by wife’s great aunt.
I have four other great grandchildren: Cassidy is in her teens and Curt is becoming
a deer hunter, Makala will be two on April 26th, 2013 and Brady Mac celebrated
his first birthday on Oct 17th, 2012. I could be like the
Psalmist who said “Children are like arrows and the man
is happy whose quiver is full of
them”... My mother and father
were living when Masie was born...
hmmmmmmmmmmm great great
grandchildren...maybe I should buy
a larger quiver. Happy birthday
Masie.. I love you...
Send me your old stories or articles relating to the
Dedmon Family. Come on folks!!! Dig into that old
shoe box in the closet and bring out the goodies!!!!!
How do you celebrate Mother’s Day? I often
explain it this way: “Dad gets to take the family
out to eat to give mom a rest from the kitchen
and buy dinner for the family. Don’t worry dad
next month is your day. We will celebrate
Fathers day and Dad will get to take the family
out to eat to give mom a rest from the kitchen
and buy dinner for everyone.”
I suppose everyone “celebrates” Mother’s Day from
different perspectives. Some will wear a red rose
and others a white one. I have known some who
wear both. A white one in honor of their deceased
mother and a red one in honor of their step mother.
After my mother passed away
in July of 2008, my celebration
of Mother’s Day changed .
As a family we often gath-
ered on the Saturday before
and visited with her. It was
sometimes difficult as I was
preaching and was not always
able to make the trip.
We have a rose bush in the back yard and most of
the time it would be in full bloom on that day, so I
can’t help but think of her when the roses bloom.
Sometimes, due to very early warm weather they
will bloom early, but I still think of her. We call
that rose bush “Essie” as one of my mother’s
cousins gave that to us year’s ago. You guessed
it, the cousin’s name was Essie. I gave my sister
a cutting from it and now she has a beautiful plant
in her back yard. Even though my mother has been
gone several years, I still miss her very much but
I am thankful for the memories she left me.
There are still mothers in my life that I love and
cherish: Jane, the mother of our children, our
daughter, Gwen, the mother of our granddaugh-
ter, Carrie her daughter, and mother of four of our
great grandchildren, Cassidy, Masie, Curt and
Makala. Diane, my daughter in law, the mother
of my grand sons , Greg and Jonathan, and
Michele, Jonathan’s wife, the mother of one of my
great grand sons, Brady Mac. God is good…
It is interesting that one of the commandments
given to Moses was, “Honor thy father and thy
mother”. I used to wonder why a commandment
to do that had to be given, but through the years I
have seen those who mistreated their parents. The
greatest honor you can give your mother is to be
a faithful New Testament Christian. Someone has
suggested that God created mothers to help Him to
be omnipresent. A friend posted the definition of
mother on facebook recently as “One person who
does the work of twenty, for free.” The following
acrostic was written about a 100 years
ago or maybe
even longer, but it never gets out of date.
M - O - T - H - E - R
”M” is for the million things she gave me,
”O” means only that she’s growing old,
”T” is for the tears she shed to save me,
”H” is for her heart of purest gold;
”E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
”R” means right, and right she’ll always be,
Put them all together, they spell ”MOTHER,”
A word that means the world to me.
If your mother is still in the “Land of the Living”,
(or I guess I should say the “Land of the Dying”)
give her a call or if she is nearby go see her... give
her a hug. This is her day...
I have discovered at least five major Deadman branches that
we have not been able to connect. If you have information on
any of the Deadman family branches, please submit.
(I received the following email from Gwendolyn
Sanders (gwsa[email protected]] it reference
to Robert Alvin Dedmon & Cordelia Williams
Dunn Dedmon. This has long been a mystery in
the family and it appears will remain such,)
Hi Leroy, Tim Dedmon suggested I contact you. I am
searching for information on Robert Alvin Dedmon’s
second wife, Cordelia Williams Dunn Dedmon, who
was my great great grandmother.
Cordelia Williams lost her first husband, James Willis
Dunn, in 1911 and Robert’s wife Ida Cornell died in
1912. Cordelia sent her two remaining children (from
whom I am descended) to Alabama to be raised by
relatives, and Robert put his children in a Chattanooga
orphanage. My grandparents always told me that
Cordelia died with James (even though she is not buried
with him and their two babies who also died in 1911),
so I was a quite surprised by what I found when
searching for a death record for Cordelia.
In 1913, the Walker County, GA vital records show a
marriage record for Cordie Dunn and Robert A. Dedmon:
HUSBAND: DEDMON Age: Book page: 5-30
M-Date: 3-1-1913
REC Date: 5-27-1913 W/Maiden: DUNN
I have not been able to find any further record of
Cordelia or Robert until Robert’s death in 1953. I don’t
see them in the 1920, 30 or 40 censuses. I’m not sure
if they stayed in Georgia, or went elsewhere and
Robert returned before his death in 53. Robert
survived for 4 decades and is not in any census after
1910, under any of the name derivatives I tried.
Do you know if anyone in your family recalls this mar-
riage or what happened to Cordelia? If you even know
what state Robert lived in during those decades it might
help me find where she ended up. Thank you for your
help! Gwendolyn Sanders
(My reply) Gwendolyn, You are the first person I have
ever heard from that would be from Robert’s other
marriage. Here is what my mother told me about it:
He married “Preacher” Cordell’s daughter, Ida Lee and
she died in 1912 as you said. Then mother said he left
for about 18 years and no one ever heard from him and
the story was that they thought he married a German
woman, but no one ever knew her name. I had never
seen that marriage record you listed till now, I don’t
know how we (other researchers missed it). I also don’t
know if Cordie was the German woman they talked
about or if there was another wife somewhere. Mother
said he returned at some point and lived with “preacher”
Cordell until he died in 1953. I know personally some
of his grandchildren and as far as I know are still living.
(1) Harrison Alonzo Dedmond (he added the d) He
lives in California. (2) Edward Lavern Dedmon. Lives
in Florida, (3) Jeanette Lee Dedmon lives in Alabama,
I think her daughter is on my facebook friends list.(4)
Robert Raymond Dedmon, he and his wife Marye live
in Florida. I probably have some contact information
on some of these if your want them. They are the
children of Robert’s son Eppy Alonzo. Here is what
one of the son’s gave me: “E. A. Dedmon was born
in Walker County, GA at Mission Ridge. He and his
brothers were placed in the Bonnie Oaks Orphanage
in Chattanooga, TN. He was in the U.S. Marine Corps
(1924-1928). He served in the Nicaraguan Cpnfilct.
He was assigned to the Presidential Guard and went
with President Calvin Coolidge when he would go
on the Presidential Yacht, THE MAYFLOWER. At one
point during his Marine experience he raced against
Jesse Owens and outran him! That was prior to
Jesse Owens’ Olympics Gold Medal. He was chosen
to be on the Washington Senators Baseball team,
but injured his wrist throwing a stone at a rabbit
before the season began and was unable to make
the season start. That was about the time he met
Cecil Lee Griffith (they married in 1929 in Chatta-
nooga). They were married 64 years. He was in the
grocery business (Red Food Stores in Chattanooga)
and retired from Winn Dixie Stores in Florida. He
died in Tampa, Florida at the age of 89. He was an
avid coin collector and a member of Land O’ Lakes
Baptist Church.” I have not talked with any of them in
a while. They were all at our reunion about ten years
ago. The last email contact I have with Harrison was
(continued on page 4)
(continued from page 3)
([email protected]). I would have to search some of
my newsletters at http://dedmon.org to find the others
last used email… I seem to recall there was a death in
Lavern’s family… I didn’t think it was him… may have
been his wife… I am enclosing some of the information
I have on Robert. I would love to get the descents
through Cordie. I wish my mom was still living as she
might could shed more light on it. She passed away at
96 in 2008 and was a storehouse of information. She
knew Robert personally. Well I don’t know if this helps
at all or not, but it does give me another piece of the
puzzle that has been missing… Please stay in touch and
share what you find and I will “re-open” my file and do
some more searching… Leroy
(her reply) Hi Leroy, Thanks for the reply! Yes, now
I wonder where they went. They both sent their exist-
ing children to be raised by others and, it seems, ran off
together. Cordelia was 40 at in 1913 (b 1873) so I
don’t know if she would have had any more children
with Robert. If they did, then perhaps I have great aunts
and uncles and cousins I didn’t know about.
Cordelia was born and raised in the North Georgia area
into families that had been here for generations, so I
doubt there could have been an accent or anything that
would lead one to think her German. Dunn is Gaelic in
origin. Someone could have misunderstood though,
hearsay is like that.
I have searched for her in all the census records from
1920 on, and once I found the marriage record, I looked
for Robert too, and found nothing. So perhaps they
avoided or were missed by the census takers. I am
going to search there some more now that I know they
left Georgia. Maybe they left the country, who knows.
If Robert returned 18 years later without her, either they
split up or she’d died already. I haven’t found her in the
Social Security death records, she was probably a born
and died a little to early to be included there. And na-
tionwide, cemetery records are in their infancy with so
many cemeteries undocumented yet.
At any rate, if you hear from anyone where Robert might
have lived during those 18 years, that could give me a
clue to finding where she’s laid to rest. Thanks again
for your help, Gwendolyn.
(I am confident there are those who have more
information on this story. If so, please share, Leroy)
In this issue, I have devoted most of the space to obitu-
aries. I have found them to be an invaluable source of
family information. In fact in this newsletter I was able
to find some of the twigs that was missing off the limbs
of our family tree. I realize some of them may have
been published in previous issues, but as I do not have
an index of names used in the newsletters, it is a slow
and time consuming project to do so. I started an index
once, but decided I was not doing it the best way. I
was listing in each issue the names used. But if I wanted
to find a name I had to find the issue. So I am going to
redo by listing the names and the issues where they are
mentioned. At least that is my intention. That would be
a good project for someone to volunteer. I have been
preaching long enough to know that a volunteer is not
going to happen, but I can hint!!!
Meanwhile, back at the brick wall. In the last issue (Vol.
80) I featured the good work Tim Dedmon is doing
with the DNA research. It is my understanding that the
project he is managing deals with the “Y”
chromozone, which is only present in males. So any
male Dedmon, Deadman, Dedman, etc, etc, would be
of great service to take the test. It is a simple thing to
do and not all that expensive. In the case of some of
the lines there is a discount provided as we are very
much in need of that informantion. You can check the
previous issue of THE DEDMON CONNECTION
Volume 80 for all the information.
With the advent of facebook, we have the opportunity
to connect with a ton of Dedmon relatives. It also opens
up a brand new avenue of family research. At the present
I have over 100 Dedmons as friends on facebook and
many of them I know nothing about. Is a challenge to
say the least. As I have discovered in the past it seems
that most Dedmons know very little about their heritage
and usually show little interest in it until they, like me,
reach the sunset years of life. I often wonder how much
informantion I would have today had I started this
project when I was 25 rather than 55. Oh well...
Please send me obituaries of family members so
we can share with other members of the family.
DENTON - James Dedmon
Fowler, 64, of Corinth passed away
on Saturday, September 13, 2008,
in Odessa. He was born December
4, 1943, in Denton to F.W. “Pin”
Fowler and Martha Dedmon
Fowler. He graduated from Krum
High School and the University of
North Texas where he was a member
of Sigma NU Fraternity. He married
Joy Duncan in Denton in 1965. He
and wife Joy started Southwest
Credit Systems in 1974 where he
was president until June 2000.
Funeral service will be Wednesday,
September 17, 2008, at 2 p.m. in the
chapel of DeBerry Funeral Directors.
Burial will be at Jackson Cemetery
in Krum. Visitation will be after the
service. Pallbearers will be Frank
Tyler, Jim McNatt, John Burks,
Kent Bass, Don Robinson and Phil
Hurley. Honorary pallbearers will be
all of his Sigma NU Fraternity bothers.
He is survived by his wife, Joy
Duncan Fowler; sons, Brad Fowler
and fiancée, Karen Flinn, Rick
Fowler and wife, Jennifer; sister,
Pam Estes and husband, Bill of
Denton; nieces, Valerie Osteler and
husband, Brandon, Sheryl
Crutchfield and husband, Eric;
beloved grandchildren, Clayton
James and Victoria Lee Fowler;
aunts, Louise Brooks and Margaret
Brooks; cousins, Beverly Mowery,
Dr. John Brooks, Bill, Cole, Sally
Everly, Virginia Wheaton, Barbara
Hunt, Bill Black Jr., Cathy Freeman,
Donna Ritz and Dale Byrum. He
is preceded in death by his mother
and father.
Toylynn Dedmon, 46, passed away
April 29, 2012 in Carson
Nevada. Arrangements are
to Walton’s Chapel
of the Valley.
(Aug27, 1925 - October 29, 2011)
Eula M. Dedmon, 86 of Vicksburg,
MS, died Saturday, October 29,
2011 at Vicksburg Convalescent
Home. Graveside services will be
Mon., October 31, 2011 at Cedar
Hill Cemetery in Vicksburg, MS.,
with Reggie Crawford officiating.
Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery
Survivors Include: Daughters: Joni
McGarrh, Vicksburg, MS Donna
Gray Sullivan of Vicksburg, MS
Bettye Hynum Walker of
Greenville, MS Son: Larry E.
Chafton of Brooksville, Fl. Grand-
children: Tommy Gray, Jimmy Gray,
Clifton Hynum, David Chafton,
Robert Hynum, Joey Chafton, Erik
McGarrh, and Laura McGarrh
Barlow. Thirteen Great grandchildren
and Six Great great grandchildren.
Brothers: Ralph Massey of
Mendalhall, MS and Bruce Massey
of Vicksburg, MS.Preceded in
death by: Father: Clifton Clyde
Massey Sr. Mother: Laura Lucille
Massey Husband: Richard A.
Dedmon, Jr. Sister:Margorie
Coulter Brother: Clifton Massey Jr.
Columbia - James Phillip Dedmon,
formerly of Allendale, departed
this life on Monday, November
23, 2009. Born and reared in
Brownsville, Tenn., he served in
the U.S. Navy during WWII.
Afterwards, he moved to Allendale
where he resided for 45 years. He
was the owner of Dedmon’s Exxon
Service Center and served as Chief
Magistrate for Allendale County for
30 years. For the past 18 years,
he served as the Resident Manager
of the Columbia Sailing Club.
Members of the Columbia Sailing
Club will serve as Honorary
Pallbearers. He is survived by
his wife, Betty Steele Dedmon;
daughter, Patricia Dedmon Terry;
grandchildren, William Mole Terry IV,
Tiel Terry Welzbacher, Trel Dedmon
Terry; stepdaughter, Rita Bragg
Cullum and her husband, John
William Cullum, Sr; step grand-
children, John William Cullum, Jr.,
Emory Burdette Cullum; four great-
grandchildren. A memorial service
will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday,
November 25, 2009, at Dunbar
Funeral Home, Dutch Fork Chapel,
with private burial in Ft. Jackson
National Cemetery. The family
wishes to express their gratitude
to all members of the Columbia
Sailing Club, Regency Hospice,
and especially the caregivers of
Ascension Hospice. Memorials
may be made to Ascension Hospice,
PO Box 1367, Irmo, SC 29063 or
the Columbia Sailing Club, PO Box
922, Columbia, SC 29202
Waldron—Graveside services for
Lisa Mae Dedmon were held at 2:00
pm Friday, May 7, 2004 at Sehorn
Cemetery in Winfield followed by
burial under the direction of Martin
Funeral Home of Waldron. Lisa
Mae Dedmon, 40, of Waldron, AR
passed away Wednesday, May 5,
2004 in a Little Rock hospital. She
was a poultry farmer and a member
of the Haw Creek Baptist Church.
She is survived by one daughter,
Nicole Dedmon of Waldron, AR;
her father and step-mother, Bill and
JoAnn Dedmon of Waldron, AR;
her mother, Peggy Dedmon of
Waldron, AR; her grandmother,
Dessie Mae Crain of Waldron, AR;
and sister, Tracy Dedmon of
Waldron, AR.
KEITH L. DEDMON (1960-2012)
Mr. Keith Leroy Dedmon, after 52 years,
transitioned from labor to rest on Sunday morning,
August 26, 2012 from Muskogee. Better known
to family and friends as “Keithy”, Mr. Dedmon was
born on March 9,1960 in Muskogee, the son of
Rudolph and Dorothy [Stanford] Dedmon. He was
the third of six children born to this union. Keith attended Muskogee
Public Schools and graduated from the Muskogee High School
with the Class of 1978. In 1982, he married the love of his life, Cathy
“Liz” Evans. Their love produced two children, Lewis Jaye and
Michelle Lynn. Keith was a devoted father and loved his children
dearly. He often stated, “family is number one, family is everything
and you never let anything come between us.” On July 17, 2012,
he was blessed with his very first grandchild, James Israel.
Unfortunately, he never got the chance to see him in person.
At an impressionable age, Keith professed his belief in Jesus Christ
and served the Lord diligently. He often sought the Lord for
wisdom, clarity and knowledge. He was a faithful member at
First Assembly of God in Muskogee for nearly 16 years. He had
a love for the Lord, the bass guitar and karate, and he kept Kentucky
Fried Chicken in business. He loved Dr. Pepper and discovering
new restaurants as well as having a fondness for reading. Keithy
dreamed riches were right around the corner with his many
business adventures. He loved trying to crack jokes and he loved
to laugh.Keith was a dedicated worker at C.R. Anthony’s in
Muskogee for nearly 20 years until they closed. He worked at
Price Mart before they closed and began working for Homeland,
where he remained loyal until his demise. He had a strong belief
that you weren’t a man if you didn’t work and exemplified that daily
by going to work even with his illness. Although he was prohibited
from driving, he either walked, rode his bike or used public
transportation. He believed in showing up for work.
He leaves to cherish his memory; his devoted son, Lewis J.
Dedmon, Muskogee; a loving daughter, Michelle Lynn
Dedmon and her son, James Israel Moore, Oklahoma City;
two foster sons he helped raise, Antonio James Evans, Austin,
Texas and Timothy Lee Thomas, Okmulgee, Oklahoma; a dear
friend for life, Cathy Evans Griffin; his siblings, Veronica Myles,
Tulsa, Donald and Katie Stanford, Rudolph Dedmon, Jr., and
Lisa Dedmon, all of Muskogee, Linda Johnson, Edmond,
Oklahoma, and Kathy Walker, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and
a caravan of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Tenita
Dedmon-Betts. The Hour of Remembrance for Keith will be on
Saturday, September 1, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. in the Timothy
Baptist Church. Pastor Kelly Payne is the gracious host and
Pastor Sedell Campbell will officiate. Burial will follow in the Booker
T. Washington Cemetery. You may visit Mr. Dedmon as he
slumbers in peaceful repose at the Keith D. Biglow Funeral
Directors, Inc., on Friday from 10 AM until 6 PM.
Betty Jean Propst
(9/ 19/1931 - 10/ 6/2012
Betty Jean Dedmon Propst, 81 of Concord,
passed away on Saturday, October 6,
2012 at the home of her daughter. The
family will receive friends at Hartsell Funeral
Home in Concord on Tuesday, October 9,
2012 from 6 until 8 PM.
The funeral service will be held at McGill
Baptist Church 5300 Poplar Tent Road
Concord on Wednesday, October 10th at
11:30 AM, with Dr. Steve Ayers officiating.
Burial will follow at Carolina Memorial Park
in Kannapolis.
Betty was born on September 19, 1931 in
Lincolnton, to the late Luther and Hattie Mae
Baxter Dedmon. Betty suffered through a long
illness of 30 years.
Betty is survived by her husband Charles
Walter Propst of the home; daughter, Kelly
Propst Doherty and husband Matt of
Mooresville; sons, Charles Walter Propst, Jr.
and wife Gwyn of Concord and Jimmy Dale
and wife Lisa of Gastonia; grandchildren,
Tucker and Hattie Doherty, Luther and Lara
Propst, and Jason and Andy Dale.
Memorials may be made to Catawba Valley
Hospice House, 3975 Robinson Road
Newton, NC 28658 or North Carolina
Stroke Association Piedmont Plaza 2, 2000
West First Street Suite 504 Winston Salem,
NC 27104. Hartsell Funeral Home of
Concord is serving the Propst family.
Dorothy M. Dedmon (
Dec. 27, 1929 - Aug. 18, 2011)
Memorial services for Dorothy M. Dedmon, age 81, of
Bison, SD will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 2,
2011 at the Grace Baptist Church in Bison. Pastor Phil
Hahn and Pastor Lloyd Veal will officiate. Special music
will be provided by Gloria Veal, pianist. All of Dorothy’s
grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grand-
children are considered Honorary Bearers. Dorothy Maude
Bruning was born on December 27, 1929 in the home of
her Grandmother Bruning to Nina Belle Etta (Conklin) and
Leo George Bruning in Sioux Falls, SD. Dorothy attended school in Armour, SD
until 1939 when her parents moved the family to Deadwood, SD. Her family again
moved in May 1942 to Provo, SD. In Provo, her father helped build the Black Hills
Ordinance Depot and Nina and Dorothy worked in the only café in Provo.
Dorothy enjoyed waiting tables and was a wonderful waitress. In the later part of
1942, the family moved into housing in Igloo, SD; part of the Black Hills Ordinance
Depot. Dorothy attended high school in Igloo. Dorothy’s grades in high school
were good enough that she was allowed to work where the ammunition was stored.
It was a job that she enjoyed very much.
Dorothy married Luther Lonzo Mace in 1945. From their union, three children
were born: Nina Dorothy “Patti”, Carole Ann “Cammie” and Luther David “Luke”.
The family traveled extensively, due to Luthers Army career. Dorothy and her
three children moved from Mississippi to Oregon, then to Toolle, UT with Dorothy’s
mother, then to Las Vegas, NV. There, Dorothy met the one true love of her life,
Billy Key Dedmon. On September 27, 1963, Billy and Dorothy were united in
marriage. They lived in Henderson, NV for 23 years. During that time, Dorothy
received her realtors license and became an outstanding and successful realtor.
Billy and Dorothy enjoyed buying houses and fixing them up so that they could rent
them out. Dorothy was also the President of the Emblem Club (the woman’s auxiliary of
the Elks Club) from 1982 to 1984. Billy and Dorothy enjoyed entertaining friends
and family in their home and enjoyed travelling, which they did often. Following
Billy’s death, Dorothy and her granddaughter, Dorothy Key moved to Buffalo, SD.
While there she was on the Sunday School Board and was also a driver for the
EMT’s. Five years later they moved to Belle Fourche, SD where Dorothy worked
in the Assessors Office and helped the local museum get up and running. Dorothy
also enjoyed having lunch with a group of local ladies known as “The Lunch Bunch”.
In 2005, Dorothy moved to Bison, SD where she helped with the family owned
flower shop. She always had coffee on and something to eat for whoever stopped
by. If you left her house hungry, it wasn’t because she didn’t try to feed you. She
loved to sit around her kitchen table with her family and friends telling stories and
jokes. Dorothy loved music, playing the organ, dancing and taking care of her
great-grandchildren. In her younger years, she played basketball and loved snow
sports especially skiing and ice skating. Dorothy passed away on Thursday, August
18, 2011 at the Western Horizon’s Care Center in Hettinger, ND. Blessed to have
shared her life are her daughter, Carol “Cammie” Ann (Glen) Worthen, Bison, SD;
son-in-law, Bill Smith, Lucedale, MS; daughter-in-law, Pam Mace, Wright, WY;
brother, Leo (Esther) Bruning, in CA; sister, Virginia Tuning, Black Hawk, SD; 8
grandchildren; 22 great grandchildren; 14 great-great grandchildren; and numerous
nieces and nephews. Dorothy was preceded in death by her parents, Leo and Nina
Bruning; husband, Billy Dedmon; brother, Johnny Yoakum; son, Luther Mace;
daughter, Nina Smith; and grandson, Chris Mace.
September 15, 2012
Bertie B. Dedmon
Pauls Valley Democrat
Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Bertie B. Dedmon, 91, of
Lubbock, Texas was born
Feb. 17, 1921 in Union, MS,
to Albert W. and Emma
(Belk) Luby, the youngest
of seven children. She
passed away Sept. 13, 2012.
She moved to Stratford
from Springfield, Mo., in
1969, where she was a
member of the First
United Methodist Church,
serving in the choir and
UMW. While in Stratford,
she thoroughly enjoyed
the Stratford Senior
Center and talked often
about it. She moved to
Lubbock, Texas in 2005
to be close to family.
Services will be at 2 p.m.
Sat. Sept. 15 at the First
United Methodist Church
in Stratford, officiated by
Rev. Charles Baumann.
Burial will be in McGee
Cemetery. Arrangements
are under the direction of
Pickard Funeral Home in
Dedmon, Billie Allen, 68
Feb. 22, 1944 - May 15, 2012
Bill Dedmon was born in
Madeira, Calif., to Arthur
Lee and Berniece Dedmon.
He is survived by his wife of
48 years, Verna Dedmon;
children, Shane Dedmon and
Mindi Niemetz; 10 grand-
children; and brothers, Ted,
Larry and Gerald Dedmon.
There will be a memorial
service Saturday, May
26, at 1 p.m., at Greater
Portland Baptist Church,
17800 SE Main Street,
Portland, OR 97233.
Ray Charles Dedmon was born
to Callie V. Harris-Dedmon
and Edward Hatten in Tom,
OK on November 23, 1954.
He passed away on Wed,
January 9, 2013 at St. Michaels
Hospital in Texarkana, TX.
Ray joined the New Dora Baptist Church at an
early age where he sang with the choir. In his
early years, Ray loved playing basketball and
baseball. He also enjoyed hunting and fishing as
well. He graduated from Haworth High School
in 1975. He was employed at Red River Army
Depot for 35 years. While at Red River, Ray received
a number of awards for outstanding service.
Ray is preceded in death by: his mother, Callie
Dedmon-Runnels; father, Edward Hatten; and one
son Kenya Bond. Cherishing his memory is his
surviving family: four daughters, LaTasha Sanford and
husband Marco of Rockmart, Georgia, Shameshia Hunt
and husband Derick of Idabel, Oklahoma, Lanisha
Giddens and Nicholas of Texarkana, Texas, and LaKala
Giddens of DeKalb, Texas; one brother, Darnell
Dedmon and wife Vernell of Forman, Arkansas; ten
sisters, Betty Dedmon-Pruitt, Faye Brown and
husband Richard, Jerrie Dedmon, all of the Dallas area,
Eddie Williams and husband Michael of Hampton,
Virginia, Carlois Dedmon of Ada, Oklahoma,
Barbara Dunn and husband Billy of Ashdown, Arkansas,
Lorrie Davis and husband Jay of Tom, Oklahoma,
Kesha Pulliam and husband Curtis of Irving, Texas,
Terry Ross of Irving, Texas, and Nealy Woodward of
Kansas City, Missouri; eight grandchildren, Tahjane’
Harris, Da’Maya and Derica Hunt, Marco and
Markayla Sanford, Nicholas Pace, Jr., and La’Tavius
and La’Tamaria Easter; along with a host of nieces,
nephews, cousins and friends. Ray also leaves friends
that were dear to his and the family’s heart, Charles
Lewis, Albert Bailey, and Derrick Patterson, along with
a special friend Sherrie Ann Brown.
Funeral services are set for 12 noon Saturday January
19, 2013 at the Haworth School Auditorium in Haworth
Oklahoma with Elder James Ezell officiating. Interment
will follow at St. Luke Cemetery Tom, Oklahoma.
Family will receive friends Friday January 18, 2013
from six to eight at the funeral home.
I have corresponded with several African-American
Dedmons and some think the surname was taken
from slave owners. We know that was done in other
families. Of course there are other theroies as well.
Dedmon, Danny Ray, age 52,
of Lebanon, TN, died
Wednesday, January 23, 2013.
Danny was the son of the late,
Woodrow Wilson and Mary
Sue Reynolds Dedmon. He was
also preceded in death by his
sister, Nancy Lynn Dedmon.
He is survived by: Brothers - Charles (Jerrie) Dedmon,
Roger Dedmon, Frankie Dedmon and Bobby (Dawn)
Dedmon Sisters - Frances (Ronnie) McDowell, Jackie
Dedmon, Betty (Joel) Evans, Donna (Wallace) Roberson,
Becky (Darryl) Goins and Sherrye (Byron) Yarbrough.
Funeral services will be conducted 2 p.m. Saturday,
January 26, 2013 at Bond Memorial Chapel. Interment
will follow at Union Hill Cemetery, Brush Creek, TN.
Pallbearers will be Robert Barrett, Jackie Barrett, Barry
Barrett, Timmy Smith, Randy Johnson and James
Woodall. Flowers accepted or memorials may be made
to Caris Hospice.
Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. Friday and 12-2 p.m.
Saturday at Bond Memorial Chapel, N. Mt. Juliet Road
and Weston Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN. (615)773-2663. Obit
Line (615)641-2663, www.bondmemorial.com.
There are several Dedmon’s living in the Middle
Tennessee area. I am not sure how they connect
to the tree. I received correspondence several years
ago, who thought they descended from Jonathan
and Susan Hunt Dedmon. Several families in that
area spell the surname D-E-A-D-M-A-N and a few
D-E-D-M-A-N. I had an uncle whose name was
Woodrow Wilson Dedmon, but not Danny’s father.
ABILENE- Betty J. Dedmon, 74, Abilene, died
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005. She was a homemaker. She
was preceded in death by a son, J. Charles Dedmon.
Survivors include a son, Daniel W. of Highlandville,
Mo.; a daughter, Kathleen Herndon Burkhardt of
Grapevine, Texas; a sister, Ann Tapp of Abilene; a
stepbrother, Les Morley of Bartlett, Tenn; a stepsister,
Betty Spellman of Clay Center; four grandchildren;
and three great-grandchildren. A memorial will be at
2:30 p.m. Saturday at Martin-Becker-Carlson Funeral
Home, 414 N.W. Third, Abilene 67410. Inurnment
will be in Abilene Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, me-
morials may be made to Hospice of Dickinson County
or Abilene Senior Center, in care of the funeral home.
The family will receive friends at 1 p.m. Saturday,
prior to the service at the funeral home