The Voice of the Teslin Tlingit Council
Deslin Neek
2 Chief s Message
4 GC Resolutions
10 Teslin Recreation
12 DDC Update
18 Announcements
ank-you to those who
submitted articles amd
photos for this issue of the
Issue 60 December 2020
Happy Holidays Teslin!
May the New Year bring
health, joy and happiness!
Merry Christmas!!
Máa sá iyatee,
Our hope is all is as well as can be,
and that as you plan your holiday
season that you keep in mind
your safety. As you are all aware
by now we are in the second wave
of the Covid-19 pandemic and
this requires us to be extra careful
in all that we do. . Following and
practising the safe 6 and wearing
a mask in public areas is critical.
Keep a safe distance from each
other, keep your hands clean,
feeling sick, please stay home,
avoid crowds, travel with respect,
and self-isolate if necessary.
Please limit your travel from our
community to other communities.
As of 5 p.m. on Friday, November
20th, everyone other than critical
services workers entering Yukon
will be required to self-isolate for
14 days. As of December 1, it will
be mandatory to wear a non-
medical mask in all indoor public
spaces. e goal is to contain
COVID and prevent or minimize
community spread. We encourage
you to keep your contacts to a
minimum. Keep your circles
small. Our collective objective is
to reduce the risk and we must
remain vigilant.
We want to acknowledge the
hard work of Dr. Hanley, YG
Ministers, and health care teams
and supporting sta for the
tremendous eort being put forth
to help those that have tested
positive with the virus, to those
involved with contact tracing, and
the many other individuals that
are helping us to navigate our way
through this most dicult time.
In our administration we
have taken the necessary
steps and precautions to be
safe and we appreciate the
support we have given by our
community members. Within
our departments we are expected
to limit our movement to other
oces and wear masks when
having to move around to other
oce areas. We have non-
medical masks available and hand
sanitizing available at all entries to
our government buildings.
Our oces remain open with
the condence that we all will
continue to abide by all of the
measures that are put forth for us
to remain safe.
e year 2020 has truly become
a time of inner reection and
a time of consideration of all
things important and valuable
in our lives. 2020 gives us a
small glimmer into some of the
traumatic experiences we have
had over the past century. We
must consider the strength, the
will, and perseverance of our
people of those times and bring
forward those very characteristics
to the challenge that lies before us
As we ready ourselves for the
Christmas Season and 2021 the
Executive Council, Deputy Naa
Shaade Hani, Executive Sta, and
Departments and I wish you all
the very best during the holiday
season. We want the very best for
each of you and pray for the safety
of all. Take the very best of care
and we all love you very much.
Naa Sháade Háni - Eric
“It’s not what you have; its what
you do with what you have.
Message from Naa Shaade Hani
Chief s message
Attention TTC Citizens:
Naa Sháade Háni Morris and
Deputy Naa Sháade Háni Oakley
have a new contact number.
is number will be answered by
the Chief s Executive Assistant and
will forward information to our
newly elected leadership.
e Naa Sháade Háni and Deputy
would like to be more responsive to
the needs and concerns of Citizens.
Contact number: 867-384-0180
Teslin Tlingit
raising the new
TTC ag
2 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
In 2003 the Devolution Transfer
Agreement made Yukon
Government responsible for
managing re suppression in
Yukon. Economic and Employment
Opportunities as identied in
Chapter 17 of the Land Claims
Agreement created the YFN re
contracts. e Southern Lakes
Fire Management Zone being the
Whitehorse and Teslin Districts
goes from Braeburn, through
Whitehorse, Carcross, Tagish and
Teslin. Contracts have traditionally
been for a three year term and
requires LFM provide to WFM
an Initial Attack Crew (1 Crew
Leader, 2 Crew Members and 1
Trainee- which is optional) and
their transportation (a 4x4 crew
cab truck capable of carrying the IA
crew and necessary equipment).
roughout the years several TTC
citizens have been trained and
employed as IA crew members and
provided re suppression services
throughout the Yukon. Current
and former members of the “Teslin
Fire Echo Crew” provide a valuable
resource in the community of
Teslin especially if there is ever an
emergency crisis. Training of crew
members includes certication
in Transportation of Dangerous
Goods – Ground Mode; WHIMIS
and Standard First Aid. Every year
crew members must meet and
maintain the Yukon WFM WFX-
Fitness Standards.
Covid-19 changed how Fire
Suppression Crews operated for the
2020 Fire Season. Wildland Fire
Management could not have all the
crews located at the Whitehorse
Base and the request came forward
to not have a trainee on the Teslin
Echo Fire Crew. e crew was
based at the Forestry Compound
here in Teslin as Wildland Fire
Management has two cabins
located there.
Kevin Welin, Crew Leader, Tommy
Dewhurst and Trenton Dupont as
certied crew members were hired
for the 2020 season. LFM worked
with Wildland Fire Management
and Cole Dewhurst was hired on
the Teslin YG “Delta” Crew for the
season. All members of the Teslin
Fire “Echo” Crew signed the LFM
Covid-19 Risk Management Plan
– Guidelines for the Delivery of
Critical Services (Emergency). e
Risk Mitigation Plan mandated the
crew to operate as a household unit
during the work period and to live
at the Forestry Compound and they
were to self-isolate at their homes
when not at the work place. LFM
is proud of the crew and how they
followed the strict management
plan especially in a year that had
not one re the crew was deployed
Good Work Teslin Fire “Echo
Crew in keeping our community
Lightning Fire Management (LMC) Inc
Far le:
Hose tower in yard.
Echo Crew
Echo crew working on
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
TTC Winter General Council Resolutions
Resoluon # 2020.002
General Council Procedures (in
person and virtual) - passed
Whereas TTc is exercising pro-
tecve measures, informed by
the Yukon Chief Medical Ocers
direcves, to safeguard the health
of Teslin Tlingit, sta and contrac-
tors in response to the COVID-19
Therefore be it resolved that the
General Council authorizes the
meeng procedures of Novem-
ber 19-20, 2020 be conducted in
person and virtually with the sup-
port of video or teleconferencing
Resoluon # 2020. 004
Full Force and Eect: LINGiT YOO
Whereas the General Council
HAA SHAGOON law (the law) for
revitalizaon, protecon, ad-
vancement and increased access
to Lingit for Teslin Tlingit Cizens
(resoluon #2017-009, July).
Consultaon with the Government
of Yukon was concluded in March
2019. In September 2020, General
Council in accordance with resolu-
on # 2020.09.24.005 authorized
that the consultaon for the pur-
pose of secon 48 of the adminis-
traon act be completed by virtual
means and in person, subject to
COVID-19 limitaons by October
30, 2020 and that the 60 days and
two-week requirements set out in
secon 48(3) of the administraon
act would be waived. Execuve
Council concluded their consulta-
ons with the Teslin Tlingit Cizens
on October 28, 2020 and with
Elders Council October 29, 2020.
Execuve Council is recommending
a few amendments be made to the
law, in secons 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15,
26, 27 and 30.
Therefore be it resolved that the
General Council hereby approves
the execuve Council’s recommen-
daons as set out in Resoluon
#2020.004 (November) and there-
fore be it further resolved that
General Council hereby conrms
that all secons of teh law will be
in full force and eect as of No-
vember 20, 2020.
Resoluon 32020.005
Conrmaon of Execuve Elder
92020-2024) - passed
Whereas secon 11.2(b) of the
Teslin Tlingit Council Constuon
sets out that a representave ap-
pointed by the Elders Council will
serve as one of teh nine members
on Execuve Council. On Octo-
ber 29, 2020 the Elders Council
appointed Barbara Hobbis as the
Elders Council representave to
serve on teh Execuve Council for
a term of four years from October
29, 2020to the 2024 Annual Gen-
eral Assembly. Barbara Hobbishas
consented to be the Elders Council
representave to serve on Exec-
uve Council for the term of four
Therefore be it resolved that Gen-
eral Council arms Barbara Hobbis
as the Elders Council representa-
ve for a term of four years, from
October 29, 2020 to the Annual
General Assembly scheduled for
Resoluon #2020.006
Youth Council Appointments to
TTC Boards and Commiees -
Whereas the Youth Council are
taking measures to contact Teslin
Tlingit youth to idenfy potenal
candidates to serve on various TTC
boards and commiees. The Youth
Council has idened youth to be
appointed to parcular TTC boards
and commiees, to serve on an
interim basis for a period of 12
months, from November 20, 2020.
The Youth Council have nominated
the following youth to serve on
various boards and commiees:
- Savana Kremer; Working Com-
miee on Legislave and Constu-
onal Maers;
- Shania Hogan: Haa Kusteeyi 2021
Planning Commiee;
- Autum Jules: Language and Cul-
tural Oversight commitee and;
- Billy Smarch: Housing Commiee
and Cizenship Commiee.
Each Teslin Tlingit youth idened
has provided their consent to work
on commiees to which they are
Therefore be it resolved that
General Council supports and
conrms the appointments of
Savana Kremer, Shania Hogan, Au-
tum Jules and Bill Smarch. These
appointments will be for a term of
12 months, November 20, 2020 -
November 20, 2021).
Resoluon # 2020.007
Working Commiee on Legislaon
and Constuonall Maers:
Appointment of Addional
and Replacement Commiee
Members - passed
4 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Resoluon # 2020.007
Working Commiee on Legislaon
and Constuonall Maers:
Appointment of Addional
and Replacement Commiee
Members - passed
Whereas on Septmeber 24, 2020,
in accordance with resoluon
# 2020.09.24.009 the General
Council established a clan based
working commiee to undertake
the following specic legislave
and constuonal maers.
A) Complete the legal and
technical draing of Haa Kusteeyi
and present to the Annual General
Assembly for year 2021.
B) Complete a
comprehensive legislave review
of teh Naa Shaade Hani awe kaa
kaa wudsageedi - the elecon of a
leader ( The Leadership Selecon
Act) and the 2020 leadership
elecon process and provide
recommendaons to inform the
2024 leadership selecon process.
The commiee is instructed to
provide their recommendaons to
the general Council at the Annual
General Assembly for the year
2023. and;
C) review the Teslin
Tlingit Constuon and provide
recommendaons to stregthen
the teslin Tlingit clan-based
The working commiee
is instructed to take into
consideraon the leadership
opons Memo ( March 30, 2020)
as part of teh comprehensive
legislave review. The General
Council conrmed the clan
appointments of Sheila Clark
(Dakl’aweidi), Anne Turner
(Ishkitan), Sandy Smarch
(Kukhhian), Marian Sheldon
(Deshitan) and Georgina Sydney
(Yanyeidi) to serve a term of three
years from September 24, 2020 to
teh Annual General Assembly for
year 2023.
The Yanyeidi seat has become
vacant and the Yanyeidi have
idened duane Gastant
Aucoin to serve as the Yanyeidi
representave on teh working
commiee for a term of three
The Elders Council on October
29, 2020, have appointed Darcy
Kerr to serve as the Elders Council
representave on the working
commiee for a term of three
Savana Kremer has been appointed
by the Youth Council to serve as
the Youth Council representave
on the working commiee.
Therefore be it resolved the the
General Council conrms that:
- Duane Gastant’ Aucoin is
conrmed as the Yanyeidi
representave on the working
- Darcy Kerr is conrmed as the
Elders Council representave on
teh working commiee,
- Savana Kremer is conrmed as
teh Youth Council representave
on the working commiee for a
period of 12 months and,
-Bob Magill as the Speaker of the
General Council, will serve as Chair
on the working commiee.
The working commiee is
to provide its preliminary
recommendaons, specic to
compleng Haa Kusteeyi, at the
February General Council meeng
scheduled for February 19-20,
Santa Clause is Coming to
Dliwkát sheeltín, I keedagaaxéek,
Ish k’ayilooshéek, yisikóo gé,
Sindi Tlaas yá aandéi kgwagóot.
Saax’w akshaaxeet, adaa yakw-
aasá I ushk’eiyí
Sindi Tlaas yá aandéi kgwagóot.
Askweix aagáa eeteixí,
askweix aagáa eeteixí,
aasá I ushk’eiyí ka k’eiyí
daa k’idéin kigeestidéi.
Dliwkát sheeltín, I keedagaaxéek,
Ish k’ayilooshéek, yisikóo gé,
Sindi Tlaas yá aandéi kgwagóot.
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He’s making a list,
He’s checking it twice,
He’s gonna nd out who’s naugh-
ty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you’re sleep-
And he knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or
So be good for goodness sake
You better watch out!
You better not cry
You better not pout, I’m telling you
‘Cause Santa Claus is coming to
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
This fall, the Lands and Resources
Department helped conduct
three dierent surveys within the
Tradional Territory.
In October Lands and Resources
sta, along with Yukon
Government sta and members
of the Teslin Renewable Resources
Council conducted a composion
survey of the Wolf Lake caribou
herd. This type of survey is used
to gain an understanding of how
many caribou are in a herd, as well
as sex rao and calf numbers of
that herd. This survey will help to
establish an updated populaon
esmate for the Wolf Lake herd,
which will in ulmately allow us to
make decisions that are informed
by accurate and up to date
In mid-November, Lands
and Resources sta assisted
Government of Brish Columbia
sta in the collaring caribou in
the Swan Lake herd. The collars
that were deployed will provide
informaon that will help us to
beer understand how caribou
move on the landscape through
all mes of the year. As well,
the collar informaon will help
to establish a beer idea of the
range of the Swan lake caribou.
This informaon will feed into
our various planning processes
and allow us to make thoughul
decisions with caribou in mind.
Also in mid-November, sta of the
Lands and Resources Department,
Government and Brish Columbia
and Government of Yukon, as
well as members of the Teslin
Renewable Resources Council
conducted a survey of the Cassiar
moose populaon. This survey
covered a large swath of land
that spanned both the Yukon and
Brish Columbia porons of our
Tradional Territory. Like the Wolf
Lake composion survey, this
survey will assist us in establishing
an up to date esmate of how
many moose are on the landscape.
This informaon will help us to
make more informed decisions in
all aspects of our work.
These are a few photos of the
landscape from these surveys!
For more informaon about any
of this work please don’t hesitate
to get in touch with the Natural
Resources Manager, Hannah
Turner, at hannah.turner@c-
Lands & Resources Update
Nisutlin Bay Bridge Project
Virtual Informaon Session for Contractors
The RFQ for the Nisutlin Bay Bridge project is live on Yukon.bidsand- In order to ensure all potenal contractors understand the
project and what its like to live and work in Teslin, a virtual informaon
session was held on December 1, 2020 for all contractors interested in
being qualied to bid on the project. This session was an opportunity
for contractors to meet with representaves from the Government of
Yukon, Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC), Village of Teslin (VoT) as well as our
bridge design consultant (WSP Canada Group Ltd.) to receive a high
level overview of the project and a brief introducon of the culture and
value of the community of Teslin.
Save the Date - Open House
We are nearly ready to present the design of the bridge to the commu-
nity of Teslin. We plan to host an open house in Teslin the week of Janu-
ary 18 if COVID-19 restricons allow. More details will be announced in
the weeks leading up to the event. We look forward to meeng with you
all again.
If you have any quesons about the upcoming Nisutlin Bay Bridge proj-
ect, please email
Jordans Principle makes sure all
First Nations children living in
Canada can access the products,
services and supports they need,
when they need them.
In Yukon, many households
throughout territory had been gi-
ed food! Families received ‘From
the Ground Up’ vegetable boxes,
ground Bison, canned and whole
salmon! Turkeys were donated
and handed out to families prior to
ank you all who took action in
helping families through these try-
ing days! ank you to the Jordyns
Principle program, organizers and
6 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Lands & Resources photos
Caribou in the Mcnaughton Creek area
Teslin Lake
Landscape at Mcnaughton Creek
Wolf crossing the iceLandscape photo
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Merry Christmas One and All
As reported in the October 2020
edion of the Deslin Neek, the
central focus of our technical
team is on the implementaon of
the Land Related Proposal tabled
to the province on November
26, 2019. Our immediate
goal is to establish an interim
treaty arrangement (ITA) of a
Game Guardian program for
implementaon in BC in 2021.
In support of this iniave, we
have tabled a proposal to BC
which includes esmates from our
exisng Yukon Game Guardian
program in the hopes of moving
the province along.
To ensure that our Aboriginal
rights and tles are protected
and in the spirit of connued
collaboraon between TTC,
CTFN and BC, we have tabled the
concept of a Strategic Decision-
Making Agreement (SDMA) to
collaboravely manage and
administer the lands and resources
of our Tradional Territories,
including approval of disposions,
licenses and permits for access and
use and development.
Our approach to land idencaon
and retenon in BC is based on
tradional land uses owing
from an overall land use plan
(LUP) that will idenfy resource
potenal. It will enable us to make
decisions based on United Naons’
Declaraon on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples
and the Principles of
Reconciliaon regarding the co-
management and co-governance
of our Tradional Territories.
To move forward on an overarching
LUP, we are applying for resources
from the Treaty Related Measures
(TRM) a federal program for
resources. These programs are
an enormous amount of work to
prepare and not always successful.
To this end, Canada informed
us that a LUP is eligible so
hopefully we are supported in our
We have faced many obstacles
in our quest for self-government
and in dening our righul role
in confederaon. An ongoing
challenge is the development of
a caucus that is respecul and
representave of the family lines
of group trapline 625T002 as well
as other interested Tlingit Cizens.
To discuss this important issue,
we scheduled a public meeng
for January 12, 2021. Our goal
is to establish a respecul and
professional approach to caucus
and to represent a united front.
In the spirit of Haa Kusteeyí,
we must recognize that we are
a disnct Naon and on a path
towards a beer world regardless
of the hurts in our wake.
Going forward together we will
face many challenges and its up to
us as a disnct Naon to overcome
these challenges.
Rebuilding the Naon
We, the Dakhka Naon, the Taku
River Tlingit First Naon, Carcross/
Tagish First Naons and the
Teslin Tlingit Council, are working
together to rebuild our Naon.
We are following our Elders’
counsel. We are one Naon living
in dierent areas of our Tradional
Territory. As we connue to work
on Rebuilding the Dakhka Naon,
sharing our knowledge and our
ideas is vital. In the new year,
we will hold virtual gatherings
with Cizens from all three Tlingit
Naons to hear your stories, your
knowledge and ideas about the
Dakhka Naon. We hope you can
join us!
“Reconciliaon must take root
in our hearts, within families,
between generaons and
throughout out communies. BC
Lieutenant-Governor Janet Ausn
and Judith Sayers President of the
Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council
A Christmas memory
The day the laughter returned.
Wholly man, its been so long
since I’ve seen them drive o,
in a cloud of dust up the road to
the highway. Hughie and I would
run along beside them, then
behind the bus ll it was gone and
them, too. Now here it is, almost
Christmas and they’re supposed
to be here someme soon, but
thats not soon enough for a 9-year
old. I needed to see Jimmie D, we
were best pals. I want to hear the
sound of laughter and eat soap
berries with everyone from the
same bowl. Go sliding and skang
and do all the stu that comes
naturally, when you’re with your
families. Things like seng snares,
packing water and wood, before it
was just work that had to be done,
now its fun, constantly challenging
and imitang each other.
BC Treaty Negotiations update
8 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
A visit up to the village brings all
the sounds of joy, laughter, kids
screaming in delight going down
the bank to the lake and there was
always a toboggan to jump on and
enjoy the ride and share a laugh.
The winding trip down to see
aune Mary and them (as we used
to say) at brooks and Aune Kiy if
they were at JC, just depends. Both
aunes were overjoyed to see lile
Ma Ma as they called mother and
all the lile goodies came out like
rock candy, soap berries dry meat
& cracklins. Christmas wouldn’t be
the same if we didn’t visit aune
Lisa and family and share in the
good mes with a visit to them.
Aer Christmas the laughter
seemed to be less, gone by new
years as they all had to leave again,
back to school and our community
was quietly dierent once again.
It was lonely for a kid who really
didn’t understand where the
laughter went and found it hard
to understand we were dierent.
Weren’t we family?
We all sounded the same when we
Yesen - David
Fun Christmas Facts
Shop ‘til you drop
$549 million — e value of consumer electronics, such as tele-
visions and audio and video equipment purchased at large retailers
in Canada in December, with a 127% spike compared to average
monthly sales.
$435 million — e value of toys, games and hobby supplies,
including video games, purchased at large retailers in Canada in
December, up a whopping 184% from average monthly sales for this
Canadian Christmas - It’s time to party
6.7 million litres — e volume of commercial sales of eggnog
in Canada in December. Virtually all eggnog sales are in November
and December.
$449 million — e amount of monthly sales of candy, Christmas
chocolate and snack foods sales at large retailers in December, the
month with the highest sales.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
2,381 — e number of farms that grow Christmas trees in Cana-
da. e most Christmas tree farms are found in Ontario, with 647
55 acres — e average area of land per farm allocated to grow-
ing Christmas trees in Quebec. Christmas tree farms in Quebec are,
on average, the largest in Canada, followed by Nova Scotia with an
average size of 52 acres per farm.
Festively named places in Canada:
For the most festively named place in Canada, why not plan a trip to
Christmas Island, Nova Scotia? en again, there is Gi Lake in Al-
berta, and Reindeer Station in the Northwest Territories, At Christ-
mas, also give a shout out to Chimney Lake, British Columbia, Sled
Lake in Saskatchewan, and the decoratively named Holly, Ontario
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Whoot! We were successful in
our applicaon to the On Yukon
Time funding program oered
through YTG, which will enable
us to connue running our
Community Art program through
the winter. Thank you to Tara
Easley for taking a leading role in
the program (helping to coordinate
supply purchases and facilitang
classes) along with all of our
guest facilitators and parcipants
who have made this program a
great success. The program runs
Wednesday nights from 6:30-
9:30pm and we will be adding
more advanced ‘skill builder
session the rst Wednesday of
each month starng in January.
Advance sign up is required
We had a great turn out for our
Community Wellness Fun Day on
November 14. Parcipants spent
the aernoon making self care
items, healthy snacks, painng
nails and doing some Christmas
Cras. For those that enjoyed the
day, or may have missed out but
would have enjoyed it, make sure
you check out the DIY Life Hacks
program, running Mondays from
7-9pm. This is a program focused
on Do It Yourself projects to
make your life easier, happier and
healthier with facilitator Brandy
Golebeski sharing creave ‘life
hacks’ that may help you in the
kitchen, around the house, and in
every day life. Please sign up in
advance weekly by calling Village
of Teslin (VoT).
Seniors are welcome to join us
Wednesdays from 1-3pm for
Carpet Bowling and a fun social
aernoon. Badminton and
Pickleball connue on a drop-in
basis for all community members
at the Rec Plex with badminton
on Tuesday nights at 7pm and
Pickleball at noon on Wednesdays.
We have really been enjoying our
snowpants at Kids Club either
playing out in the snow or in the
rink every Thursday and have had
great parcipaon at Kids in the
Kitchen (Tues 3:30) and Boys Club
(Thurs 5:30) too.
Minor Hockey, Ladies Hockey and
Adult Hockey are back running
with our Arena guidelines and
Return to play plan in eect. We
are excited to connue rebuilding
the hockey spirit here in Teslin by
bringing back the Minor Hockey
Trophies. The last me these were
awarded was 1996, so we are
long over due. We started o by
awarding the ‘Coach of the Year
award to Amy Handrahan for her
commitment to TMH last year, and
moving ahead will award the ‘Most
Sportsmanlike’, ‘Best Hustler,
‘Most Improved’, and ‘Most
Valuable Player’ Trophies for the
2020-21 season.
Public Skang takes place
Wednesdays from 7-9p and Fridays
from 3:30-5p. Please ensure
you have reviewed the arena
guidelines, signed the necessary
forms and paid any fees prior to
stepping on the ice for hockey or
public skang.
We had a Curling drop-in day
on Nov. 16, with a good turnout
and enough interest expressed
to connue curling at the arena,
Mondays at 7pm on a weekly basis.
We will connue with a drop-
in format unl we have enough
people to potenally form regular
teams for a mini-league here in
Teslin. We are excited to start
planning our outdoor Lakespiel
again for February and working
towards a Cabin Fever Event Series
that would include this and other
events to help us stay happy and
healthy…through the winter…
through the pandemic… as a
We know things will look a lile
dierent this Christmas, but
there is sll lots of safe ways to
spread some holiday cheer! The
annual VOT Hayride will now be a
Christmas Light Parade. We will
gather at the VOT parking lot at
6:30pm on Thursday, Dec. 9 and
parade through town looking at all
the lights. There are many great
prize categories again this year,
including Best Decorated Vehicle,
so Lets light up the night Teslin!
We will also do a Christmas Cra
Contest with parcipants geng
baskets dropped o to them on
Dec.11 and having a week to
come up with a Christmas themed
cra using only the random
items provided. Please call VoT
to reserve 1 of the 10 baskets for
your family. December 22 will be a
Christmas Baking day and we will
have aernoon Public Skates on
Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.
The Rec Plex is again a buzz of
acvies and meengs happening
more regularly and we kindly
remind everyone that we can only
remain open if everyone does
their part to abide by the COVID
precauons and safe 6 guidelines.
As of December 1, masks will be
mandatory inside the Rec Plex.
Thank You!
Teslin Recreation Update
10 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Deisleen Development Corporation (DDC)
Deisleen Development Corporaon
(DDC) was formed in 2013 and
operated from 2016 to 2019 under
the guidance of its Long-Term
Sustainability Plan. This rst phase
was regarded as a considerable
success, expanding local business
and employment opportunies
signicantly through the set-up
and operaon of its three principal
social enterprises, being DDC
Project Management, Lightning
Fire Management and Teslin
Environmental Services.
Throughout 2019 and 2020 The
Board of Directors has been
discussing the implementaon
of ‘Opportunies Deisleen’.
‘Opportunies Deisleen’ is solely
the working name of our new
venture to parcipate in the
Community Development Plan, to
be founded with a disnct Social
Enterprise mandate. The following
prole is a work-in-progress and
is being expanded into a business
plan to guide investment and
All our residents have access to
their own opportunies to meet
their needs”
To enable sustainable community
social development by
• linking CDP job creaon and
training opportunies to our
residents most in need; and
• overcoming barriers to our
residents beneng from
implementaon of the CDP
1. Idenfy and focus on contracts
to undertake set-aside project
secons that are low in prot
but high in social development
2. Be the subcontractor of choice
for project proponents and
general contractors to meet their
obligaons to fulll First Naon
Parcipaon Plans and ensure local
benets and social development
3. Provide suitable employment &
training to residents that
• Only need/capable of part-me
and/or seasonal work
• Experience challenges to
securing or staying in work due to
- Personal issues (health or other)
- Skills decits
4. Be nancially self-sustaining
from fees and market revenues
aer inial start-up investment
In 2020 the Board of Directors
approved the DDC Business Equity
Grant Program. This pilot project
strives to assist Teslin business and
entrepreneurs by:
Providing business equity
‘matching’ grants by DDC of up
to $10,000 per entrepreneur
(unl annual allocated budget
used). Applicaons are accepted
from entrepreneurs with
business proposals approved
by DNV for nancing from the
CanNor Entrepreneur & Business
Development (EBD) program.
Teslin Aordable Rental Housing
The DDC conducted two surveys
in Teslin and one of the issues
idened was that the lack of
stable housing is the number one
barrier to aracng and retaining
people in the community long-
term, building skills, careers and
self-reliance. As such DDC draed
the Teslin Aordable Rental
Housing Development Business
Case and the Business Case
Summary and posted both on our
website early in 2020.
The DDC retained Taylor
Architecture Group to provide
opons for the design and
construcon of ve individual one-
bedroom housing units on a single
lot in Teslin. The Final Report once
approved by the Board of Directors
will be sent to the Teslin Tlingit
Council and Village of Teslin for
discussion and posted to the DDC
website at
DDC Project Managed during 2020
Dangerous Trees Project – Teslin
Residents aended at the DDC
oce idenfying danger trees in
their yards that they wished to
have removed. An Arborist from
Carcross, YT was retained to top or
remove idened trees and a TTC
Contractor (who hired 2 cizens)
was retained to remove trees and
brush and take to either the Bio-
Mass Yard or the Teslin Landll.
215 trees were either topped or
12 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Abandoned Vehicle Project
Teslin Residents aended at the
DDC oce to submit requests to
have derelict vehicles removed
from their yards and taken to
the Teslin Landll. A Request
for Expressions of Interest
for qualied contractors/
individuals was posted around
the community. Two Contractors
responded to the posng (one TTC
contractor and one non-TTC). The
contractors split the list in half. 92
abandoned vehicles were removed
(environmentally safe removal).
Charles Jules Subdivision Road
Upgrade - DDC was retained by
TTC to manage all engineering
reports and all the construcon
of the upgrade to the road at the
Charles Jules Duplex Road. Two
local contractors were retained to
do the work on the upgrade.
FireSmart 2020 – DDC project
manages the FireSmart program
for both the Village of Teslin and
the Teslin Tlingit Council. Six
sawyers/slashers were retained
and 5 hectares were cleared and
brushed on the Sawmill Road.
TTC Slashing Projects – 6 sawyers/
slashers were retained to clear
land on short projects and two
TTC Contractors were retained for
equipment use
DDC is currently in the draing
stage of developing the DDC
Procurement Policy which includes
Appendix A – Teslin Tlingit and
Local Economic Benets Policy.
This policy will apply to all
procurement by DDC and all our
subsidiary corporaons including
Lighng Fire Management and
Teslin Environmental Service. Once
the dra is nalized and approved
by the Board of Directors it will be
posted on the DDC Website.
The Board of Directors and sta
of the Deisleen Development
Corporaon wish you all a Merry
Christmas and May the New Year
bless you with health, wealth and
Effective December 1st, 2020
All persons must wear a mask/face covering in
any public space in Yukon
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
1. Keep your distance.
If you need to get close, respect others’ boundaries , ask before moving closer.
* avoid handshakes, hugs, snicks
* Avoid crowded areas/places - stores
* limit visits with vulnerable people - Elders, babies, people with higher risk or in poor health
2. Keep your hands clean
Wash your hands oen. There are more ways you can keep your hands clean:
* use hand sanizer (wiht at least about 70% alcohol
* avoid touching things/face
* cough and sneeze into elbow
* clean shared surfaces
3. Feeling under the weather? Stay home
Even if you feel you could power through the day, do not. When you stay home,
you protect others and allow Yukoners to carry on and stay healthy. You should stay home if
you have any of the
following symptoms:
* fever or chills
* cough
* shortness of breath
* runny nose
* sore throat
* headache
* fague (not because you stayed up late)
* loss of appite
* nausea/voming
* diarrhea
* muscle aches
* Use the online COVID-19 self assessment tool or call local health centre to see if you should
get tested for COVID-19*
14 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
4. Avoid crowds
Less is more when it comes to group gatherings. Unless someone’s in your social bubble, no
close talking when you meet. For all gatherings, keep 6 feet apart (2 meters) between you and any
one else who is not in your social bubble;
* indoor gatherings - limit your group to 10 people (10 is the limit, even if your bubble is 15)
* outdoor gatherings - 50 people limit
* organized indoor gatherings - limit to 50 people
* organized outdoor gatherings - limit to 100 people
* Read more on gathering guidelines at *
5. Travel - respect others.
Get to know each other. Same place, new norm
Consider the risk before travelling between communies. Follow guidelines. It is about respecng
everyone’s comfort levels. Yukon First Naon communies and governments have travel adviso-
ries; if a community or First Naon governement has not issued an advisory, travel responsibly and
follow all covid guidelines.
6. Self-isolate if necessary
Be creative with ways to stay connected.
No need to be lonely, even if you are alone. Keep in touch with the outside world while you
are inside. Video chat, telephone or even write a leer. It is communicang without touching. You
must self-isolate if:
* you have just arrived in or returned to Yukon (some excepons)
* you’ve been in contact with someone diagnosed with Covid
* you’re waing on covid test results
You do not need to self-isolate if you are a resident of:
* Atlin
* Lower post
* Fireside
* Jade City
* Fraser
* Pleasant Camp
* nearby First Naons
*Crical workers arriving in Yukon must follow guidelines for crical services*
* Read more on self-isolaon at *
7. Face coverings or masks are manditory
As of December 1st, 2020 - all Yukon public spaces/buildings require people to wear masks of face coverings for
the protecon of self and others. Teslin Tlingit Council requires all visitors to have face masks or coverings in bui-
ings. Ensure masks cover mouth, chin and nose.
Safety 1st
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Community Safety Consultant/Advisor
Teslin Tlingit Council Execuve
would like to welcome Gina
Nagano Community Safety
Consultant/Advisor to our
community of Teslin. Gina
will be working with our
sta, cizens, community
members and other jusce
professionals towards
developing a Community Safety
Plan that reects the needs of
Teslin Tlingit Council and the
Gina is a Trondëk Hwëch’in First
Naon Beneciary & Cizen,
she is of the Wolf Clan from
Dawson and presently resides
in Whitehorse, Yukon. She
rered from her rst career
as a police ocer (Sergeant)
aer serving 21 years of loyal
service with the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police. She has a very
diverse background in policing
and served as operaonal and
administraonal police ocer
within the RCMP and within
many Aboriginal Communies in
In April 2006, she began
her second career with the
Department of Jusce Canada
as the Northern Regional
Coordinator for the Indigenous
Jusce Directorate’s Indigenous
Jusce Strategy (AJS). She was
responsible for the Federal
contribuon agreements along
with researching, idenfying
and assisng in developing
community based jusce
programs with her Territorial
In 2014, she was employed
as the Aboriginal Correcons
Development Ocer for
Correconal Services Canada
– Pacic Region in Whitehorse,
Yukon developing release plans
with oenders, case managers
and Aboriginal Communies
and organizaons, and provided
training, advice and support in
the development of plans for
Secon 84 of the Correcons
and Condional Release Act
In April 2016, she was employed
with Kwanlin Dün First Naon
as the Jusce Coordinator and
then Jusce Manager unl
November 2016 then became
the A/Director of Jusce. Gina
recently stepped down from
the A/Director posion and
has taken on contract work
to oversee, coordinate and
implement Kwanlin Dün First
Naon’s Community Safety
Ocer Program.
Since September of 2018
Gina has been working as a
consultant with Selkirk First
Naon in Pelly Crossing, Yukon
to help them organically, and
sustainably, develop their
capacity to address their own
needs in relaon to community
safety. Gina also assisted in
designing and developing
Selkirk’s own Community Safety
Ocer Program.
Gina specializes in social jusce
infrastructure design that is
custom, responsive, trauma-
informed, and sensive to the
community or client’s needs.
With her wide range of services
that can vary signicantly
depending on the needs and
communies current capacity;
her general approach is to build
a foundaonal understanding of
the unique risk and protecve
factors, history, and dynamic
variables. She helps idenfy the
most eecve path forward –
one that is not only empirically
valid grounded in research
and best pracce, but that
compliments and amplies
tradional pracces.
Gina builds solid, well rounded
plans that empower First
Naons, and walk the process of
reconciliaon in reclaiming the
strength within the tradions,
teachings, and people; and bring
healing for the generaons that
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Restore, nourish & repair skin & hair
without using damaging chemicals with
our natural handmade
products to heal & regenerate
problamic skin lesions & unruly hair!
Relax & soothe arthris, joint &
muscle pain with our Arnica
Formulated treatment! Made by
Roseanne Douville & Mary Bob
Enjoy the benets of your own
personal spa & beauty treatments from the
comfort of your own home with our bath
oils, moisturizures, toners, cleansers,
exfoliants, creams or oil treatments
for damaged, oily or ne hair!
Try our step by
facial cleanse
Inland Creations
Box 294 Teslin, Y.T, Y0A-1B0
18 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
**New self-isolaon rules**
If you are planning to have guests from outside of Yukon during the hol-
idays, you must be aware of the new self-isolaon rules. Self-isolaon
opon one will allow you to share meals and hugs with your guests, how-
ever every member of your household will be required to self-isolate
for 14 days or If your guest leaves before 14 days, you must connue to
self-isolate for three days. If everyone in your household and your de-
parted guest do not have symptoms aer three days, your household is
free to leave your self-isolaon.
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Commissioner of Yukon introduces
the 2020 Inductees to the Order of
Published 02/12/2020
e Commissioner of Yukon
Angélique Bernard, in her capacity
as Chancellor of the Order of
Yukon, is honoured and thrilled
to announce the 2020 inductees to
the Order of Yukon. e inductees
were chosen from the many
nominations that were submitted to
the Advisory Council.
e following 2020 inductees were
chosen for their demonstrated
excellence and achievement and
their outstanding contributions to
the social, cultural or economic
well-being of Yukon and its
Keith Byram
Jack Cable
Bess Cooley
William Klassen
Dr. Sally MacDonald
Agnes Mills
Doug Phillips
Gere Tom
Ron Veale
Frances Woolsey
Congratulaons to the 2020
Order of Yukon inductees who
have greatly contributed to the
development of our territory.
Thank you to the nominators for
bringing forward names of such
deserving Yukoners and thank you
to the Order of Yukon Advisory
Council members who have the
important but tough task of
evaluang nominaons.
20 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Christmas Coloring Page Contest - see rules page 23
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Teslin Tlingit Council
Purpose: To update Residency List of
who resides on Settlement Land for
Income Tax purposes.
Please call or email the person below,
if you moved on or o settlement land
before December 31, 2020
Contact Information
Bernadette Morris
Phone: 867-390-2532 Ext 341
Christmas Word Scramble
Unscramble the letters to find words which have to do with Christmas.
Some of the words have religious meanings, others are secular in nature.
1. Groceos ____________________
2. Naclorig ____________________
3. Rats ______________________
4. Scunttshe __________________
5. Porduhl ____________________
6. Naast _____________________
7. Skagceap ___________________
8. Dressephh __________________
9. Gramen ____________________
10. Galen ____________________
11. Limesotte ___________________
12. Vaniyitt ____________________
13. Gotscink ___________________
14. Virasou ___________________
15. Traweh ___________________
16. Gisehl ____________________
17. Wamsonn __________________
18. Ejuss _____________________
19. Stranneom _________________
20. Scamsthir __________________
Christmas Word Scramble
Unscramble the letters to find words which have to do with Christmas.
Some of the words have religious meanings, others are secular in nature.
1. Groceos ___________________
2. Naclorig ___________________
3. Rats ______________________
4. Scunttshe __________________
5. Porduhl ____________________
6. Naast _____________________
7. Skagceap __________________
8. Dressephh _________________
9. Gramen ___________________
10. Galen ____________________
11. Limesotte __________________
12. Vaniyitt ___________________
13. Gotscink __________________
14. Virasou ___________________
15. Traweh ___________________
16. Gisehl ____________________
17. Wamsonn __________________
18. Ejuss _____________________
19. Stranneom _________________
20. Scamsthir __________________
C 2012 www.ß
C 2012 www.ß
22 Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Happy Birthday to my Nephew
Richard Grant, November 1st,
my brother Raymond Douville,
November 16th, and Birthday
wishes to my sons Tim Dewhurst
Jr for December 3, and Paul Bosely
for December 9th.! Many more
and wish you all a wonderful day.
Lots of love from Mom, Sister,
Happy Birthday to our Brother
Earl Douville, December 13, love
from all your Sisters and Brother
Raymond, nieces and nephews.
Many more!!
Wishing Leon Jules a Happy
Birthday for Nov.6 with Love
from your Wife, three Sons
and grandkids and great
Birthday greengs to Loren Jules
for Nov. 11th. Wishing you all the
best and many more. With Love
from Dad n Mom and Brothers,
your Nephews and your Children.
Happy Birthday Tyrone Sidney
wishing you a Great year and many
more on Dec.20th Love from your
Friends and Family. Xoxo!
Birthday Greengs to Leslie
McMillan- Dec.4th, Love Aunty
Alice and birthday wishes to
Corinne Johnston from her cuz,
Dec. 9th!
Happy Birthday to all the
December Babies!!!! Merry
Christmas and all the best in
2021!!!!! From Marna Sidney and
Mad Max (woof woof)
Happy Birthday Chantai & Evelyn
for December 6!
Have a wonderful birthday
Love, Mom/gramma
Happy 27th Birthday
Winston Daniel Albert Jackson
On December 14, 2020, Love
always Mom!
Kids Coloring Contest
ages 0-4 pages 5-9 ages 10 - 14
Submit page to Charles or Jade at TTC by December 21st
Have fun!! Prizes for each age categorie!
Deslin Neek • Issue 60 November/December 2020
Deslin Neek
The voice of the
Teslin Tlingit Council
Issue 60 December 2020
Deslin Neek welcomes comments, submissions, letters and
photographs. We are also available for community announcements
and promotions through free advertising. Please note, we reserve
the right to edit submissions for accuracy, length and relevance.
This newsletter aims to inform Citizens about what is happening
in your Government. Get in touch, let us know what you would
like to see included.
Communications Coordinator
Jade McGinty & Charles Jules
Communications Unit
867.390.2532 ext 306/309
jade.mcgin[email protected]m •
Deslin Neek is published in house and bi-monthly by the Teslin
Tlingit Council.
Thanks to all those who submitted photos for this issue. As there
were too many to name we would still like to Thank you all. Please
keep them coming in.
TTC Citizens
TTC continues to update its
Citizen Mailing Addresses, Email
Addresses and phone numbers.
If any of your contact information
has changed and you would like
TTC to have it, please email or call
867-390-2532 ext 300
© Teslin Tlingit Council
PO Box 133 Teslin, YT Y0A