The Department of Communities (Communities), through the GROH Program, is
committed to providing consistent standards of service that aim to meet GROH
tenants’ expectations. This includes a clear and easily accessible method for GROH
tenants and for client agencies to provide feedback where problems or issues arise
and/or have yet to be resolved.
1. GROH Tenants’ Feedback
GROH tenants’ feedback typically takes one of two forms:
Customer Feedback
Client agencies and tenants can provide compliments, complaints or suggestions
using an online form via the Communities website. The form will then be received in
the Customer Feedback inbox. All feedback will be assessed and considered by
Communities with a view to continually improving the GROH Program. (see Customer
Feedback Form).
Client agencies and tenants can also contact the Customer Feedback and Complaints
System Coordinator directly on telephone 1800 333 325. All feedback and complaints
will be acknowledged, and a response provided within ten working days
Maintenance Issues
Maintenance is a routine part of managing a property and Communities retains
maintenance contractors to keep its properties in working order.
All maintenance requests or concerns, including any follow-up, should be reported
through Housing Direct on 1300 137 677 or by using the Maintenance Request Form.
located in the Online Tenant Toolbox section of the Communities website.
Communities has also established a dedicated mailbox for GROH tenants to use in
instances where a request for maintenance has been logged and is overdue or when
tenants are not satisfied with the maintenance service provided. Emails received at
the address below will be investigated and a response provided.
2. Contacts
The following link to the Communities’ website provides information on contact
telephone numbers and email addresses for Communities’ Offices around Western
The list in Attachment A, provides guidelines on who GROH tenants should contact
about various issues (also available on Communities website).
3. Further Information
Further information for GROH tenants or applicants is available on the Current
Tenants Government Employee Housing page of the Communities website
( and in the GROH Tenant Handbook.
Attachment A
Housing issue
Who to contact?
Allocation of properties
Your agency
Caring for your home and garden
Local Housing office
Your agency
Furniture - provision
Your agency
Furniture - repair or replacement
Housing Direct 1300 137 677
Inspections and Property Condition Reports
Local Housing office
Key return
Local Housing office
Housing Direct 1300 137 677
Notice to vacate (complete Notice of Intention to
Vacate form)
Local Housing office and your agency
Pets and pests
Local Housing office
Purchasing your GROH home
Head Office 1800 093 325
Your agency
Shared tenancies
Your agency
(e.g. Home ownership and air conditioning)
Your agency
Tenant liability
Local Housing office
Utilities and services
Local service providers and/or Local
Housing office