December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Tenant Welcome Pack
Welcome to the Pilbara and your company house.
This guide is for tenants who live in company housing supplied by Rio Tinto
and is intended to provide useful and relevant information about living in
the Pilbara. Please read all the contents carefully as it will help to answer
many of the questions you may have.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Our Iron Ore business
Fifteen iron ore mines, four port terminals, and more than 1,700
kilometres of railway in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.
Our iron ore operations are concentrated in the Pilbara
region, Western Australia.
From these operations we produce a premium product
suite, including our agship Pilbara Blend, which are
used by customers as a key ingredient in the production
of steel.
Our integrated network of mines, rail, ports and related
infrastructure form a seamless supply chain, managed
remotely from our purpose built Operations Centre 1,500
kilometres away in Perth.
We completed a major Pilbara infrastructure expansion
in 2015 that increased the capacity of our port at Cape
Lambert, rail, power and fuel supply and town facilities.
We also completed a number of mine developments to
sustain existing operations and grow capacity.
Our Mine of the Future™ vision, introducing new
technologies to deliver operational efciency, is becoming
a reality with autonomous trucks and drills already
delivering additional tonnes at several mine sites and
autonomous trains being tested.
Outside of the Pilbara, we also produce iron ore in
Canada and have development projects in India and
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Working and living in Pilbara towns
The house you are living in is managed on behalf of Rio Tinto by Sodexo,
an international facilities and services management company. A Sodexo
representative is available to assist you with any tenancy related queries
that you may have.
Sodexo is the service provider and property manager for
our company housing portfolio and is responsible for
other town-based assets such as the y-in, y-out (FIFO)
accommodation and facilities in the Pilbara.
Tenants should liaise with Sodexo for all day to day
tenancy related matters such as property inspections,
maintenance requests, lease management, bond disposal
processes and removal/relocation services. Internal
employee processes such as rent deductions via payroll is
managed by Rio Tinto.
Sodexo offers the “Portal” website that enables tenants
to access a range of information and additional user-pay
services such as cleaning, gardening and minor home
Visit Sodexo’s Portal to register and access information
and updates -
You can also call the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Moving to the Pilbara
Adjusting to a new community
Whilst relocating to a new community can provide great
opportunities and experiences, it can be stressful - even
if you have moved, or worked in the mining industry
previously. It can take time to adjust, particularly if you have
left close family and friends behind to make the move. Here
are some useful resources to help make your move less
stressful and help you become part of your new community.
The best way to weave your way into the fabric
of a little place is to become involved, and
all of a sudden, you become part of a wider
Taken from:
Act Belong Commit
Being active, having a sense of belonging and purpose in
life all contribute to happiness and good mental health.
For simple tips on how you can support your mental
health and wellbeing after moving somewhere new, visit
Ngala: 1800 111 546
Provides a range of parenting and family support
services. Visit
Mining Family Matters
Provides free professional support and practical advice
to Australian families in mining, oil and gas. The website
has a section on relocating to mining towns, ‘Tips for
happy mining town families’ amongst other information
and resources. Visit
Rio Tinto Iron Ore – Emergency contact
line for families: 1800 992 777
We have established a contact line for families to connect
with site in case of emergencies, such as:
Urgent concerns for the safety or wellbeing of an
employee who is at work and cannot be reached; or
Updates from site relating to emergencies such as
cyclone or re.
Simply follow the automated prompts and one of our
representatives will assist by passing on the details to a
site representative who will call back as a priority. We
recommend you provide the name of your team/business
unit as well as your leader’s name and contact number
with your partner/family, in case of emergencies.
Even pets can have trouble settling into a
new environment. For tips, visit sites such as
Some tips:
Keep in touch with friends and family you’ve moved
away from. Catching up with old friends on social media
or communicating via Skype/FaceTime for mental
health and a sense of wellbeing.
Get involved in your new community
Go along to social events (even if you don’t feel like
it) – this is an important way for you and your family
to make connections
Contact your local shire or council or visit their
website (see information in ‘Your local town’ section
of this folder)
Scan your local newspaper; community newspapers
contain a wealth of information on local activities
and events
Use the activity nder on
to nd groups and activities in your area.
Find a local sport or recreation club in your area by
using the Department of Sport & Recreation’s online
directory –
If you feel like you or your partner or family member are
struggling – reach out, and get help.
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP):
1800 30 30 90
A free, condential counselling service for Rio
Tinto employees and immediate family, provided
by an independent organisation staffed by
experienced psychologists, BSS Employee A ssistance.
24 Hour Alcohol and Drug Support
Line: 1800 198 024
For anyone concerned about their own or another
person’s alcohol or drug use.
Refer to the ‘community resources’ section of the
Wellbeing’ booklet enclosed in this folder for further
support services and information.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Complete a form on the online Portal
For all critical infrastructure or non-
medical emergency call:
For utilities related queries or requests
Pilbara Service Centre
1800 992 777
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Tenancy overview
Introduction to tenancy 1
Contents insurance 3
Insurance calculator 4
Maintenance overview 6
Air conditioning tips 11
Pilbara Utilities 13
Your account 14
Your electricity supply 15
Residual Current Devices (RCDs) 17
Your water supply 18
Using water wisely 19
Health, Safety and Emergency
Health and safety issues:
Mould in your home 21
Asbestos products in your home 24
Smoke detectors 26
Cyclone information 27
Pannawonica - Your local town
Welcome to Pannawonica Town and Robe Valley 30
Town overview 31
Important contacts 34
Leisure activities 36
Rubbish collection and waste facilities 37
Pannawonica Town map 38
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Tenancy overview
Welcome to your new home in the Pilbara. We are happy to have you
as our tenant and we thank you for your support in looking after your
tenanted property. To better understand your obligations under your
lease, there are some important things to be aware of as part of your
lease agreement.
Property condition report
You should have received a copy of the property
condition report when you signed your lease agreement.
This report is a record of the condition of the property
when you rst moved in. Reviewing the property
condition report is the best way to ensure you are not
charged for repairs or cleaning when you vacate the
Please return a signed copy of your property condition
report to your Sodexo Property Manager. You may want
to also keep a copy of this document in the front sleeve
of this folder.
You will be given a minimum of two sets of keys when
you move into your house. Please contact the Pilbara
Service Centre on 1800 992 777 if you need additional
keys, replacement keys or if you lock yourself out of your
house. You will have to pay any associated fees.
Visitors staying with you
You and your family are the primary residents of your
house and you are not allowed to sublet any rooms to
additional occupants as this will be in breach of your
lease agreement. Your lease agreement will also state
the maximum number of people who can ordinarily live
at the property. Having more people living at the house
than what the lease states will be considered a breach
of this agreement. If you breach the lease agreement,
a breach notice will be issued by Sodexo in accordance
with the Iron Ore Company Housing Benets policy.
We understand that families will have visitors from time
to time. We consider two months to be a reasonable
maximum time for visitors to be staying at your house.
If you want visitors to stay longer than two months,
please speak to your Sodexo Property Manager and we
will discuss your situation.
Paying your rent
It is your responsibility to ensure your rent is paid on or
before the due date. If applicable, you should check your
salary statements each month to make sure that your
rent has been deducted and that the amount is correct.
If rent is not deducted correctly, it is your responsibility
to let Rio Tinto know as you may accumulate a debt that
you will have to pay back. If there is a problem with your
rent deduction through payroll, please send an email to
Routine inspections
From time to time routine inspections will be carried
out as per your lease agreement. Sodexo will advise you
between seven and 14 days before the inspection date
and endeavour to nd a time that suits you.
You have a right to be home during the inspection.
If it is not possible, we reserve the right to access
the property for inspection. If you have any routine
maintenance requests, please contact the Pilbara Service
Centre on 1800 992 777.
You are most welcome to bring your family pets with
you, as long as you comply with local government
regulations on pet ownership. For example, you can’t
keep native wildlife without a permit.
If you are living in a townhouse or at and you would
like to have a pet, please speak with your Sodexo
Property Manager. In general, we don’t allow pets in
grouped properties, but you may be able to have a pet if
you are in a ground oor property.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
It is the tenant’s responsibility to control mice, rats,
cockroaches, spiders, ants, moths and other pests you
may nd in your home.
Please visit your local supermarket for insect and rodent
control products. If you notice any termite or Singapore
ant activity, please let us know immediately by calling
the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
Singapore ant
If you nd a snake or any other unwanted reptile in your
home or garden, contact your Shire or an approved Rio
Tinto snake catcher via the Pilbara Service Centre, who
will arrange for removal.
Moving out
When it is time to move out you need to contact your
Sodexo Property Manager in addition to contacting
Human Resources about any transfer or resignation.
Unless otherwise agreed, the date of your resignation or
termination is the start of the maximum 60 day period
that you have before you must move out. Your Sodexo
Property Manager can advise you of the move out
process, please contact them if you have any questions.
If you are transferring within the company, or moving to
another company house, it is important to advise your
Sodexo Property Manager of your plans as rent on your
current property may continue to be deducted from your
Prior to leaving your house, Sodexo will arrange an
inspection that you should attend. A property condition
report will be completed and matched against the report
that was prepared when you rst moved in. Any charges
due for cleaning and repairs, as noted on the new report,
will be deducted from your salary via payroll or invoiced
separately if required.
Any structures on your property that have not been
approved must also be removed.
Considerate behaviour
In our properties, just like on our operational sites, we
expect you to act responsibly and show consideration
for your neighbours and the property. Please refer
to the principles outlined in our ‘The way we work’
publication. Undesired behaviour is treated seriously
and may affect your access to company housing both
immediately and into the future.
We ask that you and your family and visitors do not
smoke inside the house. If any damage is caused by
smoking, you will be responsible for cleaning and/or
repair costs.
Please refer to the maintenance section for information
about housing improvements.
Working from home
If you or your partner runs a business from home, you
will be required to obtain approval from your Sodexo
Property Manager who will assess your proposal to use
the house for a business purpose.
You may also need to coordinate:
Public liability insurance policy appropriate to the
type of business,
Approval of your local shire and all other relevant
authorities, and
Approval from your immediate neighbours for the
proposed use of the house.
If your business activity disturbs or causes harm to your
neighbours we may withdraw approval for the home
business to be located in your house.
Tenancy overview continued
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Contents insurance
Impact from cyclones, re or burglary is not the way any tenant wants to
discover they have under-insured or forgotten to insure their contents.
Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggest
that up to 25 per cent of all homes in Western Australia
may have no insurance at all. Figures also reveal that
people who rent properties have the lowest level of
insurance, with over 70 per cent of renters having no
We have provided an insurance checklist to help you
estimate the value of your contents.
Walking through your home and lling out the simple
checklist will enable you to compare the value of your
contents to the amount you have insured them for, to
see whether you have adequate insurance or not.
Note: electrical appliances, oor coverings and other
xtures that have been supplied with your rental
property are insured by Rio Tinto.
Please take the time to accurately
calculate and insure your contents.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Insurance calculator
How to use the checklist
Walk through every room in the home, ll out each
entry, estimating the value of each item and write
into the relevant eld.
Calculate sub totals for each room/area.
When nished, add up all the totals to get your nal
Track down your insurance certicate – which will
outline your level of insurance – and check how
close you are.
General Your estimate Typical price
Rugs and cushions $ $400 - $1000
Curtains and drapes $ $2000 - $7000
Wall hangings $ $500 - $1500
Ornaments/photos $ $300 - $1000
$ $500 - $1500
Heaters/fans $ $120 - $400
Linen/bedding $ $500 - $1500
Pot plants $ $100 - $500
Musical equipment $ $200 - $500
Collections e.g..
$ $500 - $1500
Kitchen Your estimate Typical price
Refrigerator $ $1200 - $2500
Freezer $ $400 - $1200
Food $ $400 - $800
Microwave $ $250 - $650
Dishwasher $ $900 - $1200
Small appliances e.g.
$ $500 - $1500
Cutlery and crockery $ $200 - $1000
Pots, pans and
$ $300 - $700
Plastic and glass-
$ $200 - $700
Kitchen table and
$ $300 - $1000
TV $ $400 - $800
Video $ $300 - $600
Study Your estimate Typical price
Desk/chair/lamps $ $300 - $700
Computer and
$ $2000 - $5000
ling cabinet
$ $500 - $1500
Sewing equipment $ $400 - $800
Bath/laundry Your estimate Typical price
Toiletries/ cosmetics $ $300 - $800
Medical cabinet and
$ $200 - $400
Electrical appliances $ $100 - $300
Washing machine $ $750 - $1200
Clothes dryer $ $350 - $600
Iron and board $ $100 - $200
Mops and broom $ $80 - $150
Cleaning utensils $ $70 - $100
Vacuum cleaner $ $300 - $850
Garden areas Your estimate Typical price
Barbecue $ $250 - $1000
Outdoor furniture $ $300 - $2000
Above ground pool
$ $1200 - $3000
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Insurance calculator continued
Garage/storage Your estimate Typical price
$ $800 - $2000
Luggage $ $200 - $1000
Lawnmower $ $500 - $1000
Bicycles $ $400 - $1000
Garden tools/
$ $100 - $500
Handyman tools $ $300 - $1000
Camping and beach
$ $400 - $800
Valuables Your estimate Typical price
Furs $
Handwoven carpets/
Jewellery (limits
apply unless n/a)
Watches $
Valuable collections $
Other $
Main bedroom Your estimate Typical price
Bed and mattress $
$750 - $2000
Bedding $
$400 - $1000
Dressing and
bedside tables
$500 - $1500
Wardrobe $
$500 - $1000
Other furniture e.g.
$200 - $500
Clothing and shoes $
$3500 - $9000
Jewellery/watches $
$500 - $5000
Additional bedroom Your estimate Typical price
Bed and mattress $ $300 - $800
Dressing and bed-
side tables
$ $300 - $700
Wardrobe $ $500 - $1000
Other furniture $ $100 - $300
Clothing and shoes $ $1000 - $4000
Lounge/dining Your estimate Typical price
Lounge suite $ $2000 - $5000
Dining suite/
$ $1200 - $4000
Wall units and
$ $1000 - $2500
Dinner set/
$ $500 - $2500
Lamps $ $150 - $400
Colour TV $ $700 - $9000
Video/DVD player $ $300 - $800
Stereo equipment $ $500 - $2500
Tapes/CDs/ videos/
$ $500 - $2000
Other $ $500 - $2000
December 2016
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December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Maintenance overview
The house you are living in is managed on behalf of Rio Tinto by Sodexo,
an international facilities and services management company. A Sodexo
representative is available to assist you with any tenancy related queries
that you may have.
What you need to do around your home
You are responsible for keeping your house in a
clean and tidy condition and taking care of minor
maintenance in your home, as you would in any rental
property. This means you are responsible for:
Changing light bulbs, uorescent tubes and
uorescent light starters
Changing/replacing smoke detector batteries
Tightening of loose hinges and loose door/drawers
Cleaning of kitchen/bathroom exhaust fan,
rangehoods, cooktops and ovens
Cleaning of property, including calcium build up
in wet areas
Above ground components of a reticulation system
where tted/installed unless otherwise specied
in your lease agreement. This includes the
replacement of all sprinkler ttings.
We are responsible for any below ground maintenance
or repairs to the reticulation box. If your gardens start to
deteriorate as a result of the above ground reticulation
not being maintained, you may need to cover all costs to
bring the garden up to the same standard as outlined in
your property condition report.
If we have to carry out extra work, a schedule of fees will
apply to items including:
Key replacement
Installation of outdoor fans in patio area
Installation of additional phone, television or
power point
You are responsible for the care and maintenance of the
garden including lawns. If plants or lawn die from lack
of water or normal care, they will need to be replaced at
your cost. Unless your garden has been professionally
landscaped we encourage the use of timer taps, and
where installed, reticulation systems. Keeping lawns
mowed during the wet season is a requirement for
reducing re and snake hazards.
You are welcome to plant shrubs or ground covers in
your gardens. Our preference is for Pilbara native ora
such as:
Gregory’s Wattle
Caper Bush
Spotted Emu Bush
Batchelor’s Buttons
Desert Rose
Wickham’s Grevillea
Royal Mulla Mulla
Poison Morning Glory
Pilbara Cassia
Beach Bean
Ashburton Pea
Trees are not to be planted without prior approval from
your Sodexo Property Manager, because some trees are
not suitable for residential areas. For example, gum
trees can present a safety risk in cyclone areas as their
shallow roots mean they can topple over in high winds.
If you would like to plant a tree, please contact the
Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
Our priority is urgent for emergency
maintenance – particularly where
there is a risk to life, a health or safety
hazard, a compromise to the security
of your home or problems that cause
extreme discomfort. These will be
attended to as soon as is reasonably
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Maintenance overview continued
Ants and cockroaches
Control of insects and pests is your responsibility,
excluding termites and Singapore ants. Please report any
termite or Singapore ant activity to the Pilbara Service
Centre on 1800 992 777.
Cleaning of air conditioner lters
To avoid paying high electricity costs, keep your air
conditioning system running efciently by cleaning the
lters at least monthly. If you are in a dusty area, weekly
cleaning may be required. If you cannot see through
the lter when holding it up to the light, then this is a
good indication it needs to be cleaned. Please refer to air
conditioning tips in this section for more information.
Swimming pool maintenance
If the property includes a swimming pool you must:
Keep the pool clean and free from anything that
might harm the pool itself or any related plumbing
or pool equipment.
Observe all legal requirements relating to the
swimming pool during the term of the rental
At your cost apply chemicals and operate the
equipment in a manner and at a frequency
recommended by a reputable supplier of pool
Allow access to the property for routine pool
If equipment is damaged due to neglect, you will need to
replace it with an item that is the same as the original or
similar in value.
General cleaning/maintenance
Carpets should be regularly cleaned to avoid staining
and you are responsible for damage caused by pets,
children and spills.
Tiles and grout should be cleaned regularly to ensure
they are not damaged or chipped beyond fair wear and
You are responsible for the costs if you damage a
window. Please call the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777 if a window breaks.
If your house has a dishwasher or spa bath installed, you
need to look after general maintenance of the lter.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Maintenance overview continued
Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about maintenance:
I know what maintenance I’m responsible for – what
about Rio Tinto’s responsibilities?
We are responsible for maintenance in the following
Termite/Singapore ant treatment
Electric stoves
Hot water systems
Air conditioning services
Roof leaks
The cost of the maintenance will only be charged to you
if the maintenance or repairs have been caused by you,
or other tenants or visitors, and is beyond fair wear and
tear. This includes damage caused as a result of neglect.
How and when do I report a serious incident?
Please report the following immediately to the Pilbara
Service Centre on 1800 992 777:
Fuse box continually tripping
Electric shock (actual or suspected)
Overhead cupboards coming away from the wall
Tree limbs falling
How can I report a maintenance request?
If you want to report a maintenance request call the
Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777. You can
also log a maintenance request online once you are
registered at
Can I arrange for my own repairs to be done?
There are many factors which will inform whether you
can do this, such as the terms of your lease. Your Sodexo
Property Manager is generally best to advise upon the
however if you are in any doubt, please contact the
Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777. You will be
responsible for the cost of damage caused by you or your
Do I have to be home for repairs or maintenance to be
We prefer to have someone home when work is being
done at your property, however you can arrange for work
to be completed in your absence by notifying the Pilbara
Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
Trades people will not enter your property if unattended
dogs are on the premises.
If you have a live-in house minder, a neighbour or friend
looking after the garden or pets in your absence please
advise the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
If we are unable to contact you in the case of emergency
repairs, we may need to enter the premises to carry out any
repairs that safeguard your property without your consent.
If you are leaving your home unattended during cyclone
season, please remember to x all cyclone screens
in position and ensure that external preparation in
readiness for a cyclone is complete.
I want to give some feedback about the maintenance
work done – who do I contact?
Sodexo welcomes feedback on the quality of our
service delivery. You may be requested to provide
feedback formally however, if you wish to do this
voluntarily you may do so by calling the Pilbara
Service Centre on 1800 992 777 or going online at
When should I contact the Pilbara Service Centre
about problems with the property?
For routine enquiries, the Pilbara Service Centre’s
normal hours of operation are Monday to Friday 7.00am
to 5.00pm. Outside of normal working hours, please
contact the Pilbara Service Centre for emergencies or
urgent matters only.
Our priority is urgent for emergency maintenance –
particularly where there is a risk to life, a health or
safety hazard, a compromise to the security of your
home or problems that cause extreme discomfort. These
will be attended to as soon as is reasonably possible.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about maintenance continued:
Emergency maintenance includes:
Exposed wires
Blocked sewers
A broken front door lock
Burst water pipes
Breakdowns in hot water services
Storm or re damage
Air conditioning breakdown when there is only one
system (during summer months).
Plumbing blockages
Electrical failure
In some cases, we will need to batch individual jobs
until we have a reasonable workload for the specic
contractor to attend to non-urgent issues.
Therefore some non-urgent issues may take six to
eight weeks before we can attend. Please call the
Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777 if you have any
concerns during this period.
Please note that if you have accidentally damaged
property or require the after-hours call out services, you
will be charged a call out fee. This includes replacing
lost keys, inoperable air conditioners due to lack of lter
cleaning and blocked drains.
What about external improvements to the property
such as adding a pool, shed or patio? Who is
responsible for this?
In 2013 we introduced a new Home Improvement Policy
which enables eligible employees to apply to improve
their property and upon approved completion receive
reimbursement of associated costs. The approved
additions include patios, patio extensions, sheds,
carport extensions and landscaping.
A property improvement application involves a number
of process steps which includes obtaining necessary
shire approvals (planning approval/building permit).
Please contact your Sodexo Property Manager or the
Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777 for advice
before you undertake any improvements to your
property or refer to the Home Improvement Policy which
is available on the Rio Tinto intranet.
Any alterations or additions to your house will need our
approval, please contact the Pilbara Service Centre on
800 992 777 if you have any questions.
Can I install hooks on walls for pictures?
Yes, provided you use either Wall Mate hooks for light
objects or Wall Claw products for heavier objects. You
will be responsible to repair any damage that is caused
by removal of these hooks at the end of your lease.
We don’t want you to drill holes in the walls because of
a risk of potential asbestos materials, mainly in older
properties. Disturbing any asbestos materials by drilling
may pose a health risk. If you can’t source either Wall
Mate hooks or Wall Claw products from your local
store, please contact the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777.
Can I paint the inside walls in my home?
No. Inside walls may be painted during the next
refurbishment. You are responsible for any damage to the
paint nishes beyond fair wear and tear which will have
to be rectied to a professional standard at your cost.
What if things get damaged?
We understand that over time carpet will wear, curtains
will fade and that this is unavoidable.
We don’t however take responsibility for damage caused
by you, your pets or your guests.
If the property in damaged please notify us promptly
through the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
If you don’t report damage or maintenance items to us
in a timely manner you may unnecessarily cause further
damage which may see you incur additional charges to
rectify the problem.
Can I have an extra power point installed?
Yes, please call the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777 to log a job. If you want to operate a
portable spa at your property, you need to ensure that
the property has the appropriate power connections
to support this equipment. This may mean you’ll need
a three-phase power connection, or a 15 Amp power
connection. Additional charges will apply in this instance.
Maintenance overview continued
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Maintenance overview continued
My toilet is blocked - what do I do?
Please contact the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777. Sanitary pads, tampons, nappies and
household rubbish are often found to be the cause of
toilet blockages.
Please dispose of such items by wrapping and placing
them in the rubbish bin.
If the blockage is caused by you or your guests putting
inappropriate things down the toilet you will be
responsible for associated rectication costs.
Will Rio Tinto put extra television cable points in for
We normally supply one working television cable
point. If you would like extra television cable points
installed please contact the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777. All costs associated with the purchase
and installation of extra television cable points will be
at your expense. In addition, approval from your Sodexo
Property Manager will be required should you wish to
install wall mounted television brackets.
Will Rio Tinto install another telephone line for my
Generally we don’t supply additional telephone
lines or wall connection points. However, if the last
occupant of your home left these when they vacated,
we will leave them in place. If your home doesn’t
have an extra telephone line and you would like one
installed, please contact the Pilb ara Ser vice Centre on
1800 992 777. All costs associated with the installation
of extra telephone lines will be at your expense.
Can I install a dishwasher?
Yes, however we need to approve your request to make
sure the kitchen cabinetry is not affected. Installation
must be by a qualied tradesperson, and any
unintentional damage caused during installation will be
at your cost.
Can I install a shade sail?
Yes, however your need our approval and installation
will be at your cost. Shade sails must be only attached to
freestanding, carport or patio poles and not the house.
Can I have Foxtel installed?
Yes, however, you will need to cover the expenses.
First, you will need to call the Pilbara Ser vice Centre on
1800 992 777 and advise them of your intentions. You
will then receive a letter with information detailing
specic requirements for installing Foxtel at your house.
As a rule, we do not allow satellite dishes to be installed
on the roof as this represents a risk during cyclone
events. Foxtel should be installed on a pole in the
ground, or attached to a structure not at height.
Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about maintenance continued
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Do not set thermostat below 21°C as this could lead
to the air conditioner unit “icing up” – which will stop
airow. This may attract a call out, the cost for which
you will be responsible.
The recommended setting is between 21°C and 24°C,
however if you run your air conditioner at 21/22°C,
you will use considerably more power.
In multiple occupancy buildings (ats and
townhouses) you must keep your air conditioner unit
running at all times in summer months and/or if you
are away.
Grill/diffuser cleaning
Clean air conditioner grills monthly to remove dust build
Do not stack/store items around or near the air
conditioning unit and clear away debris from these areas
regularly. These obstructions reduce the air ow, which
will affect the performance of the unit.
Filter cleaning
You should clean the air conditioner lter at least
once a month. In areas where there is excessive dust,
you may need to do this more often but it is unlikely
to be more frequent than weekly.
The lter is located on the front of the air conditioner
unit itself, behind a metal or plastic cover if it is a
split system air conditioner.
To clean the lter
Apac / Frigopol / Email air conditioning unit
Filter Cover Filter
1) Turn air conditioner OFF
2) Remove lter cover – lift 20mm and remove
3) Slide lter out fully
4) Hose down lter
5) Shake lter to remove excess water and leave out
to dry
6) Once dry, replace lter into air conditioner unit
7) Replace metal cover
8) Turn air conditioner ON
The air conditioner will take 1-3 minutes to start. This is
Air conditioning tips
Here are a few tips which may assist you to run the air conditioner
in your home more efciently, to avoid “ice-ups”, maintain a clean
environment and minimise the risk of mould occurring in your home.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
To clean the lter
Actron air conditioning unit
1) Turn air conditioner OFF
2) Remove lter cover by undoing the two small
screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Lift and pull
cover outwards
3) Slide lter out fully
4) Hose down lter
5) Shake lter to remove excess water and leave out
to dry
6) Once dry, replace lter into air conditioner unit
7) Replace metal cover
8) Turn air conditioner ON
The air conditioner will take 1-3 minutes to start. This is
Please note: Some Actron air conditioning units may
have a disposable/paper lter. If this is the case, please
contact our Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777 to
arrange for this to be changed over to a washable lter.
Split system air conditioning unit
1) Turn air conditioner OFF.
2) Open the front panel by holding the panel by
the tabs on the two sides and lifting until it stops
with a click.
3) Pull out the air lters by pushing a little upwards
at the tab at the centre of each air lter, and then
pull it down.
4) To clean the air lter, wash with water or clean
with vacuum cleaner.
5) Shake lter to remove excess water, leave out to
dr y.
6) Once dry, replace the air lter as it was into air
conditioner unit by inserting claws of the lters
back into slots of the front panel. Please note that
some models are labelled (FRONT) indicating
correct orientation of lter when inserting.
7) Close the front panel slowly and push the panel
at three points; one on each side and one in the
8) Turn air-conditioner ON and reset remote (if
Report any faults or identied problems to the Pilbara
Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
Air conditioning tips continued
Screws to
undo cover
Filter cover
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December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Pilbara Utilities
Rio Tinto is responsible for managing the company’s electricity and
water infrastructure. Our role is to manage these assets and ensure that
you are provided with safe, reliable water and electricity supplies.
We are the supply authority responsible for generating,
distributing and retailing electricity supplies to Dampier,
Wickham, Pannawonica, Paraburdoo and Tom Price
residents. For Rio Tinto employees living in Karratha, we
are not the supply authority, however we do provide you
with an electricity subsidy.
We are also licensed to provide water and sewerage
services to Dampier, Paraburdoo, Tom Price and
Pannawonica residents. We are committed to providing
safe and reliable electricity, water and sewerage services,
along with quality customer service.
We respect your details and are committed to keeping
your personal information condential. For further
information, please view our privacy policy which is
available at
Life support residents
You must contact us if someone in your home uses life
support equipment. Your property will be registered and
will receive special protection in regard to disconnection
and supply interruptions once you supply evidence from
a doctor that there is a need for life support equipment.
Complaint and dispute resolution
If you have a complaint, please report it to our utilities
customer service team. You can either complete the
complaint form, which is available on our website at, call us on
1800 992 777 or send an email to
We endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 48
hours and respond within 15 business days.
Planned service interruptions
To ensure a quality, reliable and safe utilities supply,
we sometimes need to carry out a planned service
interruption. We will provide you with 72 hours’ notice
before undertaking a planned service interruption.
It is your responsibility as our tenant to keep the electrical
and water equipment and ttings in your home in good
condition and free from damage. If something is damaged
or you suspect criminal activity, please contact the Pilbara
Service Centre immediately on 1800 992 777.
Paperless billing and online payments
We offer all our customers a paperless billing and online
payment system for water and electricity accounts.
Register to start receiving your bills via email and to save
time paying your bills online and checking your usage.
Customer service
You can contact our Pilbara Ser vice Centre on
1800 992 777.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Your account - subsidies, invoicing and meter
Moving in
Your electricity and water accounts will be established
by our customer services team when you move into your
If you live in Karratha, Point Samson or Roebourne,
please refer to our website for current information
about how to access your electricity subsidy. All forms
relating to utility use can be found on our website
You will need to complete a New Account form from this
website and email it to us at
Employee subsidies
Living in the Pilbara can be expensive and electricity
and water consumption can be higher than other parts
of Western Australia. If you are a permanent Rio Tinto
employee, you may be eligible for both a water rebate
and an electricity allowance (subject to eligibility criteria
stated in the Iron Ore Company Housing Benets policy
on our intranet). You must be living at the premises
registered on the account.
In accordance with our Housing Benets policy, the
employee water subsidy will be paid in July each year via
payroll, as a salary reimbursement. Employee electricity
subsidies are automatically applied in our system and
your invoice will display the reduced amount owing.
Subsidies are not cumulative from one period to
the next and will be applied on a pro rata basis for
employees that do not occupy a property continually for
a full period.
If you have any queries regarding your eligibility for the
subsidy, please refer to the Housing Benets policy and
Employee Utility Subsidy policy or speak to your Human
Resources representative.
Invoicing and meter reading
We read meters and issue bills every two months for our
residential water and electricity customers and your bill
payment is automatically deducted from your salary.
Where possible, all bills are based on a meter reading to
determine usage over a certain period and we ask that
you please ensure your meter is accessible.
Occasionally, we may need to estimate the reading. If it
is found that the estimate was not reasonable based on
a subsequent and accurate meter reading, we will send
you a revised bill.
Moving house or leaving employment
Please advise your Sodexo Property Manager as soon as
you are aware that you’ll be moving out or leaving your
employment. Please ensure you submit the ‘closure of
account’ form available on www.pilbarautilities.riotinto.
Be aware that as the account holder, you will be required
to pay any outstanding amounts at the property until
you terminate your account.
Bill review
If you think there is an error on your bill and the charges
are too high, please rst consider any recent changes
in your lifestyle or activities that may have contributed
to this. New appliances, seasonal changes and visiting
guests are usually the cause of these unexpected
We are happy to review your bill and undertake a meter
test if required, however, a fee will be charged. If the
meter is found to be faulty, we will reimburse you the
attendance fee. We will advise you of the outcome of
our review within 15 business days from the date you
contacted us.
Failure to pay and disconnections
Please let us know if you’re experiencing difculty
paying your bills on time – we may be able to offer you a
payment extension or another form of assistance.
If the Water Corporation is your water provider, please
contact them about your bills. The Water Corporation
is the water services provider in Karratha, Wickham,
Point Samson and Roebourne and employees living in
these towns will have an account with them. The Water
Corporation may commence actions that affect your
service if you do not pay your bill on time or inform
them that you’re experiencing difculty paying your bill
on time.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Your electricity supply
Your electricity invoice
Invoices will display your electricity usage, the rate
of charge, the daily supply fee (if applicable), the GST
component and the total amount owing. Invoices are sent
to you prior to each deduction from your salary.
Below is an example of a typical electricity bill. Electricity
consumption is charged at a single rate per kilowatt unit,
less the number of kilowatt units given as an employee
subsidy (if applicable).
My bill seems larger than normal. What should I do?
The following questions may help in determining the
cause of higher consumption:
Have I had visitors for an extended period?
Has there been a caravan in my backyard connected to
mains electricity?
Have I recently started using bigger appliances such as
a dishwasher, freezer, larger washing machine or pool
Have I been using an electric welder or other power
tools during the past few months?
Do I use hot water in the washing machine?
Do I leave doors and windows open during the day,
making the air conditioner work harder?
What temperature do I run the air conditioner at and
for what duration each day?
Please contact the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777
if you have a query about your bill.
Example invoice
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
How do I read my electricity meter?
There are a few different types of electricity meters that
a property connection may be tted with. Depending on
the type of meter you have, please follow the instructions
below on how to read your meter.
A digital meter is read by writing down the numbers left
to right. If the digital number has not ticked over and is
between two numbers, write down the lowest number.
Always read the number for kilowatt hours.
A dial meter can be harder to read without practice. It is
read in the following way:
Stand directly in front of the dial meter.
Read each dial in turn going from left to right, writing
down each gure.
When a dial points between two numbers, round
down to the lowest number and write down the lower
of the two numbers. For example, if it points between
0 and 1, write 0; the only exception being if it points
between 9 and 0, write 9.
It is important to only read the dials that are black.
Electrical safety at home
Have you ever experienced that ‘tingling feeling’ when
you touch a tap tting? Did you know that it is more than
just static electricity? That tingling sensation is in fact an
electrical shock. It can be an early indication of a fault
with the potential to cause a life threatening electrical
Call the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777 to report
a fault or for any emergencies call 000 immediately.
General appliances
Discard electrical appliances with damaged/frayed
cords or cracked/broken plugs
Turn off power points before plugging and unplugging
Turn off all appliances such as heaters, ovens and
stove tops when leaving home
Keep exhaust fans in a clean condition and free of lint
Ensure adequate space around appliances to prevent
Remove all combustible material from stoves, heaters
and lamps
A licensed electrical contractor must undertake all
your electrical work and repairs
Electricity and water
Be extremely careful when using appliances connected
to power points near sinks, baths or swimming pools
If an electrical appliance has been immersed in water
it must be discarded immediately
Switch off and unplug all portable electrical
appliances, such as hairdryers and shavers, after use
Don’t use portable heaters in wet areas such as
bathrooms. Instead, you should have either a strip
heater installed high on the wall or a ceiling unit
installed by a registered electrical contractor
Don’t use extension leads or power leads in wet areas
unless specically designed to do so
Never touch anything electrical with wet hands or
bare feet
Kitchen appliances
Regularly clean range hood lters
Clean ovens and hot plates regularly to prevent the
build-up of spilled fats and burnt foods
Switch off and unplug your toaster before trying to
remove toast, mufns or crumpets caught in the
Remove bread crumbs from the toaster regularly as a
build-up can be hazardous
Never leave cooking unattended. If you must leave the
room take something with you as a reminder that you
are cooking (e.g. a wooden spoon)
Your electricity supply continued
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Residual Current Devices (RCDs)
Government regulations require homes to have a minimum of two
residual current devices (RCDs) installed at the time the property’s
ownership is transferred, or when a new rental lease is made.
Why do we need RCDs?
RCDs monitor the ow of electricity from a home’s main
switchboard and are designed to cut electricity supply if
an imbalance in the current is detected. These devices are
designed to prevent electrocution and can save lives.
Why is it necessary to install two RCDs?
By installing at least two RCDs, the property’s circuits can
be spread out. This ensures some light and power remains
on if one RCD switches off supply. It also minimises faulty
operation from appliances which have low-level leakage
RCDs in Rio Tinto houses
As a property owner, we have already installed at least
two RCDs at each of our properties in the Pilbara.
Performing a self-test of the RCD in your home
We request that you test your RCD every three months.
You can do this by pushing the test button on the unit.
This will simulate an earth leakage fault and indicate
whether or not the RCD is operating correctly. After you
test the RCD you will have to reset any electric clocks and
timers on your appliances.
If the RCD is faulty or you have any queries after
performing a self-test on the RCDs in your home, please
contact the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
For more information visit
Department of Commerce and Energy Safety, Residual Current
Devices, retrieved May 2016 from
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Water accounts
Your water consumption bill is determined by a price
per kilolitre (kl). Most residential customers are on tiered
tariff, where the price per kilolitre increases as more
water is used throughout the annual reading cycle. The
rst 150kl of water used per reading cycle is considered
essential water use and is charged at a lower rate. For
larger consumptions, the water charges are higher.
In Wickham there is also no separate charge for water
consumption; however charges apply if you exceed the
annual consumption limit as outlined in your lease over a
12 month period. Karratha employees will be charged for
water consumption directly by the Water Corporation and
an account will be invoiced in the employees name.
I’m sure something’s wrong with my water meter.
Can I get it checked?
If you notice the meter has stopped, is spinning
backwards or unusually fast then please urgently contact
the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777. A Customer
Service Ofcer will arrange to have your meter checked
and replaced if required.
My neighbours water their lawn more than we do, but
they use less water. Something is denitely wrong!
Maybe not. A lot can depend on how many people are
in the property and your water use habits. It’s not wise
to assume that because your neighbours are using more
water on one activity, that they use more water overall.
My water bills keep going up, what can I do?
Check that your reticulation system is in good
working order with no leaks or worn nozzles
Check all household taps
If you think there is a hidden leak, contact the Pilbara
Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
Your water supply
Water restrictions apply to all Pilbara towns
You are permitted to only water your lawn on the days of the month detailed in the table below.
Watering on days not assigned to your home can result in a ne.
Last digit of Street/lot number Scheme users - Alternate day roster Bore Users - Seven day roster
0 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14 etc. day of each month Any day
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc. day of each month Any day
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14 etc. day of each month Any day
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc. day of each month Any day
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14 etc. day of each month Any day
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc. day of each month Any day
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14 etc. day of each month Any day
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc. day of each month Any day
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14 etc. day of each month Any day
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc. day of each month Any day
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Using water wisely
Rio Tinto is committed to sustainable development principles, including
the efcient use of natural resources, such as water.
Monitor your usage
Monitor your usage by reading your meter regularly and
keep a record of your consumption. To calculate your
average daily consumption deduct the previous reading
from the current reading and divide by the number of
days between readings. We recommend that you do this
at least once a month. The average target for a year is less
than 510 kl (this gure is based on a family of four).
You can also check your bill to see whether the actual
kilolitres of water used has increased since your last bill.
If your kilolitre use hasn’t changed too much but your
bill amount has increased it is likely to be because of the
water use tariff structure. The price per kilolitre of water
increases as more water is used. Prices are structured this
way to encourage the careful use of water.
When reviewing consumption against past usage rates,
make sure you compare it with the same time of year
or season as general consumption uctuates between
warmer and cooler months.
A few questions that may help you determine the cause of
a higher bill are:
Have you had any known leaks or plumbing work
completed recently?
Do you have a leak on household appliances or items?
Have you had any new appliances or ttings installed
(e.g. a portable spa)?
Has the number of occupants in your house changed?
Have you done any landscaping or made changes to
your garden?
Have you been watering your garden more
If you answered yes to any of these, that may explain the
increase in your water use bill.
Test for leaks
If you think your daily consumption is high, complete a
simple test to detect any possible leaks. All you have to
do is turn off all water consumption devices and taps and
then check to see if the water meter increases.
If so, contact our Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777
and we will organise a licensed plumber to investigate
and repair if necessary. Do not turn off the meter itself.
Shower times
An average shower can use up to 25 litres of water per
minute and hot showers can waste both water and
electricity. Please keep shower times to a reasonable level
- four minutes or less.
Dishwashers and washing machines
Both of these items can use a lot of water. Try to wait
until you have a larger load of washing rather than doing
small loads. When purchasing look for models with good
water efciency ratings. Front loading washing machines
generally use less water than top loaders.
Dripping taps
A dripping tap can look like a minor amount of water but
over a constant period this can add up to a substantial
amount. Contact the Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777 as the tap washers may need replacing.
General wastage
Avoid general water wastage – don’t leave the water
running while cleaning teeth, washing fruit and
vegetables and rinsing dishes. A running tap can waste up
to 15 litres per minute.
Swimming pools
Swimming pools experience a lot of evaporation in the
North West and need topping up frequently. Keeping
the pool clean can reduce the frequency of replacing
backwashing lters, which will help reduce the amount
of water used. Pool covers can also help reduce the
evaporation rate.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Saving water in the garden
Gardens account for up to 50 per cent of many
households’ water usage, so it will make a big difference
if you can reduce the amount of water you use outside.
We always plant water wise gardens when building or
refurbishing our properties.
We recommend spreading good quality mulch over your
garden to reduce evaporation loss from the surface of the
garden. Avoid watering during the heat of the day or if
there’s a strong wind because most of your water will end
up blown away from your plants and onto paths or roads.
How long and often is your reticulation set to turn on
You can check the amount of water that is going onto
your lawn by placing a container on the lawn for the
whole watering cycle and measuring the water depth at
the end of it. The recommended depth is ten millimeters.
Watering by reticulation is recommended twice a week.
Using water wisely continued
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Health, safety and emergency
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December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Health and safety issues
There are two main health and safety issues in Pilbara houses that
tenants should be aware of. These issues are mould and asbestos and are
the result of the climate and age of housing.
Mould in your home
Mould can be a common occurrence in Pilbara homes
and buildings due to the climatic conditions of the region
and other factors. There are many actions you can take to
eliminate mould in your home.
What is mould?
Mould is a type of fungus
Moulds are present virtually everywhere, indoors and
Mould can grow in and on food, furniture, fabrics,
carpets, walls, paper, timber and plumbing; in
decaying leaves, stale damp soil and compost
Mould often looks like a stain or smudge, and may
smell musty
Mould can be almost any colour. A dark colour does
not necessarily mean it is dangerous
Why does mould grow inside?
Parts of a building that are prone to mould growth are
those areas with:
Condensation or high humidity such as kitchens,
bathrooms and laundries
Restricted ventilation e.g. ofces in corners,
cupboards, small rooms with no windows
Ineffective insulation in walls and ceilings
Roof / window / wall leaks
Mould in the Pilbara
The coastal Pilbara towns have unique weather
conditions that promote mould growth, including a
high dew point
Dew point is the temperature where water vapour in
air turns into liquid – air in areas with high humidity
may only need to be cooled by a few degrees for water
to form on surfaces
If you have damp surfaces – you may get mould
Preventing and controlling mould
The key to controlling mould is keeping your home and
workplace moisture free.
Inspect areas for:
Water leaks
Report or x water leaks including ooded areas,
leaky roofs, plumbing leaks and overow from sinks
or sewers
Report leaks to our Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777
Set air conditioning between 21°C and 24°C. Check
the air conditioning section of this folder for more
Shut doors and windows in humid weather or when
your air conditioning is running to stop moist outdoor
air getting indoor.
Clean your air conditioner lters regularly.
Use exhaust fans when showering, cooking or using
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Mould in your home continued
Health effects of mould
Some people can be affected by mould. It can release
particles that may cause some people to sneeze, similar to
dust. Moulds can also emit a musty odour.
Most health effects from mould are minor, although
there can be more serious health risks from toxic
mould which produces mycotoxins. According to some
studies, exposure to mycotoxins at high levels has the
potential to cause neurological problems and, very
occasionally, death. While research in this area has not
been conclusive, prolonged exposure may be particularly
An allergy to mould might include the following
Respiratory illness or asthma
Watery, itchy, red eyes
Chronic cough
Headaches or migraines
Rashes (dermatitis)
Sinus problems, blocked nose
Frequent sneezing.
If you have any of the above symptoms and believe these
may be mould related you are advised to see your doctor
for a referral to a specialist with in-depth knowledge
about exposure to mould.
How do I remove mould?
Mould should be removed as soon as it appears by
wiping the area.
Small areas of mould can be treated by using a vinegar/
water mixture (80 per cent naturally fermented vinegar
to 20 per cent water) or Tea Tree Oil (2 tsp in a spray
bottle with 2 cups of water, shake well).
Wear rubber gloves, a dust mask and glasses - make
sure the area is well ventilated.
Don’t dry-brush the mouldy area as a brush can ick
mould spores into the air.
To ensure that the mould does not return keep the
area dry.
Don’t use bleach as it only removes the colour and
does not kill the mould spore.
Further information
If you have concerns relating to your home or
accommodation, call our Pilbara Service Centre on
1800 992 777.
For health information, go to the Western
Australian Department of Health website:
The only cure for mould is to reduce
Department of Health; Mould and Condensation in Your Home.
Retrieved May 2016 from
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Mould in your home continued
Use an exhaust fan when having
a shower or bath to control air
Clean and dry surfaces that get
wet regularly
Ensure adequate ventilation
Building structure
Check for roof leaks
Check for door and window leaks
Check drainage from reticulation
and air conditioning is away from
Cupboards and bedrooms
Open blinds and curtains to let
sunlight in
Ensure clothes and shoes are dry
before being put away
Keep cupboards and bedrooms
uncluttered and well ventilated
Hang wet clothes outdoors
Use an exhaust fan (if available)
when using a clothes drier or
venting the drier outside
Ensure adequate ventilation
Use an exhaust fan when cooking
Check lids on pots and saucepans
Check plumbing for leaks,
especially in cupboards
Storage space
Dispose of any wet, badly
damaged or musty smelling items
Store dry items in sealed plastic
Maintain good air movement in
storage areas by ensuring vents
remain clear
Steps to reduce mould growth
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Asbestos products in your home
Due to the age of construction, many older Rio Tinto houses in the
Pilbara contain building materials made from asbestos products.
If your house was built before 1990 it may have some building materials
containing asbestos.
What are the health effects caused by exposure to
Asbestos products, such as bre cement sheeting,
generally do not present a health risk unless disturbed.
Cutting, drilling or sawing bre cement sheeting material
can release signicant numbers of bres. Using high
pressure equipment to clean the sheeting can also
release large numbers of bres. You are not permitted to
undertake any of these activities in your Rio Tinto home.
Please contact the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777
if you have a requirement to disturb building material that
may contain asbestos.
Exposure to asbestos bres that have been released into
the air then inhaled can cause serious diseases including
asbestosis, pleural plaque, lung cancer and mesothelioma.
The majority of people who have developed asbestos
related diseases have worked in occupations where there
was high exposure to asbestos bres.
Asbestos contained in roof building materials may release
a very small number of bres into the air over time due to
natural ageing. These are unlikely to cause a health risk.
In most cases, asbestos cement building materials in a
home is not a cause for concern. It is only if the material is
disturbed that it may create a health hazard.
Please ensure you do not undertake any maintenance or
repair work in your home that may release asbestos bres
into the air. If you are unsure about any materials that you
think may pose a risk please contact the Pilbara Service
Centre on 1800 992 777.
Further information
Contact our Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777.
For further reading on the asbestos products in the home
please visit
Department of Health, Environmental Health, 2014 Asbestos in and
around your home – what is the risk for disease. Retrieved May 2016
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Asbestos products in your home continued
Fibre cement sheeting
Vermiculate spray applied to
ceilings (looks like popcorn)
Older fences and sheds
Fibre cement sheeting
Gable end of an garage
Cement corrugated shed roong
Air conditioning
Around the duct work,
specically around heating
Fibre cement sheeting
A dark bitumous material used
on top of the roof or as a sheet
material underneath tiles may
contain asbestos
Cisterns may contain asbestos
Where you might nd asbestos in your home
Asbestos was once a common building material as it was durable, re resistant and an effective insulator.
Asbestos bres may be present in a number of places in your home, including:
Often used in oors, ceilings and
walls as water and electricity are
in such close proximity in this
Used as insulation around pipes
May be lined with asbestos for its
re resistant properties
Fibre cement sheets used
internally or externally
Electrical distribution board
Carpet underlays were often
glued in place with an adhesive
containing asbestos
Hessian bags used as underlays
may contain asbestos products
Fibre cement sheets as backing
material under tiles or vinyl
Vinyl tiles
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Important facts about hardwired
smoke detectors and safety
Smoke alarms help protect your family and home against loss from a
re. Rio Tinto provides hardwired smoke detectors in all its properties in
accordance with WA legislation.
Things to know about smoke detectors
A smoke detector will not sense a re when smoke cannot
reach the unit, for example, when a re starts in a wall,
roof, the other side of a closed door, or any other isolated
Using a smoke detector in an area where smoke can be
generated, like a kitchen or a high humidity area such as
a bathroom, can cause a false alarm. It is important not to
remove the battery to quieten the alarm, or take the alarm
A smoke alarm will not protect you if it is not powered.
Develop and practice a plan of escape
Have a family meeting and discuss your escape plan,
showing everyone what to do in case of a re
Determine a place outside your home where all of you
can meet if a re occurs
Familiarise everyone with the sound of the smoke
alarm and train them to leave your home when they
hear that sound
Practice a re drill at least every six months
Remember – in the event of a re you may not be able
to reach your loved ones. It is important that everyone
knows what to do.
What to do if the alarm sounds – Most importantly, don’t
Leave immediately using your escape plan – don’t
waste time getting dressed or picking up valuables –
every second counts
In leaving, don’t open any inside door without feeling
the surface rst or if you see smoke through the cracks,
don’t open, use an alternative route
Stay close to the oor if air is smoky. Breathe shallowly
through a cloth, wet if possible
Call the re brigade from your neighbour’s house – not
your own
Don’t return home until re ofcials say that it is all
right and safe to do so
It is recommended you replace the smoke detector
battery on a day you can remember each year – i.e.
birthday, anniversary or 1 April each year.
Test the unit once a month, replace the battery every year,
and replace the unit every ten years.
How do I know if my smoke alarm is working properly?
You will notice a green light displaying on the device if
your smoke detector is working properly. You can also test
to ensure it is working by pressing the test button which
should emit a beep. If you press the test button and don’t
hear any sound and you have checked the battery, please
contact the Pilbara Service Centre on 1800 992 777 to
have it xed. A battery is used as a backup power source
and provides assurance that the alarm will work in the
event of an electrical re which might otherwise de-power
the device. It is important to replace these batteries every
12 months.
If the smoke alarm has a low audible
beep once a minute replace the battery
with a new one.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Cyclone information
Cyclones are common in North West coastal districts between November
and April, therefore all tenants in a Rio Tinto property should be aware
of cyclone risks and plan a personal response.
The Police coordinate emergency services including
the State Emergency Service (SES), St John Ambulance
and Fire Brigade in the event of a cyclone. The SES will
provide information on local disaster plans including
advice on cyclones, storms, oods and earthquakes.
All tenants are required to prepare their houses at the
beginning of the cyclone season. In the event of an
impending cyclone, you need to lock down all projectiles,
tie down all boats and caravans or relocate them to a
secure site. You are responsible for any damage caused as
a result of not preparing properly for a cyclone.
Important phone numbers to know
Fire, ambulance, search and rescues 000
Bureau of Meteorology
Tropical Cyclone Services for WA 1300 659 210
Rio Tinto Cyclone Hotline 1800 992 777
State Emergency Service 13 25 00
Main Roads WA 138 138
Horizon Power (Karratha and Wickham) 13 23 51
As cyclones often adopt an erratic course and can
change speed suddenly, it is important to be aware of
any changes. Cyclone watch and warning messages are
broadcast via the ABC regional network.
Cyclone watch messages
Cyclone watch messages are released every six hours
when there is a possibility that a cyclone may produce
gale force winds on the coast within the next 24 to 48
Cyclone warning messages
Cyclone warnings are released every three hours when
there is a possibility of gales occurring in coastal areas
within the next 24 hours. The warnings contain details of
the position and movement of the cyclone as well as the
coastal areas under threat.
Cyclone warning messages are issued at 7am, 10am, 1pm,
4pm, 7pm and 10pm. Hourly messages are issued when
a cyclone is threatening population centres and then 30
minutes past the hour if required.
If your house has cyclone screens installed you must
ensure that all screens, shutters and pins to all windows
are tted correctly at the start of cyclone season. All
screens must be tted correctly for the entire cyclone
Cyclone denition
A tropical cyclone is a circular rotating system of tropical
origin in which the mean wind speed exceeds 63km/h
(gale force). Wind speeds in excess of 100km/h are
common by the time a cyclone crosses the coast and
higher wind speeds frequently occur. Tropical cyclones
are very rare outside the cyclone season from the
beginning of November to the end of April. Once cyclones
cross the coast, they tend to subside within 24 to 48
hours and the strong central winds die away. Dangerous
ooding can occur as heavy rain falls.
Cyclone threats
Cyclones threaten life and property in three ways:
Fluctuating wind pressure can weaken and possibly
cause the collapse of buildings and other structures.
Loose objects, such as patio furniture, rubbish bins,
dog kennels and building material can become lethal
projectiles causing structural damage to homes and
killing or injuring people in their path.
Flooding can result from an abnormal rise in the level
of the ocean (storm surge) caused by the cyclone or as
a result of heavy rainfall in river catchments.
Storm surge
A cyclone may cause a tidal or storm surge which may
present a signicant hazard to the coastal communities.
Depending on the severity of a surge, some or even a
majority of residents may need to be evacuated.
The SES monitors the situation continuously, and
alongside the Police will initiate evacuation of residents
by area as necessary. Low category cyclones are not likely
to cause a tidal surge threat, however, higher categories of
4 or 5 may cause a tidal surge threat.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
A cyclone has formed and may affect the area within 48
hours. Check that all preparation activities have been
Clear your area of all loose material and rubbish.
Check that cyclone screens are available or securely
tted in place.
Ensure emergency supplies are at hand.
Check that caravan, boat, trailer and other cyclone tie-
down equipment is available.
Limit water use.
A cyclone is moving closer to the area and appears
inevitable. Timing will be calculated by time, place
and circumstances. A risk assessment needs to be
undertaken by employers and employees to determine
when to close business and send employees home.
The SES will advise as to when they believe businesses
should close but it will ultimately be the employer’s
decision. Remember employers have a duty of care
and could be held responsible. Carry out the following
Ensure that all loose material and objects around
residences, commercial and industrial buildings and
work areas are safely stowed or secured.
Check that all cyclone screens are securely fastened
into position.
Secure caravans, boats, trailers, etc. to their tie-down
Prepare safe shelter for pets or animals.
Top up vehicle fuel tanks.
Fill emergency containers with water and make sure
all other emergency supplies are to hand.
A cyclone is imminent.
Make arrangements to be in your residence and/or
shelter areas when the cyclone arrives.
Ensure pets and animals are safely sheltered.
When parking up vehicles, select the best available
sheltered area, apply handbrake and engage park or
reverse gear.
As wind velocities increase shut all windows.
During the height of the cyclone keep clear of windows
and stay in the most sheltered part of your residence.
Should the eye of the cyclone pass immediately over
the area, be aware that the wind will temporarily drop,
then blow in the opposite direction.
Except in extreme emergencies, stay indoors until the
cyclone All Clear is announced.
If you are unavoidably caught in the cyclone in an
unprotected area, make your way, stooping or crawling
if necessary, to shelter. Otherwise lie down and hang
Continue to listen to ABC radio for up-to-date
instructions affecting the area.
The cyclone has passed the area but there may still be
high winds and heavy rain.
Only venture outdoors with caution.
Check for fallen trees, broken power lines, broken
water and drain lines, loose sheeting and debris.
Commence cleanup activities as soon as practical.
Report dangerous situations to the authorities.
Cyclone alerts
Blue Alert
Yellow Alert
Red Alert
All clear
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Cyclone severity categories
Proudly compiled and provided by the Shire of Roebourne as a service to the community.
With thanks to the State Emergency Service for information
Average wind
Strongest gust
General pressure
Typical effects
(indicative only)
63 – 90 > 125 > 985
Negligible house damage, damage to some crops,
trees and caravans, craft may drag moorings.
90 – 120 125 – 170 985 – 970
Minor house damage/risk of power failure, signicant
damage to signs, trees and caravans, heavy damage to
some crops, small craft may break moorings.
120 – 160 170 – 225 970 – 945
Some roof and structural damage, some caravans
destroyed, power failures likely.
160 – 200 225 – 280 945 – 920
Signicant roong loss and structural damage, many
caravans destroyed and blown away, dangerous
airborne debris, widespread power failures.
> 200 > 280 < 920 Extremely dangerous with widespread destruction.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Pannawonica - Your local town
December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Welcome to Pannawonica Town and Robe Valley
Pannawonica was established 40 years ago and today has a population
of approximately 800 people. Built to house the workforce and families
of the nearby Robe River Iron Associates mines, residents enjoy a
relaxed casual lifestyle.
The town has a well-equipped primary school as well
as a day care centre and playgroup. The town’s facilities
include a medical centre, Post Ofce with banking
services, library, supermarket, deli, tavern, sporting club
and a service station. The public swimming pool is a
popular spot during summer, as is the open air cinema.
Both are free of charge.
For Pannawonica visitors, accommodation may be
available from Rio Tinto village facilities or alternatively
at the powered, four-bay caravan park with camping
sites. Bookings can be made by contacting the Shire of
Ashburton on 9184 1038.
The annual Rodeo is the only event of its kind in the
Pilbara and is well supported by the local community and
pastoral properties, with competitors and visitors coming
from across the State for this spectacular event. This
event is usually held on the rst weekend in September.
A $250 million town renewal project in 2012 gave the
whole town a facelift - refurbishing all 230 houses and
upgrading community and commercial infrastructure.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Town overview
Bush re control and re rescue
Restricted re season runs all year with re permits
required at all times.
Department of Fire and Emergency Services.....9395 9300
Bus services
Bus services operate daily to Mesa J, Mesa A and Karratha
Airport. Timetables may be obtained from the Portal or at
the Property Management Ofce.
An extensive supermarket range of hot and cold beverages,
takeaway food, ice-creams and confectionary is available.
Monday – Sunday...............................................08:00 - 17:00
Church services
Catholic Church, Sports Way
Catholic and Anglican Mass is held monthly. Notices are
placed on the town notice boards advising of dates and
Clean up Australia
Every year the Pannawonica Community come together
for Clean Up Australia Day.
Cyclone information
The cyclone season extends from November to April. A
cyclone clean up is undertaken prior to cyclone season
and these dates are advertised.
Pilbara Service Centre......................................1800 992 777
Bureau of Meteorology cyclone service…......1300 659 210
The Bureau of
Drive-in/walk-in theatre
An open air theatre is located on Deepdale Drive. Movies
are screened on Friday and Sunday nights at 19:30.
Admission is free. Notices are displayed on the digital
display board at the kiosk before the weekend advising of
movies to be screened. The theatre will be closed if there
is a risk of thunderstorms.
EFTPOS facilities
EFTPOS facilities for the town residents can be accessed
at the tavern, deli, Post Ofce, service station and
To nd out about employment opportunities within the
town and mines, please refer to Rio Tinto or Sodexo career
Justice of the Peace
For further information on Justice of the Peace
Pannawonnica Event and Retail
Information Services (PERIS)
If you would like to know what is going on in
Pannawonica register your email address with PERIS at
Pannawonica Village Dining Room
Located on Deepdale Drive.
Opening hours
Breakfast..............................................................04:00 - 08:00
Morning crib.......................................................04:00 - 08:00
Evening crib........................................................16:30 - 18:30
Evening dinner...................................................16:00 - 20:00
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Town overview continued
Post Ofce
The Post Ofce is located in town next to the supermarket.
The Post Ofce is an agent for the Commonwealth Bank
as well as offering postal services. A small range of
stationary and gifts are also available.
Monday, Wednesday – Friday............................10:00 - 16:30
Tuesday................................................................10:00 - 18:00
Phone........................................................................9184 1011
Access to private post boxes is available 24 hours a day.
Property Management Ofce
Barry Lang Centre.............................................1800 992 777
Kuruma Marthudunera who are traditional owners of the
Pannawonica region celebrate NAIDOC Week annually
with the Pannawonica community.
Royal Flying Doctor Service
Pannawonica supports the Royal Flying Doctor
Ser vice. For more information on this ser vice visit
Service station
A service station is located at the corner of Rocklea Road
and Camp Road. Open for fuel, parts, and incidental
Monday – Sunday...................................................05:00 - 20:00
Phone...........................................................................9189 5382
Shire of Ashburton
The Pannawonica Library offers Shire services including
dog registration, caravan park bookings and Citizenship
ceremonies. The library is also responsible for the issue of
Millstream Access Road Permits. Please contact the library
or Shire for more information.
Dog registration
Licensing of dogs over the age of six months can be done
at the Pannawonica Library. By law, all dogs must be
registered and wear an identication disc.
Dogs in public areas must be kept on a lead. Dog poo bags
are available on site. No more than two dogs over the
age of three months may be kept at one premise without
Shire approval.
Dogs are not permitted in public buildings or places
where food or drink is prepared or exposed to sale to the
Ranger service
The Shire of Ashburton employs three full time rangers
who are based in Tom Price, Paraburdoo and Onslow.
Rangers are Municipal Law Enforcement Ofcers who are
responsible for enforcing laws about litter, dog and cat
control, vehicle offences, bush res and other local shire
Tom Price.................................................................9188 4459
Spinifex restaurant
Located in the kiosk at the Drive-In.
Take away meals, burgers, sh and chips, pizza, roast
chickens and more are available for dinner most nights.
Phone orders are welcome and it is a good idea to order
ahead on Drive–In movie nights.
Thursday – Sunday.............................................16:30 - 20:30
Phone........................................................................9184 1777
A full range of groceries, fresh fruit/vegies, deli meats and
fresh meat, packaged liquor sales are available.
Monday – Saturday.............................................07:30 - 19:30
Sunday and public holidays..............................10:00 - 14:00
Phone........................................................................9184 1150
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Town overview continued
Tavern, restaurant and TAB
The Pannawonica Tavern is located on Pannawonica
Tavern hours
Monday – Friday..................................................12:00 - 24:00
Saturday................................................................10:00 - 24:00
Sunday..................................................................12:00 - 22:00
Kitchen hours
Open daily............................................................12:00 - 22:00
Phone..................................................................0456 146 435
TAB facilities are located in the public bar. This bar operates
under the Liquor Licensing Laws and Responsible Service
of Alcohol practices. The tavern has a family friendly
restaurant, with an al fresco dining area.
Telstra is the sole provider in Pannawonica.
Please visit their website for more information
Free-to-Air digital channels, WIN and GWN are available
to houses and SPQ.
Transit park
Powered transit sites are available at the town oval with
fully serviced amenities blocks adjacent to the bays. There
is a nightly cost payable to the Shire of Ashburton at
the Pannawonica Public Library. Maximum stay is three
Vehicle and driver licencing
Pannawonica Police................................................9184 2444
Vet clinic
The Karratha Veterinary Clinic visits monthly. For
appointments please contact them on 9185 1600.
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Important contacts
WA Police ……………………………….............................131 444
Pannawonica Police Station ………………..........9184 2444
Police, Fire or Ambulance..........................………………..000
Pannawonica Central Healthcare………….......9184 1586
Nickol Bay Hospital (Karratha)........................9143 2333
Pannawonica Library........................................9184 1038
Rio Tinto site event hotline.......................1800 992 777
Cyclone information...................................1800 992 777
Bureau of Meteorology................................1300 659 210
Pilbara Service Centre.................................1800 992 777
The Portal..................
Health Clinics/hospitals
Nickol Bay Hospital (Karratha)..............................9143 2333
Pannawonica Central Healthcare
Monday Friday..................................................08:00 - 17:00
(closed between 13:00 - 14:00)
Saturday………………………………………….................09:00 - 12:00
General enquiries & bookings ….….......................9184 1586
EFTPOS Available
Pannawonica Central Healthcare offers a doctor, nurse
practitioner and other support services.
After hours medical advice
For after hours and general medical advice please use the
following numbers:
Nickol Bay Hospital (Karratha)..............................9143 2333
Health Direct (24 hours)...................................1800 022 222
Note: Many health insurance funds have dedicated advice
lines, please check with your fund.
Visiting health services
From time to time, other health providers such as podiatrist,
audiologist, physiotherapist and speech therapist will visit
Pannawonica. Please contact the Pannawonica Central
Healthcare for their timetable.
Pannawonica Central Healthcare carries a reasonable
stock of pharmaceuticals. Other items can be ordered via
Pharmacy Help in Karratha on 9185 1316.
Pannawonica is in a remote location. We suggest that you
purchase a rst aid kit. If you have children, please keep a
supply of panadol and a thermometer. Membership to St
John Ambulance is recommended.
Nickol Bay Hospital (Karratha)..............................9143 2333
Karratha Dental Centre.........................................9185 5600
Karratha Smiles Dental Care……………………….......9185 4868
Education and childcare facilities
Pannawonica Primary School
Pannawonica has a modern, well-equipped and fully air
conditioned primary school.
Phone........................................................................9184 1172
Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)
The P&C meet monthly. Any interested parents are invited
to attend. Please contact the primary school for meeting
Pannawonica Children’s Service
13 Ashburton Way
Monday – Friday
A small friendly centre that caters for children from zero to
six years and has exible enrolments. The centre offers a
three plus programme and weekly outings.
Phone........................................................................9184 1391
Pannawonica Playgroup
Neighbourhood Centre, Pannawonica Drive
A community run playgroup that offers a fun, friendly run
environment for children aged zero to four years. Please bring
along a piece of fruit (for morning tea), drinks and a hat.
Children should dress in old clothes as they can get messy.
Email: pannawonicaplaygrou[email protected]
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Important contacts continued
Pannawonica Kindy Gym Inc
Kindy Gym is held at the Community Hall and offers a
fun and safe environment for children that help their
coordination and motor skills.
Phone........................................................................9184 1540
Email: panna[email protected]
Community services
Salvation Army Women’s Refuge
Accommodation for women and children up to 14 years
that are victims of domestic violence, located in Karratha.
Phone........................................................................9185 2807
Crisis Care
24 hour telephone service.......................................9223 1111
Society of St Vincent De Paul
Welcome Road, Karratha
Phone........................................................................9185 4336
Department of Child Protection Services
Crisis Care...........................................................1800 199 008
Health Direct.....................................................1800 022 222
Family Help Line...............................................1800 643 000
Beyond Blue.........................................................1300 224 636
Gamblers Anonymous............................................9487 0688
Alcoholics Anonymous...........................................9325 3566
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Leisure activities
A gymnasium is located at Lifestyle Centre on Pannawonica
Drive, next to the supermarket complex. The gymnasium
is open 24 hours a day.
To access the gym facilities you need to complete an
induction. To request an appointment for your induction,
you’ll nd the link in the ‘My Site’ section of the Portal or
you can ask the staff in the gym reception. The Health and
Lifestyle Coordinator is also available to assist with any
further programmes you may require.
Opening hours
Monday...................................................................10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday...................................10:00 - 16:00 and 18:30 - 20:30
Wednesday.............................................................13:00 - 16:00
Thursday.................................................................10:00 - 16:00
Friday......................................................................10:00 - 16:00
Phone..........................................................................9184 1038
The Pannawonica Library has a large range of ction and
non-ction books, videos, DVDs and audio books for all
In addition the following services are available at the
Photocopying and printing
Public access computer
Caravan park bookings
Pannawonica Sporting Club
The club is open to all members of the community.
Membership is required to enable you to attend the
premises. Memberships are available at the bar.
The club is available for use for barbeques, parties and
meetings. Bookings can be made by contacting the club
and operating hours are advertised at the club
Phone........................................................................9184 1297
Parks/ovals and reserves
The following recreational facilities are available in
Town sports oval and playground
Yannarie Park sports precinct and skate park
Tony Lyons Park
The Rocks
Robe River Rodeo
The annual Robe River Rodeo is usually held in September
each year at the rodeo grounds located approximately
three kilometres south-east of town.
The Rodeo is held over two days - Friday (Camp Draft) and
Saturday (Rodeo). Each evening there is entertainment
The Rodeo is run by a volunteer committee consisting of
enthusiastic community members.
Sports courts
The following sports courts are available in Pannawonica:
Squash courts
School tennis courts
Yannarie Park multi-use court facilities
Pannawonica Community Hall
Swimming pool
Situated behind the Community Hall, the swimming pool
facility boasts a 25 metre swimming pool, free electric
barbeques and change room facilities. Children must
be accompanied by an adult and no alcohol or glass is
Summer hours
1 October – 30 April
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
07:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
08:00 - 12:30 and 14:30 - 20:00
Winter hours
1 May – 30 September
Monday – Sunday
09:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
Phone........................................................................9184 1296
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Rubbish collection and waste facilities
Opening hours
Monday – Saturday............................................07:30 - 17:00
Dumping outside of these hours is prohibited.
The tip is licensed to accept:
Biodegradable waste, such as food, municipal, ofce
and non-chemical waste
Clean ll
Green waste
Building and demolition waste
Asphalt waste
Asbestos waste
Disposal areas are clearly marked. Dumping of asbestos
waste is by arrangement with the tip manager. Asbestos
must be disposed of in accordance with the Asbestos code
of practice.
Waste products disposed at the town facility must be
placed in the designated waste containers.
Pannawonica Town Domestic Rubbish
Collection Schedules
The general household rubbish collection day is Monday
and Saturday. Note each household is provided with one
green Sulo wheelie bin and, extra bins are available for
purchase at the town supermarket. A maximum of two
bins will be collected from each property.
There is a once only verge collection per year comprising
of a pre-cyclone pick up that will occur late October.
A notice will be sent out a couple of weeks prior. It is a
tenant responsibility to take all other non-household
rubbish to the tip during the year. This includes items
such as green waste, white goods, old furniture or items
too big to place in the rubbish bin.
Further Information
For further information please visit the Shire website
Air Strip
Rail Crossing
Deepdale MSB
Pannawonica Landll
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777
Pannawonica Town map
December 2016
Pilbara Service Centre 1800 992 777