Hilton Netherland Plaza Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2024
Oral History:
Bridging Past, Present, and Future
Preliminary Program
Open Wednesday - Friday. 8AM-5PM & Sat.
Open Thursday - Friday, 8:30 AM-5:30 PM &
Saturday, 8:30AM-12PM
Coffee & tea will be provided daily in the Exhibit
Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza
35 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH
The OHA Conference Rate is $203 per night. To
reserve a room at this rate, click here. Or call (513)
421 - 9100 and mention that you’re with the Oral
History Association.
This year’s business meeting will be held virtually on October 1st, 2024 from 3pm - 4:30pm CDT. We
encourage all members that can to attend! The link to the meeting will be forthcoming.
Instead of all 90 minute sessions, OHA this year is offering both 60 and 90 minute sessions. Please pay close
attention to times and assigned session lengths.
We are piloting a new session type: "Project Spotlights." Similar to lightning rounds, these sessions give
presenters an opportunity to highlight their papers or projects alongside work that touches on similar issues
or types of oral history practice.
We will be using SCHED as a supplement to this year’s program. More details to come in August!
photo courtesy of: https://www.hotels.com/ho109276/hilton-cincinnati-
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Wednesday, October 30
Her Story: Amplifying the Lost Half of History to
Hear the Future - Mini-Workshop
Holly Brians Ragusa
other local women artists
Welcome Reception Hosted by the International
Friends of Music Hall - Walking Tour
Meet at conference hotel lobby and walk to streetcar
stop 18.
01. An Introduction to Oral History
Jeff Corrigan, California State University - Monterey Bay
02. Rates, Contracts, Portfolios, and More: Activating the
Independent Practitioners Toolkit to Create a More
Sustainable Career
Sarah Dziedzic, Independent Oral Historian
Jess Lamar Reece Holler, Independent Oral Historian
03. The OurStoryBridge Methodology: The Bridge That
Connects Communities, Generations, and Stories Across
Jery Huntley, OurStoryBridge
04. Streamlining Oral History Integration with Omeka and
OHMS (the Next Generation)
Sharon Leon, Digital Scholar
05. When The Archive is Not Enough
Alma Simba, University of Dar es Salaam
06. What Does Done Look Like? Project Planning for Oral
Jennifer Cramer, Louisiana State University
Douglas Boyd, University of Kentucky
More about
this year's
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Mount St. Joseph’s Motherhouse and Mater Dei Chapel
Meet at conference hotel lobby and vans will shuttle
participants to site.
Generations Using their Voices: A Brief Tour of the
Harriet Beecher Stowe House and Walnut Hills
Meet at conference hotel lobby and bus will shuttle
participants to site of walking tour.
Over-the-Rhine Tenement Life North of Liberty
Meet at conference hotel lobby and walk to streetcar
stop 18.
Watch the conference website for the most current schedule here.
Thursday, October 31
SESSION 1, 8:30-10AM
07. Time for the Oral Historian: Growth through Reflective
Practice - Panel
Chair: Linda Shopes, Independent Oral Historian
Potholes & Pitfalls: Presenting Oral History over Time
Dena Scher, Professor Emerita at Marygrove College
The Importance of Context to Oral History: Past, Present,
and Future Perspectives
Mary Larson, Oklahoma State University Library
Remembering Our Firsts: Reflecting and Reconnecting with
Past Projects
Lauren Kata, NYU Abu Dhabi
H.O.P.E.: History Orally Passed Eclectically
Tanya Finchum, Oklahoma State University
08. Sharing Their Voices: Bridging the Past, Present, &
Future of Adults with Disabilities - Roundtable
Chair: Wanda Routier, Concordia University Wisconsin
Carol Burns, Concordia University Wisconsin
Graham Higgins, CUW pilot research project narrator,
alumnus of Chicago-based post-secondary program for
students with ID
Jason (JP) Watkins, CUW pilot research project narrator,
alumnus of Chicago-based post-secondary program for
students with ID
09. A Life of Listening- Panel
Chair: Martha Norkunas, Middle Tennessee State
I Have the Best Job in the Universe
Claytee White, Oral History Research Center at UNLV
“Two People Looking at Each Other”: Forty Years of Oral
History Relationships
Lu Ann Jones, former Historian, National Park Service
Listening, Social Justice, and Disrupting the Academy
Paul Ortiz, Cornell University’s School of Industrial and
Labor Relations
10. The Future Collectors: Undergraduates Curating
Community Stories - Listening Session
Mark O'Connor, Slippery Rock University
Danette DiMarco, Slippery Rock University
Delynn N. Jasmer, Slippery Rock University
Emma C. Pruett, Slippery Rock University
11. Histories of the Environment, Culture, and Place - Panel
Chair: Roger Eardley-Pryor, The Oral History Center of UC
Narratives of Hurricane Ian: Moving Forward in the
Frances Davey and Joanna Salapska-Gelleri, Florida Gulf
Coast University
Past and Present Environmental Change in the Chesapeake:
Tangier Island's Cultural Landscape and Oral Anticipations of
the Future
Lincoln Lewis, University of Virginia
NOAA Voices Oral History Archives | Past, Present & Future
Molly Graham, NOAA's Voices Oral History Archives
Micro-land Sales, CAFO’s and the Future
Alexander Timon Primm, Oral History of the Ozarks
12. Black Church History Harvest Project - Roundtable
Chair: Debra Seward, San Antonio African American
Community Archive and Museum
Caira Spenrath, SAAACAM
Blake Marlow, SAAACAM
Cristal Mendez, SAAACAM
Velma Nanka-Bruce, SAAACAM
13. Practicing Oral Histories: Using Students’ Stories as a
Catalyst for Empathy - Roundtable
Chair: Nora Moosnick, University of Kentucky
Victoria Cruz-Falk, University of Kentucky
Emily Keaton, University of Kentucky
Saturn Star-Shooter, University of Kentucky
14. Meta-Methodologies of Oral History Knowledge
Succession: Lessons Learned from Interviewing Oral
Historians - Listening Session
Tammy Clemons, Independent Scholar
Timi Reedy, Independent Scholar
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Thursday, October 31
SESSION 2, 12:45-1:45PM
15. Archival Podcasts — Bringing The Past Into The Present
To Benefit The Future - Panel
Chair: Eric Marcus, The Fortunoff Video Archive for
Holocaust Testimonies and Making Gay History
Nahanni Rous, The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust
Testimonies and Making Gay History
Inge De Taeye, Making Gay History and The Fortunoff
Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
Eric Marcus, The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust
Testimonies and Making Gay History
16. Project Spotlight: Oral History and the Academy
Chair: Karen Neurohr, Oklahoma State University
HerStory: The Trinity Washington Univeristy Oral History
Joshua Wright, Trinity Washington University
The 1959 Project at the University of Michigan-Dearborn:
Oral History as Part of a Complex Methodology for
Inclusive History
Camron Amin, University of Michigan-Dearborn
"Fiat Lux," Let there Be Light: The Legacy of Bishop
Adrienne Cain Darough, Baylor University Institute for
Oral History
Bridging Generations and Academics: Oral Histories about
Grandparent University
Karen Neurohr, Oklahoma State University
17. The UK School Meals Service: Past, Present, and Future?
An Intergenerational Oral History Case Study Using Sensory
and Creative Methods - Hands-On Session
Ellen Bishop, University of Wolverhampton
Isabelle Carter, University of Sheffield
18. New Explorations in Oral History - Panel
Chair: Allison Tracy-Taylor, Independent Oral Historian
Oral History and Philanthropy Study
Huitan Xu, Indiana University Lilly Family School of
Visual Oral Histories from East Indonesia: Reverberative
Trauma and Healing
Julie Gaynes, University of California, Los Angeles
In-between: Place, Time, and Belonging in the Life Stories of
Americans in Pau, France
Simona Tobia, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
19. Navigating Indigenous Data Sovereignty - Hands-On
Jennifer Randall, UNC Pembroke
Michele Fazio, UNC Pembroke
20. New Ways to Listen: Inclusion of the Deaf Community in
OH- Panel
Chair: Juliana Nykolaiszyn, Oklahoma State University
Listening to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community:
Experiences from the Oral History Centre, Singapore
John Choo, Oral History Centre of the National Archives of
Singapore, National Library Board
Sounding Out Oral History: Toward the Inclusion of Signed
Languages in Methodologies
Jannelle Legg, Gallaudet University
Brian Greenwald, Gallaudet University
21. Project Spotlight: Black History
Chair: Francena Turner, National Park Service, South
Carolina Lowcountry Parks
Creating a Black Oral History Digital Archive of Black Life in
Vancouver, Canada: 1950-2023
Annette Henry, University of British Columbia
Having Our Say-Oral Histories and Ways of Remembering and
Gloria Rhodes, San Diego State University Library
From George Bonga to George Floyd: The Struggle for Freedom
is Transgenerational
Ayaan Natala, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Beyond the Railroad Tracks
Joanna Hadjicostandi-Anang, University of Texas Permian
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Sponsored by Center for Oral History and Master
of Arts Program at Columbia University
Keynote Speaker: Mi’Jan Celie Tho-Biaz
22. Horror from the Archive: Past, Present, and Future Perils
of Collection Management - Panel
Chair: Ellen Brooks, Independent Oral Historian
Not As An Afterthought: Building Accessible Bridges to
include Deaf and Signing Communities
Corinna Hill, Department of Liberal Studies, Rochester
Institute of Technology, National Technical Institute for the
The Perils of Inheritance
Kopana Terry, University of Kentucky
The Complexities of Achieving Narrator-Centeredness in Oral
Kierstin Stager Muroski, Rochester Institute of Technology,
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
23. Transcription, Indexing, & AI - Panel
Chair: Carlos Lopez, Arizona State Archives, Library, and
Public Records
Oral Historians Have No Standards - At Least Around
Transcription Style Guides
Michael Sesling, Audio Transcription Center
Hanassa Wicks, Audio Transcription Center
Oral History Indexing (OHI)
Douglas Lambert, University at Buffalo, SUNY
The Warrior Women Project: Applying Ethics and Core
Values in the Auditing and Editing Work of First Nations Oral
History Transcripts
Eric Gaither, Columbia University
Enhancing Oral History Collections in South Africa through
Artificial Intelligence, Case Studies of Gauteng Unsung Sport
Heroes and South African National Parks Board Conservation
Isabel Schellnack-Kelly, Department of Information Science,
University of South Africa
Nampombe Saurombe, Department of Information Science,
University of South Africa
24. High-Value, Low-Cost Production: Tools and Techniques
for Filming and Recording Oral History Interviews - Hands-
On Session
Katherine Barbera, Bright Archives
David Bernabo, Bright Archives
SESSION 3, 2-3:30PM
25. Oral History and Education at The United States
Military Academy - Panel
Chair: David Siry, West Point Center for Oral History
Coming To Terms With The Rwandan Genocide Through
Oral History
Kari Malatak, United States Military Academy
Establishing A Narrative: The Ethical Responsibility of the
Oral Historian
Isabella Colitsas, United States Military Academy
Generational Differences Among Jamaican Immigrants In
Marqus Hubbard, United States Military Academy
Countering Terrorism and Gang Violence In Latin America:
Developing Solutions To An Evolving Challenge
Taylor Root, United States Military Academy
26. Preservation and Documentation of the Lived Arab
American and MENA (Middle Eastern or North African)
Narrative and Experience - Panel
Chair: George Harb, Arab American National Museum
Arab American Oral Histories: Collecting, Preserving, and
Storytelling from Lebanon, and Palestine to North Africa
Rosemarie M. Esber
Digitalizing Humanities: Contextualizing Archival Material
with Documented Oral Histories
Laura Lethers, Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese
Diaspora Studies at NC State University
Arab American Public and Oral History: Foundational
Collections and New Directions
Maria Curtis, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Uses of Oral History Interviews in Arab American Genealogy
Reem Awad-Rashmawi, National Society for Arab and
Arab American Genealogy
27. Japanese American Intergenerational Narratives Oral
History Project - Listening Session
Shanna Farrell, The Oral History Center of UC Berkeley
Amanda Tewes, The Oral History Center of UC Berkeley
Roger Eardley-Pryor, The Oral History Center of UC
Thursday, October 31
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Thursday, October 31
32. Oral History and Regenerative Commons Studies: Notes
from the Global and Appalachian Regional Fields - Panel
Chair: Kathryn Newfont, University of Kentucky
Narratives of Appalachian Old-Growth Forests and Indian
Sacred Groves: Protecting Biodiverse “Hope Spots”
Sinu Rose, University of Kentucky
Emma Kiser, University of Kentucky
Oral History and Regenerative Commons: A Transatlantic
Case Study of Scottish Tenant Farmers and the Mi’kmaq
First Nations in Eastern Maritime Canada
Rachel Herrington, University of Kentucky
Defining the “Public Good”: Commons and State
Conservation in Appalachia and South Africa
Paolo D’Amato, University of Kentucky
Divided Community: Strip Mining, Commons
Environmentalism, and the Energy Crisis in Floyd County,
Kentucky, 1972-1977
Jacob Johnson, University of Kentucky
33. Found in Translation: Language, Linguistics and Oral
History - Panel
Chair: Tomás F. Summers Sandoval Jr., Pomona College
Transcriptions, Translations, and Representation: Oral
Histories in a Second Language among Return Refugees
Mary Patrice Erdmans, Case Western Reserve University
Bringing Oral History to the Spanish Classroom: The
Development of the "Voces de la Diáspora" Project at
Princeton University
Alberto Bruzos Moro, Princeton University
Oral Histories for Linguistic Justice in Health Care:
Pandemic Stories from Kansas Latine and Mayan
Rachel Showstack, Wichita State University
Michelle Enke, Wichita Public Library
34. Integrating Voices of Refugees and Immigrants: Oral
History in the Language Classroom - Roundtable
Chair: Katherine Roseau, Mercer University
Libertad Aranza, Mercer University
Alana Alvarez, Mercer University
Cynthia Osorio-Magana, Mercer University
SESSION 4, 3:45-5:15PM
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
SESSION 3, 2-3:30PM, cont.
29. Building a Local and State Infrastructure for Engaged,
Public, Oral, and Community Histories: The Tools We Need
for The Future We Want - Hands-On Session
Zack Ellis, TheirStory
Fiona Vernal, University of Connecticut
Charles Venator Santiago, University of Connecticut
030. Recording the Stories of Russo-Ukrainian War:
Challenges, Risks, and Methodological Approaches -
Chair: Iryna Sklokina, Center for Urban History
Iuliia Skubytska, Princeton University
Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, University of Alberta
Svitlana Makhovska, Chernihiv Research Centre for the
Anthropology of War
Natalia Otrishchenko, Center for Urban History
28. Diaspora, Displacement, and Intergenerational Trauma -
Chair: Ummul Muhseneen, University of South Florida
Oral History in the Wake of the Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh
Ani Schug, Rerooted
Documenting the US Afghan War - An Oral History Archive
Halima Kazem, University of California Santa Cruz
Palestinian Oral history of the Nakba and its Relevance to
Gaza Today
Carol Gray, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tracing the Forgotten Memory: Unearthing the Inherited
Oral History of the 1965-1966 Mass Violence in Indonesia
through History Learning
Nur Fatah Abidin, Sebelas Maret University
31. HBCU Radio Stories Matter: The Power of Oral History
in Audio Preservation- Roundtable
Chair: Phyllis Jeffers-Coly, HBCU Radio Preservation
Jocelyn Robinson, HBCU Radio Preservation Project
Will Tchakirides, HBCU Radio Preservation Project
Breighlynn Polk, HBCU Radio Preservation Project
Alissa Rae Funderburk, Margaret Walker Center
Thursday, October 31
36. Witnessing Trauma: Complex Ways of Listening to
Death Narratives - Listening Session
Ricia Anne Chansky, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Marci Denesiuk, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
37. A Living Archive of Black Freedom: Oral History,
Descendant Communities, and The Getting Word Project at
Monticello - Roundtable
Chair: Andrew Davenport, Director of The Getting Word
African American Oral History Project at Mo nticello
Auriana Woods, The Getting Word African American Oral
History Project at Monticello
Jenna Owens, The Getting Word African American Oral
History Project at Monticello
Jessica Harris, President of Descendants of Enslaved
Communities at University of Virginia
38. OurStoryBridge: Connecting Communities, Generations,
and Stories Across Time Through Online Short-Form Oral
Histories - Hands-On Session
Jery Huntley, OurStoryBridge
SESSION 4, 3:45-5:15PM, cont.
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
35. Personalizing, Localizing, and Humanizing the Holocaust:
Collecting and Interpreting the Oral Histories of Holocaust
Survivors - Panel
Chair: Brittany Pavely, Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust &
Humanity Center
Collecting Oral Histories from Holocaust Survivors
Cori Silbernagel, Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust &
Humanity Center
Curating Memorable Museum Experiences
Trinity Johnson, Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust &
Humanity Center
Adding Oral Histories to Our Educational Toolkit
Lauren Karas, Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity
Friends of Music Hall - Walking Tour
Meet at conference hotel lobby and walk to
streetcar stop 18.
Mount St. Joseph’s Motherhouse and Mater Dei
Chapel Tour
Meet at conference hotel lobby and vans will
shuttle participants to site.
Mentor Meet & Greet
Emerging Professionals Committee
Meet & Greet Hosted by the Southern Oral History
Program & the Samuel Proctor Oral History
KYOH-NET Meeting
Presidential Reception
Hallow D&D Live - The Lady in Green
Friday, November 1
SESSION 5, 8:30-9:30AM
39. Speed-Networking Event
Emerging Professionals Committee
40. Project Spotlight: Gender and Sexuality
Chair: AC Panella, Santa Rosa Junior College/Georgia
State University
From Collectivism to Individualism: Tracing "Normative"
Sexuality in Israel's Formative Era
Roi Irani, Department of History at The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
A Tale of Roma-ism (?): Views of Greek Roma Women on
History and Reproductive Justice
Elektra Kostopoulou, Rutgers Newark
Cynthia Malakasis, Panteion University (GR)
Red Days on the Calendar? Remembering Soviet Menstrual
Trauma in Contemporary Russia
Pavel Vasilyev, HSE University in St. Petersburg
Femicide in the Conflict Zone: Unveiling Untold Stories of
Women's Resilience and Struggle in Abkhazia
Ia Shalamberidze, Taso Foundation
Tina Tsomaia, Caucasus School of Journalism and Media
41. Who’s at the Table? The Struggle for Procedural
Justice and Indigenous Representation in the Twenty-First
Century - Panel
Chair: Cristobal Lopez, National Parks Conservation
Synthesizing the Sacred: Indigenous Peyote Rights and
Contemporary Psychedelic Drug Policy Reform
Bianca Barriskill, Golden History Museum and Park
Indigenous Sexual Diversities and the Politics of Language
and Mobilization in Contemporary La Paz and El Alto,
Natalie Kimball, College of Staten Island - CUNY
End of the Road: Forced Exodus from Isle de Jean Charles
Heather Stone, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
With the Membership Committee
42. The Past - but Mostly Present and Future - of Academic
Publishing and the Oral History Review - Roundtable
Chair: Holly Werner-Thomas, Oral History Review
Stephen Sloan, Baylor University
Geraldine Richards, Taylor & Francis Group
43. Building Appalachian Community Through Story
Collection - Roundtable
Chair: Elissa Yancey, A Picture’s Worth Inc.
Pauletta Hansel, Urban Appalachian Community
Amanda Jo Slone, University of Pikeville
Matthew Smith, Miami University
44. Project Spotlight: Oral History and Place
Chair: Jad Orphée Chami, Université du Québec à
The Kru/Krao Coast Heritage Initiative: Oral History, Local
Memory, and Archival Silences in Sinoe County, Liberia
Megan Crutcher, Texas A&M University
Prince Kondeh, Kru Coast Heritage Initiative
A Museum of Stories
Donna Harris, Over-the-Rhine Museum
Oral History in Re-claiming the Memory of "Forgotten"
Bangladesh Genocide
Ummul Muhseneen, University of South Florida
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
45. In Search of a Settled Rabbi: Using Community-Based
Oral History to Navigate Major Transition - Listening
Kristen Morgenstern, Middlebury College
Lana Povitz, Middlebury College
46. Keeping It Local- Panel
Chair: Jamie Thompson, Northern Kentucky University
and Cincinnati Museum Center
Keeping it Local: Building Community Memory Through
Oral History
Dave Schroeder, Kenton County Public Library
Keeping It Local: Collecting and Sharing Oral Histories with
the Community
Larry Richmond, Genealogy & Local History Department
at the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library
Keeping it Local: Using AI to make Underrepresented
Community Voices Accessible
Arabeth Balasko, Cincinnati Museum Center
Friday, November 1
SESSION 6, 10-11:30AM
47. The Life Story in Oral History Practice - Roundtable
Chair: Rob Perks, British Library
Douglas Boyd, University of Kentucky
Don Ritchie, Historian emeritus of the United States Senate
Mary Stewart, National Life Stories at the British Library
48. Curating Oral Histories with Data and AI - Hands-On
Christopher Pandza, Incite at Columbia University /
Columbia Center for Oral History Research
49. Bridging the past to the present: using oral history to help
break the silence of childhood war experiences after 80+ years
- Listening Session
Anne Cardenas, Independent Oral Historian
Rebecca Kiil, Independent Oral Historian
Sach Takayasu, Independent Oral Historian
50. Painting a Legacy - Listening Session
Sarah Battle, National Gallery of Art
52. The U.S. Foreign Service Turns 100! -- Using Oral
History to Build Public Support for Diplomacy - Listening
Tom Selinger, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and
Heather Ashe, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and
James Fowler, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and
53. Demystifying Description: Making MARC Work for Oral
History - Hands-On Session
Christa Whitney, Yiddish Book Center
Michelle Sigiel, Yiddish Book Center
Carole Renard, Yiddish Book Center
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
The past, present, and future of US Latina/o/e oral history:
A conversation with Dr. María E. Cotera and Dr. Jesse
Jesús Esparza.
Facilitator: Elena Foulis, Texas A&M, San Antonio
María E. Cotera, The University of Texas at Austin
Jesse Jesús Esparza, Texas Southern University
51. Learning and Listening to Indigenous Oral Histories of
Boarding Schools in Oklahoma - Panel
Chair: Farina King, University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Catholic Native Schools Project
Lisa Lynn Brooks, Montclair State University
Oral Histories of the Sac and Fox Boarding School
Ashley Moelling, University of Oklahoma
Voices of Oklahoma: Indigenous Archeology and History of
Boarding Schools
Cheyenne Widdecke, University of Oklahoma
Exploring the Legacy of Colonialism on Oklahoma Education:
Using Historical Foundations of Education in Oklahoma to
Understand Contemporary Education in Oklahoma and its
Impacts on Native Youth
Savannah Slayton, University of Oklahoma
Intergenerational Strength in Kiowa Family Oral Histories
Codie Horse-Topetchy, University of Oklahoma
54. Putting Our Phones Down To Listen: Gen Z Does Oral
History - Panel
Chair: Jennifer Morris, Mount St. Joseph University
"Wild Angels": Challenging the Cultural Concepts of
Motorcycle Clubs
Cody Reinhard, Northern Kentucky University
The Griots of New Richmond: Black History as Oral History
Jamie Thompson, Northern Kentucky University
The Sisters of Charity and the Second Wave: Remaining
Faithful after Vatican II
Keegan Brown, Mount St. Joseph University
From the Convent to Consulting: An Oral History with
Virginia Riehl
Christopher Riehl, Northern Kentucky University
Friday, November 1
SESSION 7, 2:15-3:45PM
55. Oral History at a Distance : Examining Our Practice in a
New Era - Roundtable
Chair: Nancy MacKay, Independent Oral Historian
Steven Sielaff, Baylor University Institute for Oral History
Stephen Sloan, Baylor University Institute for Oral History
Adrienne Cain Darough, Baylor University Institute for
Oral History
Michelle Holland, Baylor University Institute for Oral
56. "The Shoulders We Stand On": Students' Mapping Their
Urban Communities of Color in Times of Xenophobia,
Protest, and Pandemic through Oral Histories of Activist and
Immigrant Peers and Elders - Panel
Chair: Samuel Finesurrey, Guttman Community College
The Long Struggle to Confront Anti-Black Violence in NYC:
Undergraduates Archive and Analyze Stories from Peers and
Elders Still Seeking Racial Justice
Samantha Ruiz-Correa, Guttman Community College
Digital Dreams and Hurricanes: 9th Graders Study
Themselves Coming of Age in time of Protest, Pandemic and
an Ever-Evolving Online Social Universe
Ixchel De Dios, School in the Square High School
Parenting the Elders: First Generation Children Guiding
Parents/Guardians Through Cultural and Legal Obstacles in
Uncharted Waters
David Surrey, Saint Peters University
57. Perceptions of Schizophrenia Through Oral History: Past
Misconceptions, Emerging Realizations, Future Hopes - Panel
Chair: Kory L. Phelps, Mount St. Joseph University
Narrators’ Impact on Changes in Knowledge about
Tracy A. McDonough & Lynda L. Crane, Mount St. Joseph
Using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count as a Tool to
Objectively Code Oral Histories about Schizophrenia
Diagnosis and Values
James H. Bodle, Mount St. Joseph University
Fondly remembering the past, but hopeful (though cautious)
for the future
Kory L. Phelps, Mount St. Joseph University
58. Radical Collaboration: Expanding Narrator Agency and
Community Impact- Listening Session
Chair: Ela Banerjee, Voice of Witness
Dao X. Tran, Voice of Witness
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
59. Understanding the Diversity of War Experiences: Case of
Ukraine- Panel
Chair: Iuliia Skubytska, Princeton University
An Adventure, a Trip, an Everyday Life: How Children
Describe the Russo-Ukrainian War (2014 - 2024)
Viktoriia Nesterenko, Karazin Kharkiv National University
The Impact of War on the New Ukrainian School: the
Hazards and Opportunities of Oral History Methodology in
Documenting Youth Aspirations during Wartime
Carl Mirra, Adelphi University
Cultural Heritage under Fire: Expert and Activist Narratives
of Preservation in the Wartime
Iryna Sklokina, Center for Urban History
60. Health Care Under Crisis: Dispatches from Minnesota's
Reproductive and Gender Care Communities - Listening
Adam Negri, University of Minnesota
Lauren Ruhrold, University of Minnesota
Emily Winderman, University of Minnesota
61. Community Conversations - Creating a Network of Oral
History Research in the Virgin Islands - Roundtable
Chair: Molly Perry, University of the Virgin Islands
Denise Blanchette, University of the Virgin Islands
Monica Marin, Division of Libraries and Museums
Government of the Virgin Islands
ChenZira Davis Kahina, Caribbean Studies Association
Sophia Aubain, Caribbean Genaeology Library
Carol Wakefield, St. Croix Landmarks Society
62. Connecting the Past to the Future: Modern Practices,
Indigenous perspectives, 2SLGBTQIA+ Okie experiences,
and a Critical Look Through the Archives - Panel
Chair: Katanna Davis, Oklahoma State University
Arlowe Clementine, University of Kansas
Katanna Davis, Oklahoma State University
Savannah Waters, Oklahoma State University
Friday, November 1
63. New Voices, Untold Stories, and the Broadening
Collection Strategies of Academic Oral History Projects -
Chair: Kopana Terry, University of Kentucky
Legal Histories: Documenting Law School Alumni from the
Post-Civil Rights Era
Anu Kasarabada, University of Kentucky
Building Bridges: A Chronicle of Diversity and Dialogue -
The Commonwealth Institute for Black Studies Oral History
Matthew Strandmark, University of Kentucky
Expanding Horizons: The Evolving Work of the Louie B.
Nunn Center for Oral History
Kopana Terry, University of Kentucky
67. Project Spotlight: Oral History and Biography
Chair: Eric R. Jackson, Friends of Music Hall
Grassroots Oral History: The Legacy of Robert Dawkins in
Alexandria, Virginia and the Necessity for Stakeholder
Driven Oral History Projects
Francesco De Salvatore, The Alexandria Oral History
Michael Johnson, The Alexandria Oral History Center
Laboring in Obscurity: Louise Epperson and her Battle
Against Urban Renewal
Katie Singer, Independent Scholar
Oral History through Creative Approaches: Cincinnati Opera
Singer Nadine Roberts Waters
Clarity Amrein, Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public
68. The Art of Aging: Oral History and the Lived Experiences
of Residents in Two Retirement Communities - Roundtable
Chair: Anna Hamilton, Samuel Proctor Oral History
Program at the University of Florida
Mosunmola Ogunmolaji, Samuel Proctor Oral History
Program at the University of Florida
Agnieszka Ilwicka-Karuna, Samuel Proctor Oral History
Program at the University of Florida
Diana Rodriguez-Allende, Samuel Proctor Oral History
Program at the University of Florida
69. Project Spotlight: World War II Reverberations
Chair: Joanna Salapska-Gelleri, Florida Gulf Coast
The Past, Present and Future of Antifascism in Eastern
Mary Beth Stein, George Washington University
The Orlando Plan: Saving Volos
Lisa Camichos, Hickory High School
Fractured Legacies: Impacts of the Austrian Victim Myth on
Descendants of Shoah Survivors
Amanda Riggenbach
Bridging Past, Present, and Future through Oral Histories of
Holocaust Survivors in Cincinnati
James Deutsch, Smithsonian Institution’s Center for
Folklife and Cultural Heritage
64. Students Are The Secret: Empowering, Embedding, and
Encouraging Oral History Beyond Campus Borders - Panel
Chair: Alexis Braun Marks, Eastern Michigan University
Matt Jones, EMU Oral History Program
Kat Hacanyan, EMU Oral History Program
Akaiia Ridley, EMU Oral History Program
65. 吃苦: Eating Bitterness as a Revolutionary Practice -
Hands-On Session
Wun Wong, Xin Sheng Project
Shengxiao Sole Yu, Xin Sheng Project
66. Cultural Conflict: Cultural Resistance in Brazil and
Ukraine - Panel
Chair: Janneken Smucker, West Chester University
Cultural Resistance in the Russo-Ukrainian War
Thomas Wood, West Chester University
War is No Place For Women
Skylar Painter, West Chester University
The Centrality of Oral Tradition to the Study of Candomblé
Isabela Carvalho, West Chester University
Education Through War: At Home and Abroad
Wibke Meurer, West Chester University
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
The Ongoing Palestinian Nakba 1948 to 2024 Meet Up
Independent Practitioners Meet & Greet
Reception hosted by the Diversity Committee
Listen, Reflect, Reconstruct: Using Oral Histories to
Bridge the Paths We Share - Installation
Friday, November 1
Brewing Heritage Trail
Meet at conference hotel lobby and walk to streetcar stop
More about this year's
Join the conversation online with #OHA2024
Watch OHA's social media for #CincySpotlight posts highlighting
Cincinnati & the Conference
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center at
Historic Union Terminal
Meet at conference hotel lobby and hop on the bus to the
tour site.
The Other Hunt Brothers - Performance
Accompanying: The Journey of Staughton and Alice Lynd - Documentary Film Screening
Saturday, November 2
SESSION 9, 8:30-9:30AM
70. Listening to Communities of Care: Oral Histories of
Healthcare Providers and Peer Supporters - Panel
Chair: Alphine Jefferson, Randolph-Macon College
"You Have a Story that Could Help a lot of People":
Building a Peer Support Movement during the Opioid
Ethan Sharp, Kentucky State University
Medicine of Care: Oral History of the Nurse Practitioners in
the 1980-1990s
Morag Martin, SUNY Brockport
Navigating the Challenges of Healthcare Training During a
Global Pandemic: The MCPHS University COVID-19
Pandemic Oral History Project
Carrie Schultz, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and
Health Sciences
71. Project Spotlight: Latinx History
Chair: Brad Wright, Alabama A&M University
Undocumented Stories: Latina/o/e Oral Histories and Digital
Humanities Archiving
Elena Foulis, Texas A&M University, San Antonio
Lidia Flores, Texas A&M University, San Antonio
The Tejano Midwest in the Days Ahead: Imagining the
Future through Oral History
Richard Cruz Dávila, Julian Samora Research Institute at
Michigan State University
Unconsidered Memories, Lasting Effects: Community
Memories of Colegio Jacinto Treviño and the Afterlives of
the Chicano Movement
Derek Xavier Garcia, Concordia University
Cuban Chronicles: Filling Historical Gaps, Advancing Social
Justice, and Building Bridges Across Time
Mallory Cerkleski, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
72. Colegio Altamirano: A Small Texas Community's
Resistance to Cultural Hegemony - Listening Session
Philis Barragán Goetz, Texas A & M San Antonio
Cinthia Salinas, University of Texas at Austin
Valerie Martinez, Our Lady of the Lake University
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, University of Texas at Austin
73. Project Spotlight: Oral History WITH Educators
Chair: Luna Xinlu Zheng, Institute of Education,
University College London (UCL-IOE)
Oklahoma Educators' Stories
Autumn Brown, Edmon Low Library with the Oklahoma
Oral History Research Program
Erin Dyke, Oklahoma State University
The Partial Occupation of Ukraine as a Trigger: About Fear
in the Oral Narratives of Soviet Teachers
Oksana Hodovanska, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Brushstrokes of Time: Oral Histories of Art Education in
Jody Stokes-Casey, University of Kentucky
74. “A Stonewall for Us”: Florida Drag Performance as
Resistance in Past and Present - Roundtable
Chair: Anna Hamilton, Samuel Proc tor Oral History
Program at the University of Florida
Lauren Manso, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at
the University of Florida
Madeline Flint, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at
the University of Florida
Deborah Hendrix, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program
at the University of Florida
75. Project Spotlight: Oral History and Migration
Chair: Nora Moosnick, University of Kentucky
Oral Histories of Home Moviemaking
Agata Zborowska, University of Chicago
Neoliberal Transformations of Work and Workers’ Lives at
New Bedford’s Fish Processing Plants, 1980-2006
Gaye Ozpinar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Moveable Feasts: Using Foodways as a Lens to Consider
Intersubjectivity, Intersectionality and Migration Studies
Johnnie Anderson, University Strathclyde, Glasgow
Black, Native, & Otherwise: Re-imagining Diasporic Past,
Present, and Futures in Oral Travel Accounts of Black
Seminole Women
Mark Mallory, Texas A&M University
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Saturday, November 2
SESSION 9, 8:30-9:30AM, cont.
77. Remembering Our Raíces: The Latino Youth Leadership
Conference (LYLC) Oral History Project - Listening Session
Anel Rojas, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Cynthia Vazquez, University of California, Los Angeles
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
Poster Session and Coffee Break
Crowsdsource Our History: OHA Photos Describe-a-Thon
Listen, Reflect, Reconstruct: Using Oral Histories to Bridge
the Paths We Share - Installation
10AM - 12PM
Caucus & Committee Meetings
76. Amplifying Indigenous Voices: A Case Study from the
Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ / Bassett Creek Oral History Project -
Hands-On Session
Crystal Boyd, Hennepin History Museum
SESSION 10, 9:45-11:15AM
78. Enhancing Digital Access to Oral History Collections -
Chair: Janneken Smucker, West Chester University
Enhancing the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer
Douglas Boyd University of Kentucky
A Digital Humanities Approach to Oral History Collections
Edward Miller, Dartmouth College
Natural Language Processing for Oral History Collections
Sanjana Raj, Dartmouth College
79. Women, Spirituality, and Social Justice: Stories that Help
us Remember the Past, Live into the Present, and Prepare for
the Future. - Panel
Chair: Stephen Sloan, Baylor University
Dominican Sisters of Peace: A Women’s Religious
Community in Rural Kentucky Shares its Stories.
T. Laine Scales, Baylor University
Gerontological Perspectives to Explore Stories of
Psychosocial and Spiritual Growth and Change: Stories from
the Dominican Sisters of Peace
Anne Harrison, University of Kentucky
80. Diverse ways of listening: Visions of Creative, Contextual
and Accountable Oral History Practices - Panel
Chair: Martha Norkunas, Middle Tennessee State
“It was Amazing How Much the Disorganization was
Organized”: The 2012 Quebec Student Strike and Listening
for Diversity
Anna Sheftel, Concordia University
Challenges with Archiving Trans Stories: Making Peace with
the Right to be Forgotten
Karl Ponthieux Stern, Concordia University
Oral History Interviews as Potential Tools for Self-
Actualisation and Collective Liberation
Gracia Dyer Jalea, Concordia University
Utopian Dreams: From Oral History to Speculative Narrative
in Activist Nonprofits
Richenda Grazette, Concordia University
81. Oral and Family History, Emerging Approaches Across
Oceans - Roundtable
Chair: Mary Louise Contini Gordon, Independent Oral
Mary Stewart, British Library
Michael Frisch, Randforce Associates, Talking Pictures,
Laura McNeice, Baylor University
Kara Nelson, Baylor University
82. Embedding Oral History into your Coursework: A Hands-
on Workshop - Hands-On Session
Jennifer Cramer, Louisiana State U niversity
Erin Segura, Louisiana State U niversity
Jennifer Baumgartner, Louisiana State University
Saturday, November 2
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
83. (Re)building Community and Honoring Complexity: Oral
Histories of Movement and Migration - Roundtable
Chair: Ela Banerjee, Voice of Witness
Katrina Powell, Center for Refugee, Migrant, and
Displacement Studies at Virginia Tech
Dao X. Tran, Voice of Witness
84. Echoes of Activism: Labor Movements and Social Justice
through Oral History - Roundtable
Chair: Deborah Hendrix, The Samuel Proctor Oral History
Adolfho Romero, The Samuel Proctor Oral History
Donovan Carter, The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program
Angelica McGee, The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program
85. Oral History Worker Survey: Updates & Ongoing
Organizing - Roundtable
Chair: Sarah Dziedzic, Oral History Worker Solidarity
David Wolinsky, Independent Oral Historian
Tammy Clemons, Independent Oral Historian
Benji de la Piedra, Independent Oral Historian
86. Reaching into the Past to Shape the Future: Language and
Identity in Oral Histories of a Minority Culture - Listening
Carole Renard, Yiddish Book Center
Agnieszka Ilwicka, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at
University of Florida
Christa Whitney, Yiddish Book Center
SESSION 10, 9:45-11:15AM, cont.
The West End's Last Generation: Using Oral History to
Share Stories of Cincinnati's Lost African American
Chair: Toilynn O’Neal Turner, Robert O’Neal
Multicultural Arts Center
Anne Delano Steinart, Center for the City, Department of
History, University of Cincinnati
Elissa Yancey, A Picture’s Worth
LaVerne Summerlin, Department of English, University of
Keloni Parks, Cincinnati Public Library, West End Branch
SESSION 11, 3:15-4:15PM
87. Building Living Archives: Storytelling for the Current
Future - Roundtable
Chair: Ricia Anne Chansky, University of Puerto Rico at
Ricia Anne Chansky, University of Puerto Rico at
Marci Denesiuk, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Natalia Hernández Mejias, University of Puerto Rico at
88. Black Joy Matters: Reframing Black Activism Through
Oral History - Roundtable
Chair: Anna Hamilton, Samuel Proctor Oral History
Program at the University of Florida
Angel McGee, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the
University of Florida
Rose Capo, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the
University of Florida
Deborah Hendrix, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at
the University of Florida
89. Project Spotlight: Oral History and Community Memory
Chair: Andrea L'Hommedieu, University of South Carolina
Lesbian Negativity, Collective Memory: Lesbian
Temporalities in Digital San Diego Lesbian Archives
Guadalupe Ortega, University of California, Santa Barbara
Constructing the City: Albañiles and the Transformation of
Guadalajara, Mexico, 1950-2020
Brad Wright, Alabama A&M University
The Oral History of Kwang-Chow-Wan and Social Repair
Yizhen Li
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Guided Tour
Meet at conference hotel lobby
Walking Tour: Women’s History in Over the Rhine
Meet at conference hotel lobby
Urban Renewal in Cincinnati’s West End
Meet at conference hotel lobby
Saturday, November 2
92. Oral History in the Classroom - Panel
Chair: Jennifer Bartlett, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral
History at UK Libraries
Educating the Undergraduate Oral Historian
Rebecca Johnson, Xavier University
Stories from the Classroom: Oral History Pedagogy, Past and
Jennifer Bartlett, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at
UK Libraries
Historias de quinceañeras
Elena Foulis, Texas A&M, San Antonio & Stephanie Aubry,
Ohio State University
93. More Solutions Less Problems(?): Building, Improving,
and Sustaining a Homegrown Oral History Collection
Management Tool - Panel
Chair: Damith P erera, Oklahoma State University
Homegrown Solutions to Web-based Oral History Workflow
Damith Perera, Oklahoma State University
91. Voices from Anti-ERA States: Women’s Political
Participation in Illinois, Utah, and Georgia - Panel
Chair: Tiffany Greene, University of Utah
A Big Defeat in Our Little Town’: Oral Histories on the 1982
ERA Defeat in Springfield, Illinois,
Holly Kent, University of Illinois Springfield
Competitors or Allies: Republican and Democratic Female
State Legislators in Utah, 1990-2015
Tiffany Greene, University of Utah
Pussy Hats to the Polls: The Women Who Turned Georgia
Ellen Rafshoon, Georgia Gwinnett College
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
90. Working Towards Trans-futurity - Roundtable
Chair: AC Panella, Santa Rosa Junior College/Georgia
State University
Morna Gerard, Georgia State University
Ashby Combahee, Highlander Research & Education
Jude Romines
SESSION 11, 3:15-4:15PM, cont.
SESSION 12, 4:30-5:30PM
94. Oral History and Human Subject Research: A Roundtable
and Community Conversation on the Current State of Risks,
Regulations, and Ethics Reviews - Roundtable
Chair: Jay-Marie Bravent, University of Kentucky
Douglas Boyd, University of Kentucky
Kopana Terry, University of Kentucky
95. Narratives of Underrepresented Communities in
Predominantly White Institutions: Oral Histories of Student
Activism in Texas and Iowa - Panel
Chair: Jonathan Angulo, Southern Methodist University
Conmemorando a la Comunidad: Latinx Experiences at
Trinity University
Lee Denney, Trinity University
(Re)constructing an Asian American Community at the
University of Iowa
Jin Chang, University of Iowa
Documenting and Diversifying the Voices of SMU
Laura Narvaez, Southern Methodist University
96. Lost Stories Found: Illuminating Forgotten Narratives -
Chair: Jane Collings, UCLA Library-Center for Oral
History Research
Embracing the Past, Present, and Future of Socialist
Movement in India: Unveiling Narratives through Oral
Rajesh Prasad, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
Praveena Patel, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
Reconciling a Sovereign Debt: A Close Reading of the FWP
Narratives that Preserve the Erased History of Indian
Rozanne Gooding Silverwood
The Williamsburg Bray School - The Past Speaks to Its
Tonia Merideth, William & Mary
A Space Full of Stories: Oral History for Prison Abolition
Giulia De Rocco, University of Bologna
Saturday, November 2
99. Turning Oral Histories into Podcasts: Uncovering the
History of the Grand Rapids Public Schools, Michigan -
Listening Session
Leanne Kang, Grand Valley State University
98. Project Spotlight: Oral History and Community Engagement
Chair: Emma Tsui, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health &
Health Policy
Oral History the Redefinition of Documenting the Past: UAE
Aisha Bilkhair, National Library & Archives
Can’t Believe It’s Not Oral History (or Maybe I Can):
Methodological Uses of Oral History in Community Partnership
Daniel Horowitz Garcia, StoryCorps
Our History Matters: Bridging Communities Through Oral
Jamie Thompson, Northern Kentucky University and
Cincinnati Museum Center
All events are scheduled in Eastern Daylight Time - EDT
97. Oral History and Ourselves: The Practitioners Place in the
Process - Panel
Chair: Alphine Jefferson, Randolph-Macon College
Practices of Care and Community: How Roots in Social Work
and Folklore Shape Today’s Oral History Ethos
Anna Kaplan, American University
Bodies that talk Back: Oral Histories and Autoethnography
from/within the Margins
Ain ul Khair, Central European University
Inheriting a 27 year old Oral History Program...Now What?
Jennifer Rogers, Independent Oral Historian
Many thanks to this year's CONFERENCE COMMITTEE for their work putting
together this full and engaging program and for working to make our time in
Cincinnati fun and enriching!
Special thanks to:
Conference Chair Ellen Brooks & Vice President Troy Reeves
SESSION 12, 4:30-5:30PM, cont.
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG)
The CVG airport averages 150 daily departures with over 50 domestic and international destinations. This airport
is 13 miles from the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza hotel.
Cincinnati is accessible from around the country via Greyhound bus lines. The Cincinnati Greyhound station is
located 20 minutes north of downtown Cincy. The buses include free Wi-Fi, personal power outlets, extra
legroom, on-board restrooms, and more. The bus station is located 11 miles from the Hilton Cincinnati
Netherland Plaza hotel.
Cincinnati is linked to the rest of the country by interstates I-75, I-71, and I-74. Columbus, Indianapolis,
Louisville, and Lexington, are all within a 2-hour drive from Cincy.
Amtrak’s Cardinal Line stops in Cincinnati three days a week as it travels between Chicago and New York. The
Amtrak is located inside Union Terminal on the western edge of the downtown Cincinnati area. The Cincinnati
Union Terminal is located 1.6 miles from the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza hotel.
Cincinnati’s modern streetcar system offers 18 stops throughout downtown Cincinnati. The Connector operates
daily and is free. Click here to view the map of locations and for more information.
There are 50+ locations to pickup a Red Bike and explore Cincinnati through the city’s scenic bike routes. Click
here to view the Red Bike Routes and Passes.
Electric scooters are available throughout the city. With an app, you can pick up a scooter wherever you find one,
scoot around town and drop the scooter when you are done. Cincinnati offers both Lime and Bird electric
Cincinnati has a reliable, fixed-route bus system. To learn more about how to ride, please click here.
Get ready for Cincinnati
with this OHA-curated playlist
Have questions about the preliminary program or see something missing?
Email us at
or call (615) 624-2688
by Sept. 1st
Thank you!
Attendees to the annual meeting of the Oral History Association agree to abide by
OHA's Statement of Diversity and Inclusivity. Attendees have also reviewed OHA's
Code of Conduct and Harrassment Policy, and agree that the annual meeting is a
harassment-free event for all presenters, regardless of gender identity, gender
expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, physical appearance,
disability, or other group identity.