Fleet Life Cycle / Optimal Vehicle Replacement Policy
This policy will outline the criteria for effective vehicle replacement. All factors of a vehicles mission,
purpose, age, mileage and cost of ownership will be assessed to create a benchmark for relinquishment.
This policy must be firmly adhered to in order to reduce costs and ensure safe and reliable vehicles to
deliver city services.
Safety is not usually a factor of a vehicles age and mileage, but dependability and reliability are. Several
things influence a vehicles life cycle.
Service life is the amount of time a vehicle is capable of rendering service. Service life may be
quite lengthy if a vehicle receives adequate maintenance and worn components are replaced. There
is however a fatigue point for mechanical parts and structures that must be accounted for so as not
to affect safety.
Technological life is the relative decline in productivity of a unit when compared to a newer model.
Technology advancements affect fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions
Economic life is the length of time that a vehicles cost is at a minimum. As the age and mileage
of a vehicle increase the maintenance and operating costs increase also.
The following chart will form the basis for an economical and mechanical inspection to determine a
replacement cycle or schedule. This chart was developed using historical maintenance data compiled
from fleet management maintenance records. High cost vehicles such as specialized trucks or Fire
Apparatus may be retained for additional life as a reserve unit but must be evaluated annually.
Radio patrol cars 125,000 miles and or 5yrs (total life cycle)
Un-Marked Police 125,000 miles and or 8yrs.
Medic units 150,000 miles and or 5 yrs. (Front line)
Fire pumper 100,000 miles and or 12 yrs. (Front line)
Fire Ladder 100,000 miles and or 12 yrs. (Front line)
Compact sedan 125,000 miles and or 10yrs
SUV 125,000 miles and or 10 yrs
Pick-up truck 125,000 miles and or 10 yrs. (6 to 8 yrs. Snowfighting)
Cargo van 125,000 miles and or 10 yrs
Tri axle dump 150,000 miles and or 12yrs
Crew cab dump 150,000 miles and or 12yrs
Inlet Cleaner 20,000 hours and or 12 yrs.
Sewer Vac 20,000 hours and or 12 yrs.
Trash compactor 20,000 hours and or 8 yrs. (Front line)
Street sweeper 15,000 hours and or 10 yrs.
Wheel loader (salt) 15,000 hours and or 10 yrs.
Vehicle fuel and maintenance data will be collected in OFMs asset management system (M5)*. All costs
including labor, parts, fuel and accidents will be recorded in order to capture lifetime vehicle costs. OFM
shop supervisors will identify vehicles that meet the benchmark criteria. OFM Assistant Fleet Managers
will review the list with the Shop Supervisor. Any vehicle deemed to be at or beyond its useful life must
have the vehicle status in M5changed from ‘Active’ to ‘Flagged for Disposal’ A ‘flagged for disposal’
list will be developed using the benchmarks of this policy. Highest replacement priority will be given to
any vehicle meeting the benchmark criteria and / or exceeding 80 % of purchase cost to repair.
Beginning each Fiscal Year, a prioritized list will be developed using the guidelines of this policy. The
prioritized list will be shared with using departments to determine the correct replacement schedule as
well as correct vehicle type and total vehicle inventory*.
Where operationally possible alternatively fueled vehicles will replace conventionally fueled vehicles.
Alternative options include Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Plug in
Hybrid Electric (PEHV) and all Electric Vehicles (EV).
This policy is to be used as guideline for cost effective vehicle replacement cycles. Other factors such
available funding or vehicle service level agreements* may influence replacements. Increases in public
health and safety measures requiring additional vehicles or equipment (New Needs) will also influence
vehicle replacement schedules. In these cases, a vehicle may need to be retained past its life cycle however
these vehicles must be relinquished at the first opportunity in order to reduce operating costs and allow
for on time delivery of city services.
Service Level Agreement (SLA). Pre-determined number of vehicles needed for a department to deliver city services.
Total Vehicle Inventory. Maximum number of vehicles assigned to a Department
Front Line Vehicle. Daily use, primary vehicle
Reserve Vehicle. Secondary use, spare when front line is un-available
M5. Asset Management software used to capture vehicle cost and maintenance data.
Flagged for Disposal. Reportable designation in M5 to denote replacement needed
Revised 1/1/19