Frequently Asked Questions: Part I
In order to improve efficiency of our operations, the Office of the Provost has been working to
create paperless forms for many of our ordinary processes for faculty actions, including the Part
I: Request to Hire Faculty form. This document will answer questions about the use of this new
process and associated forms. Please direct questions to: [email protected].
Where can I find the link to submit the new, paperless Part I form?
Go to the website for the Office of the Provost ( and you will see a link on
the right side at the top of the page entitled Forms and Documents. The top section on this
page is labeled “For Hiring New Faculty,” and the link for the Part I form is in this section. Here
is a direct link to the form, as well.
Who can submit this Part I form?
Department or school administrators are able to complete this form, which will record the
email address of the one who submits it. You will need to be logged into your Google
What information is required for the form?
The form will ask for general information about the proposed position, similar to the paper
version of the form. Additionally, four items are required to be submitted (uploaded) with the
1. The proposed funding plan to support the hire.
2. The proposed advertisement to be included on the Office of the Provost website.
3. The proposed recruiting strategy for this hire.
4. The supplemental responses to the Part I document.
These documents can be uploaded in a variety of formats (Word, pdf, etc.) Templates for each
one can be found on the “Forms and Documents” page under the link to the Part I form.
What happens after I submit the form?
The person who submits the form will receive an email from “Provost Office - Part I”
([email protected]) indicating that the form was successfully submitted. You can confirm
that the information on this email is the same as what you submitted. The email the submitter
receives will look like this:
You can see from this email that you have the ability to: (1) track the request, (2) cancel the
request, and (3) edit your original response, as shown by the links under the title. If you click on
“track request”, you will be taken to the Form Approvals website where you can see the list of
scheduled approvers and the status of the form (and of any other Part I forms that you have
submitted.) If you cancel the request, then the process will stop and not move forward to the
next reviewer.
If you click on “edit original response”, then you will have the option to change your responses
in the Google form. However, this will re-start the approval process. The request number will
also change; if the original request was #3, then if it is revised, the new number will be #3(1).
Additional edits to the form submission will increase the number in parentheses.
What happens next?
The information submitted will be sent via email to the appropriate reviewer(s) in sequence via
the workflow extension. For departmentalized schools, the first approver is the Chair of the
department. For non-departmentalized schools, the first approver is the Dean of the school. In
each case, the reviewer will receive an email from “Provost Office - Part I”. This email contains
the information submitted.
The reviewer email looks like this:
Within the body of the email, the reviewer has the option to “approve”, “decline” or
“comment”. When the reviewer approves the submission, then a website will open, showing
the status of the request and who will receive the submission next. No further steps are needed
from the reviewer. It is important to note that the request number at the top of the email is a
link that will allow the reviewer to track the progress of the submission (shown as #20 in the
screenshot above).
If the reviewer declines the request, then the person who initiated the form will receive an
email indicating that this request has been denied.
If the reviewer clicks on “comment”, then the website will open allowing for this comment to
be typed into the box. After the comment is added, the reviewer can proceed to approve,
decline or request more information. If the reviewer asks for more information with the
comment, this request will return to the submitter. The submitted can edit and resubmit the
form, starting the process of approval from the beginning.
Once the Dean of the school has approved this hire, the information will be sent to the
Academic Budget Office and the Office of the Provost for review. If the form is approved, then
the person who submitted the form will receive confirmation that the submission is complete.
The Office of the Provost will post the advertisement on the website, and the department
and/or school are encouraged to follow their recruiting plan to find qualified candidates to fill
this position.
What are the next steps in the recruitment and hiring process?
Please refer to the Flowchart: Steps for Faculty Recruitment document for the complete picture
of the hiring process. After a candidate has been selected for this position, then the Part II form
will need to be completed, as the follow-up from this Part I submission.