2023 MICIP Collaboration Series Dashboard
February 1 | February 15 | March 1 | March 15
Session 4: March 15, 2023
Presentations and videos are linked below in the agenda*
Agenda and Resources
8:30 - 8:40 Welcome/Logistics
8:40 - 9:30 Session 1
More on Strategies and Activities | Video
Dave Hundt, MAISD
Monitor and Adjust | Video
Terry Nugent, MDE
9:30 - 9:35 Transition
9:35 - 10:25 Session 2
College and Career Ready in Continuous Improvement Plans | Video
Megan Byard-Karaba, Muskegon Area ISD
District Example - Zeeland Public Schools | Video
Matt Stolz and Team, ZPS
10:25 - 10:40 Break/Transition
10:40 - 11:30 Session 3
Equity and Continuous Improvement | Video
Dr. Mel Usiak, Michigan State University
Types of goals/Limited Maintenance Goals | Video
Terry Nugent, MDE
Jamboards (A - M | N - Z)
Overall Series Feedback Survey
Session 3: March 1, 2023
Session 3 Videos
101 Session (Strategies, Activities, Portfolio, Monitoring)*
District Examples (Dearborn, Fruitport)*
Series Resources
Resource Repository
MICIP Guided Collaboration Doc
MICIP Process Guide
Dave’s Monthly Communications (Archives | Subscribe)
Session 3 Agenda and Resources
Continue MICIP 101
I’ve Monitored, Now What - 2 District
Stay in Main Session
8:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15 Break
8:45 - 10:00 Dearborn Presentation
10:15 - 11:20
10:00 - 10:15 Break
11:20 - 11:30 Questions and
10:15 - 11:20 Fruitport Presentation
11:20 - 11:30 Questions and Feedback
All resources are below
Session 3 Presentation
Strategies and Activities
SISEP - Selecting Effective Strategies and Practices
MDE - Evaluating Current and New Initiatives and Strategies
NIRN - Hexagon Tool Process and Guide
Strategy Implementation Guide Directions
Strategy Implementation Guide Template
Strategy Implementation Guide Examples (HSAT | Formative Assessment)
Activity Planning Tool - Template
Activity Planning Tool - HSAT Example
Breakout, then 10 minute break
Monitor and Adjust
Strategy Implementation Monitoring Plan - Template
Strategy Implementation Monitoring Plan - HSAT Example
Strategy Implementation Monitoring Documentation - Template
Jamboards (A - M | N - Z)
Feedback Survey
Breakout Prompts
If here with district team:
Teams are welcome to have whatever discussions are needed, but here are some
suggested prompts based on today’s topic
Pick a strategy that is being employed by your district, whether it is in MICIP or
What tools or processes that were discussed today might be helpful in moving
forward with this strategy?
What are next steps?
If here collaborating with others:
What strategies are being used by your district?
Have you used any of the processes or resources discussed today? How did
that go?
Which tools or processes discussed today might you be interested in trying?
How to Log into the MICIP Training Site
Open an Incognito Window, InPrivate Window, or Guest Session
In the Incognito window, go to training.micip.org
Do not go to your district, instead click the first blue option “MiData Hub
Username: demo@micip.org
Password: WelcomeToMICIP!
Training Manual
Session 2: February 15, 2023
Session 2 Video
Series Resources
Resource Repository
MICIP Guided Collaboration Doc
MICIP Process Guide
Dave’s Monthly Communications (Archives | Subscribe)
Session 2 Agenda and Resources
Session 2 Presentation
Root Cause
Causal Categories
Fillable Fishbone - PDF
Fillable Fishbone - Google Doc
Completed Fishbone Example
5 Whys
NIRN 5 Whys Tool
5 Whys Template - Google Doc
5 Whys - Video
Other Root Cause Tools and Resources
Problem Solving 101 - “The Mushroom Lovers”
3 Succinct Examples
Force Field Analysis
Interrelationship Diagram
MiMTSS Root Cause Analysis Tool
Ladder of Inference Video
Challenge Statements, Goals, End Targets, Interim Targets, Tasks
All Active Goals, Limited Maintenance Goals | Memo | Feb Communication (Ben Boerkoel)
Breakout #2 (Questions Document)
Jamboards (A - M | N - Z)
Feedback Survey
Breakout 1 Conversation
Outcome: Share ideas with colleagues to bring back to your own team.
What is the status of your MICIP Plan?
Thinking about our session today and on February 1st, what adjustments might
you want to consider?
Have you thought about (or acted on) any team adjustments since our last
Breakout 2 Conversation
Outcomes: (1) Processing around “All Active Goals”, NexSys, and the Consolidated
Application, (2) Generate questions about MICIP Goals and the Consolidated
What are your main takeaways from the information presented by Ben?
What are your next steps?
Who else do you need to speak with about this information?
Session 1: February 1, 2023
Session 1 Video
Series Resources
Resource Repository
MICIP Guided Collaboration Doc
MICIP Process Guide
Dave’s Monthly Communications (Archives | Subscribe)
Session 1 Agenda and Resources
Session 1 Presentation
District-Led Continuous Improvement
Team Resources
Forming a Team
Leading and Managing Change
District and Building Teams - Balance
Team Based Leadership Audit (Macomb ISD)
Data Inventory
Beginning with the End in Mind
Goal Flowcharts
MDE Memo - “All Active Goals
Discover Data
MDE - Initiative Inventory Toolkit
NIRN/SISEP - Initiative Inventory Process
Breakout, then 10 minute break
Root Cause
Causal Categories
Fillable Fishbone - PDF
Fillable Fishbone - Google Doc
5 Whys
NIRN 5 Whys Tool
5 Whys Template - Google Doc
5 Whys - Video
Jamboards (A - M | N - Z)
Feedback Survey
Breakout Discussion
Outcome: Share ideas with colleagues to bring back to your own team.
What is the status of your CI teams:
Do we have established teams?
What is the team structure?
How often do the teams meet?
How do the teams communicate?