A Worldpay from FIS Payment Application
Application User Guide for Merchant Usage
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 (v12)
Information contained within this guide is subject to change without notice. This application
guide may contain new features that have not released to Production in order to prepare for
General Release and customer availability soon.
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................9
Operating ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Support Hub ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Customer Service ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Login ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Password Guidelines............................................................................................................................................ 13
Reset Your Password........................................................................................................................................... 14
iQ Portal ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Force Password Reset ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Navigation .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Home .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Quick Cards .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Service Updates ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Navigational Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Multiple Merchant ................................................................................................................................................. 18
How to change Merchant? ................................................................................................................................ 18
Acceptance ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Card Types ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Industry Types ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
MCC Codes .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
MID Setup ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Level 2 and Level 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Process Transaction ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Point of Sale ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Capture Sale ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Transaction Type .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Entry Type Standard Keyboard ......................................................................................................................... 22
Transaction Information .................................................................................................................................... 22
Card-on File Storage ............................................................................................................................................ 22
PIN Pad Entry IP Ethernet ................................................................................................................................ 23
EMV Smart Reader USB ................................................................................................................................... 24
Billing Information ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Address Verification ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Shipping Information ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Custom Fields ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Level 2 Acceptance .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Level 3 Acceptance .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Entry .................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Item Details ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Commodity Code .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Receipt Details ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Duplicate Checking .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Partial Approval .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Transaction Receipts............................................................................................................................................ 31
How to print paper receipts? ............................................................................................................................. 32
Merchant Copy .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Customer ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
How to email a receipt? ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Email Receipt Example ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Check ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
NACHA Compliance ............................................................................................................................................. 34
Check Enablement ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Check Sale ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
Enter Check ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
Enter Bank Information ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Enter Billing Information .................................................................................................................................... 36
Enter Receipt Information ................................................................................................................................. 37
Submit Check .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Cash Payments ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Process Cash ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
Gift Payments ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Process Gift .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Billing Address .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Gift Partial Approvals ........................................................................................................................................ 40
Group Payments .................................................................................................................................................... 41
Entry ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Level 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Status ................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Update Transaction ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Manage Payments ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Capture from Authorization .................................................................................................................................. 44
View Batch Details ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Close Batch .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Reports ................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Run Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Recurring ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Manage Payments ............................................................................................................................................... 47
View Details .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Add Customer ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Add a Payment Method ........................................................................................................................................ 49
Immediate Pay Now Option ................................................................................................................................. 50
Add a Recurring Payment .................................................................................................................................... 51
Failed Recurring Payments .................................................................................................................................. 53
Export Failed Payments ....................................................................................................................................... 53
Funding Failed Payments .................................................................................................................................... 53
Batch Upload .......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Upload Transactions ............................................................................................................................................ 54
Upload Template .................................................................................................................................................. 54
Required Fields ................................................................................................................................................. 55
Optional Fields .................................................................................................................................................. 55
Start Batch Upload ............................................................................................................................................... 56
Upload Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
Invoice Management ............................................................................................................................................. 58
Create Invoice ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
View Invoice ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Edit Invoice ........................................................................................................................................................... 60
Cancel Invoice ...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Send Reminder .................................................................................................................................................... 60
Send Invoice ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Pay Invoice Link ................................................................................................................................................... 62
Remit Payment ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
Enter Payment Information ............................................................................................................................... 63
Enter Billing Information .................................................................................................................................... 63
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................... 64
Settings ................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Terminal Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
Custom Fields ...................................................................................................................................................... 65
Change Merchant Access ................................................................................................................................. 66
Lane Management ................................................................................................................................................. 67
Device Activation .................................................................................................................................................. 67
Devices ................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Secure Card Reader ............................................................................................................................................ 68
Device Pictures ................................................................................................................................................. 68
IDTech SREDKey Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 69
IDTech Augusta .................................................................................................................................................... 70
Ingenico PIN Pad ................................................................................................................................................. 71
PIN Pad Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 72
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................ 72
PIN Pad Connection .......................................................................................................................................... 72
Expected Result ................................................................................................................................................ 73
Negative Result ................................................................................................................................................. 73
How to add additional PIN Pads? ..................................................................................................................... 74
Device Reactivation.............................................................................................................................................. 74
Order Management ................................................................................................................................................ 75
Store Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Store Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
Activate Store .................................................................................................................................................... 76
Order Page URL ............................................................................................................................................... 76
Order Pickup ..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Tips .................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Free Shipping .................................................................................................................................................... 77
Shipping Options ............................................................................................................................................... 77
Tax Options ....................................................................................................................................................... 78
Product Variants ................................................................................................................................................... 78
Variant Items ..................................................................................................................................................... 79
Product Catalog .................................................................................................................................................... 80
Add Product ...................................................................................................................................................... 80
Apply Variant ..................................................................................................................................................... 81
Online Store ......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Creating an Order ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Checkout ........................................................................................................................................................... 85
Order Tracking ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Order Details ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
View Details ...................................................................................................................................................... 88
Update Order Status ......................................................................................................................................... 89
Capture .............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Tax Report ............................................................................................................................................................ 90
Tax Report Data ................................................................................................................................................ 90
Transaction Status ................................................................................................................................................ 91
User Roles & Permissions .................................................................................................................................... 92
Card Transactions ............................................................................................................................................. 92
Check Transactions .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Gift Transactions ............................................................................................................................................... 93
Cash Transactions ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Application Support .............................................................................................................................................. 94
Have a question? ................................................................................................................................................. 94
Card Services .................................................................................................................................................... 94
Activation Support ............................................................................................................................................. 94
Check Payments ............................................................................................................................................... 94
Training ............................................................................................................................................................. 94
There’s flexibility, then there’s OmniFlexyour all-in-one solution for
smarter payments!
OmniFlex is here to help small businesses like yours open up new payment possibilities. This secure online point
of sale solution gives you the flexibility to accept and manage all your payments anytime and anywhere.
Whether your customers are in-store, on the phone, or on the move, add OmniFlex to your current POS or use it
as a standalone to boost your payment acceptance capabilities by offering new ways to pay.
For card not present transactions, choose from a range of options like text to pay, e-invoicing with QR code, card
on file or recurring payments. And for in-person transactions, there’s EMV Contact and Contactless, including
support for Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Better acceptance isn’t the only reason why 32,000+ businesses choose OmniFlex, it also makes managing your
payments so much simpler.
Add ease to your ecommerce by streamlining your online order management. If you want to bring customer
information right up to date, account updater, card on file, and recurring payments make this simple. Looking to
improve the overall customer experience? Then easy-to-generate refunds and reversals are at your fingertips. And
if it’s rapid reconciliation you’re after, richer reporting via iQ Now gives you a single view of all your payments.
OmniFlex isn’t just fast and smart, it’s also highly secure. As you’d expect from a solution backed by Worldpay from
FIS, all your payments data is safely stored on our PCI compliant server, ensuring you always have a backup option
to maintain continuity in the event of a system malfunction.
In uncertain times, OmniFlex gives you the confidence and agility required to meet customers’ needs through
access to expanded payment methods.
Worldpay from FIS representatives are extremely knowledgeable in the products and services recommended to our
customers, each available to demonstrate the value proposition and how it will benefit your business.
To learn more about OmniFlex, or to receive training please contact your Worldpay from FIS representative today!
OmniFlex is a PC desktop browser application. The application is certified to support the most common web
browsers, which includes Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Chrome when using a Windows
operating system. For the best web browsing experience, Chrome is recommended. Safari browser is not
supported currently.
OmniFlex is a browser-based application and is considered operating system agnostic, however select peripheral
hardware devices may not work well with MAC iOS. Please consult the OEM hardware manual for operating system
Customer Notice: Microsoft has announced it is ending support of Internet Explorer web browser in 2021. The
firm said it will no longer support the browser starting August 17, 2021. It will begin sending user updates to
download its Chromium-based Edge product.
Support Hub
Product information, user guides including an online ticketing support system is available on Support Hub here.
Customer Service
Customer Support is available by contacting the telephone number
indicated on your Worldpay bankcard processing statement. For all other
inquiries, please contact your Worldpay from FIS representative.
To schedule an outbound service call, please visit the Support Hub
customer resource center to schedule an appointment here. The Support
Hub is also available after login to OmniFlex from the menu.
1. Navigate your web browser to
2. From the login page, select the Support link
The page will redirect to the Support Hub customer resource center.
The URL is:
3. Enter Merchant information, indicate a convenient date and timea friendly advisor will contact you.
4. Resource download the application user guide and review the online roadmap or watch videos, coming
Please navigate your web browser to
From the OmniFlex landing page, users can login to the application by choosing the LOGIN button.
A user has (2) minutes to authenticate their credentials. If the credentials page is idle for more than (2) minutes,
the page will redirect back to the original landing page.
By selecting the LOGIN button from the landing page, the application will automatically download the latest version
of the application seamlessly in the background to enter the application. This eliminates the need to manually clear
your web-browser history (i.e., cache) when a new enhanced version of the application is released to production.
It’s common to experience a slight delay (depending on your Internet connection speed) while the landing page
loads the latest application version for use.
Before you can login, a Merchant will need OmniFlex account credentials which include a Username (usually, the
business owner email address) and unique Password established at time of invitation. All sub-level users (i.e.,
cashiers, mangers, etc.) will obtain login credentials from the primary account owner of the business. The account
owner will receive login credentials within (48) hours of account approval.
Password Guidelines
Password is at least 8 characters
Has not been used in previous 4 passwords
Does not contain your username, first or last name
Contains at least 1 uppercase character (A through Z)
Contains at least 1 lowercase character (a through z)
Reset Your Password
Forget your password? It’s simple to reset it with no dependency on Worldpay to perform a reset for you.
1. Select the FORGOT PASSWORD link from the login page.
If you have a test account, please reset your password at
2. Enter the email address of the Username that requires the password reset.
3. When complete, select the SEND EMAIL button.
A confirmation will be sent to the email address as validation of this change.
If password attempt is unsuccessful more than (3) attempts the account will be frozen for (30) minutes.
You can immediately thaw your account by following the forgot password link on login page to repeat the
The user will receive an email invitation from to establish a new account password.
The email invitation will require the user to select the secure link contained within the body of the email that will
open a default web-browser page to enter a new password.
Once the user has selected a new password that meets the Password Guidelines the UPDATE button can be
selected to enable the password change. A confirmation will be sent to your email address as a validation of this
change. Account Owners and Administrators can manage all users from the settings page here.
iQ Portal
OmniFlex credentials are not compatible with iQ Portal currently. These are two different applications that require
separate login credentials to each. To learn more about iQ Portal, please visit the online demonstration here and
contact your Worldpay from FIS representative.
Force Password Reset
The application can detect when your password needs to be reset. The application will prompt to change your
password every (30) days. The application will display Your Password Has Expired and send an invitation to
reset your password. Please select the “Forgot Password” link from the login page.
The emailed invitation requires the user to select the secure link within the body of the email message to establish
a new password. Once the user has selected a new password that meets the Password Guidelines the UPDATE
button is selected to apply the password change.
A confirmation will be sent to your email address as a validation of this change. When complete, you may login
using your newly established password.
The application contains a HOME page that is designed to welcome customers to the application and provides a
dashboard of important product notifications and announcements. All new features will be announced as they
become available for general usage and a brief description provided for each. More complex features may include
a usage video or webinar training session to review with customers, as needed.
The left side toolbar is used to navigate the directory of pages, Account Owners can enable / disable optional feature
from view.
Quick Cards
The Home page has quick cards which allow a user to get to a specific page in one easy-click. The quick cards
displayed on the Home page will be based on the Merchant’s configuration as well as the assigned permissions by
the Account Owner.
Service Updates
The right side of the Home page displays service updates and announcements. The latest two updates will be
displayed; click Load more to view additional service updates and announcements.
An explanation of each navigation is offered on the next page.
Navigational Menu
1. Home returns to the main dashboard and announcement page
2. Process Transaction to enter credit card payments for authorization (point
of sale page)
a. Credit Card to process a bankcard transaction
b. Check to process an ACH transaction
c. Cash to process a Cash payment
d. Gift to process a Gift transaction
3. Group Payments to enter payments faster using a data entry page
4. Update Transaction to manage a previous transaction from history
5. Reporting to generate a report
6. Account Updater to update Visa and Mastercard card on-file details (i.e.
expiry dates)
7. Recurring Payments to create and manage payment schedules
a. Manage Payments to edit and maintain card on-file information
b. Failed Recurring Payments to display failed payments in the last
8. Upload Transactions to upload a file for authorization (batch upload)
9. Invoice Management to create and send e-invoices for customers to remit
a. Create Invoice to create new sale or service invoices
b. Manage Invoices to manage all open or closed invoices
10. Order Management to create an online store and offer products for sale
and easy online checkout
a. Store Setup to create an online store
b. Product Variants to create product attributes
c. Product Catalog to create products, goods and services for sale
d. Order Tracking to track, ship and deliver products and change status of fulfilment
e. Tax Report to report State, Local and unique tax
11. Settings allows the Account Owner to manage users and settings:
a. Account Profile to display store location information
b. Terminal Setup to enable optional features and configure the point of sale page
Custom Fields
Transaction Types
Optional Feature Enablement
c. Users to create and manage sub-level users
d. Lane Management to manage EMV chip-enabled PIN Pad devices
12. Support allows the user to contact Customer Care for support
Multiple Merchant
The OmniFlex application supports multiple store locations built under one corporate headquarter (MID hierarchy)
with individual users having assigned permissions to access each store location by the Account Owner or
The corporate headquarters Account Owner may choose to create multiple Administrators to manage additional
users at each store location or decide to manage all users from the corporate headquarters office location. Learn
how to create multi-location user access and permissions here.
How to change Merchant?
Select the down arrow button located on the top-right of the application to change to a different store location at any
time. To change store locations, select CHANGE MERCHANT and choose the desired location from the available
list of store locations based on your user permissions, then select; SET AS ACTIVE to proceed to that location and
take further action. The application will change to the desired store location when selected from the menu. The
user may perform all actions assigned to their role at the location by the Account Owner or Administrator. (i.e.,
process payments, manage payments, run reports, etc.)
4. A message will appear at the bottom of the page
confirming the selection made.
1. Select Change Merchant
2. Select and Highlight the desired Store Location
Card Types
Each card type is enabled on the Worldpay from FIS Merchant services bankcard profile (i.e., MID.) The application
accepts all major credit and debit brands. This includes EMV chip-enabled card brands when the device is
configured to support EMV smart reader or PIN Pad devices. See the list of supported devices here. Card type
acceptance also includes HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) card types when a
Healthcare MCC code is set on the Worldpay Merchant services bankcard profile.
Industry Types
The industry type is established on the new Worldpay Merchant services profile (i.e., MID). The application does
not support Lodging, Rental or Fuel (Petroleum). The application is designed to support one of the following industry
1. Retail
2. MOTO (mail-order / telephone-order)
3. Ecommerce
4. Restaurant
MCC Codes
The MCC (Merchant Category Code) code is established on the Worldpay from FIS Merchant services profile (i.e.,
MID). The MCC code is important to enable specific acceptance methods like HSA (Health Savings Account) and
FSA (Flexible Spending Account) acceptance programs, Level-3 item detail for large ticket and commercial
purchase card programs. Additional Merchant services profile settings may be required before the application can
properly authorize and qualify these transaction types at time of authorization or settlement. Please contact
Worldpay to verify your Merchant services profile information is configured with the correct MCC when using these
advanced processing methods.
MID Setup
Worldpay recommends establishing a new MID (Merchant identification number) according to your
industry type, MCC Code, pricing and billing requirements to include percentage of card present
and card not present transactions.
Level 2 and Level 3
The application supports commercial and corporate card purchasing programs, large ticket, and enhanced line item
detail. Please make sure your Worldpay Merchant services account profile is properly configured to support
processing Level-2 and Level-3 payments.
Level-2 is supported for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Level-3 is supported for Visa, MasterCard only.
o Level-3 is not supported for American Express
Worldpay from FIS does not guarantee reduced Interchange qualification. Worldpay does not offer Interchange
refunds, discounts or credits when transactions do not properly qualify for any reason.
Process Transaction
Point of Sale
Process Transaction provides quick access to the point of sale page to enter a credit card, cash or check payment
using a variety of methods to include the keyboard, USB-enabled secure device or tethered PIN Pad. EMV chip-
enabled PIN Pad secure entry is supported with certified devices located here. The point of sale page is also used
to capture additional information for billing, shipping, and reporting purposes after the sale is complete.
1. Select Credit Card to process a bankcard transaction (EMV, MSR or Manual Entry)
2. Select Check to process an ACH transaction (Manual Entry)
No check scanners or imagers is supported currently.
Additional operations include the capture of:
Payment Information
Customer Information
Billing Information
Shipping Information
Level 2 payment information
Level 3 payment information (when enabled)
Custom Fields
Receipt Details
Capture Sale
Begin on the PROCESS TRANSACTION page and select a desired Transaction Type. Each supported transaction
type is displayed to select your choice.
Transaction Type
The application will display each available Transaction Type:
Authorization is used to perform a credit card authorization only
The authorization will hold the amount until the sale is captured releasing the hold for settlement.
Cardholder funds are not released until the authorization is captured, force or reversed.
Sale is used to authorize, capture and settle a sale transaction
Force is used to complete a voice authorization sale and requires the approval code to complete the
Credit Card Credit (if enabled) used to issue a credit to a cardholder without an original authorization.
o This transaction type is restricted and can only be enabled by the Account Owner with permission
granted to select users here.
Entry Type Standard Keyboard
The application accepts both card present and card not-present transactions when using optional secure card
readers to swipe or key-enter new transactions.
choose Manual Entry to Key Enter using your keyboard
choose Device entry to Swipe, Insert or Secure Key
Transaction Information
During a device transaction the expiration date, security code and billing name fields will parse and populate at time
of submission using the device.
Card-on File Storage
The application offers optional storage of cardholder and bank account information for repeat customers and
recurring payments from the point of sale page. Customer cardholder storage is not available when using PIN Pads
or the IDTech Augusta currently.
1. Select “Save Card Details
2. Enter the cardholder First Name and Last Name
3. The record is now stored within the Recurring Payment to schedule a payment or perform an immediate
one-time payment.
PIN Pad Entry IP Ethernet
The application accepts EMV chip-enabled credit and debit whether the card is present or not when using the
supported PIN Pad device(s) to securely accept transactions at the point of sale. If your application is provisioned
for EMV acceptance (i.e., Retail), the application will display additional customer information fields before
completing the transaction on the PIN Pad device. The point of sale page is also used to capture additional
information for billing, shipping, and reporting purposes after the sale is complete. EMV chip-enabled PIN Pad is
supported with certified devices located here.
1. Chose the Device as the Entry Type
2. Enter the Total Amount of the sale
3. Select the desired Lane (i.e., PIN Pad located at your PC desktop checkout station.)
4. When complete, select the SUBMIT
5. The customer can now complete the Sale using the PIN Pad device.
6. When complete, the application will display the response and confirmation to print or email receipts.
If you have more than one PC desktop checkout station with multiple devices provisioned on your
account, you may select the desired PIN Pad device from the drop-down menu. The description
of each PIN Pad is setup using Lane Management. If you would like to setup additional PIN Pad
devices, please visit the Device Activation section of this user guide.
EMV Smart Reader USB
The application also accepts EMV chip-enabled credit only payments when using the new IDTech Augusta (USB-
enabled) device to securely accept both EMV and backup supporting MSR magstripe at the point of sale. If your
application is provisioned for Retail acceptance using the IDTech Augusta device, the application will display basic
billing, shipping and receipt details prior to transacting using the IDTech Augusta device. When using this
acceptance model, custom fields and storing card on-file is not available currently.
1. Chose the Device as the Entry Type
2. Select the Swipe Card / Key Card to capture the card data
3. Enter the Total Amount of the sale
4. Enter Billing Information
5. Enter Shipping Information
6. Select CONTINUE to proceed and complete the transaction.
If the EMV insertion fails, the device will fall back to MSR after (3) attempts.
Select RESET to clear the page and start over.
7. When complete, the application will return a confirmation and receipt option.
Billing Information
The application enables the capture of the customer billing information registered with the cardholder bank for AVS
(address verification services) to help reduce Interchange costs and fraud.
Card Swipe and Manual Entry transactions using a device will parse and populate the virtual terminal
fields as it appears on the card.
Address Verification
Application users can perform AVS (address verification services) at the point of acceptance to validate and match
the cardholder billing address to the cardholders’ issuing bank statement for extra security, reduced Interchange
cost and chargeback exposure. The application will respond with a match based on the numerical street address
and zip code on-file at the Issuer. A card that does not match will not prevent the user from accepting the payment.
An additional per transaction fee will apply for all AVS inquiries as outlined on your Worldpay Merchant processing
Shipping Information
The Shipping Address can be the same as the billing address or changed to an alternative shipping address during
the payment acceptance. This is often used to capture where the goods should be shipped, or services performed.
The shipping address will automatically populate from the billing address unless otherwise selected and modified
at the point of entry.
Custom Fields
The application supports custom fields unique to your business and created by the account owner. This is used to
capture and collect non-payment related information for reporting and reconsolidation purposes. Custom Fields
stores non-payment related information within the transaction details inside the Update Transaction and Reports
section of the application. It is not passed with the authorization request accessible outside the OmniFlex
application (e.g., iQ Portal). Custom Fields can be created when using the Terminal Setup section located under
the Settings page. The Custom Filed labels hold 21 characters, and the entry fields hold 41 characters for user
entry. It is not recommended to enter sensitive information in the custom field section (i.e., Patient Privacy, Social
Security Numbers, etc.)
Level 2 Acceptance
The application supports Visa, MasterCard and American Express for commercial purchasing card programs
and Level-2 acceptance. Adding Purchase Order and Customer Code may qualify for reduced Interchange
discounts with the Issuer, although is not guaranteed. Tax-exempt transaction can be stated as $0.00. Tax
Amount is not calculated in the total sale amount for authorization.
Level 3 Acceptance
The application supports Visa and MasterCard large ticket, commercial card purchasing programs, and enhanced
line item detail at the time of purchase. American Express and T&E (Travel and Expense) card types is not
supported currently.
To enable the application for Level-3 payments, the Account Owner can self-enable using the Settings > Terminal
Setup page here. Please contact Worldpay from FIS to make sure that your Merchant processing account profile
(i.e., MID) is provisioned for Level 3 payment acceptance. Accounts not properly configured may experience non-
refundable transaction downgrades to Level-2.
You are required to enter the cardholder billing information in order to complete the Level-2 section before
proceeding to enter Level-3 data. The application does not perform validation of line item purchase details entered
for Level-3 payments. The application only validates that Level-3 contains item details at the time of entry,
authorization and capture. Worldpay will include Level-3 details at time of settlement to provide enhanced line item
data to the cardholders’ Issuing bank, and their participating corporate card accountholders.
Worldpay from FIS does not guarantee reduced Interchange qualification. Worldpay does not offer Interchange
refunds, discounts or credits when transactions do not properly qualify for any reason.
To successfully process a Level-3 transaction, please make sure that each field is populated; leave no fields blank
and $0.00 is considered a valid entry.
Enter Discount Amount of the total
Enter Shipping Amount of the total
Enter Duty Amount of the total
Select to enter Item Detail
Caution: If you leave any field blank during the Level-3 item detail entry, the transaction will downgrade to a Level-
2 qualification. Worldpay from FIS does not guarantee reduced Interchange qualification. Worldpay does not offer
Interchange refunds, discounts or credits when transactions do not properly qualify for any reason.
Item Details
Level-3 enables you to capture enhanced line item detail for large ticket purchases and commercial card
purchasing programs which may be eligible for reduced Interchange discounts at the Issuer, although not
1. Select industry Commodity Code:
Choose numerical value that best describes
your business.
2. Enter Description of purchase (e.g. landscape)
3. Enter Product Code (e.g. SKU#, PN#)
4. Enter Quantity
5. Select Unit of Measure (e.g. Number)
6. Enter Unit Cost amount
7. Enter Discount amount
8. Enter Total amount & Select SAVE
Caution: If you leave any field blank during the Level-3 item detail entry, the transaction will downgrade to a Level-
2 qualification. Worldpay from FIS does not guarantee reduced Interchange qualification. Worldpay does not offer
Interchange refunds, discounts or credits when transactions do not properly qualify for any reason.
Commodity Code
Please select a Commodity Code that best matches your business type, goods and services sold. The application
supports a drop-down menu of various numerical commodity code descriptions to choose. We recommend building
your commodity code business practices around these 4-digit codes that best represent your business, goods and
To qualify for Level-3 the application requires that a commodity code is selected for each line item passed with the
authorization request for settlement. Worldpay performs no validation on the 4-digit commodity code you choose,
only that a commodity code is present and passed to the Issuer for qualification. Please visit the publicly available
suggested resources that will help you build a good commodity code practices at your business.
United Nations Standard Products & Services
Foreign Trade Commission
Receipt Details
The application receipt details section enables application user to enter purchase details at the time of sale for
electronic receipt sending and printing. Receipt details is not required and does not qualify for reduced Interchange
rates or discounts. To enter receipt details:
choose ADD NEW ITEM to modify the Receipt Details within the PROCESS
Item#: Enter the product SKU inventory number
Description: Enter a Description of the item purchased
Price: Enter the Unit Price of the item purchased
Quantity: Enter the Quantity of the item purchased
When complete, choose SUBMIT at the bottom of the PROCESS TRANSACTION page
to complete the transaction. If you make a mistake, click the RESET button to clear all
fields. If the submission is successful a confirmation receipt page will be displayed.
Duplicate Checking
The application offers duplicate checking capabilities as an optional feature for each account and every transaction.
Duplicate Detection is enabled by default for all accounts and can be disabled when calling the customer support
center. It provides a means to identify a duplicate transaction by the following parameters within the application.
Same Day + Same Card + Same Amount + Same Batch
Partial Approval
Partial Approval is the ability to partially authorize a transaction if the customer does not have the funds to pay the
entire transaction amount. Merchants will have the ability to accept a different form of payment to complete the
To enable the partial approval, feature the Account Owner will need to enable the feature on the Terminal Setup
page. Once enabled a partial approval response will be returned when a cardholder does not have enough funds
to cover the entire transaction. To accept an additional form of payment the user will need to go to the Update
Transaction page to complete the balance of the payment due.
Transaction Receipts
The application will display the transaction receipt and support both receipt printing and electronic email receipts
(maximum of 3 recipients), a copy for both Merchant and Customer.
Select PRINT MERCHANT RECEIPT to print a Merchant copy
Select PRINT CUSTOMER RECEIPT to print a customer copy
Select EMAIL RECEIPT to EMAIL a customer copy (maximum of 3 recipients)
Select “OK” to bypass Receipt Printing.
Select “Print Receipt” to print to a printer.
Information displayed on the receipts is subject to change based on transaction type and entry method
selected at the time of sale.
How to print paper receipts?
Select “Print Receipt” to print
Select the name of the desired Format. (e.g. Adobe, Foxit Reader)
Select the Number of Copies desired.
Choose a File Name; select the Desktop as the file location and SAVE.
The Receipt will begin to print in the desired format to store a copy on your
workstation. Receipts can be emailed using an external mail service of
your choosing or emailed electronically using the application.
Merchant Copy
Customer Copy
Transaction Receipts
will be displayed in
Central Standard
Time (CST)
How to email a receipt?
Merchants can easily reprint a receipt from a previous transaction from the UPDATE TRANSACTION or REPORTS
1. Enter Search Criteria (e.g. Date Range, Transaction ID, etc.)
2. Select the desired transaction from the search
3. Select the RECEIPT button
4. The application displays the Receipt Transaction page to PRINT or EMAIL receipts.
Select PRINT MERCHANT RECEIPT to send a copy
Select PRINT CUSTOMER RECEIPT to send a copy
Select EMAIL RECEIPT to send a copy (maximum of 3 recipients)
Email Receipt Example
Worldpay from FIS is partnered with Check Commerce as our trusted and secure provider to deliver fully integrated
ACH check acceptance with Virtual Terminal Plus. Together our comprehensive solutions deliver unparalleled
ACH solutions for our customers. This includes embedded transaction data and reporting analytics, fraud protection
and real-time approvals and statuses resulting in a seamless payment experience that will help you grow your
business through a unified virtual terminal product application.
Before a Merchant can use check services a Merchant will need to sign-up for services at Worldpay from FIS.
If you are a Merchant, please coordinate your account setup directly through a Worldpay
representative or reseller affiliate.
If you are a Worldpay reseller affiliate, you must establish a direct relationship with Check Commerce
at 1-888-263-0467, Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM MST or email
If you are a Merchant and have your (6) digit Check MID ready, please contact the customer service telephone
number listed on your monthly bankcard processing statement or call 1-800-808-6394. The Worldpay
representative will add your (6) digit Check MID to your Encore / CRM account profile to enable check acceptance
with you over the phone. We are available Monday through Friday, from 8 am - 8 pm ET to assist you.
Further acceptance instructions may be provided to you by Check Commerce for specific SEC Types, like CCD
business-to-business ACH transaction which may require Financial Institution notification for both Merchant and
client depository banks to debit and credit corporate accounts. Please contact Check Commerce at 1-888-263-
0467 to assist with how to notify your bank and recommend the same for corporate clients.
To enable Process Check, the Account Owner will need to enable the feature on the Settings > Terminal Setup
page here.
NACHA Compliance
Unlike competitive applications, OmniFlex is fully NACHA compliant with each supported SEC type, ACH rules and
regulations to include receipt requirements for PPD (pre-arrange deposit) for both single and recurring originations
by prompting for a signature confirmation and acknowledgement for any recurring payment. This includes date,
amount, frequency, and number of payments to protect against troublesome disputes, chargebacks, fraud and
check returns.
Check Enablement
To enable Process Check, the Account Owner will need to enable the feature on the Settings > Terminal Setup
page here.
Check Sale
1. Process Transaction: Select Check
Merchants can now collect payments from their customers for either a one-time payment or setup recurring payment
schedules. With online reporting, real-time status and authorization now available from the convenience of the
OmniFlex application you can directly debit customers checking or savings (personal or business) account to
receive and accept payments.
Enter Check
2. Select the Transaction Type: Check Sale or Check Credit
The Check Sale function initiates an ACH Debit transaction
The Check Credit performs and ACH Credit Deposit transaction
Reference Field is an optional that will display a description on the customers’ bank statement. This
field can also be used for business accounts. This identifier is also available inside of iQ Portal.
Enter Bank Information
3. Enter Checking or Savings
4. Enter Personal or Business
5. Enter Customer Name
6. Enter Bank Routing Number
7. Enter Account Number
8. Enter Check Number (Optional)
9. Enter Driver License # (Optional)
10. Select Driver License State (Optional)
Enter Billing Information
11. Enter Customer Address
12. Enter Customer City
13. Select State
14. Enter Zip Code
15. Enter Phone Number
Enter Receipt Information
16. Select ADD NEW ITEM
17. Enter the Receipt Details
Item # (SKU)
Product Description
Unit Price
Receipt Details will display on the Customer and Merchant receipts to SAVE, PRINT, or SEND.
Submit Check
18. Select SUBMIT to successful submit the payment for authorization
19. Select RESET to clear the page and start over
Cash Payments
Merchants can use OmniFlex to process cash transactions. Since there is no authorization involved in accepting
cash as a form of payment, the application will simply allow a Merchant to enter a cash transaction into the Process
Transaction page, provide a receipt and track the cash transactions through reporting. Before a Merchant can
process a cash transaction an Account Owner or Account Admin must enable the Cash feature from the Terminal
Setup page.
From the left tool bar choose Process Transaction, and then choose Cash. For Cash transactions Merchants do
have the ability to enter shipping information and receipt details. If a user makes a mistake and enters incorrect
data into any of the fields and the cash transaction has already been submitted, the user can go to the Update
Transaction page and void the cash transaction. Voiding a cash transaction will simply change the status of the
transaction to Voided and the Merchant can then go back to the Process Transaction page to enter a new record
for the cash transaction.
Process Cash
1. Customer First Name: enter the customer’s first name
2. Customer Last Name: enter the customer’s last name
3. Total Amount: enter the total amount of the transaction
4. Tendered Amount: enter the amount tendered, must be greater than or equal to the Total Amount
5. Change Due: this is the amount due to the customer; automatically calculated by the application.
6. Click the “RESETbutton to clear all fields or click the “SUBMIT” button to submit the transaction.
Gift Payments
OmniFlex currently supports gift processing in Worldpay’s Integrated Payments channel only, leveraging the stored
value program through the Express platform. Before a Merchant can begin acceptance, the Merchant must be
enrolled in the StoreCard program. Once the Merchant is enrolled, the account owner will need add the StoreCard
ID & Password to the Terminal Setup page here.
Process Gift
From the left tool bar, select Process Transaction then select Gift.
Transaction Type: choose a transaction type from the drop-down menu
1. Gift Card Activate: activates a gift card and loads funds to the card
2. Gift Card Balance Inquiry: checks the balance of a gift card
3. Gift Card Credit: returns money to a gift card
4. Gift Card Reload: loads additional funds to a gift card
5. Gift Card Sale: redeems a gift card, removing value from the card
6. Total Amount: enter the amount of the transaction, required field
7. Card Number: enter the full gift card number, required field
8. Expiration Date: MM/YY format, optional field (most gift cards do not have an exp date)
9. CVV: enter the CVV value if applicable, optional field
Billing Address
10. Address: enter the billing street address
11. City: enter the billing City
12. State: choose the billing State from the drop-down menu
13. Zip: enter the 5 or 9-digit billing zip
14. Phone: enter the cardholders 10-digit telephone number
Gift Partial Approvals
The application supports partial approval for Gift Card Sale transaction. This means if there are not enough funds
available on the gift card, the application will display a partial approval response on the receipt. The user can
navigate to the Update Transaction page to accept an additional form of payment to complete the transaction. Only
Credit, Check or Cash or available options (if Check/Cash are enabled on the Merchant’s account). Another gift
card cannot be used as an additional form of payment.
Group Payments
The application supports Group Payments for faster acceptance at the time of purchase or used in the back-office.
Group Payments can also be used by data entry clerks at a financial institution to enter payment information on
behalf of their corporate or small business lockbox clients. Group Payments enables transactions to be processed
fast, individually or simultaneously each from one page. The application will perform a field validation as the
cardholder payment details are entered to avoid possible mistakes at time of entry. If the PAN (personal account
number) does not meet the MOD-10 field validation checks, each error will be outlined in red to immediate correct
before resubmitting for approval. The Account Owner can enable the feature on the Settings > Terminal Setup
page here by selecting the Group Payments option.
The Group Payments page invites Merchants to key multiple transactions on a single page for submission.
Enter Card Number
Enter Expiry Date
Enter Amount
Enter CVV
Level 2
The remaining fields on the page are optional.
Enter Purchase Order, Customer Code, and Tax (Optional Fields)
Once the required fields have been completed, select the Process button on the row where the transaction is
located, or continue to add additional lines. Select the Process All button at the bottom of the page to submit all
transactions at the same time. If a mistake in made, select the Reset button to clear all fields on the page. To
remove a row, click the X next to the row to delete the record. Once a row has been processed no further action
can be taken on the transaction.
Caution: If you leave the Group Payments page to return sometime later, all previous transactions will no longer
be visible.
Once a transaction has been processed the Status column will display a Transaction ID. To take further action on
a transaction (i.e. Refund, Void, Reversal) using your keyboard select “copy & paste and navigate the UPDATE
TRANSACTION page to “paste the Transaction ID in the search option. This step will allow you to take the
desired action to manage the transaction.
Update Transaction
The application provides a method to manage transaction from history. Each transaction can be managed up to
(45) Days from the original transaction date. The Account Owner will need to assign a unique role to perform
Returns, Refunds and Credits. Learn more here.
Manage Payments
Enter the Transaction ID (from the
cardholder receipt) to view a specific
Select Start Date and End Date to review a
range of transactions
Select Status to review transactions in a
specific status, or leave blank to review all
Build your report from the Available
Columns to the Selected Columns point of
sale page
Choose Submit to display the information
Choose Reset button to clear all fields
When complete, select a transaction to
manage or change the status of a previous
--- Transaction can be managed up to (45) Days from the original transaction date. ---
Capture: enables the original authorization to
be captured for settlement.
Return: enables a Refund to the cardholder
after the transaction has settled.
Reverse: releases the funds held by the
original authorization to the cardholder.
Void: enables the original transaction to be
removed from settlement.
Rebill: enables a previous settled transaction
to be re-authorized for the same amount or a
different lower amount using the original
cardholder information on-file.
Adjustment: transactions can be adjusted
from their original amount higher or lower.
(i.e., add gratuity)
The selected transaction will highlight available actions based on the transaction status. If an action is available,
the button will highlight the options: Rebill, Capture, Return, Reverse, and Void. A Rebill will allow you to charge
a cardholder from History the same amount, or a different lower amount, but not a higher amount. For higher
amounts the authorization only, option must be used and adjusted higher at time to Capture. Changing the status
of a transaction can take up to (10) minutes to reflect the desired change. A Confirmation and Receipt page will
be displayed to offer confirmation a change has occurred.
Capture from Authorization
1. Click the Capturebutton.
2. Check the box next to “Add Additional Amount
3. In the Additional Amount field enter the amount you want to add to the transaction.
The Total Amount field now reflects the sum of the Transaction
Amount plus the Additional Amount (i.e., tax, gratuity or shipping fees,
Click the Cancel button to discard any changes or click the “Confirm”
button to submit the transaction for the Total Amount. On the
cardholders statement the transaction will appear as one transaction
for the total amount submitted.
View Batch Details
From the Update Transactions page click on the View Batch Details button. A pop-up window will be displayed
showing the details of the current open batch.
Batch ID: The Batch ID is auto generated by
Total Transactions: this is the total count of all
transactions included in the batch
Transaction Amount: this is the sum of all
transactions included in the batch
Close Batch
To close the open batch, click the “Close Batch” button or click “Cancel” to return to the Update Transaction
When a user clicks the “Close Batch button a
confirmation window will be displayed.
Click “Yes to continue or “No to cancel the request.
Once the request is completed a confirmation will be
OmniFlex makes reporting easy. The application Transaction Reports is used to view previously processed
transaction and can be used to display them on-screen or exported to a desired report format. Transaction Reports
are available for up to (12) months from the original transaction date.
Run Reports
Select the Start Date
Select the End Date
Select the report Format (optional)
Build your report from the Available Columns to the Selected Columns
Select “Preview to display the report
Select “Generate Report” in .CSV or .XML file formats (.PDF coming soon!)
Select “Reset” to clear all fields and start a new report
If a large date range is selected, please be patient.
Recurring Payments is a unique type of transaction where consumers authorize Merchants to bill a cardholder on
a regular basis with cardholder agreement (i.e., monthly membership fees). The application makes each of these
agreements available for Merchants to print and sign at time of setup. Each recurring payment is established at the
time of sale for the same dollar amount. Multiple recurring payment transactions can be scheduled for different
card types, frequencies including a one-time future payment. The automated scheduled task “executing a recurring
payment” will occur at 6:30 AM CST each day. This time is not customizable.
The application enables Merchants to store customer information and include multiple card brands / types in a
secure and encrypted vault (aka: wallet) to protect cardholder information to simplify the payments process for your
repeat customers. Each transaction is tokenized in the background, but the application does not display the identity
of this token for use in the reports at this time. A prepaid (re-loadable) gift card of stored value is not a recommend
for recurring payment setups.
Manage Payments
On the Manage Payments page a user can add, edit or delete cardholder information, payment methods (stored
credit cards) or scheduled tasks (recurring payments).
The Filter field can be useful when you have many cardholders saved and you are searching for a specific recurring
payment. Enter any search criteria that you may have entered for the cardholder (first/last name, email address or
phone number).
View Details
To view the information stored on a customer record select the customer record from the grid and click the “View
Detail” button at the top of the page.
The Customer Payment Detail page is now displayed. This page will display any payment method and recurring
payment that exists for the customer record. Users can Edit, Add or Delete any of the stored information.
Add Customer
Follow the steps below to add a customer record.
1. Click the “Add Customer button at the top of the page.
2. Enter the cardholder’s information.
3. Click the “Save” button to save the customer record, click “Save And Continuebutton to save the
customer record and add a new payment method or click the “Cancel” button to return to the previous
Add a Payment Method
4. From the Customer Payment Detail page, click the “Add” button under the Credit Card Payment Methods
5. Enter the payment method (card details)
6. Click the “Save button to save your entry.
Click the “Cancel button to discard the
information entered
Immediate Pay Now Option
To process an immediate one-time payment (i.e., non-recurring payment) from a card saved on file:
1. Select the credit card payment method and click the “Pay Now” button.
2. Enter the amount of the transaction and a reference number (if applicable).
3. Click the “Cancel button to return to the previous page or
click the “Submit” button to process the transaction.
4. If the transaction is successfully processed a transaction
receipt will be displayed
Add a Recurring Payment
Click the “Add button under Recurring Payments section to create a new schedule.
Frequency: choose an option from the drop-down menu
OneTimeFuture: must enter a date in the future,
cannot be current date
Daily: any day
Weekly: Starting Date + 7 Days
BiWeekly: Starting Date + 14 Days
Monthly: Every Month
Bi-Monthly: Every Other Month
Quarterly: Every Third Month
Semi-Annually: Twice a Year
Yearly: One a Year
MonthlyLastDay: Recurring payment will execute
on the last calendar day
Complete all fields in the pop-up window, view the
Merchant/Customer Authorization Forms, check the box
stating you have read the authorization forms, and click the
Save button to save the data or click the Cancel button to
discard the information entered.
The maximum length of the Reference
Number field is 37 characters to display in iQ
When a recurring payment processes the “payments remaining” column will decrease. Once the payment has
been processed it will be visible on both the Update Transaction & Reporting pages.
All recurring payments on Express process daily at 06:30 CT. If a Start Date is entered that does
not exist in each month Express will use the last available date and all future payments for that
schedule will continue to fire on the new. For example, if a Start Date is set for the 31
, then on the
first month where the 31
doesn’t exist Express will use the 30
and continue to use the 30
on all
future payments for that schedule. This rule does not apply to the frequency of “monthlylastday”.
Failed Recurring Payments
The application provides notification if a recurring payment has failed. The Failed Recurring Report will display
each transaction that has failed the past (30) days. The Failed Recurring Report enables the ability to act if a
payment has failed (i.e., declined, rejected) for any reason. A Recurring payment can fail for a variety of reason
(i.e. expired card, non-sufficient funds, etc.) Consumer can pay in cash, check or alternative payment type may be
accepted to receive funding for the failed payment from the customer.
Export Failed Payments
The application provides a method to export failed recurring payments for reporting purposes only. The cardholder
bankcard number is not provided in the file export option.
Select the desired format (.CSV, .PDF, .XML) and select EXPORT to extract the file. The application does not
offer an IMPORT option once cardholder information has been corrected. Managing corrections is done inside the
application using the Recurring payments page here.
Funding Failed Payments
To receive funding for a failed payment a Merchant must establish a onetime future payment, send an electronic
invoice or perform an immediate pay now option to receive payment. To execute a new recurring payment, this will
require setup of the new card type offered by the cardholder. Merchants may also edit the original expiry date by
re-entering the original card number on-file to continue the cycle.
Batch Upload
Upload Transactions allows a user to upload a single Microsoft .CSV (Excel) file which contains multiple
transactions instead of capturing individual payments using the Process Transaction point of sale or Group
Payments page. Transactions received to the system are immediately encrypted and tokenized.
Upload Transactions
Batch Uploading is an optional feature that can be enabled by the Account Owner in the Settings > Terminal
Setup page here. Once enabled the Upload Transaction page will display on the navigation toolbar.
Upload Template
The Upload Transactions page will display and provide for download an Excel file template here.
We highly recommend using the Upload Transaction template provided for download from the application to ensure
the column headers is correct at time of import. If any column header is not correct the application will return an
error and not process the file. Once the file is prepared, go to the Upload Transaction page to begin the batch
upload process. Sensitive cardholder account details should be treated in accordance to PCI security practices and
data standards.
Required Fields
enter the full bankcard Number
enter the two-digit expiration Month
enter the two-digit expiration Year
enter the amount of the transaction including cents (12.00)
Optional Fields
Interchange qualification benefits may apply when adding additional details to a transaction.
enter the name as it appears on the bankcard
enter the 3-digit CVV (back) or 4 digit CID (front) values
if processing Level 2 transactions, enter the Purchase Order provided by
the cardholder
if processing Level 2 transactions, enter the Customer Code assigned by
the Merchant
if processing Level 2 transactions, enter the total Tax amount including
cents (3.00)
enter the Billing Address on-file with the bankcard Issuer
enter the Billing City on-file with the bankcard Issuer
enter the Billing State on-file with the bankcard Issuer
enter the Billing Zip Code on-file with the bankcard Issuer
enter the Billing Phone Number of the cardholder
Start Batch Upload
To upload files, click the SELECT FILE link at the top of the page.
1. Select the file you saved on your PC desktop and Select Open.
2. In the Total Upload Amount field, enter the sum of all transactions in the file.
3. Select UPLOAD AND PROCESS TRANSACTIONS to submit the transactions for processing.
Transactions received to the system are immediately tokenized and encrypted.
A confirmation will appear to finalize the file upload.
4. Select, PROCESS to begin the file upload.
Caution: Once a file is uploaded it cannot be stopped or
The file will begin the upload process and perform several validations. This includes verification the column headers
match, confirmation of bankcard personal account number (PAN) entry, and the total upload amount is accurate to
the sum of each transaction included in the file.
Upload Status
The Status bar will display the progress of the file during the upload process.
An error message will display if any inaccuracies are found during the upload validation process allowing corrections
for exceptions. Once the file is remediated a new change file can be re-uploaded. The application offers the ability
to save error exceptions by choosing the SAVE TO FILE option. If the TRY AGAIN option is selected, the error
message will disappear, and a new file uploaded. If no errors are found during the upload process the next step is
for the uploaded file to be submitted for processing.
Once all transactions have been processed the grid will be updated, the file will have a status of Processing
Complete and all columns will reflect the appropriate transaction counts and status. Next a user can view the details
of an uploaded file.
The VIEW DETAIL button will show a Response for each transaction that was included in the uploaded file. If you
want to save the detailed records, click the SAVE TO FILE option. To manage transactions after upload, please
visit the Update Transaction page located here.
Invoice Management
The application supports the ability to create customized electronic invoices. Send e-invoices to your customers so
they can remit payment using the OmniFlex hosted payment page. An electronic invoice can be sent to any
customer with a valid email address or SMS text message. The invoice contains a hyperlink and QR Code that
opens a secure online payment form where the customer can input their payment information. You will be notified
once the payment is made and the authorization response posted for each transaction.
Important: Please validate with each recipient their email service is provisioned to accept new mail messages from before proceeding with generating invoices to your customers. Before sending new
invoice to your customers, please validate the following here and seek permission for SMS text messages.
Create Invoice
The Merchant Name will appear on each recipient invoice, Merchants may customize their invoices.
Enter the Sender and Receiver Information
Invoice Number is unique number that is generated by the application
Merchant Email is based on the user email address entering the order
1. Select Type: Sale or Service (as the purpose of the invoice)
2. Enter Merchant Address as the physical store or shipping location
3. Enter Merchant Phone as the primary contact number with invoice
4. Enter Recipient Email cardholder email address or SMS Text Message (i.e., mobile telephone
number) standard carrier text message rates apply
Select “include QR Code” to display on the emailed invoice.
5. Enter Amount of invoice to be paid
6. Enter Email Subject to customize the subject line of the invoice sent
7. Select CONTINUE
8. Select and choose
View Invoice
From the navigation tollbar under the Invoice Management menu, select the Manage Invoices option to review all
active, open and cancelled invoices. To narrow your search results, use the Filter option located at the top of the
Edit Invoice
Invoice information can be modified at the time of entry, select EDIT INFORMATION to modify the invoice before
sending to a customer. If the invoice has already been sent to the customer, the original invoice can be changed;
select VIEW to modify the Sender and Receiver information including the Amount. The application will void the
original invoice and send a new updated invoice to the customer.
Cancel Invoice
If the invoice has already been sent to the customer, the original invoice can be cancelled and removed from the
system by selecting the CANCEL INVOICE option.
Send Reminder
To resend an invoice, or send a reminder invoice, use the View Invoice option to select the desired invoice and
choose CONTINUE. You can apply any changes to the invoice, and or simply select SEND to generate the invoice
as a “reminder” or to “resend” the invoice to your customer with an active secure link to remit payment. Note: You
may choose to customize the subject line to indicate “Reminder Notification” or “Resent.”
Send Invoice
The application will send a customized invoice to the recipients’ email address at the time the invoice was created.
Recipients will receive the electronic invoice from Additionally, users may select the
SMS Text Message option to send the invoice to a mobile or tablet telephone number. The electronic invoice will
include in the subject line the Merchant name and invoice number. The contents of the email or SMS text message
will contain the invoice details, amount, address and telephone number with secure link to remit payment.
Pay Invoice Link
To pay the invoice, recipients can easily remit payment by selecting
the secure link from body of the email or “copy and paste” the link
into their supported web browser or select the secure one-click
SMS text message pay now link.
The secure tokenized is link is active for (30) Days. Beyond (30)
Days the Merchant will need to resend the invoice to refresh the
tokenized link before the customer can remit payment.
Remit Payment
The recipient selects the secure link contained within the email to enter payment information. The web browser will
direct the recipient to OmniFlex hosted payment page. The hosted payment page will contain the Merchant Name
and include the Invoice Number on the website to remit payment.
Enter Payment Information
Recipients enter the following payment information:
1. Total Amount is preconfigured by the Merchant at the time the invoice was created and cannot be
changed by the recipient.
2. Enter Card Number
3. Enter Expiration Date
4. Enter CVV Code
Enter Billing Information
Recipients enter the following billing information:
5. Enter First Name
6. Enter Last Name
7. Enter Address
8. Enter City
9. Select State
10. Enter Phone Number
11. Enter Email Address
12. Select SUBMIT to remit payment or RESET to clear the page and start over.
The application will prompt a confirmation page and allow the recipient to PRINT or SAVE a receipt.
Worldpay and Merchants are not responsible for the recipient’s internet connectivity, network, or email service
provider configurations to receive new mail messages. Below is a helpful guide to validate with your customer
before sending invoices. Please validate the recipient has performed each of the following actions to successfully
validate if new invoices can be received from the OmniFlex application.
1. Has a stable connection to the Internet through an internet service provider (ISP);
2. Has a mail-server, SMS text carrier, or web-mail provider;
3. Has the ability to “Send and Receive” email and SMS text messages from third-parties or outside their
4. Has configured as a “safe sender” and white-listed within their web browser,
mail server, and network;
5. Has supported web browser to remit payment;
6. Has the latest version of the above supported web browser installed;
7. Has checked junk, spam and deleted folders for new mail messages;
8. Has selected the “Send and Receive” option when using a distributed mail service (i.e. Outlook);
9. Has selected the F5 option (from their keyboard) to refresh the web page when using a web-based mail
service. (i.e., Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
If all the above options have failed, kindly encourage the recipient to seek assistance from their ISP or mobile
cell phone carrier (internet service provider, network, or mail server solution) provider.
Terminal Setup
The SETTINGS tab contains Account Profile, Terminal Setup, and Users (User Management) sections.
Account Profile: to view the Merchant Information
Terminal Setup: to add Custom Fields and enable optional features
Users: to add, remove, modify Users
Custom Fields
Merchants can create a Custom Fields which will be displayed on the PROCESS TRANSACTION page to capture
non-payment related information for storage and reporting within the application.
Choose Add Field to create a new custom field
Enter Field Name (up to 21 characters)
Enable the field name True to display the field on the Process Transaction point of sale page.
Select Save to save your entry.
Select Cancel to cancel your entry.
Choose a field and make the desired edit. Select Save to update how the field is displayed.
How to create a new User is easy. It requires the Account Owner or Administrator to add, create or modify a
sub-level user.
1. Select Add User
2. Enter First Name and Last
3. Enter Email Address
4. Select User Role
o Cashier, Admin, etc.
5. Save to save the user
6. Cancel to clear all the fields
New Users will receive a Welcome Letter from OmniFlex which will allow them to login and
establish a new password.
Change Merchant Access
The Account Owner or Administrator can provide access to multi-store locations.
2. Select each Store Location accessible to assign it to your user, or ADD ALL
3. Select REMOVE ALL the Store Location from a user.
Lane Management
The application enables users to setup their PIN Pad device (i.e., Ingenico iPP320) and other supported EMV
enabled devices. To complete this step, you will want to have your PIN Pad device plugged-in to an available IP-
Ethernet port connection on the back of your cable modem, Wi-Fi router, or IP-port extender.
Device Activation
To get started, navigate to the Settings and select the Lane Management page.
To add a device:
1. Select the ADD LANE button
2. Enter Lane ID a unique number assigned to the device by the user
(i.e., 100.)
3. Description a unique name assigned to the device by the user (e.g.
PIN Pad)
4. Terminal ID provided by your Merchant services provider
5. Activation Code a unique secure key that is displayed on the
6. Once the above information is entered, select SAVE.
The application will confirm that your device is now provisioned and tethered to the OmniFlex application. You will
notice the PIN Pad display will change to the triPOS logo as confirmation your device is now configured correctly.
The application will list the PIN Pad on the Lane Management page. Additional PIN Pad devices may be added for
stores with more than one checkout station.
Secure Card Reader
The application is certified to support select MagTek USB-enabled card readers and P2PE 2.0 Validated IDTech
SREDKey device. Device availability is based on each OEM manufacture inventory, product lifecycle, and hardware
distributor stock. Please check with your Worldpay sales and support representative to ensure confirm inventory
availability before ordering peripheral devices. Part numbers may vary by hardware distributor, please work with
your Worldpay sales and support agent to ensure equipment ordering is correct before shipment.
OmniFlex supports USB-enabled encrypted card readers which can be purchased from an approved key injection
facility (KIF) and distributor such as POS Portal, The Phoenix Group and JR’s POS Depot. Worldpay recommends
using a P2PE Validated encrypted devices from our P2PE Validated KIFs, POS Portal and The Phoenix Group.
Part #
Encryption Key Part Numbers
POS Portal
Device Encryption
POS Portal
Device Encryption
6365533E (P2PE Validated) & 63655346 (non-validated)
Phoenix Group
Device Encryption
63655340 (P2PE Validated) & 63655348 (non-validated)
Device Pictures
MAGTEK Mini/wedge MAGTEK Dynamag IDTech SREDKey
IDTech SREDKey Configuration
The application is certified to support IDTech SREDKey USB-enabled P2PE 2.0 Validated encrypted device for
secure card-present transactions at time of swipe, and secure key-entry for card not-present at time of manual
entry. Worldpay recommends using a P2PE Validated encrypted devices from our P2PE Validated KIFs, POS Portal
and The Phoenix Group.
The IDTech SREDKey device offers a variety of menu options to enable secure entry of
sensitive customer information. Card and customer information is encrypted during device
capture and output when using the OmniFlexpayment application.
OmniFlexis a secure hosted payment application in combination with the IDTech SREDKey
device is designed to maximize PCI compliance while reducing the burden of keyed entry
when using a traditional keyboard at the time of sale and is fully P2PE 2.0 validated when
purchased from an authorized key injection facility.
Caution: Please keep all anti-virus and malware protection updated throughout your network and desktop
Street #
IDTech Augusta
The application is certified to support the USB-enabled IDTech Augusta smart card reader for EMV acceptance
with fallback to MSR card “swipe” capability. Device availability is based on each OEM manufacture inventory and
Worldpay authorized hardware distributor stock. Please check with your account representative to confirm inventory
availability before ordering peripheral devices. The IDTech Augusta device is available from the following Worldpay
authorized key injection facilities and hardware distributorships.
IDTECH Augusta Smart Card Reader
Item Description:
IDT, Augusta, Encrypting, USB-HID, v4, Smart Card Reader, New
Part #
Build Type
V1.02.007 or Higher
Certified Config. JSON”
POS Portal
(TPG) The Phoenix Group
Worldpay (Vantiv)
Augusta Express KB-
KSI 63655346 (data variant)
POS Portal non-validated
IDTech P2P key
KSI 63655348 (data variant) TPG non-
validated IDTech P2P key
Injection Drop Down: 741B
Ingenico PIN Pad
The application supports various EMV chip-enabled secure PIN Pads for EMV Credit and Debit acceptance. Part
numbers may vary by distributor, please work with your Worldpay from FIS sales and support agent to ensure
equipment ordering is correct before shipment.
Part #
triPOS Cloud
IPP 320 PCI v3 +
Power Supply
Ethernet Cable
Data Package
PIN Pad Installation
There are a few things to consider in advance of the PIN Pad installation.
You will need a dedicated IP-Ethernet LAN connection available on the back of your modem or Wi-Fi router. The
device will need to be located near a power outlet. Your modem, Wi-Fi and network must have Port 443 and Port
9001 open and available to the Internet. Please check with your ISP (internet service provider) or network
administrator before installing this device. Considering where your modem or Wi-Fi router is in relation to your PC
checkout station you may consider purchasing one or few of the following items to ensure you have the best
placement on your countertop:
The Ingenico iPP320 device will plug directly into an available IP-Ethernet port on the back of your modem
or Wi-Fi router and has a very short cable to do so. You may consider purchasing a CAT/RJ45 coupler to
offer more cable range located here.
If you need extended IP-Ethernet cables, a good choice is MediaBridge CAT6 cables located here.
If you don’t have enough IP-Ethernet ports on the back of your modem or Wi-Fi router, consider purchasing
an IP-port extender, by Net Gear located here. These are generally “plug-n-play” devices.
PIN Pad Connection
The device will come pre-configured to work with the OmniFlex application. The PIN Pad will power cycle through
a few screens during the boot cycle, once the device is successfully connected to the Internet the PIN Pad will
display the required Activation Code for immediate entry to Lane Management. The Activation Code is required
to active the PIN Pad and to pair it with the application.
Expected Result
The PIN Pad will power cycle through a few screens during the boot cycle once the device is successfully connected
to the Internet the PIN Pad will display the required Activation Code for immediate entry to Lane Management. The
Activation Code is critical to active the PIN Pad and to pair it with the application. After the Activation Code is
entered to the application and successfully paired, the PIN Pad is now activated and will display the triPOS logo.
You’re ready to begin your first EMV transaction!
Negative Result
If the PIN Pad device is not successfully connected, the device will not display the Activation Code. The device
may display “Network not available…Restarting” messages, or most commonly immediately display the triPOS
logo shortly-after completing the boot-cycle. If you experience any of these negative results, the device is neither
connected nor receiving access to the Internet. Please refer to your Internet settings, check all hardware
connections and verify your system configurations so the device can reach an Internet connection. This may require
opening Port: 443 and Port 9001 by your systems administrator so the PIN Pad can connect to the Internet.
Important: Displaying the triPOS logo immediately after power cycling the device is misleading since this is an
expected result after successfully entering the Activation Code and paring the device to the application. First time
installers may believe the PIN Pad is already paired and activated when it’ not. Please contact Worldpay from
FIS customer service specialist at 1-800-808-6394 for installation assistance.
Note: If you have a complex business network with firewall rules, anti-virus and port protection you may need to
consult with your IT resources to assist with the device installation. Worldpay from FIS is unable to assist with
complex networking due to risk and liability.
How to add additional PIN Pads?
The Lane Management features enables Merchants to associate additional locations to one device; enabling users
to Change Merchant and run transactions on behalf of other store locations using the same PIN Pad device. This
is common for retail stores with one or more checkout stations, or headquarters that want the ability to accept
payments on behalf of their stores or ledgers.
To begin, select the Lane ID from the list of device names on the Lane Management page.
1. Select, GENERATE ACTIVATION CODE to display a new secure key on the device.
2. Copy the displayed number located in the Activation Code dialogue box.
3. Change Merchant to the store location you would like to add a new lane
4. Select Settings > Lane Management from the left navigation toolbar
5. Select the ADD LANE button and Paste the Activation Code into the field
6. Complete the remaining fields and SAVE
The device is now configured for the original location and the new second store location. You may continue the
above process to add additional store location to a single device.
Device Reactivation
The application enables users to Generate Activation Codes or removes existing devices from the Lane
Management page. This is commonly used as a method to reboot the PIN Pad in accordance to PCI 4.0
practices, manage existing devices during a loss of power or an IP-Ethernet connection and when removing devices
to add replacement units when necessary.
Ingenico iPP320 and iPP350 v4 devices will automatically reboot every (24) hours and does not require the PIN
Pad to be reactivated.
Order Management
Order Management allows a Merchant to create a catalog of products and services they have for sale. The
Merchant can provide their consumers the URL to their store to create an online order and make immediate payment
without the need of a traditional integrated shopping cart.
Before a Merchant can use the Order Management feature, the Account Owner must enable this capability from
the Terminal Setup page here. Once enabled the Order Management option will be visible on the left navigation
Store Setup
Merchants should begin with the setup of their online store.
From the left navigation bar go to Order Management and select Store Setup.
1. Store Name: Enter the name of your store that will be displayed on the website. This is a required field.
2. Customer Service Phone: Enter a telephone number where consumers can contact about order(s)
placed online on items purchased. This is a required field.
3. Customer Service Email: Enter an email address where consumers can contact about order(s) placed
online on items purchased. This is an optional field.
Once the fields above have been populated the Save button will be enabled, enabling the Merchant to proceed to
the next step to complete the settings section.
Store Settings
Once the initial Store Setup fields have been Saved, the page will display additional Store Setting about your online
store. Once configured, the Merchant can begin to create their product(s) and service(s) catalog.
Activate Store
Select Activate my store to display the online store to the public. We recommend activating the online store after
you have added new products and completed the remaining Store Settings before selecting this option.
Order Page URL
The public URL address is located under the Order Page URL section, which Merchants can preview how the new
store will appear to consumers.
Order Pickup
If the Merchant wants to allow consumer Pickup, they can enable this setting. Once enabled the consumer will
have the ability to select “Pickup” during the checkout process.
If the Merchant wants to allow consumer Gratuity, they can enable this setting. Once enabled the consumer will
have the ability to enter a tip amount during the checkout process.
Free Shipping
If the Merchant wants to offer Free Shipping when an order reaches a minimum amount, they can enable this
Shipping Options
Merchants will have the ability to offer various Shipping options. The application will display the Label field on the
consumer checkout page.
Tax Options
Merchants will have the ability to setup various Tax Options. The application will display the Label field on the
consumer checkout page.
Once the settings sections have been completed, the Merchant can begin to create their product and services
Product Variants
Product Variant can be applied to items that are available for purchase. Examples includes size, color or restaurants
may choose to represent available toppings or condiments. A Merchant can use the Product Variant page to
create unique templates which can be applied to multiple products.
To create, click on the New Variant button.
Click on the “Add Item” button to create options for the variant.
1. Variant Name: enter the product variant name, this will not be visible to consumers
2. Display Name: enter the product variant name, this will be visible to consumers
3. Type: choose Dropdown or Textbox, this will be how your customer selects the product attribute
Variant Items
Select the Add Itembutton to create optional attributes. In this example we are creating a template which will
allow a consumer(s) to select a temperature when ordering a steak. When complete, select the Save Variant
button to continue or click the Close button to cancel.
Once saved the Product Variant will be displayed in the list. Product Variants can be marked as required and can
be Enabled or Disabled at any time. To Edit a variant, select the pencil icon.
Product Catalog
Now that you have some variant templates created you can begin creating products in the Product Catalog.
Click on the Add button to create a new Product.
Add Product
There are two steps when creating a Product. Step one is to create/add the product to the Product Catalog.
1. Product #: assign a number to the product, Merchants can use this to enter a UPC code
2. Product Name: name the product, this will be visible in the online store
3. Description: provide a description of the product you are selling, this will be visible in the online store
4. Price: enter the cost of the item (unit price)
5. Taxable: select this box if the item you are selling is taxable
Click Save Product to continue or select “Return To List to go back to the Product Catalog main page.
When a product is initially created it will default to a status of “Pending” which means it is not visible in the online
If there are not multiple options available for the product, you can change the product to Active.
If there are multiple options available, go to step two.
Apply Variant
The second step in creating a product is to apply Variants. Select the Variants bar to display all available variants.
To “Apply Variant to Product”, check the box on the row associated to the variant you want.
For this example, we added a Grilled 16oz. T-bone steak to our Product Catalog and applied the steak
temperatures Variants. Once you have applied all the variants to a product, return to the top section and update
the Status to “Active.
Once all products are created you can return to the Store Setup and select Activate my store to publish your
store online. If a Merchant wants to see how products will appear in the online store, copy the URL address into a
browsers address field or from the Product Catalog page you can click the Preview button.
Online Store
Creating an Order
From the online store consumers can select products for purchase.
In keeping with the theme with the example, the consumer is ordering a T-bone steak, cooked medium rare with
baked potato, sour cream and bacon. The consumer has chosen to add a house salad with ranch dressing.
Click the Add to Order button next to each item to create the order.
As items are added to the order, the Order Summary will display the Subtotal for the order. Once all selections are
made click the “Proceed to Checkout button.
The checkout page is divided into three primary sections.
Order Summary
The top section of the page displays the summary of the total order. Continuing with the example, the consumer
can select delivery or pickup and include gratuity to the Order Total.
Billing Information
The lower left section of the checkout page displays the Billing Information. The Billing Name* and Billing
Phone* fields are required so that the Merchant has the consumers contact information.
Payment Information
The lower right section of the checkout page displays the Payment Information.
Consumer who want to receive a copy of their order sent to a valid email address, select:
I agree to receive a copy of my order via email
Place Order
Once all payment information has been entered click the Place Order button.
The checkout page will display a message stating the order has been placed and a transaction receipt is generated.
The consumer is given the option to print the receipt, or they can click the OK button to close the receipt window.
Order Confirmation
The consumer is shown an Order Confirmation which displays the Merchant contact phone number and/or email
address (Note: This information is being pulled from the Store Setup page.)
Order Tracking
To view incoming orders, the Merchant can go to the Order Tracking on the left navigation menu. When an order
is initially submitted the order status will default to pending.
Order Details
View Details
To view the details of an order, select the row and click on the View button. This will display the details of each item
included in the order. The lower left section of the page will display the Shipping Information (or Pickup). The
lower right section of the page will display the consumers Payment Information.
Update Order Status
Once the Merchant prepares order fulfilment, they can change the status of the order at the top of the Order
Details page.
1. Pending: default status for all orders when submitted
2. In-Progress: use this status to show the order is being prepared
3. Completed: use this status to show the order has been fulfilled
4. Canceled: use this status if the order has been canceled
All transactions are being processed as a Credit Card Authorization” request; therefore, the Merchant is required
to Capture the sale after it has been fulfilled. Payment Capture can be performed from the Order Details page or
by navigating to the Update Transaction page. If an order has been canceled, the Merchant should Reverse the
transaction. Reversal can be performed from the Order Details page or by navigating to the Update Transaction
Tax Report
The Tax Report page allows a Merchant to export a financial report of all taxes collected from online orders. A
report can be generated for orders that have been processed within the 12 months.
Enter the Date Range and select the Export Report in CSV button.
Tax Report Data
1. Tax Year: the year selected in the date range
2. Tax Month: the two-digit numeric value for the month selected in the date range
3. Tax Type: displays the tax calculated as a percentage
4. Tax Label: displays the label entered on the Store Setup, tax field
5. Tax Rate Charged: displays the tax rate entered on the Store Setup, tax rate field
6. Taxable Amount: the total amount of a specific order (within the date range entered)
7. Tax Collected: the calculation of TaxRateCharged multiplied by the TaxableAmount
Transaction Status
Transaction Status
Capture a
transaction for
Authorization to hold
funds on the card
(capture for
settlement later)
Capture prior
authorization for
swiped or keyed,
requires full cc#, not
tied to an original
Refund a transaction
up to 120 days from
Cancel a same day
transaction before
Perform address
verification on Billing
Zip Code
Release funds held
on prior
Requires prior voice
approval code to
force capture for
User Roles & Permissions
Additional Roles and Permission will be released in the future providing more flexibility within the application to
control users at the Merchant location.
Card Transactions
Check Transactions
Gift Transactions
Cash Transactions
Application Support
Have a question?
Card Services
To schedule an outbound service telephone call by appointment, please visit the Support Hub resource center.
Here you can schedule a call with a technical support specialist at a time that is convenient for you. Worldpay
recommends contacting the customer service telephone number listed on your bankcard statement or call 1-800-
808-6394. We’re available Monday through Friday, from 8 am - 8 pm ET to assist you.
Activation Support
When your Worldpay Merchant services account is approved the customer service activation specialist, or your
sales agent will contact you to setup initial application training with your business. If you would like to schedule an
activation call, please contact the customer service telephone listed on your monthly processing statement, or
schedule an appointment here. We are available Monday through Friday, from 8 am - 8 pm ET to assist you.
Check Payments
When you need check services support, please have your (6) digit CHECKMID ready to call Check Commerce at
1-888-263-0467, Monday - Friday 8AM to 5PM MST. You can also email Check Commerce at, a Check Commerce representative will contact you within 48 business hours.
Worldpay from FIS representatives are extremely knowledgeable in the products and services recommended to
our customers, each available to demonstrate the value proposition and how it will benefit your business.
To learn more about OmniFlex, or to receive training please contact your Worldpay from FIS representative today!