GxP Systems on AWS
Published March 2021
Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the
information in this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b)
represents current AWS product offerings and practices, which are subject to change
without notice, and (c) does not create any commitments or assurances from AWS and
its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. AWS products or services are provided “as is”
without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether express or
implied. The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by
AWS agreements, and this document is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement
between AWS and its customers.
© 2021 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
About AWS ....................................................................................................................... 1
AWS Healthcare and Life Sciences ................................................................................. 2
AWS Services .................................................................................................................. 2
AWS Cloud Security ......................................................................................................... 4
Shared Security Responsibility Model ............................................................................. 6
AWS Certifications and Attestations ................................................................................ 8
Infrastructure Description and Controls ......................................................................... 13
AWS Quality Management System................................................................................... 17
Quality Infrastructure and Support Processes .............................................................. 18
Software Development ................................................................................................... 25
AWS Products in GxP Systems ........................................................................................ 30
Qualification Strategy for Life Science Organizations ................................................... 32
Supplier Assessment and Cloud Management ............................................................. 38
Cloud Platform/Landing Zone Qualification ................................................................... 42
Qualifying Building Blocks .............................................................................................. 48
Computer Systems Validation (CSV) ............................................................................ 54
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 55
Contributors ....................................................................................................................... 55
Further Reading ................................................................................................................. 55
Document Revisions.......................................................................................................... 56
Appendix: 21 CFR 11 Controls Shared Responsibility for use with AWS services ...... 57
This whitepaper provides information on how AWS approaches GxP-related compliance
and security and provides customers guidance on using AWS Products in the context of
GxP. The content has been developed based on experience with and feedback from
AWS pharmaceutical and medical device customers, as well as software partners, who
are currently using AWS Products in their validated GxP systems.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
According to a recent publication by Deloitte on the outlook of Global Life Sciences in
2020, prioritization of cloud technologies in the life sciences sector has steadily
increased as customers seek out highly reliable, scalable and secure solutions to
operate their regulated IT systems. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides cloud
services designed to help customers run their most sensitive workloads in the cloud,
including the computerized systems that support Good Manufacturing Practice, Good
Laboratory Practice, and Good Clinical Practice (GxP). GxP guidelines are established
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and exist to ensure safe development
and manufacturing of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biologics, and other food and
medical product industries.
The first section of this whitepaper outlines the AWS services and organizational
approach to security along with compliance that support GxP requirements as part of
the Shared Responsibility Model, and as it relates to the AWS Quality System for
Information Security Management. After establishing this information, the whitepaper
provides information to assist you in using AWS services to implement GxP-compliant
environments. Many customers already leverage industry guidance to influence their
regulatory interpretation of GxP requirements. Therefore, the primary industry guidance
used to form the basis of this whitepaper is the GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing
Practice) guidance from ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering), in
effect as a type of Good Cloud Computing Practice.
While the following content provides information on use of AWS services in GxP
environments, you should ultimately consult with your own counsel to ensure that your
GxP policies and procedures satisfy regulatory compliance requirements.
Whitepapers containing more specific information about AWS products,
privacy, and data protection considerations are available at
About AWS
In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering on-demand IT infrastructure
services to businesses in the form of web services with pay-as-you-go pricing. Today,
AWS provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud
that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in countries around the world. Using
AWS, businesses no longer need to plan for and procure servers and other IT
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
infrastructure weeks or months in advance. Instead, they can instantly spin up hundreds
or thousands of servers in minutes and deliver results faster. Offering over 175 fully
featured services from data centers globally, AWS gives you the ability to take
advantage of a broad set of global cloud-based products including compute, storage,
databases, networking, security, analytics, mobile, developer tools, management tools,
IoT, and enterprise applications. AWS's rapid pace of innovation allows you to focus in
on what's most important to you and your end users without the undifferentiated heavy
AWS Healthcare and Life Sciences
AWS started its dedicated Genomics and Life Sciences Practice in 2014 in response to
the growing demand for an experienced and reliable life sciences cloud industry leader.
Today, the AWS Life Sciences Practice team consists of members that have been in the
industry on average for over 17 years and had previous titles such as Chief Medical
Officer, Chief Digital Officer, Physician, Radiologist, and Researcher among many
others. The AWS Genomics and Life Sciences practice serves a large ecosystem of life
sciences customers, including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device,
genomics, start-ups, university and government institutions, as well as healthcare
payers and providers. A full list of customer case studies can be found at
In addition to the resources available within the Genomics and Life Science practice at
AWS, you can also work with AWS Life Sciences Competency Partners to drive
innovation and improve efficiency across the life sciences value chain including cost-
effective storage and compute capabilities, advanced analytics, and patient
personalization mechanisms. AWS Life Sciences Competency Partners have
demonstrated technical expertise and customer success in building Life Science
solutions on AWS. A full list of AWS Life Sciences Competency Partners can be found
at https://aws.amazon.com/health/lifesciences-partner-solutions.
AWS Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a scalable cloud computing platform with high
availability and dependability, providing the tools that enable you to run a wide range of
applications. Helping to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our
customers’ systems and data is of the utmost importance to AWS, as is maintaining
customer trust and confidence.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Similar to other general-purpose IT products such as operating systems and database
engines, AWS offers commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) IT services according to IT quality
and security standards such as ISO, NIST, SOC and many others. For purposes of this
paper, we will use the definition of COTS in accordance with the definition established
by FedRAMP, a United States government-wide program for procurement and security
assessment. FedRAMP references the US Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) for its
definition of COTS, which outlines COTS items as:
Products or services that are offered and sold competitively in substantial
quantities in the commercial marketplace based on an established catalog.
Offered without modification or customization.
Offered under standard commercial terms and conditions.
Under GAMP guidelines (such as GAMP 5: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP
Computerized Systems), organizations implementing GxP-compliant environments will
need to categorize AWS services using respective GAMP software and hardware
categories (e.g. Software Category 1 for Infrastructure Software, including operating
systems, database managers and security software or Category 5 for custom or
bespoke software). Most often, organizations utilizing AWS services for validated
applications will categorize them under Software Category 1.
AWS offers products falling into several categories. Below is a subset of those AWS
offerings spanning Compute, Storage, Database, Networking & Content Delivery, and
Security and Compliance. A later section of this whitepaper, AWS Products in GxP
Systems, will provide information to assist you in using AWS services to implement your
GxP-compliant environments.
Table 1: Subset of AWS offerings by group
AWS Products
Amazon EC2, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon Elastic Container
Registry, Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes
Service, Amazon Lightsail, AWS Batch, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS
Fargate, AWS Lambda, AWS Outposts, AWS Serverless Application
Repository, AWS Wavelength, VMware Cloud on AWS
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
AWS Products
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Block
Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS),
Amazon FSx for Lustre, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon
S3 Glacier, AWS Backup, AWS Snow Family, AWS Storage Gateway,
CloudEndure Disaster Recovery
Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon
ElastiCache, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon Neptune, Amazon Quantum
Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB), Amazon RDS, Amazon RDS on
VMware, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Timestream, AWS Database
Migration Service
Networking &
Content Delivery
Amazon VPC, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon
Route 53, AWS PrivateLink, AWS App Mesh, AWS Cloud Map, AWS
Direct Connect, AWS Global Accelerator, AWS Transit Gateway, Elastic
Load Balancing
Security, Identity,
and Compliance
AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM), Amazon Cognito, Amazon
Detective, Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, AWS
Artifact, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS CloudHSM, AWS Directory
Service, AWS Firewall Manager, AWS Key Management Service, AWS
Resource Access Manager, AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Security Hub,
AWS Shield, AWS Single Sign-On, AWS WAF
Details and specifications for the full portfolio of AWS products are
available online at https://aws.amazon.com/.
AWS Cloud Security
AWS infrastructure has been architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud
computing environments available today. It is designed to provide an extremely
scalable, highly reliable platform that enables customers to deploy applications and data
quickly and securely. This infrastructure is built and managed not only according to
security best practices and standards, but also with the unique needs of the cloud in
mind. AWS uses redundant and layered controls, continuous validation and testing, and
a substantial amount of automation to ensure that the underlying infrastructure is
monitored and protected 24x7.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
We have many customer testimonials that highlight the security benefits of using the
AWS cloud, in that the security capabilities provided by AWS far exceed the customer’s
own on-premises capabilities.
“We had heard urban legends about ‘security issues in the cloud,’ but the more
we looked into AWS, the more it was obvious to us that AWS is a secure
environment and we would be able to use it with peace of mind.”
- Yoshihiro Moriya, Certified Information System Auditor at Hoya
“There was no way we could achieve the security certification levels that AWS
has. We have great confidence in the logical separation of customers in the AWS
Cloud, particularly through Amazon VPC, which allows us to customize our
virtual networking environment to meet our specific requirements.”
- Michael Lockhart, IT Infrastructure Manager at GPT
“When you’re in telehealth and you touch protected health information, security is
paramount. AWS is absolutely critical to do what we do today. Security and
compliance are table stakes. If you don’t have those, the rest doesn’t matter."
- Cory Costley, Chief Product Officer, Avizia
Many more customer testimonials, including those from health and life science
companies, can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/testimonials/
IT Security is often not the core business of our customers. IT departments operate on
limited budgets and do a good job of securing their data centers and software given
limited resources. In the case of AWS, security is foundational to our core business and
so significant resources are applied to ensuring the security of the cloud and helping our
customers ensure security in the cloud, as described further below.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Shared Security Responsibility Model
Security and Compliance is a shared responsibility between AWS and the customer.
This shared model can help relieve your operational burden as AWS operates,
manages and controls the components from the host operating system and
virtualization layer down to the physical security of the facilities in which the service
operates. Customers assume responsibility and management of the guest operating
system (including updates and security patches), other associated application software
as well as the configuration of the AWS provided security group firewall. You should
carefully consider the services you choose as your responsibilities vary depending on
the services used, the integration of those services into your IT environment, and
applicable laws and regulations.
The following figure provides an overview of the shared responsibility model. This
differentiation of responsibility is commonly referred to as Security “of” the Cloud versus
Security “in” the Cloud, which will be explained in more detail below.
Figure 1: AWS Shared Responsibility Model
AWS is responsible for the security and compliance of the Cloud, the infrastructure that
runs all of the services offered in the AWS Cloud. Cloud security at AWS is the highest
priority. AWS customers benefit from a data center and network architecture that are
built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations. This
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
infrastructure consists of the hardware, software, networking, and facilities that run AWS
Cloud services.
Customers are responsible for the security and compliance in the Cloud, which consists
of customer-configured systems and services provisioned on AWS. Responsibility within
the AWS Cloud is determined by the AWS Cloud services that you select and ultimately
the amount of configuration work you must perform as part of your security
responsibilities. For example, a service such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(Amazon EC2) is categorized as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and, as such,
requires you to perform all of the necessary security configuration and management
tasks. Customers that deploy an Amazon EC2 instance are responsible for
management of the guest operating system (including updates and security patches),
any application software or utilities installed by you on the instances, and the
configuration of the AWS-provided firewall (called a security group) on each
instance. For abstracted services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB, AWS
operates the infrastructure layer, the operating system, and platforms, and customers
access the endpoints to store and retrieve data. You are responsible for managing your
data and component configuration (including encryption options), classifying your
assets, and using IAM tools to apply the appropriate permissions.
The AWS Shared Security Responsibility model also extends to IT controls. Just as the
responsibility to operate the IT environment is shared between you and AWS, so is the
management, operation and verification of IT controls shared. AWS can help relieve
your burden of operating controls by managing those controls associated with the
physical infrastructure deployed in the AWS environment that may previously have been
managed by you. As every customer is deployed differently in AWS, you can take
advantage of shifting management of certain IT controls to AWS which results in a
(new) distributed control environment. You can then use the AWS control and
compliance documentation available to you, as well as techniques discussed later in
this whitepaper, to perform your control evaluation and verification procedures as
required. Below are examples of controls that are managed by AWS, AWS Customers
and/or both.
Inherited Controls Controls which you fully inherit from AWS.
Physical and Environmental controls
Shared Controls Controls which apply to both the infrastructure layer and customer
layers, but in completely separate contexts or perspectives. In a shared control, AWS
provides the requirements for the infrastructure and you must provide your own control
implementation within your use of AWS services. Examples include:
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Patch Management AWS is responsible for patching and fixing flaws within the
infrastructure, but you are responsible for patching your guest OS and
Configuration Management AWS maintains the configuration of its
infrastructure devices, but you are responsible for configuring your own guest
operating systems, databases, and applications.
Awareness & Training - AWS trains AWS employees, but you must train your
own employees.
Customer Specific Controls which are ultimately your responsibility based on the
application you are deploying within AWS services. Examples include:
Data Management for instance, placement of data on Amazon S3 where you
activate encryption.
While certain controls are customer specific, AWS strives to provide you with the tools
and resources to make implementation easier.
For further information about AWS physical and operational security processes for the
network and server infrastructure under the management of AWS see: AWS Cloud
Security site.
For customers who are designing the security infrastructure and configuration for
applications running in Amazon Web Services (AWS), see the Best Practices for
Security, Identity, & Compliance.
AWS Certifications and Attestations
The AWS global infrastructure is designed and managed according to security best
practices as well as a variety of security compliance standards. With AWS, you can be
assured that you are building web architectures on top of some of the most secure
computing infrastructure in the world. The IT infrastructure that AWS provides to you is
designed and managed in alignment with security best practices and a variety of IT
security standards including the following that life science customers may find most
SOC 1, 2, 3
ISO 9001 / ISO 27001 / ISO 27017 / ISO 27018
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR)
There are no specific certifications for GxP compliance for cloud services to date,
however the controls and guidance described by this whitepaper, in conjunction with
additional resources supplied by AWS provide information on AWS service GxP-
compatibility, which will assist you in designing and building your own GxP-compliant
AWS provides on-demand access to security and compliance reports and select online
agreements through AWS Artifact, with reports accessible via AWS customer accounts
under NDA. AWS Artifact is a go-to central resource for compliance related information
and is a place that you can go to find additional information on the AWS compliance
programs described further below.
SOC 1, 2, 3
AWS System and Organization Controls (SOC) Reports are independent third-party
examination reports that demonstrate how AWS achieves key compliance controls and
objectives. The purpose of these reports is to help you and your auditors understand the
AWS controls established to support operations and compliance.
The SOC 1 reports are designed to focus on controls at a service organization that are
likely to be relevant to an audit of a user entity’s financial statements. The AWS SOC 1
report is designed to cover specific key controls likely to be required during a financial
audit, as well as covering a broad range of IT general controls to accommodate a wide
range of usage and audit scenarios. The AWS SOC1 control objectives include security
organization, employee user access, logical security, secure data handling, physical
security and environmental protection, change management, data integrity, availability
and redundancy and incident handling.
The SOC 2 report is an attestation report that expands the evaluation of controls to the
criteria set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Trust
Services Principles. These principles define leading practice controls relevant to
security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy applicable to
service organizations such as AWS. The AWS SOC 2 is an evaluation of the design and
operating effectiveness of controls that meet the criteria for the security and availability
principles set forth in the AICPA’s Trust Services Principles criteria. This report provides
additional transparency into AWS security and availability based on a pre-defined
industry standard of leading practices and further demonstrates the commitment of
AWS to protecting customer data. The SOC2 report information includes outlining AWS
controls, a description of AWS Services relevant to security, availability and
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
confidentiality as well as test results against controls. You will likely find the SOC 2
report to be the most detailed and relevant SOC report as it relates to GxP compliance.
AWS publishes a Service Organization Controls 3 (SOC 3) report. The SOC 3 report is
a publicly-available summary of the AWS SOC 2 report. The report includes the external
auditor’s assessment of the operation of controls (based on the AICPA’s Security Trust
Principles included in the SOC 2 report), the assertion from AWS management
regarding the effectiveness of controls, and an overview of AWS Infrastructure and
The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a US
government-wide program that delivers a standard approach to the security
assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and
services. FedRAMP uses the NIST Special Publication 800 series and requires cloud
service providers to receive an independent security assessment conducted by a third-
party assessment organization (3PAO) to ensure that authorizations are compliant with
the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).
For AWS Services in Scope for FedRAMP assessment and authorization, see
ISO 9001
ISO 9001:2015 outlines a process-oriented approach to documenting and reviewing the
structure, responsibilities, and procedures required to achieve effective quality
management within an organization. Specific sections of the standard contain
information on topics such as:
Requirements for a quality management system (QMS), including documentation
of a quality manual, document control, and determining process interactions
Responsibilities of management
Management of resources, including human resources and an organization’s
work environment
Service development, including the steps from design to delivery
Customer satisfaction
Measurement, analysis, and improvement of the QMS through activities like
internal audits and corrective and preventive actions
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
The AWS ISO 9001:2015 certification directly supports customers who develop, migrate
and operate their quality-controlled IT systems in the AWS cloud. You can leverage
AWS compliance reports as evidence for your own ISO 9001:2015 programs and
industry-specific quality programs, such as GxP in life sciences and ISO 131485 in
medical devices.
ISO/IEC 27001
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is a widely-adopted global security standard that sets out
requirements and best practices for a systematic approach to managing company and
customer information that’s based on periodic risk assessments appropriate to ever-
changing threat scenarios. In order to achieve the certification, a company must show it
has a systematic and ongoing approach to managing information security risks that
affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of company and customer information.
This widely-recognized international security standard specifies that AWS do the
We systematically evaluate AWS information security risks, taking into account
the impact of threats and vulnerabilities.
We design and implement a comprehensive suite of information security controls
and other forms of risk management to address customer and architecture
security risks.
We have an overarching management process to ensure that the information
security controls meet our needs on an ongoing basis.
AWS has achieved ISO 27001 certification of the Information Security Management
System (ISMS) covering AWS infrastructure, data centers, and services.
ISO/IEC 27017
ISO/IEC 27017:2015 provides guidance on the information security aspects of cloud
computing, recommending the implementation of cloud-specific information security
controls that supplement the guidance of the ISO/IEC 27002 and ISO/IEC 27001
standards. This code of practice provides additional information security controls
implementation guidance specific to cloud service providers.
The AWS attestation to the ISO/IEC 27017:2015 standard not only demonstrates an
ongoing commitment to align with globally-recognized best practices, but also verifies
that AWS has a system of highly precise controls in place that are specific to cloud
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
ISO/IEC 27018
ISO 27018 is the first International code of practice that focuses on protection of
personal data in the cloud. It is based on ISO information security standard 27002 and
provides implementation guidance on ISO 27002 controls applicable to public cloud
Personally Identifiable Information (PII). It also provides a set of additional controls and
associated guidance intended to address public cloud PII protection requirements not
addressed by the existing ISO 27002 control set.
AWS has achieved ISO 27018 certification, an internationally recognized code of
practice, which demonstrates the commitment of AWS to the privacy and protection of
your content.
The Health Information Trust Alliance Common Security Framework (HITRUST CSF)
leverages nationally and internationally accepted standards and regulations such as
GDPR, ISO, NIST, PCI, and HIPAA to create a comprehensive set of baseline security
and privacy controls.
HITRUST has developed the HITRUST CSF Assurance Program, which incorporates
the common requirements, methodology, and tools that enable an organization and its
business partners to take a consistent and incremental approach to managing
compliance. Further, it allows business partners and vendors to assess and report
against multiple sets of requirements.
Certain AWS services have been assessed under the HITRUST CSF Assurance
Program by an approved HITRUST CSF Assessor as meeting the HITRUST CSF
Certification Criteria. The certification is valid for two years, describes the AWS services
that have been validated, and can be accessed at
https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/hitrust/. You may look to leverage the AWS
HITRUST CSF certification of AWS services to support your own HITRUST CSF
certification, in complement to your GxP compliance programs.
CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR)
In 2011, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) launched STAR, an initiative to encourage
transparency of security practices within cloud providers. The CSA Security, Trust &
Assurance Registry (STAR) is a free, publicly accessible registry that documents the
security controls provided by various cloud computing offerings, thereby helping users
assess the security of cloud providers they currently use or are considering.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
AWS participates in the voluntary CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR)
Self-Assessment to document AWS compliance with CSA-published best practices.
AWS publishes the completed CSA Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire
(CAIQ) on the AWS website.
Infrastructure Description and Controls
Cloud Models (Nature of the Cloud)
Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage,
applications, and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the Internet
with pay-as-you-go pricing. As cloud computing has grown in popularity, several
different models and deployment strategies have emerged to help meet specific needs
of different users. Each type of cloud service and deployment method provides you with
different levels of control, flexibility, and management.
Cloud Computing Models
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) contains the basic building blocks for cloud IT and
typically provides access to networking features, computers (virtual or on dedicated
hardware), and data storage space. IaaS provides you with the highest level of flexibility
and management control over your IT resources and is most similar to existing IT
resources that many IT departments and developers are familiar with today (e.g.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)).
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) removes the need for organizations to manage the
underlying infrastructure (usually hardware and operating systems) and allows you to
focus on the deployment and management of your applications (e.g. AWS Elastic
Beanstalk). This helps you be more efficient as you don’t need to worry about resource
procurement, capacity planning, software maintenance, patching, or any of the other
undifferentiated heavy lifting involved in running your application.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS) provides you with a completed product that is run and
managed by the service provider. In most cases, people referring to Software as a
Service are referring to end-user applications (e.g. Amazon Connect). With a SaaS
offering you do not have to think about how the service is maintained or how the
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
underlying infrastructure is managed; you only need to think about how you will use that
particular piece of software. A common example of a SaaS application is web-based
email which can be used to send and receive email without having to manage feature
additions to the email product or maintain the servers and operating systems on which
the email program is running.
Cloud Computing Deployment Models
A cloud-based application is fully deployed in the cloud and all parts of the application
run in the cloud. Applications in the cloud have either been created in the cloud or have
been migrated from an existing infrastructure to take advantage of the benefits of cloud
computing (https://aws.amazon.com/what-is-cloud-computing/). Cloud-based
applications can be built on low-level infrastructure pieces or can use higher level
services that provide abstraction from the management, architecting, and scaling
requirements of core infrastructure.
A hybrid deployment is a way to connect infrastructure and applications between cloud-
based resources and existing resources that are not located in the cloud. The most
common method of hybrid deployment is between the cloud and existing on-premises
infrastructure to extend, and grow, an organization's infrastructure into the cloud while
connecting cloud resources to the internal system. For more information on how AWS
can help you with hybrid deployment, visit the AWS hybrid page
The deployment of resources on-premises, using virtualization and resource
management tools, is sometimes sought for its ability to provide dedicated resources
(https://aws.amazon.com/hybrid/). In most cases this deployment model is the same as
legacy IT infrastructure while using application management and virtualization
technologies to try and increase resource utilization.
Physical Security
Amazon has many years of experience in designing, constructing, and operating large-
scale data centers. This experience has been applied to the AWS platform and
infrastructure. AWS data centers are housed in facilities that are not branded as AWS
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
facilities. Physical access is strictly controlled both at the perimeter and at building
ingress points by professional security staff utilizing video surveillance, intrusion
detection systems, and other electronic means. Authorized staff must pass two-factor
authentication a minimum of two times to access data center floors. All visitors are
required to present identification and are signed in and continually escorted by
authorized staff. AWS only provides data center access and information to employees
and contractors who have a legitimate business need for such privileges. When an
employee no longer has a business need for these privileges, his or her access is
immediately revoked, even if they continue to be an employee of Amazon or Amazon
Web Services. All physical access to data centers by AWS employees is logged and
audited routinely.
Additional information on infrastructure security may be found on the webpage on AWS
Data Center controls .
Single or Multi-Tenant Environments
As cloud technology has rapidly evolved over the past decade, one fundamental
technique used to maximize physical resources as well as lower customer costs has
been to offer multi-tenant services to cloud customers. To facilitate this architecture,
AWS has developed and implemented powerful and flexible logical security controls to
create strong isolation boundaries between customers. Security is job zero at AWS and
you will find a rich history of AWS steadily enhancing its features and controls to help
customers achieve their security posture requirements such as GxP. Coming from
operating an on-premises environment, you will often find that CSPs like AWS enable
you to effectively optimize your security configurations in the cloud compared to your
on-premises solutions.
The AWS logical security capabilities as well as security controls in place address the
concerns driving physical separation to protect your data. The provided isolation
combined with the automation and flexibility added offers a security posture that
matches or bests the security controls seen in traditional, physically separated
Additional detailed information on logical separation on AWS may be found in the
Logical Separation on AWS whitepaper.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Cloud Infrastructure Qualification Activities
AWS serves over a million active customers in more than 200 countries. As customers
grow their businesses, AWS will continue to provide infrastructure that meets their
global requirements.
The AWS Cloud infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones. An
AWS Region is a physical location in the world which has multiple Availability Zones.
Availability Zones consist of one or more discrete data centers, each with redundant
power, networking, and connectivity, housed in separate facilities. These Availability
Zones offer you the ability to operate production applications and databases that are
more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than would be possible from a single
data center. The AWS Cloud operates in over 70 Availability Zones within over 20
geographic Regions around the world, with announced plans for more Availability Zones
and Regions. For more information on the AWS Cloud Availability Zones and AWS
Regions, see AWS Global Infrastructure.
Each Amazon Region is designed to be completely isolated from the other Amazon
Regions. This achieves the greatest possible fault tolerance and stability. Each
Availability Zone is isolated, but the Availability Zones in a Region are connected
through low-latency links. AWS provides customers with the flexibility to place instances
and store data within multiple geographic regions as well as across multiple Availability
Zones within each AWS Region. Each Availability Zone is designed as an independent
failure zone. This means that Availability Zones are physically separated within a typical
metropolitan region and are located in lower risk flood plains (specific flood zone
categorization varies by AWS Region). In addition to discrete uninterruptable power
supply (UPS) and onsite backup generation facilities, they are each fed via different
grids from independent utilities to further reduce single points of failure. Availability
Zones are all redundantly connected to multiple tier-1 transit providers.
Data Locations
Where geographic limitations apply, unlike other cloud providers, who often define a
region as a single data center, the multiple Availability Zone (AZ) design of every AWS
Region offers you advantages. If you are focused on high availability, you can design
your applications to run in multiple AZ's to achieve even greater fault-tolerance. AWS
infrastructure Regions meet the highest levels of security, compliance, and data
protection. If you have data residency requirements, you can choose the AWS Region
that is in close proximity to your desired location. You retain complete control and
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
ownership over the region in which your data is physically located, making it easy to
meet regional compliance and data residency requirements.
In addition, for moving on-premises data to AWS for migrations or ongoing workflows,
the following AWS website on Cloud Data Migration describes the various tools and
services that you may use to ensure data onshoring compliance, including:
Hybrid cloud storage (AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Direct Connect)
Online data transfer (AWS DataSync, AWS Transfer Family, Amazon S3
Transfer Acceleration, AWS Snowcone, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, APN
Partner Products)
Offline data transfer (AWS Snowcone, AWS Snowball, AWS Snowmobile)
When it comes to capacity planning, AWS examines capacity at both a service and rack
usage level. The AWS capacity planning process also automatically triggers the
procurement process for approval so that AWS doesn’t have additional lag time to
account for, and AWS relies on capacity planning models, which are informed in part by
customer demand, to trigger new data center builds. AWS enables you to reserve
instances so that space is guaranteed in the region(s) of your choice. AWS uses the
number of reserved instances to inform planning for FOOB (future out of bound).
AWS maintains SLAs (Service Level Agreements) for various services across the
platform, which, at the time of this writing, includes a guaranteed monthly uptime
percentage of at least 99.99% for Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS within a Region. A full
list of AWS SLAs can be found at https://aws.amazon.com/legal/service-level-
agreements/. In addition, Amazon Web Services publishes the most up-to-the-minute
information on service availability in the AWS Service Health Dashboard
(https://status.aws.amazon.com/). It is important to note that as part of the shared
security responsibility model, it is your responsibility to architect your application for
resilience based on your organization’s requirements.
AWS Quality Management System
Life Science customers with obligations under GxP requirements need to ensure that
quality is part of manufacturing and controls during the design, development and
deployment of their GxP-regulated product. This quality assurance includes an
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
appropriate assessment of cloud service suppliers, like AWS, to meet the obligations of
your quality system.
For a deeper description of the AWS Quality Management System, you may use AWS
Artifact to access additional documents under NDA. Below, AWS provides information
on some of the concepts and components of the AWS Quality System of most interest
to GxP customers like you.
Quality Infrastructure and Support Processes
Quality Management System Certification
AWS has undergone a systematic, independent examination of our quality system to
determine whether the activities and activity outputs comply with ISO 9001:2015
requirements. A certifying agent found our quality management system (QMS) to
comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the activities described in the scope
of registration.
The AWS quality management system has been certified to ISO 9001 since 2014. The
reports cover six month periods each year (April-September / October-March). New
reports are released in mid-May and mid-November. To see the AWS ISO 9001
registration certification, certification body information as well as date of issuance and
renewal, please see the information on the ISO 9001 AWS compliance program
website: https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/iso-9001-faqs/.
The certification covers the QMS over a specified scope of AWS services and Regions
of operations. If you are pursuing ISO 9001:2015 certification while operating all or part
of your IT systems in the AWS cloud, you are not automatically certified by association,
however, using an ISO 9001:2015 certified provider like AWS can make your
certification process easier.
AWS provides additional detailed information on the quality management system
accessible within AWS Artifact via customer accounts in the AWS console
Software Development Approach
AWS’s strategy for design and development of AWS services is to clearly define
services in terms of customer use cases, service performance, marketing and
distribution requirements, production and testing, and legal and regulatory
requirements. The design of all new services or any significant changes to current
services are controlled through a project management system with multi-disciplinary
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
participation. Requirements and service specifications are established during service
development, taking into account legal and regulatory requirements, customer
contractual commitments, and requirements to meet the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of the service in alignment with the quality objectives established within the
quality management system. Service reviews are completed as part of the development
process, and these reviews include evaluation of security, legal and regulatory impacts
and customer contractual commitments.
Prior to launch, each of the following requirements must be complete:
Security Risk Assessment
Threat modeling
Security design reviews
Secure code reviews
Security testing
Vulnerability/penetration testing
AWS implements open source software or custom code within its services. All open
source software to include binary or machine-executable code from third-parties is
reviewed and approved by the Open Source Group prior to implementation, and has
source code that is publicly accessible. AWS service teams are prohibited from
implementing code from third parties unless it has been approved through the open
source review. All code developed by AWS is available for review by the applicable
service team, as well as AWS Security. By its nature, open source code is available for
review by the Open Source Group prior to granting authorization for use within
Quality Procedures
In addition to the software, hardware, human resource and real estate assets that are
encompassed in the scope of the AWS quality management system supporting the
development and operations of AWS services, it also includes documented information
including, but not limited to source code, system documentation and operational policies
and procedures.
AWS implements formal, documented policies and procedures that provide guidance for
operations and information security within the organization and the supporting AWS
environments. Policies address purpose, scope, roles, responsibilities and management
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
commitment. All policies are maintained in a centralized location that is accessible by
Project Management Processes
The design of new services or any significant changes to current services follow secure
software development practices and are controlled through a project management
system with multi-disciplinary participation.
Quality Organization Roles
AWS Security Assurance is responsible for familiarizing employees with the AWS
security policies. AWS has established information security functions that are aligned
with defined structure, reporting lines, and responsibilities. Leadership involvement
provides clear direction and visible support for security initiatives.
AWS has established a formal audit program that includes continual, independent
internal and external assessments to validate the implementation and operating
effectiveness of the AWS control environment.
AWS maintains a documented audit schedule of internal and external assessments.
The needs and expectations of internal and external parties are considered throughout
the development, implementation, and auditing of the AWS control environment. Parties
include, but are not limited to:
AWS customers, including current customers and potential customers.
External parties to AWS including regulatory bodies such as the external auditors
and certifying agents.
Internal parties such as AWS services and infrastructure teams, security, and
overarching administrative and corporate teams.
Quality Project Planning and Reporting
The AWS planning process defines service requirements, requirements for projects and
contracts, and ensures customer needs and expectations are met or exceeded.
Planning is achieved through a combination of business and service planning, project
teams, quality improvement plans, review of service-related metrics and documentation,
self-assessments and supplier audits, and employee training. The AWS quality system
is documented to ensure that planning is consistent with all other requirements.
AWS continuously monitors service usage to project infrastructure needs to support
availability commitments and requirements. AWS maintains a capacity planning model
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
to assess infrastructure usage and demands at least monthly, and usually more
frequently. In addition, the AWS capacity planning model supports the planning of future
demands to acquire and implement additional resources based upon current resources
and forecasted requirements.
Electronics Records and Electronic Signatures
In the United States (US), GxP regulations are enforced by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and are contained in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(21 CFR). Within 21 CFR, Part 11 contains the requirements for computer systems that
create, modify, maintain, archive, retrieve, or distribute electronic records and electronic
signatures in support of GxP-regulated activities (and in the EU, EudraLex - Volume 4 -
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines Annex 11 Computerised Systems).
Part 11 was created to permit the adoption of new information technologies by FDA-
regulated life sciences organizations, while simultaneously providing a framework to
ensure that the electronic GxP data is trustworthy and reliable.
There is no GxP certification for a commercial cloud provider such as AWS. AWS offers
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) IT services according to IT quality and security
standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 9001, NIST 800-53 and
many others. GxP-regulated life sciences customers, like you, are responsible for
purchasing and using AWS services to develop and operate your GxP systems, and to
verify your own GxP compliance, and compliance with 21 CFR 11.
This document, used in conjunction with other AWS resources noted throughout, may
be used to support your electronic records and electronic signatures requirements. A
further description of the shared responsibility model as it relates to your use of AWS
services in alignment with 21 CFR 11 can be found in the Appendix.
Company Self-Assessments
AWS Security Assurance monitors the implementation and maintenance of the quality
management system by performing verification activities through the AWS audit
program to ensure compliance, suitability, and effectiveness of the quality management
system. The AWS audit program includes self-assessments, third party accreditation
audits, and supplier audits. The objective of these audits are to evaluate the operating
effectiveness of the AWS quality management system. Self-assessments are performed
periodically. Audits by third parties for accreditation are conducted to review the
continued performance of AWS against standards-based criteria and to identify general
improvement opportunities. Supplier audits are performed to assess the supplier’s
potential for providing services or material that conform to AWS supply requirements.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
AWS maintains a documented schedule of all assessments to ensure implementation
and operating effectiveness of the AWS control environment to meet various objectives.
Contract Reviews
AWS offers Services for sale under a standardized customer agreement that has been
reviewed to ensure the Services are accurately represented, properly promoted, and
fairly priced. Please contact your account team if you have questions about AWS
service terms.
Corrective and Preventative Actions
AWS takes action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities within the scope of the
quality management system, in order to prevent recurrence. The following procedure is
followed when taking corrective and preventive actions:
1. Identify the specific nonconformities;
2. Determine the causes of nonconformities;
3. Evaluate the need for actions to ensure that nonconformities do not recur;
4. Determine and implement the corrective action(s) needed;
5. Record results of action(s) taken;
6. Review of the corrective action(s) taken.
7. Determine and implement preventive action needed;
8. Record results of action taken; and
9. Review of preventive action.
The records of corrective actions may be reviewed during regularly scheduled AWS
management meetings.
Customer Complaints
AWS relies on procedures and specific metrics to support you. Customer reports and
complaints are investigated and, where required, actions are taken to resolve them.
You can contact AWS at https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/, or speak directly with
your account team for support.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Third-Party Management
AWS maintains a supplier management team to foster third party relationships and
monitor third party performance. SLAs and SLOs are implemented to monitor
AWS creates and maintains written agreements with third parties (for example,
contractors or vendors) in accordance with the work or service to be provided (for
example, network services, service delivery, or information exchange) and implements
appropriate relationship management mechanisms in line with their relationship to the
business. AWS monitors the performance of third parties through periodic reviews using
a risk based approach, which evaluate performance against contractual obligations.
Training Records
Personnel at all levels of AWS are experienced and receive training in the skill areas of
the jobs and other assigned training. Training needs are identified to ensure that training
is continuously provided and is appropriate for each operation (process) affecting
quality. Personnel required to work under special conditions or requiring specialized
skills are trained to ensure their competency. Records of training and certification are
maintained to verify that individuals have appropriate training.
AWS has developed, documented and disseminated role based security awareness
training for employees responsible for designing, developing, implementing, operating,
maintaining, and monitoring the system affecting security and availability and provides
resources necessary for employees to fulfill their responsibilities. Training includes, but
is not limited to the following information (when relevant to the employee’s role):
Workforce conduct standards
Candidate background screening procedures
Clear desk policy and procedures
Social engineering, phishing, and malware
Data handling and protection
Compliance commitments
Use of AWS security tools
Security precautions while traveling
How to report security and availability failures, incidents, concerns, and other
complaints to appropriate personnel
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
How to recognize suspicious communications and anomalous behavior in
organizational information systems
Practical exercises that reinforce training objectives
HIPAA responsibilities
Personnel Records
AWS performs periodic formal evaluations of resourcing and staffing, including an
assessment of employee qualification alignment with entity objectives. Personnel
records are managed through an internal Amazon System.
Infrastructure Management
The Infrastructure team maintains and operates a configuration management framework
to address hardware scalability, availability, auditing, and security management. By
centrally managing hosts through the use of automated processes that manage change,
Amazon is able to achieve its goals of high availability, repeatability, scalability, security,
and disaster recovery. Systems and network engineers monitor the status of these
automated tools on a continuous basis, reviewing reports to respond to hosts that fail to
obtain or update their configuration and software.
Internally developed configuration management software is installed when new
hardware is provisioned. These tools are run on all UNIX hosts to validate that they are
configured and that software is installed in compliance with standards determined by the
role assigned to the host. This configuration management software also helps to
regularly update packages that are already installed on the host. Only approved
personnel enabled through the permissions service may log in to the central
configuration management servers. AWS notifies you of certain changes to the AWS
service offerings where appropriate. AWS continuously evolves and improves their
existing services, frequently adding new Services or features to existing Services.
Further, as AWS services are controlled using APIs, if AWS changes or discontinues
any API used to make calls to the Services, AWS continues to offer the existing API for
12 months (as of this publication) to give you time to adjust accordingly. Additionally,
AWS provides you with a Personal Health Dashboard with service health and status
information specific to your account, as well as a public Service Health Dashboard to
provide all customers with the real-time operational status of AWS services at the
regional level at http://status.aws.amazon.com.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Software Development
Software Development Processes
The Project and Operation stages of the life cycle approach in GAMP, for instance, are
reflected in the AWS information and activities surrounding organizational mechanisms
to guide the development and configuration of the information system, including
software development lifecycles and software change management. Elements of the
organizational mechanisms include policies and standards, the code pathway,
deployment, a change management tool, ongoing monitoring, security reviews,
emergency changes, management of outsourced and unauthorized development and
communication of changes to customers.
The software development lifecycle activities at AWS include the code development and
change management processes at AWS which are centralized across AWS teams
developing externally- and internally-facing code with processes applying to both
internal and external service teams. Code deployed at AWS is developed and managed
in a consistent process, regardless of its ultimate destination. There are several
systems utilized in this process, including:
A code management system used to assemble a code package as part of
Internal source code repository.
The hosting system in which AWS code pipelines are staged.
The tool utilized for automating the testing, approval, deployment, and ongoing
monitoring of code.
A change management tool which breaks change workflows down into discrete,
easy to manage steps and tracks change details.
A monitoring service to detect unapproved changes to code or configurations in
production systems. Any variances are escalated to the service owner/team.
Code Pathway
The AWS Code Pathway steps to development and deployment are outlined below.
This process is executed regardless of whether the code is net new or if it represents a
change to an existing codebase.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
1. Developer writes the code in an approved integrated development environment
running on an AWS-managed developer desktop environment. The developer
typically does an initial build and integration test prior to the next step.
2. The developer checks in the code for review to an internal source code
3. The code goes through a Code Review Verification in which at least one
additional person reviews the code and approves it. The list of approvals are
stored in an immutable log that is retained within the code review tool.
4. The code is then built from source code to the appropriate type of deployable
code package (which varies from language to language) in an internal build
5. After successful build, including successful passing of all integration tests, the
code gets pushed to a test environment.
6. The code goes through automated integration and verification tests in the pre-
production environments and upon successful testing the code is pushed to
AWS may implement open source code within its Services, but any such use of open
source code is still subject to the approval, packaging, review, deployment, and
monitoring processes described above. Open source software, including binary or
machine-executable code and open source licenses, is additionally reviewed and
approved prior to implementation. AWS maintains a list of approved open source, as
well as open source that is prohibited.
Deployment and Testing
A pipeline represents the path approved code packages take from initial check-in
through a series of automated (and potentially manual) steps to execution in production.
The pipeline is where automation, testing, and approvals happen.
At AWS, the deployment tool is used to create, view, and enforce code pipelines. This
tool is utilized to promote the latest approved revision of built code to the production
A major factor in ensuring safe code deployment is deploying in controlled stages and
requiring continuous approvals prior to pushing code to production. As part of the
deployment process, pipelines are configured to release to test environments (e.g.
“beta,” “gamma,” and others, as defined by the team) prior to pushing the code to the
production environment. Automated quality testing (e.g. integration testing, structural
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
testing, behavioral testing) is performed in these environments to ensure code is
performing as anticipated. If code is found to deviate from standards, the release is
halted and the team is notified of the need to review.
These development and test environments emulate the production environment and are
used to properly assess and prepare for the impact of a change to the production
environment. In order to reduce the risks of unauthorized access or change to the
production environment, the development, test and production environments are all
logically separated.
The tool additionally enforces phased deployment, if the code is to be deployed across
multiple regions. Should a package include deployment for more than one AWS region,
the pipeline will enforce deployment on a single-region basis. If the package were to fail
integration tests at any region, the pipeline is halted and the team is notified for need to
Configuration and Change Management
Configuration management is performed during information system design,
development, implementation, and operation through the use of the AWS Change
Management process.
Routine, emergency, and configuration changes to existing AWS infrastructure are
authorized, logged, tested, approved, and documented in accordance with industry
norms for similar systems. Updates to the AWS infrastructure are done to minimize any
impact on you and your use of the services.
AWS applies a systematic approach to managing change so that changes to customer-
impacting services are thoroughly reviewed, tested, approved, and well-communicated.
The AWS change management process is designed to avoid unintended service
disruptions and to maintain the integrity of service to you. Changes deployed into
production environments are:
Prepared: this includes scheduling, determining resources, creating notification
lists, scoping dependencies, minimizing concurrent changes as well as a special
process for emergent or long running changes.
Submitted: this includes utilizing a Change Management Tool to document and
request the change, determine potential impact, conduct a code review, create a
detailed timeline and activity plan and develop a detailed rollback procedure.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Reviewed and Approved: Peer reviews of the technical aspects of a change are
required. Changes must be authorized in order to provide appropriate oversight
and understanding of business and security impact. The configuration
management process includes key organizational personnel that are responsible
for reviewing and approving proposed changes to the information system.
Tested: Changes being applied are tested to help ensure they will behave as
expected and not adversely impact performance.
Performed: This includes pre and post change notification, managing timeline,
monitoring service health and metrics, and closing out the change
AWS service teams maintain a current authoritative baseline configuration for systems
and devices. Change Management tickets are submitted before changes are deployed
(unless it is an emergency change) and include impact analysis, security
considerations, description, timeframe and approvals. Changes are pushed into
production in a phased deployment starting with lowest impact areas. Deployments are
tested on a single system and closely monitored so impacts can be evaluated. Service
owners have a number of configurable metrics that measure the health of the service’s
upstream dependencies. These metrics are closely monitored with thresholds and
alarming in place. Rollback procedures are documented in the Change Management
(CM) ticket. AWS service teams retain older versions of AWS baseline packages and
configurations necessary to support rollback and previous versions are stored in the
repository systems. Integration testing and the validation process is performed before
rollbacks are implemented. When possible, changes are scheduled during regular
change windows.
In addition to the preventative controls that are part of the pipeline (e.g. code review
verifications, test environments), AWS also uses detective controls configured to alert
and notify personnel when a change is detected that may have been made without
standard procedure. AWS checks deployments to ensure that they have the appropriate
reviews and approvals to be applied before the code is committed to production.
Exceptions for reviews and approvals for production lead to automatic ticketing and
notification of the service team.
After code is deployed to the Production environment, AWS performs ongoing
monitoring of performance through a variety of monitoring processes. AWS host
configuration settings are also monitored as part of vulnerability monitoring to validate
compliance with AWS security standards. Audit trails of the changes are maintained.
Emergency changes to production systems that require deviations from standard
change management procedures are associated with an incident and are logged and
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
approved as appropriate. Periodically, AWS performs self-audits of changes to key
services to monitor quality, maintain high standards, and facilitate continuous
improvement of the change management process. Any exceptions are analyzed to
determine the root cause, and appropriate actions are taken to bring the change into
compliance or roll back the change if necessary. Actions are then taken to address and
remediate the process or people issue.
AWS performs internal security reviews against Amazon security standards of externally
launched products, services, and significant feature additions prior to launch to ensure
security risks are identified and mitigated before deployment to a customer
environment. AWS security reviews include evaluating the service’s design, threat
model, and impact to AWS’ risk profile. A typical security review starts with a service
team initiating a review request to the dedicated team and submitting detailed
information about the artifacts being reviewed. Based on this information, AWS reviews
the design and identifies security considerations; these considerations include, but are
not limited to: appropriate use of encryption, analysis of data handling, regulatory
considerations, and adherence to secure coding practices. Hardware, firmware and
virtualization software also undergo security reviews, including a security review of the
hardware design, actual implementation and final hardware samples.
Code package changes are subject to the following security activities:
Full security assessment
Threat modeling
Security design reviews
Secure code reviews (manual and automated methods)
Security testing
Vulnerability/penetration testing
Successful completion of the above mentioned activities are pre-requisites for Service
launch. Development teams are responsible for the security of the features they develop
that meet the security engineering principles. Infrastructure teams incorporate security
principles into the configuration of servers and network devices with least privilege
enforced throughout. Findings identified by AWS are categorized in terms of risk, and
are tracked in an automated workflow tool.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Product Release
For all AWS services, information can be found on the associated service website,
which describes the key attributes of the Service and product details, as well as pricing
information, developer resources (including release notes and developer tools), FAQs,
blogs, presentations and additional documentation such as developer guides, API
references, and use cases, where relevant (https://aws.amazon.com/products/ ).
Customer Training
AWS has implemented various methods of external communication to support its
customer base and the community. Mechanisms are in place to allow the customer
support team to be notified of operational issues that impact your experience. A Service
Health Dashboard is available and maintained by the customer support team to alert
you to any issues that may be of broad impact. The AWS Cloud Security Center
(https://aws.amazon.com/security/) and Healthcare and Life Sciences Center
(https://aws.amazon.com/health/) is available to provide you with security and
compliance details and Life Sciences related enablement information about AWS. You
can also subscribe to AWS Support offerings that include direct communication with the
customer support team and proactive alerts to any customer impacting issues.
AWS also has a series of training and certification programs (https://www.aws.training/)
on a number of cloud-related topics in addition to a series of service and support
offerings available through your AWS account team.
AWS Products in GxP Systems
With limited technical guidance from regulatory and industry bodies, this section aims to
describe some of the best practices we’ve seen customers adopting when using cloud
services to meet their regulatory compliance needs.
The Final FDA Guidance Document, “Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug CGMP
explicitly brings cloud infrastructure into scope through the revised definition of
“computer or related systems”:
“The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines systems as people,
machines, and methods organized to accomplish a set of specific functions.
Computer or related systems can refer to computer hardware, software,
peripheral devices, networks, cloud infrastructure, personnel and associated
documents (e.g., user manuals and standard operating procedures).“
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Further, industry organizations like ISPE are increasingly dedicating publications on
cloud usage in the life sciences (Getting Ready For Pharma 4.0: Data integrity in cloud
and big data applications).
As described throughout this whitepaper, there is no unique certification for GxP
regulations so each customer defines their own risk profile. Therefore, it is important to
note that although this whitepaper is based on AWS experience with life science
customers, you must take final accountability and determine your own regulatory
To begin with, even when deployed in the cloud, GxP applications still need to be
validated and their underlying infrastructure still needs qualifying. The basic principles
governing on-premise infrastructure qualification still apply to virtualized cloud
infrastructure. Therefore, the current industry guidance should still be leveraged.
Traditionally, a regulated company was accountable and responsible for all aspects of
their infrastructure qualification and application validation. With the introduction of public
cloud providers, part of that responsibility has been shifted to a cloud supplier. The
regulated company is still accountable, but the cloud supplier is now responsible for the
qualification of the physical infrastructure, virtualization and service layers and to
completely manage the services they provide, i.e. the big difference now is that there is
a shared compliance responsibility model which is similar to the shared security
responsibility model described earlier in this whitepaper.
Previous sections of this whitepaper described how AWS takes care of their part of the
shared responsibility model. This section provides recommended strategies on how to
cover your part of the shared responsibility model for GxP environments.
Involving AWS
Achieving GxP compliance when adopting cloud technology is a journey. AWS has
helped many customers along this journey, and there is no compression algorithm for
For example, Core Informatics states:
“Using AWS we can help organizations accelerate discovery while maintaining
GxP compliance. It’s transforming our business and, more importantly, helping
our customers transform their businesses.
- Richard Duffy Vice President of Engineering, Core Informatics
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
For the complete case study, see Core Informatics Case Study. For a selection of other
customer case studies, see AWS Customer Success.
Industry guidance recommends that companies should try and maximize supplier
involvement and leverage our knowledge, experience and even our documentation as
much as possible, as we provide in the following sections and throughout this
whitepaper. Please contact us to discuss starting your journey to the cloud.
Qualification Strategy for Life Science Organizations
One of the concerns for regulated enterprise customers becomes how to qualify and
demonstrate control over a system when so much of the responsibility is now shared
with a supplier. The purpose of a Qualification Strategy is to answer this question. Some
customers view a Qualification Strategy as an overarching Validation Plan. The strategy
will employ various tactics to address the regulatory needs of the customer.
To better scope the Qualification Strategy the architecture should be viewed in its
entirety. Enterprise scale customers typically define the architecture similar to the
Figure 2: Layered architecture
AWS Services
Regulated Landing Zone
Customer Accountability
Customer Responsibility
Building Blocks
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
The diagram illustrates a layered architecture where a large part is delegated to AWS.
From this approach, a Qualification Strategy can be defined to address four main areas:
1. How to work with AWS as a supplier of services.
2. The qualification of the regulated landing zone.
3. The qualification of building blocks.
4. Supporting the development of GxP applications.
The situation also changes slightly if the customer leverages a service provider, like
AWS Managed Services, where the build, operation and maintenance of the landing
zone is done by the service provider. Conversely, for workloads that must remain on-
premises, AWS Outposts extends AWS services including compute, storage and
networking to customer sites. Data can be configured to be stored locally, and
customers are responsible for controlling access around Outposts equipment. Data that
is processed and stored on-premises is accessible over the customer’s local network. In
this case, customer responsibility extends into the AWS Services box (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Layered architecture with service provider
In this situation, even more responsibility is delegated by the customer and so the
controls that are typically to be put in place by the customer to control their own
AWS Services
Regulated Landing Zone
Customer Accountability
Building Blocks
Service Provider
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
operations, now need adaptations to check that similar controls are implemented by the
service provider. The controls that are inherited from AWS, are shared or that remain
with the customer were covered previously in the Shared Security Responsibility Model
section of this whitepaper.
This section describes these layers at a high level. These layers are expanded upon in
later sections of this whitepaper.
Industry Guidance
The following guidance is at a minimum, a best practice for your environment. You
should still work with your professionals to ensure you comply with applicable regulatory
The same basic principles that govern on-premises infrastructure qualification also
apply to cloud-based systems. Therefore, this strategy uses a tactic of leveraging and
building upon that same industry guidance, using a cloud perspective, based on the
following ISPE GAMP Good Practice Guides (Figure 4):
GAMP Good Practice Guide: IT Infrastructure Control and Compliance 2
GAMP 5: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
Figure 4: Mapping industry guidance to architecture layers
AWS Services
Regulated Landing Zone
Customer Accountability
Customer Responsibility
Building Blocks
GAMP 5: A Risk-Based
Approach to Compliant GxP
Computerized Systems
GAMP Good Practice Guide:
IT Infrastructure Control and
Compliance 2nd Edition
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Supplier Assessment and Management
Industry guidance suggests you leverage a suppliers experience, knowledge and
documentation as much as possible. However, with so much responsibility now
delegated to a supplier, the supplier assessment becomes even more important. A
regulated company is still ultimately accountable for demonstrating that a GxP system is
compliant, even if a supplier is responsible for parts of that system, so the regulated
customer needs to establish enough trust in their supplier.
The cloud service provider must be assessed to first determine if they can deliver the
services offered, but also to determine the suitability of their quality system and that it is
systematically followed. The supplier needs to show that they have a QMS and follow a
documented set of procedures and standards governing activities such as:
Infrastructure Qualification and Operation
Software Development
Change Management
Release Management
Configuration Management
Supplier Management
System security
Details of the AWS QMS are covered in the software section of this whitepaper. The
capabilities of AWS to satisfy these areas may be reassessed on a periodic basis,
typically by reviewing the latest materials available through AWS Artifact (i.e. AWS
certifications and audit reports).
It is also important to consider and plan how operational processes that span the shared
responsibility model will operate. For example, how to manage changes made by AWS
to services used as part of your landing zone or applications, incident response
management in cases of outages, or portability requirements should there be a need to
change cloud service provider.
Regulated Landing Zone
One of the main functions of the landing zone is to provide a solid foundation for
development teams to build on, and address as many regulatory requirements as
possible, thus removing the responsibility from the development teams.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
The GAMP IT Infrastructure Control and Compliance guidance document follows a
platform-based approach to the qualification of IT infrastructure which aligns perfectly
with a customer’s need to qualify their landing zone. AWS Control Tower provides the
easiest way to set up and govern a new, secure, multi-account AWS environment based
on best practices established through AWS’ experience working with thousands of
enterprises as they move to the cloud. See AWS Control Tower features for further
details of what is included in a typical landing zone.
GAMP also describes two scenarios for approaching platform qualification.
1. The first scenario is independent of any specific application and instead
considers generic requirements for the platform, or landing zone.
2. The second scenario is where the requirements of the platform are derived
directly from the applications that will run on the platform.
For many customers, when first building their landing zone, the exact nature of the
applications that will run on it is unclear. Therefore, this paper follows scenario 1 and
approaches the qualification independent of any specific application. The objective of
the landing zone is to provide application teams with a solid foundation upon which to
build while addressing as many regulatory requirements as possible so the regulatory
burden on the application team is reduced.
Tooling and Automation
Many customers include common tooling and automation as part of the landing zone so
it can be qualified and validated once and used by all development teams. This
common tooling is often within the shared services account of the landing zone.
For example, standard tooling around requirements management, test management,
CI/CD, etc. need to be qualified and validated.
Similarly, any automation of IT processes also needs to be validated. For example, it’s
possible to automate the Installation Qualification (IQ) step of your Computer Systems
Validation process.
Leveraging Managed Services
Instead of building and operating a landing zone yourself, you have the option of
delegating this responsibility. This delegation could be to AWS by making use of AWS
Managed Services or to a partner within the AWS Partner Network (APN). This means
the service provider is responsible for building a landing zone based on AWS best
practices, operating it in accordance with industry best practices and providing sufficient
evidence to you in meeting your expectations.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Building Blocks
When it comes to the virtualized infrastructure and service instances supporting an
application, there are two approaches to take.
1. Commission service instances for a specific application. Each application team
therefore takes care of their own qualification activities, but possibly causing
duplication of qualification effort across application/product teams.
2. Definebuilding blocks’ to be used across all applications. Create standard
reusable building blocks that can be qualified once, and used many times.
To reduce the overall effort and the increase developer productivity, this paper assumes
the use of option 2.
A ‘building block’ could be a single AWS service, such as Amazon EC2 or Amazon
RDS, a combination of AWS services, such as Amazon VPC and NAT Gateway, or a
complete stack, such as a three-tier web app or ML Ops stack.
The qualification of ‘building blocks’ follows a process based on the GAMP IT
Infrastructure Control and Compliance guidance document’s ‘9.2 Infrastructure Building
Block Concept’.
To accelerate application development, you could create a library of these standardized
and pre-qualified building blocks which are made available to development teams to
easily consume.
Computer System Validation
With a solid and regulatory compliant foundation from the supplier assessment and
landing zone, you can look at improving your existing Computer Systems Validation
(CSV) standard operating procedure (SOP). Most customers already have existing
SOPs around Computer Systems Validation. Many customers also state that their
processes are old, slow and very manual in nature and view moving to the cloud as an
opportunity to improve these processes and automate as much as possible.
The ‘building block’ approach described earlier is already a great accelerator for
development teams, enabling them to stitch together pre-qualified building blocks to
form the basis of their application. However, the application team is still responsible for
the Validation of their application including Installation Qualification (IQ).
Again, this is another area where customer approach varies. Some customers follow
existing processes and still generate documentation which is stored in their Enterprise
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Document Management System. Other customers have fully adopted automation and
achieved ‘near zero documentation’ by validating their tool chain and relying on the data
stored in those tools as evidence.
Validation During Cloud Migration
One important point that may be covered in a Qualification Strategy is the overarching
approach to Computer System Validation (CSV) during migration. If you are embarking
on a migration effort, part of the analysis of the application portfolio will be to identify
archetypes, or groups of applications with similar architectures. A single runbook can be
developed and then repeated for each of the applications in the group, speeding up
At this point, if the applications are GxP relevant, the CSV/migration strategy can also
be defined for the archetype and repeated for each application.
Supplier Assessment and Cloud Management
As mentioned earlier, gaining trust in a Cloud Service Provider is critical as you will be
inheriting certain cloud infrastructure and security controls from the Cloud Service
Provider. The approach described by industry guidance involves several steps which we
will cover here.
Basic Supplier Assessment
The first (optional) step is to perform a basic supplier assessment to check the
supplier’s market reputation, knowledge and experience working in regulated industries,
prior experience working with other regulated companies and what certifications they
You can leverage industry assessments such as Gartner’s assessment on the AWS
News Blog post, AWS Named as a Cloud Leader for the 10
Consecutive Year in
Gartner’s Infrastructure & Platform Services Magic Quadrant, and customer
Documentation Review
A supplier assessment often includes a deep dive into the assets available from the
supplier describing their QMS and operations. This includes reviewing certifications,
audit reports and whitepapers. For more information, see the AWS Risk and
Compliance whitepaper.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
AWS and its customers share control over the IT environment, and both parties have
responsibility for managing the IT environment. The AWS part in this shared
responsibility includes providing services on a highly secure and controlled platform and
providing a wide array of security features customers can use. The customer’s
responsibility includes configuring their IT environments in a secure and controlled
manner for their purposes. While customers don’t communicate their use and
configurations to AWS, AWS does communicate its security and control environment
relevant to customers. AWS does this by doing the following:
Obtaining industry certifications and independent third-party attestations
Publishing information about the AWS security and control practices in
whitepapers and web site content
Providing certificates, reports, and other documentation directly to AWS
customers under NDA (as required)
For a more detailed description of AWS Security, see AWS Cloud Security.
AWS Artifact provides on-demand access to AWS security and compliance reports and
select online agreements. Reports available in AWS Artifact include our Service
Organization Control (SOC) reports, Payment Card Industry (PCI) reports, and
certifications from accreditation bodies across geographies and compliance verticals
that validate the implementation and operating effectiveness of AWS security controls.
Agreements available in AWS Artifact include the Business Associate Addendum (BAA)
and the Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA). For a more detailed description of AWS
Compliance, see AWS Compliance.
If you have additional questions about the AWS certifications or the compliance
documentation AWS makes available, please bring those questions to your account
Review Service Level Agreements (SLA)
AWS offers service level agreements for certain AWS services. Further information can
be found under Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
Mail Audit To supplement the AWS documentation you have gathered, a mail audit
questionnaire (sometimes referred to as a supplier questionnaire) may be submitted to
AWS to gather additional information or to ask clarifying questions. You should work
with your account team to request a mail audit.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Onsite Audit AWS regularly undergoes independent third-party attestation audits to
provide assurance that control activities are operating as intended. Currently, AWS
participates in over 50 different audit programs. The results of these audits are
documented by the assessing body and made available for all AWS customers through
AWS Artifact. These third-party attestations and certifications of AWS provide you with
visibility and independent validation of the control environment, eliminating the need for
customers to perform individual onsite audits. Such attestations and certifications may
also help relieve you of the requirement to perform certain validation work yourself for
your IT environment in the AWS Cloud. For details, see the AWS Quality Management
System section of this whitepaper
Contractual Agreement
Once you have completed a supplier assessment of AWS, the next step is to set up a
contractual agreement for using AWS services. The AWS Customer Agreement is
available at: https://aws.amazon.com/agreement/). You are responsible for interpreting
regulations and determining whether the appropriate requirements are included in a
contract with standard terms. If you have any questions about entering into a service
agreement with AWS, please contact your account team.
Cloud Management Processes
There are certain processes that span the shared responsibility model and typically
must be captured in your QMS in the form of SOPs and work instructions.
Change Management
Change Management is a bidirectional process when dealing with a cloud service
provider. On the one hand, AWS is continually making changes to improve its services
as mentioned earlier in this paper. On the other hand, you can make feature requests,
which is highly encouraged as 90% of the AWS service features are as a result of direct
customer feedback.
Customers typically use a risk-based approach appropriate for the type of change to
determine the subsequent actions.
Changes to AWS services which add functionality are not usually a concern because no
application will be using that new functionality yet. However, new functionality may
trigger an internal assessment to determine if it affects the risk profile of the service and
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
should be allowed for use. If mandated by your QMS, this may trigger a re-qualification
of building blocks prior to allowing the new functionality.
Deprecations are considered more critical because they could break an application. A
deprecation may include a third-party library, utility, or version of languages such as
Python. The deprecation of a service or feature is rare. Once you receive the notification
of a deprecation, you should trigger an impact assessment. If an impact is found, the
application teams should plan changes to remediate the impact. The notice period for a
deprecation should allow for time for assessment and remediation. AWS will also help
you understand the impact of the change.
There are other changes such as enhancements and bug fixes which do not change the
functionality of the service and do not trigger notifications to customers. These types of
changes are synonymous with “standard” changes in ITIL which are usually pre-
authorized, low risk, relatively common and follow a specific procedure. If you want to
generate evidence showing no regression is introduced due to this class of change, you
could create a test bed which repeatedly tests the AWS services to detect regression.
Should a problem be uncovered, it should immediately be reported to AWS for
Incident Management
The Amazon Security Operations team employs industry-standard diagnostic
procedures to drive resolution during business-impacting events. Staff operators provide
24x7x365 coverage to detect incidents and to manage the impact and resolution. As
part of the process, potential breaches of customer content are investigated and
escalated to AWS Security and AWS Legal. Affected customers and regulators are
notified of breaches and incidents where legally required. You can subscribe to the
AWS Security Bulletins page (https://aws.amazon.com/security/security-bulletins),
which provides information regarding identified security issues. You can subscribe to
the Security Bulletin RSS Feed to keep abreast of security announcements on the
Security Bulletin webpage.
You are responsible for reporting incidents involving your storage, virtual machines, and
applications, unless the incident is caused by AWS.
For more information refer to the AWS Vulnerability Reporting webpage:
Customer Support
AWS develops and maintains customer support procedures that include metrics to
verify performance. When you contact AWS to report that AWS services do not meet
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
their quality objectives, your issue is investigated and, where required, commercially
reasonable actions are taken to resolve it. Where AWS is the first to become aware of a
customer impacting issue, procedures exist for notifying impacted customers according
to their contract requirements and/or via the AWS Service Health Dashboard
You should ensure that your policies and procedures align to the customer support
options provided by AWS. Additional details may be found in the Customer Complaints
and Customer Training sections in this document.
Cloud Platform/Landing Zone Qualification
A landing zone, such as the one created by AWS Control Tower, is a well-architected,
multi-account AWS environment that's based on security and compliance best
The landing zone includes capabilities for centralized logging, security, account
vending, and core network connectivity. We recommend that you then build features
into the landing zone to satisfy as many regulatory requirements as possible and to
effectively remove the burden from the development teams which build on it. The
objective of the landing zone, and the team owning it, should be to provide the
guardrails and features that free the developers to use the ‘right tools for the job’ and
focus on delivering differentiated business value rather than on compliance.
For example, account vending could be extended to include account bootstrapping to
automatically direct logs to the central logging account, drop default VPCs and
instantiate an approved VPC (if needed at all), deploy baseline stack sets, and establish
standard roles to support things like automated installation qualification (IQ). The
Shared Services account would house centralized capabilities and automations such as
the mentioned automation of IQ. The centralized logging account could satisfy
regulatory requirements around audit trails including, for example, record retention
through the use of lifecycle policies. The addition of a backup and archive account could
provide standard backup and restore along with archiving services for application teams
to use.
Similarly, a standardized approach to disaster recovery (DR) can be provided by the
landing zone using tools like CloudEndure Disaster Recovery.
If you follow AWS guidance and implement a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) and
consider the landing zone as a product, the CCoE team takes on the responsibility of
building these capabilities into the landing zone to satisfy regulatory requirements.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
The number of capabilities built into the landing zone is often influenced by the
organizational structure around it. If you have a traditional structure with a divide
between development teams and infrastructure, tasks like server and network
management are centralized and these capabilities are built into the platform. If you
adopt a product-centric operating model, the development teams become more
autonomous and responsible for more of the stack, perhaps even the entire stack from
the VPC and everything built on it. Also consider, with serverless architectures, you may
not need a VPC because there are no servers to manage.
This underlying cloud platform when supporting GxP applications should be qualified to
demonstrate proper configuration and to ensure that a state of control and compliance
is maintained. The qualification of the cloud can follow a traditional infrastructure
qualification project which includes the planning, specification and design, risk
assessment, qualification test planning, installation qualification (IQ), operational
qualification (OQ), and handover (as described in Section 5 of GAMP IT, Qualification of
The components (configuration items) that make up the landing zone should all be
deployed through automated means, i.e. an automated pipeline. This approach
supports better change management going forward.
After the completion of the infrastructure project and the creation of the operations and
maintenance SOPs, you have a qualified cloud platform upon which GxP workloads can
run. The SOPs cover topics such as account provisioning, access management, change
management, and so on.
Maintaining the Landing Zone’s Qualified State
Once the landing zone is live it must be maintained in a qualified state. Unless the
operations are delegated to a partner, you typically create a Cloud Platform Operations
and Maintenance SOP based on Section 6 of GAMP IT Infrastructure Control and
According to GAMP, there are several areas where control must be shown, such as
change management, configuration management, security management, and others.
GAMP guidance also suggests that ‘automatic tools’ should be used whenever possible.
The following sections cover these control areas and how AWS services can help with
Change Management
Change Management processes control how changes to configuration items are made.
These processes should include an assessment of the potential impact on the GxP
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
applications supported by the landing zone. As mentioned earlier, all of the landing zone
components are deployed using an automated pipeline. Therefore, once a change has
been approved and committed in the source code repository tool, like AWS
CodeCommit, the pipeline is triggered and the change deployed. There will likely be
multiple pipelines for the various parts that make up the landing zone.
The landing zone is made up of infrastructure and automation components. Now,
through the use of infrastructure as code, there is no real difference between how these
different components are deployed.
We recommend a continuous deployment methodology because it ensures changes are
automatically built, tested, and deployed, with the goal of eliminating as many manual
steps as possible. Continuous deployment seeks to eliminate the manual nature of this
process and automate each step, allowing development teams to standardize the
process and increase the efficiency with which they deploy code. In continuous
deployment, an entire release process is a pipeline containing stages. AWS
CodePipeline can be used along with AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS
CodeDeploy. For customers needing additional approval steps, AWS CodePipeline also
supports the inclusion of manual steps.
All changes to AWS services, either manual or automated are logged by AWS
AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables governance, compliance, operational auditing,
and risk auditing of your AWS account. With CloudTrail, you can log, continuously
monitor, and retain account activity related to actions across your AWS infrastructure.
CloudTrail provides event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken
through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and other
AWS services. This event history simplifies security analysis, resource change tracking,
and troubleshooting. In addition, you can use CloudTrail to detect unusual activity in
your AWS accounts. These capabilities help simplify operational analysis and
Of course, customers also want to be alerted about any unauthorized and unintended
changes. You can use a combination of AWS CloudTrail and AWS CloudWatch to
detect unauthorized changes made to the production environment and even automate
immediate remediation. Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS Cloud
resources and can be used to trigger responses to AWS CloudTrail events
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Configuration Management
Going hand in hand with change management is configuration management.
Configuration items (CIs) are the components that make up a system and CIs should
only be modified through the change management process.
Infrastructure as Code brings automation to the provisioning process through tools like
AWS CloudFormation. Rather than relying on manually performed steps, both
administrators and developers can instantiate infrastructure using configuration files.
Infrastructure as Code treats these configuration files as software code. These files can
be used to produce a set of artifacts, namely the compute, storage, network, and
application services that comprise an operating environment. Infrastructure as Code
eliminates configuration drift through automation, thereby increasing the speed and
agility of infrastructure deployments.
AWS Tagging and Resource Groups lets you organize your AWS landscape by
applying tags at different levels of granularity. Tags allow you to label, collect, and
organize resources and components within services.
The Tag Editor lets you manage tags across services and AWS Regions. Using this
approach, you can globally manage all the application, business, data, and technology
components of your target landscape.
A Resource Group is a collection of resources that share one or more tags. It can be
used to create an enterprise architecture view of your IT landscape, consolidating AWS
resources into a per-project (that is, the on-going programs that realize your target
landscape), per-entity (that is, capabilities, roles, processes), and per-domain (that is,
Business, Application, Data, Technology) view.
AWS Config is a service that lets you assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of
AWS resources. AWS Config continuously monitors and records your AWS resource
configurations and lets you automate the evaluation of recorded configurations against
desired configurations. With AWS Config, you can review changes in configurations and
determine their overall compliance against the configurations specified in your internal
guidelines. This enables you to simplify compliance auditing, security analysis, change
management, and operational troubleshooting. In addition, AWS provides conformance
packs for AWS Config to provide a general-purpose compliance framework designed to
enable you to create security, operational or cost-optimization governance checks using
managed or custom AWS Config rules and AWS Config remediation actions, including a
conformance pack for 21 CFR 11.
You can use AWS CloudFormation, AWS Config, Tagging, and Resource Groups to
see exactly what cloud assets your company is using at any moment. These services
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
also make it easier to detect when a rogue server or shadow application appear in your
target production landscape.
Security Management
AWS has defined a set of best practices for customers who are designing the security
infrastructure and configuration for applications running in Amazon Web Services
These AWS resources provides security best practices that will help you define your
Information Security Management System (ISMS) and build a set of security policies
and processes for your organization so you can protect your data and assets in the
AWS Cloud.
These AWS resources also provide an overview of different security topics such as
identifying, categorizing and protecting your assets on AWS, managing access to AWS
resources using accounts, users and groups and suggesting ways you can secure your
data, operating systems, applications and overall infrastructure in the cloud.
AWS provides you with an extensive set of tools to secure workloads in the cloud.
If you implement full automation it could negate the need for anyone to have direct
access to any environment beyond development. However, if a situation occurs that
requires someone to access a production environment, they must explicitly request
access, have the access reviewed and approved by the appropriate owner, and upon
approval, obtain temporary access with the least privilege needed and only for the
duration required. You should then track their activities through logging while they have
access. You can refer to this AWS resource for further information.
Problem and Incident Management
With AWS you get access to many tools and features to help you meet your problem
and incident management objectives. These capabilities help you establish a
configuration and security baseline that meets your objectives for your applications
running in the cloud.
When a deviation from your baseline does occur (such as by a misconfiguration), you
may need to respond and investigate. To successfully do so, you must understand the
basic concepts of security incident response within your AWS environment, as well as
the issues needed to consider to prepare, educate, and train your cloud teams before
security issues occur. It is important to know which controls and capabilities you can
use, to review topical examples for resolving potential concerns, and to identify
remediation methods that can be used to leverage automation and improve response
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Because security incident response can be a complex topic, we encourage you to start
small, develop runbooks, leverage basic capabilities, and create an initial library of
incident response mechanisms to iterate from and improve upon. This initial work
should include teams that are not involved with security and should include your legal
departments, so that they are better able to understand the impact that incident
response (IR), and the choices they have made, have on your corporate goals.
For a comprehensive guide, see the AWS Security Incident Response Guide.
Backup, Restore, Archiving
The ability to back up and restore is required for all validated applications. It is therefore
a common capability that can be centralized as part of the regulated landing zone.
Backup and restore should not be confused with archiving and retrieval but the two
areas can be combined into a centralized capability.
For a cloud-based backup and restore capability, consider AWS Backup.
AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service that makes it easy to centralize and
automate the backup of data across AWS services. Using AWS Backup, you can
centrally configure backup policies and monitor backup activity for AWS resources, such
as Amazon EBS volumes, Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon RDS databases, Amazon
DynamoDB tables, Amazon EFS file systems, Amazon FSx file systems, and AWS
Storage Gateway volumes. AWS Backup automates and consolidates backup tasks
previously performed service-by-service, removing the need to create custom scripts
and manual processes. With just a few clicks in the AWS Backup console, you can
create backup policies that automate backup schedules and retention management.
AWS Backup provides a fully managed, policy-based backup solution, simplifying your
backup management, enabling you to meet your business and regulatory backup
compliance requirements.
Disaster Recovery
In traditional on-premises situations, Disaster Recovery (DR) involves a separate data
center located a certain distance from the primary data center. This separate data
center only exists in case of a complete disaster impacting the primary data center.
Often the infrastructure at the DR site sits idle, or at best hosts pre-production instances
of applications thus running the risk of it being out-of-sync with production. With the
advent of cloud, DR is now much easier and cheaper.
The AWS global infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones (AZ).
AWS Regions provide multiple physically separated and isolated Availability Zones,
which are connected with low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
networking. With Availability Zones, you can design and operate applications and
databases that automatically fail over between Availability Zones without interruption.
Availability Zones are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than traditional
single or multiple data center infrastructures.
With AWS Availability Zones, it is very easy to create a multi-AZ architecture capable of
withstanding a complete failure of one or more zones. For even more resilience,
multiple AWS Regions can be used. With the use of Infrastructure as Code, the
infrastructure and applications in a DR Region do not need to run all of the time. In case
of a disaster, the entire application stack can be deployed into another Region. The only
components that must run all the time are those keeping the data repositories in sync.
With tooling like CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, you can now automate disaster
Performance Monitoring
Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS Cloud resources and the
applications you run on AWS. You can use CloudWatch to collect and track metrics,
collect, and monitor log files, set alarms, and automatically react to changes in customer
AWS resources. CloudWatch monitors and logs the behavior of the customer
application landscape. CloudWatch can also trigger events based on the behavior of
your application.
Qualifying Building Blocks
Customers frequently want to know how AWS gives developers freedom to use any
AWS service while still maintaining regulatory compliance and fast development. To
address this problem you can leverage technology, but this also involves changes in
process design to move away from blocking steps and towards guardrails. The changes
required to your processes and IT operating model is beyond the scope of this
whitepaper. However, we cover the core steps of a supporting process to qualify
building blocks which is one tactic for maintaining regulatory compliance more
The infrastructure building block concept as defined by GAMP is an approach to qualify
individual components or combinations of components which can then be put together
to build out the IT infrastructure. The approach is applicable to AWS services.
The benefit of this approach is that you can qualify one instance of a building block once
and assume all the other instances will perform the same way reducing the overall effort
across applications. The approach also enables customers to change a building block
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
without needing to re-qualify all of the others or re-validate the applications dependent
upon the infrastructure.
Service Approval
Service approval is a technique used by many customers as part of architecture
governance, that is, it’s used across regulated and non-regulated workloads. Customers
often consider multiple regulations when approving a service for use by development
teams. For example, you may allow all services to be used in sandbox accounts, but
may restrict the services in an account to only HIPAA-eligible services if the application
is subject to HIPAA regulations.
Service approval is implemented through the use of AWS Organizations and Service
Control Policies.
You could take this approach to allow services to be used as part of GxP relevant
applications. For example, a combination of ISO, PCI, SOC, and HIPAA-eligibility may
provide sufficient confidence. Sometimes, customers want to implement automated
controls over the approved service as described in Approving AWS services for GxP
You may prefer to follow a more rigorous qualification process like the following building
block qualification.
Building Block Qualification
The qualification of AWS service building blocks follows a process based on the GAMP
IT Infrastructure Control and Compliance guidance documents ‘Infrastructure Building
Block Concept’ (Section 9 / Appendix 2 of GAMP IT).
According to EU GMP, the definition of qualification is: “Action of proving that any
equipment works correctly and actually leads to the expected results.” The
equipment also needs to continue to lead to the expected results over its lifetime.
In other words, your process should show that the building block works as intended and
is kept under control throughout its operational life. There will be written procedures in
place and, when executed, records will show that the activities actually occurred. Also,
the staff operating the services need to be appropriately trained. This process is often
described in an SOP describing the overall qualification and commissioning strategy,
the scope, roles and responsibilities, a deliverables list and any good engineering
practices that will be followed to satisfy qualification and commissioning requirements.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
With the number of AWS services, it can be difficult for you to qualify all AWS services
at once. An iterative and risk-based approach is recommended where services are
qualified in priority order. Initial prioritization will take into account the needs of the first
applications moving to cloud and then the prioritization can be reassessed as demand
for cloud services increases.
Design Stage
The first activity is to consider the requirements for the building block. One approach is
to look at the service API definition. Each AWS service has a clearly documented API
describing the entire functionality of that service. Many service APIs are extensive and
support some advanced functionality. However, not all of this advanced functionality
may be required initially so any existing business use cases can be considered to help
refine the scope.
For example, when noting Amazon S3 requirements, you include the core functionality
of creating/deleting buckets and the ability to put/get/delete objects. However, you may
not include the lifecycle policy functionality because this functionality is not yet needed.
These requirements are captured in the building block requirements specification /
requirements repository.
It’s also important to consider non-functional requirements. To ensure suitability of a
service you can look at the services SLA and limits.
Gap Analysis
Where application requirements already exist, in the same way you can restrict the
scope, you can also identify any gaps. Either the gap can be addressed by including
more functionality for the building block, like bringing the Amazon S3 Bucket Lifecycle
functionality into scope, or the service is not suitable for satisfying the requirements and
an alternate building block should be used.
If no other service seems to meet the requirements, you can custom develop a service,
or make a feature request to AWS for service enhancement.
Risk Assessment
Infrastructure is qualified to ensure reliability, security, and business continuity for the
validated applications running on it. These three dimensions are usually included as
part of any risk assessment. The published AWS SLA provides confidence in AWS
services reliability. Data regarding the current status of the service plus historical
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
adherence to SLAs is available from https://status.aws.amazon.com. For confidence in
security, the AWS certifications can be checked for the relevant service. For business
continuity, AWS builds to guard against outages and incidents, and accounts for them in
the design of AWS services, so when disruptions do occur, their impact on customers
and the continuity of services is as minimal as possible.
This step is also not only for GxP qualification purposes. The risk assessment should
include any additional checks for other regulations such as HIPAA.
When assessing the risks for a cloud service, it’s important to consider the relationship
to other building blocks. For example, an Amazon RDS database may have a
relationship to the Amazon VPC building block because you decided a database is only
allowed to exist within the private subnet of a VPC. Therefore, the VPC is taking care of
many of the risks around access control. These dependencies will be captured in the
risk assessment and then focus on additional risks specific to the service, or residual
risks which cannot be catered for by the surrounding production environment.
Each cloud service building block goes through a risk assessment that identifies a list of
risks. For each identified risk, a mitigation plan is created. The mitigation plan can
influence one or more of the following components:
Service Control Policy
Technical Design/Infrastructure as Code Template
Monitoring & Alerting of Automated Compliance Controls
A risk can be mitigated through the use of Service Control Policies (SCPs) where a
service or specific operation is deemed too risky and its use explicitly denied through
such a policy. For example, you can use an SCP to restrict the deletion of an Amazon
S3 object through the AWS Management Console. Another option is to control service
usage through the technical design of an approved Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
template where certain configuration parameters are restricted or parameterized. For
example, you may use an AWS CloudFormation template to always configure an
Amazon S3 bucket as private. Finally, you can define rules that feed into monitoring and
alerting. For example, if the policy states Amazon S3 buckets cannot be public, but this
configuration is not enforced in the infrastructure template, then the infrastructure can
be monitored for any public Amazon S3 buckets. When an S3 bucket is configured as
public, an alert triggers remediation, such as immediately changing a bucket to private.
Technical Design
In response to the specified requirements and risks, an architecture design specification
will be created by a Cloud Infrastructure Architect describing the logical service building
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
block design and traceability from risk or requirement to the design. This design
specification will, among other things, describe the capabilities of the building block to
the end users and application development teams.
Design Review
To verify that the proposed design is suitable for the intended purpose within the
surrounding IT infrastructure design, a design review can be performed by a suitably
trained person as a final check.
Construction Stage
The logical design may be captured in a document, but the physical design is captured
in an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) template, like an AWS CloudFormation template. This
IaC template is always used to deploy an instance of the building block ensuring
consistency. For one approach, see the Automating GxP compliance in the cloud: Best
practices and architecture guidelines blog post.
The IaC template will use parameters to deal with workload variances. As part of the
design effort it will be determined, often by IT Quality and Security, which parameters
affect the risk profile of the service and so should be controlled and which parameters
can be set by the user. For example, the name of a database can be set by the
template user and generally does not affect the risk profile of a database service.
However, any parameter controlling encryption does affect the risk profile and therefore
is fixed in the template and not changeable by the template user.
The template is a text file that can be edited. However, the rules expressed in the
template are also automated within the surrounding monitoring and alerting. For
example, the rule stating that the encryption setting on a database must be set can be
checked by automated rules. Therefore, a developer may override the encryption
setting in the development environment, but that change isn’t allowed to progress to a
validated environment or beyond.
At this point, automated test scripts can be prepared for executing during the
qualification step to generate test evidence. The author of the automated tests must be
suitably trained and a separate and suitably trained person performs a code review
and/or random testing of the automated tests to ensure the quality level.
The automated tests ensure the building block initially functions as expected. These
tests can be run again to ensure the building block continues to function as expected,
especially after any change. However, to ensure nothing has changed once in
production, you should identify and create automated controls. Using the Amazon S3
example again, all buckets should be private. If a public bucket is detected, it can be
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
switched back to private and an alert raised and notification sent. You can also
determine the individual that created the S3 bucket and revoke their permissions.
The final part of construction is the authoring and approval of any needed additional
guidance and operations manuals. For example, how to recover a database would be
included in the operations manual of an Amazon RDS building block.
Qualification and Commissioning Stage
It’s important to note that infrastructure is deployed in the same way for every building
block, i.e. through AWS CloudFormation using an Infrastructure as Code template.
Therefore, there is usually no need for building block specific installation instructions.
Also, you are confident that every deployment is done according to specification and
has the correct configuration.
Automated Testing
If you want to generate test evidence, you can demonstrate that the functional
requirements are fulfilled and that all identified risks have been mitigated, thus indicating
the building block is fit for its intended use, through the execution of the automated tests
created during construction. The output of these automated tests are captured into a
secure repository and can be used as test evidence.
This automation deploys the building block template into a test environment, executes
the automated tests, captures the evidence, and then destroys the stack again avoiding
any ongoing costs.
Testing may only make sense in combination with other building blocks. For example,
the testing of a NAT gateway can only be done within an existing VPC. One alternative
is to test within the context of standard archetypes, i.e. a complete stack for a typical
application architecture.
Handover to Operations Stage
The handover stage ensures that the cloud operation team is familiar with the new
building block and is trained in any service specific operations. Once the operations
team approves the new building block, the service can be approved by changing a
Service Control Policy (SCP). The Infrastructure as Code template can be made
available for use by adding it into the AWS Service Catalog or other secure template
If the response to a risk was a SCP or Monitoring Rule change, then the process to
deploy those changes are triggered at this stage.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Computer Systems Validation (CSV)
You must still perform computer systems validation activities even if an application is
running in the cloud. In fact, the overarching qualification strategy we have laid out in
this paper has ensured that this CSV process can fundamentally be the same as before
and hasn’t become more difficult for the application development teams through the
introduction of cloud technologies.
However, with the solid foundation provided by AWS and the regulated landing zone we
can shift the focus to improving a traditional CSV process.
You typically have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describing your Software
Development Lifecycle (SDLC) which is often based on GAMP 5: A Risk-Based
Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems. Many SOPs we have seen
involve a lot of manual work and approvals which slow down the process. The more
automation that can be introduced, the quicker the process, and the lower the chances
of human error.
The automation of IT processes is nothing new and customers have been implementing
automated toolchains for years for on-premises development. The move to cloud
provides all those same capabilities but also introduces some additional opportunities,
especially in the virtualized infrastructure areas.
In this section we will focus primarily on those additional capabilities now available
through the cloud.
Automating Installation Qualification (IQ)
It’s important to note that even though we are qualifying the underlying building blocks,
the application teams still need to validate their application including performing the
installation qualification (IQ) as part of their normal CSV activities in order to
demonstrate their application specific combination of infrastructure building blocks was
deployed and is functioning as expected. However, they can focus on testing the
interaction between building blocks rather than the functionality of each building block
As mentioned, the automation of the development toolchain is nothing new to any high
performing engineering team. The use of CI/CD and automated testing tools has been
around for a long time. What hasn’t been possible before is the fully automated
deployment of infrastructure and execution of the Installation Qualification (IQ) step.
The use of Infrastructure as Code opens up the possibility to automate the IQ step as
described in this blog post. The controlled infrastructure template acts as the pre-
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
approved specification which can be compared against the stacks deployed by AWS
CloudFormation. Summary reports and test evidence can be created or, if a deviation is
found, the stack can be rolled back to the last known good state.
Assuming the IQ step completes successfully, the automation can continue to the
automation of Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ).
Maintaining an Applications Qualified State
Of course, once an application has been deployed, it needs to be maintained under a
state of control. However, a lot of the heavy lifting for things like change management,
configuration management, security management, backup and restore have been built
into the regulated landing zone for the benefit of all application teams.
If you are a Life Science customer with GxP obligations, you retain accountability and
responsibility for your use of AWS products, including the applications and virtualized
infrastructure you develop, validate and operate using AWS Products. Using the
recommendations in this whitepaper, you can evaluate your use of AWS products within
the context of your quality system, and consider strategies for implementing the controls
required for GxP compliance, as a component of your regulated products and systems.
Contributors to this document include:
Sylva Krizan PhD, Security Assurance, AWS Global Healthcare and Life
Rye Robinson, Solutions Architect, AWS Global Healthcare and Life Sciences
Ian Sutcliffe, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS Global Healthcare and Life
Further Reading
For additional information, see:
AWS Compliance
Healthcare & Life Sciences on AWS
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Document Revisions
March 2021
Updated to include more elements of AWS Quality System
Information and updated guidance on customer approach to GxP
compliance on AWS.
January 2016
First publication
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
Appendix: 21 CFR 11 Controls Shared Responsibility for use
with AWS services
Applicability of 21 CFR 11 to regulated medical products and GxP systems are the responsibility of the customer, as
determined by the intended use of the system(s) or product(s). AWS has mapped some of these requirements based on
the AWS Shared Responsibility Model; however, customers are responsible for meeting their own regulatory obligations.
Below, we have identified each subpart of 21 CFR 11 and clarified areas where AWS services and operations and the
customer share responsibility in order to meet 21 CFR 11 requirements.
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
11.10 Controls for closed systems. Persons
who use closed systems to create, modify,
maintain, or transmit electronic records
shall employ procedures and controls
designed to ensure the authenticity,
integrity, and, when appropriate, the
confidentiality of electronic records, and to
ensure that the signer cannot readily
repudiate the signed record as not genuine.
Such procedures and controls shall include
the following:
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
11.10(a) Validation of systems to ensure
accuracy, reliability, consistent intended
performance, and the ability to discern
invalid or altered records.
AWS services are built and tested to conform
to IT industry standards, including SOC, ISO,
PCI, and others
. AWS compliance programs and reports
provide objective evidence that AWS has
implemented several key controls, including,
but not limited to:
Control over the installation and operation of
AWS product components, including both
software components and hardware
Control over product changes and
configuration management;
Risk management program;
Management review, planning, and operational
Security management of information
availability, integrity, and confidentiality; and
Data protection controls including mechanisms
for data backup, restore and archiving.
All purchased materials and services intended
for use in production processes are
documented, and documentation is reviewed
and approved prior to use and verified to be in
conformance with the specifications. Final
inspection and testing is performed on AWS
services prior to their release to general
availability. The final service release review
procedure includes a verification that all
acceptance data is present and that all product
requirements were met. Once in
production, AWS services undergo continuous
performance monitoring.
In addition, AWS’s significant customer base,
authorization for use by government agencies,
AWS products are basic building blocks that
allow you to create private, virtualized
infrastructure environments for your custom
software applications and commercial-off-the-
shelf applications. In this way, you remain
responsible for enabling (i.e. installing),
configuring, and operating AWS products to
meet your data-, application-, and industry-
specific needs like GxP software validation and
GxP infrastructure qualification as well as
validation to support 21 CFR Part 11
AWS products are, however, unlike traditional
infrastructure software products in that they are
highly automatable, allowing you to
programmatically create qualified infrastructure
via version controlled JSON[1] scripts instead
of manually-executed paper protocols, where
applicable. This automation capability not only
reduces effort, it increases control and
consistency of the infrastructure environment
such that continuous qualification [2] is
Installation qualification of AWS services into
your environment, operational and
performance qualification (IQ/OQ/PQ) are your
responsibility, as are the validation activities to
demonstrate that systems with GxP workloads
managing electronic records are appropriate
for the intended use and meet regulatory
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
and recognition by industry analysts as a
leading cloud services provider are further
evidence of AWS products delivering their
documented functionality
Relevant SOC2 Common Criteria: CC1.2,
CC1.4, CC3.2, CC7.1, CC7.2, CC7.3, CC7.4
11.10(b) The ability to generate accurate
and complete copies of records in both
human readable and electronic form
suitable for inspection, review, and copying
by the agency. Persons should contact the
agency if there are any questions regarding
the ability of the agency to perform such
review and copying of the electronic
Controls are implemented subject to industry
best practices in order to ensure services
provide complete and accurate outputs with
expected performance committed to in SLAs.;
Relevant SOC2 Common Criteria: A1.1
AWS has a series of Security Best Practices
resources/) and additional resources you may
reference to help protect data hosted within
AWS. You ultimately will verify that electronic
records are accurate and complete within your
AWS environment, and determine the format
by which data is human and/or machine
readable and is suitable for inspection by
regulators, per the regulatory requirements.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
(c) Protection of records to enable their
accurate and ready retrieval throughout the
records retention period.
Controls are implemented subject to industry
best practices in order to ensure services
provide complete and accurate outputs with
expected performance committed to in SLAs.;
Relevant SOC2 Common Criteria: A1.1
AWS has identified critical system components
required to maintain the availability of our
system and recover service in the event of
outage. Critical system components are
backed up across multiple, isolated locations
known as Availability Zones, and backups are
maintained. Each Availability Zone is
engineered to operate independently with high
reliability. Backups of critical AWS system
components are monitored for successful
replication across multiple Availability Zones.
Refer to the AWS SOC 2 Report CC A1.2.
The AWS Resiliency Program encompasses
the processes and procedures by which AWS
identifies, responds to, and recovers from a
major event or incident within our environment.
This program builds upon the traditional
approach of addressing contingency
management, which incorporates elements of
business continuity and disaster recovery
plans and expands this to consider critical
elements of proactive risk mitigation strategies
such as engineering physically separate
Availability Zones (AZs) and continuous
infrastructure capacity planning. AWS service
resiliency plans are periodically reviewed by
members of the Senior Executive management
team and the Audit Committee of the Board of
The AWS Business Continuity Plan outlines
measures to avoid and lessen environmental
disruptions. It includes operational details
AWS has a series of Security Best Practices
resources/) and additional resources you may
reference to help protect your data hosted
within AWS. You are responsible for
implementation of appropriate security
configurations for your environment to protect
data integrity as well as ensure data and
resources are only retrieved by appropriate
permission. You are also responsible for
creating and testing record retention policies
as well as backup and recovery processes.
You are responsible for properly configuring
and using the Service Offerings and taking
your own steps to maintain appropriate
security, protection, and backup of your
Customer Content, which may include the use
of encryption technology (to protect your
content from unauthorized access) and routine
archiving. Using Service Offerings such as
Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, and Amazon
RDS, in combination with replication and high
availability configurations, AWS's broad range
of storage solutions for backup and recovery
are designed for many customer workloads.
AWS services provide you with capabilities to
design for resiliency and maintain business
continuity, including the utilization of frequent
server instance back-ups, data redundancy
replication, and the flexibility to place instances
and store data within multiple geographic
regions as well as across multiple Availability
Zones within each region. You need to
architect your AWS usage to take advantage
of multiple regions and availability zones.
Distributing applications across multiple
availability zones provides the ability to remain
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
about steps to take before, during, and after an
event. The Business Continuity Plan is
supported by testing that includes simulations
of different scenarios. During and after testing,
AWS documents people and process
performance, corrective actions, and lessons
learned with the aim of continuous
AWS data centers are designed to anticipate
and tolerate failure while maintaining service
levels. In case of failure, automated processes
move traffic away from the affected area. Core
applications are deployed to an N+1 standard,
so that in the event of a data center failure,
there is sufficient capacity to enable traffic to
be load-balanced to the remaining sites.
Refer to the AWS SOC 2 Report CC3.1,
CC3.2, A1.2, A1.3.
resilient in the face of most failure modes,
including natural disasters or system failures.
The AWS cloud supports many popular
disaster recovery (DR) architectures, from
“pilot light” environments that are ready to
scale up at a moment’s notice to “hot standby”
environments that enable rapid failover. You
are responsible for DR planning and testing.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
(d) Limiting system access to authorized
AWS implements both physical and logical
security controls.
Physical access to all AWS data centers
housing IT infrastructure components is
restricted to authorized data center employees,
vendors, and contractors who require access
in order to execute their jobs. Employees
requiring data center access must first apply
for access and provide a valid business
justification. These requests are granted
based on the principle of least privilege, where
requests must specify to which layer of the
data center the individual needs access, and
are time-bound. Requests are reviewed and
approved by authorized personnel, and access
is revoked after the requested time expires.
Once granted admittance, individuals are
restricted to areas specified in their
permissions. Access to data centers is
regularly reviewed. Access is automatically
revoked when an employee’s record is
terminated in Amazon’s HR system. In
addition, when an employee or contractor’s
access expires in accordance with the
approved request duration, his or her access is
revoked, even if he or she continues to be an
employee of Amazon.
AWS restricts logical user access privileges to
the internal Amazon network based on
business need and job responsibilities. AWS
employs the concept of least privilege, allowing
only the necessary access for users to
accomplish their job function. New user
accounts are created to have minimal access.
User access to AWS systems requires
approval from the authorized personnel, and
validation of the active user. Access privileges
to AWS systems are reviewed on a regular
AWS provides you with the ability to configure
and use the AWS service offerings in order to
maintain appropriate security, protection, and
backup of content, which may include the use
of encryption technology to protect your
content from unauthorized access. You
maintain full control and responsibility for
establishing and verifying configuration of
access to your data and AWS accounts, as
well as periodic review of access to data and
resources. Using AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM), a web service that allows
you to securely control access to AWS
resources, you must control who can access
and use your data and AWS resources
(authentication) and what data and resources
they can use and in what ways (authorization).
IAM is a feature of all AWS accounts offered at
no additional charge. You will be charged only
for use of other AWS services by your users,
https://aws.amazon.com/iam/. IAM Best
Practices can be found here:
Maintaining physical access to your facilities
and assets is solely your responsibility.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
basis. When an employee no longer requires
these privileges, his or her access is revoked.
Refer to the AWS SOC 2 Report C1.2, C1.3,
and CC6.1-6.6 to verify the AWS physical and
logical security controls.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
(e) Use of secure, computer-generated,
time-stamped audit trails to independently
record the date and time of operator entries
and actions that create, modify, or delete
electronic records. Record changes shall
not obscure previously recorded
information. Such audit trail documentation
shall be retained for a period at least as
long as that required for the subject
electronic records and shall be available for
agency review and copying.
AWS maintains centralized repositories that
provide core log archival functionality available
for internal use by AWS service teams.
Leveraging S3 for high scalability, durability,
and availability, it allows service teams to
collect, archive, and view service logs in a
central log service.
Production hosts at AWS are equipped with
logging for security purposes. This service logs
all human actions on hosts, including logons,
failed logon attempts, and logoffs. These logs
are stored and accessible by AWS security
teams for root cause analysis in the event of a
suspected security incident. Logs for a given
host are also available to the team that owns
that host. A frontend log analysis tool is
available to service teams to search their logs
for operational and security analysis.
Processes are implemented to protect logs and
audit tools from unauthorized access,
modification, and deletion.
Refer to the AWS SOC 2 Report CC5.1, CC7.1
Verification and implementation of audit trails,
as well as back up and retention procedures of
your electronic records are your responsibility.
AWS provides you with the ability to properly
configure and use the Service Offerings in
order to maintain appropriate audit trail and
logging of data access, use and modification
(including prohibiting disablement of audit trail
functionality). Logs within your control
(described below) can be used for monitoring
and detection of unauthorized changes to your
Using Service Offerings such as AWS
CloudTrail, AWS CloudWatch Logs, and VPC
Flow Logs, you can monitor your AWS data
operations in the cloud by getting a history of
AWS API calls for your account, including API
calls made via the AWS Management Console,
the AWS SDKs, the command line tools, and
higher-level AWS services. You can also
identify which users and accounts called AWS
APIs for services that support AWS CloudTrail,
the source IP address the calls were made
from, and when the calls occurred. You can
integrate AWS CloudTrail into applications
using the API, automate trail creation for your
organization, check the status of your trails,
and control how administrators turn logging
services on and off.
AWS CloudTrail records two types of events:
(1) Management Events: Represent standard
API activity for AWS services. For example,
AWS CloudTrail delivers management events
for API calls such as launching EC2 instances
or creating S3 buckets.
(2) Data Events: Represent S3 object-level API
activity, such as Get, Put, Delete and List
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(f) Use of operational system checks to
enforce permitted sequencing of steps and
events, as appropriate.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s system.
You are responsible for configuring,
establishing and verifying enforcement of
permitted sequencing of steps and events
within the regulated environment.
(g) Use of authority checks to ensure that
only authorized individuals can use the
system, electronically sign a record, access
the operation or computer system input or
output device, alter a record, or perform the
operation at hand.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s system.
AWS provides you with the ability to configure
and use the AWS service offerings in order to
maintain appropriate security, protection, and
backup of content, which may include the use
of encryption technology to protect your
content from unauthorized access. You
maintain full control and responsibility for
establishing and verifying configuration of
access to your data and AWS accounts, as
well as periodic review of access to data and
resources. Using AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM), a web service that allows
you to securely control access to AWS
resources, you must control who can access
and use your data and AWS resources
(authentication) and what data and resources
they can use and in what ways (authorization).
IAM is a feature of all AWS accounts offered at
no additional charge. You will be charged only
for use of other AWS services by your users,
https://aws.amazon.com/iam/. IAM Best
Practices can be found here:
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(h) Use of device (e.g., terminal) checks to
determine, as appropriate, the validity of
the source of data input or operational
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s system.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying the source of the data input into your
system is valid, whether manually, or, for
example, by enforcing only certain input
devices or sources are utilized.
(i) Determination that persons who develop,
maintain, or use electronic
record/electronic signature systems have
the education, training, and experience to
perform their assigned tasks.
AWS has implemented formal, documented
training policies and procedures that address
purpose, scope, roles, responsibilities, and
management commitment. AWS maintains and
provides security awareness training to all
information system users on an annual basis.
The policy is disseminated through the internal
Amazon communication portal to all
employees. Relevant SOC2 Common Criteria:
CC1.3, CC1.4, CC2.2, CC2.3
You are responsible for ensuring your AWS
users including IT staff, developers,
validation specialists, and IT auditorsreview
the AWS product documentation and complete
the product training programs you have
determined are appropriate for your personnel.
AWS products are extensively documented
https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/, and
a wide range of user training and certification
resources are available including introductory
labs, videos, self-paced online courses,
instructor lead training and AWS Certification
Adequacy of training programs for your
personnel, as well as maintenance of
documentation of personnel training and
qualifications (such as training record, job
description and resumes) are your
(j) The establishment of, and adherence to,
written policies that hold individuals
accountable and responsible for actions
initiated under their electronic signatures,
in order to deter record and signature
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s system.
Establishment and enforcement of policies to
hold personnel accountable and responsible
for actions initiated under their electronic
signatures is your responsibility, including
training and associated documentation.
(k) Use of appropriate controls over
systems documentation including:
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(1) Adequate controls over the distribution
of, access to, and use of documentation for
system operation and maintenance.
AWS maintains formal, documented policies
and procedures that provide guidance for
operations and information security within the
organization and the supporting AWS
environments. Policies are maintained in a
centralized location that is only accessible by
employees. Security policies are reviewed and
approved on an annual basis by Security
Leadership, and are assessed by third-party
auditors as part of our audits.
Refer to SOC2 Common Criteria CC2.2,
CC2.3, CC5.3
You are responsible to establish and maintain
your own controls over the distribution, access
and use of documentation and documentation
systems for system operation and
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(2) Revision and change control procedures
to maintain an audit trail that documents
time-sequenced development and
modification of systems documentation.
AWS policies and procedures go through
processes for approval, version control, and
distribution by the appropriate personnel
and/or members of management. These
documents are reviewed periodically and,
when necessary, supporting data is evaluated
to ensure the document fulfills its intended use.
Revisions are reviewed and approved by the
team that owns the document, unless
otherwise specified. Invalid or obsolete
documents are identified and removed from
use. Internal policies are reviewed and
approved by AWS leadership at least annually,
or following a significant change to the AWS
environment. Where applicable, AWS Security
leverages the information system framework
and policies established and maintained by
Amazon Corporate Information Security.
AWS service documentation is maintained in a
publicly accessible online location so that the
most current version is available by default.
Refer to the AWS SOC 2 Report CC2.3,
CC3.4, CC6.7, CC8.1
You are responsible for changes to your
computerized systems running within your
AWS accounts. System components must be
authorized, designed, developed, configured,
documented, tested, approved, and
implemented according to your security and
availability commitments and system
requirements. Using Service Offerings such as
AWS Config, you can manage and record your
AWS resource inventory, configuration history,
and configuration change notifications to
enable security and governance. AWS Config
Rules also enables you to create rules that
automatically check the configuration of AWS
resources recorded by AWS Config,
Change records and associated logs within
your environment may be retained according
to your record retention schedule.
You are responsible for storing, managing and
tracking electronic documents in your AWS
account and as part of your overall quality
management system, including maintaining an
audit trail that documents time-sequenced
development and modification of systems
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
§11.30 Controls for open systems.
Persons who use open systems to create,
modify, maintain, or transmit electronic
records shall employ procedures and
controls designed to ensure the
authenticity, integrity, and, as appropriate,
the confidentiality of electronic records
from the point of their creation to the point
of their receipt. Such procedures and
controls shall include those identified in
§11.10, as appropriate, and additional
measures such as document encryption
and use of appropriate digital signature
standards to ensure, as necessary under
the circumstances, record authenticity,
integrity, and confidentiality.
Industry standard controls and procedures are
in place to protect and maintain the
authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of
customer data.
Refer to the AWS SOC 2 Report C1.1-C1.2
You are responsible for determining whether
your use of AWS services within your
environment meets the definition of an open or
closed system and whether these
requirements apply. Refer to the
responsibilities in §11.10 above for more
information for recommended procedures and
controls. Additional measures such as
document encryption and use of appropriate
digital signature standards are your
responsibility to maintain data integrity,
authenticity and confidentiality.
§11.50 Signature manifestations.
(a) Signed electronic records shall contain
information associated with the signing
that clearly indicates all of the following:
(1) The printed name of the signer;
(2) The date and time when the signature
was executed; and
(3) The meaning (such as review, approval,
responsibility, or authorship) associated
with the signature.
(b) The items identified in paragraphs (a)(1),
(a)(2), and (a)(3) of this section shall be
subject to the same controls as for
electronic records and shall be included as
part of any human readable form of the
electronic record (such as electronic
display or printout).
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications meet the signed
electronic records requirements identified.
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21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
§11.70 Signature/ record linking.
Electronic signatures and handwritten
signatures executed to electronic records
shall be linked to their respective electronic
records to ensure that the signatures
cannot be excised, copied, or otherwise
transferred to falsify an electronic record
by ordinary means.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the signature/record linking requirements
identified, including any required policies and
Subpart CElectronic Signatures
§11.100 General requirements.
(a) Each electronic signature shall be
unique to one individual and shall not be
reused by, or reassigned to, anyone else.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the general electronic signature requirements
identified, including any required policies and
procedures to enforce electronic signature
(b) Before an organization establishes,
assigns, certifies, or otherwise sanctions
an individual's electronic signature, or any
element of such electronic signature, the
organization shall verify the identity of the
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the general electronic signature requirements
identified, including any required policies and
procedures to verify individual identity prior to
use of an electronic signature.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(c) Persons using electronic signatures
shall, prior to or at the time of such use,
certify to the agency that the electronic
signatures in their system, used on or after
August 20, 1997, are intended to be the
legally binding equivalent of traditional
handwritten signatures.
(1) The certification shall be submitted in
paper form and signed with a traditional
handwritten signature, to the Office of
Regional Operations (HFC-100), 5600
Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
(2) Persons using electronic signatures
shall, upon agency request, provide
additional certification or testimony that a
specific electronic signature is the legally
binding equivalent of the signer's
handwritten signature.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the general electronic signature requirements
identified, including determining whether any
required notification to the agency is required,
and documenting accordingly.
§11.200 Electronic signature components
and controls.
(a) Electronic signatures that are not based
upon biometrics shall:
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(1) Employ at least two distinct
identification components such as an
identification code and password.
(i) When an individual executes a series of
signings during a single, continuous period
of controlled system access, the first
signing shall be executed using all
electronic signature components;
subsequent signings shall be executed
using at least one electronic signature
component that is only executable by, and
designed to be used only by, the individual.
(ii) When an individual executes one or
more signings not performed during a
single, continuous period of controlled
system access, each signing shall be
executed using all of the electronic
signature components.
(2) Be used only by their genuine owners;
(3) Be administered and executed to ensure
that attempted use of an individual's
electronic signature by anyone other than
its genuine owner requires collaboration of
two or more individuals.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature components and
controls identified, including establishing the
procedures for use of identifying components,
and use by genuine owners.
(b) Electronic signatures based upon
biometrics shall be designed to ensure that
they cannot be used by anyone other than
their genuine owners.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature components and
controls identified, including establishing the
procedures for use by genuine owners.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
§11.300 Controls for identification
Persons who use electronic signatures
based upon use of identification codes in
combination with passwords shall employ
controls to ensure their security and
integrity. Such controls shall include:
(a) Maintaining the uniqueness of each
combined identification code and
password, such that no two individuals
have the same combination of identification
code and password.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature controls identified,
including establishing the procedures and
controls for uniqueness of password and ID
code combinations.
(b) Ensuring that identification code and
password issuances are periodically
checked, recalled, or revised (e.g., to cover
such events as password aging).
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature controls identified,
including establishing the procedures and
controls for periodic review of password
(c) Following loss management procedures
to electronically deauthorize lost, stolen,
missing, or otherwise potentially
compromised tokens, cards, and other
devices that bear or generate identification
code or password information, and to issue
temporary or permanent replacements
using suitable, rigorous controls.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature controls identified,
including establishing the procedures and
controls for loss management of compromised
devices that generate ID code or passwords.
Amazon Web Services GxP Systems on AWS
21 CFR Subpart
AWS Responsibility
Customer Responsibility
(d) Use of transaction safeguards to
prevent unauthorized use of passwords
and/or identification codes, and to detect
and report in an immediate and urgent
manner any attempts at their unauthorized
use to the system security unit, and, as
appropriate, to organizational management.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature controls identified,
including establishing the procedures and
controls to prevent, detect and report
unauthorized use of ID codes and/or
(e) Initial and periodic testing of devices,
such as tokens or cards, that bear or
generate identification code or password
information to ensure that they function
properly and have not been altered in an
unauthorized manner.
Not applicable to AWS this requirement only
applies to the customer’s applications.
You are responsible for establishing and
verifying that your applications/systems meet
the electronic signature controls identified,
including establishing the procedures and
controls to periodically test devices that
generate ID codes or passwords for proper
[1] In computing, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the open-standard syntax used for AWS CloudFormation
templates, https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/cloudformation/.
[2] https://www.continuousvalidation.com/what-is-continuous-validation/