Information Technology (IT) / Operation Technology (OT) Infrastructure
Enterprise Model
Regulatory Requirements
IT Compliance for the IT Infrastructure
Supporting Processes
Virtualisation as Part of the IT Infrastructure
Security and Cybersecurity Concepts
Agile Infrastructure / Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Case Studies for Qualication
- Virtualisation Platform
- Firewall
- Central Backup Management System
Frank Behnisch
CSL Behring
Bob McDowall
Yves Samson
IT / OT Infrastructure
Qualication and Operation
in a GMP Environment
22-24 May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
GMP Certication Programme
Certied Computer Validation Manager
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Get an overview of technologies discussed currently in the
pharmaceutical environment
Learn what requirements are placed on the IT infrastruc-
ture and its qualication within the scope of GMP regula-
Principles outlined can be applied to Operation Technol-
ogy (OT) for production systems
IT security and cybersecurity has now taken on a central
role; here you will learn about the importance of the IT
infrastructure in terms of an appropriate IT security
Case studies show you qualication approaches for key IT
infrastructure components
Virtualization is a part of the IT infrastructure; learn
strategies for qualifying the virtual machine and the
virtualization platform
In today’s pharmaceutical environment, the IT infrastructure is
the backbone for the application of a wide range of soware so-
lutions. e requirements for IT security are becoming increas-
ingly important. Only a robust IT infrastructure with suitable
network topologies and security concepts can guarantee the ap-
propriate security here.
Pharmaceutical regulations contain few or only indirect require-
ments for the IT infrastructure. e principles of the EU GMP
guidelines state “e application should be validated; the IT in-
frastructure should be qualied”. Here the phrase “should” cor-
responds to a “must”! Further information can be found in the
revised version of the GAMP® Good Practice Guide “IT Infra-
structure Control and Compliance” published in August 2017.
Target Audience
e event is aimed at managers from the pharmaceutical indus-
try, suppliers and service companies who plan, qualify and oper-
ate IT infrastructure in a GxP environment
IT/OT Infrastructure Model
Overall IT/OT infrastructure enterprise model
GAMP IT infrastructure model
Applying GAMP soware categories
OT specics
Applicable to all options: on premise / data hotel / SaaS IT
Regulatory and Legal Requirements / Agreement for
IT/OT infrastructure
GxP regulations with focus on Annex 11 and Chapter 7
Supplier assessment and agreements for IT suppliers
- Risk management
- Quality and technical agreements and service levels
- Governance and Quality oversight
- Time synchronisation
Brief summary of legal requirements
- e.g. GDPR, HIPAA, etc.
Eective and Ecient Compliance
Supporting life cycle model
Security and Cybersecurity for a Robust IT/OT
IT infrastructure security requirements
Cybersecurity: ransomware and malware
Sizing / Availability / Reliability
Basic security rules
Network topology
Network segregation
IT infrastructure monitoring
Recommendation for data archiving support
PEN testing
Planning Virtualisation Projects
User / Technical Requirements Specication
Denition of the installation and deployment approach
Risk management
Denition of backup cycles and scenarios
Ecient planning
Qualication planning
Life cycle of virtual environment
Dierences between virtual, physical, and as-a-Service
installation and deployment
Virtualisation Platform: Overview
Platform operation
- SANs and VMs handling
RAID technology
Qualication of the Virtualisation Platform
Platform design
- Requirements and constraints
- Data management
- Disaster recovery
Qualication planning
- Specications
- Verications
Qualication Documentation
QP – Qualication Plan
TRS – Technical Requirements Specication
CS – Conguration Specications
IQ – Installation Qualication a.k.a. Conguration Testing
Design Review of IT Infrastructure
Design Review and Risk Management purpose
Performing Design Review
What might go wrong?
Critical review of the IT infrastructure
Design and monitoring of mitigation measures
IT / OT Infrastructure Qualication and Operation in a GMP Environment | 22-24 May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
Case Study:
Firewall Qualication
- Purpose
- Operation
Risk assessment
Conguration specication
- Denition of the security rules
- Operating parameters
Conguration Testing (IQ)
Functional Testing (OQ)
- Monitoring
- Change & Conguration Management
- Incident Management
Disaster Recovery Planning
Regulatory requirements for disaster recovery
For virtual and physical environment
Disaster recovery or business continuity plans?
Disaster recovery plan and testing
- Order of application recovery with associated data
- RPO – Recovery Point Objective
- RTO – Recovery Time Objective
Case Study:
Central Backup Management System
Risk assessment
Conguration specication
- Server / Agent / Operating parameters
Conguration Testing (IQ)
Functional Testing (OQ)
Supporting SOPs
- System management
- Backup / Restore
- Disaster Recovery
Incident and Problem Management
Denition of incident and problem
Incident investigation
Collating incidents into problems and their resolution
Linking with change control
Infrastructure as a Platform for Various Applications
Denition of Platform
Generic approach
Standard changes
Infrastructure lifecycle challenges for applications & GxP
Specialties in automation – challenge for infrastructure in
24/7 real-time applications
Change and Conguration Management
Regulatory requirements
Denitions of change control and conguration manage-
Outline of a change management process
Agile Infrastructure: Leveraging to Infrastructure as
Code (IaC) for Eciency
Denition & scope
Toys or tool?
- 40 years evolution
Flexibility & Agility
- From installation to provisioning
e costs of Agility
- Rigorous planning
- Adequate tools
- Training
- Risks and benets
Frank Behnisch
CSL Behring GmbH, Germany
Frank is Senior Manager Project Engineering at CSL Behring
GmbH in Marburg, Germany. He is member of the GAMP® D-A-
CH „steering committee“ and chairman of a GAMP® Special In-
terest Group (SIP) for “Small Systems”.
Dr Bob McDowall
R.D.McDowall Limited, Bromley, Kent, UK
Analytical chemist with over 45 years experience including 15
years working in the pharmaceutical industry and aerwards
working for the industry as a consultant. Bob is an ISO 17025 as-
sessor and he has been involved with the validation of comput-
erised systems for over 30 years and is the author of a book on
the validation of chromatography data systems. He was also a
contributor to the GAMP IT Infrastructure control & compliance
and Lab System Validation 2nd edition Good Practice Guides. He
is a core member of the GAMP Data Integrity SIG. He recently
published his book on Data Integrity and Data Governance: Prac-
tical Implementation in Regulated Laboratories.
Yves Samson, Kereon AG
Basel, Switzerland
Automation and system engineer with over 25 years experience,
including 11 years as regulated user, Yves is the founder of Kere-
on AG, Basel. He supports his customers as consultant, trainer,
and e-compliance auditor. He is member of GAMP Europe Stee-
ring Committees, chairman and co-founder of GAMP Franco-
phone. He edited the French version of GAMP 4 and GAMP 5. In
2017, Yves launched the e-Compliance Requirements Initiative
(eCRI) with the aim to help the regulated pharmaceutical indus-
try and its suppliers to address and to implement accurately,
consistently, and eectively the regulatory e-Compliance requi-
IT / OT Infrastructure Qualication and Operation in a GMP Environment | 22-24 May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
General terms and conditions
If you cannot attend the conference you have two options:
1. We are happy to welcome a substitute colleague at any time.
2. If you have to cancel entirely we must charge the following processing fees:
- Cancellation until 4 weeks prior to the conference 10 %,
- Cancellation until 3 weeks prior to the conference 25 %,
- Cancellation until 2 weeks prior to the conference 50 %,
- Cancellation within 2 weeks prior to the conference 100 %.
CONCEPT HEIDELBERG reserves the right to change the materials, instructors,
or speakers without notice or to cancel an event.
If the event must be cancelled, registrants will be notied as soon as possible
and will receive a full refund of fees paid. CONCEPT HEIDELBERGwill not be re-
sponsible for discount airfare penalties or other costs incurred due to a cancel-
lation. Terms of payment: Payable without deductions within 10 days aer re-
ceipt of invoice.
Important: is is a binding registration and above fees are due in case of can-
cellation or non-appearance. If you cannot take part, you have to inform us in
writing. e cancellation fee will then be calculated according to the point of
time at which we receive your message.
In case you do not appear at the event without having informed us, you will have
to pay the full registration fee, even if you have not made the payment yet. Only
aer we have received your payment, you are entitled to participate in the con-
ference (receipt of payment will not be conrmed)! (As of July 2022).
German law shall apply. Court of jurisdiction is Heidelberg.
Privacy Policy: By registering for this event, I accept the processing of my Perso-
nal Data. Concept Heidelberg will use my data for the processing of this order,
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Fax +49(0) 62 21/84 44 34
D-69007 Heidelberg
Reservation Form (Please complete in full)
IT / OT Infrastructure Qualication and Operation, 22-24 May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
Title, rst name, surname
Department Company
Important: Please indicate your company’s VAT ID Number Purchase Order Number, if applicable
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Phone / Fax
E-Mail (Please ll in)
Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 09.00 – 17.15 h
(Registration and coee 08.30 h - 09.00 h)
ursday, 23 May 2024, 08.30 h – 17.15 h
Friday, 24 May 2024, 08.30 h – 12.15 h
All times mentioned are CEST
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel
Amager Boulevard 70
2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Phone: +45 (0)33 96 50 00
Email: guest.copenhag[email protected]
Fees (per delegate, plus VAT)
ECA Members € 2,090
APIC Members € 2,190
Non-ECA Members € 2,290
EU GMP Inspectorates € 1,045
Including: Conference documentation, lunch and social event
on the rst day, lunch on the second day, all refreshments. e
conference fee is payable in advance aer receipt of invoice.
CONCEPT HEIDELBERG has reserved a limited number of rooms
in the conference hotel. You will receive a room reservation
form/POG when you have registered for the course. Reservation
should be made directly with the hotel. Early reservation is rec-
Via the attached reservation form, by e-mail or by fax message.
Or you register online at
Conference language
e ocial conference language will be English.
e presentations for this event will be available for you to
download and print before and aer the event. Please note that
no printed materials will be handed out on site and that there
will not be any opportunity to print the presentations on site.
Aer the event, you will automatically receive your certicate of
Social Event
In the evening of the rst
couse day, you are cordially
invited to a social event.
is is an excellent oppor-
tunity to share your experi-
ences with colleagues from
other companies in a re-
laxed atmosphere.
Organisation and Contact
ECA has entrusted Concept Heidelberg with the organisation of
this event.
P.O. Box 10 17 64
69007 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone +49(0)62 21/84 44-0
Fax +49(0)62 21/84 44 34 |
For questions regarding content please contact:
Dr Andreas Mangel (Operations Director) at
+49(0)62 21/84 44 41, or at
For questions regarding organisation please contact:
Mr Rouwen Schopka (Organisation Manager) at
+49(0)62 21/84 44 13, or at