Strategic Plan
Message from the Chairman
About the Postal Regulatory Commission
Snapshot of the Commission’s Role
Foresight and Scenario Planning
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
2023-2028 Strategic Goals
Strategic Goal 1 – Anticipate and adapt to an evolving
postal system through a responsive and trusted regulatory
Strategic Goal 2 – Enhance and expand communication of
accurate and relevant information to postal stakeholders,
policymakers, and the general public.
Strategic Goal 3 – Develop an internal infrastructure to
support and strengthen our regulatory capabilities through
adaptive policies, ecient processes, and scalable platforms.
Strategic Goal 4 – Build an organization that will attract,
develop, and retain a diverse workforce of experts.
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Updates
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Message from
the Chairman
The postal system continues to play a central role in the economy and daily
lives of hundreds of millions of stakeholders in every corner of America. The
Postal Regulatory Commission is here, as it has been since 1971, to ensure
the transparency and accountability of this vital system. Our new Strategic
Plan for 2023-2028 leverages strategic foresight methodology. Working
with Toer Associates, a strategic foresight firm, the Commission analyzed
multiple scenarios to take into account a wide range of possibilities for
the future of the postal system and the Commission as its regulator. The
environment enveloping the Postal Service, the Commission, and their
stakeholders is being shaped by a number of factors:
Economic and operational challenges posed by a long-term decline in
letter mail volume
Opportunities and challenges created by the increased importance of
The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022, which provided critical relief for
the Postal Service; added measures aimed at holding the Postal Service
accountable, such as a new service dashboard and Commission reports
on longstanding service and operational problems; and removed the
Commission from the appropriations process to match the budgetary
treatment of the Postal Service
The impact of technological innovations on the eciency of the postal
network, service quality, and transparency
The Strategic Plan takes into account the developments shaped by these
key drivers and refines the role of the Commission in addressing them
proactively. Consistent with the state of the postal system as a whole, the
Commission’s strategy is marked by both continuity and progress. As the
Commission enters the 2023 – 2028 period, we will be prepared to address
multiple potential scenarios using an approach that is highly analytical,
data-driven, and objective.
I look forward to working with my distinguished colleagues and the
Commission’s skilled, experienced, and multidisciplinary career sta to
implement this plan.
Michael M. Kubayanda
Postal Regulatory Commission
December 2022
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Who We Are
What We Do
The Postal Regulatory Commission (Commission) is an
independent federal agency that regulates the United States
Postal Service (Postal Service). The Commission ensures
transparency and accountability of the Postal Service by providing
objective, accurate, and timely regulatory analyses and decisions.
The Commission has exercised regulatory oversight over the Postal
Service since its creation by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970,
with expanded responsibilities under the Postal Accountability and
Enhancement Act of 2006. The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022
augmented the Commission’s responsibilities in certain areas.
Ensure the Postal Service complies with laws regarding the
services that it oers
Establish and oversee the ratemaking system for the Postal
Service’s non-competitive oerings
Provide transparency and expert guidance on the Postal
Service’s finances, delivery speed, eciency, and other
aspects of postal service quality and operations
Contribute to strong postal policy within the Commission’s
Ensure that the Postal Service complies with pricing rules
for its competitive oerings aimed at ensuring a level,
competitive playing field
About the Postal
Regulatory Commission
How We Regulate
Develop, amend, and enforce regulations and guidance that the
Postal Service must follow to meet relevant statutory and other
legal criteria
Optimize stakeholder access and engagement through open,
fair, and clearly defined regulatory processes
Monitor the postal system and anticipate changes to enhance
agility, responsiveness, and eectiveness of Commission
Provide impartial, technically rigorous, and timely analyses and
opinions based on merit
Present data in an accessible and informative way to enhance
understanding of Postal Service actions
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
How We Operate
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Who Are Our
Approach our regulatory responsibilities using a
multidisciplinary, data-driven, and highly analytical
Enable a collegial, professional, and respectful environment
for all individuals working for or with the Commission
Cultivate sta expertise to ensure that the Commission is a
center for excellence in postal regulatory matters
Embody a spirit of excellent customer service to recipients
of our analyses and other work, as well as in relationships
within the Commission
Maintain open lines of communication with the Postal
Service, Congress, and all other stakeholders
Ensure ecient use of our limited resources
Value integrity and adaptability across changing
Users of the mail: individual and organizational mailers and
mail recipients who rely on a stable and universal postal
Entities that support, compete with, analyze, or are impacted
by the postal system
Executive Branch policymakers, including the Postal Service
Board of Governors
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Snapshot of the Commission’s Role
The Commission is unique as a regulator: everything we do involves regulation of a single
entity, the Postal Service. Our role is limited and defined by the responsibilities that Congress
has given to us. This role frequently generates questions related to the Commission’s scope
and authorities. The following table provides an overview of the Commission’s role across a
variety of topics.
The Postal Regulatory
Commission does…
The Postal Regulatory
Commission does not…
Regulate and approve postal rates for
consistency with legal criteria.
Regulate and approve changes, consistent
with legal criteria, in the services that the
Postal Service oers.
Hear appeals on whether the Postal Service
followed proper procedures when closing
or consolidating post oces.
Advise Postal Service decision-makers
considering changes that aect postal
service on a nationwide or substantially
nationwide level.
Regulate and approve the methods used to
measure Postal Service costs and service
Collect and publish cost and service
performance data.
Hear complaints about Postal Service
compliance with certain statutory
requirements governing rates, service, and
Advise the U.S. Department of State on
treaty matters aecting postal rates and
Study and report on the value of the Postal
Service’s universal service obligation and
postal monopolies.
Analyze and report on the Postal Service’s
strategic plans and finances.
Set postal rates.
Within jurisdictional bounds, make business
or policy decisions about what services the
Postal Service should oer.
Make or override Postal Service policy
decisions about facility closings and
Make or override operational/network
decisions, even for major nationwide
Make Postal Service leadership decisions,
including the selection of the Postmaster
Determine Postal Service compensation,
benefits, organizational structure, or other
personnel-related matters.
Make U.S. foreign policy regarding
international postal aairs.
Change the statutory scope of the Postal
Service’s universal service obligation or
postal monopolies.
Make, approve, or modify the Postal
Service’s strategic and financial plans.
Oversee postal law enforcement by the
Postal Inspection Service.
Oversee the Postal Service’s purchasing,
leasing, or sustainability initiatives.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
The Commission is composed of five Commissioners, each of whom
is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, for a term of six years. A Commissioner may continue
to serve after the expiration of his or her term for up to one year or
until a successor is confirmed. Not more than three Commissioners
may be adherents of the same political party. The President
designates one of the Commissioners to serve as Chairman. The
Chairman directs all the executive and administrative functions of
the Commission.
From left to right: Vice Chairman Ann
C. Fisher, Commissioner Robert G. Taub,
Commissioner Ashley E. Poling, Chairman
Michael M. Kubayanda, and Commissioner
Mark Acton
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Assisting the Commission is a sta with expertise in law, economics, finance, statistics,
and cost accounting. The Commission is currently organized into four operating oces:
Oce of Accountability & Compliance
The Oce of Accountability & Compliance is
responsible for technical analysis and formulating
policy recommendations for the Commission on
domestic and international matters.
Oce of the General Counsel
The Oce of the General Counsel ensures the
Commission fulfills its statutory and regulatory
obligations by providing legal guidance on matters
involving the Commission’s responsibilities.
Oce of Public Aairs &
Government Relations
The Oce of Public Aairs & Government
Relations facilitates prompt and responsive
communications with the public, Congress,
federal agencies, the Postal Service, and the
Oce of the Secretary & Administration
The Oce of the Secretary & Administration
records the Commission’s ocial actions; manages
the Commission’s records, human resources,
budget and accounting, and information
technology; and provides other support services.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Foresight and
Scenario Planning
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
The Commission’s recognition and anticipation of
a potentially significant degree of change to the
postal system and the Postal Service during the
strategic planning period led to a foresight-based
strategic planning process that explored multiple
future scenarios.
To support a foresight-based strategic planning
eort, the Commission engaged Toer Associates,
a strategic advisory firm that assists civilian and
defense government organizations and commercial
entities with scenario planning.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Using scenario planning during strategy development helps an organization prepare for a
variety of future scenarios rather than develop a strategic plan based on one predicted future.
The process begins with an external perspective of the changes, trends, and disruptions that
could occur across the entire postal system environment, then examines the impact of those
changes on the Commission. This approach ensures the Strategic Plan is resilient to both
probable and plausible events outside of the Commission’s control.
Scenario Planning Approach
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
The result of the scenario planning exercise was an appreciation for the range
of plausible situations that may emerge and the degree of change in the
postal system over the 2023-2028 strategic planning period. There was also
recognition that, in all scenarios, there will likely be meaningful change in the
postal system over the next five years, requiring a commensurate change in
how the Commission should operate as a regulator.
Insights from the scenario planning exercise then informed the development
of a resilient 2023-2028 Strategic Plan designed to be applicable, relevant, and
impactful across a variety of potential future scenarios.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
In recognition that the future may be very dierent than the past, the
Commission has developed a Strategic Plan that is designed to support the
evolution of the Commission as a relevant and adaptive regulatory agency.
There are three core elements
that define the Strategic Plan:
Strategic Goals
These are the targeted areas of focus
for the Commission over the next five
years to prepare for and adapt to a
changing postal system.
Strategic Objectives
These provide more specificity on the
elements within each Strategic Goal,
and they inform the actions needed
to achieve the Goal.
Performance Indicators
These are the primary measures to
assess progress of each Objective,
which then support attainment of
their respective Goal.
these elements
provide the
strategic focus
and priorities for
the Commission.
Strategic Plan
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
2023-2028 Strategic Goals
The four Strategic Goals
balance an external focus on
adapting the Commission’s
regulatory framework
to a transforming Postal
Service with an internal
focus on strengthening the
Commission’s capabilities to
be an eective and ecient
regulator through that
Anticipate and adapt to
an evolving postal system
through a responsive
and trusted regulatory
Enhance and expand
communication of accurate
and relevant information
to postal stakeholders,
policymakers, and the
general public.
Develop an internal
infrastructure to support and
strengthen our regulatory
capabilities through
adaptive policies, ecient
processes, and scalable
Build an organization that
will attract, develop, and
retain a diverse workforce
of experts.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Increase, refine, and curate publicly-accessible postal data
to improve the quality of analysis by the Commission and
external stakeholders.
Performance Indicators:
Time from when data is available to the Commission
to when it is available to stakeholders through reports,
dashboards, or downloadable files
Percentage of postal data held by the Commission
made available to stakeholders through reports,
dashboards, and other visualizations
Stakeholder input on accessibility of data
Handle routine matters faster without compromising
Performance Indicators:
Established processes, roles, and capabilities to
categorize cases and identify those that are routine
Time from when a routine case is submitted to when it
is completed
Determine potential responses to emerging issues, aligned
with limitations set by the Commission’s legal authority.
Performance Indicator:
Established processes, roles, and capabilities to
review and facilitate Commission-wide consensus on
anticipated issues
Monitor for emerging issues to consider
regulatory actions or exploratory processes
ahead of postal system changes.
Performance Indicator:
Established processes, roles, and
capabilities that allow the Commission
to anticipate potential issues
Anticipate and adapt to an evolving
postal system through a responsive
and trusted regulatory framework.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Cultivate and foster relationships with inter-
agency and non-governmental partners
Performance Indicators:
Relationships maintained with primary inter-
agency partners
Relationships maintained with primary non-
governmental partners
Engage with stakeholders through understandable
and accessible work products using the most
eective communication methods.
Performance Indicators:
Level of stakeholder engagement across
Stakeholder use of communications
Identify and monitor the Commission’s key
stakeholders and their content needs and
communication preferences.
Performance Indicators:
Updated communications plan
Established processes, roles, and capabilities
to monitor stakeholder content needs and
communications preferences
Enhance and expand communication
of accurate and relevant information to
postal stakeholders, policymakers, and
the general public.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Utilize technology and data infrastructure to support
scalable, informative, and ecient operations.
Performance Indicators:
Standardized tools and software for functions
and processes
Operational process and employee output
Established foundational data infrastructure to
capture, store, and secure data
Established data sharing agreements between
the Commission and the Postal Service
Determine the acquisition requirements for developing
and operating the internal infrastructure necessary to
support operational and regulatory needs.
Performance Indicators:
Established acquisition requirements and
timeframes for needed capabilities
Established hiring plan for development and
implementation support
Benchmarks of the Commission’s budget to
comparable government agencies
Define and improve processes to optimize operational
and regulatory activities.
Performance Indicator:
Established processes, roles, and capabilities
to consider, develop, update, and communicate
necessary operational and/or regulatory activities
Ensure operational policies support an evolving
postal system and ecient execution of regulatory
Performance Indicators:
Completed future state operating model
Established processes, roles, and capabilities,
where necessary, to develop, review, update,
store, and communicate operational policies
Updated and documented operational policies
Develop an internal infrastructure to
support and strengthen our regulatory
capabilities through adaptive policies,
ecient processes, and scalable platforms.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Engage with Commission employees by
providing regular and quality communications
and facilitating relevant information sharing.
Performance Indicators:
Employee satisfaction and engagement
FEVS scores on communications-related
Develop and maintain flexible workforce
plans that meet regulatory, workforce, and
operational requirements as the Commission
grows and evolves.
Performance Indicators:
Completed organizational assessment to
determine skill gaps and workforce needs
Completed short-term and long-term
workforce plan for each Oce
Established change management
processes, roles, and capabilities
Attract an expert and diverse workforce through
eective recruitment and a positive candidate
Performance Indicators:
• Documented and updated position descriptions
Documented recruiting plan for Oces or
positions as appropriate
Established onboarding guide with pre-
employment details for hiring ocials,
onboarding plan, and post-onboarding survey
Build an organization that will
attract, develop, and retain a diverse
workforce of experts.
Reinforce an inclusive, engaging, and supportive
work environment that fosters development
and retention of world-class experts in postal
regulation and agency administration.
Performance Indicators:
Completed Learning and Development Strategy
to ensure knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
are trained
Updated training policy to incorporate Learning
and Development Strategy and plan for ongoing
employee instructions
Employee satisfaction and engagement scores
within the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
Employee attrition rates compared to relevant
Documented and updated compensation plans
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
After the development of the Strategic
Goals, Strategic Objectives, and Performance
Indicators, the Commission created a plan to
execute the strategy and ensure that the 2023-
2028 Strategic Plan evolves with the changes in
the postal system during those five years.
Performance Indicators, related to the Strategic
Objectives, are established to specifically
monitor and assess progress. The Performance
Indicators are designed to focus on key
strategic activities; operational metrics will still
be captured and tracked to monitor ongoing
Commission operations. The Commission’s
four operating Oces have the ownership and
responsibility for executing the actions and
monitoring Performance Indicators to achieve
the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. Their role is to
prioritize actions, monitor progress, manage
resources, and ensure collaboration across
Oces to coordinate interdependencies and
benefit from inter-Oce synergies.
The Commission will report on its progress,
major accomplishments, and challenges related
to each Strategic Goal and Performance
Indicator in its Annual Report to the President
and Congress. The Annual Report will focus
on the Commission’s Strategic Goals, thereby
promoting transparency and alignment of the
Commission’s activities.
Strategic plans are based on certain assumptions and operating parameters about the external
environment. Therefore, the Commission will actively monitor changes in the postal system and
within the Postal Service to determine if changes to the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan are necessary, to
ensure the Commission’s priorities remain relevant to the external conditions. To accomplish this, the
Commission will establish an annual strategy review process, emphasizing changes in the external
environment, to identify meaningful changes that may impact the Commission’s Strategic Plan.
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Updates
With a resilient Strategic Plan, eective assessment of
progress toward Strategic Goals, and monitoring of the
external postal system, the Commission is prepared to
ensure transparency and accountability of the Postal
Service as the postal system changes and operates
within an increasingly competitive industry. By being
at the forefront of the evolution of the world’s largest
postal system, the Commission’s Strategic Plan reinforces
its position as an impartial organization that attracts,
develops, and retains world-class postal expertise.
The amount of change anticipated over the next five
years requires the Commission to remain firmly focused
on being an eective and objective regulator that is
trusted by the American public, policymakers, and all
interested stakeholders.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Postal Regulatory Commission
Postal Regulatory Commission
2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan
901 New York Avenue NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20268-0001
(202) 789-6800