Data Memory Optical Media Man. The Print House The Print House
Gahanna, OH Indianapolis, IN Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY
1 DVD Duplication: Including cost of disc, printing on disc, and
paper sleeve……………..per 100 disc…………………………………. 134 $78.00 $10,452.00 $135.00 $18,090.00 $65.00 $8,710.00 $52.00 $6,968.00
CONTRACTOR TOTALS $10,452.00 $18,090.00 $8,710.00 $6,968.00
DISCOUNT 0.00% $0.00 0% $0.00 0.25% $21.78 0.25% $17.42
DISCOUNTED TOTALS $10,452.00 $18,090.00 $8,688.22 $6,950.58
Previous Contractor
TERM: April 1, 202 to March 31, 2021
JKB - 3-19-2020
March 5, 2020
This is Amendment No. 1 . The specifications in our invitation for bids on Program 0869s, scheduled for opening
at 1 lam on 03/06/2020, are amended as follows:
1. Change the bid opening date to March 13, 2020.
2. On Pages 6 and 7 under DVD-ROM IVIanufacturing Specifications:
All DVD-ROM discs produced under this contract shall comply with the applicable sections of the DVD standard
specification version 1.0. All DVD-ROM discs produced under this contract shall comply with the specifications
cited in the following tables.
Digital Errors (Reed Solomon Product Code):
PI 8 ECC Sum
PI Fails
PO Fails
Percent of PI rows with Errors
Acceptable Valuefs)
Not specified
= 0 (zero)
Not specified
Comments: The PI 8 ECC Sum error is the total error across 8 ECC blocks. PI 8 Sum under 40 is preferred.
HF/Tracking Real-time Measurements (made before signal "equalization"):
Tangential Push Pull
Acceptable Valuefs)
Single layer: >0.15
Dual layer: >0.20
In the range minus 0.05 to 0.15
732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001 | |
HF/Tracking Station Measurements:
DPD Track Crossing
DPD Tracking Amplitude
DPD Tracking Asymmetry
Acceptable Valuefs)
Single layer: in the range 45% to 85%
Dual layer: in the range 18% to 30%
Comments: HF signals must be strong enough to avoid decoding failures. The tracking signal must be strong
enough to support the variable bit functions.
Track Pitch
Pit Length
Local Defects
Scanning Velocity
Jitter (data to Clock)
Angular Deviation (tilt)
Acceptable Value(s)
0.74 +/-0.01 um/track
Single layer: in the range 0.394 to 1.873
Double layer: in the range 0.434 to 2.058
Air bubbles: 100 um maximum
Black spots: 200 um maximum
Single layer: 3.49 +/-0.03 m/sec
Dual layer: 3.84 +/-0.03m/sec
<8.0%, independent of tilt effects
Radial tilt: < +/-0.80 degrees
Tangential tilt: < +/-0.30 degrees
< 100 nm
Comment: The combination of the effects ofjitter and tilt will be considered in the evaluation of a disc.
Lead-in Area Contents: The contractor shall set the values of the lead-in area as follows:
Book Type
Book Version
Disc Size
Number of Layers
Dual Layer Track Path
Layer Type
Linear Density
Track Density
Starting Sector Number
Ending Sector Number (Main)
Ending Sector Number (layer 0)
Burst Cutting Area (BCA) Flag
Copy Protection System
Region Management Flags
Encryption Data
Manufacturing Data
Content Provider Information
(determined by contractor)
1 or 2, as specified on the print order
Parallel Track Path (FTP)
Single layer: 0.2667 um/data bit
Dual layer: 0.293 um/data bit
0.74 um/track
(determined by contractor)
(determined by contractor)
Exists (on) (BCA encodes disc volume ID)
none (copy protection off)
None (unrestricted access in all regions)
None (no encryption)
(As supplied by the contractor)
(Insert contents of provided file CPI.TXT)
732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001 | |
3. On Page 7 Delete requirement for Stamper IVIarks
The contractor shall image the jacket and print order number on the inner buffer zone unless the contractor is
permitted to image other identification marks necessary for production in the inner buffer zone
4. On Page 8 under DVD-ROM Quality Control
DELETE -ROM from header
Delete: Data Integrity: For each stamper used, the contractor shall:
Replace with: Data Integrity: For each duplicator used, the contractor shall:
Delete all references ofReplicate(s) and replace with Duplicate(s)
5. On Page 8 Delete requirement for DVD-ROM Product Testing:
The contractor is required to test DVD-ROM replicates for compliance to the specifications of this contract.
The following test results shall be reported:
1. Average track pitch.
2. Average scanning velocity.
3. Tangential push/pull.
4. Track crossing signal magnitude.
5. High frequency and tracking signal properties. The must be read continuously along the spiral track. Minimum,
maximum and average values must be reported. Minima and maxima must be identified by A-time.
a. Itop or reflectivity.
b. Signal asymmetry.
c. 13 normalized to 114.
d. 114 normalized to I14H.
6. One-second moving values for PI 8 ECC Sum and PI Fails, measured continuously along the spiral track; minimum,
maximum and average values must be reported.
7. Total playing time and total sectors tested.
8. Maximum disc birefringence.
9. Data to clock jitter.
All other specifications remain the same.
732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001 | |
If amendment is not acknowledged on bid, direct acknowledgement to:
U.S. Government Publishing Office
Bid Section, Room C848, Stop CSPS
732 North Capitol Street NW
Washington, DC 20401-0001
Amended bid or acknowledgement must be submittedjjsing the method{s) specified in the solicitation
for bid submission. Telephone or e-mail submission is not acceptable.
Failure to acknowledge receipt of amendment, by amendment number, prior to bid-opening time, may
be reason for bid being declared nonresponsive.
Contracting Officer
732 North Capitol Street NW. Washington, DC 20401-0001 | |
Program 869-S Page 1 of 14
Specifications by JKB
Reviewed by MRN
Washington, DC
For the Procurement of
DVD Duplication
as requisitioned from the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) by
U.S .Government Publishing Office
Superintendent of Documents
Single Award
TERM OF CONTRACT: The term of this contract is for the period beginning April 1, 2020 and ending March 31,
2021, plus up to four (4) optional 12-month extension periods that may be added in accordance with the “OPTION TO
EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT” clause in SECTION 1 of this contract.
BID OPENING: Bids shall be publicly opened at 11:00 a.m., prevailing Washington, DC time, on March 6, 2020.
BID SUBMISSION: Submit bid in pre-addressed envelope furnished with solicitation or send to: U.S. Government
Publishing Office, Bid Section, Room C-848, Stop: CSPS, 732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401.
Facsimile bids in response to this solicitation are permitted. Facsimile bids may be submitted directly to the GPO Bid
Section, Fax No. (202) 512-1782. The program number and bid opening date must be specified with the bid. Refer to
Facsimile Bids in Solicitation Provisions of GPO Contract Terms, GPO Publication 310.2, as revised January 2018.
Hand delivered bids are to be taken to: GPO Bookstore, 710 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC, between the
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., prevailing Washington, DC time, Monday through Friday. Contractor is to follow the
instructions in the bid submission/opening area. If further instruction or assistance is required, call (202) 512-0526.
PRODUCTION AREA: It is assumed that all production facilities used in the manufacture of the products ordered
under this contract will be located within a 60-mile radius of zero milestone Washington, DC.
Any bidder intending to use production facilities outside this area should furnish information, with the bid, which will
on its face demonstrate ability to meet the schedule requirements. The determination by the Government of the
acceptability of this information in no way relieves the successful bidder of the responsibility for compliance with these
schedule requirements.
BIDDERS, PLEASE NOTE: These specifications have been extensively revised; therefore, all bidders are cautioned
to familiarize themselves with all provisions of these specifications before bidding.
The GPO 910 “BID” Form is no longer required. Bidders are to fill out, sign/initial, as applicable, all pages of
Abstracts of contract prices are available at
For information of a technical nature, contact Jim Ballou at
or (202) 512-0307
DVD Duplication Page 2 of 14
869-S (03/21)
GPO CONTRACT TERMS: Any contract which results from this Invitation for Bid will be subject to the applicable
provisions, clauses, and supplemental specifications of GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective December 1,
1987 (Rev. 1-18)) and GPO Contract Terms, Quality Assurance Through Attributes Program for Printing and Binding
(GPO Pub. 310.1, effective May 1979 (Rev. 09-19)).
GPO Contract Terms (GPO Publication 310.2)
GPO QATAP (GPO Publication 310.1)
SUBCONTRACTING: The predominant production function shall be DVD duplication. Bidders who must
subcontract this operation will be declared non-responsible.
QUALITY ASSURANCE LEVELS AND STANDARDS: The following levels and standards shall apply to these
Product Quality Levels:
(a) Printing (page related) Attributes Level III.
(b) Finishing (item related) Attributes Level III.
Inspection Levels (from ANSI/ASQC Z1.4):
(a) Non-destructive Tests General Inspection Level I.
(b) Destructive Tests Special Inspection Level S-2.
Specified Standards: The specified standards for the attributes requiring them shall be:
Attribute Specified Standard
P-7. Type Quality and Uniform OK Proofs/Manuscript copy
OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT: The Government has the option to extend the term of
this contract for a period of 12 months by written notice to the contractor not later than 30 days before the contract
expires. If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this clause,
except, the total duration of the contract may not exceed five (5) years as a result of, and including, any extension(s)
added under this clause. Further extension may be negotiated under the "EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TERM"
clause. See also "ECONOMIC PRICE ADJUSTMENT" for authorized pricing adjustment(s).
EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TERM: At the request of the Government, the term of any contract resulting from
this solicitation may be extended for such period of time as may be mutually agreeable to the GPO and the contractor.
ECONOMIC PRICE ADJUSTMENT: The pricing under this contract shall be adjusted in accordance with this
clause, provided that in no event will any pricing adjustment be made that would exceed the maximum permissible
under any law in effect at the time of the adjustment. There will be no adjustment for orders placed during the first
period specified below. Pricing will thereafter be eligible for adjustment during the second and any succeeding
performance period(s). For each performance period after the first, a percentage figure will be calculated as described
below and that figure will be the economic price adjustment for that entire next period. Pricing adjustments under this
clause are not applicable to reimbursable postage or transportation costs, or to paper, if paper prices are subject to
adjustment by separate clause elsewhere in this contract.
DVD Duplication Page 3 of 14
869-S (03/21)
For the purpose of this clause, performance under this contract will be divided into successive periods. The first period
will extend from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, and the second and any succeeding period(s) will extend for 12
months from the end of the last preceding period, except that the length of the final period may vary. The first day of
the second and any succeeding period(s) will be the effective date of the economic price adjustment for that period.
Pricing adjustments in accordance with this clause will be based on changes in the seasonally adjusted "Consumer Price
Index For All Urban Consumers - Commodities Less Food" (Index) published monthly in the CPI Detailed Report by
the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The economic price adjustment will be the percentage difference between Index averages as specified in this paragraph.
An index called the variable index will be calculated by averaging the monthly Indexes from the 12-month interval
ending three (3) months prior to the beginning of the period being considered for adjustment. This average is then
compared to the average of the monthly Indexes for the 12-month interval ending December 2019, called the base
index. The percentage change (plus or minus) of the variable index from the base index will be the economic price
adjustment for the period being considered for adjustment.
The Government will notify the contractor by contract modification specifying the percentage increase or decrease to be
applied to invoices for orders placed during the period indicated. The contractor shall apply the percentage increase or
decrease against the total price of the invoice less reimbursable postage or transportation costs and separately adjusted
paper prices. Payment discounts shall be applied after the invoice price is adjusted.
ASSIGNMENT OF JACKETS, PURCHASE AND PRINT ORDERS: A GPO jacket number will be assigned and
a purchase order issued to the contractor to cover work performed. The purchase order will be supplemented by an
individual print order for each job placed with the contractor. The print order, when issued, will indicate the quantity to
be produced and any other information pertinent to the particular order.
PREAWARD SURVEY: In order to determine the responsibility of the prime contractor or any subcontractor, the
Government reserves the right to conduct an on-site preaward survey at the contractor's/subcontractor's facility or to
require other evidence of technical, production, managerial, financial, and similar abilities to perform, prior to the
award of a contract. As part of the financial determination, the contractor in line for award may be required to provide
one or more of the following financial documents:
1) Most recent profit and loss statement
2) Most recent balance sheet
3) Statement of cash flows
4) Current official bank statement
5) Current lines of credit (with amounts available)
6) Letter of commitment from paper supplier(s)
7) Letter of commitment from any subcontractor
The documents will be reviewed to validate that adequate financial resources are available to perform the contract
requirements. Documents submitted will be kept confidential and used only for the determination of responsibility by
the Government. Failure to provide the requested information in the time specified by the Government may result in the
Contracting Officer not having adequate information to reach an affirmative determination of responsibility.
ORDERING: Items to be furnished under the contract shall be ordered by the issuance of print orders by the
Government. Orders may be issued under the contract from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021, plus for such
additional period(s) as the contract is extended. All print orders issued hereunder are subject to the terms and conditions
of the contract. The contract shall control in the event of conflict with any print order. A print order shall be "issued"
upon notification by the Government for purposes of the contract when it is electronically transmitted or otherwise
physically furnished to the contractor in conformance with the schedule.
DVD Duplication Page 4 of 14
869-S (03/21)
REQUIREMENTS: This is a requirements contract for the items and for the period specified herein.
Shipment/delivery of items or performance of work shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in accordance
with the clause entitled "ORDERING." The quantities of items specified herein are estimates only, and are not
purchased hereby. Except as may be otherwise provided in this contract, if the Government's requirements for the items
set forth herein do not result in orders in the amounts or quantities described as "estimated," it shall not constitute the
basis for an equitable price adjustment under this contract.
Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the Government shall order from the contractor all the items set forth
which are required to be purchased by the Government activity identified on page 1.
The Government shall not be required to purchase from the contractor, requirements in excess of the limit on total
orders under this contract, if any.
Orders issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that time shall be completed by the
contractor within the time specified in the order, and the rights and obligations of the contractor and the Government
respecting those orders shall be governed by the terms of this contract to the same extent as if completed during the
effective period of this contract.
If shipment/delivery of any quantity of an item covered by the contract is required by reason of urgency prior to the
earliest date that shipment/delivery may be specified under this contract, and if the contractor will not accept an order
providing for the accelerated shipment/delivery, the Government may procure this requirement from another source.
The Government may issue orders which provide for shipment/delivery to or performance at multiple destinations.
Subject to any limitations elsewhere in this contract, the contractor shall furnish to the Government all items set forth
herein which are called for by print orders issued in accordance with the "ORDERING" clause of this contract.
Submitting invoices for payment via the GPO fax gateway (if no samples are required) utilizing the GPO barcode
coversheet program application is the most efficient method of invoicing. Instruction for using this method can be
found at the following web address:
Invoices may also be mailed to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Office of Financial Management, Attn:
Comptroller, Stop: FMCE, Washington, DC 20401.
For more information about the billing process refer to the General Information of the Office of Finance web page
located at
Contractor’s billing invoice must be itemized in accordance with the line items in the “SCHEDULE OF PRICES.”
DVD Duplication Page 5 of 14
869-S (03/21)
SCOPE: These specifications cover the production of DVDs requiring such operations electronic prepress,
composition, printing on discs, DVD duplication, packing, and distribution.
TITLE: DVD Duplication.
FREQUENCY OF ORDERS: Approximately 12 to 20 orders per year.
QUANTITY: Approximately 400 to 700 copies per order.
NOTE: The quantity may decrease by approximately 5% for each option year exercised.
TRIM SIZES: 120 mm (standard discs).
GOVERNMENT TO FURNISH: DVD master to be used for duplication.
Manuscript copy consisting of text and line matter to be used for the printing on the disc.
Fonts: All printer and screen fonts will be furnished/embedded, as applicable.
Identification markings such as register marks, commercial identification marks of any kind, etc., except GPO imprint,
form number, and revision date must not print on finished product.
EXHIBITS: The facsimile of the sample page shown as EXHIBIT A is representative of the printing on the disc
which will be ordered under this contract. However, it cannot be guaranteed that future orders will correspond exactly
to this exhibit.
CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH: All materials and operations, other than those listed under “GOVERNMENT TO
FURNISH,” necessary to produce the product in accordance with these specifications.
COMPOSITION: Contractor must set type for printing on face of disc. Contractor to match furnished copy for
typestyle and size. (See EXHIBIT A for sample.)
PROOFS (on the first order only): One (1) “Press Quality” PDF soft proof (for content only) using the same Raster
Image Processor (RIP) that will be used to produce the final printed product. PDF proof will be evaluated for text flow,
image position, and color breaks. Proof will not be used for color match. Proofs will be transferred to the agency via
If any contractor’s errors are serious enough in the opinion of the GPO to require revised proofs, the revised proofs are
to be provided at no expense to the Government. No extra time can be allowed for this reproofing; such operations
must be accomplished within the original production schedule allotted in the specifications.
The contractor must not print prior to receipt of an “OK to print.
PRINTING: Title and artwork prints directly on top of disc (no labels) in black ink only (see EXHIBIT A). All discs
require a white base coating prior to printing the discs. All printing on the disc shall comply with the requirements set
forth in the International Standards IEC 908 and Amendment ISO 9660, and ISO 10149. Inks used for the disc shall
not damage the lacquer layer.
MARGINS: Margins will be as indicated on the print order or furnished copy.
DVD DUPLICATION: Contractor must duplicate the furnished DVD in the number of copies specified on the print
DVD Duplication Page 6 of 14
869-S (03/21)
NOTE: All DVD (Video) discs must be capable of “read/play” on computer DVD drives and on consumer-type
DVD players.
Data Verification: Upon receipt of the input media, the contractor shall review the files for usability and
completeness. The contractor shall verify compliance of each disc image with the requirements of the DVD standard
specification version 1.0. The contractor shall immediately notify the government of any problems with the furnished
data files, including files which are damaged, unreadable, oversized or not in compliance with the DVD standard
specification version 1.0.
Data Capacity: The contractor shall be capable of producing a DVD-5 containing 4.7 gigabytes (4,700,000,000 bytes)
of data (single side, single layer).
Stamper Marks: The contractor shall image the jacket and print order number on the inner buffer zone unless the
contractor is permitted to image other identification marks necessary for production in the inner buffer zone.
DVD-ROM File System: All DVD-ROM and DVD-R discs produced under this contract shall comply with the
OSTA Universal Disc Format Specification: 1996 (Appendix 6.9) “OSTA UDF Compliant Domain” of ISO/IEC
13346:1995 Volume and file structure of write-once and rewritable media using non-sequential recording for
information interchange. Also known as the UDF Bridge (UDF/ISO 9660) file structure.
DVD-ROM Manufacturing Specifications: All DVD-ROM discs produced under this contract shall comply with the
applicable sections of the DVD standard specification version 1.0. All DVD-ROM discs produced under this contract
shall comply with the specifications cited in the following tables.
Digital Errors (Reed Solomon Product Code):
Parameters Acceptable Value(s)
PI 8 ECC Sum <280
PI Fails Not specified
PO Fails = 0 (zero)
Percent of PI rows with Errors Not specified
Comments: The PI 8 ECC Sum error is the total error across 8 ECC blocks. PI 8 Sum under 40 is preferred.
HF/Tracking Real-time Measurements (made before signal “equalization”):
Parameters Acceptable Value(s)
I3/I4 Single layer: >0.15
Dual layer: >0.20
I14/I14H >0.6
Tangential Push Pull <0.9
Asymmetry In the range minus 0.05 to 0.15
DVD Duplication Page 7 of 14
869-S (03/21)
HF/Tracking Station Measurements:
Parameters Acceptable Value(s)
DPD Track Crossing >0.10
DPD Tracking Amplitude >0.5
DPD Tracking Asymmetry <0.2
Reflectivity Single layer: in the range 45% to 85%
Dual layer: in the range 18% to 30%
Comments: HF signals must be strong enough to avoid decoding failures. The tracking signal must be strong enough
to support the variable bit functions.
Parameters Acceptable Value(s)
Track Pitch 0.74 +/-0.01 um/track
Pit Length Single layer: in the range 0.394 to 1.873
Double layer: in the range 0.434 to 2.058
Local Defects Air bubbles: 100 um maximum
Black spots: 200 um maximum
Scanning Velocity Single layer: 3.49 +/-0.03 m/sec
Dual layer: 3.84 +/-0.03m/sec
Jitter (data to Clock) <8.0%, independent of tilt effects
Angular Deviation (tilt) Radial tilt: < +/-0.80 degrees
Tangential tilt: < +/-0.30 degrees
Birefringence < 100 nm
Comment: The combination of the effects of jitter and tilt will be considered in the evaluation of a disc.
Lead-in Area Contents: The contractor shall set the values of the lead-in area as follows:
Parameters Value(s)
Book Type DVD-ROM
Book Version (determined by contractor)
Disc Size 120mm
Number of Layers 1 or 2, as specified on the print order
Dual Layer Track Path Parallel Track Path (PTP)
Layer Type Read-only
Linear Density Single layer: 0.2667 um/data bit
Dual layer: 0.293 um/data bit
Track Density 0.74 um/track
Starting Sector Number 030000h
Ending Sector Number (Main) (determined by contractor)
Ending Sector Number (layer 0) (determined by contractor)
Burst Cutting Area (BCA) Flag Exists (on) (BCA encodes disc volume ID)
Copy Protection System none (copy protection off)
Region Management Flags None (unrestricted access in all regions)
Encryption Data None (no encryption)
Manufacturing Data (As supplied by the contractor)
Content Provider Information (Insert contents of provided file CPI.TXT)
DVD Duplication Page 8 of 14
869-S (03/21)
DVD-ROM Quality Control: Each delivered replicate must meet or exceed the requirements of these specifications.
In addition to the contractor’ existing quality control procedures, the following steps must be performed.
Data Integrity: For each stamper used, the contractor shall:
1 Verify the integrity of all data against the original Government furnished media.
2. Verify the integrity of error detection and error correction coding for each sector of the user data area.
3. Verify the UDF/ISO 9660 directory structure.
Verification may be performed on a replicate or pre-production check disc. Replicates not meeting these specifications
must be reproduced and re-delivered at the contractor’s expense and the contractor shall be considered late.
DVD-ROM Product Testing: The contractor is required to test DVD-ROM replicates for compliance to the
specifications of this contract.
The following test results shall be reported:
1. Average track pitch.
2. Average scanning velocity.
3. Tangential push/pull.
4. Track crossing signal magnitude.
5. High frequency and tracking signal properties. The must be read continuously along the spiral track.
Minimum, maximum and average values must be reported. Minima and maxima must be identified by A-time.
a. Itop or reflectivity.
b. Signal asymmetry.
c. I3 normalized to I14.
d. I14 normalized to I14H.
6. One-second moving values for PI 8 ECC Sum and PI Fails, measured continuously along the spiral track;
minimum, maximum and average values must be reported.
7. Total playing time and total sectors tested.
8. Maximum disc birefringence.
9. Data to clock jitter.
CHECK DISCS (on the first order only): Contractor must furnish two (2) DVDs for Government inspection prior to
duplication of the quantity ordered.
If the check disc is disapproved due to faulty production by the contractor, the contractor must then provide a corrected
check disc for approval, and no extra time will be allowed in the production schedule. No additional charges will be
allowed for this corrected disc.
If the check disc is faulty because of a defective DVD furnished by the Government, instructions will be furnished to
the contractor for return of the defective DVD and a new DVD will be furnished to the contractor. The contractor will
be allowed to charge for the check disc produced from the furnished DVD. The schedule will start over upon the
contractor’s receipt of the corrected DVD.
DVD Duplication Page 9 of 14
869-S (03/21)
All check discs must be placed in individual paper sleeves and packed suitable in shipping containers for delivery
without damage to discs. Although the check disc will not be required to be printed, they must have the following
information written on the disc for the purpose of easy identification: product name, volume/issue/month/year, as
applicable, and disc sequence (i.e., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3,). The shipping container label must be identified by GPO
jacket number, program number, print order, and title.
Contractor is cautioned not to proceed with duplications until approval of the check discs is received.
PACKING: Insert each disc into a standard white paper sleeve with clear window with face of disc (printed side)
showing through window.
Pack the discs (in the paper sleeves) suitable in shipping containers not to exceed 45 pounds when fully packed unless
otherwise specified on the print order.
All shipments which fill less than a shipping container must be packaged with materials of sufficient strength and
durability and in such a manner which will guarantee that the product will not be damaged and the package will not
open nor split during the delivery process.
LABELING AND MARKING (Package and/or Container Label):
Contractor to download the “Labeling and Marking Specifications” form (GPO Form 905, Rev. 7-15) from,
fill in appropriate blanks, and attach to shipping containers.
Mark all containers with the following: Job title; requisition number; jacket number; program number; print order
number; quantity; and, number of containers (e.g., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3).
DEPARTMENTAL RANDOM COPIES (BLUE LABEL): All orders must be divided into equal sublots in
accordance with the chart below. A random copy must be selected from each sublot. Do not choose copies from the
same general area in each sublot. The contractor will be required to certify that copies were selected as directed using
GPO Form 917 Certificate of Selection of Random Copies (located on The random copies constitute a part
of the total quantity ordered, and no additional charge will be allowed.
Number of Distribution Number of
Sets Ordered Sublots
26 - 150 5
151 - 280 8
281 - 500 13
501 - 10,000 20
10,000 - 35,000 32
35,001 and over 50
These randomly selected copies must be packaged separately and identified by a special label (GPO Form 2678-
Departmental Random Copies (Blue Label)) that must be printed on blue paper and affixed to each affected container.
This form can be downloaded from The container and its contents shall be recorded separately on all
shipping documents and sent to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP),
Item 0154-D, Document Warehouse, 8660 Cherry Lane, Laurel, MD 20707-4986.
A copy of the print order/specification and a signed Certificate of Selection of Random Copies must be included.
A copy of the Certificate of Selection of Random Copies must accompany the invoice sent to U.S. Government
Publishing Office, Financial Management Service, for payment. Failure to furnish the certificate may result in delay in
processing the invoice.
DVD Duplication Page 10 of 14
869-S (03/21)
QUALITY ASSURANCE TEST DISCS: When indicated on the print order, the contractor shall submit three (3)
DVD replicates for each stamper used to produce the order. One disc shall be selected from the first third of each
stamper production run, one from the middle third of the run, and one from the last third of the run. These discs will be
tested for compliance with specifications.
These quality assurance test discs are in addition to the total quantity ordered. They are to be provided at no additional
cost to the Government. Business reply mail labels will be furnished for mailing test discs. These discs are to be
mailed at the same time as the first scheduled shipment. A copy of the print order must be included.
DISTRIBUTION: Deliver f.o.b. destination to three (3) addresses within the commercial zone of Washington, DC.
Complete addresses and quantities will be furnished with the print orders.
Upon completion of each order, contractor must notify the ordering agency (on the same day the order delivers) via
email to [email protected]. The subject line of the email shall be “Distribution Notice for Program 869-S, Print
Order XXXXX, Jacket Number XXX-XXX.” The notice must provide all applicable tracking numbers, delivery
method, and title of product. Contractor must be able to provide copies of all delivery receipts upon agency request.
Upon completion of each order, contractor must return all furnished material and one (1) sample to: U.S. Government
Publishing Office, Attn: Karen Peregoy, Mail Stop: IDAD, 44 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401.
All expenses incidental to picking up and returning materials, submitting proofs and check discs, and furnishing sample
copies must be borne by the contractor.
SCHEDULE: Adherence to this schedule must be maintained. Contractor must not start production of any job prior to
receipt of the individual print order (GPO Form 2511).
Furnished materials must be picked up from: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Visitor Center, 732 North Capital
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401; and returned to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Attn: Karen Peregoy, Mail
Stop: IDAD, 44 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401.
PDF soft proof must be emailed to the address specified on the print order.
Check discs must be delivered to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Attn: Karen Peregoy, Mail Stop: IDAD, 44 H
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401.
No definite schedule for pickup of material can be predetermined.
The following schedule begins the workday after notification of the availability of print order and furnished material;
the workday after notification will be the first workday of the schedule.
On the first order only, contractor to email PDF soft proof and submit check discs within three (3) workdays of
notification of availability of print order and furnished materials.
Proofs/check discs will be withheld no more than two (2) workdays from their receipt at the ordering agency
until they are made available for pick up. (The first workday after receipt of proofs at the ordering agency is
day one (1) of the hold time.) NOTE: Changes, corrections, and/or “OK to print” for the PDF soft proof will
be emailed to the contractor.
Contractor must complete production and distribution within 10 workdays of receipt of an “OK to print” on
proofs and approval on the check discs.
NOTE: For the balance of orders when PDF soft proof and check discs are not required, contractor must complete
production and distribution within 10 workdays of notification of availability of print order and furnished material.
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The ship/deliver date indicated on the print order is the date products ordered for delivery f.o.b. destination must be
delivered to the destinations specified.
Unscheduled material such as shipping documents, receipts or instructions, delivery lists, labels, etc., will be furnished
with the order or shortly thereafter. In the event such information is not received in due time, the contractor will not be
relieved of any responsibility in meeting the shipping schedule because of failure to request such information.
For compliance reporting purposes, contractors are to report information regarding each order with date of shipment or
delivery, as applicable, in accordance with the contract requirements by contacting the Shared Support Services
Compliance Section via email at
, via telephone at (202) 512-0520, or via facsimile at (202) 512-
1364. Personnel receiving the email, call, or facsimile will be unable to respond to questions of a technical nature or to
transfer any inquiries.
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The Government will determine the lowest bid by applying the prices offered in the SCHEDULE OF PRICES to the
following units of production which are the estimated requirements to produce one (1) years production under this
contract. These units do not constitute, nor are they to be construed as, a guarantee of the volume of work which may
be ordered for a like period of time.
The following item designations correspond to those listed in the SCHEDULE OF PRICES.
I. 134
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Bids offered are f.o.b. destination.
Prices must include the cost of all required materials and operations for each item listed in accordance with these
Bidder must make an entry in each of the spaces provided. Bids submitted with any obliteration, revision, or alteration
of the order and manner of submitting bids may be declared non-responsive.
An entry of NC (No Charge) shall be entered if bidder intends to furnish individual items at no charge to the
Government. Bids submitted with NB (No Bid), NA (Not Applicable) or blank spaces for an item may be declared
The Contracting Officer reserves the right to reject any offer that contains prices for individual items of production
(whether or not such items are included in the DETERMINATION OF AWARD) that are inconsistent or unrealistic in
regard to other prices in the same offer or to GPO prices for the same operation if such action would be in the best
interest of the Government.
All invoices submitted to the GPO shall be based on the most economical method of production.
Fractional parts of 100 will be prorated at the per-100 rate.
I. DUPLICATION, PACKING, AND DISTRIBUTION: Prices offered shall include the cost of all required
materials and operations necessary (including composition, PDF soft proof, and check discs) for the complete
duplication, packing, and distribution of the product listed in accordance with these specifications.
DVD Duplication:
Including cost of disc, printing on disc, and paper sleeve .................................. per 100 discs .... $___________
My production facilities are located within the assumed area of production………………._______yes _______no
NOTICE: Bidders OUTSIDE the assumed production area specified on page one of these specifications should
complete the following information.
1. Proposed carrier(s) for pickup of Government Furnished Material ___________________________________
a. Number of hours from acceptance of print order to pickup of Government Furnished
Material ...................................................................................................................................... ___________
b. Number of hours from pickup of Government Furnished Material to delivery at
Contractor’s plant ....................................................................................................................... ___________
2. Proposed carrier(s) for delivery of completed product _____________________________________________
a. Number of hours from notification to carrier to pickup of completed product ........................... ___________
b. Number of hours from pickup of completed product to delivery at destination ......................... ___________
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SHIPMENT(S): Shipments will be made from: City __________________________, State _________________
The city(ies) indicated above will be used for evaluation of transportation charges when shipment f.o.b. contractor’s
city is specified. If no shipping point is indicated above, it will be deemed that the bidder has selected the city and state
shown below in the address block, and the bid will be evaluated and the contract awarded on that basis. If shipment is
not made from evaluation point, the contractor will be responsible for any additional shipping costs incurred.
DISCOUNTS: Discounts are offered for payment as follows: ____________ Percent, ____________ calendar days.
See Article 12 “Discounts” of Solicitations Provisions in GPO Contract Terms (Publication 310.2).
AMENDMENT(S): Bidder hereby acknowledges amendment(s) number(ed) ________________________________
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: In compliance with the above, the undersigned agree, if this bid is accepted within
_____________ calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the bidder) from the date for
receipt of bids, to furnish the specified items at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), in
exact accordance with specifications.
NOTE: Failure to provide a 60-day bid acceptance period may result in expiration of the bid prior to award.
BIDDER’S NAME AND SIGNATURE: Unless specific written exception is taken, the bidder, by signing and
submitting a bid, agrees with and accepts responsibility for all certifications and representations as required by the
solicitation and GPO Contract Terms Publication 310.2. When responding by fax or mail, fill out and return one copy
of all pages in “SECTION 4. SCHEDULE OF PRICES,” including initialing/signing where indicated.
Failure to sign the signature block below may result in the bid being declared non-responsive.
Bidder ________________________________________________________________________________________
(Contractor’s Name) (GPO Contractor’s Code)
(Street Address)
(City State Zip Code)
By ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Printed Name, Signature, and Title of Person Authorized to Sign this Bid) (Date)
(Person to be Contacted) (Telephone Number) (Email Address)
Certified by: __________ Date: __________ Contracting Officer: __________ Date: __________
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