TIME: 3.00 Hrs. MARKS: 100
Part I
Answer all the questions. 14x1=14
Choose the most suitable answer and write the code with corresponding answer.
Choose the appropriate synonyms for the italicised words.
1. The seagull’s parents were laughing at his cowardice.
a) timidity b) cleverness c) courageous d) daringly
2. I suspected that it was a burglar.
a) smiled b) confirmed c) definite d) doubted
3. I couldn’t help venting my anger on you.
a) venturing b) expressing c) concealing d) withholding
Choose the appropriate antonyms for the italicised words.
4. She shouted intuitively.
a) senselessly b) terribly c) immediately d) sensibly
5. We did not want to frighten them.
a) afraid b) alarm c) horrify d) comfort
6. He lived a cursed life.
a) blessed b) sinful c) sad d) unholy
7. Choose the correct plural form of ‘millennium’
a) millennium b) millennia c) millenni d) millenniums
8. Attach a suitable suffix to the word--- slave
a) ---esh b) ----sh c) ---ish d) ---ash
9. The common expansion of IQ is
a) Intelligence Questions b) Intelligent Quotient c) Intelligence Quotient d) Immediate
10. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb given below.
The crew ___________ of water and food before they could complete their expedition.
a) ran on b) ran about c) ran in d) ran out
11. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word over to form a compound word .
a) man b) wash c) coat d) tax.
12. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition given below
Milk is a nutritious food enriched __________ vitamins and proteins.
a) in b) for c) with d) from
13. Complete the following sentence using the most appropriate tense form of the verb given below.
After he ______________ his lunch, he went to the class.
a) will finish b) finished c) had finished d) was finishing
14. Choose the most appropriate linker from the given four alternatives.
_____________ it rained heavily, the schools were closed.
a) but b) though c) as d) if
Part II
Section I 10x2=20
Answer any THREE of the following questions in a sentence or two. 3x2=6
15. What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
16. Mention the things that the grandfather imagined.
17. What does the term circumnavigation mean?
18. What was the daily routine of Sanyal?
Section II
Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any THREE questions of the following.
19. And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
a) How can one travel on with cheer?
b) When does the heart pay its toll?
20. The worst thing is that if anyone stays
Among them too long, he will learn their ways;
a) What is the worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them?
b) What are the ways of the Grumble family?
21. Don’t ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.
She knows how to thaw you, saw you – so beware!
a) What do the words thaw, saw mean here?
b) What is the tone of the author?
22. Not a crumb to be found
On the snow-covered ground;
a) What couldn’t he find on the ground?
b) Why was the ground covered with snow?
Section III
Answer any THREE of the following. 3x2=6
23. Rewrite the following sentence to the other voice.
Ramsundar made a mistake.
24. Rewrite using indirect speech.
Akila said to Akilan, “I visited Chennai last week”.
25. Punctuate the following sentence.
what is it he asked
26. Transform the following sentence into a complex sentence.
On seeing the police, the thief ran away.
27. Rearrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
a) was / silence / in / there / pin-drop / the / room.
b) understood / the / once / danger / at / Peter.
Section IV
Answer the following question. 1x2=2
28. A stranger wants to visit the R.R. Hospital. Help the stranger to reach his/her destination with the
help of the given roadmap and write down the steps.
Part III
Section I 10x5=50
Answer any TWO of the following in utmost 10 lines. 2x5=10
29. Describe the struggles undergone by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
30. Write in detail about the selection and training process which the crew underwent.
31. Describe the funny incident that caused the confusion in the house.
32. Give a brief character sketch of Sasanka Sanyal.
Section II
Answer any TWO of the following. 2x5=10
33. Compare and contrast the attitude of the ant and the cricket.
34. Write a paragraph on ‘The Grumble Family’ and their attitude towards other folks.
35. Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below.
They growl at the rain and they growl at the sun;
In fact, their growling is never done
And if everything pleased them, there isn’t a doubt
They’d growl that they’d nothing to grumble about!
i) Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
ii) Identify the figure of speech employed in the first line.
iii) Pick out the alliterating words.
iv) Write the rhyming words from the above lines.
36. Paraphrase the following stanza.
The summer of life she's ready to see in spring.
She says, "Spring will come again, my dear.
Let me care for the ones who're near.”
She's The Woman – she has no fear!
Section III
Answer any ONE of the following: 1x5=5
37. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order.
a) The war was over and China was saved.
b) Mulan ordered the soldiers to hide so they could attack when the enemy came.
c) Mulan heard about the surprise attack.
d) She got dressed and went outside.
e) No one cared anymore that Mulan was a woman.
38. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
The country Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great
and cowardly shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to
send out a cruel proclamation. The entire province was given strict orders to immediately put to death
all aged people. Those were barbarous days, and the custom of abandoning old people to die was not
uncommon. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order filled his
heart with sorrow. But no one ever thought twice about obeying the mandate of the governor, so with
many deep and hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest
mode of death.
i. Who governed Shining?
ii. What was the cowardly act of the governor?
iii. What proclamation did the governor send out?
iv. How did the poor farmer treat his mother?
v. Did the people obey the governor’s order?
Section IV
Answer any FOUR of the following: 4x5=20
39. Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below.
Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% - Special Combo Offers – Aadhav & Co., Raja Street,
Chepauk, Chennai.
40. You are Raja. You are upset about the bad influence of TV channels on the young children.
Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper suggesting measures to upgrade the
41. You are Karikalan / Karikala Selvi 9876554433. While walking in a park in your
neighbourhood you found a small plastic bag containing some documents and some
cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the notice board asking the owner to
identify and collect it from you.
42. Look at the following picture and express your views on it in about five sentences.
43. Make notes or write a summary of the following passage.
There are many different kinds of books that are published each year. These are the new titles
available for us to read. Besides these, there are books that have been published through the years.
Together, there are millions of books available throughout the world in as many languages as are
spoken by people. There are different genres in which books are published. There are fiction and non-
fiction categories in books, and each of these categories has many different genres of books. The
academic books we study at school belong to the text book category. We study them to complete our
syllabus and pass the examinations at the end of each academic session. There are other books that
we read for our pleasure and enrichment. We read story books of different types. There are comedy,
horror, detective and thriller stories in prose, plays and poetry forms. Books are our best friends.
44. Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences.
a) I prefer coffee than tea.
b) I am an BA in English.
c) He is living in Chennai.
d) Kumar went to school by walk.
e) If you studied well, you will get high marks.
Section V
45. Quote from memory. 1x5=5
She’s a ------------ dear.
Part IV
46. Write a paragraph about 150 words by developing the following hints. 1x8=8
a. Chinese emperor-one member-family – join army – Mulan – teen girl – trained – in Kung Fu –
Joins – disguise boy – wins battles – General sick – doctor – reveals identity – emperor
forgives – re-units family – six horses and swords.
b. Prospero – Duke of Milan – brother Antonio – usurped – magic power – wreck – his enemies’
ship – wanted Miranda – Married to Ferdinand – Forgave all – noble man.
47. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below 4x2=8
Kung Fu – ‘kung’ meaning ‘energy’ and ‘fu’ meaning ‘time’ – is a Chinese martial art whose
recorded history dates back to around 525 CE, during the Liang dynasty. The man credited with
introducing martial arts to China is said to be an Indian monk known as Bodhidarma.
Many people have a misconception that Chinese Kung Fu is about fighting and killing. It is
actually based on Chinese philosophy and is about improving wisdom and intelligence. Taoist
philosophy is deeply rooted in and had a profound influence on the culture of Chinese martial arts.
The five traditional animal styles of Shaolin Kung Fu are the dragon, the snake, the tiger, the
leopard and the crane. The union of the five animal forms clearly displayed the efficacy of both hard
and soft movements, of both internal and external energy – this form of Chinese martial arts was
known as Shaolin Kung Fu, named after the temple in which it was developed.
1. Which country does the martial art Kung Fu belong to?
2. What is the meaning of the term “Kung Fu”?
3. Write any two martial arts of India?
4. What are the five animal styles followed in Shaolin Kung Fu?
b. Read the following poem and answer the following questions given below:
It you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley – but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush, if you can’t be a tree.
If you can’t be a bush, be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can’t be a muskie, then just be a bass-
But the liveliest bass in the lake!
we can’t all be captains, we’ve got to be crew,
There’s something for all of us here.
There’s big work to do and there’s lesser to do
And the task we must do is the near.
If you can’t be a highway, then just be a trail,
If you can’t be the sun, be a star;
It isn’t by size that you win or you fail-
Be the best of whatever you are!
1. Where does the best scrub grow?
2. What makes a highway traveller happy?
3. Does size matter? Give reason.
4. What is the underlying theme of the poem?
PART I (14 X 1 = 14) One Mark MCQ
01-03 Synonyms 3 x 1 = 3 All 7 unit prose glossary
04-06 Antonyms 3 x 1 = 3 All 7 unit key word opposites
07 Plural Forms 1 35,176
08 Prefix, suffix, affixes 1 101,105
09 Abbreviations, Acronyms 1 131,132,133
10 Phrasal Verb 1 68,167,
11 Compound Word 1 100,101
12 Prepositions 1 43,44
13 Tenses 1 75-81
14 Linkers 1 102-105,142-144
PART II (10 x 2 = 20)
15-18 Prose Two Mark Questions 3 x 2 = 6 3 out of 4 All 7 prose
19-22 Poem Appreciation 3 x 2 = 6 3 out of 4 All 7 poems
23 Active & Passive Voice 2
3 out of 5
24 Direct & Indirect Speech 2 145-147
25 Punctuation 2
26 Simple, Compound, Complex 2 200,201
27 Rearrange the words 2 105
28 Road Map 2 Compulsory 168,169
PART III (10 x 5 = 50)
29-32 Paragraph – Prose 2 x 5 = 10 2 out of 4 7 Prose Paragraphs
33-34 Paragraph – Poem 10
2 out of 4
7 Poem Paragraphs
35 Poetic Device 5 All 7 poems
36 Poem Paraphrase 5
37-38 Coherent order/Comprehension 5 1 out of 2 27-All 7 supplementary
39 Advertisement 5
4 out of 6
40 Letter Writing 5 72,172,199
41 Notice Preparation 5 112,113- and practice
42 Picture comprehension 5 Practice
43 Note making or Summary 5 General
44 Error Spotting 5 83 and Exercises
45 Memory Poem 5 No choice All 4 memory poems
PART IV (2 x 8 = 16)
46 Hints Developing-(Supplementary)
69 and all 7 supplementary
47 Paragraph Comprehension or Poem
General comprehension
Q. No.: 1 - SYNONYMS
Choose the appropriate synonyms and write the code with corresponding
1. The mother seagull swooped upwards.
a. Leap b. Rush c. Ascend d. Move very quickly
2. The attichas always been favourite with children.
a. Loft b. Terrace c. Apartment d. Strong room
3. It is a 55- foot sailing vessel built indigenously in India.
a. Fully b. Collectively c. Innately d. Specially
4. His older brother caught his first erring and devoured it.
a. Bite b. Swallowed c. Chew d. Gulping
5. When school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard in the street.
a. energy b. excitement c. dull d. gloomy
1. Shrill - a. Chill b. Very loud sound c. Soft d. Vibrate
2. Trot - a. To run slowly b. To run c. To walk fast d. Move
3. Precipice - a. Mountain b. A narrow path c. Very steep cliff d. Valley
4. Preen - a. Clean b. Muddy c. Plain d. Dirt
5. Swoop - a. Quick move b. Forward c. Succeed d. Proceed
6. Cackle - a. A sound b. Broken noise c. A blast d. Roar
7. Ledge - a. Loft b. A narrow shelf c. Reef d. Room
8. Devour - a. Gulping b. Swallow c. Chew d. Crunch
9. Gnaw - a. To bite b. Smash c. Chop d. Tuck
10. Whet - a. Dull b. Edge c. Sharpen d. Blunt
11. Plaintively - a. Sadly b. Frown c. Joy d. Dark
12. Beckoning - a. Wave b. Calling c. Repel d. Come
1. Attic - a. Loft b. Ground c. Floor d. Terrace
2. Slamming - a. Banging b. Hide c. Close d. Dense
3. Gruffly - a. Happy b. Sadly c. Cry d. Joy
4. Whammed -a. Praise b. pulled c. struck d. Dead
5. Yanked - a. Fix b. sudden jerk c. Shatter d. Move
6. Hysterical - a. Uncontrolled emotion b. Cool c. Sad d. Wild
7. Indignant - a. Annoyance b. Calm c. Upset d. Stare
8. Rending -a. Unite b. Part c. Tearing d. Full
9. Creaking -a. Squeaking noise b. Peep c. Calm d. Shout
10. Holster - a. Luggage b. A pouch c. Handle d. travel
11. Rafter - a. A beam b. Pillar c. Rattle d. Room
1. Circumnavigate - a. Go around b. Ground c. Journey d. Route
2. Indigenously (adj) - a. Local b. Adopt c. Naturally d. Clever
3. Consonance (n) - a. Accept b. Agreement c. Disagreement d. Opinion
4. Apprehensive (adj) -a. Anxious b. Worried c. Composed d. Fearful
5. Contention (n) - a. Strenuous effort b. Quarrel c. Kindness d. Peace
6. Morale(n) - a. Temper b. Emotion c. Fear d. Thesis
7. Auxiliary (adj) - a. Adjoin b. Main c. Additional d. Separation
8. Skipper (v) - a. Captain b. Clerk c. Sailor d. Slip
9. Expedition (n) - a. Picnic b. A journey c. Halt d. Fly
10. Replenish (v) - a. Supply with b. renew c. Waste d. Load
11. Anticipate - a. To foresee b. Plan on c. Doubt d. Hope
1. Bifurcate (v) - a. Scatter b. Divided into two c. Unite d. Depart
2. Rustic(v) - a. Unrefined b. Homely c. Polished d. Old
3. Dilated (v) - a. Reduce b. Swell c. Widened d. Big
4. Ascertained (v) - a. Confirmed b. Learn c. Ignore d. Promise
5. Overwrought (adj) - a. Hyper b. Upset c. Cool d. Calm
6. Crumbled (v) - a. Broken b. Split c. Gathered d. Scatter
7. Unperturbed(adj) - a. Undisturbed b. Worried c. Unstirred d. Disturb
8. Affluent (adj) - a. Needy b. Opulent c. Wealthy d. Fluent
9. Revive (v) - a. Wake up b. Renew c. Upset d. Fresh
10. Soothing(v) - a. Calming b. Warming c. Burning d. Softening
11. Smack (v) - a. Bang b. Force c. Noise d. Splash
1. Grapple(v) - a. To fight b. Stop c. Tackle d. Quarrel
2. Gaze (v) - a. See b. Overlook c. Stare at d. Vision
3. Inclusion (n) - a. Subtraction b. Rapport c. Addition d. Gather
4. Cloister (n) - a. Enclosure b. Open c. Courtyard d. Join
1. Bustle(v) - a. Energizing b. Excite c. Strengthen d. Shout
2. Unison (n) - a. Concurrence b. Union c. Refusal d. Simultaneous Utterance
3. Cranky - a. Ratty b. Strange c. Amiable d. Mad
1. Gaunt (adj) - a. Lean b. Spare c. Thick d. Tall
2. Twitched (v) - a .Repel b. Tug c. Jerked d. Shatter
3. Contagious - a. Harmful b. Taking c. Harmless d. Spreading by contact
4. Groan - a. Cry of pain b. Grumble c. Please d. Grain
5. Delirious (adj) - a. Restlessness b. Angry c. Normal d. Hot
6. Frail - a. Heavy b. Weak c. Unsound d. Tender
7. Startle - a. Shatter b. Calm c. Shock d. Sharp
8. Scuffle - a. Peace b fight c. Commotion d. Scrap
9. Bolted (v) - a. Closed b. Hurtle c. Tighten d. Move
Q. No.: 2 - ANTONYMS
Choose the appropriate antonyms for italicised words:
1. She screamed back mockingly.
a. Disrespectfully b. Ridiculously c. Jeeringly d. Respectfully
2. We don't have to use any means of repulsion.
a. Attraction b. Distaste c. Hate d. Horror
3. I indulged in banking.
a. Took part b. Participated c. Abstained from d. Yielded.
4. His nerves seemed overwrought for some reason.
a. Satisfy b. Hot c. Overflow d. Happy
5. I saw a frail man with a bald head.
a. Strong b. Muscle c. Weak d. Lean
1. Whet - a. Sharp b. Blunt c. Edge d. Knife
2. Plaintively - a. Cheerfully b. Sadly c. Sorrow d. Softly
3. Shrill - a. Chuckle b. High sound c. Low pitch sound d. Loud
4. Swoop - a. Quick b. Run c. Swap d. Slow movement
5. Devour - a. Peck b. Gulp c. Swallow d. Scoop
1. Gruffly - a. Happily b. Sad c. Cry d. Pain
2. Hysterical - a. Shout b. History c. Calm d. Rage
3. Indignant - a. Anger b. Pleasing c. Unfair d. Annoyance
1. Indigenously - a. Naturally b. Artificially c. Inborn d. Foreign
2. Consonance - a. Disagreement b. Agreement c. Opinion d. Compatibility
3. Apprehensive - a. Anxious b. Fearful c. Trainee d. Fearless
4. Replenish - a. Dry out b. A stock c. Supply with d. Goods
5. Anticipate - a. Expect b. Postpone c. Be sure of d. Predict
1. Rustic - a. Refined b. Countryside c. Local d. Ancient
2. Dilated - a. Widened b. Broad c. Shrink d. Usual
3. Ascertained - a. Certain b. Confirm c. Doubted d. Common
4. Overwrought - a. Happy b. Upset c. Worry d. Outburst
5. Unperturbed - a. Disturbed b. Calm c. Undisturbed d. Pretend
6. Affluent - a. Poor b. Rich c. Wealthy d. Opulent
7. Soothing - a. Pleasing b. Softening c. Calming d. Irritating
1. Inclusion - a. Exclusion b. Include c. Addition d. Recession
2. Difficult - a. Tough b. Rough c. Easy d. Hard
3. Frustrating - a. Annoying b. Irritating c. Delightful d. Paining
4. Achieve - a. Victory b. Fail c. Accomplish d. Capture
5. Divide - a. Unite b. Disconnect c. Detach d. Part
1. Unison - a. Consent b. Disagreement c. Embrace d. Concordance
2. Bustle - a. Whirl b. Calm c. Bluster d. Rush
3. Cranky - a. Ordinary b. Unusual c. Normal d. Striking
4. Logical - a. Valid b. Tenable c. Illogical d. Loony
1. Gaunt - a. Skinny b. Wasted c. Fat d. Thin
2. Contagious - a. Catching b. Spreading c. Inviting d. Non communicable
3. Groan - a. Rejoice b. Moan c. Pain d. Cry
4. Delirious - a. Disturbed b. Mad c. Calm d. Hysterical
5. Frail - a. Weak b. Strong c. Soft d. Crisp
6. Bolted - a. Opened b. Barrel c. Escape d. Closed
i. Nouns ending in –o, s, x, ss, sh, ch – add -‘es’
1) Mango - mangoes 4) Bus - buses
2) Box - boxes 5) Class - classes
3) Bush - bushes 6) Church - churches
ii. Nouns ending in –y - remove ‘y’ and add - ies
1) Baby - babies 3) Party - parties
2) City - cities 4) Candy - candies
iii. Nouns ending in ‘f’ and ‘fe’ remove ‘f’ and ‘fe’and add ‘ves’
1) Leaf - leaves 2) Shelf - shelves
3) Calf - calves 4) Thief - thieves
5) Knife - knives 6) Wife - wives
7) Life - lives
iv. Irregular
1) Man - men 6) Woman - women
2) Gentleman - gentlemen 7) Child - children
3) Foot - feet 8) Tooth - teeth
4) Goose - geese 9) Louse - lice
5) Mouse - mice 10) Ox - oxen
v. Compound words
1) Son-in-law - sons-in-law 5) Man-of-war - men- of-war
2) Passer- by - passers-by 6) Commander-in-chief - commanders- in-chief
3) Inspector-general - inspectors-general 7) Man servant - men servants
4) Cupful - cupsful 8) mouthful - mouthfuls
vi. Words from other origins
a) ‘us’ into ‘i’
1) Fungus - fungi 5) Nucleus - nuclei
2) Stimulus - stimuli 6) Bacillus - bacilli
3) Radius - radii 7) Syllabus - syllabi
4) Alumnus - alumni 8) Focus - foci
b) ‘um’ into ‘a’
1) Medium - media 5) Minimum - minima
2) Memorandum - memoranda 6) Curriculum - curricula
3) Datum - data 7) Ovum - ova
4) Serum - sera 8) Stratum - strata
c)‘is’ into ‘es’
1) Crisis - crises 4) Thesis - theses
2) Basis - bases 5) Axis - axes
3) Parenthesis - parentheses
d)‘on’ into ‘a’
1) Criterion - criteria 2) Phenomenon - phenomena
e)‘a’ into ‘ae’
1) Formula - formulae 2) Alumna - alumnae
vii. Words that are same in singular and plural
1) Sheep 7) Scenery 13) Stationery 19) Swine
2) Staff 8) Deer 14) Fish 20) Information
3) News 9) Equipment 15) Luggage 21) Species
4) Advice 10) Alms 16) Cattle 22) Chalk
5) Food 11) Furniture 17) Help 23) Knowledge
6) Series 12) Premises 18) Sugar 24) Wood
1. Choose the correct plural form of alga from the following:
a. algum b. algi c. algae d. algas
2. Choose the correct plural form of luggage from the following:
a. luggages b. luggage c. luggagies d. luggase
3. Choose the correct plural from of son - in - law from the following.
a. sons-in-law b. son-in-law c. son-in-laws d. son-ins-law
4. Choose the correct plural form of medium from the following.
a. medias b. medium c. media d. mediums
5. Choose the correct plural form of foot from the following.
a. feet b. foots c. footes d. foot
1. Chair - a. chaires b. chairs c. chair d. chair
2. Box - a. box b. boxes c. boxen d. boxses
3. Lady - a. ladies b. ladys c. ladie d. ladyies
4. Radius - a. radiues b. radii c. radies d. radiis
5. Formula - a. formulas b. formulaes c. formulae d. formula
6. Child - a. children b. childs c. childrens d. childes
7. Hero - a. heros b. heroes c. heroe d. hero
8. Loaf - a. loafs b. loafes c. loafves d. loaves
9. Deer - a. deers b. deer c. deeres d. deeress
10. Leaf - a. leafs b. leaves c. leavs d. lives
11. Lorry - a. lorries b. lorrys c. lorryes d. lories
12. Clock - a. clockes b. cocks c. clocks d. clockies
13. Table - a. tables b. table c. tables d. tablies
14. Doll - a. dolls b. dolles c. doll d. dollse
15. Biscuit - a. biscuites b. biscuits c. biscuitse d. biscuities
16. Knife - a. knifes b. knifies c. knives d. knifves
17. Chief - a. Chievs b. Chief c. Chiefs d. Chieves
18. Man - a. man b. men c. mens d. mans
19. Cactus - a. cactues b. cacti c. cacties d. cactus
20. Goose - a. gooses b. geese c. geeies d. goose
21. Bacterium - a. bacteriums b. bacterias c. bacteria d bacterium
22. Tooth - a. tooths b. teeth c. tootes d. toothes
23. Hypothesis - a. hypothes b. hypothysis c. hypotheses d. hypotheies
24. Curriculum - a. curriclums b. curricula c. curricular d. curriculames
25. Oasis - a. oases b. oasis c. oaises d. oasies
26. Fungus - a. funguses b. funges c. fungi d. fungies
27. Passer-by - a. passer-bys b. pasers-by c. passers-by d. passerby
28. Bison - a. bisons b. bison c. bisones d. bisoness
29. Staff - a. staffs b. staffs c. staff d. staffves
30. Runner-up - a. runners-up b. runnerup c. runner-ups d. runners-up
31. Food - a. foods b. foodies c. food d. foodes
32. Radius - a. radii b. radiuses c. radies d. radiies
33. Datum - a. datums b. datum c. data d. datumes
34. Thesis - a. theses b. thesis c. thesises d. theies
35. Forum - a. forums b. forums c. fora d. foras
36. Cattle - a. cattles b. cattle c. cattlies d. cattls
37. Genius - a. genius b. genies c. genii d. geniuses
38. Grass - a. grass b. grasses c. grases d. grasies
39. Commander -in-chief - a. commanders - in-chiefs b. commander - in-chiefs
- c. commander - ins-chief d. commanders - in-chief
40. Governor-general - a. governors- general b. governor- generals
c. governores - general d. governors- generals
Q. No.: 8 - PREFIX or SUFFIX
1. Form a derivative by adding the right suffix to the word ‘document’.
a. -ory b. -ise c. -ation d.-ly
2. Form a derivative by adding the right suffix to the word ‘awe’.
a. -some b. -ness c. -ity d.- ship
3. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word ‘lap’.
a. inter- b.dis- c.over- d. sub-
4. Form a derivative by adding the right suffix to the word ‘metal’.
a. -ment b. -able c. -ive d.-ic
5. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word ‘qualify’.
a. dis- b. mis- c.un-
1. Literate - a. un b. il c. en d. dis
2. Qualify - a. dis b. un c. in d. extra
3. Nutrition - a. dis b. mal c. en d. in.
4. Child - a. ly b. ness c. hood d. ful
5. Natural - a. un b. in c. dis d. super
6. Urban - a. sub b. dis c. un d. ex
7. Accurate - a. un b. il c. in d. dis
8. Understand - a. dis b. mis c. ultra d. in
9. Practice - a. non b. mal c. in d. ultra
10. Cycle - a. non b. pre c. bi d .in
11. Legal - a. in b. un c. il d. non
12. Normal - a. ab b. in c. dis d. un
13. Scope - a. mal b. non c. micro d. ly
14. Slave - a. en b. in c. non d. dis
15. Respect - a. dis b. un c. mis d. ir
16. Attract - a. es b. tion c. ful d. ly
17. Examine - a. ly b. ness c. ation d. ful
18. Slave - a. less b. ness c. ish d. ly
19. Able - a. ity b. ful c. ness d. ly
20. Technology - a. al b. ly c. fy d. ion
21. Fashion - a. ful b. able c. ly d. ity
22. Different - a. ness b. ly c. ed d. ful
23. Child - a. ren b. ly c. s d. ness
24. National - a. ity b. ful c. ness d. es
25. Origin - a. ness b. ful c. al d. ity
26. Enjoy - a. ly b. able c. ity d. ness
27. Comfort - a. ly b. bly c. ful d. ity
28. Hand - a. ful b. ly c. ness d. bly
29. Arrive - a. s b. ly c. ful d. ness
30. Intend - a. s b. tion c. al d. ity
1. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation 'SIM'.
a. Subscriber Information Module b. Subscriber Identification Module
c. StudentIdentification Module d. Student Identity Module
2. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation 'NEET'.
a. Nation Eligibility cum Entrance Test b. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test
c. National Equality cum Eligible Test d. Nation Equality cum Eligible Test
3. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation 'GCSE'.
a. General Certificate of School Education b. General Certificate of Secondary Education
c. Genetic Certificate of Standard Education d. Genetic Certified of Standard Education
4. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation 'LED'.
a. Light Emission Decode b. Laser Emitting Decode.
c. Laser Emitting Diode d. Light Emitting Diode
5. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym 'TANCET'.
a. Tamil Nadu Common Eligible Test b. Tamil Nadu Culture Eligible Training
c. Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test d. Tamil Nadu Cultural Eligible Test
ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization
WHO - World Health Organization
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface
LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
CRY - Child Rights and You
RAM - Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
CPU - Central Processing Unit
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
INSV - Indian Naval Ship Vessel
IMD - Indian Meteorological Department
LT - Lieutenant
CDR - Commander
INWTC - Indian Naval Waterman shipTraining Centre
AAC - Augmentative and Alternative Communication
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education
SLT - Speech and Language Therapy
PE - Physical Education
Mr. - Mister (for men) (plural - Misters)
Mrs. - Mistress (for women)
Prof. - Professor (plural - Profs.)
St. - Saint (plural - Sts.)
Rev. - Reverend (plural - Revs)
Hon. - Honorable (plural - Hons)
Jr. - Junior
Pres. - President
VCR - Video Cassette Recorder
CD - Compact Disc
DVD - Digital Video/Versatile Disk
GPS - Global Positioning System
VR - Virtual Reality
AR - Augmented Reality
TV - Television
A.M. - Ante Meridiem (before noon)
P.M. - Post Meridiem (after noon)
A.D. - Anno Domini
B.C.E. - Before Common Era
C.E. - Common Era
etc. - et cetera (and so forth)
i.e. - idest (that is)
e.g. - exempligratia (for example)
et al. - etalii (and others)
vs. - Versus
ft. - Feet
- Square feet
Kg - Kilogram
Km - Kilometer
mm - Millimeter
ml - Milliliter
°F - degrees Fahrenheit
°C - degrees Celsius
USA - United States of America
UK - United Kingdom
UAE - United Arab Emirates
CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation
IB - Intelligence Bureau
IMF - International Monetary Fund
UN - United Nations
EC - Election Commission
EU - European Union
IIT - Indian Institute of Technology
IQ - Intelligence Quotient
Mph - miles per hour
Mpg - miles per gallon
Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate phrasal verb given below:
1. He is really lucky because he doesn't _____ weight easily
a. put on b. get on c. put up d. go on
2. Riya never _______in the gym.
a. works out b. works in c. works through d. works after
3. Jack tries aerobics several times but he couldn't ___________with others.
a. stretch in b. stretch out c. stretch at d. stretch about
4. Walk thrice a day. It will help to ____________ the calories.
a. keep up b. keep aside c. keep in d. keep out
5. Before she works out she______ everyday with many exercises.
a. warms in b. warms up c. warms out d. warms at
6. He says it’s important to______ good levels of strength and stamina.
a. build in b. build up c. build out d. build it
7. A long walk up the hill __________ me________.
a. tire…in b. tires…out c. tire…off d. tire…at
8. With all her skill and ambition, I'm sure Leena will __________
a. go far b. go in c. go through d. go out
9. Six army personals were killed when their car_________
a. blew out b. blew up c. blew at d. blew in
10. A chief guest_____________ in the middle of the program apologizing for being late.
a. showed up b. showed in c. showed out d. showed at
11. The speaker ________in the middle of his speech.
a. broke up b. broke off c. broke in d. broke at
12. The foreign guest will _______ you next Wednesday afternoon.
a. call out b. call at c. call on d. call in
1. North east winds _______ rainfall.
a. bring about b. bring along c. bring back d. bring around
2. Shall I ________ with the painting.
a. carry out b. carry off c. carry on d. carry forward
3. It was a miracle that he _______ in that car crash.
a. came over b. came up c. came to d. came through
4. He _________ the race after two laps.
a. dropped in b. dropped off c. dropped out d. dropped over
5. Within two minutes they _________all the food.
a. eat in b. eat into c. eat away d. eat up
6. The dog _________ the little boy.
a. get about b. get after c. get into d. get across
7. He takes garlic tablet every morning to ________ a cold.
a. keep back b. keep away c. keep at d. keep down
8. Ants _______ for future.
a. lay down b. lay by c. lay about d. lay off
9. The burglars _________ as soon as the police arrived.
a. made of b. made off c. made out d. made up
10. Ravi’s granny ________ five years ago.
a. passed away b. passed by c. passed by d. passed around
11. The team __________ its energy and enthusiasm.
a. ran on b. ran out c. ran off d. ran into
12. Please _________ the notes.
a. take in b. take out c. take down d. take on
13. She _________ the room suddenly.
a. walked in b. walked onto c. walked into d. walked out of
14.I will ________the dictionary for the meaning of this word.
a) look upon b) look up to c) look up d) look at
15. I can't _______your laziness.
a) put off b) put forward c) put up with d) put out
16. Students should know how to ________with their classmates.
a) get up b) get back c) get on d) get into
17. Smoking is injurious to health. So everyone______that habit.
a) give away b) give in c) give up d) give out
18. The champion_________ to the strength of his opponent.
a) gave on b) gave back c) gave in d) gave up
19. The match was________ due to heavy rain
a) put off b) put up with c) put on d) put in
20. The meeting was __________ due to heavy downpour.
a) called for b) called up c) called off d) called out
21. The enemy soldiers ________ on account of heavy shelling from our side.
a) back up b) back out c) back off d) back in
22. We usually _______ new dress during festivals.
a) put out b) put away c) put on d) put down
23. My friend has _______ the books he borrowed from me last week
a) given back b) given of c) given upon d) given to
24. The batsman was in the mood to _______ the ball from the start
a) go in b) go after c) go for d) go on
25. The Prime Minister ______ the ailing president at AIMMS yesterday.
a) called for b) called in c) called on d) called by
26. The manager promised to _______the allegations on the supervisor.
a. look for b. look up c. look on d. look into
27. Preethi ________ her mother.
a. takes into b. takes after c. takes into d. takes on
28. Every child is expected to _______their parents at their old age.
a. look after b. look into c. look through d. look for
29. She _______ a theory regarding the black hole concept.
a. hits over b. hits in c. hits on d. hits at
30. The fire fighters had to put in their heart and soul to _______the fire at the mall.
a. put out b. put on c. put it d. put away
1. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘watch’ to form a compound word.
a. Hall b. House c. Man d. Clock
2. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘up’ to form a compound word.
a. Steps b. Stairs c. Floor d. School
3. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘mail’ to form a compound word.
a. Mean b. Cock c. Line d. Black
4. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘radio’to form a compound word.
a. Active b. Song c. Office d. Call
5. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘cast’to form a compound word.
a. Road b. Play c. Down d. Book
1. Mouth - a. fall b. wash c. speech d. end
2. Over - a. height b. coat c. round d. stuff
3. Bleaching - a. powder b. liquid c. place d. room
4. House - a. man b. keeping c. clean d. play
5. Good - a. to nothing b. for nothing c. at nothing d. of nothing
6. Mother - a. of-law b. by-law c. in- law d. for-law
7. Rain - a. heavy b. flow c. fall d. torrential
8. Snow - a. wall b. road c. doll d. ball
9. Star - a. world b. light c. shine d. sky
10. Draw - a. line b. back c. picture d. dead
11. Play - a. kind b. call c. things d. park
12. Lottery - a. luck b. ticket c. money d. pouch
13. Under - a. walk b. sand c. thing d. world
14. Man - a. hole b. walk c. invent d. sole
15. Side - a. tree b. walk c. lane d. bench
16. Foot - a. note b. boot c. text d. walk
17. Hair - a. grow b. shine c. knot d. cut
18. Dry - a. shoe b. cut c. cleaning d. fry
19. Green - a. house b. fall c. back d. tower
20. Alarm - a. watch b. cock c. clock d. sleep
21. Traffic - a. car b. jam c. road d. signal
22. Income - a. taxi b. file c. tax d. earn
23. Sun - a. glasses b. slow c. hot d. fire
24. Out - a. park b. put c. lesson d. walk
25. Wall - a. script b. paper c. picture d. writing
Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition given below:
1. Mulan heard this _____her tent.
a. by b. from c. at d. for
2. Everything falls to the ground because_______ earth’s gravitational pull.
a. to b. of c. at d. in
3. The trial was conducted in accordance___________ the procedure of law.
a. with b. to c. of d. on
4. There is a temple right in front ________ my house
a. in b. from c. of d. to
5. As a result ________ his hard work, he achieved the target.
a. in b. of c. from d. into
1. Failure is often the consequence__________ negligence.
a. at b. of c. in d. for
2. Children are given toys in addition____________ sweets on Children’s day.
a. on b. to c. at d. along
3. The parents must be informed in case ___________ any indiscipline conduct of their wards.
a. of b. to c. in d. or
4. He didn’t turn up due ____________ his busy schedule
a. of b. to c. for d. in
5. Global warming is an effect______________ the green house emission.
a. of b. in c. to d. for
6. In spite ______________ several warnings, he continued to swim.
a. on b. in c. with d. of
7. Grandfather was full of jokes_____ breakfast next morning.
a. of b. in c. at d. to
8. He gazed _____ me for a long time.
a. on b. in c. to d. at
9. The cop cursed and shot his hand _____his shoulder.
a. to b. in c. at d. for
10. The little sea gull ran _____ the brink and flew away.
a. in b. to c. at d. into
11. The floor was strewn _____twigs and straw.
a. in b. with c. into d. along
12. He saw his two brothers dozing with their head sunk _____ their neck.
a. in b. at c. into d. with
13. He could reach them if he could move northwards _____ the cliff face.
a. along b. for c. to d. from
14. Dr. Krishnan's clinic was transformed _____ a calm orderly placed by Zigzag.
a. in b. into c. to d. from
15. The Governor listened and then meditated____ silence.
a. in b. at c. to d. against
16. Scratching the bird ____its beak Dr. Krishnan sighed.
a. under b. to c. in d. of
17. The crew went _____ so many hardship during their journey.
a. to b. through c. for d. along
18. It was nightmare for the crew to deal_____ the challenges of the sea.
a. to b. in c. with d. for
19. one can travel ____ Paris to New York by submarine tubes in 295 minutes.
a. for b. from c. to d. in
20. Mani has been working in this school _____________ five years.
a. is b. since c. for d. at
Q. No.: 13 – TENSE
Choose the following the sentence using the most appropriate TENSE form of the verb given below:
1. Saravanan always _____________ for a walk in the morning.
a. go b. goes c. went d. will go
2. I ___________my sister's house next April if I go to Uttarkhand.
a. visits b. visited c. must visit d. shall visit
3. The office goers____________for the train.
a. waits b.wait c. waited d. was waiting
4. We _____________ here for a meeting and the chair person is yet to arrive.
a. have gathered b. were gather c. gather d.are gathering
5. He ______________ drawing at the age of 3.
a. was starting b. starting c. started d. is starting
1. I _________________ ill for a couple of days.
a.have been b. has been c. was d. am
2. It ______________ outside now.
a. pours b. pouring c. is pouring d. has poured
3. The children ___________ in the ground when the teacher arrived.
a. were playing b. played c. plays d. are playing
4. I ______________ hard day and night.
a. is working b. work c. working d. am working
5. He __________________ a great painter in future.
a. will become b. becomes c. could become d. will be becoming
6. We _________not __________ to the market, in case it rains.
a. will, get b. shall, go c. should, go d. will, goes
7. By next year, I ________________________ in Chennai for fifteen years.
a. shall have been living b. have been living c. shall be living d. have been living
8. Aruna is eagerly_______________ to meet her friend since morning.
a. waiting b. has been waiting c. had waiting d. was waiting
9. He is a ___________________ boy of 8
a. school-going b. going to school c. school coming d. school gone
10. He _________________ the first prize last week in school level drawing competition.
a. win b. was winning c. wins d. won
11. The Moon __________________ around the Earth.
a. revolves b. revolving c. is revolving d. revolved
12. Sheeba_____________________ to a new house next week.
a. is moving b. moving c. has moves d. moves
13. Nancy _____________ always _______________ for help.
a. was, asking b. had, been asking c. is, asking d. had, asked
14. They _________________ the manager when he arrived.
a. requested b. are request c. were requesting d. request
15. Keerthi _____________ his work by next week.
a. was doing b. is doing c. done d. will have done
16. If you ___________________ hard, you would have won the relay match
a. had worked b. worked c. has worked d. works
17. The new edition of this book _____________ out shortly.
a. will come b. will be coming c. have came d. have been coming
18. Raghav ____________ in a middle class family.
a. will be born b. is born c. born d. has born
19. Naseera ______________ music classes regularly.
a. attends b. is attending c. attends d. has attended
20. I __________________ to her place on foot.
a. went b. go c. goes d. going
21. The peon _______________ the bell by the time I reach the school.
a. will have rung b. will ring c. rings d. rang
22. His mother __________________ as a software engineer in an MNC.
a. working b. works c. has worked d. will work
23. His mother ___________________ on him.
a. hoped b. hoping c. hopes d. has hope
24. If you listen carefully, you _____________ my point.
a. understands b. understood c. will understand d. have understood
25. Ilakiya and Adhira ________________ each other's company very much.
a. enjoyed b. enjoys c. enjoy d. are enjoyed
26. ______________ is his favourite hobby. `
a. drawn b. had drawn c. drawing d. having drawn
27. Joanna and Joy _________ already _______ for Ooty, when the others reached the station.
a. has, left b. are, left c. had, left d. are, left
28. The office goers ____________ for the train.
a. waits b. was waiting c. waited d. wait
29. She hopes you _____________ her.
a. helps b. will be helping c. will help d. help
30. We all ________________ in the choir last week
a. sing b. were singing c. sang d. sings
Q. No.: 14 – LINKERS
Choose the most appropriate LINKERS from the given for alternatives:
1. _____________ he is ninety years old, he is in the pink of health.
a. when b. since c.yet d. even though
2. I rang up ___________ he didn’t speak to me.
a. but b. besides c. when d. and
3. Slow ____________ steady wins the race.
a. and b. but c. or d. as well as
4. Finish your work _________you will not be sent home.
a. and b. but c. when d. or
5. The child was ill _________ he was admitted in the hospital.
a. as b. till c. beside d. and so
1. He is rich __________ he is hard-working.
a. from b. for c. so d. as
2. ___________ you work hard, you cannot secure good marks.
a. since b. despite c. unless d. in spite of
3. Wait ______________ I return.
a. because b. still c. until d. and
4. He is honest, ______________ he is poor
a. while b. though c. when d. so
5. ______________ John is very weak, he is not able to walk fast.
a. till b. when c. as d. though
6. I will return home ______________ sunset.
a. as b. after c. when d. while
7. My uncle entered my house, _____________ I was doing my homework.
a. when b. whereas c. because d. till
8. Sheeba is __________ a singer____________ a dancer.
a. either, or b. both, and c. and, so d. but also
9. ___________ Jane______________ Ram has attended the function.
a. neither, nor b. though, but c. when, as d. as, so
10. ___________ did the teacher enter the class than the boys stood up.
a. either b. as soon c. no sooner d. not only
11. Scarcely had they gone out _________ it started raining.
a. while b. until c. as d. when
12. The car is not only economical ____________ feels good to drive.
a. but b. but also c. and d. so
13. Call me _________ you need money.
a. so that b. in order that c. in case d. as so
14. I forgot _________ I had to meet the Principal.
a. whether b. that c. if d. where
15. It is raining. Take an umbrella _________ you will get drenched.
a. or else b. and c. but d. so
16. They faced many hardships _________ they are always cheerful.
a. although b. nevertheless c. otherwise d. as
17. Both the minister _________ the officers visited the affected areas.
a. when b. and c. so d. but
18. Jaya teaches not only English _________ Science.
a. and also b. and c. but also d. but
19. Either Raghu _________ Bala will have to buy vegetables from the market.
a. and b. or c. neither d. and
20. No sooner did I enter the house _________ it started drizzling.
a. but b. and c. than d. as
21. __________we came late, we did not miss the train.
a. since b. although c. as d. when
22. __________they checked the packet twice, then they sealed it.
a. for b. later c. after d. though
23. ___________Sita saw a snake, at once she ran away.
a. as well as b. as soon as c. after d. though
24. _______________ Robert completed the project, he submitted it to the teacher.
a. while b. in spite of c. as soon as d. due to
25. __________ Yusuf was running high temperature, he could not take part in the competition.
a. in spite of b. because of c. since d. hence
26. _________ he was honest, he was punished
a. though b. but c. and d. on account of
27. Walk carefully _________ you will fall down.
a. nevertheless b. unless c. otherwise d. and
28. My mother called me _________ I was playing football.
a. or b. and c. so d. while
29. My salary is low _________ I find the work interesting.
a.while b. so c. similarly d. nevertheless
30. The passengers rushed to board the bus _________ it arrived.
a. when b. as c. as long as d. so
31. “__________ I was alive and had a human heart,” answered the statue.
a. where b. when c. since d. because of
32. “I did not know what tears were, ____ I lived in the palace where sorrow was not allowed to enter.
a. from b. where c. for d. and
33. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince __________ Happy Indeed I was.
a. so b. and c. as d. but
34. Many writers make incorrect sentences __________ they try to put sentences together.
a. where b. so c. inspite of d. while
35. They may make grammatical errors __________ leave out important punctuation marks.
a. though b. and c. but d. so
36. Making some mistakes are quite common __________ preparing the first draft.
a. while b. where c. when d. though
37. In most large cities __________ towns of our country, there are special schools for girls.
a. but b. and c. so d. as soon as
38. There are many co-educational schools __________ girls and boys study together.
a. when b. as so c. not only d. where
39. _____________ of her heavy cold, she managed to give a good presentation.
a. in spite b. on behalf of c. besides d. on account of
40. The coffee is _____hot _____we cannot drink it.
a. so….that b. too… c. so…..since d. to….that
Q. NO: 15 - 18
Answer the following questions:
1. How was the young seagull's first attempt to fly?
The young seagull's first attempt to fly was a failure. He was scared that his wings would not
support him.
2. How did the parents support and encourage the young seagull's brothers and sister?
The young seagull’s parents were flying about with his brothers and sisters. They were
perfecting them in the art of flying. They taught them to dive for fish.
3. Give an instance that shows the pathetic condition of the young bird.
The young bird had no food. He could not find any food except the dried pieces of eggshell.
This was the pathetic condition of the young bird.
4. How did the bird try to reach its parents without having to fly?
The young seagull walked from one end of the ledge to the other, trying to reach his parents
without flying.
5. Do you think that the young seagull's parents were harsh to him? Why?
No. The seagull's parents were not harsh. They wanted the young bird to fly on his own.
6. What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
The mother showed a piece of fish to the hungry seagull. This tempted the young bird to dive
for food. This act prompted the young seagull to fly finally.
7. What happened to the young seagull when it landed on the green sea?
When the young seagull landed on the green sea, his legs sank into it. He screamed with fear
and attempted to rise again. His belly touched it and he was floating on it.
1. Why was the narrator sorry to have paid attention to the footsteps?
The imagination of the ghost in his house caused a lot of commotion and ended with
grandfather shooting the policeman. So the narrator was sorry to have paid attention to the
2. Why did Herman and the author slam the doors?
Herman and the author slammed the doors because they were scared that someone was
coming up their stairs.
3. What woke up the mother?
The slamming of doors by the brothers had awakened the mother.
4. What do you understand by the mother's act of throwing the shoe?
His mother was a highly conscious woman. Out of excitement and alertness she threw the
shoe at her neighbour's window to seek help.
5. Why do you think Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house?
Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house because she was disturbed often.
6. How did the cops manage to enter the locked house?
The cops managed to enter the locked house by breaking the glass of the front door.
7. Why were the policemen prevented from entering grandfather's room?
The policemen were prevented from entering grandfather's room because the narrator
realised that it would be bad to do it. His grandfather might mistake them as General Meade's men
who were retreating and so he might harm them.
8. Who used the Zither and how?
The guinea pig used the Zither to sleep on it.
9. Mention the things that the grandfather imagined.
His grandfather imagined that the cops were deserters from Meade's army. He thought they
were there to hide in his attic.
1. Mention the special features of INSV Tarini.
INSV Tarini is the second sailboat of the Indian Navy.
It is 55 foot sailing vessel built in India.
It has advanced Raymarine navigation suite and an array of satellite communication system
for perfect navigation anywhere in the world.
2. What does the term circumnavigation mean?
Circumnavigation means to travel around the world in a ship.
3. How did the all-women Indian Navy crew go about their voyage?
The all-women Indian Navy crew started their voyage from Goa. The expedition was covered
in five legs with stop-overs at four ports.
4. When did the crew start their voyage? When did they return back to India? How many days
did it take to complete the expedition?
The crew started their voyage on 10th September 2017.
They returned to India on 21st May 2018.
It took 254 days to complete the expedition.
5. What sort of training did the crew undergo before their expedition?
The crew underwent some theoretical courses on navigation, communication and weather
prediction. They were also given hands on training like how to repair things and how to deal with
6. How did the crew members work as a team to make their expedition successful?
As a team they discussed different ways of solving the problems and chose the best one. It
was easier to collaborate and work together. The team effort of every member made their
expedition successful.
7. What challenging task did the team face during their voyage?
During the voyage, they encountered a storm where the seas were almost nine to ten meters
high and the winds were picking up to 60 to 90 knots. Such experience in seas gave them the
strength to move on. If something went bad, they were able to overcome those challenges.
8. What sort of activities did the crew engage in during their long voyage?
The crew picked up some hobbies and kept posting pictures of delicacies. They also read
books and did some quilling, craft works. Swathi cooked delicious dishes. They watched movies
and listened to music.
9. Mention the celebrations which the crew enjoyed during their expeditions.
The crew celebrated Diwali at sea. They celebrated three birthdays including the first birthday
of the boat. They also celebrated specific occasions like crossing the equator and the International
Date Line.
10. Which factor motivated the crew to undertake this expedition?
The crew knew that the entire country was watching them and praying for them. This
motivated them to face their challenges and forget their troubles during their expedition.
1. Write a few lines about the owner of the shop?
The owner of the shop was uncle Nagen. He was sixty years old. He looked clean and rustic
with his neatly combed white hair.
2. What was the daily routine of Sanyal?
Sanyal came to the tea shop daily and had tea and biscuits. He never failed to pay for them.
3. Why was there a sudden change in Aditya's expression?
When Sanyal recited a poem written by Tagore, Aditya recognised him. It was the same poem
Aditya heard at his school twenty nine years ago. So there was a sudden change in Aditya's
4. Why did Aditya decide to visit his ancestral home?
Aditya decided to visit his ancestral home to take the medal from the attic.
5. What was the condition of the attic?
A portion of the wall of the attic had crumbled down. The attic had been the worst hit by wind
and weather. The floor was strewn with twigs and straw and pigeon droppings.
6. When did Aditya heave a sigh of relief? Why?
Aditya heaved a sigh of relief when he got the medal from the attic. It was Sanyal's medal. He
took it away from him twenty nine years ago and had lied that it was lost.
7. Why did Aditya and his friend go to the jeweller?
Aditya and his friend went to the jeweller to find out the weight of the article.
8. What did Aditya offer Sanyal?
Aditya offered Sanyal one hundred and fifty rupees as the price of the medal.
9. “Your grievances are absolutely justified”. Who says this to whom? Why?
Aditya said this to Sanyal because Aditya was the cause for Sanyal's grievances.
1. What are the benefits of the internet to the common man?
The Internet allows the user to get access to all sort of information. The internet benefits
common man to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort.
2. Do you think technology has improved communication? How?
Yes, technology has improved communication. Alisha who suffers from cerebral palsy, can
speak now and the words appear on her screen. This is possible through the technology called
Dragon Dictate.
3. How does David operate computer with the liberator communication device?
David operates computer with the liberator communication device by controlling it with his eye
movement. The device has an in-built bluetooth adaptor. David uses any PC or Mac by sending
4. Which are the devices controlled using ACTIVE controller?
TV, blue-ray and music players are controlled using ACTIVE controller.
5. Who says these words: "I want everyone to know the difference technology has made in my
Alisha says these words to make the world know the difference that technology has made in
her life.
6. Which software helps Alisha to overcome her difficulty in typing?
Dragon Dictate is a software which helps Alisha to overcome her difficulty in typing.
7. Name a few Indian Innovations which are helpful to the disabled and make their day to day
life easier.
Lechal Shoes by Krispian Lawrence, Blee watch by Industrial designers Nupura Kirloskar and
Janhavi Joshi of Mumbai and IGEST by Anil Prabhakar are a few Indian innovations.
8. Is it possible to control the computer screen with eye gaze?
Yes. It is possible to control the computer screen with eye gaze. The ECO point eye gaze
system can be effectively used to access computer.
9. Suggest ways of making our society inclusive.
We should first accept them and understand them.
We should realise their potentials and appreciate and encourage them.
We should create and give them space to live with us.
We should always be ready to help them.
10. How would you help the people with disabilities in your neighbourhood?
I would help them to get access to the available technologies. I would train to use and get
maximum benefits from these modern technologies.
1. Why did Franz dread to go to school that day?
Franz dreaded to go to school because his teacher M. Hamel told him that he was going to
question on ‘Participles’.
2. What were the various things that tempted Franz to spend his day outdoors?
The day outside was bright and warm. Chirping of birds, drilling of the Prussian soldiers in the
open fields at the back of the saw mill were the various things that tempted Franz to spend his day
3. Why was the narrator not able to get to his desk without being seen?
The class was very quiet on that day. M. Hamel was walking up and down. So the narrator
was not able to get to his desk without being seen.
4. What was Frank sorry for?
Frank was sorry that he was having his last French lesson. He had not learnt to write French.
5. Why were the old villagers sitting in the last desk?
The old villagers were sitting in the last desk to thank and honour M. Hamel's forty years of
faithful service at school.
6. What were the thoughts of the narrator's parents?
The narrator’s parents were thinking to send him to work on farm or at the mills so as to have
a little more money.
7. Why does M. Hamel say that we must guard our language?
Hamel said that we must guard our language and never forget it. When people are enslaved,
as long as they hold their language, it is as if they had the key to their prison.
8. M. Hamel was gazing at many things. What were they?
M. Hamel was gazing at everything in that little school room. He was gazing painfully at his
garden, his class in front of him, the walnut trees in the garden and the hopvine that he planted.
9. When and how did M. Hamel bid farewell to the class?
When the church bell struck twelve, the trumpets of Prussians sounded under his window. He
bid farewell to the class. He wrote "VIVA LA FRANCE" with heavy heart.
1. Who was Mrs. Hudson? Why was she worried?
Mrs.Hudson was the landlady of Sherlock Holmes. She was worried because Holmes was
terribly sick.
2. Why didn't Holmes let Watson examine him?
Holmes was feigning sickness. If Watson examined him, he would find out the truth. So
Holmes didn't let Watson examine him.
3. Why did Holmes warn Watson against touching his things? What was Watson's reaction?
Holmes warned Watson against touching his things because he did not want anyone to erase
the evidence. Watson felt dejected.
4. What did Watson find on the table near the mantel piece?
A small black and white ivory box with a sliding lid was found on the table near the mantel
5. Who is Mr. Culverton Smith?
Mr. Culverton Smith is a planter. He lives in the Sumatra Island.
6. What did Holmes ask Watson to do before leaving his room?
Holmes asked Watson to place some letters and papers on the table, light the gas lamp half
on. He also asked him to place the ivory box within his reach.
7. What instructions did Holmes give Watson to get Mr. Smith?
Holmes asked Watson to tell Smith that Holmes was dying and persuade Mr. Smith to come.
He wanted Smith to save him.
8. Why did Holmes want Smith to treat him?
Holmes wanted Smith to treat him because he wanted to trap the murderer.
9. According to Smith how did Holmes get the disease?
According to Smith, Holmes got the disease by touching the poisoned spring in the ivory box,
that drew blood.
10. Who arrested Smith? What were the charges against him?
Inspector Morton arrested Smith, on charge of murdering his nephew Victor.
A. Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions that follow.
1. Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
a. Whom does the word ‘me’ refer to?
The word ‘me’ refers to the poet, Henry Van Dyke.
b. What kind of life does the poet want to lead?
The poet wants to lead an optimistic life. He is always ready to do something great.
2. Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal;
Not mourning for the things that disappear
a. Why do you think the poet is not in a hurry?
The poet is not in a hurry because he wants to enjoy every bit of his life.
b. What should one not mourn for?
One should not mourn for the things one has lost in the past.
3. In the dim past, nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
a. What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’?
We won’t be able to see the things clearly when the light is dim. So also we should not worry
about our past too much because they will soon fade away.
b. Is the poet afraid of future?
No, the poet is not afraid of future. He is highly hopeful.
c. How can one travel on with cheer?
One can travel on with cheer if one has a ‘happy heart’ within.
4. So let the way wind up the hill or down,
O’er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy:
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy,
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
a. How is the way of life?
Life has ups and down. It’s not smooth. It is rough. It has many unexpected windings and
b. How should be the journey of life?
The journey of life should be a joyful one, full of unexpected things.
c. What did the poet seek as a boy?
The poet as a boy sought new friendship, high adventure and success.
5. My heart will keep the courage of the quest,
And hope the roads’ last turn will be the best.
a. What kind of quest does the poet seek here?
The poet’s quest here is that of ‘a search for the best’.
b. What is the poet’s hope?
In spite of all the ups and downs, the poet hopes the end will be a great and successful one.
6. In the dim past, nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
a. Identify the rhyming words of the given lines.
i) fear - cheer ii) whole - toll
7. Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal;
Not mourning for the things that disappear
a. Identify the rhyme scheme of the given lines.
1. There is a family nobody likes to meet;
They live, it is said, on Complaining Street.
a. Where does the family live?
The family lives on Complaining Street.
b. Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’?
The people who live there keep on grumbling for anything and everything. So the street is
called as ‘Complaining Street’.
2. They growl at that and they growl at this;
Whatever comes, there is something amiss;
a. What does the word ‘growl’ mean here?
The word growl generally means the noise our stomach or the dog makes. But here it means
‘Complaining angrily’ on anything and everything.
b. Why do they find everything amiss?
They are never satisfied with anything they come across. They are filled with pessimism. So
they find everything amiss.
3. Nothing goes right with the folks you meet
Down on that gloomy, Complaining Street.
a. What is the opinion about the folks you meet down the street?
The folks have the habit of complaining about all the things they come across. Hence nothing
is right for them.
b. What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean here?
The word ‘gloomy’ means to appear depressing, sick and frightening.
4. The worst thing is that if anyone stays
Among them too long, he will learn their ways;
a. What is the worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them?
If anyone stays with them he/she too will soon be infected with the plague of ‘finding fault with
b. What are the ways of the Grumble family?
The Grumble family always complains about something or the other. Nothing is right for them.
If anyone stays among them, he/she will soon be affected by their attitude, behaviour and
5. And so it were wisest to keep our feet
From wandering into Complaining Street;
a. What is the wisest thing that the poet suggests?
The wisest thing that the poet suggests is to stay away from these people.
b. What does the phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refer to?
We should keep ourselves away from them. We should never ever enter their locality.
6. Let us learn to walk with a smile and a song,
No matter if things do sometimes go wrong;
a. What does the poet expect everyone to learn?
The poet expects us to walk with a smiling face even if things go wrong.
b. What should we do if things go wrong sometimes?
We should smile and learn to be joyful even if things go wrong.
1. The summer of life she’s ready to see in spring
She says, “Spring will come again, my dear
Let me care for the ones who’re near.”
a) What does the word summer mean here?
Summer means adversity, pain or agony.
b) How does she take life?
She always takes life positively and hopes for the best.
c) What does she mean by “Spring will come again”?
She means that difficult times will vanish and good things are ahead.
2. Strong is she in her faith and belief.
“Persistence is the key to everything,” says she.
a) What is she strong about?
She is strong about her faith and belief.
b) How does she deal with the adversities of life?
She deals with adversities of life by finding a ray of hope and continues to care for her near
3. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,
She’s strong in her faith, firm in her belief!
a) Is she complaining about the problems of life?
No, she is not complaining about the problems of life. She is strong in her faith.
b) Pick out the words that show her grit.
Strong, firm
4. Don’t ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.
She knows how to thaw you, saw you –beware!
a) What do the words thaw and saw mean here?
‘Thaw’ here means to make you lose your cool that is to irritate you. ‘Saw’ means to hurt you
deep psychologically.
b) What is the tone of the author?
The tone of the author is aggressive.
5. She’s today’s woman. Today’s woman, dear
Love her, respect her, keep her near ………
a) Describe today’s woman according to the poet.
According to the poet, today’s woman is ferocious like a lioness. She cannot be threatened.
b) How should a woman be treated?
A woman should be treated with love, respect and dignity.
1. A silly young cricket, accustomed to sing
Through the warm, sunny months of gay summer and spring.
a) What was the routine of the cricket?
The routine of the cricket was to sing and enjoy in summer and spring.
b) Name the seasons mentioned here.
Summer and Winter are the seasons mentioned here.
2. Began to complain when he found that, at home,
His cupboard was empty, and winter was come.
a) Who does ‘he refer to?
‘He’ refers to the cricket.
b) Why was his cupboard empty?
He did not collect and preserve any grains for the winter. So his cupboard was empty.
3. Not a crumb to be found
On the snow-covered ground;
a) What couldn’t he find on the ground?
He couldn’t find a single crumb-piece of bread on the ground.
b) Why was the ground covered with snow?
The ground was covered with snow because it was winter all over.
4. At last by starvation and famine made bold,
All dripping with wet, and all trembling with cold,
a) What made the cricket bold?
Starvation and famine made the cricket bold to borrow.
b) Why did the cricket drip and tremble?
The cricket got drenched in the rain. Since he had not made his shelter, he dripped and
trembled with cold.
5. Away he set off to a miserly ant,
To see if, to keep him alive, he would grant
Him shelter from rain,
And a mouthful of grain.
a) Whom did the cricket want to meet? Why?
The cricket wanted to meet the ant, because he wanted to get shelter and borrow some grain.
b) What would keep him alive?
Shelter from rain and a mouthful of grain will keep him alive.
6. But we ants never borrow; we ants never lend.
a) Why do you think ants neither borrow nor lend?
Ants are self-reliant. They work hard throughout the year. They save for their future too. So
there is no need for them to borrow or lend.
b) Who says these lines to whom?
The ant says these lines to the cricket.
7. “Not I!
My heart was so light
That I sang day and night,
For all nature looked gay.”
a) Who does ‘I’ refer to?
‘I’ refers to the cricket.
b) What was the nature of the cricket? How do you know?
The nature of the cricket was that of merrymaking. We can know this from the way it spent the
8. Thus ending, he hastily lifted the wicket,
And out of the door turned the poor little cricket.
a) The ant refused to help the cricket. Why?
While the ant was toiling in the summer, the cricket was indulging in merry-making. He didn’t
envision the future. That’s why the ant refused to help the cricket.
b) Explain the second line.
The ant chased the little, careless and lazy cricket out of the door to fend for himself.
9. He wished only to borrow;
He’d repay it tomorrow;
a) Pick out the rhyming words in the above lines.
Borrow - tomorrow
b) Give more examples of rhyming words.
Sing – spring; found – ground; see – tree; bold – cold; ant – grant;
rain – grain; light – night; gay – say; wicket – cricket; true - two
10. My heart was so light
That I sang day and night,
For all nature looked gay.
“You sang, Sir, you say?
a) Mention the rhyme scheme employed in the above lines.
1. ‘And a thousandth of an inch to give us play:’
Which of the following do the machines want to prove from this line?
a. Once Machines are fed with fuel, they take a very long time to start.
b. Once Machines are fed with fuel, they start quickly.
2. And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!
a. Who does the pronoun ‘you’ refer to here?
‘You’ refers to human beings here.
b. Whose task is referred to as ‘our task’ here?
‘Our task’ refers to the task of the machines.
c. Do the machines serve us twenty-four hours a day?
Yes, the machines serve us twenty-four hours a day.
d. Rewrite the given lines with the ending 365 days a year.
We will serve you three hundred and sixty five days a year.
3. We were cast and wrought and hammered to design,
We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit.
a. Who does ‘we’ refer to?
‘We’ refers to the machines.
b. Who can design the machines?
Only man can design the machines.
4. And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!
a. Who will serve us for a whole day?
The machine will serve us for a whole day.
b. Will the machines do any task without human being?
No, they will not.
5. We can neither love nor pity nor forgive,
If you make a slip in handling us you die!
a. Do the machines have any feeling?
No, the machines don’t have any feelings or emotions.
b. What do you mean by the word ‘slip’ here?
It means handling the machines in a wrong way.
6. We can see, and run and hear and count and read and write.
a. Name the figure of speech used here
b. Identify the words in alliteration.
i) we, write; ii) run, read.
7. We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive
We can print and plough and weave and heat and light.
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive.
We can see and hear and count and read and write!
a. Pick out the rhyming words in these lines.
Drive - dive; light - write.
b. Pick out the rhyme scheme in these lines.
1. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
a) What is found beneath all uniforms?
Beneath all uniforms we find same kind of body which breathes.
b) What is same for every one of us?
The land or earth is the same for every one of us.
c) Where are we all going to lie finally?
We are all going to lie in the earth finally.
2. They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starvd.
a) What is common for all of us?
The sun, air and water are common for all of us.
b) How are we fed?
We are fed with the produce of the harvests
c) Mention the season referred here
Winter is the season referred to here.
3. Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own.
a) Who does ‘their’ refer to?
‘Their’ refers to the soldiers with whom we fight.
b) What does the poet mean by ‘’lines we read’?
‘Lines we read’ means their way of life.
c) What does not differ?
The labour does not differ.
4. Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.
a) Who tells us to hate our brothers?
The ones who govern us tell us hate our brothers.
b) What happens when we hate our brothers?
When we hate our brothers we hate ourselves.
c ) What do we do to ourselves?
When we hate our brothers we betray and condemn ourselves.
5. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence
Of air that is everywhere our own,
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.
a) What outrages the innocence?
The fire and dust that emanate from war outrage the innocence.
b) Who are not foreign?
No men are foreign to us.
c) What is not strange?
Countries are not strange.
1. It sat alone.
What happened there is still today unknown.
It is a very mysterious place,
And inside you can tell it has a ton of space,
But at the same time it is bare to the bone.
a. What does ‘It’ refer to?
‘It’ refers to the house on Elm Street.
b. Pick out the line that indicates the size of the house.
‘And inside you can tell it has a ton of space.’
2. I drive past the house almost every day.
The house seems to be a bit brighter.
On this warm summer day in May.
It plays with your mind.
a. To whom does ‘I’ refer?
‘I’ refers to the poet.
b. Pick out the alliterated words in the 2nd line.
be – bit – brighter.
3. It never grows leaves,
Not in the winter, spring, summer or fall.
It just sits there never getting small or ever growing tall
a. What does ‘it’ refer to?
‘It’ refers to the tree.
b. In what way is the tree a mystery?
The tree does not have any leaves. It never grows nor does it become small.
4. Rumours are constantly being made,
And each day the house just begins to fade.
What happened inside that house?
a. Does the house remain the same every day?
No, the house seems to fade each day.
b. How does the poet consider the house to be a mystery?
Nobody knows what happens inside the house. So the poet considers the house a mystery.
5. What happened inside that house?
I really don’t know
I guess it will always be a mystery
a. Does the poet know what happened in the house?
No, the poet does not know what happened in the house.
b. What is the mystery about the house?
Nobody has ever entered the house. So none knows what is happening inside the house. This
is the mystery about the house.
Q. NO.: 23– VOICES
Rules for changing Active voice to Passive voice:
1. Simply exchange the places of the subject and the object. The subject should become the
object and vice-e-versa while changing a sentence from Active to Passive voice or reverse.
Active voice: She
bought a new car. (She is the subject and a new car is an object.)
Passive voice: A new car
was bought by her. (A new car is a subject and her is the object
2. Always blindly convert the main verb into its past participle or third form
while converting from
active to passive voice. To remind you what the third form of a verb looks like, let’s look at a few
Active voice: Bhanu wrote a book on gun violence.
Passive voice: A book on gun violence was written by Bhanu.
3. Use the word “by before the object (agent) in the passive sentence. For example:
Active voice: My brother sang a song.
Passive voice: A song was sung by my brother.
4. Change of tense of the auxiliary word: Now when you change the verb form of the main verb,
the tense of the auxiliary also changes accordingly. Let’s see this with the help of a few examples:
Present tense:
Active voice: She cooks her dinner.
Passive voice: Her dinner is cooked by her.
Past tense
Active voice: She taught my daughter dance.
Passive voice: My daughter was taught by her to dance.
Future tense
Active voice: Sheena will do the craft work.
Passive voice: Craft work will be done by Sheena.
5. Sometimes you may completely omit the object (agent) from the passive voice if the idea you
are trying to convey is clear. You just have to take a judgment call for that. For example:
Active voice: Kilometres is a measurement unit for distance.
Passive voice: Distance is measured in kilometers.
6. Words like “with” or “to” are also used in passive voice. You may recall that we use “by” quite
frequently in an active voice to passive voice conversion.
Active voice: I know her.
Passive voice: She is known to me.
Active voice: Love fills my heart.
Passive voice: My heart is filled with love
Change the following sentences to the other voice:
1. The manager appointed many office assistants.
Many office assistants were appointed by the manager.
2. You are making a cake now.
A cake is being made by you now.
3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother.
My grandmother painted that portrait
4. Please assemble in the ground.
You are requested to assemble in the ground
5. Work hard
You are advised to work hard.
6. Did he write a letter?
Was a letter written by him?
7. Is he watching us?
Are we being watched by him?
8. Who will accept this?
By whom will this be accepted?
9. When will you finish the building?
When will the building be finished by you?
10. No one is borrowing the novels from the library.
The novels are not being borrowed from the library.
1. Have you invited Raman to the party?
2. How did they do this?
3. Do not eat junk food.
4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter.
5. They have asked me to pay the fine.
6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police.
7. His behaviour vexes me.
8. Rosy will solve the problem.
9. Our army has defeated the enemy.
10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently.
Simple Present She sings a song A song is sung by her
Present Continuous My mother is baking a cake A cake is being baked by my
Present Perfect I have cleaned my room My room has been cleaned
Simple Past The spider scared her She was scared by the spider
Past Continuous They were watching a match. A match was being watched by
Past Perfect He had read the book The book had been read by him
Simple Future He will deliver the letter
She is going to build a house
The letter will be delivered by him
A house is going to be built by him
Future Perfect We will have completed the task
by 4 pm.
The task will have been completed
by 4 pm by us.
11. You are requested to assemble in the ground.
12. Please do not use mobile phones here.
13. Somebody has taken away my book.
14. No one has bought the tickets.
15. Who has arranged this meeting?
16. Please call him at once.
17. How did you cross the river?
18. Will you help me?
19. Go for a jog early in the morning.
20. Why have you left your brother at home?
21. Nobody should violate the rules.
22. Someone has to initiate it immediately.
23. Please do not walk on the grass.
24. Cross the busy roads carefully.
25. When will you book the tickets to Bengaluru?
26. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill.
27. Pragathi lent a pencil to Keerthana.
28. Sudha told the truth to her friend.
29. They offered the job to Venkat.
30. Can you solve that problem?
Rules for changing Direct Speech into Indirect
1. When the reporting or main verb is in the Past Tense, all Present tenses of the Direct are changed
into the corresponding Past Tenses. Thus:-
(a)A simple present becomes a simple past.
Direct :
He said, “I am unwell.”
Indirect : He said that he was unwell.
(b) A present continuous becomes a past continuous.
Direct : He said, “My master is writing letters.”
Indirect : He said that his master was writing letters.
(c) A present perfect becomes a past perfect.
Direct : He said, “I have passed the examination.”
Indirect : He said that he had passed the examination.
Note:-The “shall” of the Future Tense is changed into should. The will of the Future Tense is
changed into would or should. As a rule, the simple past in the Direct becomes the
past perfect in the Indirect.
Direct : He said, “The horse died in the night.”
Indirect : He said that the horse had died in the night.
2. The tenses may not change if the statement is still relevant or if it is a universal truth.
Direct : “I know her address,” said Gopi.
Indirect : Gopi said he knows her address.
Direct : The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”
Indirect : The teacher said the earth goes round the sun.
Direct : “German is easy to learn”, she said.
Indirect : She said German is easy to learn.
3. The pronouns of the Direct Speech are changed, where necessary, so that their relations with the
reporter and his listener, rather than with the original speaker, are indicated. Observe the following
examples :-
Direct : He said to me, “I don't believe you.”
Indirect : He told me that he didn't believe me
Direct : She said to him, “I don't believe you
Indirect : She told him that she didn't believe him
Direct : I said to him, “I don’t believe you
Indirect : I told him that I didn't believe him
Direct : I said to you, “I don't believe you
Indirect : I told you that I didn't believe you
4. Words expressing nearness in time or place
are generally changed into words expressing
Thus :-
Now -- becomes -- then
Here -- becomes -- there
ago -- becomes -- before
thus -- becomes -- so
today -- becomes -- that day
tomorrow -- becomes -- the next day
yesterday – becomes -- the day before
last night -- becomes -- the night before
Similarly, this and these
are changed to that and those unless the thing pointed out is near at hand
atthe time of reporting the speech.
5. In reporting questions the Indirect Speech is introduced by some such verbs as asked, inquired,
etc.When the question is not introduced by an interrogative word, the reporting verb is followed by
whetheror if.
Direct : He said to me, “What are you doing?”
Indirect : He asked me what I was doing.
Direct : “Where do you live?” asked the stranger.
Indirect : The stranger enquired where I lived.
Direct : The policeman said to us, “Where are you going?”
Indirect : The policeman enquired where we were going.
Direct : He said, “Will you listen to such a man?”
Indirect : He asked them whether they would listen to such a man.
6. In reporting commands and requests, the Indirect Speech is introduced by some verb expressing
command or request, and the imperative mood is changed into the Infinitive.
Direct : He said to him, “Please wait here till I return.”
Indirect : He requested him to wait there till he returned.
Direct : “Call the first witness,” said the judge.
Indirect : The judge commanded them to call the first witness.
Direct : He shouted, “Let me go.”
Indirect : He shouted to them to let him go.
Direct : He said, “Be quiet and listen to my words.”
Indirect : He urged them to be quiet and listen to his words.
7. In reporting exclamations and wishes the Indirect Speech is introduced by some verb expressing
exclamation or wish.
Direct : He said, “How beautiful the Taj Mahal is!”
Indirect : He exclaimed that the Taj Mahal is extremely beautiful.
Direct : Alice said, “How clever I am!”
Indirect : Alice exclaimed that she was very clever.
Direct : He said, “Bravo! You have done well.”
Indirect : He applauded him, saying that he had done very well.
1. Johnson said to Suganthi, “What are you doing here, Suganthi? I haven’t seen you since June.”
Johnson asked Suganthi what she was doing there and he added that he hadn’t seen her
since June.
2. Suganthi said, “I’ve just come back from my holiday in Ooty.”
Suganthi said that she had just come back from her holiday in Ooty.
3. Johnson said to Suganthi, “Did you enjoy it?”
Johnson asked Suganthi if she had enjoyed it.
4. Suganthi said “I love Ooty. And the people were so friendly.”
Suganthi said that she loved Ooty and added that the people had been so friendly.
5. Johnson said to Suganthi, “Did you go to Coaker’s Walk?
Johnson asked Suganthi if she had gone to Coaker’s Walk.
6. Suganthi said to Johnson, “It was my first trip. I can show you some pictures. Are you doing
Suganthi told Johnson that it had been her first trip and added that she could show him some
pictures. She also asked him if he was doing anything the next day.
7. Johnson said to Suganthi, “I must arrange a couple of things. But I am free tonight.”
Johnson told Suganthi that he had to arrange a couple of things but he was free that night.
8. Suganthi said to Johnson, “You might come to my place. At what time shall we meet?”
Suganthi told Johnson that he could come to her place and asked what time they could meet.
9. Suganthi said to Johnson, “I’ll be there at eight. Is it all right?
Suganthi told Johnson that she would be there at eight and asked if it was all right.
10. He said, "Who took my English book?"
He asked who had taken his English book.
11. Jim said, "Where does Helen live?"
Jim asked where Helen lived.
12. She said, "Why do volcanoes erupt?"
She asked why volcanoes erupted.
13. He said, "Do you know why she is unhappy?"
He asked if I knew why she was unhappy.
14. He said, "How many photos have you got?"
He asked how many photos I had got.
Turn the following into Indirect Speech (Statement):-
1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with fire.”
2. “You have all done very badly!” remarked the teacher.
3. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.”
4. The teacher promised me, "If you will come before school tomorrow, I will explain it.
5. She wrote, “I am waiting and watching and longing for my son's return.”
6. The examiner's orders were, “No one is to bring books into the room nor ask me questions about
what I have told you to do.”
7. “That is my horse,” said he, “and if I do not prove it in a few minutes I will give up my claim.”
8. “I will avenge your wrongs,” he cried, “I will not enter Athens until I have punished the king who
had so cruelly treated you."
9. He wrote and said, “I am unable to come just now because I am ill, but I will certainly start as soon
as I am well enough to do so.”
10. One day he sent for Cassim and said to him, “You are now old enough to earn your living, so you
must set off, and make your own way in the world.”
Turn the following into Indirect Speech (Interrogative):-
1. “Are you coming home with me?” he asked.
2. He enquired, “When do you intend to pay me?”
3. He said to us, “Why are you all sitting about there doing nothing?”
4. “Do you really come from China?” said the prince.
5. The poor man exclaimed, “Will none of you help me?”
6. “Which way did she go?” asked the young Rakshas.
7. Aladdin said to the magician, “What have I done to deserve so severe a blow?”
8. “Don't you know the way home?” asked I.
9. “Have you anything to say on behalf of the prisoner?” said the judge finally.
10. “Which is the proper way to answer this question, father?” the boy enquired.
11. “Who are you, sir, and what do you want?” they cried.
12. “Dear bird,” she said, stroking its feathers, “have you come to comfort me in my sorrow?”
13. The Rajah was deeply grieved, and said to his wife, “What can I do for you?”
14. The king's son said to Jack, “Where can we lodge this night?”
15. She said to him, “What is it that makes you so much stronger and braver than any other man?
Put the following in Indirect Speech (Imperative):-
1. “Bring me a drink of milk,” said the swami to the villagers.
2. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
3. “Halt!” shouted the officer to his men.
4. “Take off your hat,” the king said to the Hatter.
5. The teacher said to him, “Do not read so fast.”
6. He said to me, “Wait until I come.”
7. “Hurry up,” he said to his servant, “do not waste time.”
8. “Run away, children,” said their mother.
9. He said, “Daughter, take my golden jug, and fetch me some water from the Well.”
10. “Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil and a lump of ice.” ordered his master.
Put the following in Indirect Speech (Exclamatory):-
1. “What a rare article milk is, to be sure, in London!” said Mrs Saraswathi with a sigh.
2. “What a stupid fellow you are!” he angrily remarked.
3. He said, “My God! I am ruined.”
4. He said, “Alas! Our foes are too strong.”
5. He said, “What a lazy boy you are! How badly you have done your work!”
6. “How smart you are!” she said.
7. She said. “Oh! That's a nuisance.”
8. He said, “How cruel of him!”
9. He said, “What a pity you did not come!”
10. “Ah me!” exclaimed the Queen.“What a rash and bloody deed you have done!”
Put the following in Direct Speech:-
1. He asked Rama to go with him.
2. He asked his father when the next letter would come.
3. His father replied that there might not be another that year.
4. Rajesh asked me what had become of Hari.
5. I told him that I had not seen him for months.
6. The master requested that they would attend carefully to what he was saying.
7. I wrote that I would visit him next day.
8. I told them to be quiet.
9. He asked me if I had anything to say.
10. Sita asked Nalini if she would change places with her.
11. He said that he was tired, and that he wished to go to bed.
12. An old mouse asked who would bell the cat.
13. John said that he wanted to be a soldier.
14. He asked me where I was going.
15. He asked me what I wanted.
16. Abdul said that he had seen that picture.
17. The boy said that he would go with us.
18. He said that the earth moves round the sun.
19. The stranger asked Alice where she lived.
20. I asked Mary if she would lend me a pencil.
21. He told us that he had waited an hour.
22. The lady inquired if he was now quite well again.
23. He said that though he had come, it was against his will.
24. The speaker said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.
25. He asked them whether they would listen to such a man.
26. He asked me if I would accompany him.
27. He ordered him to leave the room and forbade him to return.
28. The mother asked her boy where he had been all the afternoon.
29. The King asked the philosopher whom he considered the happiest man living.
30. He advised his sons not to quarrel amongst themselves, when he was dead but to remain united.
Punctuate the following sentence:
1. wherefore said miranda did they not that hour destroy us
Ans. : “Wherefore,” said Miranda, “Did they not that hour destroy us?"
2. o my father said miranda what a trouble must i have been to you then
Ans. : “O my father,” said Miranda, “what a trouble must I have been to you then!”
3. heaven thank you, my dear father said miranda
Ans. : “Heaven thank you, my dear father,” said Miranda.
4. now tell me sir your reason for raising this sea-storm
Ans. : “Now tell me, sir, your reason for raising this sea-storm?”
5. miranda said prospero tell me what you are looking at yonder
Ans. : “Miranda,” said Prospero, “tell me what you are looking at yonder.
1. right remember the tiny penknife he gave me last year the one with a genuine sharks tooth blade.
Ans.: ‘Right! Remember the tiny penknife he gave me last year, the one with a genuine s
hark’s tooth blade.
2. its somus thoughtless ways that reduce me to tears mrskrishnan said irritably
Ans.: ‘It’s Somu’s thoughtless ways that reduce me to tears!’ Mrs. Krishnan said irritably.
3. when is zigzag coming papa maya was jumping up and down all excited
Ans.: ‘When is Zigzag coming, Papa?’ Maya was jumping up and down, all excited.
4. may i take zigzag to school papa arvind as always was planning ahead
Ans.: May I take Zigzag to school, Papa?’ Arvind, as always, was planning ahead.
5. how im going to miss him so beautiully he talks he can even recite french poetry
Ans.: How I’m going to miss him! So beautifully he talks! He can even recite French Poetry!’
1. father she said did you hear what the emperor says each family must do
Ans.: “Father!” she said. “Did you hear what the Emperor says each family must do?”
2. yes said her old father i heard about it in town well i may as well go pack up
Ans.: “Yes,” said her old father, “I heard about it in town. Well, I may as well go pack up.”
2. no my daughter said the old man you cannot do this
Ans.: “No, my daughter!” said the old man. “You cannot do this!”
3. no one will find out father said mulan.
Ans.: “No one will find out, Father,” said Mulan.
4. the general is a woman yelled the soldiers
Ans.: “The General is a woman?” yelled the soldiers.
5. everyone he called a surprise attack is coming
Ans.: “Everyone!" he called. "A surprise attack is coming!”
1. let not thine eyes be blinded my son she said
Ans.: Let not thine eyes be blinded, my son.” She said.
2. wait she said i will think i will think
Ans.: “Wait!” she said. “I will think. I will think”
3. alas alas cried the farmer the truth must be told
Ans.: “Alas! Alas!” cried the farmer, “the truth must be told!”.
4. ah that i should have forgotten the well-known saying with the crown of snow there cometh
Ans.: “Ah, that I should have forgotten the well-known saying, “with the crown of snow, there
cometh wisdom!”
5. make rope of twisted straw she said
Ans.: “Make rope of twisted straw,” she said.
1. well cash what have you got
Ans.: Well, Cash, what have you got?’
2. interesting and jupiter
Ans.: ‘Interesting! And Jupiter?’
3. arent you getting some result from the moon at any rate
Ans.: ‘Aren’t you getting some result from the moon, at any rate?’
4. You dare tell me that the moon is uninhabited
Ans.: ‘You dare tell me that the moon is uninhabited?’
5. where are we going sir asked the aero-coachman
Ans.: ‘Where are we going, Sir?’ asked the aero-coachman.
1. come peter she said
Ans.: “Come, Peter,” she said.
2. i am glad they are so strong he said to himself
Ans.: “I am glad they are so strong,” he said to himself.
3. oho he said to himself
Ans.: “Oho!” he said to himself.
4. whats the matter he called
Ans.: “What’s the matter?” he called.
5. are you hurt im keeping the water back peter yelled
Ans.: “Are you hurt?” “I’m keeping the water back!” Peter yelled.
1. when i sat down by his bedside he began with a malicious grin
Ans.: When I sat down by his bedside, he began, with a malicious grin:
2. i suppose you think me queer i will explain
Ans.: “I suppose you think me queer. I will explain”
3. you will have to pay for my funeral
Ans.: “You will have to pay for my funeral.”
4. dont come back it wont hasten things
Ans.: “Don’t come back. It won’t hasten things.”
5. unhappily i found soon after between the leaves of my uncles bible a numbered list of the stones
with their cost and much beside
Ans.: Unhappily, I found, soon after, between the leaves of my uncle’s Bible, a numbered
list of the stones with their cost and much beside.
1. What is a simple sentence?
A simple sentence consists of only one clause. It is also called an independent clause. It has a
subject and a verb.
e.g. I am a teacher
2. What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence has two main clause or independent clause combined by coordinating
conjunctions like and, but, or, so, yet are called coordinating conjunction.
e.g. I am a teacher
and my wife is a lawyer.
3. What is complex sentence?
Complex sentence has one main clause (independent clause) and one or more subordinate
clause(dependent clause)
e.g. When I got home from work yesterday, I watched TV for an hour.
As a result of, on account of,
because of, due to, owing to
And, so, and so, Therefore Since, As, Because
On account of his sickness,
didn’t come to school
He was sick so
he did not come
to school yesterday
Because he was sick, he did
not come to school yesterday.
Being And, so, and so, Therefore Since, As, Because
Being poor, Kamalesh
couldn’t continue his studies.
Kamalesh was poor therefore he
couldn’t continue his studies.
Kamalesh was poor, he
couldn’t continue his studies.
In spite of +verb + ing
Despite + noun
But, Yet, Still Though, Although,
Even though
In spite of raining heavily,
they went out
heavy rain, they
went out.
It (was raining /rained) heavily
they went out.
Even though
it (was raining
/rained) heavily, they went
In the event of, In case of Or, or else, otherwise If, Unless
In the event of scoring high
marks, he will join Medicine.
He should score high marks
he cannot join
he scores high marks, he
will join Medicine.
he scores high marks,
he cannot join Medicine.
On verb + ing And, at once When, As soon as, No
On seeing the police, the
thief ran away fast.
The thief saw the police atonce
he ran away fast.
When the thief saw the police,
he ran away very fast.
No sooner
did the thief see
the police, than
he ran away
Too ….. to Very….. and so So….that…can/could.. not
The sum was too difficult to
The sum was too
difficult for
him to
The sum was very
difficult and
so it cannot be solved.
The sum was very
difficult for
him and so
he cannot solve it
The sum was so
difficult that
it cannot
be solved.
The sum was so
difficult for
him that
he cannot solve it.
In order to And so So that
He went to Chennai in order
to buy a new car.
He wanted to buy a new car
and so he went to Chennai.
He went to Chennai so that
he could buy a new car.
Besides verb+ing And, As well as Not only …. But also
Besides knocking down the
cyclist the car ran over him.
The car knocked down the
cyclist as well as
ran over him
The car not only
down the cyclist but also
over him.
1. Ramu is too poor to buy a bicycle. (simple)
Ramu is very poor and he cannot buy a bicycle. (compound)
Ramu is so poor that he cannot buy a bicycle.(complex)
2. Despite his old age, Raghav walked fast.(simple)
Raghav was old yet he walked fast. (compound)
Though Raghav was old, he walked fast (complex)
3. In the event of not consulting a doctor, you cannot recover. (simple)
You consult a doctor otherwise you cannot recover. (compound)
Unless you consult a doctor, you cannot recover. (complex)
4. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up. (simple)
The children saw the teacher and they stood up. (compound)
As soon as the children saw the teacher, they stood up. (complex)
5. Due to a heavy downpour, the match was cancelled. (simple)
There was a heavy downpour and the match was cancelled. (compound)
As there was a heavy downpour, the match was cancelled. (complex)
A. Transform the following sentences as instructed.
1. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up. (into Complex)
As soon as the children saw the teacher they stood up.
No sooner did the children see the teacher than they stood up.
2. At the age of six, Varsha started learning music. (into Complex)
Varsha started learning music when she was six.
3. As Varun is a voracious reader, he buys a lot of books. (into Simple)
Being a voracious reader, Varun buys a lot of books.
4. Walk carefully lest you will fall down. (into Complex)
Unless you walk carefully you will fall down.
5. Besides being a dancer, she is a singer. (into Compound)
She is not only a dancer but also a singer.
6. He is sick but he attends the rehearsal. (into Simple)
Despite his sickness, he attends the rehearsal.
7. If Meena reads more, she will become proficient in the language. (into Compound)
Meena must read more or she will not become proficient in the language.
8. He confessed that he was guilty. (into Simple)
He confessed his guilt.
9. The boy could not attend the special classes due to his mother’s illness. (into Compound)
His mother was ill and so the boy could not attend the special classes.
10. He followed my suggestion. (into Complex)
He followed what I suggested.
B. Combine the pairs of sentences below into simple, compound and complex.
1. Radha was ill. She was not hospitalized.
In spite of being ill Radha was not hospitalized.
Radha was ill but she was not hospitalized.
Though Radha was ill she was not hospitalized.
2. The students were intelligent. They could answer the questions correctly.
Due to their intelligent the students could answer correctly.
The students were intelligent so they could answer correctly.
Since the students were intelligent they could answer correctly.
3. I must get a visa. I can travel abroad
I must get a visa to travel abroad.
I must get a visa and I can travel abroad.
If I get a visa I can travel abroad.
4. I saw a tiger. It was wounded.
I saw a wounded tiger.
I saw a tiger and it was wounded.
I saw a tiger which was wounded.
5. There was a bandh. The shops remained closed.
Due to bandh the shops remained closed.
There was a bandh and so the shops remained closed.
Because there was a bandh the shops remained closed.
Rewrite the following Simple Sentences as Compound and Complex sentences.
1. The old man being weak could not walk properly.
2. His father in spite of being poor is a contended man.
3. She must work hard to be successful in the examination.
4. Visualizing a danger ahead, the traveller became cautious.
5. The student must accept his fault to escape his punishment.
6. The culprit ran away to escape his arrest.
7. Taking off their clothes the children jumped into the river.
8. In the event of being late you will not be allowed entry
9. Hearing their father's footsteps, the boys ran away.
10. The man, being very hungry, ate too much.
11. In spite of his great strength he was overcome.
12. He was universally respected on account of his virtue.
13. His friend having helped him, he is prospering.
14. Being a cripple, he cannot ride a horse.
15. The rain having washed away the embankment, the train was wrecked.
16. Finding himself in difficulty, he went to his teacher for help.
17. My friend being now in Mumbai, I shall go there to meet him.
18. In the event of such a thing happening, I should take long leave.
19. In spite of all my advice he has done this foolish thing.
20. Due to his great ability he has been able to win a high position.
21. Knowing no better, he used very inaccurate language.
22. He was rejected owing to ill-health.
23. Having finished his exercise, he put away his books..
23. Besides his father giving him money, his mother also did the same.
24. In spite of his being a, mere boy, he offered to fight the giant.
Rewrite the following Compound sentences as complex and Simple sentences:-
1. They were poor, and often suffered great hardship.
2. He overslept himself, and so he missed the train.
3. The prince slew his brother and became king in his place.
4. This general fought bravely, the king therefore made him commander-in-chief.
5. The camel pushed his head into the tent and asked to be allowed to warm his nose.
6. This must not occur again, or you will be dismissed.
7. He granted the request because he was unwilling to disappoint his friend.
8. They took every precaution still they ran aground.
9. He is rich, yet he is not contented.
10. The steamer went down, yet the crew was saved.
11. Walk quickly; else you will not overtake him.
12. I called him, but he gave me no answer.
13. He must have done his duty, as he is a conscientious man.
14. He tried again and again, but he did not succeed.
15. Either you must help me or I must try to carry out my task alone.
16. He was horrified since he saw blood stains on the floor and no sign of his child.
17. He is a well-read man, but in matters of business he is a fool.
18. Work at least six hours a day,or you cannot make sure of success.
19. He is very poor, but he does not complain.
20. The thief saw the police man, so he ran away.
21. The child felt hungry, so he started weeping.
22. The news is very good but it is not true.
23. Keep quiet or you will repent.
24. I shall do it now or I shall not do it at all.
25. I both thanked him and rewarded him.
Convert the following Complex sentences to Compound and Simple sentences:-
1. Rama went to school as soon as he had finished his meal.
2. If I ask a civil question I expect a civil reply.
3. They have never been poor since they opened that shop.
4. We might admire a bad man though we cannot admire a weak one.
5. I advise you to try although you may not succeed.
6. I spoke plainly so that you might understand.
7. He feigned sleep as he had an object in doing so.
8. He gave himself up because flight was useless.
9. I would have shot the snake if I had seen it.
10. If you come here you will repent it.
11. I have never heard from him since he left Mumbai.
12. He went to the house so that he might leave a message.
13. Unless we run we shall miss the train.
14. As soon as the sun touches the horizon darkness begins to settle upon the scene.
15. However clever you may be, you cannot succeed without industry.
16. Do this, else a worse thing befall.
17. If you don’t trust the book you will find yourself in difficulties.
18. We may lose all without regret, if we keep our honour sustained.
19. If I am right you must be wrong.
20. If you eat too much you will be ill.
21. A book's a book, although there's nothing in it.
22. Unless you keep quiet, you will be punished.
23. As Caesar loved me, I weep for him.
24. She forgave him because he was dying.
25. He stayed at home since he was feeling ill.
Qn. No.: 27 – Rearrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
1. as / I / healthy / are / you / am / as
2. your / today / put on / new / since / is / birthday /dress / the
3. allergic / dogs / Rani / though / is / to / of / six / she / them / has
4. speaks / Ruben / besides / German /languages / two
5. loan / apply / you / if / for / you / a / get / will / immediately / it
1. I am as healthy as you are
2. Put on your new dress since today is your birthday.
3. Though Rani is allergic to dogs, she has six of them.
4. Ruben speaks two languages besides German.
5. If you apply for a loan, you will get it immediately.
1. this /we/ visiting/ Assam/ are/ summer.
2. first/ I/ quite/ happy/ was /to/ receive/ prize/ the.
3. a/ should/ have/ called/ you/ him/ liar/ not.
4. I/ to/ the/ forgot/ letter/ post.
5. at/ the/ aim/ the/ deer/ took/ hunter.
6. the/ behind/ were/ the/ bush /thieves/ hiding.
7. can/ I/ the/ see/ on/ roof/ something.
8. a/ child/ hand/ the/ young/ had/ holding/ to/ each/ woman/ on.
9. must/ we/ protect/ resources/ our/ natural.
10. upset/ why/ looking/ you/ are?
11. colours/ kites/ in/ of/ many/ flew/ the/ city/ different.
12. I /dog/ enjoy/ with/ playing/ my.
13. life/ leads/ Nalini/happy/a
14. punctual/is/ always/ Suresh/ regular/ and
15. already/ the/ finished/ project/ have/ we
16. deterred/ was/ Malala/ by/ not/on/ threats/ issued/ the/ her.
17. his/ medication/ mother/ advised/ to/ take/ without/ Rohan/ fail
18. my/ brother/ to /play/ little/ all/ day/ likes/ long
19. Hari/ his/ to/ the/ airport/ week/ to/ last/ receive/ brother/ went
20. holding/ in/ her/ hand/ she/ into/ the/ a/ letter/ ran/ room
21. lend/ Mahima/ requested/ a/ pen/ brother /to/ her/ her.
22. the/ teacher/ us/ to/ assignment/ complete/ the/ go/ before/ wants/ we/ home
23. you/ think/ have/ made/ a/ I/ mistake/ that.
24. are/ the/ streets/ our/ cities/ noted/ for/ of/ their/ some/ of/ crookedness
25. the/ farmer/ has/ the/ corn/ is/ which/ ripened/ cutting.
1. We are visiting Assam this summer.
2. I was quite happy to receive the first prize.
3. You should not have called him a liar.
4. I forgot to post the letter.
5. The hunter took aim at the deer.
6. The thieves were hiding behind the bush.
7. I can see something on the roof.
8. The young woman had a child holding on to each hand.
9. We must protect our natural resources.
10. Why are you looking upset?
11. Kites of many different colours flew in the city.
12. I enjoy playing with my dog
13. Nalini leads a happy life.
14. Suresh is always punctual and regular.
15. We have already finished the project.
16. Malala was not deterred by the threats issued on her
17. Mother advised Rohan to take his medication without fail.
18. My little brother likes to play all day long.
19. Hari went to the airport last week to receive his brother.
20. Holding a letter in her hand she ran into the room.
21. Mahima requested her brother to lend her a pen.
22. The teacher wants us to complete the assignment before we go home.
23. I think that you have made a mistake.
24. The streets of some of our cities are noted for their crookedness.
25. The farmer is cutting the corn which has ripened.
Q. No.: 28 – ROADMAP
Learn the following Expressions:
* Go straight
* There will be a road on your left/right
* Turn right/Take the road on your right.
* Turn left/Take the road on your left.
* Walk past the road.
* Keep walking for some distance.
* There is a bank/school/supermarket on your right/left.
* Walk past the bank/school/supermarket.
* There will be a cross road.
* Keep going straight.
* There will be a traffic signal.
* At the traffic signal go straight/take right/take left.
* The road will divide into a “V”
* Take the left/right at the “V” junction.
Observe the picture and answer the questions asked below
1. You are in the market. You need directions to go the pharmacy.
a. Walk through George street.
b. Go past the library and the bakery.
c. Turn right on the south road and keep walking
d. Take the second road on the left.
e. The Pharmacy is on the central avenue opposite to the hospital.
2. You are in a book shop. Ask your partner to direct you to the Art Gallery.
a. Step on the road and walk along the central avenue.
b. Go past the School and the Shoe shop on your right.
c. Turn left and walk along the south road.
d. Reach the George Street and turn right.
e. The Art Gallery is on your left, opposite to the gift shop.
3. Give your partner the directions to go from the Bank to the hotel.
a. Step out of the Bank, turn left and go along the Park Street.
b. Walk past the Swimming Pool and reach the George Street.
c. Turn right and go past the Police Station.
d. The Hotel is on your right opposite to the bakery.
4. Direct your partner from the post office to the market.
a. From the post office, turn right and walk along the Central Avenue.
b. Go past the school and reach the Park Street.
c. Turn right and walk past the Bank and the Swimming Pool.
d. Then turn left on the George Street.
e. The market is the first building on the right.
5. Your partner wants to go the Library from school. Give suitable directions.
a. Step on the Central Avenue, turn left and walk along the road.
b. Turn right and go along the Park Street.
c. Go past the Bank and the Swimming Pool.
d. Reach the George Street and turn right.
e. The library is on the left, opposite to the Police Station.
Guide a stranger to the nearby post office using the roadmap given below.
Guide a stranger to the nearby auditorium using the roadmap.
Q. No. 29 – 32 – Paragraph Questions (Prose)
CHARACTERS : Young Seagull, Mother Seagull, His Siblings
Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
The secret of happiness is taught by the seagull’s family in the story "His First Flight"
by Liam o' Flaherty. The young seagull was afraid of flying. He failed to muster up courage. First, his
parents encouraged him. Then they mocked and threatened him. He pretended to fall asleep but he
was ignored. The bird was hungry. The mother motivated the young one by showing a fish. The sight
of food made him mad. This prompted the bird to fly. He was no longer afraid. He made his first flight.
CHARACTER : Author, Herman, Their Mother, Policemen, Neighbour, Grandfather
Describe the funny incident that caused the confusion in the house.
The author James Grover in the story "The Night the Ghost Got In" narrates how
imagination of odd things leads to chaos and humour. On November 17, 1915 James heard some
footsteps while bathing. At first, he thought it was his father and brother Roy. Next, he suspected it
was a burglar. Later, he thought it was a ghost. He woke up his brother, Herman for help. They
listened to the footsteps and got scared. They went back to their rooms and slammed the door. The
sound woke up their mother. Mother threw a shoe to alert her neighbour to call the police. The police
arrived shortly with reporters. They broke open the front doors and entered into the house. They
ransacked the whole house. They ran to the attic on hearing a noise. Grandfather mistook them for
deserters from Meade’s army. He shot a policeman. The police felt defeated. The next morning, the
author came to know that it was his grandfather who had actually walked around for water.
CHARACTERS : The Crew Members, An Interviewer
Highlight the factors responsible for the all-women Indian Navy Crew to carry out their
The prose lesson "Empowered Women Navigating the World" discusses the factor
responsible for the all-women Indian Navy Crew to carry out their expedition. Navika Sagar Parikrama
was a project. It was undertaken in consonance with the National Policy to empower women to attain
their full potential. It is initiated to promote ocean sailing activities in the Navy by women for Nari
Sakthi (women power). It is aimed to showcase “Make in India” initiative by sailing onboard the
indigenously built INSV Tarini. It was encouraged to boost the morale in the country and for more
women to take on adventures like sailing. It further exhibited the innate talents of women to the world.
Six women were shortlisted out of thirty women who had applied. They were selected on their survival
skills. They started classroom courses like theory on navigation, communication and weather
prediction. Later on they were given hands on training like how to repair things and deal with
emergencies when the weather gets rough. Tactical training was given on medical emergency. They
went around the world within 254 days. They completed the expedition successfully.
CHARACTERS : Aditya, The Author, Nagan Uncle, Mr. Sanyal
“Man does change with time” – What were the various changes that came about in Aditya.
Satyajit Ray in his narrative piece "The Attic" shares the moral value that it is common
for human beings to make mistakes but once they realize the mistakes they should try to rectify them.
The narrator and Aditya visited their village after 29 years. They went to Nagen Uncle’s tea shop.
There they met Sanyal. Sanyal recited a poem of Tagore. On hearing this, Aditya was shocked.
Sanyal was a classmate of Aditya. Aditya went to his old house. There he took an article from the attic.
Then they went to a jeweller to find out the weight of the article. The jeweller estimated 150 Rupees
for the article. Aditya met Sanyal and offered him 150 rupees. Sanyal refused the offer. He asked for
the medal he had won in the competition. He got the medal and felt happy.
Give a brief sketch of SasankaSanyal.
SasankaSanyal leads a cursed life. He has gone crazy. He has not forgotten any
incident of the past. He sells his lands to get his only daughter married. He loses his wife and only
son. Since then he is somewhat changed. He is not really normal. He stays with a friend of his father.
He comes to the tea shop every day. He has tea and biscuits and always remembers to pay. He has
an acute sense of self respect. When Aditya visits him in his place, Sasanka Sanyal invites him. He
tells him that he had recognised him who he was from the mole on his right cheek. He remembers the
incident that happened 29 years ago. So he recites the poem which secured him a medal in the
competition. It reminds him of the unpleasant incident of his childhood. Aditya’s betrayal in not
returning his medal makes him angry. He refuses the money Aditya offers and requests for the medal.
After twenty nine long years the medal lies in its proud owner’s hand.
‘Technology is a boon to the disabled’ – Justify.
Technology is not only useful to the normal people but is also empowering the
disabled. The use of technology is increasing day by day. Technology makes the life of human being
simple. We can manage TV, Computer, Washing Machine etc. by voice commands. GPS and Google
map helps us to explore new places. Technology helps the disabled to lead normal life. Dragon
Dictate helps Alisha type on screen when she speaks. A computer screen can be controlled with Eye
Gaze. David uses technology for verbal communication and be independent. Technology assists
human in all walks of life. Lechal shoes, Blee watch and IGEST are Indian Inventions to help the
Give an account of the last day of Mr Hamel in school.
The last day of Mr Hamel in the school brings out how love for once own language is
connected with patriotism. Alsace and Lorraine of France fell into the hands of Prussians. They
wanted German to be taught in school. Mr Hamel, the French teacher has his last class. The villagers
too attend the class to honour their language. There was unusual silence in the class. The teacher
was emotional. Little Franz felt sorry. He had not learnt to write French. That day he could understand
better. The teacher spoke about the beauty of the language. He wants them to keep their language
alive. He ends the class with writing on the blackboard ‘Viva la France’!.
How did Holmes trap Mr Culverton Smith to confess the murder?
The Dying Detective is one of Conan Doyle's famous crime fictions. He features
Sherlock Holmes and Watson in his stories. Sherlock Holmes was a detective. Mrs Hudson brought in
Dr Watson, his friend. Holmes pretended to be sick with a deadly disease. Holmes instructed
Dr Watson to bring Mr Smith. He said that only Smith knew about his sickness. On visiting Holmes,
Smith tried to remove the ivory box containing an infected spring. It was the last evidence for his
murder. Dr Watson emerged as the witness to the happening. Holmes got Smith arrested. He had
acted to make Smith confess the murder.
Q. No. 33 – 34 – Paragraph Questions (Poem)
Describe the journey of life as depicted in the poem by Henry Van Dyke.
Henry Van Dyke was an American author, poet, educator and clergy man. In this poem
‘Life’ he beautifully depicts his attitude towards life. The poet wants to live a joyful and fearless life. He
neither wants to hurry nor move away from his goal. He does not want to mourn for the things he has
lost. He does not hold back for the fear of the future. He wants to live his life with whole and happy
heart from youth to old age. Therefore it does not matter to him whether the path goes up or down the
hill, rough or smooth. The journey will be ever ahead. He will continue to seek new friendship, high
adventure and fame. His heart will remain courageous and pursue his desires. He hopes that every
turn in his life’s journey will be the best.
Write a paragraph on ‘The Grumble Family’ and their attitude towards other folks.
The poet gives a vivid picture of neighbourhood scenes in the poem ‘The Grumble
Family’. The grumble family lives on complaining street. No one likes to meet them. They are never
satisfied with their life. They growl at everything. They find nothing right. They grumble for the rain and
the sun. They are called grumblers. They are always gloomy in nature. They never stop growling.
Even if something good happens, they grumble. It is wise not to walk into their street. It is wise to stay
away from them. If not we will acquire the grumbling nature. We should be happy and wear a smile in
our face.
How are today’s women portrayed by the poet?
In this poem, the poetess beautifully portrays the multifaceted nature of women.
Today’s women have some innate qualities. They are brave and strong. They are always ready to take
up new ventures. They work tirelessly to prove themselves. They are very strong in their faith. They
don’t give up their desires. They are very firm in achieving goals. They are ready to face risks. They
have come out of false beliefs. They are very powerful to lead a happy life. They can overcome sighs,
groans and moans. They cannot be taken for granted. They are ready to teach a lesson to the
mischievous. Thus the poet says women should be loved and respected.
‘Some Crickets have four legs and some have two’ – Elucidate the statement from the poets
point of view.
In this poem, ‘The Ant and the Cricket’ the poet brings in the virtue of hard work and
planning for future. The ant saves for future during summer. The cricket sings and dances happily in
the summer. The cricket does not save anything for the future. When winter comes, he is without food.
So he seeks the help of the ant. But the ant refuses. The ant remarks that he could starve in the winter
as he had not planned and saved for future. The poet says that this is applicable to human beings too.
Though two-legged, some of us behave like the four legged cricket. Without proper planning for future,
we are helpless at times of crises.
What secret does Rudyard Kipling reveal in the poem ‘The Secret of the Machines’?
In this poem Rudyard Kipling reveals the secret about the machines. The raw
materials for the machines were taken from the ore-bed and the mines. They were melted in the
furnace and the pit. They were hammered to design. Machines can run on water, coal and oil. They
can pull, haul, push, lift, drive, plough, weave, heat, light, run, race, swim, fly, dive, see, hear, count,
read and write. They don’t lie. They can neither love nor pity. We should handle them carefully. If we
commit any mistake they don’t forgive us. Their smoke may hide the sky (Heaven) from our eyes. But
the stars will shine again. Machines are powerful and big. But they are just the children of human
What is the central theme of the poem ‘No Men are Foreign’?
Universal brotherhood is the central theme of the poem ‘No Men are Foreign’. Human
beings are same. We live on the same land. We will be buried under it after death. We are related to
each other. We wear different uniforms but underneath it is the same breathing body. All have their
dreams and aspirations like us. Nature provides all with water, air, and sun. We do the same labour
with our hands as they do. We look at the world with the same eyes. Waging war against others is like
attacking our own selves. It is the human earth we defile. We share the same brotherhood. We are
similar to each other. We should not wage wars and defile our only planet.
How is the mystery depicted in the poem ‘The House on the Elm Street’?
Mystery is lucidly depicted in this poem. The house is located on Elm Street. It has
tons of space inside. But no one lives there. At night it seems to be alive. The lights flicker on and off.
There is a tree without leaves in all seasons. It never gets small nor grows tall. No one knows what
happens inside the house. But many rumours are spread everyday. And the house remains a mystery.
Q. No.: 35. Poetic Devices
1. O’er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy – Contrast
2. So let the way wind up the hill or down – Contrast
3. They growl at that and they growl at this – Anaphora
4. They growl at the rain and they growl at the sun – Anaphora
5. They live, it is said, on complaining street – Epithet
6. Down on that gloomy complaining street – Epithet
7. The weather is too hot or cold – Contrast
8.The River of Discontent beside – Personification
9. In the city of Never – Are – Satisfied – Personification
10. She is a lioness; don’t mess with her – Metaphor
11. A silly young cricket, accustomed to sing – Personification
12. Away he set off to a miserly ant – Personification
13. Away he set off to a miserly ant Assonance
14. We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive – Imagery / Personification
15. We can run and race and swim and fly and dive – Imagery / Personification
16. We can see and hear and count and read and write – Imagery / Personification
17. Some water, coal, and oil is all we ask Assonance
18. Though our smoke may hide the Heavens from your eyes – Connotation
19. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon – Simile
20. Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie – Simile
21. Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd – Transferred epithet
22. Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd – Metaphor
23. Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read – Metaphor
24. Remember they have eyes like ours that wake – Simile
25. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence – Metaphor
26. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign ………….
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange – Repetition
27. But at the same time it is bare to the bone Synecdoche
28. It sat alone Personification
29. Beside the house sits a tree – Personification
30. It plays with your mind – Personification
31. It just sits there, never getting small or ever growing tall – Personification
32. And inside you can tell it has a ton of space – Hyperbole
33. Lights flicker on and off Onomatopoeia
34. Lights flicker on and off Contrast
35. It just sits there, never getting small or ever growing tall Contrast
36. What happened inside that house? – Rhetorical Question
37. How could this be? Rhetorical Question
1. An happy heart that pays its toll – happy, heart
2. And whether their station be high or humble – high, humble
3. A symbol of power and strength symbol, strength
4. If not, he must die of starvation and sorrow – starvation, sorrow
5. We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit – filed, fit
6. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes – beneath, body, breathes
7. Or sleep, and strength that can be won – sleep, strength
8. The house seems to be a bit brighter – be, bit, brighter
9. We can print and plough and weave and heat and light – print, plough we, weave
10. Or sleep and strength that can be won – sleep, strength
Rhyme Scheme
1. So let the way wind up the hill or down, - a
O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy: - b
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy, - b
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown, - a
My heart will keep the courage of the quest, - c
And hope the road's last turn will be the best. - c
2. But the queerest thing is that not one of the same - a
Can be brought to acknowledge his family name; - a
For never a Grumbler will own that he - b
Is connected with it at all, you see - b
3. The summer of life she's ready to see in spring. - a
She says, "Spring will come again, my dear. - b
Let me care for the ones who're near.” - b
She's The Woman – she has no fear! - b
4. Go then”, says the ant, “and dance the winter away”. - a
Thus ending, he hastily lifted the wicket, - b
And out of the door turned the poor little cricket. - b
Folks call this a fable. I‘ll warrant it true: - c
Some crickets have four legs, and some have two. - c
5. But remember, please, the Law by which we live, - a
We are not built to comprehend a lie, - b
We can neither love nor pity nor forgive, - a
If you make a slip in handling us you die! - b
6. At night the house seems to be alive, - a
Lights flicker on and off. - b
I am often tempted to go to the house, - c
To just take a look and see what it is really about, - d
But fear takes over me. - e
7. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign - a
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes - b
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon - c
Is earth like this, "in which we all shall lie. - d
8. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, - a
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d. - b
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read - b
A labour not different from our own - c
Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below:
a) Some water, coal, and oil is all we ask,
And a thousandth of an inch to give us play:
And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!
i. Find out the rhyming words in the above lines.
Rhyming words: ask-task, play-day
ii. What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?
Rhyme scheme: a b a b
iii. What is the figure of speech employed in the last line?
Figure of speech: Hyperbole
iv. Pick out the alliterated words in the third line.
Alliterated words: to-task
b) We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive,
We can print and plough and weave and heat and light,
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,
We can see and hear and count and read and write!
i. Find out the rhyming words in the above lines.
Rhyming words: drive-dive, light-write
ii. What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?
Rhyme scheme: a b a b
iii. Pick out the words that are alliterated in the first line.
Alliterated words: pull-push
iv. What is the figure of speech employed in the above lines?
Figure of speech: Personification
c) The summer of life she's ready to see in spring.
She says, "Spring will come again, my dear
Let me care for the ones who're near.
She’s The Woman – she has no fear!
i. Write the alliterated words in the 1
Alliterated words: summer-see-spring
ii. Mention the figure of speech in the 1
Figure of speech: Metaphor
iii. Mention the rhyme scheme.
Rhyme Scheme: a b bb
iv. Identify the rhyming words in the given stanza.
Rhyming words: dear-near-fear
d) So let the way wind up the hill or down,
O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy:
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy,
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
i. Find out the rhyming words in the above lines.
Rhyming words: down-crown, joy-boy
ii. What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?
Rhyme scheme: a b b a
iii. Pick out the words that are alliterated in the 3
Alliterated words: still-seeking-sought, what-when
iv. What is the figure of speech employed in the first line?
Figure of speech: Contrast
e) And so it were wisest to keep our feet
From wandering into Complaining Street;
And never to growl, whatever we do,
Lest we be mistaken for Grumblers, too.
i. Find out the rhyming words in the above lines.
Rhyming words: feet-street, do-too
ii. What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?
Rhyme scheme: a a b b
iii. Pick out the words that are alliterated in the first line.
Alliterated words: were-wisest
iv. What is the figure of speech employed in the second line?
Figure of speech: Epithet
Exercises for practice:
f) There’s a family nobody likes to meet,
They live, it is said, on Complaining Street;
In the city of Never-Are-Satisfied
The River of Discontent beside.
i. What is the figure of speech used here?
ii. Pick out the rhyming words in the above lines.
iii.Pick out the words that are in alliteration.
iv. What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?
g) She’s a lioness; don’t mess with her.
She’ll not spare you if you’re a prankster.
Don’t ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.
She knows how to thaw you, saw you – so beware
i. Mention the rhyme scheme.
ii. What is the figure of speech in the first line?
iii. Mention the rhyming words.
iv. Write out the words of alliteration in the third line.
h) Go then,” says the ant, “and dance the winter away”
Thus ending, he hastily lifted the wicket,
And out of the door turned the poor little cricket.
Folks call this a fable. I’ll warrant it true
Some crickets have four legs, and some have two.
i. Pick out the rhyming words.
ii. Find out the rhyme scheme.
iii. Write the figure of speech of the last line.
iv. Write the alliterated words in the fourth line.
i) But remember, please, the Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
We can neither love nor pity nor forgive,
If you make a slip in handling us you die!
i. Identify the rhyme scheme.
ii. Pick out the rhyming words.
iii. Identify the figure of speech in the third line.
iv. Write the alliterated words in the first line.
j) A labour not different from our own
Remember they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, that strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
i. What is the figure of speech in the second line?
ii. Mention the rhyme scheme.
iii. Pick out the words in alliteration.
iv. Identify the rhyming words.
Q. No. 36 Paraphrasing the poem
Students are expected to summarize the given lines as a passage.
Convert the verse form into prose form.
Further interpretation may not be required.
Paraphrase the following stanza
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,
We can see and hear and count and read and write!
But remember, please, the Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
The machines speak to us in this poem. They say they can do all sorts of work that were
earlier done by human being. They can pull, drag, push, weave, heat and light. Moreover they can
run, race, swim, fly and dive. Besides all these activities some machines can also see, hear, count,
read and write.
Example: 2
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy,
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
My heart will keep the courage of the quest,
And hope the road's last turn will be the best.
The poet says he has not stopped his search since his boyhood. He continues to search for
new friendship, adventures and position. He would live with courage to seek and hope for the best in
Example: 3
She's a lioness; don't mess with her.
She'll not spare you if you're a prankster.
Don't ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.
She knows how to thaw you, saw you – so beware!
The poetess says that a woman is ferocious like a lioness. No one should tease or play a joke
with her. It is better for a mischievous person to stay away from her. No one should disgrace her pride
and self-esteem. She knows how to give back (retaliate). So be careful.
Example: 4
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
The poet asks us to remember that all men in the world are same. Though soldiers of different
countries have different uniforms, they all have same life and same body. All men walk on the same
land and we will be buried under it.
Example: 5
Beside the house sits a tree.
It never grows leaves,
Not in the winter, spring, summer or fall.
It just sits there, never getting small or ever growing tall.
The poet says there is a tree at the side of the house. It never grows leaves in winter, spring,
summer or autumn. The tree neither gets small nor grows tall. The poet wonders how this could
Exercises for practice:
Q. No. 36 Paraphrase the following stanza
a) A woman is beauty innate,
A symbol of power and strength.
She puts her life at stake,
She's real, she's not fake!
b) But remember, please, the Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
We can neither love nor pity nor forgive,
If you make a slip in handling us you die!
c) It is the human earth that we defile.
Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence
Of air that is everywhere our own,
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.
d) The weather is always too hot or cold:
Summer and winter alike they scold.
Nothing goes right with the folks you meet
Down on that gloomy complaining Street.
e) Says the ant to the cricket,
“I’m your servant and friend,
But we ants never borrow;
We ants never lend.
Section III
Q. No. 37 – Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.
a) Question:
i. Using his powers, Prospero released the good spirits from large bodies of trees.
ii. Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.
iii. He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.
iv. The King of Naples and Antonio the false brother repented the injustice they had done to
v. He ordered Ariel to torment the inmates of the ship.
1. ii. Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.
2. i. Using his powers, Prospero released the good spirits from large bodies of trees.
3. iii. He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.
4. v. He ordered Ariel to torment the inmates of the ship.
5. iv. The King of Naples and Antonio the false brother, repented the injustice they had done
to Prospero.
b) Question:
i. Her battles went so well that she was put in charge of more soldiers.
ii. After a few years Mulan was made the General of the entire army.
iii. Her battles kept on going well.
iv. In the army, Mulan proved to be a brave soldier.
v. In time, she was put in charge of other soldiers.
1. iv. In the army, Mulan proved to be a brave soldier.
2. v. In time, she was put in charge of other soldiers.
3. i. Her battles went so well that she was put in charge of more soldiers.
4. iii. Her battles kept on going well.
5. ii. After a few years Mulan was made the General of the entire army.
c) Question:
i. In a moment he saw what he must do.
ii. The flowing of the water was stopped.
iii. If the water ran through a little hole soon the whole country would be flooded.
iv. Peter understood the danger at once.
v. He climbed down the side of the dike and thrust his finger into the tiny hole.
1. iv. Peter understood the danger at once.
2. iii. If the water ran through a little hole soon the whole country would be flooded.
3. i. In a moment he saw what he must do.
4. v. He climbed down the side of the dike and thrust his finger into the tiny hole.
5. ii. The flowing of the water was stopped.
d) Question:
i. As soon as he awoke he switched on his phonotelephote.
ii. In a short time, he was at the threshold of his office.
iii. He saw his wife appear in the telephotic mirror.
iv. Francis Bennett was the managing editor of the Earth Herald
v. He quickly jumped out of his bed and went into his mechanised dressing room.
1. iv. Francis Bennett was the managing editor of the Earth Herald.
2. i. As soon as he awoke he switched on his phonotelephote.
3. iii. He saw his wife appear in the telephotic mirror.
4. v. He quickly jumped out of his bed and went into his mechanised dressing room.
5. ii. In a short time, he was at the threshold of his office.
e) Question:
i. Its curved beak was sunflower yellow.
ii. The rest of its plumage was in various shades of the muddiest brown.
iii. Zigzag is a foot and a half tall.
iv. He can talk and sing in about twenty one different languages.
v. Its bald head was fringed with a crown of pink feathers.
1. iii. Zigzag is a foot and a half tall.
2. v. Its bald head was fringed with a crown of pink feathers.
3. ii. The rest of its plumage was in various shades of the muddiest brown.
4. i. Its curved beak was sunflower yellow.
5. iv. He can talk and sing in about twenty one different languages.
Exercises for practice:
f) i. She grumbled about this and complained that he had given them absolute nuisance.
ii. He was leaving for Alaska.
iii. But Mrs Krishnan was not happy with the idea of Somu.
iv. Somu rang up to Dr Krishnan to ask whether he could keep Zigzag.
v. Their nine year old daughter Maya was excited.
g) i. He said “Shining needs more than strength of youth”.
ii. The governor was pleased at the wit of the youth.
iii. “Alas! Alas!” cried the farmer, “the truth must be told”.
iv. He related the story to the Governor.
v. He praised him, but he demanded to know where he had obtained his wisdom.
vi. He listened and then meditated in silence.
h) i. The Iron Box was heavy and strong.
ii. The day after, his will was found.
iii. He was handsomely buried.
iv. The author opened the safe and found in it nothing but an iron box.
v. Uncle Philip died the next week.
i) i. Remember the pen knife he gave us last year.
ii. That has been really useful.
iii. You can’t deny that it was a great hit with everyone.
iv. Uncle Somu has given us some really fabulous gifts.
v. And what about the aboriginal boomerang.
j) i. The rubies are valuable.
ii. He died the following week.
iii. I stood appalled, the key in my hand.
iv. The next day, the will was found.
v. They are in my safe at the trust company.
Q. No. 38 – Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
a) The country Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great
and cowardly shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused
him to send out a cruel proclamation. The entire province was given strict orders to
immediately put to death all aged people. Those were barbarous days, and the custom of
abandoning old people to die was not uncommon. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with
tender reverence, and the order filled his heart with sorrow. But no one ever thought twice
about obeying the mandate of the governor, so with many deep and hopeless sighs, the youth
prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest mode of death.
1. Who governed Shining?
2. What was the cowardly act of the governor?
3. What proclamation did the governor send out?
4. How did the poor farmer treat his mother?
5. Did the people obey the governor’s order?
1. Shining was governed by a despotic leader.
2. The Governor was scared of failing health and strength.
3. The Governor sent out a proclamation to immediately put to death all the aged people.
4. He treated his mother with tender reverence.
5. Yes, they obeyed the Governor’s order.
b) The next room, a broad gallery about a quarter of a mile long, was devoted to publicity, and it
well may be imagined what the publicity for such a journal as the Earth Herald had to be. It
brought in a daily average of three million dollars. They are gigantic signs reflected on the
clouds, so large that they can be seen all over a whole country. From that gallery a thousand
projectors were unceasingly employed in sending to the clouds, on which they were
reproduced in colour, these inordinate advertisements.
1. What was the name of the journal?
2. How much did the journal earn daily?
3. How long was the gallery?
4. Where was the advertisement telecasted?
5. Was the vision colourful?
1. The name of the journal was ‘Earth Herald’.
2. The journal earned an average of three million dollars daily.
3. The gallery was about a quarter of a mile long.
4. The advertisement was telecasted on clouds.
5. Yes, the vision was colourful.
c) I was just thirty-seven when my Uncle Philip died. A week before that event he sent for me;
and here let me say that I had never set eyes on him. He hated my mother, but I do not know
why. She told me long before his last illness that I need expect nothing from my father’s
brother. He was an inventor, an able and ingenious mechanical engineer, and had much
money by his improvement in turbine-wheels. He was a bachelor; lived alone, cooked his own
meals, and collected precious stones, especially rubies and pearls. From the time he made his
first money he had this mania. As he grew richer, the desire to possess rare and costly gems
became stronger. When he bought a new stone, he carried it in his pocket for a month and
now and then took it out and looked at it. Then it was added to the collection in his safe at the
trust company.
1. How old was the narrator when Uncle Philip died?
2. Did Uncle like the Narrator’s mother?
3. What was Uncle Philip?
4. Where did Uncle Philip keep his possession?
5. What was Uncle Philip’s mania?
1. When Uncle Philip died the narrator was thirty seven years old.
2. No, Uncle Philip did not like the narrator’s mother.
3. Uncle Philip was an inventor, an able and ingenious mechanical engineer.
4. Uncle Philip kept his possession in his safe at the Trust Company.
5. Uncle Philip’s mania was to collect precious stones, especially rubies and pearls.
d) ‘You’re both quite mistaken’, their father hastened to explain, seeing his wife’s horrified
expression. ‘Zigzag is a most harmless, unusual and lovable bird. ‘Great hit indeed!’ Mrs.
Krishnan didn’t bother to hide her sarcasm, and continued, ‘Considering that the boomerang
sliced through all the TV aerials in the neighbourhood, caused permanent damage to several
cars in the parking lot, and knocked out our watchman cold, with the force you threw it.’ ‘But
Zigzag is different. Somu says we are sure to love Zigzag,’ soothed Dr. Krishnan, ‘because
the bird can talk and sing in about twenty-one different language –mostly African languages,
of course. When it sings, it moves the listeners to tears. ‘This is Zigzag!’ announced Visu with
a flourish. ‘His full name is Ziggy-Zagga-King-of-the-Tonga. How I’m going to miss him! So
beautifully he talks! He can even recite French Poetry!
1. Who is Zigzag?
2. What commotion did the boomerang cause in the neighbourhood?
3. How many languages did the bird know?
4. What is the full name of Zigzag?
5. Does he recite French poetry?
1. Zigzag is a lovable bird.
2. The Boomerang caused permanent damage to several cars in the parking lot.
3. The bird knew twenty one different languages.
4. The full name of Zigzag is Ziggy-Zagga-King-of-the-Tonga.
5. Yes. Zigzag can recite French poetry.
e) “Wait!” said Mulan, “Father, you have not been well. If I may say so, why at your age must you
keep up with all those young men?” “What else can be done?” said her father. “Your brother is
a child. He cannot go.” “Of course that’s true,” said Mulan. “He is too little. But I have an idea.”
She poured her father a cup of tea and handed it to him. “Father, have some tea. Please sit
for a minute. I will be right back.” “Very well, dear,” said the father. Mulan went into her room.
With her sword, she cut off her long, black hair. She put on her father’s robe. Going back to
her father, Mulan said, “Look at me. I am your son now. I will go in your place. I will do my part
for China.”
1. Why did Mulan refuse to send her father to the battle field?
2. Is there any other male member in Mulan’s family?
3. Where did Mulan live?
4. What did Mulan give her father?
5. How did Mulan make herself ready to go to war?
1. Mulan refused to send her father to the battle field because he was old. Moreover he was
not well.
2. Yes. Mulan had a younger brother.
3. Mulan lived in China.
4. Mulan gave her father a cup of tea.
5. Mulan made herself ready to go to war by cutting off her long black hair and putting on her
father’s robe.
Exercises for practice:
f) There was an island in the sea, the only inhabitants of which were an old man, named
Prospero, and his daughter Miranda, a very beautiful young lady. She came to this island so
young, that she had no memory of having seen any other human face than her father’s.
They lived in a cave made out of a rock; it was divided into several apartments, one of which
Prospero called his study; there he kept his books, which chiefly treated of magic. By virtue of
his art, he had released many good spirits from a witch called Sycorax who had them
imprisoned in the bodies of large trees. These gentle spirits were ever after obedient to the will
of Prospero. Of these Ariel was the chief.
1. Who were the inhabitants of the island?
2. What powers did Prospero possess?
3. Who was Ariel?
4. Where were the spirits imprisoned?
5. Did the spirits obey Prospero?
g) One afternoon in the early fall, when Peter was eight years old, his mother called him from his
play. “Come, Peter,” she said. “I want you to go across the dike and take these cakes to your
friend, the blind man. If you go quickly, and do not stop to play, you will be home again before
The little boy was glad to go on such an errand, and started off with a light heart. He stayed
with the poor blind man a little while to tell him about his walk along the dike and about the sun
and the flowers and the ships far out at sea. Then he remembered his mother’s wish that he
should return before dark and, bidding his friend goodbye, he set out for home.
1. How old was Peter?
2. What did his mother ask him to do?
3. For whom did Peter take the cakes?
4. Was Peter glad to go on such errands?
5. How long did he stay with his friend?
h) At last I hung the key on my watch- guard; but then it occurred to me that it might be lost or
stolen. Dreading this, I hid it, fearful that someone might use it to open the box. This state of
doubt and fear lasted for weeks, until I became nervous and began to dread that some
accident might happen to that box. A burglar might come and boldly carry it away and force it
open and find it was a wicked fraud of my uncle’s. Even the rumble and vibration caused by
the heavy vans in the street became at last a terror.
1. Where was the key?
2. Why did he hide the key afterwards?
3. How long did this state of doubt and fear last?
4. Which is the worst of all?
5. Was he happy with his Uncle’s gift?
i) Francis Bennett went on into the reporters’ room. His fifteen hundred reporters, placed before
an equal number of telephones, were passing on to subscribers the news which had come in
during the night from the four quarters of the earth. In addition to his telephone, each reporter
has in front of him a series of commutators, which allow him to get into communication with
this or that telephotic line. Thus the subscribers have not only the story but the sight of these
events. Francis Bennett questioned one of the ten astronomical reporters – a service which
was growing because of the recent discoveries in the stellar world.
1. How many reporters were there?
2. What does each reporter had in front of him?
3. Where did Francis go?
4. What were they doing?
5. Whom did Bennet question?
j) Ariel gave a lively description of the storm, and of the terrors of the mariners; and how the
king’s son, Ferdinand, was the first who leaped into the sea; and his father thought he saw his
dear son swallowed up by the waves and lost. “But he is safe,” said Ariel, “in a corner of the
isle, sadly lamenting the loss of the king, his father.
“That’s my delicate Ariel,” said Prospero. “Bring him here: my daughter must see this young
prince. Where is the king, and my brother?”
“I left them,” answered Ariel, “searching for Ferdinand, whom they have little hopes of finding,
thinking they saw him perish. Of the ship’s crew not one is missing; though each one thinks
himself the only one saved: and the ship, though invisible to them, is safe in the harbour.”
1. Who gave the lively description of the storm?
2. What did Ferdinand do?
3. What did the king of Naples think?
4. Was the King of Naples safe?
5. Where was the ship and how was it?
Section – IV
Advertisement should be creative
Name of the product
Address, Contact No. & e-mail
Appealing images of the product advertised
Colourful text and background
Use discounts, offers, freebies. Etc.
Catchy slogans about the product
Use full page for advertisement
Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below.
a) Kids, Toddlers and Pranksters! Rush in, swarm in! - GRAB THE OFFERS! PAY 20%
less – Toys to play with – colourful ones, novel, handy, easy to operate – Pick and
choose from a wide variety – Raj street – Chennai.
b) Three bedroom bath attached flats – sale – Chennai – all amenities – playground, mini
theatre– near railway station – semi-furnishing free – 15% discount for immediate cash
down purchase.
c) Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% - SpecialCombo Offers – Muthusamy & Co.,
Raja Street, Gingee.
d) Mobile Galaxy – Smart Phones – Accessories – SIM Cards – Recharge – Free Power
banks on Mobile purchase – No. 1, Toll Gate, Trichy.
1. Fresh fruits – Vegetables from farms – healthy – juicy – tasty – low price – care for health –
59, Mint Street, Trichy.
2. Computer course – 3 months – flexible timing – discount for students.
3. Sale – CDs – Carnatic – Western – Pop and Rap songs – heavy discount.
4. Security camera – ideal solution – total safety – house – moderate price – two years warranty.
5. New type of mosquito catcher – modern machine – noiseless – harmless – non-toxic –
inaugural offer – 10% discount.
6. Hurry – 50% off – Group tours – limited seats –Tamil Travels – Europe – Australia – USA.
7. Samsung refrigerator sale – 15% discount – gift hampers – special offers – contact no – VKS
Traders, Trichy.
8. Beema’s Bakery – cakes for all occasions – fries – puffs – burgers – pizzas – variety and taste
– reasonable price.
9. Laptop & Computer shop – systems for students – special discounts – affordable price –
limited period offer – details: visit
10. Malaysia – 3 nights and 2 days – Rs.20,000/- accommodation and sight- seeing – book now –
Tours and Travels –M.G.Road – Bangalore.
Q. No. 40. Letter Writing
1. Sender’s address
2. Date
3. Receiver’s address
4. Salutation (Sir / Madam)
5. Subject
6. Body of the Letter (In a paragraph)
7. Subscription
Yours faithfully
----------- (Sender),
15, M.G. Road,
July 2019
------------- (Receiver),
24, Nehru Street,
Sir / Madam,
Sub: __________________________________________ - Reg.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely,
1. Imagine that you have parked your vehicle (two-wheeler)/ bicycle inside the school
premises. You find it missing in the evening. Write a complaint to the head of the school
regarding this issue.
X Std. A,
Govt. High School,
12 August 2019.
The Headmaster,
Govt. High School,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Complaint about the missing bicycle – Reg.
I parked my bicycle in our cycle shed yesterday. I was shocked to see my bicycle missing after
the school hours. I searched everywhere in the school premises but I couldn’t find it.
The company name is ‘Atlas’ and the frame no. is MBL 342JS.
I shall be very thankful if you take steps to find my bicycle.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
2. Write a complaint to the officer of the PWD department to take immediate actions of
maintaining cleanliness in the Children’s Park in your locality.
Nethaji Nagar,
15 October 2019.
Chief Engineer,
PWD Department,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Complaint about the cleanliness of the children’s park –Reg.
I am a resident of the above locality. There is a children’s park near Gandhi statue. The park
has not been properly maintained for the past three months. So, it causes inconvenience to the
children who play there.
Due to lack of lighting facility, it is used by antisocial elements during night time. This poses a
serious concern for our locality.
Kindly take necessary steps immediately in this regard.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
3. Write a letter to the manager of a famous daily, ordering subscription for your school
X - A,
Gandhi Govt. HSS,
25 July 2019
The Manager,
The Hindu,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Requesting supply of your daily for school library – Reg.
I am XXXXX of Gandhi Govt. HSS, ZZZZZ. Nearly 300 students are studying in our school.
So, we would like to place order for our school library. We require 5 copies each of your daily in Tamil
and English Edition.
So, kindly send us the subscription details as early as possible.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
4. You are Ajeet, living in a remote village in Tirunelveli. You participated in a health camp
organised by your school. You were surprised to observe that most of the residents were
unaware of health and hygiene. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor stating
the need to organise such camps focusing on the importance of health and hygiene.
10, Nehru Nagar,
The Editor,
The Hindu,
Nehru Street,
Tirunelveli – 630043.
Sub: Awareness about the Importance of health and hygiene – Reg.
I am Ajeet, living in Attur village in Tirunelveli. I participated in a health camp conducted by my
school. Most of the people in my village are unaware of health and hygiene. Most people never use
toilets here. It itself is a major concern for spread of many diseases.
Our people are not aware of personal hygiene. The authorities concerned should conduct
more such camps in the future.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
5. You are Sanjay. Your colony utilises solar energy to light the common areas. You find
many friends of your colony forgetting to switch off the lights in the common area. As a
responsible citizen, write a letter to a newspaper, echoing the importance to conserve and
preserve solar energy.
Gandhi Nagar,
The Editor,
The Times of India,
ZZZZZ – 626006.
Sub: Importance of conserving and preserving solar energy – Reg.
I am Sanjay. Our colony utilises solar energy to light the common areas. But many forget to
switch off the lights in the morning. So, we waste solar energy. In our colony, we formed a volunteer
group to solve this problem.
It is good that many people install solar panels in their home to save electricity. We can lower
our electricity bills by the use of solar power. Government also provides subsidy to those who use
solar energy. We can use LED bulbs, energy efficient appliances and switch off the plug when not in
It is the utmost duty of every citizen to conserve and preserve solar energy.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
6. You are Sadasivam. You recently visited your native town in Vellore. You happened to
accompany your grandmother to your family temple. You were shocked to notice the poor
condition and maintenance of the temple. Write a letter to the Editor of local newspaper
highlighting the poor condition of the temple. Also give some suggestions and request the
HRC to take steps to improve the situation.
42/A, Nethaji Nagar,
The Editor,
The New Indian Express,
Anna Avenue,
Vellore – 644700.
Sub: Poor condition of the temple – Reg.
I am Sadasivam. I visited my family temple in Vellore recently. I was shocked to notice the
poor condition and maintenance of the temple. The walls and pillars of the temple are damaged. There
is no proper lighting facility in and around the temple premises. This causes inconvenience to the
People also throw waste all around the temple. This causes hesitation in tourists to enter the
temple. So, I kindly request the HRC to take immediate steps to renovate the temple and maintain
cleanliness in and around the temple.
I request you to publish this news in your daily, so that the concerned authorities may take
necessary steps as early as possible.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
7. You are Sudha. Your neighbour has a pet dog that barks continuously. Write a letter to the
Editor of a weekly newspaper of your locality, highlighting the nuisance and noise
pollution created thus. Also suggest ways to solve the problem.
Kamaraj road,
The Editor,
The Hindu,
ZZZZZ – 642781.
Sub: Nuisance caused by a pet dog – Reg.
I am Sudha. My neighbour has a Pomeranian. It keeps barking continuously and causes a
great nuisance not only to us but also to the people who walk along the street. Even during night time
it disturbs our sleep. Students preparing for exam also face difficulty. The patients also suffer a lot.
I think that the dog is not maintained properly.
I request you to publish this news in your daily, so that they take necessary steps as early as
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
8. You are Raja. The street lights of your area do not work properly. As a responsible citizen,
write a letter to the newspaper enlightening them about the problem and also suggest
ways to brighten the area.
AAA Street,
The Editor,
The Hindu,
ZZZZZ – 605110.
Sub: Bad condition of the street lights – Reg.
I request you to publish this news in your daily, so the concerned authorities take notice of the
non-functioning of the street lights in my area.
I am Raja. I am residing at ZZZZ city. The street lights of my area do not work properly. During
evening hours and at night time people suffer a lot. Robbery and accidents take place often. As the
place is dark, it has become a haven for anti-social elements. I request the concerned municipality to
take necessary steps to solve this matter immediately.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
9. You are a librarian in a newly established school. Write a letter to the book dealer inquiring
about the list of newly arrived English children's story books and various subject books
relevant to 10-14 age groups.
Govt. High School,
12th August 2019.
The Manager,
Oxford Publications,
Sub: Enquiry about books – New arrival– Reg.
I am XXXXX, the librarian of Government High School, ZZZZZ. We have decided to set up
library to improve reading habit among the students. We intend to purchase English Story Books and
other Subject Books for children in the age group of 10-14 years.
I request you to kindly send us a list of newly arrived Children’s English story books and other
subject books.
Please send the price list of the newly arrived books at the earliest. Awaiting your immediate
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
10. Venkat hails from a remote village of Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu who aspires to
become an IAS officer. Currently, he is in class X. He notices an advertisement on free
classes for the IAS aspirants by a trust in a newspaper. He writes a letter to the
coordinator of the trust inquiring for further details.
Nethaji Nagar,
Kancheepuram Dist.,
Tamilnadu – 623 001.
15th October 2019.
The Director,
YYYYY Educational Trust,
Kancheepuram Dist.,
Tamilnadu – 623 001.
Sub: Enquiry about free UPSC Classes–Reg.
I am Venkat studying 10th Standard in Government High school, ZZZZZ.
With reference to your advertisement in “The Hindu” dated 10
October 2019, I am pleased to
know that your academy provides free coaching for IAS aspirants during May 2020.
I am from a very poor family living in a remote village of Kancheepuram district. My father is a
labourer. My aim is to become an IAS officer. Please let me know the eligibility to join your academy to
pursue IAS.
Please let me know the procedure. Awaiting your positive reply,
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
11. Write a letter to the head of the BSNL office enquiring regarding the internet broadband
scheme launched recently.
32, Anna Nagar (West),
25th July, 2019
The Manager,
Sub: Enquiry about broadband – Reg.
With reference to your advertisement in “The Hindu” dated 20
July 2019,I am pleased to
know that you have launched new FTH schemes.
Kindly let me know the offers provided to the customers in FTH and also the difference
between the broad band and the new launch FTH.
What are the schemes provided in the new scheme. Please send me the Tariff Plan for both
the Broadband and FTH Schemes.
Awaiting your positive reply.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Q. No. 41 – Notice Writing
How to write a notice?
1. The name of the school or institution (CAPITAL Letters)
2. The name of the program
3. The date of drafting a notice
4. Start the notice by using expressions like..... – This is to inform all the students.....
5. Body of the notice include details such as...... – What, When, Why, Where, for whom is the
6. The final sentence of a notice can be.... – For further details contact.....
Format of the Notice
You are Roopa/Ritesh, the cultural secretary of M.R.V High School, Madurai. You have been
asked to inform students of class X about an inter school dramatic competition. Draft a notice
not more than 50 words for the students' notice board with all necessary details.
Name of the School / Institution
Title of the Programme
All the students are informed …………………………. The program will be conducted on
Inter School Drama Competition
An Inter School Dramatic Competition will be held on 22
November 2019
at Saraswathi Auditorium. An audition will be held to select students for the school
team. Interested candidates may give their names to the undersigned.
Last date for registration: 28
October 2019.
Cultural secretary
You are the school monitor, of Modern Matriculation School, Villupuram. Your school Principal
has requested you to inform the students about a trip to Yercaud for 3 days. Prepare a notice
giving the details such as date of journey, mode of transportation, amount, dress code etc.
Exercises for Practice:
1. You are the Secretary of Park Circus Residents Welfare Association. Write a notice to inform
the residents of your colony of a Meditation program under the guidance of Dr. P. Ranjit with a
view to understanding the self better. The program is exclusively for the residents. It will be
conducted on the second Saturday of the following month from 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. at the
children’s park.
2. You are Ganesh/Gayathri, Head boy/Head girl of your school. Write a notice for your school
notice board informing the students about the ‘Fancy Fete’ that is going to be organised in
your school campus on the 10th of next month.
3. You are Kamalesh/Sindhu, Literary Club Secretary of your school. Write a notice to inform the
students that a literary festival is going to be conducted in your school next month.
4. You are Divya/Karthick, Head girl/Head boy of XYZ International School. Your school is soon
going to publish the annual magazine next month. Write a notice for the notice board of your
school inviting students to submit write-ups.
5. You are Sneha/Rahul, Head girl/Head boy of ABC GHSS, ZZZZZ. Your school is going to
organize an inter-school singing competition. Write a notice inviting names of all the interested
Our school management has organized a trip to Yercaud for 3 days from
March to 31
March 2020. Students interested to join the tour may register their
names with the school monitor. The amount for the tour is Rs. 1200/-. All must wear
only School Uniforms.
Last date for registration: 26.03.2020
School Monitor
Q. No.
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Pictures for practice.
Q. No. 43 – Make notes or write a summary of the following topic:
9 Understand the passage
9 Grasp the main idea
9 Give a suitable title
9 Use abbreviations where ever necessary
9 Use phrases not sentences
9 Omit articles, conjunctions, prepositions
9 Omit any detailed descriptions
Example: 1
Leadership does not exist without friendship. A leader has to be accepted by the group which
the former is supposed to lead. To gain acceptability the leader should cause an emotive impact on
the group members.
The strength of character exhibited by leaders makes them dear to their followers. A leader is
one who effectively inspires followers to achieve worthwhile things. What character of leader motivates
the followers? It is not pomp and show nor flattery nor sanctioning more incentives. Pomp and show
creates a sense of awe and the leader is defied rather than emulated. Flattery is unrealistic, and
cannot serve as a long term motivational tool. A leader’s style should be one that can be emulated by
all irrespective cadre, class and calibre. Simplicity is one’s day to day conduct is the only thing that
can be adopted by all. When the leader is simple, he is counted as one belonging to the group of
which he is the leader. That’s enough to motivate the people. Motivation is the innate quality that
enables an individual or group, to contribute unlimitedly with limited means. It is the proud prerogative
of enlightened human beings.
A leader needs to assume the role of a guide, quintessential of fulfilling the role is knowledge
ability. Technical and administrative knowledge of the guide in balanced quantity and of right kind are
essential. The technical knowledge is too vast to acquire by a leader. But he has to master the human
relations aspect of administration in all detail. And when the leader is good at this his guidance is
sought and accepted, then he fulfils the role of a guide. The leader is a negotiator within and outside
the organisation.
The leader shapes people and moulds character. To achieve this the leader should maintain
equanimity. Equanimity is keeping oneself one self poised and balanced at all times. A leader is
simply great, if he can mould his followers with this frame of mind. He does this by his own example.
Notes – Type – I
Leadership – not exist – without friendship – leader – accepted by group – strength exhibited
by leader – leader inspires followers – character of leader – motivates followers – flattery unrealistic –
cannot serve – long term goal – leader’s style – emulated by all – leader – simple – motivation innate
quality of leader – leader assumes as guide – technical – administrative knowledge – essential –
leader – human relations – leader good – role of guide – leader – shapes and moulds character –
maintain equanimity – leader sets an example
Notes – Type – II
1. Leadership
a) Lop sided without leadership
b) Has emotive impact on followers
2. Qualities of a leader
a) Strength of character
b) Skill to improve followers to achieve a goal
3. Dis-qualities of leader
a) Pomp and show
b) Flattery
c) Sanctioning more incentives
4. Simplicity
a) Makes ones social
b) Motivates both individuals and group to contribute profusely.
5. Leader as a guide
a) He serves as a negotiator
b) Shapes people and moulds character
c) Always shapes and mentally balanced
Rough Copy:
A popular leader is followed by all. He has emotive impact on his followers. A true leader is
strong in his character. He has the skill to lead his followers to the desired goal. His style of working is
worthy of emulation. Some dis-qualities, for example, pomp and show, flattery, sanctioning more
incentives tarnish his position. They create a sense of awe and damage his image. Simplicity of
conduct makes him social. It motivates his followers for a noble cause. A leader serves as a guide and
negotiator. He shapes the peoples thoughts and moulds their character. He should be mentally
balanced always.
Fair Copy:
A popular leader has a vast following. He impacts his followers. A leader is strong in his
character. He leads his followers to the desired goal. His working style is emulated by all. Pomp and
show, flattery and sanctioning more incentives tarnish his position. Thus, his image is damaged. His
simple conduct makes him social. A leader motivates his followers. He is a guide and negotiator. He
shapes the peoples thoughts and moulds their character. A true leader should be mentally balanced
Example: 2
Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order to
become a good conversationalist is to find a subject that interests you and your listeners. There are,
for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the important thing is that you must talk about
other fellow’s hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. Talk to your
friends about the things that interest them, and you will get a reputation for good fellowship, charming
wit, and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interest.
It is just as important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good
conversation. If you don’t want to be set down as a wet blanket or a bore, be careful to avoid certain
unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about yourself, unless you are asked to do so. People are
interested in their own problems not in yours. Sickness or death bores everybody. The only one who
willingly listens to such talk is the doctor, but he gets paid for it.
To be a good conversationalist you must know not only what to say, but how also to say it. Be
mentally quick and witty. But don’t hurt others with your wit. Finally try to avoid mannerism in your
conversation. Don’t bite your lips or click your tongue, or roll your eyes or use your hands excessively
as you speak.
Notes – Type– I
Art of conversation
Conversation – easily – teachable art – to become – good conversationalist – subject –
interest – you – your listeners – important thing – talk – fellow’s hobby – than your own – good
fellowship – wit – brilliant mind – what subject – to avoid & choose – avoid – unpleasant subjects
avoid talking about yourself – sickness & death – bores everyone – good conversationalist – must
know – what to say – not to say – don’t hurt others – avoid mannerism
Notes – Type – II
Art of conversation
1. Conversation—most easily teachable art
a) Reqd. interesting subject – hobbies
b) Talk about other fellow’s interest/hobby
c) Winning reputation. as good conversationalist
d) Good fellowship
e) Charming wit
f) Brilliant mind
2. Fit subs, for conversationalist
a) What subs, to avoid/select?
b) Avoid unpleasant subjects
c) Sickness
d) Death
e) Avoid talking about self
3. Qualities of a good conversationalist
a) What to say & how to say it
b) Mentally quick & witty
c) Pleasant & unhurting
d) Avoid mannerisms.
Rough Copy:
The Art of conversation
Conversation is the easiest tool for socialising. To make conversation attractive pick subject
that interests your learner more than you. Talk to your friends about the topic you choose so it can
indulge them in active participation. If it is interesting you will have a good fellowship, charming wit and
mind. A good conversationalist must know which subjects to avoid and subjects good for conversation.
Avoid talking about yourself unless required. To be a good speaker, you need to know what to speak
and what not to. A good conversationalist should be witty and quick. Mannerism should be avoided –
such as don’t bite your lips, roll your eyes or move your hands unnecessarily.
Fair Copy:
The Art of conversation
Conversation is the easiest and the most effective tool for socialising than other arts. To have
such attractive quality, you need to pick a subject that interests your listeners more than you. Talk to
your friends on topics that can indulge your friends in the conversation for a longer period of time.
Being a good conversationalist, you have to quick and witty. You should have a pleasant and
unhurting quality. Mannerism should be avoided.
Exercise for practice:
1. The term earthquake is applied to any tremor or shaking of the ground. Many earthquakes
are so gentle as to pass almost unrecognised, others are sufficiently pronounced to excite general
alarm, while some spread enormous destruction. Destructive earthquakes are usually confined to
limited regions. The usual phenomena recorded in well-known earthquakes are first a trembling, next
one or more severe shocks, and then a trembling which gradually dies away. In most cases, each
shock lasts only a few seconds, but the trembling that follows may continue for days, weeks, or even
months. Noises of various kinds usually accompany an earthquake. They have been likened to the
howling of storm, the growling of thunder, the clanking and clashing of iron chains, or the rumbling of
heavy wagons along a road. Such noises are conducted through the ground, or they may travel
through the sea or air, and are often heard at great distances from the place where the shock is felt.
Earthquakes are the most common in volcanic and mountainous regions, and many of them
are no doubt due to volcanic action. These appear to originate in the sea, and may be due to the
flashing into steam of the water which finds its way down through cracks to the underlying heated
rocks. Others appear to originate in volcanoes themselves, being due to the explosion of vapours
which expand. Many other causes are ascribed, of which two may be mentioned. Some earthquakes
may be due to the collapse of hollows beneath the ground, and others again to the snapping of strata
which has been subjected to too great a strain. It is noticeable that most earthquakes occur during the
cold months of winter.
2. Vitamins are substances which are required in tiny amounts in food. They promote normal
health and metabolism of the body. For instance, Vitamin A is necessary for normal growth. It is
essential for properly functioning eyesight. Liver, butter, milk, eggs and cod liver oil are rich in Vitamin
A. Vitamin C increases the resistance to infection. It keeps the skin in a healthy condition. It improves
blood circulation and the condition of gums. Citrus fruits, tomatoes and fresh vegetables are rich in
Vitamin C. Deficiency of this vitamin causes dental caries, anaemia and scurvy. Vitamin D is found in
butter, egg yolk, oily fish and yeast. It is essential for the proper growth of bones and teeth. Deficiency
of this vitamin will cause rickets in children.
Q. No. 44. Correction of errors.
1. Errors in the use of Articles (a/an/the)
Incorrect Correct
1. My father is a richest man in the village. My father is the richest man in the village.
2. My uncle is a LIC agent. My uncle is an LIC agent.
3. I am late by a hour. I am late by an hour.
4. Bible is a holy book. The Bible is a holy book.
5. Ramu is a honest man. Ramu is an honest man.
6. Ganges is a holy river. The Ganges is a holy river.
7. I found an one rupee note. I found a one rupee note.
8. He is an European. He is a European.
9. Honesty is a best policy. Honesty is the best policy.
10. Poor are always with us. The poor are always with us.
2. Errors in the use of Nouns.
Incorrect Correct
1. I have received no informations. I have received no information.
2. I eat vegetable. I eat vegetables.
3. Her hairs are black. Her hair is black.
4. She has sold all her furnitures. She has sold all her furniture.
5. The cattles are grazing in the field. The cattle are grazing in the field.
6. She gave me two dozens mangoes. She gave me two dozen mangoes.
7. His trouser was torn. His trousers were torn.
8. He will keep his words. He will keep his word.
9. He gave me ten rupees note. He gave me a ten rupee note.
10. This house is built of stones. This house is built of stone.
3. Errors in the use of Adjectives.
Incorrect Correct
1. He is more cleverer than I am. He is cleverer than I.
2. This is the most wisest plan. This is the wisest plan.
3. The rose smells sweetly. The rose smells sweet.
4. Little money is better than none. A little money is better than none.
5. He has a dozen of cows. He has a dozen cows.
6. They all helped each other. They all helped one another.
7. Your son is junior than me. Your son is junior to me.
8. Always speak truth. Always speak the truth.
9. He is elder than Ali. He is older than Ali.
10. Ravi is my oldest brother. Ravi is my eldest brother.
4. Errors in the Use of Pronouns.
Incorrect Correct
1. I am wiser than him. I am wiser than he.
2. Who are you talking about? Whom are you talking about?
3. I and Selvam are ill. Selvam and I are ill.
4. One should keep his promises. One should keep one’s promises.
5. This is the bird who sings. This is the bird which sings.
6. They said it was me. They said it was I.
7. Each of the girls have their books. Each of the girls has her book.
8. This is the same pen which is yours. This is the same pen as yours.
9. Between you and I, he is a thief. Between you and me, he is a thief.
10. Ali and myself went there. Ali and I went there.
5. Errors in the Use of Verbs.
Incorrect Correct
1. The news are very thrilling. The news is very thrilling.
2. The Arabian Nights are an interesting book. The Arabian nights is an interesting book.
3. We has a car. We have a car.
4. He had gone to Mumbai yesterday. He went to Mumbai yesterday.
5. I finished my work just now. I have finished my work just now.
6. I said him to go. I said to him to go.
7. The ship was sunk. The ship was drowned.
8. The murderer was hanged. The murderer was hung.
9. I had bought a book yesterday. I bought a book yesterday.
10. I have come here this morning. I came here this morning.
6. Errors in the Use of Prepositions
Incorrect Correct
1. He left to Delhi. He left for Delhi.
2. My son is fond to music. My son is fond of music.
3. She goes to school by foot. She goes to school on foot.
4. I congratulate you for your success. I congratulate you on your success.
5. Ravi sat among Raja and Rahim. Ravi sat between Raja and Rahim.
6. The sweets were distributed between the students. The sweets were distributed among the
7. Barathi was born in Ettaiyapuram in Tamilnadu. Barathi was born at Ettaiyapuram in
8. The vacation is between 25
Sept. to 29
Sept. The vacation is from 25
Sept. to 29
9. The meeting will be held between to 11.00 am. The meeting will be held between
and 11.00 am.
10. She has great confidence on you. She has great confidence in you.
Exercises for practice:
Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences.
1. a) He left this place a hour ago.
b) Time and tide waits for no man.
c) If he had money, he will buy a computer.
d) Suja prefers coffee than tea.
e) Sathish drives too fastly.
2. a) Jessica and Akbar is happy.
b) The furnitures are beautiful.
c) Indira discussed about the problem with her husband.
d) Lakshmi is elder than Sita.
e) One of the chairs are broken.
3. a) Sun rises in East.
b) I want a pen to write.
c) Honey is too sweet.
d) Attend your work.
e) I am ill for two days.
4. a) He availed of the offer.
b) The god is great.
c) It is raining when I got home last night.
d) If we will be late, they will be angry.
e) I have not an iPhone .
5. a) She sat in the end of the table.
b) In Spain there are many nice beaches.
c) I often do mistakes when I speak English.
d) She asked me where am I going.
e) He is inferior than me.
6. a) He gave me an advice.
b) The sceneries here are very good.
c) The Arabian Nights are still a great favourite.
d) The two first chapters of the novel are rather dull.
e) Patricia is the oldest of the Vicar’s family.
7. a) If I was a bird, I would fly.
b) She requested for my help.
c) Suresh told to me about it.
d) I haven’t got no money.
e) He never tell a lie.
8. a) The children is asleep.
b) He washed neither his hands or his face.
c) He lost not only his ticket and also his luggage.
d) The population of London is great than any city in India.
e) Hari is inferior than Rama in intelligence.
9. a) I can play veena well.
b) Anbu was born at India.
c) They has a house.
d) Balu seldom helps the poor, doesn’t he?
e) Bread and butter make wholesome food.
10. a) I can be fifteen next April.
b) Make me a cup of tea, shall you?
c) You may speak politely to the elders.
d) Would I have your autograph?
e) Either Shyam or Ram have to pay the fine.
Section – V
Q.No. 45. Quote from memory: 1X5=5
- Henry Van Dyke
Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal;
Not mourning for the things that disappear
In the dim past, nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
So let the way wind up the hill or down,
O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy:
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy,
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
My heart will keep the courage of the quest,
And hope the road's last turn will be the best.
I am Every Woman
- Rakhi NarianiShirke
A woman is beauty innate,
A symbol of power and strength.
She puts her life at stake,
She's real, she's not fake!
The summer of life she's ready to see in spring.
She says, "Spring will come again, my dear.
Let me care for the ones who're near.”
She's The Woman – she has no fear!
Strong is she in her faith and beliefs.
"Persistence is the key to everything,"
says she. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,
She's strong in her faith, firm in her belief!
She's a lioness; don't mess with her.
She'll not spare you if you're a prankster.
Don't ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect.
She knows how to thaw you, saw you – so beware!
She's today's woman. Today's woman, dear
Love her, respect her, keep her near...
The Secret of the Machines
- Rudyard Kipling
We were taken from the ore-bed and the mine,
We were melted in the furnace and the pit
We were cast and wrought and hammered to design,
We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit.
Some water, coal, and oil is all we ask,
And a thousandth of an inch to give us play:
And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!
We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive,
We can print and plough and weave and heat and light,
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,
We can see and hear and count and read and write!
But remember, please, the Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
We can neither love nor pity nor forgive,
If you make a slip in handling us you die!
Though our smoke may hide the Heavens from your eyes,
It will vanish and the stars will shine again,
Because, for all our power and weight and size,
We are nothing more than children of your brain!
No Men Are Foreign
- James Faulkner Kirkup
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own
Remember they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognise and understand
Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn
Remember, we who take arms against each other
It is the human earth that we defile.
Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence
Of air that is everywhere our own,
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.
1. Prospero-rightful duke of Milan-adrift-boat-island-three year old daughter-Prospero
interested-books-magic -good use-magic-freeing the spirits-Ariel-island-no living person-employed
Caliban-slave-laborious work-Prospero-tempest-large ship-king of Naples-Ferdinand-Antonio-
travelling-create tempest-large ship-help of Ariel-bring Ferdinand-cave-Prospero tells-daughter-
misdeeds-brother Antonio-king of Naples-Prospero-no intension-hurting them-realize-mistake and
repent-Ferdinand-gets attracted-Miranda-fall in love-tests- Ferdinand constancy- severe task-Ariel
makes-enemies-realize their mistake-Prospero forgives-restores-Dukedom Milan.
Prospero was the rightful Duke of Milan. He has been set adrift in a boat with his three year
old daughter. Prospero was more interested in the books and magic. Prospero proceeded to make
good use of his magic by freeing the spirits Ariel. Prospero found no living person on the island other
than spirits .He employed Caliban as his slave to do all the laborious work. Prospero creates Tempest
to dash the large ship. He asks Ariel to bring Ferdinand from the ship to his cave. He tells his daughter
the misdeeds of his brother Antonio and The King of Naples. Prospero has no intension of hurting
them. He wants them to realize the mistake and repent. Ferdinand gets attracted with Miranda. They
both fall in love with each other. Prospero tests Ferdinand's constancy and gave severe tasks to
perform. Ariel makes Prospero's enemy to realize their mistake. Finally, Prospero forgave them and
restored his Dukedom, Milan.
2. Visu- old cook- brought - bird Zigzag- Dr. Krishnan's house- a foot and a half tall- head-
bordered with a crown - pink feather- plumage - various shades- curved beak- sunflower yellow- eyes-
colour of cola- Aravind- fruits and nuts- picked up- deposited – fan –chandelier-perched-curtain rod-
went to sleep-snored loudly-Dr. Krishnan's family-waked the bird – neighbours-rang up – enquired-
wanted peace-maid -switched on the fan-rain-fruits and nuts-over ripe-papaya-splattered-Mrs.
Krishnan's-unfinished masterpiece-over-ripe papaya -orange pulp-shiny black seeds-spread over it.
Visu, the old cook of Dr. Somu brought the pet bird Zigzag to Dr. Krishnan's house. Zigzag
was about a foot and a half tall. It's head was bordered with a crown pink feather. It's plumage was in
various shades. Its curved beak was sunflower yellow and its eyes were the color of color. Arvind, son
of Dr. Krishnan gave some fruits and nuts. Zigzag picked up all the fruits and nuts and deposited on
the chandelier and on the blades of the fan. It perched on the curtain rod and went to asleep. The
moment it slept, it snored loudly. Dr. Krishnan and his family tried to wake the bird but in vain. The
snoring sound of Zigzag disturbed the neighbours. They rang up to Mrs. Krishnan and enquired about
the sound, as they wanted peace. When Mrs. Krishnan's maid switched on the fan, all the fruits and
nuts splattered on the Mrs. Krishnan's unfinished masterpiece. A slice of over-ripe papaya splattered
orange pulp and shiny black seeds spread over the painting
3. Many years ago-china-the emperor ordered -one man from-family-join army-Mulan heard-
told father-she joins army-father objected-she is a girl-Mulan -wore fathers robes cuts her hair-
convinced father-she has learnt-kung fu-no one will find-she is a girl. Mulan-sick-doctor examines -
finds the truth- spreads the news in the army- everyone objects- to follow a girl leader- Mulan stood
tall- gave commands- soldiers- followed her- attacked enemies- won the battle- Emperor glad- offered
Mulan positions- court-Mulan refused - went back- village - royal - gifts.
Many years ago, there happened a war in China. The Emperor ordered that one man from
each family should join the army. Mulan heard the news and told his father that she would go to the
army. Her father objected as she is a girl. Mulan dressed herself as a man and cut her hair. She
convinced her father and joined the army. She had been trained Kung-fu by her father and so no one
would be able to find her. Mulan proved herself in the war. In the war field, a bad fever swept through
and Mulan was affected by the fever. They examined and found the truth about Mulan. The news
spread over the army and everyone objected and refused to follow a girl leader. When they were
announced about the surprised attack, Mulan stood tall and gave commands to the soldiers. Soldiers
followed her and attacked the enemies. The battle was won by them. The emperor was glad and
offered Mulan a royal position in his court. Mulan refused and went back to his village with royal gifts.
Folk tale of Japan- once in a village- governor- ordering- aged people- death- poor farmed
filled with sorrow- loved his mother- decided - give kind mode of death. he took his mother-
Obatsuyama - leave there- loving mother- knew- he was not familiar with the way- snapped twigs-
dropped silently-guide the path- the way back to home- broke his heart- took her home- together
followed the path - hid his mother- walled closet- one day- governor- demanded- rope of ashes-
mother gave clever idea- make a rope of twisted straw- burn it- windless night- cruel ruler- pleased-
asked him- where he obtained that wisdom- farmer - truth- governor- realized- importance of the
elders- shapes- society.
The year 2889- 25th July- office of the Managing Editor of the Earth Herald- world's largest
newspaper- describes- world thousand years later- newspapers- not printed- spoken- technological
advancement- Francis Bennet- awoke bad temper- wife went to France- feeling lonely-wife appears-
telephotic mirror-jumped - mechanized dressing room- machine performed- all tasks- ready to office-
reporter's room- fifteen reporters- passing on - subscribers- news- four quarters of earth- astronomical
reporters- elements of the new planet Gandhi- distance- meters and decimeters- the next room-
brought gallery-devoted to publicity-daily-three million dollars. Francis-travelled to Niagara-aero-car-
return to centropolis-5 o’clock-met different proposals-crowd-two young men's-proposal-brilliant-He
Holland-land-below sea level-dikes protected the country-everyone did best to-protect-
Holland-years ago-little boy-Peter lived Holland-his father-attended-dyke gates-opened-closed dykes-
one day-Peter mother gave cakes to Peter-to be given-old blind friend of Peter-across the dyke-Peter
happily left home-Peter visited-old man-returned near by the dyke-heard-water-trickling-stopped to
see-small hole-dyke-called-for help-in vain-He put his little finger-throughout the night-slept near the
dyke-morning-found by passer-by-alerted the people-Peter and Holland-saved.
Uncle Phillip-bachelor--cunning and malicious-living alone-interested-collecting valuable gems
and pearls-On his death bed-Tom, the sole heir-handed over-iron box-valuable gems and pearls-
warned careful while opening-dynamite in it-after his death-started thinking-possible ways-opened the
box-without being killed-consulted many people-no solution-read about explosives-let to suspicions-
change his name and occupation-government officials-collect tax-for is uncle estate-showed them-
uncle's letter-offered the key of the box-officials exist-finally-donates the box-human vivisection center.
Q.NO. 47 – COMPREHENSION (Prose and Poem)
1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow
The culture of nuclear families is in fashion. Parents are often heard complaining about the
difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too much
independence; overnight parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket money; no time for studies
and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren't parents, themselves, responsible for this
pitiful state? The basic need of a growing youth is the family, love, attention and bonding along with
moral values. One should not forget that ‘charity begins at home’. Independence and individuality both
need to be respected, in order to maintain the sanctity of family. Children today are to be handled with
tact in order to bridge the ever widening generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be
fulfilled, as there are too many expenses to be met and too many social obligations to be taken care of
by the parents. Our forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their cousins,
learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the generations. There never
existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep respect for the family elders and love, care
and concern for the youngsters. Even the minor family differences were solved amicably.
(a) Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family.
(b) Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them?
(c) Describe the atmosphere in joint families.
(d) Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’?
(a)Too much independence and excessive extravagance are the two major common concerns
of a nuclear family.
(b) Parents are responsible for them.
(c) Children loved to live with their cousins, learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect
harmony between the generations.
(d) Deep respect for the family elders.
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. What
impresses us the most, is its size and magnificence. Have you ever wondered how it came to be
there? The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year
anniversary of American Independence. In 1869, sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan
his concept for the monument. Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He
envisioned Liberty as a strong and proud figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek
goddesses of the past, but also the working men and women of the present. Finally, in 1884, the work
was finished, and Liberty was packed into 214 crates and sent to New York City. Only one problem
stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of funds to build the statue, New York had not
secured the funds to build its foundation. It was not until a New York newspaper implored people for
donations that money became available. Finally, on 28th October 1886, Americans celebrated the
unveiling of the Statue of Liberty.
(a) Why was the Statue of Liberty given as a gift to America by France?
(b) What is the name of the sculptor of the monument ‘the Statue of Liberty’?
(c) What did the sculptor imagine the Statue of Liberty to be?
(d) How many years did it take to unveil the Statue of liberty?
(a) The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year
anniversary of American Independence.
(b) Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is the name of the sculptor of the monument ‘the Statue of
(c) He imagined the statue of liberty as a strong and proud figure,one who personified not only
the majestic Greek goddesses of the past but also working women of the present.
(d) It took two years to unveil the statue of liberty.
3. Read the following passage and answer the questions asked below.
Famous Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well-known
figures of the Italian Renaissance. In fact, adept as a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, engineer,
and draftsman, da Vinci epitomizes the “Renaissance man.” His artistic work was informed by his
scientific studies and keen observations of nature. Though best known as a painter, we have only a
few dozen paintings that can be attributed to him. His best known works include the “The Last Supper”
and the “Mona Lisa.” “The Last Supper” was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan, in
1495, to grace the back wall of a monastery dining hall. da Vinci worked for three years on the
painting, which shows the moment when Jesus tells the Twelve Apostles that one of them will soon
betray him. Because da Vinci used tempera and oil on dried plaster, instead of the conventional fresco
on plaster, the painting has deteriorated considerably over time. It was further damaged by improper
attempts at restoration.
Modern conservation techniques, however, have allowed the painting to be stabilized. Eight
years later, da Vinci began his best-known painting, the “Mona Lisa,” done in da Vinci’s sfumato
technique, in which subtle gradations, rather than strict borders, infuse paintings with a softer, smoky
aura. It depicts a young woman of uncertain identify, with a slight smile that has captivated viewers for
centuries. Accounts from an early biographer, however, suggest that the subject of the “Mona Lisa” is
Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a wealthy Florentine silk merchant, a theory that is supported by the
painting’s original name — “La Gioconda.” For da Vinci, the painting remained a work in progress, and
if the painting was commissioned, the commissioner never received it, as it remained in da Vinci’s
possession. Today it can be seen in the Louvre Museum in Paris, where it is protected behind
bulletproof glass and revered as a national treasure
(a) How can we call Da Vinci ‘A Renaissance man’?
(b) What were his best known works?
(c) Why was 'The Last Supper' deteriorated over time?
(d) What is sfumato technique?
(a) He was an accomplished painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, engineer and draftsman. So
Da Vinci called as the Renaissance.
(b) His best known works are "The Last Super" and the "Mona Lisa".
(c) Da Vinci used tempera and oil on dried plaster, instead of the conventional fresco on
plaster, so the painting has deteriorated considerably over a time.
(d) Sfumato technique means a subtle gradations, rather than strict borders, infuse paintings
with a softer, smoky aura.
4. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a pivotal ten-year-long period in European history that ended with
the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this time, the country of France was completely remade, doing
away with absolute monarchy and the feudal system and paving the way for democracy. A bloody
conflict, it was demonstrated to countries around the world how much power is inherent in the will of a
The stage was set for the French Revolution during France’s financial support of the colonies
during the American Revolution, which left France on the verge of bankruptcy. Unrest among the
citizens was fueled by poor harvests, drought, livestock diseases, and rising prices for food. Heavily
taxed without receiving any relief for their troubles, people began to express their frustration by rioting,
looting and going on strike.
In an attempt at financial reform, Louis XVI’s controller general, Charles Alexandre de
Calonne summoned the Estates-General (“les étatsgénéraux”), an assembly representing France’s
clergy, nobility and middle class, and asked delegates from each of the three estates to bring a list of
grievances with them. But it had been nearly two hundred years since the Estates-General had
convened, and 98% of the French population now fell into the middle class, but they could still be
outvoted by the clergy and the nobility. The Third Estate worked to establish a vote that was based on
head count, rather than status, but the nobles were reluctant to give up the privileges they had long
enjoyed. Hostility erupted and talks stalled, until the Third Estate decided to meet alone, taking the title
of the National Assembly.
(a) What did the French revolution show cause the people of the world?
(b) What were the reasons or French Revolution?
(c) Who represented the Estate General?
(d) How do the people express their frustration?
(a) It showed the world how much power inherent is in the will of a citizenry.
(b) Poor harvest, drought, livestock disease, rising prices of food and heavy taxes without
receiving any relief are the reasons of French revolution.
(c) France’s clergy, nobility and middle class summoned the Estate General.
(d) People expressed their frustration by rioting, looting and going on strike.
5. Read the following prose piece and answer the questions asked below.
Food security was defined by The World Food Summit of 1996 as existing when “all people, at
all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet
dietary needs for a productive and healthy life.” Since 1948, food security has been considered a basic
human right. In 2011, as much as 16% of the population of the earth was still going hungry. The
earth’s population is expected to grow from approximately 7 billion today to 8.3 billion in 2030, and to
9.1 billion in 2050. This translates to increase in food demand of 50% and 70% respectively. While the
agricultural industry is technically capable of producing 70% more food in 40 years, that is no
guarantee that 70% more food will be available for people to eat. A large part of the issue is the
availability of water, which is critical to food security. Both crops and livestock require it, and
agriculture also requires large quantities of water for both irrigation and some production processes. In
fact, agricultural systems use more water than any other activity on the globe. As much as 70% of all
freshwater used by humans is used in agricultural irrigation. Access to adequate food in many
developing countries also depends on the availability of water. In 2010, the UN General Assembly
declared access to clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right, but this is commonly
interpreted to refer to water in the context of drinking and cooking. The right to water for food
production in arid areas, is not considered to be covered. But the problem is not just food scarcity.
Food prices are increasingly on the rise, and according to the United Nations Department of Economic
and Social Affairs (UNDESA) the surge has reduced 110 million people to poverty, and added 44
million to the undernourished.
(a) Define Food Security?
(b) What was the declaration of UN General Assembly in 2010?.
(c) What will be the population growth in 2050?
(d) What could be the major hindrance to food security?
(a) Food Security is defined as all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic
access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs for a productive and
healthy life.
(b) UN General Assembly declared in 2010 that access to clean drinking water and
sanitation as a human right.
(c) In 2050, the population growth will be 9.1 billion.
(d) The major hindrance to food security could be the water scarcity.
1. Insects
Insects are variously formed, but as a rule the mature ones have three and only three pairs of
legs, one pair of feelers, one pair of large eyes, and one or two pairs of wings. The body is divided into
a head, thorax and abdomen. The head bears the eyes, feelers and mouth, the thorax bears the legs
and wings, and the abdomen is made up of a number of segments. The presence of wings at once
decides whether or not it is an insect, for, aside from bats and birds, insects alone have true wings.
These are the distinguishing characters of the full grown insect, but, like birds, they hatch from eggs
and while young do not always look like their parents. When young they may take on various shapes
as caterpillars, borers, maggots, grubs, hoppers, and the like. Young insects are often difficult to
distinguish from true worms, centipedes, snails, and such forms, but after one has collected and
reared some of the young and watched them pass through the different stages and emerge with wings
they are much more easily recognized.
Young insects as a rule are soft like caterpillars and maggots, while the old ones usually have
a hard body wall, similar to the beetles and wasps. The wings are usually thin and transparent though
in some cases they are leathery or hard as in case of beetles or covered with scales as in the
butterflies. The three pairs of legs are jointed and used for running, climbing, jumping, swimming,
digging or grasping. The feelers or antennae are usually threadlike, clubbed, or resemble a feather
and extend forward or sidewise from the head. The large eyes are compound, being made up of many
great small units which, when magnified, resemble honey-comb. In some cases two or three small
bead-like eyes may be present besides the two large eyes. The mouth parts of insects may be formed
for chewing, as in the grasshopper, or for sucking up liquids, as in the mosquito. The mouth of an
insect is built on an entirely different plan from our own.
1. What are the characteristics of the mature insects?
2. What is the difference between a young insect and an old one?
3. What are the uses of legs for an insect?
4. Insects have only two large eyes- verify.
Did you know that some people don't do their reading assignments? It's shocking, but it's true.
Some students don't even read short texts that they are assigned in class. There are many reasons for
this. They may be distracted or bored. They may be unwilling to focus. They may be unconfident
readers. Whatever the reason, it has to stop today. Here's why. Reading stimulates your mind. It is
like a workout for your brain. When people get old, their muscles begin to deteriorate. They get weaker
and their strength leaves them. Exercise can prevent this loss. The same thing happens to people's
brains when they get older. Brain power and speed decline with age. Reading strengthens your brain
and prevents these declines.
You can benefit from reading in the near-term too. Reading provides knowledge. Knowledge is
power. Therefore, reading can make you a more powerful person. You can learn to do new things by
reading. Do you want to make video games? Do you want to design clothing? Reading can teach you
all this and more. But you have to get good at reading, and the only way to get good at something is to
practice. Read everything that you can at school, regardless of whether you find it interesting.
Reading expands your vocabulary. Even a "boring" text can teach you new words. Having a larger
vocabulary will help you better express yourself. You will be able to speak, write, and think more
intelligently. What's boring about that?
1. What’s the shocking truth?
2. What does reading do to your brain?
3. What are the short term benefits of reading?
4. What may be the reasons for not-reading?
Have you ever heard the sound of a hummingbird? They make a buzzing noise when they fly.
They make this noise because they beat their wings so fast. They beat their wings up to 80 times a
second. All that flapping makes a lot of noise. That's why we call them hummingbirds. Hummingbirds
fly in a unique way. They move their wings so fast that they can hover. This means that they can stay
in one spot in the middle of the air, like a helicopter. Sometimes they fly or hover upside down. They
are the only bird that flies backward.
Hummingbirds are small. One type called the bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the
world. Bee hummingbirds weigh less than a penny. They are just a little bit bigger than bees. I guess
that's where they get their name. Hummingbirds move fast. It takes lots of energy to move as fast as
they do. This means that they need to eat a lot of food. Their favorite food is nectar, a sweet liquid
inside of some flowers. They drink more than their own weight in nectar daily. They have to visit
hundreds of flowers to get enough nectar to live. They can only store enough energy to survive
through the night. They live on the edge.
Hummingbirds don't use their long beaks like straws. They have a tongue just like you. They
use their tongues for eating. They flick their tongues in and out of their mouths while inside of flowers.
They lap up nectar. Flowers give them the energy that they need.
1. Which is the smallest bird in the world? What’s its weight?
2. What is the uniqueness of the humming bird?
3. How do the humming birds make that buzzing noise?
4. What do they use for eating?
Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a
long elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it
is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter, that has the
ability to hover above the ground. The thrill comes from the free-falling and the rebound. When the
person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and
continues to oscillate up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated.
Jumping Heights, located in Mohan Chatti village, in Rishikesh has been rated as one of the
most preferred bungee jumping destinations in India at a height of 83 meters. It is the only place in
India where bungee jumping can be done from a fixed platform. This is also India’s only fixed platform
Bungee- performed from a professional cantilever, to separate it from entertainment parks, and create
instead, an extreme adventure zone. The Bungee has been designed by David Allardice of New
1. What is Bungee Jumping?
2. Can Bungee be performed from a movable object? How?
3. When do you think Bungee becomes thrilling?
4. Where is the Bungee jumping point located in India?
Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889, in London England. His birth name was Charles
Spencer Chaplin, though he had many nicknames growing up such as Charlie, Charlot, and The Little
Tramp. His father, Charles Chaplin, and his mother, Hannah Chaplin, were inducted into the music
hall of fame, leading the way to his exposure even as a young boy. His first onstage moment was
when he was 5 years old; he sang a song that was intended to be sung by his own mother; she had
become ill at the time of the performance, so little Charlie Chaplin stood instead and performed for his
Charlie Chaplin came to the United States in 1910, at the age of 21. He was brought to New
York, which was known to be a great place to start out for anyone trying to become a professional
actor. Two years later, in 1913, Chaplin signed his very first contract at Keystone and it was no time
before he headed to Hollywood. His first movie premiered in 1914, “Making a Living,” and went on to
make over 35 movies total in that year alone. Charlie Chaplin grew to become one of the most popular
and successful actors of all time. The moment that really kicked off his long career was in 1921 when
he starred in, and produced, his first full length film called “The Kid.” From then on, most people all
over the world knew Charlie Chaplin and loved his movies. He had a great career and life, dying on
December 25, 1977, in Vevey, Switzerland. He had apparently died of natural causes in his sleep from
old age.
1. What are Charlie's pet names?
2. What was his turning point in his career?
3. How many movies did he make in 1914?
4. What was special about his parents?
The little caterpillar creeps,
Through my garden like a soft sculpture.
Nibbling here, nibbling there,
Munching on leaves everywhere,
Eating and growing.
Now in the chrysalis it sleeps,
After weaving a silken home.
Changing here, changing there,
Being transformed within its lair,
Created anew.
A beautiful butterfly now peeps,
From its silken home to the skies.
Flying here, flying there,
Lighting on flowers everywhere,
Delighting me.
a. What does the caterpillar eat?
b. When does it sleep?
c. Where does it sleep?
d. What does the butterfly do to the poet?
(a) The caterpillar eats the leaves of the plants.
(b) It sleeps after weaving the silken home.
(c) It sleeps in the chrysalis.
(d) It delights the poet.
Oh ! Defenders of borders
You are great sons of my land
When we are all asleep
You still hold on to your deed.
Windy season or snowy days
Or scorching sun's sweltering rays
You are there guarding all the time awake
Treading the lonely expanses as Yogis.
Climbing the heights or striding the valleys
Defending the deserts and guarding the marshes
Surveillance in seas and by securing the air
Prime of your youth given to the nation !!
Wind chimes of my land vibrate your feat
We pray for you brave men !!
May the Lord bless you all !!
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
a. Who are the defenders mentioned here?
b. Are the defenders alone? How do you know?
c. What are the defenders compared with?
d. What is the greatest sacrifice they make?
(a) Soldiers on the borders are the defenders mentioned here.
(b) Yes, the defenders are alone because they are treading the lonely expanses.
(c) The defenders are compared with 'yogis'.
(d) The greatest sacrifice they make is that they give the prime of their youth to the nation.
The skin cracks like a pod.
There never is enough water.
Imagine the drip of it,
the small splash, echo
in a tin mug,
the voice of a kindly god.
Sometimes, the sudden rush
of fortune. The municipal pipe bursts,
silver crashes to the ground
and the flow has found
a roar of tongues. From the huts,
a congregation: every man woman
child for streets around
butts in, with pots,
brass, copper, aluminium,
plastic buckets,
frantic hands,
and naked children
screaming in the liquid sun,
their highlights polished to perfection,
flashing light,
as the blessing sings
over their small bones
a. Bring out the comparison in the first line.
b. How does the ‘drip of water’ called by the poet?
c. Who are the congregation referred here?
d. What is the blessing the poet is talking about?
(a) The cracks in the skin are compared to the pod.
(b) The drip of water is called as the voice of a kindly God by the poet.
(c) Every man, woman and child are the congregation referred here.
(d) Water is the blessing the poet is talking about.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
1. What was the season?
2. Why did the poet take the other road?
3. Has anyone passed by those roads before?
4. Was the poet sure of coming back?
a) The season here is 'autumn'.
b)The poet takes the other path because it had a better claim with grass and wanted wear.
c) Yes, many have passed by the roads before.
d) No, he had a great doubt of coming back.
Patient and steady with all he must bear,
Ready to meet every challenge with care,
Easy in manner, yet solid as steel,
Strong in his faith, refreshingly real,
Isn't afraid to propose what is bold,
Doesn't conform to the usual mould,
Eyes that have foresight, for hindsight won't do,
Never backs down when he sees what is true,
Tells it all straight, and means it all too.
Going forward and knowing he's right,
Even when doubted for why he would fight,
Again and again he makes the case far clearer
Wants to reach those who don’t hear
Growing in strength, he won't be unnerved,
Ever assuring he'll stand by his word.
Wanting the world to join his firm stand,
Bracing for war, but praying for peace,
Using his power so evil will cease:
A trustworthy person is a leader so far,
He is a person who knows what he must act upon
the leader reach to all his people?
a. How should a leader be?
b. What does the leader do when he sees the truth?
c. Bring out the qualities of the leader described in the first two lines?
d. Does the leader reach to all his people?
(a) The leader should be a trustworthy person.
(b) He never backs down when he sees the truth.
(c) The leader should be patient, steady, ready to meet challenges, easy in manner and
strong in his faith.
(d) Yes, the leader should reach all his people.
6. Memories
Memories from childhood stay with us forever,
Taking us where we have been and will go,
Pieces of life that live on and will never
Let us forget we were young long ago.
Sometimes I wander back into those shadows,
Quietly being who I used to be,
Bringing to life all the joys and the sorrows,
Days that can’t die while they still live in me.
Holidays linger and happy times glisten;
I can see everyone active and well.
I can still hear them if only I listen,
Feeling each motion and breathing each smell.
Life has such treasures that time’s always stealing;
Nothing can ever entirely stay.
While you are young, you can capture each feeling;
Make all the memories you can every day.
1. Which days stay with us forever?
2. What does the poet say about his ‘past days’?
3. Explain the word ‘linger’.
4. What does time do to life?
All of my senses are met by the morning
As I awake breathing in a new day,
Here by the window I opened last evening,
How the world changed while I drifted away.
Darkness is gone, though it seemed it would never;
Sunlight is smiling and nature survives.
I can believe that we all live forever
When I observe how the morning arrives.
Birds sing their concert and children are playing;
Flowers have scented the air and it’s free;
Life is renewed and it seems to be saying
There is a place in its promise for me.
There are some times in our lives when we savor
Being a part of a much larger plan.
Life is a feast and we each add a flavor;
I’ll make it better, believing I can.
1. How has the world changed according to the poet?
2. What does the poet observes around?
3. What does the poet Savor about?
4. What’s the promise of the poet about life?
Jamaican digging crews have to sleep
eighty men to a room, in huge warehouses
like the ones where big wooden crates
of dynamite are stored.
At dawn, the steaming labor trains
deliver us by the thousands, down into
that snake pit where we dig
until my muscles feel as weak as water
and my backbone is like shattered glass.
But only half the day is over.
At lunchtime, we see sunburned
American engineers and foremen eating at tables, in shady tents
We have no place to sit. Not even
a stool. So we stand, plates in hand,
uncomfortable and undignified.
Back home, I used to dream of saving
enough Panama money
to buy a bit of good farmland
for Momma and my little brothers
and sisters, so that we would all have plenty to eat.
Now all I want is a chair.
And food with some spice.
And fair treatment. Justice.
a) What are the Jamaican doing?
b) What are they compared with?
c) What was his dream?
d) What does he want ultimately?
There’s just no accounting for happiness,
or the way it turns up like a prodigal
who comes back to the dust at your feet
having squandered a fortune far away.
No, happiness is the uncle you never
knew about, who flies a single-engine plane
onto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikes
into town, and inquires at every door
until he finds you asleep midafternoon
as you so often are during the unmerciful
hours of your despair.
It comes to the monk in his cell.
It comes to the woman sweeping the street
with a birch broom, to the child
whose mother has passed out from drink.
It comes to the lover, to the dog chewing
a sock, to the pusher, to the basket maker,
and to the clerk stacking cans of carrots
in the night.
It even comes to the boulder
in the perpetual shade of pine barrens,
to rain falling on the open sea,
to the wineglass, weary of holding wine.
a) What is uncountable here?
b) What is happiness compared with in the first stanza?
c) Who is the uncle referred to here?
d) Name some people whom happiness visits?
Henceforth, please God, forever I forego
The yoke of men's opinions. I will be
Light-hearted as a bird, and live with God.
I find him in the bottom of my heart,
I hear continually his voice therein.
* * *******************************
The little needle always knows the North,
The little bird remembereth his note,
And this wise Seer within me never errs.
I never taught it what it teaches me;
I only follow, when I act aright.
And when I am entombed in my place,
Be it remembered of a single man,
He never, though he dearly loved his race,
For fear of human eyes swerved from his plan.
Oh what is Heaven but the fellowship
Of minds that
can stand against the world
By its own meek and in
corruptible will?
The days pass over me And I am still the same;
The aroma of
my life is gone
With the flower with which it came.
a) What does the poet want to forego?
b) The little needle always knows the North- What is the instrument he is talking about?
c) Who is ‘this wise Seer’?
d) What is ‘Heaven’ according to the poet?
Extra Questions for examination (39 – 44)
Format of the report
- Title of the report/report writer's name
- Include details such as when/where/what/why/who/how
- Use simple sentence in the past tense
- Be brief
- Do not exaggerate the event
1. To promote healthy eating habits amongst school children your school recently organised
a 'Nutritious food and snacks competition'. As Adhvika, the students editor of your school
magazine, write a report about this event in 100 words.
Nutritious Food and Snacks Competition
By Adhvika,X-B
XYZ School, XXX organised a 'Nutritious Food and Snacks Competition’ on 21
August 2019,
to increase awareness about healthy eating habits. The awareness campaign was aimed at both
students and parents who snack by grabbing burgers and potato fries. Recipes like salads, whole
grain breads and roasted snack were prepared in the competition. The headmaster welcomed the
The eminent nutritionist, Dr. Viji, the chief guest said, 'when it comes to smart snacking, think
small portions,think healthy portions!'. This competition was an eye opener to one and all.
The winner amongst parents was Mrs. Meenakshi and amongst students was Suma of X-B.
The chief guest distributed the prizes to the winners.
The program ended with vote of thanks.
2. MMD School, Tirunelveli, recently organised a science symposium on the topic: 'Effect of
pollution on quality of life'. You are Rahul/Dhivya, editor of the school magazine. Write a
report on the event for your school magazine.
Science Symposium held at MMD School, Tirunelveli
By Rahul/Dhivya,
Editor of the school magazine
MMD School, Tirunelveli, organised a symposium in the school on the topic "Effect of Pollution
on Quality of Life" on 1
March 2020. All the science students were a part of the programme.
The event started with the felicitation of the guest speakers. Thereafter, the participants were
espoused by Shri. Anbu Paul. He acquainted them with the objectives and goals of the workshop. The
resource person Dr. Hari Prasad reflected his profound knowledge on the topic and highlighted how
important it is to curb the menace of pollution.
An exalting demonstration of effects of pollution on our lives galvanized the engrossed
participants. After the lunch break Dr.Sivam, Resource Person, exhibited the possible steps that can
be undertaken at the personal level to reduce pollution. It was followed by another session on the
basic concept behind pollution reduction which triggered the young minds into thinking innovative
The Head of the science department proposed the Vote of Thanks.
3. Independence Day was celebrated in your school. Dr. Kishore, Chief Doctor, Primary Health
Centre, ZZZZZ was the Chief Guest. Write a report on the function in 150-200 words
describing all the activities that took place. You are Head boy/Head girl.
Independence Day Celebration
By Head boy / Head girl
GGHSS School, ZZZZZ celebrated the Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic
fervour. On the morning of August 15
2019, our students presented hand-made greeting cards and
tri-colour flag badges to the Principal,the Headmaster and teachers of the school.
The cultural programme at school commenced with everyone singing flag song followed by
flag hoisting by the chief guest, Dr. Kishore, Chief Doctor, Primary Health Centre, ZZZZZ. The spirit of
freedom and nationalism was well exhibited by the students as well as the teachers through a
spectrum of patriotic poems, speeches, quiz on freedom fighter, songs and dance. Committed to the
task of nation building, both faculty and student teachers pledged to serve their motherland through
spreading education and serving the community.
The celebration concluded with the inspiring words of the principal, followed by the National
Anthem and the distribution of refreshments.
Exercises for practice:
1. Write a newspaper report on a Bus Accident.
2. ‘Educational Development Day' was organised in your school on 15th July 2019. The district
collector was the chief guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and
the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event.
now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.
3. Write a report on 'Annual Sports Day' of your school held on 20th November 2019.
Steps involved in writing an article:
1. Decide the theme
2. Decide the title
3. Form an outline
4. Draft the content
5. Edit it
6. Give a final reading
1. By 2050, India will be amongst the countries which will face acute water shortage. You are
highly alarmed and terrified of the future world without water. You are Kaviya/Amudhan of
class X studying in SDA GHS, Coimbatore. Write an article to the editor, The New Indian
Express on "Save water – Are we doing enough?" for the local daily in 100-150 words.
Save water – Are we doing enough?
By Kaviya / Amudhan, X – A
SDA, GHS, Coimbatore
Many people are living with less water than they need, whether in the world’s most prosperous
cities or in its bountiful agricultural heartlands.
Droughts have also become more frequent, more severe, and affecting more people around
the world. As many as four billion people already live in regions that experience severe water stress
for at least one month of the year. With populations rising, these stresses will only mount.
Water is the precious gift of God on earth. Life exists on the earth because of the availability of
water. Itself being tasteless, odourless and colourless, it adds taste, colour and nice smell in the life of
living beings on the Earth.
Here are different methods we can follow to save clean drinking water and deal with the water
scarcity. Rain water harvesting is one of the most effective and suitable method among save water
techniques. Afforestation is also a good method as it reduces the surface runoff and recharges the
ground water. It promotes underground water conservation. By practicing such methods we can
conserve more water naturally and ensure the availability of it for future generations.
We should take a pledge and make it a lifelong motto to preserve water because,
"If you conserve water, it means you conserve life."
2. 'Grow more trees to reduce pollution'. You are Radhika/Aravind of PUHS, Chennai studying
in X. Write an article to the Editor, The Hindu in about 100 words on the topic given above
for your school magazine.
Grow More Trees to Reduce Pollution
By Radhika/Aravind, X – Std.
PUHS, Chennai
Trees and plants are one of the main reasons why mankind came into existence. The
importance of planting trees has been emphasized time and again. This is because of the numerous
benefits they offer.
They make the world a better place to live in. They exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide
to maintain the ecological balance in the environment. They also absorb all the harmful gases and
give us fresh air to breathe.
Trees build a sheet to protect us from the harmful ultra violet rays. Not only this, they serve as
a habitat for birds and various species of animals. Trees help in controlling water pollution and
preventing soil erosion.
The places inhabited by large number of trees are quite cooler compared to the concrete
jungles that cannot do without air conditioners. Unfortunately, urbanisation is leading to clearing of
forests and parks despite the numerous benefits they offer. People come here for morning walks,
evening strolls, yoga sessions and laughter therapy. These also serve as a safe place for the kids to
play and socialise. The only way left to preserve them and reap these benefits is by growing them at a
faster rate.
3. Recent floods in many metropolitan cities of the country during the monsoon season laid
bare the hollowness of the claims of the civic authorities of their preparedness. The poor
had to bear the brunt of the problem while no one was ever held accountable. Write an
article to the Editor, The Times in 150 - 200 words on the common man's woes during the
monsoons and the need for accountability of the officials concerned. You are Arun/Sheela
of MGHSS, Virudunagar, studying X – Std.
By Arun/Sheela, X – Std.
MGHSS, Virudunagar
The much awaited Monsoon brings respite from the scorching heat. Every year during the
monsoons, chaos reigns supreme. The roads are flooded, the sewage system collapses, a huge loss
of crops, fruits, life, and property is caused. Water logging and breeding of mosquitoes together
becomes the reason for a lot of people falling ill. Network connectivity gets weak.
In spite of 71 years of independence, the Indian Government has not been able to tackle the
flood problem caused by monsoons. Recent floods have laid bare the hollowness of the claims of the
civic authorities of their preparedness. The poor had to bear the brunt of the problem.
One of the causes behind this chaos is the lack of strict laws and accountability of the officials
and the Ministries responsible for tackling the floods. The Government formulate and pass strict laws
regarding the projects launched to relieve people of their distress but there is hardly a sign of effective
implementation of the scheme. There needs to be strict accountability.
When the Ministers will be accountable, they will ensure the officers, officials involved in the
projects surely create foolproof systems. It is only through strict accountability laws the system can be
made efficient.
Exercises for practice:
1. India is a land of diversity. One way in which it makes us feel proud of it is the number of festivals
we enjoy. You are Karun/Vasugi studying X – std. in Govt. Municipal HSS, Trichy. Write an article
to the editor, The Hindu in 150-200 words on 'Festivals of India'.
2. Recently you have come across the term ‘Brain Drain’. Indeed, you feel this to be apt in Indian
Talents. Write an article to the Indian Express reflecting your views about this. You are
Keerthana/Arun Prasad, studying X – std. in PSBB Matric. HSS, Chennai.
3. Pollution is one of the major concern today. You are Aditi/Rahul of DP School, ZZZZZ. Write an
article to the editor, The Hindu suggesting ways to control pollution in about 100-150 words.
Format of an e-mail:
1. Greetings
2. Opening sentences
3. Closing sentences
4. Closure
Model of an E-mail
Subject: ____________________
Dear Sir / Madam / Madan,
Hello Sir/ Madam / Kumar,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. --------------------------------------------------
Best Regards,
Best Wishes,
1. You are Kevin/Anuja of 12, IInd Cross, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 611301. Your uncle has
invited you to visit his place after the examinations are over. Write an email expressing
your inability to visit his place during the holidays.
Subject: Expressing inability to visit his place
Dear uncle,
How are you? I am fine. Thanks for inviting me to your place after the exams.
I am sorry I will not be able to come to your home, as I have planned to join computer course
in Animation during the holidays. I have already got registered and paid the fees. I am also looking for
a part time job during the break.
I promise to visit you during the Diwali holidays.
Yours lovingly,
2. Write an email to your uncle thanking him for presenting a gift on your birthday.
Subject: Expressing thanks
Dear uncle,
How are you? I am fine.
We had a great celebration on my birthday. I take this chance to thank you for all the gifts you have
been presenting me on all my birthdays. The watch you presented me this time is really beautiful. I
love it. Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift.
My warm regards to aunty.
Yours lovingly,
3. You are Mr. Deepak, the librarian of GHS, Salem. Write an email to Samba Publishing,
Chennai requesting them to cancel your order for English literary books and Children's
story book. Give reasons for cancellation of the order.
To: sambapublishing[email protected]m
Subject: Cancellation of our order
I would like to bring to your kind notice regarding the order on behalf of the headmaster on
August 2019 for supply of English literary books and Children's story books . The supply was
supposed to be received by this school on or before 30
August 2019. But sorry to say that the books
have not been received till date and also no communication has been made from your side for the
Hence the school has placed the order for these books to other book depot due to urgency of
the books. The said order may be treated as cancelled.
Yours sincerely,
Exercises for practice:
1. You have recently visited District hospital .You are pained to see the dire situation they are in.
Write your views in the form of an email to your friend.
2. Your Principal instructs you to send an email to all the parents of class X to attend the parents
meeting. Send an email to mentioning the date and time of the meeting.
3. Write an email to your friend about your favourite sports personality.
Steps to be followed while drafting a speech:
1. Have an inspiring opening and ending.
2. Suitable tone of voice.
3. Adapt speech for purpose and audience.
4. Organise ideas logically
5. Don’t confuse the audience.
6. Use emotive language.
7. Use interesting facts.
8. Use rhetorical questions.
1. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Benefits of early rising’ to be delivered by you in the
morning assembly of your school. You are Vidhya/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy.
- By Vidhya/Karan
Honourable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends, today I, Karuna/Karan, your
Head Girl/Head Boy stand before you all to highlight the far-reaching “Benefits of Early-rising”.
It has been proved that in the morning people are persistent and proactive. It leads to better
performance, greater success, and higher standards of living. Rising up early also relieves stress and
tension. This is why, people who get up early tend to be healthier and happier.
For this, one needs to maintain a proper schedule and has to go to bed on time. You should
restrict the usage of gadgets immediately before going to bed and these tiny steps will help you
become an early riser. Researchers have also said that early morning is the best time to study and
gain knowledge. This will help you in staying ahead in the class and keep your grades up.
Hence, if you don’t develop a habit of waking up before the rest of the world, you won’t be able
to change the world.
Thank you.
2. You are Amit/Anita, Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. You have been asked by your
principal to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on ‘Importance of Punctuality in a
Student’s Life’. Write your speech in about 120 words.
- By Amit/Anita
Good morning dear friends and teachers! Today I shall throw some light on the importance of
punctuality in a student’s life.
A student has to gain knowledge. Learn new skills, and finally prove what he has learnt in the
various assessments. Time is of importance as assignments are to be submitted and projects are to
be done in a particular time frame. Only if the child is punctual in getting to school, he will learn all that
the school curriculum has to offer.
Regular study and revision will keep him up-to-date with his work and preparation for exams.
He will also be able to attend extra classes as well as hobby classes. Moreover, he will certainly be
able to take out time for play and recreation.
We all know that time and tide wait for none. So, we need to be punctual and extract the
maximum from each moment of our student life.
Thank you.
3. You are Head boy/Head girl studying X – std. in Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School, Virudunagar.
Draft a speech on ‘Deforestation’.
- By Head Boy/Head Girl
Good afternoon to all.
Today I stand before you to highlight the defects of deforestation.
Day by day deforestation is becoming common as we are using trees for making many things
in our daily life. If we observe clearly everything in our daily life are directly or indirectly made of wood.
It's okay if we use limited part from trees but we are using all parts of tree by forgetting that trees are
the only things that make us possible to survive. Due to deforestation the percentage of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing and oxygen is decreasing and this is the main reason for
global warming. Many greenhouse gases are releasing in atmosphere due to deforestation and
causing ozone depletion. Without thinking about all this we are cutting trees and killing us ourselves.
That means we human beings are always supporting deforestation thinking that is the only way of
Now we should stop talking about deforestation and do something to avoid it. Instead of
deforestation we have to support afforestation. If we plant more trees then we can survive for a long
time and we should stop using more forest products.
Thank you.
Exercises for practice:
1. The recent rise in incidents of violent behaviour of students is a matter of concern for all. The
problem can be curbed if students learn how to manage anger. Write a speech on the topic in 150
words to be delivered in the school.
2. Your school is celebrating ‘Science Week’ in which various programmes related to Science are
being organized at the school level. Prepare a speech in 120-150 words on the topic “Science and
3. Natural disasters have become common these days. Write a speech in about 150 words to be
delivered in the morning assembly on how normal life is disrupted during such calamities and what
measures should be adopted by the government to meet such situations.