Adapted from the Yale Fellowships website
Two essays are required: The Personal Statement and the Statement of Grant Purpose. These
essays serve very different but complementary purposes. Unless noted, the following information
comes straight from the Fulbright Web site.
The following information is applicable to ETA applicants:
The Personal Statement should be a narrative giving a picture of you as an individual. Remember,
applicants are not interviewed on the national level. The Personal Statement is your opportunity to
“talk” about yourself and to tell the committee more about how you came to this point in your life
and where you see yourself in the future. There is no single “right way” to approach the Statement;
rather candidates will consider what they think is important for people reviewing the application to
know about them.
The Statement can deal with your personal history, family background, influences on your
intellectual development, the educational and cultural opportunities (or lack of them) to which you
have been exposed, and the ways in which these experiences have affected you. Also, you may
include your special interests and abilities, career plans, and life goals, etc. It should not be a
recording of facts already listed on the application or an elaboration of your Statement of Grant
Purpose. It is more of an autobiography, and specifically related to you and your aspirations.
Adhere to the following format:
Statement length is limited to a maximum of one typed, single-spaced page. Longer
statements may be detrimental to your application.
To ensure a smooth upload and readability, use 1” margins all around and Times Roman 12
pt. font
At the top of the Word Document, in the upper left-hand corner
o On line 1, type PERSONAL STATEMENT. Do not place this information in a header
o On the next line, type your name, country of application, and field of study
(1 Page)
Since you are applying for an ETA, you are not expected to present extensive research plans. The
following are guidelines as to what you could include in your Statement:
Why would you like to undertake a Teaching Assistant assignment?
Why have you chosen the particular country?
What specific qualifications, training, and/or experiences do you have related to the
overseas assignment?
What use will you make of your time outside the classroom (Most ETAs work no more than
20-30 hours/week?
How you expect to benefit from the assignment, and what use you will make of the
experience upon your return to the United States?
Keep in mind that the maximum length for the Statement of Grant Purpose and Personal Statement
is one-page each. Therefore, you should construct these Statements in such a way as to include all
pertinent information, but so as not to be redundant. Most ETA programs expect that grantees will
Adapted from the Yale Fellowships website
engage in an independent academic, vocational, or community service project. You should briefly
describe what you would like to do in the Statement of Grant Purpose.
Since applicants will not know exactly where they will be located, this description is not expected to
be detailed. You simply need to indicate the activities that you intend to pursue outside of the ETA
responsibilities and why you have chosen this/these activities for the country to which you are
applying. In addition, any community service activities or extra-curricular activities that you think
you might conduct should be described.
If you have a very specific proposal for study or research, you may wish to consider the
Study/Research option, since in the ETA program you will not be able to choose where you will be
placed and you will not have very much time for independent research or study. Furthermore,
successful ETA's are those who value the experience of working in an educational environment first
and foremost. We have seen highly qualified applicants not selected because the impression from
their Statements indicated that they were more focused on a project than on the ETA assignment.
Adhere to the following format:
For English Teaching Assistantships, the Statement length is limited to a maximum of one
typed, single-spaced page. Longer statements will not be presented to screening
To ensure a smooth upload and readability, use 1” margins all around and Times Roman 12
pt. font.
At the top the page of your Word document type the following. Do not place this
information in a header, it will not upload.
o On line 2, type your Name, Country of Application, and English Teaching
Since the primary aim of the Fulbright Program is to further mutual understanding between the
people of the United States and other countries, it is important to address this issue in your
application. Your application should demonstrate a clear commitment to the host country
community. Being involved in the local community will contribute significantly to the Fulbright
Program's goals and will enhance your experience in many ways. IIE advises that applicants should
describe any volunteer or extracurricular activities of interest to them and relate the activity to the
Fulbright grant experience. You can choose to address this in your Project Statement, if the planned
activity is an integral part of your study or research, or in the Personal Statement, if the planned
activity is more extracurricular.
If you will be in a university environment, this activity could be extracurricular (joining a club,
participating in a sport, etc.); it does NOT have to relate specifically to your study proposal. Other
examples of community involvement could include teaching or tutoring English or American
Studies; volunteering with a charitable organization, volunteering for a school renovation project,
volunteering in a healthcare facility, etc.
"Writing Fellowship Essays":
U.S. Student Fulbright Applicant Blog:
Adapted from the Yale Fellowships website
NOTE: When you have drafts of your essays, please send them to me for critique. At that time,
I will supply you with strong samples as points for comparison so that you can continue to
polish your own statement.
Please resist the temptation to look at the samples below BEFORE you have completed LMU’s
Fulbright pre-application and have begun to sketch out your own reasons for applying. While the
samples linked below are useful for demonstrating well-structured essays, it is the quality of the
content (the clarity of your convictions and your own purposes for applying) that set the
foundation for strong essays. Samples from others cannot do that work for you!
Samples of Winning Essays On-line:
Penn State University: https://www.e-
Temple University:
University of Iowa:
University of Rochester: