Fun Healthy Valentine’s Day Lunch Box Cards
Visit for free printable worksheets for kids, nutrition education games, healthy eating tips, exercise and healthy
goals and weekly healthy food trackers, fitness activity goal sheets and school lunch and snack ideas and more!
Copyright © Nourish Interactive, All Rights Reserved
Be active every day and
your heart will be happy!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Give your heart some love
with 100% whole wheat!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Your heart loves to be active.
Get up and play after lunch!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Vegetables are plants that give
your heart lots of love!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Donʼt forget to have some milk!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Fruits make a tasty dessert!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Fun Healthy Valentine’s Day Lunch Box Cards
Visit for free printable worksheets for kids, nutrition education games, healthy eating tips, exercise and healthy
goals and weekly healthy food trackers, fitness activity goal sheets and school lunch and snack ideas and more!
Copyright © Nourish Interactive, All Rights Reserved
Be active every day and
your heart will be happy!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Vegetables are plants that give
your heart lots of love!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Donʼt forget to have some milk!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Give your heart some love
with 100% whole wheat!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Your heart loves to be active.
Get up and play after lunch!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Fruits make a tasty dessert!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Lunch cards are a fun way to remind your child the importance of eating a healthy lunch everyday! It is also a very sweet
way to reach out to your child when they are away and remind them that you have thought of them.
Put a smile on your childʼs face during lunch time with our Healthy Messages Lunch Cards!
Supplies Needed:
Print out this pdf. Use hard stock paper if possible.
Cut out the lunch cards on the dotted lines.
Write a little personal note on the back or just sign it with love! (optional)
Place card in your childʼs lunch box or lunch bag!
Or if your child buys their lunch, put the lunch card with their lunch money to remind them to make healthy lunch choices.
Fun Healthy Valentine’s Day Lunch Box Cards
Visit for free printable worksheets for kids, nutrition education games, healthy eating tips, exercise and healthy
goals and weekly healthy food trackers, fitness activity goal sheets and school lunch and snack ideas and more!
Copyright © Nourish Interactive, All Rights Reserved