Hinckley Institute
Holds 2000th
Hinckley Forum
“Our yOung, best minds must be encOuraged tO enter pOlitics.”
Robert H. Hinckley
Sign up to receive monthly HIP E-mail Updates including upcoming forum schedules at www.hinckley.utah.edu
Since 1965, the Hinckley Institute has held more than 2,000 Hinckley Forums (previously
known as “Coffee & Politics”) featuring local, national, and international political leaders.
Hinckley Forums provide University of Utah students and the surrounding community
intimate access to and interaction with our nations leaders. Under the direction of Hinck-
ley Institute assistant director Jayne Nelson, the Hinckley Institute hosts 65-75 forums each
year in the newly renovated Hinckley Caucus Room. Partnerships with supporting Univer-
sity of Utah colleges and departments, local radio and news stations, our generous donors,
and the Sam Rich Program in International Politics ensure the continued success of the
Hinckley Forums program. University of Utah students can now receive credit for attend-
ing Hinckley Forums by enrolling in the Political Forum Series course (Political Science
3910). All Hinckley Forums are free and open to the public. For a detailed listing of 2007
Hinckley Forums, refer to pages 20 – 24.
Prince Turki Al-Faisal
Al Saud
Norman Bangerter
Robert Bennett
Joe Biden
Rob Bishop
David Broder
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Chris Cannon
Bill Clinton
Archibald Cox
Russ Feingold
Gerald Ford
Jake Garn
Barry Goldwater, Jr.
Lee Hamilton
Orrin Hatch
James Hansen
Hubert Humphrey
Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.
Edward Kennedy
William Lawrence
Michael Leavitt
Richard Lugar
omas E. Mann
Jim Matheson
Scott Matheson
Chris Matthews
John McCain
George McGovern
Frank Moss
Ralph Nader
Richard Neustadt
Dallin H. Oaks
Ross Perot
Yitzhak Rabin
Calvin Rampton
Harry Reid
Robert Redford
George Romney
Karl Rove
Larry Sabato
Brian Schweitzer
Brent Scowcroft
Ken Star
Ben Stein
Olene Walker
Dr. J.D. Williams
Page 3
Hinckley News
Page 4
Internship Programs
Page 8
Outstanding Interns
Page 16
Page 18
Hinckley Forums
Page 20
Alumni Spotlights
Page 25
Hinckley Staff
Page 26
Page 28
Past Hinckley Forum Guests
In is Issue
Hinckley Institute Holds 2000th Hinckley Forum
J.D. Williams: U. Professor Lit Up Utah Politics
Salt Lake Tribune Editorial, September 5, 2007
Professor J.D. Williams had an incandescent enthusiasm for the American
experiment. He loved politics, and he was able to light that fire within
generations of young Utahns.... Liberals loved him as the gadfly who de-
lighted in stinging the Republicans. (Before there was Rocky, there was
J.D.) Yes, he was outspoken, but he wasnt overbearing. He didnt hide
his light under a bushel, but he didnt burn the students who disagreed
with him.....As founding director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics,
he guided countless forums, debates and seminars with local, state
and national political figures. He landed internships and opportuni-
ties for study abroad for kids from across the political spectrum....
Whether in the role of gadfly or godfather, lecturer or listener, J.D.
Williams lent a creative spark to Utah politics. We will miss his light
and inspiration.
In Memory of Dr. J.D. Williams (1926-2007)
e Hinckley Institute of Politics joins with thousands of former colleagues, students, and interns in mourning
the passing of Dr. J.D. Williams–the founding director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics, serving
from 1965 to 1975. J.D.’s vision and passion gave life to the Hinckley Institute translating
Robert H. Hinckleys dream of every student a politician into reality. J.D. personally men-
tored hundreds of students, shepherding them into the political process through intern-
ships, forums, and his example. While he was nationally renowned for his extraordinary
Miracle at Philadelphia presentation, J.D.’s lasting legacy will itself be one of miracles
transforming the best and brightest students at the University of Utah into some of
our nations most influential and valued public servants. e political landscape of our
state and nation will echo with J.D.’s fervor and zeal for generations as thousands of
his students fulfill his vision of passionate public service and devotion to our founding
constitutional principles. We will miss J.D. dearly.
Wayne Owens Inducted Into Hinckley Institute Hall of Fame
On April 12, 2007, the Hinckley Institute inducted Wayne Owens into the Hinckley Institute of Politics Hall of Fame. Owens
joins Governors Bangerter, Matheson, Rampton, and Walker; Senators Wallace Bennett and Frank Moss; and Congressman Jim
Hansen as the eighth inductee into the Hinckley Institute of Politics Hall of Fame. e Hinckley Institute is also pleased to an-
nounce the Wayne Owens Program. is program provides internships with a Middle East focus in Washington, D.C. and will
bring in Hinckley fellows and speakers to address important Middle East issues.
Wayne Owens represented the state of Utah in the United States House of Representatives from 1972 – 1974 and again from
1986 – 1992. Mr. Owens received his law degree from the University of Utah. He walked 711 miles through Utah to win the seat
in 1972 and continued that pace. He voted to stop funding the Vietnam War and impeach Richard Nixon, and championed many
environmental causes, compensation for downwinders,” and peace in the Middle East. Born on May 2, 1937, he married Marlene
Wessel in 1961 and together they raised five children. After leaving Congress, he co-founded and served for ten years as president
of the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation.
Hinckley Journal of Politics
e Hinckley Institute continues its leading role as one of the only institutes to publish an undergraduate journal of political
science the Hinckley Journal of Politics. e Hinckley Journal Board selects 7-10 scholarly papers of exceptional caliber each
year for the student-produced publication. Local political leaders also are invited to contribute articles that address salient state,
national, and international issues.
is years Hinckley Journal of Politics (Vol. 8), edited by Cameron Diehl and Brett Barrus, featured articles by Senator Greg
Bell, Rep. Carol Spackman Moss, and Provo Mayor Lewis Billings. Undergraduate articles addressed issues such as immigration
reform, redistricting, and civic engagement. To view the 2008 Hinckley Journal of Politics as well as past editions go to
2007 Hinckley Fellows
e Hinckley Institute of Politics Fellows program invites distinguished elected officials, academics, commentators, and public servants to spend
several days at the Hinckley Institute lecturing in university classes, meeting with select students, faculty, and community leaders, and speaking
to the public at a Hinckley Forum.
Dr. Kay King: January 22-24, 2007
Dr. Kay King has worked for Congress since 1984 where she most recently served as the Democratic Senior Policy
Advisor to the House International Relations Committee (2001—2007) and currently serves as the director of the
Office of Interparliamentary Affairs. Graduating magna cum laude from the University of Utah, she received her
Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of California at Los Angeles, with one year of her graduate work done at
the University of California, Berkeley.
During her visit, Dr. King lectured in several classes on international relations and news writing, met with stu-
dents, professors, and university administrators, led a workshop for e Daily Utah Chronicle, was interviewed
by local media outlets, and appeared on ABC 4’s On e Record with Chris Vanocur. Dr. King’s Hinckley Forum on
January 23, 2007, Heroes of the Holocaust: How One Person Can Make a Difference, drew a large crowd of students
and community members. e audio of King’s speech is available at www.hinckley.utah.edu.
Lee Hamilton: October 30-31, 2007
Lee H. Hamilton is currently president and director of the Woodrow Wilson International Cen-
ter for Scholars and director of e Center on Congress at Indiana University. Hamilton repre-
sented Indianas 9th congressional district for 34 years beginning in 1965. He served as chairman
of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East,
the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Joint
Committee on the Organization of Congress. He most recently served as vice-chair of the 9/11
Commission, co-chaired the 9/11 Public Discourse Project, and served as co-chair of the Iraq
Study Group.
As a Hinckley Fellow, Hamilton met with local community and religious leaders, led a civic
engagement training for outstanding high school and college students, held a press conference
on U.S. foreign policy, met with University of Utah international relations professors, delivered
the keynote address at the annual Dialogue on Democracy Dinner, and recorded interviews for
KUED’s Utah Now and with ABC 4’s On e Record with Chris Vanocur. Hamiltons Hinckley
Forum, e Future of American Foreign Policy, was delivered to a standing-room-only crowd in the
Hinckley Caucus Room on October 31, 2007. e Hinckley Institute would like to thank the
Scott M. Matheson Public Leadership Forum and the Sam Rich Program in International Politics
for making Lee Hamiltons visit possible. Video and audio of Hamiltons Dialogue on Democracy
speech and audio of his Hinckley Forum are available at www.hinckley.utah.edu.
Hinckley Institute Partners With G8 Magazine
e Hinckley Institute is proud to announce its partnership with e Cat Company in the production of the G8
Magazine. e G8 Magazine is the official publication of the G8 Summit and features stories on member nations
and articles on issues facing the international community such as global warming and ethnic conflicts. Beginning
in 2008, the Hinckley Institute and S.J. Quinney College of Law will assist in the production of the magazine and
Hinckley Institute students will be invited to publish articles in the magazine.
Hinckley Institute Director
Kirk L. Jowers presents Kay
King with a plaque honoring
her as a Hinckley Fellow
Hinckley Institute Director Kirk
L. Jowers (left) accompanied by
Sam Rich (near right) and Jim
Hinckley (right) present Lee
Hamilton with a plaque honor-
ing him as a Hinckley Fellow
Hinckley Institute Partners with Surrounding Community
In 2007, the Hinckley Institute co-sponsored several events with various campus and community organizations including the Institute for
Public and International Affairs (IPIA), KCPW, KUER, KUED, the S.J. Quinney College of Law, Center for Public Policy and Administration,
ASUU, the J. Willard Marriott Library, Middle East Center, University Neighborhood Partners, Tanner Humanities Center, Tanner Center for
Nonviolent Human Rights Advocacy, and Kingsbury Hall.
Campaign Management Minor
Hinckley Institute Stands Alone in Offering Coveted Minor
e Hinckley Institute is the only institution in the nation to offer an undergraduate minor in cam-
paign management. Established in 2005, the interdisciplinary minor offers undergraduate students
the opportunity to learn the theory and practice that will enable them to become effective leaders of
election and advocacy campaigns.
Utahs Top Political Consultants Teach
Political Management
Doug Foxley and Frank Pignanelli Team up to Teach Core
Campaign Management Course
Doug Foxley and Frank Pignanelli have joined forces in teaching the Hinckley Institutes core
campaign management course Political Management (Political Science 3160). Taking over for Dave
Buhler who stepped down to run for Salt Lake City mayor in 2007, Foxley and Pignanelli continue
the Hinckley Institutes tradition of having the states foremost political experts instruct University
of Utah students in campaign management strategies and techniques.
Political Forum Series Course
Students can now receive academic credit for attending Hinckley Forums by enrolling in the Political Forum Series course (Political Science
3910). Taught by Hinckley Institute Director Kirk L. Jowers, the course allows students to attend forums at their convenience and write short
critical responses to a portion of the forums they attend. For more information, visit www.hinckley.utah.edu.
Students join Utah legislative leaders to
“Developing and managing a political campaign offers a unique perspective and experience
that is unparalleled in educational activities. During our class, national and local experts share their
ideas, successes and failures, war stories, and personal impressions in campaign management. Students
with an interest in the nuts and bolts of political campaigns–with applications towards politics,
business, or other fields–will glean valuable lessons from their participation.
Doug Foxley and Frank Pignanelli
Students join Utah legislative
leaders to discuss the 2007
legislative session
Sam Rich Program in International Politics
e Sam Rich Program in International Politics, made possible by the generous contribution of Sam G. Rich and
Gloria Rich Hendricks, brings national and international elected officials and prominent academics to the Univer-
sity of Utah to speak on a broad variety of international topics. is year, the Sam Rich Program helped present
Hinckley Fellows Dr. Kay King and Lee Hamilton, Harvard Professor Alexander Keyssar, and Brain Adam, MSP
for Scotland’s Aberdeen North and Government Chief Whip.
Huntsman Seminar on Constitutional Government
In 2008, the Hinckley Institute will resume the Huntsman Seminar on Constitutional Government. e Huntsman
Seminar seeks to improve the quality of civic education in Utah schools by providing teachers with an intense and
interactive week with the states leading elected officials, academics, and public servants. Participants learn from ex-
perts in local, state, and national government as well as various commentators and professors. For more information
about the 2008 Huntsman Seminar, which will take place June 23-27, 2008, visit www.hinckley.utah.edu.
2007 Hinckley Institute Straw Poll
In 2007, the Hinckley Institute of Politics conducted its first-ever straw poll. e results of the straw poll were
featured in the Deseret Morning News, e Salt Lake Tribune, and e Daily Utah Chronicle. A total of 1,768 votes
were cast. When asked who they supported for Salt Lake City mayor, 45% of students supported Ralph Becker,
42% supported Dave Buhler, and 12% were undecided. When asked whether or not they supported Referendum
1 education vouchers, 68% of students were against the measure and 30% were in favor, with only 2% undecided.
Looking forward to the 2008 presidential election, 30% supported Mitt Romney, 28% supported Barack Obama,
16% supported Hillary Clinton, 6% supported Rudy Giuliani, and 4% supported Ron Paul and John Edwards.
Students Attend American Association of
Political Consultants (AAPC) Conference
Several Hinckley Institute students traveled to Akron, Ohio to attend the American
AAPC Academic Outreach Conference on October 11-12, 2007. Hosted by the Ray
C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics, the conference featured topics such as News, Blog-
gers and New Media, Edge Cities and Soccer Moms: Micro Targeting Voters, and Here ey
Come: Candidates and Campaigns for 2008.
Hinckley Institute Staffs Polling Location
is year the Hinckley Institute joined with Salt Lake County’s Partners in Democracy
program in staffing a voting location. e Hinckley Institute operated the University of
Utah Heritage Center voting location for both the 2007 primary and general elections
and will continue its participation in 2008.
Hinckley Institute students at the AAPC Conference
in Akron, Ohio
Hinckley Institute staff being sworn in as poll workers
Governor Jon Huntsman
and Hinckley Director Kirk
L. Jowers speaking to
Huntsman Seminar
Sam G. Rich
Internship Programs
Utah State Legislature
e Utah State Legislature internship program offers 30 students unparalleled access to the Utah
legislative process. Interns serve as full-time assistants to legislators, lobbyists, and the media during
the spring semester 45-day legislative session. An intern may track legislation, write speeches, attend
committee meetings, research issues, or analyze bills all in a single day! State legislative interns are re-
quired to take Legislative Intern Preparation taught by Dr. Dan Jones of the University of Utah and
Jerry Howe of the Utah State Legislature Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel.
Featured Utah State Legislature Interns
Emily Showgren (Senator Carlene Walker)
Emily Showgren interned for Senator Carlene Walker. “is was definitely the highlight of my time spent at the U,
Emily said. Her internship with the legislature has already led to public relations opportunities. She was selected
as a political affairs intern for Senate President John Valentine and co-organized his annual fundraiser, Valentine’s
Day, in May for 2007.
Nick Bryner (Representative David Litvack)
Nick Bryner is currently studying political science and plans to attend law school in 2008. “I loved my internship
because it gave me a lot of hands-on experience. I got to help write a bill, and I learned so much about how govern-
ment really works.
2007 Utah State Legislature Interns. First Row (L-R): Nick Bryner, Emily Showgren, Rosa Stahla, Jill Baker, Anastasia Niedrich,
Angela Dansies, and Kira Ayish. Second Row: Jayne Nelson, Porter Morgan, Jason Smith, President John Valentine, Speaker
Greg Curtis, Senator Pat Jones, Dr. Dan Jones, and Amy Code. ird Row: Courtney McBeth, Jerry Howe, Patrick Reimherr,
Blake Dyer, Brent Whitehead, Bartley Mathews, Andrew Law, Nathan Kunzler, Curtis Haring, Mike David, Cory Jones, Chad
Christiansen, Rep. Ralph Becker, and Kirk L. Jowers.
2007 Utah State Legislature Interns
Nathan Anderson ...........Senators Buttars and Waddoups
Kira Ayish ......................Reps. Shurtliff and McGee
Jill Baker ........................Rep. Morgan
Nick Bryner ...................Rep. Litvack
Chad Christiansen ..........Reps. Tilton and Fisher
Angela Dansie ................Reps. Noel and Kiser
Michael David ................Reps. Cosgrove and Biskupski
Blake Dyer .....................Reps. Buxton and Anderson
Rhonda Dzierzon ...........Reps. Fisher and Duckworth
Curtis Haring .................Senators Dmitrich and Mayne
Cory Jones .....................Reps. Hutchings and Ray
Nathan Kunzler ..............Rep. Kory Holdaway
Andrew Law ...................Senator Valentine
Bartly Mathews ..............Senator Bell
Daniel Morgan ...............Senators Goodfellow and Fife
Anastasia Niedrich ..........Reps. Johnson and Hemingway
Patrick Reimherr ............Rep. Becker
Emily Showgren .............Senator Walker
Jason Smith ....................Rep. Dee
Rosa Stahla .....................Rep. Moss
Brent Whitehead ............Senator Davis
Local Government Offices and Campaigns
e Hinckley Institute offers part-time internships with local government, lobbying, and nonprofit organizations such as the Utah Governors
Office, the Utah Attorney General’s Office, and the Salt Lake City Mayors Office. A local Hinckley internship is a unique academic opportunity
that allows students to step out of the classroom and gain real-world experience.
Featured Local Government Office Interns
Jeff Sbaih (U.S. District Court)
Jeff Sbaih is pursuing political science and economics degrees. “It is exciting to see our legal system in action and
to learn its workings. Immersing oneself in the legal world teaches one so much more than they could ever learn by
being in a classroom. e Hinckley Institute enhanced my learning experience by facilitating this opportunity for
me to further learn the value of our legal system.
Marcus Hinze (Senator Orrin Hatchs Salt Lake City Office)
Marcus will graduate from the University of Utah in May 2008 with a B.A. in International Studies. Marcus credits
the fine example of the senator and his staff for teaching him the greatest lesson learned during his internship: “Sen-
ator Hatchs staff members were not only my co-workers, but my mentors and my friends. ey taught me the value
of true public service, often unrecognized in the public eye.” Marcus is now applying to law school for fall 2008.
Fall 2007 Local Interns. (L-R) Amy Code, Chris Humphries, Joseph Swanson, Barbara ornton, Oakley Gordon, Luz Lara,
Jordan Breighner, Sac Nicte Yescas-Smoot, Cory Jones, Amie Richards, Randy Guthrie, and Erin Kacie.
2007 Local Interns
Spring 2007
David Andreasen ................Utah Governors Office
Michelle Ashton .................Senator Orrin Hatch
Elizabeth Cala ....................International Rescue Committee
Johanna Diaz ......................Utah Governor’s Office
Luiza Franca .......................Senator Orrin Hatch
Bethany Gilson...................Carbon County Sheriff’s Office
Nichole Hatch ....................Utah Attorney General’s Office
David Head ........................Senator Orrin Hatch
Heather Johnson ................U.S. District Court for the
District of Utah
Kseniya Kniazeva ................Utah Attorney General’s Office
Jared Kubly ........................Utah Board of Regents
Nicholas Macey ..................Vest Pocket Coalition
Andrew Murphy .................ACLU
Jessica Palfreyman ...............Scottish Parliament
Eric Peterson ......................City Weekly
Blair Roundy ......................Utah Governors Office
Haley St. Dennis ................Utah Attorney General’s Office
Alex Wilford .......................U.S. District Court for the
District of Utah
Summer 2007
Cammi Cardon ..................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Lauren Carpenter ...............Congressman Jim Matheson
Keith Chalmers ..................Article VI Blog
Robert Costa ......................Senator Orrin Hatch
Steven Dien ........................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Kasey Dunlavy ...................Sandy City Mayor’s Office
Jessica Fawson ....................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Elspeth Gustavson ..............ACLU
Craig Hammond ................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Matthew Hansel .................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Cameron Hansen ...............Utah Lt. Governor’s Office
Marcus Hintze....................Senator Orrin Hatch
Wesley Johnson ..................Ascend Alliance
Daisy Krakowiak ................Salt Lake City Mayors Office
Lauren Littlefield ................Jenny Wilson for Mayor
Sara Jane McKinney ...........Keith Christensen for Mayor
Joshua Moon ......................Jenny Wilson for Mayor
Tyler Moss ..........................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Mark Nord .........................Keith Christensen for Mayor
Robert Pyper ......................U.S. District Court for the
District of Utah
Mahmud Sbaih ..................U.S. District Court for the
District of Utah
Adam Tebbs .......................Ralph Becker for Mayor
David Todd ........................Attorney General’s Office
Jeffrey Woodward ...............NextGen Awards
Fall 2007
Jordan Breighner ................Luke Garrott for Salt Lake City
Timothy Cannon ...............Keith Christensen for Mayor
Kevin Clyde .......................Luke Garrott for
Salt Lake City Council
Robert Ellis ........................Mexican Consulate
Oakley Gordon ..................Ralph Becker for Mayor
Randy Guthrie ...................Utah Lt. Governors Office
Christopher Humphries .....Roger McConkie for
Salt Lake City Council
Cory Jones .........................U.S. District Court
Erin Kucic ..........................Luke Garrott for
Salt Lake City Council
Luz Lara .............................Ascend Alliance
Amie Richards ....................Senator Orrin Hatch
Spencer Rogers ...................Utah Taxpayers Association
Andy Sollish .......................Utah Governors Office
Barbara ornton ...............Dave Buhler for Mayor
Taj Suleyman ......................American Red Cross
Joseph Riley Swenson .........ACLU
Sac Nicte Yescas-Smoot ......Luke Garrott for
Salt Lake City Council
Hinckley Interns Play Key Roles in Salt Lake City Mayoral Election
Current and former Hinckley interns served as campaign managers, scheduling coordinators, and volunteer supervisors for the Salt Lake City
mayoral races.
“Our Hinckley interns were some of the most valuable members of our team.
eir energy, hard work, and professionalism boosted the campaign to success. I
look forward to having more interns from the Hinckley Institute involved in my
administration as Salt Lake Citys mayor.”
Mayor Ralph Becker
“e influence and impact of the Hinckley Institute of Politics loomed large in
my campaign for Salt Lake City mayor in 2007. e Hinckley Institute is a great
training ground for hands-on practical politics as well as encouraging civic
Dave Buhler
“Participating in the Becker for Mayor Campaign was one of the most educating
and rewarding experiences of my college career. Now that the race is over, I look
back not only to a landslide victory, but also knowing that I helped make a differ-
ence in our citys future!”
Oakley Gordon (Ralph Becker Campaign)
Barbara ornton served as campaign manager for the omas Wright for
House of Representatives campaign in 2006 and as the volunteer coordinator
for the Dave Buhler for Mayor campaign in 2007. While working on the Dave
Buhler mayoral campaign, Barbara organized all volunteer and grassroots ef-
forts, breaking ground for hands-on practical politics as well as encouraging
civic engagement.
Barbara ornton (Dave Buhler Campaign)
Washington, D.C.
As the longest-running Hinckley Internship, the Washington, D.C. program places students with organizations and government offices such as
the White House, U.S. Supreme Court, and congressional offices. Our nations capital offers diverse learning opportunities, and internships are
available for spring, summer, and fall semesters. All Washington, D.C. interns are guaranteed a scholarship of $800/month and subsidized hous-
ing. Washington, D.C. interns may receive up to 12 hours of Political Science 4900 - Political Internship credit for full-time internships.
Featured Washington, D.C. Interns
Brandon Evans (Health and Human Services)
Brandon Evans is a senior majoring in behavioral science and health. As an intern, Brandon worked on Secretary
Leavitt’s Personalized Health Care Initiative, bringing standards in health technology and genetic/genomic informa-
tion into everyday clinical practice. “I was able to see the future of health care being shaped by the coordination of
government and industry.
Samantha Starr (Democratic National Committee)
Samantha Starr is a political science major with ambitions of becoming a future campaign manager or candidate.
Of her experience with the DNC, she says, “My internship with the Democratic National Committee was the best
experience of my entire life!”
2007 Washington, D.C. Interns
Spring 2007
Matthew Arneson ..........................Campaign Legal Center
Michael Baumker ..........................U.S. Conference of Mayors
Brian Chappell ..............................U.S. Conference of Mayors
Carlie Christensen .........................Policy Impact Strategic Communications
Sarah Crass ....................................U.S. Supreme Court
Elizabeth Cromar ..........................Senator Orrin Hatch
Nathan Garcia ...............................Democratic Leadership Council
Timothy Greene ............................Senator Robert Bennett
Manith Hang ................................House Committee on Foreign
Jacquelynn Hanley ........................Democratic National Committee
Paul Ryan Heyborne .....................Campaign Legal Center
Nicholas Holland ..........................Congressman Jim Matheson
Allison James .................................RESULTS, Inc.
Danielle Jaramillo ..........................Senator Robert Bennett
Matthew Kimball ..........................Medical Care Development, International
Annie Mailo ..................................GOPTV
Tyler Rice ......................................Dutko Group
Brittney Sadler ..............................Pal-Tech, Inc.
Jonathan Spendlove .......................Republican Governors Association
Jennifer Spendlove .........................Health and Human Services
Matthew Strate ..............................Consource
Jessica Tregeagle .............................Pal-Tech, Inc.
Kassidy Wallin ...............................Congressman Chris Cannon
Summer 2007
David Andreasen ...........................Senator Robert Bennett
John Bowers ..................................Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign
Ryan Boyle ....................................GOPTV
Justin Brown .................................House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Johanna Diaz .................................GOPTV
Ryan Fox .......................................Medical Care Development, International
Luiza Franca ..................................ACLU
Yvette Gonzalez .............................Ibarra and Associates
Christopher Hardy ........................Pal-Tech, Inc.
Emily Hardy .................................National Association For Home Care
& Hospice
Monica Harris ...............................Caring Institute
Erica Harris ...................................Mendez England & Associates
Ali Hasnain ...................................Campaign Legal Center
Zachary Howell .............................e White House
Jennifer Jankowski .........................Democratic National Committee
Ryan Jensen ...................................Larson, Stewart, Myrick & Link, LLC
Kacey Kalian .................................Mitchell Group
Brandon Lee ..................................Democratic National Committee
Kate Mecham ................................Policy Impact Strategic Communications
Fall 2007
Erin Anderson ...............................Health and Human Services
Marko Biljanic ..............................Republican Governors Association
Kyle Clawson ................................Congressman Jim Matheson
Jeffrey Cunningham ......................Congressman Joe Sastek
Spencer Daw .................................GOP-TV
Jennifer Eberhard ..........................Federal Judicial Center
Brandon Evans ..............................Health and Human Services
Nichole Hatch ...............................Congressman Chris Cannon
Mark Hollaar ................................e White House
Sara Johnson .................................e Mitchell Group
Kevin Khong .................................Democratic National Committee
Taylor Morgan ..............................House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Randi Olson ..................................Policy Impact Strategic Communications
Erin Perry ......................................Pal-Tech, Inc.
Nathan Perry .................................Copyright Alliance
Natalie Roos ..................................Senator Orrin Hatch
Emily Smoot .................................Results, Inc.
Alexander Stillwell .........................U.S. Conference of Mayors
William ompson .......................Senator Orrin Hatch
Rebecca Valverde ...........................Ibarra and Associates
Robert Warner...............................Center for American Progress
Ben Williams .................................Campaign Legal Center
Summer 2007 (Continued)
Breanne Miller ..............................Senator Harry Reid
Andrew Murphy ............................Democratic National Committee
Gaspar Perricone ...........................Democratic Leadership Council
Douglas Petersen ...........................Senator Robert Bennett
Clinton Reeder ..............................U.S. Conference of Mayors
Tyler Reid......................................Consource
Patrick Reimherr ...........................Campaign Legal Center
Rebekah Shriver ............................GOP-TV
Marianne Smoot ...........................Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign
Andy Sollish ..................................ACLU
Neal Tolman ..................................Senator Orrin Hatch
Kelli Tolman..................................Health and Human Services
Melanie Ward ................................Campaign Legal Center
Becky Webster ...............................Center for American Progress
Brandon Welch .............................Health and Human Services
Aishatu Yusuf ................................U.S. Conference of Mayors
Spring 2007 Washington, D.C. Interns
(L-R) Front Row: Samantha Starr, Nathan Garcia, Carlie Christensen,
Danielle Jaramillo, Manith Hang, B.J. Sadler, and Jessica Tregeagle.
Second Row: Jayne Nelson, Annie Mailo, Jennifer Spendlove, Sarah Crass,
Jacquelynn Hanley, Emily Smoot, Allison James, Matthew Kimball, Ryan
Heybourne, Nicholas Holland, and Courtney McBeth.
ird Row: Matthew Strate, Elizabeth Cromar, Jonny Spendlove, Tyler
Rice, Kass Wallin, Brian Chappell, Timothy Greene, Michael Baumker,
and Matthew Arneson.
Summer 2007 Washington, D.C. Interns
(L-R) Front Row: Yvette Gonzalez, Johanna Diaz, Breanne Miller, Becky
Webster, Aishatu Yusuf, Melanie Ward, Kate Mecham, and Emily Hardy.
Second Row: Kacey Kalian, Jayne Nelson, Erica Harris, Rebekah Shriver,
Kelli Tolman, Monica Harris, Ryan Jensen, Luiza Franca, Jennifer
Jankowski, Andy Sollish, Tyler Reid, Ali Hasnain, Ryan Fox, and Courtney
ird Row: Neil Tolman, Patrick Reimherr, Andrew Murphy, Doug
Petersen, Brandon Welch, Clinton Reeder, Ryan Boyle, Chris Hardy, Justin
Brown, Brandon Lee, and David Andreason.
Fall 2007 Washington, D.C. Interns
(L-R) Front Row: Emily Smoot, Rebecca Valverde, Nichole Hatch, Randi
Olson, and Erin Anderson.
Second Row: Courtney McBeth, Will ompson, Taylor Morgan, Marko
Biljanic, Natalie Roos, Erin Perry, Jennifer Eberhard, Spencer Daw, Jeff
Cunningham, and Jayne Nelson.
ird Row: Kevin Khong, Kyle Clawson, Nathan Perry, Mark Hollaar,
Brandon Evans, Kirk L. Jowers, Alex Stillwell, Sara Johnson, Robert War-
ner, Ben Williams, and Christa Guymon.
“My life will forever be touched by the children I taught and the memories of
their faces and laughter will continue to bolster my commitment to helping
the world’s most underprivileged.”
Kseniya Kniazeva
Kseniya, Becky, and Ali with the President of India,
Pratibha Devisingh Patil
Capital Encounter
e Hinckley Institute’s Capital Encounter program provides students who are unable to serve a full-semester Washington, D.C. internship with
an intense one-week tour of our nations capital. Led by University of Utah Professor Tim Chambless, participants enjoy private meetings with
executive branch officials, congressional leaders, and a Supreme Court Justice, as well as VIP tours of sites such as the White House, Supreme
Court, and U.S. Capitol Building. e Capital Encounter program exposes students to a wide variety of issues facing our nation and grants them
unparalleled access to the leaders shaping domestic and foreign policy as our nations capital becomes the classroom.
2007 Capital Encounter Interns with Health and Human Services Secretary Michael
(L-R) Rich McKeown, Michael Bao-Chiun Jing, Midori Obata, Dr. Tim Chambless,
Haruka Ushiku, Secretary Michael Leavitt, Hyun Hun, Bartly Mathews, Clayton Camp-
bell, Anastasia Niedrich, Mark Bore, Hiroko Yamazaki, and Stephen Jeffries.
e Hinckley Institute of Politics has expanded its international internship program, providing students experience in global public policy,
service, business, and politics. Locations now include China, India, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Belize, Scotland, Ethio-
pia, Bolivia, Mozambique, Ecuador, Ghana, and ailand. Academic scholarships of up to $5,000 which cover travel and living expenses are
provided by the Hinckley Institute thanks to a generous donation from the Li Ka-Shing Foundation.
Featured International Interns
Ali Hasnain, Kseniya Kniazeva, and Becky Webster (India, Maitri)
Maitri is a non-profit NGO dedicated to helping fight stigma and discrimination against persons affected, infected, and living with HIV/AIDS.
During their four-month stay in India, Ali, Becky, and Kacee advocated and administered HIV-AIDS education, created and implemented chil-
drens educational centers, and assisted with the United Nations Office of Drug Control Southeast Asia conference on human trafficking.
“e Hinckley Institute of Politics has equipped me with invaluable
skills and experiences.”
Ali Hasnain
Michael David (Beijing, China, Coca-Cola)
Michael spent this summer in Beijing, China interning with the external affairs department of Coca-Cola. He was able to
see how multinational companies adapt to working with foreign governments and participate in a number of events related
to Coca-Colas involvement in the upcoming Olympics. “Going to Beijing let me see how open and accessible the world can
be. is internship opened a lot of doors for me.
Michael David on the Great
Wall of China
Ingrid Price (U.S. Mission to NATO)
Ingrid Price interned at the U.S. Mission to NATO in Brussels, Belgium. Her work included producing daily news briefings
and press conferences and arranging a two-day NATO tour for Czech journalists on Missile Defense. “It provided me with a
unique chance to observe multi-lateral diplomacy between the U.S. and NATO countries. I dont believe in any other setting
I could have gained the practical, working knowledge of our government that this internship provided.
Ingrid Price (right) in front of
Belgiums Grand Palace.
“My life will forever be touched by the children I taught and the memories of
their faces and laughter will continue to bolster my commitment to helping
the world’s most underprivileged.”
Kseniya Kniazeva
Fall 2007
Jacob Garrett ...........U.S. State Department
Rome, Italy
J. Gavin Goodwin ...Ascend - Debre Zeit,
Ali Hasnain .............Maitri - New Dehli,
Kseniya Kniazeva .....Maitri - New Dehli,
Leonid Koshcheyev .US State Department
Kiev, Ukraine
Lane Peters ..............Australia Parliament
Ingrid Price .............U.S. State Department
Brussels, Belgium
Haley St. Dennis .....Scotland Parliament
Joshua Stoddard ......Australia Parliament
Shonn Tanner ..........Ascend - Cusco, Peru
Melanie Ward ..........American Chamber of
Shanghai, China
Jacob Warr ..............Scotland Parliament
Becky Webster .........Maitri - New Dehli,
Summer 2007
Stephen Chatwin .....Ascend Alliance-Ethiopia
Michael David .........Coca-Cola - Beijing,
Preston Dryer ..........Mexico City, Mexico-
American Chamber of
Jacob Madsen ..........Asuncion, Paraguay
U.S. State Department
Fahd Malik ..............American Chamber of
Commerce Shanghai,
Amy Powers ............Malaysia - Womens
Aid Organization
Taylor Safford ..........Ascend Alliance
Ryan Stoker .............Ascend Alliance
Spring 2007
Anne Allen ..............Taipei, Taiwan - Taiwan
Democracy Foundation
Evelyn Diphibane ....Bangkok, ailand
King Prajadhipok
Esther Eddy .............U.S. State Department
London, England
Emily Hickman .......Scottish Parliament
Adam R. Jones.........Scottish Parliament
Matt LaFrance .........Maitri, India
Mary Lawrence ........Taipei, Taiwan - Taiwan
Democracy Foundation
Noe Leiva ................e United Nations
Children´s Fund
UNICEF - Honduras
Aimee McComb ......India - Kotwara Group
John Murphy ..........Scottish Parliament
Victoria Pineiro .......Scottish Parliament
Kelli Rollins ............State Department
Melissa Sampson .....Bangkok, ailand
King Prajadhipok
omas Spencer ......Taipei, Taiwan - Taiwan
Democracy Foundation
Kathleen Tedford .....Maitri, India
Phillip Tindall .........Maitri, India
2007 International Interns
Outstanding Interns
Jonny Spendlove Awarded Bae B. Gardner Internship
Jonny Spendlove is working towards Honors degrees in English and economics. He completed a Hinckley Intern-
ship with the Republican Governors Association in the spring of 2007. At the RGA, Jonny created and regularly
updated reports on the 2007 and 2008 gubernatorial races. Jonny plans to begin law school in 2009.
e Bae B. Gardner Internship was established to honor the former assistant director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics,
Bae Gardner.
Taylor Morgan Awarded R.J. Snow Internship
A political science and international studies major, Taylor interned with Democratic office of the House Commit-
tee on Foreign Affairs. As an intern, Taylor conducted research and prepared materials for hearings concerning the
war on terror, human trafficking, and promoting online freedom in the developing world. At the conclusion of his
internship, Taylor was offered and accepted a staff position on the committee.
e R.J. Snow Internship was established to honor former Hinckley Institute of Politics Director R.J. Snow.
Sac Nicte Yescas-Smoot Awarded Pete Suazo Internship
Sac Nicte Yescas-Smoot is majoring in political science and international studies. During the fall of 2007, Sac Nicte
was an intern with the Luke Garrott for City Council Campaign. As an intern, she became fascinated with the
democratic process and with civic engagement. She considers her internship a cornerstone of her future career and
thanks Luke Garrott and the Hinckley Institute for giving her this opportunity.
e Pete Suazo Internship was established in remembrance of Senator Pete Suazo and honors an outstanding student from
a diverse background.
Mark Hollaar Awarded Wayne Horiuchi Internship
Mark Hollaar is pursuing degrees in political science and business. As an intern with the White House in the
Student Correspondence division of the Office of Presidential Correspondence, his duties included conducting
background checks, answering the White House comment line, and volunteering for White House functions. “It
was the most interesting and rewarding experience I’ve had in my life, and I would highly recommend it to anyone
interested in serving in government.
e Wayne Horiuchi Internship honors an outstanding intern serving in the White House.
Emily Hardy Awarded Frank Moss Internship
Emily Hardy, a graduate of the University of Utah College of Nursing, worked directly under the Directors of Gov-
ernment Affairs at the Caring Institutes National Association of Home Care and Hospice on a campaign to preserve
government funding for Medicare. “I worked very hard and had many successes, but learned that grassroots politics
is really what makes the difference.
e Frank Moss Internship on Caring was established to honor an outstanding intern serving at the Caring Institute.
Erin Perry Awarded Pal-Tech Internship
Erin Perry recently graduated in Middle East studies, Arabic, international studies, and history. Erin completed an
internship with Pal-Tech, Inc., where she worked closely with Dr. Omar Kader conducting extensive foreign policy
research, focusing on the Middle East and the Middle East peace process. “e internship helped solidify my deci-
sion to continue with international studies and pursue a law degree focusing on international law.
e Pal-Tech Internship was established to honor an outstanding intern serving with Pal-Tech.
Johanna Diaz Awarded Calvin Rampton Internship
Johanna Diaz, originally from Honduras, recently graduated with a degree in political science. In the spring of 2007
Johanna interned with Governor Jon Huntsman, researching bills under the Governors Legislative Advisor. “I had
an amazing experience in Governor Jon M. Huntsmans office.
e Governor Calvin Rampton Internship was established to honor an exceptional intern serving in the Utah Governors
Danielle Jaramillo Awarded Robert F. Bennett Internship
Danielle Jaramillo transferred to the University of Utah after completing two years at the United States Air Force
Academy. “Living in D.C. and being able to work at the Senate was one of the best experiences I have ever had and
it allowed me to learn so much about the workings of government and politics.
e Senator Robert F. Bennett Internship honors an outstanding intern serving in Senator Bennett’s Washington, D.C.
Annie-Driana Mailo Awarded Dan Hola Internship
Annie-Driana Mailo graduated in the spring of 2007 after serving a Hinckley Internship with GOP-TV. “My expe-
rience at GOP-TV allowed me to grasp the world of politics through the lens of a mass communication specialist.
My internship was the highlight of my college career.
e Dan Hola Internshio honors an outstanding Pacific Islander intern serving a Washington, D.C. internship.
Becky Webster Awarded Ted Wilson India Internship
Becky Webster recently completed her degree in speech communication and psychology at the University of Utah.
After serving a summer internship at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C., Becky travelled to
India for four months to complete an international internship with Maitri. ere, Becky advocated and admin-
istered HIV-AIDS education, created children education centers, and assisted with the United Nations Office of
Drug Control Southeast Asia Conference on Human Trafficking. Becky now works at the Center for American
Progress as special assistant to the senior vice president for development.
Scholarship Award Winners
Bryson Morgan Awarded Harry S. Truman Scholarship
Bryson Morgan graduated in 2007 with an Honors degree in political science and a minor in economics.
Bryson completed Hinckley Internships at the Utah State Legislature in the spring of 2004 and with the
Campaign Legal Center in D.C. in 2006. Bryson is passionate about campaign finance, redistricting,
and government ethics reform and plans to attend Harvard Law School in 2008. Without the Hinckley
Institute I would never have been chosen as a Truman Scholar.
e Harry S. Truman Scholarship gives $30,000 and preferred graduate-school admission to outstanding
students demonstrating outstanding intellectual and leadership skills and a strong commitment to public
Matt Lyon Awarded Robert H. Hinckley Scholarship
Matt Lyon holds an undergraduate degree in political philosophy from the University of Denver and is currently
seeking a Masters of public administration from the University of Utah. Matt is currently employed as the assistant
to the chief of staff for Salt Lake City. He also has extensive experience in youth political involvement, having served
as the executive director and president of the Young Democrats of Utah. In the distant future, Matt hopes to start a
political consulting and management firm and/or continue working in local and state government.
e Robert H. Hinckley Graduate Scholarship was established in 1983 by Dr. Ben Wood, a long-time friend of Robert H.
Hinckley. e scholarship is awarded to graduate students who seek careers or professional involvement in public service.
Jessica Andrew Awarded Abrelia Clarissa Hinckley Scholarship
Jessica Andrew is a second-year law student at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law. Her interest in
immigration law led her to become involved with the Salt Lake City refugee community, and she currently coordi-
nates a citizenship education initiative to assist refugees preparing to become naturalized U.S. citizens.
e Abrelia C. Hinckley Graduate Scholarship was established by Robert H. Hinckley in honor of his wife. e scholarship
is awarded to graduate students who exhibit commitment to politics and public service.
Jared Kubly Awarded Scott M. Matheson Leadership Scholarship
Jared Kubly is pursuing degrees in international studies and economics. Jared served as an intern to the Utah System
of Higher Education during the 2007 legislative session and studied abroad in Chile where he volunteered with a
local human rights organization.
e Scott M. Matheson Leadership Forum Scholarship is given to students who plan to pursue careers in public
service and demonstrate extraordinary leadership in the tradition of Scott M. Matheson, former governor of Utah.
Jonathan Hayes Awarded Scott M. Matheson Leadership Scholarship
Jonathan Hayes is working towards degrees in psychology and sociology. Jon has held numerous campus
leadership positions, served a Washington, D.C. internship at Dutko Worldwide, and spent a semester
studying in London, England and Swansea, Wales. He plans to study public administration and work
in the non-profit and public sectors.
e Scott M. Matheson Leadership Forum Scholarship is given to students who plan to pursue careers in public
service and demonstrate extraordinary leadership in the tradition of Scott M. Matheson, former governor of Utah.
Shawn Strong Awarded John & Anne Hinckley Scholarship
Shawn is a senior pursuing a B.A. in international studies with minors in Arabic and Middle East Area Stud-
ies. He completed a Hinckley Internship in the spring of 2006 in Washington, D.C. with Pal-Tech. Shawn
will be graduating this summer and plans to pursue a graduate degree in international relations and conflict
e John & Anne Hinckley Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who display excellent academic perfor-
mance and political involvement. e scholarship was established by Anne Hinckley in honor of her husband.
Anastasia Niedrich Awarded 2007 Governor Olene S. Walker
In Governor Olene Walker’s spirit and tradition of service, Anastasia has volunteered for disadvantaged groups
in Utah for years, including the GLBTQ community, the Hispanic and Latino/a communities, children and
the poor. Anastasia served a Hinckley Internship at the Utah State Legislature in 2007 and is currently a Co-
Head Editor of the 2008 Hinckley Journal of Politics. She plans to attend law school in 2008.
e Governor Olene S. Walker Scholarship was established in 2005 to honor Utah’s first female governor and to
encourage female undergraduate students to follow her example of excellent public service.
Rebecca Kerr, Brayan Nava Solorzano, Candelario Saldana, and Juan
Jose Rodriguez Awarded Pete Suazo Leadership Scholarships
Rebecca Kerr will soon graduate with degrees in gerontology and sociology. Her passion is to work with the
senior population, be an example to minority women of any age, and help others realize that it is never too
late to pursue an education.
Brayan Nava Solórzano is currently studying international business. In 2007, he volunteered for an internship
at the Pete Suazo Business Center. “Helping people establish their own businesses truly motivated and inspired
me to believe that you have to give back to the community.
e Senator Pete Suazo Leadership Scholarship was founded in November 2001, shortly after the tragic death of the
late Senator Suazo, to honor the legacy and commitment of the senator.
Brayan SolÓrzano
Rebecca Kerr
Hinckley Forums: Spring 2007
Spring 2007 Forum Hosts
U.S. – Saudi Arabia Relations
Friday Jan. 12, 10:45 a.m.
U.S. – Saudi Arabia Relations
His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al-Faisal Al Saud, Ambassador
to the United States for Saudi Arabia
After Capitol Hill: Utahs Former Members
of Congress Remember eir Service
Wednesday Jan. 17, 10:45 a.m.
Jake Garn, former Senator (UT-R)
Enid Greene, former Congresswoman (UT-R)
Bill Orton, former Congressman (UT-D)
Bryan Schott (moderator) News Director and Host, KCPWs
“Morning Edition
A Partnership Under Strain: Europe and
America Face Todays World Challenges
Monday Jan. 22, 10:45 a.m.
Jeffrey Laurenti, Senior Fellow at e Century Foundation and
Member of the Board of Directors, United Nations Association
of the United States
Heroes of the Holocaust: How One Person
Can Make a Difference
Tuesday Jan. 23, 10:45 a.m.
Dr. Kay Atkinson King, Democratic Senior Policy Advisor
to the House International Relations Committee
Hinckley Institute of Politics Fellow
Why the UK and Europe are Important to
Americans’ Future
Wednesday Jan. 24, 10:45 a.m.
Robert N. Peirce, British Consulate-General at Los Angeles
Hope for the Homeless
Monday Jan. 29, 2:00 p.m.
Pamela J, Atkinson, Community Advocate
Brent Crane, Executive Director, Food and Care Coalition of Provo
Matt Minkevitch, Executive Director of the Road Home of
Salt Lake City
TBA, former Road Home client
Palmer DePaulis, Executive Director, Utah Department of
Community and Culture (moderator)
Globalizing the Declaration of
Tuesday Jan. 30, 9:30 a.m.
David Armitage, Professor of History, Harvard University; author
e Declaration of Independence: A Global History
A Statistical Portrait of Utahs Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Community
Friday Feb. 2, Noon
omas N. Maloney, Department of Economics,e University of Utah
Co-sponsor - e Institute for Public and International Affairs
Foreign Policy of Azerbaijan
Tuesday Feb. 6, 10:45 a.m.
Elin Suleymanov, Consul General for the Republic of Azerbaijan
in Los Angeles
North Korea: Questions and Observations
Wednesday Feb. 7, 8:35 a.m.
Kirk W. Larsen, Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History
and International Affairs; Director, Undergraduate Program in
International Affairs, e Elliott School of International
Affairs, George Washington University
Disability Law and the Political Process
Tuesday Feb. 13, 10:45 a.m.
Virginia Sudbury, Attorney, Disability Law Center
e EU in the Global Economy
Wednesday Feb. 14, 9:40 a.m.
Kyle Galler, General Secretariat of the Council of the European
Union; Distinguished Scholar at the European Union Center of
Excellence, University of Washington
U.S. – Ukraine Relations
ursday Feb. 15, 10:45 a.m.
His Excellency Oleh Shamshur, Ukrainian Ambassador to the
United States
American Grand Strategy After Iraq:
e Case for Offshore Balancing
Friday Feb. 16, 2:00 p.m.
Christopher Layne, Associate Professor of International Affairs at
the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M
University and holder of the George Bush School of Government
and Public Service Faculty Professorship in International Affairs
Women and Muslim Law
Tuesday Feb 20, 12:30 p.m.
Noraida Endut, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University
Sains Malaysia
Robert Stephenson
Julie Engar
U.S. – Slovak Republic Relations
ursday Feb. 22, 10:45 a.m.
His Excellency Rastislav Kacer, Slovak Republic Ambassador to
the United States
e West and e White House: A
Changing Political Landscape for 2008
Friday Feb. 23, 11:00 a.m.
Martin Kasindorf, Reporter for USA TODAY reporting on
national affairs, politics, and legal affairs; former Newsday
Los Angeles bureau chief.
Co-sponsor - ASUU
Legislative Wrap-Up
ursday Mar. 1, Noon
Representative Ralph Becker, House Minority Leader
Speaker Greg Curtis, Speaker of the House
Senator Patricia Jones, Minority Caucus Manager
President John Valentine, President of the Senate
Dan Jones (moderator)
Immigration, Achievement Gaps and the
Mis-Education of Utah Latina/os
Friday Mar. 2, Noon
Enrique Aleman, Department of Educational Leadership and
Policy, e University of Utah
Co-sponsor - e Institute for Public and International Affairs
ASUU Presidential Debate
Monday Mar. 5, 1:00 p.m.
More 4 U Party, FUSE Party, Activate Party & Forward Party
Media and e First Amendment
Tuesday Mar. 6, 12:30 p.m.
George Freeman, e New York Times Assistant General Counsel
Co-sponsor – ASUU and e New York Times
Putins Russia: A View From the Inside
Friday Mar. 9, 10:45 a.m.
Ludmilla Selezneva, Professor of History and Politics,
Humanitarian University of Television and Broadcasting,
Russian State Economic Academy (Moscow)
Meet the Candidates for Salt Lake City Mayor
Wed. Mar. 14, 11:00 a.m.
Keith Christensen and Jenny Wilson
A live “RadioWest” broadcast with Doug Fabrizio
Panama: Social Challenges, Political
Responsibilities, and Economic
ursday Mar. 15, 10:45 a.m.
George Freeman, e New York Times Assistant General Counsel
Co-sponsor – ASUU and e New York Times
Redistricting Reform in Utah: Where Should We
Draw the Line?
Tuesday Mar. 27, 10:45 a.m.
Kirk Jowers, Director, Hinckley Institute of Politics
Representative Roz McGee
Senator Michael Waddoups
Bryan Schott (moderator) News Director and Host, KCPWs
“Morning Edition
e War on Terror and Universal Human Rights
Friday Mar. 30, 2:00 p.m.
Jack Donnelly, Andrew Mellon Professor at the Graduate School of
International Studies, University of Denver
Meet the Candidates for Salt Lake City Mayor
Wed. April 4, 11:00 a.m.
Meghan Holbrook and Nancy Saxton
A live “RadioWest” broadcast with Doug Fabrizio
Liberty Under Law: Empowering Youth,
Assuring Democracy
ursday April 5, 10:45 a.m.
Justice Christine Durham, Chief Justice Utah Supreme Court
Ray Wahl, State Juvenile Court Administrator
Michelle Heward, Weber State University Professor
Kathleen Zietlin, Peer Court Program Director
TBA, Peer Court Youth Mentor
TBA, Peer Court Youth Offender
Prince Turki Al-Faisal Al SaudDr. Dan Jones, President John Valentine, Speaker Greg Curtis,
Rep. Ralph Becker, and Senator Pat Jones
Behind the Lines: Political Cartooning
in Utah
Monday April 9, 1:30 p.m.
Pat Bagley, Cartoonist, e Salt Lake Tribune, Time, e Guardian,
e Wall Street Journal and over 450 newspapers
Cyprus the Divided Island
Tuesday April 10, 10:45 a.m.
Dilek Latif, Senior Lecturer, Near East University, North Cyprus
and Visiting Fulbright Scholar, California State University
Meet the Candidates for Salt Lake City Mayor
Wed. Apr. 11, 11:00 a.m.
Ralph Becker and Dave Buhler
A live “RadioWest” broadcast with Doug Fabrizio
Honoring the Late Congressman
Wayne Owens: Induction into the
Hinckley Hall of Fame
ursday April 12, Noon
Democracy Promotion: An Idea Whose
Time Has Passed?
ursday April 12, 2:00 p.m.
John Owen, IV, Associate Professor of Politics and a Faculty
Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture,
University of Virginia
A Short History of Regime Change as a
Tool of American Foreign Policy
Tuesday April 17, 3:30 p.m.
Ambassador Donald Gregg, Chairman, Korea Society;
Former U.S. Ambassador to Korea
American Grand Strategy After Iraq:
e Case for Offshore Balancing
Wed. April 18, 11:45 a.m.
Christopher Layne, Associate Professor of International
Affairs at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at
Texas A&M University and holder of the George Bush School of
Government and Public Service Faculty Professorship
Immigration: Do Stories and Language Matter?
Fri. April 20, Noon
Mark Alvarez, Director of Salt Lake Citys Minority Affairs
From 2004-2006
Les Roka, Professor of Public Relations, Utah State University
Co-sponsor - e Institute for Public and International Affairs
Russia and the Prospects for Global
Tues. April 24, 1:00 p.m.
Viatcheslav Morozov, Associate Professor, School of International
Relations, St. Petersburg State University, Russia; Visiting Fulbright
Lecturer, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver
e Virginia Tech Tragedy: Asian American Perspectives
Wed. April 25, 2:00 p.m.
Panel discussion on mental health and other Asian American issues
related to the Virginia Tech tragedy with faculty specialists, student
services staffers, and Asian American students at the University of Utah
Co- sponsored by: the University of Utah Office of the Associate Vice
President for Diversity, Ethnic Studies Program Center for Ethnic
Students Affairs, the University Counseling Center, and the Hinckley
Institute of Politics
Meet the Candidates for Salt Lake City Mayor
Wed. May 2, 11:00 a.m.
Robert Comstock, J.P. Hughes, and John Renteria
A live “RadioWest” broadcast with Doug Fabrizio
Ralph Nader Jake Garn, Bill Orton, and Enid Greene
Hinckley Forums: Fall 2007
Fall 2007 Forum Hosts
Whither Kurdish Nationalism?
urs. Sept. 6, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Robert Olson, University of Kentucky
Plenary Presentation for the 2007 Middle East & Central
Asia Conference
e School Voucher Debate
urs. Sept. 6, 2:15 p.m.
Doug Holmes, Parents for Choice in Education
Carol Spackman-Moss, Utah House of Representatives, District 37
Kirk Jowers, (Moderator) Director, Hinckley Institute of Politics
why i blog and why you should blog
Tues. Sept 11, 11:50 a.m.
David Silver, Assistant Professor of Media Studies and the
Director of the Resource Center of Cyberculture Studies,
University of San Francisco; co-director of e September Project
Co-sponsor - e J. Willard Marriott Library and the Tanner
Humanities Center as part of e September Project
Democracy as an Ongoing Project:
reats and Challenges to Democratic
Governance in the U.S.
urs. Sept. 13, 11:50 a.m.
Alexander Keyssar, Matthew W. Stirling, Jr. Professor of History
and Social Policy, Harvard University
Co-sponsor - e J. Willard Marriott Librarys September Project
Presented by the Sam Rich Program in International Politics
U.S. – Korea Relations and
Regional Security
Wed. Sept 19, 9:40 a.m.
Ambassador Donald Gregg, Chairman,
the Korea Society based in New York City;
Ambassador to Korea (1989-1993)
Campaign 2007: Race for
the Salt Lake City Council
District Four
urs. Sept 20, 10:45 a.m.
Luke Garrott vs. Nancy Saxton
Careers in the Foreign
Fri. Sept 21, Noon
Robert Laing, United States State
Department Diplomat in Residence
Founding Father: e
Creation of an Island Nation
Monday Sept. 24, 9:40 a.m.
Sir James Richard Marie Mancham, First President of Seychelles
and author of Paradise Raped
Presented by: Ambassador John Price
e Role of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in
Utah Politics
Tues. Sept 25, 9:10 a.m.
Senator Patricia Jones (D-District 4)
Kirk Jowers, Director, Hinckley Institute of Politics
LaVarr Webb, Publisher, Utah Policy.com
Sherri Wittwer, Executive Director, NAMI
Lara Jones (moderator) News Reporter & Midday
MetroProducer, KCPW
Other panelist TBA
Yvette Gonzalez
Zach Fountain
Dr. Dan Jones, Kirk L. Jowers, and Paul RollyKirk L. Jowers, Rep. Moss, and Richard Eyre
Lee Hamilton
Congressman Jim Matheson
Salt Lake City Mayoral Debate
Tues. Oct. 2, 10:45 a.m.
Ralph Becker vs. David Buhler
Bryan Schott (moderator) News Director and Host,
KCPWs “Morning Edition
Presidents and Prophets: e Story of
Americans Presidents and the LDS Church
Wed. Oct. 3, 10:45 a.m.
Mike Winder, author; Vice President Winder Farms; West Valley
City councilman; member, Utah Board of State History
Transparency and Accountability: New
Challenges in Penal Administration
urs. Oct. 4, 9:10 a.m.
Tom Patterson, Utah Executive Director of Corrections
Co-sponsor – Utah Criminal Justice Center
Scotland: On the Road to Independence?
Mon. Oct. 15, 10:45 a.m.
Brian Adam, MSP for Aberdeen North Government Chief Whip
Presented by the Sam Rich Program in International Politics
After Amendment 3
Tues. Oct. 16, 10:30 a.m.
Jackie Biskupski, Utah House of Representatives
Christine Johnson, Utah House of Representatives
Scott McCoy, Utah Senate
Becky Moss, Utah Stonewall Democrats
Mel Nimer, Utah Log Cabin Republicans
Christopher Scuderi, Transgender Education Advocates
Will Carlson, Equality Utah
Nicholas Russell (moderator) Department of Communication
Taiwan and the U.S.: Allies of Interest in
Security, Prosperity and Democracy
Wed. Oct. 17, 9:40 a.m.
Dr. Joseph Wu, the Representative of Taiwan to the U.S.
Teach for America: Information Session
Wed. Oct. 17, Noon
Rosemary Rodrizuez, Recruitment Director for Teach for America
ree Hot Spots in the Middle East - Iraq,
Lebanon, Palestine: What are the Prospects
for a Stable Outcome?
urs. Oct. 18, 9:10 a.m.
Omar Kader, Owner, Pal-Tech International Consulting Firm
Voting and Elections: A View from the Top
Tues Oct. 23, 10:45 p.m.
Utah Lt. Governor Gary Herbert
Campaign 2007: e Race for Salt Lake
City Council District 6
Tues. Oct. 23, 1:00 p.m.
Roger McConkie vs. J.T. Martin
U.S. – Australia Relations
Fri. Oct. 26, 10:45 a.m.
His Excellency Dennis Richardson, Ambassador to the
United States for Australia
Financing State and Local Governments:
Revenue and Expenditures –Where it
Comes From, Where it Goes?
Tues. Oct. 30, 9:10 a.m.
Lincoln Shurtz, Director of Legislative Affairs, Utah League of
Cities and Towns
e Future of American Foreign Policy
Wed. Oct. 31, 10:45 a.m.
e Honorable Lee Hamilton, President and Director of the Wood-
row Wilson International Center for Scholars; member of the U.S.
House of Representative (1965-1999); Co-Chair with James Baker of
the Iraq Study Group; and Member of the 9/11 Commission
Hinckley Institute of Politics Fellow
Presented by the Sam Rich Program in International Politics
Alumni Spotlights
Carolyn Grow Dailey
Carolyn is a servant-leader scholar, social entrepreneur, humanitarian, wife, mother, and seasoned execu-
tive with 30 years’ experience in management and fundraising. During her 16 years as an executive for
international humanitarian efforts, she has facilitated integrated community development programs,
expeditions, and internships in 12 countries, as well as assisting partnering organizations in several other
During her tenure, hundreds of thousands of impoverished children and families have been blessed
through sustainable projects in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Mexico, Indonesia, India, Tibet, and Vietnam. She has facilitated field experiences for over 5,000 ex-
pedition participants, trained expedition leaders, led expeditions, facilitated hundreds of internships,
and trained hundreds of in-country field personnel including region managers, program coordinators,
facilitators, board members, and advisors.
Carolyns educational background is in political science, mass communication, and international devel-
opment. She is an alumnus of the University of Utah and a National Harry S. Truman Scholar. She gives
credit to her parents, Stewart and Sarah Grow, for being great examples to her of the motto: “Enter to
Learn, Go Forth to Serve.Stewart authored this motto for Brigham Young University, where he men-
tored students for 35 years.
Carolyn remarks that she is grateful to the Hinckley Institute for the experiences she had as a student
from “Coffee and Politicsto serving internships and going through the Truman Scholar process. “I rec-
ognized then what a tremendous resource the Institute was, and I recognize now that it has become an
even more valuable resource for students and coordinating organizations. Our organization, ASCEND,
is pleased to work closely with the Hinckley institute to select and field well-qualified students for our
International Internship Program: sending students overseas to work with our in-country operations,
and offering experiences at our Salt Lake Headquarters office, with an overseas capstone option. I con-
tinue to be grateful for the tremendous relationship we have with the University of Utah, particularly
the Hinckley Institute of Politics!”
Aaron Wiley
In the spring of 2005, Aaron interned through the Hinckley Institute of Politics in Washington, D.C.
with the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM). As an intern, Aaron became the editorial as-
sistant for the bi-monthly newspaper, U.S. Mayor, editing and writing articles, covering congressional
hearings for senior staff members, and attending White House briefings. Wiley also researched and
prepared detailed information for senior staff by compiling database reports assessed by Federal agen-
cies, Web sites, news articles, and established contacts. He was able to work closely with the National
Community Development Association (NCDA) by preparing compiled information for testimony in
the U.S Senate; by reviewing, categorizing, and summarizing states and city allocations funded by the
federal government.
is internship experience inspired Aaron to become more actively engaged in politics. Later that year
he interned with the Daniel C. Snarr for Mayor Campaign where he assisted the campaign manager with
strategies and organization that integrated his knowledge of campaign management gained through the
Hinckley Institutes Campaign Management Minor into the campaign. In the summer of 2006, Wiley
won an election to become an officer in the Utah Hispanic Democratic Caucus (UHDC) and interned
with the Gene Davis for State Senate Campaign as the volunteer coordinator and deputy campaign
manager. Shortly thereafter, Aaron graduated from the University of Utah with a B.S. in political sci-
Currently, Aaron serves on the Barack Obama for President Campaign, holding the positions of Utah
field director and Utah Political director. Wiley unified 11 Utah legislators to endorse Obama, and
with the help of 20 staffers and hundreds of volunteers was able to win the state of Utah, giving Barack
Obama 14 delegates. Aaron credits the Hinckley Institute of Politics for opening doors that
would most
likely have remained closed to
him and many others.
Carolyn Dailey with
Hinckley Institute
Director Kirk L.
Jowers and Intern
Manager Courtney
McBeth in
South America
Hinckley Institute Staff
Kirk L. Jowers – Director
Kirk L. Jowers is the director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics, associate director of the Institute of
Public and International Affairs, and an associate professor at the University of Utah. He also is a part-
ner in the Washington, D.C. law firm Caplin & Drysdale, the chairman of the Commonwealth PAC,
and the director of academic affairs for the Campaign Legal Center. He has provided legal and political
advice to state and national political parties, more than 30 congressional and gubernatorial candidates,
and three presidential campaigns. Mr. Jowers is a graduate of the University of Utah and Harvard Law
School. He is married to Kristen Jowers and has five children: Kaitie, Luke, Jackson, Lucy, and Emma.
Jayne H. Nelson – Assistant Director
Jayne is the assistant director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics where she manages the Hinckley In-
stitute office, the Hinckley Forums program, planning more than 70 Hinckley Forums each year, the
Huntsman Seminar, and the finances of the institute. She has worked at the Hinckley Institute since
Courtney McBeth – Intern Manager
Courtney has been the intern manager of the Hinckley Institute of Politics since 2003 where she man-
ages the international and Washington, D.C. intern programs. Ms. McBeth graduated with a B.A. in
political science and an M.S. in education from the University of Utah, and interned for University of
Utah President Bernie Machen. Ms. McBeth also was a member and captain of the University of Utah
Womens Soccer Team.
Amy Code – Program Manager
Amy began working at the Hinckley Institute as a program manager in February 2007. She is a gradu-
ate of the University of Utah with a degree in political science. While a student, Amy interned at the
Utah State Legislature. She also was chosen as a Karen Shepherd Intern and successfully managed a state
legislature re-election campaign.
Bryson Morgan – Communications Director
Bryson began working at the Hinckley Institute of Politics in May 2004. Bryson received an Honors
degree in political science and a minor in economics from the University of Utah in 2007. He completed
Hinckley Internships at the Utah State Legislature and with the Campaign Legal Center in D.C.
Shawn Strong – Office Assistant
Shawn Strong began working at the Hinckley Institute of Politics in the summer of 2006. Shawn is cur-
rently working towards a degree in international studies with a focus on the Middle East. He completed
a Hinckley Internship in the spring of 2006 in Washington, D.C. with Pal-Tech.
Jonny Spendlove – Office Assistant
Jonny Spendlove began working at the Hinckley Institute of Politics in August 2007. Jonny is working
towards Honors degrees in English and economics. He completed a Hinckley Internship with the Re-
publican Governors Association in the spring of 2007 and plans to begin law school in 2009.
Kate Mecham – Office Assistant
Kate Mecham began working at the Hinckley Institute of Politics in August 2007. She is currently
working towards an undergraduate degree in political science with a certificate in international relations
and minors in French and economics. She completed an internship with the Hinckley Institute in the
summer of 2007 with Policy Impact Communications.
e Hinckley Institute of Politics has opened doors to successful careers in the public and private sectors for more than 4,500 former interns
and scholarship winners. Without your generosity we would not be able to continue providing these opportunities. Your contribution will
support internships, scholarships, forums, the Campaign Management Minor, and the Hinckley Journal of Politics. Donations are tax-deductible.
Yes! I would like to support the Hinckley Institute by donating $___________.
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Give Back to the Hinckley Institute
Tyler K. Allen
Flynn and Alison Andrizzi
Jana C. Baldwin
Haven J. and Bonnie Rae Barlow Foundation
Café Rio
Nathan A. and Danielle W. Caldwell
Cole R. Capener
Mary Anne Davies
Stuart S. Dye
Donald K. and Nichole Adams Dunn
Kurtis R. and Amy E. Frampton
Kem C. and Carolyn B. Gardner
omas and Kortney L. Hinckley
Wayne K. and Cathrine M. Horiuchi
Robert P. and Dixie S. Huefner
Gilbert H. and elma P. Iker
Clark and Christine Ivory Foundation
Fujio and Dora Iwasaki
Jewish Community Endowment Fund
Kirk L. and Kristen M. Jowers
Peter L. and Kristin L. Kraus
Li Ka Shing Foundation
Norma W. Matheson
Scott M. and Robyn K. Matheson
Clifton F. May
Douglas and Lisa Monson
Cynthia L. Naprestek
Lincoln C. Oliphant
Charlotte M. Oswald
Parsons Behle & Latimer
Linda Pawson and Mitchell Murri
Jonathan L. and Barbara Reid
Temple A. and Susan H. Reynolds
Sam G. Rich and Gloria Rich Hendricks
Barbara J. Roberts
e Semnani Foundation
Pierre Prosper and Laura Snow
Nick A. and Carole W. Stokes
Union Pacific Corporation
Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government
Verizon Foundation-Verizon Volunteers
I. J. and Jeanné Wagner Foundation
J. D. and Barbara W. Williams
Ted Wilson
Hinckley Institute of Politics
Orson Spencer Hall
260 South Campus Drive, Room 253
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-9151
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2007 Hinckley Institute Donors