Brainfuse Writing Lab
Welcome to the 24/7 writing lab!
Our overview comments, specific recommendations, and a recommended revisions checklist are
included in our tutor response form below. Additional comments are also found in the body of
your paper in bold or in parentheses below our tutor response form. Feel free to re-submit your
paper for further review after using our comments and suggestions to make the recommended
If you have additional questions, you can direct them to
Thank you for choosing the Brainfuse Writing Lab and best wishes with your revisions!
Persuasive Essay Review
Part 1 Overview
Hello Troy, my name is Ellen R, and I was interested in reading this persuasive essay because it is the topic
of a conversation that people are having across the United States. You have taken a definite position on this
issue but can still strengthen your argument. I have listed the main areas that you should focus on below
and go into more detail on suggested revisions in the sections that follow this one.
Thesis: You list several reasons why guns benefit citizens in your introduction: “protection,
hunting, recreation, and sport.” However, your thesis states that the right of citizens to bear arms
in their residence(emphasis added) should not be taken away. Those activities happen outside of
one’s residence. To revise that thesis, check the second amendment and look at the main idea of
each body paragraph. Based on what you have written so far, come up with a clear and concise
statement that states why this right should not be taken away from U.S. citizens.
Supporting Details: While the supporting details in the first body paragraph are strong, you need
to do more research to strengthen your arguments in the other body paragraphs. Make sure each
statement you make is supported by reliable sources.
Sources: Ask your teacher about the required number of sources. Unless you are writing a review
of one text, students usually need to cite at least three different sources.
Tone: Make sure that the language you use is formal: Exclude superlatives, like “the greatest
country ever,” and conversational phrases like “last but not least.” They make an argument sound
more personal as opposed to sounding objective.
Title: Add a title that captures the main idea.
Brainfuse Writing Lab
Part 2 Introduction/Conclusion
The introduction now includes a variety of disconnected statements and facts about gun control. To revise
the paragraph, introduce the aspect of gun control that you will discuss and state your position on it. You
may also review the major points that you will make to support that position.
Because you are tweaking the thesis statement, you will also need to revise the conclusion. It should restate
your thesis, review the major points that you made, and close with a “call to action” or a thoughtful
comment about the topic.
Part 3 Content Development
Persuasive essays often include counter-arguments just after the introduction or before the conclusion. This
paragraph gives you an opportunity to summarize arguments that an opponent might make against your
position, and then refute them in the body paragraphs that follow it. As an alternative, you may choose to
incorporate a brief summary of the counter-argument in your introduction.
You should also evaluate the logic of the points that you make in the final paragraph. What is the main
idea, and do you add specific details that support it? The argument about the need for stricter regulations
seems to contradict the statement that “[h]aving a firearm in a residence should be essential and a
Part 4 Organization
Each paragraph needs a clear topic sentence, and the details within it need to support that topic sentence.
For example, you start the second paragraph with the history of guns, a topic that does not relate to your
thesis statement, or the details about the environmental benefits of hunting, which you explore in the same
paragraph. Sentences in the paragraph about family activities and shooting as a sport also seem to be mixed
Which specific details belong in the paragraph about family activities?
Which specific details belong in the paragraph about the Olympic sport?
Which details are not specific, supported by fact, or relevant?
These questions will help you strengthen each paragraph.
Adding transitional words and phrases will also help readers follow your ideas. Transitions are needed
between paragraphs and sentences. Here is one writing exercise that helps students focus on using
How can you connect these two sentences from your paper?
Firearms are the most effective tools used today for selfdefense, but they are only useful if they
are available.
Firearms need to be in residences that are certified to have a firearm.
Think about how they are related and look for transitional words or phrases that show this relationship.
Brainfuse Writing Lab
Part 5 Style
Avoid using vague words like “good” or “great,” especially if you cannot explain why the subject is
positive. Take some time to choose more accurate ways to describe subjects. I’m going to revise one
example and then ask you to revise on your own:
Sample Sentence: Good people always think of others first.
Revised Sentence: Altruistic people think about ways to help others before they think about ways to help
Now, how can you revise this sentence?
Sample Sentence: Everyone in the greatest country ever is not all good.
Revised Sentence: When you revise a sentence, you can also break the idea into more than one sentence
there is no limit.
Part 6 Grammar/Punctuation
Comma Usage: Use commas before a conjunction when you join independent clauses together.
Other Punctuation Usage: Your use of the semicolon shows an interest in taking risks with
punctuation, but they are not needed in these cases. To practice using semicolons, you can log on
to Live Help and work with a Brainfuse tutor.
Part 7 Suggested Resources
MLA Formatting
Brainfuse Writing Lab
Part 8 Recommended Revisions Checklist
To make the suggested revisions above, you can follow this checklist. If you would like to review my notes
on any step, you can also check the section of the form that is cited at the end of each entry. I also
encourage you to log on to Live Help to work on any one of these skills with a Brainfuse writing tutor.
Additional Comments in Blue
I have also added specific comments to your paper. You will find them typed in blue below. In many cases,
the word, phrase, or mark that they refer to is also in blue. I also used highlights as cues those marks
show you that this error has already been noted in your paper. You will then be able to find that note and
use it to revise or edit the highlighted text.
Gun Control (Add a title that captures the main idea and see notes above on
formatting titles according to APA standards)
(indent first line by 0.5 inches) After the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Dr.
Martin Luther King (check full name), gun control became a considerable controversy.
There are citizens today who want either less or more gun control legislation. Certain
people today choose to use guns inappropriately and wrong (check part of speech), but
they are also used for protection, hunting, recreation, and sport. The second amendment
protects a fundamental (insert comma) individual right for all Americans. Citizens of
Revise the thesis. (Part 1)
Make sure each body paragraph supports your thesis. (Part
Each body paragraph also needs a topic sentence,
supporting details, and a closing sentence. Make sure to
take the time to explain how each detail supports your point
as well. (Part 4)
Add a counterargument after the introduction or before the
conclusion. (Part 3)
Revise your conclusion. (Part 2)
Add paragraph and sentence transitions. (Part 4)
Replace vague language with accurate words. (Part 5)
Check comma use, semicolon use, and write numbers
greater than ten as digits. (Part 6)
Brainfuse Writing Lab
America have the right to bear arms in their residence (make this noun plural since you
are referring to citizens as a group), and this right should not be taken from them.
(check the amendment in the Bill of Rights and cite the document as part of your
(indent first line by 0.5 inches, and add a topic sentence that relates to the
supporting details below) Guns were invented in the seventeenth century; they were a
great way to protect your family and your country. In recent years one to two million (use
numerals for numbers over ten) handguns were manufactured each year with 1 million
rifles and fewer than one million shotguns (Krouse par 23) (use APA Style for in-text
citations). Wildlife biologists have found that well (-) managed (add hyphens to
compound adjectives that precede nouns) and regulated hunting programs are
beneficial to wildlife and the environment. Wildlife biologists make recommendations to
State Game and Fish officials who set hunting seasons and bag limits to help the
environment. (explain how they help the environment) Approximately seventy seven
percent of the funds used to operate state Fish and Game (add serial comma) and other
wildlife agencies are from the sales of hunting licenses, tags, ammunition, excise taxes
levied on sales of firearms, and the sale of federal duck stamps. In 2003 fish and wildlife
service reported that there were over 14.7 million persons who had paid licenses (Krouse
par 22). More than three billion dollars have been raised from these sources and used to
protect both game and non-game animals. Firearm ownership is clearly beneficial to the
environment (add comma) and a favorable environment is beneficial to everyone. (to
make these clauses parallel, you may also add “clearly” before “beneficial)
(indent first line by 0.5 inches) Firearm recreation is a great (word choice) family
activity to do. Under parental supervision (add comma after introductory phrases)
children can be taught to shoot a gun safely and correctly. Shooting can often be
combined with other enjoyable outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, and
sightseeing. Sharing a hobby like shooting can bring a family closer together; (delete
semicolon and add comma) teach children responsibility, and creating (make sure the
verb “to create” is in the same tense as the others in the series) trust between parents
and children. The Olympics held shooting competitions and greatly supported firearms as
a recreational sport.
(indent first line by 0.5 inches) Shooting clay targets is a sport and Olympic event.
People use their personal firearms every day to have fun. There are many competitions
held all over the United States every month. Families get together and bond with each
other in shooting. Taking away their right to bear arms would ruin the outdoor activity.
(indent first line by 0.5 inches) Guns have been used to protect oneself and the
citizen’s home for decades. (You used the plural form of guns to discuss their history,
so make sure that they refer to peoplenot one individual) The bearer of the gun has
the responsibility to protect himself, his family, and, last but not the least (delete or
revise phrase); (replace semicolon with comma) he has the responsibility to protect the
guns he owns. The guns should never go (word choice) out of the owner’s hand (insert
Brainfuse Writing Lab
comma) meaning no stranger should have his hands on the gun. The owner of the gun
should keep his gun safe and should have it locked in (missing word) safe.
(indent first line by 0.5 inches) People are all different in shape, size, color, and gender.
Everyone in the greatest country ever is not all good (revise phrase). Some people need
better protection and security than others. NCUS (spell out the complete name of an
unfamiliar agency when you first use it) data from 1987 to 1992 indicate that in each of
those years (insert comma) roughly 62,000 victims of violent crime used guns to defend
themselves (Krouse par 18). Everyone deserves to be safe (insert comma) but not
everyone has the physical ability to defend themselves (revise phrase and make sure all
pronouns used with “everyone” are singular). (create new paragraph and indent
first line by 0.5 inches) Firearms are the most effective tools used today for selfdefense,
but they are only useful if they are available. Firearms need to be in residences that are
certified to have a firearm. To purchase a firearm you (essays need to stay in third
person) have to have a background check and be older than twenty one. Having a
background check is great (insert comma before conjunction) but, (delete comma) the
regulations should be more strict and harder to buy a firearm (revise phrase and add a
transitional phrase that connects the former sentence to this one). Having a firearm in
a residence should be essential and a necessity.
Works citied (Change to “References” if following APA format)
If following APA format, refer to the APA Style Guide and edit this citation:
Krouse J. William “Gun legislation in the 109th Congress”. Congressional Research
CRS Reports March 2005