How to Build a Recirculating Stream Table
(Adapted from MRHOLLISTER.COM, 10/9/2017)
A stream table can be used to demonstrate many water-related concepts and principles, including flow rate, velocity,
channel slope, erosion, and deposition. This demonstration can also illustrate stream bank meandering, flood plains, and
stream bank stabilization. Because it is easy to transport, setup, and operate, the stream table can be used for a wide
range of venues where time and space is limited. This design requires a 110/120 Volt power source and 3-4 gallons of
Tool List
Phillips head screwdriver
Knife or box cutter
Hot glue gun
Hot glue
Parts List (Estimated cost $50-$60)
(10 ft) 1/2" OD X 3/8" ID vinyl tubing
(1) 1.5zinc-plated lamp nipple
(2) brass knurled locknuts
(1) Sterilite 60 to 74 QT, clear underbed storage box
(2) 3/8" Hole x 7/8” OD rubber washers
(1) 3/8" barbed tubing - tubing nylon elbow
(1) ½” x ½” barbed ball valve
(1) piece felt or piece of outdoor carpet for bottom of storage box
(2) small zip-ties
((1) 80-120 GPH Submersible pump
(1) 5 GAL plastic bucket for storing sand
(2) 2-Inch spring clamps
(1) small piece nylon window screen or pantyhose to act as screen
over outlet
(1) 50 LB bag play sand
(1) 2-4 GAL container (or equivalent) for pump sump
(1) 12” ruler or straight edge to level sand
(1) plastic spray bottle
Optional Items
Small animal, building, trees, etc. figurines to accentuate
Food coloring
Scoop for adding/removing sand
Extra 5 GAL bucket to store/transport water
Boards or plywood to support/carry stream table w/sand
Step 1: Mark a small dot on a flat surface near a corner of the storage container. Be
careful not to get too close to a corner. The mark should be about 3/8” – ½” from the
bottom of the container.
Step 2: Use a standard Phillips head
screwdriver to melt a small hole through
the container at the mark. Use a lighter to
lighter to heat the tip of the screwdriver so
that it will melt the plastic.
Step 3: Use a pre-heated glue gun to melt and widen the hole so that it is just
large enough to push through the threaded lamp nipple. This should be a tight fit.
Step 4: Use a sharp knife or box cutter to carefully scrape away any
melted plastic to create a smooth, flat surface on both sides of the hole. It is
important that the rubber washer fit snug to the plastic to prevent leaks.
Step 5: Insert the threaded lamp nipple into the hole. Leave
approximately 2/3 of the nipple protruding to the outside of the container.
Step 6: Add rubber washer to the inside and outside part of the
threaded lamp nipple and make sure it fits firmly against the container.
Step 7: Screw on the brass lock nuts and hand-tighten as much as is
possible. Over-tightening the lock nut by using pliers can damage the
Step 8: Using scissors, cut off a 4-5 foot piece of clear vinyl tubing.
Step 9: From the 5-foot section of
clear vinyl tubing, cut off a 3-inch piece of
tubing, and connect the elbow attaching
both pieces as shown.
Step 10: Attach the short end of the
tubing to the threaded lamp nipple as
shown and secure with a zip tie. Make
sure to slide the tubing all the way up the
threads. HINT: Slightly heating the tubing
with a hot hair drier or other means can
help it to expand, making this task a little
Step 11: Cut a small square piece of nylon window screen. Fold the piece
over the inside part of the threaded lamp nipple and secure with a zip tie to
prevent large particles from getting through and clogging the pump.
Step 12: Cut a piece of felt or other
fabric to fit the dimensions of the bottom,
inside of the storage container. Attach to
the bottom of the container with hot glue.
This will create more friction at the bottom
of the container and limit sliding of wet
sand along the bottom.
Step 13: Place and secure the pump to the bottom of the small
Tupperware or water storage container.
Step 14: Connect a piece (cut to fit) of vinyl tubing to extend from the
discharge side of the pump to the top of the storage container. Make sure
that the discharge outlet of the pump is fit for ½” OD tubing.
Step 15: Attach the ball valve to the other end of the vinyl tubing to
regulate flow from the pump.
Step 16: Attach the vinyl tubing to the upstream end of the container
(opposite end of the threaded lamp nipple outlet) using a spring clamp.
Step 17: Place the vinyl tubing extending from the discharge end of the
container (elbow) into the small Tupperware or water storage container and
secure it with a spring clamp.
Step 18: Pour approximately 1” of sand into the
storage container. Using a spray bottle, wet the sand
thoroughly to help it settle. Repeat this process until the
sand covers about ¼ to 1/3 the depth of the container.
Step 19: Tilt the container on one end to create a slight slope. If the
container is begins to buckle in the middle or is too flimsy to move safely,
place the container on a piece of plywood or boards that can be tilted with
Step 20: Fill the small Tupperware or storage container with water and turn on
the pump. You may need to siphon the hose or elevate the water-filled container to
get water flowing. Once the water is flowing, you may need to add water to the
storage container as the larger storage container fills and begins to drain.
Congratulations! You just created your own stream table.
To start, use a ruler or straight edge to
smooth out the sand in the container.
Create a slight slope from the inlet end
to the outlet end of the container. Be
careful not to bury the drain outlet.
Using your finger or ruler edge, cut
about a 3/4” to 1” channel straight
from the inlet to the outlet. Turn on
the pump and (if possible) adjust it to
low flow to allow water to fill the
channel slowly. Increase the flow and
observe how the velocity of water
begins to erode away at the channel
banks causing the stream to meander.
Monitor the system to ensure water is recirculating and that the outlet drain does not become plugged. You
may need to add water to the pump sump (small water container) to keep the pump submerged.
Accentuate the stream table with figurines such as small model buildings, fences, trees, bridges, cars,
animals, and people.
Add a few drops of food coloring to the upper end of the channel. Observe where the water velocity is
fastest and slowest.
1. To begin, ask … “Have you ever flown in an airplane? How did the rivers and streams look from above? Why
aren’t rivers and streams straight?”
2. Would you expect the shape of rivers to stay the same or change over time? Why or why not?
3. Is the depth of a river the same all the way across? Where would you expect to find deeper water?
4. Does the water level in a river fluctuate? How can you tell just by looking?
5. What is a sand bar? Does the water along a sandbar move faster or slower than water along a steep bank?
Suggestion: Add a couple small drops of food coloring to the stream inlet to observe the speed of water and
where it move fastest.
6. How is a sand bar formed?
7. What is erosion?
8. What happens to soil and rock that is eroded in a river?
9. What happens when a large boulder or other object falls into a river? Suggestion: Place a rock in the middle of a
major channel and observe.
10. How can we prevent property loss caused by river flooding, erosion, and river meandering? Suggestion: Support
the sides of a major stream with pieces of felt, rock or other items to observe if erosion is reduced.