Flight Lab Policy and Guidance
The information contained in this publication is critically
important to understanding the flight training process at EKU.
-- Please ensure you read carefully and thoroughly --
Students are responsible for adherence to this document
Table of Contents
Welcome ................................................................................................................................ Page 3
Office Staff and Locations ............................................................................................. Page 3
Where To Go for Help ............................................................................................................ Page 4
Requirements to Begin Flight Training .................................................................................. Page 5
Flight lab registration guidelines ............................................................................................ Page 6
Flight Lab 19 Week Deadline ................................................................................................. Page 9
Financial Aid ......................................................................................................................... Page 10
International Students ......................................................................................................... Page 11
VA Funded Students ............................................................................................................. Page 12
Flight Lab Cost ...................................................................................................................... Page 13
Additional Costs Associated with Flight Labs ....................................................................... Page 15
Prerequisites by Syllabus ..................................................................................................... Page 16
VR Lab Required Training ...................................................................................................... Page 18
Written Exam Procedures .................................................................................................... Page 19
Required Flight Lab Materials Lists ...................................................................................... Page 20
EKU Flight School Attendance Policy ................................................................................... Page 21
Definitions ................................................................................................................... Page 22
Charges for attendance policy infractions .................................................................. Page 22
Flight Training Center Dress Code ........................................................................................ Page 23
Flight Training Standards of Conduct.................................................................................... Page 24
Flight Lab Grading Scale ....................................................................................................... Page 25
EKU Aviation Flight Lab Policy and Guidance Statement of Understanding ....................... Page 26
Websites ............................................................................................................................... Page 27
Welcome to the Aviation Program at Eastern Kentucky University! The EKU Aviation program,
comprised of a staff of experienced aviation professionals, is dedicated to ensuring that you
receive the best aviation education possible.
Office Location
Executive Director-
Aviation Program
Mr. Dennis Sinnett
307 Whalin
(859) 622-1010
Chief Flight
Mr. Sean Howard
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-3995
Assistant Chief /
Mr. Austin
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-4043
Mr. Jerad Eskridge
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-6319
Chief/Safety Mgmt.
System Manager
Mr. Wayne Sherman
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-3908
Flight Operations
Assistant Chief
Mr. Kevin Moberly
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-5911
Aviation Program
Ms. Emily Lay
307 Whalin
(859) 622-1014
Flight Operations
Mr. William
“Satchel” Tatum
Building, KRGA
(859) 622-4045
Flight Operations
Mrs. Susan Smith
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-2542
Flight Operations
Records and
Ms. Jamie Gaddis
Flight Training
Center, KRGA
(859) 622-2503
Where to Go for Help
The Chief Flight Instructor is the instructor of record for all flight training courses, ensuring
compliance with the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) during student training and the
supervision of flight instructors.
The Assistant Chief Flight Instructors are responsible for overseeing your individual flight
progress and working with your flight instructor to ensure that you are making satisfactory
progress through the flight syllabus. The Chief Flight Instructor will work closely with your
assigned instructor in resolving any issues that may be encountered.
Your Flight Instructor is responsible for providing the training, guidance, and mentoring
necessary to achieve the pilot certification you seek and instilling the discipline necessary for
ensuring that you conduct all flight operations to the highest level of safety. Throughout your
flight education experience, you are encouraged to speak with your flight instructor to answer
any questions or resolve any issues you may have. If your flight instructor is not able to assist
you to your satisfaction, you are encouraged to speak with the Chief Flight Instructor to resolve
your question or issue.
The following information is provided to assist you in the event you are unsure of who to see or
where to go to address a question, issue, or concern you may have:
Add/Drop a Flight Lab Course .......................................................................Records and Retention
Flight Safety Concerns, Safety Suggestions ......................... Safety Management System Manager
Flight Account Questions ....................................................................... Flight Operations Assistant
Final Ground Course .....................................................................................Records and Retention
Flight Lab Grade ........................................................................................... Records and Retention
Grounding .................................................................................................... Records and Retention
Flight Instructor Assignment ........................................................................Records and Retention
Flight Instructor Change Request ................................................................ Records and Retention
Checkride Information ...................................................................................................... Scheduler
Registration .................................................................................................. Records and Retention
Requirement to Begin Flight Training
1. Apply and be accepted to the University
a. See https://admissions.eku.edu
2. Register for and attend an Orientation session
Orientation sessions introduces EKU and all it has to offer. It is also an opportunity to meet with
faculty and/or staff from the Aviation program to assist you. Aviation orientation is required for
all first-time attendees of EKU and dates coincide with overall EKU orientations. Please see
https://orientation.eku.edu/ for further information on how to register.
3. Adherence to Height and Weight Limits
Students taller than 6’3” will be assessed during Orientation for comfort level inside the aircraft
and the ability to fully manipulate the controls and ensure visual reference inside and outside
the aircraft. Due to aircraft operational limitations, students weighing more than 275 lbs. may
be denied training. Students actively enrolled in the program, must understand that due to
weight and balance issues, flight training may need to be suspended until weight loss has
occurred. Should any student exceed the weight limits during flight training, suspension of flying
may take place. Otherwise, student understands the expenses that will be incurred, and flight
training may come to a halt due to weight limitations during checkrides and/or spin training
mandated by FAA requirements.
4. Apply for financial aid (if needed)
a. EKU Aviation flight lab fees are charged to your EKU student account and is paid for in the
same manner as tuition, room and board, and other University fees.
b. Additional Financial Aid information can be found at https://finaid.eku.edu/
5. Complete the University’s Housing application (if needed)
a. https://housing.eku.edu
b. Aviation has a Living Learning Community for all Aviation majors called “The Flight Deck. All
first-time freshman are highly recommended to take advantage of this opportunity.
Additional information can be found at https://housing.eku.edu/flight-deck
6. Obtain Documents required to be cleared to fly
a. An unexpired government issued photo ID- (Drivers license is most commonly used)
b. Proof of Citizenship Unexpired US Passport, Original Birth certificate or other document
found on TSA Website
i. Non US Citizens - Apply for Transportation Security Agency (TSA) approval. All
international students must receive permission to participate in flight train from the
TSA. This can take several months. It is important that all international students
diligently work on this multi-step process to prevent delays in training. All EKU flight
training is Category 3. See http://www.flightschoolcandidates.gov
c. FAA Medical- 3rd Class is required
i. Pre-exam questionnaire - https://medxpress.faa.gov/
ii. Schedule exam with Aviation Medical Examiner (AME)-AMEs can be found at:
iii. It is recommended that student receive a 1
class medical for the initial medical
certificate. Most future employers will require a 1
class medical certificate thus we
recommend ensuring that a 1
class medical is attainable by the student prior to start of
any long-term flight training syllabus.
iv. Any medical certificates with limitations that include color blindness and/or night vision
restrictions will not be accepted by the program.
d. Review the EKU Aviation Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy
i. The Program recognizes that students are involved in safety sensitive activities,
including, but not limited to, the operation, maintenance, or servicing of any
aircraft, must be able to do so in a drug and alcohol-free environment.
e. Review the EKU Aviation Standard Operating Procedures
i. These procedures are designed to promote safety and efficiency while
complying with both University and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
f. Review and complete the EKU Aviation Flight Lab Policy and Guidance Acknowledgement
i. EKU Aviation believes strongly in protecting its students, faculty, staff, and the
g. Create a Flight Schedule Pro Account
i. Go to the Flight Schedule Pro Webpage
ii. Click Log in
iii. Click Create Account
iv. Use Company ID 42227
v. Use your EKU Email account and personal cell phone number
vi. Upload an appropriate profile picture
vii. Please include your EKU ID after your last name (ie. Smith 901234567)
viii. Please allow up to 48 hours for the account to be activated
h. Students who hold a private pilot certificate must present the certificate to the Flight
Training Center before receiving approval to register for instrument ground or an
instrument flight lab. You will submit this during an override appointment which will be
discussed during orientation and/or during second week of ground school.
i. All documents should be submitted to aviationdocs@eku.edu prior to the initial flight lab
override appointment (this will be covered in ground class with first year students) with the
appropriate signatures as required. (Any documents requiring a witness should be left blank
and will be filled out during the initial flight lab override appointment)
i. Students must have the following documents prior to flight training:
1. An unexpired government issued photo ID (in color, front and
2. Birth Certificate or Passport (must bring original to receive
override for initial flight lab/Passport must not be expired)
3. Medical (see page 5 (6.c)) No night or color restrictions will be
4. Insurance Aviation Binder (obtained from your insurance carrier,
see page 8 (4.c))
5. EKU Aviation Flight Lab Policy and Guidance Acknowledgment (see
page 26)
6. Private Pilot Certificate, if applicable (in color, front and back)
1. Register for Academic Classes
a. Students will need to register for their academic classes and all co-requisite courses via
myEKU. Students should meet with their academic advisor during published advising times
for recommendation on their next semester’s courses to stay on track for graduation and
qualify for the Restricted ATP. This advisor also issues the RAC (Registration Access Code)
required to obtain access to the registration screen. First time freshman will meet with an
academic advisor during orientation. Students may only register for one flight lab at a time.
b. All aviation academic courses, inclusive of AVN ground school classes and GEO 315, must be
successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better to register for a flight lab and to
continue flight training.
c. As stated in university policy, a student may enroll in the same course for a third time
(second repeat) only under extraordinary circumstances. See applicable university
guidelines for further direction.
d. Students are responsible for ensuring a change of grade form has been completed for each
flight lab. Flight lab grades automatically turn into an “NC” per university guidelines after
one year of registration. Students risk having to re-register for a flight lab, incurring all flight
lab fees and university fees, if the grade change hasn’t been submitted in a timely manner.
Please see records and retention if a change of grade hasn’t been reflected in DegreeWorks.
2. Student eligibility for the flight lab requested is verified by program staff. Eligibility is
determined by the following factors:
a. Student submits all required documents as listed in Requirements to Begin Flight Training
(page 5)
b. At the time of request for registration student's overall GPA is at or above the minimum
required of 2.75.
i. Incoming freshman with no collegiate GPA must have a minimum ACT Math score of 22
or SAT Math score of 540.
ii. Incoming freshman with no collegiate GPA or ACT on record must have a letter grade of
“C” in MAT 107 or must pass MAT 111A/111B/112A/112B before enrolling in AVN 161
or AVN 161A
c. Must be in “Good Academic Standing” within the Department and University and all classes
required by the aviation program must have a grade of “C” or better.
d. Student meets the pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements of the flight course they are
requesting (see page 15).
e. Student falls within the application weight and height guideline as listed on page 5.
3. Register for Flight Labs
a. Students will not be able to register for flight labs until they have satisfied all prerequisites,
registered for all co-requisites, and submitted all required documents (see list of
prerequisites). EKU has a rolling flight lab policy that permits students to enroll on
designated dates throughout the semester. Please note that per VA guidelines VA students
are not eligible to register for flight labs during finals week.
b. Flight lab overrides will be completed during designated Flight Lab Days (see Flight Lab
Override Day schedule https://ekuflightlab.setmore.com/)
c. Once a student has received the override and registered for a lab, they must wait until the
following day to schedule the initial flight event due to insurance activation.
d. Once registered, a student must complete the first flight (flight/simulator) event for the lab
within one week (7 days).
4. Paying for Flight Labs
a. All flight labs have a published course fee that can be found at
https://aviation.eku.edu/aviation-flight-fees. These fees are an estimate of how much each
flight lab will cost based on the minimum number of hours required to complete the lab.
Students may need additional hours to complete a flight lab based on individual
b. All flight labs also have a University Insurance fee. This appears on the students account as
a $260 insurance fee each time they register for a flight lab.
c. Students are also required to purchase personal flight insurance. The directions and link to
purchase the insurance can be found at https://aviation.eku.edu/flight-policies. Minimum
required coverages are as follows:
ii. Single-engine: $153.00/yr
iii. Multi-engine: $225.00/yr
Note: The insurance company will send a copy of the binder letter to the aviation office but there is
a delay. For faster flight clearance for first time fliers, please forward the email with the binder
letter attached to AviationDocs@eku.edu. For all other students, please forward your binder to your
flight instructor where they will upload.
d. If a student’s flight fee account falls below $250.00 a financial hold will prevent any flight
event from being scheduled. To have the hold lifted, additional flight fees can be requested
https://aviation.eku.edu/flight-fee-request-form Please allow a 24 to 48 hour turnaround
for funds to be added.
Flight Lab 19 Week Deadline
Students must complete each flight lab within 19 weeks (133 days) from the date of the first event
(flight/simulator) conducted in support of flight lab.
If the student has not successfully completed the lab within the established 19 week timeline
and the assigned instructor determines that additional time is warranted, a grade of IP may be
assigned under the following conditions:
o Documented extenuating circumstances:
Student family event (i.e. death in family, serious illness, etc.)
Significant weather event resulting in extended period of weather cancelation of
flight events
Other circumstances as determined by the Pilot Review Board
If the student fails to complete the flight lab within the 19 week timeline and there are no
extenuating circumstances, then the student will receive one of the following grades:
o "U" unsatisfactory/failure - issued at the end of the period for students who attempted
to complete the course but was not successful. Student is required to discuss with Pilot
Review Board to determine whether they are eligible to re-register for the lab
o "NC" no credit - issued at the end of the period for students who did not make a good
faith attempt to complete the course. Student is required to discuss with Pilot Review
Board to determine whether they are eligible to re-register for the lab
Students that anticipate their training will exceed the 19 week deadline due to supported/documented
mitigating circumstances may submit a “Request for an Extension” to the 19 week deadline. Students
considering submitting an extension request should do so well in advance of the deadline. Students
should know that extensions will only be approved under exceptional circumstances.
It is the student’s responsibility to track and monitor their progress through the syllabus and to ensure
completion of the flight lab, inclusive of the FAA check ride where applicable, within the 19 week
Financial Aid
Please visit the EKU Office of Student Financial Assistance information page (https://finaid.eku.edu) for
specific information regarding available student financial assistance. It is recommended that all students
apply for necessary financial aid as soon as possible to ensure eligibility for flight labs.
A request for increased cost of attendance is assessed by the Financial Aid Office when a student has
registered for a flight lab and the fees have been charged to their student billing account. No action is
required from the Aviation program or staff.
Any further questions regarding financial assistance should be directed to the EKU Office of Student
Financial Assistance:
EKU Office of Student Financial Assistance
521 Lancaster Ave.
Charles Douglas Whitlock Bldg. CPO 59, Room 251
Richmond, Ky 40475
Phone: (859) 622-2361
Fax: (859) 622-2019
International Students
International students (non-U.S. citizens) must have Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
approval to register for and begin flight training in the private, instrument, and multi-engine ground
courses and flight labs.
If you are not a U.S. citizen, the process to receive approval from the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) can take up to several months. It is recommended that students apply for Alien
Flight Student Program (AFSP) approval at least six weeks prior to the start of the requested lab
semester. Candidates must complete all steps outlined on the TSA's website:
All EKU flight training is categorized as Category 3. After application, approval from the TSA will be
received by the EKU flight training AFSP representative. Please note that the application for approval
does not allow a non-U.S. student to begin flight training. Only a "Permission to Initiate Training"
notification to the flight school will allow training to start.
Non-U.S. citizens are required to receive their "Permission to Initiate Training" prior to applying for their
lab for the semester. Non-U.S. citizens are encouraged to contact the Office of International Student and
Scholar Services at 859-622-1478 or international@eku.edu
NOTE: A non-U.S. citizen does not need to wait until a previous certificate is complete in order to apply
for the next required AFSP approval.
Aviation English Language Standard (AELS): As required by the FAA, to be eligible for an FAA certificate,
all applicants must be able to read, speak, write and understand the English language. As directed by the
FAA Advisory Circular, 60-28B, all students are required to demonstrate AELS competency prior to the
start of any flight lab.
For more information contact the Office of International Student and Scholar Services 859-622-1478 or
VA-Funded Students
All students who plan to utilize Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) funding for flight lab fees are
required to obtain and submit a Certificate of Eligibility, issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs, to
the EKU Office of Military and Veterans Affairs (OMVA). It is highly recommended that all VA student
visit EKU OMVA prior to registering for any academic classes or aviation flight labs.
VA students must sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for each flight lab. The MOU outlines
specific requirements for participation in flight training as directed by the Veterans Administration.
The VA will only pay for flight hours as outlined in each syllabus. As per VA policy, the VA will not pay for
additional flight hours above those listed in the syllabus. It will be the student's responsibility to pay, via
private funding, for any flight hours necessary that exceed those in the syllabus. As each student
progresses at a different pace, there is no guarantee that a student will finish a given lab within the
prescribed hours of the syllabus.
All students are required to complete a flight event (flight, ground, simulator) every seven days.
NOTE: There are specific costs associated with flight labs that VA funds do not cover including:
Required flight lab materials: please reference lists provided on page 18.
FAA required written exams: approximately $175 each attempt, paid to the FAA testing
FAA required practical test examiner fee(s): approximately $800 - $1200, depending on
rating, paid directly to an FAA approved Designated Pilot Examiner, not associated with EKU.
Cost of aircraft rental fee for practical test: cost depends on the type of aircraft required and
amount of flight time is required to complete the check ride.
Flight Lab Costs
The average flight hours for each course are indicated below. Completion of student training is based
upon the individual student's progress. It is the student’s responsibility to pay for any additional flight
hours that exceed those listed in the syllabus as estimated on the Flight Fees sheet. As each student
progresses at a different pace, there is no guarantee that a student will finish a given lab within the
prescribed hours of the syllabus.
In order to maintain consistent progress, one of the requirements for students to be admitted to and
remain in each flight lab course is to maintain necessary funds in their flight account to finish the lab and
attain the rating for which that flight lab prepares them. The fees listed below are based on the ‘average
student’ making steady progress through the syllabus. These fees will be assessed when the student
registers for each of the flight labs. In the event a student’s progress requires additional flight hours, it is
the student’s responsibility to ensure they have the required funds available in their flight fee account to
proceed with training. If a student’s flight fee account falls below $250.00 a financial hold will prevent
any flight event from being scheduled - additional flight fees can be requested
https://aviation.eku.edu/flight-fee-request-form. In the event that a student completes the necessary
training with a positive balance, any remaining funds would be refunded to the student. It is the
students responsibly to ensure the Retention & Records Coordinator initiates the request to Student
Accounting for the remaining funds to be refunded to their EKU student billing account. The exception
to the previous statement are the VA students. Any monies that are left from the current flight course
will be returned to the VA when the flight course has been completed.
The minimum amounts that must be deposited into a student's flight account for each of the flight labs
are as follows (effective for Fall 2022 semester):
Course Item
AVN 161
Private Pilot-SEL Ground
AVN 161A
Private Pilot-SEL I
20 Flight Hrs
AVN 162A
Private Pilot-SEL II
1 Sim Hrs/25 Flight Hrs
AVN 220
Instrument Pilot-SEL Ground
5 Sim Hrs/Curriculum
AVN 221A
Instrument Pilot-SEL Flight I
5 Sim Hrs/13 Flight Hrs
AVN 222A
Instrument Pilot-SEL Flight II
5 Sim Hrs/24 Flight Hrs
AVN 300
Commercial Pilot-Ground
AVN 301A
Commercial Pilot-SEL Flight I
32 Flight Hrs
AVN 302A
Commercial Pilot-SEL Flight II
25 Flight Hrs
AVN 303A
Commercial Pilot-SEL Flight III
28 Flight Hrs
AVN 304A
Commercial Pilot-SEL Flight IV
39 Flight Hrs
AVN 305
Multi-Engine Ground
6 Sim Hrs/Curriculum
AVN 305A
Commercial Pilot Multi-Engine
25 Flight Hrs
AVN 415
Certified Flight Instructor Ground
AVN 415A
Certified Flight Instructor
5 Sim Hrs/15 Flight Hrs
Optional Instructor Ratings
AVN 421
Instrument Instructor Ground
AVN 421A
Instrument Instructor
10 Sim Hrs/10 Flight Hrs
AVN 423A
Multi Engine Instructor
10 Sim Hrs/10 Flight Hrs
The flights fees are what the EKU Financial Aid Office will use to determine financial aid
amounts for flight lab courses (see page 13).
Students using VA benefits for flight training costs will work directly with EKU’s Office of
Military and Veterans Affairs (OMVA) to determine eligibility and funding.
VA students must return all unused funds for each specific flight lab. Funds cannot be
applied to other flight labs.
Any hours incurred above these hours will be the financial responsibility of the VA-funded
In addition to the flight fees, all flight labs that end in A” are charged a $260.00 insurance
Additional Costs Associated with Flight Labs
When a student enrolls in any university class, there are additional costs associated with the class for
books and supplies. Similarly, each flight lab course will require materials necessary to complete training
in addition to flight costs (headset, aviation charts, books, etc.). Please reference the Required Flight
Lab Materials for each flight lab course on page 18. Each student will be required to have the listed
items for each flight lab by the end of the first week of class. Most materials may be purchased
anywhere the student wishes. The flight kit MUST be purchased at KRGA. Some of these materials are
separate purchases from the flight lab fees and MAY NOT be purchased through the student's flight
Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, and CFII all have FAA written exams associated with them. You can
find more information about the procedures in the written exam section. These exams have a cost of
$175.00 at any FAA Testing Center https://faa.psiexams.com/faa/login.
In addition, students will pay an average of $800-$1200 for examiner fees for each FAA check-ride. EKU
does not set these fees. The fees are for independent examiners, and are not payable through the
student's flight account, but must be paid out of pocket by the student at the time of the event. FAA
Examiner fees are normally paid in cash by the student, directly to the Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE).
Please plan accordingly to have payment at the time of check ride to pay these required fees. Some
DPE’s require ½ payments to secure a checkride date.
To provide the Professional Flight concentration, EKU must secure aircraft and associated assets to meet
student enrollment. If a student drops a flight lab any unused flight fees are refunded based on the 16
week flight lab schedule below from the registration date:
Last day to DROP a flight lab
Last day for 100% refund (9 days from the date of registration).
Last day for 75% refund (17 days from the date of registration).
Last day for 50% refund (25 days from the date of registration).
Last day for 25% refund (33 days from the date of registration).
If a student does not complete a flight event in 16 weeks any unused flight fees are forfeited and the
student’s flight fee account shall be zeroed.
Prerequisite by Syllabus
AVN 161: Private Pilot: Ground Part 61
Option I: ACT Math of 22 or higher or SAT Math of 540 or higher AND high school GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Department approval.
Option II: Completion of MAT 112 with a grade of “C” or better AND overall GPA of 2.75 or higher.
Department approval.
Option III: Transfer students must have received credit for MAT 112 or higher with a grade of “C” and an
overall GPA of 2.75 or higher or ACT Math of 22 or higher. Department approval.
Option IV: VA students with transfer or military credit should contact the Aviation Program Specialist for
advising. Department approval.
AVN 161A: enrolled in or have completed AVN 161. Completed 8 VR lab hours. Department approval.
AVN 162A: completed AVN 161A, completion of FAA Knowledge Exam (Private) and Overall GPA of 2.75
or higher. Department approval.
AVN 220: Instrument Pilot Ground
Option I: AVN 161 with a minimum grade of “C” and AVN 161A, completion of FAA knowledge Exam
(Private) and overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
Option II: Incoming students that have earned FAA Private Pilot certificate. Department approval.
AVN 221A: Completion of Private Pilot’s Certificate, enrolled in or have completed AVN 220 and overall
GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 222A: AVN 221A, completion of FAA Knowledge Exam (Instrument) and overall GPA of 2.75 or
higher. Department approval.
AVN 300: Commercial Pilot Ground: Completion of AVN 220 with a minimum grade of “C” and AVN
221A, FAA Knowledge Exam (Instrument) and an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 301A: Completion of Instrument Pilots Certificate, enrolled in or have completed AVN 300, and an
overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 302A: AVN 301A and an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 303A: AVN 302A, completion of FAA Knowledge Exam (Commercial) and an overall GPA of 2.75 or
higher. Department approval.
AVN 304A: AVN 303A and an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 305: Multi-engine Ground: Completion of 302A, FAA Knowledge exam (Commercial) and an overall
GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 305A Completion of Commercial Pilots Certificate, enrolled in or have completed AVN 305.
Department approval.
Certified Flight Instructor:
AVN 415: Instructor Pilot-Ground: Completion of 302A, FAA Knowledge exam (Commercial) and an
overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Department approval.
AVN 415A - Completion of Commercial Pilots Certificate, enrolled in or have completed AVN 415, and
Department approval.
AVN 421 Instrument and Multi-engine Instructor Pilot: Department approval.
AVN 421A Instrument Instructor: Department approval.
AVN 423A Multi-engine Instructor: Department approval.
NOTE: According to university policy, students may attempt ground school completion for a “C” or
above two times. Enrollment in the same course for a third time (second or subsequent repeat) will be
permitted only under extraordinary circumstances. See applicable university guidelines for further
Students are required to maintain a cumulative overall GPA of 2.75 after completion of each semester. If
a student’s cumulative overall GPA is 2.74 or below after the completion of a semester, the student may
complete their current flight lab if flight training has commenced prior to last day of the semester. They
will not be able to register for the next flight lab until they have raised their overall GPA to a 2.75 or
higher. Students who are assigned a grade below a “C” in ANY aviation courses or GEO 315, may
complete their current flight lab if flight training has commenced prior to the last day of the semester.
They will not be able to register for the next flight lab until they have re-registered and receive a “C” or
better at mid-term.
VR Lab Required Training PRIOR to registration of AVN 161A
Student Name: Ground Instructor:
AVN 161 Private Pilot Ground
VR Lab/Gleim Flight Training Checklist
Prior to beginning flight training with your instructor, you will be required to complete 8 training lessons in the
Virtual Reality Flight Lab using the Gleim Private Pilot training software. These introductory lessons will familiarize
you with the aircraft instruments and flight controls, flight maneuvers and procedures, and the fundamental
knowledge of flying. This training is intended to build a foundation of skills and knowledge before entering the
airplane with your instructor.
1. Sign into the VR Lab using the QR Code at the front of the lab during the normal operating hours. The VR
Lab will have the operational hours posted on the entrance doors.
2. Sign into your Gleim account by double-clicking the “Gleim XFTC” icon on the desktop. Your username is
your student email and your password is 123.
3. Begin the specified lessons in the table below in order. Each lesson is associated with a series of short
videos that must be watched before beginning the flight lessons. These videos have critical information
for the flight lessons and skipping them will hinder your training. Its is highly recommended that you
bring a pair of wired or Bluetooth headphones. Notify a VR Lab worker if you need assistance setting up
After watching the accompanying videos, begin the flight lesson by clicking the orange “Start Lesson”
button at the bottom of the window. Fill in the checklist below as you progress through your training.
4. Once you have completed all lessons, sign and date the bottom of this page. Present this sheet to a VR
Lab worker for them to begin the verification process of your training. Once they have verified your
training and signed this sheet, turn this checklist in at your lab override into the 161A flight lab.
Gleim Lesson Checklist
Completion Date
1. Introduction to Flight
2. Four Fundamentals of Flight
3. Basic Instrument Maneuvers
4. Slow Flight and Stalls
5. Emergency Operations
6. Performance Maneuvers
7. Review
8. Go-Around and Forward Slip to a Landing
Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________
VR Lab Worker Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________
Written Exam Procedures
1. Complete three practice tests for the specific exam you desire to take with a score of 90% or
above. An instructor may request these exams be in-person at their discretion. These can be
completed on Sporty’s Study Buddy, Shephard Air, or Jeppesen training.
2. Any student enrolled in a ground class should present your practice test scores to your GROUND
INSTRUCTOR for endorsement to take the test. Any student not enrolled in a ground class
should present your practice scores to the Chief or an Assistant Chief for endorsement to take
the test. Flight instructors are not responsible for endorsements.
3. FAA Airman Knowledge Testing is available for online scheduling -
a. If you are a new user, and want to start scheduling your exam, click Create an
Account (In order to create an account, you will need your FAA Tracking Number).
Otherwise, click Sign In.
b. You may need to verify your IACRA information -
c. You will select your testing site when you register for the exam
i. will be able to view available time blocks for each testing site
ii. payment is due upon registration
iii. submit/email the results to [email protected], pass or fail
iv. student should keep the original for their records
Kentucky PSI CATS Testing Sites
Eastern Kentucky University
Whitlock Building 340
Richmond, KY 40475
Site Code: ABS40401
Phone: (859) 622-1281
Fax: (859) 622-8830
Kentucky Airmotive, Inc.
709 Airport Road
Mount Sterling, KY 40353
Site Code: LAS40302
Phone: (859) 498-1000
Fax: (859) 498-2969
Email: lhill1967@hotmail.com
Louisville Aviation
2700 Gast Blvd
Louisville, KY 40205
Phone: (502)-905-8747
Site Code: ABS40204
Fax: (888) 567-0880
Website: www.louisvilleaviation.com
NexGen Aviation LLC
4144 Aviator Road
Lexington, KY 40510
Site Code: LAS40502
Phone: (859) 281-1177
Fax: (859) 721-1403
Email: kelligillispie03@gmail.com
Somerset Community College - KCTCS
800 Monticello Street
Somerset, KY 42501
Site Code: LAS42503
Phone: (606) 451-6850
Fax: (606) 451-6941
Email: matt.rodriguez@kctcs.edu
Required Flight Lab Materials
All Students:
(included in Cessna Private Pilot Training Course kit)
View-Limiting Device
E6-B Flight Computer
(included in Cessna Private Pilot Training Course kit)
EKU Flight Kit (E/EKU Aviation bag, fuel stick, GATS jar, sic-sac, checklists, EKU
Aviation lanyard)
Private Students:
Jeppesen Private Pilot Training Course Kit
Included in AVN 161 fee and given to students on first day of class
Current Sectional Aeronautical Chart St Louis or Cincinnati, as required
VFR Plotter (Included in Jeppesen Private Pilot Training Course kit)
CFII Students:
Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Pilot Training Course Kit
Included in AVN 220 fee and given to students on first day of class
Current IFR Enroute Low Altitude Charts As Required (or
ForeFlight/Garmin subscription)
Current Terminal Procedures (Approach Plates) As Required
IPad or tablet (Ensure apparatus is compatible with ForeFlight)
Commercial Students:
Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Pilot Training Course Kit
Current Sectional Aeronautical Charts, as appropriate
Current IFR Enroute Low Altitude Charts, as appropriate
Current Terminal Procedures (Approach Plates), as appropriate
CFI Students:
See course outline for required texts and materials
Multiengine & MEI Students:
Jeppesen Guided Flight Discovery Multi Engine book
PA-44-180 (Piper Seminole) Information Manual
EKU Piper Seminole Checklist and Standardization Manual
Current Sectional Aeronautical Charts, as appropriate
Current IFR Enroute Low Altitude Charts, as appropriate
(Multi-engine Students Only)
Current Terminal Procedures (Approach Plates), as appropriate
engine Students Only)
EKU Flight Lab Attendance Policy
This policy applies to all students receiving flight instruction at EKU
The Aviation program at EKU requires that a student must be "in good standing within the department"
and make "consistent and satisfactory progress in flight training." To remain in good standing, a student
must maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher, have an appropriate current FAA medical, and maintain
enough funds in their flight account to complete the flight course. Consistent and satisfactory progress
in flight training is defined as meeting the lab attendance policy as defined below, being prepared for,
and attending all ground or flight training sessions, as well as adhering to all FAA and EKU rules, policies,
and procedures.
Block schedules will begin as early as 0700 and all students are expected to fly as availability dictates for
both instructors and aircraft.
The attendance policy below sets reasonable limits to afford the student the best opportunity to finish
the Professional Pilot program in the allotted time. It is understood that occasionally there will be
unforeseen circumstances that hinder progress. Interruptions in training will be handled in a fair and
equitable manner. The success of the Professional Pilot program depends upon the combined efforts
and dedication of both the students and flight program personnel.
All controllable cancellations by students must be authorized by the Flight Operations Manager.
Controllable cancellations by instructors must be approved by the Chief, an Assistant Chief, or the
Operations Manager. Students may be charged a no-show fee outlined in paragraph 5 of this section for
controllable cancellations at the discretion of the Operations Manager or the Chief/Assistant Chiefs.
More than 3 controllable cancellations within a flight lab may also result in said student or instructor
losing the flight block. Controllable cancellations are cancellations that could be prevented by the
student or instructor making their flight block a priority. Examples of controllable cancellations include;
work conflicts, out of town, other appointments, vacation, lack of funds in flight account,
student/instructor not available, unprepared, not checking EKU email/FSP for scheduled flights, etc.
Student still may incur a charge.
Once a flight or ground session is scheduled with an instructor, it falls under the attendance policy
indicated below:
The email generated by Flight Schedule Pro is considered official notification that a flight event is
scheduled. The instructor is NOT required to make additional efforts to contact the student via phone
or text. It is extremely important that all EKU Pro-Flight students ensure they provide a correct EKU
email address and receive all email correspondence generated by Flight Schedule Pro.
After a second recorded absence, a Professional Flight Student will be counseled by the Chief Pilot or
appropriate Assistant Chief. After a third recorded absence, the student will be awarded an NC” for the
flight lab. All flight fees are then forfeited. Absence definition are as follows:
No Show: A student does not show up for a scheduled meeting with their flight instructor. An absence
will be recorded.
Unprepared Absence: A student arrives unprepared for the flight or ground session that is scheduled to
be conducted (i.e., if a flight plan is not complete by the scheduled flight time, or if assigned homework
has not been completed). An absence will be recorded. An Unprepared Absence will also be recorded if
the student is late for the scheduled time of instruction and or flight time unless there is a valid reason.
All students should report to the FTC a minimum of 20 minutes PRIOR to their block time (or as decided
with their flight instructor).
Late cancellation: A student does not notify their instructor of a necessary cancellation at least 12 hours
prior to the scheduled flight or ground session. In this case, the student will have an absence recorded.
Cancellation due to illness: A student MUST visit a medical professional and obtain a written statement
and submit this to the Records and Retention or Scheduler for an absence to be waived for medical
NOTE: The Chief Flight Instructor may waive an absence charge that has been issues if it’s determined
the students absence was due to extenuating circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances
may include but are not limited to death in the family, illness requiring professional medical assistance,
etc. Students requesting a waiver of the charge should email the request to the Chief Flight Instructor
from an official EKU email account.
Students will be charged the fees indicated below associated with absences/cancellations:
First no show / unprepared absence / late cancellation/illness (without doctor’s excuse): the student
will be issued an absence and a $50 charge will be assessed.
Second and third instances: the student will be charged for the time the aircraft was scheduled to fly
including dual instruction fees as appropriate (if a solo flight, the instructor fee will be $40.00).
Any combination of three or more absences will result in a student losing his/her flight lab assignment
and receiving a grade of "NC." This will require re-enrollment in the lab in a later semester. If a student
anticipates that they will exceed three absences/cancellations, that student needs to notify the Chief
Instructor as soon as possible to discuss withdrawal from the lab in lieu of receiving a grade of "NC. If
the student has surpassed the last day to drop a flight lab schedule, all fees are forfeited. If the student
receives a grade of an NC due to lack of completion of the flight lab both for absences or the lack of
flying, all fees are forfeited.
Flight Training Center Dress Code & Personal Hygiene
The manner in which students dress for flight training influences behavior in learning. Students are
expected to arrive at the FTC dressed in a manner that reflects pilot professionalism.
Students must adhere to the following to complete flight training at the Flight Training Center:
1. Wear business casual pants (slacks or shorts) Shorts that are shorter than the fingertips when
your arms are straight down, are unacceptable
2. Wear button-up, collared shirt or dress shirt (short or long sleeve) No strapless/spaghetti
straps/sleeveless and mid-riff must be covered
3. Wear closed toed shoes
4. Maintain personal cleanliness
5. Neat and groomed hair, sideburns, moustache and beards (no extreme artificial colors)
6. No facial piercings (may utilize piercing retainers)
7. No heavily scented perfumes, colognes and lotions
Violations of Dress Code:
Student attire that does not meet this standard is not to be worn. Violation of dress standards may
result in a warning and/or the scheduled flight marked as an Unprepared Absence
First Offense = Written warning
Second Offense = Scheduled flight marked as Unprepared Absence and the student will be assessed
a $50 charge
Third Offense = Scheduled flight marked as Unprepared Absence and the student will be charged for
the time the aircraft was scheduled to fly including dual instruction fees as appropriate
Examples of Violations:
Oversized, sagged or baggy pants
Open toed shoes such as sandals or flip flops
Athletic, gym, or pajama bottoms
Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, or weapons (including guns, brass knuckles,
No holes or frays in any attire
Flight Training Standards of Conduct
No fraternization between students and instructors
All ground activities must be held either in the Flight Training Center Admin or Operations
building or on campus during normal business hours. Otherwise, Zoom/Facetime/Teams/Google
Meet should be utilized
Dress code and personal hygiene must be adhered to
All students should arrive 30 minutes prior to their scheduled block unless approved by their
Pay attention to flight funds. If below $250 must request additional funds and must allow up to
48 hours for processing
Flight Lab Grading Scale
Grades awarded for flight labs will either be an "S" if the student completes the lab, an “IP if the
student is in progress of completing a lab, an "NC" if the student has not completed the lab, or a “U” if
the student fails the lab.
A student will receive a grade of “S” for the following:
1. Successful completion of a flight lab, including any check rides
A student will receive a grade of “IP” for the following:
1. Incompletion of flight lab at the end of a semester prior to a 19 Week Deadline
A student will receive a grade of "NC" for the following:
1. Failure to complete a flight lab despite a good faith attempt to complete the flight lab
A student will receive a grade of "U" for the following:
1. Exceeding any combination of three absences, no-shows, cancellations, or dress code violations.
2. Failure to complete a flight lab within the 19 Week Deadline
Students are required to maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher after completion of each semester. If
a student’s overall GPA is 2.74 or below after the completion of a semester, the student may complete
their current flight lab only if flight training has commenced prior to last day of the semester. They will
not be able to register for the next flight lab until they have raised their overall GPA to a 2.75 or higher.
Note: Weather, instructor and asset availability will be considered. Flight Schedule Pro will be used to
verify event cancelations due to these reasons.
If, prior to completing each stage check specified in the Training Course Outline, a student exceeds 125%
of the planned curriculum hours, they will be referred to the Chief Instructor or appropriate Assistant
Chief Instructor for a meeting to determine how to resolve their difficulties in training. After that
meeting, if the student exceeds 150% of the planned curriculum hours before completing the relevant
stage check, the student will be terminated from flight training and receive a "NC" for the course in
which they are enrolled. An appeal may be made to the Aviation Program Pilot Review Board for
*If a student receives a grade of "U" for two attempts of the same flight lab, suspension or termination
from the flight program will result.
EKU Aviation Flight Lab Policy and
Guidance Statement of Understanding
Initial and sign below:
___ have reviewed and understand the Requirement to Begin Flight Training
___ have reviewed and understand the EKU Aviation Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
___ have reviewed and understand the EKU Aviation Standard Operating Procedures
___ have reviewed and understand the Flight Lab 19 Week Deadline
___ have reviewed and understand the Flight Lab Costs
___ have reviewed and understand the Extra Cost Associated with Flight Labs
___ have reviewed and understand the EKU Flight School Attendance Policy
___ I have reviewed and understand the Flight Training Dress Code and Personal Hygiene
___ I have reviewed and understand the Flight Lab Grading Scale
___ I have reviewed and understand the EKU Aviation Flight Lab Policy and Guidance in its
In consideration of the opportunity to participate in the Aviation Program and with full
knowledge of the risks involved in the flight program, I hereby knowingly, freely and
voluntarily waive any right or cause of action of any kind whatsoever as a result of such
activity from which liability could accrue to Eastern Kentucky University or its agents
Student Name (print): _____________________________ Student ID: _________________
Student Signature: Date: _
Witness (EKU Representative only) Signature: Date: _
Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Locator
Flight Safety
Flight Fees
Flight Lab Override Appointment Requests
Flight Fee Request
Flight Scheduling
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA
Integrated Airman Certification & Rating
MedXpress - Medical Pre-exam Questionnaire
TSA (International Students)
Written Exam Testing Centers