What do U.S. life insurers invest in?
by Robert McMenamin, senior research analyst, Anna Paulson, vice president and director of nancial research, Thanases Plestis,
associate economist, and Richard Rosen, senior nancial economist
Researchers at the Chicago Fed Insurance Initiative are analyzing the role that the insurance
industry plays in financial markets and the economy as a whole. This article presents an
overview of life insurers financial asset holdings, the industries they invest in, and how the
value of their investments would change if there was a large negative shock to asset values.
Chicag o Fed Letter
U.S. life insurance companies own more
than $5.5 trillion dollars in real and -
nancial assets and provide funding to
other sectors of the economy through
their investment activities. For example,
life insurers own 6.0% of all outstanding
credit market instruments in the U.S.
Life insurers invest premiums that they
receive from customers. They generally
choose assets with features that are aligned
with the characteristics of the insurance
products that they sell. For example,
proceeds from a long-term insurance
product would be invested in a long-
duration asset. This means that the risks
from insurance liabilities will generally
be balanced by the risks insurers assume
through their investment activities.
At a fundamental level, life insurance
companies sell products to satisfy two
types of long-term demand. Some cus-
tomers want protection from adverse
nancial consequences resulting from
loss of life (life insurance) or from the
exhaustion of nancial resources over
time (annuities). Other customers seek
to earn a return on their premiums that
can be withdrawn in the future (annuities
meet this demand). Because customers
often make claims on and withdrawals
from their policies years after they have
been issued, life insurers face the chal-
lenge of investing customer payments
to ensure they will have sufcient funds
available to satisfy claims and withdrawals
in the distant future. This generally leads
life insurers to invest in a collection of
long-term assets.
Life insurance company asset holdings
Figure 1 presents a breakdown of the
assets held by the life insurance industry.
As the gure shows, life insurers segre-
gate their assets (and, by extension,
their liabilities) into two independent
“accounts” on their balance sheets—the
general account and the separate account.
General-account assets support liabilities
that feature guaranteed returns to cus-
tomers from the insurer. In contrast,
separate-account assets support “pass-
through” products, in which investment
gains and losses are passed on to the
customer and no more than a minimum
return may be guaranteed.
general-account products include term
life insurance, whole life insurance, xed
annuities, and disability insurance. Prod-
ucts whose payouts uctuate based on
the investment environment include
variable annuities and variable life in-
surance. The assets that back these
products are recorded on the separate
account. The industry’s aggregate gen-
eral account held $3.53 trillion in assets
at the end of 2011, roughly double the
$1.84 trillion in assets held in the separate
account (see gure 1). The assets held
in the two accounts were very different.
For more information about
the Insurance Initiative,
visit www.chicagofed.org/
In the general account, xed-income
assets like bonds and mortgages consti-
tuted the largest share of invested assets,
at 75.5% and 9.6%, respectively. Separate-
account assets comprised primarily equi-
ties. Only 14.3% of separate-account
invested assets were bonds, and mort-
gages made up only 0.5%. We focus our
attention on general-account assets be-
cause life insurers typically do not pass
investment gains and losses on these
assets to their customers, so they must
manage the associated valuation risk.
Corporate bonds make up the largest
share of general-account assets. Insurers
had $1.5 trillion of corporate bonds at
the end of 2011, and corporate bonds
accounted for 46.0% of all general-account
invested assets (see gure 1). As a major
corporate bond investor, the life insur-
ance industry represents an important
source of funding for U.S. corporations.
Corporate bonds issued by industrial
and manufacturing rms and nancial
rms each comprised about 27% of all
corporate bonds held by insurers (see
gure 2). No other industry accounted
for more than 10% of insurer corporate
bond holdings.
The recent global nancial crisis was
characterized by problems with nancial
rms and real estate. To measure the life
insurance industry’s exposure to these
areas, we compare their holdings with
the total credit market instruments out-
standing in these sectors. Overall, 29.6%
of corporate bonds in 2011 were issued
by nancial rms.
This share is compa-
rable to the sector’s share of insurers’
holdings at 26.7%.
Insurers’ exposure to real estate comes
through mortgage-backed securities
(MBS) (14.8% of insurers’ invested
assets), mortgage loans (9.6%), and
real estate owned (0.6%).
we look at real estate as a share of total
credit market instruments. The 25.0%
of total real-estate-related holdings on
insurers’ general account is somewhat
less than the sector’s 38.7% share of all
outstanding credit market instruments.
This suggests that insurers are not over-
exposed to this market sector. However,
it is important to keep in mind that dif-
ferent real-estate-related investments have
different risk proles. For example, mort-
gage loans have direct to real estate risk,
whereas MBS investments have indirect
exposure. MBS issued by government-
sponsored agencies, such as Fannie Mae
or Freddie Mac, or guaranteed by Ginnie
Mae, are guaranteed against defaults,
so they are subject to prepayment risk
(the risk that loans are paid off early).
Nonagency MBS have default risk as
well as prepayment risk.
Asset-valuation risk
The nancial crisis provided a power-
ful demonstration that asset values can
decline quickly. Some of the asset classes
heavily favored by insurers, especially
nonagency MBS, experienced major
losses during the crisis. We estimate the
potential decrease in the value of insurer
assets from an extreme downturn in
asset markets using data on market prices
for a variety of nancial instruments
1. Life insurance industry aggregate assets
General-account Separate-account
(GA) assets (SA) assets
Dollars % of GA Dollars % of SA
in billions investments in billions investments
Bonds 2,536.3 75.5 257.9 14.3
Corporate and foreign bonds 1,546.2 46.0
Nonagency MBS 247.9 7.4
ABS 171.5 5.1
Treasury and federal government bonds 263.6 7.8
Agency MBS 249.5 7.4
State and municipal bonds 38.7 1.2
Affiliated bonds 18.8 0.6
Mortgage loans 323.1 9.6 9.6 0.5
Policy loans 126.0 3.7 0.5 0.0
Cash and short-term investments 96.5 2.9 18.4 1.0
Equities 78.4 2.3 1,448.9 80.1
Derivatives 44.4 1.3 1.0 0.1
Real estate 20.6 0.6 6.7 0.4
Other investments 135.3 4.0 65.7 3.6
Total invested assets 3,360.5 100.0 1,808.7 100.0
Total assets 3,534.4 1,835.6
Source: Authors’ calculations based on 2011:Q4 data from SNL Financial.
2. Life insurance corporate bond holdings by industry
NoteS: Data are as of 2012:Q3. Bonds that are missing an industry classification are excluded.
SourceS: Authors’ calculations based on statutory data from SNL Financial, Mergent Financial, and Standard & Poor’s.
Retail and wholesale trade
Media and communications
Mining, oil, and gas
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Other finance
Charles L. Evans, President ; Daniel G. Sullivan,
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Vice President, macroeconomic policy research; Richard
Heckinger,Vice President, markets team; Anna L.
Paulson, Vice President, nance team; William A. Testa,
Vice President, regional programs, and Economics Editor ;
Helen O’D. Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors ;
Rita Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors ;
Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Chicago Fed Letter is published by the Economic
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and do not necessarily reect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2013 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
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ISSN 0895-0164
3. Estimated one-month-in-60 loss by asset class
Loss that occurs one
month in every 60 months
Bonds 6.5
Corporate and foreign bonds 6.9
Nonagency MBS 28.2
ABS 8.0
Treasury and federal government bonds 5.7
Agency MBS 2.6
State and municipal bonds 4.2
Affiliated bonds 17.5
Mortgage loans 28.2
Policy loans 0.0
Cash and short-term investments 0.0
Equities 10.0
Derivatives 17.5
Real estate 28.2
Other investments 17.5
Total invested assets 7.8
SourceS: Authors’ calculations based on statutory data from SNL Financial, Haver
Analytics, and Bloomberg Financial. For specific indexes, see box A.
over the period from October 2002
through December 2012.
We use the distribution of life insurer in-
vestments in combination with data on
price uctuations to estimate the poten-
tial downside risk from changes in asset
prices. To do this, we match asset classes
to price indexes that are likely to track
the value of those assets closely and use
the performance of the index to estimate
the performance of the matched asset
class (see box A for details on the match-
ing process). For each day in the sample
period, we calculate the change in each
price index over the past month. We also
calculate the past-month change for a
weighted average of the indexes, where
the weights are the shares of the matched
asset classes from the aggregate life in-
surance balance sheet. We then compute
the standard deviations of these changes
and estimate the loss in value that occurs
with a particular frequency. We focus on
a loss that would occur one month in
every 60 months, or once in ve years.
This corresponds to a 2.13 standard devi-
ation price change. It is important to note
that we are estimating a loss in market
value, not in book value. Much of the
change in market value for xed-income
assets, such as bonds, is due to changes
in interest rates.
The once-in-ve-years losses vary across
asset categories (see gure 3). At the high
end, nonagency MBS are estimated to
lose 28.2% in market
value. In contrast, the
corporate bond port-
folio is estimated to
lose 6.9%. The once-
in-ve-years loss for
life insurance assets as
a whole is estimated to
be 7.8%, reecting
some benets from
diversication. Note
that the historical peri-
od that we analyze in-
cludes the nancial
crisis, so the estimates
of potential losses may
somewhat overstate the
risk going forward.
Then again, the peri-
od leading up to the
crisis, which is also in-
cluded in the data, was a period of un-
usual calm in nancial markets.
Our back-of-the-envelope calculations
suggest that a severe shock to asset prices
could reduce the value of the industry’s
investments by 7.8%, or $280 billion, using
third-quarter 2012 data. This corresponds
to an 86% loss in total industry equity,
which is $325 billion.
However, because
insurers make investments to match lia-
bilities, these losses would be partially
offset by gains on insurance liabilities.
To gauge the extent to which losses would
be offset, we calculate a once-in-ve-year
loss in life insurance equity using the
SNL Life Insurance stock index over the
2002 to 2012 period. This loss is 22.8%,
suggesting that 74% of the hypothetical
loss in assets from a severe price shock
would be offset by gains on insurance
Of course, this industry per-
spective may mask considerable variation
at the individual rm level. Some insur-
ance companies will have greater expo-
sure to riskier asset classes and others will
have less. Firms will also vary in the ex-
tent to which their liability gains would
offset their losses on investments. Simi-
larly, equity cushions differ across rms.
We have shown that life insurers invest
in a wide variety of nancial assets. Cor-
porate bonds make up the largest share
of their assets. Although insurers invest
in a diverse set of industries, they have
signicant investments in industrial and
manufacturing rms, nancial rms, and
real-estate-related securities. A severe
shock to asset prices would reduce the
value of life insurers’ asset holdings con-
siderably. However, our calculations
suggest that a signicant portion of the
losses on assets would be offset by gains
on liabilities.
Based on 2012:Q3 data from the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
2012, Flow of Funds Accounts of the United
States, statistical release, Washington,
DC, December 6, available at
Current/z1.pdf. Examples of credit market
instruments include Treasury securities,
mortgage-backed securities and mortgages,
municipal securities, corporate and foreign
bonds, consumer credit, and depository
institution loans.
Not all gains and losses on separate-account
assets are necessarily passed on to customers.
Separate-account liabilities often include
embedded guarantees. These guarantees
are claims against the general account, and
are therefore supported by general-account
assets. These guarantees are more likely to
be triggered when interest rates have de-
clined sharply and when equity returns are
very low. We do not address potential risks
from embedded guarantees in this article.
Box A. Details on estimating asset risk
Indexes used
Corporate bonds: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, U.S. corporate bond yields. A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, and lower-rated indexes are matched to similarly rated bonds.
Nonagency MBS: Morgan Stanley, U.S. fixed rate, CMBS conduit five-year spread. AAA, AA, A, and BBB are matched to similarly rated MBS.
ABS: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, U.S. bond yields, asset-backed securities fixed-rate index.
Agency MBS: Equal-weighted blend of Merrill Lynch mortgage-backed securities, Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac indexes.
Treasury bonds: One-, three-, six-month and one-, two-, three-, five-, seven-, ten-, 20-, and 30-year Treasury yields for similar-maturity bonds.
Municipal bonds: Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, U.S. bond yields, municipals (tax-exempt) master index.
Equities: S&P 500 index for common stock and S&P preferred stock index for preferred stock.
Index values were provided by Haver Analytics and Bloomberg. When necessary, we convert yields to prices assuming a par value of 100, coupon rate as a one-
month lag of the yield, and a ten-year average maturity if no maturity is disclosed for the index. When multiple indexes are listed for a category, we weight by the
share of each item on the aggregate life insurance industry balance sheet except as noted.
In addition:
• We assume that the returns for corporate bonds and foreign bonds are similar, since we do not have a foreign bond index.
• We assume that standard deviations of returns for each ratings class of private corporate bonds are 1 percentage point higher than the corresponding returns
for public corporate bonds, since we do not have a private corporate bond index.
• We assume that the returns for nonagency commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and nonagency residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS)
are similar, since we do not have a nonagency RMBS index.
• We assume that affiliated bonds have returns equal to the smallest daily return across the other categories of bonds.
• We assume that the returns for mortgage loans and real estate are similar to the returns for CMBS.
• We assume that policy loans and cash retain 100% of their value at all times. Policy loans are loans originated to policyholders that are financed by cash that
has accrued in their policies. They do not depreciate in value because failure to repay a policy loan results in termination of the policy.
• We assume that derivatives and other investments have returns equal to the smallest daily return across the other categories of assets.
According to the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System (2012), life
insurers owned 17.8% of all corporate and
foreign bonds as of 2012:Q3. (Note that
this source classies nonagency mortgage-
backed securities as corporate bonds while
we do not.)
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (2012). Financial rms exclude
asset-backed securities and real estate
investment trusts.
MBS includes nonagency MBS and agency
MBS, as reported in gure 1.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (2012).
Insurance companies do a much more ex-
tensive set of stress tests that examine the
sensitivity of their capital to shocks in asset
and interest rate markets, among other
scenarios. In our example, we examine one
particular stress at the industry (rather than
rm) level.
According to 2012:Q3 data from SNL
Financial and authors’ calculations.
See note 8.