Police Headquarters,
Dated. 04-01-2022
Circular. 1/2022/PHQ
Sub : Recovering lost/stolen mobile phones - guidelines issued - reg.
01. In today’s world, mobile phones have become the center of
everyone’s lives. One’s complete life is documented on the
mobile phone as it contains one’s private photographs,
contacts, bank details, browsing history, personal emails,
phone logs and almost other personal information. With the
growing importance of mobile phones, the handset has become
a valuable item particularly in terms of the personal data or
information stored in it and for this reason, the mobile phone
theft has become a serious problem. The theft of phone can be
a nightmare for anybody. When a mobile phone is
lost/stolen, the matter should immediately be reported
to the Police, so as to locate the phone and to avoid any
sort of severe repercussion.
02. Th e following are the dierent steps to be taken at
the victim's end, with which you can find your lost phone:
a) Make a call to your lost device by using another phone. It
may be helpful to get back the device if it is misplaced
b) Smart phones contain lots of personal data like videos,
images, contacts, social media profiles, banking credentials etc.
In order to reduce the risk of getting them leaked or
compromised, it is most preferable to change the passwords,
security credentials of all of your online accounts such as social
media, cloud storage, banking, emails etc immediately after
confirming that the device is lost.
c) Enable the lost control applications in the phones is
available. It may help for tracking down phone if it is lost. Such
Apps can also help to erase all of your phone data remotely by
triggering command. It will help you to preserve your privacy.
d) Submit a written complaint to your nearest Police Station.
The complaint must contains the IMEI number , Model Number,
Phone numbers etc. of the lost device. Always keep such details
of the phone separately.
e) Contact your service provider for blocking / duplication of
the SIM cards used in lost device after contacting the Police or
Cyber Cells. It will help the enquiring authority to get IMEI
details about your lost phone.
Action at the end of Law Enforcement Agencies
a) The details should be collected from the complainant about
place of loss, context of loss, and also collect IMEI numbers,
presently using SIM card numbers and a written complaint etc.
b) Make an enquiry based on LBS (Location based service) data
if, the cell phone is still in switched on mode. The LBS data will
be helpful to recover the lost device in case if it is misplaced in
c) Collect the video footage (CCTV footage), if available, at the
scene of happening. The CCTV footage will help to identify the
vehicle numbers etc; if the device is lost inside a vehicle.
d) Requests can also be send to Mobile Phone Service
Providers for getting details about the IMEI hit of the lost device
from or after the date of lost.
e) The Mobile Phone Service Providers will sent back the
details regarding SIM card if anything inserted during the
requested period. The details are comprised of SIM card
number, IMEI number, Tower Location etc.
f) Using the details, Cyber Cells can identify the suspects and
trace him/her with the help of concerned local police stations.
Precautions to reduce the chances of getting phone lost
or stolen.
There should be applications in the phone that can be used
to track the location of the mobile phone.
The IMEI number of the mobile should be known to the
Anil Kant IPS
State Police Chief
The data of the applications like contacts, email should be
synced online to keep the data protected and prevents its
The unwarranted third-party applications should be
The remote wipe should be set up so that in case the
phone is lost, the entire data can be wiped remotely and
also can be used to find the phone’s location.
To : All officers in List B' for information.