This Act appears in 16 U.S.C. 791a and following.
[The Act of June 10, 1920, Chapter 285 of the 66th Congress]
[As Amended Through P.L. 115–325, Enacted December 18, 2018]
øCurrency: This publication is a compilation of the text of chapter 285 of the 66th
Congress. It was last amended by the public law listed in the As Amended
Through note above and below at the bottom of each page of the pdf version and
reflects current law through the date of the enactment of the public law listed at
øNote: While this publication does not represent an official version of any Federal
statute, substantial efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of its contents.
The official version of Federal law is found in the United States Statutes at Large
and in the United States Code. The legal effect to be given to the Statutes at
Large and the United States Code is established by statute (1 U.S.C. 112, 204).¿
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
That a commission is hereby created and established, to be
known as the Federal Power Commission (hereinafter referred to
as the ‘‘commission’’) which shall be composed of five commis-
sioners who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, one of whom shall be designated
by the President as chairman and shall be the principal executive
officer of the commission: Provided, That after the expiration of the
original term of the commissioner so designated as chairman by the
President, chairmen shall be elected by the commission itself, each
chairman when so elected to act as such until the expiration of his
term of office.
The commissioners first appointed under this section, as
amended, shall continue in office for terms of one, two, three, four,
and five years, respectively, from the date this section, as amended,
takes effect, the term of each to be designated by the President at
the time of nomination. Their successors shall be appointed each
for a term of five years from the date of the expiration of the term
for which his predecessor was appointed and until his successor is
appointed and has qualified, except that he shall not so continue
to serve beyond the expiration of the next session of Congress sub-
sequent to the expiration of said fixed term of office, and except
that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the
expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed
shall be appointed only for the unexpired term. Not more than
three of the commissioners shall be appointed from the same polit-
ical party. No person in the employ of or holding any official rela-
tion to any licensee or to any person, firm, association, or corpora-
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tion engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution, or sale
of power, or owning stock or bonds thereof, or who is in any man-
ner pecuniarily interested therein, shall enter upon the duties of or
hold the office of commissioner. Said commissioners shall not en-
gage in any other business, vocation, or employment. No vacancy
in the commission shall impair the right of the remaining commis-
sioners to exercise all the powers of the commission. Three mem-
bers of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the trans-
action of business, and the commission shall have an official seal
of which judicial notice shall be taken. The commission shall annu-
ally elect a vice chairman to act in case of the absence or disability
of the chairman or in case of a vacancy in the office of chairman.
Each commissioner shall receive an annual salary of $10,000,
together with necessary traveling and subsistence expenses, or per
diem allowance in lieu thereof, within the limitations prescribed by
law, while away from the seat of government upon official business.
The principal office of the commission shall be in the District
of Columbia, where its general sessions shall be held; but whenever
the convenience of the public or of the parties may be promoted or
delay or expense prevented thereby, the commission may hold spe-
cial session in any part of the United States.
ø16 U.S.C. 792¿
. 2. The commission shall have authority to appoint, pre-
scribe the duties, and fix the salaries of a secretary, a chief engi-
neer, a general counsel, a solicitor, and a chief accountant; and
may, subject to the civil service laws, appoint such other officers
and employees as are necessary in the execution of its functions
and fix their salaries in accordance with the Classification Act of
1949. The commission may request the President to detail an offi-
cer or officers from the Corps of Engineers, or other branches of the
United States Army, to serve the commission as engineer officer or
officers, or in any other capacity, in field work outside the seat of
government, their duties to be prescribed by the commission; and
such detail is hereby authorized. The President may also, at the re-
quest of the commission, detail, assign, or transfer to the commis-
sion engineers in or under the Departments of the Interior or Agri-
culture for field work outside the seat of government under the di-
rection of the commission.
The Commission may make such expenditures (including ex-
penditures for rent and personal services at the seat of government
and elsewhere, for law books, periodicals, and books of reference,
and for printing and binding) as are necessary to execute its func-
tions. Expenditures by the commission shall be allowed and paid
upon the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor, approved by
the chairman of the Commission or by such other member or officer
as may be authorized by the Commission for that purpose subject
to applicable regulations under the Federal Property and Adminis-
trative Services Act of 1949, as amended.
ø16 U.S.C. 793¿
. 3. The words defined in this section shall have the fol-
lowing meanings for purpose of this Act, to wit:
(1) ‘‘public lands’’ means such lands and interest in lands
owned by the United States as are subject to private appropriation
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and disposal under public land laws. It shall not include ‘‘reserva-
tions,’’ as hereinafter defined;
(2) ‘‘reservations’’ means national forest, tribal lands embraced
within Indian reservations, military reservations, and other lands
and interests in lands owned by the United States, and withdrawn,
reserved, or withheld from private appropriation and disposal
under the public land laws; also lands and interests in lands ac-
quired and held for any public purposes; but shall not include na-
tional monuments or national parks;
(3) ‘‘corporation’’ means any corporation, joint-stock company,
partnership, association, business trust, organized group of per-
sons, whether incorporated or not, or a receiver or receivers, trust-
ee or trustees of any of the foregoing. It shall not include ‘‘munici-
palities’’ as hereinafter defined;
(4) ‘‘person’’ means an individual or a corporation;
(5) ‘‘licensee’’ means any person, State, or municipality licensed
under the provisions of section 4 of this Act, and any assignee or
successor in interest thereof;
(6) ‘‘State’’ means a State admitted to the Union, the District
of Columbia, and any organized Territory of the United States;
(7) ‘‘municipality’’ means a city, county, irrigation district,
drainage district, or other political subdivision or agency of a State
competent under the laws thereof to carry on the business of devel-
oping, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power;
(8) ‘‘navigable waters’’ means those parts of streams or other
bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction under its au-
thority to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the
several States, and which either in their natural or improved condi-
tion notwithstanding interruptions between the navigable parts of
such streams or waters by falls, shallows, or rapids compelling land
carriage, are used or suitable for use for the transportation of per-
sons or property in interstate or foreign commerce, including there-
in all such interrupting falls, shallows, or rapids, together with
such other parts of streams as shall have been authorized by Con-
gress for improvement by the United States or shall have been rec-
ommended to Congress for such improvement after investigation
under its authority;
(9) ‘‘municipal purposes’’ means and includes all purposes with-
in municipal powers as defined by the constitution or laws of the
State or by the charter of the municipality;
(10) ‘‘Government dam’’ means a dam or other work con-
structed or owned by the United States for Government purposes
with or without contribution from others;
(11) ‘‘project’’ means complete unit of improvement or develop-
ment, consisting of a power house, all water conduits, all dams and
appurtenant works and structures including navigation structures)
which are a part of said unit, and all storage, diverting, or forebay
reservoirs directly connected therewith, the primary line or lines
transmitting power therefrom to the point of junction with the dis-
tribution system or with the interconnected primary transmission
system, all miscellaneous structures used and useful in connection
with said unit or any part thereof, and all water-rights, rights-of-
way, ditches, dams, reservoirs, lands, or interest in lands the use
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and occupancy of which are necessary or appropriate in the mainte-
nance and operation of such unit;
(12) ‘‘project works’’ means the physical structures of a project;
(13) ‘‘net investment’’ in a project means the actual legitimate
original cost thereof as defined and interpreted in the ‘‘classifica-
tion of investment in road and equipment of steam roads, issue of
1914, Interstate Commerce Commission,’’ plus similar cost of addi-
tions thereto and betterments thereof, minus the sum of the fol-
lowing items properly allocated thereto, if and to the extent that
such items have been accumulated during the period of the license
from earnings in excess of a fair return on such investment: (a) Un-
appropriated surplus, (b) aggregate credit balances of current de-
preciation accounts, and (c) aggregate appropriations of surplus or
income held in amortization, sinking fund, or similar reserves, or
expended for additions or betterments or used for the purposes for
which such reserves were created. The term ‘‘cost’’ shall include, in-
sofar as applicable, the elements thereof prescribed in said classi-
fication, but shall not include expenditures from funds obtained
through donations by States, municipalities, individuals, or others,
and said classification of investment of the Interstate Commerce
Commission shall insofar as applicable be published and promul-
gated as a part of the rules and regulations of the Commission;
(14) ‘‘Commission’’ and ‘‘Commissioner’’ means the Federal
Power Commission, and a member thereof, respectively;
(15) ‘‘State commission’’ means the regulatory body of the State
or municipality having jurisdiction to regulate rates and charges
for the sale of electric energy to consumers within the State or mu-
(16) ‘‘security’’ means any note, stock, treasury stock, bond, de-
benture, or other evidence of interest in or indebtedness of a cor-
poration subject to the provisions of this Act;
(17)(A) ‘‘small power production facility’’ means a facility which
is an eligible solar, wind, waste, or geothermal facility, or a facility
(i) produces electric energy solely by the use, as a primary
energy source, of biomass, waste, renewable resources, geo-
thermal resources, or any combination thereof; and
(ii) has a power production capacity which, together with
any other facilities located at the same site (as determined by
the Commission), is not greater than 80 megawatts;
(B) ‘‘primary energy source’’ means the fuel or fuels used for
the generation of electric energy, except that such term does not in-
clude, as determined under rules prescribed by the Commission, in
consultation with the Secretary of Energy—
(i) the minimum amounts of the fuel required for ignition,
startup, testing, flame stabilization, and control uses, and
(ii) the minimum amounts of fuel required to alleviate or
(I) unanticipated equipment outages, and
(II) emergencies, directly affecting the public health,
safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power
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Margin so in law.
So in law. The period probably should be a semicolon.
Margin so in law.
‘‘qualifying small power production facility’’
means a small power production facility that the Commis-
sion determines, by rule, meets such requirements (includ-
ing requirements respecting fuel use, fuel efficiency, and
reliability) as the Commission may, by rule, prescribe;
(D) ‘‘qualifying small power producer’’ means the owner or op-
erator of a qualifying small power production facility;
(E) ‘‘eligible solar, wind, waste or geothermal facility’’
means a facility which produces electric energy solely by
the use, as a primary energy source, of solar energy, wind
energy, waste resources or geothermal resources; but only
(i) either of the following is submitted to the Com-
mission not later than December 31, 1994:
(I) an application for certification of the facil-
ity as a qualifying small power production facility;
(II) notice that the facility meets the require-
ments for qualification; and
(ii) construction of such facility commences not
later than December 31, 1999, or, if not, reasonable
diligence is exercised toward the completion of such fa-
cility taking into account all factors relevant to con-
struction of the facility.
(18)(A) ‘‘cogeneration facility’’ means a facility which pro-
(i) electric energy, and
(ii) steam or forms of useful energy (such as heat) which
are used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling pur-
‘‘qualifying cogeneration facility’’ means a cogen-
eration facility that the Commission determines, by rule,
meets such requirements (including requirements respect-
ing minimum size, fuel use, and fuel efficiency) as the
Commission may, by rule, prescribe;
(C) ‘‘qualifying cogenerator’’ means the owner or operator of a
qualifying cogeneration facility;
(19) ‘‘Federal power marketing agency’’ means any agency or
instrumentality of the United States (other than the Tennessee
Valley Authority) which sells electric energy;
(20) ‘‘evidentiary hearings’’ and ‘‘evidentiary proceeding’’ mean
a proceeding conducted as provided in sections 554, 556, and 557
of title 5, United States Code;
(21) ‘‘State regulatory authority’’ has the same meaning as the
term ‘‘State commission’’, except that in the case of an electric util-
ity with respect to which the Tennessee Valley Authority has rate-
making authority (as defined in section 3 of the Public Utility Reg-
ulatory Policies Act of 1978), such term means the Tennessee Val-
ley Authority;
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(22) E
.—(A) The term ‘‘electric utility’’
means a person or Federal or State agency (including an entity
described in section 201(f)) that sells electric energy.
(B) The term ‘‘electric utility’’ includes the Tennessee Val-
ley Authority and each Federal power marketing administra-
(23) T
.—The term ‘‘transmitting util-
ity’’ means an entity (including an entity described in section
201(f)) that owns, operates, or controls facilities used for the
transmission of electric energy—
(A) in interstate commerce;
(B) for the sale of electric energy at wholesale.
(24) W
.—The term
‘‘wholesale transmission services’’ means the transmission of
electric energy sold, or to be sold, at wholesale in interstate
(25) E
.—The term ‘‘exempt
wholesale generator’’ shall have the meaning provided by sec-
tion 32 of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
(26) E
.—The term ‘‘electric coopera-
tive’’ means a cooperatively owned electric utility.
(27) RTO.—The term ‘‘Regional Transmission Organiza-
tion’’ or ‘‘RTO’’ means an entity of sufficient regional scope ap-
proved by the Commission—
(A) to exercise operational or functional control of fa-
cilities used for the transmission of electric energy in inter-
state commerce; and
(B) to ensure nondiscriminatory access to the facilities.
(28) ISO.—The term ‘‘Independent System Operator’’ or
‘‘ISO’’ means an entity approved by the Commission—
(A) to exercise operational or functional control of fa-
cilities used for the transmission of electric energy in inter-
state commerce; and
(B) to ensure nondiscriminatory access to the facilities.
(29) T
.—The term ‘‘Trans-
mission Organization’’ means a Regional Transmission Organi-
zation, Independent System Operator, independent trans-
mission provider, or other transmission organization finally ap-
proved by the Commission for the operation of transmission fa-
ø16 U.S.C. 796¿
. 4. The Commission is hereby authorized and empow-
(a) To make investigations and to collect and record data con-
cerning the utilization of the water resources of any region to be
developed, the water-power industry and its relation to other in-
dustries and to interstate or foreign commerce, and concerning the
location, capacity, development cost, and relation to markets of
power sites, and whether the power from Government dams can be
advantageously used by the United States for its public purposes,
and what is a fair value of such power, to the extent the Commis-
sion may deem necessary or useful for the purposes of this Act.
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(b) To determine the actual legitimate original cost of and the
net investment in a licensed project, and to aid the Commission in
such determinations, each licensee shall, upon oath, within a rea-
sonable period of time to be fixed by the Commission, after the con-
struction of the original project or any addition thereto or better-
ment thereof, file with the Commission in such detail as the Com-
mission may require, a statement in duplicate showing the actual
legitimate original cost of construction of such project, addition, or
betterment, and of the price paid for water rights, rights-of-way,
lands, or interest in lands. The licensee shall grant to the Commis-
sion or to its duly authorized agent or agents, at all reasonable
times, free access to such project, addition, or betterment, and to
all maps, profiles, contracts, reports of engineers, accounts, books,
records, and all other papers and documents relating thereto. The
statement of actual legitimate original cost of said project, and re-
visions thereof as determined by the Commission, shall be filed
with the Secretary of the Treasury.
(c) To cooperate with the executive departments and other
agencies of State or National Governments in such investigations;
and for such purpose the several departments and agencies of the
National Government are authorized and directed upon the request
of the Commission to furnish such records, papers, and information
in their possession as may be requested by the Commission, and
temporarily to detail to the Commission such officers or experts as
may be necessary in such investigations.
(d) To make public from time to time the information secured
hereunder and to provide for the publication of its reports and in-
vestigations in such form and manner as may be best adapted for
public information and use. The Commission, on or before the 3d
day of January of each year, shall submit to Congress for the fiscal
year preceding a classified report showing the permits and licenses
issued under this Part, and in each case the parties thereto, the
terms prescribed, and the moneys received if any, on account there-
(e) To issue licenses to citizens of the United States, or to any
association of such citizens, or to any corporation organized under
the laws of the United States or any State thereof, or to any State
or municipality for the purpose of constructing, operating, and
maintaining dams, water conduits, reservoirs, power houses, trans-
mission lines, or other project works necessary or convenient for
the development and improvement of navigation and for the devel-
opment, transmission, and utilization of power across, along, from
or in any of the streams or other bodies of water over which Con-
gress has jurisdiction under its authority to regulate commerce
with foreign nations and among the several States, or upon any
part of the public lands and reservations of the United States (in-
cluding the Territories), or for the purpose of utilizing the surplus
water or water power from any Government dam, except as herein
provided: Provided, That licenses shall be issued within any res-
ervation only after a finding by the Commission that the license
will not interfere or be inconsistent with the purpose for which
such reservation was created or acquired, and shall be subject to
and contain such conditions as the Secretary of the department
under whose supervision such reservation falls shall deem nec-
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
The amendment made by section 241(a) of Public Law 109–58 to insert after ‘‘adequate pro-
tection and utilization of such reservation.’’ at the end of the first proviso the following: ‘‘The
license applicant and any party to the proceeding shall be entitled to a determination on the
record, after opportunity for an agency trial-type hearing of no more than 90 days, on any dis-
puted issues of material fact with respect to such conditions. All disputed issues of material fact
raised by any party shall be determined in a single trial-type hearing to be conducted by the
relevant resource agency in accordance with the regulations promulgated under this subsection
and within the time frame established by the Commission for each license proceeding. Within
90 days of the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretaries of the Inte-
rior, Commerce, and Agriculture shall establish jointly, by rule, the procedures for such expe-
dited trial-type hearing, including the opportunity to undertake discovery and cross-examine
witnesses, in consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.’’ could not be exe-
cuted because the instruction probably should not have included a period in the quoted matter
relating to the place where such languange is to be inserted. Also, the period that appears at
the end of the matter purported to be inserted should not include a period.
essary for the adequate protection and utilization of such reserva-
Provided further, That no license affecting the navigable ca-
pacity of any navigable waters of the United States shall be issued
until the plans of the dam or other structures affecting navigation
have been approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary
of the Army. Whenever the contemplated improvement is, in the
judgment of the Commission, desirable and justified in the public
interest for the purpose of improving or developing a waterway or
waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce,
a finding to that effect shall be made by the Commission and shall
become a part of the records of the Commission: Provided further,
That in case the Commission shall find that any Government dam
may be advantageously used by the United States for public pur-
poses in addition to navigation, no license therefor shall be issued
until two years after it shall have reported to Congress the facts
and conditions relating thereto, except that this provision shall not
apply to any Government dam constructed prior to June 10, 1920:
And provided further, That upon the filing of any application for
a license which has not been preceded by a preliminary permit
under subsection (f) of this section, notice shall be given and pub-
lished as required by the proviso of said subsection. In deciding
whether to issue any license under this Part for any project, the
Commission, in addition to the power and development purposes
for which licenses are issued, shall give equal consideration to the
purposes of energy conservation, the protection, mitigation of dam-
age to, and enhancement of, fish and wildlife (including related
spawning grounds and habitat), the protection of recreational op-
portunities, and the preservation of other aspects of environmental
(f) To issue preliminary permits for the purpose of enabling ap-
plicants for a license hereunder to secure the data and to perform
the acts required by section 9 hereof: Provided, however, That upon
the filing of any application for a preliminary permit by any per-
son, association or corporation the Commission, before granting
such application, shall at once give notice of such application in
writing to any State or municipality likely to be interested in or af-
fected by such application; and shall also publish notice of such ap-
plication once each week for four weeks in a daily or weekly news-
paper published in the county or counties in which the project or
any part thereof or the lands affected thereby are situated.
(g) Upon its own motion to order an investigation of any occu-
pancy of, or evidenced intention to occupy, for the purpose of devel-
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oping electric power, public lands, reservations, or streams or other
bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction under its au-
thority to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the
several States by any person, corporation, state or municipality and
to issue such order as it may find appropriate, expedient, and in
the public interest to conserve and utilize the navigation and
water-power resources of the region.
ø16 U.S.C. 797¿
. 5. (a) Each preliminary permit issued under this Part
shall be for the sole purpose of maintaining priority of application
for a license under the terms of this Act for such period or periods,
not exceeding a total of 4 years, as in the discretion of the Commis-
sion may be necessary for making examinations and surveys, for
preparing maps, plans, specifications, and estimates, and for mak-
ing financial arrangements.
(b) The Commission may—
(1) extend the period of a preliminary permit once for not
more than 4 additional years beyond the 4 years permitted by
subsection (a) if the Commission finds that the permittee has
carried out activities under such permit in good faith and with
reasonable diligence; and
(2) after the end of an extension period granted under
paragraph (1), issue an additional permit to the permittee if
the Commission determines that there are extraordinary cir-
cumstances that warrant the issuance of the additional permit.
(c) Each such permit shall set forth the conditions under which
priority shall be maintained.
(d) Such permits shall not be transferable, and may be can-
celed by order of the Commission upon failure of permittees to com-
ply with the conditions thereof or for other good cause shown after
notice and opportunity for hearing.
ø16 U.S.C. 798¿
. 6. Licenses under this Part shall be issued for a period
not exceeding fifty years. Each such license shall be conditioned
upon acceptance by the licensee of all the terms and conditions of
this Act and such further conditions, if any, as the Commission
shall prescribe in conformity with this Act, which said terms and
conditions and the acceptance thereof shall be expressed in said li-
cense. Licenses may be revoked only for the reasons and in the
manner prescribed under the provisions of this Act, and may be al-
tered or surrendered only upon mutual agreement between the li-
censee and the Commission after thirty days’ public notice.
ø16 U.S.C. 799¿
. 7. (a) In issuing preliminary permits hereunder or origi-
nal licenses where no preliminary permit has been issued, the
Commission shall give preference to applications therefor by
States, Indian tribes, and municipalities, provided the plans for the
same are deemed by the Commission equally well adapted, or shall
within a reasonable time to be fixed by the Commission be made
equally well adapted, to conserve and utilize in the public interest
the water resources of the region; and as between other applicants,
the Commission may give preference to the applicant the plans of
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Note also that the act of Mar. 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1353), reads as follows:
‘‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That hereafter no permit, license, lease, or authorization for dams, con-
duits, reservoirs, power houses, transmission lines or other works for storage or carriage of
water, or for the development, transmission, or utilization of power within the limits as now
constituted of any national park or national monument shall be granted or made without spe-
cific authority of Congress, and so much of the Act of Congress approved June 10, 1920, entitled
‘An Act to create a Federal Power Commission; to provide for the improvement of navigation;
the development of water power; the use of the public lands in relation thereto; and to repeal
section 18 of the River and Harbor Appropriation Act, approved August 8, 1917, and for other
purposes’, approved June 10, 1920, as authorizes licensing such uses of existing national parks
and national monuments by the Federal Power Commission is hereby repealed.’’
which it finds and determines are best adapted to develop, con-
serve, and utilize in the public interest the water resources of the
region, if it be satisfied as to the ability of the applicant to carry
out such plans.
(b) Whenever, in the judgment of the Commission, the develop-
ment of any water resources for public purposes should be under-
taken by the United States itself, the Commission shall not ap-
prove any application for any project affecting such development,
but shall cause to be made such examinations, surveys, reports,
plans, and estimates of the cost of the proposed development as it
may find necessary, and shall submit its findings to Congress with
such recommendations as it may find appropriate concerning such
(c) Whenever after notice and opportunity for hearing in the
Commission determines that the United States should exercise its
right upon or after the expiration of any license to take over any
project or projects for public purposes, the Commission shall not
issue a new license to the original licensee or to a new licensee but
shall submit its recommendation to Congress together with such
information as it may consider appropriate.
ø16 U.S.C. 800¿
. 8. That no voluntary transfer of any license, or of the
rights thereunder granted, shall be made without the written ap-
proval of the commission; and any successor or assign of the rights
of such licensee, whether by voluntary transfer, judicial sale, fore-
closure sale, or otherwise, shall be subject to all the conditions of
the license under which such rights are held by such licensee and
also subject to all the provisions and conditions of this Act to the
same extent as though such successor as assign were the original
licensee hereunder: Provided, That a mortgage or trust deed or ju-
dicial sales made thereunder or under tax sales shall not be
deemed voluntary transfers within the meaning of this section.
ø16 U.S.C. 801¿
. 9.
(a) That each applicant for a license hereunder shall
submit to the Commission—
(1) Such maps, plans, specifications, and estimates of cost as
may be required for a full understanding of the proposed project.
Such maps, plans, and specifications when approved by the com-
mission shall be made a part of the license; and thereafter no
change shall be made in said maps, plans, or specifications until
such changes shall have been approved and made a part of such
license by the Commission.
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(2) Satisfactory evidence that the applicant has complied with
the requirements of the laws of the State or States within which
the proposed project is to be located with respect to bed and banks
and to the appropriation, diversion, and use of water for power pur-
poses and with respect to the right to engage in the business of de-
veloping, transmitting, and distributing power, and in any other
business necessary to effect the purposes of a license under this
Such additional information as the commission may re-
(b) Upon the filing of any application for a license (other than
a license under section 15) the applicant shall make a good faith
effort to notify each of the following by certified mail:
(1) Any person who is an owner of record of any interest
in the property within the bounds of the project.
(2) Any Federal, State, municipal or other local govern-
mental agency likely to be interested in or affected by such ap-
ø16 U.S.C. 802¿
. 10. All licenses issued under this Part shall be on the fol-
lowing conditions:
(a)(1) That the project adopted, including the maps, plans, and
specifications, shall be such as in the judgment of the Commission
will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving or de-
veloping a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of inter-
state or foreign commerce, for the improvement and utilization of
waterpower development, for the adequate protection, mitigation,
and enhancement of fish and wildlife (including related spawning
grounds and habitat), and for other beneficial public uses, including
irrigation, flood control, water supply, and recreational and other
purposes referred to in section 4(e); and if necessary in order to se-
cure such plan the Commission shall have authority to require the
modification of any project and of the plans and specifications of
the project works before approval.
(2) In order to ensure that the project adopted will be best
adapted to the comprehensive plan described in paragraph (1), the
Commission shall consider each of the following:
(A) The extent to which the project is consistent with a
comprehensive plan (where one exists) for improving, devel-
oping, or conserving a waterway or waterways affected by the
project that is prepared by—
(i) an agency established pursuant to Federal law that
has the authority to prepare such a plan; or
(ii) the State in which the facility is or will be located.
(B) The recommendations of Federal and State agencies
exercising administration over flood control, navigation, irriga-
tion, recreation, cultural and other relevant resources of the
State in which the project is located, and the recommendations
(including fish and wildlife recommendations) of Indian tribes
affected by the project.
(C) In the case of a State or municipal applicant, or an ap-
plicant which is primarily engaged in the generation or sale of
electric power (other than electric power solely from cogenera-
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tion facilities or small power production facilities), the elec-
tricity consumption efficiency improvement program of the ap-
plicant, including its plans, performance and capabilities for
encouraging or assisting its customers to conserve electricity
cost-effectively, taking into account the published policies, re-
strictions, and requirements of relevant State regulatory au-
thorities applicable to such applicant.
(3) Upon receipt of an application for a license, the Commission
shall solicit recommendations from the agencies and Indian tribes
identified in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2) for pro-
posed terms and conditions for the Commission’s consideration for
inclusion in the license.
(b) That except when emergency shall require for the protec-
tion of navigation, life, health, or property, no substantial alter-
ation or addition not in conformity with the approved plans shall
be made to any dam or other project works constructed hereunder
of an installed capacity in excess of two thousand horsepower with-
out the prior approval of the Commission; and any emergency al-
teration or addition so made shall thereafter be subject to such
modification and change as the Commission may direct.
(c) That the licensee shall maintain the project works in a con-
dition or repair adequate for the purposes of navigation and for the
efficient operation of said works in the development and trans-
mission of power, shall make all necessary renewals and replace-
ments, shall establish and maintain adequate depreciation reserves
for such purposes, shall so maintain and operate said works as not
to impair navigation, and shall conform to such rules and regula-
tions as the Commission may from time to time prescribe for the
protection of life, health, and property. Each licensee hereunder
shall be liable for all damages occasioned to the property of others
by the construction, maintenance, or operation of the project works
or of the works appurtenant or accessory thereto, constructed
under the license, and in no event shall the United States be liable
(d) That after the first twenty years of operation, out of surplus
earned thereafter, if any, accumulated in excess of a specified rea-
sonable rate of return upon the net investment of a licensee in any
project or projects, under license, the licensee shall establish and
maintain amortization reserves, which reserves shall, in the discre-
tion of the Commission, be held until the termination of the license
or be applied from time to time in reduction of the net investment.
Such specified rate of return and the proportion of such surplus
earnings to be paid into and held in such reserves shall be set forth
in the license. For any new license issued under section 15, the am-
ortization reserves under this subsection shall be maintained on
and after the effective date of such new license.
(e)(1) That the licensee shall pay to the United States reason-
able annual charges in an amount to be fixed by the Commission
for the purpose of reimbursing the United States for the costs of
the administration of this Part, including any reasonable and nec-
essary costs incurred by Federal and State fish and wildlife agen-
cies and other natural and cultural resource agencies in connection
with studies or other reviews carried out by such agencies for pur-
poses of administering their responsibilities under this part; for
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recompensing it for the use, occupancy, and enjoyment of its lands
or other property; and for the expropriation to the Government of
excessive profits until the respective States shall make provision
for preventing excessive profits or for the expropriation thereof to
themselves, or until the period of amortization as herein provided
is reached, and in fixing such charges the Commission shall seek
to avoid increasing the price to the consumers of power by such
charges, and any such charges may be adjusted from time to time
by the Commission as conditions may require: Provided, That, sub-
ject to annual appropriations Acts, the portion of such annual
charges imposed by the Commission under this subsection to cover
the reasonable and necessary costs of such agencies shall be avail-
able to such agencies (in addition to other funds appropriated for
such purposes) solely for carrying out such studies and reviews and
shall remain available until expended: Provided, That when li-
censes are issued involving the use of Government dams or other
structures owned by the United States or tribal lands embraced
within Indian reservations the Commission shall, subject to the ap-
proval of the Secretary of the Interior in the case of such dams or
structures in reclamation projects and, in the case of such tribal
lands, subject to the approval of the Indian tribe having jurisdic-
tion of such lands as provided in section 16 of the Act of June 18,
1934 (48 Stat. 984), fix a reasonable annual charge for the use
thereof, and such charges may with like approval be readjusted by
the Commission at the end of twenty years after the project is
available for service and at periods of not less than ten years there-
after upon notice and opportunity for hearing: Provided further,
That licenses for the development, transmission, or distribution of
power by States or municipalities shall be issued and enjoyed with-
out charge to the extent such power is sold to the public without
profit or is used by such State or municipality for State or munic-
ipal purposes, except that as to projects constructed or to be con-
structed by States or municipalities primarily designed to provide
or improve navigation, licenses therefor shall be issued without
charge; and that licenses for the development, transmission, or dis-
tribution of power for domestic, mining, or other beneficial use in
projects of not more than two thousand horsepower installed capac-
ity may be issued without charges, except on tribal lands within In-
dian reservations; but in no case shall a license be issued free of
charge for the development and utilization of power created by any
Government dam and that the amount charged therefor in any li-
cense shall be such as determined by the Commission : Provided
however, That no charge shall be assessed for the use of any Gov-
ernment dam or structure by any licensee if, before January 1,
1985, the Secretary of the Interior has entered into a contract with
such licensee that meets each of the following requirements:
(A) The contract covers one or more projects for which a
license was issued by the Commission before January 1, 1985.
(B) The contract contains provisions specifically providing
each of the following:
(i) A powerplant may be built by the licensee utilizing
irrigation facilities constructed by the United States.
(ii) The powerplant shall remain in the exclusive con-
trol, possession, and ownership of the licensee concerned.
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(iii) All revenue from the powerplant and from the use,
sale, or disposal of electric energy from the powerplant
shall be, and remain, the property of such licensee.
(C) The contract is an amendatory, supplemental and re-
placement contract between the United States and: (i) the
Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District (Contract No. 14–
06–100–6418); (ii) the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District
(Contract No. 14–06–100–6419); or, (iii) the South Columbia
Basin Irrigation District (Contract No. 14–06–100–6420).
This paragraph shall apply to any project covered by a contract re-
ferred to in this paragraph only during the term of such contract
unless otherwise provided by subsequent Act of Congress. In the
event an overpayment of any charge due under this section shall
be made by a licensee, the Commission is authorized to allow a
credit for such overpayment when charges are due for any subse-
quent period.
(2) In the case of licenses involving the use of Government
dams or other structures owned by the United States, the charges
fixed (or readjusted) by the Commission under paragraph (1) for
the use of such dams or structures shall not exceed 1 mill per kilo-
watt-hour for the first 40 gigawatt-hours of energy a project pro-
duces in any year, 1
mills per kilowatt-hour for over 40 up to and
including 80 gigawatt-hours in any year, and 2 mills per kilowatt-
hour for any energy the project produces over 80 gigawatt-hours in
any year. Except as provided in subsection (f), such charge shall be
the only charge assessed by any agency of the United States for the
use of such dams or structures.
(3) The provisions of paragraph (2) shall apply with respect
(A) all licenses issued after the date of the enactment of
this paragraph; and
(B) all licenses issued before such date which—
(i) did not fix a specific charge for the use of the Gov-
ernment dam or structure involved; and
(ii) did not specify that no charge would be fixed for
the use of such dam or structure.
(4) Every 5 years, the Commission shall review the appro-
priateness of the annual charge limitations provided for in this
subsection and report to Congress concerning its recommendations
(f) That whenever any licensee hereunder is directly benefited
by the construction work of another licensee, a permittee, or of the
United States of a storage reservoir or other headwater improve-
ment, the Commission shall require as a condition of the license
that the licensee so benefited shall reimburse the owner of such
reservoir or other improvements for such part of the annual
charges for interest, maintenance, and depreciation thereon as the
Commission may deem equitable. The proportion of such charges to
be paid by any licensee shall be determined by the Commission.
The licensees or permittees affected shall pay to the United States
the cost of making such determination as fixed by the Commission.
Whenever such reservoir or other improvement is constructed
by the United States the Commission shall assess similar charges
against any licensee directly benefited thereby, and any amount so
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assessed shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, to
be reserved and appropriated as a part of the special fund for head-
water improvements as provided in section 17 hereof.
Whenever any power project not under license is benefited by
the construction work of a licensee or permittee, the United States
or any agency thereof, the Commission, after notice to the owner
or owners of such unlicensed project, shall determine and fix a rea-
sonable and equitable annual charge to be paid to the licensee or
permittee on account of such benefits, or to the United States if it
be the owner of such headwater improvement.
(g) Such other conditions not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act as the Commission may require.
(h)(1) That combinations, agreements, arrangements, or under-
standings, express or implied, to limit the output of electrical en-
ergy, to restrain trade, or to fix, maintain, or increase prices for
electrical energy or service are hereby prohibited.
(2) That conduct under the license that: (A) results in the con-
travention of the policies expressed in the antitrust laws; and (B)
is not otherwise justified by the public interest considering regu-
latory policies expressed in other applicable law (including but not
limited to those contained in Part II of this Act) shall be prevented
or adequately minimized by means of conditions included in the li-
cense prior to its issuance. In the event it is impossible to prevent
or adequately minimize the contravention, the Commission shall
refuse to issue any license to the applicant for the project and, in
the case of an existing project, shall take appropriate action to pro-
vide thereafter for the operation and maintenance of the affected
project and for the issuing of a new license in accordance with sec-
tion 15 of this Part.
(i) In issuing licenses for a minor part only of a complete
project, or for a complete project of not more than two thousand
horsepower installed capacity, the Commission may in its discre-
tion waive such conditions, provisions, and requirements of this
Part, except the license period of fifty years, as it may deem to be
to the public interest to waive under the circumstances: Provided,
That the provision hereof shall not apply annual charges for use of
lands within Indian reservations.
(j)(1) That in order to adequately and equitably protect, miti-
gate damages to, and enhance, fish and wildlife (including related
spawning grounds and habitat) affected by the development, oper-
ation, and management of the project, each license issued under
this Part shall include conditions for such protection, mitigation,
and enhancement. Subject to paragraph (2), such conditions shall
be based on recommendations received pursuant to the Fish and
Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) from the National
Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Serv-
ice, and State fish and wildlife agencies.
(2) Whenever the Commission believes that any recommenda-
tion referred to in paragraph (1) may be inconsistent with the pur-
poses and requirements of this Part or other applicable law, the
Commission and the agencies referred to in paragraph (1) shall at-
tempt to resolve any such inconsistency, giving due weight to the
recommendations, expertise, and statutory responsibilities of such
agencies. If, after such attempt, the Commission does not adopt in
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whole or in part a recommendation of any such agency, the Com-
mission shall publish each of the following findings (together with
a statement of the basis for each of the findings):
(A) A finding that adoption of such recommendation is in-
consistent with the purposes and requirements of this Part or
with other applicable provisions of law.
(B) A finding that the conditions selected by the Commis-
sion comply with the requirements of paragraph (1).
Subsection (i) shall not apply to the conditions required under this
ø16 U.S.C. 803¿
. 11. That if the dam or other project works are to be con-
structed across, along, or in any of the navigable waters of the
United States, the Commission may, insofar as it deems the same
reasonably necessary to promote the present and future needs of
navigation and consistent with a reasonable investment cost to the
licensee, include in the license any one or more of the following
provisions or requirements:
(a) That such licensee shall, to the extent necessary to preserve
and improve navigation facilities, construct, in whole or in part,
without expense to the United States, in connection with such dam,
a lock or locks, booms, sluices, or other structures for navigation
purposes, in accordance with plans and specifications approved by
the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of the Army and made
part of such license.
(b) That in case such structures for navigation purposes are
not made a part of the original construction at the expense of the
licensee, then whenever the United States shall desire to complete
such navigation facilities the licensee shall convey to the United
States, free of cost, such of its land and its rights of way and such
right of passage through its dams or other structures, and permit
such control of pools as may be required to complete such naviga-
tion facilities.
(c) That such licensee shall furnish free of cost to the United
States power for the operation of such navigation facilities, whether
constructed by the licensee or by the United States.
ø16 U.S.C. 804¿
. 12. That whenever application is filed for a project here-
under involving navigable waters of the United States, and the
commission shall find upon investigation that the needs of naviga-
tion require the construction of a lock or locks or other navigation
structures, and that such structures can not, consistent with a rea-
sonable investment cost to the applicant, be provided in the man-
ner specified in section 11, subsection (a) hereof, the commission
may grant the application with the provision to be expressed in the
license that the licensee will install the necessary navigation struc-
tures if the Government fails to make provision therefor within a
time to be fixed in the license and cause a report upon such project
to be prepared, with estimates of cost of the power development
and of the navigation structures, and shall submit such report to
Congress with such recommendations as it deems appropriate con-
cerning the participation of the United States in the cost of con-
struction of such navigation structures.
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ø16 U.S.C. 805¿
. 13. That the licensee shall commence the construction of
the project works within the time fixed in the license, which shall
not be more than two years from the date thereof, shall thereafter
in good faith and with due diligence prosecute such construction,
and shall within the time fixed in the license complete and put into
operation such part of the ultimate development as the Commis-
sion shall deem necessary to supply the reasonable needs of the
then available market, and shall from time to time thereafter con-
struct such portion of the balance of such development as the Com-
mission may direct, so as to supply adequately the reasonable mar-
ket demands until such development shall have been completed.
The periods for the commencement of construction may be ex-
tended for not more than 8 additional years, and the period for the
completion of construction carried on in good faith and with reason-
able diligence may be extended by the Commission when not in-
compatible with the public interests. In case the licensee shall not
commence actual construction of the project works, or of any speci-
fied part thereof, within the time prescribed in the license or as ex-
tended by the commission, then, after due notice given, the license
shall, as to such project works or part thereof, be terminated upon
written order of the Commission. In case the construction of the
project works, or of any specified part thereof, have been begun but
not completed within the time prescribed in the license, or as ex-
tended by the commission, then the Attorney General, upon the re-
quest of the Commission, shall institute proceedings in equity in
the district court of the United States for the district in which any
part of the project is situated for the revocation of said license, the
sale of the works constructed, and such other equitable relief as the
case may demand, as provided for in section 26 hereof.
ø16 U.S.C. 806¿
. 14. (a) Upon not less than two years’ notice in writing
from the Commission the United States shall have the right upon
or after the expiration of any license to take over and thereafter
to maintain and operate any project or projects as defined in sec-
tion 3 hereof, and covered in whole or in part by the license, or the
right to take over upon mutual agreement with the licensee, all
property owned and held by the licensee then valuable and service-
able in the development, transmission, or distribution of power and
which is then dependent for its usefulness upon the continuance of
the license, together with any lock or locks or other aids to naviga-
tion constructed at the expense of the licensee, upon the condition
that before taking possession it shall pay the net investment of the
licensee in the project or projects taken, not to exceed the fair value
of the property taken, plus such reasonable damages, if any, to
property of the licensee valuable, serviceable, and dependent as
above set forth but not taken, as may be caused by the severance
therefrom of property taken, and shall assume all contracts entered
into by the licensee with the approval of the Commission. The net
investment of the licensee in the project or projects so taken and
the amount of such severance damages, if any, shall be determined
by the Commission after notice and opportunity for hearing. Such
net investment shall not include or be affected by the value of any
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So in original. Probably should be ‘‘it’’.
lands, rights-of-way, or other property of the United States licensed
by the Commission under this Act, by the license or by good will,
going value, or prospective revenues; nor shall the values allowed
for water rights, rights-of-way, lands, or interest in lands be in ex-
cess of the actual reasonable cost thereof at the time of acquisition
by the licensee: Provided, That the right of the United States or
any State or municipality to take over, maintain, and operate any
project licensed under this Act at any time by condemnation pro-
ceedings upon payment of just compensation is hereby expressly re-
(b) In any relicensing proceeding before the Commission any
Federal department or agency may timely recommend, pursuant to
such rules as the Commission shall prescribe, that the United
States exercise its right to take over any project or projects. There-
after, the Commission, if its
does not itself recommend such action
pursuant to the provisions of section 7(c) of this part, shall upon
motion of such department or agency stay the effective date of any
order issuing a license, except an order issuing an annual license
in accordance with the proviso of section 15(a), for two years after
the date of issuance of such order, after which period the stay shall
terminate, unless terminated earlier upon motion of the depart-
ment or agency requesting the stay or by action of Congress. The
Commission shall notify the Congress of any stay granted pursuant
to this subsection.
ø16 U.S.C. 807¿
. 15. (a)(1) That if the United States does not, at the expi-
ration of the existing license, exercise its right to take over, main-
tain, and operate any project or projects of the licensee, as provided
in section 14 hereof, the commission is authorized to issue a new
license to the existing licensee upon such terms and conditions as
may be authorized or required under the then existing laws and
regulations, or to issue a new license under said terms and condi-
tions to a new licensee, which license may cover any project or
projects covered by the existing license, and shall be issued on the
condition that the new licensee shall, before taking possession of
such project or projects, pay such amount, and assume such con-
tracts as the United States is required to do, in the manner speci-
fied in Section 14 hereof: Provided, That in the event the United
States does not exercise the right to take over or does not issue a
license to a new licensee, or issue a new license to the existing li-
censee, upon reasonable terms, then the commission shall issue
from year to year an annual license to the then licensee under the
terms and conditions of the existing license until the property is
taken over or a new license is issued as aforesaid.
(2) Any new license issued under this section shall be issued
to the applicant having the final proposal which the Commission
determines is best adapted to serve the public interest, except that
in making this determination the Commission shall ensure that in-
significant differences with regard to subparagraphs (A) through
(G) of this paragraph between competing applications are not de-
terminative and shall not result in the transfer of a project. In
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making a determination under this section (whether or not more
than one application is submitted for the project), the Commission
shall, in addition to the requirements of section 10 of this Part,
consider (and explain such consideration in writing) each of the fol-
(A) The plans and abilities of the applicant to comply with
(i) the articles, terms, and conditions of any license issued to
it and (ii) other applicable provisions of this Part.
(B) The plans of the applicant to manage, operate, and
maintain the project safely.
(C) The plans and abilities of the applicant to operate and
maintain the project in a manner most likely to provide effi-
cient and reliable electric service.
(D) The need of the applicant over the short and long term
for the electricity generated by the project or projects to serve
its customers, including, among other relevant considerations,
the reasonable costs and reasonable availability of alternative
sources of power, taking into consideration conservation and
other relevant factors and taking into consideration the effect
on the provider (including its customers) of the alternative
source of power, the effect on the applicant’s operating and
load characteristics, the effect on communities served or to be
served by the project, and in the case of an applicant using
power for the applicant’s own industrial facility and related op-
erations, the effect on the operation and efficiency of such facil-
ity or related operations, its workers, and the related commu-
nity. In the case of an applicant that is an Indian tribe apply-
ing for a license for a project located on the tribal reservation,
a statement of the need of such tribe for electricity generated
by the project to foster the purposes of the reservation may be
(E) The existing and planned transmission services of the
applicant, taking into consideration system reliability, costs,
and other applicable economic and technical factors.
(F) Whether the plans of the applicant will be achieved, to
the greatest extent possible, in a cost effective manner.
(G) Such other factors as the Commission may deem rel-
evant, except that the terms and conditions in the license for
the protection, mitigation, or enhancement of fish and wildlife
resources affected by the development, operation, and manage-
ment of the project shall be determined in accordance with sec-
tion 10, and the plans of an applicant concerning fish and wild-
life shall not be subject to a comparative evaluation under this
(3) In the case of an application by the existing licensee, the
Commission shall also take into consideration each of the following:
(A) The existing licensee’s record of compliance with the
terms and conditions of the existing license.
(B) The actions taken by the existing licensee related to
the project which affect the public.
(b)(1) Each existing licensee shall notify the Commission
whether the licensee intends to file an application for a new license
or not. Such notice shall be submitted at least 5 years before the
expiration of the existing license.
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(2) At the time notice is provided under paragraph (1), the ex-
isting licensee shall make each of the following reasonably avail-
able to the public for inspection at the offices of such licensee: cur-
rent maps, drawings, data, and such other information as the Com-
mission shall, by rule, require regarding the construction and oper-
ation of the license project. Such information shall include, to the
greatest extent practicable pertinent energy conservation, recre-
ation, fish and wildlife, and other environmental information. Cop-
ies of the information shall be made available at reasonable costs
of reproduction. Within 180 days after the enactment of the Elec-
tric Consumers Protection Act of 1986, the Commission shall pro-
mulgate regulations regarding the information to be provided
under this paragraph.
(3) Promptly following receipt of notice under paragraph (1),
the Commission shall provide public notice of whether an existing
licensee intends to file or not to file an application for a new li-
cense. The Commission shall also promptly notify the National Ma-
rine Fisheries Service and the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service, and the appropriate State fish and wildlife agencies.
(4) The Commission shall require the applicant to identify any
Federal or Indian lands included in the project boundary, together
with a statement of the annual fees paid as required by this Part
for such lands, and to provide such additional information as the
Commission deems appropriate to carry out the Commission’s re-
sponsibilities under this section.
(c)(1) Each application for a new license pursuant to this sec-
tion shall be filed with the Commission at least 24 months before
the expiration of the term of the existing license. Each applicant
shall consult with the fish and wildlife agencies referred to in sub-
section (b) and, as appropriate, conduct studies with such agencies.
Within 60 days after the statutory deadline for the submission of
applications, the Commission shall issue a notice establishing expe-
ditious procedures for relicensing and a deadline for submission of
final amendments, if any, to the application.
(2) The time periods specified in this subsection and in sub-
section (b) shall be adjusted, in a manner that achieves the objec-
tives of this section, by the Commission by rule or order with re-
spect to existing licensees who, by reason of the expiration dates
of their licenses, are unable to comply with a specified time period.
(d)(1) In evaluating applications for new licenses pursuant to
this section, the Commission shall not consider whether an appli-
cant has adequate transmission facilities with regard to the project.
(2) When the Commission issues a new license (pursuant to
this section) to an applicant which is not the existing licensee of
the project and finds that it is not feasible for the new licensee to
utilize the energy from such project without provision by the exist-
ing licensee of reasonable services, including transmission services,
the Commission shall give notice to the existing licensee and the
new licensee to immediately enter into negotiations for such serv-
ices and the costs demonstrated by the existing licensee as being
related to the provision of such services. It is the intent of the Con-
gress that such negotiations be carried out in good faith and that
a timely agreement be reached between the parties in order to fa-
cilitate the transfer of the license by the date established when the
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Commission issued the new license. If such parties do not notify
the Commission that within the time established by the Commis-
sion in such notice (and if appropriate, in the judgment of the Com-
mission, one 45-day extension thereof), a mutually satisfactory ar-
rangement for such services that is consistent with the provisions
of this Act has been executed, the Commission shall order the ex-
isting licensee to file (pursuant to section 205 of this Act) with the
Commission a tariff, subject to refund, ensuring such services be-
ginning on the date of transfer of the project and including just and
reasonable rates and reasonable terms and conditions. After notice
and opportunity for a hearing, the Commission shall issue a final
order adopting or modifying such tariff for such services at just and
reasonable rates in accordance with section 205 of this Act and in
accordance with reasonable terms and conditions. The Commission,
in issuing such order, shall ensure the services necessary for the
full and efficient utilization and benefits for the license term of the
electric energy from the project by the new licensee in accordance
with the license and this Part, except that in issuing such order the
(A) shall not compel the existing licensee to enlarge gener-
ating facilities, transmit electric energy other than to the dis-
tribution system (providing service to customers) of the new li-
censee identified as of the date one day preceding the date of
license award, or require the acquisition of new facilities, in-
cluding the upgrading of existing facilities other than any rea-
sonable enhancement or improvement of existing facilities con-
trolled by the existing licensee (including any acquisition re-
lated to such enhancement or improvement) necessary to carry
out the purposes of this paragraph;
(B) shall not adversely affect the continuity and reliability
of service to the customers of the existing licensee;
(C) shall not adversely affect the operational integrity of
the transmission and electric systems of the existing licensee;
(D) shall not cause any reasonably quantifiable increase in
the jurisdictional rates of the existing licensee; and
(E) shall not order any entity other than the existing li-
censee to provide transmission or other services.
Such order shall be for such period as the Commission deems ap-
propriate, not to exceed the term of the license. At any time, the
Commission, upon its own motion or upon a petition by the existing
or new licensee and after notice and opportunity for a hearing, may
modify, extend, or terminate such order.
(e) Except for an annual license, any license issued by the
Commission under this section shall be for a term which the Com-
mission determines to be in the public interest but not less than
30 years, nor more than 50 years, from the date on which the li-
cense is issued.
(f) In issuing any license under this section except an annual
license, the Commission, on its own motion or upon application of
any licensee, person, State, municipality, or State commission,
after notice to each State commission and licensee affected, and
after opportunity for hearing, whenever it finds that in conformity
with a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway
or waterways for beneficial public uses all or part of any licensed
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project should no longer be used or adapted for use for power pur-
poses, may license all or part of the project works for nonpower
use. A license for nonpower use shall be issued to a new licensee
only on the condition that the new licensee shall, before taking pos-
session of the facilities encompassed thereunder, pay such amount
and assume such contracts as the United States is required to do,
in the manner specified in section 14 hereof. Any license for
nonpower use shall be a temporary license. Whenever, in the judg-
ment of the Commission, a State, municipality, interstate agency,
or another Federal agency is authorized and willing to assume reg-
ulatory supervision of the lands and facilities included under the
nonpower license and does so, the Commission shall thereupon ter-
minate the license. Consistent with the provisions of the Act of Au-
gust 15, 1953 (67 Stat. 587; 16 U.S.C. 828–828c), every licensee for
nonpower use shall keep such accounts and file such annual and
other periodic or special reports concerning the removal, alteration,
nonpower use, or other disposition of any project works or parts
thereof covered by the nonpower use license as the Commission
may by rules and regulations or order prescribe as necessary or ap-
ø16 U.S.C. 808¿
. 16. That when in the opinion of the President of the
United States, evidenced by a written order addressed to the holder
of any license hereunder, the safety of the United States demands
it, the United States shall have the right to enter upon and take
possession of any project, or part thereof, constructed, maintained,
or operated under said license, for the purpose of manufacturing ni-
trates, explosives, or munitions of war, or for any other purpose in-
volving the safety of the United States, to retain possession, man-
agement, and control thereof for such length of time as may appear
to the President to be necessary to accomplish said purposes, and
then to restore possession and control to the party or parties enti-
tled thereto; and in the event that the United States shall exercise
such right it shall pay to the party or parties entitled thereto just
and fair compensation for the use of said property as may be fixed
by the Commission upon the basis of a reasonable profit in time
of peace, and the cost of restoring said property to as good condi-
tion as existed at the time of the taking over thereof, less the rea-
sonable value of any improvements that may be made thereto by
the United States and which are valuable and serviceable to the li-
ø16 U.S.C. 809¿
. 17. (a) All proceeds from any Indian reservation shall be
placed to the credit of the Indians of such reservation. All other
charges arising from licenses hereunder, except charges fixed by
the Commission for the purpose of reimbursing the United States
for the cost of administration of this Part, shall be paid into the
Treasury of the United States, subject to the following distribution:
per centum thereof is hereby appropriated to be paid into the
Treasury of the United States and credited to ‘‘Miscellaneous re-
ceipts’’; 50 per centum of the charges arising from licenses here-
under for the occupancy and use of public lands and national for-
ests shall be paid into, reserved, and appropriated as a part of the
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reclamation fund created by the Act of Congress known as the Rec-
lamation Act, approved June 17, 1902; and 37
per centum of the
charges arising from licenses hereunder for the occupancy and use
of national forests and public lands from development within the
boundaries of any State shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treas-
ury to such State; and 50 per centum of the charges arising from
all other licenses hereunder is hereby reserved and appropriated as
a special fund in the Treasury to be expended under the direction
of the Secretary of the Army in the maintenance and operation of
dams and other navigation structures owned by the United States
or in the construction, maintenance, or operation of headwater or
other improvements of navigable waters of the United States. The
proceeds of charges made by the Commission for the purpose of re-
imbursing the United States for the costs of the administration of
this Part shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States and
credited to miscellaneous receipts.
(b) In case of delinquency on the part of any licensee in the
payment of annual charges a penalty of 5 per centum of the total
amount so delinquent may be added to the total charges which
shall apply for the first month or part of month so delinquent with
an additional penalty of 3 per centum for each subsequent month
until the total of the charges and penalties are paid or until the
license is canceled and the charges and penalties satisfied in ac-
cordance with law.
ø16 U.S.C. 810¿
. 18. The Commission shall require the construction, main-
tenance, and operation by a licensee at its own expense of such
lights and signals as may be directed by the Secretary of the De-
partment in which the Coast Guard is operating, and such
fishways as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce. The
license applicant and any party to the proceeding shall be entitled
to a determination on the record, after opportunity for an agency
trial-type hearing of no more than 90 days, on any disputed issues
of material fact with respect to such fishways. All disputed issues
of material fact raised by any party shall be determined in a single
trial-type hearing to be conducted by the relevant resource agency
in accordance with the regulations promulgated under this sub-
section and within the time frame established by the Commission
for each license proceeding. Within 90 days of the date of enact-
ment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretaries of the Inte-
rior, Commerce, and Agriculture shall establish jointly, by rule, the
procedures for such expedited trial-type hearing, including the op-
portunity to undertake discovery and cross-examine witnesses, in
consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The
operation of any navigation facilities which may be constructed as
a part of or in connection with any dam or diversion structure built
under the provisions of this Act, whether at the expense of a li-
censee hereunder or of the United States, shall at all times be con-
trolled by such reasonable rules and regulations in the interest of
navigation, including the control of the level of the pool caused by
such dam or diversion structure as may be made from time to time
by the Secretary of the Army, and for willful failure to comply with
any such rule or regulation such licensee shall be deemed guilty of
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a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as
provided in section 316 hereof.
ø16 U.S.C. 811¿
. 19. That as a condition of the license, every licensee here-
under which is a public-service corporation, or a person, associa-
tion, or corporation owning or operating any project and devel-
oping, transmitting, or distributing power for sale or use in public
service, shall abide by such reasonable regulation of the services to
be rendered to customers or consumers of power, and of rates and
charges of payment therefor, as may from time to time be pre-
scribed by any duly constituted agency of the State in which the
service is rendered or the rate charged. That in case of the develop-
ment, transmission, or distribution, or use in public service of
power by any licensee hereunder or by its customer engaged in
public service within a State which has not authorized and empow-
ered a commission or other agency or agencies within said State to
regulate and control the services to be rendered by such licensee
or by its customer engaged in public service, or the rates and
charges of payment therefor, or the amount or character of securi-
ties to be issued by any of said parties, it is agreed as a condition
of such license that jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the com-
mission, upon complaint of any person aggrieved or upon its own
initiative, to exercise such regulation and control until such time
as the State shall have provided a commission or other authority
for such regulation and control: Provided, That the jurisdiction of
the commission shall cease and determine as to each specific mat-
ter of regulation and control prescribed in this section as soon as
the State shall have provided a commission or other authority for
the regulation and control of that specific matter.
ø16 U.S.C. 812¿
. 20. That when said power or any part thereof shall enter
into interstate or foreign commerce the rates charged and the serv-
ice rendered by any such licensee, or by any subsidiary corporation,
the stock of which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by
such licensee, or by any person, corporation, or association pur-
chasing power from such licensee for sale and distribution or use
in public service shall be reasonable, nondiscriminatory and just to
the customer and all unreasonable discriminatory and unjust rates
or services are hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful; and
whenever any of the States directly concerned has not provided a
commission or other authority to enforce the requirements of this
section within such State or to regulate and control the amount
and character of securities to be issued by any of such parties or
such States are unable to agree through their properly constituted
authorities on the services to be rendered or on the rates or
charges of payment therefor, or on the amount or character of secu-
rities to be issued by any of said parties, jurisdiction is hereby con-
ferred upon the commission, upon complaint of any person ag-
grieved, upon the request of any State concerned, or upon its own
initiative to enforce the provisions of this section, to regulate and
control so much of the services rendered, and of the rates and
charges of payment therefor as constitute interstate or foreign com-
merce and to regulate the issuance of securities by the parties in-
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So in law. Probably should be ‘‘: Provided further,’’. See section 1701(d) of P.L. 102–486 (106
Stat. 3009).
cluded within this section, and securities issued by the licensee
subject to such regulations shall be allowed only for the bona fide
purpose of financing and conducting the business of such licensee.
The administration of the provisions of this section, so far as
applicable, shall be according to the procedure and practice in fix-
ing and regulating the rates, charges, and practices of railroad
companies as provided in the Act to regulate commerce, approved
February 4, 1887, as amended, and that the parties subject to such
regulation shall have the same rights of hearing, defense, and re-
view as said companies in such cases.
In any valuation of the property of any licensee hereunder for
purposes of rate making, no value shall be claimed by the licensee
or allowed by the commission for any project or projects under li-
cense in excess of the value or values prescribed in section 14 here-
of for the purposes of purchase by the United States, but there
shall be included the cost to such licensee of the construction of the
lock or locks or other aids of navigation and all other capital ex-
penditures required by the United States, and no value shall be
claimed or allowed for the rights granted by the commission or by
this Act.
ø16 U.S.C. 813¿
. 21. That when any licensee can not acquire by contract
or pledges an unimproved dam site or the right to use or damage
the lands or property of others necessary to the construction, main-
tenance, or operation of any dam, reservoir, diversion structure, or
the works appurtenant or accessory thereto, in conjunction with an
improvement which in the judgment of the commission is desirable
and justified in the public interest for the purpose of improving or
developing a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of inter-
state or foreign commerce, it may acquire the same by the exercise
of the right of eminent domain in the district court of the United
States for the district in which such land or other property may be
located, or in the State courts. The practice and procedure in any
action or proceedings for that purpose in the district court of the
United States shall conform as nearly as may be with the practice
and procedure in similar action or proceeding in the courts of the
State where the property is situated: Provided, That United States
district courts shall only have jurisdiction of cases when the
amount claimed by the owner of the property to be condemned ex-
ceeds $3,000
Provided further, That no licensee may use the right
of eminent domain under this section to acquire any lands or other
property that, prior to the date of enactment of the Energy Policy
Act of 1992, were owned by a State or political subdivision thereof
and were part of or included within any public park, recreation
area or wildlife refuge established under State or local law. In the
case of lands or other property that are owned by a State or polit-
ical subdivision and are part of or included within a public park,
recreation area or wildlife refuge established under State or local
law on or after the date of enactment of such Act, no licensee may
use the right of eminent domain under this section to acquire such
lands or property unless there has been a public hearing held in
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the affected community and a finding by the Commission, after due
consideration of expressed public views and the recommendations
of the State or political subdivision that owns the lands or prop-
erty, that the license will not interfere or be inconsistent with the
purposes for which such lands or property are owned.
ø16 U.S.C. 814¿
. 22. That whenever the public interest requires or justifies
the execution by the licensee of contracts for the sale and delivery
of power for periods extending beyond the date of termination of
the license, such contracts may be entered into upon the joint ap-
proval of the commission and of the public-service commission or
other similar authority in the State in which the sale or delivery
of power is made, or if sold or delivered in a State which has no
such public-service commission, then upon the approval of the com-
mission, and thereafter, in the event of failure to issue a new li-
cense to the original licensee at the termination of the license, the
United States or the new licensee, as the case may be shall assume
and fulfill all such contracts.
ø16 U.S.C. 815¿
. 23. (a) The provisions of this Part shall not be construed
as affecting any permit or valid existing right-of-way heretofore
granted or as confirming or otherwise affecting any claim, or as af-
fecting any authority heretofore given pursuant to law, but any
person, association, corporation, State, or municipality holding or
possessing such permit, right-of-way, or authority may apply for a
license hereunder, and upon such application the Commission may
issue to any such applicant a license in accordance with the provi-
sions of this Part and in such case the provisions of this Act shall
apply to such applicant as a licensee hereunder: Provided, That
when application is made for a license under this section for a
project or projects already constructed the fair value of said project
or projects determined as provided in this section, shall for the pur-
poses of this Part and of said license be deemed to be the amount
to be allowed as the net investment of the applicant in such project
or projects as of the date of such license, or as of the date of such
determination, if license has not been issued. Such fair value shall
be determined by the Commission after notice and opportunity for
ø16 U.S.C. 816¿
(b)(1) It shall be unlawful for any person, State, or munici-
pality, for the purpose of developing electric power, to construct, op-
erate, or maintain any dam, water conduit, reservoir, power house,
or other works incidental thereto across, along, or in any of the
navigable waters of the United States, or upon any part of the pub-
lic lands or reservations of the United States (including the Terri-
tories), or utilize the surplus water or water power from any Gov-
ernment dam, except under and in accordance with the terms of a
permit or valid existing right-of-way granted prior to June 10,
1920, or a license granted pursuant to this Act. Any person, asso-
ciation, corporation, State or municipality intending to construct a
dam or other project works across, along, over, or in any stream or
part thereof, other than those defined herein as navigable waters,
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and over which Congress has jurisdiction under its authority to
regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several
States shall before such construction file declaration of such inten-
tion with the Commission, whereupon the Commission shall cause
immediate investigation of such proposed construction to be made,
and if upon investigation it shall find that the interests of inter-
state or foreign commerce would be affected by such proposed con-
struction such person, association, corporation, State, or munici-
pality shall not construct, maintain, or operate such dam or other
project works until it shall have applied for and shall have received
a license under the provisions of this Act. If the Commission shall
not so find, and if no public lands or reservations are affected, per-
mission is hereby granted to construct such dam or other project
works in such stream upon compliance with State laws.
(2) No person may commence any significant modification of
any project licensed under, or exempted from, this Act unless such
modification is authorized in accordance with terms and conditions
of such license or exemption and the applicable requirements of
this Part. As used in this paragraph, the term ‘‘commence’’ refers
to the beginning of physical on-site activity other than surveys or
ø16 U.S.C. 817¿
. 24. Any lands of the United States included in any pro-
posed project under the provisions of this Part shall from the date
of filing of application therefor be reserved from entry, location, or
other disposal under the laws of the United States until otherwise
directed by the Commission or by Congress. Notice that such appli-
cation has been made, together with the date of filing thereof and
a description of the lands of the United States affected thereby,
shall be filed in the local land office for the district in which such
lands are located. Whenever the Commission shall determine that
the value of any lands of the United States so applied for, or here-
tofore or hereafter reserved or classified as power sites, will not be
injured or destroyed for the purposes of power development by loca-
tion, entry, or selection under the public land laws, the Secretary
of the Interior, upon notice of such determination, shall declare
such lands open to location, entry, or selection, for such purpose or
purposes and under such restrictions as the Commission may de-
termine, subject to and with a reservation of the right of the
United States or its permittees or licensees to enter upon, occupy,
and use any part or all of said lands necessary, in the judgment
of the Commission, for the purposes of this Part, which right shall
be expressly reserved in every patent issued for such lands; and no
claim or right to compensation shall accrue from the occupation or
use of any of said lands for said purposes. The United States or
any licensee for any such lands hereunder may enter thereupon for
the purposes of this Part upon payment of any damages to crops,
buildings, or other improvements caused thereby to the owner
thereof, or upon giving a good and sufficient bond to the United
States for the use and benefit of the owner to secure the payment
of such damages as may be determined and fixed in an action
brought upon the bond in a court of competent jurisdiction, said
bond to be in the form prescribed by the Commission: Provided,
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That locations, entries, selection, or filings heretofore made for
lands reserved as water-power sites, or in connection with water-
power development, or electrical transmission may proceed to ap-
proval or patent under and subject to the limitations and condi-
tions in this section continued: Provided further, That before any
lands applied for, or heretofore or hereafter reserved, or classified
as power sites, are declared open to location, entry, or selection by
the Secretary of the Interior, notice of intention to make such dec-
laration shall be given to the Governor of the State within which
such lands are located, and such State shall have ninety days from
the date of such notice within which to file, under any statute or
regulation applicable thereto, an application for the reservation to
the State, or any political subdivision thereof, of any lands required
as a right-of-way for a public highway or as a source of materials
for the construction and maintenance of such highways, and a copy
of such application shall be filed with the Federal Power Commis-
sion; and any location, entry, or selection of such lands, or subse-
quent patent thereof, shall be subject to any rights granted the
State pursuant to such application.
ø16 U.S.C. 818¿
. 25. øRepealed August 26, 1935.¿
. 26. That the Attorney General may, on request of the
commission or of the Secretary of the Army, institute proceedings
in equity in the district court of the United States in the district
in which any project or part thereof is situated for the purpose of
revoking for violation of its terms any permit or license issued
hereunder, or for the purpose of remedying or correcting by injunc-
tion, mandamus, or other process any act of commission, or omis-
sion in violation of the provisions of this Act or of any lawful regu-
lation or order promulgated hereunder. The district courts shall
have jurisdiction over all of the above-mentioned proceedings and
shall have power to issue and execute all necessary process and to
make and enforce all writs, orders, and decrees to compel compli-
ance with the lawful orders and regulations of the commission and
of the Secretary of the Army, and to compel the performance of any
condition imposed under the provisions of this Act. In the event a
decree revoking a license is entered, the court is empowered to sell
the whole or any part of the project or projects under license, to
wind up the business of such licensee conducted in connection with
such project or projects, to distribute the proceeds to the parties en-
titled to the same, and to make and enforce such further orders
and decrees as equity and justice may require. At such sale or sales
the vendee shall take the rights and privileges belonging to the li-
censee and shall perform the duties of such licensee and assume
all outstanding obligations and liabilities of the licensee which the
court may deem equitable in the premises; and at such sale or
sales the United States may become a purchaser, but it shall not
be required to pay a greater amount than it would be required to
pay under the provisions of section 14 hereof at the termination of
the license.
ø16 U.S.C. 820¿
. 27. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as
affecting or intending to affect or in any way to interfere with the
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laws of the respective States relating to the control, appropriation,
use, or distribution of water used in irrigation or for municipal or
other uses, or any vested right acquired therein.
ø16 U.S.C. 821¿
. 28. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is
hereby expressly reserved; but no such alteration, amendment, or
repeal shall affect any license theretofore issued under the provi-
sions of this Act, or the rights of any licensee thereunder.
ø16 U.S.C. 822¿
. 29. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this
Act are hereby repealed: Provided, That nothing herein contained
shall be held or construed to modify or repeal any of the provisions
of the Act of Congress approved December 19, 1913, granting cer-
tain rights-of-way to the city and county of San Francisco, in the
State of California: Provided further, That section 18 of an Act
making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preserva-
tion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other
purposes, approved August 8, 1917, is hereby repealed.
ø16 U.S.C. 823¿
. 30. (a)(1) A qualifying conduit hydropower facility shall
not be required to be licensed under this part.
(2)(A) Any person, State, or municipality proposing to construct
a qualifying conduit hydropower facility shall file with the Commis-
sion a notice of intent to construct such facility. The notice shall
include sufficient information to demonstrate that the facility
meets the qualifying criteria.
(B) Not later than 15 days after receipt of a notice of intent
filed under subparagraph (A), the Commission shall—
(i) make an initial determination as to whether the facility
meets the qualifying criteria; and
(ii) if the Commission makes an initial determination, pur-
suant to clause (i), that the facility meets the qualifying cri-
teria, publish public notice of the notice of intent filed under
subparagraph (A).
(C) If, not later than 30 days after the date of publication of
the public notice described in subparagraph (B)(ii)—
(i) an entity contests whether the facility meets the quali-
fying criteria, the Commission shall promptly issue a written
determination as to whether the facility meets such criteria; or
(ii) no entity contests whether the facility meets the quali-
fying criteria, the facility shall be deemed to meet such cri-
(3) For purposes of this section:
(A) The term ‘‘conduit’’ means any tunnel, canal, pipeline,
aqueduct, flume, ditch, or similar manmade water conveyance
that is operated for the distribution of water for agricultural,
municipal, or industrial consumption and not primarily for the
generation of electricity.
(B) The term ‘‘qualifying conduit hydropower facility’’
means a facility (not including any dam or other impound-
ment) that is determined or deemed under paragraph (2)(C) to
meet the qualifying criteria.
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So in original. Probably should be followed by a comma.
(C) The term ‘‘qualifying criteria’’ means, with respect to
a facility—
(i) the facility is constructed, operated, or maintained
for the generation of electric power and uses for such gen-
eration only the hydroelectric potential of a non-federally
owned conduit;
(ii) the facility has an installed capacity that does not
exceed 40 megawatts; and
(iii) on or before the date of enactment of the Hydro-
power Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013, the facility is not
licensed under, or exempted from the license requirements
contained in, this part.
(b) Subject to subsection (c), the Commission may grant an ex-
emption in whole or in part from the requirements of this part, in-
cluding any license requirements contained in this part, to any fa-
cility (not including any dam or other impoundment) constructed,
operated, or maintained for the generation of electric power which
the Commission determines, by rule or order—
(1) utilizes for such generation only the hydroelectric po-
tential of a conduit; and
(2) has an installed capacity that does not exceed 40
(c) In making the determination under subsection (b) the Com-
mission shall consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service and the State agency exercising administration over the
fish and wildlife resources of the State in which the facility is or
will be located, in the manner provided by the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661, et seq.), and shall include in any
such exemption—
(1) such terms and conditions as the Fish and Wildlife
National Marine Fisheries Service
and the State
agency each determine are appropriate to prevent loss of, or
damage to, such resources and to otherwise carry out the pur-
poses of such Act, and
(2) such terms and conditions as the Commission deems
appropriate to insure that such facility continues to comply
with the provisions of this section and terms and conditions in-
cluded in any such exemption.
(d) Any violation of a term or condition of any exemption
granted under subsection (b) shall be treated as a violation of a
rule or order of the Commission under this Act.
(e) The Commission, in addition to the requirements of section
10(e), shall establish fees which shall be paid by an applicant for
a license or exemption for a project that is required to meet terms
and conditions set by fish and wildlife agencies under subsection
(c). Such fees shall be adequate to reimburse the fish and wildlife
agencies referred to in subsection (c) for any reasonable costs in-
curred in connection with any studies or other reviews carried out
by such agencies for purposes of compliance with this section. The
fees shall, subject to annual appropriations Acts, be transferred to
such agencies by the Commission for use solely for purposes of car-
rying out such studies and shall remain available until expended.
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So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.
ø16 U.S.C. 823a¿
(a) M
.—The Commission shall
monitor and investigate compliance with each license and permit
issued under this Part and with each exemption granted from any
requirement of this Part. The Commission shall conduct such in-
vestigations as may be necessary and proper in accordance with
this Act. After notice and opportunity for public hearing, the Com-
mission may issue such orders as necessary to require compliance
with the terms and conditions of licenses and permits issued under
this Part and with the terms and conditions of exemptions granted
from any requirement of this Part.
(b) R
.—After notice and opportunity for an
evidentiary hearing, the Commission may also issue an order re-
voking any license issued under this Part or any exemption grant-
ed from any requirement of this Part where any licensee or
exemptee is found by the Commission:
(1) to have knowingly violated a final order issued under
subsection (a) after completion of judicial review (or the oppor-
tunity for judicial review); and
(2) to have been given reasonable time to comply fully with
such order prior to commencing any revocation proceeding.
In any such proceeding, the order issued under subsection (a) shall
be subject to de novo review by the Commission. No order shall be
issued under this subsection until after the Commission has taken
into the consideration the nature and seriousness of the violation
and the efforts of the licensee to remedy the violation.
(c) C
.—Any licensee, permittee, or exemptee who
violates or fails or refuses to comply with any rule or regulation
under this Part,
any term, or condition of a license, permit, or
exemption under this Part,
or any order issued under subsection
(a) shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed
$10,000 for each day that such violation or failure or refusal con-
tinues. Such penalty shall be assessed by the Commission after no-
tice and opportunity for public hearing. In determining the amount
of a proposed penalty, the Commission shall take into consideration
the nature and seriousness of the violation, failure or refusal and
the efforts of the licensee to remedy the violation, failure, or refusal
in a timely manner. No civil penalty shall be assessed where rev-
ocation is ordered.
(d) A
.—(1) Before issuing an order assessing a civil
penalty against any person under this section, the Commission
shall provide to such person notice of the proposed penalty. Such
notice shall, except in the case of a violation of a final order issued
under subsection (a), inform such person of his opportunity to elect
in writing within 30 days after the date of receipt of such notice
to have the procedures of paragraph (3) (in lieu of those of para-
graph (2)) apply with respect to such assessment.
(2)(A) In the case of the violation of a final order issued under
subsection (a), or unless an election is made within 30 calendar
days after receipt of notice under paragraph (1) to have paragraph
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So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.
(3) apply with respect to such penalty, the Commission shall assess
the penalty, by order, after a determination of violation has been
made on the record after an opportunity for an agency hearing pur-
suant to section 554 of title 5, United States Code, before an ad-
ministrative law judge appointed under section 3105 of such title
5. Such assessment order shall include the administrative law
judge’s findings and the basis for such assessment.
(B) Any person against whom a penalty is assessed under this
paragraph may, within 60 calendar days after the date of the order
of the Commission assessing such penalty, institute an action in
the United States court of appeals for the appropriate judicial cir-
cuit for judicial review of such order in accordance with chapter 7
of title 5, United States Code. The court shall have jurisdiction to
enter a judgment affirming, modifying, or setting aside in whole or
in Part,
the order of the Commission, or the court may remand
the proceeding to the Commission for such further action as the
court may direct.
(3)(A) In the case of any civil penalty with respect to which the
procedures of this paragraph have been elected, the Commission
shall promptly assess such penalty, by order, after the date of the
receipt of the notice under paragraph (1) of the proposed penalty.
(B) If the civil penalty has not been paid within 60 calendar
days after the assessment order has been made under subpara-
graph (A), the Commission shall institute an action in the appro-
priate district court of the United States for an order affirming the
assessment of the civil penalty. The court shall have authority to
review de novo the law and the facts involved, and shall have juris-
diction to enter a judgment enforcing, modifying, and enforcing as
so modified, or setting aside in whole or in Part, such assessment.
(C) Any election to have this paragraph apply may not be re-
voked except with the consent of the Commission.
(4) The Commission may compromise, modify, or remit, with or
without conditions, any civil penalty which may be imposed under
this subsection, taking into consideration the nature and serious-
ness of the violation and the efforts of the licensee to remedy the
violation in a timely manner at any time prior to a final decision
by the court of appeals under paragraph (2) or by the district court
under paragraph (3).
(5) If any person fails to pay an assessment of a civil penalty
after it has become a final and unappealable order under para-
graph (2), or after the appropriate district court has entered final
judgment in favor of the Commission under paragraph (3), the
Commission shall institute an action to recover the amount of such
penalty in any appropriate district court of the United States. In
such action, the validity and appropriateness of such final assess-
ment order or judgment shall not be subject to review.
(6)(A) Notwithstanding the provisions of title 28, United States
Code, or of this Act, the Commission may be represented by the
general counsel of the Commission (or any attorney or attorneys
within the Commission designated by the Chairman) who shall su-
pervise, conduct, and argue any civil litigation to which paragraph
(3) of this subsection applies (including any related collection action
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So in original. Probably should read ‘‘Endangered Species Act of 1973’’.
under paragraph (5)) in a court of the United States or in any other
court, except the Supreme Court. However, the Commission or the
general counsel shall consult with the Attorney General concerning
such litigation, and the Attorney General shall provide, on request,
such assistance in the conduct of such litigation as may be appro-
(B) The Commission shall be represented by the Attorney Gen-
eral, or the Solicitor General, as appropriate, in actions under this
subsection, except to the extent provided in subparagraph (A) of
this paragraph.
ø16 U.S.C. 823b¿
(a) D
Notwithstanding sections 4(e) and 23(b), the Commission shall dis-
continue exercising licensing and regulatory authority under this
part over qualifying project works in the State of Alaska, effective
on the date on which the Commission certifies that the State of
Alaska has in place a regulatory program for water-power develop-
ment that—
(1) protects the public interest, the purposes listed in para-
graph (2), and the environment to the same extent provided by
licensing and regulation by the Commission under this part
and other applicable Federal laws, including the Endangered
Species Act
(16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and the Fish and Wild-
life Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.);
(2) gives equal consideration to the purposes of—
(A) energy conservation;
(B) the protection, mitigation of damage to, and en-
hancement of, fish and wildlife (including related spawn-
ing grounds and habitat);
(C) the protection of recreational opportunities;
(D) the preservation of other aspects of environmental
(E) the interests of Alaska Natives; and
(F) other beneficial public uses, including irrigation,
flood control, water supply, and navigation; and
(3) requires, as a condition of a license for any project
(A) the construction, maintenance, and operation by a
licensee at its own expense of such lights and signals as
may be directed by the Secretary of the Department in
which the Coast Guard is operating, and such fishways as
may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior or the
Secretary of Commerce, as appropriate;
(B) the operation of any navigation facilities which
may be constructed as part of any project to be controlled
at all times by such reasonable rules and regulations as
may be made by the Secretary of the Army; and
(C) except as provided in subsection (j), conditions for
the protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and
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wildlife based on recommendations received pursuant to
the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et
seq.) from the National Marine Fisheries Service, the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and State fish
and wildlife agencies.
(b) D
’’.—For pur-
poses of this section, the term ‘‘qualifying project works’’ means
project works—
(1) that are not part of a project licensed under this part
or exempted from licensing under this part or section 405 of
the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 prior to the
date of the enactment of this section;
(2) for which a preliminary permit, a license application, or
an application for an exemption from licensing has not been ac-
cepted for filing by the Commission prior to the date of the en-
actment of subsection (c) (unless such application is withdrawn
at the election of the applicant);
(3) that are part of a project that has a power production
capacity of 5,000 kilowatts or less;
(4) that are located entirely within the boundaries of the
State of Alaska; and
(5) that are not located in whole or in part on any Indian
reservation, a conservation system unit (as defined in section
102(4) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
(16 U.S.C. 3102(4))), or segment of a river designated for study
for addition to the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
(c) E
.—In the case of nonquali-
fying project works that would be a qualifying project works but for
the fact that the project has been licensed (or exempted from li-
censing) by the Commission prior to the enactment of this section,
the licensee of such project may in its discretion elect to make the
project subject to licensing and regulation by the State of Alaska
under this section.
(d) P
.—With respect to
projects located in whole or in part on a reservation, a conservation
system unit, or the public lands, a State license or exemption from
licensing shall be subject to—
(1) the approval of the Secretary having jurisdiction over
such lands; and
(2) such conditions as the Secretary may prescribe.
(e) C
.—The Commis-
sion shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary
of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Commerce before certifying the
State of Alaska’s regulatory program.
(f) A
.—Nothing in this section
shall preempt the application of Federal environmental, natural re-
sources, or cultural resources protection laws according to their
(g) O
.—The State of Alaska shall
notify the Commission not later than 30 days after making any sig-
nificant modification to its regulatory program. The Commission
shall periodically review the State’s program to ensure compliance
with the provisions of this section.
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(h) R
subsection (a), the Commission shall reassert its licensing and reg-
ulatory authority under this part if the Commission finds that the
State of Alaska has not complied with one or more of the require-
ments of this section.
(i) D
.—(1) Upon application
by the Governor of the State of Alaska, the Commission shall with-
in 30 days commence a review of the State of Alaska’s regulatory
program for water-power development to determine whether it
complies with the requirements of subsection (a).
(2) The Commission’s review required by paragraph (1) shall
be completed within 1 year of initiation, and the Commission shall
within 30 days thereafter issue a final order determining whether
or not the State of Alaska’s regulatory program for water-power de-
velopment complies with the requirements of subsection (a).
(3) If the Commission fails to issue a final order in accordance
with paragraph (2) the State of Alaska’s regulatory program for
water-power development shall be deemed to be in compliance with
subsection (a).
(j) F
.—If the State of Alaska determines that
a recommendation under subsection (a)(3)(C) is inconsistent with
paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), the State of Alaska may
decline to adopt all or part of the recommendations in accordance
with the procedures established under section 10(j)(2).
ø16 U.S.C. 823c¿
(a) A
.—(1) Whenever any person ap-
plies for a license for any project works within any reservation of
the United States, and the Secretary of the department under
whose supervision such reservation falls (referred to in this sub-
section as the ‘‘Secretary’’) deems a condition to such license to be
necessary under the first proviso of section 4(e), the license appli-
cant or any other party to the license proceeding may propose an
alternative condition.
(2) Notwithstanding the first proviso of section 4(e), the Sec-
retary shall accept the proposed alternative condition referred to in
paragraph (1), and the Commission shall include in the license
such alternative condition, if the Secretary determines, based on
substantial evidence provided by the license applicant, any other
party to the proceeding, or otherwise available to the Secretary,
that such alternative condition—
(A) provides for the adequate protection and utilization of
the reservation; and
(B) will either, as compared to the condition initially by
the Secretary—
(i) cost significantly less to implement; or
(ii) result in improved operation of the project works
for electricity production.
(3) In making a determination under paragraph (2), the Sec-
retary shall consider evidence provided for the record by any party
to a licensing proceeding, or otherwise available to the Secretary,
including any evidence provided by the Commission, on the imple-
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mentation costs or operational impacts for electricity production of
a proposed alternative.
(4) The Secretary concerned shall submit into the public record
of the Commission proceeding with any condition under section 4(e)
or alternative condition it accepts under this section, a written
statement explaining the basis for such condition, and reason for
not accepting any alternative condition under this section. The
written statement must demonstrate that the Secretary gave equal
consideration to the effects of the condition adopted and alter-
natives not accepted on energy supply, distribution, cost, and use;
flood control; navigation; water supply; and air quality (in addition
to the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality);
based on such information as may be available to the Secretary, in-
cluding information voluntarily provided in a timely manner by the
applicant and others. The Secretary shall also submit, together
with the aforementioned written statement, all studies, data, and
other factual information available to the Secretary and relevant to
the Secretary’s decision.
(5) If the Commission finds that the Secretary’s final condition
would be inconsistent with the purposes of this part, or other appli-
cable law, the Commission may refer the dispute to the Commis-
sion’s Dispute Resolution Service. The Dispute Resolution Service
shall consult with the Secretary and the Commission and issue a
non-binding advisory within 90 days. The Secretary may accept the
Dispute Resolution Service advisory unless the Secretary finds that
the recommendation will not adequately protect the reservation.
The Secretary shall submit the advisory and the Secretary’s final
written determination into the record of the Commission’s pro-
(b) A
.—(1) Whenever the Secretary
of the Interior or the Secretary of Commerce prescribes a fishway
under section 18, the license applicant or any other party to the li-
cense proceeding may propose an alternative to such prescription
to construct, maintain, or operate a fishway.
(2) Notwithstanding section 18, the Secretary of the Interior or
the Secretary of Commerce, as appropriate, shall accept and pre-
scribe, and the Commission shall require, the proposed alternative
referred to in paragraph (1), if the Secretary of the appropriate de-
partment determines, based on substantial evidence provided by
the license applicant, any other party to the proceeding, or other-
wise available to the Secretary, that such alternative—
(A) will be no less protective than the fishway initially pre-
scribed by the Secretary; and
(B) will either, as compared to the fishway initially pre-
scribed by the Secretary—
(i) cost significantly less to implement; or
(ii) result in improved operation of the project works
for electricity production.
(3) In making a determination under paragraph (2), the Sec-
retary shall consider evidence provided for the record by any party
to a licensing proceeding, or otherwise available to the Secretary,
including any evidence provided by the Commission, on the imple-
mentation costs or operational impacts for electricity production of
a proposed alternative.
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(4) The Secretary concerned shall submit into the public record
of the Commission proceeding with any prescription under section
18 or alternative prescription it accepts under this section, a writ-
ten statement explaining the basis for such prescription, and rea-
son for not accepting any alternative prescription under this sec-
tion. The written statement must demonstrate that the Secretary
gave equal consideration to the effects of the prescription adopted
and alternatives not accepted on energy supply, distribution, cost,
and use; flood control; navigation; water supply; and air quality (in
addition to the preservation of other aspects of environmental qual-
ity); based on such information as may be available to the Sec-
retary, including information voluntarily provided in a timely man-
ner by the applicant and others. The Secretary shall also submit,
together with the aforementioned written statement, all studies,
data, and other factual information available to the Secretary and
relevant to the Secretary’s decision.
(5) If the Commission finds that the Secretary’s final prescrip-
tion would be inconsistent with the purposes of this part, or other
applicable law, the Commission may refer the dispute to the Com-
mission’s Dispute Resolution Service. The Dispute Resolution Serv-
ice shall consult with the Secretary and the Commission and issue
a non-binding advisory within 90 days. The Secretary may accept
the Dispute Resolution Service advisory unless the Secretary finds
that the recommendation will not adequately protect the fish re-
sources. The Secretary shall submit the advisory and the Sec-
retary’s final written determination into the record of the Commis-
sion’s proceeding.
ø16 U.S.C. 823d¿
(a) E
(1) I
.—As provided in this section, the Commis-
sion may issue and amend licenses, as appropriate, for any fa-
cility the Commission determines is a qualifying facility.
(2) R
.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enact-
ment of this section, the Commission shall issue a rule estab-
lishing an expedited process for issuing and amending licenses
for qualifying facilities under this section.
(3) I
(A) In establishing the expedited process under this
section, the Commission shall convene an interagency task
force, with appropriate Federal and State agencies and In-
dian tribes represented, to coordinate the regulatory proc-
esses associated with the authorizations required to con-
struct and operate a qualifying facility.
(B) The task force shall develop procedures that are
consistent with subsection (e)(1)(E) to seek to ensure that,
for projects licensed pursuant to this section, the Commis-
sion and appropriate Federal and State agencies and In-
dian tribes shall exercise their authorities in a manner
that, to the extent practicable, will not result in any mate-
rial change to the storage, release, or flow operations of
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the associated nonpowered dam existing at the time an ap-
plicant files its license application.
(4) L
.—The Commission shall seek to
ensure that the expedited process under this section will result
in a final decision on an application for a license by not later
than 2 years after receipt of a completed application for the li-
(b) D
(1) A
.—Before issuing any license for a quali-
fying facility, the Commission shall assess the safety of exist-
ing non-Federal dams and other non-Federal structures related
to the qualifying facility (including possible consequences asso-
ciated with failure of such structures).
(2) R
.—In issuing any license for a qualifying
facility at a non-Federal dam, the Commission shall ensure
that the Commission’s dam safety requirements apply to such
qualifying facility, and the associated qualifying nonpowered
dam, over the term of such license.
(c) I
.—Interagency cooperation
in the preparation of environmental documents under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) with re-
spect to an application for a license for a qualifying facility under
this section, and interagency communications relating to licensing
process coordination pursuant to this section, shall not—
(1) be considered to be ex parte communications under
Commission rules; or
(2) preclude an agency from participating in a licensing
proceeding under this part, providing that any agency partici-
pating as a party in a licensing proceeding under this part
shall, to the extent practicable, demonstrate a separation of
staff cooperating with the Commission under the National En-
vironmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and staff par-
ticipating in the applicable proceeding under this part.
(d) I
(1) I
.—Not later than 12 months after the date
of enactment of this section, the Commission, with the Sec-
retary of the Army, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Sec-
retary of Agriculture, shall jointly develop a list of existing
nonpowered Federal dams that the Commission and the Secre-
taries agree have the greatest potential for non-Federal hydro-
power development.
(2) C
.—In developing the list under para-
graph (1), the Commission and the Secretaries may consider
the following:
(A) The compatibility of hydropower generation with
existing purposes of the dam.
(B) The proximity of the dam to existing transmission
(C) The existence of studies to characterize environ-
mental, cultural, and historic resources relating to the
(D) The effects of hydropower development on release
or flow operations of the dam.
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(3) A
.—The Commission shall—
(A) provide the list developed under paragraph (1) to—
(i) the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and
the Committee on Natural Resources, of the House of
Representatives; and
(ii) the Committee on Environment and Public
Works, and the Committee on Energy and Natural Re-
sources, of the Senate; and
(B) make such list available to the public.
(e) D
.—For purposes of this section:
(1) Q
.—The term ‘‘qualifying criteria’’
means, with respect to a facility—
(A) as of the date of enactment of this section, the fa-
cility is not licensed under, or exempted from the license
requirements contained in, this part;
(B) the facility will be associated with a qualifying
nonpowered dam;
(C) the facility will be constructed, operated, and
maintained for the generation of electric power;
(D) the facility will use for such generation any with-
drawals, diversions, releases, or flows from the associated
qualifying nonpowered dam, including its associated im-
poundment or other infrastructure; and
(E) the operation of the facility will not result in any
material change to the storage, release, or flow operations
of the associated qualifying nonpowered dam.
(2) Q
.—The term ‘‘qualifying facility’’
means a facility that is determined under this section to meet
the qualifying criteria.
(3) Q
.—The term ‘‘qualifying
nonpowered dam’’ means any dam, dike, embankment, or other
(A) the construction of which was completed on or be-
fore the date of enactment of this section;
(B) that is or was operated for the control, release, or
distribution of water for agricultural, municipal, naviga-
tional, industrial, commercial, environmental, recreational,
aesthetic, drinking water, or flood control purposes; and
(C) that, as of the date of enactment of this section, is
not generating electricity with hydropower generating
works that are licensed under, or exempted from the li-
cense requirements contained in, this part.
(f) S
.—Nothing in this section affects—
(1) any authority of the Commission to license a facility at
a nonpowered dam under this part; and
(2) any authority of the Commission to issue an exemption
to a small hydroelectric power project under the Public Utility
Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.
ø16 U.S.C. 823e¿
(a) E
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(1) I
.—As provided in this section, the Commis-
sion may issue and amend licenses, as appropriate, for closed-
loop pumped storage projects.
(2) R
.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enact-
ment of this section, the Commission shall issue a rule estab-
lishing an expedited process for issuing and amending licenses
for closed-loop pumped storage projects under this section.
(3) I
.—In establishing the expe-
dited process under this section, the Commission shall convene
an interagency task force, with appropriate Federal and State
agencies and Indian tribes represented, to coordinate the regu-
latory processes associated with the authorizations required to
construct and operate closed-loop pumped storage projects.
(4) L
.—The Commission shall seek to
ensure that the expedited process under this section will result
in final decision on an application for a license by not later
than 2 years after receipt of a completed application for such
(b) D
.—Before issuing any license for a closed-loop
pumped storage project, the Commission shall assess the safety of
existing dams and other structures related to the project (including
possible consequences associated with failure of such structures).
(c) E
(1) I
.—In issuing or amending a license for a
closed-loop pumped storage project pursuant to the expedited
process established under this section, the Commission may
grant an exception from any other requirement of this part
with respect to any part of the closed-loop pumped storage
project (not including any dam or other impoundment).
(2) C
.—In granting an exception under para-
graph (1), the Commission shall consult with the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Serv-
ice, and the State agency exercising administration over the
fish and wildlife resources of the State in which the closed-loop
pumped storage project is or will be located, in the manner
provided by the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C.
661 et seq.).
(3) T
.—In granting an exception
under paragraph (1), the Commission shall include in any such
(A) such terms and conditions as the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries
Service, and the State agency described in paragraph (2)
each determine are appropriate to prevent loss of, or dam-
age to, fish and wildlife resources and to otherwise carry
out the purposes of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act;
(B) such terms and conditions as the Commission
deems appropriate to ensure that such closed-loop pumped
storage project continues to comply with the provisions of
this section and terms and conditions included in any such
(4) F
.—The Commission, in addition to the require-
ments of section 10(e), shall establish fees which shall be paid
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by an applicant for a license for a closed-loop pumped storage
project that is required to meet terms and conditions set by
fish and wildlife agencies under paragraph (3). Such fees shall
be adequate to reimburse the fish and wildlife agencies re-
ferred to in paragraph (3) for any reasonable costs incurred in
connection with any studies or other reviews carried out by
such agencies for purposes of compliance with this section. The
fees shall, subject to annual appropriations Acts, be trans-
ferred to such agencies by the Commission for use solely for
purposes of carrying out such studies and shall remain avail-
able until expended.
(d) T
.—Notwithstanding section 5, and regardless of
whether the holder of a preliminary permit for a closed-loop
pumped storage project claimed municipal preference under section
7(a) when obtaining the permit, on request by a municipality, the
Commission may, to facilitate development of a closed-loop pumped
storage project—
(1) add entities as joint permittees following issuance of a
preliminary permit; and
(2) transfer a license in part to one or more nonmunicipal
entities as co-licensees with a municipality, if the municipality
retains majority ownership of the project for which the license
was issued.
(e) I
.—Interagency cooperation
in the preparation of environmental documents under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) with re-
spect to an application for a license for a closed-loop pumped stor-
age project submitted pursuant to this section, and interagency
communications relating to licensing process coordination pursuant
to this section, shall not—
(1) be considered to be ex parte communications under
Commission rules; or
(2) preclude an agency from participating in a licensing
proceeding under this part, providing that any agency partici-
pating as a party in a licensing proceeding under this part
shall, to the extent practicable, demonstrate a separation of
staff cooperating with the Commission under the National En-
vironmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and staff par-
ticipating in the applicable proceeding under this part.
(f) D
(1) W
.—Not later than 6 months after the date of
enactment of this section, the Commission shall hold a work-
shop to explore potential opportunities for development of
closed-loop pumped storage projects at abandoned mine sites.
(2) G
.—Not later than 1 year after the date of en-
actment of this section, the Commission shall issue guidance to
assist applicants for licenses or preliminary permits for closed-
loop pumped storage projects at abandoned mine sites.
(g) Q
(1) I
.—The Commission shall establish criteria
that a pumped storage project shall meet in order to qualify as
a closed-loop pumped storage project eligible for the expedited
process established under this section.
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(2) I
.—In establishing the criteria under para-
graph (1), the Commission shall include criteria requiring that
the pumped storage project—
(A) cause little to no change to existing surface and
ground water flows and uses; and
(B) is unlikely to adversely affect species listed as a
threatened species or endangered species under the En-
dangered Species Act of 1973.
(h) S
.—Nothing in this section affects any au-
thority of the Commission to license a closed-loop pumped storage
project under this part.
ø16 U.S.C. 823f¿
(a) I
.—In determining the term of a new license
issued when an existing license under this part expires, the Com-
mission shall take into consideration, among other things—
(1) project-related investments by the licensee under the
new license; and
(2) project-related investments by the licensee over the
term of the existing license.
(b) E
.—The determination of the Commission
under subsection (a) shall give equal weight to—
(1) investments by the licensee to implement the new li-
cense under this part, including investments relating to rede-
velopment, new construction, new capacity, efficiency, mod-
ernization, rehabilitation or replacement of major equipment,
safety improvements, or environmental, recreation, or other
protection, mitigation, or enhancement measures required or
authorized by the new license; and
(2) investments by the licensee over the term of the exist-
ing license (including any terms under annual licenses) that—
(A) resulted in redevelopment, new construction, new
capacity, efficiency, modernization, rehabilitation or re-
placement of major equipment, safety improvements, or
environmental, recreation, or other protection, mitigation,
or enhancement measures conducted over the term of the
existing license; and
(B) were not expressly considered by the Commission
as contributing to the length of the existing license term
in any order establishing or extending the existing license
(c) C
.—At the request of the li-
censee, the Commission shall make a determination as to whether
any planned, ongoing, or completed investment meets the criteria
under subsection (b)(2). Any determination under this subsection
shall be issued within 60 days following receipt of the licensee’s re-
quest. When issuing its determination under this subsection, the
Commission shall not assess the incremental number of years that
the investment may add to the new license term. All such assess-
ment shall occur only as provided in subsection (a).
ø16 U.S.C. 823g¿
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201. (a) It is hereby declared that the business of
transmitting and selling electric energy for ultimate distribution to
the public is affected with a public interest, and that Federal regu-
lation of matters relating to generation to the extent provided in
this Part and the Part next following and of that part of such busi-
ness which consists of the transmission of electric energy in inter-
state commerce and the sale of such energy at wholesale in inter-
state commerce is necessary in the public interest, such Federal
regulation, however, to extend only to those matters which are not
subject to regulation by the States.
(b)(1) The provisions of this Part shall apply to the trans-
mission of electric energy in interstate commerce and to the sale
of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce, but except
as provided in paragraph (2) shall not apply to any other sale of
electric energy or deprive a State or State commission of its lawful
authority now exercised over the exportation of hydroelectric en-
ergy which is transmitted across a State line. The Commission
shall have jurisdiction over all facilities for such transmission or
sale of electric energy, but shall not have jurisdiction, except as
specifically provided in this Part and the Part next following, over
facilities used for the generation of electric energy or over facilities
used in local distribution or only for the transmission of electric en-
ergy in intrastate commerce, or over facilities for the transmission
of electric energy consumed wholly by the transmitter.
(2) Notwithstanding section 201(f), the provisions of sections
203(a)(2), 206(e), 210, 211, 211A, 212, 215, 215A, 216, 217, 218,
219, 220, 221, and 222 shall apply to the entities described in such
provisions, and such entities shall be subject to the jurisdiction of
the Commission for purposes of carrying out such provisions and
for purposes of applying the enforcement authorities of this Act
with respect to such provisions. Compliance with any order of the
Commission under the provisions of section 203(a)(2), 206(e), 210,
211, 211A, 212, 215, 215A, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, or 222,
shall not make an electric utility or other entity subject to the ju-
risdiction of the Commission for any purposes other than the pur-
poses specified in the preceding sentence.
(c) For the purpose of this Part, electric energy shall be held
to be transmitted in interstate commerce if transmitted from a
State and consumed at any point outside thereof: but only insofar
as such transmission takes place within the United States.
(d) The term ‘‘sale of electric energy at wholesale’’ when used
in this Part means a sale of electric energy to any person for resale.
(e) The term ‘‘public utility’’ when used in this Part or in the
Part next following means any person who owns or operates facili-
ties subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission under this Part
(other than facilities subject to such jurisdiction solely by reason of
section 206(e), 206(f), 210, 211, 211A, 212, 215, 215A, 216, 217,
218, 219, 220, 221, or 222).
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(f) No provision in this Part shall apply to, or be deemed to in-
clude, the United States, a State or any political subdivision of a
State, an electric cooperative that receives financing under the
Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or that sells
less than 4,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, or any
agency, authority, or instrumentality of any one or more of the
foregoing, or any corporation which is wholly owned, directly or in-
directly, by any one or more of the foregoing, or any officer, agent,
employee of any of the foregoing acting as such in the course of his
official duty, unless such provision makes specific reference thereto.
(g) B
.—(1) Upon written order of a State
commission, a State commission may examine the books, accounts,
memoranda, contracts, and records of—
(A) an electric utility company subject to its regulatory au-
thority under State law,
(B) any exempt wholesale generator selling energy at
wholesale to such electric utility, and
(C) any electric utility company, or holding company there-
of, which is an associate company or affiliate of an exempt
wholesale generator which sells electric energy to an electric
utility company referred to in subparagraph (A),
wherever located, if such examination is required for the effective
discharge of the State commission’s regulatory responsibilities af-
fecting the provision of electric service.
(2) Where a State commission issues an order pursuant to
paragraph (1), the State commission shall not publicly disclose
trade secrets or sensitive commercial information.
(3) Any United States district court located in the State in
which the State commission referred to in paragraph (1) is located
shall have jurisdiction to enforce compliance with this subsection.
(4) Nothing in this section shall—
(A) preempt applicable State law concerning the provision
of records and other information; or
(B) in any way limit rights to obtain records and other in-
formation under Federal law, contracts, or otherwise.
(5) As used in this subsection the terms ‘‘affiliate’’, ‘‘associate
company’’, ‘‘electric utility company’’, ‘‘holding company’’, ‘‘sub-
sidiary company’’, and ‘‘exempt wholesale generator’’ shall have the
same meaning as when used in the Public Utility Holding Com-
pany Act of 2005.
ø16 U.S.C. 824¿
. 202. (a) For the purpose of assuring an abundant supply
of electric energy throughout the United States with the greatest
possible economy and with regard to the proper utilization and con-
servation of natural resources, the Commission is empowered and
directed to divide the country into regional districts for the vol-
untary interconnection and coordination of facilities for the genera-
tion, transmission, and sale of electric energy, and it may at any
time thereafter, upon its own motion or upon application, make
such modifications thereof as in its judgment will promote the pub-
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lic interest. Each such district shall embrace an area which, in the
judgment of the Commission, can economically be served by such
interconnected and coordinated electric facilities. It shall be the
duty of the Commission to promote and encourage such inter-
connection and coordination within each such district and between
such districts. Before establishing any such district and fixing or
modifying the boundaries thereof the Commission shall give notice
to the State commission of each State situated wholly or in part
within such district, and shall afford each such State commission
reasonable opportunity to present its views and recommendations,
and shall receive and consider such views and recommendations.
(b) Whenever the Commission, upon application of any State
commission or of any person engaged in the transmission or sale
of electric energy, and after notice to each State commission and
public utility affected and after opportunity for hearing, finds such
action necessary or appropriate in the public interest it may by
order direct a public utility (if the Commission finds that no undue
burden will be placed upon such public utility thereby) to establish
physical connection of its transmission facilities with the facilities
of one or more other persons engaged in the transmission or sale
of electric energy, to sell energy to or exchange energy with such
persons: Provided, That the Commission shall have no authority to
compel the enlargement of generating facilities for such purposes,
nor to compel such public utility to sell or exchange energy when
to do so would impair its ability to render adequate service to its
customers. The Commission may prescribe the terms and condi-
tions of the arrangement to be made between the persons affected
by any such order, including the apportionment of cost between
them and the compensation or reimbursement reasonably due to
any of them.
(c)(1) During the continuance of any war in which the United
States is engaged, or whenever the Commission determines that an
emergency exists by reason of a sudden increase in the demand for
electric energy, or a shortage of electric energy or of facilities for
the generation or transmission of electric energy, or of fuel or water
for generating facilities, or other causes, the Commission shall have
authority, either upon its own motion or upon complaint, with or
without notice, hearing, or report, to require by order such tem-
porary connections of facilities and such generation, delivery, inter-
change, or transmission of electric energy as in its judgment will
best meet the emergency and serve the public interest. If the par-
ties affected by such order fail to agree upon the terms of any ar-
rangement between them in carrying out such order, the Commis-
sion, after hearing held either before or after such order takes ef-
fect, may prescribe by supplemental order such terms as it finds to
be just and reasonable, including the compensation or reimburse-
ment which should be paid to or by any such party.
(2) With respect to an order issued under this subsection that
may result in a conflict with a requirement of any Federal, State,
or local environmental law or regulation, the Commission shall en-
sure that such order requires generation, delivery, interchange, or
transmission of electric energy only during hours necessary to meet
the emergency and serve the public interest, and, to the maximum
extent practicable, is consistent with any applicable Federal, State,
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or local environmental law or regulation and minimizes any ad-
verse environmental impacts.
(3) To the extent any omission or action taken by a party, that
is necessary to comply with an order issued under this subsection,
including any omission or action taken to voluntarily comply with
such order, results in noncompliance with, or causes such party to
not comply with, any Federal, State, or local environmental law or
regulation, such omission or action shall not be considered a viola-
tion of such environmental law or regulation, or subject such party
to any requirement, civil or criminal liability, or a citizen suit
under such environmental law or regulation.
(4)(A) An order issued under this subsection that may result in
a conflict with a requirement of any Federal, State, or local envi-
ronmental law or regulation shall expire not later than 90 days
after it is issued. The Commission may renew or reissue such order
pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) for subsequent periods, not to
exceed 90 days for each period, as the Commission determines nec-
essary to meet the emergency and serve the public interest.
(B) In renewing or reissuing an order under subparagraph (A),
the Commission shall consult with the primary Federal agency
with expertise in the environmental interest protected by such law
or regulation, and shall include in any such renewed or reissued
order such conditions as such Federal agency determines necessary
to minimize any adverse environmental impacts to the extent prac-
ticable. The conditions, if any, submitted by such Federal agency
shall be made available to the public. The Commission may exclude
such a condition from the renewed or reissued order if it deter-
mines that such condition would prevent the order from adequately
addressing the emergency necessitating such order and provides in
the order, or otherwise makes publicly available, an explanation of
such determination.
(5) If an order issued under this subsection is subsequently
stayed, modified, or set aside by a court pursuant to section 313 or
any other provision of law, any omission or action previously taken
by a party that was necessary to comply with the order while the
order was in effect, including any omission or action taken to vol-
untarily comply with the order, shall remain subject to paragraph
(d) During the continuance of any emergency requiring imme-
diate action, any person or municipality engaged in the trans-
mission or sale of electric energy and not otherwise subject to the
jurisdiction of the Commission may make such temporary connec-
tions with any public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Com-
mission or may construct such temporary facilities for the trans-
mission of electric energy in interstate commerce as may be nec-
essary or appropriate to meet such emergency, and shall not be-
come subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission by reason of
such temporary connection or temporary construction: Provided,
That such temporary connection shall be discontinued or such tem-
porary construction removed or otherwise disposed of upon the ter-
mination of such emergency: Provided further, That upon approval
of the Commission permanent connections for emergency use only
may be made hereunder.
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(e) After six months from the date on which this Part takes ef-
fect, no person shall transmit any electric energy from the United
States to a foreign country without first having secured an order
of the Commission authorizing it to do so. The Commission shall
issue such order upon application unless, after opportunity for
hearing, it finds that the proposed transmission would impair the
sufficiency of electric supply within the United States or would im-
pede or tend to impede the coordination in the public interest of fa-
cilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Commis-
sion may by its order grant such application in whole or in part,
with such modifications and upon such terms and conditions as the
Commission may find necessary or appropriate, and may from time
to time, after opportunity for hearing and for good cause shown,
make such supplemental orders in the premises as it may find nec-
essary or appropriate.
(f) The ownership or operation of facilities for the transmission
or sale at wholesale of electric energy which is (a) generated within
a State and transmitted from that State across an international
boundary and not thereafter transmitted into any other State, or
(b) generated in a foreign country and transmitted across an inter-
national boundary into a State and not thereafter transmitted into
any other State, shall not make a person a public utility subject to
regulation as such under other provisions of this part. The State
within which any such facilities are located may regulate any such
transaction insofar as such State regulation does not conflict with
the exercise of the Commission’s powers under or relating to sub-
section 202(e).
(g) In order to insure continuity of service to customers of pub-
lic utilities, the Commission shall require by rule, each public util-
ity to—
(1) report promptly to the Commission and any appro-
priate State regulatory authorities any anticipated shortage of
electric energy or capacity which would affect such utility’s ca-
pability of serving its wholesale customers,
(2) submit to the Commission, and to any appropriate
State regulatory authority, and periodically revise, contingency
plans respecting—
(A) shortages of electric energy or capacity, and
(B) circumstances which may result in such shortages,
(3) accommodate any such shortages or circumstances in a
manner which shall—
(A) give due consideration to the public health, safety,
and welfare, and
(B) provide that all persons served directly or indi-
rectly by such public utility will be treated, without undue
prejudice or disadvantage.
ø16 U.S.C. 824a¿
. 203. (a)(1) No public utility shall, without first having se-
cured an order of the Commission authorizing it to do so—
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The margins of subparagraphs (A) through (D) are so in law.
sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the whole of
its facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission,
or any part thereof of a value in excess of $10,000,000;
(B) merge or consolidate, directly or indirectly, its facilities
subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, or any part
thereof, with the facilities of any other person, or any part
thereof, that are subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission
and have a value in excess of $10,000,000, by any means what-
(C) purchase, acquire, or take any security with a
value in excess of $10,000,000 of any other public utility;
(D) purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire an existing
generation facility—
(i) that has a value in excess of $10,000,000; and
(ii) that is used for interstate wholesale sales and
over which the Commission has jurisdiction for rate-
making purposes.
(2) No holding company in a holding company system that
includes a transmitting utility or an electric utility shall pur-
chase, acquire, or take any security with a value in excess of
$10,000,000 of, or, by any means whatsoever, directly or indi-
rectly, merge or consolidate with, a transmitting utility, an
electric utility company, or a holding company in a holding
company system that includes a transmitting utility, or an
electric utility company, with a value in excess of $10,000,000
without first having secured an order of the Commission au-
thorizing it to do so.
(3) Upon receipt of an application for such approval the
Commission shall give reasonable notice in writing to the Gov-
ernor and State commission of each of the States in which the
physical property affected, or any part thereof, is situated, and
to such other persons as it may deem advisable.
(4) After notice and opportunity for hearing, the Commis-
sion shall approve the proposed disposition, consolidation, ac-
quisition, or change in control, if it finds that the proposed
transaction will be consistent with the public interest, and will
not result in cross-subsidization of a non-utility associate com-
pany or the pledge or encumbrance of utility assets for the ben-
efit of an associate company, unless the Commission deter-
mines that the cross-subsidization, pledge, or encumbrance will
be consistent with the public interest.
(5) The Commission shall, by rule, adopt procedures for
the expeditious consideration of applications for the approval of
dispositions, consolidations, or acquisitions, under this section.
Such rules shall identify classes of transactions, or specify cri-
teria for transactions, that normally meet the standards estab-
lished in paragraph (4). The Commission shall provide expe-
dited review for such transactions. The Commission shall grant
or deny any other application for approval of a transaction not
later than 180 days after the application is filed. If the Com-
mission does not act within 180 days, such application shall be
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deemed granted unless the Commission finds, based on good
cause, that further consideration is required to determine
whether the proposed transaction meets the standards of para-
graph (4) and issues an order tolling the time for acting on the
application for not more than 180 days, at the end of which ad-
ditional period the Commission shall grant or deny the applica-
(6) For purposes of this subsection, the terms ‘‘associate
company’’, ‘‘holding company’’, and ‘‘holding company system’’
have the meaning given those terms in the Public Utility Hold-
ing Company Act of 2005.
(7)(A) Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment
of this paragraph, the Commission shall promulgate a rule re-
quiring any public utility that is seeking to merge or consoli-
date, directly or indirectly, its facilities subject to the jurisdic-
tion of the Commission, or any part thereof, with those of any
other person, to notify the Commission of such transaction not
later than 30 days after the date on which the transaction is
consummated if—
(i) the facilities, or any part thereof, to be acquired are
of a value in excess of $1,000,000; and
(ii) such public utility is not required to secure an
order of the Commission under paragraph (1)(B).
(B) In establishing any notification requirement under sub-
paragraph (A), the Commission shall, to the maximum extent
practicable, minimize the paperwork burden resulting from the
collection of information.
(b) The Commission may grant any application for an order
under this section in whole or in part and upon such terms and
conditions as it finds necessary or appropriate to secure the main-
tenance of adequate service and the coordination in the public in-
terest of facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The
Commission may from time to time for good cause shown make
such orders supplemental to any order made under this section as
it may find necessary or appropriate.
ø16 U.S.C. 824b¿
. 204. (a) No public utility shall issue any security, or as-
sume any obligation or liability as guarantor, indorser, surety, or
otherwise in respect of any security of another person, unless and
until, and then only to the extent that, upon application by the
public utility, the Commission by order authorized such issue or as-
sumption of liability. The Commission shall make such order if it
finds that such issue or assumption (a) is for some lawful object,
within the corporate purposes of the applicant and compatible with
the public interest, which is necessary or appropriate for or con-
sistent with the proper performance by the applicant of service as
a public utility and which will not impair its ability to perform that
service, and (b) is reasonably necessary or appropriate for such
purposes. The provisions of this section shall be effective six
months after this Part takes effect.
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(b) The Commission, after opportunity for hearing, may grant
any application under this section in whole or in part, and with
such modifications and upon such terms and conditions as it may
find necessary or appropriate, and may from time to time, after op-
portunity for hearing and for good cause shown, make such supple-
mental orders in the premises as it may find necessary or appro-
priate, and may by any such supplemental order modify the provi-
sions of any previous order as to the particular purposes, uses, and
extent to which, or the conditions under which, any security so
theretofore authorized or the proceeds thereof may be applied, sub-
ject always to the requirements of subsection (a) of this section.
(c) No public utility shall, without the consent of the Commis-
sion, apply any security or any proceeds thereof to any purpose not
specified in the Commission’s order, or supplemental order, or to
any purpose in excess of the amount allowed for such purpose in
such order, or otherwise in contravention of such order.
(d) The Commission shall not authorize the capitalization of
the right to be a corporation or of any franchise, permit, or con-
tracts for consolidation, merger, or lease in excess of the amount
(exclusive of any tax or annual charge) actually paid as the consid-
eration for such right, franchise, permit, or contract.
(e) Subsection (a) shall not apply to the issue or renewal of, or
assumption of liability on, a note or draft maturing not more than
one year after the date of such issue, renewal, or assumption of li-
ability, and aggregating (together with all other then outstanding
notes and drafts of a maturity of one year or less on which such
public utility is primarily or secondarily liable) not more that 5 per
centum of the par value of the other securities of the public utility
then outstanding. In the case of securities having no par value, the
par value for the purpose of this subsection shall be the fair market
value as of the date of issue. Within ten days after any such issue,
renewal, or assumption of liability, the public utility shall file with
the Commission a certificate of notification, in such form as may
be prescribed by the Commission, setting forth such matters as the
Commission shall by regulations require.
(f) The provisions of this section shall not extend to a public
utility organized and operating in a State under the laws of which
its security issues are regulated by a State commission.
(g) Nothing in this section shall be construed to imply any
guarantee or obligation on the part of the United States in respect
of any securities to which the provisions of this section relate.
(h) Any public utility whose security issues are approved by
the Commission under this section may file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission duplicate copies of reports filed with the
Federal Power Commission in lieu of the reports, information, and
documents required under section 7 of the Securities Act of 1933
and section 12 and 13 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
ø16 U.S.C. 824c¿
. 205. (a) All rates and charges made, demanded, or re-
ceived by any public utility for or in connection with the trans-
mission or sale of electric energy subject to the jurisdiction of the
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Commission, and all rules and regulations affecting or pertaining
to such rates or charges shall be just and reasonable, and any such
rate or charge that is not just and reasonable is hereby declared
to be unlawful.
(b) No public utility shall, with respect to any transmission or
sale subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, (1) make or
grant any undue preference or advantage to any person or subject
any person to any undue prejudice or disadvantage, or (2) maintain
any unreasonable difference in rates, charges, service, facilities, or
in any other respect, either as between localities or as between
classes of service.
(c) Under such rules and regulations as the Commission may
prescribe, every public utility shall file with the Commission, with-
in such time and in such form as the Commission may designate,
and shall keep open in convenient form and place for public inspec-
tion schedules showing all rates and charges for any transmission
or sale subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and the classi-
fication, practices, and regulations affecting such rates and
charges, together with all contracts which in any manner affect or
relate to such rates, charges, classifications, and services.
(d) Unless the Commission otherwise orders, no change shall
be made by any public utility in any such rates, charges, classifica-
tion, or service, or in any rule, regulation, or contract relating
thereto, except after sixty days’ notice to the Commission and to
the public. Such notice shall be given by filing with the Commis-
sion and keeping open for public inspection new schedules stating
plainly the change or changes to be made in the schedule or sched-
ules then in force and the time when the change or changes will
go into effect. The Commission, for good cause shown, may allow
changes to take effect without requiring the sixty days’ notice here-
in provided for by an order specifying the changes so to be made
and the time when they shall take effect and the manner in which
they shall be filed and published.
(e) Whenever any such new schedule is filed the Commission
shall have authority, either upon complaint or upon its own initia-
tive without complaint at once, and, if it so orders, without answer
or formal pleading by the public utility, but upon reasonable notice
to enter upon a hearing concerning the lawfulness of such rate,
charge, classification, or service; and, pending such hearing and the
decision thereon the Commission, upon filing with such schedules
and delivering to the public utility affected thereby a statement in
writing of its reasons for such suspension, may suspend the oper-
ation of such schedule and defer the use of such rate, charge, clas-
sification, or service, but not for a longer period than five months
beyond the time when it would otherwise go into effect; and after
full hearings, either completed before or after the rate, charge, clas-
sification, or service goes into effect, the Commission may make
such orders with reference thereto as would be proper in a pro-
ceeding initiated after it had become effective. If the proceeding has
not been concluded and an order made at the expiration of such
five months, the proposed change of rate, charge, classification, or
service shall go into effect at the end of such period, but in case
of a proposed increased rate or charge, the Commission may by
order require the interested public utility or public utilities to keep
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accurate account in detail of all amounts received by reason of such
increase, specifying by whom and in whose behalf such amounts
are paid, and upon completion of the hearing and decision may by
further order require such public utility or public utilities to re-
fund, with interest, to the persons in whose behalf such amounts
were paid, such portion of such increased rates or charges as by its
decision shall be found not justified. At any hearing involving a
rate or charge sought to be increased, the burden of proof to show
that the increased rate or charge is just and reasonable shall be
upon the public utility, and the Commission shall give to the hear-
ing and decision of such questions preference over other questions
pending before it and decide the same as speedily as possible.
(f)(1) Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of
this subsection and not less often than every 4 years thereafter, the
Commission shall make a thorough review of automatic adjustment
clauses in public utility rate schedules to examine—
(A) whether or not each such clause effectively provides in-
centives for efficient use of resources (including economical
purchase and use of fuel and electric energy), and
(B) whether any such clause reflects any costs other than
costs which are—
(i) subject to periodic fluctuations, and
(ii) not susceptible to precise determinations in rate
cases prior to the time such costs are incurred.
Such review may take place in individual rate proceedings or in ge-
neric or other separate proceedings applicable to one or more utili-
(2) Not less frequently than every 2 years, in rate proceedings
or in generic or other separate proceedings, the Commission shall
review, with respect to each public utility, practices under any
automatic adjustment clauses of such utility to insure efficient use
of resources (including economical purchase and use of fuel and
electric energy) under such clauses.
(3) The Commission may, on its own motion or upon complaint,
after an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing, order a public util-
ity to—
(A) modify the terms and provisions of any automatic ad-
justment clause, or
(B) cease any practice in connection with the clause,
if such clause or practice does not result in the economical pur-
chase and use of fuel, electric energy, or other items, the cost of
which is included in any rate schedule under an automatic adjust-
ment clause.
(4) As used in this subsection, the term ‘‘automatic adjustment
clause’’ means a provision of a rate schedule which provides for in-
creases or decreases (or both), without prior hearing, in rates re-
flecting increases or decreases (or both) in costs incurred by an
electric utility. Such term does not include any rate which takes ef-
fect subject to refund and subject to a later determination of the
appropriate amount of such rate.
(g) I
(1) I
.—With respect to a change described in
subsection (d), if the Commission permits the 60-day period es-
tablished therein to expire without issuing an order accepting
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or denying the change because the Commissioners are divided
two against two as to the lawfulness of the change, as a result
of vacancy, incapacity, or recusal on the Commission, or if the
Commission lacks a quorum—
(A) the failure to issue an order accepting or denying
the change by the Commission shall be considered to be an
order issued by the Commission accepting the change for
purposes of section 313(a); and
(B) each Commissioner shall add to the record of the
Commission a written statement explaining the views of
the Commissioner with respect to the change.
(2) A
.—If, pursuant to this subsection, a person
seeks a rehearing under section 313(a), and the Commission
fails to act on the merits of the rehearing request by the date
that is 30 days after the date of the rehearing request because
the Commissioners are divided two against two, as a result of
vacancy, incapacity, or recusal on the Commission, or if the
Commission lacks a quorum, such person may appeal under
section 313(b).
ø16 U.S.C. 824d¿
. 206. (a) Whenever the Commission, after a hearing held
upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that any rate,
charges, or classification demanded, observed, charged, or collected
by any public utility for any transmission or sale subject to the ju-
risdiction of the Commission, or that any rule, regulation, practice,
or contract affecting such rate, charge, or classification is unjust,
unreasonable, unduly discriminatory or preferential, the Commis-
sion shall determine the just and reasonable rate, charge, classi-
fication, rule, regulation, practice, or contract to be thereafter ob-
served and in force, and shall fix the same by order. Any complaint
or motion of the Commission to initiate a proceeding under this
section shall state the change or changes to be made in the rate,
charge, classification, rule, regulation, practice, or contract then in
force, and the reasons for any proposed change or changes therein.
If, after review of any motion or complaint and answer, the Com-
mission shall decide to hold a hearing, it shall fix by order the time
and place of such hearing and shall specify the issues to be adju-
(b) Whenever the Commission institutes a proceeding under
this section, the Commission shall establish a refund effective date.
In the case of a proceeding instituted on complaint, the refund ef-
fective date shall not be earlier than the date of the filing of such
complaint nor later than 5 months after the filing of such com-
plaint. In the case of a proceeding instituted by the Commission on
its own motion, the refund effective date shall not be earlier than
the date of the publication by the Commission of notice of its inten-
tion to initiate such proceeding nor later than 5 months after the
publication date. Upon institution of a proceeding under this sec-
tion, the Commission shall give to the decision of such proceeding
the same preference as provided under section 205 of this Act and
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otherwise act as speedily as possible. If no final decision is ren-
dered by the conclusion of the 180-day period commencing upon
initiation of a proceeding pursuant to this section, the Commission
shall state the reasons why it has failed to do so and shall state
its best estimate as to when it reasonably expects to make such de-
cision. In any proceeding under this section, the burden of proof to
show that any rate, charge, classification, rule, regulation, practice,
or contract is unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory, or pref-
erential shall be upon the Commission or the complainant. At the
conclusion of any proceeding under this section, the Commission
may order refunds of any amounts paid, for the period subsequent
to the refund effective date through a date fifteen months after
such refund effective date, in excess of those which would have
been paid under the just and reasonable rate, charge, classification,
rule, regulation, practice, or contract which the Commission orders
to be thereafter observed and in force: Provided, That if the pro-
ceeding is not concluded within fifteen months after the refund ef-
fective date and if the Commission determines at the conclusion of
the proceeding that the proceeding was not resolved within the fif-
teen-month period primarily because of dilatory behavior by the
public utility, the Commission may order refunds of any or all
amounts paid for the period subsequent to the refund effective date
and prior to the conclusion of the proceeding. The refunds shall be
made, with interest, to those persons who have paid those rates or
charges which are the subject of the proceeding.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), in a proceeding commenced
under this section involving two or more electric utility companies
of a registered holding company, refunds which might otherwise be
payable under subsection (b) shall not be ordered to the extent that
such refunds would result from any portion of a Commission order
that (1) requires a decrease in system production or transmission
costs to be paid by one or more of such electric companies; and (2)
is based upon a determination that the amount of such decrease
should be paid through an increase in the costs to be paid by other
electric utility companies of such registered holding company: Pro-
vided, That refunds, in whole or in part, may be ordered by the
Commission if it determines that the registered holding company
would not experience any reduction in revenues which results from
an inability of an electric utility company of the holding company
to recover such increase in costs for the period between the refund
effective date and the effective date of the Commission’s order. For
purposes of this subsection, the terms ‘‘electric utility companies’’
and ‘‘registered holding company’’ shall have the same meanings as
provided in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as
(d) The Commission upon its own motion, or upon the request
of any State commission whenever it can do so without prejudice
to the efficient and proper conduct of its affairs, may investigate
and determine the cost of the production or transmission of electric
energy by means of facilities under the jurisdiction of the Commis-
sion in cases where the Commission has no authority to establish
a rate governing the sale of such energy.
(e)(1) In this subsection:
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(A) The term ‘‘short-term sale’’ means an agreement for
the sale of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce
that is for a period of 31 days or less (excluding monthly con-
tracts subject to automatic renewal).
(B) The term ‘‘applicable Commission rule’’ means a Com-
mission rule applicable to sales at wholesale by public utilities
that the Commission determines after notice and comment
should also be applicable to entities subject to this subsection.
(2) If an entity described in section 201(f) voluntarily makes a
short-term sale of electric energy through an organized market in
which the rates for the sale are established by Commission-ap-
proved tariff (rather than by contract) and the sale violates the
terms of the tariff or applicable Commission rules in effect at the
time of the sale, the entity shall be subject to the refund authority
of the Commission under this section with respect to the violation.
(3) This section shall not apply to—
(A) any entity that sells in total (including affiliates of the
entity) less than 8,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity per
year; or
(B) an electric cooperative.
(4)(A) The Commission shall have refund authority under para-
graph (2) with respect to a voluntary short term sale of electric en-
ergy by the Bonneville Power Administration only if the sale is at
an unjust and unreasonable rate.
(B) The Commission may order a refund under subparagraph
(A) only for short-term sales made by the Bonneville Power Admin-
istration at rates that are higher than the highest just and reason-
able rate charged by any other entity for a short-term sale of elec-
tric energy in the same geographic market for the same, or most
nearly comparable, period as the sale by the Bonneville Power Ad-
(C) In the case of any Federal power marketing agency or the
Tennessee Valley Authority, the Commission shall not assert or ex-
ercise any regulatory authority or power under paragraph (2) other
than the ordering of refunds to achieve a just and reasonable rate.
ø16 U.S.C. 824e¿
. 207. Whenever the Commission, upon complaint of a
State commission, after notice to each State commission and public
utility affected and after opportunity for hearing, shall find that
any interstate service of any public utility is inadequate or insuffi-
cient, the Commission shall determine the proper, adequate, or suf-
ficient service to be furnished, and shall fix the same by its order,
rule, or regulation: Provided, That the Commission shall have no
authority to compel the enlargement of generating facilities for
such purposes, nor to compel the public utility to sell or exchange
energy when to do so would impair its ability to render adequate
service to its customers.
ø16 U.S.C. 824f¿
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. 208. (a) The Commission may investigate and ascertain
the actual legitimate cost of the property of every public utility, the
depreciation therein, and, when found necessary for rate-making
purposes, other facts which bear on the determination of such cost
or depreciation, and the fair value of such property.
(b) Every public utility upon request shall file with the Com-
mission an inventory of all or any part of its property and a state-
ment of the original cost thereof, and shall keep the Commission
informed regarding the cost of all additions, betterments, exten-
sions, and new construction.
ø16 U.S.C. 824g¿
. 209. (a) The Commission may refer any matter arising in
the administration of this Part to a board to be composed of a
member or members, as determined by the Commission, from the
State or each of the States affected or to be affected by such mat-
ter. Any such board shall be vested with the same power and be
subject to the same duties and liabilities as in the case of a mem-
ber of the Commission when designated by the Commission to hold
any hearings. The action of such board shall have such force and
affect and its proceedings shall be conducted in such manner as the
Commission shall by regulations prescribe. The board shall be ap-
pointed by the Commission from persons nominated by the State
commission of each State affected, or by the Governor of such State
if there is no State commission. Each State affected shall be enti-
tled to the same number of representatives on the board unless the
nominating power of such State waives such right. The Commis-
sion shall have discretion to reject the nominee from any State, but
shall thereupon invite a new nomination from that State. The
members of a board shall receive such allowances for expenses as
the Commission shall provide. The Commission may, when in its
discretion sufficient reason exists therefor, revoke any reference to
such a board.
(b) The Commission may confer with any State commission re-
garding the relationship between rate structures, costs, accounts,
charges, practices, classifications, and regulations of public utilities
subject to the jurisdiction of such State commission and of the
Commission; and the Commission is authorized, under such rules
and regulations as it shall prescribe, to hold joint hearings with
any State commission in connection with any matter with respect
to which the Commission is authorized to act. The Commission is
authorized in the administration of this Act to avail itself of such
cooperation, services, records, and facilities as may be afforded by
any State commission.
(c) The Commission shall make available to the several State
commissions such information and reports as may be of assistance
in State regulation of public utilities. Whenever the Commission
can do so without prejudice to the efficient and proper conduct of
its affairs, it may upon request from the State make available to
such State as witnesses any of its trained rate, valuation, or other
experts, subject to reimbursement to the Commission by such State
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of the compensation and traveling expenses of such witnesses. All
sums collected hereunder shall be credited to the appropriation
from which the amounts were expended in carrying out the provi-
sions of this subsection.
ø16 U.S.C. 824h¿
. 210. (a)(1) Upon application of any electric utility, Federal
power marketing agency, geothermal power producer (including a
producer which is not an electric utility), qualifying cogenerator, or
qualifying small power producer, the Commission may issue an
order requiring—
(A) the physical connection of any cogeneration facility,
any small power production facility, or the transmission facili-
ties of any electric utility, with the facilities of such applicant.
(B) such action as may be necessary to make effective any
physical connection described in subparagraph (A), which phys-
ical connection is ineffective for any reason, such as inadequate
size, poor maintenance, or physical unreliability.
(C) such sale or exchange of electric energy or other coordi-
nation, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of any
order under subparagraph (A) or (B), or
(D) such increase in transmission capacity as may be nec-
essary to carry out the purposes of any order under subpara-
graph (A) or (B).
(2) any State regulatory authority may apply to the Commis-
sion for an order for any action referred to in subparagraph (A),
(B), (C), or (D) of paragraph (1). No such order may be issued by
the Commission with respect to a Federal power marketing agency
upon application of a State regulatory authority.
(b) Upon receipt of an application under subsection (a), the
Commission shall—
(1) issue notice to each affected State regulatory authority,
each affected electric utility, each affected Federal power mar-
keting agency, each affected owner or operator of a cogenera-
tion facility or of a small power production facility, and to the
(2) afford an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing, and
(3) make a determination with respect to the matters re-
ferred to in subsection (c).
(c) No order may be issued by the Commission under sub-
section (a) unless the Commission determines that such order—
(1) is in the public interest,
(2) would—
(A) encourage overall conservation of energy or capital,
(B) optimize the efficiency of use of facilities and re-
sources, or
(C) improve the reliability of any electric utility sys-
tem or Federal power marketing agency to which the order
applies, and
(3) meets the requirements of section 212.
(d) The Commission may, on its own motion, after compliance
with the requirements of paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (b),
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issue an order requiring any action described in subsection (a)(1)
if the Commission determines that such order meets the require-
ments of subsection (c). No such order may be issued upon the
Commission’s own motion with respect to a Federal power mar-
keting agency.
(e)(1) As used in this section, the term ‘‘facilities’’ means only
facilities used for the generation or transmission of electric energy.
(2) With respect to an order issued pursuant to an application
of a qualifying cogenerator or qualifying small power producer
under subsection (a)(1), the term ‘‘facilities of such applicant’’
means the qualifying cogeneration facilities or qualifying small
power production facilities of the applicant, as specified in the ap-
plication. With respect to an order issued pursuant to an applica-
tion under subsection (a)(2), the term ‘‘facilities of such applicant’’
means the qualifying cogeneration facilities, qualifying small power
production facilities, or the transmission facilities of an electric
utility, as specified in the application. With respect to an order
issued by the Commission on its own motion under subsection (d),
such term means the qualifying cogeneration facilities, qualifying
small power production facilities, or the transmission facilities of
an electric utility, as specified in the proposed order.
ø16 U.S.C. 824i¿
. 211. (a) Any electric utility, Federal power marketing
agency, or any other person generating electric energy for sale for
resale, may apply to the Commission for an order under this sub-
section requiring a transmitting utility to provide transmission
services (including any enlargement of transmission capacity nec-
essary to provide such services) to the applicant. Upon receipt of
such application, after public notice and notice to each affected
State regulatory authority, each affected electric utility, and each
affected Federal power marketing agency, and after affording an
opportunity for an evidentiary hearing, the Commission may issue
such order if it finds that such order meets the requirements of sec-
tion 212, and would otherwise be in the public interest. No order
may be issued under this subsection unless the applicant has made
a request for transmission services to the transmitting utility that
would be the subject of such order at least 60 days prior to its filing
of an application for such order.
(b) R
.—No order may be
issued under this section or section 210 if, after giving consider-
ation to consistently applied regional or national reliability stand-
ards, guidelines, or criteria, the Commission finds that such order
would unreasonably impair the continued reliability of electric sys-
tems affected by the order.
(c) No order may be issued under subsection (a) or (b) which
requires the transmitting utility subject to the order to transmit,
during any period, an amount of electric energy which replaces any
amount of electric energy—
(1) required to be provided to such applicant pursuant to
a contract during such period, or
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(2) currently provided to the applicant by the utility sub-
ject to the order pursuant to a rate schedule on file during
such period with the Commission: Provided, That nothing in
this subparagraph shall prevent an application for an order
hereunder to be filed prior to termination or modification of an
existing rate schedule: Provided, That such order shall not be-
come effective until termination of such rate schedule or the
modification becomes effective.
(d)(1) Any transmitting utility ordered under subsection (a)
or (b) to provide transmission services may apply to the Com-
mission for an order permitting such transmitting utility to
cease providing all, or any portion of, such services. After pub-
lic notice, notice to each affected State regulatory authority,
each affected Federal power marketing agency, each affected
transmitting utility, and each affected electric utility, and after
an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing, the Commission
shall issue an order terminating or modifying the order issued
under subsection (a) or (b), if the transmitting utility providing
such transmission services has demonstrated, and the Commis-
sion has found, that—
(A) due to changed circumstances, the requirements appli-
cable, under this section and section 212, to the issuance of an
order under subsection (a) or (b) are no longer met, or
(B) any transmission capacity of the utility providing
transmission services under such order which was, at the time
such order was issued, in excess of the capacity necessary to
serve its own customers is no longer in excess of the capacity
necessary for such purposes, or
(C) the ordered transmission services require enlargement
of transmission capacity and the transmitting utility subject to
the order has failed, after making a good faith effort, to obtain
the necessary approvals or property rights under applicable
Federal, State, and local laws.
No order shall be issued under this subsection pursuant to a find-
ing under subparagraph (A) unless the Commission finds that such
order is in the public interest.
(2) Any order issued under this subsection terminating or
modifying an order issued under subsection (a) or (b) shall—
(A) provide for any appropriate compensation, and
(B) provide the affected electric utilities adequate oppor-
tunity and time to—
(i) make suitable alternative arrangements for any
transmission services terminated or modified, and
(ii) insure that the interests of ratepayers of such utili-
ties are adequately protected.
(3) No order may be issued under this subsection terminating
or modifying any order issued under subsection (a) or (b) if the
order under subsection (a) or (b) includes terms and conditions
agreed upon by the parties which—
(A) fix a period during which transmission services are to
be provided under the order under subsection (a) or (b), or
(B) otherwise provide procedures or methods for termi-
nating or modifying such order (including, if appropriate, the
return of the transmission capacity when necessary to take
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into account an increase, after the issuance of such order, in
the needs of the transmitting utility subject to such order for
transmission capacity).
(e) As used in this section, the term ‘‘facilities’’ means only fa-
cilities used for the generation or transmission of electric energy.
ø16 U.S.C. 824j¿
(a) D
this section, the term ‘‘unregulated transmitting utility’’ means an
entity that—
(1) owns or operates facilities used for the transmission of
electric energy in interstate commerce; and
(2) is an entity described in section 201(f).
(b) T
.—Subject to section
212(h), the Commission may, by rule or order, require an unregu-
lated transmitting utility to provide transmission services—
(1) at rates that are comparable to those that the unregu-
lated transmitting utility charges itself; and
(2) on terms and conditions (not relating to rates) that are
comparable to those under which the unregulated transmitting
utility provides transmission services to itself and that are not
unduly discriminatory or preferential.
(c) E
.—The Commission shall exempt from any rule
or order under this section any unregulated transmitting utility
(1) sells not more than 4,000,000 megawatt hours of elec-
tricity per year;
(2) does not own or operate any transmission facilities that
are necessary for operating an interconnected transmission
system (or any portion of the system); or
(3) meets other criteria the Commission determines to be
in the public interest.
(d) L
.—The requirements of sub-
section (b) shall not apply to facilities used in local distribution.
(e) E
.—If the Commission, after an evi-
dentiary hearing held on a complaint and after giving consideration
to reliability standards established under section 215, finds on the
basis of a preponderance of the evidence that any exemption grant-
ed pursuant to subsection (c) unreasonably impairs the continued
reliability of an interconnected transmission system, the Commis-
sion shall revoke the exemption granted to the transmitting utility.
(f) A
The rate changing procedures applicable to public utilities under
subsections (c) and (d) of section 205 are applicable to unregulated
transmitting utilities for purposes of this section.
(g) R
.—In exercising authority under subsection (b)(1),
the Commission may remand transmission rates to an unregulated
transmitting utility for review and revision if necessary to meet the
requirements of subsection (b).
(h) O
.—The provision of transmission services
under subsection (b) does not preclude a request for transmission
services under section 211.
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(i) L
.—The Commission may not require a State or
municipality to take action under this section that would violate a
private activity bond rule for purposes of section 141 of the Inter-
nal Revenue Code of 1986.
(j) T
ing in this section authorizes the Commission to require an unregu-
lated transmitting utility to transfer control or operational control
of its transmitting facilities to a Transmission Organization that is
designated to provide nondiscriminatory transmission access.
ø16 U.S.C. 824j–1¿
. 212. (a) R
, C
, T
.—An order under section 211
shall require the transmitting utility subject to the order to provide
wholesale transmission services at rates, charges, terms, and condi-
tions which permit the recovery by such utility of all the costs in-
curred in connection with the transmission services and necessary
associated services, including, but not limited to, an appropriate
share, if any, of legitimate, verifiable and economic costs, including
taking into account any benefits to the transmission system of pro-
viding the transmission service, and the costs of any enlargement
of transmission facilities. Such rates, charges, terms, and condi-
tions shall promote the economically efficient transmission and
generation of electricity and shall be just and reasonable, and not
unduly discriminatory or preferential. Rates, charges, terms, and
conditions for transmission services provided pursuant to an order
under section 211 shall ensure that, to the extent practicable, costs
incurred in providing the wholesale transmission services, and
properly allocable to the provision of such services, are recovered
from the applicant for such order and not from a transmitting util-
ity’s existing wholesale, retail, and transmission customers.
øSubsection (b) repealed¿
(c)(1) Before issuing an order under section 210 of subsection
(a) or (b) of section 211, the Commission shall issue a proposed
order and set a reasonable time for parties to the proposed inter-
connection or transmission order to agree to terms and conditions
under which such order is to be carried out, including the appor-
tionment of costs between them and the compensation or reim-
bursement reasonably due to any of them. Such proposed order
shall not be reviewable or enforceable in any court. The time set
for such parties to agree to such terms and conditions may be
shortened if the Commission determines that delay would jeop-
ardize the attainment of the purposes of any proposed order. Any
terms and conditions agreed to by the parties shall be subject to
the approval of the Commission.
(2)(A) If the parties agree as provided in paragraph (1) within
the time set by the Commission and the Commission approves such
agreement, the terms and conditions shall be included in the final
order. In the case of an order under section 210, if the parties fail
to agree within the time set by the Commission or if the Commis-
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sion does not approve any such agreement, the Commission shall
prescribe such terms and conditions and include such terms and
conditions in the final order.
(B) In the case of any order applied for under section 211, if
the parties fail to agree within the time set by the Commission, the
Commission shall prescribe such terms and conditions in the final
(d) If the Commission does not issue any order applied for
under section 210 or 211, the Commission shall, by order, deny
such application and state the reasons for such denial.
(e) S
.—(1) No provision of section 210, 211,
214, or this section shall be treated as requiring any person to uti-
lize the authority of any such section in lieu of any other authority
of law. Except as provided in section 210, 211, 214, or this section,
such sections shall not be construed as limiting or impairing any
authority of the Commission under any other provision of law.
(2) Sections 210, 211, 213, 214, and this section, shall not be
construed to modify, impair, or supersede the antitrust laws. For
purposes of this section, the term ‘‘antitrust laws’’ has the meaning
given in subsection (a) of the first sentence of the Clayton Act, ex-
cept that such term includes section 5 of the Federal Trade Com-
mission Act to the extent that such section relates to unfair meth-
ods of competition.
(f)(1) No order under section 210 or 211 requiring the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority (hereinafter in this subsection referred to
as the ‘‘TVA’’) to take any action shall take effect for 60 days fol-
lowing the date of issuance of the order. Within 60 days following
the issuance by the Commission of any order under section 210 or
of section 211 requiring the TVA to enter into any contract for the
sale or delivery of power, the Commission may on its own motion
initiate, or upon petition of any aggrieved person shall initiate, an
evidentiary hearing to determine whether or not such sale or deliv-
ery would result in violation of the third sentence of section 15d(a)
of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 (16 U.S.C. 831n–4),
hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the TVA Act.
(2) Upon initiation of any evidentiary hearing under paragraph
(1), the Commission shall give notice thereof to any applicant who
applied for and obtained the order from the Commission, to any
electric utility or other entity subject to such order, and to the pub-
lic, and shall promptly make the determination referred to in para-
graph (1). Upon initiation of such hearing, the Commission shall
stay the effectiveness of the order under section 210 or 211 until
whichever of the following dates is applicable—
(A) the date on which there is a final determination (in-
cluding any judicial review thereof under paragraph (3)) that
no such violation would result from such order, or
(B) the date on which a specific authorization of the Con-
gress (within the meaning of the third sentence of section
15d(a) of the TVA Act) takes effect.
(3) Any determination under paragraph (1) shall be reviewable
only in the appropriate court of the United States upon petition
filed by any aggrieved person or municipality within 60 days after
such determination, and such court shall have jurisdiction to grant
appropriate relief. Any applicant who applied for and obtained the
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order under section 210 or 211, and any electric utility or other en-
tity subject to such order shall have the right to intervene in any
such proceeding in such court. Except for review by such court (and
any appeal or other review by an appellate court of the United
States), no court shall have jurisdiction to consider any action
brought by any person to enjoin the carrying out of any order of
the Commission under section 210 or section 211 requiring the
TVA to take any action on the grounds that such action requires
a specific authorization of the Congress pursuant to the third sen-
tence of section 15d(a) of the TVA Act.
(g) P
.—No order may be issued under this Act which is
inconsistent with any State law which governs the retail marketing
areas of electric utilities.
(h) P
.—No order issued under this Act shall
be conditioned upon or require the transmission of electric energy:
(1) directly to an ultimate consumer, or
(2) to, or for the benefit of, an entity if such electric energy
would be sold by such entity directly to an ultimate consumer,
(A) such entity is a Federal power marketing agency;
the Tennessee Valley Authority; a State or any political
subdivision of a State (or an agency, authority, or instru-
mentality of a State or a political subdivision); a corpora-
tion or association that has ever received a loan for the
purposes of providing electric service from the Adminis-
trator of the Rural Electrification Administration under
the Rural Electrification Act of 1936; a person having an
obligation arising under State or local law (exclusive of an
obligation arising solely from a contract entered into by
such person) to provide electric service to the public; or
any corporation or association which is wholly owned, di-
rectly or indirectly, by any one or more of the foregoing;
(B) such entity was providing electric service to such
ultimate consumer on the date of enactment of this sub-
section or would utilize transmission or distribution facili-
ties that it owns or controls to deliver all such electric en-
ergy to such electric consumer.
Nothing in this subsection shall affect any authority of any State
or local government under State law concerning the transmission
of electric energy directly to an ultimate consumer.
(i) L
.—(1) The Commission shall have authority pursu-
ant to section 210, section 211, this section, and section 213 to (A)
order the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration to
provide transmission service and (B) establish the terms and condi-
tions of such service. In applying such sections to the Federal Co-
lumbia River Transmission System, the Commission shall assure
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(i) the provisions of otherwise applicable Federal laws
shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to be
applicable to the system; and
(ii) the rates for the transmission of electric power on the
system shall be governed only by such otherwise applicable
provisions of law and not by any provision of section 210, sec-
tion 211, this section, or section 213, except that no rate for the
transmission of power on the system shall be unjust, unreason-
able, or unduly discriminatory or preferential, as determined
by the Commission.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act with re-
spect to the procedures for the determination of terms and condi-
tions for transmission service—
(A) when the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Ad-
ministration either (i) in response to a written request for spe-
cific transmission service terms and conditions does not offer
the requested terms and conditions, or (ii) proposes to establish
terms and conditions of general applicability for transmission
service on the Federal Columbia River Transmission System,
then the Administrator may provide opportunity for a hearing
and, in so doing, shall—
(I) give notice in the Federal Register and state in
such notice the written explanation of the reasons why the
specific terms and conditions for transmission services are
not being offered or are being proposed;
(II) adhere to the procedural requirements of para-
graphs (1) through (3) of section 7(i) of the Pacific North-
west Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (16
U.S.C. 839(i) (1) through (3)), except that the hearing offi-
cer shall, unless the hearing officer becomes unavailable to
the agency, make a recommended decision to the Adminis-
trator that states the hearing officer’s findings and conclu-
sions, and the reasons or basis thereof, on all material
issues of fact, law, or discretion presented on the record;
(III) make a determination, setting forth the reasons
for reaching any findings and conclusions which may differ
from those of the hearing officer, based on the hearing
record, consideration of the hearing officer’s recommended
decision, section 211 and this section, as amended by the
Energy Policy Act of 1992, and the provisions of law as
preserved in this section; and
(B) if application is made to the Commission under section
211 for transmission service under terms and conditions dif-
ferent than those offered by the Administrator, or following the
denial of a request for transmission service by the Adminis-
trator, and such application is filed within 60 days of the Ad-
ministrator’s final determination and in accordance with Com-
mission procedures, the Commission shall—
(i) in the event the Administrator has conducted a
hearing as herein provided for (I) accord parties to the Ad-
ministrator’s hearing the opportunity to offer for the Com-
mission record materials excluded by the Administrator
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from the hearing record, (II) accord such parties the oppor-
tunity to submit for the Commission record comments on
appropriate terms and conditions, (III) afford those parties
the opportunity for a hearing if and to the extent that the
Commission finds the Administrator’s hearing record to be
inadequate to support a decision by the Commission, and
(IV) establish terms and conditions for or deny trans-
mission service based on the Administrator’s hearing
record, the Commission record, section 211 and this sec-
tion, as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, and the
provisions of law as preserved in this section, or
(ii) in the event the Administrator has not conducted
a hearing as herein provided for, determine whether to
issue an order for transmission service in accordance with
section 211 and this section, including providing the oppor-
tunity for a hearing.
(3) Notwithstanding those provisions of section 313(b) of this
Act (16 U.S.C. 825l) which designate the court in which review may
be obtained, any party to a proceeding concerning transmission
service sought to be furnished by the Administrator of the Bonne-
ville Power Administration seeking review of an order issued by
the Commission in such proceeding shall obtain a review of such
order in the United States Court of Appeals for the Pacific North-
west, as that region is defined by section 3(14) of the Pacific North-
west Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (16 U.S.C.
(4) To the extent the Administrator of the Bonneville Power
Administration cannot be required under section 211, as a result
of the Administrator’s other statutory mandates, either to (A) pro-
vide transmission service to an applicant which the Commission
would otherwise order, or (B) provide such service under rates,
terms, and conditions which the Commission would otherwise re-
quire, the applicant shall not be required to provide similar trans-
mission services to the Administrator or to provide such services
under similar rates, terms, and conditions.
(5) The Commission shall not issue any order under section
210, section 211, this section, or section 213 requiring the Adminis-
trator of the Bonneville Power Administration to provide trans-
mission service if such an order would impair the Administrator’s
ability to provide such transmission service to the Administrator’s
power and transmission customers in the Pacific Northwest, as
that region is defined in section 3(14) of the Pacific Northwest Elec-
tric Power Planning and Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 839a(14)), as
is needed to assure adequate and reliable service to loads in that
(j) E
.—With respect to an electric utility which is prohibited by
Federal law from being a source of power supply, either directly or
through a distributor of its electric energy, outside an area set
forth in such law, no order issued under section 211 may require
such electric utility (or a distributor of such electric utility) to pro-
vide transmission services to another entity if the electric energy
to be transmitted will be consumed within the area set forth in
such Federal law, unless the order is in furtherance of a sale of
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electric energy to that electric utility: Provided, however, That the
foregoing provision shall not apply to any area served at retail by
an electric transmission system which was such a distributor on
the date of enactment of this subsection and which before October
1, 1991, gave its notice of termination under its power supply con-
tract with such electric utility.
(1) R
.—Any order under section 211 requiring provi-
sion of transmission services in whole or in part within ERCOT
shall provide that any ERCOT utility which is not a public
utility and the transmission facilities of which are actually
used for such transmission service is entitled to receive com-
pensation based, insofar as practicable and consistent with
subsection (a), on the transmission ratemaking methodology
used by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
(2) D
.—For purposes of this subsection—
(A) the term ‘‘ERCOT’’ means the Electric Reliability
Council of Texas; and
(B) the term ‘‘ERCOT utility’’ means a transmitting
utility which is a member of ERCOT.
ø16 U.S.C. 824k¿
(a) R
Whenever any electric utility, Federal power marketing agency, or
any other person generating electric energy for sale for resale
makes a good faith request to a transmitting utility to provide
wholesale transmission services and requests specific rates and
charges, and other terms and conditions, unless the transmitting
utility agrees to provide such services at rates, charges, terms and
conditions acceptable to such person, the transmitting utility shall,
within 60 days of its receipt of the request, or other mutually
agreed upon period, provide such person with a detailed written ex-
planation, with specific reference to the facts and circumstances of
the request, stating (1) the transmitting utility’s basis for the pro-
posed rates, charges, terms, and conditions for such services, and
(2) its analysis of any physical or other constraints affecting the
provision of such services.
(b) T
.—Not later than
1 year after the enactment of this section, the Commission shall
promulgate a rule requiring that information be submitted annu-
ally to the Commission by transmitting utilities which is adequate
to inform potential transmission customers, State regulatory au-
thorities, and the public of potentially available transmission ca-
pacity and known constraints.
ø16 U.S.C. 824l¿
No rate or charge received by an exempt wholesale generator
for the sale of electric energy shall be lawful under section 205 if,
after notice and opportunity for hearing, the Commission finds that
such rate or charge results from the receipt of any undue pref-
erence or advantage from an electric utility which is an associate
company or an affiliate of the exempt wholesale generator. For pur-
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The reference to ‘‘section 2(a) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005’’ in section
214 probably should be a reference to ‘‘section 1262 of the Public Utility Holding Company Act
of 2005’’.
poses of this section, the terms ‘‘associate company’’ and ‘‘affiliate’’
shall have the same meaning as provided in section 2(a) of the
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005
ø16 U.S.C. 824m¿
(a) D
.—For purposes of this section:
(1) The term ‘‘bulk-power system’’ means—
(A) facilities and control systems necessary for oper-
ating an interconnected electric energy transmission net-
work (or any portion thereof); and
(B) electric energy from generation facilities needed to
maintain transmission system reliability.
The term does not include facilities used in the local distribu-
tion of electric energy.
(2) The terms ‘‘Electric Reliability Organization’’ and
‘‘ERO’’ mean the organization certified by the Commission
under subsection (c) the purpose of which is to establish and
enforce reliability standards for the bulk-power system, subject
to Commission review.
(3) The term ‘‘reliability standard’’ means a requirement,
approved by the Commission under this section, to provide for
reliable operation of the bulk-power system. The term includes
requirements for the operation of existing bulk-power system
facilities, including cybersecurity protection, and the design of
planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the ex-
tent necessary to provide for reliable operation of the bulk-
power system, but the term does not include any requirement
to enlarge such facilities or to construct new transmission ca-
pacity or generation capacity.
(4) The term ‘‘reliable operation’’ means operating the ele-
ments of the bulk-power system within equipment and electric
system thermal, voltage, and stability limits so that instability,
uncontrolled separation, or cascading failures of such system
will not occur as a result of a sudden disturbance, including a
cybersecurity incident, or unanticipated failure of system ele-
(5) The term ‘‘Interconnection’’ means a geographic area in
which the operation of bulk-power system components is syn-
chronized such that the failure of one or more of such compo-
nents may adversely affect the ability of the operators of other
components within the system to maintain reliable operation of
the facilities within their control.
(6) The term ‘‘transmission organization’’ means a Re-
gional Transmission Organization, Independent System Oper-
ator, independent transmission provider, or other transmission
organization finally approved by the Commission for the oper-
ation of transmission facilities.
(7) The term ‘‘regional entity’’ means an entity having en-
forcement authority pursuant to subsection (e)(4).
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(8) The term ‘‘cybersecurity incident’’ means a malicious
act or suspicious event that disrupts, or was an attempt to dis-
rupt, the operation of those programmable electronic devices
and communication networks including hardware, software
and data that are essential to the reliable operation of the bulk
power system.
(b) J
.—(1) The Commission
shall have jurisdiction, within the United States, over the ERO cer-
tified by the Commission under subsection (c), any regional enti-
ties, and all users, owners and operators of the bulk-power system,
including but not limited to the entities described in section 201(f),
for purposes of approving reliability standards established under
this section and enforcing compliance with this section. All users,
owners and operators of the bulk-power system shall comply with
reliability standards that take effect under this section.
(2) The Commission shall issue a final rule to implement the
requirements of this section not later than 180 days after the date
of enactment of this section.
(c) C
.—Following the issuance of a Commission
rule under subsection (b)(2), any person may submit an application
to the Commission for certification as the Electric Reliability Orga-
nization. The Commission may certify one such ERO if the Com-
mission determines that such ERO—
(1) has the ability to develop and enforce, subject to sub-
section (e)(2), reliability standards that provide for an adequate
level of reliability of the bulk-power system; and
(2) has established rules that—
(A) assure its independence of the users and owners
and operators of the bulk-power system, while assuring
fair stakeholder representation in the selection of its direc-
tors and balanced decisionmaking in any ERO committee
or subordinate organizational structure;
(B) allocate equitably reasonable dues, fees, and other
charges among end users for all activities under this sec-
(C) provide fair and impartial procedures for enforce-
ment of reliability standards through the imposition of
penalties in accordance with subsection (e) (including limi-
tations on activities, functions, or operations, or other ap-
propriate sanctions);
(D) provide for reasonable notice and opportunity for
public comment, due process, openness, and balance of in-
terests in developing reliability standards and otherwise
exercising its duties; and
(E) provide for taking, after certification, appropriate
steps to gain recognition in Canada and Mexico.
(d) R
.—(1) The Electric Reliability Orga-
nization shall file each reliability standard or modification to a reli-
ability standard that it proposes to be made effective under this
section with the Commission.
(2) The Commission may approve, by rule or order, a proposed
reliability standard or modification to a reliability standard if it de-
termines that the standard is just, reasonable, not unduly discrimi-
natory or preferential, and in the public interest. The Commission
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shall give due weight to the technical expertise of the Electric Reli-
ability Organization with respect to the content of a proposed
standard or modification to a reliability standard and to the tech-
nical expertise of a regional entity organized on an Interconnection-
wide basis with respect to a reliability standard to be applicable
within that Interconnection, but shall not defer with respect to the
effect of a standard on competition. A proposed standard or modi-
fication shall take effect upon approval by the Commission.
(3) The Electric Reliability Organization shall rebuttably pre-
sume that a proposal from a regional entity organized on an Inter-
connection-wide basis for a reliability standard or modification to
a reliability standard to be applicable on an Interconnection-wide
basis is just, reasonable, and not unduly discriminatory or pref-
erential, and in the public interest.
(4) The Commission shall remand to the Electric Reliability
Organization for further consideration a proposed reliability stand-
ard or a modification to a reliability standard that the Commission
disapproves in whole or in part.
(5) The Commission, upon its own motion or upon complaint,
may order the Electric Reliability Organization to submit to the
Commission a proposed reliability standard or a modification to a
reliability standard that addresses a specific matter if the Commis-
sion considers such a new or modified reliability standard appro-
priate to carry out this section.
(6) The final rule adopted under subsection (b)(2) shall include
fair processes for the identification and timely resolution of any
conflict between a reliability standard and any function, rule,
order, tariff, rate schedule, or agreement accepted, approved, or or-
dered by the Commission applicable to a transmission organization.
Such transmission organization shall continue to comply with such
function, rule, order, tariff, rate schedule or agreement accepted,
approved, or ordered by the Commission until—
(A) the Commission finds a conflict exists between a reli-
ability standard and any such provision;
(B) the Commission orders a change to such provision pur-
suant to section 206 of this part; and
(C) the ordered change becomes effective under this part.
If the Commission determines that a reliability standard needs to
be changed as a result of such a conflict, it shall order the ERO
to develop and file with the Commission a modified reliability
standard under paragraph (4) or (5) of this subsection.
(e) E
.—(1) The ERO may impose, subject to para-
graph (2), a penalty on a user or owner or operator of the bulk-
power system for a violation of a reliability standard approved by
the Commission under subsection (d) if the ERO, after notice and
an opportunity for a hearing—
(A) finds that the user or owner or operator has violated
a reliability standard approved by the Commission under sub-
section (d); and
(B) files notice and the record of the proceeding with the
(2) A penalty imposed under paragraph (1) may take effect not
earlier than the 31st day after the ERO files with the Commission
notice of the penalty and the record of proceedings. Such penalty
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shall be subject to review by the Commission, on its own motion
or upon application by the user, owner or operator that is the sub-
ject of the penalty filed within 30 days after the date such notice
is filed with the Commission. Application to the Commission for re-
view, or the initiation of review by the Commission on its own mo-
tion, shall not operate as a stay of such penalty unless the Com-
mission otherwise orders upon its own motion or upon application
by the user, owner or operator that is the subject of such penalty.
In any proceeding to review a penalty imposed under paragraph
(1), the Commission, after notice and opportunity for hearing
(which hearing may consist solely of the record before the ERO and
opportunity for the presentation of supporting reasons to affirm,
modify, or set aside the penalty), shall by order affirm, set aside,
reinstate, or modify the penalty, and, if appropriate, remand to the
ERO for further proceedings. The Commission shall implement ex-
pedited procedures for such hearings.
(3) On its own motion or upon complaint, the Commission may
order compliance with a reliability standard and may impose a
penalty against a user or owner or operator of the bulk-power sys-
tem if the Commission finds, after notice and opportunity for a
hearing, that the user or owner or operator of the bulk-power sys-
tem has engaged or is about to engage in any acts or practices that
constitute or will constitute a violation of a reliability standard.
(4) The Commission shall issue regulations authorizing the
ERO to enter into an agreement to delegate authority to a regional
entity for the purpose of proposing reliability standards to the ERO
and enforcing reliability standards under paragraph (1) if—
(A) the regional entity is governed by—
(i) an independent board;
(ii) a balanced stakeholder board; or
(iii) a combination independent and balanced stake-
holder board.
(B) the regional entity otherwise satisfies the provisions of
subsection (c)(1) and (2); and
(C) the agreement promotes effective and efficient adminis-
tration of bulk-power system reliability.
The Commission may modify such delegation. The ERO and the
Commission shall rebuttably presume that a proposal for delega-
tion to a regional entity organized on an Interconnection-wide basis
promotes effective and efficient administration of bulk-power sys-
tem reliability and should be approved. Such regulation may pro-
vide that the Commission may assign the ERO’s authority to en-
force reliability standards under paragraph (1) directly to a re-
gional entity consistent with the requirements of this paragraph.
(5) The Commission may take such action as is necessary or
appropriate against the ERO or a regional entity to ensure compli-
ance with a reliability standard or any Commission order affecting
the ERO or a regional entity.
(6) Any penalty imposed under this section shall bear a reason-
able relation to the seriousness of the violation and shall take into
consideration the efforts of such user, owner, or operator to remedy
the violation in a timely manner.
(f) C
The Electric Reliability Organization shall file with the Commis-
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sion for approval any proposed rule or proposed rule change, ac-
companied by an explanation of its basis and purpose. The Com-
mission, upon its own motion or complaint, may propose a change
to the rules of the ERO. A proposed rule or proposed rule change
shall take effect upon a finding by the Commission, after notice
and opportunity for comment, that the change is just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or preferential, is in the public interest,
and satisfies the requirements of subsection (c).
(g) R
.—The ERO shall conduct periodic as-
sessments of the reliability and adequacy of the bulk-power system
in North America.
(h) C
.—The President
is urged to negotiate international agreements with the govern-
ments of Canada and Mexico to provide for effective compliance
with reliability standards and the effectiveness of the ERO in the
United States and Canada or Mexico.
(i) S
.—(1) The ERO shall have authority to
develop and enforce compliance with reliability standards for only
the bulk-power system.
(2) This section does not authorize the ERO or the Commission
to order the construction of additional generation or transmission
capacity or to set and enforce compliance with standards for ade-
quacy or safety of electric facilities or services.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to preempt any
authority of any State to take action to ensure the safety, ade-
quacy, and reliability of electric service within that State, as long
as such action is not inconsistent with any reliability standard, ex-
cept that the State of New York may establish rules that result in
greater reliability within that State, as long as such action does not
result in lesser reliability outside the State than that provided by
the reliability standards.
(4) Within 90 days of the application of the Electric Reliability
Organization or other affected party, and after notice and oppor-
tunity for comment, the Commission shall issue a final order deter-
mining whether a State action is inconsistent with a reliability
standard, taking into consideration any recommendation of the
(5) The Commission, after consultation with the ERO and the
State taking action, may stay the effectiveness of any State action,
pending the Commission’s issuance of a final order.
(j) R
.—The Commission shall estab-
lish a regional advisory body on the petition of at least two-thirds
of the States within a region that have more than one-half of their
electric load served within the region. A regional advisory body
shall be composed of one member from each participating State in
the region, appointed by the Governor of each State, and may in-
clude representatives of agencies, States, and provinces outside the
United States. A regional advisory body may provide advice to the
Electric Reliability Organization, a regional entity, or the Commis-
sion regarding the governance of an existing or proposed regional
entity within the same region, whether a standard proposed to
apply within the region is just, reasonable, not unduly discrimina-
tory or preferential, and in the public interest, whether fees pro-
posed to be assessed within the region are just, reasonable, not un-
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duly discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest and
any other responsibilities requested by the Commission. The Com-
mission may give deference to the advice of any such regional advi-
sory body if that body is organized on an Interconnection-wide
(k) A
.—The provisions of this section do not
apply to Alaska or Hawaii.
ø16 U.S.C. 824o¿
(a) D
.—For purposes of this section:
(1) B
.—The terms ‘‘bulk-power system’’,
‘‘Electric Reliability Organization’’, and ‘‘regional entity’’ have
the meanings given such terms in paragraphs (1), (2), and (7)
of section 215(a), respectively.
(2) C
.—The term ‘‘crit-
ical electric infrastructure’’ means a system or asset of the
bulk-power system, whether physical or virtual, the incapacity
or destruction of which would negatively affect national secu-
rity, economic security, public health or safety, or any combina-
tion of such matters.
(3) C
The term ‘‘critical electric infrastructure information’’ means
information related to critical electric infrastructure, or pro-
posed critical electrical infrastructure, generated by or pro-
vided to the Commission or other Federal agency, other than
classified national security information, that is designated as
critical electric infrastructure information by the Commission
or the Secretary pursuant to subsection (d). Such term includes
information that qualifies as critical energy infrastructure in-
formation under the Commission’s regulations.
(4) D
term ‘‘defense critical electric infrastructure’’ means any elec-
tric infrastructure located in any of the 48 contiguous States
or the District of Columbia that serves a facility designated by
the Secretary pursuant to subsection (c), but is not owned or
operated by the owner or operator of such facility.
(5) E
.—The term ‘‘electromagnetic
pulse’’ means 1 or more pulses of electromagnetic energy emit-
ted by a device capable of disabling or disrupting operation of,
or destroying, electronic devices or communications networks,
including hardware, software, and data, by means of such a
(6) G
.—The term ‘‘geomagnetic storm’’
means a temporary disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field
resulting from solar activity.
(7) G
.—The term ‘‘grid security
emergency’’ means the occurrence or imminent danger of—
(A)(i) a malicious act using electronic communication
or an electromagnetic pulse, or a geomagnetic storm event,
that could disrupt the operation of those electronic devices
or communications networks, including hardware, soft-
ware, and data, that are essential to the reliability of crit-
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ical electric infrastructure or of defense critical electric in-
frastructure; and
(ii) disruption of the operation of such devices or net-
works, with significant adverse effects on the reliability of
critical electric infrastructure or of defense critical electric
infrastructure, as a result of such act or event; or
(B)(i) a direct physical attack on critical electric infra-
structure or on defense critical electric infrastructure; and
(ii) significant adverse effects on the reliability of crit-
ical electric infrastructure or of defense critical electric in-
frastructure as a result of such physical attack.
(8) S
.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec-
retary of Energy.
(b) A
(1) A
.—Whenever the President issues and pro-
vides to the Secretary a written directive or determination
identifying a grid security emergency, the Secretary may, with
or without notice, hearing, or report, issue such orders for
emergency measures as are necessary in the judgment of the
Secretary to protect or restore the reliability of critical electric
infrastructure or of defense critical electric infrastructure dur-
ing such emergency. As soon as practicable but not later than
180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Sec-
retary shall, after notice and opportunity for comment, estab-
lish rules of procedure that ensure that such authority can be
exercised expeditiously.
(2) N
.—Whenever the President
issues and provides to the Secretary a written directive or de-
termination under paragraph (1), the President shall promptly
notify congressional committees of relevant jurisdiction, includ-
ing the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources of the Senate, of the contents of, and justification
for, such directive or determination.
(3) C
.—Before issuing an order for emergency
measures under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall, to the ex-
tent practicable in light of the nature of the grid security emer-
gency and the urgency of the need for action, consult with ap-
propriate governmental authorities in Canada and Mexico, en-
tities described in paragraph (4), the Electricity Sub-sector Co-
ordinating Council, the Commission, and other appropriate
Federal agencies regarding implementation of such emergency
(4) A
.—An order for emergency measures under
this subsection may apply to—
(A) the Electric Reliability Organization;
(B) a regional entity; or
(C) any owner, user, or operator of critical electric in-
frastructure or of defense critical electric infrastructure
within the United States.
(5) E
(A) I
.—Except as provided in subparagraph
(B), an order for emergency measures issued under para-
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graph (1) shall expire no later than 15 days after its
(B) E
.—The Secretary may reissue an order
for emergency measures issued under paragraph (1) for
subsequent periods, not to exceed 15 days for each such
period, provided that the President, for each such period,
issues and provides to the Secretary a written directive or
determination that the grid security emergency identified
under paragraph (1) continues to exist or that the emer-
gency measure continues to be required.
(6) C
(A) C
.—If the Com-
mission determines that owners, operators, or users of crit-
ical electric infrastructure have incurred substantial costs
to comply with an order for emergency measures issued
under this subsection and that such costs were prudently
incurred and cannot reasonably be recovered through regu-
lated rates or market prices for the electric energy or serv-
ices sold by such owners, operators, or users, the Commis-
sion shall, consistent with the requirements of section 205,
after notice and an opportunity for comment, establish a
mechanism that permits such owners, operators, or users
to recover such costs.
(B) D
the extent the owner or operator of defense critical electric
infrastructure is required to take emergency measures
pursuant to an order issued under this subsection, the
owners or operators of a critical defense facility or facilities
designated by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (c) that
rely upon such infrastructure shall bear the full incre-
mental costs of the measures.
(7) T
Secretary, and other appropriate Federal agencies, shall, to the
extent practicable and consistent with their obligations to pro-
tect classified information, provide temporary access to classi-
fied information related to a grid security emergency for which
emergency measures are issued under paragraph (1) to key
personnel of any entity subject to such emergency measures to
enable optimum communication between the entity and the
Secretary and other appropriate Federal agencies regarding
the grid security emergency.
(c) D
.—Not later
than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Sec-
retary, in consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies and
appropriate owners, users, or operators of infrastructure that may
be defense critical electric infrastructure, shall identify and des-
ignate facilities located in the 48 contiguous States and the District
of Columbia that are—
(1) critical to the defense of the United States; and
(2) vulnerable to a disruption of the supply of electric en-
ergy provided to such facility by an external provider.
The Secretary may, in consultation with appropriate Federal agen-
cies and appropriate owners, users, or operators of defense critical
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electric infrastructure, periodically revise the list of designated fa-
cilities as necessary.
(d) P
(1) P
.—Critical electric infrastructure information—
(A) shall be exempt from disclosure under section
552(b)(3) of title 5, United States Code; and
(B) shall not be made available by any Federal, State,
political subdivision or tribal authority pursuant to any
Federal, State, political subdivision or tribal law requiring
public disclosure of information or records.
(2) D
.—Not later than one year after
the date of enactment of this section, the Commission, after
consultation with the Secretary, shall promulgate such regula-
tions as necessary to—
(A) establish criteria and procedures to designate in-
formation as critical electric infrastructure information;
(B) prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of critical
electric infrastructure information;
(C) ensure there are appropriate sanctions in place for
Commissioners, officers, employees, or agents of the Com-
mission or the Department of Energy who knowingly and
willfully disclose critical electric infrastructure information
in a manner that is not authorized under this section; and
(D) taking into account standards of the Electric Reli-
ability Organization, facilitate voluntary sharing of critical
electric infrastructure information with, between, and by—
(i) Federal, State, political subdivision, and tribal
(ii) the Electric Reliability Organization;
(iii) regional entities;
(iv) information sharing and analysis centers es-
tablished pursuant to Presidential Decision Directive
(v) owners, operators, and users of critical electric
infrastructure in the United States; and
(vi) other entities determined appropriate by the
(3) A
.—Information may be des-
ignated by the Commission or the Secretary as critical electric
infrastructure information pursuant to the criteria and proce-
dures established by the Commission under paragraph (2)(A).
(4) C
.—In exercising their respective au-
thorities under this subsection, the Commission and the Sec-
retary shall take into consideration the role of State commis-
sions in reviewing the prudence and cost of investments, deter-
mining the rates and terms of conditions for electric services,
and ensuring the safety and reliability of the bulk-power sys-
tem and distribution facilities within their respective jurisdic-
(5) P
.—The Commission and the Secretary shall,
in consultation with Canadian and Mexican authorities, de-
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velop protocols for the voluntary sharing of critical electric in-
frastructure information with Canadian and Mexican authori-
ties and owners, operators, and users of the bulk-power system
outside the United States.
(6) N
.—Nothing in
this section shall require a person or entity in possession of
critical electric infrastructure information to share such infor-
mation with Federal, State, political subdivision, or tribal au-
thorities, or any other person or entity.
(7) S
in this section shall permit or authorize the withholding of in-
formation from Congress, any committee or subcommittee
thereof, or the Comptroller General.
(8) D
.—In im-
plementing this section, the Commission and the Secretary
shall segregate critical electric infrastructure information or in-
formation that reasonably could be expected to lead to the dis-
closure of the critical electric infrastructure information within
documents and electronic communications, wherever feasible,
to facilitate disclosure of information that is not designated as
critical electric infrastructure information.
(9) D
.—Information may not be
designated as critical electric infrastructure information for
longer than 5 years, unless specifically re-designated by the
Commission or the Secretary, as appropriate.
(10) R
.—The Commission or the
Secretary, as appropriate, shall remove the designation of crit-
ical electric infrastructure information, in whole or in part,
from a document or electronic communication if the Commis-
sion or the Secretary, as appropriate, determines that the un-
authorized disclosure of such information could no longer be
used to impair the security or reliability of the bulk-power sys-
tem or distribution facilities.
(11) J
section 313(b), with respect to a petition filed by a person to
which an order under this section applies, any determination
by the Commission or the Secretary concerning the designation
of critical electric infrastructure information under this sub-
section shall be subject to review under chapter 7 of title 5,
United States Code, except that such review shall be brought
in the district court of the United States in the district in
which the complainant resides, or has his principal place of
business, or in the District of Columbia. In such a case the
court shall examine in camera the contents of documents or
electronic communications that are the subject of the deter-
mination under review to determine whether such documents
or any part thereof were improperly designated or not des-
ignated as critical electric infrastructure information.
(e) S
.—The Secretary shall facilitate and,
to the extent practicable, expedite the acquisition of adequate secu-
rity clearances by key personnel of any entity subject to the re-
quirements of this section, to enable optimum communication with
Federal agencies regarding threats to the security of the critical
electric infrastructure. The Secretary, the Commission, and other
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appropriate Federal agencies shall, to the extent practicable and
consistent with their obligations to protect classified and critical
electric infrastructure information, share timely actionable infor-
mation regarding grid security with appropriate key personnel of
owners, operators, and users of the critical electric infrastructure.
(f) C
(1) C
as provided in paragraph (4), to the extent any action or omis-
sion taken by an entity that is necessary to comply with an
order for emergency measures issued under subsection (b)(1),
including any action or omission taken to voluntarily comply
with such order, results in noncompliance with, or causes such
entity not to comply with any rule, order, regulation, or provi-
sion of this Act, including any reliability standard approved by
the Commission pursuant to section 215, such action or omis-
sion shall not be considered a violation of such rule, order, reg-
ulation, or provision.
(2) R
.—Except as provided in
paragraph (4), an action or omission taken by an owner, oper-
ator, or user of critical electric infrastructure or of defense crit-
ical electric infrastructure to comply with an order for emer-
gency measures issued under subsection (b)(1) shall be treated
as an action or omission taken to comply with an order issued
under section 202(c) for purposes of such section.
(3) S
.—No cause of ac-
tion shall lie or be maintained in any Federal or State court
for the sharing or receipt of information under, and that is con-
ducted in accordance with, subsection (d).
(4) R
.—Nothing in this subsection
shall be construed to require dismissal of a cause of action
against an entity that, in the course of complying with an
order for emergency measures issued under subsection (b)(1)
by taking an action or omission for which they would be liable
but for paragraph (1) or (2), takes such action or omission in
a grossly negligent manner.
ø16 U.S.C. 824o–1¿
(a) D
.—(1) Not later than 1 year after the date of en-
actment of this section and every 3 years thereafter, the Secretary
of Energy (referred to in this section as the ‘‘Secretary’’), in con-
sultation with affected States, shall conduct a study of electric
transmission congestion.
(2) After considering alternatives and recommendations from
interested parties (including an opportunity for comment from af-
fected States), the Secretary shall issue a report, based on the
study, which may designate any geographic area experiencing elec-
tric energy transmission capacity constraints or congestion that ad-
versely affects consumers as a national interest electric trans-
mission corridor.
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(3) The Secretary shall conduct the study and issue the report
in consultation with any appropriate regional entity referred to in
section 215.
(4) In determining whether to designate a national interest
electric transmission corridor under paragraph (2), the Secretary
may consider whether—
(A) the economic vitality and development of the corridor,
or the end markets served by the corridor, may be constrained
by lack of adequate or reasonably priced electricity;
(B)(i) economic growth in the corridor, or the end markets
served by the corridor, may be jeopardized by reliance on lim-
ited sources of energy; and
(ii) a diversification of supply is warranted;
(C) the energy independence of the United States would be
served by the designation;
(D) the designation would be in the interest of national en-
ergy policy; and
(E) the designation would enhance national defense and
homeland security.
(b) C
.—Except as provided in subsection
(i), the Commission may, after notice and an opportunity for hear-
ing, issue one or more permits for the construction or modification
of electric transmission facilities in a national interest electric
transmission corridor designated by the Secretary under subsection
(a) if the Commission finds that—
(1)(A) a State in which the transmission facilities are to be
constructed or modified does not have authority to—
(i) approve the siting of the facilities; or
(ii) consider the interstate benefits expected to be
achieved by the proposed construction or modification of
transmission facilities in the State;
(B) the applicant for a permit is a transmitting utility
under this Act but does not qualify to apply for a permit or
siting approval for the proposed project in a State because the
applicant does not serve end-use customers in the State; or
(C) a State commission or other entity that has authority
to approve the siting of the facilities has—
(i) withheld approval for more than 1 year after the
filing of an application seeking approval pursuant to appli-
cable law or 1 year after the designation of the relevant
national interest electric transmission corridor, whichever
is later; or
(ii) conditioned its approval in such a manner that the
proposed construction or modification will not significantly
reduce transmission congestion in interstate commerce or
is not economically feasible;
(2) the facilities to be authorized by the permit will be
used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate com-
(3) the proposed construction or modification is consistent
with the public interest;
(4) the proposed construction or modification will signifi-
cantly reduce transmission congestion in interstate commerce
and protects or benefits consumers;
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(5) the proposed construction or modification is consistent
with sound national energy policy and will enhance energy
independence; and
(6) the proposed modification will maximize, to the extent
reasonable and economical, the transmission capabilities of ex-
isting towers or structures.
(c) P
.—(1) Permit applications under sub-
section (b) shall be made in writing to the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall issue rules specifying—
(A) the form of the application;
(B) the information to be contained in the application; and
(C) the manner of service of notice of the permit applica-
tion on interested persons.
(d) C
.—In any proceeding before the Commission
under subsection (b), the Commission shall afford each State in
which a transmission facility covered by the permit is or will be lo-
cated, each affected Federal agency and Indian tribe, private prop-
erty owners, and other interested persons, a reasonable opportunity
to present their views and recommendations with respect to the
need for and impact of a facility covered by the permit.
(e) R
.—(1) In the case of a permit under sub-
section (b) for electric transmission facilities to be located on prop-
erty other than property owned by the United States or a State,
if the permit holder cannot acquire by contract, or is unable to
agree with the owner of the property to the compensation to be
paid for, the necessary right-of-way to construct or modify the
transmission facilities, the permit holder may acquire the right-of-
way by the exercise of the right of eminent domain in the district
court of the United States for the district in which the property
concerned is located, or in the appropriate court of the State in
which the property is located.
(2) Any right-of-way acquired under paragraph (1) shall be
used exclusively for the construction or modification of electric
transmission facilities within a reasonable period of time after the
(3) The practice and procedure in any action or proceeding
under this subsection in the district court of the United States
shall conform as nearly as practicable to the practice and procedure
in a similar action or proceeding in the courts of the State in which
the property is located.
(4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize
the use of eminent domain to acquire a right-of-way for any pur-
pose other than the construction, modification, operation, or main-
tenance of electric transmission facilities and related facilities. The
right-of-way cannot be used for any other purpose, and the right-
of-way shall terminate upon the termination of the use for which
the right-of-way was acquired.
(f) C
.—(1) Any right-of-way acquired pursuant to
subsection (e) shall be considered a taking of private property for
which just compensation is due.
(2) Just compensation shall be an amount equal to the fair
market value (including applicable severance damages) of the prop-
erty taken on the date of the exercise of eminent domain authority.
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(g) S
.—Nothing in this section precludes any person
from constructing or modifying any transmission facility in accord-
ance with State law.
(h) C
.—(1) In this subsection:
(A) The term ‘‘Federal authorization’’ means any author-
ization required under Federal law in order to site a trans-
mission facility.
(B) The term ‘‘Federal authorization’’ includes such per-
mits, special use authorizations, certifications, opinions, or
other approvals as may be required under Federal law in order
to site a transmission facility.
(2) The Department of Energy shall act as the lead agency for
purposes of coordinating all applicable Federal authorizations and
related environmental reviews of the facility.
(3) To the maximum extent practicable under applicable Fed-
eral law, the Secretary shall coordinate the Federal authorization
and review process under this subsection with any Indian tribes,
multistate entities, and State agencies that are responsible for con-
ducting any separate permitting and environmental reviews of the
facility, to ensure timely and efficient review and permit decisions.
(4)(A) As head of the lead agency, the Secretary, in consulta-
tion with agencies responsible for Federal authorizations and, as
appropriate, with Indian tribes, multistate entities, and State agen-
cies that are willing to coordinate their own separate permitting
and environmental reviews with the Federal authorization and en-
vironmental reviews, shall establish prompt and binding inter-
mediate milestones and ultimate deadlines for the review of, and
Federal authorization decisions relating to, the proposed facility.
(B) The Secretary shall ensure that, once an application has
been submitted with such data as the Secretary considers nec-
essary, all permit decisions and related environmental reviews
under all applicable Federal laws shall be completed—
(i) within 1 year; or
(ii) if a requirement of another provision of Federal law
does not permit compliance with clause (i), as soon thereafter
as is practicable.
(C) The Secretary shall provide an expeditious pre-application
mechanism for prospective applicants to confer with the agencies
involved to have each such agency determine and communicate to
the prospective applicant not later than 60 days after the prospec-
tive applicant submits a request for such information concerning—
(i) the likelihood of approval for a potential facility; and
(ii) key issues of concern to the agencies and public.
(5)(A) As lead agency head, the Secretary, in consultation with
the affected agencies, shall prepare a single environmental review
document, which shall be used as the basis for all decisions on the
proposed project under Federal law.
(B) The Secretary and the heads of other agencies shall
streamline the review and permitting of transmission within cor-
ridors designated under section 503 of the Federal Land Policy and
Management Act (43 U.S.C. 1763) by fully taking into account prior
analyses and decisions relating to the corridors.
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(C) The document shall include consideration by the relevant
agencies of any applicable criteria or other matters as required
under applicable law.
(6)(A) If any agency has denied a Federal authorization re-
quired for a transmission facility, or has failed to act by the dead-
line established by the Secretary pursuant to this section for decid-
ing whether to issue the authorization, the applicant or any State
in which the facility would be located may file an appeal with the
President, who shall, in consultation with the affected agency, re-
view the denial or failure to take action on the pending application.
(B) Based on the overall record and in consultation with the af-
fected agency, the President may—
(i) issue the necessary authorization with any appropriate
conditions; or
(ii) deny the application.
(C) The President shall issue a decision not later than 90 days
after the date of the filing of the appeal.
(D) In making a decision under this paragraph, the President
shall comply with applicable requirements of Federal law, includ-
ing any requirements of—
(i) the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C.
472a et seq.);
(ii) the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
(iii) the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.
1251 et seq.);
(iv) the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.); and
(v) the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
(43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).
(7)(A) Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of
this section, the Secretary shall issue any regulations necessary to
implement this subsection.
(B)(i) Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this
section, the Secretary and the heads of all Federal agencies with
authority to issue Federal authorizations shall enter into a memo-
randum of understanding to ensure the timely and coordinated re-
view and permitting of electricity transmission facilities.
(ii) Interested Indian tribes, multistate entities, and State
agencies may enter the memorandum of understanding.
(C) The head of each Federal agency with authority to issue a
Federal authorization shall designate a senior official responsible
for, and dedicate sufficient other staff and resources to ensure, full
implementation of the regulations and memorandum required
under this paragraph.
(8)(A) Each Federal land use authorization for an electricity
transmission facility shall be issued—
(i) for a duration, as determined by the Secretary, com-
mensurate with the anticipated use of the facility; and
(ii) with appropriate authority to manage the right-of-way
for reliability and environmental protection.
(B) On the expiration of the authorization (including an au-
thorization issued before the date of enactment of this section), the
authorization shall be reviewed for renewal taking fully into ac-
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count reliance on such electricity infrastructure, recognizing the
importance of the authorization for public health, safety, and eco-
nomic welfare and as a legitimate use of Federal land.
(9) In exercising the responsibilities under this section, the
Secretary shall consult regularly with—
(A) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
(B) electric reliability organizations (including related re-
gional entities) approved by the Commission; and
(C) Transmission Organizations approved by the Commis-
(i) I
.—(1) The consent of Congress is
given for three or more contiguous States to enter into an inter-
state compact, subject to approval by Congress, establishing re-
gional transmission siting agencies to—
(A) facilitate siting of future electric energy transmission
facilities within those States; and
(B) carry out the electric energy transmission siting re-
sponsibilities of those States.
(2) The Secretary may provide technical assistance to regional
transmission siting agencies established under this subsection.
(3) The regional transmission siting agencies shall have the au-
thority to review, certify, and permit siting of transmission facili-
ties, including facilities in national interest electric transmission
corridors (other than facilities on property owned by the United
(4) The Commission shall have no authority to issue a permit
for the construction or modification of an electric transmission fa-
cility within a State that is a party to a compact, unless the mem-
bers of the compact are in disagreement and the Secretary makes,
after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, the finding described
in subsection (b)(1)(C).
(j) R
.—(1) Except as specifically
provided, nothing in this section affects any requirement of an en-
vironmental law of the United States, including the National Envi-
ronmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
(2) Subsection (h)(6) shall not apply to any unit of the National
Park System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, the National
Wild and Scenic Rivers System, the National Trails System, the
National Wilderness Preservation System, or a National Monu-
(k) ERCOT.—This section shall not apply within the area re-
ferred to in section 212(k)(2)(A).
ø16 U.S.C. 824p¿
(a) D
.—In this section:
(1) The term ‘‘distribution utility’’ means an electric utility
that has a service obligation to end-users or to a State utility
or electric cooperative that, directly or indirectly, through one
or more additional State utilities or electric cooperatives, pro-
vides electric service to end-users.
(2) The term ‘‘load-serving entity’’ means a distribution
utility or an electric utility that has a service obligation.
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(3) The term ‘‘service obligation’’ means a requirement ap-
plicable to, or the exercise of authority granted to, an electric
utility under Federal, State, or local law or under long-term
contracts to provide electric service to end-users or to a dis-
tribution utility.
(4) The term ‘‘State utility’’ means a State or any political
subdivision of a State, or any agency, authority, or instrumen-
tality of any one or more of the foregoing, or a corporation that
is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by any one or more of
the foregoing, competent to carry on the business of developing,
transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power.
(b) M
.—(1) Paragraph (2) applies
to any load-serving entity that, as of the date of enactment of this
(A) owns generation facilities, markets the output of Fed-
eral generation facilities, or holds rights under one or more
wholesale contracts to purchase electric energy, for the purpose
of meeting a service obligation; and
(B) by reason of ownership of transmission facilities, or one
or more contracts or service agreements for firm transmission
service, holds firm transmission rights for delivery of the out-
put of the generation facilities or the purchased energy to meet
the service obligation.
(2) Any load-serving entity described in paragraph (1) is enti-
tled to use the firm transmission rights, or, equivalent tradable or
financial transmission rights, in order to deliver the output or pur-
chased energy, or the output of other generating facilities or pur-
chased energy to the extent deliverable using the rights, to the ex-
tent required to meet the service obligation of the load-serving enti-
(3)(A) To the extent that all or a portion of the service obliga-
tion covered by the firm transmission rights or equivalent tradable
or financial transmission rights is transferred to another load-serv-
ing entity, the successor load-serving entity shall be entitled to use
the firm transmission rights or equivalent tradable or financial
transmission rights associated with the transferred service obliga-
(B) Subsequent transfers to another load-serving entity, or
back to the original load-serving entity, shall be entitled to the
same rights.
(4) The Commission shall exercise the authority of the Com-
mission under this Act in a manner that facilitates the planning
and expansion of transmission facilities to meet the reasonable
needs of load-serving entities to satisfy the service obligations of
the load-serving entities, and enables load-serving entities to se-
cure firm transmission rights (or equivalent tradable or financial
rights) on a long-term basis for long-term power supply arrange-
ments made, or planned, to meet such needs.
(c) A
.—Nothing in sub-
sections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section shall affect any ex-
isting or future methodology employed by a Transmission Organi-
zation for allocating or auctioning transmission rights if such
Transmission Organization was authorized by the Commission to
allocate or auction financial transmission rights on its system as of
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January 1, 2005, and the Commission determines that any future
allocation or auction is just, reasonable and not unduly discrimina-
tory or preferential, provided, however, that if such a Transmission
Organization never allocated financial transmission rights on its
system that pertained to a period before January 1, 2005, with re-
spect to any application by such Transmission Organization that
would change its methodology the Commission shall exercise its
authority in a manner consistent with the Act and that takes into
account the policies expressed in subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and
(b)(3) as applied to firm transmission rights held by a load-serving
entity as of January 1, 2005, to the extent the associated genera-
tion ownership or power purchase arrangements remain in effect.
(d) C
.—The Commission may ex-
ercise authority under this Act to make transmission rights not
used to meet an obligation covered by subsection (b) available to
other entities in a manner determined by the Commission to be
just, reasonable, and not unduly discriminatory or preferential.
(e) O
.—Nothing in this Act relieves a load-
serving entity from any obligation under State or local law to build
transmission or distribution facilities adequate to meet the service
obligations of the load-serving entity.
(f) C
.—Nothing in this section shall provide a basis
for abrogating any contract or service agreement for firm trans-
mission service or rights in effect as of the date of the enactment
of this subsection. If an ISO in the Western Interconnection had al-
located financial transmission rights prior to the date of enactment
of this section but had not done so with respect to one or more
load-serving entities’ firm transmission rights held under contracts
to which the preceding sentence applies (or held by reason of own-
ership or future ownership of transmission facilities), such load-
serving entities may not be required, without their consent, to con-
vert such firm transmission rights to tradable or financial rights,
except where the load-serving entity has voluntarily joined the ISO
as a participating transmission owner (or its successor) in accord-
ance with the ISO tariff.
(g) W
.—The Commission shall ensure
that any entity described in section 201(f) that owns transmission
facilities used predominately to support its own water pumping fa-
cilities shall have, with respect to the facilities, protections for
transmission service comparable to those provided to load-serving
entities pursuant to this section.
(h) ERCOT.—This section shall not apply within the area re-
ferred to in section 212(k)(2)(A).
(i) J
.—This section does not authorize the Commis-
sion to take any action not otherwise within the jurisdiction of the
(j) TVA A
.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), for pur-
poses of subsection (b)(1)(B), a load-serving entity that is located
within the service area of the Tennessee Valley Authority and that
has a firm wholesale power supply contract with the Tennessee
Valley Authority shall be considered to hold firm transmission
rights for the transmission of the power provided.
(2) Nothing in this subsection affects the requirements of sec-
tion 212(j).
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(3) The Commission shall not issue an order on the basis of
this subsection that is contrary to the purposes of section 212(j).
(k) E
.—An entity that to the ex-
tent required to meet its service obligations exercises rights de-
scribed in subsection (b) shall not be considered by such action as
engaging in undue discrimination or preference under this Act.
ø16 U.S.C. 824q¿
(a) D
.—In this sec-
tion, the term ‘‘electric utility or person’’ means an electric utility
or person that—
(1) as of the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of
2005 holds firm transmission rights pursuant to contract or by
reason of ownership of transmission facilities; and
(2) is located—
(A) in the Pacific Northwest, as that region is defined
in section 3 of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Plan-
ning and Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 839a); or
(B) in that portion of a State included in the geo-
graphic area proposed for a regional transmission organi-
zation in Commission Docket Number RT01–35 on the
date on which that docket was opened.
(b) P
.—Nothing in this
Act confers on the Commission the authority to require an electric
utility or person to convert to tradable or financial rights—
(1) firm transmission rights described in subsection (a); or
(2) firm transmission rights obtained by exercising con-
tract or tariff rights associated with the firm transmission
rights described in subsection (a).
ø16 U.S.C. 824r¿
(a) R
.—Not later than 1 year after
the date of enactment of this section, the Commission shall estab-
lish, by rule, incentive-based (including performance-based) rate
treatments for the transmission of electric energy in interstate
commerce by public utilities for the purpose of benefitting con-
sumers by ensuring reliability and reducing the cost of delivered
power by reducing transmission congestion.
(b) C
.—The rule shall—
(1) promote reliable and economically efficient trans-
mission and generation of electricity by promoting capital in-
vestment in the enlargement, improvement, maintenance, and
operation of all facilities for the transmission of electric energy
in interstate commerce, regardless of the ownership of the fa-
(2) provide a return on equity that attracts new invest-
ment in transmission facilities (including related transmission
(3) encourage deployment of transmission technologies and
other measures to increase the capacity and efficiency of exist-
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ing transmission facilities and improve the operation of the fa-
cilities; and
(4) allow recovery of—
(A) all prudently incurred costs necessary to comply
with mandatory reliability standards issued pursuant to
section 215; and
(B) all prudently incurred costs related to trans-
mission infrastructure development pursuant to section
(c) I
.—In the rule issued under this section, the
Commission shall, to the extent within its jurisdiction, provide for
incentives to each transmitting utility or electric utility that joins
a Transmission Organization. The Commission shall ensure that
any costs recoverable pursuant to this subsection may be recovered
by such utility through the transmission rates charged by such
utility or through the transmission rates charged by the Trans-
mission Organization that provides transmission service to such
(d) J
.—All rates approved under
the rules adopted pursuant to this section, including any revisions
to the rules, are subject to the requirements of sections 205 and
206 that all rates, charges, terms, and conditions be just and rea-
sonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential.
ø16 U.S.C. 824s¿
(a)(1) The Commission is directed to facilitate price trans-
parency in markets for the sale and transmission of electric energy
in interstate commerce, having due regard for the public interest,
the integrity of those markets, fair competition, and the protection
of consumers.
(2) The Commission may prescribe such rules as the Commis-
sion determines necessary and appropriate to carry out the pur-
poses of this section. The rules shall provide for the dissemination,
on a timely basis, of information about the availability and prices
of wholesale electric energy and transmission service to the Com-
mission, State commissions, buyers and sellers of wholesale electric
energy, users of transmission services, and the public.
(3) The Commission may—
(A) obtain the information described in paragraph (2) from
any market participant; and
(B) rely on entities other than the Commission to receive
and make public the information, subject to the disclosure
rules in subsection (b).
(4) In carrying out this section, the Commission shall consider
the degree of price transparency provided by existing price pub-
lishers and providers of trade processing services, and shall rely on
such publishers and services to the maximum extent possible. The
Commission may establish an electronic information system if it
determines that existing price publications are not adequately pro-
viding price discovery or market transparency. Nothing in this sec-
tion, however, shall affect any electronic information filing require-
ments in effect under this Act as of the date of enactment of this
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(b)(1) Rules described in subsection (a)(2), if adopted, shall ex-
empt from disclosure information the Commission determines
would, if disclosed, be detrimental to the operation of an effective
market or jeopardize system security.
(2) In determining the information to be made available under
this section and time to make the information available, the Com-
mission shall seek to ensure that consumers and competitive mar-
kets are protected from the adverse effects of potential collusion or
other anticompetitive behaviors that can be facilitated by untimely
public disclosure of transaction-specific information.
(c)(1) Within 180 days of enactment of this section, the Com-
mission shall conclude a memorandum of understanding with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission relating to information
sharing, which shall include, among other things, provisions ensur-
ing that information requests to markets within the respective ju-
risdiction of each agency are properly coordinated to minimize du-
plicative information requests, and provisions regarding the treat-
ment of proprietary trading information.
(2) Nothing in this section may be construed to limit or affect
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Com-
mission under the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).
(d) The Commission shall not require entities who have a de
minimis market presence to comply with the reporting require-
ments of this section.
(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), no person shall be
subject to any civil penalty under this section with respect to any
violation occurring more than 3 years before the date on which the
person is provided notice of the proposed penalty under section
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in any case in which the
Commission finds that a seller that has entered into a contract for
the sale of electric energy at wholesale or transmission service sub-
ject to the jurisdiction of the Commission has engaged in fraudu-
lent market manipulation activities materially affecting the con-
tract in violation of section 222.
(f) This section shall not apply to a transaction for the pur-
chase or sale of wholesale electric energy or transmission services
within the area described in section 212(k)(2)(A).
ø16 U.S.C. 824t¿
No entity (including an entity described in section 201(f)) shall
willfully and knowingly report any information relating to the price
of electricity sold at wholesale or the availability of transmission
capacity, which information the person or any other entity knew to
be false at the time of the reporting, to a Federal agency with in-
tent to fraudulently affect the data being compiled by the Federal
ø16 U.S.C. 824u¿
(a) I
.—It shall be unlawful for any entity (including
an entity described in section 201(f)), directly or indirectly, to use
or employ, in connection with the purchase or sale of electric en-
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ergy or the purchase or sale of transmission services subject to the
jurisdiction of the Commission, any manipulative or deceptive de-
vice or contrivance (as those terms are used in section 10(b) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78j(b))), in contraven-
tion of such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe
as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protec-
tion of electric ratepayers.
(b) N
.—Nothing in this section
shall be construed to create a private right of action.
ø16 U.S.C. 824v¿
(a) I
.—The Commission shall convene joint boards
on a regional basis pursuant to section 209 of this Act to study the
issue of security constrained economic dispatch for the various
market regions. The Commission shall designate the appropriate
regions to be covered by each such joint board for purposes of this
(b) M
.—The Commission shall request each State to
nominate a representative for the appropriate regional joint board,
and shall designate a member of the Commission to chair and par-
ticipate as a member of each such board.
(c) P
.—The sole authority of each joint board convened
under this section shall be to consider issues relevant to what con-
stitutes ‘‘security constrained economic dispatch’’ and how such a
mode of operating an electric energy system affects or enhances the
reliability and affordability of service to customers in the region
concerned and to make recommendations to the Commission re-
garding such issues.
(d) R
.—Within 1 year after enactment
of this section, the Commission shall issue a report and submit
such report to the Congress regarding the recommendations of the
joint boards under this section and the Commission may consoli-
date the recommendations of more than one such regional joint
board, including any consensus recommendations for statutory or
regulatory reform.
ø16 U.S.C. 824w¿
. 301. (a) Every licensee and public utility shall make, keep
and preserve for such periods, such accounts, records of cost-ac-
counting procedures, correspondence memoranda, papers, books
and other records as the Commission may by rules and regulations
prescribe as necessary or appropriate for purposes of the adminis-
tration of this Act, including accounts, records, and memoranda of
the generation, transmission, distribution, delivery, or sale of elec-
tric energy, the furnishing of services or facilities in connection
therewith, and receipts and expenditures with respect to any of the
foregoing: Provided, however, That nothing in this Act shall relieve
any public utility from keeping any accounts, memoranda, or
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records which such public utility may be required to keep by or
under authority of the laws of any State. The Commission may pre-
scribe a system of accounts to be kept by licensees and public utili-
ties and may classify such licensees and public utilities and pre-
scribe a system of accounts for each class. The Commission, after
notice and opportunity for hearing, may determine by order the ac-
counts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be entered,
charged, or credited. The burden of proof to justify every account-
ing entry questioned by the Commission shall be on the person
making, authorizing, or requiring such entry, and the Commission
may suspend a change or credit pending submission of satisfactory
proof in support thereof.
(b) The Commission shall at all times have access to and the
right to inspect and examine all accounts, records, and memoranda
of licensees and public utilities, and it shall be the duty of such li-
censees and public utilities to furnish to the Commission, within
such reasonable time as the Commission may order, any informa-
tion with respect thereto which the Commission may by order re-
quire, including copies of maps, contracts, reports of engineers, and
other data, records, and papers, and to grant to all agents of the
Commission free access to its property and its accounts, records,
and memorandum when requested so to do. No member, officer, or
employee of the Commission shall divulge any fact or information
which may come to his knowledge during the course of examination
of books or other accounts, as hereinbefore provided, except insofar
as he may be directed by the Commission or by a court.
(c) The books, accounts, memoranda, and records of any person
who controls, directly or indirectly, a licensee or public utility sub-
ject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and of any other com-
pany controlled by such person, insofar as they relate to trans-
actions with or the business of such licensee or public utility, shall
be subject to examination on the order of the Commission.
ø16 U.S.C. 825¿
. 302. (a) The Commission may, after hearing, require li-
censees and public utilities to carry a proper and adequate depre-
ciation account in accordance with such rules, regulations, and
forms of account as the Commission may prescribe. The Commis-
sion may, from time to time, ascertain and determine, and by order
fix, the proper and adequate rates of depreciation of the several
classes of property of each licensee and public utility. Each licensee
and public utility shall conform its depreciation accounts to the
rates so ascertained, determined, and fixed. The licensees and pub-
lic utilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission shall not
charge to operating expenses any depreciation charges on classes
of property other than those prescribed by the Commission, or
charge with respect to any class of property a percentage of depre-
ciation other than that prescribed therefor by the Commission. No
such licensee or public utility shall in any case include in any form
under its operating or other expenses any depreciation or other
charge or expenditure included elsewhere as a depreciation charge
or otherwise under its operating or other expenses. Nothing in this
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section shall limit the power of a State commission to determine in
the exercise of its jurisdiction, with respect to any public utility,
the percentage rate of depreciation to be allowed, as to any class
of property of such public utility, or the composite depreciation
rate, for the purpose of determining rates or charges.
(b) The Commission, before prescribing any rules or require-
ments as to accounts, records, or memoranda, or as to depreciation
rates, shall notify each State commission having jurisdiction with
respect to any public utility involved, and shall give reasonable op-
portunity to each such commission to present its views, and shall
receive and consider such views and recommendations.
ø16 U.S.C. 825a¿
. 303. All agencies of the United States engaged in the gen-
eration and sale of electric energy for ultimate distribution to the
public shall be subject, as to all facilities used for such generation
and sale, and as to the electric energy sold by such agency, to the
provisions of sections 301 and 302 hereof, so far as may be prac-
ticable, and shall comply with the provisions of such sections and
with the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder to the
same extent as may be required in the case of a public utility.
ø16 U.S.C. 825b¿
. 304. (a) Every licensee and every public utility shall file
with the Commission such annual and other periodic or special re-
ports as the Commission may by rules and regulations or order
prescribe as necessary or appropriate to assist the Commission in
the proper administration of this Act. The Commission may pre-
scribe the manner and form in which such reports shall be made,
and require from such persons specific answers to all questions
upon which the Commission may need information. The Commis-
sion may require that such reports shall include, among other
things, full information as to assets and liabilities, capitalization,
net investment, and reduction thereof, gross receipts, interest due
and paid, depreciation, and other reserves, cost of project and other
facilities, cost of maintenance and operation of the project and
other facilities, cost of renewals and replacement of the project
works and other facilities, depreciation, generation, transmission,
distribution delivery, use, and sale of electric energy. The Commis-
sion may require any such person to make adequate provision for
currently determining such costs and other facts. Such reports
shall be made under oath unless the Commission otherwise speci-
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to hinder,
delay, or obstruct the making, filing, or keeping of any information,
document, report, memorandum, record, or account required to be
made, filed, or kept under this Act or any rule, regulation, or order
ø16 U.S.C. 825c¿
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. 305. (a) It shall be unlawful for any officer or director of
any public utility to receive for his own benefit, directly or indi-
rectly, any money or thing of value in respect of the negotiation,
hypothecation, or sale by such public utility of any security issued
or to be issued by such public utility, or to share in any of the pro-
ceeds thereof, or to participate in the making or paying of any divi-
dends of such public utility from any funds properly included in
capital account.
(b) I
(1) I
.—After 6 months from the date on which
this Part takes effect, it shall be unlawful for any person to
hold the position of officer or director of more than one public
utility or to hold the position of officer or director of a public
utility and the position of officer or director of any bank, trust
company, banking association, or firm that is authorized by
law to underwrite or participate in the marketing of securities
of a public utility, or officer or director of any company sup-
plying electrical equipment to such public utility, unless the
holding of such positions shall have been authorized by order
of the Commission, upon due showing in form and manner pre-
scribed by the Commission, that neither public nor private in-
terests will be adversely affected thereby. The Commission
shall not grant any such authorization in respect of such posi-
tions held on the date on which this Part takes effect, unless
application for such authorization is filed with the Commission
within sixty days after that date.
(2) A
(A) I
.—In the circumstances described in
subparagraph (B), paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per-
son that holds or proposes to hold the positions of—
(i) officer or director of a public utility; and
(ii) officer or director of a bank, trust company,
banking association, or firm authorized by law to un-
derwrite or participate in the marketing of securities
of a public utility.
(B) C
.—The circumstances described in
this subparagraph are that—
(i) a person described in subparagraph (A) does
not participate in any deliberations or decisions of the
public utility regarding the selection of a bank, trust
company, banking association, or firm to underwrite or
participate in the marketing of securities of the public
utility, if the person serves as an officer or director of
a bank, trust company, banking association, or firm
that is under consideration in the deliberation process;
(ii) the bank, trust company, banking association,
or firm of which the person is an officer or director
does not engage in the underwriting of, or participate
in the marketing of, securities of the public utility of
which the person holds the position of officer or direc-
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(iii) the public utility for which the person serves
or proposes to serve as an officer or director selects
underwriters by competitive procedures; or
(iv) the issuance of securities of the public utility
for which the person serves or proposes to serve as an
officer or director has been approved by all Federal
and State regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over
the issuance.
(c)(1) On or before April 30 of each year, any person, who, dur-
ing the calendar year preceding the filing date under this sub-
section, was an officer or director of a public utility and who held,
during such calendar year, the position of officer, director, partner,
appointee, or representative of any other entity listed in paragraph
(2) shall file with the Commission, in such form and manner as the
Commission shall by rule prescribe, a written statement concerning
such positions held by such person. Such statement shall be avail-
able to the public.
(2) The entities listed for purposes of paragraph (1) are as fol-
(A) any investment bank, bank holding company, foreign
band or subsidiary thereof doing business in the United States,
insurance company, or any other organization primarily en-
gaged in the business of providing financial services or credit,
a mutual savings bank, or a savings and loan association;
(B) any company, firm, or organization which is authorized
by law to underwrite or participate in the marketing of securi-
ties of a public utility;
(C) any company, firm, or organization which produces or
supplies electrical equipment or coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear
fuel, or other fuel, for the use of any public utility;
(D) any company, firm, or organization which during any
one of the 3 calendar years immediately preceding the filing
date was one of the 20 purchasers of electric energy which pur-
chased (for purposes other than for resale) one of the 20 largest
annual amounts of electric energy sold by such public utility
(or by any public utility which is part of the same holding com-
pany system) during any one of such three calendar years;
(E) any entity referred to in subsection (b); and
(F) any company, firm, or organization which is controlled
by any company, firm, or organization referred to in this para-
On or before January 31 of each calendar year, each public utility
shall publish a list, pursuant to rules prescribed by the Commis-
sion, of the purchasers to which subparagraph (D) applies, for pur-
poses of any filing under paragraph (1) of such calendar year.
(3) For purposes of this subsection—
(A) The term ‘‘public utility’’ includes any company which
is a part of a holding company system which includes a reg-
istered holding company, unless no company in such system is
an electric utility.
(B) The terms ‘‘holding company’’, ‘‘registered holding com-
pany’’, and ‘‘holding company system’’ have the same meaning
as when used in the Public Utility Company Act of 1935.
ø16 U.S.C. 825d¿
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. 306. Any person, electric utility, State, municipality, or
State commission complaining of anything done or omitted to be
done by any licensee, transmitting utility, or public utility in con-
travention of the provisions of this Act may apply to the Commis-
sion by petition which shall briefly state the facts, whereupon a
statement of the complaint thus made shall be forwarded by the
Commission to such licensee, transmitting utility, or public utility,
who shall be called upon to satisfy the complaint or to answer the
same in writing within a reasonable time to be specified by the
Commission. If such licensee, transmitting utility, or public utility
shall not satisfy the complaint within the time specified or there
shall appear to be any reasonable ground for investigating such
complaint, it shall be the duty of the Commission to investigate the
matters complained of in such manner and by such means as it
shall find proper.
ø16 U.S.C. 825e¿
. 307. (a) The Commission may investigate any facts, condi-
tions, practices, or matters which it may find necessary or proper
in order to determine whether any person, electric utility, transmit-
ting utility, or other entity has violated or is about to violate any
provisions of this Act or any rule, regulation, or order thereunder,
or to aid in the enforcement of the provisions of this Act or in pre-
scribing rules or regulations thereunder, or in obtaining informa-
tion to serve as a basis for recommending further legislation con-
cerning the matters to which this Act relates, or in obtaining infor-
mation about the sale of electric energy at wholesale in interstate
commerce and the transmission of electric energy in interstate com-
merce. The Commission may permit any person, electric utility,
transmitting utility, or other entity to file with it a statement in
writing under oath or otherwise, as it shall determine, as to any
or all facts and circumstances concerning a matter which may be
the subject of investigation. The Commission, in its discretion, may
publish or make available to State commissions information con-
cerning any such subject.
(b) For the purpose of any investigation or any other pro-
ceeding under this Act, any member of the Commission, or any offi-
cer designated by it, is empowered to administer oaths and affirma-
tions, subpena witnesses, compel their attendance, take evidence,
and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence,
memoranda, contracts, agreements, or other records which the
Commission finds relevant or material to the inquiry. Such attend-
ance of witnesses and the production of any such records may be
required from any place in the United States at any designated
place of hearing. Witnesses summoned by the Commission to ap-
pear before it shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid
witnesses in the courts of the United States.
(c) In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpena issued
to, any person, the Commission may invoke the aid of any court of
the United States within the jurisdiction of which such investiga-
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
tion or proceeding is carried on, or where such person resides or
carries on business, in requiring the attendance and testimony of
witnesses and the production of books, papers, correspondence,
memoranda, contracts, agreements, and other records. Such court
may issue an order requiring such person to appear before the
Commission or member or officer designated by the Commission,
there to produce records, if so ordered, or to give testimony touch-
ing the matter under investigation or in question; and any failure
to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as
a contempt thereof. All process in any such case may be served in
the judicial district whereof such person is an inhabitant or wher-
ever he may be found or may be doing business. Any person who
willfully shall fail or refuse to attend and testify or to answer any
lawful inquiry or to produce books, papers, correspondence, memo-
randa, contracts, agreements, or other records, if in his or its power
so to do, in obedience to the subpena of the Commission, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be subject to
a fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term of
not more than one year, or both.
(d) The testimony of any witness may be taken, at the instance
of a party, in any proceeding or investigation pending before the
Commission, by deposition, at any time after the proceeding is at
issue. The Commission may also order testimony to be taken by
deposition in any proceeding or investigation pending before it, at
any stage of such proceeding or investigation. Such depositions
may be taken before any person authorized to administer oaths not
being of counsel or attorney to either of the parties, nor interested
in the proceeding or investigation. Reasonable notice must first be
given in writing by the party or his attorney proposing to take such
deposition to the opposite party or his attorney of record, as either
may be nearest, which notice shall state the name of the witness
and the time and place of the taking of his deposition. Any person
may be compelled to appear and depose, and to produce documen-
tary evidence, in the same manner as witnesses may be compelled
to appear and testify and produce documentary evidence before the
Commission, as hereinbefore provided. Such testimony shall be re-
duced to writing by the person taking the deposition, or under his
direction, and shall, after it has been reduced to writing, be sub-
scribed by the deponent.
(e) If a witness whose testimony may be desired to be taken
by deposition be in a foreign country, the deposition may be taken
before an officer or person designed by the Commission, or agreed
upon by the parties by stipulation in writing to be filed with the
Commission. All depositions must be promptly filed with the Com-
(f) Witnesses whose depositions are taken as authorized in this
Act, and the person or officer taking the same, shall be entitled to
the same fees as are paid for like services in the courts of the
United States.
ø16 U.S.C. 825f¿
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
. 308. (a) Hearings under this Act may be held before the
Commission, any member or members thereof or any representa-
tive of the Commission designated by it, and appropriate records
thereof shall be kept. In any proceeding before it, the Commission
in accordance with such rules and regulations as it may prescribe,
may admit as a party any interested State, State commission, mu-
nicipality, or any representative of interested consumers or security
holders, or any competitor of a party to such proceeding, or any
other person whose participation in the proceeding may be in the
public interest.
(b) All hearings, investigations, and proceedings under this Act
shall be governed by rules of practice and procedure to be adopted
by the Commission, and in the conduct thereof the technical rules
of evidence need not be applied. No informality in any hearing, in-
vestigation, or proceeding or in the manner of taking testimony
shall invalidate any order, decision, rule, or regulation issued
under the authority of this Act.
ø16 U.S.C. 825g¿
. 309. The Commission shall have power to perform any
and all acts, and to prescribe, issue, make, amend, and rescind
such orders, rules, and regulations as it may find necessary or ap-
propriate to carry out the provisions of this Act. Among other
things, such rules and regulations may define accounting, tech-
nical, and trade terms used in this Act; and may prescribe the form
or forms of all statements, declarations, applications, and reports
to be filed with the Commission, the information which they shall
contain, and the time within which they shall be filed. Unless a dif-
ferent date is specified therein, rules and regulations of the Com-
mission shall be effective thirty days after publication in the man-
ner which the Commission shall prescribe. Orders of the Commis-
sion shall be effective on the date and in the manner which the
Commission shall prescribe. For the purposes of its rules and regu-
lations, the Commission may classify persons and matters within
its jurisdiction and prescribe different requirements for different
classes of persons or matters. All rules and regulations of the Com-
mission shall be filed with its secretary and shall be kept open in
convenient form for public inspection and examination during rea-
sonable business hours.
ø16 U.S.C. 825h¿
. 310. The Commission is authorized to appoint and fix the
compensation of such officers, attorneys, examiners, and experts as
may be necessary for carrying out its functions under this Act,
without regard to the provisions of other laws applicable to the em-
ployment and compensation of officers and employees of the United
States; and the Commission may, subject to civil-service laws, ap-
point such other officers and employees as are necessary for car-
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
rying out such functions and fix their salaries in accordance with
the Classification Act of 1949.
ø16 U.S.C. 825i¿
. 311. In order to secure information necessary or appro-
priate as a basis for recommending legislation, the Commission is
authorized and directed to conduct investigations regarding the
generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy,
however produced, throughout the United States and its posses-
sions, whether or not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the
Commission, including the generation, transmission, distribution,
and sale of electric energy by any agency, authority, or instrumen-
tality of the United States, or of any State or municipality or other
political subdivision of a State. It shall, so far as practicable, secure
and keep current information regarding the ownership, operation,
management, and control of all facilities for such generation, trans-
mission, distribution, and sale; the capacity and output thereof and
the relationship between the two; the cost of generation, trans-
mission, and distribution; the rates, charges, and contracts in re-
spect of the sale of electric energy and its service to residential,
rural, commercial, and industrial consumers and other purchasers
by private and public agencies; and the relation of any or all such
facts to the development of navigation, industry, commerce, and
the national defense. The Commission shall report to Congress the
results of investigations made under authority of this section.
ø16 U.S.C. 825j¿
. 312. The Commission may provide for the publication of
its reports and decisions in such form and manner as may be best
adapted for public information and use, and is authorized to sell at
reasonable prices copies of all maps, atlases, and reports as it may
from time to time publish. Such reasonable prices may include the
cost of compilation, composition, and reproduction. The commission
is also authorized to make such charges as it deems reasonable for
special statistical services and other special or periodic services.
The amounts collected under this section shall be deposited in the
Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts. All printing for the
Federal Power Commission making use of engraving, lithography,
and photolithography, together with the plates for the same, shall
be contracted for and performed under the direction of the Commis-
sion, under such limitations and conditions as the Joint Committee
on Printing may from time to time prescribe, and all other printing
for the Commission shall be done by the Public Printer under such
limitations and conditions as the Joint Committee on Printing may
from time to time prescribe. The entire work may be done at, or
ordered through, the Government Printing Office whenever, in the
judgment of the Joint Committee on Printing, the same would be
to the interest of the Government: Provided, That when the exigen-
cies of the public service so require, the Joint Committee on Print-
ing may authorize the Commission to make immediate contracts
for engraving, lithographing, and photolithographing, without ad-
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
vertisement for proposals: Provided further, That nothing contained
in this or any other Act shall prevent the Federal Power Commis-
sion from placing orders with other departments or establishing for
engraving, lithographing, and photolithographing, in accordance
with the provisions of section 601 and 602 of the Act of June 30,
1932 (47 Stat. 417), providing for interdepartmental work.
ø16 U.S.C. 825k¿
. 313. (a) Any person, electric utility, State, municipality,
or State commission aggrieved by an order issued by the Commis-
sion in a proceeding under this Act to which such person, electric
utility, State, municipality, or State commission is a party may
apply for a rehearing within thirty days after the issuance of such
order. The application for rehearing shall set forth specifically the
ground or grounds upon which such application is based. Upon
such application the Commission shall have power to grant or deny
rehearing or to abrogate or modify its order without further hear-
ing. Unless the Commission acts upon the application for rehearing
within thirty days after it is filed, such application may be deemed
to have been denied. No proceeding to review any orders of the
Commission shall be brought by any entity unless such entity shall
have made application to the Commission for a rehearing thereon.
Until the record in a proceeding shall have been filed in a court of
appeals, as provided in subsection (b), the Commission may at any
time, upon reasonable notice and in such manner as it shall deem
proper, modify or set aside, in whole or in part, any finding or
order made or issued by it under the provisions of this act.
(b) Any party to a proceeding under this Act aggrieved by an
order issued by the Commission in such proceeding may obtain a
review of such order in the Circuit Court of Appeals of the United
States for any circuit wherein the licensee or public utility to which
the order relates is located or has its principal place of business,
or in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Colum-
bia, by filing in such court, within sixty days after the order of the
Commission upon the application for rehearing, a written petition
praying that the order of the Commission be modified or set aside
in whole or in part. A copy of such petition shall forthwith be
transmitted by the clerk of the court to any member of the Com-
mission and thereupon the Commission shall file with the court the
record upon which the order complained of was entered, as pro-
vided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. Upon the fil-
ing of such petition such court shall have jurisdiction, which upon
the filing of the record with it shall be exclusive, to affirm, modify,
or set aside such order in whole or in part. No objection to the
order of the Commission shall be considered by the court unless
such objection shall have been urged before the Commission in the
application for rehearing unless there is reasonable ground for fail-
ure so to do. The finding of the Commission as to the facts, if sup-
ported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive. If any party
shall apply to the court for leave to adduce additional evidence, and
shall show to the satisfaction of the court that such additional evi-
dence is material and that there were reasonable grounds for fail-
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
ure to adduce such evidence in the proceedings before the Commis-
sion, the court may order such additional evidence to be taken be-
fore the Commission and to be adduced upon the hearing in such
manner and upon such terms and conditions as the court may
deem proper. The Commission may modify its findings as to the
facts by reason of additional evidence so taken, and it shall file
with the court such modified or new findings which, if supported
by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive, and its recommenda-
tion, if any, for the modification or setting aside of the original
order. The judgment and decree of the court, affirming, modifying,
or setting aside, in whole or in part, any such order of the Commis-
sion, shall be final, subject to review by the Supreme Court of the
United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in sec-
tions 239 and 240 of the Judicial Code, as amended (U.S.C., title
28, secs. 346 and 347).
(c) The filing of an application for rehearing under subsection
(a) shall not, unless specifically ordered by the Commission, oper-
ate as a stay of the Commission’s order. The commencement of pro-
ceedings under subsection (b) of this section shall not, unless spe-
cifically ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the Commission’s
ø16 U.S.C. 825l¿
. 314. (a) Whenever it shall appear to the Commission that
any person is engaged or about to engage in any acts or practices
which constitute or will constitute a violation of the provisions of
this Act, or of any rule, regulation, or order thereunder, it may in
its discretion bring an action in the proper District Court of the
United States, the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, or
the United States courts of any Territory or other place subject to
the jurisdiction of the United States, to enjoin such acts or prac-
tices and to enforce compliance with this Act or any rule, regula-
tion, or order thereunder, and upon a proper showing a permanent
or temporary injunction or decree or restraining order shall be
granted without bond. The Commission may transmit such evi-
dence as may be available concerning such acts or practices to the
Attorney General, who, in his discretion, may institute the nec-
essary criminal proceedings under this Act.
(b) Upon application of the Commission the district courts of
the United States, the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,
and the United States court of any Territory or other place subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States shall have jurisdiction to
issue writs of mandamus commanding any person to comply with
the provision of this Act or any rule, regulation, or order of the
Commission thereunder.
(c) The Commission may employ such attorneys as it finds nec-
essary for proper legal aid and service of the Commission or its
member in the conduct of their work, or for proper representation
of the public interests in investigations made by it or cases or pro-
ceedings pending before it, whether at the Commission’s own in-
stance or upon complaint, or to appear for or represent the Com-
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
mission in any case in court; and the expenses of such employment
shall be paid out of the appropriation for the Commission.
(d) In any proceedings under subsection (a), the court may pro-
hibit, conditionally or unconditionally, and permanently or for such
period of time as the court determines, any individual who is en-
gaged or has engaged in practices constituting a violation of section
221 (and related rules and regulations) from—
(1) acting as an officer or director of an electric utility; or
(2) engaging in the business of purchasing or selling—
(A) electric energy; or
(B) transmission services subject to the jurisdiction of
the Commission.
ø16 U.S.C. 825m¿
. 315. (a) Any licensee or public utility which willfully fails,
within the time prescribed by the Commission, to comply with any
order of the Commission, to file any report required under this Act
or any rule or regulation of the Commission thereunder, to submit
any information or document required by the Commission in the
course of an investigation conducted under this Act, or to appear
by an officer or agent at any hearing or investigation in response
to a subpena issued under this Act, shall forfeit to the United
States an amount not exceeding $1,000 to be fixed by the Commis-
sion after notice and opportunity for hearing. The imposition or
payment of any such forfeiture shall not bar or affect any penalty
prescribed in this Act but such forfeiture shall be in addition to any
such penalty.
(b) The forfeitures provided for in this Act shall be payable into
the Treasury of the United States and shall be recoverable in a
civil suit in the name of the United States, brought in the district
where the person is an inhabitant or has his principal place of
business, or if a licensee or public utility, in any district in which
such licensee or public utility transacts business. It shall be the
duty of the various district attorneys, under the direction of the At-
torney General of the United States, to prosecute for the recovery
of forfeitures under this Act. The costs and expenses of such pros-
ecution shall be paid from the appropriations for the expenses of
the courts of the United States.
(c) This section shall not apply in the case of any provision of
section 211, 212, 213, or 214 or any rule or order issued under any
such provision.
ø16 U.S.C. 825n¿
. 316. (a) Any person who willfully and knowingly does or
causes or suffers to be done any act, matter, or thing in this Act
prohibited or declared to be unlawful, or who willfully and know-
ingly omits or fails to do any act, matter, or thing in this Act re-
quired to be done, or willfully and knowingly causes or suffers such
omission or failure, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by
a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or by imprisonment for not more
than 5 years or both.
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As Amended Through P.L. 115-325, Enacted December 18, 2018
(b) Any person who willfully and knowingly violates any rule,
regulation, restriction, condition, or order made or imposed by the
Commission under authority of this Act, or any rule or regulation
imposed by the Secretary of the Army under authority of Part I of
this Act shall, in addition to any other penalties provided by law,
be punished upon conviction thereof by a fine of not exceeding
$25,000 for each and every day during which such offense occurs.
ø16 U.S.C. 825o¿
(a) V
.—It shall be unlawful for any person to violate
any provision of part II or any rule or order issued under any such
(b) C
.—Any person who violates any provision of
part II or any provision of any rule or order thereunder shall be
subject to a civil penalty of not more than $1,000,000 for each day
that such violation continues. Such penalty shall be assessed by the
Commission, after notice and opportunity for public hearing, in ac-
cordance with the same provisions as are applicable under section
31(d) in the case of civil penalties assessed under section 31. In de-
termining the amount of a proposed penalty, the Commission shall
take into consideration the seriousness of the violation and the ef-
forts of such person to remedy the violation in a timely manner.
ø16 U.S.C. 825o–1¿
. 317. The District Courts of the United States, the Su-
preme Court of the District of Columbia, and the United States
courts of any Territory or other place subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction of violations of
this Act or the rules, regulations, and orders thereunder, and of all
suits in equity and actions at law brought to enforce any liability
or duty created by, or to enjoin any violation of, this Act or any
rule, regulation, or order thereunder. Any criminal proceeding shall
be brought in the district wherein any act or transaction consti-
tuting the violation occurred. Any suit or action to enforce any li-
ability or duty created by, or to enjoin any violation of, this Act or
any rule, regulation, or order thereunder may be brought in any
such district or in the district wherein the defendant is an inhab-
itant, and process in such cases may be served wherever the de-
fendant may be found. Judgments and decrees so rendered shall be
subject to review as provided in sections 128 and 240 of the Judi-
cial Code, as amended (U.S.C., title 28, secs. 225 and 347). No costs
shall be assessed against the Commission in any judicial pro-
ceeding by or against the Commission under this Act.
ø16 U.S.C. 825p¿
. 318. øRepealed August 8, 2005.¿
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. 319. (a)(1) There shall be an office in the Commission to
be known as the Office of Public Participation (hereinafter in this
section referred to as the ‘‘Office’’).
(2)(A) The Office shall be administered by a Director. The Di-
rector shall be appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the
Commission. The Director may be removed during his term of office
by the Chairman, with the approval of the Commission, only for in-
efficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.
(B) The term of office of the Director shall be 4 years. The Di-
rector shall be responsible for the discharge of the functions and
duties of the Office. He shall be appointed and compensated at a
rate not in excess of the maximum rate prescribed for GS–18 of the
General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5 of the United States
(3) The Director may appoint, and assign the duties of, employ-
ees of such Office, and with the concurrence of the Commission he
may fix the compensation of such employees and procure tem-
porary and intermittent services to the same extent as is author-
ized under section 3109 of title 5, United States Code.
(b)(1) The Director shall coordinate assistance to the public
with respect to authorities exercised by the Commission. The Direc-
tor shall also coordinate assistance available to persons intervening
or participating or proposing to intervene or participate in pro-
ceedings before the Commission.
(2) The Commission may, under rules promulgated by it, pro-
vide compensation for reasonable attorney’s fees, expert witness
fees, and other costs of intervening or participating in any pro-
ceeding before the Commission to any person whose intervention,
or participation substantially contributed to the approval, in whole
or in part, of a position advocated by such person. Such compensa-
tion may be paid only if the Commission has determined that—
(A) the proceeding is significant, and
(B) such person’s intervention or participation in such pro-
ceeding without receipt of compensation constitutes a signifi-
cant financial hardship to him.
(3) Nothing in this subsection affects or restricts any rights of
any intervenor or participant under any other applicable law or
rule of law.
(4) There are to be appropriated to the Secretary of Energy to
be used by the Office for purposes of compensation of persons
under the provisions of this subsection not to exceed $500,000 for
the fiscal year 1978, not to exceed $2,000,000 for the fiscal year
1979, not to exceed $2,200,000 for the fiscal year 1980, and not to
exceed $2,400,000 for the fiscal year 1981.
ø16 U.S.C. 825q–1¿
. 320. If any provision of this Act, or the application of such
provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the
remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to per-
sons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held in-
valid, shall not be affected thereby.
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ø16 U.S.C. 825r¿
. 321. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Power Act.’’
ø16 U.S.C. 791a¿
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