MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
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A. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into among:
The United States Department of the Interior (DOI), through the:
Bureau of Land Management (BLM);
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS);
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA);
National Park Service (NPS);
Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation); and
United States Geological Survey (USGS);
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the Forest Service
(Forest Service);
The United States Department of Defense (DoD), through:
Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse (DoD
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE);
The United States Department of Energy (DOE); and
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
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For purposes of this MOU, the following definitions apply.
A. FEDERAL LAND: The term “Federal land” means:
Public land as defined by section 103(e) of the Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976 (FLPMA) (43 U.S.C. §1702(e)); or
National Forest System (NFS) land as defined in section 11(a) of the Forest and
Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (FRRRPA) (16 U.S.C.
B. COVERED LAND: The term “covered land” means land that is:
Federal land administered by the Secretary concerned; and
Not excluded from the development of geothermal, solar, or wind energy under:
a. A land use plan; or
b. Other Federal law.
C. LAND USE PLAN: The term “land use plan” means:
For public land, a land use plan established under FLPMA (43 U.S.C. §1701 et seq.);
For NFS land, a land management plan approved, amended, or revised under section
6 of the FRRRPA (16 U.S.C. §1604).
D. ELIGIBLE PROJECT: The term “eligible project” means a project proposed on covered land that uses
wind, solar, or geothermal energy to generate electric energy.
E. SECRETARY: The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Interior, unless otherwise indicated.
F. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES: The term “Participating Agencies” means the Federal agencies (DOI,
USDA, DoD, DOE, and EPA) that are signatories to this MOU.
G. STATE SIGNATORY: The term “State Signatory” means any State government that enters into this
H. TRIBAL SIGNATORY: The term “Tribal Signatory” means the authorized representative of the
government of a Tribal entity recognized by and eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) by virtue of their status as an Indian Tribe that enters into this MOU in addition
to the Federal agencies.
FEDERAL AGENCY REVIEWS: The term “Federal Agency Reviews” includes review,
consultation, and coordination processes among Federal agencies whose jurisdiction and
expertise are relevant to planning, development authorizations (leases, rights-of way, etc.),
eligible project permitting processes and evaluation, and other applicable regulatory compliance
and decision making.
interagency offices established pursuant to the Energy Act of 2020 (43 U.S.C. 3002) with
responsibility to establish and implement a program to improve Federal permitting coordination for
eligible projects proposed on covered lands and other such activities the Secretary determines
necessary. Hereinafter, “BLM RECOs” refers to those RECOs established at the field-level and
housed within the BLM organization, even if they include staff from other agencies, and “National
RECO” refers to the interagency working group made up of representatives from the headquarters of
each Participating Agency.
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The Participating Agencies enter into this MOU to prioritize and expedite Federal Agency Reviews and
permitting decisions for eligible projects and such other activities as the Secretary determines necessary.
This MOU implements the direction in 43 U.S.C. §§ 3001-3005, Pub. L. No. 116-260 (December 27, 2020),
hereinafter Energy Act of 2020. Pursuant to the Energy Act of 2020, the Secretary established a National
Renewable Energy Coordination Office (National RECO) within BLM Headquarters and five RECOs in the
western States with responsibility to implement a program to improve Federal permit coordination for eligible
projects. To carry out this program, the Participating Agencies resolve to establish interagency coordination
teams that will include qualified staff with particular subject matter expertise and that will, subject to available
funding, facilitate preparation of environmental reviews, consultation, coordination and documentation to
accelerate renewable energy decision making for eligible projects on covered lands, and to coordinate all
environmental and other agency reviews necessary for planning, siting and authorizationif appropriateof
eligible projects in accordance with FLPMA, the FRRRPA, and the Geothermal Steam Act (30 U.S.C. §§ 1001
et seq.) (GSA), including coordination and reviews required for compliance with the Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act (BGEPA), Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Coastal Zone Management Act
(CZMA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
(MSFCMA), Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA), Fish and
Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA),
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as specified in
section IV.
Among other goals and objectives, this MOU was developed pursuant to 43 U.S.C. § 3002(b), and aims to
improve Participating Agency coordination and streamline Federal Agency Reviews and permitting decisions
on eligible projects to facilitate the national goal of authorizing at least 25 gigawatts of renewable energy on
covered lands administered by DOI and USDA by December 31, 2025 (43 U.S.C. § 3004), with additional
potential authorization of eligible projects on covered lands between 2025 and 2030, while continuing to
manage Federal lands under principles of multiple use and sustained yield in accordance with FLPMA and
the FRRRPA (43 U.S.C. § 3005). In the course of conducting the Federal Agency Reviews, consideration
will be given to the protection for cultural resources and sacred sites as well as the Nation’s land, water, and
biodiversity, and fostering creation of jobs to support local communities. The goals of improved Federal
permit coordination and expedited permitting decisions under this MOU also
apply to relevant aspects of
Participating Agency coordination related to supporting activities for eligible projectssuch as land use
planning, electric transmission,
energy storage (e.g., battery storage and pumped storage), research and
development of new technologiesand any other
associated Participating Agency responsibilities and
activities promoting achievement of onshore renewable energy goals on covered lands.
The Energy Act of 2020 (43 U.S.C. § 3002(b)) directs the Secretary of the Interior to enter into this MOU
with the Secretary of Agriculture, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the
Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Interior has also included the Secretary of Energy in this MOU due
to that Department’s responsibilities and relevant expertise that will aid in improving coordination for
renewable energy permitting in the United States. In addition to the Energy Act of 2020, the participating
agencies and signatories have special expertise, jurisdiction, or responsibilities to contribute to the goals of
the Energy Act of 2020 in conducting Federal Agency Reviews pursuant to the following authorities,
A. The BLM enters this MOU based on the authority in section 307(b) of FLPMA, (43 U.S.C.
§ 1737(b));
B. FWS enters this MOU pursuant to its authority in the ESA of 1973 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1531-1544); NEPA
(42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq.); the MBTA (16 U.S.C. §§ 701 et seq.) and BGEPA (16 U.S.C. § 668);
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C. The BIA enters this MOU pursuant to the authority in 25 CFR parts 162, 169, and 175 to assist in the
appropriate coordination of requirements for rights-of-way related to renewable energy projects;
D. The NPS enters this MOU pursuant to the authority in the National Park Service Organic Act of 1916,
as amended and supplemented (54 U.S.C. §§ 100101(b) et seq.);
E. Reclamation enters this MOU pursuant to the authority in the Reclamation Act of 1902 (Ch. 1093, 32
Stat 388; 43 U.S.C. §§ 391 et seq.) as amended and supplemented; the Interior Department
Appropriations Act for 1928 (Act of January 12, 1927; 44 Stat. 957; 43 U.S.C. § 397a); Reclamation
Project Act, August 4, 1939 (53 Stat. 1196; 43 U.S.C. § 387); Use of Bureau of Reclamation Land,
Facilities, and Waterbodies (43 CFR 429); NHPA (54 U.S.C. §§ 300101 et seq.); and NEPA;
F. The USGS enters this MOU pursuant to the authority in the Organic Act of March 3, 1879, as
amended (43 U.S.C. 31 et seq.);
G. The Forest Service enters this MOU pursuant to the authority in the Organic Administration Act (16
U.S.C. § 551); Multiple UseSustained Yield Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 528 et seq.); NEPA; ESA; and
H. USACE enters this MOU pursuant to the authority in section 404 of the CWA (33 U.S.C. § 1344);
sections 9 and 10 of the RHA of 1899 (33 U.S.C. §§ 401 and 403); and section 103 of the Marine
Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (33 U.S.C. § 1413);
I. EPA enters this MOU pursuant to NEPA, the CAA, section 309 (42 U.S.C. § 7609); and the Council
on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) regulations for implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA
(40 CFR Parts 1500-1508); CWA, section 401, 402, and 404; CAA sections 102(b) and 103(a) and (g)
(42 U.S.C. § 7403(a) and (g)); and the underground injection control permitting provisions of the Safe
Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 300(h) et seq.); and
J. DOE enters this MOU pursuant to section 646 of the DOE Organization Act (Pub. L. No. 95-91), as
amended (42 U.S.C. § 7256).
Principles for implementing this MOU apply to all Participating Agencies, and include:
This MOU acknowledges that each of the Participating Agencies play a particular
and discrete role in the Federal Agency Reviews and permitting process for eligible
projects on covered lands and contributes specialized expertise (see sections IV and
V(C) herein); thus, this MOU in no way modifies existing jurisdiction for applicable
management, planning, consent, permit authorizations, consultations, or other
relevant delegated authority for any of the Participating Agencies;
The National RECO, with representatives from the headquarters of each Participating
Agency, will work together to identify potential improvements to the Federal Agency
Reviews and permitting decisions associated with eligible projects and determine
appropriate methods for implementing any changes. The Participating Agencies agree
to execute a subsequent charter to govern the roles and responsibilities of the
National RECO;
Where established, pursuant to the Energy Act of 2020, the BLM RECOs will include
interagency staff, as appropriate, and will support existing management structure by
operating as the controlling project management office to facilitate enhanced
interagency permitting coordination for the expedited processing of wind, solar, and
geothermal energy applications on covered lands as well as other activities critical to
eligible projects on covered lands, associated supporting facilities on non-Federal
lands, such as transmission lines or access routes, or broad achievement of renewable
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energy goals;
The BLM will be the lead agency for NEPA, NHPA, and ESA compliance for
eligible projects on public lands and minerals managed by the BLM. The Forest
Service will serve as the lead agency for NEPA, NHPA and ESA compliance for
eligible projects on NFS lands, except for certain post-consent geothermal lease
issuance and authorizations per section V(A)(19);
The Participating Agencies intend that eligible projects will be prioritized for
permitting coordination by all appropriate Participating Agencies, consistent with
applicable laws, regulation, Executive Orders (EOs), Participating Agency missions,
and availability of funds, to support the Nation’s climate and energy needs and to
contribute to achieving national renewable energy goals (43 U.S.C. § 3004);
The Participating Agencies will consistently apply efforts to streamline and
improve efficiencies in interagency coordination associated with eligible projects
to resolve issues, build consistency, and eliminate duplication wherever possible;
The Participating Agencies resolve to coordinate timely information sharing, and
clarify agency roles and responsibilities as needed;
The Participating Agencies will work together to identify applicable mitigation
strategies to aid analyses and facilitate accelerated permitting coordination and
decision making for eligible projects, as appropriate;
The Participating Agencies resolve to build and maintain partnerships and
coordinate to increase certainty in timeframes and enhance consistency within
and among the Agencies in conducting Federal Agency Reviews;
The Participating Agencies will ensure that Federal Agency Reviews for eligible
projects include an appropriate public engagement process that seeks input from
all appropriate stakeholders, as applicable;
The Participating Agencies will prioritize and coordinate Government-to-
Government consultation and consultation under 54 U.S.C. §§ 306018 et seq.,
and the implementing regulations at 36 CFR Part 800;
Evaluation of eligible projects will be consistent with the principles and policies
concerning environmental justice to underserved communities as a commitment
to strong protection from environmental and health hazards for all Americans;
The Participating Agencies resolve to ensure that the preservation of national
security is given appropriate consideration in the evaluation and decision making
for eligible projects;
The Participating Agencies resolve to provide for flexibility to adapt to changing
technologies, resources, and demands through interagency coordination
mechanisms established through RECOs;
The Participating Agencies will provide opportunities for States and federally
recognized Tribes with, or without, Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS)
to expand utilization or development of renewable energy and/or job creation.
Coordination with State and Tribal governments is an important component of a
successful RECO, and the BLM will engage with interested States and federally
recognized Tribes on behalf of the Participating Agencies to provide
opportunities to collaborate
This coordination may include amending this MOU to
add interested States and federally recognized Tribes as signatories or developing
MOUs between States and federally recognized Tribes and the appropriate RECOs;
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Where eligible projects on covered lands are also subject to title XLI of Fixing
America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41) (42 U.S.C. §§ 4370 et seq.),
and there are conflicts between FAST-41 and its implementing guidance and this
MOU, FAST-41 will take precedence;
Where eligible projects are also subject to the October 2009 MOU among USDA,
Department of Commerce, DoD, DOE, EPA, the CEQ, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and
DOI regarding coordination in Federal Agency Reviews of electric transmission
facilities on Federal land (2009 MOU), and there are conflicts between the 2009
MOU and this MOU, the 2009 MOU will take precedence;
For eligible projects associated with transmission development and upgrades, the
Participating Agencies will coordinate with DOE in prioritizing and conducting
Federal Agency Reviews; and
As an aid to best achieve the policy goals in the Energy Act of 2020, the BLM
and the Forest Service also have developed guidance in their respective
jurisdiction, roles, and procedures to coordinate NEPA and decision making
regarding geothermal leasing and operational proposals in the form of an MOU.
BLM and the Forest Service agree that proceeding in accordance with the draft
Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Land Management and the United States Department of
Agriculture Forest Service Implementation of section 225 of the Energy Policy Act of
2005: Coordination of Geothermal Leasing and Permitting on Federal Lands, in
addition to this MOU, will result in improved efficiency and coordination at each
Implementing Guidelines Common to all Participating Agencies
Foster cooperative staff relationships among the Participating Agencies to
improve the review of eligible projects.
Identify opportunities to improve meaningful Government-to-Government
consultation with federally recognized Tribes.
Identify State or Tribal government coordination opportunities that could result in
improved processing of eligible projects.
Assess impacts from eligible projects and develop alternatives as needed to site these
facilities appropriately. Pursuant to their respective laws and regulations, the
Participating Agencies have different roles, responsibilities, and authority in the
Federal review, and siting of eligible projects.
Assess lessons learned from the past decade of analyzing and permitting
projects for future analyses and possible future policy development.
Track information on eligible project accomplishments, issues, obstacles,
schedule impacts, and challenges to increase efficiency in Federal Agency
Reviews and decision making on eligible projects. This information will be
provided to the National RECO for preparation of a comprehensive annual report
to Congress, as described in section IX, that clearly identifies the lessons learned
from RECOs.
Designation of Qualified Staff. Authority: 43 U.S.C. § 3002(c)
Within 30 days of the date this MOU is fully executed, the Participating Agencies, as
appropriate, intend to identify a primary point of contact for each of the BLM RECOs
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(including the National RECO), who has expertise in the regulatory issues relating to
the office in which the employee is employed, including, as applicable, expertise in:
a. Consultation and preparation of biological opinions under section 7 of the
ESA (16 U.S.C. § 1536);
b. Department of Army authorizations under section 404 of the CWA (33
U.S.C. § 1344); sections 9 and 10 of the RHA of 1899 (33 U.S.C. §§ 401 and
403, respectively); and section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) of 1972 (33 U.S.C. § 1413).;
c. Regulatory matters under the CAA (42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq.);
d. Land Use Planning (including geothermal resources) and issuance of leases,
rights-of-way and permit authorizations for wind and solar development
under FLPMA of 1976 (43 U.S.C. §§ 1701 et seq.);
e. The MBTA (16 U.S.C. §§ 703 et seq.);
f. The preparation of environmental reviews and other compliance activities
under NEPA (42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq);
g. Implementation of NHPA (54 U.S.C. § 306108);
h. Land management planning and wind and solar development authorizations
under the FRRRPA (16 U.S.C. § 1604);
i. Developing geothermal resources under the GSA (30 U.S.C. §§ 1001 et seq.);
j. BGEPA (16 U.S.C. § 668 et seq.); and
k. The National Park Service Organic Act (54 U.S.C. §§ 100101(a); chapters
1003, 100751(a), 100752, 100753, and 102101).
Duties: The Participating Agencies intend that each employee assigned under
paragraph (1) will:
a. Be responsible for addressing all issues relating to the jurisdiction of the
employee’s home office or agency; and
b. Participate as part of the team of personnel working on land management
planning and Federal Agency Reviews of eligible projects, as appropriate.
Succession: The Participating Agencies intend that each employee assigned under
paragraph 1 will be promptly replaced in the event that they are no longer able to
serve as part of the RECO staff.
D. Anticipated Resource Needs
1. For coordination purposes each Participating Agency will provide one headquarters-level
point of contact for the National RECO and at least one appropriate field-level point of
contact for each of the five field RECOs.
E. Delegated Authority
For all Participating Agencies, except for the BLM:
a. Any staff supporting or assigned to a BLM RECO will remain under the
direct supervision of their home agency;
b. Any staff supporting or assigned to a BLM RECO will have decision-making
authority or have direct access to relevant decision makers in their home
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office, as appropriate; and
c. This MOU in no way affects other Participating Agency jurisdiction,
signature authority, or permitting requirements legally required by said
A. In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020, all Participating Agencies agree to prioritize Federal
Agency Reviews and expedite decision making for eligible projects under this MOU, including
Providing each BLM RECO (including the National RECO) with an appropriate
Participating Agency staff point of contact for coordination of eligible projects;
Participating in recurrent, project-specific meetings on eligible projects with the other
Participating Agencies and coordinate eligible project status updates to address
issues, needs, and related activities;
Assisting the BLM as needed to expedite renewable energy decision making on
covered lands;
Providing baseline environmental data to evaluate eligible projects;
Prioritizing and expediting application review and decision making for activities
associated with eligible projects;
Working with the appropriate RECO to facilitate productive and efficient interagency
coordination for eligible projects;
Working with the Participating Agencies to resolve issues and identify potential
efficiencies in Federal Agency Reviews and permitting decisions for eligible projects;
Contributing to the Secretary’s annual report to Congress (see section IX) on
implementation of this MOU. The Participating Agencies will document
achievements, coordination, and environmental review efficiency improvements, and
summarize expenditures. The report will also identify any recommendations for
improving consultation and coordination among the Participating Agencies. If
appropriate, agencies may reference pertinent portions of the FAST-41 annual Report
to Congress in lieu of a separate submittal when it covers the necessary information.
1. Engage with Governors of any interested State or leader of any interested federally
recognized Tribe in connection with implementation of this MOU and development
of future MOUs. These roles and responsibilities may be delegated to the BLM;
2. Direct the implementation of this MOU and facilitate amendments, as needed;
3. Seek to achieve the goals in the Energy Act of 2020; and
4. Remit an annual report to Congress as described in section IX of this MOU.
The BLM serves as the Secretary of the Interior’s designee and lead for implementing
the Energy Act of 2020 for actions relating to BLM-administered public lands and
resources. The Chief of the BLM’s National RECO, through the Assistant Director of
the Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management Directorate, (AD-300) is responsible
for program oversight and guidance for all eligible projects and supporting activities
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on BLM-administered lands associated with renewable energy project development.
The RECO Chief, working through the AD-300, will organize and staff the National
RECO with subject matter program expertise to support efficient and durable national
interagency coordination improvements to resolve issues and promote consistency in
implementation of this MOU by the BLM RECOs.
The National RECO will provide national level permitting coordination with other
Participating Agency leadership in connection with Federal Agency Reviews and
permitting decisions for eligible projects and will maintain a comprehensive and
current database for tracking the status of eligible projects; and provide national
support to and maintain productive collaboration with each BLM RECO, as needed.
The BLM is the lead agency for wind, solar, and geothermal projects sited on BLM-
administered public lands. The BLM is also the lead agency for issuing geothermal
leases when the Forest Service has consented to geothermal leasing on NFS lands and
for authorizing most permits for eligible geothermal projects on NFS lands. See the
MOU described in section V(A)(19).
The BLM RECOs will support each BLM Office with jurisdiction to issue permits
and authorizations by providing staff with specialized technical expertise to facilitate
reviews and to coordinate Federal Agency Reviews for eligible projects, including
compliance with NEPA, NHPA, ESA, and Government-to-Government consultation
with federally recognized Tribes.
Each BLM RECO will initiate outreach coordination with
Participating Agencies
each eligible project at the earliest opportunity (e.g., pre-scoping meetings) to
facilitate early project evaluation.
To effectuate relevant information sharing and workload planning among the
Participating Agencies, the BLM will:
a. Administer this MOU, oversee its implementation, provide revisions and
amendments, as appropriate, and ensure that its principles and goals are
b. Coordinate recurring project-specific interagency meetings concerning
eligible projects among the Participating Agencies to collaboratively assess
eligible project status and resolve obstacles, issues, or delays;
c. Chair and coordinate the National RECO;
d. Participate in the BLM RECO’s processing of applications for, and Federal
Agency Reviews and decision making for eligible projects;
e. Provide information on the status of existing land use plans, and associated
NEPA documents, identify land use plans that may need to be amended as
part of the decision-making process to consider eligible projects, and to
incorporate such amendments as necessary and appropriate;
f. Invite all appropriate Participating Agencies to be cooperating agencies, and
to review and comment on environmental documents before they are
finalized. The Lead Agency will work with cooperating agencies to develop
and use milestone concurrence points during the NEPA process to ensure
deliberative consideration of comments and recommendations provided by
the Participating Agencies. If appropriate, the Lead Agency may convene
discussions with the Participating Agency to ensure an accurate
reading/interpretation of the comments/recommendations, particularly where
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the Participating Agency’s comments and recommendations are not accepted
by the Lead Agency in advance of publications to the public;
g. Coordinate with proponents of eligible projects and Participating Agencies to
ensure that applications are sufficiently complete for internal processing and
Federal Agency Reviews to commence;
h. Provide access to and make available relevant data and other necessary
information to facilitate Federal Agency Reviews and permitting decisions
for eligible projects;
i. Maintain lists of eligible project contacts in BLM State Offices, offices in
other BLM management units, and federally recognized Tribes, and will
provide those lists to the other Participating Agencies, and assist in making
those contacts available as needed;
j. Support Participating Agency staff review of eligible projects by providing
technology-specific subject matter expertise at both the programmatic and
project-level, as appropriate;
k. Coordinate and consult with other DOI, DoD, USDA, or other appropriate
surface management agencies (SMAs) and Tribal entities, as appropriate,
with respect to eligible projects that may involve other Federal or Tribal land;
l. Provide effective protection and mitigation measures for Federal lands and
waters, biodiversity, climate, cultural resources, and other important resource
values, and to consider socioeconomic impacts in Federal Agency Reviews
for eligible projects; and
m. Prepare an annual report to Congress, with coordination and input from the
other Participating
that reviews the level of efficiency of the BLM
RECOs in improving Federal permit coordination and expediting decision
making for eligible projects. The report will include a summary of
achievements, expenditures, and recommendations for improving
consultation and coordination among the Participating Agencies of the MOU.
Responsibilities: The appropriate BLM authorized officer is responsible for decisions
related to wind, solar, geothermal, and transmission grants, leases, and project
authorizations on BLM-administered public lands. BLM also manages the mineral
estate underlying other Federal lands; therefore, BLM issues all geothermal leases
and most post-leasing permit authorizations on NFS lands following Forest Service
consent to lease (or consultation at the project level) as appropriate, pursuant to the
underlying regulatory authorities for each program (see the MOU described in section
Anticipated Resource Needs: The BLM will provide additional staff expertise as
necessary to meet the specific needs of BLM RECOs in meeting the requirements of
the Energy Act of 2020. Such expertise may include physical, biological, historic,
cultural, and other resource specialists or technical engineering (e.g., downhole
drilling) support positions added as contract, temporary, term, or permanent
positions, plus resources provided by the other Participating Agencies.
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General regulatory and management responsibilities: The FWS is responsible for
assisting the other Participating Agencies and the public in the conservation,
protection, and enhancement of fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats; and
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020 and subject to the availability of funds
and budget priorities, FWS agrees to prioritize review and permitting coordination
under this MOU as outlined in section V(A)(1 to 19) and;
a. FWS will work with the National RECO and each BLM RECOs to expedite
coordination of Federal Agency Reviews, including those required pursuant
to section 7 of the ESA, the MBTA, the BGEPA, the FWCA, and NEPA, and
authorization of eligible projects.
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020 and subject to the availability of
appropriated funds and budget priorities, the BIA agrees to:
a. Assign an appropriate point of contact for each BLM RECO and the National
RECO to maintain interagency coordination for any wind, solar, or
geothermal project(s) on any lands, the title to which is held in trust by the
United States or is subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the
United States, that require engagement and prioritization from any
Participating Agencies to this MOU for infrastructure, such as a transmission
line, extending onto other Federal lands; and
b. Participate in biweekly meetings on all active renewable energy project
priorities with the other Federal agencies and coordinate project status
updates to address issues, needs or other activities.
General regulatory and management responsibilities: The NPS administers the
National Park System. The mission of the NPS is to preserve unimpaired the natural
and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment,
education, and inspiration of current and future generations. The NPS also has
administrative responsibilities over other areas, including components of the National
Wild and Scenic Rivers System, components of the National Trails System, and NPS
affiliated areas that are closely linked in importance and purpose to those areas
directly managed by the NPS, such as National Heritage Areas, National Natural
Landmarks, and certain lands protected through the Land and Water Conservation
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020 and subject to the availability of
appropriated funds and budget priorities, the NPS agrees to prioritize and expedite
Federal Agency Reviews and coordination of permitting decisions for eligible
projects under this MOU as outlined in section V(A)(1-19); and
The NPS agrees to identify any potential conflicts with applicable NPS land
management plans and impacts on NPS lands, resources, and values for NPS lands
and program areas as early as possible as described above.
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G. Reclamation
General regulatory and management responsibilities: The Bureau of Reclamation
administers Federal water projects and associated lands in 17 western States.
Reclamation oversees water resource management, specifically as it applies to the
oversight and operation of the diversion, delivery, and storage projects. Reclamation
has built irrigation, water supply, and associated hydroelectric power generation
projects. Reclamation is the largest wholesaler of water in the United States and the
second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States.
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020, and subject to the availability of
appropriated funds and budget priorities, Reclamation agrees to coordinate with the
BLM RECOs to facilitate expedited Federal Agency Reviews and decision making
for eligible projects, as appropriate.
The USGSs mission is to monitor, analyze, and predict current and evolving
dynamics of complex human and natural Earth-system interactions and to deliver
actionable intelligence at scales and timeframes relevant to decision makers. The
USGS collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides scientific assessments and data
about natural resource conditions, inventories, and issues.
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020, and subject to the availability of
appropriated funds and budget priorities, USGS agrees to provide such services and
expertise and to coordinate with the BLM RECOs to facilitate expedited Federal
Agency Reviews and decision making for eligible projects, as appropriate.
I. Forest Service
General regulatory and management responsibilities: The Forest Service is
responsible for the surface management of 193 million acres of NFS lands. The
Forest Service authorizes wind, solar and related activities under the agency’s special
use regulations at 36 C.F.R. Part 251, Subpart B. The Geothermal Steam Act of 1970
established that the Forest Service has authority to consent, or deny consent, to the
leasing of NFS lands for development of geothermal resources. The Forest Service
fulfills the roles and responsibilities of the surface management agency in the BLM’s
regulations at 43 C.F.R. Part 3200 for managing geothermal resource use and
development. The Forest Service cooperates with the BLM to ensure that
management goals and objectives for renewable energy and development activities
are achieved, that operations are conducted to minimize effects on surface resources,
and that the lands affected by operations are rehabilitated consistent with the Forest
Service’s regulations.
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020 and subject to the availability of
appropriated funds and budget priorities, the Forest Service agrees to prioritize and
expedite coordination for authorization of eligible projects under this MOU as
outlined in section V(A)(1-19). The Forest Service will:
a. Serve as lead agency for eligible projects and associated decisions and
authorizations on NFS lands, including geothermal leasing analyses and
consent decisions. The Forest Service has full responsibility and authority to
approve and regulate all surface-disturbing activities on NFS lands associated
with wind or solar energy development, including issuance of grants and
project authorizations, as well as providing analysis and approval of
authorizations for ancillary transmission lines, roads, and other projects
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
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required for the development of renewable energy on adjacent lands or that
may be managed by other agencies;
b. Provide access to Forest Service personnel and provide relevant data and
other necessary information to evaluate eligible projects: and
c. Serve as the signatory authority for approval of actions for eligible projects
on NFS lands through the appropriate Forest Service line office or
responsible official where the eligible project will be located.
J. DoD
DoD Clearinghouse
General Regulatory and Management Responsibilities: The DoD Clearinghouse is DoD’s
designated organization regarding the mission compatibility evaluation process and
identification of the impacts of eligible projects on BLM-administered lands on military
operations and readiness, including testing, training, research, development, and special use
airspace (military mission).
Subject to the availability of appropriated funds and budget priorities, the DoD Clearinghouse
agrees to prioritize and expedite coordination of Federal Agency Reviews and decision
making for eligible projects under this MOU as outlined in section V(A)(1-19). The DoD
Clearinghouse will:
a. Provide information relevant to eligible projects concerning current and
projected military use of lands under DoD jurisdiction or control; or within
testing, training, or maneuver areas on adjacent military lands, or Federal
b. Coordinate and provide early evaluations to identify conflicts with the
military’s mission and potential degradation of national security during the
preliminary phase of eligible projects; identify issues with statutory or other
legal requirements on public lands withdrawn for military purposes, and to
ensure a comprehensive review and comments on draft and final NEPA
documents to foster compatibility, as appropriate between Federal land use
and military needs;
c. Provide baseline environmental data as needed, to evaluate eligible projects,
provided the DoD determines that those eligible projects may be designated
on lands under DoD jurisdiction or control without compromising safety,
security, or DoD's use of its lands, ranges, and training routes as it deems
necessary for military testing, training, and operations and DoD determines
such eligible project is consistent with the statutory or other legal
requirements on public lands withdrawn for military purposes; and
d. Identify any recommendations for improving consultation and coordination
among the Participating Agencies, including an estimate of pending lease
applications on DoD lands.
General Regulatory and Management Responsibilities: USACE is responsible for
administering laws that protect aquatic resources and navigation while allowing for
reasonable development. These laws include section 10 of the RHA of 1899, section 404 of
the CWA of 1972, and section 103 of the MPRSA. Under section 10 of the RHA, the
USACE may authorize work and or structures in, over, or under, or affecting the course,
condition, location, or capacity of navigable waters of the United States. Under section 404
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of the CWA, the USACE may authorize the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters
of the United States, including wetlands. Under section 103 of the MPRSA, USACE may
authorize the transportation of dredged material for disposal for ocean disposal.
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020 and subject to the availability of funds from DOI,
USACE resolves to prioritize and expedite Federal Agency Reviews and coordination of
permitting decisions for eligible projects under this MOU as outlined in section V(A)(1-19).
Responsibilities: The District Engineer is the final decision maker for USACE section 10.
404 and 103 actions necessary for eligible projects on covered land but may delegate
signature authority.
Anticipated Resource Needs: A dedicated point(s) of contact at USACE to assist the BLM in
the identification of a USACE district project manager, who will be assigned to work with the
BLM RECO on a specific eligible project or set of eligible projects and a dedicated point of
contact at USACE HQ to engage with the National RECO.
General Regulatory and Management Responsibilities: The mission of the DOE is to
ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and
nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. Separate
program offices within DOE (e.g., Loan Programs Office (LPO), Office of Electricity
(OE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), and Office of
Indian Energy Policy and Programs (IE)) and the Power Marketing Administrations
(PMAs) (Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Western Area Power
Administration (WAPA) (and specifically its Transmission Infrastructure Program),
Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA), and Southwestern Power Administration
(SWPA)) may need to interact with the RECOs to provide technical expertise and/or
facilitate DOE’s Federal Agency Reviews as they relate to eligible projects.
LPO - LPO has more than $40 billion in loans and loan guarantees available to help
deploy large-scale energy infrastructure projects in the United States. Over the past
decade, LPO has closed more than $30 billion in transactions across a variety of
energy sectors.
a. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds and budget priorities,
LPO will provide each BLM RECO with an appropriate LPO point of
contact for coordination of eligible projects;
OE OE provides leadership to ensure that the United States energy delivery system
is secure, resilient, and reliable. OE has three divisions. Advanced Grid Research and
Development, Energy Resilience, and Grid Operations Technology, each of which
works closely with the private and public sectors to ensure that the United States
critical energy infrastructure can recover rapidly from disruptions. OE has extensive
technical capabilities both in-house and through national laboratory partners in
electrical transmission, that can be leveraged in coordination with the BLM RECOs
to provide subject matter expertise, advice, and counsel in support of Federal Agency
Reviews and permitting decisions for eligible projects.
a. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds and budget priorities, OE, in
consultation as appropriate with the applicable PMA involved in an eligible
project, will provide subject matter expertise to support technical review,
advice, and assistance for powerlines and associated facilities on covered
land associated with eligible projects.
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PMAs - The PMAs are Federal electric wholesale utilities. For projects in a
respective PMA’s service territory, the PMA would coordinate with the BLM RECOs
to provide subject matter expertise, advice, and counsel in support of Federal Agency
Reviews and potential interconnection or transmission requests of eligible projects.
EERE - EERE’s mission is to accelerate the research, development, demonstration,
and deployment of technologies and solutions to equitably transition America to net-
zero greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050, and ensure the
clean energy economy benefits all Americans, creating good paying jobs for the
American peopleespecially workers and communities impacted by the energy
transition and those historically underserved by the energy system and overburdened
by pollution. EERE has extensive technical capabilities both in-house and through its
national laboratory partners in wind, solar, and geothermal energy that can be
leveraged in coordination with the BLM RECOs to assist in Federal Agency Reviews
and permitting decisions for eligible projects. EERE may provide technology-specific
program subject matter expertise, advice, and counsel as requested by the BLM
RECOs in support of Federal Agency Reviews and permitting decisions for eligible
a. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds and budget priorities, EERE
may provide staff and subject matter expertise in the form of technical
review, advice, and assistance in support of eligible projects along with its
national laboratory partner, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
IE IE partners with federally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native communities to
help develop and deploy energy solutions.
a. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds and budget priorities, as
needed, IE will provide advice and counsel on eligible projects, as requested
by BLM’s National RECO.
General Regulatory and Management Responsibilities: The EPA is responsible for
administering a wide range of environmental laws. EPA responsibilities relevant to
Federal Agency Reviews for the eligible projects include commenting on NEPA
documents, particularly Environmental Impact Statements, under section 309 of the
CAA. EPA also participates in section 404 of the CWA permitting process or reviews
State-issued National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits for discharges
of pollutants into waters of the United States pursuant to section 402 of the CWA;
and issues, or reviews State-issued, water quality certifications under CWA section
401. EPA administers the programmatic and regulatory aspects of the CAA and the
National Ambient Air Quality Standards, develops, and promulgates regulations
implementing the CAA, oversees State and Tribal CAA regulatory programs, and
issues CAA permits, where appropriate. Another potentially applicable EPA
responsibility is Underground Injection Control permitting under the Safe Drinking
Water Act.
In accordance with the Energy Act of 2020 and subject to the availability of
appropriated funds and budget priorities, EPA resolves to prioritize and expedite
Federal Agency Reviews and coordination of permitting decisions for eligible
projects under this MOU as outlined in section V(A)(1-19). EPA will:
a. Engage in early coordination with each BLM RECO as appropriate during
development of NEPA documents for eligible projects to identify potential
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
Page 16
siting and environmental and project siting challenges and solutions. When
BLM RECOs invite EPA to engage in early coordination, per section
IV(C)(6), EPA will review preliminary NEPA documents and technical
reports as appropriate; and
b. Prioritize Federal Agency Reviews of eligible projects and associated
transmission lines and facilities on covered lands and work in an integrated
manner with each BLM RECO to expedite necessary consultation and
coordination involving EPA responsibilities for eligible projects.
principal contacts for this MOU are:
Bureau of Land Management
Assistant Director
Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management Directorate
U.S. Department of the Interior
760 Horizon Drive
Grand Junction, CO 81506
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Assistant Director
Ecological Services
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Deputy Bureau Director, Trust Services
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
National Park Service
Associate Director
National Resource Stewardship and Science
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC, 20240
Bureau of Reclamation
Deputy Commissioner
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240-0001
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
Page 17
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Department of the Interior
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive,
Reston, VA 20192
Forest Service
Director of Minerals and Geology Management and,
Director of Lands and Realty Management
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20250
Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sustainment)
Executive Director
3400 Defense Pentagon
Room 5C646
Washington, DC 20301 3400
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Program 441 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20314
Office of Federal Activities
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20460
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Acting Assistant Secretary, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585
A. The Energy Act of 2020 (43 U.S.C. § 3002(e)) provides the Secretary of the Interior with the authority
to transfer funds to: FWS, BIA, Forest Service, USACE, NPS, EPA, and DoD, if necessary, to
facilitate Federal Agency Reviews of eligible projects. Funds will be made available at the discretion
of the Secretary and will generally not be used to displace existing, available appropriations.
Agreements to transfer funds will be executed separately from this MOU.
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A. The Energy Act of 2020 (43 U.S.C. § 3002(f)) requires that, not later than February 1 of the first fiscal
year after this MOU is fully executed, and each February 1 thereafter, the Secretary of the Interior will
submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Committee on Environment and
Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives
a report describing the progress made under the program to improve Federal permit coordination with
respect to eligible projects during the preceding year in improving interagency coordination of eligible
projects under this MOU.
B. Each report prepared under paragraph IX(A) of this MOU should include:
Projections for renewable energy production and capacity installations on covered
lands; and
A description of any problems relating to leasing, permitting, siting, or production of
eligible projects, including, but not limited to:
a. Problems with staffing expertise, capacity, and competing workload
b. Proponent delays in providing necessary information;
c. Out-dated land use plans;
d. Problems with the variance process approval;
e. Federal Agency Reviews; and
f. Incomplete resource data.
This MOU will become effective on the date it is fully executed by all parties to it and will remain in effect
for an initial period of 10 years.
A. Nothing in this MOU obligates the
Participating Agencies
to expend appropriations or enter any
contract or other financial obligation. All commitments made by the Participating Agencies in
implementing this MOU are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and budget priorities.
Nothing in this MOU, in and of itself, obligates the Participating Agencies to expend appropriations or
to enter any contract, assistance agreement, interagency agreement, or incur other financial
obligations. Any transaction involving transfers of funds between the Participating Agencies to this
MOU, including those described in section VIII above, will be handled in accordance with applicable
laws, regulations, and procedures under separate written agreements.
B. Pursuant to 41 U.S.C. § 22, no member of or delegate to Congress may benefit from this MOU, either
directly or indirectly.
C. Nothing in this MOU is intended to or will be construed to alter, limit, or expand in any way the
statutory or regulatory authority or legal responsibilities of the Participating Agencies.
D. This MOU may be amended or renewed upon written request of any Participating Agency and the
subsequent written concurrence of all Participating Agencies.
E. This MOU does not imply endorsement of or make any decision with respect to approval of any
eligible project proposal or of any preferred alternatives identified in consideration of eligible projects
coordinated under this MOU; and shall not abridge the independent review of any Environmental
Impact Statement by the EPA, pursuant to NEPA and section 309 of the CAA (42 U.S.C. § 7609).
F. This MOU does not limit the ability of any of the Participating
to review and respond to
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proposals and applications for eligible projects in accordance with applicable law and Federal agency
G. Any records shared by the Participating Agencies under this MOU may be subject to release under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. §§ 552 et seq). In response to a FOIA request, when an
agency locates documents shared under this MOU that originated with another agency, the
Participating Agencies agree to refer those documents to their originator so that agency can make a
direct response to the requester for those documents; some documents may potentially be privileged or
otherwise exempt from disclosure. The Participating Agencies acknowledge that nothing in this MOU
will prevent the disclosure of shared documents shared under it from disclosure to the extent the FOIA
requires their release, unless FOIA exemptions apply.
H. A Participating Agency may terminate its participation in this MOU sixty (60) days after providing
written notice to the other Participating Agencies. After a Participating Agency terminates its
participation, this MOU will remain in effect unless all remaining Participating Agencies agree to
I. All press releases and public statements issued by the Participating Agencies concerning or
characterizing this MOU or the BLM RECOs will be jointly reviewed and agreed to by delegated staff
representing each of the Participating Agencies.
J. The mission requirements, funding, personnel, and other priorities of the Participating Agencies may
affect their ability to fully implement all the provisions of this MOU.
K. The
Participating Agencies
may periodically review this MOU and will do so before renewing it.
L. Tribal and State governments may be added to this MOU as appropriate to support improved
coordination related to eligible projects on covered lands. All existing Participating Agencies to the
MOU must agree to the addition of new signatories.
If a dispute arises under this MOU that is not resolved informally by the Participating Agencies involved in
the dispute, any of those Participating Agencies may pursue the following dispute resolution procedure:
A. Each Participating Agency seeking resolution will provide a written statement (an email with an
attached letter or a letter) of its dispute to the BLM National Renewable Energy Coordination Office,
and to the other Participating Agencies involved in the dispute. The Participating Agencies involved in
the dispute will engage in discussions to arrive at a consensus and resolve the dispute;
B. If no resolution is reached within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the statement of dispute, the
dispute may be elevated to the headquarters level officials for the Participating Agencies involved in
the dispute or their designees. The headquarters level officials or their designees will engage in
discussions to resolve the dispute. If the headquarters level officials or their designees do not resolve
the dispute within thirty (30) calendar days of their receipt of the statement of dispute, they will
promptly elevate the dispute to the principal policy makers for the Participating Agencies involved in
the dispute who will resolve it; and
C. The time limits in the preceding paragraph may be extended with the written agreement of all the
Participating Agencies involved in the dispute.
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After execution of this MOU, additional Federal or State interagency agreements may be required for the
purposes establishing additional interagency relationships or for transferring funds from the BLM to Federal
This MOU is not intended to and does not create any right, benefit, or trust responsibility, substantive or
procedural, enforceable at law or equity, by any person against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or
any person. This MOU does not direct or apply to any person or entity outside of the signatory Parties.
Accordingly, the Parties have signed this MOU on the dates set forth below, to be effective for all purposes
that are described in this MOU as of the date last signed. The signatures may be executed using counterpart
original documents.
The Participating Agencies to this MOU acknowledge that each of the Participating Agencies and their
principal contacts listed in section VIII of this MOU is authorized to act on behalf of their respective Agency
on matters pertaining to this MOU.
The Participating Agencies may execute this MOU in counterparts.
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Honorable Tommy Beaudreau, Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Date:_January 6, 2022___
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
Final Version, dated October 1, 2021 - Page 22
Honorable Dr. Jewel Bronaugh, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
Date: November 9, 2021
_ N_
_ 1 2_
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Pennit Coordination
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MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
Final Version, dated October 1, 2021 - Page 24
For the
Honorable David M. Turk, Deputy Secretary of Energy
MOU to Establish a Program to Improve Public Land Renewable Energy Project Permit Coordination
Page 25
For the
Honorable Janet McCabe, Deputy Administrator