GVR: An intuitive tool for the visualization and easy
interpretation of advanced exploration methods for the analysis
of soccer matches
Andrés Sámano, Vladimir C. Ocegueda-Hernández, Fernando
Guerrero-Carrizales, José Manuel Fuentes, Gerardo Mendizabal-Ruiz
Abstract. Raw tracking data from soccer matches is
available to professional teams by specialized soccer
analysis providers. However, most of this data is not fully
exploited by teams because of the lack of tools to provide an
interactive and intuitive visualization of the tracked
positions. In this work, we are presenting virtual replay
(GVR). This innovative tool allows the user to visualize
tracking data by using 3D models of the players and the field
from any arbitrary point of view in the virtual space,
including from the perspective of the players’ eyes.
Additionally, GVR incorporates interactive tools that allows
the user to quickly identify the players, make annotations on
the field, move players to arbitrary positions and measure
distances between selected players. Moreover, GVR allows
the integration of advanced data exploration methods and
visualizations such as pitch control models.
Keywords: Soccer tracking data · match analysis tools · soccer
match visualization · 3D replay · intuitive visualization.
1 Introduction
Current soccer performance data can be divided into two categories: i)
statistics on individual players or teams (i.e., team ball possessions,
successful passes, number of shots on target, total distance traveled,
maximum velocity, number of sprints, etc.), and (ii) detailed
spatiotemporal information of the players and the ball during the match
(i.e., raw tracking data).
The first type of data is normally provided to the team’s coaching staff
and his sports intelligence team in printed or digital reports containing
plots, charts, and tables, which are useful to identify individual and
collective skills of teams and players. On the other hand, raw tracking
data is given as files containing the coordinates of each player and the
ball on the field at regular time intervals. Normally, the tracking data is
converted to a 2D top-view representation on which the players are
depicted as tokens of different colors that move along an image that
represents the soccer field (e.g., Fig. 1(a)). Tracking data can also be used
to compute other high-order analysis such as those based on Voronoi
tesselation (e.g., [2,4]) and other advanced pitch control models (e.g.,
[5,1]). Unfortunately, it isn´t easy for the coaching staff to understand,
explore, and exploit these models, so soccer clubs have to rely on data
scientists who are capable of implementing these models and interpret
the data. Similarly, while top-view videos can be useful to coaches to
evaluate team tactics of previous matches, it would be game-changing if
visualization of the tracking data could employ human models and
perspective views that could bring a more natural and intuitive feeling of
the data recollected from the game, and therefore, be easier to interact
with the data collected (e.g., make annotations or visualize hypothetical
variations of the field positions of one or more players), as well as to
interact and understand the more advanced models (such as pitch control,
xT, among others).
In this work, we present virtual replay (GVR). This cutting-edge tool
allows the user (e.g., the coaching staff) to visualize the on-the-ball
action and tracking data through 3D models of the players and field from
any arbitrary point of view in the virtual space (including POV from the
perspective of the eyes of the players). Additionally, GVR incorporates
tools that allows the user to identify the players quickly, make
annotations on the field, move players interactively, and dynamically
measure the distance between selected players. GVR also allows the
incorporation of more advanced visualizations such as pitch control
(a) (b)
Fig.1. Example of (a) a common visualization of tracking data in soccer,
and (b) the user interface of the proposed tool: GVR.
2 Methods
We employed a game engine to develop the proposed tool. In this
environment, we created a “player” type game-object which consists of
a 3D model of a soccer player and a two-dimensional array that contains
the raw tracking data (positions x
(t) and y
(t) on the field) corresponding
to each player from the match. Each player object incorporates a script
that controls the 3D model’s position depending on the point in time t of
the tracking data. For a more natural visualization of the play, each player
object has a second script that controls the animation of the 3D model
(i.e., movements such as walking, trotting, running, tackles, foot shots,
headers, throw-ins, etc.) depending on the actions of the real-life players
during the corresponding instants in the game.
Similarly, a “ball” type game object is generated. In this case, the ball
tracking data is complemented with the following four possible states: (i)
the ball is with a player, (ii) the ball is leaving a position by ground, (iii)
the ball is leaving a position by air, and (iv) the ball is at an arbitrary
position in the field. The ball object incorporates a script that determines
the three dimensional position of the ball [x
(t)] for any given
moment t. With the appropriate set of states of the ball, it is possible to
recreate ground and air passes, ball bounces and shots on goal.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig.2. Depiction of (a) the camera position menu, (b) examples of two
arbitrary views of the same instant of a play portrayed from different
perspectives, (c) the annotation tools menu, and (d) two perspectives of
the same play with annotations on the field and players.
For a given soccer match, we instantiate a ball and the number of
players on the field in the raw tracking data. The positions of the player
and ball objects are modified depending on a defined time instant t that
is set by a time progress-bar element and a script that increments its
position at regular intervals (corresponding to the sampling rate of the
tracking data) similar to regular video media controllers (Fig. 1(b)).
GVR incorporates a set of tools that allows users to easily manipulate
the camera of the 3D replay (Fig. 2(a)) and set it at any position of the
virtual field (Fig. 2(d)). One of these arbitrary positions is from the
perspective of the eyes of any player on the field, which allows the user
to see what the player was able to see at any specific time during the
game” (Fig. 2(b)). A set of annotation tools (Fig. 2(c)) provides the user
the possibility to identify the players in the field quickly, make
annotations, move players interactively, and dynamically measure the
distance between selected players (Fig. 2(d)). In addition to the 3D
recreation of the game, we add the option of watching synchronized
videos of the play that can consist of panoramic or TV videos (Fig. 3).
The proposed tool is capable of incorporating more advanced tracking
data analysis tools such as pitch control models. For example, we
employed the pitch control code provided by Laurie Shaw, which is
available at [3] to project the results of the model into the virtual field,
synchronized and influenced by the movement of the players (Fig. 4(a)).
Additionally, when the user moves a player using the GVR tool, we
added an automatic execution of a python script that re-computes the
pitch control to evaluate the impact of the player´s new hypothetical
position, and project it on the field (Fig. 3).
It is important to note that currently existing and future discoveries can
be easily integrated into GVR, which can help bridge the gap between
scientific discoveries and non-scientific users.
Fig.3. Example of a panoramic video at the same instant of the 3D GVR
(a) (b)
Fig.4. Example of pitch control of the same play at the same moment (a)
with the players on their original positions, and (b) with player 13 moved
to a different position.
3 Results
We selected a play from a soccer match and showed the panoramic
video of that play to Alfonso Sosa (who holds the all-time record for
promoted teams. As a Head Coach, he has promoted 3 different clubs
into Mexican First Division and has been Head Coach of several First
Division clubs). We asked him to find an alternative action to what
actually happened that could have added value to the play. The
conclusion was that all players seemed to have acted correctly. Next, we
presented him with a 2D representation of the same play. His answer
remained the same. Finally, we showed him the same play using GVR,
where we activated the pitch control tool, and asked the expert coach to
analyze the play using the annotation tools. This time, he concluded that
there was one player who had a better alternative and could have and
acted differently (video at https://youtu.be/7463DD547Jw). This
demonstrates the value of having a user-friendly and comprehensive
analysis tool that does not require the user to have any previous training.
The user can see immediate results which are easy to visualize and put
into context.
Additionally, GVR has been used by professional coaches such as
Gustavo Matosas (as Head Coach he has won three 1
division league
titles, 1 with Danubio (Uruguay) and 2 with Leon (México), and one
International Concacaf title with America (Mexico)), Raúl Gutiérrez,
(World Cup Champion U17, Head Coach of the Mexican National team,
among other championships) Paco Jémez (former Head Coach of Rayo
Vallecano, Las Palmas (Spain) and Cruz Azul (Mexico)) and Jose
Manuel “Chepo de la Torre (Former Head Coach of the Mexican
National Team (Champion at 2011 Concacaf tournament,) and has won
three 1
division league titles in Mexico, 1 with Chivas (México), 2 with
Toluca (México)), and others, in US live National TV during the 2018
World Cup to explain the most relevant plays (Fig. 5(a), video at
The results were positive- given that users without prior training were
able to interact with the tools which helped them to easily explain and
portray their analysis and thoughts in real-time broadcast (LIVE).
We achieved to replicate the plays in 2 minutes maximum after the
play occurred, allowing us to include plays that happened in the last
seconds of the first half within time for clients to use during the half-time
Additionally, the tool was modified to be able to work with
augmented reality technologies that enable to project a “hologram” of the
field. This allowed users to replay the best plays in a unique and
interactive form during the half-time broadcasts of the World Cup 2018
(Fig. 5(b), video at https://youtu.be/zzpoRKDqblA).
(a) (b)
Fig.5. Examples of applications of GVR during World Cup 2018
(Univision, USA). (a) An example of media talent using GVR to analyze
a play during a live broadcast, and (b) an example of a hologram of a
play on the TV set presented during a live broadcast.
4 Discussion
First division coaching staff are often retired professional soccer players
who learnt “old school” how to make decisions based on knowledge,
experience and intuition.
Up until today, in order to learn from past games, players and
coaching staff had to rely on basically three options: a subjective
interpretation of the reality (e.g., knowledge, experience, memory and
intuition), statistics and data (which sometimes are not exactly user
friendly, therefore hard to understand) or video recordings of the game.
In this work, we present the fourth option. GVR helps the user to learn
from past games in a very user-friendly and intuitive way: they can learn
from the data and information obtained with the most advanced methods
such as xT, pitch control, VAEP, etc… by experiencing the sense of
“traveling to the past” (Example on https://youtu.be/buDC93U4fLo).
GVR replicates the data and all of the plays that happened during the
game in a “virtual world,” which helps the players and coaches “re-live”
the play’s experienced and understand the full reality while having a
more contextualized picture of the events. Users can even experience the
game by using virtual or augmented reality headsets, such as Oculus,
HTC-Vive, Hololens, etc.
There have been great advances in the research of soccer analysis
methods such as xT, pitch control, VAEP, etc. that allow the users to
understand the strengths and opportunities a team/player has available,
and that it can benefit the soccer clubs if the coaching staff can use them.
However, as mentioned above, most of the people who integrate the
coaching staff do not come from a scientific/data analysis background.
In order for these advances to have a significant impact in today’s soccer,
all teams must have easy access and understanding of how they could use
these advances to their advantage. Unfortunately, there are many soccer
clubs around the globe with little or no economic resources to
create/maintain a science department they can rely on, therefore there is
a big gap between scientific discoveries and final users worldwide. The
proposed tool is designed to allow non-scientific users, including players
and coaching staff, to use the most advanced scientific discoveries to
reach the most efficient conclusions based on hard-fact evidence.
Examples of the possible uses of the proposed GVR tool are:
Professional players and coaches can “travel back in time” to the
situation of a specific play and analyze whether other options were
available. Then, by integrating value measuring tools (e.g., pitch
control, expected goal, expected threat, VAEP, etc.) GVR can
provide users with easy-to-understand and immediate feedback.
o An example of this could be analyzing a play where a player
loses the ball because a bad decision (not bad execution)-
where he may have thought he was forced into an action- to
possibly realizing that he had an alternate choice of action,
by using the analysis tools.
Users can employ GVR to understand the rivals’ movements, explore
their strengths and weaknesses, and exploit them.
By using VR headsets such as Oculus or HTC-vive, youth players
can immerse themselves in the eyes of professional players, and learn
how they should be moving, as well as mentally prepare to
experience what it would be to play in fan-packed stadiums.
5 Conclusion
GVR can help speed up non-scientific usersprocess to understand and
use tracking data on a day-to-day basis, in their decision-making process,
and in their evolution to integrate all of the scientific discoveries into
their training.
Most of the findings made by the non-scientific users in this work could
be something that can be calculated and found automatically by a
computer. Computers have the ability to analyze more extensive and
more complex data; however, there will always be the need for tools that
can be used by non-scientific users without previous training to interact
and understand the most advanced scientific tools and discoveries.
GVR code is available for research purposes upon request.
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