Occupational Tax Certificate Application
If your business is located in the Unincorporated Fayette County area, please complete the following
If your business is in the city limits of Fayetteville, Peachtree City, or Tyrone, please contact their
municipality for information on how to obtain a business license.
City of Fayetteville: 770-461-6029
City of Peachtree City: 770-487-7657
City of Tyrone: 770-487-4038
Instructions for the Fayette County application:
Page 1 is fillable please type in the information needed.
Hover your mouse over the bubbles for further instructions
Note that Attachments A & B need to be printed, completed, and notarized if the
business has over 11 employees. Attachments A & C need to be printed, completed, and
notarized if the business has 0-10 employees.
For businesses that are registered with the state of Georgia as a Limited Liability
Company or Corporation, please provide the Articles of Organization documentation
that is provided to you from the state. To obtain that documentation, you can search
If your business is a Non Profit 501c3 or you are a Disabled Veteran, please provide the
correct documentation so the fee for the license can be waived.
For the NAICS code, please visit https://www.naics.com/ and select a six digit number
that categorizes your business.
Once you have completed the application, please email it to our Planning & Zoning
Department (hjohnson@fayettecountyga.gov).
The application will then be sent to each department and you will be contacted for the
next steps of the process.
Unit/Suite State Zip Code
Unit/Suite State Zip Code
Unit/Suite State Zip Code
Unit/Suite State Zip Code
State Card # Expiration Issued To
NAICS Tax Identification #
E-Verify # GA Sales Tax #
16-25 $500.00
26-50 $750.00
I swear under penalty of law that the above information is true and 51-100 $1,000.00
correct. I understand that this is a tax certificate. I must separately 101+ $10.00 each
comply with any zoning, Fire Marshal, Health, or other rules. I
understand that information I provide herein (or my refusal to Date
provide required information) will be shared with the Georgia
Department of Revenue.
Zoning District
DateFinance Signature Date Planning & Zoning Signature
Planning & Zoning Use:
District Land Lot
Finance Department Use:
License #
Signature of Business Owner
Annual Tax Schedule
11-15 $375.00
7-10 $250.00
4-6 $150.00
0-3 $75.00
Maximum Tax $1,500.00
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Make Checks Payable to Fayette County
*Documentation is required
Bring Completed Application & Payment:
check, cash, or credit card to:
140 Stonewall Avenue West, Suite 101
Business Type
# Employees
Form of Ownership
Do you hold a state license for your occupation?
Phone Emergency Contact 2
Property Owner City
Emergency Contact 1
Owner Address City
PhoneCo OwnerOwner Name
Mailing Address (if different) City
Physical Address
Business Name DBA (if different) Phone
Yes (Documentation Required) No
Home Occupation
Sole Proprietor
Limited Liability Corporation*
General Partnership
Partnership-unknown type
Non Profit 501 c 3*
Disabled Veteran*
Cash Check #
Credit/Debit CardMoney Order
Allowable for Business Use
Not Allowable for Business Use
BOTSS Reporting
Fayette County, Georgia
Occupational Tax Application
House Bill 87, The Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011, was passed
by the Georgia General Assembly effective July 1, 2011. This new law requires that
each applicant for an Occupational Tax Certificate provide two of the three attached
affidavits, completed, signed, and sworn. In addition, a secure verifiable identification
document is required. An Occupational Tax Certificate CANNOT be issued without the
applicable completed affidavits and secure verifiable identification document.
Attachment A: -36-
otherwise lawful presence in the
United States.
Attachment B
Employer Affidavit of Compliance Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-60-
employer uses the federal work authorization program (E-Verify) to verify each
affidavit to be phased in as follows:
i. January 1, 2012 employers with 500 or more employees
ii. July 1, 2012 employers with 100 or more employees
iii. July 1, 2013 employers with more than 10 employees
and supervision of the employer and whose employer withholds FICA, federal income
tax, or state income tax from their compensation, or whose employer issues the person
a form I.R.S. W- work at least 35 hours per week.
Attachment C: Required for employers with 10 or fewer employees, as defined above.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-60-
the employer is exempt from compliance with O.C.G.A. § 36-60-6.
Before an Occupational Tax Certificate can be issued, identification that has been
determined by the Georgia Attorney General to be secure and verifiable must be
provided and verified. This may include, but not be limited to:
i. A passport issued by the U.S. or a foreign government
ii. A United States military identification card
iii. A U.S. Permanent Resident card or Alien Registration Receipt card
iv. An Employment Authorization Document
v. Certain other documents, as authorized and listed on the Georgia Attorney
Pursuant to Georgia Code Section 48-13-20.1, please note that information provided
by you on the Fayette County Occupational Tax Application will be provided to the
Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR). In addition, please note that notification will
be given to the DOR of refusal to provide all or part of the information required.
Business Name: Provide the legal name of your business.
DBA: Also, provide any other associated trade names for the business, if any.
Business Phone Number: Provide the business phone number.
Physical Address: F use the physical location, not a
post office box number.
Mailing Address: Give the business mailing address, if different from the
physical address.
Owner(s) Name: For a sole propr For a
name of the
person authorized by the corporation to sign the document.
Owner Address: For a sole proprietorship or partnership, supply the address(es)
of the business owners. For a corporation, use the corporate address of the
person who signs the Occupational Tax Certificate application.
Phone Number: This will be the phone number of the business owner(s), or in
the cases of a corporation, the authorized person who signed the Occupational
Tax Certificate application.
Property Owner: Enter the name, address and phone number of the owner of
the property in which the business is located.
Emergency Number: For a sole proprietorship or partnership, provide at least
one phone number where the business owner can be reached during non-
working hours. For a corporation, provide the phone number of a local manager
or other employee who has after-hours access to the business. This will help
county emergency personnel to provide fire, safety, or other services as quickly
as possible.
State License Holder: Check the appropriate box to indicate whether or not you
hold a current state license.
State License Information: If you conduct a business or profession that requires
a state license, please provide the State card number, expiration date and the
name of the person it is issued to. Also, please provide a copy of the State
card, which will be attached to the Occupational Tax Application.
Form of Ownership: Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the
business is a sole proprietorship, a corporation, or a partnership.
Type of Business: This should be a descriptive term, such as restaurant,
convenience store, hardware store, dentist, or psychologist.
NAICS: The U.S. Census Bureau publishes the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS). This system provides a six-digit classification
code for all business organizations, both for-profit and non-profit. You can find
your specific NAICS code by accessing the Internet website at
Tax Identification Number: This is your nine-digit Employer Identification
Number, Federal Tax Identification Number, or Individual Tax Identification
Number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. If you have no such IRS-issued
number, please enter your Social Security Number.
E-Verify Number: Required for employers with more than 10 employees.
Number of Employees: Enter the full-time equivalent number of employees for
the business. A full-time employee is one who works 40 hours or more per week.
The average weekly hours of employees who work less than 40 hours per week
should be added together, then divided by 40 to determine full-time position
equivalents. Do not include the owner in the count.
Sales & Use Tax Number: The Georgia Department of Revenue assigns a
unique Sales and Use Tax Number to each business in the state, except for
those exempted by Georgia Code Section 48-8-3.
Sign and date the form. Your signature indicates that the information you have
provided is true and correct. It also indicates that you understand that the
Occupational Tax Certificate does not indicate compliance with any applicable
zoning, Fire Marshal, health, or other regulations.
a) A separate Occupational Tax Certificate will be needed for each business
location in unincorporated Fayette County.
b) Fayette County shares information with the Georgia Department of Revenue
(DOR), as provided for in Georgia Code Section 48-13-20.1. In accord with that
Code Section, the county provides the following information to the DOR for each
business owner who applies for an Occupational Tax Certificate:
i. The legal name of the business
ii. Any associated trade names for the business
iii. The mailing address of the business
iv. The mailing and physical addresses of each location of the business if
different from the above mailing address
v. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
vi. The sales and use tax identification number assigned by the DOR, if the
business is required to have one
If the business owner refuses to provide the above information, the county will
notify the DOR of such refusal.
c) The Occupational Tax Certificate confirms that your business has paid the
annual occupation tax. It is not a license to do business, nor does it imply
compliance with any zoning, safety, health, or other regulations. Please obtain
any needed permits, certificates, or other documentation before you begin
operation of your business. This may prevent unnecessary costs or other
inconveniences. For example:
To assure compliance with zoning regulations including zoning for
home based businesses contact the Planning and Zoning Department.
For food safety or other health-related inspections, contact the Health
Department, Division of Environmental Health.
For any other areas of regulation that pertain to your business, please
contact the appropriate county department.
c) Tax schedule:
Number Employees Annual Tax
4-6 150.00
* 11-15
* 16-25
* 26-50
* 51-100
* 101+
* E-Verify number required
e) If you have questions about payment of occupation taxes or need assistance,
please call 770-305-5 .
Occupational Tax Certificate
Fayette County
Driver's License or Passport Number:
(Signature of Business Owner)
(Printed Name of Business Owner)
(Below use for Notary Only)
(This is the E-Verify Number)
(Below use for Notary Only)
(Signature of Business Owner)
(Printed Name of Business Owner)
(Below use for Notary Only)
Home Occupation is allowed in A-R, EST, C-S, R-85, R-80, R-78, R-75, R-72, R-70, R-55, R-50, R-45, R-40, R-20, DR-15,
RMF, MHP, PUD-PRD, PUD-PRL, PUD-PEF, O-I, C-C, C-H, L-C, M-1, M-2, and BTP Zoning Districts. The intent of these
rules and regulations is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public and ensure that home occupations are
regulated in a manner so they do not adversely impact surrounding residential properties, as residential areas and uses are
normally separated from non-residential areas and uses. A Home Occupation is a Conditional Use and subject to the following
requirements per Article VII. of the Fayette County Zoning Ordinance:
1. Residents. Only residents of the dwelling may be engaged in the home occupation within the dwelling. All nonresident individuals, including
employees, contractors, or part owners, associated with the home occupation shall not be engaged in the home occupation within the dwelling or
on the premises.
2. Incidental use. The home occupation shall be clearly incidental to the residential use of the dwelling and shall not change the essential
residential character of the building.
3. Display, sale. No display of products shall be visible from the street, and only products produced on the premises may be sold on the premises.
The on-premises sale of products produced off the premises shall be prohibited.
4. Clients/customers/students. The number of clients/customers/students on premises shall not exceed more than two at a time nor more than a total
of eight clients in any one day and all services rendered shall take place only within the dwelling. The hours of operation, in the context of
clients/customers/students shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
5. Area. Use of the dwelling, for the purpose of the home occupation, shall not exceed a total of 25 percent of the dwelling.
6. Number. No more than four home occupations may be issued per dwelling and the cumulative area devoted to the home occupations shall not
exceed 25 percent of the dwelling.
7. Alterations. No internal or external alterations inconsistent with the residential use of the building shall be permitted.
8. Accessory buildings. No accessory buildings or outside storage shall be used, except as otherwise provided herein.
9. Instructions and/or tutoring. Instruction and/or tutoring including, but not limited to: music, art, crafts, dance, academic, computer, martial arts,
and speech.
10. Day care, child/adult. Daycare shall be limited to no more than three children or three adults at any time.
11. Vehicles. Only customary passenger vehicles, vans and pick-up trucks shall be permitted to remain on the premises in association with a home
occupation. Said vehicles cannot exceed two axles, 22 feet in length, ten feet in height, and/or 8,000 pounds (curb weight). No tow and/or
rollback trucks shall be allowed to remain on the premises. A trailer used in association with the home occupation shall be permitted to remain
on the premises. The aforementioned vehicles or trailer used in association with the home occupation may be stored in a detached garage.
12. In-home beauty salon or barbershop. An in-home beauty salon or barbershop shall be limited to one chair and shall be subject to the
department of environmental health's approval. It shall also comply with 4 above, in regards to the number of customers.
13. Uses. The following and similar uses shall not be considered home occupations: automobile service station; automobile and related vehicular
sales lot on-premises; on-premises automobile, motorcycle, and/or farm/heavy construction equipment repair or service/maintenance;
ambulance service; rescue squad; on-premises amusement or recreational activities (commercial); animal hospital; commercial kennel,
veterinarian clinic with or without animal boarding place; pawn shops; acid storage and manufacturing; heavy manufacturing; fortune teller;
palm reader; taxidermy, on-premises welding; on-premises pet grooming; on-premises medical/dental facilities; on-premises repair service
(bicycle, lawn mower, small engine, and appliance); tire sales and storage; tanning salon; funeral services; tattooing; and on-premises
s the owner of a Home Occupation, I do hereby certify that the information supplied with this application is true and correct
and I do hereby agree to comply with the ordinances of Fayette County. I understand and agree that any error, misstatement,
or misrepresentation of fact, either with or without intention on my part or change in the type of business without approval of
the Zoning Administrator subsequent to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for Home Occupation shall constitute
sufficient grounds for revocation of said Permit.
_________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Business Name Number of Employees (see A. above)
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Address Signature of Business Owner
_______________________________________ __________ ____________________________________
City State Zip Code Date
______________ __________ _______ _______________________________________ ______________
Land Lot(
s) District(s) Zoning Approved by Planning & Zoning Dept. Date