Fayette County Public Schools
Purchasing Department
Request for Proposals 24-004-075
Stairlift/Chairlift Replacement and Maintenance for Fayette County Public Schools
Fayette County Public Schools (hereinafter FCPS or the District) is soliciting proposals via
this Request for Proposals (hereinafter RFP) from interested and qualified respondents to
provide and install new stairlifts and/or chairlifts, as specified within this solicitation, for
McIntosh High School. Respondent will also be responsible for the maintenance of the new
and existing maintenance for all stairlifts and/or chairlifts throughout the Fayette County
School District.
As is more fully explained in this RFP, an award, if made, will be made to the responsible and
responsive respondent who provides the best solution to the described need, taking into
consideration multiple evaluation factors as determined by the FCPS and defined herein.
It is the respondent’s responsibility to address all elements of this RFP. Any respondent
failing to meet the terms and conditions herein may suffer a reduction in their evaluation
score up to a complete rejection of their proposal.
Responses to this request for proposals are due no later than the date and time specified in
the timeline of events either physically or electronically to the FCPS Purchasing
Department located at Facilities Services, 245 Booker Avenue, Fayetteville, Georgia 30215.
Proposals received after the specified date and time will not be considered.
Instructions to Respondents
Designated Representative
1. The FCPS Purchasing Department has designated the following staff member as the
representative of the Department and District during the solicitation process: Jamie
Marrero (marrero.jamie@fcboe.org)
Schedule of Events
RFP Released
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Questions Due
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Addenda Issued (if applicable)
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Responses Due
Before 10:00AM (EST), Friday, October 6, 2023
Anticipated Board Review
Date and Time
Anticipated Project Start
Date and Time
Georgia Open Records Act Compliance (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70)
1. This solicitation and any resulting responses, evaluations, contracts, agreement, or
purchase orders are subject to the Georgia Open Records Act and may be released
2. Pursuant to the act, for any records or documents marked as “confidential or “trade
secrets” the respondent must submit and attach to the records an affidavit
affirmatively declaring that specific information in the records constitutes trade
secrets according to O.C.G.A. § 10-1-761.
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2.1. Failure to attach such an affidavit will result in the record being considered
public and subject to release under the Georgia Open Records Act.
2.2. If FCPS determines that the specifically identified information does not
constitute a trade secret, it shall notify the entity submitting the affidavit of
its intent to disclose the information within ten days unless prohibited from
doing so by an appropriate court order.
2.3. In the event the entity wishes to prevent disclosure of the requested records,
the entity may file an action in superior court to obtain an order that the
requested records are trade secrets exempt from disclosure. The entity filing
such action shall serve the requestor with a copy of its court filing.
2.4. If the agency determines that the specifically identified information does
constitute a trade secret, the agency shall withhold the records, and the
requester may file an action in superior court to obtain an order that the
requested records are not trade secrets and are subject to disclosure.
Respondent Registration
1. Respondents are encouraged to register with the designated representative listed
above via email after reviewing this solicitation.
2. Respondents who register will automatically receive an email update with additional
documents such as addenda and be notified of award issuance, even if they choose
not to submit a proposal.
Solicitation Documents and Forms
1. Documents and forms required for submission as part of this RFP can be found on
the FCPS Purchasing Department website.
2. Failure to include required submissions listed herein may result in a rejection of the
3. A list of required forms is contained herein and additional submissions may be
required per the specifications contained herein.
Proposal Delivery
1. Proposals should be sent to the FCPS Purchasing Department and must be received
before the proposal due date and time specified in the solicitation.
2. Proposals may be submitted electronically, by mail, or hand-delivered to Facilities
Services, 245 Booker Avenue, Fayetteville, Georgia 30215, Attention: Purchasing
3. No faxed or telephone proposals will be accepted or considered.
4. Proposals may be emailed to the designated representative if meeting the following
4.1. Emailed proposals must be in a consistent, clear, and readable format and
complete. (Adobe PDF format is preferred unless specified otherwise)
4.2. All proposal documents should be bound in one document. Multiple separate
documents may result in evaluation score reductions.
1. Any specification listed with “Must Include Attachment” should include a document
within the proposal conforming to standards set forth.
2. All attachments must be clearly marked and labeled using the following format:
Attachment #, Solicitation Reference, Respondent Name, Solicitation Title, and
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Proposal Format Requirements
1. The proposal should be typed and legible as well as formatted to comply with
accessibility standards (refer to ADA and Section 508 compliance).
2. The solicitation document has been carefully organized. All sections,
specifications/requirements, and appendices are numbered; therefore proposals
should be organized in the same manner referencing the solicitation document when
3. Proposals must be submitted with the following sections clearly identified and
3.1. Letter of Interest
3.2. Technical Proposal
3.3. Qualifications and Experience
3.4. References
3.5. Price/Cost
Multiple Proposals from the Same Respondent
1. Respondents may submit more than one proposal when offering multiple
2. Proposals must be separate and each should conform to all terms and conditions
within the solicitation.
3. Proposals must be labeled separately so as to easily identify different proposals
from the same respondent.
Scope of Work and Specifications
Background and Project Overview
The intent for this request for proposals is to select a contractor who will be able to remove
and replace the existing chairlift and stairlift located at McIntosh High School. (Located at:
201 Walt Banks Road, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269) The awarded contractor will also be
responsible for the preventative maintenance of the newly installed equipment, as well as
all other chairlifts and stairlifts within the Fayette County School District. Site visits will be
required to determine the entire scope of work and equipment location. Site visits can be
scheduled with Scott Hindman, Lead Electronics Technician, (or his designee) by contacting
him via email hindman.scott@fcboe.org or by calling 770-460-3522.
Design/Technical Requirements and Specifications
1. Existing Stairlift Specifications: Replacement must meet the following specifications
at a minimum. Equipment Location: McIntosh High School
1.1. Garaventa Stair-Lift: GSL ARTIRA
1.2. Serial# 25207
1.3. Rated Load: 250 kg/ 550 lbs
1.4. Rated Speed: 6M / 20FT per min
1.5. Rated Voltage: 208-240 VAC, 50/60 HZ
1.6. Rated Current: 15 A
1.7. Weight of Car: 121 kg / 265 lbs
1.8. Suspension: Rope Sprocket
1.9. Date of Manufacture: August 22, 2005
2. Existing Chairlift Specifications: Replacement must meet the following
specifications at a minimum
2.1. Genesis Opal Vertical Lift: Genesis Opal
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2.2. Serial# 25208
2.3. Rated Speed: 9 FT per min
2.4. Rated Voltage: 120 V AC Single Phase
2.5. Rated Current: 10 A
2.6. Rated Load: 750 lbs (340 kg)
2.7. Weight of Car: 160 lbs (73 kg)
2.8. Suspension & Support Means: Acme Screw
2.9. Date of Manufacture: January 19, 2005
2.10. Manufactured By: Garaventa Accessibility
Performance and Service Requirements
1. Equipment Replacement : Awarded contractor will be responsible for the following;
1.1. The removal and disposal of existing equipment
1.2. All materials and labor needed for replacement of equipment (This project is
1.3. Any new and/or modified electrical connections
1.4. Full installation of new equipment
1.5. Testing the operation of newly installed equipment
1.6. Completing this project to the satisfaction of Fayette County Public Schools
Facilities Services Department and State Fire Marshal's Office.
2. Equipment Maintenance: Awarded contractor will be responsible for the following;
2.1. Maintenance of all the following equipment within the Fayette County School
2.1.1. Starr’s Mill High School (193 Panther Path, Fayetteville, Georgia 30215) Total Number of Equipment: 1 Chairlift: The National Wheel-O-Vator Co., Inc Model#: CDE-60 Serial#: 33653-I Date of Manufacture: June 13, 1997 Speed Rate: 9 F.P.M. Rated Load: 750 lbs Maximum Car Weight: 155 lbs Suspension and Support Means: Screw Drive 15 V AC 60 Cycles 14 A
2.1.2. Inman Elementary School (677 Inman Road, Fayetteville, Georgia 30215) Total Number of Equipment: 1 Chairlift: Garaventa Lift Model#: GVL-OP-42 Serial#: 35175 Date of Manufacture: May 14, 2008 Speed Rate: 10 F.P.M. Rated Load: 750 lbs Maximum Car Weight: 160 lbs (73 kg) Suspension and Support Means: Acme Screw 120 V AC Single Phase 15 A Full Load Current
2.1.3. McIntosh High School (201 Walt Banks Road, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269) Total Number of Equipment: 2
Page 4 of 10 Equipment Information: To Be Determined
2.1.4. Maintenance Scope General preventative maintenance of stairlifts and chairlifts
include, but are not limited to; cleaning tracks, examining
and/or lubricating the control system, power unit (machines),
hydraulic system accessories, hoistway/pit equipment, door
equipment, signals/accessories, rails and guides. Awarded contractor will be responsible for providing any and
all materials to perform maintenance. Every maintenance inspection will require that a report be
generated and sent to Facilities Services for review. If repairs or replacements are recommended at the time
of inspection, those recommendations must be indicated
on the maintenance inspection report. Making repairs to the equipment will also be the responsibility
of the awarded vendor who services the equipment. Cost for repairs must be sent in writing (quote format)
for review and approval. If the awarded vendor uses a subcontractor for
recommended repairs, Fayette County Public Schools
reserves the right to quote or bid out the job separately
from the maintenance contract. Bid submissions will require the contractor to disclose
proposed labor rate (regular/overtime), travel charge,
service charge, emergency service charge, etc. (See
Cost Proposal Sheet) Maintenance must be scheduled during regular business hours,
no overtime rates will apply to maintenance.
Evaluation of Proposals
Evaluation Committee
1. All proposals deemed responsive will be evaluated by a review committee comprised
of project administrators and end-users.
2. Criterions based on qualifications and experience, a submitted proposal, and
price/cost will be used in the evaluation process.
Evaluation Methodology
1. The committee will perform a complete evaluation and verification process on a
rating system of required proposal components contained herein based on an
“Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, or “Poor” rating.
1.1. Excellent ratings will be issued four (4) points.
1.2. Good ratings will be issued three (3) points.
1.3. Fair ratings will be issued two (2) points.
1.4. Poor ratings will be issued zero (0) points.
Interviews and Presentations
1. Post-proposal interviews and presentations may be required, in person at the
committees direction or desire.
2. Submission of a proposal does not guarantee an interview or presentation.
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3. Selection for interviews and presentations is at the sole discretion of the evaluation
Contract Award and Negotiations
1. The evaluation committee will issue a recommendation to award following the
outcome of its evaluation process.
2. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
3. A recommendation to award does not guarantee a contract. Final approval from the
Superintendent and/or Board of Education may be required.
4. Following a recommendation to award, the Superintendent or their designee may
engage in final negotiations with the selected respondent.
General Terms and Conditions
The FCPS General Terms and Conditions are posted on the Purchasing Department website
under the heading of Vendor Terms, Conditions, and Forms and attached to this solicitation.
By submission of a proposal, the respondent acknowledges they have read and understood
these General Terms and Conditions as well as any terms and conditions contained herein.
Special Terms and Conditions
Contract Incorporation
1. This solicitation will be incorporated into any resulting contract.
2. When this solicitation and any resulting contract are in conflict, Fayette County
Public Schools will determine the controlling method.
3. Only the Superintendent or his direct designee may sign or enter into a contract on
behalf of Fayette County Public Schools.
1. The proposal term will begin from the time of award through June 30, 2024, with an
option to renew for three (3) additional terms.
1.1. Terms are defined as the fiscal year from July 1st to June 30th of each
calendar year.
1. Projects listed within this solicitation are not guaranteed. Purchase orders and/or
contracts will be issued for specific projects, as needed, for the term of this
solicitation. The Fayette County School District anticipates that this project will be
completed. But, the approval will be determined by the available budget allotment.
Award Oversight
The awarded respondent will report to Scott Hindman, Lead Electronics Technician, or his
Cooperative Purchasing
1. This solicitation allows for other Fayette County, Georgia government entities,
including local municipalities, to purchase from the awarded contract at the same
prices quoted during the effective term pending an agreement between the awarded
respondent(s) and the government entity.
Substitutions and Alternates
1. Products similar to or other than specified may be acceptable if in compliance with
all requirements of these specifications and are of the same or better quality.
2. The respondent must provide substantiation that proposed substitution or alternate
does not violate any other manufacturer's patents, patents allowed, or patents
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pending and that the alternate proposed meets the same specifications contained
3. The FCPS shall be the sole determiner of specification compliance and alternate
4. No pre-proposal approval will be given for a proposed alternative.
Insurance Requirements
1. Respondents are required to submit a current and valid Certificate of Insurance (COI)
per the General Terms and Conditions and any specification contained herein.
2. Should the respondent choose to utilize subcontractors for installation or other
matters, the respondent must provide a valid COI for the subcontractor per the
requirements of the General Terms and Conditions.
Sequencing and Scheduling
1. Equipment Replacement
1.1. Installation must be coordinated between Facilities Services and schools
administration, all scheduling for this project must be confirmed in writing
with Scott Hindman, Lead Electronic Technician.
2. Equipment Maintenance
2.1. Monthly/Semi-Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Maintenances must be scheduled
and confirmed (in writing) with Scott Hindman, Lead Electronic Technician.
Warranty Requirements
1. Warranty paperwork for the proposal replacement equipment must be submitted
with your bid submission.
1.1. The terms of the warranty provided will be evaluated with the remainder of
your bid submission to determine the best product with the best value.
Performance Requirements:
Minimum Qualification/Certification Requirements
1. Vendor must show that their company has had at least 5 years of previous
experience maintaining and repairing/replacing similar equipment.
2. Vendor must submit any certifications that they have acquired that relate to this
project scope. e.g.;
2.1. Maintenance and repair certifications
2.2. Certification of Compliance
2.3. License(s)
Required Forms and Submissions
Required Respondent Submissions
1. Product Data: Fayette County School District must receive all product data that
pertains to solicitations work scope, this includes but is not limited to;
2. Product Data Sheet: Brochures and/or Manufacture Data Sheets for proposed
replacement equipment.
3. Product Certification: Submit manufacturer’s certification that products and
materials comply with the requirements of the specifications.
4. Submit manufacturer's catalog cuts, material safety data sheets (MSDS), brochures,
5. Preparation, maintenance, and installation instructions and recommendations;
6. Storage, handling requirements, and recommendations.
7. Warranties: Submit warranty documents according to specifications (if applicable).
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7.1. Include any and all manufacturer’s warranties for each item.
7.2. Include any and all labor warranties provided by the manufacturer and/or
Cost Proposal
1. All respondents must include a separate cost proposal.
2. The cost proposal should be separated from the proposal as outlined in point 3 of
Proposal Format Requirements above.
3. Pricing not entered in the cost proposal form will not be considered.
4. If pricing variations exist for different finishes/materials/options the respondent
must include an attachment describing variations and associated costs.
5. Costs should be in line-item format detailing all costs applicable to the proposed
solution and a grand total cost to execute the proposed solution fully.
Letters of Recommendation
1. The respondent must include a minimum of three (3) letters of recommendation
dated within the previous two (2) calendar years.
2. Letters must be from clients/customers who have engaged the respondent in
previous services and must include details such as a description/scope of work,
timeline and budget parameters, and assessment of the respondent’s ability to
complete work/service as specified.
3. Each letter must contain contact information including organization/firm, contact
name, telephone, and email.
4. Letters from organizations and projects similar to the scope and size of Fayette
County Public Schools are preferred.
Response Information Form
1. Respondent must complete a Response Information Form attached hereto and
available online at the Purchasing Department website.
2. This form must be placed on top, or as the first page of your proposal.
3. Failure to attach could result in a reduction in score or a rejection of your proposal.
Business Capability Information Questionnaire
1. Respondent must complete a Business Capability Form attached hereto and
available online at the Purchasing Department website.
2. Failure to attach could result in a reduction in score or a rejection of your proposal.
Certificate of Insurance
1. The respondent must submit a current certificate of insurance detailing coverage
limits as defined in this RFP and the FCPS General Terms and Conditions.
2. Failure to attach could result in a reduction in score or rejection of your proposal.
3. The selected respondent will be required to submit a COI naming Fayette County
Public Schools as an additional insured party.
W-9 Form
1. The respondent must submit a current Internal Revenue Service W-9 Form complete
with proper signature.
2. Failure to attach could result in a reduction in score or rejection of your proposal.
E-Verify Documentation
1. The respondent must submit a completed E-Verify Compliance Form and Affidavit as
attached below.
2. Failure to attach could result in a reduction in score or rejection of your proposal.
Page 8 of 10
Cost Proposal
Equipment Replacement
Stairlift (Proposed Replacement) Equipment Cost: __________________
Make/Model: __________________
Serial#: __________________
Rated Load: __________________
Rated Speed: __________________
Rated Voltage: __________________
Rated Current: __________________
Weight of Car: __________________
Suspension: __________________
Total Cost for Equipment Replacement: __________________
(Including parts, labor, freight, shipping, delivery, installation, etc.)
Chairlift (Proposed Replacement) Equipment Cost: __________________
Make/Model: __________________
Serial#: __________________
Rated Speed: __________________
Rated Voltage: __________________
Rated Current: __________________
Rated Load: __________________
Weight of Car: __________________
Suspension & Support Means: __________________
Total Cost of Equipment Replacement: __________________
(Including parts, labor, freight, shipping, delivery, installation, etc.)
Equipment Maintenance
Equipment Details
Maintenance Cost (Circle One)
Starr’s Mill High School
Chairlift (CDE-60)
$ Monthly Quarterly Annual
McIntosh High School
Stairlift (Make/Model: TBD)
$ Monthly Quarterly Annual
McIntosh High School
Chairlift (Make/Model: TBD)
$ Monthly Quarterly Annual
Inman Elementary School
Chairlift (GVL-OP-42)
$ Monthly Quarterly Annual
Page 9 of 10
Additional Pricing
Repair/Service Cost:
Service Call Cost: (per hour)
Labor Rate: (per hour)
After Hours Labor Rate: (per hour)
Truck Charge/Travel Charge:
Hydraulic Fluid Cost: (per gallon)
Company Name
Printed Name
Page 10 of 10
Respondent Information Form
Place this form on top of your response.
Stairlift/Chairlift and Maintenance for Fayette County Public Schools (RFP 24-004-075)
Company Name:
Point of Contact:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Authority to Act
The undersigned states that he/she has the requisite authority to act on behalf of his/her
employer in these matters and has offered to provide the products/services in accordance
with the terms and conditions herein.
Terms, Conditions, and Specifications
Through the submission of response and signature below, the respondent verifies that their
solution, if applicable, complies fully, or complies with an exception, to all stated general
and special terms, conditions, and specifications. See the FCSD General Terms and
Conditions for further information and directions on notating exceptions to stated
Through the submission of response and signature below the respondent verifies that they
have read and understood any addenda issued for this solicitation if issued.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Business Capability Information Questionnaire: RFP 24-004-075
Please answer all questions fully. Additional pages for responses must be clearly marked to
identify the respondent’s name and solicitation number. Utilize a separate piece of paper as
1) How long has your company been in business?
2) What was your annual gross revenue in 2022?
3) Please indicate current contracts in hand similar to the scope of this project and attach a
separate document indicating the name, telephone, and email of each owner/controlling
firm; and the status and completion date of each. (Must Include Attachment).
4) Has your company ever completed a project more than one month behind schedule? If so,
please identify the project and explain the circumstances. (If applicable, must include an
5) Has your company ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? If so, please explain.
(If applicable, must include an attachment.)
6) Has your company ever defaulted on a contract? If so, please explain. (If applicable, must
include an attachment.)
7) Please indicate your company’s bonding capacity.
8) Please indicate your company’s insurance carrier.
9) Please indicate whether any insurance claim has been made against or by your company
in the past seven (7) years, the circumstances surrounding such claims, and the outcome.
(If applicable, must include an attachment.)
10) Please indicate whether any legal claim has been made against your company in the past
seven (7) years, the circumstances surrounding such claims, and the adjudicated outcome.
(If applicable, must include an attachment.)
11) Has your company ever had a bankruptcy petition, arbitration demand, or lien filed
against it in the previous seven (7) years? If so, please explain. (If applicable, must
include an attachment.)
12) Has your company, any principal officers, or project managers had any criminal
investigations or proceedings brought against them in the previous ten (10) years? If so,
please explain. (If applicable, must include an attachment.)
13) Please attach a separate list of all employees who will be assigned to work on the project
described herein and include any professional licenses or certifications they hold. (Must
Include Attachment)
The respondent attests that the information included as attachments and responses are true and
accurate as of the date of submission. Respondent also agrees by submission to allow the
Purchasing Department to review or investigate any response contained herein. Failure to
indicate or answer questions may deem the proposal non-responsive.
If you are providing services to Fayette County Public Schools, this completed document, as
well as the applicable Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance forms and affidavits
referenced herein must be completed, signed, notarized and submitted with your bid,
proposal or contract.
Fayette County Public Schools shall comply with the Georgia Security and Immigration
Compliance Act, as amended, O.C.G.A.,~13-10-90 et seq. In order to ensure compliance with
the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA,P.L.99-603 and the Georgia Security
and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006, as amended by the Illegal Immigration Reform Act of
2011,O.C.G.A ~ 13-10-90 et seq. (collectively the Act”) the contractor (“Contractor”) MUST
INITIAL the statement applicable to Contractor below:
____ (Initial here) Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor has registered at
https://e-verify.uscis.gov/enroll/ to verify information of all new employees in order to comply
with the Act; Is authorized to use and uses the federal authorization program; and will continue
to use the authorization program throughout the contract period. Contractor further represents,
warrants and agrees that it shall execute and return any and all affidavits required by the Act
and the rules and regulations issued by the Georgia Department of Labor as set forth at Rule
300-10-1-01 et.seq. In accordance with the terms thereof; (Complete and submit the
Contractor Affidavit and Agreement); OR
____ (Initial here) Contractor represents and warrants that it has no employees and does not
intend to hire employees to perform contractual services, and that Contractor has therefore
provided a U.S. state-issued Drivers license or ID card in lieu of an affidavit and that such
license or ID card was issued by a State that verifies lawful Immigration status before issuing
the license or ID card. If my status changes I will, before hiring any employees, immediately
notify the School District in writing and provide all affidavits required under the Act; OR
____ (Initial here) Contractor represents and warrants that it does not physically perform any
service within the State of Georgia as defined in the Act and thus does not have to comply with
foregoing Georgia law; OR
_____(Initial here) Contractor is a foreign company and therefore not required to provide the
affidavit as required by the Act. The Contractor must comply with any other laws required to
perform services in the United States, including but not limited to having an appropriate visa.
___(Initial here) Contractor will not employ or contract with any subcontractor in connection
with a covered contract unless the subcontractor is registered, Is authorized to use, and uses
the Federal Work Authorization Program and provides Contractor with all affidavits required by
the Act and the rules and regulations issued by the Georgia Department of labor as set forth at
Rule 300-10-01 et seq.
____(Initial here) Contractor covenants and agrees that, if Contractor employs or contracts with
any Subcontractor in connection with the covered contract under the Act and DOL Rule
300-10-1-02, then in such event Contractor will secure from each subcontractor at the time of
the subcontract, the subcontractor’s name and address, the employer identification
number/taxpayer identification number applicable to the subcontractor; the date the
authorization to use the Federal Work Authorization Program was granted to subcontractor; the
subcontractor’s attestation of the subcontractor’s compliance with the Act and Georgia
Department of Labor Rule 300-10-1-.2.; and the subcontractors agreement not to contract
with subcontractors unless the subcontractor is registered, authorized to use, and uses the
Federal Work Authorization Program; and provides subcontractor with all affidavits required by
the Act and the rules and regulations issued by the Georgia Department of Labor as set forth at
Rule 300-10-1-01 et seq. (Complete and submit the Subcontractor Affidavit and Agreement)
_____(Initial here) Contractor agrees to provide Fayette County Public Schools with all affidavits
of compliance as required by the Act and Georgia Department of Labor Rule 300-10-1-02,
300-10-1-03, 300-10-1-07 and 300-10-1-08 within five (5) business days of its receipt of any
such documents.
Company Name: _____________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________________
DATE: __________________________________________
(Rev. 4/18/2019)
By executing this affidavit, the undersigned contractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 stating
affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services under a
contract with Fayette County Public Schools, has registered with, is authorized to use, and uses the federal work
authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, or any subsequent replacement program, in accordance with
the applicable provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned
contractor covenants that it will continue to use the federal work authorization program throughout the contract
period, that the undersigned contractor will contract for the physical performance of services in the performance of
such contract only with subcontractors who present an affidavit to the contractor with the information required by
O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b), and that the contractor shall forward any subcontractor’s affidavit to the School District
within five (5) days of its receipt of the same.
Contractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization are
as follows:
EEV User Identification
Number (4 to 6 Digit Number)
Date of Authorization
Email Address
Telephone Number
Name of Project
Project Number
Name of Public Employer
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 20 in (city), (state).
Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent
Printed Name of Authorized Officer or Agent Title of Authorized Officer or Agent
Sworn to before me this day of , 20 .
Notary Public Signature
My Commission Expires: ____________________________
(Rev. 4/18/2019)
By executing this affidavit, the undersigned subcontractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 stating
affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services under a
contract with ___________________, which has a contract with Fayette County Public Schools, has registered with, is
authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, or any subsequent
replacement program, in accordance with the applicable provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. §
13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned subcontractor covenants that it will continue to use the federal work
authorization program throughout the contract period, that the undersigned subcontractor will contract for the
physical performance of services in the performance of such contract only with sub-subcontractors who present an
affidavit to the subcontractor with the information required by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b), and that the subcontractor
shall forward any sub-subcontractors affidavit to the contractor and School District within five (5) days of its receipt
of the same.
Subcontractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization
are as follows:
EEV User Identification
Number (4 to 6 Digit Number)
Date of Authorization
Email Address
Telephone Number
Name of Project
Project Number
Name of Public Employer
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 20 in (city), (state).
Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent
Printed Name of Authorized Officer or Agent Title of Authorized Officer or Agent
Sworn to before me this day of , 20 .
Notary Public Signature
My Commission Expires: ____________________________
Fayette County Public Schools Purchasing Department
Contractor Insurance Requirements
From General Terms and Conditions: Updated April 2021
1) Duration of Insurance
a) All insurance required by the response shall be maintained during the
entire length of the response, including any extensions, and until all
service and work have been completed to the satisfaction of FCPS.
b) No respondent or subcontractor shall commence delivery, installation, or
service of any kind under the response until all insurance requirements
contained within the solicitation have been complied with and evidence
supplied to FCPS.
2) Coverage as Additional Insured
a) FCPS shall be covered as an additional insured under all insurance
required by the response. Confirmation of this shall appear on all
certificates of insurance and all applicable policies.
b) FCPS shall be given no less than 30 days’ notice of any insurance
cancellation, changes, or renewals.
3) Provider Rating Standards
a) For the response, regardless of risk, companies providing insurance for
respondents must have an A.M. Best company rating not less than “A”
and be in a financial size category not less than Class IX.
b) Evidence of the current A.M. Best Company Rating may be required by
including a copy of the rating page for the insurance company.
4) Failure to Comply
a) In the event the respondent neglects, refuses, or fails to provide the
insurance as required by the response or if such insurance is canceled for
any reason, FCPS shall have the right, but not the duty, to procure the
same, and the cost, therefore, shall be deducted from money then due or
thereafter to become due to the vendor or FCPS shall have the right to
cancel the response.
b) Failure to comply with insurance standards may result in the respondent
being declared in default and any resulting order, agreement, or contract
canceled with no loss to FCPS.
5) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Requirements
a) The respondent shall procure and maintain workers compensation and
employer's liability insurance to cover every employee who is or may be
engaged in work under the response in the limits listed below:
i) Bodily injury by accident - $100,000 each accident
ii) Bodily injury by disease - $100,000 each employee; $500,000
policy limit
6) Commercial General Liability Insurance Requirements
a) The respondent shall procure and maintain comprehensive insurance in
an amount not less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage
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combined single limit. The following specific extensions of coverage shall
be provided and indicated on the certificate of insurance:
i) Commercial general liability
ii) Premises operations
iii) Completed operations
iv) Contractual liability insurance (to cover breach of response)
v) Personal injury
7) Broad Form Property Damage Coverage Requirement
a) This coverage shall cover the use of all equipment, hoists, and vehicles on
the site/sites not covered by automobile liability under the contract. Policy
coverage must be on an occurrence basis.
8) Automobile Liability Coverage Requirements
a) Automobile liability must include any auto, hired autos, and non-owned
autos with a combined single limit of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence.
Aggregate must be a minimum of $1,000,000.00.
9) Certificate of Insurance (COI)
a) If requested, the respondent must provide a current COI before any work
or service is performed on FCPS property conforming to the insurance
guidelines contained herein, and any contained in solicitation special
terms and conditions.
a) Respondent shall be liable for any damage or loss to FCPS incurred in the
completion of respondent’s contract or obligations as a result of their
b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the liability herein shall be limited to
$10,000,000 and the respondent recognizes that the resulting agreement
will receive consideration for indemnification provided herein.
11) Indemnification
a) Respondent hereby waives, releases, relinquishes, discharges, and
agrees to indemnify, protect and save harmless members of the Fayette
County School District, Fayette County Public Schools, and Fayette
County Board of Education and its officers, agents, and employees
(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Indemnities”), of and from all
claims, demands, liabilities, loss, costs or expenses for any loss or
damage (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) growing
out of, or otherwise occurring in connection with this response, due to any
act or omission on the part of the respondent, its agents, employees,
subcontractors, or others working at the direction of the respondent or on
its behalf; or due to any breach of this response by the respondent; or due
to the application or violation of any pertinent Federal, State or local law,
rule or regulation by the respondent, its agents, employees,
subcontractors, or others working at the direction of the respondent or on
its behalf.
b) This indemnification shall apply although the indemnities may be partially
responsible for the situation giving rise to the claim.
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c) This indemnification shall apply even though a claim results in a monetary
obligation that exceeds any contractual commitment.
d) This indemnification shall not apply if the situation giving rise to the claim
results solely from the negligence or willful acts of indemnities.
e) This indemnification extends to the successors and replaced assignees of
the respondent, and this indemnification and release survive the duration
of this response, the termination of this response, and the dissolution or, to
the extent allowed by law, the bankruptcy of the respondent.
12)Hold Harmless Agreement
a) Through the submission of a response or acceptance of an award,
contract, order, or agreement the respondent shall hold harmless FCPS
from all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses in
connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury or property damage,
including loss of use thereof directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from,
arising out of or occurring in connection with the performance of this
b) The respondent’s obligation shall not be limited by or in any way to, any
insurance coverage or by any provision in or exclusion or omission from
any policy of insurance.
1) Subcontracting Guidelines
a) Except as may be generally or specifically permitted by the solicitation, the
respondent shall not delegate, subcontract, assign, or otherwise permit
anyone other than respondent personnel to perform any of the work
and/or provide any of the services required of the respondent under this
response or resulting contract or assign any of its rights or obligations
herein. As such the following applies:
i) Consent of FCPS to use subcontractors must be obtained, which
may be granted or withheld by FCPS at its sole discretion.
ii) The respondent must notify FCPS of all subcontractors used to
fulfill the submitted response, including those contracted by their
agents (such as delivery services).
2) Subcontractor Standards
a) Subcontractors must meet all standards contained herein as well as those
specific to the accompanying solicitation.
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