GO ONLINE anytime to apply for a New Zealand passport:
Renew an existing or out of date passport
Replace a lost, stolen or damaged passport
Change the name in your passport
Renew a passport in a hurry
No paper, postage or visit to our oce.
Our New Zealand passport
Our passport is valued and respected around the world for its integrity. We ask you to provide a range
of information so that we can maintain its integrity by confirming your identity and entitlement to a
New Zealand passport.
This icon is used when you need to take extra care. The instructions with this icon will help
you to understand whether you need to complete a particular section, or remind you not to
miss out important details.
What you need to complete this application
2 identical recent colour photos of yourself
Someone to act as an identity referee who is over 16 years of age and has a valid
New Zealand passport
The correct application fee and courier cost
Application for a
New Zealand Passport
Uruwhenua Aotearoa
How to contact us
New Zealand: Freephone 0800 22 50 50
Phone +64 4 462 0650
Australia: Freephone 1300 559 535
Phone +61 2 9225 2300
United Kingdom: Phone +44 20 7968 2730
Website: passports.govt.nz
Please call our helpline if you need
any assistance to complete this form
New Zealand: Freephone 0800 22 50 50
Australia: Freephone 1300 559 535
United Kingdom: +44 20 7968 2730
If you have any queries about your application form,
phone the helpline and quote this application number:
USE THIS FORM if you do not have internet access and are 16 years or over and:
your name has not changed since your last passport was issued, AND
your passport has not been lost, stolen or damaged.
Use the Adult form if you do not have internet access and are 16 years or over and: you
are applying for a New Zealand passport for the first time; or your name has changed since
your last passport was issued; or your passport has been lost, stolen or damaged.
Go to passports.govt.nz
The easiest and fastest way to renew your passport is online.
Paper applications take longer as they require extra processing.
PAS300 25 May 2024
How to complete this application form
Tear o this guide section to help you to fill in the form. The numbers in this guide will take you
through each step in the form.
Check you have answered all the questions on this form that relate to you. We can only process your
application if you complete the form accurately. If you miss out any details we may need to contact
you and there may be a delay in processing your application.
This application form will be scanned and processed using computer software. We ask you to follow
the instructions below to improve the accuracy and eciency of our scanning and data capture.
Use a BLACK or BLUE ballpoint pen and complete in your own handwriting
Write in CAPITAL letters inside each box like this
1 2 3
, NOT like this
87 6
Put a line through mistakes like this
. DO NOT use correction fluid or correction paper.
Your personal details
Write your name exactly as it appears in your passport.
If you only have one name, write it in the space
provided for surname or family name.
If your name includes a diacritic please contact us for
Name endorsements
The Department is no longer able to include “also
known as” name endorsements into a passport.
If your current passport contains an also known as
name, this will not be included in your new passport.
If you already have your married name endorsed into
your current passport and want your new passport
issued in this name, then write this name in question 1.
Gender diverse (X)
While New Zealand travel systems recognise “X” gender
passports, some international travel authorisation
systems and e-Gates may not, you may still be asked
to provide your gender information as either male or
female when travelling.
You may want to check with the embassy or high
commission of any country you wish to visit or transit
through to enquire about any entry requirements.
For more information, please visit our website,
Changing your gender identity
If you would like your passport issued in a gender that
is dierent to your birth record, citizenship record
or previous passport, write your preferred gender in
the changing gender identity section of the passport
application form.
The Department of Internal Aairs reserves the right
to request the return of your previous passport for
Height and eye colour
Height and eye colour is important information. We
can’t process your application without it.
Write in your height using centimetres.
Choose an eye colour that is closest to your own, such
as brown, blue, green, grey, hazel or black.
Passport number
Write your passport number exactly as it appears in
your passport.
We do not need you to send us your passport. Please
do not send it in with your application.
Emergency travel document
If you are applying for a replacement of your
emergency travel document you must use the Adult
form. Please do not complete this form.
The Department of Internal Aairs reserves the right
to request the return of any travel document from the
holder at any time.
Your contact and delivery details
Your home address
This is the place where you are currently living. Do not
give a box or bag number, or a ‘care of’ (c/-) address.
Your contact details
We need your contact details in case we have questions
about your application or if we need to contact you
about your passport. Write in phone numbers and an
email address, so we can contact you.
Your delivery address
If you want your passport delivered to a home address
in New Zealand, someone must be at home to sign for
it. If there is no one at home to sign for it, you will
need to organise a redelivery.
If you want your passport delivered to a business,
write the name and the address of the business.
If you want your passport delivered by international
courier you must provide a street address, not a
Post Box number.
WARNING Once your passport application has
been received, your old passport will be cancelled
immediately and cannot be used for travel. Anyone
attempting to travel on a cancelled passport will be
refused travel.
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Your emergency contact
Give us the name and contact details of a person
who can be contacted in emergency situations.
If you have an accident, become sick or are involved in an
incident while you are travelling overseas, someone can be
contacted on your behalf. We recommend that you choose
a person who is not likely to be travelling with you.
Identity referee
Who can be your identity referee?
Your identity referee must:
have a valid New Zealand passport
have known you for 1 year or more
be 16 years of age or older
not be related to you or part of your extended family
not be your spouse or partner
not live at the same address as you.
You need to provide your identity referee’s passport
number, name, date of birth and contact phone
Your applicant declaration
Head covering
If you wear a head covering for religious or medical
reasons, please tick this option.
If you did not wear a head covering in your last
passport, please complete a statutory declaration form
telling us why you now wear one, and send it to us
with your application.
You must sign this declaration if:
you have filled in your application form yourself
you can sign your own name but someone else has
filled in the application form for you.
If you cannot sign your own name, please leave the
section unsigned and tick this option.
If you were able to sign your name in your last
passport, the person who filled in the application form
for you must complete a statutory declaration form
stating the reason why you are now unable to sign this
application. Please send the statutory declaration to us
with your application.
Write on the back of one photo
Write your full name and the date on the back of
one photo.
Photos – getting passport quality photos
Provide 2 identical colour photos that are less than 6
months old and send them with this application. Do
not staple or paperclip the photos to the application
as this will damage them and we may not be able to
use them in your passport.
New technology has been introduced to scan your
photos and ensure that they meet international travel
standards. We strongly recommend
that you obtain your photos from
a business that provides a passport
photo service, as the business will
help ensure that your photos meet
our requirements.
Photographs that do not meet our
requirements will NOT be accepted
and this will delay the issue of your
new passport.
To help you avoid some of the
most common problems with photo
quality, we have summarised the
main requirements below and
provided some sample photos.
If you need more detailed information about photos,
visit our website passports.govt.nz or phone us at the
contact numbers listed on the front cover of these
guide notes.
Photographic image requirements
Photo age
photos must be less than 6 months old.
Photo size
standard size 35mm x 45mm.
Head size
head, including hair, should fit within the oval
shown in the template below
maximum size of head, including hair, must be
80% of photo
head must be centred, with a clear gap around the
sides and top of the head, including hair.
Paper quality
use high quality, high resolution photo paper
you can also use colour film or low gloss coated
thermal papers as long as the printer is high resolution
DO NOT use matt paper, heavy-backed thermal paper
or an ink-jet printer.
Photo quality
photo must be a true image, not altered in any way
photo must be in focus, with no red-eye and no
reflected light on the face.
the background must be plain and light, but not white
there must be strong contrast between image and
background, with no shadows.
face the camera straight on, with your head straight,
eyes open and mouth closed
maintain a neutral expression, not smiling or frowning
ensure you have no hair across your face or eyes as
eyes must be clearly visible.
eyes must be clearly showing through glasses, with
no reflection
remove glasses with heavy-rimmed frames
do not wear sunglasses, or glasses with tinted lenses
that obscure your eyes.
Head covering or headband
no head covering or headband should be worn in the
photo, unless you must wear either for religious or
medical reasons. In this case you must tick the box in
the applicant declaration at section
If you did not wear a head covering or headband in your
last passport please complete a statutory declaration
form and send it to us with your application.
3mm Gap
28mm (80%)
Actual head size
(including hair)
35mm (width)
Actual photo size
PAS300 25 May 2024
Photographic image requirements — examples
Please note that these example photos are not actual size.
Head size and facial expression
Head too big Expression not
Glasses, head covering, scarves and hair
Frames too heavy Frames obscuring
Light reflection
on lenses
Tinted lenses
obscuring eyes
Scarf covering chin/
edges of face
Face partially
covered by
head covering
Contrast and lighting
Shadows on
Contrast too dark
Application fees and payment
Choosing a level of service
When we have all the information we need and the correct
payment, we will process your application within the
following service times.
Standard service: for current processing timeframes, visit
Urgent service: up to 3 working days
Callout service: outside business hours by appointment only
Remember to add on delivery time to and from the Passport
Oce for Standard and Urgent service.
Urgent service
There is an extra fee for using the Urgent service.
Callout service
There is an extra fee for using the Callout service.
This service is available by appointment outside business
hours, 7 days a week, for emergency situations. Contact us
for more information.
Cost of your application and courier costs
To find out the cost of application fees and courier costs,
refer to the sections on pages 5 and 6 of this application
form, visit passports.govt.nz or phone one of the following
New Zealand:
Freephone 0800 22 50 50 within New Zealand
+64 4 462 0650 from overseas
Freephone 1300 559 535 within Australia
+61 2 9225 2300 from overseas
United Kingdom:
+44 20 7968 2730
If you are using the Urgent or Callout service because your
travel is for bereavement or serious illness, you may not have
to pay the extra fee or we may refund the extra fee. Send us
a letter (in English) from a doctor, hospital or the police to
explain the circumstances.
How to pay
Your application fee must be paid in the currency of the
country where you are sending your application to be
If you apply by mail you can pay your fee by credit card or
debit card. DO NOT POST CASH.
If you apply in person at a Passport Oce counter, you can
also pay by EFTPOS.
If you pay by credit card or debit card
• provide all requested details in section
of the form
• note that Diners card is not accepted.
Delivery details
Delivery is by courier. Refer to the courier costs section on
page 6 of the application form for more information.
PAS300 25 May 2024
Send your application to us
Send us your application.
We recommend you send your application to us by courier so you can track delivery.
Post to:
New Zealand Passport Oce
Department of Internal Aairs
PO Box 1568
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Courier only to:
New Zealand Passport Oce
Department of Internal Aairs
Level 2, 7 Waterloo Quay
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Post to:
New Zealand Passport Oce
Department of Internal Aairs
GPO Box 365
Sydney NSW 2001
Courier to:
New Zealand Passport Oce
Department of Internal Aairs
Level 22, 20 Bond Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Post or courier to:
New Zealand Passport Oce
Department of Internal Aairs
1 Pall Mall East
London SW1Y 5AU
United Kingdom
If you live outside New Zealand, Australia, or the United Kingdom, either post or courier your application to the New Zealand Passport
Oce nearest you.
Alternatively, contact your nearest New Zealand Embassy or High Commission to see if you can submit your application via their
oce for an additional fee. NB Not all oces provide this service.
To find the contact details of your nearest New Zealand High Commission or Embassy visit mfat.govt.nz.
Passports Act 1992, Section 4(3)(b)
Under the terms of the Passports Act 1992, the Minister may refuse to issue a New Zealand passport where:
there is in force a warrant issued in New Zealand for the arrest of the applicant
the applicant is on bail or is subject to a community-based sentence under subpart 2 of Part 2 of the Sentencing Act 2002; or
a sentence of home detention under subpart 2A of Part 2 of the Sentencing Act 2002; or
is released under subpart 2 of Part 1 of the Parole Act 2002; or
the applicant is required by an order made by a New Zealand court to refrain from obtaining a passport or to surrender a
passport; or
the applicant is subject to an order made by a New Zealand court that requires the applicant, or the eect of which requires the
applicant to remain in New Zealand; or
the applicant is subject to a sentence imposed by a New Zealand court, the eect of which requires the applicant to remain in
New Zealand.
Privacy statement
The information we ask for as part of your New Zealand passport application is needed to confirm your identity and eligibility to
be issued a New Zealand passport. The information collected is required to process your application for a New Zealand passport
under the Passports Act 1992.
We may use information sharing agreements, authorised by law, to obtain information from other sources (such as the
Citizenship Oce and Births, Deaths and Marriages) to establish your identity and confirm your eligibility for a New Zealand
Depending on where your New Zealand passport is being delivered, we will provide your email address and contact phone
number to our trusted courier providers. This will allow them to provide you with your tracking number and contact you if there
are any issues with delivery. You can find a current list of our courier providers at passports.govt.nz.
For delivery within the United Kingdom your email address and contact phone number will only be used if there are any issues
with delivery. You will not receive a tracking number.
The Department may, under a written agreement between the Secretary of Internal Aairs and the Chief Executive of the
organisation requesting the information, share information from your passport records with an organisation that requires the
information to facilitate the processing of passengers, verify the identity of a holder of a travel document, or determine whether
a person is a New Zealand citizen. This information sharing is authorised under the Passports Act 1992 and the Privacy Act 2020.
More information can be found at dia.govt.nz.
The information that may be shared includes, but is not limited to, the information recorded in your passport, the status of your
passport, the Department’s passport database key number, and other information relating to your passport that may be required.
You have a right to access and request a correction of any personal information collected under the Privacy Act 2020.
PAS300 25 May 2024
Detach the guide notes here
Have you checked your application form and ensured it has been correctly completed?
Have you included the correct payment for your application?
Have you signed the applicant declaration in section
of your application form?
Have you supplied 2 identical recent colour photos of yourself?
Have you written your name and the date on the back of one photo?
Will you need to send any documents
with this application?
No. We do not require your old passport. Please do not send it to us.
Please note that in some circumstances we may need to contact you for further information or original
documents if we are unable to verify your details by computer.
PAS300 25 May 2024
Your personal details
Write your name as it appears in your passport
Surname or family name
First and middle names
Write your place of birth
City or town you were born in
Country you were born in
Write your date of birth / /
2 9
9 6 8
Tick your gender Male Female Gender X See page 1 of the guide notes
Write your height (centimetres)
Write your eye colour
Write your passport number
We do not require your old passport. Please do not send it to us.
WARNING: Once your application has been received your old passport will be cancelled immediately and
cannot be used for travel. Anyone attempting to travel on a cancelled passport will be refused travel.
Your contact and delivery details
Write your home address
Unit and/or house number Street name
City or town Postcode
State Country
Please use a BLACK or BLUE ballpoint pen and write in CAPITAL letters inside each box so that our
computer software can accurately capture your information.
Page 1 of 6
Changing your gender?
Write your new gender here
PAS300 25 May 2024
Application for a
New Zealand Passport
Uruwhenua Aotearoa
Write your contact details
6 4
2 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Please write your email address in CAPITAL letters so that our computer software can accurately capture your information.
Write the address you want your passport delivered to if dierent from your home address
If you want your passport delivered by international courier, you must provide a street address, not a
Post Box number.
Business name (if required)
Unit and/or house number Post Box number Post Box holder name
Street name
City or town Postcode
State Country
Your emergency contact
Write the name and contact details of a person who can be contacted in case of emergency
Surname or family name
First and middle names
Write their address and contact details
Unit and/or house number Street name
City or town Postcode
State Country
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Page 2 of 6
Your identity referee
Write your identity referee’s New Zealand passport number
Write your identity referee’s name
Surname or family name
First and middle names
Write your identity referee’s date of birth / /
Write your identity referee’s contact phone numbers
After hours
Your applicant declaration
Tick any box that applies
I wear a head covering or headband for religious or medical reasons
I am unable to sign my name
If someone else has filled in this application for you but you are able to sign your own name, you must sign this section.
If you are unable to sign your own name, the signature in this section must be left blank. The person who filled in the
application form for you must not sign this section
I declare that the information I have given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true, complete
and correct.
I understand that if I have provided false information my passport can be cancelled and I can, by law, be
fined or imprisoned.
I confirm that I have read the section relating to privacy in the guide notes for this application.
I agree that, for the purposes of this application, other government agencies may release personal
information about myself which will assist the Passport Oce in determining my entitlement to be issued
with, or continue to hold, a New Zealand passport.
I understand that if I use, or have possession of, a forged or false New Zealand travel document, I may be liable
on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years, a fine not exceeding NZ$250,000, or both.
I confirm that I have read the section relating to section 4(3)(b) of the Passports Act 1992 in the Guide Notes,
and I declare that I am not subject to any of the matters listed in that section, that there is no court order,
sentence, or other condition that may prevent the issue of a passport to me under the Passports Act 1992.
WARNING: It is an oence against the Passports Act
1992 to knowingly or recklessly make a statement that
is false or misleading in a material particular for the
purposes of gaining a New Zealand passport.
Do not staple, glue or
paperclip photos to the
application as this may
cause damage.
Write your name and the
date on the back of one
Write your name and the date on the
back of one of your photos
Date signed
/ /
Sign your applicant declaration here
PAS300 25 May 2024
Page 3 of 6
Supporting Documents Previous Travel Documents Requested Passport Type
Cit/Des RTD
POrd Foreign
Let C/use
Photos x2
Date received:
Completed by:
Approved by:
Payment witnessed by:
Other Products
Application fees and payment
Before completing this section, read section
of the guide notes.
You will be charged the following:
application fee — based on the level of service you select below, plus
courier cost — based on your delivery address.
To find out your application fee and courier cost, refer to the tables on pages 5 and 6 of this
application, visit passports.govt.nz or phone your nearest Passport Oce.
Tick the level of service you want
for current processing timeframes, visit passports.govt.nz/passport-timeframes
up to 3 working days
— by phone appointment only
Tick the method of payment you want
Credit, debit or prepaid card (for example, Prezzy card) Complete payment card details section on page 5.
EFTPOS (in person only)
Do not send cash, cheques, money orders or card.
Send your application to us
Send us your completed application form by courier or post.
Refer to the guide notes section
to find the New Zealand Passport Oce nearest to you.
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Funds must be available in your account when your application arrives or it will be delayed.
card type
Visa MasterCard AMEX Debit card
Card number
- - -
Card expiry date
If you are making payment with a credit card at our UK oce
include the CSV number
(last 3 or 4 digit number of the reverse side of the card)
CSV Number
(Only needed when lodging application in the UK)
Name as it appears on card
Cardholder’s signature
I authorise the Department of Internal Aairs to charge the total amount across to my credit or debit card.
Payment card details
Application fees – eective from 25 May 2024
An Adult passport is valid for a maximum period of 10 years.
You will be charged the application fee based on the level of service you select in
Level of service
Lodged in
New Zealand
Lodged in
Lodged in the
United Kingdom
Standard service (see guide notes) NZD $215.00 AUD $253.00 GBP £133.00
Urgent service (up to 3 working days) NZD $430.00 AUD $506.00 GBP £266.00
Callout service (by appointment only) NZD $871.00 AUD $972.00 GBP £510.00
Application fees must be paid in the currency of the location where you are lodging your application.
Application fees are regulated by the Passport (Fees) Regulations 2015.
As fees are all regulated in New Zealand dollars, from time to time the fees for lodging your application
in Australia or the UK are reviewed to reflect the current exchange rate. The latest review took eect from
25 May 2024.
If you reside outside of New Zealand, and are sending your application to New Zealand for processing,
we will exclude the GST amount from the above New Zealand application fees. Please note that courier
cost applies.
See over for courier costs
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Courier costs
You will be charged a courier cost based on the delivery address in
Delivery destination
Paper application
lodged in
Paper application
lodged in
Paper application
lodged in
New Zealand NZD $5.00
(including GST)
Lodge your
application online
or in NewZealand
Lodge your
application online
or in NewZealand
Australia NZD $13.00 AUD $12.00 Lodge your
application online
or in Australia
United Kingdom NZD $27.00 Lodge your
online or in the
GBP £13.00
Asia Pacific countries NZD $22.00 AUD $20.00 Lodge your
application online
or in NewZealand
or Australia
United States NZD $32.00 AUD $30.00 GBP £16.00
European countries
(excluding the UK and countries
listed below)
NZD $43.00 AUD $40.00 GBP £21.00
Bulgaria, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Cyprus, Croatia,
Greece, Macedonia, Malta,
Switzerland, Serbia, Libya,
Pakistan, Ukraine
NZD $51.00 AUD $47.00 GBP £25.00
Russia, Iran, Nepal, Belarus NZD $56.00 AUD $52.00 GBP £27.00
Rest of world NZD $45.00 AUD $42.00 GBP £22.00
If your delivery address is in Libya, Pakistan or Ukraine — please lodge your application online or in the
If your delivery address is in Russia, Iran, Nepal or Belarus your passport will need to be delivered to a
NewZealand Embassy or Consular.
If your delivery address is in Morocco — please contact our London Oce prior to submitting your
Please note that international deliveries may be subject to additional fees and charges, imposed for example
by the courier company and/or customs of the country where your new passport is being delivered to. These
fees and charges must be paid directly by the applicant in the country of delivery and cannot be paid in
advance to the Department.