Brogan Williams
College of Functional Movement Clinicians,
Auckland, NZ
Objective: The goal of this narrative review was to
describe research regarding the potential mechanisms
behind spinal manipulation.
Methods: The search was conducted through Google
Scholar, PubMed, ResearchGate, and the standard
Google search engine. The inclusion criteria had
no limit regarding the date or type of research.
Keywords used to direct the search were: Spinal
Manipulation; Chiropractic adjustment; High Velocity,
Low Amplitude; Thrust; Manipulation; Manual Therapy;
Lumbar Adjustment; Low Back Adjustment; Lumbar
Manipulation; Low Back Manipulation; Thoracic
Adjustment; Thoracic Manipulation; Cervical
Adjustment; Cervical Manipulation.
Results: 164 papers were used in this review. These
include experimental evidence case studies, case
series, randomized control trials, research reviews,
research articles, population studies, cohort studies,
case-control studies, as well as medical textbooks.
The underlying mechanism of HVLA thrust, or spinal
manipulation (SM) has been highly examined for many
years and was further explored in this review. Various
theories have been established throughout the
literature covering both physiological and neurological
mechanisms, such as the local physiological and
biochemical changes that occur to the synovial joint
structures and surrounding soft tissue- altering synovial
uid viscosity, increasing blood ow, altering tissue
pliability and modulating pain perception via gate theory
and/or descending inhibition. Neurological effects have
also been highlighted regarding the impact of spinal
manipulation on the brain via changes to afferent/
efferent impulses, potentially altering the state of our
immune system, brain neuroplasticity, proprioception,
cortical drive and function of the prefrontal cortex.
Conclusion: This review provides a framework for a
better understanding of the potential mechanisms
involved in spinal manipulation. (J Contemporary Chiropr
Key Indexing Terms: Chiropractic; Osteopathy; Spinal
Manipulation; Cavitation
The objective of this study is to contribute to the
body of evidence related to spinal manipulation (SM).
The amount of research behind spinal manipulation
is growing; however, little attention has been paid to
the possible impact SM may have. The purpose of this
paper is to not only describe the effects of SM and the
possible mechanisms responsible but also to encourage
clinicians to use the modality in practice.
What is spinal manipulation?
Spinal Manipulation (SM) (also known as an adjustment)
is a high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust directed
at spinal segments and/or joints in the human body. (1)
SM distinguishes itself from other manual techniques
by the speed by which the thrust is delivered and the
audible cavitation that can often be heard as the uid
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
within the synovial membrane is redistributed. (2,3)
This occurs as the joint is swiftly being taken beyond its
active range of motion and into the paraphysiological
space, and involves the spontaneous redistribution
of pressure, creation of gas and absorption in an
enclosed uid-lled system, consistent with a
process called tribonucleation. (2-4). The underlining
mechanism of HVLA thrust, or spinal manipulation (SM)
has been speculative for decades. Some of the more
common theories focus on the local physiological and
biochemical changes that occur to the synovial joint
structures and the surrounding soft tissue – altering
synovial uid viscosity, increasing blood ow, altering
tissue pliability and modulating pain perception via gate
theory and/or descending inhibition. (5- 9) Others focus
more on the possible neurological impact SM could
have on the body, such as how the changes to afferent
and efferent impulses to and from the brain could be
impacting our immune system, brain neuroplasticity,
proprioception, cortical drive and prefrontal cortex
functions. (10- 15) Although the techniques are similar
(chiropractic adjustments, spinal manipulation and
HVLA), the purpose for using this technique varies
from health profession to health profession, with the
objective behind the technique being the dening factor;
however, it is mostly associated with chiropractors and
osteopaths, many of whom exclusively use the HVLA
The goal of this narrative review was to nd and
appraise a multitude of relevant research and studies
regarding the possible mechanisms behind chiropractic
adjustments and/or spinal manipulation (SM). The
reported effects of SM in the literature are quite
extensive and require an in-depth review to fully cover
the breadth of currently available research. The search
was conducted primarily through Google Scholar,
PubMed, ResearchGate and the standard Google search
engine. Keywords used to direct the search were:
Spinal Manipulation; Chiropractic adjustment; High
Velocity, Low Amplitude; Thrust; Manipulation; Manual
Therapy; Osteopathic treatment; Lumbar Adjustment;
Low; Back Adjustment; Lumbar Manipulation; Low
Back Manipulation; Thoracic Adjustment; Thoracic
Manipulation; Cervical Adjustment; Cervical
164 resources were located and used in this review,
this includes experimental evidence case studies, case
series, randomised control trials, research reviews,
research articles, population studies, cohort studies,
case-control studies, and medical textbooks.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change, rewire,
reorganise and alter neural connections due to external
and environmental information – sometimes in the form
of new information, sensory stimulation and/or various
types of perceived damage. (16) When our body goes
through a series of negative adaptive changes, it is
called maladaptation or maladaptive changes (17), and
this happens frequently. One example is pain. The site
of pain isnt necessarily the cause of it, the severity of
pain isnt always equal to the degree of tissue damage,
and the feeling of pain isnt always due to the ring of
nociceptive neurons. (18) Rather, tissue damage and the
ring of nociceptors is only 1 part of the process, and in
totality, pain is extremely complicated and modulated
by the brain; this impacts how our brain perceives the
world, the environment and the information that is
available around us. (19) In fact, the literature shows that
chronic pain (greater than 3 months) has this effect on
the brain, a maladaptation. (20) Studies show structural
and functional changes to the brain when chronic pain
is present. This includes synapse plasticity, glial cell
changes, spinal cord adaptations, and alterations to grey
matter volume, among others. (21) Ultimately, chronic
pain serves as an example of maladaptive plastic
changes to the brain, and how the brain can create faulty
inner maps, changing the brain itself. (10) This research
leads us away from the traditional structural pathology
models of understanding pain and directs us toward a
more neuroplasticity model, one that acknowledges not
only all the many variables involved in and around pain
but also how it can compromise one’s neurophysiology
and possibly alter one’s awareness and adaptability.
Changes occur all the time on the spectrum between
positive and negative adaptation between the brain and
body, and these changes again are not only driven by
physical, pathological or biological factors, but a range
of things that can include emotions, thoughts, various
types of mental and/or physical trauma and many
different types of daily life stressors such as sleep, diet,
exercise, work and even social interactions. (22,23) By
the time any real symptoms begin to appear, it is likely
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
some amount of maladaptation has been occurring,
the patient simply unaware of it. By understanding the
sheer complexity of pain, we can gather a greater overall
understanding of how injuries really occur and how they
work. For example, following low back injuries there
can be an array of neurological negative changes, all of
which modulated through the amygdala, hypothalamus,
hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC), and NOT only
through nociception alone. (24-27).This supports the
narrative that communication between the brain and the
body is not only important but vital to an accurate inner
map or brain schema. (10)
Beyond the acute period of low back pain, there can
be multiple physical changes to the tissues, such as
muscle brosis, fatty inltration, twitch ber changes,
muscle atrophy, hypomobility and even degeneration at
the joints (28); and although this is important and can
cause long-term dysfunction, we also see neurological
motor decits, such as cerebrocortical activity, postural
motor changes, altered motor control of the spine and
trunk muscles, delayed reex responses, reduced feed-
forward activation and changes in proprioception. (29-
34) There is a growing body of research showing that
chiropractic adjustments and/or spinal manipulation
have an impact on central processing. (35) Studies show
that post-manipulation there is an improvement in
cortical drive, mental rotation, multimodal integration,
cerebellum modulation and joint position sense; as
well as changes to sensory motor integration, altered
H-reex/V-waves and cerebellum communication. (13-
This suggests that spinal manipulation improving
spinal function has an impact on neuroplasticity and
a neurological modulation effect on how the body
interprets information and the brain’s awareness and
ability to perceive the world around it – such as visual
and sound information, body position awareness,
objects in space and mental rotation. (40) More research
and quality literature are still needed as this is not yet a
full picture; however, it is a peek into how powerful and
benecial spinal manipulation could be. (10)
Prefrontal Cortex
We are only now beginning to realise how much of an
impact “stress” can truly have on the body and mind.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) studies show
a strong, graded relationship between exposure to
household dysfunction and abuse (stress) during
childhood and increased health risks for many causes
of death in adults, including various mental disorders,
such as depression, bipolar, anxiety disorders and
suicide. (41) In fact, further ACE studies showed children
who experienced ACE had a higher risk of chronic pain
later in life. (42) One study showed that as the ACE score
increased so did the prevalence of chronic headaches,
showing a frightening relationship between early life
stressors and chronic pain/mental health. (43) The
more we learn about stress, the more we begin to
understand the profound physiological, emotional and
mental effects the stress neuromatrix can have on our
bodies, our quality and quantity of sleep, the pain we
feel, inammation and our overall well-being. (44) These
stressors can impact how our brain perceives pain
and information; ultimately causing a stress induced
maladaptive neuroplasticity in the brain. (10)
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is like the administrator
of the brain. Often associated with performing our
executive higher functions, the PFC orchestrates our
actions, thoughts, moods and emotions; it even plays
a role in processing pain. (45) It is the region of higher
intelligence as a species, helping us differentiate
between right and wrong, resolving internal conicts,
problem-solving and the suppression of unwanted
emotional urges regulating our personality. (46) Among
many other things, the PFC has many connections with
multiple areas of the brain, allowing the processing
of multimodal sensory inputs which helps modulate
our various behaviors. (47) Recent studies have shown
that the stress neuromatrix has a rather signicant
impact on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) by shutting down
PFC regulation during major stress. (27) Furthermore,
research shows that a decrease in grey matter in the
medial PFC has been seen in people with chronic pain.
This opens the door to a greater understanding of how
stress truly impacts the body and mind. It becomes
a vicious cycle of stress, pain, maladaptive changes,
PFC inhibition, physical and psychological issues.
(24) A 2016 study showed that spinal manipulation
affects sensorimotor integration in the prefrontal
cortex. (40) Furthermore, a 2007 study showed cervical
manipulation alters cortical somatosensory processing
and a 2010 study showed that spinal manipulation
(SM) may also alter the cortical integration of dual
somatosensory input, theorizing to one of the possible
mechanisms responsible for the reduction in pain an
improvement in functional ability following SM. (15,49)
More research is needed to strengthen these ndings
and provide more details around this association;
however, this is an interesting concept suggesting the
extent of neurological response from SM.
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
The functional spinal unit is heavily dense with various
sensory receptors since the deep paraspinal muscles
play a crucial role in proprioceptive signalling, providing
a "neural image" of our spine and the movement within,
around or involved with it. A lack of incoming afferent
information can inhibit the brain from reacting in
real time, causing altered efferent output/abnormal
proprioception and other dysfunction. (50)
There is some research to support this notion, showing
an increase in proprioception post spinal manipulation
through a mechanism called sensorimotor integration,
which is the ability to incorporate sensory inputs that
provide information about one's body and the external
environment to inform and shape motor output. (13-14)
For example, one study showed a signicant increase in
ankle dorsiexion range of motion and proprioception in
subjects with chronic recurrent ankle sprains following
chiropractic adjustments/spinal manipulation. (51)
Another, by Haavik and Murphy, showed an increase
in elbow joint position sense and proprioception
following cervical chiropractic adjustments/spinal
manipulation, and a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in
2016 showed an improvement in sensorimotor, multi-
sensory integration, ankle joint sense, stepping reaction
times and proprioception awareness in a group of 60
participants following chiropractic care. (6,13)
Feed-Forward Activation
One key area of interest is the positive impact
chiropractic adjustments have on feed forward
activation (FFA). Feed forward activation times have
been hypothesized to be a common prerequisite for
avoiding injury. (52) Studies show that prior to limb
movement, various "core" muscles/supportive and
postural trunk muscles contract rst to stabilize and
protect the structural systems involved, which are often
the lumbar spine, connective tissues and joints. (53)
This is also supported by McGill’s “proximal stiffness
theory, which he has tested over the course of his 30-
year career and had great success with helping clients
all around the world abolish their low back pain. (54,55)
Further research also demonstrates that athletes with
LBP have a signicant decrease in measured FFA, which
includes reduced muscle activation, less co-contraction
patterns and decreased abdominal endurance. (56) In
recent years, it has become somewhat controversial
whether "corrective exercises" can improve FFA
(57), or produce not much of an effect at all, with
research displaying both outcomes. However, 1 RCT
demonstrated a signicant amount of improvement
(38.4%) in FFA times following a sacroiliac joint
manipulation. (58)
Strength, MVC and Muscle Activation
An increase in “strength” is usually the last thing people
associate with spinal manipulation, but there have been
studies documenting this. Strength can be dened in
a number of ways, but in this situation we are seeing
a short-term increase post spinal manipulation that
indicates a clear increase to what was tested prior. One
method of testing is by measuring the participant’s
maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) pre-and post SM,
often on a movement such as plantar exion and/or
elbow exion, while some studies have tested muscles
like the anterior tibilalis and the abductor pollicus
brevis. (59) Regardless, the point is to monitor a muscle’s
force output and the electrical potentials generated
by the muscle cells, to give an indication of both
strength output and muscle activation or muscle bre
recruitment. (5) A helpful way to measure the amount of
change that is occurring post SM is to measure H-reex
and V-waves also, H-reex being associated with
increased resistance to muscular fatigue and V-waves
being associated with an increase in neural drive to
the muscle cells, as it reects the magnitude of motor
output from the descending pathways. (60,61)
In 2018, a randomised controlled study of 11 athletes
showed an increase in V-wave and MVC aka strength and
corticospinal excitability following a single session of
chiropractic care. (5) Moreover, a 1996 study showed that
30 college students displayed an increase in quadriceps
femoris muscle strength following a manipulation to
the L3/4 motion segment. The authors concluded an
overall statistically signicant increase in strength
was observed. (62) Additionally, a recent randomized
controlled crossover study showed a substantial
increase of plantar exor muscle strength in chronic
stroke patients following a single session of chiropractic
care and an older 1999 study showed a decrease in
muscle inhibition and an increase in knee extensor ROM
and muscle activation in patients with anterior knee
pain following a sacroiliac joint chiropractic adjustment.
Finally, a study from 2002 consisting of 16 patients with
chronic neck pain, reduced cervical ROM and bicep/arm
muscle inhibition demonstrated an increase in ROM,
decrease in pain, decrease in muscle inhibition and an
increase in elbow exion strength following a cervical
spine manipulation/adjustment. (64) Although this may
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
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seem signicant, it is a very interesting glimpse into the
neurology of an adjustment, it does however suggest
a need for studies that gather long-term data and not
only short-term changes. More conclusive studies are
needed for a strong conclusion; however, it is exciting
to see the possible benets of SM explored, especially
when it comes to strength, even if it is short term only.
Pain is complicated and a signicant issue in today’s
society. For example, lower back pain (LBP) specically
is a major issue for our health system, leading people
(who are in pain) to consider drugs such as non-steroidal
anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids and muscle
relaxants. (65) In fact, 1 in 4 people are reported to have
experienced LBP within the last 3 months (66), and 75-
85% of the USA population have experienced it within
their lifetime. (67) It doesn't stop there, because reports
show that up to 94% of elite athletes experience LBP too
(68), which makes sense as roughly 5-10% of all injuries
in athletes are lower-back related (69).
There is high-quality research demonstrating the
effectiveness and ecacy of chiropractic and spinal
manipulation for pain. The Manga Report presented
an overwhelming body of evidence concluding that
chiropractic care is both more cost-effective than
traditional medical management and more effective
at treating LBP than alternative treatments. (70)
Furthermore, a 2006 retrospective case study found
chiropractic adjustments may be suitable and effective
at decreasing lower back pain for pregnant women.
(71) Additionally, Descarreaux et al found that long-
term maintenance chiropractic care (adjustments and
spinal manipulation) was effective at decreasing even
chronic pain. What's more, another paper showed
spinal manipulation to be effective at treating chronic
tension-like headaches; demonstrating better long-
term therapeutic benets than amitriptyline. (72,73)
Likewise, a 1999 randomized control study consisting
of 77 patients demonstrated spinal manipulation to be
more effective at decreasing pain than acupuncture
and NSAIDs (74), and a 2001 systematic review of 9 trials
and over 600 patients suggessted cervical manipulation
was effective at treating chronic headaches, even
better than massage and some medication. (75) Finally,
a 2010 study shows manual therapy (manipulation and
mobilisation) to have better pain outcomes than certain
specic exercise interventions alone (76), and a 2012
meta-analysis demonstrates that spinal manipulation
increases a patient's pain threshold, helping them better
regulate pain. (9)
Descending inhibition
Descending inhibition is widely understood as a pain
modulation effect that occurs when a stimulus received
by the body elicits descending projections from the
brain down to the spinal cord, providing a reduction in
the pain that is perceived by the patient. (77) Although
not fully understood, there are many theories about the
exact mechanism that causes these analgesic effects
following spinal manipulation, although it is widely
theorized that it is a neurophysiological modulation
effect of some kind caused by descending inhibition. (8)
This mechanism is not exclusive to spinal manipulation,
but likely any sensory input that is competing (so to
speak) with the noxious or painful input signals, almost
like a gate (more on that later). Regardless of the exact
mechanism of how this is occurring, as discussed above
there is a fair amount of research and literature showing
the effects adjustments or spinal manipulation can have
on pain and the perception of incoming pain signals.
(9,70-74) This seems to be a well-known fact, with $8.1
billion annually being spent on manual therapies alone in
the US. (78)
The descending inhibitory modulation circuits include
various neurotransmitters, most notably oxytocin,
serotonin, vasopressin, adenosine, endocannabinoids
and endogenous opioids (EO). It is also relevant to
note that the analgesic response from human touch
is mediated by EO. (79- 83) These neurotransmitters
have been found to interact with the periaqueductal
grey (PAG) of the midbrain and rostral ventromedial
medulla (RVM) in a way that modulates the pain circuits
and output of the brain. (8) The PAG was identied in
the 1960s for its noticeable descending projections into
the RVM and dorsal horn of the spinal cord and for its
ability to mediate pain and opioid-based analgesia. It is
now widely accepted that the PAG-RVM-SC pathway is
one of the essential neurological circuitry for opioid-
based pain modulation or anti-nociception. (77) Animal
studies found that neurons were inhibited by “noxious”
stimuli and the term “DNIC'' was created (diffuse noxious
inhibitory control). (84) This term later became referred
to as CPM (conditioned pain modulation). Human
research and studies have since shown clear local
and segmental hypoalgesic effects following spinal
manipulation with the understanding that the HVLA
thrust does have a profound inuence on the descending
inhibitory pain mechanism. (85,86).
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
Gate Theory
Within the central pain modulatory system (CPM) (as
discussed above), is another well-known mechanism
that attempts to explain how pain could be modulated
through non-noxious input stimuli, the gate control
theory. (87) This theory of pain perception states that
non-noxious input can suppress pain by modulating the
output through inhibiting the nociceptors at the dorsal
root that inform the brain. (88,89) Like a gate, when the
system is triggered by touch or a spinal manipulation,
that pathway is open, closing the pathway that was
facilitating pain. The non-threatening input stimulates
the low-threshold A beta-bers that inhibit the incoming
pain signals from the A-delta and C afferent bers.
(88) Our A-beta bers within our spinal nerves carry
information like touch from the brain to body, and the
body to brain – these bers are myelinated, larger and
faster than the A-delta and C bres, which are smaller
and have a slower speed conduction rate. (90)
Psychosocial Factors
The inuence of non-physiological factors playing a
role in pain modulation is a concept we cannot overlook.
A patient’s condence in the practitioner or doctor
providing the treatment may have an impact on clinical
outcomes. The power imbalance between the patient
and the doctor sometimes evokes an expectation
that the intervention is going to work. Whats more,
patients can be inuenced by social cues, positive
reinforcement, the environment and even the clinicians
personality. These factors can sometimes have a
placebo effect on the patient. (91). Although the exact
mechanism of how this is happening is still unknown,
one’s expectations can in fact inuence his or her’s
chemistry and physiology, resulting in the patient
experiencing similar effects to the “sham” treatment
they were told they were having. For example, one study
showed that following the administration of a placebo
that was communicated to the patients as a stimulant,
the patients experienced a spike in blood pressure,
heart rate and reaction speed. However, when the same
placebo pill was given, but told to be a sleeping pill, the
patient experienced the opposite effects. (92)
A 2013 study consisting of 146 patients ranging between
35-65 years of age who were experiencing either
knee osteoarthritis or a meniscus tear found that an
arthroscopic partial meniscectomy was no better than
a sham surgical procedure. Now, of course, there are
likely multiple factors contributing to this result but it
questions what other variables played a role and had
an impact on these patient outcomes. (93) A recent
study in the United States which examined the placebo
effect over 23 years through 84 trials found it becoming
increasingly stronger. It may be that the placebo effect
is becoming stronger due to the increase of direct-to-
consumer drug advertising in America – which alters the
expectation from the public that the drug “must work
as they are targeted to believe that via the advertising.
(94) Furthermore, a 2007 study found that placebo
interventions can improve physical disease processes
of peripheral organs more easily and effectively than
biochemical processes. (95)
Range of Motion
In addition to the pain research, adjustments and spinal
manipulation have been shown to also facilitate better
movement by improving ROM. Range of motion is crucial
for the health and function of all joints, especially
throughout the spine; it also has a profound impact
on rehabilitation post injury, as restoring passive and
active ROM becomes paramount when progressing an
injury back to full health and function. The mechanisms
responsible for the ROM increase are still largely
unknown; however, many believe it is caused by the
various neurophysiological changes that occur during
spinal manipulation. For example, taking the joint
beyond its paraphysiological space can cause changes
to the surrounding soft tissue structures (96), remodel
the state and viscosity of the facet joint’s synovial uid
(97), briey alter the spinal joints mechanics (98), and
elicit physiological changes modulated through the
nervous system, like muscle tonicity, pain modulation,
sensory changes and improved feedback abilities.
When we look at the literature, there are numerous
high quality studies showing the positive impact spinal
manipulation has on ROM. In fact, in a 2008 randomized
controlled study 17 young athletes demonstrated an
increase in hip extension ROM following sacroiliac
(SI) joint manipulation. (102) Furthermore, a 2006
study showed a greater increase in ROM and decrease
in pain following chiropractic manual therapy and
heat treatment opposed to heat treatment alone. (7)
Additionally,further studies have shown an increase in
knee ROM, an increase in cervical (neck) ROM and an
increase in ankle dorsiexion. (51,63,64,103)
Adverse Events
A chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation is a
specic high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust, a type
of manual therapy that has been implemented by
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
chiropractors and other health professions for over
100 years, with research showing that it’s an effective
method and treatment for chronic pain (104,105)
increasing ROM (98), improving healing outcomes (106)
and increasing proprioception awareness. (40)
Is it safe? There have been some literature reviews
and case reports that suggest an association between
cervical artery dissections and cervical manipulations
or adjustments. (107) It’s also important to note that
these studies failed to prove any actual causation
between cervical adjustments and stroke. Furthermore,
a study in 2008 concluded the correlation is likely
caused by patients seeking chiropractic care while
already experiencing the symptoms of a stroke, such as
headaches, migraines or neck pain; all symptoms that
chiropractors are see frequently. (108)
A 2002 study showed that a single high-velocity, low-
amplitude thrust only represents 1/9th of the strain it
would take to reach mechanical failure of a vertebral
artery. (109) Furthermore, a population, case-control,
case-crossover study looked at a population of 100
million and concluded there to be no evidence of ANY
excess risk of vertebral artery dissection or stroke
associated with chiropractic care compared to primary
care. (108) The key takeaway here is the importance of a
thorough history and quality, detailed spinal examination
prior to any treatment; to screen for patients who may
be experiencing the early stages of a stroke.
Other Mechanisms of Action
Spinal manipulation is mostly known or associated
with a cavitation, which is not only often believed to be
the technical inclusion criteria for a successful thrust
but also most of the time strangely satisfying for the
patient. As many people likely already now, the noise is
not the bones cracking or any other extreme process
for that matter, but gas in the synovial uid quickly
redistributing within the joint and causing a reduction
in pressure and a popping sound. (100) In order for a
synovial joint to reach this stage, it requires a high-
velocity thrust taking the joint into its paraphysiological
barrier. (96)
There are various ideas and theories out there around
how and why spinal manipulation has such a profound
effect. However, the mechanical mechanism of action is
often explained through key theories that have emerged
most commonly in the research and literature.
1. The release of spinal segments that have
become restricted or have undergone various
displacements. (98,103,110,111)
2. The physiological emancipation of trapped
synovial folds or intraarticular meniscoids
3. The restoration of movement and function
disrupting periarticular restrictions and
adhesions (1,102,110,114)
4. The stimulation of mechanoreceptors causing a
relaxation effect to tight or hypertonic muscles
via the “reex” theory. (99,100,115,116)
Among these four theories, a recent critical review
deemed only one of them (trapped synovial folds
or intra-articular meniscoids) is likely viable as a
reasonable and plausible explanation for the mechanism
responsible for the clinical outcomes we see with spinal
manipulation. (96) However, there is also evidence
to suggest that the gapping of the facet joints, or
separation of the zygapophyseal joints during the
cavitation process, is associated with other various
physiological outcomes, in which the cavitation is
necessary for them to occur. (117,118).
Additionally, another well-known theory within
chiropractic is the dentate-ligament-mediated cord
distortion theory. Although little has been published on
this theory, many chiropractors use it to support the
upper cervical technique (euphemistically called the
Hole-in-one technique (HIO)) which was made famous by
B.J Palmer in the 1920s/30s. (119) John Grostic was the
chief proponent of this theory. He claimed the thickness
of the dentate ligament in the cervical region could
cause compression and cord tension throughout the
entire spine and become irritated upon cervical exion.
(120,121) Many chiropractors found that adjusting the
cervical spine exclusively provided results throughout
the entire spine and body and could affect conditions
such as back or hip pain. (122).
Grostic believed that dysfunction at the dentate
ligament was what was causing interference to the
spinal cord and thus the nervous system (traditional
chiropractic subluxation theory). He narrowed it down
to two key mechanisms; 1) Mechanical irritation to the
dentate ligament, and 2) Ischemia or lack of blood ow
due to traction of the dentate ligament. Interestingly
enough, Jarzem et al set out to nd whether this was
even plausible; and concluded, using animal models,
that spinal mechanical traction does cause a reduction
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
in blood ow and an interruption to somatosensory
action potentials. (123) Since the Grostic theory was
published in 1988, a thick segment of connective tissue
has been identied decades later directly between the
rectus capitis posterior minor muscle, the dura and
the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane. This bridge
of connective tissue is thought to stabilize the upper
cervical region and prevent brainstem compression
during cervical movement; however, it has also been
associated with causing cervico-genic headaches.
What’s more, many hypothesized that if Grostic’s theory
was correct, then restoring alignment in the cervical
spine should elicit a reduction in blood pressure, as
one of the two mechanisms of the dentate theory is
blood ow stasis. In 2007, Bakris et al. performed a
double blind, placebo-controlled study that concluded
that a National Upper Cervical chiropractic procedure
(adjustment) of the atlas lowered systolic and diastolic
blood pressure. (126) The autonomic system may be
involved in mediating the effects of spinal manipulation,
from changes in thermography, HRV, pupillary reex to
potential blood pressure changes. (12,128-130) However,
in this specic case, further research several years later
found no signicant change in systolic and diastolic
blood pressure compared to the sham procedure. (127)
Muscle Activity
Changes in muscle activity and tonicity is nothing new
for manual practitioners when dealing with sore spots,
aches and pains! However, does it have any real clinician
relevance and can we use it as an objective measure
on whether a treatment was successful? Dening the
tonus” of a muscle can be dicult – as to the patient
it may feel “tight”, hard or maybe stuck; and to the
clinician it may feel hypertonic, hot and maybe a little
tougher or harder – but what does this really mean?
Beyond the traditional inammatory signs that may alter
how the muscle is presenting; such as heat, redness,
loss of function, edema and pain, a tight muscle could
really include some or none of these accompanying
factors. Muscle stiffness, so to speak, could be
caused by many things, such as muscle damage post
workout, electrolyte imbalances, mineral deciencies,
neuromuscular changes and sometimes serious
underlying myopathies or disease. (131-133). Whether you
call it a muscle spasm, a knot, or a tight muscle, more
may be happening than one thinks. Muscles adapt and
change based on the forces that are applied onto them,
or the bones or structures to which they are attached.
Sometimes postural alterations, actual physical
imbalances or simply just working out too hard can
cause those muscles to tighten or lengthen. (134)
One theory that explains this model well is the upper-
and-lower cross syndrome. Although this theory
is outdated and many now believe it is a gross over
simplication for a more complicated system, I will
use it as a means to further explore this topic. Keep in
mind, this is still taught largely in physiotherapy and
chiropractic institutions around the world. Moving on,
upper cross syndrome is a musculoskeletal diagnosis
that is largely involved with posture and prolonged
static positions. The upper cross refers to the pectoralis
muscles, deep cervical exors, levator scapula,
trapezius and serratus anterior, which form a cross
spanning across the upper body. (135-137) Poor posture
(among other things) causes a forward head carriage
and rolled forward internally rotated shoulders, resulting
in tight pectoralis muscles, tight upper trapezii, weak
or tense (lengthened) deep neck exors, levator scapula
and lower trapezii or serratus anterior, and accompanied
by pain. (138) The posture or lack of movement for
various reasons cause this tension, tightness and pain
through the musculoskeletal system, and this happens
throughout the whole body.
The Pain-Spasm-Pain Cycle
Another common theory is “the pain-spasm-pain cycle,”
which describes muscular hypertonicity as a response
to pain, leading to the muscle spasm causing nerve
compression, tissue dysfunction or ischemic pain. (101).
One of the leading theories why spinal manipulation
interacts with muscle hyperactivity is via muscular
reexogenic responses, since spinal manipulation may
disrupt the pain-spasm cycle by evoking the appropriate
muscular reex pathway and reducing muscle activity.
(4) There are studies showing a link between thermal
asymmetries and increased paraspinal muscle activity
in patients who are experiencing back pain, showing
that the link is evident between pain and muscle
hypertonicity. (139,140) What’s more, we have studies
showing an alteration to those thermal asymmetries
and muscle activation following spinal manipulation.
However, some studies conclude SM increases muscle
activation, and some say it decreases. (129,141).
However, although this may be confusing, we have
already discussed the importance of strength, muscle
activity and how SM can improve muscle strength. It
thus makes sense that contextually the body responds
using the force from the SM in the most advantageous
way possible. (5,62,114)
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
Segmental Facilitation (Motor Neurons)
In addition to the above theories, Korr’s theory of
segmental facilitation must be considered. (142) The
theory states that segments of the spine that constantly
are barraged with stimulus become facilitated and
over-sensitive, leading to an ongoing central excitatory
state. (143) Furthermore, Denslow et al demonstrated
back in 1947 that areas of the spinal cord associated
with somatic dysfunction also had an increase in hyper-
responsiveness and seemed to remain in a state of
maintained facilitation. (144) Korr believed that these
sites of somatic dysfunction mirrored sites of pain,
and these areas over time allowed the build-up of
gamma-motor neurons due to the increased trac
of stimuli through that specic spinal segment level.
The increase in gamma neuron activity caused muscle
hypertonicity by facilitating the excitement of alpha
neurons and participated in the pain-spasm-pain cycle.
(101) Ultimately Korr’s answer to this painful problem
was manipulation, theorizing that the bombardment of
neurological afferent input from spinal manipulation
caused a distracting and calming effect on the gamma
neurons. (142) Gamma motor neurons are low motor
neurons (LMNs) that contribute to muscle contraction;
however, they play an important role in modulating
tension in muscle spindles that interact with alpha
motor neurons, allowing them to re and perform full
muscle contraction. Alpha motor neurons primarily work
to generate force via innervating extrafusal muscle
bers, while gamma motor neurons alter muscle spindle
sensitivity by innervating intrafusal muscle bers. (145)
Autonomic Changes
The autonomic system is responsible for regulating
involuntary body functions such as blood ow, heart
rate, digestion and breathing while controlling blood
vessels, organs and glands. Dysautonomia is often
dened as a disorder of the autonomic nervous
system that causes disturbances to these autonomic
functions, ultimately resulting in poor health outcomes.
The autonomic system is also responsible for the
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, which
regulate ght and ight (sympathetic) and rest and
digest (parasympathetic) systems. The body requires
balance in order to function optimally; however, these
systems that were designed to help humans survive
thousands of years ago can become overly active and
stimulated, often leaning towards the sympathetic
range, leaving people in a constant state of ght or
ight, providing an environment conducive to autonomic
dysfunction. (146)
Healthcare professionals do have the ability to
measure how the autonomic system is functioning via
the variability of the space in between heart beats;
a higher heart rate variability (HRV) is better, as low
variability between heart beats indicates a system that
is not adapting eciently to the stresses being placed
upon it. In fact, a 1994 study showed that monitoring a
patient’s HRV was an accurate way of measuring cardiac
autonomic tone. (147) Furthermore, a study from 2016
concluded measuring HRV as an accurate operator
fatigue analysis system reducing the risks that occur as
a consequence of a fatigued operator. (148)
Furthermore, certain healthcare providers such as
chiropractors claim they can test the sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems via paraspinal thermography,
which through infrared technology detects the varying
degrees of temperatures across the surface of the skin.
A 2011 study showed excellent intra-examiner and inter-
examiner reproducibility of paraspinal thermography
when using a commercially available unit and a 2007
study showed an excellent reliability of data by three
different methods of computer-aided thermal pattern
analysis. (149,150). The idea is, a healthy system will
adapt in symmetrical temperature alterations through
the process of vasoconstriction/vasodilation. This is
regulated via sympathetic pre-ganglionic signals that
are part of the body's autonomic thermoregulation
system. (151) A 2-part study from 1988 consisting of 144
patients demonstrated a strong link between those
with low back pain/sciatica and thermal asymmetries,
indicating temperature asymmetry may be an effective
tool in evaluating patients with such conditions. (140)
There is some evidence showing spinal manipulation
and chiropractic care can impact both HRV and
spinal thermography. One study showed noticeable
thermography changes to the L5 region following a
lumbar L5 adjustment while a second, retrospective
case series, showed a signicant improvement of HRV
in patients receiving continuous chiropractic care.
(129,130). Additionally, a 2009 randomized control trial
consisting of 51 participants showed an increase in
HRV and parasympathetic activity following a lumbar
chiropractic adjustment. (12) Additionally, there has
been research showing changes to both blood pressure
and the pupillary reex following spinal manipulation,
indicating ANS involvement. (130,152) It is also widely
accepted that there are considerable interactions
between the autonomic nervous system and how we
perceive pain, indicating that there may be some level of
involvement happening regarding the modulation of pain
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
following SM which is being regulated through the
ANS. (153)
Sympathetic Nervous System and the Hypothalamic-
Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
Stress has a very large impact on the human body, so
it is not surprising the complicated systems that have
been developed throughout evolution to help the human
species manage and coordinate the body’s response to
stress. The hypothalamus is widely known for its ability
to coordinate incoming stress. The hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) is a complex
neuroendocrine pathway consisting of various negative
feedback loops that operate to manage the body’s
homeostasis. (154) When the body is subjected to stress,
in whatever way that may present, the sympathetic
nervous system (SNS) mediates an initial response as
a mechanism of protection; the release of epinephrine
and norepinephrine will prepare you to ght or ight,
raising your heart rate and perspiration. (155)
Additionally, the HPA axis is also engaged which starts
by the hypothalamus responding to the elevated
hormones and change in physiology and secreting
corticotropin-releasing hormone or CRH into the
bloodstream. CRH causes the pituitary gland to release
adrenocorticotropic hormone or ACTH and this hormone
is what acts on the adrenal glands causing the secretion
of glucocorticoids like cortisol. (156)
Cortisol is intriguing, because cortisol pretty much
enhances anything in your body that is likely to be
useful during a highly stressful time and inhibits
anything that is not useful- like pain; furthermore,
cortisol is known to be a potent anti-inammatory
and a hormone that helps modulates inammation.
(157) A 2019 randomised controlled study consisting of
100 healthy participants concluded that cortisol does
in fact affect pain sensitivity and a 2015 longitudinal
cohort study concluded that a hyporesponsive HPA
axis and low cortisol response to stress was associated
with musculoskeletal pain in young adults. (158,159) It
is important to note that when stress is consistently
prolonged and tempers into the chronic state, this
HPA axis can turn from a healthy adaptation to a
maladaptation causing both pain and inammation
dysfunctions. This ties into what was discussed earlier
in this review when it touched on maladaptive neural
changes and neuroplasticity.
It is also important to mention that the SNS is also
associated with pain modulation. Schlereth and Birklein
state that the activation of the SNS in healthy subjects
The underlying mechanism of HVLA thrust, or spinal
manipulation (SM) has been highly speculated for
decades, and was further explored in this review.
usually supresses pain and nociceptive transmission
by descending inhibition. (160) The release of EOs,
endorphins, serotonin, noradrenaline and GABA during
an acute, fast stressful experience is extremely
important, as these chemical mediators work to
inhibit the action potentials causing pain resulting in
descending pain inhibition and a reduction in pain. (161)
The effects induced by spinal manipulation on the
nervous system, immune system, HPA axis and
endocrine systems have been investigated for years
with many contrasting and conicting results; however,
it is clear something is happening and we may not
fully understand it all yet. (162) For example, a 2017
study showed an observed change in HPA activity via
salivary cortisol following SM. (163) Additionally, many
have explored this as a viable and plausible mechanism
underlying the clinical success we see with SM. (4)
There is even evidence showing that SM is effective at
reducing temporal summation, which is the increased
build-up of pain due to multiple repetitive nociceptive
stimuli. (164) Moving forward we need more high-quality
clinical trials looking at how SM exactly impacts the SNS,
HPA axis and the neuro-endocrine systems.
Spinal Manipulation Mechanisms
J Contemp Chiropr 2024, Volume 7
Spinal Manipulation Effects (review summary)
Various theories have been established throughout the
literature covering both physiological and neurological
mechanisms, such as the local physiological and
biochemical changes that occur to the synovial joint
structures and surrounding soft tissue – altering
synovial uid viscosity, increasing blood ow, altering
tissue pliability and modulating pain perception via
gate theory and/or descending inhibition. Neurological
effects have also been highlighted regarding the
impact of spinal manipulation on the brain via changes
to afferent/efferent impulses; potentially altering the
state of our immune system, brain neuroplasticity,
proprioception, cortical drive and function of the
prefrontal cortex. This review provides a framework
for a better understanding and deeper comprehension
of the potential mechanisms involved in spinal
manipulation. This study is not only for the researcher,
but also for the clinician, doctor, physical therapist, and
other professionals who treat patients on a daily basis.
In order to give the best evidence-based treatment
possible, I hope that this review will offer high-quality,
consolidated, palatable information that will help to
clarify and equip the appropriate individuals to further
expand their practice in line with the research.
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