The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 1
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity
Molly L. Lewis
Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Michael C. Frank
Department of Psychology, Stanford University
We gratefully acknowledge the support of ONR Grant N00014-13-1-0287 and a John Merck
Scholars award to MCF.
Address all correspondence to Molly L. Lewis, Stanford University, Department of Psychology,
Jordan Hall, 450 Serra Mall (Bldg. 420), Stanford, CA, 94305. Phone: 650-721-9270. E-mail:
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 2
Are the forms of words systematically related to their meaning? The arbitrariness of the sign has
long been a foundational part of our understanding of human language. Theories of communication
predict a relationship between length and meaning, however: Longer descriptions should be more
conceptually complex. Here we show that both the lexicons of human languages and individual
speakers encode the relationship between linguistic and conceptual complexity. Experimentally,
participants mapped longer words to more complex objects in comprehension and production tasks
and across a range of stimuli. Explicit judgments of conceptual complexity were also highly
correlated with implicit measures of study time in a memory task, suggesting that complexity is
directly related to basic cognitive processes. Observationally, judgments of conceptual complexity
for a sample of real words correlate highly with their length across 80 languages, even controlling
for frequency, familiarity, imageability, and concreteness. While word lengths are systematically
related to usage—both frequency and contextual predictability—our results reveal a systematic
relationship with meaning as well. They point to a general regularity in the design of lexicons and
suggest that pragmatic pressures may influence the structure of the lexicon.
Keywords: communication, lexicon, language evolution
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 3
Human languages are systems for encoding information about the world. A defining feature
of a symbolic coding system is that there is no inherent mapping between the form of the code and
what the code denotes (Peirce, 1931)—the color red holds no natural relationship to the meaning
‘stop’, the numeral 3 holds no natural relationship to three units, and in language, the word ‘horse’
looks or sounds nothing like the four-legged mammal it denotes. The arbitrariness of the linguistic
sign has long been observed as a fundamental and universal property of natural language
(Saussure, 1916, 1960; Hockett, 1960). And, despite the growing number of cases suggesting
instances of non-arbitrariness in the lexicon (see Schmidtke, Conrad, & Jacobs, 2014, for review),
there is clear evidence for at least some degree of arbitrariness in language based only on the
observation that different languages use different words to denote the same meaning (e.g., the word
for horse in English is “horse” but is “at” in Turkish).
However, the arbitrary character of language holds only from the perspective of the analyst
observing a language system from the outside; from the perspective of an individual speaker, the
goal of communication provides a strong constraint on arbitrariness. Perhaps this communicative
constraint—roughly, that if my words were any different, I couldn’t use them to talk to you—is
why language doesn’t seem arbitrary to us. Put another way, Saussure (1916, 1960)’s insight was
an insight because the form of language typically feels just right for the use to which we put it,
namely talking to other people.
A rich body of theoretical work has explored communicative regularities in the use of
particular forms to refer to particular types of meanings in context—the study of pragmatics
(Grice, 1975; Horn, 1984; H. H. Clark, 1996). Broadly, this work argues that language users
assume certain regularities in how speakers refer to meanings, and through these shared
assumptions, the symmetry of the otherwise arbitrary character of language is broken. For
example, consider a speaker who intends to refer to a particular apple on a table. Because language
is a priori arbitrary, there are a range of ways the speaker could convey this meaning (e.g., “the
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 4
apple, “the banana, “the green apple,”“the green apple next to the plate, etc.), but the speaker is
constrained by pragmatic pressures of the communicative context. If the listener also speaks
English, the phrase “the banana” will be an unhelpful way to refer to the apple. Furthermore, if
there is only one apple on the table, the phrase “the green apple” will be unnecessarily verbose
given the referential context. These constraints might lead a speaker to select “the apple” as the
referring expression, because it both allows the listener to correctly identify the intended referent
while also minimizing effort on the part of the speaker.
In the present paper, we examine whether principles of communication influence the
otherwise arbitrary mappings between words and meanings in the lexicon. This hypothesis is
motivated by a regularity first observed by Horn (1984), who noted that pragmatic language users
tend to consider the effort that speakers have exerted to convey a meaning. For example, consider
the utterance “Lee got the car to stop, which seems to imply an unusual state of affairs. Had the
speaker wished to convey that Lee simply applied the brakes, the shorter and less exceptional “Lee
stopped the car” would be a better description. The use of a longer utterance licenses the inference
that there was some problem in stopping—perhaps the brakes failed—and that the situation is more
We ask whether speakers reason the same way about the meanings of words, breaking the
symmetry between two unknown meanings by reference to length. Specifically, we test the
following hypotheses:
Complexity Hypothesis 1: Speakers have a bias to believe that longer linguistic forms
refer to conceptually more complex meanings.
Complexity Hypothesis 2: Languages encode conceptually more complex meanings
with longer linguistic forms.
These two hypotheses are in principle independent from one another, and we test them separately.
We see them as potentially emerging together from the same interactive forces, however, and we
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 5
return to this relationship in the General Discussion.
An important construct for our hypothesis is the notion of conceptual complexity. One
theoretical framework for understanding this construct is through semantic primitives (e.g., Locke,
1847). Semantic primitives can be thought of as the building blocks of meaning, similar to the
notion of geons in the study of object recognition (Biederman, 1987). The space of possible
meanings could then be described in terms of sets of semantic primitives. In this framework, a
more complex meaning would be one with more primitives in it. (In a probabilistic framework,
having more units would also be correlated with having a lower overall probability). While our
work here does not directly address the character of these underlying semantic primitives, it
assumes that such a unit exists and that meanings can vary in the number of their compositional
In the remainder of the Introduction, we first review prior work suggesting that
communicative principles are reflected in the structure of the lexicon. We then review work related
to accounts of our particular linguistic feature of interest—variability in the length of forms. Then,
in the body of the paper we test the complexity hypotheses above in nine experiments and a corpus
Pragmatic equilibria in the lexicon
The present hypotheses are motivated by the possibility that language dynamics take place
over different timescales, and these different dynamics may be causally related to each other
(Christiansen & Chater, in press; McMurray, Horst, & Samuelson, 2012; Blythe, 2015). Our two
hypotheses correspond to two distinct timescales. Hypothesis 1 corresponds to the timescale of
minutes in a single communicative interaction—the pragmatic timescale. Hypothesis 2
corresponds to the timescale of language change, which takes place over many years—the
language evolution timescale. We consider the possibility that communicative pressures at the
pragmatic timescale may, over time, influence the structure of the lexicon at the language evolution
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 6
timescale. Although a complexity bias at the language evolution timescale has not been previously
explored, there are a number of other cases in which pragmatic equilibria are reflected in the
structure of the lexicon. Here, we describe three such cases: semantic organization, ambiguity, and
one-to-one structure.
Several broad theories of pragmatics include a version of two distinct pressures on
communication: the desire to minimize effort in speaking (speaker pressure) and the desire to be
informative (hearer pressure; Zipf, 1936; Horn, 1984). Importantly, these two pressures trade off
with each other: The optimal solution to the speaker’s pressure is a single utterance that can refer
to all meanings, while the optimal solution to the hearer’s pressure is a longer utterance that
presents no ambiguity. The utterance that emerges is argued to be an equilibrium between these
two tradeoffs.
At the timescale of language evolution, there are a number of cases in which these
pragmatic equilibria are reflected in the lexicon. One way these equilibria are reflected is in the
size of the semantic space denoted by a particular word. From the hearer’s perspective, Horn
argues there is a pressure to narrow semantic space (Horn, 1984). This reflects the idea that the
hearer’s optimal language is one in which every possible meaning receives its own word. One
example of this is the word “rectangle, which refers to a quadrilateral with four right angles. A
special case of a “rectangle” is a case where the four sides are equal in length, which has its own
special name, “square. Consequently, the term “rectangle” has been narrowed to mean a
quadrilateral with four right angles, where the four sides are not equal. From the speaker’s
perspective, there is a pressure for semantic broadening. This is because the speaker’s ideal
language is one in which a single word can refer to a wide range of meanings. An example of this
is the broadening of brand names to refer to a kind of product. For example, “kleenex” is a product
name for facial tissues, but has taken on the meaning of facial tissues more generally.
The opposition of these two semantic forces predicts an equilibrium in the organization of
semantic space that satisfies the pressures of both speaker and hearer. A growing body of empirical
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 7
work tests this prediction by examining the organization of particular semantic domains
cross-linguistically (see Regier, Kemp, & Kay, 2015, for review). They find that languages show a
large degree of similarity in how they partition semantic space for a particular domain, but also a
large degree of variability. This work demonstrates that the attested systems all approximate an
equilibrium point between speaker and hearer pressures.
Kemp and Regier (2012) demonstrate this systematicity in the semantic domain of kinship.
For each language, they developed a metric of the degree to which Horn’s speaker and hearer
pressures are satisfied. A language that better satisfies the hearer’s pressure is one that is more
complex, as measured by the description length of the system in their representational language. A
language that better satisfies the speaker’s pressure is one that requires less language to describe
the intended referent. To understand this, consider the word “grandmother” in English: This word
is ambiguous in English because it could refer to either the maternal or paternal mother, and so
identifying which mother the speaker is referring to is more costly in English than in a language
that encodes this distinction lexically. They find that the set of attested languages is a subset of the
range of possible languages, and this subset partitions the semantic space in a way that near
optimally trades off between pragmatic pressures. This type of analysis has also been done for the
domains of color (Regier, Kay, & Khetarpal, 2007), lightness (Baddeley & Attewell, 2009), and
numerosity (Xu & Regier, 2014).
A second phenomenon that is predicted by these pressures is cases where there are multiple
meanings associated with a word from a context-independent perspective, or cases of lexical
ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity is present in both open-class words like “bat” (a baseball instrument
or a flying mammal) and closed-class quantifiers like “some” (“at least one and possibly all” or “at
least one but not all”). Lexical ambiguity is tolerated because the meaning is usually easily
disambiguated by context. When the word “bat” is uttered while watching a baseball game, the
mammal usage of the word is very unlikely. The presence of this type of ambiguity can be viewed
as an equilibrium between the two pragmatic pressures: If the meaning of a word can be
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 8
disambiguated by the referential context, then it would violate the speaker’s pressure to minimize
effort by keeping track of two distinct words.
Indeed, recent work by Piantadosi, Tily, and Gibson (2011a) reveals systematicity in the
presence of lexical ambiguity in language. They argue that ambiguity results from a speaker based
pressure to broaden the meaning of a word to include multiple possible meanings. In particular,
they suggest that this pressure should lead to a systematic relationship between the presence of
ambiguity and the cost of a word. According to their argument, costly words (in terms of length,
frequency, or any metric of cost) that are easily understood by context violate the speaker’s
principle to say no more than you must. Consequently, there should be a pressure for these
meanings to get mapped on to a different, less costly word. This word may happen to already have
a meaning associated with it, and so the result is multiple meanings being mapped to a single word.
For example, in the case of the word “bat, a speaker could instead say “baseball bat. But, because
this referent is easily disambiguated in context from the mammalian meaning, a speaker pressure
should result in the use of the shorter form. This leads to a testable prediction that shorter words
should tend to be more ambiguous. Through corpus analyses, Piantadosi et al. (2011a) find this
precise relationship between cost and ambiguity. Across English, Dutch and German, they find that
shorter words are more likely to have multiple meanings.
An additional case of this lexical ambiguity is found in words that have very little
context-independent meaning, known as indexicals or deictics (Frawley, 2003). These words get
their meaning from the particular referential context of the utterance, and are therefore highly
ambiguous from a context-independent perspective. There are many types of indexicals that are
present to varying degrees across languages. An example of a temporal indexical form is
“tomorrow. The context-independent meaning of this word is something like “the day after the
day this word is being uttered in. Critically, abstracted from any context, this word has little
meaning; it is impossible to interpret without having knowledge about the day the word was
uttered. This phenomenon is also present in person pronouns (e.g. “you” and “I”) and spatial
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 9
forms, like “here” and “there. As for lexical ambiguity, this type of ambiguity is a predicted
equilibrium point from Horn’s principles: If the hearer can recover the intended referent from
context, the speaker would be saying more than is necessary by using an overly-specific referential
term (e.g., “December 18th, 2014” vs.“tomorrow”). Language structure reflects this pressure
through lexicalized ambiguity in the form of indexicals.
Finally, the relationship between the meanings of different words can be seen as a
consequence of pragmatic principles. A number of theorists have noted a bias against two words
mapping onto the same meaning that is, a bias against synonymy (Saussure, 1916, 1960;
Kiparsky, 1983; Horn, 1984; E. Clark, 1987, 1988). This bias is an equilibrium between Horn’s
speaker and hearer principles. Recall that the optimal language for a hearer is one in which each
meaning maps to its own word exactly a language biased against synonymy. It turns out that the
speaker’s pressure also biases against synonymy. The optimal language for the speaker is a
language where a single word maps to all meanings. But, a case where multiple words map to a
single meaning is also undesirable because the speaker must keep track of two words. So, for both
the speaker and the hearer, there is pressure to avoid synonymy. Thus, when a listener hears a
speaker use a second word for an existing meaning, the hearer infers that this could not be what the
speaker intended because this would violate the speaker’s principle. The result is an assumption
that the second word maps to a different meaning. This pattern is reflected in language structure by
a one-to-one pattern in the lexicon that is, a structure in which each word maps to exactly one
meaning and each meaning maps to exactly one word.
As one kind of evidence for this one-to-one structure in the lexicon, Horn (1984) points to a
phenomenon called blocking. Blocking refers to cases in which an existing lexical form blocks the
presence of a different, derived form with the same root. Consider the following examples:
(a) fury furious *furiosity
(b) *cury curious curiosity
In both (a) and (b), forms that would be expected, given the inflectional morphology in English, are
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 10
not permitted. This is due to the fact that they would have the same meaning as the existing form
because they have the same root. Examples such as this provide some evidence for a one-to-one
structure in language, but a one-to-one structure is a particularly difficult linguistic regularity to
test empirically. Nonetheless, it is an important regularity because it licenses certain inferences in
interpreting the meaning of words. In particular, the cognitive representation of a lexical
one-to-one regularity—mutual exclusivity—has been posited as a powerful bias in children’s word
learning (Markman & Wachtel, 1988; Markman, Wasow, & Hansen, 2003).
Together these phenomena—semantic organization, ambiguity, and one-to-one
structure—provide three cases in which equilibria that are predicted by theories of communication
at the pragmatic timescale are reflected in the structure of the lexicon at the language evolution
timescale. While this similarity across timescales does not entail causality, it is suggestive of a
causal relationship between the two timescales. Next, we turn to accounts at both the pragmatic
and language evolution timescale for our linguistic feature of interest: length.
Accounts of the length of linguistic elements
Language forms vary along many dimensions, but a salient dimension is length: words and
entire utterances can have dramatically different phonetic lengths. Researchers have studied this
variability at both the pragmatic timescale (utterances) and the language evolution timescale
(words). Our two hypotheses propose that variability at both timescales is related to the conceptual
complexity of meaning. Here, we review existing work at both timescales that attempts to account
for variability in language length. At the pragmatic timescale, three theories suggest that pragmatic
pressures influence the length of utterances: Zipfs theory of communication, Horn’s theory of
communication, and Information Theory. Hypothesis 1 falls directly out of both Horn’s theory of
communication and Information Theory. At the language evolution timescale, two bodies of work
account for word length by appealing to the predictability of the linguistic context and the
conceptual ‘markedness’ of meaning. While distinct from Hypothesis 2, both of these literatures
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 11
are consistent with the proposal that languages use longer words to encode conceptually more
complex meanings.
Zipf (1936) provided an early account of word length that appealed to a pragmatic pressure
to communicate efficiently. He argued that speakers are motivated to minimize their physical effort
and that this constraint could be optimally minimized by using shorter words for meanings that
were used to more frequently. This leads to the prediction that there should be an inverse
relationship between the length of a word and its frequency in usage—and, indeed, the empirical
data suggest a robust correlation between word length and word frequency.
Others, however, have proposed different pressures at the pragmatic timescale that might
influence the length of linguistic expressions. Both Horn’s theory of communication and
information theory predict that longer expressions should be associated with less predictable or
typical meanings than their shorter counter parts. Under Horn’s theory (1984), a speaker often has
the choice of using two different utterances to refer to the same meaning (in truth functional
terms), and often these utterances differ in length. Horn suggests that the sentences “Lee stopped
the car. and “Lee got the car to stop” have the same denotational meaning (the successful stopping
of a car), though they differ in length. The claim is that this asymmetry leads to an inference on the
part of the listener that the two differ in meaning.
The logic of this inference is identical to the lexical structure case above. The listener hears
a speaker use a more costly phrase to express a meaning that could have been expressed in a less
costly way. The listener thus infers that this other meaning could not be what the speaker intended
because this would violate the speaker’s principle to say no more than is necessary. Horn adds an
additional layer to this argument. He suggests that not only do these two forms differ in meaning,
but that they map onto meanings in a systematic way: The longer form gets mapped on to the more
unusual meaning, while the shorter form refers to the more usual meaning. Thus, in the above
example, the shorter utterance would refer to a simple, average case of car stopping, while longer
utterance might refer to case where something complex or unusual happened, perhaps because Lee
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 12
used the emergency brake.
The source of the particular mapping between forms of different lengths and meanings is
unclear. This is because in principle there are multiple equilibrium points in the mapping between
form and meaning. Assuming a one-to-one constraint on the mapping, there are two possible
equilibria: {short–simple, long–complex} or {short–complex, long–simple}. Both satisfy the
constraint that each form gets mapped to a unique meaning. So how do speakers arrive at the
{short–simple, long–complex} equilibrium? This is difficult to derive from models of pragmatic
reasoning. Bergen, Levy, and Goodman (under review) successfully derive this result as a
consequence of the fact that {short–simple, long–complex} is a more optimal mapping for the
speaker. Another possibility relies on iconicity: hearers have a cognitive bias to map more complex
sounding forms to meanings that are similarly complex.
Bergen, Goodman, and Levy (2012) provide a direct test of the length-complexity tradeoff
within a communication game. In their task, partners were told that they were in an alien world
with three objects and three possible utterances. In this experiment, the idea of complexity was
operationalized as frequency, such that participants were instructed that each of the three different
objects had three different base rate frequencies associated with them. The cost of the utterance
was manipulated directly (rather than through utterance length) by assigning different monetary
costs to each object. Participants’ task was to communicate about one of the objects using one of
the available utterances. If they successfully communicated, they received a reward. The results
suggest that both the speaker and hearer expected costlier forms to refer to less frequent meanings,
consistent with Horn’s predicted equilibrium between word length and meaning.
The prediction of a complexity bias at the pragmatic timescale falls more directly out of
information theory. Information theory models communication as the transfer of information
across a noisy channel (Shannon, 1948). Under this theory, speakers optimize information transfer
(in terms of bits) by keeping the amount of information conveyed in a unit of language constant
across the speech stream. A straightforward consequence of this uniform information density
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 13
assumption is that speakers should try to lengthen unpredictable utterances. There is evidence for
this prediction across multiple levels of communication. At that level of prosody, speakers tend to
increase the duration of a word in cases where the word is unpredictable (highly informative) given
the linguistic context (Aylett & Turk, 2004). There is also evidence for this prediction at the level
of syntactic (Frank & Jaeger, 2008) and discourse predictability (Genzel & Charniak, 2002).
At the timescale of language evolution, there is some indirect evidence that this same bias is
present in the lexicon. These approaches use the linguistic context of a word as a measure of the
complexity of meaning. The idea is that words that are highly predictable, given the linguistic
context, have more complex meanings, while words that are less predictable given the linguistic
context, have less complex meanings. Piantadosi, Tily, and Gibson (2011b) measured the
relationship between the predictability of a word in context and its length. Across 10 languages,
these two measures were highly correlated: words that were longer were less predictable in their
linguistic context on average. This result held true even controlling for the frequency of words.
Additional evidence for this relationship comes from examining pairs of words that have very
similar meaning, but differ in length (e.g. “exam” vs. “examination;” Mahowald, Fedorenko,
Piantadosi, & Gibson, 2012). In corpus analyses, longer forms are found to be used in less
predicable linguistic contexts. They also find in a behavioral experiment that speakers are more
likely to select the longer alternative in less predictive contexts. This body of work points to a
systematic relationship between word length and meaning when complexity is operationalized as
predictability in the linguistic context.
A related body of work has examined the relationship between length and meaning under
the rubric of markedness. While many notions of markedness have been discussed in the literature
(Haspelmath, 2006), one version of the hypothesis is that linguistic forms often have binary
morphemic contrasts and these contrasts map onto a broad difference in meaning (Greenberg,
1966). For example, consider the pair “real”–“unreal, which differ both in valence—positive vs.
negative—and length (the negative form has the extra morpheme “un-”). Greenberg (1966) claims
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 14
that the difference in length is because negative meanings are conceptually more marked than their
positive counterparts, and that this regularity is a linguistic universal. One explanation of this is
that the set of negated things tends to be larger than the set of positive things (in principle, there are
more unreal things than real things). However, a limitation of this proposal is that there is no a
priori criteria for determining what characterizes conceptual markedness; the accounts are specific
to each domain. For example, while the negation case appeals to ‘number of things’ as the
determiner of complexity, there is no clear account of why the present form (e.g. “walk”) should
be less marked than the past form (e.g. “walked”) or why state words (e.g. “black”) should be less
marked than change of state words (e.g. “blacken”). Nonetheless, this version of the markedness
hypothesis suggests a relationship between linguistic length and conceptual features, similar to the
complexity hypothesis. The complexity hypothesis differs, however, in positing conceptual
complexity as a general construct that can be applied to a broad class of meanings. In addition, it
differs in the specificity of the length metric: While markedness predicts a regularity only at the
level of morphemes, the complexity hypothesis predicts a regularity at all levels of linguistic form
(phonemes, syllables, morphemes).
Thus, at the pragmatic timescale, there is a well-motivated prediction that less predictable
meanings should be described with longer utterances. If dynamics at shorter timescales influence
those at longer timescales, we might expect this same regularity to emerge in the lexicon over the
course of language evolution. At the language evolution timescale, there is some indirect evidence
that longer words refer to more complex meanings, but no work directly and systematically tests
this prediction.
Our studies
The goal of our work here is to test the two complexity hypotheses given above. We present
ten studies that provide support for both hypotheses: a complexity bias in individual speakers
(Hypothesis 1; Experiments 1-8) and a complexity bias in natural language (Hypothesis 2;
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 15
Experiment Description
Stimulus Type
1 Explicit complexity norms 1 artificial objects
2 Mapping task 1 artificial objects
3 Mapping task (control) 1 artificial objects
4 Explicit complexity norms 1 novel real objects
5 Mapping task 1 novel real objects
6 Mapping task (control) 1 novel real objects
7 Label production 1 novel real objects
8 Memory task to elicit RTs 1 artificial (a) and novel real (b) objects
9 English complexity norms 2 real words
10 Cross-linguistic corpus analysis 2 real words
Table 1
Summary of studies.
Experiments 9-10; see Table 1 for a summary of our studies). In Experiments 1-7, we test whether
participants are biased to map a relatively long novel word onto a relatively more complex object,
using artificial objects (Experiments 1-3) and novel, real objects (Experiments 4-7). In Experiment
8, we explore the underlying cognitive construct of complexity in a reaction time task. In
Experiment 9, we elicit complexity norms for English words and then conduct a corpus analysis of
79 additional languages (Study 10). In these studies, we operationalize the notion of conceptual
complexity by manipulating it visually and also measuring it—both directly through explicit norms
and indirectly through reaction time—with the assumption that these metrics serve only as proxies
for an underlying cognitive construct. In the General Discussion, we summarise the support these
studies provide for our hypotheses as well as their limitations and directions for future work.
Experiment 1: Object Complexity Norms (Artificial Objects)
As a first step in exploring a complexity bias, we manipulated the complexity of objects and
asked participants to infer which object a novel word refers to. Object complexity was manipulated
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 16
by varying the number of primitive parts the objects were composed of. If participants have a
complexity bias, we predicted they should be more likely to map a longer novel word onto an
object composed of more parts, compared to an object with fewer parts. In Experiment 1, we first
conducted a norming study to verify our intuitions that the number of object parts correlated with
explicit judgements of complexity. In Experiment 2, we used these normed stimuli in a simple
word mapping task, revealing a complexity bias. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 2 with
randomly concatenated syllables.
Participants. In this and all subsequent experiments, participants were recruited on Amazon
Mechanical Turk and received US $0.15-0.30 for their participation, depending on the length of the
task. 60 participants completed this first experiment.
Across all experiments, some participants completed more than one experiment. The results
presented here include the data from all participants, but all reported results remain reliable when
excluding participants who completed more than one study. Participants were counted as a repeat
participant if they completed a study using the same stimuli (e.g., completed both Experiment 1
and 2 with artificial objects).
Stimuli. As object primitives, we used “geon” shapes which are argued to be primitives in
the visual system under one theory of object recognition (Biederman, 1987). We created a set of 40
objects containing 1-5 geon primitives (Figure 1).
Procedure. We presented participants 12 objects from the full stimulus set one at a time. For
each object, we asked “How complicated is this object?, and participants responded using a slider
scale anchored at “simple” and “complicated. Each participant saw two objects from each
complexity condition, and the first two objects were images of a ball and a motherboard to anchor
All stimuli, experiments, raw data and analysis code can be found at Analyses
can be found at:
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 17
Figure 1. Artificial objects used in Experiment 1. Each row corresponds to a complexity condition.
The complexity condition is determined by the number of “geon” parts the object contains (1-5).
participants on the scale. This and all subsequent experimental paradigms can be viewed directly
Results and Discussion
Number of object parts was highly correlated with explicit complexity judgment (r = .93,
p <.0001; M = .47, SD = .18): Objects with more parts tend to be related as more complex.
Figure 2a shows the mean complexity rating for each of the 40 objects as a function of their
complexity condition. This suggests that we can use manipulations of visual complexity as a proxy
for manipulations of conceptual complexity.
Experiment 2: Mapping Task (Artificial Objects)
Participants. 750 participants completed the experiment.
Stimuli. The referent stimuli were the set of 40 objects normed in Experiment 1. The
linguistic stimuli were novel words either 2 or 4 syllables (e.g., “bugorn” and “tupabugorn”) long.
There were 8 items of each syllable length.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 18
Figure 2. (a) The relationship between number of geons and complexity rating is plotted below.
Each point corresponds to an object item (8 per condition). The x-coordinates have been jittered
to avoid over-plotting. (b) Effect size (bias to select complex alternative in long vs. short word
condition) as a function of the complexity rating ratio between the two object alternatives. Each
point corresponds to an object condition. Conditions are labeled by the number of geons of the two
alternatives. For example, the “1/5” condition corresponds to the condition in which one alternative
contains 1 geon and the other contains 5 geons. (c) Proportion complex object selections as a
function of the number of syllables in the target label. The dashed line reflects chance selection
between the simple and complex alternatives. All errors bars reflect 95% confidence intervals,
calculated via non-paramedic bootstrapping in 1a and 1c, and parametrically in 1b.
Procedure. We presented participants with a novel word and two possible objects as
referents, and asked them to select which object the word named (“Imagine you just heard
someone say bugorn. Which object do you think bugorn refers to? Choose an object by clicking
the button below it.”).
Within participants, we manipulated word length and the relative complexity of the referent
alternatives. We tested every unique combination of object complexities (1 vs. 2 geons, 1 vs. 3
geons, 1 vs. 4 geons, etc.), giving rise to 15 conditions in total. Each participant completed 4 short
and 4 long trials in a random order, where each word was randomly associated with one of the
complexity conditions. No participant saw the same complexity condition twice and no word or
object was repeated across trials.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 19
Results and Discussion
Across conditions, the more complex object was more likely to be judged the referent of the
longer word. For each object condition (e.g., 1 vs. 2 geons), we calculated the effect size for
participants’ complexity bias—the degree to which the complex object was more likely to be
chosen as the referent of a long word, compared to the short word. Effect sizes were calculated
using the log odds ratio (S
anchez-Meca, Mar
ınez, & Chac
on-Moscoso, 2003). Effect size
was highly correlated with the ratio of object complexities: The greater the mismatch in object
complexity, the more the longer word was paired with the more complex object (r = .87,
p <.0001).
This experiment provides initial evidence for a complexity bias in the lexicon: Given an
artificial word and two objects of differing visual complexity, participants are more likely to map a
longer word onto a more complex referent, relative to a shorter word.
Experiment 3: Control Mapping Task (Artificial Objects)
One limitation of Experiment 2 is that it uses a small set of words as the linguistic stimuli (8
short and 8 long), making it possible that idiosyncratic properties of the words could be driving the
observed complexity bias. In Experiment 3, we sought to test this possibility by using words
composed of randomly concatenated syllables rather than items selected from a small list of words.
The design was identical to Experiment 2, except that we tested only the most extreme complexity
condition, the “1/5” condition.
Participants. 200 participants completed the experiment.
Stimuli. The referent stimuli were the geon objects composed of either 1 or 5 geons. The
novel words were created by randomly concatenating 2, 4, or 6 consonant-vowel syllables (e.g.,
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 20
“nur, “nobimup, “gugotobanid”). The last syllable of all words ended in a consonant to better
approximate the phonology of English.
Procedure. Participants completed six forced-choice trials identical to Experiment 1b. We
tested only the “1/5” complexity condition (1-geon object vs. 5-geon object). Word length was
manipulated within-participant such that each participant completed 2 trials for each of the three
possible word lengths (2, 4, or 6 syllables).
Results and Discussion
Replicating the “1/5” condition in Experiment 2, we found that participants were more
likely to select a ve geon object compared to a single geon object as the number of syllables in the
word increased (b = .44, p <.0001). This suggests that the complexity bias observed in
Experiment 2 is unlikely to be due to the particular set of words we selected.
Experiment 4: Object Complexity Norms (Novel Objects)
Experiments 1-3 provide evidence for a complexity bias using artificial objects. The
complexity manipulation in these experiments was highly transparent, however, making it possible
that task demands influenced the effect. We next asked whether this bias extended to more
naturalistic objects where the variability in complexity might be less obvious to participants. We
conducted the same set of 3 experiments as above using a sample of real objects without canonical
labels. We find that the complexity bias observed with artificial geon objects extends to naturalistic
Participants. We recruited two samples of 60 participants to complete Experiment 4.
Stimuli. We collected a set of 60 objects that were real objects but that did not have
canonical labels associated with them (Figure 3).
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 21
Figure 3. Novel real objects used in Experiments 4-6: Naturalistic objects without canonical labels.
Each row corresponds to a quintile determined by the explicit complexity judgments obtained in
Experiment 4 (top: least complex; bottom: most complex).
Procedure. The procedure was identical to Experiment 1.
Results and Discussion
Complexity judgments were highly reliable across two independent samples
(r = .93, p <.0001; M
= .49, SD
= .18, M
= .44, SD
= .18). Figure 4a shows the relationship
between the complexity judgment for each item across the two samples of participants. Figure 3
shows all 60 objects sorted by their mean complexity rating.
Experiment 5: Mapping Task (Novel Real Objects)
Participants. 1500 participants completed the experiment.
Stimuli. The linguistic stimuli were identical to Experiment 2. The object stimuli were the
60 naturalistic objects normed in Experiment 2. Five complexity conditions were determined by
dividing the objects into quintiles based on the norms.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 22
Figure 4. (a) The correlation between the two samples of complexity norms. Each point corresponds
to an object (n = 60). (b) Effect size (bias to select complex alternative in long vs. short word
condition) as a function of the complexity rating ratio between the two object alternatives. Each
point corresponds to an object condition. Conditions are labeled by the complexity norm quintile
of the two alternatives. (c) The proportion of complex object selections as a function of number of
syllables. The dashed line reflects chance selection between the simple and complex alternatives.
All errors bars reflect 95% confidence intervals, calculated via non-parametric bootstrapping in 4
and 6, and parametrically in 5.
Procedure. The procedure was identical to Experiment 2, except for the use of naturalistic
rather than artificial geon objects.
Results and Discussion
As with the artificial objects, effect size was negatively correlated with the complexity rating
ratio between the referent alternatives (r = .70, p <.005; Fig. 4b). This suggests that the
complexity bias observed with artificial objects extends to more naturalistic objects, consistent
with the proposal that a complexity bias is a characteristic of natural language more generally.
The effect size in Experiment 5 is smaller than in Experiment 2, however. This may be due
to the fact that some of the effect in Experiment 2 was due to task demands associated with the
transparent complexity manipulation. Nonetheless, Experiment 5 reveals a complexity bias with
naturalistic objects.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 23
Experiment 6: Control Mapping Task (Novel Objects)
As with the artificial objects, we sought to control for the possibility that the results from the
mapping task were due to our particular linguistic items. Thus, we conducted a control experiment
analogous to Experiment 3 using randomly concatenated syllables.
Participants. 200 participants completed the experiment.
Stimuli. The objects were 12 objects from the first and fifth quintile of complexity norms.
The linguistic stimuli were constructed as in Experiment 3.
Procedure. The procedure was identical to Experiment 3, except for the different object
Results and Discussion
Participants were more likely to select an object from the fifth quintile as opposed to the first
quintile when the novel word contained more syllables (b = .34, p <.0001; Fig. 4c). This
pattern replicates the complexity bias seen in Experiment 5 with randomly concatenated syllables.
In the present experiment, participants were overall less likely to select the complex object,
compared to the same experiment with artificial objects (consider the overall higher level of
complex-object judgments in Experiment 5). This may be due to the fact that some of the simple
artificial objects in Experiment 3 are associated with canonical labels (e.g., the sphere single-geon
object may have evoked the label “ball.”). This may have lead participants to appeal to mutual
exclusivity in their object selections by selecting an object they do not already have a name for—in
this case, the more complex object (Markman & Wachtel, 1988). Alternatively, the novel artificial
objects may be over all less conceptually complex than the geon objects. Regardless of this shift,
however, the critical finding is that we replicate the complexity bias with random syllables in both
Experiments 3 and 6.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 24
Experiment 7: Label Production Task (Novel Objects)
The previous set of experiments provides evidence for a complexity bias in a comprehension
task with novel words. One limitation of this design, however, is that participants may have been
influenced by task demands associated with making a forced choice between two contrasting
alternatives. In Experiment 7, we sought to minimize these demands by presenting participants
with an object and asking them to produce a novel label to refer to it. Consistent with a complexity
bias, we find that participants produce longer labels for more complex objects.
Participants. Fifty-nine participants completed the experiment.
Stimuli. The objects were drawn from the set of 60 naturalistic objects used in Experiments
Procedure. In each trial, we presented a single object and asked participants to generate a
novel single-word label to refer to it. The instructions read:
What do you think this object is called? For example, someone might call it a tupa or
a pakuwugnum. In the box below, please make up your own name for the object. Your
name should only be one word. It should not be a real English word.
Each participant completed 10 trials—five objects from the bottom and top complexity norm
quantiles each. Order of objects was randomized.
Results and Discussion
There were 26 productions (4%) that included more than one word. These productions were
excluded. Length was measured in terms of log number of characters.
Participants produced novel coinages that varied in length (e.g., “keyo, “plattle,
“scrupula, “frillobite”). Critically, productions tended to be longer for the top quartile of objects
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 25
(M = 1.94, SD = 0.18) compared to the bottom quartile (M = 1.85, SD = 0.17; t(57)=3.92,
p <.001). We also analyzed length as a function of the complexity norms for each object. Length
of production was correlated with the complexity norms: Longer labels were coined for objects
that were rated as more complex (r = .17, p <.0001). This experiment provides strong evidence
for a productive complexity bias: Even with minimal task demands, participants prefer to use
longer words to refer to more complex objects.
Experiments 8a and 8b: Complexity as a Cognitive Construct
Experiments 1–7 suggest that participants have a productive complexity bias when
complexity is operationalized in terms of explicit norms. In Experiment 8, we try to more directly
examine the cognitive correlates of conceptual complexity. We reasoned that if complexity is
related to a basic cognitive process, we should be able to measure it using an implicit task, not just
via explicit ratings.
To measure complexity implicitly, we adopt a measure from the visual processing literature:
reaction time. In this literature, the amount of information in a stimulus is argued to be
monotonically related to the amount of time needed to respond to that stimulus. Hyman (1953)
demonstrated this using a task in which participants were asked to indicate which light was
illuminated from a set of bulbs. Two factors were manipulated to vary the amount of information
in each bulb: the number of bulb alternatives and the frequency of each bulb illuminating. They
found that the reaction time for responding to an illuminated bulb was linearly related to the
amount of information in that bulb. More recently, Alvarez and Cavanagh (2004) used a reaction
time measure—search rate—to quantify the amount of information in a varied set of visual stimuli.
They found that the search rate of a visual stimulus was monotonically related to the memory
capacity for that stimulus. Together, these results suggest that reaction time is a behavioral
correlate of the amount of information, or complexity, of a visual stimulus.
To collect an implicit measure of complexity for our objects, we measured participants’
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 26
study time of objects in a memory task. Each participant studied half of the objects in the stimulus
set, one at a time, and then made old/new judgments for the entire set. Critically, the study phase
was self-paced, such that participants were allowed to study each object for as much time as they
wanted. This study time provided an implicit measure of complexity. For both the artificial
(Experiment 8a) and naturalistic (Experiment 8b) objects, we found that participants tended to
study objects longer when they were rated as more complex.
Participants. 750 participants completed the task. 250 participants were tested with artificial
objects (Experiment 8a) and 500 were tested with novel real objects (Experiment 8b).
Stimuli. The study objects were the set of 40 artificial objects (Experiment 8a) and 60 novel
real objects (Experiment 8b).
Procedure. Participants were told they were going to view some objects and their memory
of those exact objects would later be tested. In the study phase, participants were presented with
half of the full stimulus set one at a time (20 artificial objects and 30 novel real objects) and
allowed to click a “next” button when they were done studying each object. After the training
phase, we presented participants with each object in the full stimulus set (40 artificial objects and
60 novel real objects), and asked “Have you seen this object before?. Participants responded by
clicking a “yes” or “no” button.
Results and Discussion
Experiment 8a: Artificial objects. We excluded subjects who performed at or below chance
on the memory task (20 or fewer correct out of 40). A response was counted as correct if it was a
correct rejection or a hit. This excluded 9 participants (4%). With these participants excluded, the
mean correct was 72%. Participants were also excluded based on study times. We transformed the
time into log space, and excluded responses that were 2 standard deviations above or below the
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 27
Figure 5. Effect sizes in Experiments 2 and 4 replotted in terms of study times collected in
Experiment 8. Objects that are studied relatively longer are more likely to be assigned a longer
label, relative to a shorter label. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals.
mean. This excluded 4% of responses (final sample: M = 7.40, SD = .66).
Next, we examined study times in this task. Study times were highly correlated with the
number of geons in each object (r = .93, p <.0001): objects that contained more geons tended to
be studied longer. Study times were also highly correlated with the explicit complexity norms
(r = .89, p <.0001): objects that were rated as more complex tended to be studied longer.
However, study times did not predict memory performance. The study times for hits (correct “yes”
responses; M = 7.33, SD = .52) did not differ from misses (correct “no” responses; M = 7.34,
SD = .59; t(223)=.61, p = .54).
The critical question was whether or not mean study times for an object were related to the
bias to assign a long or short word to that object. To explore this question, we reanalyzed the data
from Experiment 2 in terms of study times instead of explicit complexity norms. The ratio of study
times for the two object alternatives was correlated with the bias to choose a longer label (r = .82,
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 28
p <.001; Fig. 5a): Relatively longer study times predicted longer labels.
Experiment 8b: Novel real objects. We excluded participants who performed at or below
chance on the memory task (30 or fewer correct out of 60). A response was counted as correct if it
was a correct rejection or a hit. This excluded 6 participants (1%). With these participants
excluded, the mean correct was 84%. Participants were also excluded based on study times, using
the same criteria as in Experiment 8a. This led to the exclusion of 4% of responses (final sample:
M = 7.36, SD = .72).
Study times were highly correlated with explicit complexity norms for each object. Like for
the geons, objects that were rated as more complex were studied longer (r = .54, p <.0001).
Unlike for the geons, study times predicted memory performance. Study times for hits (correct
“yes” responses; M = 7.24, SD = .60) were greater than for misses (correct “no responses;
M = 7.11, SD = .66; t(393)=9.74, p <.0001).
Critically, by reanalyzing data from Experiment 4 in terms of study times, we find that the
ratio of study times for the two objects was correlated with the bias to choose a longer label
(r = .71, p <.005; Fig. 5b).
Together, these findings suggest that label judgments are supported by basic cognitive
processes related to the complexity or information content of a stimulus. More broadly,
Experiments 1-8 point to a complexity bias in interpreting novel labels: Words that are longer tend
to be associated with meanings that are more complex, as reflected in both explicit and implicit
Experiment 9: Complexity Bias in Natural Language
Experiments 1–8 revealed a productive complexity bias in the case of novel words
(Hypothesis 1). Next we ask whether this bias extends to natural language (Hypothesis 2). In
Experiment 9, we collected explicit complexity judgments on the meaning of 499 English words in
a rating procedure similar to Experiments 1 and 4 above. Consistent with a complexity bias, we
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 29
find that complexity ratings are highly correlated with word length in English: Words with
meanings that are rated as more complex tend to be longer.
To measure conceptual complexity in natural language, we adopt a rating scale approach
similar to that used in previous work to quantify other aspects meaning, like how perceptible a
referent is (concreteness) and how much experience speakers tend to have with a referent
(familiarity; Wilson, 1988). In this work, participants are presented with a 5- or 7- point Likert
scale anchored at both ends of the target dimension and asked to make an explicit judgment about a
word’s meaning. A limitation of this approach is that it requires that all participants conceptualize
the dimension of interest in a similar way. Nonetheless, previous work has shown these measures
to be reliable and easy to handle analytically, and so we adopt them here to quantify conceptual
Participants. 246 participants completed the norming procedure.
Stimuli. We selected 499 English words from the MRC Psycholinguistic Database (Wilson,
1988) that were broadly distributed in their length and were relatively high frequency. This
database includes norms for three other psycholinguistic variables: concreteness, familiarity, and
imageability. This allowed us to compare our complexity norms to previously measured
psycholinguistic variables that are intuitively related to complexity.
Procedure. Participants were first presented with instructions describing the norming task:
In this experiment, you will be asked to decide how complex the meaning of a word is.
A word’s meaning is simple if it is easy to understand and has few parts. An example
of a simple meaning is “brick. A word’s meaning is complex if it is difficult to
understand and has many parts. An example of a more complex meaning is “engine.
For each word, we then asked “How complex is the meaning of this word?, and participants
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 30
indicated their response on a 7-pt Likert scale anchored at “simple” and “complex. The first two
words were always “ball” and “motherboard” to anchor participants on the scale. Each participant
rated a sample of 30 words English words. After the 17th word, participants were asked to
complete a simple math problem to ensure they were engaged in the task.
Results and Discussion
We first examined word length in our samples of words, using three different metrics of
word length: phonemes, syllables, and morphemes. Measures of phonemes and syllables were
taken from the MRC corpus (Wilson, 1988) and measures of morphemes were taken from
CELEX2 database (Baayen, Piepenbrock, & Gulikers, 1995). All three metrics were highly
correlated with each other (phonemes and syllables: r = .89; phonemes and morphemes: r = .65;
morphemes and syllables: r = .67). All three metrics were also highly correlated with number of
characters, the unit of length with use in the cross-linguistic corpus analysis below (phonemes:
r = .92; morphemes: r = .69; syllables: r = .87).
Given these measures of word length, we next considered how length related to judgments
of meaning complexity. We excluded participants who missed a simple math problem in the
middle of the task that served as an attentional check. This excluded 6 participants (2%). Critically,
we found that complexity ratings (M = 3.36, SD = 1.14) were positively correlated with word
length, measured in phonemes, syllables, and morphemes (r
= .67, r
= .63,
= .43, all ps <.0001, Fig. 6)
. This relationship held for the subset of only open class
words (n = 438; r
= .65, r
= .63, r
= .42, all ps <.0001). Word class was
coded by the authors.
This result points to a relationship between conceptual complexity and word length, but to
interpret this relationship, it is important to also control for other known correlates of word length
and complexity. Linguistic predictability is highly correlated with word length, operationalized via
All norms can be found here:
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 31
Figure 6. Complexity norms collected in Experiment 9 as a function of word length in terms of
number of phonemes. Words rated as more complex tend to be longer. Error bars show bootstrapped
95% confidence intervals.
simple frequency (Zipf, 1936) or using a language model (Piantadosi et al., 2011a). We estimated
word frequency from a corpus of transcripts of American English movies (Subtlex-us database;
Brysbaert & New, 2009). Importantly, the regularity we describe—a relationship between
conceptual complexity and word length—holds even when controlling for frequency. In English,
the correlation was only slightly reduced when controlling for log frequency (r = .57, p <.0001).
Complexity is reliably correlated with concreteness, familiarity, and imageability
(concreteness: r = .27; familiarity: r = .43; imageability: r = .21). Nonetheless, the
relationship between word length and complexity remained reliable controlling for these factors.
We created an additive linear model predicting word length in terms of phonemes with complexity,
controlling for concreteness, imageability, familiarity, and frequency. Model parameters are
presented in Table 2.This pattern held for the other two metrics of word length (morphemes and
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 32
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 7.5020 0.2061 36.40 0.0000
complexity 0.2429 0.0116 20.86 0.0000
concreteness -0.0033 0.0004 -9.16 0.0000
imageability -0.0003 0.0004 -0.81 0.4183
familiarity 0.0024 0.0005 4.80 0.0000
log frequency -1.1556 0.0332 -34.80 0.0000
Table 2
Model parameters for linear regression predicting word length in terms of semantic variables and
word frequency.
This result extends beyond the findings of previous work on markedness. Although this
difference in the complexity of morphological structure could in principle contribute to conceptual
complexity judgments, it does not explain the pattern in our data. The correlations we observed
hold for words with no obvious derivational morphology (CELEX2 monomorphemes; Baayen et
al., 1995, n = 387; r
= .53, r
= .47, all ps <.0001).
Finally, languages also show phonological iconicity effects, such that semantic features
(Maurer, Pathman, & Mondloch, 2006) and even particular form classes (Farmer, Christiansen, &
Monaghan, 2006) are marked by particular sound patterns. However, the type of iconicity explored
here is broader—a systematic relationship between abstract measures of complexity and amount of
verbal or orthographic effort. Specific iconic hypotheses that posit a parallel between an object’s
parts and the number of phonemes, morphemes, or syllables in its label do not account for the
patterns in the English lexicon: The length-complexity correlation holds even more strongly for
words below the median in concreteness, those words whose part structure is presumably much
less obvious (r
= .73, r
= .72, r
= .47, all ps <.0001).
While correlational nature of this study makes inferences about causality
tentative—complex meanings may be assigned longer words, or words that are longer may be rated
as more complex—this study nonetheless points to a robust relationship between word length and
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 33
conceptual complexity in English.
Study 10: Cross-Linguistic Corpus Analysis
If the complexity bias relies on a universal cognitive process, it should generalize to lexicons
beyond English. We explored this prediction in 79 additional languages though a corpus analysis,
and found a complexity bias in every language we examined.
Methods and Results
We translated all 499 words from Experiment 9 into 79 languages using Google translate
(retrieved March 2014). The set of languages was the full set available in Google translate. Words
that were translated as English words were removed from the data set. We also removed words that
were translated into a script that was different from the target language (e.g., an English word
listed for Japanese).
Native speakers evaluated the accuracy of these translations for 12 of the 79 languages.
Native speakers were told to look at the translations provided by Google, and in cases where the
translation was bad or not given, provide a “better translation. Translations were not marked as
inaccurate if the translation was missing. Across the 12 languages, there was .92 native speaker
agreement with the Google translations across all 499 words.
To test for a complex bias, we calculated the length of each word in each of the 79 languages
using number of unicode characters as our unit of length (to allow comparison between languages
for which no phonetic dictionary was available). For each language, we calculated the correlation
between word length in terms of number of characters and mean complexity rating. All 79
languages showed a positive correlation between length and complexity ratings. The grand mean
correlation across languages was .34 (r = .37, for checked languages only).
This relationship also held for the subset of monomorphic words (grand mean r = .23) and
open class words (grand mean r = .30). It also held partialling out frequency (grand mean r = .22).
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 34
Figure 7. Correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) between length in unicode characters and conceptual
complexity rating (obtained in Experiment 9). Dark red bars indicate languages for which
translations were checked by native speakers; all other bars show translations obtained via Google
Translate. The dashed line indicates the grand mean correlation across languages. Triangles indicate
the correlation between complexity and length, partialling out log spoken frequency in English.
Circles indicate the correlation between complexity and length for the subset of words that are
monomorphemic in English. Squares indicate the correlation between complexity and length for the
subset of open class words. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals obtained via non-parametric
This corpus analysis suggests that the complexity bias found in natural language
(Experiment 9) generalizes to a broad range of other languages. A notable result from these
analyses is that English appears to have the largest complexity bias of the languages examined.
One possible explanation is that, because our complexity norms were elicited for English words,
our measure of conceptual complexity was most accurate for English words, and thus the
complexity bias was largest for English. If true, then the cross-linguistic estimates of complexity
bias obtained in the present analyses would be conservative estimates of the bias.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 35
General Discussion
We began with two observations—the presence of many pragmatic equilibria reflected in the
structure of the lexicon, and the fact that several theories of pragmatics predict a tradeoff between
length and complexity. The goal of our work was to explore whether a tradeoff between length and
complexity is present in words—namely, a bias for longer words to refer to more conceptually
more complex meanings. We explored this bias at two timescales. At the pragmatic timescale, we
asked whether participants would be biased to assign a relatively long novel word to a conceptually
more complex referent (Hypothesis 1). At the language evolution timescale, we asked whether
languages tended to encoded conceptually more complex meanings with longer forms (Hypothesis
2). We found support for both hypotheses.
Experiments 1–7 suggest that when conceptual complexity is operationalized via visual
complexity, participants are biased to assign novel words to more complex referents. This pattern
holds true for both artificial objects where visual complexity was directly manipulated, as well as
for naturalistic objects where we measured visual complexity and analyzed it correlationally. We
also found this pattern across both comprehension and production tasks, suggesting this bias was
not merely the result of task demands. Experiment 8 reveals that visual complexity is highly
correlated with an implicit measure—reaction time—and this measure predicts the bias to assign
an object a long or a short word. Finally, Experiment 9 suggests that explicit measures of
conceptual complexity in English are highly correlated with word length in English, and the corpus
analysis reveals a correlation between English complexity norms and word lengths in a diverse set
of languages.
These studies reveal a regularity in language that appears to be both productive and true
cross-linguistically. The observed bias is highly general, both in terms of the unit of length
(phonemes, morphemes, and syllables) as well as the characterization of semantics. This work
contributes an important extension to the previous work on markedness. Previous work on
markedness described relationships between conceptual features and word length that were
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 36
post-hoc and domain specific. Our work suggests that conceptual complexity may be a unifying
framework for thinking about variability in conceptual space across semantic domains. In our work
here, we begin to directly address the cognitive construct underlying conceptual complexity by
revealing a strong relationship between explicit measures of complexity and the implicit measure
of reaction time.
While the broad nature of the regularity we describe is a strength, our work here leaves a
number of open questions. Additional research needs to be done to better understand what
conceptual complexity is and what constructs our measures here describe. Our reaction time
results suggest that, whatever conceptual complexity is, it is related to basic cognitive processes.
But our work does not provide any insight into what the conceptual primitives are such that some
meanings are more conceptually complex than others. In other research, we have explored a
number of hypotheses about factors that may contribute to conceptual complexity (see
Supplemental Information, Experiments 11 and 12). In particular, we hypothesized that the
frequency of objects might contribute to conceptual complexity, such that more frequent objects in
the world were less conceptually complex. Across two experiments using similar methods to those
reported in the main text, we found no evidence that frequency contributed to complexity. Thus,
we leave this difficult topic for future investigations.
A second limitation of our work is that we are not able to provide an account of why word
lengths can change over time for the same meaning (e.g., “television” becomes “TV” or “cellular
phone” becomes “cell”). The answer to this question may be related to the question of conceptual
complexity. One possibility is that the conceptual complexity of a word’s meaning may reduce
over time, and language reflects this change by shortening the length of the word. Another
possibility is that this reduction is the result of another pressure on language change: word
frequency. Under this hypothesis, as a word become more frequent, it becomes shorter (Zipf,
1936), and this pressure is independent of the complexity bias. So perhaps such shortenings are
unrelated to the phenomenon we describe here.
The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity 37
Finally, our interpretation of this work is limited by the fact that all participants were
speakers of English. A complexity bias could in principle be idiosyncratic to English. The results
from our experiments with novel words would then be the product of speakers merely generalizing
from their native language. Relatedly, the fact that all participants spoke English is also a limitation
for our interpretation of the cross-linguistic corpus analysis. Because our complexity norms were
elicited for English words from English speakers, the ratings are likely imperfect measures of
conceptual complexity for words translated into other languages. Thus, it is difficult to know
whether variability in the magnitude of the complexity bias cross-linguistically is due to true
underlying differences in the bias, or merely a difference in the fidelity of the complexity ratings
cross-linguistically. Speaking against this limitation, however, the presence of a complexity bias
across all 80 languages that we examined suggests that the bias is likely to hold cross-linguistically
in experimental work as well. If anything, the cross-linguistic mean bias is likely larger than our
current estimates in the corpus study, because of the mismatch in complexity judgments between
English speakers and speakers of other languages.
The motivating framework for the present work was the notion of interacting dynamics at
multiple timescales. Our work suggests that a complexity bias is present in both individual
speakers—the pragmatic timescale (Hypothesis 1)—and in the structure of the lexicon—the
language evolution timescale (Hypothesis 2). While the existing data do not speak directly to a
causal relationship between these two hypotheses, a casual interpretation is both parsimonious and
consistent with work in other domains of linguistic structure, reviewed in the Introduction. A
causal account would suggest that the trade off between listener and hearer pressures leads to a
complexity bias at the pragmatic timescale and, over time, these pressures lead to the same
regularity emerging in the lexicon over the language change timescale. Our data are not able to
speak to the processes underlying participants’ judgments—these judgments need not reflect
in-the-moment pragmatic inference; they could also be the result of an iconic mapping between
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