www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
The Probability Approach to English If-conditional Sentences
Mei Wu
Assistant Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Leshan Normal University, China
Received: January 20, 2012 Accepted: February 14, 2012 Published: May 1, 2012
doi:10.5539/elt.v5n5p37 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/elt.v5n5p37
Users of the Probability Approach choose the right one from four basic types of conditional sentences—factual,
predictive, hypothetical and counterfactual conditionals, by judging how likely (i.e. the probability) the event in the
result-clause will take place when the condition in the if-clause is met. Thirty-three students from the experimental
class received a 30-minute lecture on the Probability Approach between taking two conditional quizzes while 32
students from the control class did not. Averagely speaking, students who learned the Probability Approach were
found to have scored 6 points higher in the second quiz than in the first quiz, compared with those who didn’t learn
this approach. This finding proved that the Probability Approach was effective in helping students acquire the four
basic types of conditional sentences.
Keywords: Probability Approach, Factual conditionals, Predictive conditionals, Hypothetical conditionals,
Counterfactual conditionals
Teaching English conditionals has always been a difficult task for English teachers. There’s no agreed-upon method
of teaching English conditionals so far. Some teachers teach conditional sentences and subjunctive mood side by
side, some teachers teach them separately, and teachers use different ways to classify conditional sentences.
I have tried various methods to teach English if-conditional sentences to freshman English majors, whose native
language is Chinese, over the years. From my teaching experiences I have become aware of the need to simplify the
classification of conditionals to only four basic types and to explain conditionals in a logical, self-explanatory
I name my approach to teaching English conditionals the Probability Approach, because users of this approach
firstly judge how likely (i.e. the probability) the event in the result-clause will take place when the condition in the
if-clause is met, then chose the corresponding conditional sentence type based on the probability. To examine how
effective this Probability Approach is, I conducted an empirical study using the classic controlled experimental
design on 33 students from the experimental class and 32 students from the control class. The students in the
experimental class received a 30-minute lecture on the Probability Approach between taking two conditional quizzes
while the students in the control class did not. If students from the experimental class, who received the lecture on
the Probability Approach, showed greater improvement in scores in the second conditional quiz than in the first
conditional quiz, compared with students from the control class, the Probability Approach would be proven effective
in enhancing students’ understanding of the English conditionals.
Before we get to the specifics of the empirical study, let’s review the types of English if-conditional sentences, the
traditional methods for teaching English conditionals, as well as the Probability Approach that is under study in this
1. Literature Review
1.1 Overview of English If-conditional Sentences
A typical English if-conditional sentence is “If p, then q”. The if-clause (If-C) is the antecedent, in which the
speaker states the condition of reasoning, and the then-clause (result-C) is the consequent in which the speaker states
the outcome of inferences (Traugott et al., 1986:5).
English conditional sentences can be divided into sentences of real conditions and sentences of unreal conditions.
The real conditionals can be further divided into those that express some type of factual relationship and those that
present a predictive relationship. The unreal conditionals are used to express extremely unlikely or hypothetical
situations and situations that are assumed to be contrary to known facts or counterfactual (Zhang, 2005:10-11). The
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750
following table (see Table 1) includes sample sentences of real or unreal conditions.
As varied as the types of conditional sentences are, the English conditionals are further complicated by the use of
backshifting of tense. Comrie (1986) defines the backshifting of tense as “the use of a morphologically past tense
with present (or future) time reference and of pluperfect with past time reference.” For example, the present tense is
used to refer to the future in the if-clause of future real conditional sentences (e.g. If I have time, I will study
English.); the past tense is used in the hypothetical conditional to represent improbability in the present or future (e.g.
If I had time, I would study English.); and the past perfect tense is used in the counterfactual conditional to refer to
impossible events that didn’t happen in the past (e.g. If I had had time, I would have studied English.) .
1.2 Teaching English If-conditional Sentences to Chinese Students
Conditional sentences ranked fifth on a list of most serious teaching problems encountered by ESL teachers,
according to a survey conducted in Los Angeles area (Covitt, 1976). Teaching if-conditional sentences to Chinese
students is particularly hard because of the negative transfer of Chinese on students’ acquisition of English
The Chinese language has only one verb-tense pattern, so Chinese speakers do not change tenses and modality in the
verb phrase to indicate whether the conditional sentence is factual, hypothetical or counterfactual (Zhang, 2005:18).
Instead, Chinese makes use of the context, time reference and internal semantic logic to differentiate the conditional
types (Wu, 1994). As a result, the English real conditional sentences with normal time reference and thus similar to
corresponding Chinese conditionals are comparatively easy for Chinese learners to acquire. However, the English
unreal conditional sentences, involving a backshifting of tense, are challenging for Chinese learners.
Chinese teachers have been trying various methods of teaching English conditionals to Chinese students. Shang
Mingkui (1989: 34-37) and Ding Wangdao (1979: 58-60) proposed teaching methods that are based on a
comprehensive listing of possible combinations of an if-clause and a result-clause. Ouyang Zhiding (2009: 61-65)
put forward a tabular method to summarize and contrast the subjunctive forms in tables. Zhao Xiuzhen (1996: 48-50)
proposed teaching three most common types of English conditionals, namely, the predictive, hypothetical and
counterfactual conditionals. She left out the present factual conditionals. Zhang Bin’s empirical study involving 70
Chinese college students from Hunan University of Science and Technology also discovered that even though the
present factual was expected to be the easiest type to acquire, “quite a lot of participants mistook present factual
conditionals as predictive conditionals, and the evidence was that they added modal will in the main clause of the
present factual conditionals” (2005: 66-67). The studies conducted by Zhao Xiuzhen (1996: 48-50) and Zhang Bin
(2005: 66-67) prove that the present factual conditional sentences have been traditionally overlooked in many
ESL/EFL textbooks and in English teaching practice despite of the high frequency of the present factual conditionals
in everyday English.
Based on the analysis above, I propose teaching four basic types of English conditionals to students. These four
types are: the factual conditional sentences, the predictive conditional sentences, the hypothetical conditional
sentences, and the counterfactual conditional sentences (Zhang, 2005: 9-14; Liu, 2011: 16-24). I also propose
teaching English conditionals separately from the subjunctive mood. In addition, I propose making the backshifting
of tense readily understandable by listing four types of conditionals according to their probability of realizing the
event in the result-clause. I name this approach to English conditionals the Probability Approach.
1.3 The Probability Approach to English If-conditional Sentences
Users of the Probability Approach to four basic types of English if-conditional sentences look at how likely (i.e. the
probability) the event in the result-clause will take place when the condition in the if-clause is met. By this method,
the English if-conditional sentences can be loosely classified into four groups: the factual conditionals, the
predictive conditionals, the hypothetical conditionals and the counterfactual conditionals.
In the factual conditionals (i.e. the zero conditionals), the event in the result-clause is bound to happen as long as the
condition in the if-clause is met (probability = 100%).
In the predictive conditionals (i.e. the first conditionals), the event in the result-clause is highly likely to happen in
the future, as long as the condition in the if-clause is met (probability 50%).
In the hypothetical conditionals (i.e. the second conditionals), the event in the result-clause is unlikely yet possible
to happen when the condition in the if-clause is met (probability 10%). The hypothetical conditionals are usually
used to express wishes and desires that are unlikely to be realized.
In the counterfactual conditionals (i.e. the third conditionals), the event in the result-clause is assumed to take place
or become true when the situation in the if-clause, which is known to be impossible in the past, is met (probability =
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
The following table (see Table 2) includes these four basic types of conditional sentences in the order of high-to-low
It’s worth noting that these four basic types of conditionals and their structures are not the only way, nor the “correct”
way, of dealing with their corresponding conditions. The verb phrase patterns in the if-clause and the result-clause
can refer to different or unrelated time frame, respectively. This kind of conditional sentences are called Mixed
Conditionals. Let’s look at the following two examples of mixed conditionals:
[Example 1] If only the patient had received a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics he might still be
alive now.
[Example 2] Had Judy been more careful on the math exam, she would get much better results now.
In the two examples above, the if-clauses refer to the situations that are assumed not to have taken place or not to be
true. For example, “if only the patient had received a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics” in the first
example indicates that the patient actually used the antibiotics and did not receive a different treatment. In a similar
manner, “had Judy been more careful on the math exam” in the second example indicates that Judy in reality were
not careful on the math exam.
Even with if-clauses that resemble those in the counterfactual conditionals, these two examples do not indicate
impossibility in the past, as the result-clauses refer to imaginary results that are contrary to the known facts at
present. For example, “he might still be alive now” in the first example indicates that he is no longer alive. In a
similar manner, “she would get much better results now” in the second example indicates that her grades are far
from being satisfactory at present.
Despite that the mixed conditionals mentioned above and other colloquial, dialectal or sub-standard conditional
expressions are perhaps more true to the language as it is used, I still propose teaching the four basic types of
conditionals to beginner learners of English conditionals, as these four types are simplified representation of English
conditionals in real life.
2. Methodology
2.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses
This research aims to investigate how effective the Probability Approach is in teaching English if-conditional
sentences using a classic controlled experimental design.
Research Question 1. Do research subjects from both the experimental class and the control class show
improvement in their understanding of the English if-conditional sentences over time, as indicated by the differences
of their scores from conditional quiz I and conditional quiz II?
Hypothesis I: The research subjects from both the experimental class and the control class would show improvement
in their understanding of the English if-conditional sentences over time, as averagely speaking, they would score
higher in the second conditional quiz than in the first conditional quiz.
Research Question 2. Is the Probability Approach effective in teaching students the English if-conditional sentences,
as indicated by the degrees of improvement in scores from two conditional quizzes, for research subjects who
received a 30-minute lecture on the Probability Approach and those who did not receive the lecture?
Hypothesis II. The research subjects from the experimental class, who received a 30-minute lecture on the
Probability Approach to the English if-conditional sentences, averagely speaking, would show greater improvement
in scores from the first and the second conditional quizzes, than research subjects from the control class, who did not
receive the lecture.
2.2 Research Instrument
Research subjects completed two blank-filling conditional quizzes (see Appendix). There were a total of 19
questions in the first conditional quiz and 14 questions in the second conditional quiz. In every question, blank
spaces took the place of the missing verb phrases, and before each blank space the basic form of a target verb was
given in parentheses. Each blank weighed two points. The total score for each test was calculated using the
following formula:
Total score = 100 – number of mistakes x 2
The conditional quizzes were developed in a way that the different types of conditionals were arranged randomly.
It’s worth noting that question 3, 4, 5, 13, and 19 in the first conditional quiz were tested again in the second
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750
conditional quiz.
2.3 Research Procedures
Sixty-five freshman English majors from two classes in a teachers college in Sichuan completed the first conditional
quiz outside of the class. Afterwards, the experimental class (N=33) received a 30-minute lecture on the Probability
Approach. From this lecture, the students from the experimental class learned how to decide upon a conditional
sentence type by judging the probability of realizing the condition in the result-clause. The control class (N=32),
however, did not receive the lecture. The students from the control class were merely given the answers to test
questions. These students also discussed with their teacher the questions they didn’t get right, but they were not
introduced to the Probability Approach.
Sixty-five students from both classes took a second conditional quiz after a week.
I collected test scores for all research subjects in two conditional quizzes, entered and analyzed the data using SPSS
13.0. I also used a two-tailed paired samples t test to compare the mean scores from two quizzes.
2.4 Research Subjects
Sixty-five freshman English majors from two classes in a teachers college in Sichuan completed the two conditional
quizzes. One hundred and thirty scores from the two conditional quizzes by the experimental class (N=33) and the
control class (N=32) were collected.
The research subjects in both classes were overwhelmingly female (females: 60, 92%; males: 5, 8%), and this is
typical of an English Education program in a teachers college in Sichuan, where these young girls are trained to be
city or country primary/middle school English teachers.
3. Results and Discussion
Hypothesis I predicted that research subjects, with or without receiving a 30-minute lecture on the Probability
Approach to the English conditionals, would score higher in the second conditional quiz than in the first conditional
quiz. A two-tailed paired samples t test was conducted to compare the mean scores in the first conditional quiz and
in the second conditional quiz. For research subjects from the experimental class, who received the Probability
Approach lecture, there was a significant difference in the mean scores from the first conditional quiz (M=53.64,
SD=13.9) and those from the second conditional quiz (M=84.48, SD= 6.4); t(32)=-12.814, p<0.001. For research
subjects from the control class, who did not receive the lecture, there was also a significant difference in the mean
scores from the first conditional quiz (M=59.19, SD=10.9) and those from the second conditional quiz (M=84,
SD=6.7); t (31)=-12.584, p<0.001 (see Table 3).
Hypothesis II predicted that research subjects who received a 30-minute lecture on the Probability Approach to the
English conditionals would show greater improvement in scores from the first and the second conditional quizzes,
than research subjects who did not receive the lecture. The results of a two-tailed paired samples t test supported
Hypothesis II as well. Even though research subjects from both classes scored higher in the second conditional quiz
than in the first conditional quiz, students from the experimental class who received the lecture showed greater
improvement in scores than those from the control class, who didn’t receive the lecture. Averagely speaking,
research subjects who didn’t receive the lecture increased their scores by 24.81 points (from a mean score of 59.19
to a mean score of 84), and those who received the lecture increased their scores by 30.36 points (from a mean score
of 53.64 to a mean score of 84.48). The difference of 6 points (=30.36-24.81) is attributable to the lecture on the
Probability Approach to the English conditionals (see Table 3). In another word, the Probability Approach was
proven to be effective in enhancing students’ understanding of the English conditionals.
Even though the research results support both of the initial hypotheses, this empirical study has some limitations.
First of all, there is a significant but low correlation between the test scores from the first conditional quiz and those
from the second conditional quiz for all research subjects, r (64) = .314, p <.05. The statistical significance for
correlations depends upon two factors—the correlation coefficient and the number of cases (N). As N increases, the
size of the correlation coefficient needed to be statistically significant decreases (Moore, Burnett & Moore, 1986:19).
With a relatively large N (N=64), this low correlation coefficient (r = .314) is of little practical value. In another
word, we can’t say that students who did well in the first conditional quiz also did well in the second conditional
quiz. So there’s no way to know whether these two quizzes were equally difficult. In addition to that, five questions
that had been tested in the first conditional quiz were tested again in the second conditional quiz. The repetitive
testing of these five questions may have somewhat contributed to the improvement in scores. Second, both the
experimental class and the control class are disproportionally female. It would be great if the sample were more
balanced in terms of gender.
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
4. Conclusion
This empirical study involving 65 freshman English majors in a teachers college in Sichuan used the classic
controlled experimental design. Thirty-three students from the experimental class, after receiving a 30-minute
lecture on the Probability Approach to English if-conditionals, averagely speaking, scored 6 points higher in the
second conditional quiz than in the first conditional quiz, compared with 32 students from the control class, who
didn’t receive the lecture. This finding proved that it was effective to teach students how to understand four basic
types of conditionals—factual, predictive, hypothetical and counterfactual conditionals, by looking at their
probability of realizing the event in the result-clause.
The Probability Approach simplifies the multiple types of English if-conditionals and presents the four basic types
of conditionals in a logical, therefore readily understandable, fashion. This approach is particularly helpful for
beginner Chinese learners of English conditionals, because it makes it easy to judge which type of conditionals to
Of course, “it would seem to be both more efficient in terms of language learning, and more true to the language as
it is used, to expose students to as many examples as possible of real non-past conditionals, involving the full range
of possible combinations, rather than to try to place them in some sort of structural straitjacket” (Maule, 1988: 119).
Comrie, B. (1986). Conditionals: A Typology. In Traugott, E. C., Meulen, A., Reilly, J. S. & Ferguson, C. A. (Eds),
On Conditionals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Covitt, R. (1976). Some Problematic Grammar Areas for ESL Teachers. MA Thesis. University of California, Los
Ding, Wangdao. (1979). On Teaching English Conditionals and Subjunctive Mood. Foreign Languages Teaching
and Research, 17(1), 58-60.
Liu, Hsiu-hui. (2011). Second Language Acquisition of If-conditionals in English. MA Thesis. National Taiwan
Normal University.
Maule, D. (1988). “Sorry, but if He Comes, I Go”: Teaching Conditionals. ELT Journal, 42(2), 117-123.
Moore, G. E., Burnett, M. F., & Moore, B. A. (1986). Approved Practices in Reporting Quantitative Research.
Journal of Vocational Education Research, 11(4), 1-24.
Ouyang, Zhiding. (2009). A Shortcut to Teaching Subjunctive Mood: A Tabular Contrast Approach. Crazy English
(Teachers’ Version), (4), 61-65.
Shang, Mingkui. (1989). On Tenses in English Conditionals. Foreign Languages Research, 6, 34-37.
Traugott, E. C., Meulen, A., Reilly, J. S., & Ferguson, C. A. (Eds). (1986). On Conditionals. Cambridge: Cambridge
University. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511753466
Wu, H. F. (1994). “If Triangle Were Circles,…”—A Study of Counterfactuals in Chinese and in English. Taipei:
Crane Publishing.
Zhang, Bin. (2005). A Study of the Acquisition of English If-conditional Sentences by Chinese Learners. MA Thesis.
PLA University.
Zhao, Xiuzhen. (1996). On Three Commonly-seen Basic English Conditionals. Journal of Anshan Normal College
(Synthetic), 1, 48-50.
Mei Wu (Assistant Professor)
Academic title/degree: Master of Science in Applied Communication Research from College of Communication,
Boston University, MA, USA
Working place: College of Foreign Languages, Leshan Normal University, P.R.C.
Research field: Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Literature in English Language
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750
Table 1. Types of English if-conditional sentences listed by tense
Present Real Conditional Present Unreal Conditional
If I have time, I study English. If I had time, I would study English.
(Sometimes I have time.) (I don’t have time.)
Past Real Conditional Past Unreal Conditional
If I had time, I studied English. If I had had time, I would have studied English.
(Sometimes I had time.) (I didn’t have time.)
Future Real Conditional Future Unreal Conditional
If I have time, I am going to/will study. If I had time, I would study English.
(I don’t know if I will have time or not.) (I won’t have time.)
Table 2. Types of English if-conditional sentences listed by probability
Types % Answer a
question like …
Example Structure Time
Factual conditionals
/Zero conditionals
100% What happens
If you heat ice, it melts. If+present simple
present simple
Predictive conditionals
/First conditionals (Type I)
50% What will
happen if…?
If it rains, I will stay at
If+present simple
Hypothetical conditionals
/Second conditionals (Type
10% What would
happen if…?
If I won the lottery, I
would buy a car.
If+past simple
Present or
Counterfactual conditionals
/Third conditionals (Type III)
0% What would
have happened
If I had won the lottery, I
would have bought a car.
If+past perfect
would have+past
Table 3. Results of a paired samples t test for comparing score means in conditional quizzes
Control Class Experimental Class
Quiz I Quiz II Quiz I Quiz II
Mean 53.64 84.48 59.19 84
(13.932) (6.404) (10.929) (6.696)
N 32 33
Df 31 32
t -12.584 -12.814
Note: p=.000. Standard Deviations appear in parentheses below means.
Appendix: Conditional Quiz I
1. She hates TV. She thinks television is a waste of time. (If/When) If
she watches any television at all, it is
usually a documentary or a news program.
2. My friend always keeps in touch by mail. (If/When) When
I get a letter, I usually write back immediately.
3. If I (have) had
enough money, I (go) would go on safari to Kenya. However, my bank account is empty!
4. I love to travel! When I (have) have
enough money, I (go) go abroad. I do it almost every year.
5. I really wanted to go on safari to Kenya with my friends, but I couldn’t afford to go. If I (have) had had
enough money, I (go) would have gone with them.
6. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were allergic to chocolate. If I (know) had known
, I (make) would have
made you a vanilla birthday cake.
7. Stop asking me what Amanda bought you for Christmas. Even if I (know) knew
what she bought you, I (tell,
not) wouldn’t tell
8. Nobody here speaks English. Too bad Gloria isn’t here. If she (be) were
with us, she (can) could act as
our interpreter.
9. I am afraid I won’t be able to come to your wedding next week because my company is sending
me to New York to attend a trade show. I (miss, never) would never miss
your wedding if I
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
(have) had a choice in the matter.
10. If the weather is nice tomorrow, she (walk) will walk
along the river to school.
11. If you were to help me move tomorrow, I (treat) would treat
you to a dinner and a movie.
12. If I were in Tahiti right now, I (snorkel) would be snorkeling
along a beautiful reef. I wouldn’t be stuck here
in this office with mountains of paperwork.
13. If Jerry hadn’t stopped to pick up that quarter, he (cross) would have been crossing
the street when the bus
ran the red light. He might have been killed!
14. Tina’s train arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn’t decided to go to the train station early, she (wait) would
have been waiting there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.
15. If I (pass) had passed
the test, I (get) will get an “A” in the class. Instead, I got a “C.” I really should
have studied more.
16. If I (be) were
rich, I (buy) would have bought that new Mercedes we saw yesterday. Unfortunately, I
can’t even afford a used car.
17. We (go) would go
skiing this weekend, but there’s no snow. Oh, well! We will just have to find something
else to do instead.
18. If Heather spoke Chinese, she (translate) would have translated
the email for you yesterday.
19. Clarence: Mary, have you ever had a teacher who changed your life or influenced you greatly?
Mary: Yes. But the teacher influenced me in a very negative way. I have always had problems with math, and I think
it comes from my seventh grade math teacher, Mr. Harris. He thought girls couldn’t do math. When any girl (ask)
a question, he always (sigh) sighed and (say) said , “Girls can’t do math. It’s a well known
fact.” When a boy (ask) asked
a question, he (smile) smiled and (ask) asked for his answer.
Clarence: That’s terrible! Your teacher actually said that to you?
Mary: Yes. If he ever did let me answer a question, and I actually got it right, he always (say) said
that it was a
lucky guess.
Clarence: Your parents (should, do) should have done
something about him. They (could, go) could have
gone to the principle of the school and complained about the way Mr. Harris treated the girls. If you (be) were
my child, I (demand) would have demanded that such an irresponsible teacher be fired.
Mary: You’re right! If somebody (force) had forced
Mr. Harris to treat the children equally, I (become)
would have become
more confident in math. His behavior (might, affect) might have affected every girl in
that class.
Clarence: It might have. I’m glad our children don’t have teachers like that!
Appendix: Conditional Quiz II
1. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there C
quite such a crowd of people there.
A. werent B. hasnt been C. hadnt been D. wouldnt been
2. A
for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.
A. Had it not been B. Hadn’t it been D. Was it not D. Were it not
3. D
if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?
A. Would you be surprised B. Were you surprised
D. Had you been surprised D. Would you have been surprised
4. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he A
able to advise you much better than I can.
A. would be B. will have been D. Was D. Were
5. If only I B
play the guitar as well as you!
A. would B. could D. should D. might
6. “You D
borrow my notes provided you take care of them,” I told my friend.
A. could B. should D. must D. can
7. If only the patient D
a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics he might still be alive now.
A. had received B. received D. should receive D. were receiving
8. Had Judy been more careful on the math exam, she D
much better results now.
A. would be getting B. could have got D. must get D. would get
www.ccsenet.org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2012
ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750
9. If I (have) had enough money, I (go) would go on safari to Kenya. However, my bank
account is empty!
10. I love to travel! When I (have) have
enough money, I (go) go abroad. I do it almost every year.
11. I really wanted to go on safari to Kenya with my friends, but I couldn’t afford to go. If I (have) had had
enough money, I (go) would have gone with them.
12. If Jerry hadn’t stopped to pick up that quarter, he (cross) would have been crossing
the street when the bus
ran the red light. He might have been killed!
13. Tina’s train arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn’t decided to go to the train station early, she (wait) would have
been waiting there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.
14. Clarence: Mary, have you ever had a teacher who changed your life or influenced you greatly?
Mary: Yes. But the teacher influenced me in a very negative way. I have always had problems with math, and I think
it comes from my seventh grade math teacher, Mr. Harris. He thought girls couldn’t do math. When any girl (ask)
a question, he always (sigh) sighed and (say) said , “Girls can’t do math. It’s a well known
fact.” When a boy (ask) asked
a question, he (smile) smiled and (ask) asked for his answer.
Clarence: That’s terrible! Your teacher actually said that to you?
Mary: Yes. If he ever did let me answer a question, and I actually got it right, he always (say) said
that it was a
lucky guess.
Clarence: Your parents (should, do) should have done
something about him. They (could, go) could have
gone to the principle of the school and complained about the way Mr. Harris treated the girls. If you (be) were
my child, I (demand) would have demanded that such an irresponsible teacher be fired.
Mary: You’re right! If somebody (force) had forced
Mr. Harris to treat the children equally, I (become)
would have become
more confident in math. His behavior (might, affect) might have affected every girl in
that class.
Clarence: It might have. I’m glad our children don’t have teachers like that!