How social perception can
automatically influence behavior
Melissa J. Ferguson
and John A. Bargh
Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
Do we always know the reasons for our actions? Or is
our behavior sometimes unknowingly and unintention-
ally influenced by what we have recently perceived? It
has been traditionally assumed that the automatic influ-
ence of knowledge in memory is limited to people’s
interpretation of the world, and stops short of shaping
their actual behavior. Researchers in experimental
social psychology have begun to challenge this
assumption by documenting how people’s behaviors
can be unknowingly influenced by knowledge that is
incidentally activated in memory during social percep-
tion. We review findings that suggest that the social
knowledge that is incidentally activated while reading
words or imagining events subsequently affects partici-
pants’ behaviors across a range of ostensibly unrelated
Experimental social psychologists have amassed a large
body of findings over the past three decades suggesting
that social knowledge is automatically activated in
memory during the natural course of perception. That is,
while people are seeing and listening to the world around
them, social knowledge that corresponds to perceived
stimuli is spontaneously and immediately activated in
memory without people’s awareness or intention. This
research has also shown that automatically activated
information then shapes and guides people’s impressions,
judgments, feelings and intentions without people being
aware that such influence is occurring [13].
Although there is now a general consensus that people’s
understanding of the world is automatically shaped by
previous experiences and knowledge, many people assume
that complex behaviors are untainted by such influences.
Instead, behaviors are often presumed to result solely from
conscious, intentional thought. Recent research in social
psychology has placed this long-standing assumption
under scrutiny by showing that complex behaviors can
also be automatically initiated and guided. This represents
a significant shift in the kind of effects automatic social
knowledge activation has, from subjective impressions of
the world to actual behaviors in the world. Such a shift is
crucial for developing theories, not only about how
behavioral information is represented in memory, but
also about the determinants of everyday behaviors. Just as
previous research has informed us that our impressions of
the world are inevitably shaped by factors outside of our
awareness, the current work suggests that we might not
always be aware of how we are behaving or perhaps
more importantly, why. This article first briefly describes
the research on how incidental knowledge activation
influences judgments and impressions, and then reviews
recent findings concerning automatic effects on social
Perception automatically activates social knowledge
Social psychological research about how social knowledge
is automatically activated during perception was inspired
by research in cognitive psychology a quarter of a century
ago [4,5]. Cognitive psychologists showed that the percep-
tion of a stimulus in the environment (e.g. a bird) activates
in memory a vast array of semantically and lexically
related information (e.g. robin, wings, trees, etc.). This was
discovered using priming paradigms, which demonstrated
that people inevitably ‘go beyond the information given’,
inferring more information from a perceived stimulus than
is physically present [6]. Furthermore, this work showed
that the activation of such knowledge does not require the
perceivers intention [4,5].
Inspired by these findings, social psychologists demon-
strated that social information is also activated in an
automatic fashion (see Box 1) [13]. Using a variety of
priming methodologies, researchers established that when
a person perceives a member of a social group, such as an
elderly person, information about that group is instantly
activated, including attitudes, exemplars (i.e. memories of
individual group members), and social stereotypes (beliefs
and expectancies about the group; e.g. elderly people are
slow and forgetful) [79]. The perception of behaviors
themselves also leads to the activation of social knowledge.
When people read about an actor performing a behavior,
trait knowledge that corresponds to that behavior is
spontaneously and unintentionally activated [1012].
Taken together, this research suggests that the perception
of any social stimulus will inevitably activate in memory a
diverse array of related knowledge.
Incidentally activated knowledge affects social judgment
Knowledge that is incidentally activated during percep-
tion can influence people’s judgments because it can guide
the categorization of judgment-relevant stimuli. Social
stimuli are often inherently ambiguous in that they are
multiply categorizable [13]. For instance, people can be
Corresponding author: Melissa J. Ferguson ([email protected]).
Review TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.1 January 2004
33 1364-6613/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2003.11.004
judged according to their membership in any of numerous
groups (e.g. race, sex, age, etc.), and social behaviors can
usually be interpreted in multiple ways (e.g. is he acting in
a conceited or shy manner?). Because there are always
many categories into which a person or event can be
placed, the ultimate classification of a stimulus will
depend on the relative accessibility of the relevant
categories [14].
This is when incidentally activated knowledge can
determine the categorization of a stimulus, and therefore
influence later judgments and interpretations. A particu-
lar category can become accessible because of the recent
perception of an event, and then capture a subsequently
encountered stimulus, even if the only relation between
the perceived event and the subsequent stimulus is a
semantic one. For instance, a particular social category,
such as African-Americans, might become activated
naturally and incidentally when perceiving a member of
that group in the street (or on television or in a
newspaper); but that category will remain activated
(‘primed’) for some time thereafter, even after the original
stimulus is no longer present in the environment. During
the time it remains active and accessible, it can influence
the categorization of other, race-ambiguous people. But
perhaps more importantly, because any categorization
carries with it a unique set of social stereotypes, attitudes
and knowledge, all of this associated knowledge (e.g.
stereotypic traits, such as hostility) also remains acces-
sible and likely to be used in the interpretation of other
people’s behavior. This well-established research suggests
that people are not only unaware of the information that is
activated during the normal course of perception, but also
of the way in which such information guides their
judgments and impressions of the world around them.
Incidentally activated knowledge affects behavior
Until recently, it has been largely assumed that although
judgments and feelings can be shaped by factors outside of
people’s awareness, complex social behavior is determined
by people’s conscious and deliberately made choices. This
assumption is part of a rich tradition of rational-choice
theories of behavior as well as the humanistic tradition
within psychology, both of which assume that people more
or less carefully and intentionally weigh their behavioral
options and then choose the optimal one [1,2].
In contrast to this assumption, researchers in social
psychology have begun to demonstrate that complex
behavior is also automatically shaped and guided by the
knowledge that is incidentally activated during percep-
tion. Their argument builds on previous theory and
research suggesting that behavioral representations can
be automatically activated in memory during perception,
and, once activated, can guide actual behavior.
Perception activates behavioral representations
Numerous theorists have argued that behavior is mentally
represented in a similar way to other social information
such as judgments and attitudes. In particular, theorists
have asserted that behavioral and perceptual represen-
tations are closely interconnected in memory [1524], and
recent research supports this claim. For instance,
researchers have found, in both Macaque monkeys [25]
and humans [26], that the same area of the premotor
cortex is active both when monkeys and humans perceive
an action and when they perform that action themselves.
On the assumption that behavioral responses are
mentally represented and associated with perceptual
representations, behavioral responses might be among
the forms of knowledge that are automatically activated in
response to perceiving a social stimulus. For instance, just
as a stereotype presumably becomes associated with a
group after repeated group stereotype pairings, a beha-
vior that a person repeatedly performs in a particular
situation, or in response to a particular other person,
Box 1. Automaticity in contemporary social psychology
What constitutes an automatic effect of knowledge activation on
judgment or behavior? Historically, efficient processes that occur
without the person’s awareness, intention or control have been
considered automatic [3 5,5658]. Research that addresses
whether a given process meets these criteria for automaticity,
as well as speculation about how the concept of automaticity
should be conceptualized, is prevalent within social psychology
[13,5657,5964]. Much contemporary work on automatic pro-
cesses, however, has focused on the criterion of awareness
(although see research on efficient social processes [10,11]). In
particular, given the well-established finding that people are
unaware of the vast amount of social knowledge that becomes
activated during social perception, researchers have tested the
degree to which people’s judgments and behavior are unknowingly
influenced by such incidental knowledge activation. If participants
are unaware that their behavior has been influenced by recently
perceived information, they necessarily did not intend such an
influence, nor could they have controlled the influence. Although
this kind of operationalization of automaticity is regularly being
scrutinized and refined, it does effectively capture the unintentional
and non-conscious aspects of many social behaviors, the determi-
nants of which have traditionally been assumed to be completely
conscious and deliberate.
How do researchers ensure that participants are unaware of the
impact of a priming episode ontheirjudgment or behavior?Thecritical
requirement is that participants do not suspect any influence of the
priming on their subsequent behavior [65], and this can be
accomplished even when participants are consciously processing
the priming stimuli, as long as the cover story obscures the relation
between the two. Accordingly, many researchers present priming
stimuli in tasks that are ostensibly unrelated to subsequent dependent
measures [66]. One common method is to use a scrambled sentence
taskinwhichprimewordsare embeddedinsentencesthatparticipants
have to unscramble as part of a ‘linguistic task’ [67].
At the end of an experiment, researchers carefully assess
participants’ suspicion by administering a ‘funnel debriefing’ [66].
This procedure consists of increasingly specific questions aimed at
probing participants’ awareness and suspicion. For example, the first
question asks participants to speculate in general about the purpose
of the experiment, whereas the later questions ask whether they
noticed any connection between certain words in the first part of the
experiment, and their answers or behaviors in the latter part of the
experiment [66]. Although this type of measure might not capture
those participants who were actually suspicious but do not want to
admit to ‘spoiling’ the experimenter’s plans [68], it could encourage
those participants who actually were not suspicious to report
nevertheless their awareness to avoid appearing gullible. Because
there are possible ways in which a funnel debriefing might be either a
conservative or liberal proxy of awareness, researchers are con-
tinually striving for more sensitive ways to measure the degree to
which behavioral effects occur non-consciously.
Review TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.1 January 2004
might become associated in memory with the features of
that situation or person. In both cases, the mere perception
of the group member, or situation, might automatically
activate the respective stereotype or behavior.
Activated behavioral information affects behavior
Assuming that behavioral responses are represented
mentally and can be automatically activated during the
normal course of perception, can they influence how a
person behaves? There is a long history of theories arguing
for this very possibility. For example, William Carpenter in
the 1860s developed the principle of ‘ideomotor action’, in
which simply thinking about an action is sufficient to lead
to the performance of that action [27,28]. William James
elaborated on this notion in the 1890s by asserting that the
occurrence of thoughts about actions leads to the perform-
ance of those actions unless the person consciously
intervenes to prevent it [29].
Much contemporary work on human mimicry suggests
that in fact the perception of certain actions can lead to the
performance of those actions. There is abundant evidence
that people exhibit imitative behavior from an early age
onwards, mimicking everything from facial expressions to
the speech of their conversation partners [3033]. This
research suggests that the knowledge that is activated in
response to perceiving a given action can also lead to the
performance of that same action, at least for simple
behaviors such as facial expressions and the use of syntax.
Recent research on automatic social behavior
Social psychologists have recently explored whether more
complex social behavior is influenced by incidental knowl-
edge activation. For example, although research has
suggested that people will adopt the accent of a conversa-
tion partner [32], will a person act more aggressively if she
or he perceives the trait hostility? As an initial attempt to
test this possibility, Bargh, Chen and Burrows [16]
covertly primed participants with trait knowledge about
rudeness (Study 1), stereotypes of the elderly (and thus the
trait slowness; Study 2), and stereotypes of African-
Americans (and thus the trait hostility; Study 3).
Those participants primed with trait information were
significantly more likely than non-primed participants to
show behavior relevant to the primed trait: specifically, to
interrupt another person (Study 1), walk slowly down the
hallway (Study 2), or express hostility after being
provoked (Study 3). Crucially, none of the participants
reported any awareness of a connection between the
priming episode and their behavior (see Box 1). Thus,
when participants faced a situation that could be
responded to with either rudeness or politeness, slow or
fast walking, hostility or calmness, they acted in accord-
ance with trait information covertly primed only minutes
before in an unrelated context.
This first set of studies laid the groundwork for research
that has since examined how various behaviors can be
automatically guided by information that is incidentally
activated from the environment. The studies over the past
five years differ in terms of the source of social knowledge
activation (e.g. traits, stereotypes, behavior, contexts) as
well as the nature of the behavioral effects (e.g. simple,
Trait knowledge influences behavior
Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg [21] addressed
whether social behavior that is more complex than
walking speed or hostility can be primed. They subtly
primed participants with the trait intelligence’or
stupidity’, and then asked them to complete an
ostensibly unrelated knowledge test that included
questions such as ‘Who painted La Guernica?’ (a. Dali,
b. Miro, c. Picasso, d. Velasquez), and ‘What is the capital of
Bangladesh?’ (a. Dhaka, b. Hanoi, c. Yangon, d. Bangkok).
Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg expected that
priming participants with intelligence or stupidity would
lead to the increased accessibility of related knowledge,
including behavioral responses associated with the corre-
sponding concept. This activated knowledge would then
affect their performance on the test, relative to non-primed
participants. As expected, those primed with ‘intelligence
significantly outperformed non-primed participants
whereas those primed with ‘stupidity significantly under-
performed non-primed participants. None of the partici-
pants reported any awareness of a connection between the
priming episode and the test. These results suggest that
incidentally activated knowledge can influence even
complex behavior, such as performance on a knowledge
Behavioral information influences behavior
Researchers have also explored whether knowledge other
than trait information might influence people’s behavior in
an automatic fashion. Given the evidence that people tend
to adopt the tone and speech of their conversation
partners, researchers have examined whether people
might also unknowingly mimic the actions of their
conversation partners [3438]. Several recent articles
provide support for this hypothesis, and show, for example,
that people are significantly more likely to shake their foot
or rub their face unconsciously if their conversation
partner is doing so than if their partner is not [19]. In all
of these studies, participants were carefully questioned
after the experiment to assess their awareness of their own
and their partner’s behaviors. Participants did not report
any awareness of their own behavior, their partner’s
behavior, or any relation between the two. This research
suggests that the mere perception of actions automatically
increases the likelihood of the performance of those same
actions, without the person’s intention or awareness.
Recent work has expanded upon this topic by showing
that the perception of behaviors does not always increase
the likelihood of performing those same behaviors. Tiedens
and Fragale [39] hypothesized that the perception of
behaviors that connote high or low status might non-
consciously lead to the adoption of the opposite (i.e. low or
high status, respectively) behaviors. The findings suggest
that when participants interacted with a partner whose
posture suggested dominance (i.e. an expansive posture),
the participants themselves non-consciously adopted
Review TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.1 January 2004
submissive postures (i.e. restricted). A sensitive probing
process at the end of these experiments indicated that
participants were not aware of their own posture, their
partners posture, or any connection between the two.
Thus, the perception of another’s behavior can uninten-
tionally and unknowingly lead to the performance of either
that same behavior, or one that is diametrically opposed in
terms of the socially relevant dimension of status.
Goal-relevant information influences behavior
In addition to investigating the kinds of information that
can influence social behavior, researchers have also
explored the type of behavior that can result from such
an influence [4043]. Recent research by Bargh et al. [42]
suggests that incidental social perception also activates
goal knowledge that can automatically influence actual
goal-pursuit that is, behavior that is directed towards an
objective, persists over time, and resumes after an
Across several studies, participants were covertly
primed with words related to achievement, and then
completed a series of word-search puzzles. Not only did
primed participants perform significantly better than non-
primed participants during the same time period, they
were more likely than non-primed participants to maxi-
mize their performance by disobeying experimenter
instructions to stop working on the task. Primed partici-
pants were also significantly more likely than non-primed
participants to choose to continue working on the puzzles
after an interruption rather than begin a cartoon-assess-
ment task that had been rated in another study as more
enjoyable. As in other experiments in this area of research,
none of the participants in any of the studies reported any
awareness of a connection between the priming tasks and
the dependent measures. This type of research can
potentially extend the effects of incidental knowledge
activation on behavior from relatively static displays of a
trait-consistent action, to complex, feedback-dependent
sequences of behaviors.
Context information influences behavior
Researchers have also investigated whether the percep-
tion of social settings might also influence behavior in a
similar fashion. Aarts and Dijksterhuis [44] used as
priming stimuli locations that were associated with
situational norms (i.e. prescriptions for acceptable beha-
vior within a certain situation). For example, some
participants were primed with stimuli related to libraries,
a location for which the norm is quiet behavior. Those who
were primed with the location and who had the goal to visit
the location later behaved in ways that were consistent
with the norm for that location. For instance, those primed
with library subsequently recited a text passage in a
significantly softer voice than non-primed participants.
Again, none of the participants reported any awareness of
a connection between the priming procedure and the
subsequent dependent measures.
As another example of research that shows how context
information inadvertently influences behavior, research-
ers have examined whether participants who are primed
with crowded group-settings display different amounts of
helping behavior compared with non-primed participants.
Given the well-established finding in social psychology
that people in a crowd exhibit less helping behavior than
people who are alone [45], Garcia et al. [46] tested whether
the incidental activation of knowledge about being in a
large group might automatically influence later, ostensibly
unrelated helping behavior. They asked participants
either to imagine themselves in a group, or alone (e.g. in
a crowded or empty movie theater) and then measured
their willingness in a variety of helping behaviors, such as
donating money to charity. Those who imagined them-
selves in a group context later exhibited significantly less
helping behavior than control participants. Great care was
taken across five studies to ensure that participants did
not suspect any connection between the priming task and
the helping measure, and indeed, none of the participants
reported any suspicion. These studies suggest that
behavioral information can be activated from the mere
perception of social settings or contexts (such as a library,
or a crowded movie theater) and subsequently influence
actual behavior in the absence of people’s intentions and
Parameters of the effect of social perception on behavior
A crucial question concerns the mechanisms that might
underlie such automatic effects on behavior, and research-
ers have identified both some boundary conditions as well
as some potential mechanisms [15,4750]. For example,
Dijksterhuis and colleagues [49,50] have explored how the
concreteness of the priming stimuli influences the nature
of the effect, by priming participants with trait information
either via social groups (e.g. the group professors activates
the trait intelligence) or via exemplars of those social
groups (e.g. Albert Einstein also primes the trait
Figure 1. Percentage correct on a general knowledge test as a function of the type
(stereotype or exemplar) and direction (intelligence or stupidity) of the primes. Par-
ticipants were covertly primed with a stereotype indicating intelligence ( pro-
fessors) versus stupidity (supermodels), or an exemplar indicating intelligence
(Albert Einstein) versus stupidity (Claudia Schiffer). A significant interaction
between the type and direction of primes on percentage correct emerged, such
that whereas stereotype primes led to assimilation effects (participants’ behavior
was in accord with the direction of the prime), exemplar primes led to contrast
effects (participants’ behavior was in contrast with the direction of the prime). In
other words, whereas those primed with professors significantly outperformed
those primed with supermodels, those primed with Albert Einstein significantly
underperformed those primed with Claudia Schiffer. Adapted from [50].
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
Direction of prime
% correct
Intelligent Stupid
Review TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.1 January 2004
intelligence). In line with findings from the social
judgment literature [5153], those participants primed
with a social group (i.e. abstract information) exhibited
behavior in line with traits associated with the group (i.e.
assimilative effects), but those primed with exemplars
from the group (i.e. relatively more concrete information)
exhibited behavior in contrast with the associated trait
(i.e. contrast effects; see Figure 1).
Researchers have argued that whereas the perception
of an abstract prime activates an interpretive frame that is
used to interpret subsequent stimuli, the perception of
concrete exemplars invokes comparative processes
whereby the exemplar anchors the dimension of judgment
along which subsequent stimuli are judged. When the
exemplars are extreme, most subsequently perceived (or in
this case, performed) behaviors will be positioned away
from the exemplar. Dijksterhuis and colleagues [49]
argued that contrast effects emerge in behavior because
participants implicitly compare themselves with the
primed exemplar and then act accordingly.
As one might expect, the magnitude of the priming
effect on behavior has been found to depend upon the
strength of association in memory between the prime
material (e.g. the social group, context, trait, stereotype)
and the particular behavior. Dijksterhuis and colleagues
[54] predicted that the effect of priming participants with
elderly people on later memory performance would be
contingent on how much contact participants previously
had with the elderly. As expected, those participants with
lots of previous contact with the elderly performed
significantly worse on a memory test after being covertly
primed with the group (this was expected because poor
memory is part of the elderly stereotype). However, those
with little previous contact did not show any priming
effect, suggesting that the degree to which incidental
knowledge activation increases the likelihood of perform-
ing an associated behavior depends on the presence and
strength of that association in memory. Presumably, the
belief about the elderly having poor memory was
reinforced in those who interacted frequently with
members of the group.
Researchers have also recently examined whether the
effect on later behavior of being primed with a social group
is mediated by the activation of traits associated with that
group. Kawakami et al. [55] tested whether the effect of
being primed with elderly on response speed in a lexical-
decision task depended on the activation of the trait slow
(see Figure 2). The findings showed a priming effect on
behavior, as primed participants exhibited a significantly
slower response speed overall compared with non-primed
participants. In addition, primed participants responded
significantly faster to stereotype-consistent (e.g. slow)
than to inconsistent traits, compared with non-primed
participants, who showed no difference, suggesting that
the stereotyped traits were activated in memory, as
expected. Most importantly, however, the effect of priming
on behavior (overall slowness of responses) was indepen-
dent of the effect of priming on stereotype trait activation.
This suggests that the perception of a stimulus activates a
diverse array of knowledge (e.g. behaviors, traits, exem-
plars), and that types of knowledge can have independent
effects on subsequent behavior.
Over the past five years, researchers in experimental
social psychology have demonstrated not only that people’s
judgments and attitudes are sometimes automatically
influenced by factors outside of their awareness, but that
their actual behaviors are as well. Given the inherent
ambiguity in social stimuli and situations, and thus the
range of behavioral responses that might be appropriate
for any given situation, it seems likely that people’s
Figure 2. Reaction time to words in a lexical-decision task as a function of priming
condition (elderly vs. non-primed control) and type of target words (stereotypic of
the elderly vs. non-stereotypic of the elderly). The results suggest a priming effect
on behavior such that primed participants responded significantly more slowly
overall than non-primed participants. They also suggest a priming effect on stereo-
type activation such that primed participants responded significantly faster to
stereotypic than to non-stereotypic words, whereas non-primed participants
showed no difference. Importantly, a mediational analysis demonstrated that the
effect of priming on overall response speed was independent of the effect on
stereotype activation, suggesting that behavioral effects are not necessarily
mediated by the activation of group-relevant traits. Adapted from [55].
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
Priming condition
Reaction time (ms)
Stereotypic words
Non-stereotypic words
Elderly Control
Box 2. Questions for future research
What types of activated knowledge mediate effects on behavior?
For example, assuming that the mere perception of a stimulus
activates trait, context, goal, affective and behavioral information,
which types of knowledge mediate the variety of effects shown in
this recent research?
To what degree do priming effects on complex behavior meet the
traditional four criteria for automaticity? For example, to what
extent does participant suspicion of a relation between the
priming episode and the dependent measures qualify as an
automatic priming effect on behavior? What cognitive capacity is
required for these effects to occur?
What are the necessary preconditions for incidental acts of social
perception to inuence relatively static displays of behavior (e.g.
walking slowly), and how do these differ (if at all) from the
conditions needed to inuence more complex and feedback-
dependent sequences of behavior (e.g. the attempt to achieve
across multiple tasks and interruptions)?
What is the magnitude and duration of these types of priming
effects, and what factors moderate these variables?
What sources of knowledge affect behavior in an automatic
fashion, beyond those that have been studied so far?
To what extent do priming effects on various sorts of complex
behavior occur in real-life situations (i.e. outside the laboratory)?
Review TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.1 January 2004
behavior is often shaped and guided in part by knowledge
that has become accessible through incidental means, such
as unrelated recent experiences. This suggests that, in
contrast to the assumption that we always consciously
decide how to behave, we might routinely be unaware of
some or even many of the determinants of our behavior.
Future research in this area will increasingly focus on
the mechanisms that underlie the apparent potential
independence of conscious intention and actual behavior
(see Box 2). Not only will this research identify boundary
conditions and mediators of such effects, it is likely to
uncover a variety of neural substrates that underlie or
enable the effects. For example, there is emerging evidence
from cognitive neuroscience that points to fundamental
dissociations in the human brain between those structures
that are responsible for guiding complex motor behavior,
and those that afford conscious access to our current
intentions and purposes [15]. As researchers gather more
information about the nature of these non-conscious
effects, we may begin to understand more fully the
phenomenon of behavior without intention.
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