This pamphlet was prepared as a public service by the Washing-
ton State Bar Association. It contains general information and is
advice or have questions about the application of the law in a
particular matter, you should consult a lawyer.
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Washington State Bar Association
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© 2011 by Washington State Bar Association
• Housing Rights Protection
• Rental Agreement
• Rental Precaution
• Rent Increase
• Termination of a Tenancy
• Deposit Requirement
• Landlord Obligations
• Tenant Obligations
• Upkeep and Repairs
• Withholding Rent for Repairs
• Insurance
• Pets
• Right of Entry
• Eviction
• Prohibited Eviction
• Settlement of Disputes
Consumer Information Published in the Public Interest
by the Washington State Bar Association
Upkeep and Repairs
building codes and local ordinances; common areas must be kept
clean and safe; facilities and appliances must be in reasonably good
working order. Damage caused by weather, acts of God (such as
earthquakes and accidents), or damage caused by unknown third
parties are generally the responsibility of the landlord.
A tenant has certain responsibilities to keep the unit clean and
safe, and may not deliberately or negligently destroy, damage, or
remove any part of the premises and must notify the landlord (in
writing) when major repairs are needed.
are beyond the landlord’s control, the landlord has a certain amount
of time to make repairs:
24 hours to restore lost heat or water or remedy a condition that is
imminently hazardous to life;
24 hours to provide hot or cold water, heat, or electricity;
landlord, the refrigerator, range, and oven;
not more than 10 days for other repairs.
Withholding Rent for Repairs
Except for the limited right to make minor repairs and deduct their
cost from the rent, a tenant has no right to withhold rent. The cost
per repair may not exceed certain limits and reasonable notice to
the landlord is required.
Unless the rental agreement provides otherwise, the tenant has no
obligation to insure the premises. However, tenants should consider
purchasing renter’s insurance on personal property and liability
insurance for claims by third parties (such as guests) for personal
injuries occurring on the premises, since the landlord’s insurance
covers only the property.
Landlords may prohibit pets or establish their own rules or restrictions
pertaining to pets. For example, landlords may require references and
extra fees to cover special cleaning.
Right of Entry
In general, with tenant consent, a landlord has a right of entry to
inspect the premises; make repairs; supply necessary or agreed
services; or show the property to potential tenants, purchasers, or
contractors. Entry is limited to reasonable times, and two days’ notice
of intent to enter is required. A landlord may enter the premises without
the tenant’s consent if an emergency or abandonment occurs, or if the
landlord obtains a court order. A landlord may not abuse his or her right
of access to the premises to harass a tenant.
The action by a landlord to remove a tenant from a rental unit is known
as an eviction or an “unlawful detainer.” Some local housing codes
be followed.
In an eviction based on nonpayment of rent, a tenant may assert
any claim for money owed the tenant by the landlord. The tenant’s
claim (sometimes known as an equitable defense or setoff) must be
related to the tenancy, such as the tenant’s payment of a gas bill that
was the landlord’s responsibility under the rental agreement. In evic-
tion actions strict rules and procedures must be observed. Generally,
a legal eviction process involves:
Proper notice. Before evicting a tenant, the landlord must serve the
required eviction notices using proper procedures.
Filing of a lawsuit. If the tenant fails to move out, a lawsuit must be
Entitlement to a court hearing. If the tenant disputes the reasons for
the eviction, the tenant is entitled to a court hearing.
Sheriff’s involvement. If the tenant loses the court hearing, the sheriff
would then be ordered to physically evict a tenant and remove the
property in the unit. Only the sheriff, not the landlord, can physically
remove a tenant who does not comply with an eviction notice and only
Liability for attorneys’ fees. In an eviction dispute, the successful
party is entitled to recoup costs and attorney fees.
Prohibited Eviction
Landlords are generally prohibited from locking a tenant out of the
premises, from taking a tenant’s property for nonpayment of rent
(except for abandoned property under certain conditions), or from
intentionally terminating a tenant’s utility service. Various penalties
exist for violating these protections.
Retaliatory evictions are also illegal. A landlord may not terminate a
tenancy or increase rent or change other terms of the rental agreement
to retaliate against a tenant who asserts his or her rights under the
Landlord-Tenant Act or
violations of housing codes or ordinances.
Settlement of Disputes
The landlord and tenant may agree to arbitration, asking a neutral party
to settle the dispute. The process is usually quick and inexpensive, with
the administrative fee shared equally unless otherwise allocated by the
arbitrator. Landlord-tenant problems can also be resolved through informal
mediation. In mediation, a third person intervenes between two disputing
parties in an effort to reach an agreement, compromise or reconciliation.
Intended to settle a dispute quickly and inexpensively, mediation can be
requested by either a
rd or tenant and may be available without
tion process, the parties may pursue legal remedies.
For a copy of the Landlord-Tenant Act or referrals to low-cost dispute
Attorney General at 800-551-4636.
Housing Rights Protection
Various federal, state, and local laws and
ordinances protect housing rights. The Fed-
eral Fair Housing Act of 1968 makes it illegal
for a landlord to discriminate because of a
person’s race, sex, national origin, or religion.
Some local laws forbid discrimination on the
basis of age, marital status, physical and mental disability, personal
appearance, sexual preference, family responsibilities, political af-
liation, prior arrest or conviction record, source of income, or others.
Washington has a Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RCW
59.18), which denes the minimum duties of landlords and tenants
of residential dwellings. These laws also impose certain restric-
tions and provide remedies if one party fails to carry out a duty.
The remedies include eviction, reduced rent, self-help repairs, the
right to sue for money damages, and an award of attorneysfees
to the successful party. Generally, the provisions of the act may
not be waived by the landlord or tenant.
Housing codes and other local ordinances have also been
enacted in many communities to set minimum standards for living
conditions and to further regulate landlords’ and tenantsrights and
duties. For example, the City of Seattle requires disclosure of specic
information and prohibits certain lease provisions. For information
on local ordinances, contact the city council, city attorney, or other
ofcial where you live.
Landlords and tenants of mobile homes are subject to the rules
of the Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act (RCW 59.20); a summary of
this act is available from the Washington State Ofce of the Attorney
General by calling at 800-551-4636.
Rental Agreement
When a landlord and tenant agree to the terms for the rental of prop-
erty, whether orally or in writing, a tenancy is created. The agreement
between the landlord and tenant governing the tenancy is called a
lease or a rental agreement. It establishes a tenant’s right to use
property for a specied length of time in exchange for payment of rent.
The property owner is called the “landlord” or “lessor.” The person
who is entitled to occupy property is called the “tenant” or “lessee.”
As with any contract, the rental agreement should be in writing to
avoid misunderstandings and should contain all the terms agreed to by
the parties. Before you enter into a rental agreement, you should read
it carefully and discuss all of the terms and make sure any questions
you have are answered. Any changes to the lease should be marked
on the document and initialed by both parties.
The most common type of tenancy is a periodic tenancy for ex-
ample, a week-to-week or month-to-month tenancy. A periodic tenancy
is automatically renewed unless either the landlord or the tenant gives
written notice to terminate the tenancy at least 20 days prior to the
end of the month. The tenancy cannot be terminated in the middle of
any month unless the landlord agrees. Similarly, the landlord cannot
terminate the tenancy except at the end of the month and only after
twenty 20 days’ prior written notice to the tenant.
Another type of tenancy, usually called a “tenancy for a specic term,”
is for a denite period of time, for example, a lease for one year. This type
of agreement must be in writing and, if for longer than a one-year term,
the signatures of the landlord and tenant must be notarized. The tenancy
automatically terminates at the end of the specied rental period. Neither
the rent nor the other rules of the tenancy may be changed during the
specied period, except by agreement of both the landlord and the ten-
ant. Except in particular circumstances like a major breach of the lease
by the landlord, the tenant cannot break a lease.
Rental agreements for furnished homes or apartments should
contain a detailed inventory of furniture or other personal property,
along with a description of the condition of each item.
The rental agreement should cover all of the specics of the ar-
rangements, including who is responsible for utility charges, upkeep,
repairs, or alterations.
Just because something is agreed to in a lease does not necessarily
mean it is enforceable by the landlord. Some clauses may be illegal,
such as a waiver of rights under the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act, or
limitations on the landlord’s liability for injury or damages.
Rental Precaution
Before renting property, a tenant should inspect the dwelling to be sure
it meets his or her needs and is in acceptable condition. Upon moving in,
make a list of all existing defects or damages, with both the landlord and
tenant signing and keeping a copy of this list. Any commitments made by
the landlord (such as a promise to make certain repairs) should be written
into the lease, and all blank spaces should be lled in or crossed out.
Rent Increase
If there is a lease for a specied period of time, the rules of the tenancy,
including the rent, may not be changed during that period. In the case
of a periodic tenancy (such as month-to-month rental agreement), the
rules, including the rent, may be changed upon 30 days’ written notice.
Rent increases cannot be in retaliation for the tenant’s assertion of his or
her lawful rights. The landlord may charge a late payment fee if the rental
agreement expressly provides for the charging of a late fee.
Termination of a Tenancy
In addition to the procedures to end a tenancy as previously explained, if a
landlord seriously violates his or her obligations under the rental agreement,
a tenant may be able to terminate the tenancy without liability.
A landlord must follow certain procedures to terminate a tenancy. To
terminate a periodic tenancy, a landlord must give at least 20 days’ written
notice prior to the end of the month. However, if the tenant violates his or
her obligations, for example, by failing to pay the rent, the landlord may
terminate the lease through eviction proceedings. When a tenant is being
evicted because of a rule excluding children or because of conversion to
condominiums, 90 days’ notice is required.
If either party wishes to terminate the lease because of violations of
the rental agreement by the other party, such action must comply with the
terms of the agreement and landlord-tenant laws. A tenant who breaks a
lease and moves without giving proper notice may be responsible for the
rent for the balance of the term, and the landlord must make a reasonable
effort to relet the premises in order to mitigate (or reduce) the damages.
The liability and duties of each party vary depending on the terms of the
rental agreement.
Deposit Requirement
A landlord may require a deposit to ensure that the tenant takes care of
the unit and complies with the terms of the rental agreement. Deposit
requirements cannot be discriminatory, nor may a deposit be increased
to retaliate against a tenant. A nonrefundable fee cannot be called a
“deposit.A refundable damage or security deposit must be distinguished
from nonrefundable cleaning fees.
If a deposit or nonrefundable fee is charged, the lease or rental
agreement must be in writing, and must include the terms and conditions
under which any deposit will be returned. A deposit cannot be withheld for
normal wear and tear. If a tenant pays a deposit, the landlord must provide
a document describing the condition of the rental unit. The landlord is
required to keep deposits in a trust account, and must also provide the
tenant with a receipt and the name and address of the depository. Any
interest earned on a deposit belongs to the landlord.
The landlord has 14 days after a tenant moves out to return a deposit,
or give a written explanation of why it (or any part of it) was not refunded.
If a landlord does not comply, the full amount of the deposit must be
refunded to the tenant, regardless of any claims by the landlord that the
tenant is not entitled to a refund.
Landlord Obligations
The landlord must provide and maintain the rental property, and must obey
the rules of the rental agreement. The landlord (or his or her representative)
must be accessible to the tenant and must:
keep the premises up to code;
maintain the roof, walls, and structural components;
keep common areas reasonably clean and safe;
provide a reasonable program for control of pests;
provide necessary facilities to supply heat, electricity, and hot and
cold water;
provide reasonably adequate locks;
maintain appliances furnished with the rental unit; and
comply with any duties imposed by local laws.
The landlord may not knowingly rent property that is condemned. If
a landlord fails to perform his or her duties, three types of remedies may
be available to the tenant:
1. The right to terminate the rental agreement and move out after giving
written notice to the landlord.
2. The right to initiate litigation or arbitration proceedings.
3. The right to make limited repairs and deduct their cost from the rent.
In general, before exercising any of the Landlord-Tenant Act’s rem-
edies, the tenant: (1) must be current in rent payments, and (2) must give
the landlord written notice of the defective condition.
Tenant Obligations
The tenant must:
pay rent;
keep the premises clean and sanitary;
not damage or permit damage to the unit;
dispose of garbage;
properly use xtures and appliances;
restore the property to its initial condition, except for normal wear
and tear at the end of the term; and
comply with the rental agreement.
If the tenant fails to perform his or her duties, the landlord may
seek to evict the tenant. If a tenant fails to maintain the premises,
the landlord may:
evict the tenant;
make repairs and bill the tenant; and/or
sue the tenant for damages or to force compliance with the rental