Welcome to AP Computer Science A. This summer assignment will be graded and will be due at the end of the first
week of school. Dont worry, this wont be too harsh of an assignment (I promise. 😊) This assignment is simply to
introduce you to the basics of Java. I will be reviewing all this information when you start class.
To Begin With: You need to download Java, Jgrasp, and Junit
A. Download Java first: You need the Java SE Development Kit 8u211. Go to the link below, scroll
down to first block as titled above and click “Accept License Agreement.”
Then click the bottom link to download the Windows x64:
Windows x64
215.29 MB
B. Next Download jGrasp: Follow the link below:
Then go to the first box as shown below and select jGrasp.exe if you have windows or jGrasp.pkg if you are using
a Mac.
jGRASP 2.0.5_05 (March 12, 2019) - requires Java 1.6 or higher
jGRASP exe
Windows (Vista or Higher): self-extracting executable (5,896,808 bytes).
jGRASP pkg
macOS: pkg install file (requires admin access to install) (6,903,572 bytes).
Linux, UNIX, and other systems: zip file (7,148,344 bytes).
Topic 1: “Hello World”
Program Skeleton:
Enter the following program skeleton.
public class Tester
public static void main(String args [ ]) //We could put any comment here
System.out.println(“Hello World”);
Select File -> Save As -> Pick a place to save your programs and the file’s name MUST match the class name:
In this case, “Tester” should be the file name.
Let’s run this very short program.
At the top of your window is a tool bar: compile (prepare it to run use the green plus to compile “+”), and then
run (execute, the red running figure).
This is what your run should look like:
At this point don’t worry about what any of this means. It’s just something we must do
every time. Soon we will learn the meaning of all of this. For now it’s just the skeleton
that we need for a program.
Remarks: Notice the rem (remark) above that starts with //. You can put remarks anywhere in the program
without it affecting program operation. Remarks are also called comments or notes.
System.out.println(“Hello world” ); is how we get the computer to printout something.
Notice the trailing semicolon. Most lines of code are required to end in a semicolon.
Now, let’s explore……
Now try putting in some other things in the println parenthesis above. Each time
recompile and run the program:
1. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
2. “I like computer science.”
3. 25/5
4. 4 / 7.0445902
5. 13 * 159.56
Show the output for 1 5 here:
Two printlns for the price of one:
Next, modify your program so that the main method looks as follows:
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(“Hello world”);
System.out.println(“Hello again”);
Run this and note that it prints :
Hello world
Hello again
Printing “Sideways”:
Now remove the ln from the first println as follows:
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.print(“Hello world”);
System.out.println(“Hello again”);
Run this and note that it prints:
Hello worldHello again
Here are the rules concerning println and print:
System.out.println( ) completes printing on the current line and pulls the print
position down to the next line where any subsequent printing continues.
System.out.print( ) prints on the current line and stops there. Any subsequent printing continues from that
An in-depth look at rems:
Let’s take a further look at rems. Consider the following program (class) in which we
wish to document ourselves as the programmer, the date of creation, and our school:
public class Tester
//Programmer: Kosmo Kramer
//Date created: Sept 34, 1492
//School: Charles Manson High School; Berkley, Ca
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(“Hello again”);
Block rems:
It can get a little tedious putting the double slash rem-indicator in front of each
line, especially if we have quite a few remark lines. In this case we can “block
rem” all the comment lines as follows:
public class Tester
/*Programmer: Kosmo Kramer
Date created: Sept 34, 1492
School: Charles Manson Junior High; Berkley, Ca*/
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(“Hello again”);
Notice we use /* to indicate the start of the block and */ for the end.
Everything between these two symbols is considered to be a remark and will be
ignored by the computer when compiling and running.
Assignment for Topic 1:
Write code to produce the output below. Write what you entered in the program skeleton provided. Also
include remarks above public class Tester that identifies you as the author along with the
date of creation of this program:
//Author: Charles Cook
//Date created: Mar 22, 2005
public class Tester
public static void main(String args[])
Supply code in the place of … that will produce the following printout:
From: Bill Smith
Address: Dell Computer, Bldg 13
Date: April 12, 2005
To: Jack Jones
Message: Help! I'm trapped inside a computer!
Topic 2: Variable Types (String, int, double)
Three variable types:
(A good way to learn the following points is to modify the code of the “Hello World”
program according to the suggestions below.)
1. String….used to store things in quotes….like “Hello world”
Sample code:
public static void main(String args[])
String s = “Hello cruel world”;
2. int ….used to store integers (positive or negative)
Sample code:
public static void main(String args[])
int age = 59;
With the advent of Java 7.0, numbers that were previously very awkward and
difficult to read can now be entered with underscore separators.
For example,
int bigNum = 1389488882; can now be entered as
int bigNum = 1_389_488_882;
Unfortunately, commas still cannot be used as separators.
3. double ….used to store “floating point” numbers (decimal fractions). double means
“double precision”.
Sample code:
public static void main(String args[])
double d = -137.8036;
d = 1.45667E23; //Scientific notation…means 1.45667 X 1023
Declaring and initializing:
When we say something like
double x = 1.6;
we are really doing two things at once. We are declaring x to be of type double and we
are initializing x to the value of 1.6. All this can also be done in two lines of code (as
shown below) instead of one if desired:
double x; //this declares x to be of type double
x = 1.6; //this initializes x to a value of 1.6
What’s legal and what’s not:
int arws = 47.4; //illegal, won’t compile since a decimal number cannot “fit” into an
//integer variable.
double d = 103; //legal…same as saying the decimal number 103.0
Rules for variable names:
Variable names must begin with a letter (or an underscore character) and cannot contain
spaces. The only “punctuation” character permissible inside the name is the underscore
(“_”). Variable names cannot be one of the reserved words (key words…see Appendix
A) that are part of the Java language.
Legal names Illegal names
Agro 139 can’t lead with a number
D 139Abc can’t lead with a number
d31 fast One can’t have a space between words
hoppergee class this word is a reserved word used in Java code
hopper_gee slow.Sally can’t use periods, commas or dashes – can only use underscore
largeArea double this word is a reserved word representing a type of numeric value
goldNugget gold;Nugget can’t use periods, commas, dashes, semicolons
hopper-gee can’t use periods, commas or dashes – can only use underscore
Variable naming conventions:
It is traditional (although not a hard and fast rule) for variable names to start with a
lower case letter. If a variable name consists of multiple words, combine them in one of
two ways:
bigValue… jam everything together. First word begins with a small letter and
subsequent words begin with a capital.
big_value… separate words with an underscore.
Assignment for Topic 2:
1. In your Tester program type:
double 1Hat = 5;
Compile this and write what happens:
2. Key in the following declaration and initialization:
double hop = 7.45;
Compile then run this and write what the output is:
3. Key in the following declaration and initialization:
int happyDay = 7.45;
Compile then run this and write what happens:
4. Key in the following declaration and initialization:
int cat21 = 23;
Compile then run this and write what the output is:
Topic 3: Simple String Operations
In this lesson we will learn just a few of the things we can do with Strings.
First and foremost is concatenation. We use the plus sign, +, to do this. For example:
String mm = “Hello”;
String nx = “good buddy”;
String c = mm + nx;
System.out.println(c); //prints Hellogood buddy…notice no space between o & g
The above code could also have been done in the following way:
String mm = “Hello”;
String nx = “good buddy”;
System.out.println(mm + “ ” + nx); //prints Hello good buddy…notice the space
We could also do it this way:
System.out.println(“Hello” + “ good buddy”); // prints Hello good buddy
The length method:
Use the length( ) method to find the number of characters in a String:
String theName = “Donald Duck”;
int len = theName.length( );
System.out.println(len); //prints 11…notice the space gets counted
Right now we don’t see much value in this length thing…just wait! Seriously!!
A piece of a String (substring):
We can pick out a piece of a Stringsubstring
String myPet = “Sparky the dog”;
String smallPart = myPet.substring(4);
System.out.println(smallPart); //prints ky the dog
Why do we get this result? The various characters in a String are numbered starting on the
left with 0. These numbers are called indices. (Notice the spaces are numbered too.)
S p a r k y t h e d o g … so now we see that the ‘k’ has index 4 and we go from
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 k all the way to the end of the string to get “ky the dog”.
A more useful form of substring:
But wait! There’s another way to use substring
String myPet = “Sparky the dog”;
String smallPart = myPet.substring(4, 12);
System.out.println(smallPart); //prints ky the d
How do we get ky the d? Start at k, the 4th index, as before. Go out to the 12th index, ‘o’ in
this case and pull back one notch. That means the last letter is d.
Conversion between lower and upper case:
toLowerCase converts all characters to lower case (small letters)
String bismark = “Dude, where’s MY car?”;
System.out.println( bismark.toLowerCase( ) ); // prints dude, where’s my car?
toUpperCase converts all characters to upper case (capital letters)
System.out.println( “Dude, where’s My car?”.toUpperCase( ) );
//prints DUDE, WHERE’S MY CAR?
Note: length, substring, toLowerCase, and toUpperCase are all methods of the String
class. There are other methods we will learn later. This will all make sense as we go through the class. For now
become familiar with the terminology. No worries.
Concatenating a String and a numeric:
It is possible to concatenate a String with a numeric variable as follows:
int x = 27;
String s = “Was haben wir gemacht?”; //German for “What have we done?”
String combo = s + “ ” + x;
System.out.println(combo); //prints Was haben wir gemacht? 27
Escape sequences:
How do we force a quote character (“) to printout…. or, to be part of a String. Use the
escape sequence, \”, to print the following (note escape sequences always start with the \
character…see Appendix B for more on escape sequences):
What "is" the right way?
String s = “What \"is\" the right way?”;
System.out.println(s); //prints What "is" the right way?
Another escape sequence, \n, will create a new line (also called line break) as shown
String s = “Here is one line\nand here is another.”;
Prints the following:
Here is one line
and here is another.
The escape sequence, \\, will allow us to print a backslash within our String. Otherwise, if
we try to insert just a single \ it will be interpreted as the beginning of an escape sequence.
System.out.println(“Path = c:\\nerd_file.doc”);
Prints the following:
Path = c:\nerd_file.doc
The escape sequence, \t, will allow us to “tab” over. The following code tabs twice.
Prints the following:
Name: Address:
Assignment for Topic 3: (Practice these in your Tester class but write what you did here.)
1. In your Tester class, key in code in which a String variable s contains “The number of rabbits is”. An integer
variable argh has a value of 129. Concatenate these variables into a String called report.
Then print report. The printout should yield:
The number of rabbits is 129.
Note that we want a period to print after the 9.
Your code here:
2. What will be the value of c? Write out the String and label the indices. Refer to the first page for how to do
this from the example “Sparkythedog…”
String c;
String m = “The Gettysburg Address”;
c = m.substring(4);
String with the indices noted:
Value of c:
3. What will be the value c? Write out the String and label the indices. Refer to the first page for how to do
this from the example “Sparkythedog…”
String b = “Four score and seven years ago,”;
String c = b.substring(7, 12);
String with the indices noted:
Value of c:
4. What is the value of count? Write out the String and label the indices.
int count;
String s = “Surface tension”;
count = s.length( );
String with the indices noted:
Value of count:
5. Write code that will look at the number of characters in String m = “Look here!”; and then
“Look here!” has 10 characters.
Use the length( ) method to print the 10 ….you must also force the two quotes to print.
Your code here:
Topic 4: Using Numeric Variables
The assignment operator:
The assignment operator is the standard equal sign (=) and is used to “assign” a value to
a variable.
int i = 3; // Ok,…assign the value 3 to i. Notice the direction of data flow.
3 = i; // Illegal! Data never flows this way!
double p;
double j = 47.2;
p = j; // assign the value of j to p. Both p and j are now equal to 47.2
Multiple declarations:
It is possible to declare several variables on one line:
double d, mud, puma; //the variables are only declared
double x = 31.2, m = 37.09, zu, p = 43.917; //x, m, & p declared and initialized
// zu is just declared
Fundamental arithmetic operations:
The basic arithmetic operation are +, -, * (multiplication), / (division), and % (modulus).
Modulus is the strange one. For example, System.out.println(5%3); will print 2.
This is because when 5 is divided by 3, the remainder is 2. Modulus gives the
remainder. Modulus also handles negatives. The answer to a%b always has the
same sign as a. The sign of b is ignored.
The algebra rule, PEMDAS, applies to computer computations as well. (PEMDAS stands
for the order in which numeric operations are done. P = parenthesis, E = exponents,
M = multiply, D = divide, A = add, S = subtract. Actually, M and D have equal
precedence, as do A and S. For equal precedence operation, proceed from left to right. A
mnemonic for PEMDAS is, “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally”… See Appendix H for
the precedence of all operators.)
System.out.println(5 + 3 * 4 7); //10
System.out.println(8 5*6 / 3 + (5 6) * 3); //-5
Not the same as in Algebra:
An unusual assignment….consider the following:
count = count +3; //this is illegal in algebra; however, in computer science it
//means the new count equals the old count + 3.
int count =15;
count = count + 3;
System.out.println(count); //18
Increment and Decrement:
The increment operator is ++, and it means to add one. The decrement operator is --, and
it means to subtract one:
x++; means the same as x = x +1;
x--; means the same as x = x 1;
x++ is the same as ++x (the ++ can be on either side of x)
x-- is the same as --x (the -- can be on either side of x)
int y = 3;
System.out.println(y); //4
Compound operators:
Syntax Example Simplified meaning
a. +=
x += 3; x = x + 3;
b. -=
x -= y - 2; x = x (y - 2);
c. *=
z*= 46; z = z * 46;
d. /=
p/= x-z; p = p / (x-z);
e. %=
j%= 2 j = j%2;
Code Examples
int g = 409;
g += 5;
System.out.println(g); //414
double d = 20.3;
double m =10.0;
m*=d 1;
System.out.println(m); //193.0
The whole truth:
Actually, the full truth was not told above concerning x++. It does not always have the
same effect as does ++x. Likewise, x-- does not always have the same effect as does --x.
x++ increments x after it is used in the statement.
++x increments x before it is used in the statement.
x-- decrements x after it is used in the statement.
--x decrements x before it is used in the statement.
Code Examples
int q = 78;
int p = 2 + q++;
System.out.println(“p = ” + p + “, q = ” + q); //p = 80, q = 79
int q = 78;
int p = ++q + 2;
System.out.println(“p = ” + p + “, q = ” + q); //p = 81, q = 79
Integer division truncation:
When dividing two integers, the fractional part is truncated (thrown away) as illustrated
by the following:
int x = 5;
int y = 2;
System.out.println(x / y); //Both x and y are integers so the “real” answer of 2.5
//has the fractional part thrown away to give 2
Assignment for Topic 4: Key in the code into your Tester class to see the output.
1. int h = 103;
int p =5;
System.out.println(++h + p);
Your output here:
2. int h = 103;
int p =5;
System.out.println(p + h++);
Your output here:
What is the difference between this output and the output from #1 (Explain):
3. int a = 100;
int b = 200;
System.out.println(b + 1);
Your output here:
4. Write a single line of code that uses the compound operator, -=, to subtract p-30 from the
integer value v and store the result back in v.
Your code here:
5. Write a single line of code that does the same thing as #6 but without using - =
Your code here:
6. int p = 40;
int q = 4;
System.out.println(2 + 8 * q / 2 - p); \\Do the calculation by hand first and see if it matches the output when run
Your calculation (show work) and output here:
7. int sd = 12;
int x = 4;
System.out.println( sd%(++x) ); \\Do the calculation by hand first and see if it matches the output when run
Your calculation (show work) and output here:
Your output here:
8. int m = 36;
int j = 5;
m = m / j; // new m is old m divided by j
Your output here:
9. System.out.println(3/4 + 5*2/33 3 +8*3); \\Do the calculation by hand first and see if it matches the output
when run
Your calculation (show work) and output here:
Your output here:
10. Write a statement (code) that stores the remainder of dividing the variable i by j in a variable
named k.
Your code here:
Topic 5: Mixed Data Types, Casting, and Constants
So far we have looked mostly at simple cases in which all the numbers involved in a
calculation were either all integers or all doubles. Here, we will see what happens when we
mix these types in calculations.
Java doesn’t like to lose data:
Here is an important principle to remember: Java will not normally store information in a
variable if in doing so it would lose information. Consider the following two examples:
1. An example of when we would lose information:
double d = 29.78;
int i = d; //won’t compile since i is an integer and it would have to chop-off
// the .78 and store just 29 in i….thus, it would lose information.
There is a way to make the above code work. We can force compilation and
therefore result in 29.78 being “stored” in i as follows (actually, just 29 is stored
since i can only hold integers):
int i = (int)d; //(int) “castsd as an integer… It converts d to integer form.
2. An example of when we would not lose information:
int j = 105;
double d = j; //legal, because no information is lost in storing 105 in the
// double variable d.
The most precise:
In a math operation involving two different data types, the result is given in terms of the
more precise of those two types…as in the following example:
int i = 4;
double d = 3;
double ans = i/d; //ans will be 1.33333333333333…the result is double precision
20 + 5 * 6.0 returns a double. The 6.0 might look like an integer to us, but
because it’s written with a decimal point, it is considered to be a floating point
number…a double.
Some challenging examples:
What does 3 + 5.0/2 + 5 * 2 3 return? 12.5
What does 3.0 + 5/2 + 5 * 2 3 return? 12.0
What does (int)(3.0 + 4)/(1 + 4.0) * 2 3 return? -.2
Don’t be fooled:
Consider the following two examples that are very similar…but have different
double d = (double)5/4; //same as 5.0 / 4…(double) only applies to the 5
System.out.println(d); //1.25
int j = 5;
int k = 4;
double d = (double)(j / k); //(j / k) is in its own little “world” and performs
//integer division yielding 1 which is then cast as
//a double, 1.0
System.out.println(d); //1.0
Constants follow all the rules of variables; however, once initialized, they cannot be
changed. Use the keyword final to indicate a constant. Conventionally, constant
names have all capital letters. The rules for legal constant names are the same as for
variable names. Following is an example of a constant:
final double PI = 3.14159;
The following illustrates that constants can’t be changed:
final double PI = 3.14159;
PI = 3.7789; //illegal
When in a method, constants may be initialized after they are declared.
final double PI; //legal
PI = 3.14159;
Constants can also be of type String, int and other types.
final String NAME= “Peewee Herman”;
final int LUNCH_COUNT = 122;
The real truth about compound operators:
In the previous lesson we learned that the compound operator expression j+= x; was
equivalent to j = j + x;. Actually, for all compound operators there is also an
implied cast to the type of j. For example, if j is of type int, the real meaning of
j+= x; is:
j = (int)(j + x);
Assignment for Topic 5:
1. What’s wrong, if anything, with the following code in the main method?
final double Area;
Area = 203.49;
What’s wrong with the above code:
Write the correct way to declare and initialize a Constant:
2. int cnt = 27.2;
Write the output here:
3. double d = 78.1;
int fg = (int)d;
Write the output here:
4. The following code stores a 20 in the variable j:
double j = 61/3;
What small change can you make to this single line of code to make it produce the
“real” answer to the division? (When you see the word “real” they mean the actual calculation of the
division including the decimal part)
Your code here:
5. double d = 78.1;
int fg = (int)d;
Write the output here:
6. Write a line of code in which you divide the double precision number d by an integer
variable called i. Type cast the double so that strictly integer division is done. Store
the result in j, an integer.
Write your code here:
Topic 6: Methods of the Math Class
One of the most useful methods of the Math class is sqrt( ) …which means square root. For
example, if we want to take the square root of 17 and store the result in p, do the following:
double p = Math.sqrt(17);
Notice that we must store the result in a double…. p in this case. We must store in a double since
square roots usually don’t come out even.
Signature of a method:
Below we will give the description of some methods of the Math class… along with the
signatures of the method. First, however, let’s explain the meaning of signature (also called a
method declaration). Consider the signature of the sqrt( ) method:
double sqrt( double x )
double sqrt ( double x )
type returned method name type of parameter we send to the method
Method Signature Description
abs int abs(int x) Returns the absolute value of x. (int value type)
abs double abs(double x) Returns the absolute value of x (double value type)
pow double pow(double b, double e) Returns b raised to the e power (double value type)
sqrt double sqrt(double x) Returns the square root of x (double value type)
ceil double ceil(double x) Returns next highest whole number from x (double value)
floor double floor(double x) Returns next lowest whole number from x (double value)
min double min(double a, double b) Returns the smaller of a and b (double value type)
max double max(double a, double b) Returns the larger of a and b (double value type)
min int min(int a, int b) Returns the smaller of a and b (double value type)
max int max(int a, int b) Returns the larger of a and b (double value type)
(For both min and max there are also versions that both accept and return types float,
short, and long.)
random double random( ) Returns a random double (range 0≤ r < 1)
round long round(double x) Returns x rounded to nearest whole number
PI double PI Returns 3.14159625…..
Now, we offer examples of each (most of these you can do on a calculator for verification): Key some of these
in and get a feel for the coding. Change the numbers. Explore. 😊
1. double d = -379.22;
System.out.println( Math.abs(d) ); //379.22
2. double b = 42.01;
double e = 3.728;
System.out.println ( Math.pow(b, e) ); //1126831.027
3. double d = 2034.56;
System.out.println( Math.sqrt(d) ); //45.10609715
4. double d = 1.4;
System.out.println( Math.ceil(d) ); //2.0
5. double d = -1.6;
System.out.println( Math.ceil(d) ); //-1.0
6. double d = 1.4;
System.out.println( Math.floor(d) ); //1.0
7. double d = -1.6;
System.out.println( Math.floor(d) ); //-2.0
The last four examples illustrating floor and ceiling are best understood with the
following drawing:
8. double d = 7.89;
System.out.println(Math.log(d)); //2.065596135 …log is base e.
9. double x = 2038.5;
double y = -8999.0;
System.out.println( Math.min(x,y) ); //-8999.0
10. double x = 2038.5;
double y = -8999.0;
System.out.println( Math.max(x,y) ); //2038.5
11. double x = 148.2;
System.out.println( Math.round(x) ); //148
double x = 148.7;
System.out.println( Math.round(x) ); //149
double x = -148.2;
System.out.println( Math.round(x) ); //-148
double x = -148.7;
System.out.println( Math.round(x) ); //-149
12. System.out.println(Math.PI); //3.14159265…
Advanced Math methods:
Below are some additional Math methods that advanced math students will find useful:
Method Signature Description
log double log(double x) Returns log base e of x
sin double sin(double a) Returns the sine of angle a… a is in rad
cos double cos(double a) Returns the cosine of angle a… a is in rad
tan double tan(double a) Returns the tangent of angle a… a is in rad
asin double asin(double x) Returns arcsine of x…in range -PI/2 to PI/2
acos double acos(double x) Returns arccosine of x…in range 0 to PI
atan double atan(double x) Returns arctan of x. in range -PI/2 to PI/2
toDegrees double toDegrees(double angRad) Converts radians into degrees
toRadians double toRadians(double angDeg) Converts degrees into radians
Assignment for Topic 6: Just key in the above problems and see how they work. Please note any
questions you have on this.
Bonus Topic 7: Input from the Keyboard
We will consider how to input from the keyboard the three data types…. int, double, and String.
Inputting an integer:
Use the nextInt method to input an integer from the keyboard:
import java.io.*; //This allows us to use the Scanner methods
import java.util.*;
public class Tester
public static void main( String args[] )
Scanner kbReader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print(“Enter your integer here. ”); //enter 3001
int i = kbReader.nextInt( );
System.out.println(3 * i); //prints 9003
Inputting a double:
Use the nextDouble method to input a double from the keyboard:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Tester
public static void main( String args[] )
Scanner kbReader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print(“Enter your decimal number here. ”); //1000.5
double d = kbReader.nextDouble( );
System.out.println( 3 * d ); //prints 3001.5
Inputting a String:
Use the next method to input a String from the keyboard:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Tester{
public static void main( String args[] )
Scanner kbReader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print(“Enter your String here. ”); //Enter One Two
String s = kbReader.next( ); //inputs up to first white space
System.out.println( “This is the first part of the String,… ” + s);
s = kbReader.next( );
System.out.println( “This is the next part of the String,… ” + s);
Output would be as shown below:
Enter your String here. One Two
This is first part of the String,... One
This is next part of the String,... Two
Multiple inputs:
In a similar way nextInt( ) and nextDouble( ) can be used multiple times to parse data
input from the keyboard. For example, if 34 88 192 18 is input from the keyboard, then
nextInt( ) can be applied four times to access these four integers separated by white space.
Inputting an entire line of text:
Inputting a String (it could contain spaces) from the keyboard using nextLine( ):
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Tester
public static void main( String args[] )
Scanner kbReader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print(“Enter your String here. ”); //Enter One Two
String s= kbReader.nextLine( );
System.out.println( “This is my string,… ” + s);
Output would be as shown below:
Enter your String here. One Two
This is my string,... One Two
Imports necessary:
We must import two classes,….java.io.* and java.util.* that provide methods for
inputting integers, doubles, and Strings. See Appendix I for more on the meaning of
Mysterious objects:
In the above three examples we used the following code:
Scanner kbReader = new Scanner(System.in);
It simply creates the keyboard reader object (we arbitrarily named it kbReader)
that provides access to the nextInt( ), nextDouble( ), next( ), and nextLine( )
methods. For now just accept the necessity of all this…it will all be explained
The Scanner class used here to create our keyboard reader object only applies
to1.5.0_xx or higher versions of Java. For older versions, see Appendix M for an
alternate way to obtain keyboard input.
An anomaly:
Using a single Scanner object, the methods nextInt( ), nextDouble( ), next( ), and
nextLine( ) may be used in any sequence with the following exception:
It is not permissible to follow nextInt( ) or nextDouble( ) with nextLine( ). If it is
necessary to do this, then a new Scanner object must be constructed for use with
nextLine( ) and any subsequent inputs.
Project… What’s My Name? (Assignment: Try to do this)
From the keyboard enter your first and then your last name, each with its own prompt.
Store each in a separate String and then concatenate them together to show your full
name. Call both the project and the class FullName. When your program is finished
running, the output should appear similar to that below:
What is your first name? Cosmo
What is your last name? Kramer
Your full name is Cosmo Kramer.